- "IRON CARBOX."—An ingenius mechanic i t lodianopolis has invented a compound for terdening iron, rendering it like steel, but gaining its toughness, in a very simple man Sr and in a few minutes. He left a,apeci lea with the editaf of the Indiana Sentinel, p i ec e of common hoop iron, one end of hiell is "carbonized," being as hard as steel nd on which a file %rill scarcely make an sipression while the balance is in its‘ ori„ al „fw a ec. He hasfiled an application for etters patent. 14torqu AND ltnAov."—We learn from the 'ickstag Sentinel, that General Taylor o nsiders himself a citizen of Mist•issippl, and hat when he retires from the army, he in :ads settling with his family in the hills of efferson county, just back of his plantation b the river, where Colonel Davis was corn tissioned some years since, to purchase him residence. Chionir or Tedious Diseases err freipicullY pto .dueed by the morbid rrinains of acme durpna ot sellcured, or by the degeneracy of the solids or thuds Bich may produce a variety of ey minuets under different seer, es indigeslion loss of appetitle, acidities. flaw are, palpitation of the heart, inffieulty of breathing, /Lushness of the body, depressed spirits, great irrita nty of the nerves, These symptoms may be remiss - I bye timple course of AlercliatireSarsaperilla. If they setlowed to remote, a train of rya.. may .rparrenii ofa Mote distressing nature. See adviirtireateut I.o.tir.—A Gold Pen v. fth silt er ente and pen• uJ ell who Intl loot Thorml ty Eventon, on French or•t on or Pea? the Public 1.3.1 e ire. The tinder will r ich ohlic'e the owner by Ire% hig it ut the Storr'Or Nov. 20 1017. 310-ES KOCH. FOIL dAl.F.—The three Stor) Wick Store .lireetr It north of the need noose on rtrViett Strew( none 111 the Ilighy property. It in in Ai • heart of the, nor , . portion of the town • in in good rrp.tir nod well or e, the aurn inn of bit I tern turn hot a dowriailo loco ,' It wilt lie rob/ int r ery Ai e tr:rtur. &NUM , of ...A II tihr tali, Attorney Ate., Ere LoP Nair. 27, IPI7. • 1t29 mARRIDD—On tho 23c1 inst. by I. M. Esq., Mr. Jacob Birch and Miss Ilalt ih Croaley On the 2•tth inst, by the same, Mr. Siiep d Doe and Jliss Priscilla Leech. Girard on the sth inst,yttrEn 1. WALTZ, a It % (1111tiallarY 6111dier QM' pen loner, ogdd 97 years. Mr. IValtz entered e army at atoearly period of the Itevoln nary I,truggle and remaine.l until its cl Ise 1783. lie was a native of Montgomery ounry, New York. New Firm and Ncitv Good's. AMES IWGIIES would irrloito his littliv.r• one friends and, cos tuners ,111. rt he has a C . 2 erl WM. C. \VA RR ith trim irr Wn mess, tooter the firm of Jame: I. Itt'alres 4. Co. e Mould furthermore state that they ha% e a (Timd a far,maird hell suleerv.l u‘.oittnent ry Goods, Groceries, Liar do are, Um •ertswaitf, Lull of wl,ich n•dl be dispost d of.,a Inco :15 they ca be procured el:Any hero. Ilaying hw•n dike i • purchased at packaoe prices, or in o. her o ords t the prices paid by jabbers in New York, they :n be sold at tuittstially I.rtw ta:es. Ladies and , entletnen, and the public generally, ate inv.to I cell and ex:intim: their as-ortinen•. They have j tst received a ler ! , qu tnti ti of Salt. 'ach !m-ty be had at the (owe.. m t.lt-t price. Nes. '27 .J. 11171.; TIES XECUTORS SA LE OF R s EA L ESTATE, l"tiir•uroofanorderof the. Court olthe comity of Fro!, will, he e‘po.sed to • le, by vendoe, ant the. pr mis is, on the . s.llday 3f December next J. I o'clock P. NI., Ow Mowing described prop sly, to. i • —All that alu piece of land, situ ced in EIJI Creek • ineship, in said county., and hounded :as lot : wit —lle:inningat the. northwest, corner of hold tract So. 155; thence, e,lst lon•r the public sad 80 porches and 10 links, thence sou,th. to-the • leadiolle road; thence northwi stet ly said oad to the west line of said tract (t 15;) Vience gob along raid tract line tr. the place of begin ing; containing 50 acres, more or _iess; sold us he property of John Woodn milt, late or Paid ownship, dee'eased, hctn, the farm qn which •aid deceased resided at the. time till his ileadi. 'l: Enos or' S e ri —One Ihi«l on con Gina tion I' isalo• one third in one vrar, and one abird in two 'care; to he FCe• , rell by burati and uiu tgaue. CSLVIN vIUAZ Ex'rs 1).1 NIEL SI LIRE ITS ilk (lreA Nov. :27, 1'7117. NAVE ) . (OUR lIUEJSES BY PAINTING EU EM! /677 L 1 1 ‘ 3 , 5 1 . 1 I t 3 e r 404115. Red Lead, 430 " French and lon Ochre, 1009 r Spanish r whifin!! GOO Vemtian red, 110 " 150 " French & chrome Green, Amotican Ver. million, For sale very low ' CM kl 7. Ilnirdo and PittAir ,, ll Idy and in nil. pure. Caw., 251" Pap. I AIIIRMark, •t 0 " c!trotain yellow. '2llO gal. •pr. lul pentine 15 1 1 Li ti:=e«l 55`• Furnittird and coach varnit , h, 200 paint and varnish •o 6, R••Fd binti.e, by NitlßoTtt int Dl'l , ; STI I FF A MILS. Dye Wood;, i .to - I 4 6011 lie..'.'eopp eoo " Alum, GOO mnilder, SOO 13lue t.ggl e.c. Lro , v%ood, 'OO " cronwood,4oooll vitriol, 100 " Muratic Acid. 30 ' Indiv, Ben gyal and Cararenfg, 20 '' rolviion tin, 10 vochenedl, " Annear), ,ale lox by CARTER 4.: ir,01117,11 NM. 27, 13t7. AIfEDICA L. BOOKS. UNITED States Divensatory, by Wood !Lilt. • Family Physician, by Doct. Beach. New Remedies, by It. Du»ghi4on, M D. Comumption Cured, by S.N. Pitch. M, I)._ For sale by BURTON 1 3 1?.ttliINS. Noy. 27. 5, 1, ...PE4F1NE Rice Flour in pound packages k...) for family use, for sale by Nov. 27ButeToS; & PERKINS. . _ • fiANDU:S.—Trite Sperm Candles, also Pure V Sperm Oil fur rale at Nov. 27: BURTON Sc . rEngiss% Dr, Milo, TIIOIIPSONIAN, BOTANIC AND HY BROPATIIIC PHYSICIAN. 1r..7 6 011ice on Siva' Street; ie, 'Pn.„-r - tf flit. P. offers his sei vices to ad these N$ ho pre fer the, health restoring a••lents of the vegeta ble kingdom, as he duwanis all imisons'of what ever description, and uses only such remedies as act in unison with the Liwri ,11 . tile. "We lire such Balms as have no strife, if hit nature or the laws or life, With blood our bands we never stain, Not pelson men, to ease their pain.-" N. 11. Botanic Medical Books kept on kand. Nov, 27, ISM 3m1.4 LITERARY NOTICE. 1\:17 RePron'ible citizen of Erie or vicinity,' ir'privileocd to draw Books from the I iliraty ?itheirr ino Institute fur' a small 'notably fee.— poelibrary cuntains user one thong...nil volUmei, riodies maybe drawn every Salm day evening. 1:1, 011 1, 4 -,k u . • IsseeMooritterku, ?OV• 20. tiecietary. , Something New. THE puLsc.riber takee pleagire in announcing es the 'public the arrival from New Yot k of an ertneire assortment of Goods in their line, cinbracier , WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Plated and Ware,J3irundoles, Solar and Cunphene Lamps, Looking clasees, Rohe ratan eafieware, speetae4e , s, fancy goods and tllemanda of useful and" ornamen.ol articles for the Itt lydays,wttielt are offered at reduced prices. Having edited Warchea °with mutsual ware from late importations,a good those wishing Time piece for little money will do to tiny. Our thanks are due our patrons for favors con• terted in times past, especially for patronage re•. i'elved in our new store on State street, and hope by attention to business to retain our old and , mite many new customers. N. B. Particular attention given to the repair ler of ail kinds of watches. watch work, re gulling Engines, which generally is done In the • Urge s Ickes, attended to on short notice. noels received by Express every few days from New York during the winter. - • .0.,L005 41S 4.• Co. state 3'rect, nearly opposite Eagle Hotel and next door to fip frord's Boi • dt store. ittl7. • CLICKNEWS SUGAR-COATED VEGETABLE PURGA . TIVE PILLS, An is universally unnamed to openite, not only us nu effectual prevantatire, but sm never failing remed• iuu all diseases which can effect the human frame, Deud• itch, itheltinallsin. Piles'Scurvy, Dropsy, Sinai' Pox, Cluderamorbus, Worms, Whoopmg4oogliv C"""rnPinnt JaUmittuilanttl_l emn• Cancun. Canee. Measles, tinit-Kbehiti, Fits. Heartburn. Ere-ipehis,' I commis, Itching. of the skin. cald, gout, grul."l, g miline-s, pains in she back, inssa.d weuknoss, palpitation of the heart, risings in the throat, n.thn l t. fevers 0,011 kinds, female coinplaiuts, stitches in glie' , side, spitting of blood, more oyes. scurfuln. *tenth°. ny'serr, lowness of spinis e tlousting, dune *lbws or %%bite.. gripes king's evil. I. se. hystems, bile on the stottiner, and ill bilious affections. pleurisy, e•oup, swell 41 feet nll.l legs swine pox, whim swellinuctre,nors, tumors, ut• cers. vomiting. sod a host o others have successfully aud repeatedly la en V guqUielled by their powerful arm. 2 , I They have bmm x i i a wn to affect perm Most Cures when rill other relegates , tad proved itinivai lug, end iu the last stases of ilisea-e:' 'fumy have m miny eases aupereoded the preicriptige skill ()film mo-t entitle It Physeciuus, and received b. sides their unquabllml commend/lion. • They have been repeatedly recommended by men of the most distinguished characters, throughout the laud, and been ...sectioned iu Europe by Noblemen and Princes of Royal blood. i They II ire been introduced into the Ito.pitals of Edin burgh, Paris, unit Vienna, and through the disinterested exertions of our Foreign Andaman o , they have received the'favorahle cuatmea4ition of the smiperor of N. oasis, is and h Celestial M a •of the Chinese mpire. !Arlicarcely a Puck a yes-el of auy reputation Mails from tin port of New Yurk. without an abuudant supply or the SICK ,M AN S NEVER EALING FRIEND.— CrAgencies lave been c-tablisheil in all the principal vales ant, Uninn,and npplicalsous aro coustautly reach ing 114 from alino-t numb, ries. villages hi every section of the Lnuotry. Testimonials of their marvellous effects sire pouring from all quarters—and in such numbers that we have not tune to read ons.la df of then What stronger or mare rune naive evidence (handiest, important facts mos the most skeptie .1 desire, I. it possible that the in in) Ulna-ands who have tried CLICKNER'SPIf.I.B an he deceived in their results? if tiny imposition or quackery esi.ied, wool it not long ago/have been held op as it should be, to the scum and derision of 0 juatly otrcliarti cum m.utity. Delwin'her Dr. C V. Clickner is the original inventor of sugar Coale rills, and that nothing of the port wan r,er be, r i of. until he tutroduerd them in Jane Id -IJ. lurch irers Asuld, therefore. Moos ask fur click. ones eiu ear r 0nt0.% VegCt bin Villa. end take ro other; or they will be load• the tielinus of a fraud. Paick: ‘2SCENTs Phil BOX. Dr, Clickner•e principal office tier the sale of Pills, la Gill Veiasy street.,. rw York. W5l. JACKSON. Es) Liberty otrort, howl of Wood it., Piii4nurgh Pit., general &genitor Weitein Penw.ylvaobt, North', a O iuo. aml the met. eonotir• or Virginia • • SOlll by the following duly oppolidell Sp.dford Erie. Wm. Jud-on &Co. W terfogil ROC. & Mormin. Cambridge: 3. A. Triter, FAirVi.W; 'Juba Mc- Clore, Gir..r.ll; I.i. 11. 'turn cnd.Sp iagield. e Likrtei•r enlally the name agents, the GREAt REM EDY 01' N A ‘ll, t ICAN P.ocure•l from n well in K.lttiarLy. font- he l ow• the sur to, or the earth, a certat 1 and • CUM ror I atary• It heron twain. Sit rm•. CoM•. Sprains. r'rritins Hurd-, 'Collor. F.. y.ipel.n. Se dit Mad, t'rn•t pi I allsahatory corn throats. Soto 1i) es Deitforins S k onal Ih•en-e. hc• fir • PR ter: 50 CE vrs PF it HO fTIaR. CAUTION—Ia e,der to be sore ofolitetng the genuine. porch ur .adv of the go era' avid for Wester Tanury' r.al ~ Va•ra (fin. :111.1 ttie river reel otos 00 Virginia. , N 0 Si) 1,11,,tv rvitilitirpitt, or time is d by him f•r its a de. each of whom 'l,ll b.tu• a ••mw bull, a .11 ,:etieral dtrrctiun. iu pamoblet farm, rant unary the i n umec and I:eddies. of the Proprietor All General %vela. • I) II nt & Co itrt.pri..tori.. Kentuekr. Will. ielttiot, Gen.•ral Arent, No. 69 Liberty street, Pitt Lur c h. to whom nIl a ler. unit hi, ad Ireseed. (18•41.11 t V I: —E.tell g•nritscn•l I ki . pri • of the above names) P.iniohl and the name of Win. Jarkanti the gen * erarsiii I for Wa•tern Penne% Ivania. Non horn Ohio. and the Hier entteties of rtraquin, panted on the cno.hte I .b I. TAKE NOTIC7r. .0: • . Spofford is anfinimed ref...ref and supply inu A not for the .it. of the Amerioso 011 and t x coated fills i Erie county. Sub ugeots pup plied by him ot the, whole-alit price... DENTAL SURGERY: ------ *!:.:0%----.2 * " () OA „ N A *4' TEtTlisurrvEn ON IMpleovED PRINCIPLEs BY DR. L. J. CII AM BF.RLIN, Surgeon Dentist. AL .Mineral Teeth, from one to Mit 11 en the set, instated, to mistier nearly all the pOriesSeS ()fume; kat ion and a tietthvion; (quill 10 1111 mai Teeth, and -o near resenthlimr them that he closest oh , eiver can seldom detect them from .5.1111111, !tactual To•piii. Tender and deeartd Tee le with the let►ert 01' !mod foil, and in in,. .0141 nnti ii, eful for nhisin olovialing the necereity of ex trdc.tin.u. Teeth inser.ed by Atmospheric Preftrine, with out ppi i Or elitio-1.. Irreunbiitty in flitldren's Teed), ifattentled to , 1 in iiine, pri•venteil, and in Adults e 1 rcatly trem etlied. he sidiscriber has one ‘i bide se t and p.m of a sett of A rtificint'Veeth finished. width he invitee the-c uliu t'uind in need of such to cull and t xamine. • Elea linor e'xpelienee in the depirintent o f f. , iir.uleal and \liteleinieal I/en istry. (lb years in ';lll.l,iil..lphid and Pit.shur.,) Dr. C. liuds eonfi dent that opet a• ions pert med by him %via give entire ie•aetion. Dr, C. I nv : taken rooms at the Heed House, %%here lies ill be pleased to wait upon all who inay-lii rd diminutives in need of his services ' Hours for,• own flaw , front ti iMin:l4 till 12, and rein 2 toG. lie will remain for a few %cults only for the present, but has-.made arraniteincirs to viiit this place t wo nr three timer, durine the year. ItervitEsce.. , .— B. B. Vincent, Mt Couttright, 13: 1 11inzs; W N Loomis., Erie, Nov. 20, mg 3500 lbs. White and Red Lead and Litharse. 13'10 300 Ills., Ve,nitian Red, _5OO " French Yellow, ISO " Paris Green. 100 " Cluout's Ytliow, Green Indian Red, Utica Marine Blue, Prio‘dan Bine Drop Black, is, Lampblack. etc. Spirits Turpentine, Lin.eed Oil, Varni Is. etc., Mr :ale by - BURTON & PERKINS, Nov. O. Old firm of 1. Burton St Co. DYE STUFFS. G ROUND Loffwood, rustic,. camwond and wood: copperag, niadder, eitradt for wood, sulphuric aci.l, cochineal. etlhtar, tin water. cte., at Whnleitale and relnil by - Noy, 20. BURTON A. PERKINS. aIR bruslieS of all varieties and priceii, filth 1 1 do , paint add Varnish do , flesh clothes. hat F 1 lovi s , comb, scrubbing, 'blacking, wittdo►v, hearth, counter and bottle brushes tor sale by N0v.20. BURTON 4- PE R KINS T A:k;NEIrs Oil arid Lampblack f4i gale hy BURTON & PERKINS. Nov. 20 m:t tr:o Whale and Elephant Oil, supe. !o- to Lard oil for. ‘4 inter use, for Lilo by Nov. 30 BURTON .y- PGIIKINS. la f LAS AND PUTTY.-3600 rem *baton.' ,C4l.las of various sizes and inannfotrarn. Nov. 20. BURTON & C6AOE-I and Furninirn Varnish, and Varnish Binshe. for .ale by Nov. 20. SIOIITON St. PERKINS'. MAIMING INK.—David's. Payson'a and 1 Ede's Inch:liable Inks, for marking linen, lor sale by. Nov- O. BUR.TON *PERKINS. Arri% al Extraordinary ! niLIE Proprietors of the New t-ture,Cheupside, -\ win •e,the art icul (Weever:li e.t.es of the riclt!•st Full Goods act broitrdo to this market.— I hey are daily expecting, Kiel' Chauselion sad Plaid Silks and Embroidered Thihets for dret.ses, to the last of which alid also to our stock of long Shook, the attention of the Ladies is particular ly requested by ALLEN isp corr. Nor. 20, 1817, , 27 WITH The important fadt of the conquest of C%lexlen, is allied onigher cgn.dly Impor tant viz: The large and extraoirtittury arrival of rich, fahinnrible and Feasonabli: GotulsittAt 're ceived at the ..Nerto Meer, Cheapitiele, *Welt the la dies are het Ow incited ttl "c.une and see.° • Among the - Goo& are to he found, rich a. a. Thibets, Eashmeres, merinos, Parramattas, uipac• cas, Bout!ruiner, and Alepines, of every shade. guiltily, price and st)fe. Also, a few rich Lon_ trhawrs; and a moat ant eth arsorttnent of black, plain anti fie'd do; children's Po ku coals and hoods; Ladies' nutrias, scarp and cashniere boa.. &c., with many other goods too numerous to men. _lion. Don't forget the "New Store. Cheapside Nov. 20 ALLYN & COIT. AValuable 8 yrar old Aare , of the 7 largest size, is well calculated for teaming, and is emu' belige a . carriage or under the saddle. Price 875 00. Also, a g_o od one horse Wagon. En. quiteof Stephen Brace, 21, .2 miles smith (torn Backus' corners, or abom the same distawkaorth from Bogus or Philips' corners. E. SUTTON. 4 _*27 Greona,Nov. 20, 1847; D ItASS lik.:l"ll,66:ito‘ortod sizes and Hirt 8 08,1 111. Usual, Strotirr & 4:sofa. Nov 13 , 1817. 38 BRUSHES. For Sale. SILENCE HAT DREADFUL COUGH,. ,TIIE, LUNGS Auels DAN GER, TIM %PORK OF THE DesruovEtt HAS Barr BEGu:v, THE COMM' OF CONSUMPTION wait IN ll' A LIOUND,OI , DEATH. • ARE YOU AMO nu: it? Your darling child , 3 our Idol and "earthly joy. it elfw perhaps toollord to ber comber by a deur roue cold:-her pate ch.wks• her thin `b'unli e " aufltta. tell the hal 'disease, lies already Staiii ed upon ber—the suuud of her sepulchral cough pierces your soul. YOUNG MAN, when just about to enter life, disease sheds a hear crushing liti pt over the fair ittorpe,te of the future ;bur hectic eoug b and feeble limb : . tell °type r lois thope, but you need out despair. There is' a baba ttlite'Ywlll heal the woubde,l lungs, It is SHERMAN'S ALL-HEALING BALSAM. Mrs. Arra' EX, OW wife or Wm. 11. *Mee, ltlsq, wus given up by ttrotnwoll of WrAigto., no itud Clellau of Phi autelphia, Dr. Igoe uiol Dr. Tilts , t of N. Cult. ller tends MI thought she muirtlie, Aloe had cerry' up pe‘rance of being au consumption, out was so prouotic ed by her physicians—Sherinsu's lldlsaw w.ui g iron mid it cured her. Mrs. BAIIHABRANTZ, of Bull's Ferry, was also cured of consumption by this Balsam when all other remedies failed to lire rehrl-4he was reduced to a skeletost. Dr. A C. Castle, Deistist.26l Broadway. has witnessed its ef. frets in several eases where no oilier =ductile idrorded relief—but the Balsam operated like e charm. Dr. C. al so witnessed its wouderfhl effects locating Asibrua,which it ulster fails of doing. Yipittsinw Illood, °Liming Ali it may b., is effectually cured by this Mamoru. It heals the rap• lured or wounded blood vessels, cud makes the lungs wind snails. Ser. lIENRY JOVE, IGO Eighth avcaue,!was cured of tough and catarrhal affection of AO years standiug.... Elie dr t dere gave him more rrlierthau all the ether med icine ha bail ever t Dr.iL..l.lleuls ;rote it to a eds. ter-in.law who was laboring under 'onintnption. and to another serially ufflicted with ,the An ma, In both cases its effect wer ' immediate. 1 511 n tug Siam to caut ion:ll,le heals Mrs, LUCE. 'TIA WEIVVItiie street suffered from Asthma 42 year.. a"a , l sem rclieted her at once, and idie is eoinp.r I..huing enabled to subdue every attack by a timely use of this medicine.— Th is indeed o• the great remedy for Coughs, Colds, Spiting Illmal, Liver Complatiats, and all the affections of the throat, end even Asthma cud Comminution.. Price 25 cents and $1 per botde. Dr„Sherman's Hake it at 106 Neiman street, N. Y. Sold by the following day appointed.Agenteto. D. Spot ford, Erie; Wm. Judsotr& Co. Waterford; Ross & Nor gin Camiiiitlas; J. Tracy, Fair View; John 31'Clure, Gi raid; W. 11. Towokaud, !Springfield. Likenigo Dr. Sherman's Medicated Lozonger, Tooth Pate end Poor Mi,i a Platter. COUGH LOZENCES.--These Loa-ndes are a safe most 'stirs' and effectual remedy for I.ought, and colds, tighter.. of the lungs or chest. &c. WORD hOZENGES.—Thote worm Lozenges bare been purred to morn than 1,400.00 p ca s es to be the sem. 1ble; the only cenain wosia cleytro)iiitt medicine ever li,. cot erii4: , ,lt was menial, for Dr Sherman to invent a medscilicte,ilestroy worms that children would take.— Children,w take these Lozenges nod crislor more. CAMPHOR LOZENGES, celebrated forgiving almost bums hate tele:am nervous and sick litiailache, palpUs ttun of the heart, lowne,s of spirits. &c Ult. !OILER SIAN ti TOO at PASTEL—A premium Den trifice, the hest article known fur cleaning an 1 IV hilonirlg the teeth. halting she gums. sweateniur the breath. eillEllttAN'S POOll. MAN'S PLASTEIL—The beet pirengpunoing pia ter in the world; a soi4reign remedy _fur Roma or weakness in the hick. Intim Aden,. breast, &c One millions. year will not supply (he demand. Warran ted the h nod cheapest On , that will pi rive the tact. The ;those lozeinti•ii. Paste and Pl•ister, -old by the Mime agents for Dr. Sherinan'a A 11-Ilealing II ilsant. Erie No.. ‘.lO, Gin 27 Custom HoUse,r of Presque Isle. tlits • )!)ate, NovernBelb37 1847. SEALED Proittbt do will be received nt the l're tottry Depollute tr of the United St•ttes in the ci'y of 11'ashin.tott, until the 31st of Decent. her, 1817, for the supply tit Rations for petty offi cers and seamen ttlithe United States Revenue Marine ves.telpt on LAP Erie, for the term of one year trait thelst day of January, 1813; The ra tion tor the itevenne service is the saute nit that allowed in the service. oiniitinz the liquor :rod iptnsi•orrof the Iv ticks enumerated in the !Gl int, log table, to wilt .t ria an • • = 4: I •-• - I e .. I . I. OW 10.. 1... gib I. V. Nio. it. NP. qin34nl I*.IZ I ILO C.) •JoVng —...- . , 64 4. I 0.1. OW 414.14-. -11.1.04. I 1 1 Ilaj, tv i • ...... 1 .:: I -_ 7 -3 I . 1 i ' 'U0303 d aallua .0. I I , ‘asaatia 7 1:71 to.. NO , 4daliflßlOnl ~e I he rations to he of good and wholesome trptLal .tv, to be approved by the colleemr; anti the dif ferent articles comprising the ration in hi deliter ed on hoird the vessel in good and Fullicieut taOke and vesseis. to be provided by the contractor, and the contemn distinctly marked on (itch. - It is to he undrr4tood that the contractor will be bound to furnish, Upon reasonable notite,lai often tts may be required by the captain of the vessel, with the appi oblation of the collector, (not excceiline upon an i ireratfe one day in each week,) such fresh rrwat, and fresh Vppetablee as may he erptivolent to the Corresponding Karts of the ration allowed in the natal tier Vice. =U11!11= Custom Houee,clistiict of Presque Isle. • Vets, Pa., Nov. 17, 1847. PROPOSALS will be received at the Treasu• ry Department of the llnited•States uniil the 31st day el December, 1841, Nr frirnishin. , arti cles of SHIP CHA.NDLERY for the "United States; Revenue Marine" vessels on Lake Fric fOr mm year from the Ist. of January, 1848. Tile eon:reefer will ise;espected to furnish such arty. cies as may be for the use of said vessel's from time to time: A schedule of the articles and .form of th • priiposals May be seed' it this oilier. It is to he distinctly understood that no bid till he entertained froni any perssil. nbt actually en• eased in the till•iness, in, which lie proposes', to furnish; and all bids should be irunsmitted, sealed, - to the Seeretury, of the Treasury, WashliOnd City MURIIAY WHALLON, Cutlet:tor' ARM A [LE —oltr stock of IlardW•ire cOni• prises a great variety of Met ianical mPlc mums orsoperior quality, such as Firmer Chissels, tTenges, plane irons, anger bits, cast steal'autp.rs (long shank,) braces and hits, real Scotch pilled CiMip.tsses, Dividers, tap borers, tenet, mill and cross cot sans, hand and back Pa WA, sows and frames,. together with 'a general assOr)ment of nuildiilir Materials, Locke, Hitrulles, pets and screws, hooks and hinge- LER rEft, SENtiga r 4 CHE 3 Nov is. isit. . lauFFs Am) noAs.— !so' Mfifts n, of Ihe real Lynii; Nut, Genet, 1S ii China Lynx, Itistred anti _ray, just receic _ ilie his company, and Sating 25 per cent: less than last season by ILLI dSStWRiGHT. 26 Nnv. 13, 1817. GI VIPS A N I) FRINGES, in wentdatiety, for rale' hi • Lt:4711111, S.ENNICTT . Ndwir ti. 1817 , "' ' 96 , iiiigers,,uuger, in. Knives and Plano !tow., a late asevrt went received direct, front the manufacturer and lur aide cheap foi vioh. . GEO. SELDEN 4P SON; 26 Not. 13, 1847, TOBACCO 4 CIGARS 'AND ISNUFF . WHIJLESALE, AM) ItF.TAIL. Bt. CRAIN. Would riepectilstly inform the citizens of Erie. and vicinity, that he: has opened a Sore for, the %aloof TOBACCO CIGARS AND BNUPF, on French Street. between Sterrett and Osborn's. directly opposite she Reed House. wherehe of feta fur sate a large and superior Smelt .0 the a b we articles' little cheaper for Cash than ever before offered in this Markel. • • For proof Wised swain° queitY4l4 File, Nov, I, • New Goods add Geed FIRST APPEARANCE Note is the Tiine to Buy Ocrip! . TIE subscriber having been hut a short time in btr,ineas has not beforelfound t conveni- ' ent ito - introduce into the wets a general adver tisement. Ile has, however jo-t' relarned err an the eastern cities %%Mt a splendid atisortinent of Fresh and Cheap Groceries ' 1 In his stock may be found the emiscst Teas yet offered fur pale, from 4 to S ribillingi per pound Ri o , J ava , Cuba, Unguira and St. DeMingo, Cot'tee, cheaper than the cheapest;fla!vaon, Porto Rico, Orleans, Liu f Lump. Clarified, Preyed:led and Maple Sugars, cheaper than avert Porto Rico Syrup, Stwaritouse and Orleans Mular.ars ; ulspice, pepper, ginger, cmnamol, unixe, nutmegs, pearl barley, citrons, prunes, cocoa nuts, al ttttt il, ma deira. Brazil, nod pea ms's; HOvana, pr . wipe, Spanish, cinnamon, and councaut Cigars; eaven • dish, ladies twist, and german Tolteco; olive, rose, nut, castor, and hair Oil; all Of whieli are of the very best qu dity, and will he sold cheap, at No. 3 American Block, State street. JOUN PEPPER. 25 1; ‘ ) BOXES Fleeh Raieins'ior sale cheaper than 4 can be had i Isewhere, at Nov. 6, . No. 3 American Bind:. Cy;fia(7l LBS. Rio, la% n, Cuba, Laguira and czo - St. Domingo Coffee,: atiling at a sniall advance above cost. a. Nov 13 At No. ?,, Atocricnn Block. HAVANA. Principe, Spanish' antl'(.7anneaut cigars, No 3, American Block. SHUT by the bag or lb. and the ankle to mend it away. At No 3. Anieilean flock. v•,...1 Littlions Ohio Stone Ware, at a N.l 4 'CP small advance above coat Nov 1 3. At No 3. American Block. (\NE ton Codfish, for rule cheap, 'At No '3, American Block FLOMA., Shorts and Bran, , constantly kept on hand at PEFFEIPS, • :•ov li, . ' At No 34 : American Block - ' nuvE OIL, custor oil, Pweel oil, lamp oil, cur V Hers oil awl hair oil; Ihr,,ale Nov. 13. At No 3, American Bleck-. 95Q LBS. cut, tiny/mull:4i, twit and. LI German tobacco from 6 1.4 io 37 1 ebi per lb. for sale 7 At No 3 American Block 6 .1 4- 1611(1 LBS. Havana, New Orleans, Lint tior Lump, Pulverited, clarified and Ma ple SUgur, sellioa. , very cheap at PEPPER'S, ' Nov 13. 1517. No 3, American Block curet steel and -Win. [Lowland's Mill Sows;H also Enuliall cross nut, hand, pvincl back, compass. webb and wood SA %VS, for sale. Nov 13, 1817. G. IiELDEN SON. 91,1 KITS. No. 1 Afacksrel, put up for (*sillily .so't use. just received and thr sale at No. 1, Perry Block. Vrie , Nov'. 6. 1847.25 • ADM IN ISRTATOR'S NOTICE , . LET t'Elts or all ' ' . ration 4 eivalsnen have been granted to ll subscriber on the estate,. m of Henry Thompson', I• e of Lefler:MT township, deeett.eil. Pere() t,.int hired to said ,''estate, or having claims against II , A 311113 aro requested' to call and present them pr )ertv anthem lent I for so:dement, and settlet Awl inilebtedneis. c ill, ELIZA THOMPSON, AA 'x. Nov. 0 1817; , 0t2.5 • DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. TEI , : c • partnership here exi,ting be 'tween the subsertheis, under the name of J. Zitunterly 4. Co.,' is ihis day dissolved by intitual consent. All the hooko, accounts awl papers MU to die hands of A. H. Hitchcock, at the old stand where all those interested are .equeited local! and settle. J. ZINI %11;:111.,V, ' l a 41aall ' 'mold •s!itij papp JO SUIJAMI 1Sal.1.1a1:111111/3 Jo tid.H:lll4 111 1 1 ' 4 * 25' .-3' 14t120 U 1 A Nov.G. 1847 I.IIILB. and half hide. White Fish and 1 . 7 Mackinac Trout, this day received and lig sale ut No. 1, Perry Block. by 'I. W, NlOOilE. Pale, Sept„ 6 . 1817. 25 Erie, Nov. 2, 1817. Al 11. 111 felleoC,li." 1-11TCW:0CIC ray In Lie ow A• Wends and moochers and the pub k, that he „ill he h a ppy !o s wait o i ch. to at the old stand, and sell them I .lroceries, as L nod and elte•p us utwal. H%RI - MA ItE.---A tren ,, rul usortmerit Shelf liard%vure. loze,lwr u huge us so. anent of curpentel F'S and jqi flees T001.. 1 N..v. 6. GRO. SELDEN Si /N. y It( )N, N A ILS, STEEL, Sze. —11,1144:i,--4„ riles and Arne - Henn Iron, ilar, square and loundko, S. Nail Rode, ound and Fti ti.l re rods, Band Iron, Can. Engli,•ll American andoSpring Steel. Nails Anvils, Vices I‘..v. 6 & SON. rit.)FFIK l'ea, Sugar, together With u general agsormL. t of u rneeriett. for sale by Nnv (1. GI R ScIN. 'Wonderful Catastrophy! EXPLOSION OF THE NEW ,STEAM 'FOUNDRY AT LOCKPORT., , (But no one killed and no ono wounded) WE, the undersigned, for the purpose oflcttine people know that some thin t rs eau he dame us sell as others, have associated in business:at Lock poq. Pa. where they are inanittLetitring va• riot's kind, of - , . . Cooking 44 : Stoves, lIOX g•rovES . PARLOR - STOVES, PLATE STOVES, COAL STOVES. • PLOW% • SLE(UH SHOES, WAGON BOXES, And various kinds dottier castings', too numer• oils to mention. We also flatter ousel % ei that by onr long experience in business we shall tic a • ble to facilitate und' thereby curtail the expime, of making castings so us to he enabled- to make as goad an crude and sell a little t!liimintr than any other establishment in this region of country; we would therefore invite our friends to give U 4 a pall bt fore purchasing. alsewh.oe fc. 7' We will pay fitly per cent. nloro fdr OLD IRON then env one else in this viethitv.,r if AI HEELER., AI A LTBY & AKIN. October 13, lfie. itn2l New Fall and Winter Geode. Tll I.loiscrllberA dre new receiving their stock of Fall and Wintet Goods coalmine or DOT GOO" . HARDWARI4 , Gnocnnigai enuctotnY t IRON, NM" 840 • ' . Also a large assortmenk i after Hanging and. Window Paper. All of whlch were Vtlrchased irt New Yotk at the lowest market pride. They do not boast - of having the largest koilk di gdods ever brought to thipc.pfaCc, but will say they have as good *an as 'pOrtirtent, and will ho sold as cheap as the iiheap : est, and. invite the public to call and exanuno goods and prigett. G; SELDEN fc SON. 'Oct. 93. 1817. - • 23 A nother Arrival of Groceries At 1, Perry Block ! Tw. is now eticciving his Fuli 4 unit Whiter stockolGrotericl which wile be Sold ant& cheaper (Or ceeh than at any other eatatiliPhinent in ihe city. k,Aniong hid sitick may be fonnii; • Imperial, Ounpowder, and Young Ilyson Teas; Java, Rio, Laguira and St. Domin o Citifies; Loaf; Porto Rico, and.N. 0. Sugars; Pepper, Spice, Oin ger; Cinamoit, Nutmegs ace, Cloyed, Rice, Pearled barley, Candies, Pecan, Brazil, Madeira and Pra nuts; Almonds, Filberts, etc.; Fruits—Apples, Raisins. English' Cur rants, and Figs; Sperm and Tallow c.indles; SuiUmee and Winter strained Lamp Oil, a svpirior article, Salad oil, Farley Shaving. Variegated and , Bar sOdg• Dairy "' II I White Fish, Mackerel, Mackinac Trout, Codfish and Herring. Call and CISISIOkiIe tioods and prices at No. 1, Fefriv Block.• Erie. Nov. 8, 1817. • 23 DAI. 01 '3 A• i GLOSS.—By aid smi ll Or filrge citiantleits - No I extra whitoJeati; red led, Veniesn red, chrome lithrage oil. 10 illtpentide, and won ed Ply d bought atjhe lowest, price& anti tor aide according l y by WILLIAMS Sc,WitlG (eI 1917, • • • 21 . . Attention! Jews and Gentiles ! Israelites,' hhinaelil4, Hebrews and Ego- ,tians, Sons o f Aaron and Daughterl'i of -.Marlow receive instruction and be reirie,.... • Hear and know that MOSES; si HE JEW, I u., returned from the EAST,. laden It jth l . the choicest treasures uf that unciem region, an 1 itt• vites your attention to the same at the •..e1 nine OLD Jew Store, the one ilia% has earned therepu• 'alien of stetting goods tourer than any other house in Erie, and thereby established a credit for Jeve ry that has induced others to enter under the ! ;mete name whereby they hope to reap a profit wltuth justly belongs to him. Now Muses wishes it to be tinAersteod that he is not a Wondering Jew, here this your and au ay the itext—a class that bill sell mono person ut cost and to another at double price, hut that he' is a regular descendant of Faithbil Abralinm, and 'has pitched hia tent in Erlel with the intention of remaining in it. and intends to it., business us heretofore in such u Manner US ID .dive entirc - satisfuetion to all reasonuble pe'rsons li tut favor him with their custom, keep all his old f lends and make new ones of all that one pur eons.. goods form him. That the old Jew Stole or r _rls,sea Koch rlites sill more Goods and at lower 'prices than any other store in Erie, is plain, to be seen by the course of rithero, who finding their ens touters doll deserting them, resort to misrepre sentation and abuse of the JEW STORE, which they well know has been the cause dl their loss tilt ' customers and against which they, direct ell their forces, thinl in.g no doubt that if Chit store was out of tlit: way, they could ' get what they call the tr old prices, —fully to one hundred per dent -4 r-wd such as they used to get before thioJEW MOSES came amongst them. Hence we 'see teething that ern raise a Dray loud of Tape and ,obbiit commences blowing himself into notice by le.tho. writ smith at the JEW STORE; but %hitt only serves to show that they arin great wont °feint 'ri mers, and that they knot Hero they have gone I t i Now the secret of Goo being sold so) much !ewer at this store than an ' , ter is Simply 'this— Moses goes right to din head of the market, to the Alanulatotweral aim Importers and buys by the CASE, BALE or PACKAGE, and pays the CASH down, by which he makes a double saying and is enabled-to sell goods in Erie at whtt some others tray for them in the c;ty; and that there may he no mistake about this matter he invites all who want any thing In his „line, and wish to pay either cash or country produce, Jo call and exam inc his Stock and prices, folly satisfied that they will find the' OLD JEW Si ORE the besi place to get goocliGonds at :he lowest prices. Moses begs to be excused trout giving a l lies of the mor/era Pieces ofCloth and Calico, M it:relies 4.c., ke:, nY the manner of some is—being mocii inure pi ofi'ably and pleasantly employed ht waitl• in 09,4aistaiper., lie will leave this heats of itur• (I,w La 'Korth. al [he X,re or of ler elorea who hate Smaller stocks and fewer customers. MOSES KOCH, Corner of l•tielt & Fifth atr6to. • near the Farmer's / iota, Commend:o Ev. est, 11. 1817. 1 '23 = r..ceived at the Ne'yf Stow 1.1 a large supply of Bed Tiiking, bleached f , and unbleached 6heetins and lihirkiiits Cotton Flannels, .Cresh, lineltulmek, A pron cheek, strip ed colored Cambric:l. Jeans, &c. &c Also, •just received, brown and bleacLed Linen ruble Covi rs, "niblingu, Do)lies, Nipkins and Towels, for sale vet y lot. at Ili•i, 23 Charity covers a multitude Ofsin.s AND so defies Moses lioe'l at has' cheap • :Lod lashianable CLOTHING S 1301: E.l , eoitio, Overt:omit, Pants, Vests, Drovers, shirts bosom=, collars, and every article in the iJoiliing line, are; to I.e hail 25 or 50 per cam. cheaper at, the 01.11-JEW,sTo tE, tit in at any Miser estah• lis'unent its Erie- ' and ihrkavaaon is joist ;his, Alo ties la N - 01 his Cloths, Cassimee, and lilannols, by ilielfile and piece; ,from the Nlainillictureis and Importers and that` for rash, and then he tan• ploys first: rate rtilors and has then' mule tip on his own premises and uniler• hi= inalnlcalein so that he is always sot o'cif havinn; a maul article at 1 Inn profits leas than ihogn who piirclias. Ready .made chahino- in Philadelphia and New York. 1 Math; ut nerally ufiaferbir m aerial in a Ali mhe iin .4'll)4:anti:ll manner. Now 010,0 wkhio.: to pity ' clay.e any art of wearing . pparel cal'depenr; upon obtaini; Lt torthe. best material an I work i manship, and altogether i:lieape.r lb in,they can it'd; I t any miles way pr any other place in Erie.- 114:11 ineinher the 9hl Jew Store of mnsEs Kt cIL I N0. , 2 Commercial Exchange. l:Fac j ich st. Oct. 29 liel7. ‘24 PEKI N, CANTON, L ~.. K ian 0 - I si 1 Kia n b -nit 0 for, v anw demifas, Hau-saang. Chong-long,ike. AltOprovinties and towns ie ~;HIV A: The moony t'eleire tee women 11.1ve la:nad lac'es 'are/ short no-c , lit de eyes, lade feet, a:4l -plump rosy lip s, whose empreor styles himsrTrthe brot:i.. er or the rm, and his country CELESTI AL: l'he la Ad that g ire birth to Confect lls, :ind what is of more corisequence 'Oil', the land from which WO ob.ain that delightful lower.' or.. ealle i rl TEA, so highlyvalue.l by Ameririan Ladies of 1 :111 rank,. arid conditions, arid about which there leis been SI 11111C11 said iC'ld w ritten of la e; somer pet sons very modestly elainting to be the only ours that sell.a pure ar Me at hoe , st prices. Btu', we pre sume very law, per sons will believe the ability re Noir sly i.) procure and sell Gt.h/D TE Aii is con fitted exclusively to tiro' hotores in New York, and that sll others hi this line, self but iiiferi,or quali ties and that too ut exorbitant pi iees=and that di se bentivolen pe.sons are eo.itent wiih almost no profit, Ina mer e ly to have the saii.eaction or protecting the tiro). p -opr.e 11(1111 being humbugged. For our part we .think there is soinetling twee than meal under the tub. This displa:. of Yon thong, Souchnng, and I /long, Ili wrin.i land Pe koe,:Ne iglu. ultra, Siiver,near and Golden chop!! stint the inform t4on th affil is put up in ir H it EE wrappers, &c: 4.e. teems to us (mite tomeces.acv rm ., wo plain honest pent e. For our parr we shin'll content ourselves by si tply a-suring those that want TEAS, that we arc prepared to nitir them an assortment of the choicest Is inds or IJiack and Ureen Teas, at the following, rates: - I.4LACIt TEAS .3, 4 and 5s per lb: H V:".,ON AT 4,5, and \ tis per lb. i‘lPEltl AL 7 and 8 shilling.: . Thesh were purclia,ed tram man of thi standing_in the city and may be reliatl,r ly equal ninny in the filarket nt simi4 They will be put up, in the "vnt 4)1(11 way—good weight, and clean plain p.tii , , out any heathen hyrattlyphies to gull th pectipg. . SUClAltS,COPPEt%&..e.—LOar,l.miip,brdwn titi 4 ,an4 and Worm ILieo'Stizars. fWI Java, Let If eira, Itio anti Cuba Golt:J, Chocolaq., Capon, Alolasses, Spiqs, and in short a e h tire ,a very comPlet s e nasortment of Family Groceries, to which did inVito the rittentiO dl our friends, at .No. C, Reed House. ! cmersit 5.,. ertotuta. . Octoller 29, 1847. ._I 21 ______ .._. irtY E WOODS AND DYE STUFFS.—Just IJ received a warranted articlirof Madder, Lou Wood . , tic Wood, ,'Cumwood, FliStiC P Vitriol, Alum, Indian and many other kisidioq)yeatutis which are sold cheaper than at any- Drug Store. WILLIAMS Sr. W RIG RT. 0ct.29, 1917. . 21 Ladies Dress Good 4. OREGON Plaids, cashmeres, Munnlen de Lac:*, in stripe. hack and blue black Alpaca,' French, Scotch and American qin g lidun3, French, English and American calico, a logo as scirtnient lipen and for s.de clti;ap by. Effie Oct. 30." GEO. SELDEN SCII. Our Customers eiftl stoe t k nfi l t o rr ;d u. OTUS and ,\ I'sSrit:;:(l..).rseseltn.et 'will be I resciying by express during the Full and W inter stidli gundsin our line ne the deinand may iequire.. It is cineiridy hoped this eii3i will sup port one reutdai Nlerehant 'l'ailur situp that ie carried onty mechanics. , G. B. I. H. KEENE... r.rie, October 29. 1917. 2-1 'V GOODS nt everydeverirtnit daily hr Nriving from NewArtrik and Bo,ten, at the New Sieve, Cheapslde. • 1 , Nov. to. • ALLYN 4 COIT. • nr A Vgarrive.i. and in all the taste n 1 Oriental , rj Costume are loeocate I at the stcnetsithe kin corrtpassys A coney,' to bold up a passer ()lieu and in all their silent inaunifieeoess to act 142, tan din!! WittiessV to the Tact of exclusive silpetiori ty in the l u btl Jhe6 ard'ilveigiiell to nbd join notice.. • The eredulonu may be fatten in by such Tancy iotscei. but in'ellittent persons will be quite us well feE idled by tituttints Ittitne 'et! our Esesh TeaS end imbibinil the deliciuns hevere2o ae they would be wi h any netious •irsankeP r inven' ism so decoy, them amonnit thetiariou4.l taps which are put in requi-itivil to unit the uninipectiis” victim of Pa ent Medicines or • ILES reit, SENNETT 9. C iiEskTER Nov, 13, 1,17 1 ' 114 A T.LY N On I T The Celestials TUB "gamy HO MV nivimatliniac - TUC WuR&D:: • GEO.,W. MERCHANT'S •- FOR H Ainvaluable remedy for (toms, Cattle and - i other Jinni:title animals, in the cure of the folloW I Wounds, : F stela; S:tfast, ttaltlef oil kiada, Strain s, ib o utrat,ss, Sprains, Brais,s, S•ina riachs, Cracked !leas,. • floundered %feet, Dinitone, Swatches ur rea le; Putt Eril. Collus, ' Mange, getout*, `Sic tdir y , Horn Distemper. It is also a Unieethtl FaiAily Enrbroea•ltltt fttr diseasits ut Llittud,l Flerh, tatch ad Mietrvilism, Esirraal Persons, liters of.inintals, • Painful Xtrrous Affte- Peon Hilo., lions, Corns, ffhtllutrf, Burns an! S:alla, Cliiildita Cramps, Chapped Contracts of the Arit. -Id, Ste Walks, Jl:iiands, ll'ealot/ so Of Vie Kaked Di'easts. Nii:ReitANT'd GAImGa Psil siorthy of special reisialk, diet bt•sides the great arid eVira ordinary ',emeriti In time care Of dieer4etr tif the horse in which its virtues tlrAt aftrdcted the atten tion of the farrier and f/inicr, mind the n onder •of the public generally. it bus been tliiecesstully u m. ploycil in a great vat iety of the maladiel w hit It all:ct the human racei and it his proird 14 the wonderful cur's it lia*lperldrined ori time lea or im— intals, that it is endeivi-Vel wi.ll Coral ive properties not Ibund in etlwr iton-e oila, which has establish ed iis claims 16 genc:al cootitlente. Beware of the eourverfeit at tiede v and tot sure the mune of the stmt.: renew... Toe, G. W. Mer chant, Lockport, is blown in the hot tie. ;r...71'F0r testimonials, synopsis of diseases, and mode of treatment, see pamphlet which accompa nies tart hot le. - Sold by 3.11. Burton k On. Erie,. S. S. & TI. Fa:no:ft. Ashtabula, Ohio; and ikeho.or, Conneaut. (thin. I v5O runovv DLL BLooD: GEO. •W. mmtenAgrs immovED COMPOUI4FLUID' EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA For Rentori og Diara ses of the Blood, Aroiv f,,. 4 ,, dt,oe ,v- mot-. la ne.l elld min's. ' ' cry, , 1 rerer S•OrA ot•sei note MI s. 7es Chrome awl eaustitutil ,, Tll his of all li . " 1, oses vide as , F, all head ~•!.alt Rheum, I S(1 . 1 -, la or•lii9s,l:‘ , ll ST1)1 rill, lro to a d s•liirt• /rose ibtell Spphi is I' rcaerfal. es (Iris! , g , :form 00 s opus 0 Cies, of too and v s rp ss t as , : ri sr de of oil Moo 1; ats.„ Utc VlrmikSose. I'lleets 11141GIlool ( . .41(i.doexe. pp..% /.ipa. EO4, and other{ parts C'lsi-onir diPstons al Int Liar,' of Me baJp. • - I Lltri9 , noP Clie , t, mptes or pqstates no Me (arc Pat • I,s the (*it amid, and side,. PiS, 01,1 p",achrs and ofarr er- Alight Haoats. 4:c. tic upti "Flo,/ the st in. 'lt is Igeirisc mut. ft roc , mirofnA Atm SOO, reg. am/. oar .sra-I did a.I is eleansval Spri,ai Jr belie .rsire , e'io as. Mrdepte, • la so sliset's is do , IV4ire .Su', Vinyl Pai l s i t ale Wl's,. .1 . h t. 5 ramivtiy is pi apred limn the Omit:, s; SII I,P. feet ed materials. the am i • proper; it'S Or which ai e es:meted by an improved rotes., ‘t il how licai; on aecount sdatliieli it in ii eMrieti by I'lly 4irrians aa helm" micro usilortii WI active 111,111 any ocher, oott: hclure the poldie. A fall aceonio, el the remarLable r Ilium y,of ibis ' reitierly;in a variety 01 co i tus of the ems, zit:gra cal ed nattireoMty he ieeT $y ezilijag i-, ;) the . :1 0. pl te•or or his at!ents. • , As mosrenad medicines are entinterfei;ei . be sett r: i.nd call Mr "Merchant's Ser.:lll.ld liti,Vtrid see that these a nide artr blott•ri on 11,/ , :.:1a. , !, "I's cm the Laboratory 91 Geo. W. 'Nlereliapt, Chemist. Loeltniirt, N. V. , CAP Alinffizt even' pedlar in the enitntry is now !mu i up and pubile, artiA they I: dll sarF.:iparilla. 3:heitSore, nl.l by J. Fl. Dorton & to. Erie; S. S. .S. 11. Paa.ett, Ashtabula, Ohio; D. N. IVcbster. Con iiettu• , Ohio. % 50 _ DISEASES,,Ot" ItrIIE URINA Y OECA N',S DISEA:SNS ni the Ciiiiar,y (ti z ar co r e d Ilitl E•CTI:4c r or r.t:ciin, UVA ens, 'nod IX. se a{. such as eln Joie and neme diioneies of the Bbiller, ,Ilso:ci,ro ,, ir Ur. il,rir,' I; noorrh cc 0, r.. Peocir(wand,t: Gll, i ' Glt et s, Whiles, K Ha qis, and 1 Strict arts', Lotus, 1 - Dia . trlrT, .:1".. i This valitalklci medicine is prepared only lit (Aim, W. Ali)e:taw, Op:native chinniet &c.r.ock• port. N. Y. .i Full soil ample initritclons, testimonials, &c. acrompaus e..th [intik Sold bx J. 11. nuncio & en. Erie; S. S. & 11. Fossen, Astimbula, l Ohio; D. N. liVebste•, Con imam, Ohio. t l ' 1 v 30 TO RED HEADS AND GRAY 91YRIAN Alit DYE, a warranted article for . tillnritiq the hair a beautiful blown or j idaelt, it will lint wear o(t, vnil the linen, or eulot dim skin, tiq Invoke le cin te:cify. . . It {1:16 also been lased euecesertilly in 'coloring 1 7 111 S. , Beware of the c nnterfeit, and he siirc von the aeon; tic, pi , pared only by Gee. W. ichant, jhenii.it, Lockport, N. Y. Samples of 114,4 may be seen Rt. the rtore of the proprietor or 146".te.cid:. Price 59i:onto. Sold by J. IL Bot:oo St eo, Erie; TI• ylio; and P. t. WelMor, Crmoo:od, lyso • 'New Fall and Winter Goods. lAM now receiving from New Toile u veal variety oi•:tch and desirable Uond% Ihr Fall and Winter trade. Among other di:Ambles now o n nt4 nl r it icex. or, peninz are . . - Sttitrint• Thibet clothe, cirah and Mali; Fretieli primed ,Cashinues,beautiful patterns antt_ , tiv.ry cheap. -_ 100 pieces Mack, clrab;, male, plain and strived A liatecas, ritl9 cheaper thin ever-iwiinto carped—some as low as 21 cents Baer yard. Shawl:4, a great variety of new s•yles; Prints, Gingham.% M. de Lair's, and ocher new styles of Dres Goods in any tinantitics, twenty cent:elttiaper than ever Before otilmcti in this city. All of which my ettstoniers and thd public are respectfully invited to exatnintt..--ne • ' C. M. TP3BALS October 9, 1817: . 21 Artivar of New 1.'1! and . • GOODS. WILLIAMS & W RIC; i-Fr, I_JAyING d. voted •six weeks hf Boston, Now 1 otk and Philadelphia, td the Foeo ion a nd purchase of their.XX rENsi vv. sTOcK, which they are ::ow opening, bed . leave to infarm their customers and the country atlarge, that they are now prepared to offer goods or Attest every de nothinat ion, at least 25 per emit. cheaper than cv Cr. We find hi devoting time to th e purchasing olgoods, as also for cash, that it mikes a vast illl ference, therefore we can pledge intr.*/ s to sell us low as tiny House—(tliat pays ihr their !roods) —this side of New fork or Roston, had Mr the Owe aSsarance tte iuvitO those that ate porchas• ing any kind of Dry Goods, lltirdware, Grocer ios, to give us an °ppm wilily ItiM we will show, you us good an as•torted, extensive and 'cheap Ptnelt of t riads ae On he fiend in this market.-- For (Halter particulars please cell at the Brick earner, opposite the Eagle Iltl el, near the court house. - Et, iA, Pep% 19. 1817. i ow Goods at N 0.7, State Street., vl/47 E arc now opening a grew variety of Dity • GooDi, uitell to the Newton, which will be,sol,l'as cheap tv4 the cheeprst. A num thew WC Broad Milt% and Certriinerer of vtrint.. and tpialitie_,P. Alpacas. Plaid and pc k ineiihtvol. BrillianTa t Aletinop, Bouthasines. Raw Silk and Plaid Brionnia, 'Linens,' Linea rainbrio Hann kerchiera from 12 1 2to 7 mat. ? Ptintp from 4td 5 cents; De Loner fronts 12 3 4 Cents irmintrle; ina:h mg in steal satiej, Thihet: .CAshmere, Brecht], de tome. slrndliltsand (vb . 's fashion:Me Shawls, and other [ Goode In ten I,aritd:i+ to Ipteertion. The thilmte are imiterl-la Mirimine thorn and porches° if they are gutlsfled ni:hgeort : 4 and prices. . - - i •• ',EATEN SEKNETT Sr. - MEEEII N" . 1:1114‘ 9 1.4 Ill t YN lillinti Ulf! rivAttur • itCS e • MEN: ft' st, cubliJenti.): ',ironed thin: there rtaVer. was a medicine which !hi given oticli Ma i . farm atillintserealiigi r tiefaction. ai . . WItIt.i•IT'S It f ISIAN 1104.1r:FAii,LIC ! , 1 00—...i . ...... - ..r.4.: .. They have stood 7 .....,..4.,„,,,w,,y_eurtor-...._ •11.oui• r remedies fa led, auktriaieriiStalsliehed st rellkfi: tlou In tit° Nur Drib phtdatiOlathiere WIJIib hue bead ralied agnin-t them. 1 , , ,• ' l / 4 , , .._w '' ' , t . • Let it ilottorne in illittithat . WrilEtt's is is ii VRlttlaite . ~:- Pills aro ' & • ," •• NO cA11411,-rissv nradr.l Y. ow off,prinjof thy k4f4ll6llo.4ine t t to risott awe). 7 with ti., end be forptiett, hal it itt) MOO of Ttelll g v.ine; hr • reinitatiOUts tan hull X upon an tsalfilrif rural, effects. , till•- drr circttatst 'lures ingeta*liip riot, of the imagaistless . had tidittc tdtuttie'• gist.; with ft. US %cacti% ivy ur the toni etly Itself. • Wrigl Italian Veltelokle Pitts 'WI a ?ISHII - , • to foal wiath, tultts tlt on the itotr,cut had rittliozarsoitharse nit or •11. ~, 'ruby.: tvuzlisn , 7 . ..N .4 :m . 10r:1 .INa, .; - 1 throughout the long , itti'd breadth of the land. . It it .46 111144(11 1 :Ire111) +ill.ls Id' the Lomat' coastatuitOtie . all" tlie , o erli•brited Pills 'wort s prrpsted. Nature.** tour %sortfifir,t et/4140d; 44.441 thpli is tordicilm Ifni pre-'ll Ito. rl.l fruit. the heiblof the lad furt;trhtch stsOuld at' With Ihaid 14u*, Thcrefq,,,, thief, Piffertibutualit • ii . Olnilo.' NATITILE ' • , to ex pc! Olt? cmiuttt ilutttoit., tly olieillag thip nartlial oaf: luts of the sy-tela. 1 Spilt .6, il.1:)1• 1 X1E11. r % 11. AND WI Vrtr , .:, Each proditt.e. by t:t, ir i. if:Allow pi . of truwetUre,l4l.e.. liar I.ll . lirt• u pon is ) hataso body, 11. 0 tie it expands, .ind dm cold . watt...A. dm %M ante of tine . kreulst.ust fluter an I oh) ii tit..e.i.c.) t. lie !ilia .• eu.l•lent,, l ll., i fro, ts,m, of tenl eurtiiiie) ‘S'ril,rl.l'. linti,tn \ , *AO Pillt cdusteract the rt it 111(1414.41,C i . 4.10411 . 11 4.'4.4146; /1; plititAitiyihit tditi44l,lll:4l keeping lie 4t•ati ich 1....1 buys era Ils 4 itittutall and imalthful I otn:i inn. ' . A , rug j - tivnlt' ANsAturr.. •, 11 That scourge of do, Vf ...rt. 1.% right ejlltidi'.•n.VoguiOthli ' Pill, ntanil 'uursvall 41. ..4.44 i 414.1.51. C has never, mule 10: o r k ni.vded go iif ti v . .), Voir li., V on g loan tak•;),,ltaillltoUt c ect 'lig astounded cute . 1 . 5 Chills and F.l'verilive tivt , 41 id Illi.Cry Itiarli..l4 are Chi. i'..viti,..l•44,oll.l6llperitldyl'ed 1.3 gio.d• I,:iy tde. I th..ifilit.“ WI. n th e t.t nipeotni fttAt up' - pear u,. limo shoo d LP I.'Vbefore r.i.attas• Iti these - I'd 's; A cr. 410,r. will oil, "molt buinife•i relief Oster)* - pet eunaluit %ill be I PC.,41.31'l 40 4-14.11) lie lila Use. - f them.' . - 'Ott 11'z . ,1'1.1..,1 1 t. (Erttir.: r , a • ,rill be rou'ioi very 'Up.. 1 6 ,..., 9.4. I: &pule juice i- weal. and deg le.ecquently. Ilia d ieretion• le hinter- inip..ire.t. Three ,Ills rrquofe .the ..th, ru , torr lie tome, mad stuitro;%o the cfc VVtigla*• Lain., V tor. 7ln !hi. 11,3.41 6 cwa , in gill shlY. CI f,ltlna ti,e hit twin th:e. awn,. I • • . . Wright'. l a V. lie removal of if Ow One Feiloral uu 1.0 el Ihn teVreellllls thy. 411 . A1 I I . illyr .l i,nrde It wniclit be thilie' tWO licies ' WriNht icticedlc , o Icn,P I,llo iii.. ll s tor rt.m.ah in their gr..‘e,-. Pel> is LID inestiin NA . , . iii:.‘ti t cm.% citmiNr...:,. de. . . The pre,e,,ee ~r imiti In :11,) Marl, isolictstC% a kmtriot t.,b, i,t theht.6 I, ~.I. I. is nisins 4 so sttlifilv to co ttttt . door}) row tl a eel Wrig i h rlime e Iffil Vve•elaitle Plat' tliltts 4 g 0.... ,t,„ lordwilt he Lerteiti le git e r. lief. ir the thing It iii I..e.ethie. . WAI.IYAllf. t t: ANT: It t.101:1• . TF.I)ICINF! It in Well i.nuis iil that Liii• 5....1 n aod 1% . y10t rafter, more from bilious di, or.lern 11,..11 1. nrr nil 1 iii&r. I.liiiipe.l.4. Te l , i.. perils itveliltt I' , the cli"'''. l r.-1 1 ',. 4 ! c ' hi ' ll •Y 10 4 _,. /i6•• ' Datatt oe . se.therl:.iet Wet th II lire. i fee ati.v.1.1110 .1 _ . .,- ' trampatayliagli , l er I tignelinii“ 11, u e•the u 14.4 ir wired deem iptiee. 11..1yta4: tl t intl.. liar t.,. i• freeeentl9. "IryOA on by tt liver enylei it!. A rta e l.et Cu CutTere from this qiii- I e...... sh, old oot trr 100, k.. 41 sr lilt pieitufled curet.; yet there ,ire s el, ra• n.e.l l I r, 11.a1111, It 01111 4 tint* i the ol reovut ~r 11 1 ~ 0,,,,,1..,,,.. C.,1,....1 he , . hitherto - Jaen . in ei,,errei,, , , , . , bill r ib/. pilaf.: bar pros cd 4.01 ere' One ila vfli.e.l.e' Wlt tt . ' thee ~ball he Ante 'I ItVe fey; . :it e%V tiehie int rant V a1,,,,1.111, rip. m .. Io; It they do 1 , riot r X.l l O i ' t lon, n p, 4 ',nil,. , n 1 ,, •witl og IL 11111/r iiti IV Opilri.bflUlSl ol lad or'•. Awl rer •tty to 101 Tit V . II; it. - ' . . ill.1:---nu lettaey th rcran aleay—yon are ' 1 me IVOI:r) 21011 E. furl that .411,,e1 t', fedi, li Vs rete'tle 'ter ',,,t let,livine , ell rc .s. 11l aid of, A run , alt..'cs..ry upet tit 140004JY* Irtilstpr ii•eli . not Do oriel , AtOrtiall alit: OF 01 I I'AI lONS / i Vegrll,lll..l 111, Tres ...us. an the- iw.e-; Ni e.lte I ia.. I leltao pith , ,sert• liner heard . .t• of C1,.-,,. , Alla ant, all, %hal ere • Ir. itnit.ll tow , ”t* On sir Sinn' neklacinal a 0 elvallt .d l i lie tli00,0! t),,, initil .. ~ I': mt , , , ir Vr•Lt t.-blePtil• Ti,,. seodl4 . eit it eere i..,., erlllolla ,13.1v.lire of all • it risk r cr.; lath of innlrfit. When 3 Pil.- •re n •9,-111. :114 td thiood Uu o lot It utlempt• of Wrigla', ludic trodue. of Up+ of. No* "lyre lo ibt•CrO 110 leer, lila it. 11 • . lonoo‘i lo a raiot.ll Joh,. 7 bele A .11,11 ' 411i1 CI:1171'01 VW u 11). 1. A the i.-atte bht 101,11 .1, C itily rt.r 1,1 1) Tl, sr s rIT t , Jo .ta ,111 (lute .t. J. II v. rota , nalt7 4 l'a•tter, W. It. Towia.elei I C. town ovt. 011:( 1 TUK ntpl c,•• SIGNATI - 11`: of Nl3l. WVIA•II7 Wit T 1 144 Ir:^nw t 4^1:?. o- r r,o ,V4,ne an* 'old/ is ct 'Gs ro.. tt- ir tet.i.or 4to t:a.: .1, trriahre Itt-nata . tra,r and r. t .01, 16 • n..:ta vrortrich Strtet.:‘ra pork; and 11l tto ton. EVOLVIG WAFFLE tituNs.—Thitivai nabk artlole is (Ann cc! for &Ile tit the for price orurre d9lllr, by , ~t:srus., St:Ns:nit, dr. Clicarkft. • 22 .v h and a;orit 4 r color f rElity, to: 5.,81e cheniyho UOi~.•• devote,' Veg , ta!•le j Trrlll.ll Stre,q, ‘:1 Oct. 16 F l 1 IWE l' Cl,l )I'll--Isl.tek, I),Yab'and Brown ri 1 I. gle , ap ror ready ply a•Nte,tf:ö-rit,i' Sept tt's. ' V , - S. - .l'Aciio: 4 l. r A LAR.v..:A-:..,,,, anti efStroa wart , from tae _Lit.. to ei:z! ! t ,dlillin.r, pe'r yard, Elak-ii. Br:owri, (bob. Wail, piain and sa,in ;:raped, to l ,- Faie by s , pl. 2:,. I / s. 3.icliSdN it W y . 1P 1 )411.1:S11 TEA ' ! ' nyaliy ou , 4'one! can alto* ..(11: t.:., t're,'t l'ea anal at at low pri v:riii claims any connection with qetiky . Ll.4..rnit, Srs.:Nirr‘47-Ctictreti.: W+ anti et.ll eet , ;‘, ;ply f)p.: the I'er:ill/ow net.X3 !-)likes ca /00. 2.: i rll. ‘:\ :eto ili tt. iv, .I.Junllikif 0 rie?'.'will fle - Erie, (At. 3. j ItVE IT 1 _ ` :Lair ear 6 iy:ti(e toy y:10t1114, at the 1 Oct. '29, r h cifsuitablc for os or tats; miLr, tila'‘‘ 411- biJcut 'l4, nay Jena litto i-uit imitelin St TS. NOV. fi. • - -St. , .I_,DEN & SON: ' "E''' Blatibp — ts And Lancas , to (Atli) fors'Abtlow by ' • Ott, '23 ' A I,LTN 11; COST; NATI NTEiI Strorm Oik,: n purr: ai . :icle,TM l Sslo ' 1 et No. ; I,erry pitalt by . -T. W MOCritE. -rrie Noe. 9 - 12.17. Q 5 . - FLARM FOR, tiALFI _ : . ~ 9 - 111 E si . iboiriber i Weis for t sale ilto irriproyetE. J.:. lartil on which he now reside; about tirts = milt's. smalv o NVaterford, on the. Turnpike lead- im,r front Erittn Pirt-iir.trii,cbtitairritra lop stltti' of land;, GO under ',moot - count:, and tiro balipthE Dell timbered NI 1111 white talk, chestnut, &ea For ty aert'S uoTril, Ow hal:ince upland. On the: premises isa "NA Ituisie dw,lling, Id_: hatrt f a, good orchard irf a mac and eiterry trees, and a nev er failin; sprinff 411 {4 . a t 6r. For Surlier part.ictl lan. enquire of the suhteriber on the preinisl, or::, of Ca C. Jon 4; Erie. - JAMES BLOGEttat': Wa•erfirrri. Oct 15, 1917. • • - 3 ir2t . VVintcl Fall 11(: , friend:4 ; perior qun li CAPS, MU V% hid) gill bid eoliv umiuc qualit 11.! '' Oct. 2D. 15 FOlt 01i1 0 .P VER.. M E I n S e S cl i i t „ S „ o E f p r ( t;t r il fl e " :„ l 3 - 1 1 e 1 i rtn lG ;i . e m e ' in t " i sTro ti ti l l ttet i ' eiiizons of this city tool that-tom receiv my n )..ripe lOrit rreil seleo• ell coelt of Fall tinti wiwo• Dui' Grbeerit;s. CrioekerY on& ii ni d n •n r e, tieft lam ft:elfin:fat Grunt Efortioitii; in order tot.ny t ttin-pnrttiti on; the hattinti4 ivitt: tie: tweitett to elfin noble ptirposeit. Fop, lunthei pa tie.lll,lVs appt at No. Anto . tiCa.tv } 1 4 , , , kk SI" Street."; • (Thr. IG, 1817. - n ETROI• 11 to 0..1. Stir. J. 1.7 FI AxpirrEi y v iind at No. I. Pei yon JAUNDICE. , I ,gatt .I.la I Ilk arc orodall) It ell s ilted t bleis,coawl..mt. As airy °pare upoTC l - il toomai I" ita.iple.: bf cit..... Ita g &- 1., laud) til . Ili; I•loha,. i.11.1:re,. Vi ying 4re...v.: tic t ACT.tE ur J.Allusliced 'ea '.., ; r rKii.lj.l;-mEniviga! .1. t . I lit trr,risell to teal to *beret of tale llallitoi V.l.•tatit.• plibluvr,r.lieen the N. 11 in. iv.y 411510 that ibekt Pills' nd ..i.iim., ~urrir good comptaiiott,te. ~ who . bald. •.‘ illma than; hale been bog of AA'ri'o.t's ;tittian Vr ctable ilde Dyadic/II tolopaaion at tbrVaill pa- Tut'. tir.GuLAR AGEN s. rhe‘ilmr, , be e"tiitiry is arrd+ge- riirr4,lll.th or hIOIWY awl or 11Irtlitt 0111.,^7 . ' ‘nrl.l7 in,l ti,n couutertiit , r of is med.• toe tyal, n rabbr,, 111.11 a rutsrJererl—: - Apivi,,•,l v ..;:u to. to 1. it • OCNt P. I r 1,.. 2. BRE & CO.. W tt.tqfut,l - rsl tit E.t. r.,s'aalxc' w YEa " —I i I 2 and 5 Inch Built n hr hnd ‘ 1 ! 3 W I Lt.! A %TR c. NVIITCMT.. turn dr.cl.ll. at tit , .; ci1ilee:1000 hoards—also build ajp- kiwis, for which the higheit ;tilt , -111(}t4 voids. pallor, 610 alit!. r•titt.r, pFict. von in!! from 9. and ilrngsu't "Also, Fluor OA soal Wri ratva of :110S ES I. 7 .‘alange, 1'0mi:11 Hi • • Faishionslor' 1847. / riper iz now prapareckto flunk!! his ntl i:n=tOolors with HAT?: at' a WA , adin a In.riern I 11.4uri inpnt of .*FS, Bt7FTAL,O ROBES, br.c. suld cht.".iii a, Out chetipt4t. Pe!. to titirCtta pa will pleneecall awl e.V -- awl pries s for themse'mr. ' S. BUNTER, Poo' ie. I ;Fratter , . - • Corner c(Fitoc it Vi(111 otettobe IT. and her. mks T. W. MOORE,,, _ _ ALF:rrcfir,iirg ' on, IN A. by lA. FISH !!! 1511, AI, eh ' II!. 1 and AtaeltPrOl..Coilfith,S*o jitQi .1.14 for hilt try Mork by T. W. 6, IWr -.3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers