8 THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Prof- Coles for November- The North Pole Will bo Discovered and Andrce Will be Found This Month. Our planetary chart for Novem ber shows a strikingly strange con dition of planetary affairs. The morning stars, Jupiter, Mars and Neptune are all in one line, and the evening stars, Uranus, Saturn, Mercury, Venus and Earth, and the Sun in another—and these lines jun parallel to each other. There fore the morning stars will battle with the evening stars and perhaps set the whole country in an uproar socially, financially, religiously and politically ; causing wars, strikes, mobs, assassinations and death of rulers, and awful crimes. Our Storm and Sign Calendar shows 21 High Flood days for the mouth of November and only 9 Low Ebb days; this gives the High Flood vital forces the ruling power, and the Thanksgiving Day of 1898 will be the greatest day of thanks giving that this country has ever witnessed. The continuous run of! High Flood days, from the 19th to ! the 30th inst., will have a tendency to strengthen the month of Decem ber and bring about an unprecedent ed Christmas trade. We want to say right here that every man of business should have our calendar so as to steer clear of the storms. The bright star in the southwest will be brightest from the 7th until the 12th inst., and will disappear on or about Thanksgiving Day. The yellow lever microbes kept up their record last month, as we said they would ; and the war cloud of human microbes (the Indians) broke out just as we predicted. This month watch out for some awful epidemics to sweep over the country, as there are a strange and hideous looking lot of microbes now flying through the air. For the past ten days we have been study ing their movements. They seem to be sort of a cross between the smallpox microbe and the yellow fever microbe ; and, suffice it to say that out of 593 experiments only one compound took any effect. That was equal parts of saleratus and sulphur, and camphor gum, in the fo lowing proportions: One-half teaspoonful saleratus and one-half of sulphur, and a piece of camphor gum 110 larger than a pea ; mix all together and sprinkle slowly upon a hot stove, at least once a week, keeping the doors and windows closed so that the fumes will enter all parts of the house. This will also have a tendency to drive away the diphtheria and scarlet fever microbes that are now out foraging. The world is not coming to an end in 1900, as some scientists would have you to believe ; but many nations will exchange places. China will be completely upset and mill ions of her countrymen will land into America, while intelligent Americans will make a garden of Eden out of China. The Bubonic plague will soon begin its awful work of destruction in the Old Country and cause thousands of her people to fly to America for their lives. A change of government will be inaugurated in England, Ger many and France. Queen Victoria, Emperor William, Pope Leo and several other rulers will be called away. The present forms of gov ernment in America will be changed There will be wars all along the color line. Prof. Andrce will be found ; and the North Pole dis covered. The Eastern States may be flooded this month, as well as the Southern and Western. Watch out for strange appearing phe nomena in the Heavens. A Change m the Free Delivery. Beginingon Wednesday, Novem ber 2, 1898, the hours of the free delivery service of the Bloomsburg, Pa., post office, for the last general and business deliveries will he reversed, the general delivery being made at 3:30 p. m. and tre business delivery at 5:40 p. ni. The collections in the sections of town, in which only general deliv eries are made, will be made one hour and thirty minutes earlier, and those depositing mail should govern themselves accordingly. O. B. Mm.LICK, P. M. The following letters are held at the Bloomsburg, Pa., postoffioe, and will be sent to the dead letter office Nov. 15, 1898: Baldwin, Mr. Tom Ilnokenberyor, Or. 11. Biver, Aaron K. .tolinsnn, Mr. Hubert. A. Quittner, Mist Sue MoClure.Mr I.lntvoodU. Qeorßln. H. M. Hlcker. Mr. W. J. Fisher, Mr. C. H. Kogers, (ieo J. (ii> Frey, Mr. J. B. smith, Mr. James Williams, Miss Annie CAKDS Chase. Mrs. Mary Ilnsbrouck, Prof. A. n. Persons calling for the above letters will please say that they were advertised Nov. 3, 1898. O. E. MELLICK, P. M. VOTE FOR rOLK FOR CONGRESS. I The Death Knell of the Republican Party- The death struggle is agonizing. Corruption in the republican party is so corrupt that it grasps at every floating straw. Its doom is sealed. Fate is written over every republi can candidate. This congressional district also teems with unstinted corruption. The Berwick corpora tion also seeks to own a congress man. llow can this be, except by wholesale corruption ? In a con gressional district, from 5000 to 6,000 majority of different political complexions, nothing but whole sale corruption can bring about such a result. Is the Woodin presumptions so 1 foolhardy as to suppose that enough democratic voters can be bartered to seat their man in conference in j the nation's councils at Washing- j ton ? Are the democrats such fools ' as to play first fiddle to a Berwick corporation ? Democracy is im pregnable and cannot be bought or sold as slaves, and to bow the knee to this political Baal. On the night of Nov. Bth they will find that the Stone which the builders rejected did not become the head of the cor ner of the Quay corruption in the temple of "Executive Halls of Jus tice" at Harrisburg ; and that when this Quay corruption shall have put 011 political incorruption, then will be heralded abroad the glad tidings, that the republican party is swal lowed up in democratic victory from top to bottom. A DEMOCRAT. VOTE FOR COCHRAN FOR STA TK SENA TOR. The old Court House at Towanda has been sold for S2OO and will be torn down. It stands behind the beautiful new structure recently erect ed by Bradford county. The old Court House in Bloomsburg was modeled after it. In the basement was the Sheriff's residence, and sever al cells used as the county jad for many years. In what was known as the dark cell a murderer was execut ed many years ago. On the bench of the court room David YVilmot sat, he of YVilmot Proviso fame while in con gress, and afterwards a Judge of the Court of Claims ot the United States. Ulysses Mercur, afterwards a member of Congress, and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, also served a term as President Judge. At the bar in those days there were many distinguished lawyers in Brad ford county, including Overton, Adams, YY'atkins, Elwell, Baird, YVard, Macfarlane and many others. All of these legal giants have passed away, and now the old court house where their forensic ability was displayed is to be torn down, and will soon, like them, be no more. J. E. Eickhoitz, senior editor of the Stinbury Daily and Northumber- Ictnii County Democrat , died sudden ly of heart disease at home in Sun bury Sunday morning. During his lifetime he was connected with the Lancaster Examiner, Lewisburg Journal , and for several years was editor in chief of the Pottsville Stand aril. In politics he was a stalwart democrat. The deceased was a brother of Mrs. Thomas YVayne and an uncle of Mrs. 1 )r. YV. 11. Purraan, of Third Street this town. Liver Ills Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti pation, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly cured by Hood's Pills. They do their work Hood's easily and thoroughly. ■ L Best after dinner pills. W& 111 25 cents. All druggists. I 111 Prepared by C. I. llood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pill to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. MMM * MH| Cattle hides and all MAM W Mmm. ■ kindsofhkinswhole C MM Ml for ROBES & RUGS. Wm ■ M Ml Soft, light, moth- MM !■ ■ I A proof. Get our tan . . | circular. We make inaian, coon and galloway fur coats and robes. Ir your dealer don't keep them get catalogue from us. ,We aleo do Taxidermy and licad Mounting, . CROSBY FRISIAN FUR CO„ , 110 MILL STREET, ROCHESTER, N, Y. 10-zr-it-a yOTE FUR H. A. M'KILLIP —FOR — State Legislature. advt—2P-te BARGAIN IN LADIES' BICYCLE BOOTS, $1.29 per Pair. WIDTHS, C. D and E. W.C. McKINNEY, No. 8 East Main Street. THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. — ■ 1 THE SATURDAY f 1 POST I THE ROMANCE MEN(BWOMENtOF HTHE HOUR. THE BEST OF THE T n I- X POEMS IN SEACOAST THE WORLD A series of thrilling Clo/e-Range Studies of Contemporaries The poems in this se articles of little-known J ...m u„ phases of life along the ' s 'he title of a weekly page that displays at a . . Atlantic coast. •. •. •. glance the panorama of people prominently before illustrated, and, wner the public—portraits and paragraphs that tell the ever possible, there will ' The Tights week's history among the notables. •. •. •. •. be given a sketch of the Shore lifu of the poet, with a will describe the won- Jh _ ~ . ... A w portrait, and the story arous changes in light- nrvmrT An _ # . ing and of the perfect POPULAR The Post will give, in the of how each poem came system by which our BIOCRAPHIES he year, thousands to be written. The Government takes , 4 . . . . brief biographies, and poems will be selected, charge of the thousand k ^e s of ts writers and authors, illustrated £ f the standpoint and more lighthouses where^r P OS6lble wlth Photographic portraits. of tlle u , tra .,iterary of the nation. \ •. \ man or woman, but for ll —When the Fisher Fleet Goes Out to Sea. The thrilling dangers their appeal to lovers of of a class seldom heard of—the Nova Scotia fishermen in their daily lives, sentiment. They will their hardships and sufferings. \ \ *. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ •. •. •. be poems of the eino- Ul—JFith the Life-Stivers Along the Coast will tell of the every- tions those that ap dav lives of those brave men who dare death and darkness in their angriest peal to the heart; poems forms—showing the workings of a system that saves thousands of lives yearly. that tell a story—those that are filled with hu man interest. Theybe- IV —The Men Who IVrcck Ships. It is popularly supposed that wreck- long to what may be ers no longer exist; this article will tell of well-organized bands of wreckers called the" pocketbook who lure on to rocks, by means of false signals, rich vessels for the sake of school of poetry"— their treasures. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ •. \ \ •. •. •. •. those poems that one V —Perils of the Smuggler's Life. The risks that are taken nightly cuts from a newspaper to circumvent the Customs officials—a business that is much larger to-day nnd carries in the than it is supposed to be. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ •. \ \ •. •. •. pocketbook till they The illustrations in this series will be the most striking that have ever are worn through at appeared in the Post . \ \ \ \ \ \ \ •. \ •. •. \ •. \ \ the creases. \ •• \ TIIE SATURDAY EVENING POST WILL BE MAILED TO ANY ADDRESS FROM NOW TO JANUARY I, 1899, ON RE CEIPT OF ONLY TEN CENTS •. \ \ \ THE REGULAR SUBSCRIPTION PRICE IS $2.50 PER YEAR THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMP AN Y. PH IL AD ELPH IA Lots of men would be considered braver, if they didn't have sense enough to get scared. ctivb Solicitous wanted evkryT WIIKUK, for "The Story or the Philippines" by Murat ilulstead, commissioned by the (Jov crninenr nsOfllclal Historian to the War Depart ment. The book was wrpten In army eamps at ean Francisco, on t he Paeltlc with General Mer -111.1. in the hospital at Honolulu,ln Hong Kong, In the American trenches at Manila, In the In surgent camps with Agulnuldo, on the deck of the olympln with Dewey, and the roar of battle at the tall of Manila. Bonanza for agents.. Brim ful or original pictures taken by government photographers on the spot. Large book. Low prices, big protlis Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all t rashy unoltl ilal war books. outfit free. Address, F. T. Barber, Sec'y , Star Insur ance Bldg.. Chicago. 10-ii7-16t jv H ' ' ® Vou can save money on Pianos and Or gans. You will always find the largest stock. Lest makes and lowest prices. PIANOS. From $175.00 and Upwards. ORGANS. From $50.00 and Upwards. We sell on the installment plan. Pianos, $25.00 down and SIO.OO per month. Or gans, SIO.OO down, $5.00 per month. Lib eral discount for cash. Sheet Music, at one half price. Musical merchandise of all kinds. We handle Genuine Singer High Arm SEWING MACHINES, $5.00 down and $3.00 per month. We also handle the Demorest Sewing Machine, from $19.50 and upwards. Sewing Machine Needles and Oil for all makes of Sewing Machines. Best makes of WASH MACHINES, FROM $4.00 UP TO $9.00. J. SALTZER. CiT Music Rooms—No. 115 West Main St., below Market, Bloomsburg, Pa. 311111-3 THE BROADWAY o Colored Crepe Paper, large rolls, 4 for 25c. 8 quart covered buckets, 15c. each. Men's Fleeced Jersey Gloves, 25c, pair. Men's Woolen Heavy Gloves, 45c. a pair. New, Fine Box Paper, 10, 12, 24c. a box. Enameled Turtle Brooches, 15c. each. Ladies' Black Leather Belts, extra length, 25c. Ladies' Capes, 1.25 to 8.75 each. Large Japanese Paper Lanterns ioc. each. Envelopes, 2c. per pack of 25. Tablets, 1, 2, 4, to 10c. each. Men's Fine White Merino Underwear, 45c. each. Ladies' Ribbed Vests, 19, 25, 39c. each. Oneita Combination Suits,for ladies, 48c. each. Buggy Whips, 8, 10, to 75c. each. Telescope Traveling Cases, 45 to 95c. each. White and Colored Blankets, 42c. to 5.00 per pair. White Counterpanes, 50, 75, to 2.00 each. Ladies' and Children's Mit tens, Bc. to 50c. per pair. Pretty Denim Table Covers, 1.00 each. Decorated China, new line, sc. to 2.50 each. Best Table Oil Cloth, 12c. yd. Agency for Bnttcrick Fashions. NOVEMBER STYLES NOW READY. Delineator, 15c. each, i.oo per year. Glass of Fashion, 7c. each. 60c. per year. Fashion Sheets free. Respectfully Submitted to tho h Trado Only by TEE BROADWAY EASE STORE, Mover's New Building, Main Street, BLOOMSBURG. ISAAC LONG'S. Buying by flail Can he as intelligently and economi cally performed as though you were in the store, IK you have confidence in the store you select for correspondence. More than a quarter of a century <f fair dealing in Wearables and House hold Necessities has made an enviable reputation for ISAAC LONG'S STORE and the name is synonymous with hon esty throughout the country. It will not he misplaced confidence if you write us about your needs. In re turn you'll get samples enough ; you'll find what you w.nt among them ; the price will lie right; the goods will not be "all sold out " when you send your order, and they'll prove to be what they were advertised to be. Pry and see. The Gathering of The Colored Stuffs Was never larger liere before. Anil such stuffs—all the shades of the I'aris color-card ; all the choicest weaves of Europe and America. Famplcs, if you ash. Plaids and Checks—Plain and Camel's Hair effects—so, 75, and yßc. Covert Cloths 50, 98c. and 1*1.25. Vigereaux—so and 75c. Whip Cord and Ycnetiuns-ySc , §1.25, Black Goods. As safe by mail as at the counters, if you purchase here. Lotus prove this with some samples. Crepons— 49, 9 c., and $1.49. Serges—plain and camel's hair ef fects, 59, 75, 98c. Cheviots—rough and camel's hair fin ish, 98c and $1.25. All the staple stalls, such a*. Cash meres, Henriettas, Cravenettcs, 50c. to $1.49. Girls' Reefers. Ages, 6to 12 years. 111 Boucle mix tures, blue, green and brown. New shaped collar, close fitting coat back': braid and button trimmed. A Philadel phia house asks s6.oo—here for $4.98. Return if not suited, is our plan. Women's Mackintoshes. All-wool storm serge finish,double En glish Cape,velvet collar, made lull-made every way. A worthv rain proof gar ment, at ss.oo—this Fall's now price, $3.50. Return for any reason is the rule here. NO EXTRA CHARGE advertised by us for express or postage, for WE PAY BOTH WAYS. ISAAC LONG, 73 and 75 Puhlic Square, Wilkes-Barre, Pa JONAS LONG'S SONS* WEEKLY CHATS. WILKES-BARRE, PA., Thursday, Oct. 27th, 1898- PONDER AND WONDER I At the enticing values we offer for this week's selling. How our prices are kept down and our rapidly Increasing trade kept up. The solution will ba found below, which represents a minute part of the vast amount of bargains al ways found at our store. We surpass all others in assembling and selling tha FINEST, THE CHOICEST AND THE BEST MERCHANDISE. I We occupy the leading position of of fering at all times the most exceptional opportunities to clothe yourself from head to foot, or to furnish your housa from top to bottom at a handsome sav ing by ours, the lowest of prices. Write for samples. It will pay you to hold our prices for comparison. DRESS GOODS AND SILKS. I Our magnificent showing of new dreas materials and Fllks for fall is by all odds the largest in assortment, the rich est in style and ut most reasonable prices. SEE THESE VALUES. 1 All wool coverts, Granite and Armur# Suitings that usually retail at 58c, this week 49c. Priestley 50-inch waterproof Craven ettes, exceptionally line In quality, comes in navy and black, this week per yard $1.25. New Scotch mixed Cheviot, more tha twenty combinations to choose from, usually sold at $1.25, this week, per yard 98 cents. Fine German Broadcloths in the new est shades, suitable for tailor mad* Buits, excellent value at $2.50 per yard, this week $1.05. New Taffeta Silks, in two-toned ef fects, would be an exceptional value at' 75c, this week 59c. 1 The interest of the Ladies will center in our Great Millinery Store. The showing is unspeakably grand. Marvelously beautiful creations of our own and foreign designers are here-and also reasonably priced as to meet every idea, plain or luxurious. Ladles' trimmed Felt Sailors, In blue, Jliu k and red, special value at "5 cents New Walking Hats of soft felt, with narrow brim, 98 cents. The new ltough Uider hat, quite the fad, comes in new blue, black and Drown, special at $1.19. Trimmed felt hats in all the new shapes and colors, for this week's sel ling at half value, $2.95. our special display, "The Millinery; Theatre" is worthy of your notice—' don't miss it. CARPETS. Ours Is a very big carpet store Indeed. The largest we know of within tha State's interior; being big means in every sense of the word; biggest stock, biggest values. When we say carpet bargains, the public has learned to stop ' and listen. If you want a parlor, din ing room, library carpet, or if you wish to furnish a whole house, you will find plenty of designs to select from, all bright and new, fresh from the looms, the latest designs and colorings In rich, beautiful shades, which show with what care our selections are made. Luxurious carpets in Wiltons, Axmin , iters and Velvets, Body Brussels, Tap estry,! Ingrains, Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Mattings, rugs from Smyrna, Japanese at little cost, to the rarest of Oriental. Turkish Hugs in great variety. This week wou will find here: I Tapestry Brussels at per yard 55c and 55c. | Axmlnster Carpets at SI.OO. j Body Brussels at per yard 90c. Wilton Velvet Carpets at per yard $1.05. I Aleppo Ingrain Carpets at per yard 45c. UPHOLSTERY, LACE CURTAINS AND DRAPERIES. , I Nottingham Lace Curtains, 3Vi yards long, full width, value $1.39, at per pair S9 cents. | Itullle Swiss Curtains, full 3 yards long, very line and sheer, dots, stripes and figures, worth sl.3i to $1.75, at per , pair fuc. ' Scotch Net Lace Curtains, GO Inches , wide, double thread, very handsome, usual price $2.65, per pair $1.50. Saxony Lace Curtains, very finest Brussels effects, very aitistic and thoroughly reliable, worth $3.50, at pec pair $3.35. Polnte Applique I.ace Curtains, 54 inches wide, 3Vi yards long, on is point real BrubSt l,- net, never retailed for less . than $4.50, at per pair $2.29. I Brussels Lace Curtains, the genuine hand-wrought article, a dream oi liliny loveliness, bound t<> please you, instead , of s6.on, per pair $3.98. } Derby Tapestry Curtains, 3 yards knotted fringe at both ends, very silky ] finish. $2.50 grade, at per pair $1.95. I Imperial Satin Damask Curtains, very heaviest fringes, reversible, always $5.00, our ptice per pair. $3.79. Curtain Swiss, 36 inches wide, best j 12Vic grade, at per yard 9c. J Fish Net and embroidered Swiss, 16c kind, at per yard 10c. • The 10c quality Siikoline, Just the thing fur winter comforts, at per yard 4%c. I Tapestry, 50 inches wide, double faced, the $1.50 quality at Sc; the SI.OO quality at 75c; theUOc quality at 09c; j the 45c quality at 29c. Cotton Curtain Loops, the 10c kind, ' at per pair sc. I Extension Rods, 45 inches wide, tha 12c kind, each 6c. I White Curtain Poles, with fixtures* complete, the 30c kind 19c. Cotton Ball Fringe, 5c grade, all Colors, at per yard 3c. Silk Tassel Fringe, all silk and wool, 12Vic grade, at per yard Bc. I Down Pillows, odorless, clean and j pure, 18-lnch size, each at 49c. LACE CURTAIN STRETCHER. Save your lace curtains, your time | anil your money by securing one of ; our fiat and square cornered nickeled adjustable pin stretchers, which fits all curtains. The stretcher only costs the price of laundering two pairs of lace curtains. Buy it now and save for fu ture use. $1.98. When visiting our city spend the day with us, dine in our moderate priced Restaurant, rest in the reception room. A hearty Jonas Long's Sons welcome awaits you. Cor. W. Market St and Public Sq.,,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers