should be thu early apprized of this change In the state o our relations. , ' . . "No troopsave marched towards the fron tier for a len th of time; and lan I nold tiy Mr. Parrott, who left Mexico a few,slays since, that many of Arlsta's officers had returned to that city in a state of utter poverty. I have, &rt. • D. CONNER. I "Commanding' Home Squadron: "Brig. Gen rat TAYLOR, , •Comma Wing Army of Occupation." Here then is the information which induced him to modify, under certain contingences— "the intellige t i - ice from Mexico'—his advice of October 4th. This same, or similar intel ligence, was Iso communicated to him from the War De artruent on the 16th•of October. 1,,k 'raking the two communications toge th er, Gen. Taylor to e supposed that the dif ficulties bet een the two nations were at that very mornen4 or were soon to be, in the pro cess of peaceful adjustment by negotiation.— Both•conamunications, moreover, intimated to him that , the project of invading Texas had beat abandoned or suspended by the Mexican government. Under these circumstances, and bearing in ind the objects with a' view to n t •which he had proposed to move upon the Rio Grande, ho wrote the letter given above, Ishich the Gazette pronounces "a positive uithdrawal of his first recommendation."., This is "a hase perversion," not to say a wil ful "falsehoo ; 'which the careful reader can not but noti e. Gen : Taylor, in that letter, bases the partial change of his views as to the expediency of 'marching to the Rio Grande upon the hypothesis that "negotiations may. be pending," ; and that too without any dispo sition on the 'part of Mexico "to protract them unreasonably," Thus it will be seen that he did not, as the Gazette falsely' asserts he did, positively withdraw his first recommenda tion. We scarcely need say any thing far ther un this part of the subject. The bare faced falsehood and deception attempted to be palmed\ upon the public is so apparent—the garbling of a part, of the evidence, and sup pressing of the letter of Corn. Connor, is so bold, tl'at we cannot doubt the reader will 1 agree.‘oll us, that the charge of falsehood conies with a very, 'very ill grace from that quarter. f , But the is another attempt at deception in the G zette',l3 article under consideration, which we wish to notice, and then we are done. It is contained in the f a p 'lowing: "On the 13th of January ext—while Mr. Slidell yet (remained in Mexico, and two months before he was finally rejecter—Gen. Taylor received a communication from the War Department peremptorily ordering him to advance his position. HE COMPLIED, AND WAR FOLLOWED AS A MATTER OF COURSE." A plain statement offices, derived from offi cial documents now before us, we trust will place the falsehood contained in the above in its true light. In October 1845, previous to the reception of Gen. Taylor's 'letter of the 4th recommending the forward nievernent of the army to. the Rio Grande, die administra tion, anxious to settle matters peadefully with Mexico, inquired, through our consul, Mr. Black, wh ther an American Mini'ster would be recei d by the Mexican government.— Mr. Blac lade this' enquiry on the 13th of Octubee,,and on the 'lsth it was answered in the affirmative. TO; affirmative answer lead at once to the withdrawal of our squadron from the investment of Vera Cruz, and also to Gen. Taylor's modification of his recommendation of October 4th. On the 10th of November /8451 Mr. John Slidell, of Louisania, was en v:limed by the President arrenvoy extraordi nary and minister plenipotentiary with full powers to adjust both the question of the rex- - us bounlary and indemnification to our citi• zens, life immediately proceeded to Mexico, presented his credentials, and, on the 21st of December the Mexican 'government refused to accred ii. This information was im mediately communicated to our government, and then on the 13th of January, the contin gency having been removed on which Gen. Taylorinuiclitied his recommendation of the 411 i of October, that recommendation' was ac ted upon, and the order given for his forward movement. The suppression of a portion of the facto of a case is as much an untruth as any thing else, and in the above extract it Wil , k be seen that the fact of Mr. §lidell's rejection on the 21st Of , December is aarefully,omitted. Five day's after his "rejection the government of - Ilerrera was oVerthroVn, and Paredes became dictator. 'Mr. Slidell; then presented his 'cre dentials to the . new g l pvernment,..and was by it rejected on the 12th of March, 1846. L The l facts are now before the public—facts derived from official documents—and we are waling to let the public judge which has been guilty of, falsehood—the Gazette or those it so boldly and unjustly accuses. • I:7A cool and refreshing rain was that.on Tuesday evening; and gladly was it welcorn edby the parched and drooping Vegetation. Tun CHINESE JUNK.—This strange craft continues to :attract numerous visitors.— Thro:ligh the project originated with a Yan kee,hytas carried out by an Englishman, who 4. boug6iri! for 0000 premium after the Junk was ready for sea. The Chinesesailor. who are on board complain Of ill-usage. ' . They be long to a province in China remote' from Can ton, and were were, for a coasting voyage. After being some weeks at sea, suspecting foul play, they refused to work and the Junk drif tedfor two days. But the proprietor and a few English sailors armed themselves and ,ta dno. ,advantage of a favorable moment, forced the Chinese tO, work. Subsequently they de termined to staivethemselves to death, and were nearly tbree days without food. After the Juhk had been a week or ten days in New Ydrk,t an American 'gentleman who had resided five years in the place from which These men dame, went on board, and finding that ho spoke their language, (which differs from that spoken at Canton) they made their complaint to him. This gentleman commu nicated the faCt to some merchants, who cal led upon the Junk proprietor and asked him to pay the hinese sailor's regular Wages and provide for their return in an American ship. Their Proposition was at first rejected and resented, but on finding that, his Junk would be libelled and his speculation blown up, the gentletnan complied, and` arrangements are now making for the return of the men who were inveigled from their homes.—Evening Auras/. , HOW , TO'CREXTE A.FAMINE.—Tho I°l- !tiering extract Of a letter from Mr. ;Curtis, tho oiginal of whi4h may be seen by calling on Mr. Merchant, , exhbite the remarkable efficacy of Merchant's Sarsaparilla in restoring a lost appe• iite,i imparting strength in general debility, and removing cosqation of the bowels or costive :nu., 'My cue lel that of general debility of long standing. Myl health and appetite have been very poor all winter, and seeing your advertise. merit and reconamendations, 1 concluded • to try your Extract of Oarsaparilia. I begun by taking hails tea spoonful three Ames a day teemed .perate well except the appetite, and that hie be ow to cravirm Vat I shall not go any further 6 without adviee. Oda . ° I begin, to take the Ex. tract, I had no desire tci eat more than twice in twenty •four hours-anti now my stomach Cite so that I want to eat same five or six times r day. As your Extractla so gentle on the bowels and such a mild laxative .the: I em anxious to . give it a fair trial. I lam occasionally Rouble& with a sore threat, which I fear will lead to Bron• y‘As your pat radt is recommended BO high ly for chronic complaitits, and for purifying the blood, and cleansing the system, that lam ()girl ous to continue its ttie',. Yours, &c.. "Palmyra, March. 3 14." E.CURTIS. Sie advertisement ig this paper. A pamphlet of description may be had Gnarl of the agent. MARRIED—On the 14th inst.. by the Rev. J. K. Barry, Mr Daniel Unborn, to Miss Recline! Rich, all of this city. , EHEO—In Galrna, 111., HELEN VIOLA, dalg.4-1 ter of William and Cakista P. Graham, aged One year and eight months. On the 18th. inst. after a short illness,, Mrs. Martha Hucthes, consort of the fate Thos. Hughesi 'of this borough, aged GI years. On the I Ith inst., after a protracted illness, Mrs. Abigail Olds, consort of Mr. Elisha Olds; of`Mill-• creek township, in the 37th yeah of her age. On' the 15th instant, Mary. daughter of Mr, F.lisha Olds, aged 4 months and 10 days. In Harborcreeh, on the 11th in. William G. Henry, son of the late -William and , Rebecca Henry, aged 20 years. In Green township, on thl 6th inst., ofeonsump tion, Mrs. Angelina. consort of w. L. Weed, In, her 21a year. A CARD. MR. C. BEADEL will commence Giving a course of Lessons in Penmanship at his room in the Flemina , Bloch, on Monday, the 23d inst. Lediem and emit/am:it are invited' to call end see his specimens. S at,sfuctory reference given if (leaked!. Terms male knoivn', at the room. Those intending to leach the coming win• to will find this n good opportunity. One class will 111C01. at 9 1-2 A. Nl.,'another at 7 1.2 P. M. , Erie, Au.ttAt 21 1947. , i DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. T -it. Partnership het ernfqre existing between the undersi , med, in the mercantile buiiness, is this day dissolved by mutual con.ent. GEO. J. MORTON, JOi. C. BROWN, August:l7, '47. THOS. M'CA Ea ER. The notes and account% of the late firm of Mor ton k Co. are by mutual agreement left with Vie undersitrned for collection, who still continue the buiiness a. the 41 where they will be hap py to accommodrte"th-Ar old customers, and the public generally, with goods on more favorable terms tban they eta be lied at any other establish ment in thi4 city. Bit° vVN WCARTEri. Erie, A ii! , ust.. 17, 18 W. 11_ TRAYE r) or Stolen from the subscriber, liv• la in! , in \filtered: township, a Bay Horse, four yeas old last spring, with a star in the forhend, and the right hind leg white. Any oneAho will give ii,formation where he can be fountflhall liberally rewarded, JACOB SIECHRIST.. Nlillereelt. Augnin 19, 1817. ,3*l4' D ROVER. BIAL PHILOSOPY, and other Po emi by Tripe'', a few copies at New York pri just receive I ante for sale by 0. D. SPAPPORD. Etie Angesi 21, 1817. 4114 Hear Ye! Hear re !,- DUBUC Attention is invited to the largest anU 1 - - swot lkshionable stock of• LADIES SUM DRESS GOODS, just receiving,ever of this market compr!sing in part Brochea and Plain Barrages, Orleans Mush nre, a new and beautiful article, Latins and Balzarines, Tarleton Muslin of all colors, Barred and Striped' Mulls, Swiss and India Book Marlins, •Crtpes and Licca of all kinds, SILKS— Striped and Plaid Pettit de Solo, • White gro de Ssvie3; . Black watered 4 r Satin stripe poult de sof, Black and blue b'acW, gro de Napt4s, Black aro de, Rhine fur Alaoallas, Mantilla Lacci, Fringe, Gimpe, Biittons; An endless varlets , an Fringes, of all colors and qualities. SHAWLS—Or all prices. shades and quality from the cheap cotton up to the finest silk and Cashmere, R.LOVE•z —Of all kinds, colors and sit • s. • I lo•iery, Suspo tilers., Gin hams, Prints, Ticks. DrillQloths, t'a.sirMires, Vestin.s, Shoe., caps, Ginecrits of all kinds, In short every: thin_ that man, women or caild can want, to wide!) tte respectfully invite the attention of our cuttomt rs and others. HENRY CADWELL. 1 door east Eagle Tavern. Erie, Awns( 14,1617; Erie Academy. APRINCIPAL TEACHER wilt be required on the Ist olOctobtlr next, to take charge of this Institution. A gt!ntleman experienced in teaching, and who intend; - to pursue it as a' busi ners,wotthl be preferred. Also, a Lady to take chorze of the Female De. pertinent, %till be wonted at the same time. GEO. A. ELLIOT, Sec. Eric, Aug 14,1817. 13 OUT AT LAST! ! rritiAl long expected wonder of the age, the, celePrated and superior "FULTON STOVE" i. now ready for sale at our Store or Foundry.— Persons who have any disposition to see it, are tn• vied to call and do so, whether they, wish to pu• chuse , cr not. LESTER, SENNETT 4. CHESTER. 11, 1947. i - 13 N., Lir Old Stoves taken in payment. Better throw them away than not to get one of these fuel savinu inventions. THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDIC it. COMPANION. . By Dr. A: M•. MAURICE:MI, Profecoor of Die of Wornen. Third edition; 18ino, pp. 250; price SI 26,000 Copies sold in three months. The great demand of this most important work (or which thousands are acid) has compelled, the issue ofanother edition. It is intendfd especially for the married, as it discloses important secrets which should be known to ihein particularly.— Here every female can discover the causes; symp toms, and the most efficient remedies and moat certain mode of cure, in every complaint to which her sex is subject. ?Harried Pemales would here learn the art whereby they would retain their youth, beauty, vigor, elasticity of body and buoyancy 3f, spirits to an advanced age, instead of being afilicteri, as hundreds and thousands, into whose lufnds this book has not fallen. - This work is designed to be in the hands of every wife and mother who has a regard for her own health and welfare, as well as that of her husband. The revelation's contained in ita pages haven! ready Aroved a blessing to thousands; es the in , numerable letters received by the euthdr will at It is of course impossible to convey more fully, in a publicjournai, the various pipets treated of, as.they are era nature strictly intenddd for the married, or those contemF,dating tnarriae; neithi er is it necessary, since it is every one's duty to become possessed Ol)knowledge whereby the suf. lerinis to which a wile. a mother, or a tlister may be subject, can bo obviated. Copies to be sent by Mail free. of postage. Over towahousand copies have been lent by mail' within three months, with perfect - safety and cer- tainty. In no instance hart' a remith rice failed to reach the publisher,"or tbatook -those to wboni it has been directed. • On the receipt of One , Dollar, the "Married Woman'a Private Medical Companimi" will 'be sent free of postage to any part of the United States.. All letters must be addressed (post paid) to Dr. A, M. Mauriceau, Box 12t4, New York. City, Publishing Office 10 Library street, New York. Zrll For sala g r iis, by 0. D. SPAEFORI), Dcl'irliers. Stale street.. 4,107,441. ; • ara 0 OCIDA eliscurr; at Iga. 1 Perry Block. 1 - 0 July 31. , 1. 't MOORE. TO THE PUBLIC.. 'PERK 4pcireaht4 demand for Dr *Limes Liver Pill, .A. since Itheir introduction by us at Ilia alma!, h, fox exceeded oar most *supine expectiOrtes It is now swath. ten years sincerthey were biought peforo the public. Dur. lug this time hundreds of certificates:have been !winded us testifying to their elliesey, sot awing the very great re. Lathe), h d derived from the use of th em. We have now in our pos assioninaut or:611011mi from respsctubte per sons, who ave used Dr If LANE SIMILE PILL u ith Cie most happy results, where every other knownremcdy bad been tired in vain. Also, quite a number of regular phy sicians. of good standing, through the country. aro using and recommendlog them in their practice.' It has been our sincere wish, that these Pills stmaild lie Nay and fully tested by experience, nod stand or fall by ths effects prodfseed. That they have been au tested, and that the resultliss been in every respect fovorable, we call thousands to witness, Arlie have exiterienced their beneficial effects. Dr. M'L iNKII LIVER PILLS are not held thrift or recominendint(like molt iir the popular madivioes Dribs day) us universal cure ells, but simply for LIVES con ri.Aors, A nd those symptoms connected with a demo ted sts of that organ. 'J. KIDD & cO. every n Dian °wt.—Take 2or 3 going to bed eon.* di t i - - .. *hit nigh* ' - or thirguiebt. If they no tto . t . tinr w tta 2or 3 time; by neat ciorning, take one or twouture. A alight break fart ought to follow their use. The Liver rills may, be nerd when purging is. imply ■eceesary, Mau antilnlious Ourptive they are inferior to tome—and in donee 0(2 or 3 they give astonishing relief in KICK IIEADACII—aIso Jo slight de rangements of lho stomach. The demand foe these Pills is truly surprising! Coun try merchant. who heretofore could Jointly be iudnced to purclinge cme dozen. now tug sic. need the following from New Castle, viz Nrw rams, Feb: 14, 1840. Messrs, j. Oo.—Glentleosest—Plesse send me an other half gross of IPLaue's , Pills. The half gross 1 Pur chased a few months ago argon sold—indeed, since my easterners hare vied "Pr. lifLtpiit's .1Ylls," and found them so eftleacious„, I can'searkely sell any other, although tam agent for most of the Pills new before the public. Respectfially yours; W. WATSON. Pre pared fur the Proprietor, and sold wholesale and retail by .1. KIDD & CO. No. GO Wood et., Pittsburgh. ' pr Purchasers will ple.,se be patimular nod inquire for ..1 it. WLANE'S LIVER PILLS," us there ere other Pills, purporting to be 'Liver Pills," now before the public, A medici..e which in perfectly inife unit inky ho given .C& . . to children, from milder miancylto advauced age, lals muter Liu remelted. as to cold water, or any kind of food. Purges wildly, subduiug fever;—destroys and ex pels worm s With inVarlablo success —aitd ts easily admiu tstered to children. That it'imssesses these Valuable properties, it fearlesslY inserted—stall claiming the additiimalludiuntages of be wg giyim to mail bulk, and requiring °one of that ' drenching which Worm 'Tea mid other I supposed Vermi fuses demand. Duriug its brilliant Mace., it ban been introduce.' into primly families, where every other and accessible Vcrunidgis bus been tried without the least suc...ess, has promptly espell d 11'cirins to an al. must luereduble amount. As evidence of the surprising effect of Dr. APLenis's %Vurui Specific, we give the Conon higil Oa Saturday, Feb. tearyth ll 1646, M. James Ilichiird sou called at the Drug Store 01 1 ' J. Kidd & Co. corner of Woad and r'ourti, streets, Pittsburgh. Int. and made the followiug statement "A child of mine lied been very sick tor sums ten days—we hod give.. her ptirgativemediciees but it had dune her no good. One of our neighbors Clll2/9 in sad said It was worms that were deitroying the child, sod at the same time spoke of the weedertul effects she bad witucesed Irma usiug Dr. M Lane'S Worm Specific, fa that neighborhood. tlii procured a vial—gave one tea end lb. child discharged fortyttwo worms. t them gave auothar tes.spouuful, which brought forty six Inure. making in all eighty-eight,worins. A. *duty I owe to you and the common) , at large, I freely iinake known these facts. My child is Mitt Well. What i Mort remarkable, the Worm Specific expelled the Werum l ullve, iu about four hours after t gave it le the child MORE AND LATER • Messrs KIDD & lime the vial of Dr l'il'hene ■ Vermsiuge, which I bought from you the other day, to e child of mine. The result wee straordanury.— she pa.sed one huudrod worms. It ta truly a Al AR POWt.R.S. • 20. Pine Creek, Allegheny co. Pa. Feb inf. 18 FL J. KIDD tit Co., No. 60 Wood trea - t, Pittsburg now the sole Proprietors of Dr.'M'Lane's celebra ted medicines. All ord re must i o addressed to them. l• L'.—Purchases will please be particu lar and enquire' for Dr .I*.Line's Worm Spzrific or Vrrinifoge, AGENTS. — Carter & Brother, J.ll. Burton & Co., Erie; J. Marvin, Waterford; John APClure, Girard; John A. Tracy, Fairview; W. H. Towns end, Springfield; 'lall Sr. Vincent, Cranesville; Campbell, Etlenborol , B. C. Town •at Co. Wattsburg; A. fourtellott, Union Mills; J, H. Ilitynes, North East. rNold by Druguists And Mere! throughout the United States. An2ust 21. 1917, W ANTED. L illErtAL will be pui for 2000 Bushels Corn, 2000. du. Rye, 2000 do. Oats,, 2000 do. Wheat, 11 delivered two weeks. H. CADWELL Aug, 7 ORPHANS COURT SALE. WILL be sold by order of th l : Orphan's Court, by public vendee or out at the Court Boost( in the Borow , h of Erie;lon 'Saturday the 4th (fay of September next, ut 10 o'clock, A. M., the following described piece or parcel of land, situate in the township of Millereek, being part of Reserve tract, number seventy-six (76)• Con taining about forty acres, be the same more or less; lute the property of David fi:aldwell, deed. JOHN G. CALDWELL, Bxecutor, Aug. 13th, 1817. 3t13 Public Notice S HEREBY GIVEN that fife Stockholders cir Ithe Erie Bank, in` the county of Erie. intend to make applicalon to the next Ldgislature for a re. newel of the charter, by the next, and style or the Erie Bank, in the county ofErio, to remain Inca ted in the B.irough of Erie, in the county of Erie, with the same capitol and priyileaes as it now . has. ' By order of the Board of Driectors. C. M' PARILEN, Cashier Erie Bank. July 2&, i 847.! FOWLEIi'S WORK. riltilt.subscriber is the authorized Agent for the 1. sole of FOWLER'S PHRENOLOGICAL WORKS ; in Erie County. ! He' will dispose of them at New York prices. He liaise Agent for Combe's Penological Journal. Call and exam ineti,;\ ~,these alutible publications at his Book Store, on Ste Street, Erie- Pa. Aug. 5 184 d. D. SPAFFORD." ,1) RAISINS by the Box or ponud "To. I, Perry Block • _ ANDY A for sale at Julyl 24. CIGARS.—Puerto Principe, l'rabuca, Spanish and. nil oilier linde. Tidy 17 fitANLMS •. - LEMONS, UL the Cheap, Oro eery Stoie of . T. %V. AIOOIIE. POUNDS of ,good Co lee for one dollar; and ,other things in proportion at No. I Perry Block. July 17, iSI7. NEW EST, BLISHMENT, On State Street,ne,,dg opposite th e Eagle Hotel. Loomis 'O. are now receiving from • Nevy-Writ and openknit at their new store an extensiVe assortment of Rich and Fashionable JEWELRY, (embracing the latest style of work in market,) watches, Clocks. Plated and Brillania Ware, Fine Cutlery, Steel Trimmings, Camphene and Solai - Lamps, Laskin: Glasses, Gold Pens, together with a general variety of Useful and Or namental articles. Call and see what you will see. June 26,1817. .CLOCKS. • EIGHT DAY and 30 hour Gothic; 0. 0. G. Pillar, Alarm and common, by the single o: case, very cheap for ready pay: G.-LOOMIS & Co. superior —..y Q. LOOMIS do Co_ Smoke., nearly opposito Eagle Hotel 17, 1847. LIG t irandoles, •Oil and eamphene Lamps, Cantphene suspending Lamps, Ham's Patentoho best ana safest in use. The public are assured these lamps will not explode, for sale by G. LOOMIS & CO., State at:. nearly opposite Eagle Tavern. U 7,17,11347, A CCORDEONS with the improved Valves, 114. Boos Viol, Violin and C; ui tar strings, for sale by ; - G. LOOMS &Ca State et.. nearly opposite Shale Hotel: uty 17, 1847. mut ri.. W . yhiva temporviCe drink. Thetr atest - Discovery of the Age? .......„ 4 , 4 ~,,... ___ _. affecting cures ut the f the utmost imports.' The most leered,: . lous are CO YINCED— tile mire faithless are compell e d to bellevein he ;Amer and virtue of this greet remedy, hien:dye:Wally at/Milted Robe TIIIVMOIT woNI)ER. FIJI. COMM NATIONIKNOWN to the WORLD for the IMMF.DIATE RELIEF ofiluma e and polo. It never fails while ere remains sufficient life to restore o natural mud healthy . diets to the capillary vessels of the' body, and equalize the irculali,n of the blo 4. fly this means ,a controlling porter is , inflow Ms most . malignantforms qf DISEASE which cnn . of be obtained front any other rem- ' oily. Such is the pa er of this combivation that it pew truces L. overy portio orate human frame; et cry bone atoll , ' muscle, vein, nerve a d ligsinent Is searchnd outand made, , sensible of purifying and hewing influence. Hence it , cors as readily with nternal as external diresses. ' ummoust stance ern on r.:cord where this' emedy has restored health 1. patients so near the crave that the most powerful intern I remedies failed to produce any ef fect* Surh ;has tree rutty boon the Case in INMAN/V. TION of , IheMOVIEI,--•IIIP patient ever need die withthis divert.° where the M pectic Oisim 4 e , ot th e e an r ty .r o ß h i t o sin E e ß d. y — .. ERY SIPELAS a l l c c ru u t:l l % .4 l4 l . d I m ie lc ct i :r n e ° 4l w lty this remedy. " For INFLABIATO ' Y RHEUMATISM. this Ointment is the most complete entedy over prep-trd. , Hi t 0 cases out of 00 it wit! Affohl entire railf to the worst casts of NERY , 111 HEADACHE in thirty minutes. For Nervous Diana es this remedy is of innurme vs tie. A 'reclines of the 8p no Rheumatism, Lameness, Ulcer :lr t h he it tee rle o l : r lt ig re . a le st r . ° lll il u P r ' ne e .S hi a ll i s il ' c at b o o d in S i.i ov i. : l h w r . o . s A ti cu t Head, Scrootl , Salt ileum. 'Eryaipelas, tnflamsd Eyes., Fever Holm &c will be immediately relieved by tae uso I , of this remedy. DR. RING In reply to your gu• Experimeme 1 hone Magnesia Ointment: I one of tlieliiit KATE: It is now' hearty tat in my practice, and I I Hon. both local and ge wilt universal success failed, I have succeed I have teamed tear, elation ofthe Lungs, I tory Rhein) akin. an, success: also eases of Olcerseed I tam' and In the Epademic It 1 which so many valual quently, and it never ' fain cure. la cases of Puma, S it acts like tl rhino. No - Physician or this Medicine, after b to cure. • N. HI Mb a, N. F. Jan, 19, IV'Por further pm Oleg left with racket Pries 25 and 50cent AGENTS. Carter Erie; D. N. & J L. Potter. West Springfi L.S. Jones & Co. Gi Erie, August 141 11 BEST' .Itll.l there raven was a to I farm soil univereal .4 W RIG IT'S I They have stool ti o all other remedies fa thou ia the face of the raised again 4 them. Loth be borne in ta Pills are NO CATCI the off,pring of the h and be forgotten; but reputation Is not built der circumstances in bad quite es muc.i to ito city itself. Wright's' to real worth, lisuudei uy of THOUSAND; Ai throughout the length It wes after a careful that there celebrated laws were hest consul pared from the barb those laws. Therefor AS to expel the torrupt h lets of th e system. SPItl 0, SUSI Each produce. by the I lisr effects upon the and the cohl eontreet ant when changes tak ten serious: ,%Vriglit' the evil influence of blood, and keeping th and healthful conititi ruck' That scourge of the Pills 'teed unrivalle our knowledge of the . effecting a complete c and bilsry functions by great physic I deb pa no time should Ville: few doses wi pet suer tin will be nee edi Wrig is Indian Vege rim'. In flog disease meet iu quality. Co.; feet and the health it bile from the stomach digestion. ) WriglHN Vego o the 'Clouse' artful' the one general and u steinach and bowels, I the retretitios, they red °fall - Hier disorders. OSP. tT ii _ _ _ limns generally, II would be difficult two sCIO/4 Wright s greatest blessang. Pith hove given heap and hundredifruf reml:et. wl in their groves. A bi Pits is au inesti. able rinds. 1111.9:1 WI, E. GIDEOIEBS. &e. ' The presence of pain in any part, indicates a corrupt state of the blood, whi It natureds striving to correct. A few doses of Wright's 'lndian Vegetable Pills taken ou going to bell will be e main to give relief, if the thing bo at all po4aifil“ • VALUABLE A -13 . L10U3 iIIEDICINC! It is well known that the South and West sulfur more from billousibsorderithan from all others combined:4 This is p4roly owing t v the elintate, but ehielly to the nature of Southern an klrfstern life. The setimitiu d a /lc. i companying liver con plaints are of the twist wretched description. Habitue drunkenness is fro:inanity brought on by liver COlTrint. A patient suffering from this din. ease, elinuld Ito be tt,ited with proteuded cures; yet there are very f w me ioines that aro a orth a straw in the removal of tLis complaint. calomel has hitherto been , at the chief reliance, but the remedy hue. proved itself wor s al than the disease! W at thra shall he 'tonal W 6 say,' giro Wright's Indian 1 'inetuide Pills a trial. if they do not excee I you nitpectetion.4. we ore willing to beer all the opprobrium of re . Add we soy t o yil "RV I HE.H. TherelinoVisk ruu— o money thrown sway—yen aro cot tato of hi:eat. • W. N1001tr: When you have feu d that Wright's Wien Vegetable Pills area "leetle't best medicine you ever beard or girl to mein! Don't r un after every upstart Remedy, which attempt. to bluliter itself hitt notoriety, Above all BI %'AICF.OI 1111 fATIONS of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill.. Previous to the io trodnetion of this Medicine, Indian Pills were never heard of. Now what host. of them' And after all, what are tbov, but miserable imitatious of the original medicine; no more like it. than chalk ie like cheese One man ad tertises, "Improved' 'admit Vegetable Pills This would ben capital juke, if it!ware loss serious Beware of all such. T. W. MOORS a.,.l'ap, a p easant T.: W, D14011,E, ANFS CERTIFICATE ries with regard to the results orino made with, your justly celebrated con ...I , elth olem.ure that I deem it r DISCOVERIES s , F THE AGP. I . years shire I commenced using it; rase tested it In cases orla4arnme-1 nen.% of the mast Anagliguant kind • cents where all iuternal remodies with this. of Intimation of the Brain, Tata idamtion of the DOWeill, InAwn:na ' ChM! !rut Fevar., with perfect 'owlet Fever. Canker liaat, And Luogswith like oUCCORII. Irmo as tho Putrid Erysipelas, by de byes were lost, I tested it fie sited of cCrectiug a speed) and cer- naina, Bruises. FfOZCO Limbs, &c. amity will be a tinzto day without convey arqueintril with it power 'GUAM,iyaiciou and Elurgeon. 1816, fleeting and testimonials, see plre ent per boffin. & Brother. wholesain and retnil, Webster. Conneaut. Ohiu; Riley eld; W. B. TU*lllOllll. Sprior 'kith •t 1; John A. Tracy, i7.-1)03. AVM REMEDY! INVALID' t ! It is confidently us*etted that 'lschia Which -has given I. u els uni-1, t, iafaction. its 'DIAN VEGHirABLE ILLS. o sevore,t hale, by curing wlicni led, wad l'nrrer a reputaH envious 'louder* whirl' have been ad tbal WeighVs !an: n Vegetable, i= .ur, destine,' to 'pass away with it,, t a medicine of *tarn g value. Its pan an isolated cure, airtime., ue• hick the filth of the int.tginatlett with it as thcactivity of the real.] oaten Vegetable Pille lay a claim] oo rho honest sod willing tertimo-! DVEXB OF TOOOSANGS. and breadth ur the land. I titudv of the liu.nan cou,titutien, Pills reero prepated: Nature's ad, end , then a medicine was pro If the ludino,which should act with I, these Pills afieFtually • IST NATURE: . 'ER. F ILL AND WINTER ,r variation/ of temperature. peeti-1 body, The had es.ourolv.l the volume of the !kWh I- Once puddcely, thn effects •ro tadjuo Vegetable P.IN counteract :udden change., by purifying the ;. &tumuli and bowels in a eaur..l, I= %Vrtght's ludian Veght”bla, I Au 'Whinee has never come to' le Pills haViug been taken, without re. In Ciiills awl Fevers the liver' a chiefly disordered, superinduced lity. Wli m the symptom first op be lost before resorting , to these l give such manifest relief tint nu scary to runti ue the use .f theni.l It 135'SPEPSIA. Pil s wilt he found very sups tlie gastric Juice is weak 1111(1 equently, the digestion is imper taired. These Ills remove the restore its toile, and arnitrove thin R. JAUNDICE. Ail, rdls aro equally well adopted ,:oinplaint. A. they operate upon 1111f111 principle, of elven in, the 1 iuTifyin ale blood, and reetifying I tame the ItAusE of Jo Uudtee, and , I 'I I , FINALE: 1111-IDIONE. ' • precisely to tell to which of the• tan Vegetable Pill+ have been the it It in very certain that theaa Pills', i swift., and a gaud eamplatiou, to., rho a mild, without them, IIeIVI, been I MIX of Wright* admit Vegetable tmedical Companion at cartfin pa- WOltD MORE -BUY Or TIT REGULAR AOP.VS.' There is no safety olreishere. Tho country is swarm w i t h cwoittcr kit e r;, both of money and of medicine. But which to thtitworitl Is nut thocounterfeitrr rife med trine but little bettor than a robber, and a murderer? Buy of the regular Agents only. wo say again. AGSN $l 7 O a.11,1E LSOUNIY., • 0. D. BP t FPOtt.D. . itinnuel Ilutehlus & C Waterford. jonn McClure. Sen. Glierd. #, J. 8.8 verance, 12ninti. EileY & roller. West Springfield. W. If. Yowrisend, Springfield- • D. C. fawn a Co. iv/limber,. . . • " ' North wilt ' ' i fil John Clement. Yokel w. THS ONLY MOMS% AND 06NOIFIS /NDLAN VECArrAstoc PILLS IiAVS TIM NON TORE OF WM. Wittairr oflorTuN Was A FEN ON *OE V F LAMS% 07 SAcH SOX; ROM other genuine, amigo counter /Alt GI rdenitan. • Oakes devdted elm! sively to the male otWright's la tong Vert.. to iihr PM, wb p, ot sale and retail, 169 ~c o Et re m i NON Yhdautelphla, 288 Greenwich Street, New York; and 1211 Tremont &reel. Ho.ted. \ _ Erie, July 21, 1817: ' -- - . lo _ S%V Alt I'S celebrated ntp, fur table bee. Just the think you tea et; at the "New Store," No. 4. Cheapside !MORTON & Co. Erie May 22,1817.- -1 CHEESE at ' T. %V. MOOR E'S. No, I, Perry Block OLD ENULIB July 17. lE,i.- -- A free& lot or Pine Apple., just received and for sale et NO. 1 Perry Block. - T. w; MOORE. 1 • T nl7 3, tsar. - -'-' • ' . ~ 1. GUA C YABAJe,Slrdinell, Pickleci Oysters, Lemon Syrup' cornocuplas. T.W. __,•r' _. July 17. • . •• - T.. MOORE. i Ittiegitle4. 'l l ho subscribers have just re-' 1 . ceived a rresh",suppiy or Groceries, entislst ing of Tea, cameo, Soong, Spices,. eta, ctc., whi c h will he old t their Usual to* prices I. i OSENZWEIO 4. Co. - THE DELAWARE MUT Insurance Com • (or PUILADRIAIii AR E 1•? ts! doing business on giving the, assured a pet i prolks of the coinpany, without the premium paid,. t MAR., upon the Lakin and the mod; favorable terms. Lo' ally and j promptly adjusted: Fire Risks on tnerchandize, Kui ,property in town or country, for permanently.. - DIRECTORS Joseph H. Seal., James t . Hand, Edmond A. Solider, Theoph lus Paulding, Jahn C. Davis, It Jon • Brooke, Ruben Burton, John G rrett, -' John B. Pinrose, ' Hugh &raiz, Samuel Edwards. George .errell, Henry Lawrence.- David . Stacey, Edward Darlington, Charles ellay, Isaac R. Davis, J. G. J • boson, • William Folwell, Willis Hay, John S. Newlin, Dr. S. ' homes, Dr. R. M. Huston, John S ler, Jr. Spencer Nlcllvai o, • • - Richard S. Newbold, Sec'y. W Martin, Pres% IN.7‘•Application can be mad to KELLOG t , Agent Erie. l?rie, August 7, 1817. PROTECTIO, THE Erie County Mutual Int continues to insure against by fire, on buildings. goods am all descriptions. Office ,on thi Public Square, between 6th and' DIRECTORS. ' Win. Beatty, J. C. Spencer, Gte Thomas Om Giles Sanford, I Ell -C. M.' Tibbals, - Jo W. H. Townsend, Ha Henry Cadwell • GILES' SANE J. C. SPENCER, Tre • Georee Selden, Seetretar June 3. 1817. Patent Elastic Bab Olt NURSE'S ASSISTANT! \ sin, article of the nursery, 1 three mon s Drage can amuse al selves, rest' c , as they, do on a I dle. which serves to sustain the 1 all the support required. It is r Physicians as conducive to hoalt it is invaluable as she catilraveh i and on, her return be assured of and perfectly safe. For sale Block. • T. Price 83 50. • . July 17,1817; _ _ TRUSSES.—A good assort Nltirsh's, Tiernan's, Thom. hare's Trosses, snorted sizes to CARTER July II 1947. TU PHYSIVIA ONE. of Dr. Sherwood's VI Thionette Vnehines, ari i merit iii the treatmeut of rheum nervous diseases, fur Bale by ( N 0.6, Reed [louse. July 17. 1817. ; C7Nll33.—Sirle, dres,ing, curl carved and plaint Shell, i common born, the very latest et rie•v, by Carter 8;.. Brother, No. 6 July 17, 1317. D MAC—Mourning and n fancy and gilt; flue Englli orbitp and blue idea and plain le, and letter env u tumuli" - F ale by Carte 4. Mother, Nu. 6, Jnly 17. 1 17. CEO. J. MORTON, JON. C. BROWN, NEW STORE NEW GOODS NEW FIRM, mai?. lindersizned beg leave r J_ form their rriends and the that they have entered into thb ness under the name of MORT Clicapside, next door south of N . ter Their 'stock or Goode 'is 'e, surpassing, in iichness, va,riety any stock ofgoods ever brbd2ht and embracing every style of Si Thy Goods, ( "Ong which will b Linens—American, Irish, Ger Dress Goods of every descrip i Shawls .of the latest designs, v from 75 cents to $25;1 Summer Stuffs, Trills, Jeans, Brown and bleac ed Shirting! of every width and quality; - Broad Cloths, Cussimeres and , Calicoes, NEuslins, Lawns and Bonnets, a splendid' assortmen llibbon4, Artificial Stowers, Umbrellas and Parasols, a gre Carpeting and Paper Hameln. Also—Millinery Goods, 'rail Aloreens, Damasks, Linen diape I?.mbroideries, Silk and Cotton F cotton and Lisle Gloves, Westin , riety. hi Connection with the above well selected etock of GROCER quality.' City and country ,Nle with any article in our line on fat` MOF Erie, May 15, 1917: Spring of 1847.] Rail XTEW SPIUNb SUNIMEI' .1.1 received at the Jew Store, I cial Exchanue, corner of French .1 Mossis, alter envountering all sea and land, is here with his new Goods, purchased in New York al at the lowest cash prices; and enibr est vttliely of Fancy and Staple 1 bright to this phce. A few of tl tic . FORMGN & FANCY SlLKS—Striped Poult de Stir. • Plaid Grenadine, • Do. Foulard, Ile,ivy wat'rd Ystriped White, watered, White and black Satin, Plain black Italian, Colored Florences. French Gingham, a new aid Muslin Robes. plain and embr French embroidered Robes for Very pretty M. de Luines for 2 French worked Linen cambric Embroidered and bordered - do. Double single French ncedl and Capes, Embroidered muslin , Shawls, Silk, Cashmere and Barrage d French Barraae Scarfs, English thread Laces, SWISS a ings, Black, white and colored Fruit. Sikk and mohair gloves and mi Ombra striped Bonnet Rihand. Figured do. do. Corinthian Cord, Lace Button Silk Bonnet Wire, &c. It' !Mind the name and nu MOS t No. 1, Comm April 21. G(MEN APPLES.—Newton eral other kind of apples _lb Perry Block. T, July 3, 1847. 500 013 e2 L C 8 rn i% sh ' 74 chedp for cash, one door north of t by FtIN r. June I. 1417. • FRESH PRUIT.:.--You can 6 :People's hots Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Prunes, Box R and Citrons, cheap fur cash by. June 26. W F. :11N I, 9 8 izg Mack erel, sr rt o o Cad r I 4 s June 36. W. P. BIN PMUS Kid Gloves—A hewn White and Colored, Belling Cheapaide; by '• \ Mae. May 42. 10411. .1,5 1.WZ. Varesela, 'Varasolet i flora fiva dI 2 arena manufa all shades and celort,just aped • April 21., W 0 , 4 1 01411 4 4 , t 'I i I ~ LI. NIC Wood, Cain Wca4 Blue Vitriol, Cream Tartar, •,cheap for tbc kea4y; by - • June - •W: F. RIN - "LOtir lIERE, WILL votrri .- IF you wish In tidy cheap,: you will plaosecoll at R N DERN EC HT'S NO. 8, Poor Peep:lel Row; where you (ADAM the following articles, *hide Pr 9 warranted goods —Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Moles les; Tubaco of all ; kinds, like. Paper, Spice; Cla nellnond,Clores„Nutmegri, GI in ger, Stara, Choco -Ist e, Cocoa; the pound or hos, Pepper Soued, Lanvin Syrup, Oliter Oil, Lamp Oil Vine gar, Pi re r; iAcker4Paci le Soap of all kinds, Shit sing Brushes, Puvrder, .'Shot, Lead, Percussion Cups and Pills, Candle' Wick, Twine, Matches, Stove Blacking, shoo Br usheiand Blacking, Chalk Tar and Rosin, ,Macoborand Scotch cliff, rut phcr, Itimstone, Epriom Salts GlauberSalts, Ral eratusr Bed p q ro, Rope, Fish and . Chalk UUCP, Herring, Patent Pail, Tubs, willow Wagons, Wash Boards, Wins Sires, Althonds, Madeira Nuts, Filberts, Curry Combs and Horse Cards, Horse Brtishcit and Combs, Saltpeter, Hairy salt in bags, Drposdl, Corn - and Hearth Brooms; 'Whitewash Brushes, and othercorticics toe numerous to Mention. Please call 'and see for yoursclveti . • Erie;, June R. 1517. AL SAFETY ' I BY, I ,) 'the mutual plan, ,icipation in the 'lability beyond anal insurat oli es will be fiber- Idings and other a limited term or MATS.Oran and Manilla Matt, Just ro -- caked and for alga cheap' at No. I Peril Block, by T. W. MOOR!. - ~..Inne 19, 1317. 5 riIOWN SEN DS'S ARSAPARUILA, and coin .celebrated Depuratives. For-Tale by J. H. BURTON St. Co. Jun. 19, 1847 14 - V.V ' EA ANL) ALUTE - 1?. -1 ' '• I . Fonic MixtUre, India Chalattogne, Maxim's Ague Pills Quinine, ' - - Tonic Vermiluge, - Peruvian Bark, Fo sale wholesale and retail by C Er n, June .19, 1,E1 A ., RTER. Sr. DRQTI-lEft. • . 5 ! _T r - I ' DYE STUFFS ,1 " Ann a tto,l , Oil Vitriol, 'i 1 ' I Alum, • • zo, . indi opperns, Blue . Vitriol, - C ream 'Furter, Cud Bear, rgols,l, - • Cochlneal, Spirits .11' Tin, . - Liquid Blue, or clietnie For oamootil, Nio Wood, (green, um wood,— MadOer, ' I. tovietc! ' Red Saunders. For sale very cheap et No. 6,• Reed Tinuv.4, by 1 • , I CARTER 4. Bli.O'FHEll. inn . 19. 1847. , 5 ranco Ccimpany 099 end damage merchandise of eagt ride of the lb It treete• . iree Belden,. rni Jackson,' ah Babbitt, I A. Tracy. lin.Rusaell, RD, President surer. Jumpers, 'a nest. and 1111111- 0 v which infants d 'exercise them the seat or sad hild and giro it , commended by ES To the mother .r little one' alone, ndi nx it amused at No. I Perry W. MOOR E. ent. .Aon's and Rhine• Hale low by BROTIIP.R. Just tenni, Ibratinz Electra valuAble instru• spinal and alter .5. 'Brother, FBI B'' v. anti (heel; combs. hry, Buffalo and les, in ;Treat va (teed !louse. aeSD, Li' Pure u paper, p. 1.00 and American ter paper; curd II assortment, Ibi Reed House. For e hied Erie 110 S. M'CAI&TER EW PRICES apectfullito in /Odic Eenendly tercamila biwi• IN & C0.,N0. 4, !buffo)? 4 r . Brc we • tirely new, fur end cheapness, to this inarknt, 4 pie and Fancy ) found S " Ma) iim r i lice; its Wafer Seuliti Pouno F'ur sal an and French; 'lArying in price, UM S i *PE the Ti ports into II Alezien, it has . Groceries in the WWI aI who w., any th ing in mu ,_,..,,.yt0 call and examine our r stuck, Ibr-we do usaeri, %% itho t fear of coatrad Won, that we have ihe 1 1 freshest lot of Groeerie in th is market, having l i all beea purchased from the latest importations: In o.irquek inaylie foond the following: Imperial, Gunpowder, and l'omago Ifyson I Teas. Java, Rio, Laguira and S i t. Domin go Coffees; Loaf, Pulverised, Porto Rico, and . I.' Sugarii . Pepper, Spice, ' Gin ger,.7+' • , innate's., Nulmegs Mace, Cloves, Rice, Pear rd barley, Candies, Pecan, Brazil, Made ra and'Pea nuts; Anionds, Filberts, etc.; ruits--Apples, Raisin's, English % Cu r ra Tits, and Figs; Sperm and Tallowc,indlcs;' Suintler and Winter strained Lamp Oil, a superior article, Salad oil, Fancy Shaving, Variel ated and I Bak. soap. Dairy salt, Whit Fish, Mckerel, Mackinac Trout, ; I and. erring; Kimball's extra Fin -1 1; cut chewing, !Spanish Srookvig and CavOiirlish Tobin:o,ll'ms; ' Ite?alitt, Principe-, Tyabtica, Lenora , and coot- M^^. IllgarA. Col red and ...- lihi '" assimeres, etc. and §-heating! attinette; Ginghunls; / t ees and Ruches, : t assortment; R. is Trimmings, ,Crush, French ose, Kid, Silk. S, is great vs: . . - 1 1)1 be found a ES of superior chants - suppled rabie terms. 1 TON & CO. _ pring of 1847. Road!. (TOODS, juat No t Comnier . nd 1.. 1 1111 sta. one r petite, by and aardonable , nd Pitibte.vlph! ‘ ..eing Oa great- Dry Gonda ever harp will. bo no Go; Besidt wants j ceived mad p ODS. k & blue blk dry a Glass other OPP. tiful red, ldren, ;CT yard. I 4J.1 In Big Otfo, do. 1 we rked COluro 1 BU FALO WHITE LEAD.—An. idioit:e of t tis superior article - just received. AlSo, Plush reh Lead, (Fahnestock & Co's make,) dry and in oil, always on hand and warranted. . Jun It . J. H. BURTON & Co. , i /..: Chests Fresh 'l'eas, just receiv ed and tor A 1., sole by the chest or less quantrlY, by June 16. W. F. KINDF.R.N . F.CI-IT. . . -500 G. hIOLAg.SES, just re ''eived and for sale cheap as the choapes ; one door north ollhe Big Window, by Juno 16. ' W, F. RIND ;lIIN .0 FIT. 4(,) GALS:, Ohio Stone Wel), for sale one 4s door north o 1 'the Big Windowi Jun . 26. . W. F. ItINDEIINBCHT. I THE EXPRESS AGAIN.] C A WEI4' hasjust received from New York a few very choice goods, to which he invites the a ender; of the ladies and others wishing to purch' se, consisting of \ Orleans' Muslims, a new and Et audful article for dresses. Swiss Minding, Broch Barrages, - Plain dm, Fringes and Gimps, i t Silk and Cashmere Shawls,'Tarleton Mulls, 4.c. &c. lifore eapected ,dally, particulars giyen in full nest week; .iti the theantime he respectfully solicit. a call.' , ' H.CADSr.I..L. - Jul, 3, 1847. d cambric' Ed; 1,9 h Kid Glove; I L S !rnhil I. French nt. ippinsand sea sate at No. 1 V. MOOItL. Loaf, Vulverizt ecivado Sugar, e Biz Window, ERNECLIT. I 'No 6. Poor Harm Raisins, Mains, Currants laft9lVlSlONserFlour, Porl4 Hams,. BhDh d• ers, dried Apples dried Peaches. Corn Most Codfish, White Fish, Mackerel, Potatoes and ev erythig in the Provision -Line,. constantly on band nd for Zile by Junettl. ' F. RINDERNECHT. -1 -' WINDOW GLASS. • CURTER 4. BROTHER have jest received ‘..1 their gummier stock of Window Qin,. which Is tare and complete, varying 10 size' from 7xo to 15:30; and will be clic to any size or ihape dee"- od t without extra Charge. Putty always on AIM. • June 10.1847'. . - 5 . ERNECHT. ' , eh; also, a few !le by FERNECIFIT. ful assortment, heap at No. 4, ' TON Sr: • and alsadeei tures, Including rINA. 'it:E.—Those indebted to ito We, firm of Smith Jackson & Co. ire requested to makelmtnediste 114 18th e scikunt retreat I hops them, titill,be ne.-lohger, , [tact to this and aqua Witt. Fordo, um. Copperas!, &C.,• lor sale oIRNEOHI'• ►te, July 3t, 4117. PAINTS, OILS, &c. :. INd par stock will be [band— , *-, . I ' 100 kegs pure *Mite Lead, Madlo 100 and Pittsburgh niadufaclpreL 0 lbs Spanish Whiting, GOO ' . Venition Red, • 500 French and Yellow ¶)chre, 100 - French Greco, a beau .article. 300 Red - Led, • ' t 200' Litharage, I 200 papers refined Ltunphlat . 20 boxes Chrome yellow an! , green, 100,. 11ons Spirits Turpentir, IGO, do Linseed Oil, ' So* - * -, do Olpal Varnish, coach and pirnitnre. L ' 20 doz Pain Brushes, assorted RiZOS. ,eceived and for sale on acconithadatiii • TER & 13 ROT I I I.3E t. 5 !t, No G, Reed UU• -, CAI 19. 1817 BROTHER; the Lu w of 1,116 1 to moil s Liquors; orcrt a good / I Fa zel, Sictla, Hock, And Current vines Hollall in, wiiiidey, And Alcohol. 3 as the 831113 quaiiliea this market, 'at No. 6, CARTER G ticen o I told., nuns mod Spirit° cut of ladeira, .14erry. Ltlaga, IZ3 rand, ainafee Spirits, all at ag low ra , .: l er ben eft:red it, OUAO. June 19, Mg !!!!MIMI AtIOR French a. in Letter Paper, dand Nur - s Blab!: Ink 1— . _ arwine and Red Ink , , Common, Note', Transparent and Motto, W - Math Sand, Rtibbe , e by . • " June I I /m ro val of 1 At red and pLin liras* and - Mats.— s a host of tither articles to supply the of all. A frdsh - Sdpply of Gtoceries re semi-monthly. Call and examine goods ices at No. It Parry Block. MO I • ' T. \V. Clag. . .4 Juno 12, 181 Y W ANI) FRESH GROCERIES, At No. 6 Poor Peoples Rote, F. RINDERNECHT lids just redeivcd a !area and well selected as,urtrnent of Os•et. I d Fondly Groceries; Dye Sniffs, Nails aid I which he will sell cheapar tor cash OHM any lestahlislArtent in town. - Picasso; tall and June 'l?., 25 bags Wu, Cuba, Stl'.l,lu neo and Java Co ff ee, one door north:6l'oe indow, State street, by ‘. W. F.. RINDERNECHT. 1R47 GEO. W. MERCIIANT I S 0' invaluable r .ther donteatl jng diseasert Wev4pde,i • Tyl kinds, BMWs, • it Heels,' .ne,•Windyal nil, Callus, a, Sweeney, Jos Unlvei diseases oil at ism, • • fa' Pita, • IKI folio Fret Galls Sprai Crag. • Ring Poll i Spoon It is Rimini 1.3it0 1 Fscst J Boils, Burns 1 Cramp Contr. 11V:cam bleat Finial ordinat born i Lion of the pub pinyed 1 utElet ti i uonderf imal., it not l foutt cd Jut el I I.lWl i i the ch. rit, 'node of !lies ene Sold b F tssott, Connea P; GE®. EXT 1 For' Arising fr . curt. Chronic a dcoustitulil• ' • aSCJ lit il at Screfula Kin g'sEc4l4 t.t 4;try Oils, r ren Merano aot Corrosi the Th t. Nose. 4 /64, L r. and Gth of the 15 it. niptes c p ustules on I P•S.ealif r.• ste.Ses, med 4•4 - wif i - ms f the skin. I: les. Stu Line' ...ate Mt .7. Unit Lt.. .cttul U Vice rf "lac aectiuJ. • i Methane, rid Li ge'neici de Mike St: Minya. Pains in Me. Way. . . This cmcdy is, repared from the choicest se t lected sir terials, th active propert 4s of which aro ox.racte by a n im roved process, without heat; on :wee nt of vidiic I it is preferred by Phytticiatts asLein , more uni orm andattive than any ollter 'now be re the pu lie. i i .A Cul account o the remarkabl efficacy of this remedy in a vatic y of cases oft 'e most tittgral vated n tare, may c seen by cat gon thepm prtetor r his area s. _ i As tp st rood in dicines are co intertekte4 be sane a d call for ' Mcrchant'sßa saparilla." hod see that these nor arc blown oft t emlate"Frotu the Lul oratory of co. W. Mere ant, Chemist, Lockpo t, N. Y. Or. !most ever pedlar in the wintry Is now 'patting op an it Im °sins on the p Wit, an article they ca I satsnpart a. Therefore, nEnut.t.'.l . gal yJ. H. Bt rton & co. Eric; S. S. 4. 11. Fassezt 1 Ashtabula Ohio; D. N. ‘Vehsteri-Con . imam, hio. i --* 4 ; 0: I ulcd and OISE. D'" 111911'.1 Uret Prost Kiln Loin This Geo. port, N Full at.comp Sold Fa.eett neaut, A T T YU Wad i the did It ha role. • Br*: the e en chenilei be seen Price 51 Sold Passett! Connea EMI rv. Pia l'sredq exqhnn tie6omi wool. Erie 91 N° scriber of Ve indebtc soihe ii ! gaingt ticated QM IS her io t the lin RAMIE tat iier,Pe thou-a county Erie, 11 . J. H Hcoi Jam n Wn 11. P. 12 I sale te FM s._Dout,k, VI - Pi ces, Repoli eras as rinionpif Ci Mn S IL I bid butter Ibt ka% ELEI TT A lt:S w 1 n. stet stllvan• sgg, 'l.l steel , slasPe -nn4 bead.. limbo. 411, ri Lula, r f ",„ ecjw AA brooches, brasolete, parsclis, sok. alai, together niitt an . enitl.4emo, vadem,et,skti,esitiii fancy artrelemosi 'LOTNI S /: CO* „„ e n Stnto ruzarl) ottertdo 14 4 0 7 ,, L.).Tuly 17, 1,!.. 1 1-7.- • , S. JACUast. ti for Horses, c animate, in the • l _ f styli, Slfait Btraiaa, Lome, &nu Cracks, I Fintifdered Pu Strakalqs or q Mange, . 1 Ilarn Bishop i 4-sal - Fairtily Enthr liftman Flesh, such ' - ETEinet Poise ' PUtafelsrcon i - Hens, 1 Corns, I._ hiltow , . Chilblain*, , , Chappitt !lauds , ts of the .3htseles, &ratings, Wm as of the Joints,. Kaked Breasts. tcusnt's Glacusc Ott.—it-is , 1; 1 remark, that besideb the great a • powers •in the taro of diseas e which its Virtues first attracted he farrier, 4nd firmer, and the w is generally, it has been mice es n a great variety of the ma i li 6 tin-mj race; .and it has p • o i l ' I curesTqbas performed on the I at it is endowed wi,ll curative P , in other horse oils, which has e ims to general confidence. . e of the counterfeit article, and I L. of the Saila PROPRIETOR, G. 1 ,ockport, 14 blown in the bottle. ~, (.4 test inc. nials, syncipaillftliWCs, and eatment, see pamphlet MSc t-compr, Got le. - y I J. H. Burtss .k . Co. Erie ; ,..' . ft.TI. Ashtabula, Ohio; and D. ~ N.‘., 1 ;ebctcr, t, Ohio. 1 - 1'''4,Y50,.t. 21 i outwit volua scool!), V. MERCHANTS I,M,PROVED' COMPOUND FL O'k L , , - 1 -- ' ACT pi ' sAitsANBuLA , -...., •- Renzoni / Diseases of ihe,salood, m an-at au ..Ifer-t - b .nes and Ads. ,es& Soresoralfts t/ i ,ate cid sor qf all kinds. - - Seal! htad. &et Nam 1:00 H' rda' i father Livat el arid •sl from an, Iraq, Uri I se 1. - ulthe Blood; alas. • ilial , itual C‘stiaanc, rites, Chronic of ions ate Lim% I Lungs an Chest, n Pal. i. the . , onadi and sides. .Vight I?trtat . .IT. 4e ' It it titezisr puck I iromirtrri • 7 80-1 data, - a karriarg . kaiiii _ . lams l C°3 1 ,. i heels parts e ict,e ,r HE URINARY ORGANS 'c Urinary I Organs cured by r ninn ' y trek cast, cast and cu. 11 is and :cnic disease s of ihu SES OF • SEAS 01 •ITCIANT ch as aro tr, I.9l:o,'aronic Gonorrhees 'Cleat . , Strictures. niabefes, -dioinC is prepared only by 9perative clic7ist &.c. Look struc:ions, testimonials, &c., tie. at: Gland ys, and vatuabl m Merchant Y. nd ample in ,ny bol .y J. FL Eta Aaatabulal hio. 0 iron & co. Erie; S. $. & H. 'Ohio; P. N. Websttr, Cott - Ivso RED IEADS AND GRAY. • AN HAIL DYE. n warranted article kw orinz. the h• if a benntiful brown or wilt not w ar 'mirth' linen, or color as !tundra(' can testlf.r. :1 also•becn tiled sucees;tully in coloring• re of tho co ino, pr par , Lockport, .! at the store cents. .y J. H. Buj , Ashtabul, and be sure you get - .1.16n1y byG r eo. W. Merchant, Y. &triples oftlair may • ro # proprietor or ids agents. ton S to, grie; S. , 'Olio; and' D. pi. Webster, t, Ohio WOOL! WOOk! I lAFFEY 4.t. BREWS Thft keep con • anly on ha d at the Erie Woollen f'acto. n Clothe} lain and Fancy Casalmerea j and of-varic u9colora and qualitica a hick 044 ge for %% 1 991 delivery, on custoniary end 'indatini . terins. They also pay cash for Wool I tern, Jone i e,'1317 I MINI TEATORIi s NOTICE. • 'lchl la &eh) , given that letters of Ad inistratiOn- have been granted to the sub. on the eeta a of John Philips decd, late / 1 ango towniltkpi all peranna, therefore, it said eat to are requested to settle dm mediutely; nd those havinl. claims NO he same wil preaent them lemilly authen .. lot' eettleme t JOHN R. SMITH. ? A"d,„,,„ . ALLISON ROBE TG. i i 31, 18)7. , ~ r . 6tl i - Pub • by given th e next Lei rporati On of s and Nisei bundled ti inereasino d dollars. 8 _rie, -State . July 17, IS edam% William,. ' Fullerton. r chews.' Jacktoo„ C . : Maribal V lineal, .S. Lane, Brown, bud la. • is Notice. tan application wilt be made stature of Nonsylvania, for 1 a Vantt:to be-cilled, •"rur. aktca' Ittanr," with a Copt ousand &liars, and the privo the same to two hpnitsci 1- , id bank to be located izaVitio q .f PennsylVanla. , , 17. C, ai. tibtufh. ' Ramie) 11.tyr. C. Bat,be, Ste's - fell. tartan Criatata. ?acne' Williams, ilely Loomis. A Ifrtul i King.. a. (...04)1. itillaf Hughes. et and.lookine,_ glass plate. Befit of die above articles; for OOM L 3 es - oppoeittEagle Hotel,' KING G ae! Ilane assort I y low by Ste.e et., 17, 1841. Barrett, Sinido do. Rooting,- ing-six-Sixtxx.erisoaelgx o, rap. • on lisiotro, LOONIIS ti k kr. 1617 iErt, WAllRE.—Silver table, - (Teaser, tcsr o and - mustard spasm tongs, ladles l'Orks:. nd fruit knives, constantly on hand andl , LOGMIS State ett nearly apposite Eagle Rook' )7. MO% ' I ' I~ 1, utile orol re of die lENIM BE htiod •Ifee- 1713 orthy of d extra ct tho e otten- I . oder of tly em • which by the wer lot palest abliab • sure Mor• IY ( t IN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers