6 , WAR WITH FRANCE. OUR GREAT NAVAL ENCOUNTERS WITH THE FRENCH. A* United htatua Fitted Out Privateer* and Author!/ d American Officer* to Capture Fmnoh Cruller* Wherever z Found. Vie ft was Lord Wolseley who said re cently that the United States being un prepared for war might be congratu lated upon not having tackled any first class European power. There are so many pcqple In this country of the same opinion as the Commander-in- Chief of the British Army, that it aeems worth while to show that our prowess as a naval power does not rest exclusively upon our having whip ped the decayed monarchy of Spain. We whipped Great Britain much against our will in the war of 1812; but do those faint-hearted few whose heart s sink into their boots at the name of war, not know that we crushed fiance also In 1798-9? England and France were and still are each first elasi European powers. And as there is now as there was also a century ago, some prospects of trouble with France, the results of the Naval war and the circumstances which led up to it are of timely Interest, particularly as they re call a phase of American history utter ly unconsidered in its bearing upon present events. The cause of the trouble with France arose out of the Inability of the hot-head members of the French Di rectory to appreciate such a constitu tional revolutionist as John Adams, who was not without some leanings In the direction of a monarchy. Adams, accordingly hated the authors of the French revolution, and all its sympa thisers, Including Jefferson, had little love for the views of John Adams, who held "levees" once a week In the White House and advocated the use of plush breeches and of curled hair and similar frivolities iu the attendants on the Ex ecutive. Though treated with studied insolence himself by the English court circle while ho p>as Minister to Eng land. Adams was unnecessarily anx ious to see friendship restored between the United Stales and England. Though England would yield nothing to obtain it Adams still Indulged tho fool ish hope that England would accept the situation of the loss of her colonies; and so if Engine •* condoned a success ful rebellion Adams was anxious to have this country forget the years of oppressor r.r,-l all the bitter past. As friends and ail'to -ommcrclally at least he thought the two nations might go op in peace; and as he says in his diary "together they might gathor and divide the world." Ia short there was a situ ation and a reciprocity of feeling one hundred years ago in certain Anglican quarters very similar to the present, and which went even to the extent of having a faction in this country desir ous of precipitating a war with France. This faction was successful in securing the ratification of the Jay treaty through Alexander Hamilton and two "Anglicists," Secretaries John Picker ing and Oliver Wolcott. Upon the rati fication of this treaty the French direc tory were so angry after the assistance that Lafayette had given the colonists in securing their liberty, that they im mediately recalled their minister and sent home ours. French cruisers therefore attacked our merchant vessels. This country was then too weak for a naval war and Adams sent envoys to the Irate mem bers of the Directory to set matters right. There was much 111 feeling en tertained towards Adams personally by the leading members of the Directory, who were furious that Jefferson was not elected president, and a demand was made upon Adams' envoys for a sum of mouey to enable France to car ry on her wars and also propitiate the directory. It was then that arose the famous cry of defiance —"Millions lor defence but not one cent for tribute," the Justification for which was the un. usual demand of France which it is believed, however, now was most de liberately colored by the Anti-French and Pro-Anglican faction who hated equally the two Republics and were anxious to antagonise them In order to restore English supremacy In Amer ica. Congress thus aroused by the one sided report of the Adams envoys or ganized an army. Soon also a state of war existed on the sea, where Commo dore Truxton defeated and captured two French frigates. These two splen did victories however sobered the bel ligerent members of the Directory and they constituted such interesting naval engagements that European first class powers might study them with advan tage now. War it is true was not for mally declared, but the depredations stirred up the patriotic feelings of the American people who were thus pro foundly convinced that Europe whether royalists or republican, was equally quite unable to appreciate or to under stand them. The United States fitted out privateers and authorized Ameri can officers to capture French cruisers wherever found. The Constellation was the name of the flr3t American frigate that thug tested our navy against that of a first class European power. While cruising In the yidnity of St. Christo pher one hundred years ago Commo dore Truxton one day discovered a sail ahead. He Immediately ran before the wind so as to cross the stranger's course. Before coming Into closer Quarters It was found that she was resolved upon changing her course and she then hoisted an American flag. Truxton now showed his colors and gave the private signal of the day. As the stranger did not respond he drew down upon her and Immediately the strange craft hoisted the French colors jsnd fired a gun to leeward. The Constellation started In hot pursuit and after a six hours' chase gained a position off the enemy's port quarters. She now poured a full broadside into the Frenchman which promptly return ad the fire which thus became rapid and constant upon both sides. After a fc.. minutes of firing the enemy, ac cording to Fides "Batailles Navales de la France," luffed up to run aboard; but owing to the loss of her main top mast was not successful, thus enabling the Constellation to run athwart her course, forge ahead, and still pour In a ■withering fire. Truxton so splendidly manoeuvred his ship that he kept her Just ofr the enemy's starboard bow where the Frenchman was weakest, maintaining this position for a whole hour, pouring in broadside after broad side and receiving a heavy fire occa sionally in return. At this stage an eighteen pound ball struck the Constel lation's foretop mast Just above the cap, and she now drew out of the smoke that had collected around the two fighting ships. But espying the shadow of the enemy again—and which enveloped in smoke was unable to see the Constellation, but which kept nrlng away In the direction in which the Constellation was last seen —the Amer ican vessel now opened a heavy fire upon her starboard battery which Boon dismounted every gun upon the Frenchman's deck. About 4:30 in the afternoon or the day—the engagement beginning at nine in the morning—the Constellation dropped astern, crossed the enemy's wake and was about to sink the stranger with all on board when she surrendered and was imme diately secured as a prize. She was found to be the French 36-gun frigate L'lnsurgente. Both the Constellation and the L'ln surgente were rated as 36-gun frigates, though in estimating their equality the French pound was eight per cent heavier than the English pound. Thus a French 12-pound shot weighed 13 English pounds and a French 24-pound shot was the equivalent in destructive effect to 26 English pounds. After a similar encounter on the morning of Feb. 1, 1800, between tho Constellation and the 40-gun-frigate La Vengeance and after the superiority of American to European ships had been establish ed, the hostile attitude of the French Directory was changed and no further Interference was attempted by France. After these brushes between the American and French fleets Napoleon replaced the feeble and incompetent members of the Directory, President Adams again sent his envoys to Paris and things were made so permanently satisfactory that Napoleon sold all the French possessions to this country saying—"l have now given to the United States something that sooner or later shall make them a formidable rival to the commercial and maritime supremacy of England." The accuracy of this prediction was not so apparent then as It is to-day. nor did Napoleon ever imagine that the future held in it a possible Anglo-American alliance. Ice In Klckneii, Ice Is employed In various ways In Illness as a remedy. The ice-bag Is ap plied to the head In cases where there is severe pain, and to various parts of tbe body to reduce inflammation. If a proper bag is not at hand, a common bladder from the butclied may be used filled with ice broken up into small pieces, so as to lie on tbe part more comfortably; if a cork is placed In the center it may be tied more securely. The ice-bag should be slung over the place so that the weight of the bag does not rest on the part, but Just be In contact with it; a piece of folded flannel or lint should be placed under ft so that the bag does not rest on the bare skin; it might cause gangrene without this precaution. Ice Is given to stop sickness, or in cases of hemorrhage from the lungs, a small piece is placed on the tongue fre quently. Ice should be kept in large lumps if possible, and these ought to be wrapped in a flannel or blanket When required to be kept by the bed side a piece of flannel is tied over a cup or basin, the ice resting in the cen tre, the water then runs, when melted, into a cup, and prevents the ice from melting too quickly. A darning needle or bonnet pin is the best thing to break up the ice with, if a proper ice Dick la cot at hand. Traden Followed by Ant*. Bees are geometricians. The cells are so constructed as, with the least quantity of material, to have the larg. est spaces and tbe least possible loss to interstice. The mole is a meteor ologist. The torpedo, the ray, and the electric eel are electricians. The nau tilus is a navigator; lie raises and low ers his sails, and casts and weighs anchor, and performs other nautical feats. Whole tribes of birds are musicians. Caterpillars are sllk-splnners. The squirrel is a ferryman; with a chip or piece of bark for a beat, and his tall for a sail, he crosses the stream. The beaver Is an architect, builder! and wood-cutter; he cuts down trees and erects houses and dams. The marmot is a civil engineer; he not only builds houses, but constructs acqueducts and drains to keep them dry. The white ants malutulu a regular army of soldiers. + * "I guess," said Mr. Erastus Pinkley, "dat I warn't built foh eoldierln'.'* "But you's done Jlne de comp'ny." said Miss Miami Brown. "Yaa, but dem off'cers is ll'ble ter git pow'ful smaht. I kin step oft ter de music as fine as anybody. But dey won't lemme staht. De man he say: 'Private Pinklev, de right foot Is de wrong foot." Den I-got kinder confuse an' I says, 'Which am my right foot?' An' den he says, 'To' left foot, ob eohse.' I reckons de fus' ting I knows I gwinter git ketched lo' •nntlnv."—WaAlmrinn a. i THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG. PA. TYPICAL AMERICAN. A SKETCH OF THE BRAVE LEADER OF THE COWBOY REGIMENT. KooaeT.lt la a Slan with a Future Who Learned Human Nature on the I'ralrlea and Who Can Turn Hla Knowledge to Account llpou the Tented Flelda. Theodoro Roosevelt has so much en deared himself to the American people by hie cheerful optimism that the presldont of his alma mater once saw flt to make apology for It. The sub sequent events have shown that the student was the master of the sage, the scholar the head of the school. This notable circumstance probably had more effect In shaping Roosevelt's public career than all he learned wlthm Its walls, and will certainly do blm a vastly greater service than any parch ment diploma which that ancient in stitution could offer. For had Presi dent Eliot seen flt to laud Roosevelt's course on the Monroe doctrine Instead of to deprecate it, that plucky young American might well have asked with Daniel O'Connell, "What have I done wrong now?" Since leaving Harvard Roosevelt has been more familiar with the herd book than with Horace, yet he has found time while administering law to the ranchers and rough riders of the West, to make more notable contribu tions to American literature than any public man of to-day. But he Is no mere dilletante maker of books and fine phrases. Whether as a rancher on the banks of Bitter Creek, or as chief of that de partment at Washington which aims to purify the spoils Bystem, and to re form the public service, Colonel Roose velt has Invariably proved himself to bo r. man of fixed convictions and of rare courage. "I would rather 6ee this Administration turned out because it enforced the laws, than to see it suc ceed in violating them." Is a charac teristic phrase of the man. and which gives his character in a nutshell. Phrases like this might ho culled from his sayings, but It would be only a rosary of Roosevelt's manly straight forward qualities. He speaks as straight as he shoots, and Roosevelt's record as a cowboy is 23 bulls eyes out cf a possible 25, while astride a mus tang in full gallop. His first step after leaving Harvard with the blessings of the faculty, was to mend New York politics. For two hundred and fifty years the name of Roosevelt has been connected with the business Interests of the metropolis. It Is a name associated with one of the oldest of New York's streets, and with one of the most serviceable of the city's hospitals. Colonel Roosevelt's debut In public life was conceived with the view of making manifest the Influence of the scholar In city politics; and In this purpose he succeeded sufficiently to give Increased power to the Mayor of New York and to take away from the aldermen the power of confirming appointments. He was also the can didate of the Republican party for Mayor of New York in 1886, his op ponents being the late Henry George and Abram S. Hewitt Col. Roosevelt, however, was destin ed to be identified with New York poli tics later on. But meantime he was making the most of his opportunities to shape his own and the yuntry's future. Two years after leaving Har vard Roosevelt wrote a history of the Naval War of 1812. The book took high literary rank and paved the way for his entrance into public service, as assistant Secretary of the Navy. The vigorous style of this Initial work did much to arouse the country to the nec essity for an enlarged navy, and to quicken the patriotic sentiment of the country, which was then beginning to be tinged all over with burnished hue of gold. A year afterwards he gavo the public some glimpses of his stud ies of pioneer life In a work on ranches in the West, and of the "Hunting Trips of a Ranchman," which are tilled with delightful reminiscences of western Ute; and in which much that was worth knowing has been lescued from fore fathers or from mere hearsay and tra dition. His experience hunting the bison or the buffalo, and the physical wirlness then developed will prove as useful to him now in Cuba as his knowledge as a student of naval his tory made him an Invaluable aid In the Navy Department in preparing for the present war with Spain. He brought to the navy the experience and researches of a scholar, and he now brings to the Roosevelt rangers the skill, endurance and exploits of a horsemen who is as happy In the sad dle as other men are while In bed. That Colonel Roosevelt understands the west and Its matters, and appre ciates them, is proven by the hearty manner In which he has elucidated Its phases in his many wo.ks. And In nothing is this broad and American view so well borne out as in consider ing the number of those works which treat of the noble examples of the west, and of the bounding nature of th backwoodsman that Roosevelt nas given to the reading communities of the East. In the view of this descend ant of the early Dutch settlers of New Amsterdam, the winning of that vast Empire nursed by strong men, and taught by fate to know Ichoval's plan "That man's devices can't make a man" ought to be the great theme of our statesmen. For It Is upon the character and prosperity of the west that much of our future as a nation depends. Colonel Roosevelt, there to re, Is never weary of telling In the •jKht volumes of his entitled "Thi winning of the West," of the part which the frontiersman has played, and of the part which his descendants will play all through the coming years in shaping our national future. Hav ing thus thoroughly familiarised him self with the Wast and having ab •orbed of lu large sympathies and of its buoyancy and dash. Roosevelt was no less successful at the National Cap ital. There the scenes were changed but not the man. He was as popular In Washington as he was In Dakota, and when he bade good-bye to his col leagues recently, to actively enter Into the Cuban campaign, his office at Washington was strewn with flowers, and there was scarcely a dry eye among those various officials who call ed to say farewell. It Is Frederic Harrison who says that "the man of culture In politics Is one of the poorest mortals alive." But Col. Roosevelt has shown that the man of culture can wield great Influence In political life; and that men of culture bavo as great opportunities before them In American as In European life. It is the lot of too many men of so called culture that they really are not men of culture at all, but that they belong to the affected class of men whom Matthew Arnold called "our barbarians." And If this lackadaisl cal, jejune class, who are steeped with an lnsouslance proportionate to their desire to patronize the plain people, only learnt the wisdom that Roosevelt could teach them it would not be so difficult to reconcile politics and the scholar, In this country. When Colonel Roosevelt was asked one day what he would do with the city young men If he had the power, "I'd order them to work," said he as quick as the snap of a gunlock. "I have tried to do this by example," contin ued he, "and It Is what I have preach ed; for myself I'd work as quick be side Pat Duggan as with the last de scendant of a patroom; It literally makes no difference to me as long as the work la good and the man Is in earnest." No such wisdom as this was learned at Harvard. And it Is no small tribute to the confidence which this man Is capable of Inspiring even In men who never saw him —and most of whom were also aware that he had never been In action—that volunteers from every part of the Union more freely staked their lives upon Colonel Roosevelt's judgment and were less afraid to die If necessary in his com pany. than if he were a West Point graduate and a full-fledged mlllta.-y commander. Roosevelt Is a man with a future who has learned human nature on the prairies, and who can turn his knowl edge to account upon the tented fields. If the war progresses he Is also mor ally certain to make a creditable rec ord there. He is no mere canting theorist, but a broad guage practical man whoso education In the world be gets the highest confidence In his ca pacity to face the future—a future that Is quite likely to have no room for mere men of leisure, but which may be depended upon even to put Itself to some Inconvenience In order to make room for men of the stamp of Theodore Roosevelt. SpttnUh Cruelties. John Gilmer Speed discussing the Spaniard eays of them: "Still, after all that can be said for them, It must be confessed that the Spaniards as a whole are cruel and bloody minded Judged by our standards. They may not be unkind parents, or. among the peasantry, unkind husbands. But what no English speaking people can stom ach Is the national passion for the bull light. No passion or sentiment anywhere in the world is so compre hensively and Intensely national as the passion for "tauromachia" is to-day in Spain. There was a time when bull fighting had a comparatively slight hold on the northern provinces, but that time Is past. Just as the broad "faja," or girdle, is the one article of dress which is worn by all the com mon people of Spain, otherwise as various in costume as all the rural populations of France and Germany put together, so are they all united in their love for this amusement. The man who will not save up all his pen nies to pay for admission to a grand Sunday or Corpus Christ! "corrida de toros" is either an Inveterate spend thrift or no Spaniard; and if he leaves his wife at home ne is a bad husband. What we Americans cannot and never will unucistand about bull lighting, even when we have managed to master all the intricacies of the game itself, is how a gathering of both men and women can laugh and cheer, and clap hands, and throw their hats into the ring when a living disembowelled horse is making his screams heard above all the uproar. On the whole, we would rather not understand it. There Is one Spanish woman for whose memory all Americans feel some rev erence —Isabella the Catholic, who pawned her Jewels to fit out Cristobal Colon —and it is pleasant for us to re member that Isabella the Catholic set her face sternly against bull lighting, and would have abolished It in her dominions if she could, but even Isa bella was not strong enough for that." Equal to the Occumou, Ex-Secretary William M. Evarts was for a long time the most skilful of all public men in polite and pointed repar tee, says the Ladies' Home Journal. At a reception in Washington he was once drawn into a discussion between two women. "Mr. Evarts," said one, "do you nol think I am right In saying that a wo man is always the best Judge of an other woman's character?" "Madam," replied Mr. Evarts, "Bhe Is not only the best Judge, but also the lest executioner" Speed of th On If Stream. Three miles an hour Is about the average speed of the Gulf Stream. At certain places, however. It attains a speed of fifty-one miles an hour, the rapidity of the current giving the sur face when the sun is shining, the ap pearance of a sheet of fire. _ "A PERFECT FOOD—ma Wholesome a* it ia Delicious." 0 WALTER BAKER & CO.'S O 1 jffBREAKFAST COCOAS X fx "Kh stood the test of more then too yer* use among all A CJ gj MmhXl clesiei, end for purity end honest worth is unequalled." XH ! ninUl Costs less than ONE CENT a Cup. A X sfs KH] Trade-Nlark on Every Package. V X WALTER BAKER & CO. LTD., X X tsadi-mahk. Established 1780. DORCHESTER, MASS. A ALEXANDER BROTHERS & CO. DEALERS IN Cigars, Tobacco, Candies, Fruits and Kuts SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. Gooes jl Specialty. SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco Sole agents for the following brands of Cigars- Henry Glay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver Ash Bloomsburg Pa. IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF CARPET, MATTING, ©r OIL CLOTH, YOD WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT W. M. BROWWS 2nd Door above Court House A large lot of Window Curtains in stock. /jj This settles That's the it! Ht-eafter UW^7r'.g bl id I will have all J|ti|| win success a my clothes VrjHlg man cannot JIADB TO ** <9° careful ORDER BY ' appeir " EDWARD E. STRAUSS & CO. America's Popular Tailors, Chicago. New Use for the Sunflower. A new use has been found for the sunflower. The sticky substance which exudes from it has been made into a covering for bicycle tires. The homely sunflower is rapidly coming to the front as a uselul article. Its seeds make excellent food for cattle, its oil is equal to the best linseed oil, and its stalks are, pounds for pound, a I better heat producing product than coal. The Doctor's Opinion. "My little boy broke out all over his body with painful sores and kept running down in health. The doctor said his blood was out of order and that the best blood purifier was Hood's Sarsaparilla. We began giv ing him this medicine and he was soon entirely cured." MRS. GRACIE ARMSTRONG, Ricketts, Pa. Hood's Pills are the favorite family cathartic. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. You Don't Need to Believe This. A surgeon in a neighboring county was called to treat a cow that had swallowed an alarm clock. Several children had been playing on the hay mow, and had a small alarm clock with them, which they left there, and it got among the hay that was fed to the cow, and she managed to swallow the time piece. When Mrs. Brown milked the cow that evening she heard the familiar alarm inside the cow. The doctor was puzzled, and finally decided to give the cow a dose of snuff as an experiment. He got her to sneeze, and up came the clock, which was wound up tightly. The doctor's theory was that the key was against the wall of the stomach, the motion of which kept it wound up. OABTOXIIAi Bean the BuUgK THAT'S JUST IT ! Yovt can't always tell by the looks of a garment how it is going to WEAR. WHY NOT get the WEAR as well as the looks when you can have both at the same PRICE. $12.00 is the starting point of those Edward E. Strauss & Co.'s Famous Custom Tailored Suits and Overcoats with an ironclad guarantee thrown in free. IT WILL PAY YOU to examine this line, and leave your or der for one of these hand some garments. CALL ON L. GROSS, Bloomsburg, Pa. His Money Kept Well- The Mansfield Advertiser says: Abner Jenkins, a year ago, lost a five dollar bill from his watch pocket while haying on the Murdough farm at Lamb's Creek. Diligent search at the time failed to bring it to light. But last week while some of Mr. Jenkins' neighbors were haying in the same field and talking of his loss, Seymour Hotchkiss saw something green lying on the ground and reaching down picked up the indentical bill, neatly folded, just as it had fallen from Mr. Jenkins' pocket twelve months ago. Yellowstone Park and Omaha Exposition Personally-Conducted Tour via the Penn sylvania Railroad. The Yellowstone National Park is unquestionably one of the most inter esting regions on the globe, for within it is displayed the greatest collection of nature's manifold wonders. Indeed, this mountain-bound plateau, high up on the summit of the everlasting Rockies, is a veritable playground for the world's giant forces. The personally-conducted tour of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, which leaves New York on Septem ber i, affords the most satisfactory means of visiting this wonderland and viewing its marvelous features. A stop of two days will be made on the return trip at Omaha, affording an opportunity to visit the Trans-Mississ ippi Exposition. Tourists will travel by special train of Pullman smoking, dining, sleeping, and observation cars, in each direction. Eight days will be spent in the Park. A stop will also be made returning at Chicago. The round-trip rate, $235 from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Wash ington, $230 from Pittsburg, covers all necessary expenses. For detailed itineraries and full in formation apply to ticket agents, Tourist Agent, 1196 Broadway, New York, or address Geo. W. Boyd, As sistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers