WlfMl . ire . . .. 1 i VOL 43. BL00MS1WRG PA., THURSDAY FEBRUARY 18, 1900. NO am wily I I Ml Iff II II II II U If I III II II II II IU JL 'i ' . . 1 . 1 . t m ...i WHEN YOU WANT "TO Open a bank Account Have a Check Cashed Borrow Money, or Make an Investment CALL ON THE OLD RELIABLE - t The Farmers National Bank OF BLOOMSBURG Capital, S60.000 Surplus 8100,000 () M. OKEVELING, Pres. M. MILLKISEX. Cashier. DIRECTORS J. L. Moykr N. U. Funk C. M. Crkvkmno C. A. Klkim W. L. Whitk C W. Run yon Dr. J. J. Brown M. Milt.kiskn 3 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. THE TOWN ELECTION. , Richard Won Out lor Preidenl. 25,There were 1345 votes poMed ou Tuesday iu Blootusburg. There are about 2000 voters iu the town. For President Fred J. Richard, Republican, received 778 votes, and James H. Coleman 507, giving Rchard a majority ot 211. Vnr oonnoil the vote was as fol lows: Magee, independent, 1055; I L. Rabb, independent, 999; Wellington Kashuer, Democrat, 895 ; C. W. Runyon. independ ent, 728; C A. rursei, inde pendent, 683; H. C. Rulou, Dem ocrat, 662. The defeated candidates were John Lewis, Thos. J. Morris and Tnrnh Stiner. all the Republican caucus nominees; and Arthor Nay- lor who was nominated at tne Democratic caucus. There was a fieht on for ihe of fice Tustice of the Peace. Clem R. Weiss, Democrat, received 618 votes, Geo. W. Sterner, independ ent, 531, and C. S. Fornwrftd, Re publican, 196. KnrfTax Collector. L. M. Slep- py, Democrat, was elected without opposition. Fred Ikeler, Democrat, and W. E. Rinker, Republican, were ree lected School Directors without op posit i on. SPECIAL COURT SHORT. On Monday Judge Lynch of Lu zerne county came here to hold a special week of court, there be ing four cases on the list in which Judge Evans bad been concerned as counsel, and therefore could not sit at the trials. The 36 jurors summoned were present, but as all the cases had been settled by the parties, there was no business for the court. The cases were all damage suits, and if they had been tried, it would probably have consumed the week, and possibly longer. SNYDER BUYS HOTEL. Gehrad Snyder of the Exchange Hotel, Bloomsburg, has bought the wellknown Henry House of Mrs Ida Michael, just back of the Ly coming county court house of Wil- liatusport. on private terms. This is considered one of the most profi table hotel stands in Williamsport. Possession will be given as soon as the license has been transferred. Donald O. Snyder, a sou of Mr. Snyder, who has recently sold his Eagls Hotel at Pittston will assume the management of the William- sport hctel. INJURED BY FALLING TREE. While engaged cutting down trees along the old canal bank opposite the Bloomsburg Land Im proveuient Company, midway between town and Espy, Monday morning, , Harry Johnson, of East oeventh street, had the misfortune to have a large limb fall upon bis ankle pinning him to the ground It took his brother Curtis some time to release him, and then he was taken to his home where the injury twas dressed by a surgeon. NEW PENSION BILL. Introduced in Congren by Hon. J. G. Mc- Henry, of (hit District. The following is the new pension bill introduced by Congressman John G. McIIenry of this district on Jan. 22nd. It was referred to the committee on invalid pensions and ordered printed : A BILL Granting pensions to all enlisted men, soldiers and officers, who served in the civil war aud war with Mexico. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of representatives of the United States of America in Con gress assembled. That any person who enlisted and served in the mil itary or naval service of the United States during the civil war or war with Mexico, and who shall have been honorably discharged there from under bis last contract of en listment, and who has reached the age of sixty years or over, shall, upon making proof of such facts according to such rules and regula tions as the Secretary of the Inte rior may provide, have his name placed upon the pension roll and be entitled to receive a pension as fol lows : In case such person has reached the age of sixty-five years, twenty dollars per month : seventy years or over, twenty-five dollars per month ; and such pension shall commence from the filing of the ap plication in the Bureau of Pensions after the passage and approval of this act : Provided. That peusion ers who are sixty, years of age and over and who are now receiving pen sions under existing laws or whose claims are pending in the Bureau of Pensions may, by application to the Commissioner of Pensions, in such form as he may prescribe, re ceive the benefits of this Act and nothiug herein contained shall pre vent any pensioner or person enti tled to a pension from prosecuting bis claim and receiving a pension under any other general or special Act : Provided further, That no person shall receive a pension un der any other law at the same time or for the same period that he is receiving a pension under the pro visions of this Act : and provided further, That no person who is now receiving or shall hereafter re ceive a greater pension under any other general or special laws than he would be entitled to receive un der the provisions herein shall be pensionable under this Act : And provided further, That if any per son claiming title to pension under the provisions of this Act shall cer tify under oath his inability to prove the date of his birth the Com missioner of Pensions shall adjudi cate the claim as if the said claim ant had established that he was twenty-one years of age on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-five. Sec. 2. That the rank iu ser vice shall not be considered in ap plications filed hereunto. Sec. 3. That no pension attor ney, claim agent, or other person shall be entitled to receive any com pensation for services rendered in presenting any claim to the Bureau of Pensions or secuvmg any pen sion under this Act. in mm ir' " Money bccli money." rJ-i fJ i S.'ukjspcwe. j; 'jjff f Ar. th? magnet Ic pole a! tract 1 1 j f compnss' ncclii, so c!ii 3 money j Yrf- "' J pcr.ty W.r,g to t!e po .parous. f m,i.M,l. il,i. R-l!,.i! MX k ...v.... . ... r . of .your fi.irin.ial operations, 'jj We Want Y vi r lVi-tiiii'-w, AwllWIll Servo YouJWell. MUSICALE. A musicale will be given by the Musical Kindergarten and private pupils of Mrs. Albra W: Baker, in the Parish House, on Tuesday evening, February 33, at 8 o'clock. An interesting program will be presented. RUMMAGE SALE. A rummage sale is being con ducted this week in the Clark store room, under the auspices of St. Margaret's Guild, with Mrs. Rob ert Hawley as manager. Many itcfni nrtMes are offered, and the prices are very low. y? INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS l!Lti.vvm' h- mouY cash'r' schoch- pret mil E BLOOMSBURG NATIONAL BLOOMSBURG PENNA DEEDS RECORDED. Following is a list of real estate transfers entered of record in the of fice of Frank W. Miller, recorder of deeds for Columbia county: M. H. Rhoades, treasurer of Columbia county to J. M. Craig for tract" of land situate in Roaring Creek township containing iy acres. Shuman Cemetery Co. to Jono- than Loreman for lot in Shuman cemetery in Franklin township containing 15x15 feet. Sarah A. Sterner, administra trix of the estate of Daniel Sterner, deceased to Amos Krum for prop erty in Bloomsburg containing 70x95 feet. Clara KisnDacn to inanes a. Rasely for lot in West Berwick containing 68x178 feet. Patrick Markham and wife to Charles E. Steel for tract of land in Bloomsbure containing one acre. Mary E. Mifflin and J. Warner Mifflin and wife to Mary B. Young for property . on Main street Bloomsburg, containing 66x215 feet. Frank Fahringer and wife to Jas. E. Elliott for lot in Bnarcreek township containing 49 1-2x165 feet. Martha C Hartzell to George F. Miller for tract of land in the village of Mifflinville containing two acres. Charles Werkheiser and wife to W. C. Hartzell for tract of land in village of Mifflinville containing two acres. William P. Sterner and wife to Leander D. Diehl for lot in Ral ston's addition to Bloomsburg. William P. Sterner and wife to Amos Krum for 1-2 interest in a lot in Bloomsburg. Lydia C. Clewell, attorney iu fact for the heirs of Charles Clewell deceased, to Charles Hendershott, for lot No. 48 in Shuman's addi tion to the borough of Catawissa containing 150x48 feet. Creveling Cemetery Co. to Dan iel Miller for lot in Creveling cem etery in Scott township. Elizabeth Shultz to D. C Eck roth for lot of ground iu Fishing creek containing 3-4 of an acre of land. John McMichael and wife to Elizabeth Shultz for 3-4 of an acre of land in Fiohingcreek township on which is erected a frame dwell ing house and carpenter shop. William II. Cook and Sarah J. Cook to George D. Irwin for house and lot of ground situate at the corner of Fourth and West streets in the town of Bloomsburg. B. F. Warren to David Davi9 for 106 acres of laud iu Beaver township, with certain reserva tions. Christian A. Small and wife to George H. Small for 12 acres of land in Cleveland towuship Jennie Cohen to Otto Larish for 89 acres and 87 perches of laud in Benton township. P. G. Everhart et al. to M. O. Everhart for 81 acres and 100 per ches of land in Jackson township. B. F. Eves and wife to Henry Crawford for 115 acres and 20 perches of land in Mt. Pleasant township. Allison Derr and Hamford Fisher executors of G. W. Fisher deceas ed, to William C. Longeuberger for 84 acres of land in Main town ship. George D. Irvin and Ella A. Irvin to Emma J. Brobst for lot of land in the village of Buckhorn. I K, A. onggs guarumu ut iuc uu TRAINED NURSE LAW. A bill has lately been introduced at Harrisburg for the ostensible purpose of protecting the public, and the alleged need of such 'pro tection' is urged as a reason for passing such a law. Such a meas ure will increase the importance of toe nurse in her own eyes and tend to raise prices. There are no reasons fcr a State law for the registration of nurses that would benefit anyone but the nurses. My own experience has been that nurses assume too much in some instances. It has been necessary for me to label medicines falsely to guard the patient against a nurse, who was determined to give a certain drug. I have been frequently told bow to do certain things by nurses, which I foolishly thought I knew how to do, having had some experience in that hue, but nurse was fresh from another place and was wise. I find in my practice that the artisan, even though skilled, has no right to get sick, as he cannot afford it, for should he get $5 per day there is but $1.75 left each day to buy food, fuel, light, pay other help (which he must have if he has a trained nurse), and what is left can be used for medicines and the physician. The Columbia County Medica Society passed resolutions Febru ary 12, 1907, and February 9th 1909 against the passage of any such law, We need more nurses sadly iu this section, bnt not die tators. I do not wish to be understood as against the trained nurse, but I am heartily against the autocrat nurse as we so frequently find her today. She has abused the physi cian. who was the means of her creation", and she is now about to assume authority over the house hold, and become supreme dictator. S. B. Arment, M. D. 26. West Fifth Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. nor children of Lydia E. Allman to Duval Dickson for southern Dart of lots Nos. aud 56 in the general plan of the borough of Ber wick. Aarou Bower and Jeunetta Martz executors of Isaac Martz, deceased, to Mrs. Anna M. Thomas for lot No 7 in the plan of "Fairview Terrace" in Briarcreek township. Mary Ann Myers and Frances Meyers to William Greenright for a lot of ground iu Jamison City. Rosemont Cemetery Co. to W. F. Hartman for a lot in that ceme tery. C. W. McCasliu, administrator of the estate of William Jones, de ceased, to William C. Mann for 78 acres of land in Mt. Pleasaut town ship. Jacob Long and wife to Millard W. Long for 158 a:res and 145 perches of land in Locust township. Herman Billeg and wife to Chas. Honaberger for a house and lot of ground iu Numidia. Aaron Bower and Jeanette Martz executors of Isaac Martz, deceased, to Howard Greenly for lots 73 and 74 in the plan of Fairview terrace in Briarcreek township. Berwick Land and Improvement Co. to Clark Burns for a lot of ground on northerly side of Fair view avenue iu the borough of West Berwick. Wellington M. Moore and wife to Clyde W. Welliver for tract of land in New Ashlaudville, Colum bia County. Bring Her With Youl WOMEN know better than men what is good qua lity in Cloth. They know a pure wool fabric when they see it, and they have good taste too in the selection of fabric, design and color. That is why we like you to Bring Her With You when you want to buy a new suit or overcoat. Ask for the Internationa genuine all wool line, and put the question of worth to her. International quality can stand the severest test aye-the test even of a bargain-hunting lady. BRING HER WITH YOU. Alarge and choice se lection of woolens to choose from . You can have any style cuff on the sleeve, any style pocket in the coat, and any style trouser you may want Prices range from $12.00 for a Business Suit to $40.00 for a Dress Suit. Every piece of cloth used guaranteed all wool. Come in, Look Over This Line SENG'S CORNER CLOTHING STORE, BLOOMSBURG, PA.
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