8 THREE DOLLARS Buys a Pair of Fine WINTER RUSSETS, For Men, in any of the New Shapes. OfV V Some Drill Lined, some Leather Lined. W. C. McKINNEY, (Wmo^ F j Bloomsburg, Pa. jBMBw NO. 8 EAST MAIN ST. THE COLUMBIAN.^ BLOOMSBURG, PA. A TIE GAME. The Normal School foot ball team went to Wilkesbarre on Saturday, and played the Y. M. C. A. eleven of that city. We take the following account of the game from the News-Dealer. "A large crowd saw the foot ball game yesterday afternoon at Y. M. C. A. Field, between Wilkes-Barre High School and the Bloomsburg State Normal teams. The game was hotly contested from the time the umpire ble.v his whistle for the kick off until the game was over. The Wilkes-Barre boys did the bet ter team work but Bloomsburg's team work was good, too. Excepting one or two fumbles their team work was perfect. FIRST HALF. L. Bowers kicked to Bloomsburg ; Bloomsburg tried to rush centre, but Bowers was like a stone wall and they made small gains. Bloomsburg fum bled on third down and High School got the ball. Walker went around entl for a large gain. Mundy went around end for 15 yards. Bloomsburg now got down to work and held High School for four downs, but they no sooner got the bail than they lost it on downs to High School. Dow called guards back play and sent Remaley around the end tor a 30 yard run and touchdown, but Dow failed to kick goal. Spore, stoo, in favor of High School. > SECOND HALF. Dennis- of Bloomsburg, kicked to Walsh, who was downed in his tracks. Mundy went through center for 15 yards, and on guards' back play Bowers for 7 yards. Remaley then made another fine run of 30 yards, Walsh through center for 8 yards, Mundy for 4 yards. Bloomsburg got the ball on downs. Walker tackled Ecthernach in fine style. Blcomsburg fumbled and Walsh got the ball and made a run of 5 yards. High School tumbled and Bloomsburg got the ball. High School now held Bloomsburg for four downs. Remaley made a run of 12 yards around end, Mundy io yards Blooms burg again got the bail on downs but •they fumbled and High School again got the ball. Dennis kicked to Dow, ■who made a run of 7 yards. Dow kicked and failed and Bloomsburg got the ball. Hahn now took Bogert's place on end. Keeler, Bloomsburg's right half back, made a run of 15 yards. High School got the ball on down. Remaley made 15 yards around end. Dow kicked and Dennis of Blooms burg caught the ball and made 3 yards. Dennis now kicked to Walsh, who, the referee claimed, touched the ball, but the crowd thought different. Walsh fumbled and a Bloomsburg man caught the ball and made a touch down, but Dennis did not kick goal. E. Bowers kicked to Dennis, who was tackled in his tracks. Dennis now kicked and Dow caught the ball. Mundy made a run around end for 15 yards. Time was now up, with the score 5 5- Bloomsburg High School. Selle C VV. Bowers Hart L. G Bowers Albert.... ~.R. G... Captain O'Brien Wilbur Lewis R. T Newton Price L. T Houser Pace R. E Bogert Hahnn Beliis L. E Remaley Mcllenry .. ..L. H. B Walker Keeler R. H. B Mundy Ecthernach F. B Walsh Dwnnis Q. B Dow Look Out for Him- A sleek swindler is said to be head ing this way. He cleans sewing ma chines for 50 cents and then finds broken wheels and other appliances which need repair. Of course he is the one who causes the bad condition cf the machine by exchanging the several parts. If any or.e stands by watching him he will send the person for oil, rags, etc. He charges exorbi tant prices lor his work. In Lycoming he touched one person for $6.30 and another for sl2. Housewives should be on the lookout for the swindler and have a gun at hand for use if need be. Horace Blue was defeated lor As sembly in Montour. j Met! lure's Magazine for November. In timeliness, variety, and positiveness of J quality and interest the November number of McClukk's must be pronounced a rare magaziue A character sketch of Colonel Theodore Roosevelt presents, in its full picturesqucness, the personality of one of the most independent, original, and forceful of living Americans. "The Inner History of Admiral Sampson's Campaign," related mainly in hitherto unpublished official des patches, gives for the first time the full and true story of the finding and securing of Cevera's fleet. "A True Story of the Fire Patrol," and Mr. E. A. FitzGeralil's account of his own experiences in leading a party for the fust time in human record to the tops of the two highest mountain peaks in the West ern Hemisphere, and perhaps the highest ever climbed, exhibit human power and en durance in their strongest, most heroic mani festation. And Mr. 11. J. W. Ham's por trayal of "The Mystery of Vesuvius," as it was exhibited to aim in his own recent ex plorations of the volcano, gives a sense of the profundity and mightiness of the great earth dragon not to be had from any other writing on the subject. Then there are three or four veiy strong short stories—one by Stephen Crane that shows him to great advantage in an entirely new field. The pictures of the number are notable also illustrating the several articles with singular truth and spirit, and so contributing interest as well as beauty. THE S. S. McCI-URE CO., 141-155 East 25th Street, New York City, N. Y. D 3. EMANUEL L. BETTERLT DEAL). The Sunday VVilkesbarre News- Dcalcr contains the following notice on the death of Dr. Emanuel L. ILetteriy, who was born in Orangevil'e and is well known by residents of this county : "On Thursday occurred the death of Dr. Emanuel L. Betterly, one of the oldest residents of the city and for many years one of the most prominent physicians. About two weeks ago he was seized with malaria and Dr. Guth rie was immediately summoned and everything was done to bring about his recovery, but the disease soon affected his heart and yesterday morn ing deith came after several days of intense suffering. Deceased was born in Orangeviile, Columbia county, April 3, 1831, where He spent his first years on a farm. In 1846 he entered the old Bradley Academy at Bloomsburg, from which institution he graduated four years later. After teaching school for two years in Columbia county he entered the office of Dr. Alonzo S. Cressler, a widely known physician of that county practitioner of high ability, and there he was taught his first lessons in the profession which he afterward honor ed. In Ss3 and 1834 he was a stu dent in the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, and returning to his home he began practice in Columbia county. About two years later he entered the University of New York, frori which he graduated in medicine at the head of his class. In 1858 Dr. Betterly was married to Miss Matilda, daughter of Marcus B. Hammer, who at that time was a prominent business man of this city, having conducted a drug store and operated a mill and brick yard. Mr. Hammer built the first mill on North Mountain, the ruins of which still stand, and he was the owner of the tract of land now owned by Colonel R. Bruce Ricketts. When the Civil War broke out he became surgeon of the One Hundred and Sixty-fifth New York Infantry. He was later commissioned by Gov ernor Horatio Seymour of New York, Major of the same regiment, which was sent to New Orleans. He entered the service strong and healthy but when he left it he was very much broken up. He came to this city and resumed the practice of medicine and very soon built up a wide practice. In ISB9 the condition of his health was such that he was forced to give up active work. He was a man of many good quali ties and his death will be mourned by many. Deceased is survived by his wife and four children—C. J. Betterly, auditor of the Standard Machine Com pany Philadelphia ; A. VV. Betterly, editor and proprietor of the Saturday Reporter, this city ; and Miss Helen and Miss Jessie, who reside at home. The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Services will be conducted at the family residence, 19 Sullivan street. Interment will take place at Hollenback Cemetery." Governor Hastings is building a grand mansion in Bellefonte, which when completed will cost not less than SIOO,OOO. The Governor has been quite frugal to save so much out of his salary of SIO,OOO per year. THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Eow to Drink Water- There are fsw people, we think, who thoroughly realize the value of water as a beverage or who know how to obtain the greatest advantage from it. The effects produced by the drinking of water, as pointed out by our excellent contemporary, Health, vary with the manner in which it is drunk. If, for instance, a pint of cold water be swallowed as a large draft, or if it be taken in two portions with a short interval between, certain definite results follow—effects which differ from those which would have resulted from the same quantity taken by sipping. Sipping is a powerful stimulant to the circulation, a thing which ordinary drinking is not. During the act of sipping the action of the nerve which shows the beats of the heart is abolished, and as a con sequence that organ contracts much ! more rapidly, the pulse beats' 1 - more I quickly and the circulation in various ! parts of the body is increased. In addition to this, we find that the pressure under which the bile is se creted is raised by the sipping of fluid. And here is a point which might well be noted by our readers : A glass of cold water, slowly sipped, j will produce greater acceleration of I the pulse for a time than will a glass 'of wine or spirits taken at a draft. | In this connection it may not be out . ot place to mention that sipping cold I water will often allay the craving for alcohol in those who have been in the habit of taking too much of it and j who may be endeavoring to reform, the effect being probably due to the stimulant action of the sipping. A Sudden Death Mrs. \Vm. Andrews of New Colum i bus, near Shickshinny, while attending services in the M. E. Church on Mon day evening, of last week, was stricken with apoplexy. She was removed to her home where she lingered until 6 o'clock next morning, when she died. She is survived by her husband, three sons and one daughter, as follows: Arthur, of Acme, W. Va.; Leon of Rochester, N. Y.; Morris, a student in the Bloomsburg Normal School, and Miss Ida, a teacher in the Shickshinny public schools. The family moved from Plymouth several months ago, where they resided for fourteen years. They had recently purchased a property at the latter place. Mrs. Andrews' maiden name was Elmira K. Stephens, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Stephens, of New Columbus. She was married to William Andrews of Asbury, near Columbus, about 36 years ago. After living at the latter place lor several years the family moved to Plymouth, where they lived about 14 years ago. She was a woman of many admirable qualities of mind and heart and was highly esteem ed in both communities in which she resided.— IVilkesbarre Record. The result of Saturday's big foot ball game at Cambridge was a complete surprise to everybody. It was a great game witnessel by a crowd of over 20,000 people, and for the first time in many seasons, Fair Harvard tri umphed over the red and blue. Not only was Pennsy defeated, but com pletely shut out. The contest was marked by desperate playing from start to finish. When the news reach ed Bloomsburg by telephone Saturday evening that Harvard had defeated Penn 10 to o, no one believed it, and some people wanted to wager that there was nothing in the report. But when the papers arrived Sunday morning, containing big black head lines saying that Penn had been shut out, those who disbelieved the tele phone message the night before shook hands with themselves and were thank ful that their offers to bet found no takers. Easy to Take asy to Operate Are features peculiar to Hood's Tills. Small in size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man Hood's said: '• You never know you have taken a pill till It Is all "II _ over." 25c. C. I. nood & Co., ■IIS Proprietors, Lowell, Mass. ® The only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparllla. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all legatees, credi tors and other oersons Interested In the estates of the respective decedents and minors that the following administrators, executors, guardians, accounts have been tiled In the office of the Register of Columbia county, and will bo pre sented for connrmatlon aud allowance In the orphans' court to be held In Ptonmsbnrg, Mon day, December sth, IS9B, at 2 o'clock p. m., of said day. No. 1. First and final account of Frank L. Kress, Executor of the estate of Elizabeth Fow ler, deceased, late of Scott township. No. 2. First, and tlnal account of John E. Evans, administrator of Clarlnda Evans, de ceased. O. 11. ENT, Register and Recorder, Register's Office Bloomsburg Pa., Nov. 10th. 18HP. WIDOW'S APPRAISEMENTS. The following Widow's Appraisements will be S resented to the Orphans' court of Columbia ounty on the tlrst Monday of December, A. D.. 1898, and confirmed nisi, and unless exceptions are tiled within four days thereafter, will be confirmed absolute. Estate of B. K. Edgar, late of Bloomsburg. Personalty 1300. Estate of Samuel H. Sltler, dec'd, late of Center township. Personalty f6i.50. Realty lttS.6o. Estate of Jonathan R. Qordncr, late of the Borough of Berwick. Personalty $."71.50. W. H. HKNItIE, Clerk of Orphans' Court. Parsnip Ctmplexsicn. It does not require an expert to detect the sufferer from kidney, trou ble. The hollow cheeks, the sunken eyes, the dark, puffy circles under the eyes, the sallow parsnip-colored com plexion indicates it. A physician would ask if you had rheumatism, a dull pain or ache in the back or over the hips, stomach trouble, desire to urinate often, or a burning or scalding in passing it; if after pass ing there is an unsatisfied feeling as if it must be at once repeated, or if the urine has a brick dust deposit or strong odor. When these symptoms are present, no time should be lost in removing the cause. Delay may lead to gravel, catarrh of the bladder, inflamation, causing stop page, and sometimes requiring the drawing of the urine with instruments, or may run into Bright's Disease, the most dangerous stage of kidney trou ble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great discovery of the eminent kidney and bladder specialist, is a positive remedy for such diseases. Its reputation is worldwide and it is so easy to get at any drug store that no one need suffer any length of time lor want of it. However, if you prefer to first test its wonderful merits, mention THE COLUMBIAN and write to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. for a sam ple bottle and book telling all about it, both senf absolutely free by mail. A county superintendent in a neighboring county asked every teacher at the institute who took their local county paper to hold up their hands, and only six responded. The superintendent expressed surprise, and said : "You don't spend a dollar a year with those papers, yet you ex pect them to print free-of charge notices of institutes, insert long pro grammes and expect them to adver tise you, thus assisting you to climb the ladder to better positions and salaries without paying a cent in return." ACTIVE SOLICITOUS WANTED EVEKY- WllfiltE, lor "The story or the Philippines" by Murat Hulstead, commissioned by ilie Gov crnineut us orriclal Historian to the War Depart ment. The book was written In army camps at can Francisco, on t he Pacific with General Mor- ilit, in the hospital at Honolulu,in Hong Kong, In the American trenches at Manila, In the In surgent camps with Agulnaldo, on the deck of the Olympla with Dewey, and the roar or battle at the rail or Manila. Bonanza ror agents.. Brim ful or original pictures taken by government Photographers on the spot. Large book. Low prices. Big proilts. Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unolllclal war books, outfit Tree. Address, F. T. Barber, Sec'y , Star Insur ance Bldg.. Chicago. 10-irr-itft You can save money on Pianos and Or gans. You will always find the largest stock, best makes and lowest prices. PIANOS. From $175.00 and Upwards. ORGANS. From $50.00 and Upwards We sell on the installment plan. I'ianos, §25.00 down and §IO.OO per month. Or gans, §IO.OO down, §5.00 per month. Lib eral discount for cash. Sheet Music, at one half price. Musical merchandise of all kinds. We handle Genuine Singer High Arm SEWING MACHINES, 5?5.00 down and $3.00 per month. We also handle the Demorcst Sewing Machine, from $19.50 and upwards. Sewing Machine Needles and Oil for all makes of Sewing Machines. Best makes of WASH MACHINES, FROM $4.00 UP TO $9.00. J. SALTZER. C€T Music Rooms—No. 115 West Main St., below Market, Bloomsburg, I'a. 30111-3 W. H. Moore's. School Shoes —FOR— Sunshine or Storm. 0 School Shoes must be made specially strnng to stand the hard service required of them. My School Shoes have been carefully selected to stand the hard service. Cash buying gives me the best made aud enables me to sell them at right prices. Don't fail to see them before buying. 0 Cor.. SECOND AND IKON STS. Bloomsburg, Pa. THE BROADWAY 0 NINE DAYS' Special Sale Commencing FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 11th, Continuing for nine full business days, and closing Monday, Nov. 21 st. To close out many lines of goods and make room for our immense stock of Holiday Goods, now being purchased. We make the offerings below, which represent values not tu be obtained in any other store in the county. Call and investi gate. It is money in your pock ets. Four lots of Underwear for Friday and Saturday, and until all are sold. Children's Fleeced Ribbed Underwear, in all sizes, front 16 to 34, at 8c to 3ic each. Children's Grey Merino Un derwear, in all sizes, from 16 to 34. at 5c to 25c each. Men's Heavy Jersey Fleeced Underwear, clean and servica ble, and very warm. While they last, 48c. each. Ladies' Oneita Combination Suits, combed mace yarn, per fectly finished. Only 48c. per suit. Asa tree is known by its fruit, !so is a store by its values. Here are a few samples from this store: Good, Standard Calicoes, dark and light styles, at 3c. per yard. Clean, white Cotton Batts, regular price, 6£c., for this sale, sc. each. Lace Curtains, 63c, 81c, 95c and 51.22 per pair, with a five foot White Enameled Curtain Pole and Fixtures, complete, free with every pair of curtains. Children's Caps, the prettiest line in Bloomsburg. 25c to 2.00 each. White Flannel, 25 inches wide, napped on both sides, a yard. 46 inch Bleached Pillow Case Muslin, ioc. Ladies' Coats and Capes. New lines. 20 per cent, lower than other stores. 1.25 to 975 each. Ladies' Separate Skirts, at 95c, 1.50, 2.00 each and upwards. Lace Stripe Curtain Scrim, 10 yards for 35c. Floor Oil Cloth, 2 yds wide, 35 c. a yard. HOTIOUS. Pins and Needles, ic paper. Tape, per roll, rc. Brass Rings, for fancy work, 1 and 2c doz. Mourning Pins, 6 boxes for sc. Safety Pins, all sizes, 2c doz. Patent Hooks and Eyes, 2c card. Darning Needles, 2c paper of 25- Wire Hair Pins,2 packs for ic. Dress Shields, 5 aud ioe pair. Kid Curlers, 3, 4, 5c doz. Plush Balls, all colors, 10c doz. White and Colored Wadding, 3c. sheet. * Housefurnishing Goods. Enameled Steel Pie Plates, 7c each. Deep Tin Pudding Pans, 2, 3, 4e each. Deep Tin Pie Plates, 2c each. Scrub Brushes, 3c each. Clothes Pins, 4 doz for sc. Brass Curtain Rods, 5c each. Cake Turners, 2c each. Toilet Paper, 10 rolls for 25c. Large, White Granite Cups and Saucers, handled, 48c set. Colored Crepe Paper, 4 rolls for 25c. Coal Hods, 12, 17, to 29c. each. Pint Tin Cups, ic each. 10-piece Decorated Toilet Sets 1.98 aud 2.98. Thousands of useful articles at little cost. A visit will re pay you. Agency for Butterick Fashions. Respectfully Submitted to the Sash Trade Only by THE BROADWAY UU SHE, Mover's New Building, Main Street, BLOOMSBURG. iOMS LONG'S SOHS' WEEKLY CHATS. WILKES-BARRE, PA., Thursday, Nov. iolli, 1898. Buying by Mail IS MADE EASY AT THIS BIG STORE. i ' Perhaps you know something of our mail order department, thou sands of people throughout this broad land are writing to us daily. Its an easy, expeditions and satis factory method of making purchases. We don't do things by halves, we value your orders whether they are for samples, for goods or asking us 1 to attend to other matters of busi ness for you. Our mail order people are ex perienced and will take special pains to tell you about the goods md prices. Try us. | . . - r. DRESS GOODS. Here's a very good value inj Black Satin Duchess that should interest you, its of good weight, good color and deep rich luster,; the usual price would be 75c per yard. Special this week, 49c. j Black Taffeta Silks, suitable for waists skirts and many other articles of apparel would be good value at 55c per yard. Special this week; 4.9 c. ' All Wool Cheivot Dress Serge <n twenty new and staple shades iO choose from. Exceptional value per yard, 59c. i Fine Black Freza Crepons very much in demand now, would be good value at #1.25. Special this Week at 75c. Perhaps the best thing to do is write for samples let us hear from you about your new fall suit CANTON FLANNEL. i Our mail order department filled over three hundred orders for this Canton Flannel last week. When goods are right and priced one third less than usual, its feasy sell ing, its the regular 10c quality ex ,ra heavy with fine velvet fleece, 14 yards for SI.OO. Here's an example of Pockc. Book Value, make of good quality grain leather, plain or trimmed in the new and popular shapes. You'd say they were 50c. The price, each 25c. i The tShoe for women at I m an s h i p made in ! fashions, • street, dress J '"VsC home or outing, for retaining their shape and fitting they have no equal. This is one of the many styles we show. Write us about them, send your size, if not satisfied with your purchase, your money back with ■ out question. PROFEF.LY GLOVED I And your money made to go as 'it can. Our "Chloris" Kid Gloves (or Women arc examples of the best Glove making, soft fresh skins arc used in their making, and cut [to fit. They came with two clasps with handsome embroidered backs in all the new Shades and Black. Those who have tried them—and there are thousands, say they are equal to any sold at a half more. The price per pair, jSi.oo. (Sons (x Cor. W. Market St. and Public Sq.,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers