2 AT THE ARMY POSTS. MIMIC WARFARE AT CAMP RILEY IS A UOOO SCHOOL FOR SOLDIERS. Till! r.ln.'X hihl Hrouiia I Isilt Lively lint tie* Willi lllnnk Curtrlilge*. No Mere Formiillly Could 110 Observed In Irinnl Wnrfnre, The army posts are tilling up again and from one after another come re ports that the old routine of soldier life has again liegun. But there ivill be one omission this year iv 1; '• many volunteers will re gret. for the manoeuvres at Camp Riley from October to Decem ber of each year had become almost an institution, and were annually vis ited by thousands. This mimic warfare It was that made possible the brilliant record of the regulars at El Caney and San .lunn. for It was real hard fighting and proved the best kind of a school for the soldier. The surface of the reservation Is particularly fitted for the work, hav ing many ravines, timber patches, bluffs and gulches. These make ad mirable hiding and camping places, while out on the prairies and meadow lands are the linnd-to-hnnd engage ments with plenty of room to deploy, march and wheel without conflicting with any natural barriers. The theory of the school Is two-fold, embracing defense and attack. A bri gade of roops Is designated by the colonel commanding, with cavalry and artillery, known as the "Blues," wearing blue uniforms nnd forage caps, to remain at the fort and defend It. Another brigade, whose members wear brown canvas, with campaign hats, Is known as the "Browns," and, being In camp far down the Kaw val ley toward Manhattan, may appear at any time, seeking to reconnoitre the Blues' position nnd to give them bat tle. All troops mnrch fully armed and equipped and carry ten blank car bine cartridges. Topographical and road sketches are made by the engin eers with as much care as If entering an enemy's country, and are on a scale of four Incheß to the mile. A topo graphical officer Is detailed to accom pany each command and submit a has ty sketch and report to the comman der of the forces to which he Is at tached. To guard against accidents all car tridges are Inspected before the sol diers go out, and again before action, and by officers. Strict orders ars Is sued that every man must act as much as possible as though actual conditions existed In such shape as It is pretended they do, and umpires, spectators and Inspectors see that this rule Is carried out When a part of a force is exposed necessarily, double quick time Is made, and exhaustive reports, criticisms and comments are submitted to the commander of the post after each engagement. It will thus be seen that the work Is meant to accomplish something, and It does. If actual war were In progress more formality could scarcely be observed. Regular orders are issued to the troops with the utmost precision, not exceed ed oven In the prosecution of a cam paign. For instance, here Is a typical order Issued to the Blues: "Order No. 121. November lO.—Tho enemy has appeared In force north of the camp. The brigade will be held In readiness to march to-morrow morn lug. "Two troops of the First and two of the Second cavalry, and one battery of artillery, under command of Major W. A. Itafferty, Second cavalry, are hereby detailed as advance guard, and will, at 8.4."> a. m. to-morrow, proceed along the Milk Ranch road. "In case any of the enemy are met. the advance guard will push them back as far as possible. A medical officer and detachments of the hospital and signal corps will accompany the com mand. By order of Colonel Arnold. "W. S. SCOTT. "Acting Adjutant General." The advance was begun on Fort Riley with due formality. The bri gade went Into camp as regularly as though a thousand miles away from headquarters. Tents, neeouterniencs all the paraphernalia of camp life were used, and vldettes, outposts and scouts did their work carefully and well. Then, on November 14, came nu order dated "In camp, near Riley Center. November 14." and saying "The Blue brigade will, at break of day to-morrow morning, continue the tnarch on Fort Riley. Two troops of cavalry are detailed as rear guards. The rear guards slowly retiring on iFort Riley, will, by stubborn resist ance, delay the advance of the enemy as much as possible. Commander of rear guard will, however, take care that troops are withdrawn before they become engaged In any serious conflict Signal men will be furnished with mounts, and men will be detailed to act as wounded. A medical officer with hospital corps detachment will be detailed f > follow the command." The issuing of such orders means much to the boys on duty. They see In the art of war something more than the mere learning of drills and tactics, and are awakened to a hearty enthu siasm which makes the work a pleas ure rather than a duty regretfully performed. Most of the men stationed at the fort ns privates are young, nnd the constant changes to bring In new troops from the surrounding posts all over the West makes the work decid edly Interesting, and the rivalry by no means slight. This spirit It was that made the work of the regulars so conspicuous In Cuba, the Philip pines nnd Porto Rico. The location of umpires on He field to pass upon the accuracy of all move ments Insures Immunity from any horse play, and as the artillery and cavalry alone are engaged, there Is a valuable drill in every day's proceed ings. Many visitors gc out from the surrounding counties of Central Kan sas to see the fun, and really they see about as much of warfare as any layman can see, even If a campaign Is going on In his own vicinity. To follow the Blues or Browns for a day Is a revelation to anyone. The ground Is so rolling that the whole army might well he concealed in a rav ine. and It requires shrewd general ship to keep full command of the bri gade. As the enemy steadily advances ou the fort, throwing out flanking lines and men who represented whole troops In themselves. These are the flag bearers, each flag standing for a tropp of men. They are so recognized In the contest, and It is a rule that when two flags fiauk a single one, the lat ter Is to consider himself captured and retreat or surrender. The approach of the two lines means a battle, and soon the cavalry !s seen coming out from behind a hill on the Milk Itaneh road, ready to charge a battery of light artillery on the plain. Cantering forward, they are met by a destructive fire that threatens to wipe them from the earth. One after another of the Invaders drops from his horse In mock Injury. Then the batteries rally and make a charge themselves. Up the hill they go, and hurry pell moll to the crest, where. In an instant, they whirl into place and the guns belch forth a warn ing nnd a menace. The Invading Browns are. however, too numerous, nnd have other parties of cavalry and flagmen on the flanks, and the umpires declare that the Blues are whipped la the battle. Sometimes the campaign lasts sev eral days, and anxious councils of war are held by the young lieutenants to make the best possible showing for their sides. They know that will all be reviewed afterward, and they do not want to be found wanting. The conduct of the campaigns, sham though they be. Is a good index of the actual stuff that Is In an oliicer, young or old. The commanding officer, when a campaign Is over. Issues an exhaust ive comment on the merits of the va rious troops' work, thus pointing out the strong and weak points In exer cise. His criticism covers the entire progress of the troops and outlines the work st each successive step in the battles. • Sometimes there Is a different enemy to fight than a human one. A year or two ago when the rare Blues and Browns got nicely ready to begin a lively battle on s pretty piece of prairie, they were attacked by a prai rie fire, which came dancing through the long blue steen A flag of truce was displayed and In a moment both the late combatants were fighting the lire, beating and stamping out tl oncoming blaze. When It was all extinguished the war faro was resumed. Then, again, there was a campaign against the town cow herd of Junc tion City, four miles away. The herd of town cows was becoming altogether too familiar for Uncle Sum's dignity, and It was ordered by the colonel com manding that they remain off the res ervation. But the cows did not un derstand the order, and made their appparance, as usual, feeding in happi ness on the rich grasses. "The cows are In sight," reported an orderly. "Clear off the reservation!" ordered the commander, and an officer, with a number of troopers, went forth to wage a new kind of carnage. But the eows did not like this. and. frightened at the strangely appareled herders, went bellowing In every di rection. It was a long chase, but they were finally driven back to town. Then the townspeople took a hand, nnd a dozen columns of newspaper let ters ami as many messages to and from ihc* war department were neces sary to restore quiet. The cowS, how ever. did not come back. About the only real amusement the soldiers get is when some guileless spectator forgets bis relative position and stands in tbo lino of advance. Then the cavalry or artillery come charging on. as If to crush him, and somebody thunders at the stranger: "Git!" With little ado a-d without stopping for greetings, he "gits." Anecdote of I'Yedei-ick VI. Whoever reads the following must own to a feeling of respect for the hon est King. King Frederick VI. of Den mark, while travelling through Jut land, one nay entered a village school, and found the children lively and In telligent, and quite ready to answer his questions. "Well, younsters," he said, "what are the names of the greatest Kings of Denmark?" With one accord they cried out, "Canute the Great, Waldemar, and Christian IV." Just then a little girl, to whom the schoolmaster had whispered some thing, stood up and raised her hand. "Do you know another?" asked the King. "Yes, Frederick VI." "What great act did he perform?" The girl hung her head, and stam mered out, "1 don't know." "Be comforted, my child," said the King; "I don't know either." "So you overcame that old antipathy of yours," her huaband remarked, "and called on Mrs. Bobbles?" "Yes." "Do you think ahe was gled to see you?" "I am sure of It." "Ahem!—you must have some reason for that belief outside her assurances." "I have. I had on the old dress that was made over twice, and my hat was out of fashion; while she had on her new gown that couldn't have come from anywhere but Paris. Could she help being glad to see me?" ~ .' THB COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. • HOW MONKEYS ARE CAUGHT. One of the l'ecullur Method* Adopted by Nutlv. In capturing monkeys, It is said tlint their curiosity is the thing that makes them an easy prey. Nearly all of the monkeys that we see in this country come from Goruona, a little village situated a short distance from the Panama railroad. The Inhabitants of this district are mostly native negroes, for few white men could hear the climate. The whole region is marshy, and covered with tropical vegetation. At night there arises a thick vapor laden with fever, which hangs over tho woods like a cloud. This region of woods is the para dise of the monkeys. They travel in troops, led by an older monkey. When the people receive information that the '•travelling monkey troops" are near the village they go to the woods in crowds to chase them. Their plan is very simple. They cut a hole in a cocoa nut large enough for a monkey's paw to enter. The nut is then hollowed out, and a piece of sugar is placed in It. A piece of string is then fastened to it, and it is placed In the road of the approaching monkeys. It Is weil known that monkeys are very Inquisitive. When they see the cocoanut in the grass they hurry to examine it. It docs not take thein long to tiiul out that the inner part contains a piece of sugar. One of the boldest and greediest slicks a paw in to the nut to get the sugar, and grasps it as lirmly as he can. Hut his list is so large that he c-anuot draw it out of the hole again, with the sugar, to which he holds fast, cost what it may. To natives now pull the string un til nut and monkey arrive la the vi cinity of their ambuscade. In the meantime the other monkeys wonder what Is the uiutter with their com rade. They hurry to see where he is being pulled to. with his paw lu the cocoanut. They crowd around him chattering and gesticulating, and the natives, who have a large not rendy, east it over them, and before they know It all are prisoners. They are sold to the employes of tho runama railroad, and reach the North Ameri can markets through commercial dealers.—Philadelphia Times. A GENTLE PROMPTER One of tlie Men j Good 8torle Ikul Min ister* Hm To Relate. Ministers generally have a stock of good weddlug stories, but a rather odd little incident took place at an Epis copal rectory lu this city uot long ago, says tfflio (.'lerelaud Plain Dealer. It was a very stormy night aud the bride aud groom arrived alone about 0 o'clock, having had to wulk a long way against the storm, and the poor little bride was almost worn out with fatigue and nervousness. After a few words explaining the service to tihe couple, the minister put on his surplice and began the cere mony. All went beautifully until the question. "Eliza, will you have this man to lie your wedded husliuud, etc.," came upon tho scene. The minister read It through with his most kindly and fatherly air, but when he finished the bride was dumb—not a word could lie get out of her. The long question was repeated, the minister's voice taking on a most insinuating rise toward its end, but still there was silence. Before the groom had seemed flus tered, but his feelings then were noth ing to what they appeared to be at the second halt. With an admonishing kick that reached to the rector and made hint rub his unlucky shins, the Irate bride groom announced in a loud stage whisper, "Darn you, Liza, why don't you speak up and tell Dim yes"'" And wonders will never cease, for even after such an exhibition of her future lord and master's temper, 'Liza spoke, ami all she said was "yes." S< e<l Corn li.OOO Years Old. Three or four years since an Indian mound in Arkansas was being exca vated, when an earthen jar was found hermetically sealed that contained a small quantity of grains of Indian corn. Some of the grains were the next year planted in Missouri, and several bushels raised. On the top of the mound from which the jar was dug out, a large tree four feet In dia meter was growing, and It is thought the corn lay burled übout 3,000 years. 'Squire James L. N'eal, one of our most prosperous nnd progressive farm ers, sent and procured a small quan tity of the Corn, paying over two cents a grain. This he planted lust year, but the yield was small, on ac count of the drought. Ho saved enough, however, to get In a good patch tills year. Ho lias used it for roasting ears, and says It is the best he ever had. The ears are not large, but grow two to three on a single stalk. The one thing peculiar about tills corn is Its color, or rather colors. On the same col) are grains of differ ent colors, and In the row. you can tlnd an oar that is white, another blood red, one salmon colored and an other perfectly black.—Harrodsburg (Ky.) Sayings. "What, want to leave to-day, Jane, and j-oii only came yesterday?" "Well, yes'ni. You see, you're the thirteenth missus I've 'ad this year, and you're unlucky." "Why, then, did yon come?" " 'Cause I 'ad to 'are a thirteenth, nnd 1 thought I'd get It over. I leaves ternlght, mum." Flick—Did your elopement come off successfully? Flirt—Yes. Her father caught ua In time to stop It.—Truth. ;-.,,inrr7TTT < r..T: B IGASTORIA ■ For Infants and Children. PASTORIA l^ B intl You Have 1 ' 51 Always Bought AVege tabic Preparation for As- KJ a similatifigttEToodandßegula- ■ M ling the Stomachsaulßowelsof H tllG M t I Signature /%$ PromotestHgcstion,Cheerful- 81 £ / IW 1 tiessandßest.Contalns neither ■ r / If. If^ S num.Morphine nor Mineral. *| Ul /A /\ f T ot Narcotic. I IlviiN litape ofO!dUrSAMU£WITCHEa BJ %/Y^/ Pumpkin Seed ~ Bj ■ IF dLx.Senna * 1 | n As, JRotLUIU Salt/ - I H g_ _ Anise Seed ♦ I ■ a ft ( If\ 4ft • 7-■ ItarmSffd - 1 ■ U li | IMU flarifi/d Sugar • I M fS ttihhrjyvc/i Fhnvr. J VK I Jfwfa I |K a ■ A perfect Remedy forConstipa- ■ | \| A* ' l\ 111 0 tion.Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, ■ ■ TaK Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- 911 V#*a II ~ _ ncss and Loss of Sleep. Bw 1011 HHUP Tac Simile Signature of S| [Always Bought. inai PAOTneui EXACT COPY or WBAEHEB. B Hftß 111 BS H jMfl " L ' TMC C.WTAUW COMPANY. NKW VONN CITY. STOVE NAPTHA, the Cheapest and Best Fuel on the market. With it you can run a Vapor Stove for one-hall cent per hour. Give us a call and be convinced. W. O. Holmes, Bloomsburg, Pa. Eshleman & Wolf, " L. E. Wharey, *' W. F. Hartman, 44 New Zealand has a law in force compelling every intoxicated man to have his photograph taken. His pic ture is then distributed among bar keepers and innkeepers and they must refuse to sell him liquor. YOUR BEST INTERESTS will be served by making sure of health. It will be a loss of time and money to be stricken with serious illness. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla and purify your blood. 111 this way all germs of disease will be expelled, sickness and suffering will be avoided, and your health will be preserved. Isn't this a wise course ? Hood's Pills are the only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Price 25 cents. Farmers have rights that hunters are bound to respect this fall. A hunter has no right to go on a farmer's land to hunt for game without permission, and where notices have been posted three months in advance of the open ing of the season, tnere is a fine and imprisonment attached to the violation of the law against trespassing. DRYING PREPARATIONS —Simply develop dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions which adhere to the membrane and decompose, causing a far more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all drying inhalants and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents, large for 50 cents. All druggists keep it. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Street, New York. Hunters should remember that all game must be killed with a gun. If a sportsman comes across rabbit traps and grouse snares or deadfalls in the woods, he should not fail to destroy them and attempt to bring the owner of these unlawful devices to justice. WHAT TO EAT and enjoy it and feel comfortable after it, is the all day, everyday wail of the indigestion pa tient. Advice—Eat all wholesome things, don't worry, and take Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets to aid Nature in doing the stomach's work. They're a mild tonic, act gently on the bowels, they prevent and relieve distress. Pleasant and positive. 35 cents. —50 Sold by C. A. Kleim. OABTORXA. Bears th The Kind You Hare Always Bought Personally Conducted Tours via Penn sylvania Railroad. SEASON OF 1898-9. The Personally-Conducted Tourist System of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company is the final evolution of abso lute perfection in railway travel, the summit of the excellence of modern luxurious radway facilities. For the season of '9B and '99 it has arranged for the following tours:— California. —Tour will leave New York, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and Pittsburg, February 9. Nineteen days will be spent in California. The party will travel over the entire route by the "Golden Gate Special,'' the finest train that crosses the continent. Florida. —Four tours to Jackson ville will leave New York and Phila delphia January 24, February 7 and 21, and March 7. The first three of these admit of a sojourn of two weeks in the "Flowery State." Tickets for the fourth tour will be good to return by regular trains until May 31, 1899. Tickets for the above tours will be sold from all principal points on the Pennsylvania Railroad. For detailed itineraries, giving rates and full in formation, address Thos. E. Watt, Passenger Agent Western District, Pittsburg; B. Courlaender, Jr., Pass enger Agent Baltimore District, Balti more ; C. Studds, Passenger Agent Southeastern District, Washington ; or Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia. There is a Class of People Who are injured by the use of coffee. Recently there has been placed in all the grocery stores a new preparation called GRAIN-O, made of pure grains, that takes the place of coffee. The most delicate stomach receives it with out distress, and but few can tell it from coffee. It does not cost over as much. Children may drink it with great benefit, iscts. and 25cts. per package. Try it. Ask for GRAIN-O. n 10 4td. CINNAMON-COATED PILLS.—Dr Ag new's Liver Pills are coated like a cinnamon drop, very small and delight ful to take. One pill a dose, 40 in a vial for 10 cents. Their popularity is sweeping competitors before it like chaff. No pain, no griping, no incon venience.—49. Sold by C. A. Kleim. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ST? , " Signature of Cfiaftyy. Fine PHOTO GRAPHS and CRAYONS at R. B. GROTZ, Bloomsburg. The best are the cheapest. jjj^r " " COPVRlvii^V TID-BITS FOR MA' HONEY! and tender little juicelets for the chil dren, are all right, but papa and "the boys" want a good, big, juicy steak, roast or chop when business or school duties are over, and we can cater to them all. Our stock of prime meats is unexcelled for quality, and we send them home in fine shape. J. K. KEIFF.R. HIE MARKETS. BLOOMSBUKG MARKETS. OOBBICTBD WIBKLY. BBTAIL PBICBB. Butter per lb $ .23 Eggs per dozen .30 Lard per lb c 8 Hani per pound .10 Pork, whole, per pound .06 Beef, quarter, per pound,... .07 Wheat per bushel .80 Oats " " 35 Rye " " 50 Wheat flour per bbl 4.40 Hay per ton 9 to $lO Potatoes per bu5he1,......... .70 Turnips " " 35 Onions " " 80 Sweet potatoes per peck .20 Tallow per lb 05 Shoulder " " .09 Side meat " " .08 Vinegar, per qt .05 Dried apples per lb .05 Dried cherries, pitted ,ia Raspberries . 1 a Cow Hides per lb .34 Steer " " " .05 CalfSkiu .80 Sheep pelts 75 Shelled corn per bus .60 Corn meal, cwt 1.25 Bran, " .95 Chop " .95 Middlings " ,95 Chickens per lb new .10 " " " old .10 Turkeys " " raj Geese " " .14 Ducks " " ,ofc COAL. No. 6, delivered a.60 " 4 and s " 3.85 " 6 at yard 2.35 " 4 and s at yard 3 60 The Leading Conservatory of America Carl Fakltbn, Director. Founded in 1853 bj '"M information. W. Halr, General Manager | ICures^S^: I, 1 ; i PATENTS Caveats and Trade Marks obtained, and at Patent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE TUB U. 8. PAT ENT OFFICE. We have no sub-agencies, at business direct, hence can transuct. patent bust* ness Id less time and at LeSB Cost than those re mote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo, with descrlp tlon. We advise It patentable or not, tree or charge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured A book, "How to Obtain I'atenta," with refer enoeß to actual cltcnts In your State, County, o town sentfreo. Address C. A. SNOW A CO,, Washington, J.C 'Opposite I'. s Patent onice/i ■ HAIR R BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the heir. 1IM! -ltd. 7ry the COL UMBIAN a year.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers