II v..1: - . 3: ;.LOR. SMITH'S OREAT. k NATI QS . ,-4)4:7,P,14 4 1 S. - I - DE. G-33ENJ. salutes . • AMPROVIiiIN'OtANiVi.GriABLI " (8 136 n 'SVATEriI ]'ILLS • ' All.ll thcmo.licom for the Unit it States,' and their superiority over oil others for entirrt ellleacy Mid phasnotness h it won sr them a pre em. epee of fame Which needs no foreig ilethienee to pelt:initiate. Alruosi . 1 0(411.1eJ they bare silently worked their vrej. nod turd gained ri perm•ment bold oq the approbation of the peoplenbleltuo medieino opposition ea'n relax. For shoat four years they have triumphed over dispose, ' and lerenglit,joli and gliders, in many ad enalous bosom. TRIsIIL 1 6 11111111 . 317, A S e,meillcel Centime nit, conLielialstheM tothe mot deli tot9i slad even the more hardy, who have iirffered from tbs . :2o44i or impure proper' ie4 in the ilrinieeh, will in anger be plowed with the delightfcti Operaticet of theca nib c Pills. They harp the rare merit of the West care. fatly strived tuttredunits, aro elahlys cite; And there can he an danger or %akin* them improperly litany item. , A salratal 11111 Alf. locciro.t - their ecizelleacp in relieving the of many prcenreore of alarming diseases, keeping the 'bow• rt4l gently open, thaefiby„ ensuring the - continuance of haelth.. - :The most ,etdinent, cheutrit In New. York hue jien hlieertifidato dud these Pitts - are PURELY VEG ETABLE, or •,. • • • ~ - NAVIOLUEVA OWN 11101031111 r. Thi l S v g o lett prinelptiqecoguized by the inventor, of this inval fit Anedlaue am, that cv ry p ire of the body., whet rin health or abeam, is brought under the intle-i once of the digestiteirrpau.4 , This plate' and ruined „doctrine forms the only ground on win.e' a good family Poidlidne can be recommended. Operating according to this principle. nit smcriiN rit.hs STIII4N6IIIIEN s romAIDIS,_ Promote the secretion% of the t.tVilt, SKIN, mid KID NEYS, end REOULATE TUE BOWELS, theft by adopt. lug the om.r NATlyttit I. and 'coosistent•methed of ren dering the LI FP - 111,0p1) KJ a P., by cor.eming the vitia ted homers oldie .wh he system. It is impossible to give every pirtiesilar in this brief notice, but these Pills ore - etree-tly recommended as a means of preventlogio maul, misery and disease, which grow out of cen.tipettan of the bowels, neglected colds. slight attdeloil eze., and which it is in the poem of ALL TO Pit EVEN r. Theta Pill* do not PALLIATE, hot 'Me V CILTItE _ • Host all disc tses or the WeAva Coletry, and la ALL BILLIOUS DISORDERS,• - • Thry stand ulmic. unparalleled—Till: SICK MAN'S EMEND. Among the compls.hit, for which are highly recommendod, urn the fi.ilowing, vic FEVERS; HVBPEPAIA. INDICES; lON, COSTIVENESS, HEADACHE, HAD APPECITE, .DIARRIHE ICH ENTA It Y, I.IVFII. COMPLAINT, WOR3M, HEARTBURN.- rotit. STOM Mit!, JAUNDICE, fly rolio4iog the simple ilirectionit which neroinp.iny every box of genuine ptlll.n lolrininent. cure will 1)3 of feeictl." Mon of the 110SI'Vf.11.li in New Vorli !lase giv , _ , these Cale the owe have hero teitea, nn,l*.evorti in Nam York and elneerbern BEWARE or The demand for Dr. S•nith's Pill.; being every n here great, severial tinprineipled perstoos bate male Pat , of the most ni;set.itile and rianverout.ruff mot to palm then, n off rot the genninc, have pat o a h•riatiqg of rugar."— Therefere.hea and altv..ve 100. for ISING'AIATFIZE OF G. 13110i.11. %Mtn. O 4 theLnttn:nofetayb et, to cottoterliiit tr tijoh is rot:, V. Moro than 14.1tt eiikilluates loty ba. n receirot) et thiti prinCip:rl ogicr. nod 111 rt peopro aro ri fru tal to 4 •Solitler4 iirllo & U shutle," w hero they con read of the tuotsiraportant cares. We give, for wont of room, loot fon I'ESTIMIONIALS. 1 ' From Rev. I.uth,r lln oporolo won. Dr, Soiish", uro pusely autl produce a gaud rcpult. Editor True ‘Veble.yan. From tho Rtr. J. firilett , My selfd has taken :Ilutftt's, ble'rrimm's, awl many nth sus. but aliSe "has received more hc..uefit from Dr. South's Pills Manful] others. She hclii t , they may be used by females u!ttli perfect safety,, without E . h.tnging their etu ploytucue or diet, and ut coy be.oll. JOHN 1{."r1.1 - TT, 127 nrooutyl). MSMMIINJIE Dr. Gjihmj. Sinit hale emlrely cured me 01 .rrizzirims'ill my 10,1,1,0101 geuer.d,treakue•, ofmy Ey. • tem. Ply titnili u..t !bow %%WI lfiejbm,t I would 001 be witboiSt them. F. , 09 Furs 11l bt. Prtnn tho °fain 111:avk !titer Jt. Dr. Smith's Pills ;train, from the objuetiong to which olbrr ere liable, end ore the heel medicine thnt halo yet been. J. ClttliNF.. Frntn the M. Tonawanda, N. 'l'. Dr. gm ith's Pella are the best I hate ever used, c J.C. KIRI. , lt, I'. 31. From,ll,t. S rittriirp,h ... hate used Dr. Sinitic'. rill •, kac*Siny arc a good &c. S. WILLIAM: 4 , I.c Davi. Ch. Tram Rev. j. G. L.ll,toi tor. Dr. limit/I'4'l'llN lire in gre it delimit*" in this region from their plc isaqtne,. and • JUIING. L. II ASKlNS.lgarion•N. Y. From M Damn, tho sau4kir. Staieh —lta•peelati Ftioael—Thy rifle ere wiling very rapidly, and give diet rate eatieriction h this place, enkeep.lo. MOS EA 111.1,DE. 267 Matue.at. Dr. Smith—four pill. are well li rd hero. ' , ED KATO:Ii ) DEmocitAT. Dr. Smith—l am much pleased with. your Ind. Vest. Surer Coated rips:awl teen them in my Munk.. 1.111.001iVILIA:(1A,) AMERICA:V. Teta above nee may a filer extrilets.-but a e might go on and Cilia whole oi %espalier with eimilar 01.105. 'I hero are now ;ha enost'poptilear in this country, Dud give the in et general euti•factimt. Thene Pine wi l l, Ulu/aye cure POLDS in , a mueli more, pleasant: way thou any other renitali. edr . tide they are- THE DANGER Of hring decetvid is now uPparent; ss Doctr Smith's- Tills have become Very popular throughout the country, imitators livve sought to palm aT wo tlaless stu'rwilli a "coaling ofaagur" to cover up it tuck t daugesous com pound. Dr. C. uruliecker, at% herb says that n person in, that plus CAIIIO near losing his from the etTc.:ta of countgrrett ' , Sugar Coated ' f rom it gsutlianan Lintivville, Ky. Wan seiLed with violent I ,t °tutting alter their Ode.' Got' the genuine nr gel omit, ;11111 PPP that G. RIiNJ~ figgrit Is treitieA with r pat. ou 1110 bolfinn of each hog. PRIZVCIPAL OFFICES. •• - NEW YOEt,K. l'i9l;throwith Shiest. • BOSTON, 14 Witter Strut. Citett r Brother, No. Howe. J. Cunimiluk Cu. Cul ncr of ilntutc and it • Straits I March ' LAPIES canfind at the currier atom, a nice ar.• • sortment of .C.4loses,- Mitts, floisciy„ 4-e. ko. Hdlas., Fancy Fana, Combs, Steel Peed flags', Purses, Purse twist and trimmings, embroidery materiuls,.iuch as FrenOs Floss,°morsted; ihincil ors, &c. &c. , all %Tr - y.4:llcup, by , METCALF.I.I4 29: tell. , M —,— • . New Woollen Factory AT NORTH EAST. UNCAN, JE WE,TT & C e. hay,: just corn rt , _LJ' menceil imibiess of inanufactiwiril Woollen • Goods, dreA,.inc doth, eardinir Wool, .3.c. -Their • machinery is en!iroly, now and of eastern nianti. . facture, and enikrip.cos the latest improvernonts.-L, The business will b,:sconducted by jr.A Jews 4, • who has ha/ . 20 ,veare' experiencc in , it. toth in this country and England. ' They will man 6. • ficture on sharcis t giving one yard of loth 'tor two and a quarter lbs. of wooli,:or for ready pay in . cash br country produce, - arid on as 1 reasonable terms as any other establiAment in the county. "rheir manufaLlOry is locate I about one milenorth ikthe village, ' 'ALEX. DUNCAN. . ' . JOSH 11 A .1 EW ET T. 1 Nors i l E . ri .. 12. 15 18 ,1 1 A 7. 0 B. STEVENS.'" un 31n# RPETING. WE otter a few pie9es ALL WOOL Carpets, very'elwip at - Ilday 29, 1817 CARPET BAGS tSaida Is. Among which we have some of ,the Wilton and Venetian 1 that are superior CO any in market, selling very cheap at . ' , • AIETC.ILF!.... May 29. 18 a. i • PARASOLS AL A ftGE aseortment, ell s yles end qaalities ofnrod as near mann! acturers prices n , t is consistent with a kinali comatiedion iwourselvee, M ETC ALPS. OEMS • New Goods! New Goods!! THE subscriber is now 'receiving. his„sprinz stock of Fancy Dry Gond..., Groceries, Hard ware, crockery,. Iron; Nails &c., which A ill be sold at reduced prices for ready pay., My old substantinl friends and the pul•lic. generally , arc ' 'requested to call and examine goods and, prices, • they certainly will not go away dissatisfied es 1 -will not be sold by any West, of Now York, for ready pay. SMITH JACKSON.' May 6. 1 4 .17. 1,51 CIENIS, 1 eghara . Hats, a good assortment may bound April ILL( AMS-Sr. WRIGHT'S. WES ERN 110TEti, TOHN GRAHAM, , Propriefor. `The Hi el subscriber would respectfully *inform II • his friends and the traveling public "en• erally, that he has leased for a term of years this new ; andCOISMO4iOII4 - Elnuse, situated at' tile Eightli street Canal Ba.in. This location sew' der,s the " WESTFAIN ",pro•oninently the most convenient, and :4esiroble stopping place for all either do,inglitielkesi or t myelin.; on •tho Canal, There ii,also, attached• to' this establishment - a larks.anceonvenientStabldribt-the use-of-Boat:. wen and others having hoeSfs., tio'palits Or expense heti-been !pared, in titling' up ibis• house for the conYeniertee. 't - eniforrariß pleasure of guests,' and the PrOprietbi,AinSitt by strict attention to business to merit and receive a share of public patronage, Erie, April2l, 1817.. PAINJyTHESIDE, SCIIOFp LA, • Ijt 11 1111;•00D, OBSTittIC: I lONS, FENIII ‘ V: CONIPLAINTS, Rif .I'l'l 151, WIIO Jr/ NG COUGHS., Wt.' AR N Olt rI;S, lII'S OUGHS, COLPS, f'f If l'• • I.OIV SP/HITS. &e. er tetir thins 21 ki tl. iltal I EIIINENr PHYSIC! U'is, use them I I erelr practice, IMPOSITION, MEI METCALPF. El T D 1 1 ou,A,QAINST:aIiKWORLD! NO E • CUSEZOIt, IGNORANCE 'Now . ,: ;; :•.; /..ie : ..- - J ,-',.-•. ~... r_t , !/:1,:_ttl: - I;i . ' ! • • , JOr.4 .391INSONi l• : :.. t , 1 • '-• '` ..,.. _ ~i' 11 . • Ii • - -OHP.APSIDP;; btu; iiii;. ~ ;;;;,.: t -, 4 . wf s- il: A ; 1 - feeilli,CdfroT Noir'YOrk •- -.-- one and eteghiltimppli of book einbincirie Tlieolo icols„ 4VliebellOnelitis; - Aul'idv and eta'irsical School Bookis,:Stiiidnitfy;'Ste&C. wiiiih wilt 'bel eatd'i•hirtyei• lb'rilitet - than iyer tie fora nlctea in this ' , ingk . e:t. : :,S.ttioi4Cliir +1 . 104 may be round • - -•:, --, ,. .., • ii ~ A nthon's eloi3leollYiesi;s3, Robinson ' 'Greek and En,',lli eh pictiiodirY; ssi' Webittlei Rtion ary; e 3 50: ' '' • -,-' ' '...' '• ; 'Antlion'a Viigil, St, ' ' A tiihim'a IlorOee, $ l l 5 do . - 116thei.; I 50, ' ' do ' - Cieeroil - .1 5 'Anth'on'y Jacobs' Grack Reitdet,l2;, ' • , -4 ' _do ' do ' - de: 'Lelisone t - " , 1 - • o'" do' , dci . Litton' '" do' '..1; •` ' . det - , u ' 4lo' . do Prowl - ay, 1; - . do ' - ' do : ' Sollost, 10- Atothemat ice, including 'Algebra, Le eetler,,Amdytacittl Geometry, Surveying; &e: Davic'e arithmetic, Kkkhain'e Grammer, Adams' do • I Hail'a, - ,11 S Histaiy, Mather's acoldgY; 1 OlneyliGeogtaphy,.. Mrs Lincon's Botany; , Morse's do , Comstock's - do 'I Mitchell's do - Burrett's" Geography of the Neuritis, with large and splendid atlas; the 'Electie- series , of Reading 'Books. .1 ' Addrew's and Stoddard's Latin Grammar, do ' do do Reader, Camstdelcie choreic's! ry and philosophy, ' Sanders'Readers,' - - . Bennett's:Book Keeping, Walker's DiCtioary, I Colt's de Johnson's do , Moor's Byron, Scott's comentar!e's,,6 vo. $l3, Dick'u works, lihrary edition; also, cheip, The works of Chesterfield, Rusk's resitlened at the court of London. Fof's book of Martyrs, Joseptins' uorks, Plutarch's Lives, Redline' do Ladymf the Manor, • Adclisons' do G owl's study of medieine, Drycl en's , do - - Hooper's mcd. Dic'ry, Eberle's Practice, Gay's med. Joris'clerice, ' do Therapeutics, Cruden's ceneordunce, Platonic Theology, nyland's elements of Moral Scienoo, The Sch ool and thelSehool Master i Dr Olin'S travels in time cast, .• • • ThurWalts History df Greece, etc. • Guide to; the 'Proplieetes, 'Dittnas'•Travels, . Barns' Notes, , • • Fuller's works,. New SPiritolthe Age, Chalmers works, . Bucks religious anccdreets Malcom's travels, Gibbon‘s Rome, ' Pt ideniix's connexion, Oil, of Holier, Worlis of Charlotte Eliialieth, complete, do Frectrika frreinet, do Moshim's eclesinstical History, I Luther on Gala•ions, Janes' church History, Pictorial History of the American Revolution, Life and Sermon 4 of Whitfield, to mith's England, Parle'y's Univeri Togetlier with ma tey voidable works too nomerouoo mention in. Ithe b ,limed space Darn adveri,T4ent, Call and see—no charges for showidgi l bookv. Jit9l23, IS 16 PAINTINGS, CIAO - tit t 4 - Dutiful collet: rings, plain anti, colt Per sons or taste ca not pleat"— ..h the selection. It (tomprisesiviews olsome of the most romantic and picture:Nilo places in Europe and this country. Among therrOare two Oil Paintingc 3 hyi,3 1-2 feet in rich gilt frames— the,onea view of Troy and the flud , op from Mt. Ida, the other Wr.shint , ton's Head Qtit rtcra, near Newburg, on , the North River; also. 'Views of St. Clout!, L u ',c of Zurich and surrounding country, Labe of Zeus! and Surrounding country; A general View of 13rtmsels, • A - Moonlight View, a beautiful piece,. Forest and Winter Scenes, ' scenes, &c, also, ayery fine and . Cizirrect likeness nrqueen Qictoty, engraved • on steel from Sulky's painting„.aloo of Her two elder child Fen, Allio and Albert,. in handsome gilt frames; a beautifuk ..- Nlezzeti IA engraving of "John . Anderson ~ 4 1 my Joe;" a rare a' d interesting pietuie. ' Also a collection of rare and beintiful Birds end Flowers, correctly nil elegantly colored, de. sinned for instruction t learners or as-ornantents for the cdlitre table. Peritoris•diesigning any thing in the above worth their attention, than they con tie 'porch, Nov: 28, 1818. ig LIG= TO BEHOLD!!! ATI THE BRICK CORNER OPPOSITE THE EA- GLE HOTEL "THIS DA Y . :OPEN ED. direct irons the Eas tern cities and Manufactories,- Iti large and null selected stock of - 7 „. si; JIM MIR "Nlir -.5.21P IMP VUIPMINN • '. , Comprising a great,:•v Hayti •Dress and Fancy Good-; Shawls whhou rtninter; Nlen'aand,boy's summer wear; Linen, aiul any quantity of Domes tics; to be sold ,cheiipr than focr;, with An eaten sive stock of ' I , ' GROCERIES AND iSHELF ,HARDWARE. - All of which will be acid as ebga pae the cheapest by , W I LLI &MS & W RIG UT. Erio. May 15, 1947: - • Si LIR)SSED Table and Piano Forte Coyet4, Enolish and American, fur sale at the "New Store" No, 5, Cheapaide. MORTON 4" co. Erie, May ‘2,2, 14J7. . 1 CALIFORNIA fur ,Boy's coats and paltalorm., a li;tle the nicest out, at, the "New Store s " No. 4, Cheapaido, , • MORTON & F.rio, May 21:1817 LL: U EN.—A lot of prime Swedish Leeches, in g ood condition, just received by \ June 12. J. H. : BURTON St en. I ELN 'S A /LUNN Stz-Se iII to be bet V .than any preparation Of , Sttsuparilla 'Sprint! Purifier and general eorreetant for sale py -une .: J. H. BURTON 4. Co. gents! 'Tit ON AND' fiTP:EL.-10 tons of'Swedes, En glisliancrAtnerican Iroh,J. , ogether' with all si• acs of Sprina•Stecl, this day arrived at the corner , of • WILLIAMS &' WRIGHT. June 12. - . ' ' • , - '4 VRIE EXTENSIQN!--4. large consignment of INDIAN CIIOLACOGUE, for-cure of Fever and Ague, Billow, Fever, etc., etc., and will be sold to droggisteand dealete by tbe ease ot dozen, at wholesale prices, by Julie 12. J. H. AURTON Et Co. Avow. More New Good(! • o:7=' THE LAST -AND -CHEAPEST.O NOW opening, froin the last of our Spring pur chase, a very general and extensive atudtt 'tient of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS; with a good cock of DRY GROCERIES, to which we have added, a large - stela, of gßocuttY, comprising full dining Setts of China, with all the cheaper Wares. Nhit attention of deairrsis Ca pecially invited to this branch.of our trade. , " -- • The Goods have all been purchased cheap; and will he toll cheap. For further evidence pace call at , METCALfrs S. D. CLARK, In tharge for Maya specNlly solicits the patronage'of his old friolh and customers at .sore Na; I, Reed House.,;!. , . • May 29,1817: FlitE INSURANCE' • . iIARIIERS AND ANCE . COMPANY. OF 13ROICLYN N,Y. FOlt'persona desirous 01in - swing in die above company, the 'Subscriber will Treceivit and forward the necessary_ surveys of ,property; and procure for- them free of postage such.polideriArt: may be desired. , - The above company is anti relyrespon gible t and insures upon very libetatandadvantageousterms. Any information that may be desired in relation to said company cart be had by calling upon the subscriber at the ollidtrof Graham i'llorrtptrotr: GRAHAM. Erie. Jrtne - 12 1847, - • • - • •• " L N.EW GOODSUY • it - ,41140A1),.,..,.5 r. H A VA juo,ressived this metning,s new ii - upt , .1. ply.ot tilii enCtwilled.Olitnghno; also*, lot of prints, 4-c., which will be - sold c co. ll* -cub . . t • FA . 1: : " .;"7-9 VicitO? • Tin reculied No. 4; Ctirdajlilide.. MORTON - Sr. do. Erie; &ivy 2t; 1817. , , -4 . . . ". • , ... -O,QNSUMPtION CURRD—TRIUMPIIMIT. SUCCESB . ! • - OF BUCHAN'S HUNGARIAN BA LASAIVIOPtIrt. i ; • . T HE GREAT, ENG DS.; LISH REMEDY for COL cqg HS, ASTII- MA, and CONSUMPTION:: : • ~... .. ~. .4' • Tit e MOST- CEL ELI ft AT I; D and ,IN FA LLI A BLE re rredy 'for - ulna. Con7hvAstlima:oc any form of PULMONARY CONSUMPTION; is the i the HUNGARIAN. BALSAM ,OF LIFE, discoirered 14 Dr. Buchan oil London, England; tested for upwards of seven years in Circa Britain and on the Continent. of EttrOpe, - and introduced into the United States under thet immediate superintendence of the inventor. The astonishing success of the Hungarian Balsath in the cure o r every form of CONSUNPTION, warrants the American Agent id soliciting fel trea:ment.the WORS I' POSSIBLE CASES, that can be found in the com munity—cams. thet.sCek reliefin vain from any of the Common ,remedies ofi the day, and have. been given:Am by the most liktiliglllSllCOPllySlCiallB aSi 'CONFIRMED AND INCURABLE. The Hung - avian P,a6ain lias:eured,i and will cure, the NIOST DESPERATE OF CASES. It ie no. quack nose trent, but a standartlq?.tm-lish-M'edieine of known arid- estriblislird etlicacyl • Every family in the United . States should be simplied s' with Buchan' Hun - . glutn Balsam of Life,•not only to counteract the consumptive tendencies, of the climate; but to be used as a preeentire ntedicine. in all eases of 'Colds, l Coughs; Spitting of blood, Pain .in the Side and Chest, Fellation and sore nese of the Lungs, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing flectie Fever, Nigh: Sweats, Entaciatioti;and Generelpebility, Asthma, Influeriza, Whooping Cough, and Croup. i In case of •avtual disease of the lungs, or seated Consumptions it is the ; ONLY SOU Reg. OF HOPE. _ ... ... _ ... _ _. . . of a EMI furnish themselves with line' will- find these well They wilt be ,sOld lower ed retail in the cities. - No. 6. Reed House. -• li. Er, fa- QUEELTS;PATEAT. 11 , 11 L. L - f Ili I NE WHIM EMEI Sold by MeDunutt St Snail h, solo Agent for the United Kingdom, at the Italian Ware-house, Regent-et. London, in Bottles anti Gees, fur ships, hospitals,' .&e.- ,- ~, ' • By Special ..Ippaintinsnl—DAVlD : F. Bit ADLEE,,IID Co l urt•st., 'Roston, Mass., sole AgenVfor,the United States and British An:fork:an Provinces. — American price, $-1 per bottle, with full directions forthe;restoration p health.. . •1 - :Pamphlets, containint , n ma , s of F.nglkh and American otter evidence, showing the unequalled meritsof this Great dy: may:be.abittiiied;ol the Agents, grtii;s. None•aenttine,'ivithout the written signature of the Amer a gold nod bronze fetich to counterfeit which it forgery(' '- AGENTS.—S. Touscy. Syracuse, N. V. General Agent, and th e western States. i • r•W'READ...ki , Pouf the mpu l t cter g ym at Coloose, Osivezo, C, way. "I do kleyeby most cheerfully certify that 1 have used Dr. Inchon's Hun 11 garian Balsamin - my family with great, success. I\ly little' irl, - now in her seventh, year was, in the month or Ortolier, 1314, attached it'll!' 'a pain in ; , her rildit side, and uo:witlistanding we used an diligence lci(remove it, she continued to grow worse, un I after ohtaiuing the coumel of Dr: B hol thought the Right Lobe of her Limits so seriously affected tirat her reeoweryi was exceedingly (limb lid. 1 was iirilticed tonic ain one hot It of the Balsam and before one third out was taken, the little sitinrer rbsitte d her plays utel her cheerfulness t clouted, and 'befi t , e two betties were used her beta it e WESTFIELD MARDLE FACTORY. THE subserihtv s having a good assort cent 0' New Enoland Marble on hand, from diffcr cut quarries, calculated for" dead and Foot table: Montthients, ke.•twhich they' off:'r to sell to any one in Erie county, Pa.-not living farther than Elie, lettered in- first rate stale, and delivered, m. the following prices:. Small, for childrtm, 41 si , per lbor; NI Write hize, for hired people, $1 6 per foot; Largest size SI 73 per trot: Wo think i; would be an object for some, of the Erie count) people to forward its a few iriqcriptiolli , as we have recently been informed by the Erie marble de;det in rather % bragiring way, that they wet e sticking it. to the Erie and Crdwlord chanty people good. They brag very lustily of selling to the "Lacuna. mites" at from $2 50 to $1 per foot. Shoad any of the people of Erie county be in want of any thing in our line, they eanlorward their inset ip tions, or come themselves, and they shall have a first rate artiele at the above prices. IIIIiAM SIKES & CO. Westfield, N. V. Sept. 13, 1.815. . • BLACK SALT.---I will pay Caah, and the 'll4l,l'ost price ler any quantity of Illaslt'Salts delivered at Ni'Keart, or at wv - store October 21, 1816. M. M. TIIIIIALS.- ICOLEWAN'S HEAVE POWDERS, A CERTAIN CURE FOR HEAVES AND COLTGIFI IN LIORSES.—A lon. familiari ty with horsbs and personal treatment of the dis eases to which they are .subject hate at length reaulted in the discovery of thje exceedingly val. noble remedy for the Hoots and Cough—a dis ease whielii produces more misery end .death among - these noble animals• then any otl,er to which they are exposed: I have no hesitancy in saying that my Powder Will effectually and thor oughly tradic(ite avery symptom and vestige olthis painful and dangerous disease. if given in any reasonable length of Ape after, it has bean con tracted. When Tau discover symptoms of Cough orffrocts in your brume, resort to thi. Ponder 'without delay, use it perseveringly. and attend to the hints accompanying the directions for the treatment of the aniinals, and in nine cases - out of ten you will find that• it cures. • If any desirous of seeing. - certificates of , cures, of them call on tire agent. Price si) cents per het- Manufactured by A-13, Ctirlerrian, New York CARTER & BROTIIEII, agents; Erie, Pa.- • ~Nlareli 27, 1847. • •-• .' 45 - - DISSOLUTION. OF PARTNERSHIP. ri IHE paanership heretofore exis.ing betwein . the undersitnied, in the priittice of Law, ha,. been diuolved by A;I poisons indebted to um are requested tocall at the odic and settle their resin - etive accounts, on or barn e the first or (Felottary next. Those wbo negle tbislaoticelnarincur engin. —• • • -. JOkIN•GALBRAITII,• • • H. c CA - ICSOX aIt.AEII).M.I' Erie, Jan. 11,4847. • F : 5t451 . • Tim Boolts and papers of the late firm of G.kT_: BRAITH GRAHAM nre by mutual au,ree• mcnt Ica wiith me for the purpose of cloginu up the bueines.4 attic ioreern and collecting. all &bts, which I ate obliged to do ni'specdtly nit potA‘ible. I have ststrociated ;with me in business ‘VM. S. LANE and NVNL.A. GALBRAITH, ratio. and continue the office lately occiiliied by Galbraith & Graham, tinder the film or i GALBRAITHS 4. LANE, where all business in the line of the pro• Cession, will be attended lo with prompittess and dtsp itch. - - JOHN GALBRAITH. Erio,Febritaryl3, 1317. _ . •i STEAM ESGINEtS: WE tire no preparedto Utak° or repair Steam Emjitteo, and, to eati-fy those wl have'doubtwas to our ability to turn out supji, work, we invite theirieispeetlon of one which have recently built and put, in operation, at ou. Foundry. - LESTtIi, SENNETT & CHESTER. -N, s,ccond hand,Pmginc ofB horse pow er. together with bellows fol. a small Foundry, for sal - 6 at a baq:ain. S. & C. Erie. March 20;1817. Winitiold-not have thetGentleMen infer that stock is ere/us/erg/ Ihr Ladies,' They will please cali and see a EMI assortment of gocid3 that they - want. Amonpithers the best French Cloth that can bo found in the place, and cassi mores to correspond, at prices as near the-impor tation cost as they will ask. Also summer Hate, Caps, Gloves; Hosiery, Cravats, Collate, Fltilts., 4c. &c , at ' .11ETCALF'S. May 29, 1817,. :1 . INTUITS OF Al EX(LE, by L. W, being nn ac'count lof the authors confine ment at Van „Dearnans Land, just received and 'for sale at Spalrorda's Idonitstore. • Erie, May 9, 1817,, , .• 1 51 y ACMES Cravats and Points , a fine Seleetinn I. o l.and,Something new,dogether with some nice hattaibbtins,just opened at thezoner opposite the anie. • - April 29. •• Wool wool !! Wool.!!! 11'1°' highos q rice - toal!I for Wool ,Ot:, Dio„ , ; 1, Cotrupercia!E:so!ißnge, 'Frond! stmt..% AIO:_ , ES ICOCH: Prip: - , ASlip,p! AS,ITES:I. WILT,. phe'§'Oe:ntirjerl bushel for griiid,licitt I ' miles ' ' 412 1.2 e:is pin. Inishot coy:berme ash es. del iyereri hi `niy risliery - 901 1 -Kohn eo.rnori;:' ,_ 1, Erie, Oct. 21, 1016:". ' . '''C.'l\l; TIEBALS. • ----.,-----,-4--, .: . . . • --. '.A SHES.—'69so Ira ink good At.hes. wilk .do 2"1,.•vie1l icitieliverlhemiat c9r, esliery iiio6rl , as we are,nri! miiirkirilf•pr;Ailiat'we hitvo On hirkirl ; Apii , 00tflayr;:_:... :.:.:.:....'s..INCESON ti Co. ho . „ . . . 1 11? t P 4: ; . - Yl ' aP"Aro - .c.0.0.P 1 W.) 44 0 c1 , 14e4by dcapli•2363/01e. - B. TOMWSQN.tr. Cii. rattruitp,43,4B.47,, ry*T. - -w 1 44-WA-4,9l4.o49;l4lestitialWiloichiluyf ell'aeClakelej r icomavion, asad other, 'ditetos, pr,,thetanki, - , 4,./46 `,wiisfre andijC,Pargf 'tfrePiftv.-•.rorlDr.PithiltlAgenttcorattar ;`,a- 1!-.1 •• = lUtitibEti 7 W7A - R77-11;Jo. 'Wrath tab;; V V mop bantlttio, butter priat.iatile.o. 4.e» T i W. MOORE, - T. egusiderett c . omptutely restorand to Pie 7Firect t i any h'esltation,i 1 attribirto the' 'ethat; ".!. 1 3 .-P 1 i 4nouary, 1841 Pastor of the Bap !-.IY - ?:• , - - I - - Testimony fromitoelle , .:70 ' • i ,- ` ReetlOT, , , , . -. • r ' Sim—Sometime last Jatibary. 1 wusltaken Wi d with u distressing cough, which in the course o bleeding or theltin7s, with much soreness of the much soreness of the breast. Aflertning.confin. , !and getting. nei etter, Mr. Fatal:Ll; fortnetl , Del il'e 6 Nonienderl me to. get a bottle of-Dr. But: lan's ,iobservin7 that he had been similarly afflicted, an Leine had been peedily and entiscly cured., I in 1 Ilafter'esin;,s it a shoot time retruit.wes as li , isrell. From the beßeCt I received from the Bala 41i:rod name it bears among my friends who hav, s now `chest, I am induced to believe it to b now in use for thossdi2eases, and as such,rceoln I , L 'l ' " ' ' R sanskobte core aro ranugret 1 'To S. Toussi. ~ 'C,..s:ro 4 Cony EMI ME - -Sir—We are entirely out of the Hungarian 1); left with us, in.our immediate vicinity, and in', ji 'say with astonishing success. A law slays sineo town called at our sane who had been Pr month Aressing couolt. and wanted a bottle of did Balsa ;little use-fur him to take it, or any thing eke—LP 'bottle, however, and afterwards had another. very much improved in appearance, and sni stren , .th—but had it not been, fur the invaluable I 'have: died. We - want si one more.of the medidi, - • Yours respectfidly, [From P.m!. W. E. Fisk - Gimastotal.N. Y., dated To S. Toosny, A gent, ) &e.— . .Sir; Having. tlse Balsam in my . famil with the very best ' success havia< , seen at us by My friends. with, like 1. apripii to become - . n A geT for the sale of the sat .( a vela number of, ottles. and have in almost q ha * dlsttecceded Min; I.4‘expectatioM-in sc e ne - d beeti by Physicians of ri4pcciability PR,ON(J i Ih theireases hopeless,smd I most cheerfully recut I fefing .' with tun complaints, assurin ,, them that speedy relict: (Signed) - ; - "' . ~ 1 1 s; th e More Proof. Establishine dfi eaoj o f th e H unger it [Prom Deacon Lewis, of Utica, dated (Fri I ilheerfully r,..ivc my name in flivor of Dr. 13uel .ifti: Last April, my %Vit . (' WAS attacked with] a CA f!t:Vero 4111(1 most DISTIMSSIN I: PAIN IN l'111.: MD ?of rest. While in this si•ttation, 1 called on .I , lei• !medicine, and they recommended this Balsam. I the time we had used about one half of it, my w ' !after using the remainder, her hcahlt wascompl i ime I have. recommender: the Balsam to m y filen( lit With like Success. , (signed)- " I , DenOon of the First iuertifieates and Retne• lean Agent, on fur New 'Vol+ ATOTICE. —The Tin, j ! 111 Ma infireit.rina liii•i .ii. the eli. 1-tilini ./t A Mit Cy filant an ply °lull ankle _will be k4pt Ibrcale at n I 4 ' .--- - - 4111 iii Wari `Joi• IVAI is ~nsh , it hat Srl on II articts in lib , liar on t he ttu• to Obtain first %voittq' do wa.ll to Live-hi ckeilicre. Cilozinz and Pulty hcpt vonstantl: May 10,1846. - , .s. HAS JUST nr,crAvED CrsNeWYolk, per Purnroy'sExereqs,tut.. Spring Poshioni, and is nowready to °vecton all orders for HATS in the latest [anion, awl of a better quality than can be pure4sed here tar elsewhere. March 16,,1q16. . ' 5 FIRST APPEARANCE.' A. TOMLINSON, GEORGE KELLOGG MI - IF, •subseribers, though sonic time in Inisi 1. . news, havc•not before totted it convenient or agreeable to introduce into the papers a general adverment. Being_ rather of a. modest Iwo, they aVe been situated somewhat like the siren ger in New York, %via; \got. upon a drygoods box ii'n Broad Way, to wait till the crowd should get by; nd likebitu i lmving attracted a little public no °Hoy, they are prepared to get down' and move ittiettv ato n e and would respectfolly- invite the attention ofllte public to a choice selection of G ROCV e RI ES, interspersed with a few staple Dry Goods *rid other notions, just received from New York, Cincinnati, &c., wbidli they design? to sell pretty clicap for ready pay. Please call and see at MO I tench strecq next door to R. 0. Dulbert, Esq's ct ice, f 41.1 at Si ttli s',-ect Canal Basin. ' " B. TOMLINSON, & Co. Erie Ang. 1, 1816. J—. 11 'BUFFALO AND NEW YORK 01V tPll ICE IILOTIIING STORE. ik ir . 1 AUGHN, No 2 Fldming Block, State IVI ii§treet: This establishment has acquit ed notoriety by selling all kinds ,of clothing as cheap, a-: they ran be potchased in New YOrk city.-- Call and see. it suit of clothes can be made at 'thit estdblishinent in ONE DAY'S notice, in the latest style and most approve d' fashion, ' Just reueived a general assortment of Clothing and cloth, suitable for the season and 'for 'sale at prices reduced to the pecuniary means] of all. For instance. a good article of clodt,•all wool, at PO ets per yard and every thing, else in prOportion.-- Cutting; alio done to mder tut reduced prices. All orders from the Country, promptly attended to.-- The 'chilli can buy as cheap here as the best judge. Customers generally can depend on ha`ving- their Work done right, and no mistake. • [ Erie, Dec. 20, 1815. 15 oVirnt7,Cr a p e, T.,' i I It ,F. ---- trirroi d- S 11.A - VVITh;--T he cred do., 13ozalt and Zephins ' dO., Summer Cashmere, flowered and rainbowed than are decidedly rich, at 1V (LLIAMS 4- Will Aril, 24 IS IT 11E14: 'vi; COME. lArew Jew Store Ahead ! MI TUS el PI Ilr r t e m ee e i n v t e o d r at the Nov !Jew Store, No. !mint.' Mock, State street, a new and ape EIBE Wide' and tit "peril del* eqp any 0 York. part,oll ING AND SUMMER GOODS, havinAen bought at extremely low Arias subscribers having, encountered neither by sea or iand," in their journey to Phi and New York SI al bets, can and will be cheap—not to say a little. cheaper—than at her Jew Or Geniile Store bow cen New nd "SundoWn." Our stock consist in ,%.S of all' kinds, descriptions and colors lain black to the most. fashionable plaid ~or watered. GIHANIS,.French, Engllyh, Scotch an an, varying in price and quality to sui crs. AWLS, Silk; Cashmere, Barragi, etc., etc. 4ts that cannot fail to please. fiC LAINES, of all qualities, from 20 eta .'NE RIBBONS, of all colors, qualities, and prices. I,PVES, that cannot fail to fit thepost deli. rind, at prices in Accordance witfi; tho most to pluses. FEE! 'eh Worked Linen cambric Handkerchiefs; Ilful article, and very cheap for the quality. mbroidered do do 'together' with many toe numer o us to mention, but which I take pleasure .in showing to customers' era. Also—a splendid awilt of READY. MADE CLOTHING, int! of Pants, Vests, and Coats, of all pr - and Bees and Shoes, of alt tiall and see, and doh% forget the place, Fleming flock, State Street. ' ISAAC ROSENZWEIG & CO. ;.April a9,.1847. • ' - a beau, Also, other , 1 we WI and ot, conaite • flea a kinds. No. I, 'BONNErs Sr: BONNET TRIMMINGS. Itaye.this dip. petted, and offer- for t sale moo's, Ladies and Misses the Market, among which style French Lace, Bead 'Pearl Straw. Gintp, 4-c.; Assortment' of trimmings. :11 flowers that are beauti , :c., at MRT CAL) - 4Srowiilii Go Pen the - faker of tl3 Jilel9.4„zeed, Alien hand; 'dense 04 Pens; tit Co,e opposite Eekta Hotel. rg'rtirshcr lilvidtute [Prom the P. M. ntllllocm - flats, OtSeeo 'thins aonin tinder the necessity of orderina a still - continues the medicine and is limp in this section,. heard of a friend 50 miles iron lin it' Coactinmtin Co\Fuan Prfn,. I sent him tic wo weeks since, and to-day I heard from him, a him like a charm. - (Sloped) The :\teFsrs. Metcalf, or Gent.;eo, N. V. (n physician) in nrderine. u new supply of the, Bad slateCAsr . /.3 our eu , truner:i routp,frtia receivint.. S. TOLISEN' t Sy, cone, N. V. Generul %Vestern Stateg. Sold in Erie by CARTER & Ben , Copper on(ls4ir•ct Iron ine , . will be eat lied, on • ‘‘ here n enn ui manniuct.nred by him, liclegale and 'cud!. (141 c tilltC3 in inmnent fur SEP/I KELSEY, Jr. . titxx, , hlind•and door Shop to ui Etlr rcot..,. ‘yherc! lie anti or make te(Order all slim test , notice. Those tate work al hV prices, nt a eall,beloto purchn. done at all times. lall hand. HT'S 50 ~C'}r~... •} , of Wu Asedlcinge:without. , Aitlt3 l McPA ft-LAND. ' ..1 ) Ist Church' in Goldoni". N. Y.' .Tyne '1,1611 h a violent 'cold, attended. a, few days 'brought •on a. chest; pain in theside and to my ,lied for iorno „days. uty Shcrill'of thin county, iungarlan Balsam of Life, by the use of that medi niediatelY got aliottle, and predicted-1 licit entirely in, and from the universal used it. for diseases of the l one of the best, 'medicines moo td it to the public. W. SWIFT.t, , ons Cough. oils, N.Y. Aug. 6,1814. ;said, having sold all you slice to 'the medicine must a young gentleman of this afflicted with a very dis ,u. We told .hiin it was of .1' MUST DIE. He took a 'esterday ho rtartin i he was rapidly gaining Hungarian Balsam he intiit e directly.. INGHAM &lIAV&NS.- I GlintiSTOra Nov. ', - 1816J Dr. Buchan'ii tliangarian • tbr' Imp" 'complaints; and • ueeess, I was 'induced ' Iq, since Whichl have 6'olo eiy instance I arecd that it sos where the patient hail CED INCURABLE, and unccd it'to all who are suf in 'most cake they will find WILLIAM, E.YISK. !Mimiln of life. A, February 4t.18151 !an's Hungarian Palearn of iolent cough, attended with :, so 'bad as' to deprive her ro. arocr 4. Co. for gonna I pi relta , ,ed a bottle, and by 'fa, regan to get, bettor, and Restored:: Since that g, t l i any of who'm have used JOHN LEWIS. Eaptist,Chttrch in Utica. . . iy. I Y. dated Tan 1845.) ew supply.of the Balsant.— .ving. It is doing wonders here who was considered bottles of the Balsam about id the Balsam is actin!" on A. E. ARNOLD. to ofwhom is a practising -am, says that 'ln. aoirio Se .grcat hen lit from its tis.c ill : for New York and the tint, No. 6 Reed !louse.. I , ,1 • . , K & .0 0 0 K . 0 1 , COMMISSION & PR NNTS.—WiII continue the 1 mission business as usual, the Public Dock, Erie, Pa. he opening of Navigation contract tier the shipincat_o • eastern cities, or other-pia ,re connected with goo(! c tvinf, t-ome (tithe tirsl class revellers on the lakbs run icrully ensurina the r,ale and •1 id! properwentrasted to ! attend to the forwarding i the lakes or to' any of the eke Ontario and the River l oud! by the Eric Extension )7,1! 1 rt.?. WALK VORW RD IER -N C , OtlnliAH font ardine, and con at their %‘ are-11011-e 1)I) 111111 will lie ready on of the present year to Merchandise lium tht ces,:to Erie, tis they a eponsible lines, and h of Steam Boats and:l nino: to then holte'v, t dy their care. They twit 0 1 . ..r0a t - up and dust, Canadian pow: ''on I Si. La wrentx— °IF° •,s Canal. CASII advances n? and sales romp:ly a: constantly on land small quantities, to e; Iron, Nails, eto'vzs an tion. ado on nll kinds cfrrittlnee• ended to. They will keep ituniinous Coe 1 , in Urge or it purchasers. ter in bbls, or bulk. Fish Castings of every desarip. - 11,1 FE C• John C. Bee' Jaeh! Johnson, Oil 0. N. Cha . Alonteil Otis, Clapp Geortte E. B. Allen, James Brawl Win.'El t.:linlart,'J I R. E N. C E S •, Is, i Erie, I j , , In Li. Co. " ' i i ' . 'trod 4. Co." '! 1 1 • 4. Co. Ilaitru 0. , 1 - . in,Albany, r[ . S. Co. " Co. Boston, ' Dolt & Co. N. Y..eity, ' Ogtlensburg,,N. Y. ' no, Toronto-,, C. W. 'n . .,., St. Coilierines, " ryes & Co. 'Cleiclantl, 9. Del ioit, Mich. Dole, Chiznao; Illinois. 8-17 • 4 'Newberry Erie, Nlareli 11, MUlt 111 A. ATroieN EY ASID WIT A LIMN, I'oUNsELL,OP. AT LAW, :"CdIIANGE, trtir„ PA. uommLeci.tr. HAVING So far a official duties, great portion _tariffs ti term to all legal burin He will attend the Ct \Varren, Crawford, 1\ Jefferson, and the, and has. prolippional will transact busitsc,t in New York and will . be remitted by I: adelphia without an.), will also take char , against the United applications thr Pens Oldie ability and sieess — ZunfOed to II would not be proper those having Lrgili iectiOns to make in t , spee'thllv refet red to l l HON. JAMES THUMP' GEN. CHARLES M. IC : MEssms. WIL,LIA & - NOSES KOCH, rranged and systemized his s to enable him to devote, a Me to his profession, will at ss entrusted to his eare.-.- urts in the Counties of Erie, ereer, Venting°, Clarion and ipremo Court of thiaState; arrangements by Ivhich he s in the adjoining Counties ltio.All monies *collected rafts on Ne\v York or Phil ehargeTor Exchange. Ho, :e of and prosecute Claims tatra, draw and superintend iontyPatents, - :act, or "Cot a:lir/we re m ,t.l en: ;ED, WEIGHT, Erie,Pn• , Esq. l'E ft a Err, I(NH) & CO, N, ESQ . & AQ ) . IMS, ESQ. nufralo. sq. rt. Esq. THOMAs w, VINCENT. A. D. & T. W. PATCIII HENRY SMITH. I•• Cll2lltl,Es IL s. WILL JAMES mpi.LETT, Is C 1111.1& DOsIIIMER; HENRY W: ROGIRS HON. ADDISON GAM, HON. JOHN A. DIX, A . HENRY SHELDEN del CORNELIUS W. LAS DORM, CHANDLER .1 HON. ROBERT II DI CONOVER & !ARAM 1 .1. & A. VANOSTRAN HON. JAMES BUCHA WM. L.MAREE I.R. Rochester, N. Y. bany,.N. Y. Co., I tEZZCE, Esq., WHITAKER, v.., [EMIR, • aa•a • a... 1 ,. 'AN, • t Wstshington " ROBERT J. W W. IN EDI I.L. WM. Z. STEWART. • GEORGE IL McWllOl. f l. B. BROCKWAY, :Sq. 110 N. VM . I PAT' ERR 110 N. JOAN WE 'T% BRISTOL & roi Tr.l. COL. JAMES R. SNO LUDWIG, KNEEDLE COL. JAMES PAGE, ABRAM. N. WOLF & HENRY 11011,N, Esq., J. A J. P.,STEINER. 110 N. FRANCIS R. SU sq.. Logansport, la. TER, fiscrego,N. Y. Is N, Sandusky. 0. 10R.T1.1,/ Chicago, Ili. i . 'DEN, -= 't Sr, co. Co., Philadelphia. _... NK,) N, Harrisburg. SIMON CAMER " N. IL ELDRED. HENRY ittIEGLER, HON. WII.A.IAM GEN. LEVI G CLOY GEORGE T 11031 1 ,30. HON. it. IticcLELLM) W.. 1. GORnOs/. - I i t . 3 Pittsburgh. Esu• %Vbs.Hu,. Va.' D t Monroe, Mich. liCioralund, O. D, Es& }Derail. latels. Esq. DIL. S. k:NDLEHART,I 110 N. LEWIS CASS, CHARLES 11.11 AMMO JORN AIcItEYNOLDS Erie, M y 8; 194 VLOUIC AND tho Iciwest price -116. • ALT—Always on hand, 'a and of the bpst quality, by TOMLINSON & Co. a'4 embroidered de Lane, ere Shawhi, a la mode, very IEn.CIAL EXCHANGE, T1311313E.T, Plaint Silt and ,Cashn chcap.at tha; 'GPM, I Eric, Feb. 27 , 18 , 1 LAMES Kid cheap at the Feb: 27, 1817: - • Morocco, Stips andEXCHANGE.' • CLOTHS, Caasit' - quality and Coa above cost, at ,tba reb., l ,2,7, 1846.4 area apdSattinctta, of every r, aro offered 'at a fraction Jal STQAE, Trench S . l• ipcctec , eilk r- cheaper , rat t the _ I,- ij 11. Cominerei :el ASHMEItE,S," 1..." brags goods; a other atom in town, I?ebi ,7, 1847. v. . rAYIIE 'OPENING at die V a', large 'mail ',new abd hea'utlitil; a ladies; please call 1 May. 29.. 1E47: - .. 4"llilN'tfi., EN.% P. ', readAr.litLikti, off. at reduced price DREaS7O, ',Ceriei , :Reed_HOffp ent of Ores Coods,' 'efyleit d the loodidetidedly cheep:- nd eiarnhiolOi lootaelves at ME CALF'S. \ Ftirith Beidtd: • at- ti.lt CheapAido,;-; , • MORI ON k 11=1: : ..ISTAN,TON'S 'XTEIINAL'it EMED,Y.CALLED ,a, , MINT'S, LINIAIENT, ~ Is now. II niversally deknewlerdged to be the INFALLIBLE- REMEDY fOr Ithenmatlans; Spinal Affectious. Centric.' iiadit'ef the Matsctes, Sore I bsoat and Quinsy Iltsuea Old• Ulcers.. Fain* in the Back and Cheat, Axe° in the Breast liod -FoCeb Toutit'adse. Spruinr,,',ltinises, that Rheum.; Bui.ns,Croup. Fro,ted re.at, and tali Net, ni""C'• Th. TttipiPHANT ru c ecss Which has attended the alitafidatiel of :hie most WoNDERF,JIJ, MEDICINE id curiog the,most , serere eases of - tbe-shOrem. Diseases above untned—and the 1116111 ENCOBI 'MS that.. have b:en bestowed upon it, wherever at Inas b MI introduced, gives um the rig at to tall on the AFFicr 'D to reset once to the , ONLY REMEDY THAT CA BE BELIED lilt ' WTbis following certificate of a scalded child Is a suf ficteut guaraotee of the cysifideece that way bo placed in, Hunt's Liniment: I , Columbiaville, &tumble Co. Nov. in, IP-15. ; MK U. E.gicniton,--Sir—Vou will allow the to hear tea- IlloollY to the healingi properties of Your-prepaiution called Hunt's Liniment. - The following ease tam hauler any immediate *laser; ation, and I state it for thei evefit of those who may meet with a• similar accident. The, child of a neighbor of Inine was severely-scalded a• d in , the greatest, agony; your IditianCot_ we's a:•plied_ an I re lief was given illMatniY, ' and is few,applicatian eutirely recovered. I thick it invaluable as a speedy remedy, and white every family to keep it in the house. This case is also huctwa to Messrs. W. &Ai. Storrs of If ittlsou., I Yours, JOSEPH W11.D4 reA severe sprain entirely cured with one bottle of the Linimeet. New Fort, June 19,1813. Prim Sir: —lt affords me plea'pure to corliply with your requestand add my testimony to the excellency of Hunt!. Liniment us an outward npplication for the cur. of , PrairlAt Wiwi., &e.. Last winter I sprained my untie bolly,.and was iinmetilet contlecdto the how. The in ; jilted part was very tune 1 swollen, and the pain Inteltve; after Irving' a , veriety of einedies,l made au applienqnn nryour Liiiiinent, Find fund' From It+ nue apre•ly relief. Speaking front my own elxperience,' I ,can confidently re. commend it ns soetilualde medicine in cases like the one in which I testddlt. quill ties.Yetirg.&c - rerThe following letter stfdressetho the Editor. , of the Christian Myr - wet°, from tbo Rev, Theodosius Clark, of the Methiidist_Eitioeopel Church, is oue of the best recontmendations this celebrated remedy can have. fling, Sinn, Jan. 25. Ocntlemen:4llaving 1154 Hunt's Liniment in my fami ly, and baring seen Its effects on some of my neighbors. hive no hesitancy in testifying to 'its merits, as • cora live agent In OM diseases-fox which it is recommended by lie inventor; end I think the itite•ests of the public %mild be arOatly stittlierVett by your making its Vitlairs(ktioltii through the medium td y our eseoffent Journal. I am per. suultiol that, much suffering would be relieved, and many Ottstitintetcuses cured, if its lINCS were known; nod can not brit hope that its use may become gnu ral in the COM 11.cppectfully. '1 lit.01.)0. lUS CLARK; - This Liniment is sold nt 05 miff 50 con 5 pre buUle, by illtirelrmcipa,l,Druggisis and ltjrreliant throughout the country. Wh4exale A gent • :10 friar y,r - k. Hl:Lt'S&Ut.tl4dWa er Street,. RUSHTON &I'D. 110, lirnatwny, A. It. 6/.3 lI.SANDS. corner Fulton au WIDi" 111 St reet. JOIISSO:V. KIDD & Co Pittsburgh, n for Wet,icru Orders utlaressed to tor at Sing 81oF, feuded GEORGL Far ,alo by J. 11. Burion'& Co, Erie, Fart... Clements Fuirvinv; S. 1.. Junes July 4i17. Hare just received' their fug Stock of SPRING AND SUIIIIL GOODS , A'D wotild respectfully ;invite le at tentioknir purelia. cis to their beautiful agsortcrient of FRENCH, IiNDI A, ITALIAN, G = ERMAN, ENGLISH. and AiNiEltiqA‘N GOODS, compri• 1.1 in!? an assortment of the newest and most fash ionable st y les in the market. The greatest in• ducements will be offered 'for the following rea- MIME FlRS'if'. Customers can always find at our store the latest and most desirable styles of 'nods. SECOND.. • They intend strictly to adhere t. the principle of selling nt the it _T-LOWES' MARKET PR le . - They are taking , most all kinds of produce, fur which ;they pay thn,hiuhest inark . et:value. 'the, fbllowitpr ate among the most' desirable styles of Goods dirt:red, , ' Ex rd#t i eh Paris Printed Lawns, 13a raffel, Lin en Lustres, a new and article lbeilrt.7.,sesi California plaids, French, English Una f.t merican Maus de Laines, Plain, flamed midi printeilSu iss ',Muslin, Striped and Tarred Mullins, Satin' striped flit:L:1101ns; French, Scotch and American (.; Mgt - aims. , Rich 'silkShawls, Chameleon and 'Hernani, Gossamer, Berage, Plain and Embrtadered Mous Straw - goods; cm prislntf many new styles,,K ( N i s d, French a uiti beautiful Bonnet, and cap Ribbons, Silk, in'hain, apd cotton Parasols, poiney huyons, ill fringes, steer trinimi n2s, urre Gleives and Alins, Hpsierv, an itindreds of other articles too numerous to, mention. We iTain invite all to come and ex• amine our ;Nods and prices. • Eric, May 29, 1847. • REOPLY,S' AR RA N GEM EN TS FOR '1547.-FARE REDUCED. I i Cabin Fare €1.9. - Steerage $2, to any port on Lnke 'Michigan, trout the openiag or navigation to Sept. I. The strainer, A. 'D. PATCHIN, Capt. It. Whitaker, will tun during the season as tattoos: I I • LEAVES BUFFALO.• .LEAVFS CHICAGO. , Wednesday, .July 21 Wellie,d.iy," July 25 Thursday, - Aug 5 l'hur.lay Ault 12 Friday, " 23 Friday , •' 27 Saturday- ' Sept 4 Sc•lra • I .. Sept 11 -...r, iept .s jaturday 2pt . Monday ' '• 20 3lood.iy .• 21' Tuesday, Oet 5 Toe.iday Oct 12 %Vednesday, .. 20 Weds. esdAy " To" Thursday, , Nov 4 'Thursday Nov I 1 Friday, - . 09 _ . . . The A. D. ratehin Is of the largest class of Steamer.. built with a solid tiintior , lnutont. 15 Itiehes thick. after, the plan of the, Atlantic frigates, which prevents the lia bility of sinking by stroking roLks. She is in like propor tion strongly built throughout; no pains or expenselier-, ing been spared to make lifir t the strongest boat. on the Laken. Her model is superpor to any on the western waters. She has IICCOMMOt18(10136 for,loo cabin and 10110 steerage pessengers. The A. D.Patchiwand United State's will run nVailver deed and under no consideration wi'l go into lira astocia. t inp. I . The public will please remember that they Were the only uppositioif boats in the fall of 1840: H. Will eAKER, Sole Owner. • AGENTS, fJ. MYERS S. Co. Matto. WALKEILIS: CO IK,EVin. Jule 17.1817. 1 , -. 9 (bleb all bu p+rformed it speak, but VlENA.Carolion,laans and Scotch Plaids also Li nsays, and Worsted Goods of all kinds for sale very low at WINTER Sperm Oil, a pure article, for sale at B. TOMLINSON & Co's. Erie, Feb. 13, 1847 AUCTION & •COMMISSION STORE. t.- T'" ' c lik,_, dersi g ned beg leave to .Inform their Pint Is and the public 7, en e rail y , that they have com a need the above business at the Old stand of Jo Gra am, on. State sheet, two doors dorth of the e Hotel, where they arc ready to ‘ t.2 receive and dispose or all kind of Gorvls that may be - eonsigne& to them, either v 'utilic Auction or Private Sale. They hope tl y Strict atten tion to all business entrusted to them, to gain a share of the public patronage. They { will also keep on hand a choice stock of ready made cloth ing, suitable to the seasons, which they will sell cheap as the cheapest. GR ALIA M 4- TIIORNTON. 1 . i,,,.1ril 3, 1817. I 46_, ... . WANTED!' i -- - IN exchange fir Gliuds, tiny quantity of Good HEMLOCK. FENCE BOARDS, 6;8,d0, and 12 inches wide, 14 and 16 feet long. . IiENILOCIC JOICE, 11.2 tly 'l9, and 2 1.2 by 12• 1 5,16, 19 and 20 feet long 'HEMLOCK STUDDING, 2 by s'a4d 3 by 4; 19, 14 aril 16 feet. long., for which the highest maOtet price will be paid, when delivered at his Lumber yard at the foot of French street. WM.• 'rRUESDAIL. 42 1111=3 0.! ' AGAIN - HERE WE COME, . lATTIR4 the hest and cheapest Ste 'of lash it V " ionahlo LA DIES' DRESS GODDS ever oftered in this market, ecies.istink in part , , ' 50 patterns Dress Silks of all 'colors, embracing Colored and Plaid and Stirped Poult do Soi, Gro do Rhine, - ` . _ Gro de Swiss, Satins of all colors, , . • SHAWLS of all 'kinds; such as Sill:, Crape; Barrage, Thibot, Mous do Lain, Brocha, 4.c., Lawns, Balzarines and' Baragcs; Gloves ankhlitts (Wall lkinds- r -Silk, R.id, Lisle, Cotion", &c, I cr,o)rH, Cassln ereS, TWcesl,s,lC.entuchy Jeans i s and Sotinetts. j_li 1 '' i t.— '•'! 1 - - ' In. shbfli oust° ers'e n find et• ry thing in the Dry Goods line us tally intvikreti or, in the mar ket. Vire, forbear t oil) ntion..iprices.. Suilice to eV: ladies; we cai sell ieu a handsoine , Freneli LSIWO digarrbrri 1 . : I t, "101. illia 'ivitf — vie: with Sell aniin'llroadwayl PI ' so call awl. see' Tor, your selypty, r..Fartltere,,pitzticularl ,Itethilei., 'Ptn't foi„,, ,, et thiplice, tit ,;., CALM DLL'. - A .02E4 , 1847e 't': •. . ' '• - Oc 10 '.: , and Olt other't 14 than! titnly,' W non Fxchn ngo r . 1 f DI'F'I'SBUItGII Ito .kinghim WBfft.--AbVIUj articles, atidloodlispltm:enUtpt-reeetv edlAllOT,Ffikliiliy . • a ki(i s yof - -• Au gnat 1; 1816. JOIIN'G. MAGIIER, 41 Wall .test EIMMI 119 NEW ESTABLISHMENT. : 'B.''roMZlrlso :. Cor~ NONE CAN DE LIRE THEN!! . I' ,1 , ; DR.' HERRICK'S. • V Standard Family ' 11 1 1:ndicine s ii Trig ?FAVORITE RENIERV OE Teo IDA.V.—The. high cogoanutas og petit ~ where liesion cli tlpAti these fiestas caly poputar tasd o rP u l by etttgens entitle bribest lespectibility, and b) tg ," . " .oftlos medical prhfcssion 'in every thetion of (he t; i 71 Silted and ltritlshiPonseesiwus,;entltles them In ih g .r ; of.the rt oipterers of Disease. A muss of America, ens Canadian testimony In in the Doctor's porses,to tt of nu; -, ; performed by theta o'ora:ducat remedi" after the vo x , ' ed treatment of ille medical f teu * lty, and ti t , " 4 • mutt ',op.', • ',remedies of the day had !moth tried in wa rn . I 1)R. lIERRICIQS _VEGE"PAIIEE suGAR 1 • COATED PILLS.' . Hay Dv wed with marked- snec leas in "err. disease i (wiring 11 COWL, and positive pluralist , . .Th ey nu ; with astonishing quicknesd pains and diezicese ft n o head. pains and weakness of the bre rt, Fide, ~....... all kinds of /eters. itillani ditto of the thife tent 0 ,,,, a 7: 4 _ the tointem body. foul breath, coated retie, biiii,,,,,4: ic, habitual costiseness. nod ju all Ca. I. there (Le a • orb and bowels:ire loaded with Inthirgut, ninth ere so pro. - ductile of disease. Each box centains 3 9 ha,.... _ 'rioted tinder ilatil purely vegetable, iitid s pit /-,,, a : - .CI ! 2 and 3 being netwilinaryttiose, Alin. • , lIERRICKFS SCIATIC LINIMENT, THE • INFALLIBLE REM EDY' • , _ t rue Lthenmatitin, SpralOs, Mattes, Contincted Cord; Sorn'Throal, Quinay, Criinp,i Still Joints, Shrunk Bit. ens:Ague in the brea-i ilea face, Toothache, Frozen p m Discuses of the Spine., PtFrished Limbo. and whereof it eXlero..l avid ten tir le im p ended. The rapidity ail to biet t this IVONI f.H.NIIHHKING MEDICINE Curetd o ' enrol enti , li of 1,1 v above diseases, has minuted THE I WONDER AND, ADMIMATION I of the world' That et , may avail thetri , elV..a of the taco 'of this b citing te halm s * i jty, the Doctor bas put the' Priceat driectits. 1 Each t ot , -.. tic his the. Poet's. 11.11110 blown In the glass , end tank,. , 'ea in a cut of a diseased Spine, aitcompaujed pith Rill ep - rectirom Lii.rtv 11,. gear:rat debility, attended 'yak plies and wcakitess in the. stomach and &nab' entendius to , ll. siaec.loss of appetite. tr.-whit* of the limits. ',Mpg, - Dun of the heart, Janhilice, Agura rid Fever , and all !d. * us diseases nre spileklyeured by the use of . lIERRICK'S VEGETABLE' TONIC - .1311'PERS. -- if , 1, Po atria boxes accomoiiigil io,itlii direettons, and i entre 25 kl Es st v. elfbo ill'otalte half a gallon. ,in ill, same irk Hier rual l Coughs, :Cohls Atethma, dppressinh of the ), Chest, ‘Vltooping Cough Croup, I oflamation t itf the Lunn ' t and recent eases of asp Consumption be ereatly EON . mid 41111ChIC I urea hy i ..---- , DR- lIERRICKiS MEDICATED COUGH 1 • thZENGES. - knee e 5 ‘3.. , Two'of these LP:tenses are a posllira, oat, tie. Tlll7, Tiat: MriIANT sUrcE n 0.,, ss .htehl where attend. 1 the ulte of Hetrick's Worm . De, rating Lozenge- in the destaticiton roll expulsion Of wools from (helium all ~ypient, bat, pl*ial ihem first oti the et , agog of t einnliel. They ate pleasant to,. rake. Children 1 0T11 - Illern,nnfl their !fleet is such as to astonish the beholdw. Pricep.s etc.:tettli full arcetiorii Those *Offering - Thin p'lltic, and st. rekne•s vi the iii..,l.i. !sites, 01111 hack, she Illte alO,lO Lund/ int. ice. ve I find n friend in ihense of HERRICK:7S GAI.B.ANUM STRENGTH ,ENING PLASTER: Spread on fineltid leather, n ill near from' one to ti t : months. Price only Ifl cis , and tiro taking the place t f ill otio , l - 1,1.0‘,4,... nod are roosidea ea the LIES I' AND CHEAPEST pLASTEM NOTIN USE. • . )' ITO l'll -7--- E PUBLIC. ', So mucliMitssingiseyn sand 'by stone New York min that they.nliiiie had Ilir privilege In make uqd rend a Fr. gar roofed Pill, and one 00,•n pretending and ails crtitnt that Le his a leoynt for to doing. induces Om Doctor to bring this pearlier. of tlegoptimi before the public, Wirt them be judges.' in the case. a Lehrer a s)stent of tlii , kind ought longer to exam. Dr. 'Herrick has written to Mr. Ilorke t the Ciitpriissioner of Pateuts at Washugloa, whose Later in 0115 a or Is gi, re, below. . , ~ U.S. ilblient Haler Jin. IL, 1946. i Dr. Merrick—Dear i been rereireil. lii nosaer to 3 1 (.11r jligttiry whether any ti strut, hat ,ices,gfatited fora pill boated with sugar, I It at r .t e) i 4, roil., 1 I II 1111 on r, aria of gill 41 - k p l l4R_Ilt,C4lll be found tilt his office. „ t It espeel folly 'tlif, s • 7 - I:DMENH OItICE. ,r,..ePliamplacts givir gt a mole general desiiciptiun of the 51c.11r Ines tatty lie di id of any of the Agents„s t i '` - 1:5 MCI pal MT... :i:11. 1- Cate street, Alban, w b-ero • all or der, most be attar t•••• • 4 1. 1 ''. A . ' " A . 1 GENT 1 S.-11.41 . ittitt & . Co. John Cuintnins ft Co. Eric; Gudrun! Et 1:o ati, (Strata., and ). II Haynes, North East g— Feb.,' 0, 18-17.—1y40. •NIINVIfI It .M . v . William, miesale aecnis Y., Will ho at- ST:I\TON. Ploprictor. ~ C. Town North •' Co. ki irlar,l. 9.1,11 NEW AND CHEAP GROCERIES ! ! . Tott'S 7,,INIAIEIILY ..5... A. H. HITCHCOCK, .. a late of the firni of Hitchcock, Zinunerly.& Co. f have Again Zt.SVOCi .1t ell themselves ,in the 'Whole. sale Oul Retail Grocer 3 business,onstate street, ' neurls• opposite the Engle Hotel, in the room late- ly occupied hy-NVm.llinderneeht, tinder thestyle t of .1. 7.1 \t Al E111.1"` Co. where wilt be found a i large and well selected a:cortment of a ll it i n ti,nr . Wet and Dry We-vs:kindle Goods comprOinfztve ry article usually ki , pt or called fox in. a:Grocety store. ,Amur, s:oel: may he found:— -.- Coffee of every price arid-quality. - ' Old and Young, Hyson 'l.'l , as ; ' ! - 1 , • . • ' Pepper, Spice, Indigo, Broivn, Lump and Loaf i , . . 1 Sugar. i 1 'Chocolate, eastile 4'nfl rosin'snap, en icing, fizz. 1 iThareo iit every cinalitv, clears, sheir Grocer ies i l if all hinds. togv'{',l.er • N‘ ith !Loa nails, whi tlow 2lass. etc. f le. ~‘ J. ;(....c•Co. ,under their thanlss for the very general pa trimage'extencled to them for the past six years, and Iliope they mac by their endeavor's to please, I reetuve a cOmintiance of ravers in the shapeof , T old ;:1.1 well as new customers. They are prepay - , 'e4l to purchase ;train of all kinds, 'hi t her, - egge,...l triad :mph s and peaelieS, Ft ax, Timothy and eit ,- , verist , etl, for which 1-lASErwill obe paid at tbFir '. counter. -1 , , Erie. April 25, IS.!G. I . i _ - NEW GOODS! ~IN; LW GOODS! . . 0. LOOMIS 4. CO. oppo tie' o *4 0 N Eagle 1 2 4ne1, have just received __. Aglk= on od.li; ion to their former stock of ginds, s Itch makes their asortment very ex- NinAive, coin! rising a large variety .of rich and 1441&nable,JEWELRY,uonsis.ting of diamond, rut,y, garnet, emerald, annithyst, aquamarmeand unbundled tiins, diamond, kuby and plain rings., ,old car ririg. , ., ozultrd chaips and keys, speeracles. pencil cases, braeelets,doeltets, miniature setting, tliimbles, studs ' soups, Cc. &e.: • tent and Snell. Watches of the pal te:tit lever, duplex, liorizoinal and common esea pe- Mt nt. French , mamle, perman. and-American ( jocks. , z rSILV,ER GODDS.—T4Ie,-desert, tea,salt and Mustard spoons, ladles, hinter and 'fruit knives, spectacles, chains, keys, pencil test's,' thimbles, !Plated,' Britanhia,.and German Si l ver . Ware.- /74 pet's, urns, pitchers,' cu p s, tankards: bowls, cake baskets, candlestick. snuffers and trays,.. spoons, faucets, ink stands, custotS.. I d, ICLITLEBV. 2 —Roger's and other? celebsteed Makers razors, kniveTs and scissors, , .:...1 1111SCEL - 14NEOUS.—Alathematicer instra 46nis, telescopes, thermometers, pocket compas s' Et, sun glasses, violins, a6ordions, inusicboxes, flutes, fife.,, steel pens, card cases, combs, pocket, 'Oohs, pocket pistols, coral, -umber, "gilt, steel, ri , ax auttgass 'beads, bead and silk bagsand pur -1 ies, - elastie guards, portable writing deski, work, "mint, snit I tobacco and slim:lngo boxei, raior .strops, clothes, hair,- tooth, nail and shaving brushes and glasses, GI/Mer's diamonds, shot belt's, powider flasks, .percussion caps and pills, chessmen r idominots; scgaicases, purse and cloak clasps, t w e ezers, cane, whalebone, violin and bass viol strinoS, routo, _powder, p' ifs, periumermj, court plaiier, tooth ‘vi..sli and poiders, tooth picks,; teething Ongs, tea bells, scaling wax; motto seals, visiting', cards, emery baskets, needies,,bat tledor, and biids, spool stands, w ith numerous oth• er articles not mentioned, both useful and erns: mews!, 'which sill he for "re:ndy pay,"ffototrker , tiPtive.to racy percent lowor than itirmeriy: N. B. %Vatches, nit/sic boxes, jewavy repaired in tin: • bed manner rand warranted. -.- 1 , . Cash and no,..it kinds of country produce ta ken in payment tor goods or work. Cull and see. The highest prices paid in cash for old Gold and Silver. ' ' t • I July 21, Off., . 1 . 10 SPICES -AROMATIC CO?DIM1 Nu megs,l, • Sage, Mace, '• Bitter Almonds, Clove; 4 Summer awry, Ground Cinnamon, SweetThlajoram, ' f .:Pepper, black, Vanilla Beans; Cayenne - t • ; do t • Citron, - - • Superior 111mtaid; Extract Vanilla, Ptre Jamaica (linger , " Lemon; Root, . , Bitter Almonds, Ground, d'o Orange flew% Water, Coriandef Seeds, Lcavitt's Bose do Carnival, 'do i • t J Y • DIE'rELICS FOR. TElf: SICK. & INVALID. Bermuda Arrow Root, Gatmeal,l ' • - Strrior white Tapioca, Cooper's Ittnglass i Pearl Barley, • Rusian do 'IT 'C at o, • V Irish Mots;. - ,Rico Flour, • . Iceland Moss. Selected with• care and all ivarrinted superior. • - J.U. tIORTON;Lk CO. Erie, June )9, 19-17. • - No. 5, Reed Flow& • ALL person who I; iiV,('&themielyea to - be ie. debted to BrewsteriitrOwn, 4. Co., • Mahal Day and Brown ' or"AlOaffeyind BreWster, either_ at the Store, orWoollen .Factory, ore hereby re• guested to pay tkmir indelstedneas by rho Gres of July dem; or other Wise ileum, to have costs ke: ed. Wool, stain of ultdescriptions,l Butter iva cheese, wilLbe r,eceiyed in payment of debts due, if delivered at t'i t te Erie Woolen Factory. Erie, June tit;.l • - ; 6 II RESI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers