VOLLT3 PUBLISHED EV BY A. P. DURLN =1 16E1 One copy, one yeur, i Otherwise, two dollurs charged. These ternti in all cases. ~ Advertisements insert' or the first insertion, ant sequent insertion. Job Printing, of all Pamphlets, Handbills, 9 I boat Bills, Blanks for N cuted in the best style a ' T. W. Dealer in Groceries. Pr. &c. No. I. Perry Bloc MARSHALL Attorneo .at Law. Oil many Han buildiiig,n Office. SMITH I Dealer in Dry Goods, Queens Ware, Lime, ChcapOde, Erie, Pa. • JOHN H. .'County and Borough,Sur 0 0 ; Ruji,linzo„. French's!. , E. N. 111ULEI BUFFALI STORAGE, FORW • DUCE COMMISSI A;tip Dealers in Lehi . and Produce gene tion paid io the sale or, Merchandize. N 0.3 fr. 4 Coburn Squ ?gat. t. nucnnwr, Madlo. S. Y BENJAMI Attorney •nd Counsellor Slttie FL.. rippmite the I GRAHAM St Attornei it L'ounscllors street. ot•cr S.-Jackson April 21, 1917. I. ROSEN7N Dealers+ in,Foreign \r, o ,J Ready Made Clothing, &c., No. 1, Flemmin Eke, Pa . GALBRATI Attorneys and Councell Sixth street, west side Erie, Pa. . J. ni.npArm. V. A. G. LOOM it Dealers in 'Watcher., Jew ver, Plated V 1 Moan Staty and cy Goods Pa, Whoi• WILLIAMS eealeand ttetall Dc, ranee, Hardware, Cro Nails, Leather, 0119, etrect and the Public S Tavern,-Erie. Pa. WILLIAM Citbinet Maker, tlph. - Stiota Slice'. Erie Pa DICKINI Phytneion and Surgeon, wept ()Hu. Met!wok,. NV ALK ER General Forwardina,, Co Merchanto; Red Wa're lie lit id %c. Erie. JOSEM Nlanufactiirera of, Tin, ware corner of French • LESTER, SENNE Iron - Founders', wltolega Stoves. JOHN BU Wholesali.and retail de Dye Stuirs Groceries Fite, Pa. C. M. Dealer in Dry Goode, Cheapeide, Erie Pa. GOODWIN Et. Dcilers in Dry Goode Donnell Block, State .. CARTER & Dealer, in IJrut!ti; muff+, Glass, tcc"., 13. TOMLIN Forwarding. and Down French Street, Erie, an son, also dealPra in G • HENRY C Peatar in Hardware, Hr. east side of the Diarisoi the Eagle Hotel, Erie, EAGLE y Hiram L. Brown; cor the Public square, Eritl Ind Southern Stage off LYTLE & I ashionsble, Merchant Square, a fcw• doors w• Pa. JOEL JO cater in Thcoloi'.ical. and Classical School 1 . 1 No. 111, FrochSirert 1 P. A. R. ittorney and ConnPellor W. T: practices in th Grant and lowa,"W. lowa Territory: - IGUFFEV.S' aerie 1, 4 and 5. for-sal , Erie, May 6, 1847. NEW ESTA In State Sire,!, nearly LOOMIS .4. CO. • New York and n extensive annortnient EAVELItY, terfibraci t h market,) watches, Cl. err, Rae Cuttery o Ste 'ld Solar Limps, Ldoti .gether within general Amenthl article& pal June 28, 1547. gt-.......,..4...... Cash For ASEl ) willdic paid f, Flax Seed by C Itue, 27; .CS.—Loare Cr Porto Rico, H le et No. 1 Pe .WE r STER 'Of 1:g ORA subscriber us imends and alto has leas. commodious ;treat CaUal B WESTERN at and detirs Ina business o , attache convenient S ithers having Is or expense 1 wee for the A' guests, and nti on to basin patrcina, pril 21. 1897. . ' , -.0. , V. , 1-1 - . . -.. . • . .. . _ . .4 ......... , , 1 . ~.....,•• . .... ,Ipß I : , . . , ~. . I I ; I • . • I , I ''• I I . I , a. • I . I ' • I.' - INiiIMMINNOMMMINIO ------------"------=--.---------- . . EiMI 'RY SATURDAY & IL F. SLOAN, T, ERIE, Pn. M-S . advance, 81 50 a year nil! invariably be ill be strictly adhered to at 50 cents per square 25 cents fur each sub• larielies„ such as Books ow Bills, Cards,Steam• nes, Receipt% toc. exc.. id on shortnotice. 100 RE. visions, Candies, Fruit , Suite street, Erie, Ps LOCKWOOD, ce"up stairs in the Tarn rth of the Prothonotart CKSON. Groveriem,"-Intdivarc, Iron, Nails Sm. No. 121, •vyor ; t.hlice in Exchange • rie. 1 r nT ac, co. 1, N. Y. RDING AND Pto- N MERCHANT 1, 11 and Erie Coal. Salt ally. Particular atten raUCC and purebaiie of re, South Wharf. U. DRMOS. i 49 GRANT, ; at Law ; ['Mee No. 2 auto Hamel. Erie. Pa. `IIOM PSON, t La w,,Orlice on French $• Co's. Store . , Erie. 1 '49 rEIG'Sr, Co. t)o*stie. Dry, Goods, 800 4 and Shoes, Ste. Bloch, State Street, S & LANE, rs at 1...nw--Offico on of iho Public Square„ LnrtArrtt. AV. I.A r. • iS X CO. lry,Silver,Gerroan Sil lia Wnie,Cutlery,Mil• N 0.7 Reed Ilouse,Erie 2 WRIGIIT. hers in Dry Goods, ro Eery, Glassware, Iron, etc. corner of kale opposite the EoTIe RIMEL oter and UndertAer, tON; a. D. .tliee on Seventh Stre e t. Erie. Pri. nnil Produce House, enst of the Pub- {BIAS EY ) Coppei and Sheet-Iron Pin.' streets, Erie. IrT 8,, CHESTER? , 'e arid retail dealers in qt , t , fl .fr,et. Erie. Pr, TON Rr, CO. fer,in Dru.-s,Nledieinrs &a. No. 5, Reed House lIBBALS, 'roLcrte..., 4c. No. 111. TRUESDAIL. Gloccriv i &c., No. I, ~Erie, Pa BROTHER. , •I fll P, Paints, Oils, Dye, o. 6 Reed lioure, Erie 'SON 8t Co. 16:101) Nlerchant?; 1109 lat 6th Sun-et eltn•dßa i oceries and Provisiona. IDIVELL. • Goods, Groceries, &e. d, and one door east of Pa. lOTEL, I ter of State street 'nota !, Pa. Eastern, Western, Ice. 1 iIiMILTON Tailors, tin the 'Public st of Sta 49 street, Erie, INSON. INiiscoNneous, Son l dny auk ; Stationary, etc. ete. lErie, Pa. BRACE, atlan,l'rdiric du Chien, ' counties of Crawford. .and in Claytoii county, of :School 1304 9 , I, 2, at. No. 111, French St. 1 LISHMENT, t- t n ppssiie u Er!glel Hotel. are n'o'w rcceivin from . erlino; at their new liters f Rich and Fashionable o the latest style of work cks, Picard and'Brialartla i t Trimmings, .Canipirrns 1,; Glasses. Gal Pens, ariety of Useful and Or. and set What you. toitA sec I • . . 6 Fl ax Seed.. r one thousand hushalsof IaTER & BROTHER. No. 6, Reed lionie. shed,' Puhlerizeil, Clad vane. New Orleans Su- FY Block. , T. W. MOOttE.. 13 --T--' AM;o 41,.. mild. respectfully . inform the traveling public gen for - a term of years this House, situated iti the I sin. This locationven t " pte • eminently the Most l le stOpping place foi all D traveling on t h e cit es !. t to this. establishment a 3 able for the ittar-4-131oat , I I as been spareN in illtina onvenience, comfort l and d the Proprietor trusts by t texterit and receive,* Ira 17.&NSIT Tb. following beautiful Linos ire Journal. Tin breathe the very sou not fail of Wing appreciatedAe ever tiful in potrey. The spring of life is post. With its huddior hopesand furs. And the Autumn time is main/ With it. weight of ripened years— Our joyou-nee. is fodioy, Our hearts see dimored.with erre, , Aud youth'. fresh dreams of gladness. All perish darkly there. While bliss wee bloom:lino uterus In the hilLert's full burst of spring. Whit, mujobearts could cheer us, Life seemed • glorious thing! Like Ike roses ape • e, river, Wheu the b goes /Wing o'er, These hopes had fled forever, • To coma to us Po more. 'Tis sol—yet sweet—to Eaten . To the ion wind s gentle swell. And think we hravthe tousle Our childhood knew so well: To gaze out on *lie even.. • And the houndlesi Sclds °fair. And feel agent our boyhood wills. To range like angels there. There are many dreams of &ridge's That cling around the , Past— And from that tomb of feeling Old thoughts come thronging lot; The forms we loved no dearly, lo the happy days now gone, The beautiful and lovely, So fair to look upon. Those bright and gentle maidens. Who seemed so formed for bliss. To glorious and too heavenly For such a world as this; Whose soft, dark eyes seeeined swimming In a sea ofliquid light, And who 'se locks of gold were stream g 0 tr brows so wady bright* Whole willies were like the sunshine In the spring time of the yearl-- Like the changeful gleams of April. They followed every tear: They hem pulsed—like hiye—away All slieirfoveliness ban lied— many a heart isnaourning, That they are with the dead. From Groboireo Moultrie. The last Adienture of a Coquette. BY Tucimas maArZTE ARID. - A more capricious coque4e than the beau tiful Kate Crossley never played with hapless hearts. She is now a sober matron, the wife ,of an elegant husband, and mother of two beautiful children. We hate to rake up the ashes of bitter remembrances; (for believe us, gentle reader, this story, though short, is hey crib° tad true; and we know one young gentle man at least who will recognize the unlit", py hero of it.) But we cannot pass over in silence the last episode in the unmarried life ) of Kate. It May be a wurning-tn.futorp, ocrtkind luaianCr of that utter heartlesaeas which a beautiful flirt can alone feel. • Kate was en heiress, that is, a moderate fortune of two hundred thousand had been ac, cumulated expressly foi her use—..for she :was an only child. She had a much larger ford tune, however, in her fuce; and that evening never passel, that threshold of her Pfath! l er's cumfortab:e I:welling; was not crossed by half a score of elegant beaux, all bloods, an some of them Men of fortune. Kate amuse herself by making these young gentlemeq ;lesions. A beautiful flirt', whe;can command even the smell sum of two hundred tliousatu dollars, is a dangerous creature in the commui I nity of Philadelphia; •and already, on Kam Crossley'a acount, had two parties of the afore I f , said young gentlemen crossed over to Camden with sanguinary intentions.- Fortsinately, however, we have tqe most vigilant police in ,the world, and a mayor whose instinct is so keen, that it has been known to forewarn him of the timerand place of a duel, the arrange : - monist( which-had been kept religiously se 7 cret froth all but the 'principals and their sec , 1 ends'. By such an effort of genius on the part a our worthy mayor, had the chivalrous lover of our heroine been spare l the pain of blood letting, and having purchased the pleasin ! . reputation ofeoumge, they were bound over and thus procured the sweet privilege o frowning at ace other hereafter without necessity of fighting for it. Matters were progressing thus; lovers wer • alternate sighing, and sm il ing, , and scowling when the elegant Augustus Nob returnee from his.Europenu tour, bringing with - him of course, a foreign mustache, and a decided ly foreign accent; Nob wasan only son of on= of the first families. He had been leftan inde pendent fortune by his parents, (deceased most of which he had contrived to spend i Paris and London, This, however, was atil a secret s and Nob was welcome anywhere., .. But under no mahogany dill-Augustus No , stretch his limbs more frequently than unde , tike,hospitablo board of Alm: ; Crossley; „W,. say' Mrs.. Croaaley, , for. although- .leer. goo , husband still lived be was nay .111entifirn) • i ' the house as a piece of its plainesOnreiture . Crossley , bed served,,bis, puipose is, thl. world--be bad made the,:togo, hundred ,oho 1. send—had retitrl from himineaspond w, B , ll'. longer Of any value:. It *ea now Mrs. C...! turn to ploy her part w,biob.consistedin !vac, tically'proving that twohundOthousend.c4.'. he spent almost achisteutit ciutibes ) pade s „ Balls, soirees, and suppers .fullowealfactif4 aria quick succession.. Morning levee: wp - beld, attended by crowds; of bloods. ,The el ...,. gam. Augustus was'alwaye; presents , and ,a h. wags dressed in the enciatlrshionable rig., • party at ebb /bouie of Mrrn,Crossley . and tb elegant Augustus not , present . Who , caul. hear. the ideal Not Mrs. , : C. • herself, w, • was otsbnitly a:churning s -- - testy dt,itiAugistuo:- . 44 is the varilitein sMil . t:,)t ilik how churning, hoUi hiaditiMilyin how raihiortabliqlnifthe'ilsir that tiiieliti. always gives. lloW m uch I long to call my dear son; and in fact Mrs.. was twin 4 no stone unturned to consum to this mate nal design. She was POL,iikett to gild moo opposition on the part gabs elegant' hires& Not only woulil the two-hundred thousan; have been particularly acceptable at that lime, but the heart of the young gentleman,' or in other words his vanity, had become greatly excited, and he felt much 4ispoved,to carry off' the coquette in triumph, in spite of the agony and disappointment of at least a score of competitors. But•where is our heroine Kate, all this time? Flirting of course, with a dozen beaux, each at one moment thinking himself most favbred and the next spurned aid despairing. Now she 'smiles upon Mr. Fitzrush, and compli ments him upon the smallness of his foot,— Fitz blusher's, simpers, and appears not at all vain of his feet—in fact, stammers out ; that they are "large, very. large, indeed;" to which candid acknowledgeinent on his part. should the company appear to assent, he care lessly adds that "they are small for a man of his size," insinuating that it is nothing out of the way to find small men with. little feet; and little' credit sheuld therefore be attached; but when a man of large dimensions is found with elegant little feet• like hi;, the credit ought to be quadrupled or tripled at least. Kate, the talented Kate, understands it all; and after smiling quietly at the gentleman's silliness, she turns her satire upon another am the Lot:juin' or. poetly. rod caps to.er of th e banal “Ah! my dear Mr. Cressy, how your eyes sparkletclast night at the Opera—they looked like a basilisk's.” This gentleman's eyes were of a very du II green color, and looked more like a cat's than a basilisk's. but not "seeing them as otheis , saw them," he replied' that "he could not help it—the mus'c always excited him io." the musk, Mr. - Cressy; but per lap,"Ah s—" She was prevented from finighing her reply by the announcement of a gentleman who had just,made his appearance in the doorway, and why was no less a personage than the elegant Augustus Bob. ; To say that Mr. Augustus Nob was a small fish in this party, would be to speak what was hot true; on the other hand, he was a big fishinfact the biggest in the kettle. Any one who had witnessed the sensation produced by his announcement would have judged so. The coquette broke off in the middle,of her satire, and running toward the door, conducted him to the seat nearest to her own, where, after an elegant bow, he seated himself—a full grown lion. Dy i ing the con tinuance of this welcome re r ion, various cil pantominic gestures were exhibited by differ ent members of the company. There was a 'general uneasy shifting of chairs-..darlHooks were shot itoward the "elegant," and concilia tory and even friendly glanbea were exuhang moment their mutual jealousies, concentrated their united'envy upon'their common rival.— If Cressy's eyes never .sparkled before, they certainly did upon this occasion; and the right leg of Fitzrush was flung violently over the Ifft knee, where it continued to oscillate with an occasional nervous twitching of the toes, expressive of a hardly repressed desire on the part of its owner to try the force of those little feet on the favored "elegant's" handsome person. It was all in vain, howev er, Nob was evidently the successful lover, fur he sat closer than any other and chatted tilt her of balls and operas; and, confident of his position, he did nut care a fig for the envy and jealousy which on all sides surrounded him. And Kate showered all e,r attentions upon Nob, and Nob triumphed o ( ver his rivals. Matters progressed thus for several weeki, Nub still paying marked attentions to the co quette, whose chief)de4ht seemed to be, not only to torment her host of lovers, but occa sionally the "elegant" himself. • Augustus, however, still continued first in favor, and from the attentions which he re ceived at the hands of Mrs. Crossley, it was conjectured by the family friends that a mar ,riage with her daughter was not far distant. The less aspiring of Kate's former lovers had hung since "hauled their wind," and only a few, among whom were Fitzrush and Cressy,. "till continued to hang on despairingly to what `Was evidently a forlorn hope.' Nob openly boasted that be had run them all out of the field, and was heard triumphantly to assert that ho was breaking the heart of the "deaw creatuw," and that he "would be under the positive necessity, of healing .: , it at the by menial eltaw.He was very' yonngto marry -quite a child—but then to keep the dear Sylph in anspenne—oh! it would be bawbaw ous-4tositively bawbaWoott" . ft is not ' to' be ' supposed that the - , dtinalng, the talented Kate was ignorant of these !Omani on the peat of 'the'eltgain - .Nob. , No-no; kneweireiiilifiti,ind among other things She knew ildr::AugUitus Nab thoroughly; and she she ral4iliid isti taking ' the'' Most exquisit e vengface oh . ~ .. , , . f3prkngi d e lightful i i toring,'lno rettirrictland t ra it) 1 , 11 . 1 4PP1.194' 9 , 1 1 4 !qPetAliiiieJi' of -1 41 Fe 7 iv woman.. i•The treeCupon ; our • side k !mike and la viiriteriutiful atitiares,` anti ante-More Oirei4d . aritbitiiiii; Wad, shady . oliagit .'ind pri*Aki§,ii.44°*P:ol.44 l /...hiiiises - ii l * . 4iltt'' some cages, trout whiO, those. vrarbling-ptill onerm—the mockiag,,b,i,rii,, end the troupial, atidthe,llyntFt and - Citierri,hirri t aendfenhlheir, Aul ' Oelo,orPrlP l i°4o ° !Y* 4 riirbnuOi!lokti ~ Fa jlllotil i•' i l e 'f a`, l' te i - ,- e i re ,begifn ing to make iriefi'aio"iiigi*i4'i*iis, 94ife014 by 1 g e ntlemen iiii ietheehePiiigiloai, nd 'pi-, *men would be only ‘Oiithii.iniy., • Sea the - dein. Of irti'elegeht mansion 16 the'UpPar part of Chesnut areet issue', a grice li f i ti end belie tiiiii girl, whole pm:aiding:4o - ,n the street. ; leivarif the busier pilit: i iiiethe tit . - 'She does 'eat lottei' tier let& in'tbe•iterip aiodowit as 'lathery generally do sit ." thirt" bete , bat walks nimbly : along 44 11 1- 14ilib she . 0 forthlW in t some preconceived errand. As e Beare that ipart oil Chesnut-at. which le in e neighbor hood qine,Siato House she lea to her pit,. ~.arA, aalke,tricn, leisurely:. 84 iit hall. to Seliloghize—f ' . .. ~ "THE WORLD IS GOVERNED TOO ,MUCH. SATURDAY, NOVEMBEt 20, 1847. "In trath, it it as much as my courage, riay; even my rep stationis worth, o enter the stu dio of my sweet painter' thus alone; but what can I do, since the dear fellow bits been it ished firm our house by the arista'prutic no tions 'of l l my mothers Well II shall risk all for bri I him, as r he woilld for me, I know,'),How flop py it Will make him to hear my errand. it 1y to think that I am forced to en Shipem nt; or marry that ninny whom myother ms chosen fur me. But I shall elope Ish U. .... Henry has so often proposed it--how ha py he will be to hear me consent; 'but "I shat du it in mi own way—that is fixed. Henry ill laugh when I tell him of my plan's.. , St one may be with him at this memetit, and prive me of the pleasure of converiting, him; but then it is all written here; end I see him i 'inion again. 41Errar Mims, lATURE PAINTER.' Yes! this is the sweet 'mien pl'ace—no one observes me enter." saying, the graceful girl entered a lr Ace! the door,of which stood opin, and, poll), a flight of stairs, - she rapt gently, With small gl o ved •fingers upon the door of ach her, upon which was repeated in gold lett the same, •%Vora that were exhibited in f of the building— "Httrix WlLits, DIINIATURII PAINTER'. Ina moment the door 'apened,ciisolo.i , . within the studio of an, artist, the artist•lt self, a fine looking youth, with dark' hair , slight muestacbe, nod dressed in a paint blouse, while intlie back gruund could be a a prim, stiff old lady in high cap and Cu: peidily and 'figidly sitting for her pert rai At sight of the new center the artist's cq tetrance became'bright with love and pleas and the exclamation "dearest!' that al involunterily.escaped, told that they were strangers to each •other, , Tim young lady, the other hand, perceiving :the sitter flirt) the half-oliened door, glided back a step It% so as le be . unpereeived by` the latter, taking from' her reticule a futded paper held it out 'to the painter, accompanying act with these words: "a message for y Harry; it would have been pleasanter, perh to deliver itiverbally, bps you See I have prepared for any emergency." So sayi she delivered the paper.re'ceivedia kiss u; her little gloved hand—smiled— id "g, morning!" and gracefully glided bak in - to street. The ertiet re-entered his studio—fa seine 'excuse to dismitii the stiff old lady, was soon burted,.with beaming face and be ing heart, lathe contents of the paper he I just received.• ' • • " - He rose from its perusal like a man mai mad from ex.ese of, joy—and from love-; he exclaimed; ""ye,', dearest heart: any' th —any thing you wish ilia!' be done. ( week, and sbe shall be mine; and ;uch a chievoue trick—i.but the fool deserves it,. ri ly deserves it, for aspiring to the lufrid of eine a) immeasti!alily . his superior. Ninny! he little knew how deeplyshe has loved, sweet girl! How she has deceived them—father, mother, friends-all! How • sweet and 'ow powerful' is first love! Kate Crossley had often been heard to ay, that whenever she married there would b • an elopement. She either had a presentim nt that such wo l uld be the cate, or she so dce is ea the moder i n, unrOmantic fashion of ma ry ing and giving in marriage, that she was re solved that it should be. Consequently,,w en the elegant Augustus Nob, on the first da of May, 1842, knelt before her in the most 1 , sh ionable manner, and made a most fashion , ble declaration, quite confident of being acce ted —who could have refusedl tie was acce ted with the proViso that it' should be an el. pe ment. "All right!" soliloquised Augustus, a - closed the hall door behind him; "all ri and vewy simple! old lady decidedly in tam w—reconciiiat ion easy—carriage .1 four—private clergy—two days in a hotel sent for, and all right again—siinple, ve l simple, and vewy romantic, won It was a r dark night—a very dark night the month of May—and a very scald one, t i and under the shadow of some trees that upon the side walk in the upper part °tell.' nut street, makißg ifie 'spot still dallter, mi be seen an elegabt carriage andhjrses dra t close up to the curb-stone. The driver waa'on the box:enveloped i t great coat; and at a short distanc l e from 'Carriage, aria leaning against 4 tree,-nigh' seen the fig4re of+ a young' man, fashions l and elegantlattiriid: • /Ryon:l4'ooth cl looiely,, hanging from his, sjanliders,• and was evidently wai ti •for SO Ma , one 39 •nd enter th carriage with him. !Therelw 1,14 PoVlers'hty,-1.11; f 3. wever t to' conjecture] ' Wetlands actions t as it was !.W9O:pincii 3 n atorninwaad ;the streets *ere, quiet.- Be peatedly took out a splendid watolwand se • ellimpatiently, waiting (or.sonn:! fixed bau Presently dr , great' bell on f th'e state. b tolled two. A light' footstep Was now , h , in the disttee; and inbmtine . eitir, a g tail woman erne tripping along, t and apprh ed the cirri, age.' :The yo* mot,. ioi c , beenleanag'agiiti4 the' tre e cognizeld lie"6gulM. and stretched on arm to co n duct ber to the carnage. tniiceltritie manor of the . lotus ea Ion:: they: aro' Atigtilitiii Naiad Kite tioiiie! "I* 'deiir tete said hitielieaii ball as lipur,— , how • ' . 'O. • . eNo c 1 , 0 „...,n0t:e01d 'on ipah:Sen mien! ours! ,Sut d ea rAuguisiu!, 4 said Kape tin ing her tone, owe, Or - married. 11 tßev. , C—; the MeV' heeheiin a father to me - E nact L. conid'et4hiolg`of; one elset he has promised we, a' ad isnow peeling tie' - ' ' •••• • "Oh r ieary' Well," replied the loier; , are sure he expects tor . "Yes; I wilt:give 4irectioni,to the driv 8e saying she whispered a word in the ei the driver, who seemed Pedeeth" Undlslll her, and entered the cqrriage, followed by Au units.- - The driver immedialely give the whip to . his horses, and turning down Chestnut, enter ed a cross -street, and drove northward towel d -the district of the Northern Liberties. The carriage now diew up before the door of a handsome house 14 the upper part of the city, and the driver, dis Mounting from the box, opened the doori let,douln the steps, and hand ed the lady to the pavement. Nob thought he saw, the driver kiss his bride's little gloved hand as she stepped upcl,n the curb stone; but it was so dark ke could not be sure of this.— He Was sure however ihlt he UP9 the : most officious and impertint driver that he had, eve; seen; and from the, Slight glimpses that he had caught of the felltv's face, by the light of this , street 'lamp he sit\ that he wore a nine-. tache, and was withal afiery ' handsome young man.. . . . . . scan Ex fel- So all, It was no time, however; to study' physicig nomy, or resent imaginary inr;ulfs. - The,doeir' of the house was quietly, opened,by,iOrne one within, and Nob tuid his beautiful bride enter ed, and were shown into thedrawingroonto-•- Ihe servant desired Kate to follow her'to a dressing room that she might taken* her,bo,k net, and intimated to. Mr, 110,h:that. the Bev.. Mr: C-...,, would wait.unon h im 'in a .minoste, , Now it was a itty straage thing' that that same dri er who kissed Ktit'a' lifileha , ml-4fOr' : he, actually did kiss it-rips eatruf , etaying by ' his horses, as every- good driver shmild ID,, gave them up to another; and walked into the house close after the bride and hridegrOgint :' It, was also strange that li t e bride ; kept the elegant Mr. Augustus Nob i impatlently wait ing in that front parlor ftir at least twenty minutes; but strangest thitig 4611 when she . 'did make her appearance slid still had her bon net on, as when, last he saw•her, andwas lean, ing on the arm of a' handSothe young. gentle-; • man wearing Mustaches and tvhite kid gloves,'' whom the stupiped, Augustbs at once recog-, i nized as the impertinent dri eriand whomthe reader may recognize as ~l enry•Willis;.the artist. - Mr. Witlikt-pcditely"thunked Mr. Nob for having kin* attended,ltia &A thither, and assisting him i in bringi ng the•affair to its • happy termination and laddil, that as he had driven the ..party thithef, - 4 hoped that Mr. Nob would condescend to re Iprocate and take ..,.. the box op their return.l l N , b, however, hav-' I,ns got the pack in so Mlle! t fashion felt no inclination / to take the b i ol., tad in,a (few mo ments he was among the Missing. He was / . . i ~ never again seen in toe cm of Brotherly LoVe. f i, • The young artist and his bautiful bride en-' ~ . Wfale'lifeffititdited'irdirs - e - li.i . r bY . Vt.: and Mrs. Crossley, which happy vent occurred a day or two after. Whoever should see th e modest and Matronly • Kate rot, with' her two beautiful children, would . h dly credit the. I story that she had ever Ewell a coquette:—. This, however, - vac her last dventore. , ' 1 Il 11 1 'Larnaos.—:The following tiun of the Leperos of Mexico ton Herald: "Nobody can tell the Lepe God only knows how lie liv l twist as little need of sthe tail] E had in Edon; hie skin di! .. eery pore. An edict requirl twear breeches would extiv a Lepero in a whole pail; of bri______ .. ....._ ... 1 • longer be a Lepero; for one want creates an other. Other men have hoi es and lands; 1 1 the world belongs to the Lep 'o. He has no master, he kuoivs no law, .lidests when he i 3 h'ingry, drinks_when he is ' rv, and sleeps wl l ien and where 'he is' sleepy 1 , - , , 'Other-men, rest from their labors; the Le , per() works %Wien he is tired laziness, , His work, however, never lasts ntkire than an hoar, ,seldom more than tet]or fill 1 , 11 minutes; just lung enough to pro',ide - ;i di ' few 'and small l ids of thq day. •ea duel a I reveler's trunk to his lodgings; duel anything that cones under his hand; piekidg pockets inclu ded, and holds nut hisihand full charity. , Such is is work =-he is a doer of , / horns. he_ eats an'thiug and everything—Ash, fish, andes , pe jolty- fruit. • 1, , The chief visible , I occupat ro ',is to amine bimseifiandt co; in tune of peace, does ni cri4emetits. !lucent Goon....An•old. I y lining on.nue the Telegraph lines leadin frcim this city; serVed some . worlinrn 'dig 4 ng' ,door. waif , pat a postin for the Tel*caph,7,wastliti over. , Wild with fury ~ a nd! eiffright,'-nhn Continently seized her bonnets n d ' :next ' neighbor witty Iyou think:" she exelsimeil, in breatblvlS , 4te l 'othey're a•settin';up - that•itssad ffr 4 raps. right agin thy donr; end nnw II :ok 'lto ,typ he, clul ha I a dy can't . spank- it child; .or I scold oiihand, nr That- with a neighbor,' lbeiiliritlleenSt iht hell be n-biabbin it 'ot-§,r there ain't : none of them onnateral 'Paseneei AnOmrtrquersald.:. , ollget; of the Steamer vifbany is Tor ".basing , things done up right oti board Of. hiecrtiftl.'!ll6 l 4l# l e:ol4ed,at‘ one ef,the: Weiterti;" toe w _1;4P: 8 4:c:9 1 944 ogeilP4 4 on,t. /retina for the. National Liberty..ConeeptOt. Their peculiar taste Wore accontodated bylthe captain; so far as orassign:a ittate t two berths to one of each color, Hat '' fn the, eeting'department,'the ce:ptaiti' reftie'oct to, permit te s g es s m tk- ! able eittrYtO '',o3 • with his white passengers ? , Wheretttott, finale of the, white - portiOn of 'the ! s tlete,g4tftr took offence, and made complaint. , Tfle,'4w; 'tein, after informing them that it Wits' egivillt the rule of the. boat, raid 'that 1 they'ainthr if they chose, remain until. the other passengdes had eaten; when Al:irs - could _partake it the slime table with their colored brethren. ; They did so, Otte furnishing , •a practical ex3raplifli cjtioa of the fraternal 'feeling between-* I two race.—Tetrde Blade. ' 6., IC l a it :!!! r' ~. , . • _ • • How to get.a C bin Passage.'.., Those who have ever' made .a voyage to Brazos Santiago, Or an • order point across the Gulf, in One of our Go i ernment traniperts, must slate noticed a crowd of all sorts of peo-,, ple on board—froth - the . - epattletted officer to the humble private- s -from the privileg,ed Cabin passenger to the quarter-master's inah' who 1 1 has ,to cat and sleep on deck. In iinetpf these . moneyed crowds there is much to teach the mind, rare losons of ht man nature. Here may be found the favored son of affluence, "to the manor born," with his commission easily, if ,Inet unmeritedly, obtaited: the brawny old regular, wlui has' "Joliet he State service" in many a hard campaign, but who; ilqiught ea . -, [Aide of drilling a hatia4n, is istill a, prititte; 'the,, youthful volunteer, inexperienced ,injhe hardships of camp-life, seeking distinction by his ralur iii, the battle field, and ea,gerly 'pur suing. the "babbl"e reputatinn'at the cannon's Mnutr', the devoted cam? -woman fondly fu!- lowing 'her husband into the very midst of an enemy's country, to share with him the . dan: gers and toils and chancre of 'war, andihe , w'air.gitili , and .light] heateri teamster, who seeking adventure,volunteera to go,and run his. risk abroad in or erith'at he niey tee = -"the elephatit.", '' • ~ , ~ • . But We are forgetting our. purpose:- ie-tbst of telling !iozoto get . a oloin pngsage. , , NO. 1114., Ity, weeks since,, when' one of our finest and ' ' swiftest transpiirts:was "tibout leaving'the le- vee"for Irera Crtiz, the usual crewd,iticlias 1 . • . we have described ,above, went en board and made arrangements for, the passage; teach one having an eye to malting himself as comfort: 7 able as his rank or circumstances Would al;- - low. 7 The passage register was lying open Li the_eabin, soon C01.,--f- hadlhis name &mitt for berth "A No. 1," Itlnj.-- followed 'nd entered his none; Capt. ....... and N . , --, 77 --., and —,-- did the Innd,,to make the matter short, all thoset td to a berth in the cabin followed in'or id enteretittheir names 'in the register. ' was bitstle and hurry:' trunks box,. t , holsters and sabres were being tam t out in' confusion; the steamer-was 0 , -1 -'e ady to let go her hawser . i'..nne young'l ' r aP. had vc: ft it i i r i g n ot l e e n ut a en b a n ni ; s 4 s i t t ri r ß oCe o r n ie l s, ils ' i could mowhere see his servant on I ) nd the scene was one ofgreat disorder] ly; when ,a plain and neatly ldressed I man of intelligent expression walked.' up to the table where the register was I tnd in a plain bold hand wrote "John, on, Al, :D.," opposite No. 16; • The regltafee . bitritliratitcrtoitie - ycitinifriini,] nor, I can give you a more comfortn 7 th than 16—one hotter ventilated." it.nk you, sir, I'll leave it entirely to i lection." ansWered • , Robinson, and quietly oft:; • . .{ the steamer was under way, and the I iers began to dispo;i themselves about ,in as was most convenient.' Robin : a small valise carried by one of the r,s, and placid in the berth selected fur i •the clerk, and sat down perfectly at r...,', But this was not to last long.—: the "sure enough" officers suspected tbinsen was intruding, and not knowing was, called the attention of Capt. suit ti ECM tame, ME der nn All saddle. bled a most r, gentle should anotho bnard, genera young quietly lying a Rnbins i rMak "Do Lice her "Th, your s' walked Son . pss..en the eat) son it; raphie deserip s from the Bus-, 121E12 1 0's occupation; 'es. He has•al iir as Adam' and iiinky the sun at lig the Leper o iguish the race; !•eclies would no Imo ME One n that: whn he to him. -- yoti•knr who that man is, Captaitt?" . . ,id the ingiiiiltive officer. 4•Not exactly," replied the Captain, 'abut I think he is one, of the teamsters tinder my charge: rii,sce the clerk nboit it," and • so saying he went to the clerk's office. As he _nagged where Robinson was sitt'ing he recognized, him; and approaching the Fie, saidin rather an abrupt tone- - 4 ,1 / 4 Vii‘.; Mr, do yen allow that, man (point :: ing to RObinsrM) to enter the eabinr.' man"' answered the • • as much' right. sir, in the cahin you have.'l:l oY6ii are mistaiten.'' said the Captain, "dti • you 'most whol e he is?"- uCertainly knoW who he is—that's one of yr,inr . The aTtonished officer started in.,,atnaze men?. and ex;Clitiitied—.. • - oWhyl, sir, that's one of my teamstersiii.. genii int] vil!" ' Iti"Was now p , it-t)line for the clerk - to shOW sunrise, and be looked the, eti f aa. tordslinirtentv on of 11,ini.,*: CT, city of Mexi, t lack cheap a- :r , ati l yon.writelf: DJ , after' t ItTi , asked lie Oniiii ',ndei: •• - '-"- " ,•. •,!•; :•1,.. ,-',., ;;,,• ;•-,: 1 • • 1, 1 : t a. ii , _33 • -••• ••`-`,, •-t . l' ....•, : • ,..‘6: ;: .., •;;.... , •••••. I. ~, ~ P.,, -_, %$. •• 1 2 , ••,,.. ~....••;; :•.• 2 .-.: • - , .„ ,444 y0u ...4 do;t9r, qi - 111N191119., Ars . ll FUK -7 gen., continued: tile Paptnin.•„:: • ,i_ - ~ •-•'i 4 stip;,,tiii, l .:Ciiiinly,:eniignreititA"Robinson:' -, ; '. j;;: t e itr 0 - _,,W i llY iiiii r ,,Ou:tittiotis!tiolie iiiitjatt: Ili , :iiiillp i caustiritheruittiiiinnte rd y piiiferaidnli 0. r,•intletifif, WIWI& tile ' artn);.7- • •'- •' • : ''''!eil,''(iiiiiP.reiliin.iri tnr- rankl ' txpliin j ;, i... 1 your s your sl4:,. ;kip 1 ? an ofridder! Continued the 'Cacti.. .• . • • • • , - . ,,, 1. ' l O . o‘iri• 'hirer said I ciips IC' offiCeri inildi'vlieiklieti itobitilai;n; . , ':',.' ' ; •, , ic MVO, sin g e=deln.RP494A 6, o4l 4 ' 4 l." !f.‘;llY .re inilS . 1 t he smile it l i`stal4;ntipet - ihiq " 1 ily , reinariteili ,','hut , I'll sontt. pep ,nl,l ,"- add stepping intp - the: cabin , look itisler'etticl 'Painted. - to - 'clolitt jltobiaL. to..— i— 1 • ,-- t. - ti •...,, s ' { : - , • - , 7s , : f i . ::01., , ,: i . .. js tinic neer4lo,the,:passengcra Aere ig , nbnutothat •regisier, Ititilrig ;,ficatEd 14in0., of there Obit.. the Captain of •the 10isi, ;had "also - joinel the , enmenny', 10 ,C19.)," - Au!ning round :tri -: ltp§iiikiii; ,; h 1 here, : D:ictot,. :on M r.. R9binson,l Pi 'el , you Fite: is this your \ nitro l'' ''''" • ' ' "nili:itifitiil . ,bar'(;Ssic) - 'en2i,l7y,ki# v??,:nilii ng i:o . ‘ , llte.,3 . ,nitte:in see trltiele, nam e ` 01e Ireant, , said ,u pen seeing ,, the • llama OA be . .he Id his:finget— ,, . , . -., !:_. '''il.i. i 41 1! f '1 9(r181 1 ' A4 ''e P hi . fldel. Of . air,,,thatls, nix : ninv." -, do 3;ou 'use theql. D. ; Prier y o t! do they mean?" "I have no soil of obje - ctinii,l you Al. D., as' /lisp The- let .1 t -1u e - Driver! John liotingon Rohl naoni IVltile.Drivei! - add I eh.e.l'" ' . • • . 1 ... 4;11 fiends fa,..ufflied at the !men iiiio(;thei feli Ow,and the Cdptain of the Sh'iti kid thig *V Al: D:touldn't gb tin the ii,ocic l af hit vessel till\ 'est,and sleepy' "no lithV it conlci be iiiied.k...: 1 , Naii Orleans' Picayune. 1 t Sad Changes tfla'ian OM outwork bercirSsid I 'Otto • a . so softy soloW, so lady-like, that I , lwrotunta: rill s t arted and looked-up: lj•i',,,, ,_ _, 4.110 you give outwotk *qv , ?' ~,, -.1,k, 'Not to strangers,' • Watt the midi-I'lop The stranger stringer turned and inilke4ll - 14y:;_ , I 1 ft Ilia elio pa iid foil o'Wed 14 Strange likf.; ' Pasling Thompson i s she paUtiedFr;we.nt,itt hesitated:-then turned and".einti cidt.) , I I** saw'r face-41 whi very p r ele-Aer itilir; hhick as night , was parted On fileircirefiett :her evedieto were very black l'atid theriAilia 'a 'wildness , in them that made i me shudder."-i She• Missed on Op Broad way•tu Grand street; wileie she entered a miserable! lookifie dtvil? lino.' trialisOdshould• I 'col ow fttrlititit+; ,She Was o Was evidently Safterhigl idee,i;;:r -1 - .ltnit happ-4bleSsed with wealth, a id o,•h,oarlideir: sed i '-littaband, childretti'friendal - -I'llt*itt4 --. ...1i door Wad opened - by te - fB o rdsOcieking WO man: : _ ,, . i - -. .......: ...; , ifs there n person lividg here l who does plant 'II I inquired; , inquired:.. not,' Was the reply: , it fterel!litlktii, iiip sitars, '7ho used id droriclimt itheeltiVt, y-more to do-==arid I Quill turn Itefotti blostri : - - [:. '':- ''' ~,''' - r,l Et. niegd Ili,' sald_l, 'pgSsiiig.lild ttiitiniti, shudder, as I ascended Of liiiii•i;-_, - :2 ~ n cantlteep on to thegar4ii ihe.spipitiNz. "er die; - and - act I didand, there I I St*: a of whicll, 't the child ocalfluend4liad 'dreamed!' ,Thelidy had[throt6t Cify,hei Id Was kneeling by,the siddefe,iticif iMiti: ller h'air had fallen Otet, fief abocilders: 1 sobbed nor, breathed rilitbiii - lefirded motionless -her foOe buried lit the Cit4riili of the wretched niiserallle lie(l' dlielecidiat her Bu n s and. ite was sleeping:!-. I lookdd at his hikrh,maielforehead; larotind which 'o6'l masses of damp, btodli fttir- - zif trit4plinil the pdle !land' Olenelied the clOthes=itfii,iothi', broke from his lips--. - -'I cannot pay yoo. io N .4 I could bear it nci longer; odd kdoeked.geitt)y: i at the door. The lady raised titu.itetud, Alit*: ha: 14i.r.lnpn.blItilidiqdr . ititic t sorra% want, Peihapa sittr‘:etid i d, *ere ilettitiii me; II came to feel: for ii person tcdo plait work,' was 'all could say: •1_ - 'O, give it. t o u me," she sobbed: - 'T*o d!ifri the have not ,ta s ted food! and toiritorizier: She gasped. rind tried to finish the se eats; 1)5/ Could not: She knew tolmorinw they would be both honfoleis arid stirvirig: 'Be comfort 11, yoU shall want ne mar i ; ' I kept my 1 ord: In a felt( day . sbe\ told me' all; of d.lys of; happineft in t Bunny Wet India I•le; .her chilltioo l cia home:\ ; 4l:g the /milli of a },!her and another; of a cruetlitii to and r brothe )l : - inLiaei; hm , she left titat - Mmtl.' hoping to findla brother in Adt l erie.d;'ito*thei sought.l in vain H . found a hu4band; he; . neo) an linglishma! a - gentleman, it sOliolar, 'ad been thrown u on the world; 841144th:1d rip= Coed 'into lov, ; alone lii a crowd. ,all,thd •world to each I C ther, they marrt . ..d. Ite kii. : .__, cured enipluy 'ent id a silted!, l 'she - plain nee.; die tir o k: ' S.Lelose stiention to the detlei of leis ach cil, loli Walks: indSearie l Y fatelit tiviiikt 1 ill hea tit, an confined itiminti length in ble . bed: • • • '' - Tice hop - fr. hi *Ma this plot' wife bbl ill; el worit, Mile and they were Otii: dlr.lihil had hicl i ked hip l oveary dayd toti erritsiciyatenit. - 1 - riliny - had non, to givol.otliers *gar* tid , ik to Strangers.' TlitiSl foetid tliedi to eo li ft a lt) thetri fur a : flit ' time; then Irtitist'thalb l tinti_ a Omni:drier iri hedvett l ..„ 1, .. i , . _ . t The latsba .. died .firlit; died ttitiOing 1 the hand bf his pd r wife in mine; 1 it ne,edeclnoi the mu te apps , link tank hetavr i tne.r ' litch i: her', to 'pity ow- [ httiliy honk- but Al'efillildki ME !man get a l to-mq with gy. dd of 1. sight I neve hat a bed. —she Lite: 1. It is Ivery lit She hat pasidri She di her k,i darts a little.b side tie at - 2iiiy •L/0 -0 .14,ft,1.P1 ( `tisti;ti:l.4l,fitte, 0, rfriaalibais iiirty,Ltne by iret4'* hb lertimiiin I hei, s ir et 01 : 1 TheY:,, r atio , 1 then-} dire t theril'told th' . I ;! -, 4 ll 4 f iv ' el ', l ‘ Iftyron;l 4 4l! ---- 'O , ii teat -- one of ihe riri ..t. i 4166*.f ‘• f, . , =MEM =MN Oeottibility when e tiii iitittl sr b iirr4l i3riritmig torigreptior: tb botl4ifoit ivotehip for t Worla; iti' Ocir o I ..~~ I~ 43: u'l ~l{' I 4. 4V11113E1i . , 27: - : , i name; villa r, to' labOit- era, staid•toe uothia,o 1I I, • . ..; !. l t ._- . 1 le iime iigo I vein to her ioiaca. t H'stlts-iiltittind dltteith" 40.,ai, - George: lifie":4ll4 'i nil ili7, frlOcii begged ~014 to `!,. ik v i 004 idokei l i i i.4 simiii.i ,:iiiii; . wit hlietlit - dot:mita tvaiiiiiigli f(kieeiii'tegni" 4. -2'' Y:',''''r e l'; ll !gll f l l l !eiife! i ii a diliZti f ; , . not ip6alc so naragylii twit I• • . y do-jou-leave Eder •,), ~ , :,_ =. I 6he 4fitti, Niiire.' Ole tin inithirt4 iii WIT . taiht:' • 'Flit geftfl *al I ‘dittfitiy home;' : 7 - .'...,,,:`' alp. Oeorge, andlo4l,iyillll 'Mit ittihis iti tne;•= , :.. `: , ;....::' Wiid afia :thilafin tOiObit iimit l'fa6eiii*E f lie,lat 1p heriiliii.4* - ; I . ''''' l ii forf ofi 'i ell i: t 'la vet see p o . .. 0 , „ern-the;Vitt. knowledge olliiiiiii Or OS itirti - the + . theltfcit doff, •'4lF9litb,r'ii`kEr:ii. i • ' '."'`..` , „iicyjAtii iiiiiiiot4fe.4;l l ,l `.._ l -1 ..fiEti 'hid 'AY Pbaket , P 1046 - nilinnin I erc.c!ant- iiwitar and 'I. edtiTitions 'I evO.'tnioii ilk's:Ali ii Wit *iiiiiisi fiqiiiii isi 1561 y .._.. io4leir.;..:Atittait ill11)Ciliag: tilott iiihiattmi ilifir; ikited. ttni tjp darkness; 1 - -.-- .:.. -: • .- 4:'' , l Aviiinniso in Bistitait;- - rilliii ;An c./afehip in Onki of thatp64. "ties' id ;iiiir '*kit ifill, ibillit fiparain aniichOpeiid!loil* bt '0 poot:i i , ! This; 44,0 . tliftt PTO i zse Olt idOrigit tt . ' agar* of tite Itt# l icv et trait 1" F .--. •' s EF3 UM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers