DEMOCRATIC RULES. ARTICLE I OF THE PRIMARY ELECTION. SECTION I. The annual county con vention shall be held at' Bloomsburg, the second Tuesday of June, u o'clock in the forenoon, and the primary elec tion shall be held on the preceding Sat urday at the place of holding the Gen eral Elections in the several election dis tricts between the hours of 3 and 7 o'clock in the afternoon. SECTION 2. The primary election shall be by ballot and shall be conducted by the Judge and two Inspectors of the Election who shall be residents of the district, and who shall be elected at the preceding Primary Election. Their duties shall be the same as defined in the general election laws. The ballot shall not be numbered. The said officers shall be sworn to per form their duties faithfully and as pro vided by law. They shall determine all questions of the right to vote at said election. They shall make a list of the voter s and make out two duplicate statements showing the result of such election, the total number of votes cast and the names of the persons voted for, and t'.ie num ber of votes cast for each one of which statements shall be posted upon the door of the polling place immediately after the vote shall have been counted, for the public information; the other of which statements shall be either mailed by reg istered letter or sent by special messen ger to the address of the County Chair man. The said election officers shall in dorse upon the envelope containing the same, or upon the statement, the day and the hour of the day when said state ment was placed in the post office to be sent by registered letter or of the deliv ery of the same to a special messenger, together with name of the messenger. The said officers shall also make out re turn sheet showing the result of said election and a certificate to be signed by the election officers and enclose the same, together with the poll book, the tally list of voters and the original ballots cast, in an envelope, which shall be se curely sealed and addressed to the chair man of the convention, and deliver the same to the newly elected Judge of Election. The duties heretofore prescribed to be performed under this rule shall be performed by an election board before separating, and in the presence of the watchers hereinafter provided for, to be present at such election ; where a vote is received after objection made by any watcher or member of election board, said ballot shall be marked with the name of the individual voting it. SECTION 3. No person shall be al lowed to vote at any primary election who has voted against tile Democratic candidates at State or National elections within two years ; or who has opposed the Democratic ticket at the last pre ceding election ; or has taken money or has agreed to take money 01* other thing of value, or any pecuniary advantage as a consideration for his vote at such pri mary election, or corrupted or attempted to corrupt any voter of the district with reference to tire same, or in any wise whatsoever violated the primary election laws. SECTION 4. The voter shall indicate upon his ballot the person for whom he wishes to vote to be placad in nomina tion for the respective offices by crossing off the names of all persons for whom be does not wish to vote, or write upon 'he printed ballot, as provided to be fun.'sl ed under these rules, the name of the person for whom he desires to vote t J be placed in nomination for any office. SECTION 5. If a ballot is cast at the primary election which docs not contain names of all the candidates for a partic ular office, it shall be the duty of the election officers to reject such part of the ticket from the count. SECTION 6. The tickets to be furn ished for the primary elections, as pro vided for in the rules, shall contain the names of all the candidates who shall have registered with the Chairman of the County Committee with blank spaces under each group to enable the voter to add the name of any person for whom he wishes to vote. SECTION 7. Upon a tie vote for choice of primary election officers, the acting judge of the election shall determine the choice by lot. ARTICLE 111 OK THE CONVENTION.- SECTION I. The County Convention shall be comprised of the newly elected judges of the primary election of the re spective districts. In case of the death, sickness or inability of the judge to at tend upon the meeting of the County Convention, his duties as a return judge and as a member of the County Conven tion shall be performed by one of the newly elected inspectors for primary election, who shall present to the con vention the proper evidence of his right as a member thereof. SECTION 2. The convention shall be called to order by the Chairman of the County Committee, or in his absence by any member of the Committee,who shall forthwith proceed to effect a temporary organization. The chairman of the convention shall appoint such clerks or tellers as may be necessary to facilitate the business of the convention. SECTION 3. The Chairman of the County Committee shall have prepared a return statement, which shall have been compiled from the duplicate state ments sent him from the several election districts, and present the same to the chairman of the convention. After the receipt of such return statement, or cause shown for its non production, the election returns from the different dis tricts shall be called for, opened, and the returns examined and compared with the return statement. SECTION 4. The candidate who shall have received the highest nuipber of votes, as shown by the approved returns, shall be declared the nominee. In case of a tie vote, the nomination shall be de termined by casting lots. Where two persons arc to be nomina ted for the same office, the two candi dates receiving the highest number of votes shall be nominated. SECTION 5. It shall be good ground of objection to any return from any dis trict that the duplicate statement direct ed to be sent to the County Chairman was unduly delayed, or that the provis ions of the election laws and these rules were violated at such election. SECTION 6. Whenever any question is raised as to the regularity of the re turn from any district, it shall be the duty of the Convention to appoint a com mittee of at least five members of the Convention to inquire into and make re port of the facts, and such recommenda tions as the committee may deem proper. But no return from any district shall be accepted in the convention when it shall appear that the officers conducting the primary election have not complied with the provisions of these rules re specting the immediate posting of a statement showing the result of the election, upon the door of the polling place and the prompt transmission to the County Chairman of the duplicate statement. SECTION 7. The voting in convention shall be open,and any two members may require the yeas and nays 011 any ques tion. SECTION 8. When candidates for dele gates to the State Convention shall have registered with the chairman and have been voted for at the primary election, those receiving the highest number of votes shall he named as the delegates. OF EMCIHILITY. SECTION I. If it shall be made to ap pear to the satisfaction of a majority of the Convention, that any candidate be fore it for nomination to any office shall have ottered or paid any money or val uable thing, or made any promise of money or valuable thing to take effect in future, as an inducement to any voter to vote for him at the primary election, or shall have caused the same to be done in his behalf ; or if any candidate shall in duce or attempt to induce another per son to announce his name and run as the candidate for nomination to the same office for which he is seeking the nomi nation, with intent thereby to withdraw votes from some third candidate for nomination for the same office, or if such candidate shall cause and procure the same to be done by another in his behalf, the name of such candidate as well as the name of the candidate so in duced to be a candidate, shall be im mediately struck from the list of candi dates ; or if any such facts be ascertained after his nomination shall have been made, to the satisfaction of a majority of the members of the Standing Com mittee, tlie nomination shall be struck from the ticket and the vacancy supplied by a new nomination to be made by the members of the Standing Committee. Any candidate offending against the provisions of this rule shall bo ineligible to any nomination for a period of five years. SECTION 2. No person shall he eligi ble to a nomination by the party who has opposed the democratic ticket at the next preceding election. SECTION 3.. Each and every candidate for nomination to any office desiring his name to be printed upon the tickets pro vided to be furnished under these rules, shall register his name, post-office ad dress and name of office for which he is candidate, with the chairman of the Standing Committee in a book kept for that purpose, not less than thirty days before the primary election, and pay to the chairman a registration fee as fixed by the executive committee. ARTICLE 111. OF THE COUNTY COMMITTEE. SECTION j. The Standing Committee shall consist of one resident member from each election district, who shall be elected by the primary election. Eleven of their number shall constitute a quor um when regularly convened for the transaction of business. SECTION 2. It shall he the duty of the chairman of the committee to give pub lic notice of the meetings of the Stand ing Committe in the Democratic papers published in the county for at least two weeks, and when the committee shall be convened in special session, the notice shall designate the purposes and objects of the meeting. The committee shall be convened in special session upon the request of any five members thereof. SECTION 3. Special conventions may be called when necessary, by the Stand ing Committee, the proceedings of which O A TO HSJL, Bears the j* The Kind You Have Always Bougfd Signature /Tft <2. " THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. shall be in conformity with the rules. SECTION 4. The Standing Committee shall on the last Saturday of March, iSqS, and annually thereafter, elect from within or without their number, one person to act as chairman, one person to act as secretary, whose terms of office shall begin with the first Monday of April following, and shall continue for a period of one year, or until their re spective successors shall have been elected. SECTION 5. It shall be the duty of the chairman and committee to have prepared a poll book containing a list of tha Democratic voters of the several dis tricts in the county, and to furnish to the officers to conduct the primary elec tion with a c >py of such poll book. The poll books shall be prepared at least ten days before the holding of the primary elections, and be open to inspection of Democratic voters. SECTION 6. The election board shall check off the names ot the persons voting at such primary election as the voters cast their ballots. SECTION 7. The election board shall add to the list of voters as contained in the poll book, the names of all other qualified Democratic voters, voting at such election. SECTION 8. The chairman and com mittee shall furnish the tickets for use at the primary election and the neces sary blanks, including tally list, list of voters, certificates, duplicate statements, copy of poll book containing the names 1 of the Democratic voters of the respec tive districts, and cause the same to be \ delivered to the election boards, I SECTION 9. It shall be the duty of the ■ county chairman to give notice to the 1 several candidates to be voted for, at ! least ten days prior to the holding of the I primary election,to meet at a place to be > designated by the chairman. 'At said : meeting candidates shall endeavor to agree on watchers not to exceed three in 1 number for each district, and in case a ' majority of the candidates assembled in - response to such notice fail to agree up on watchers,- it shall be the duty of the - county chairman to appoint said watch : ers. The watchers shall be permitted to 5 be present and watch the receiving and • counting of the ballots and tallying and f reading of the same, to take memoranda of the proceedings and of any irregularity they may deem improper, and in all rc . spects to perform their duties as watch f ers as defined in the general election laws. SECTION 10. The county chairman shall cause to be published in the demo cratic newspapers of the county, a no tice of the time of the holding of the primary election, and of the time and place of the meeting of the county con vention, and of the nominations for of fice to be made by the convention, for thirty days prior to the time of the meet ing of the convention. SECTION 11. In case of the death, declination, or removal of any candidate put in nomination by the convention be fore the election ; or whenever any can didate shall have his name stricken from the ticket, the vacancy shall be supplied by a new nomination of a candidate which shall be made by the Standing Committee called together for that pur pose by public notice flom among citi zens eligible under these rules. SECTION 12. Until primary election officers shall have been chosen, or in case of any vacancy upon any election board, the county chairman and the member of the committee in which the vacancy occurs, shall supply the vacancy by appointment. If at the hour of the holding of the primary election persons qualified to hold such election shall fail to appear, the vacancy shall be supplied as regula ted by the General Election Laws. ASSESSMENTS. SECTION I. Nominees of the conven tion shall be subject to the payment of assessments to defray the expenses of the delegate election and convention; campaign and election purposes; the prosecution of persons violating the election laws, and for any purpose not prohibited by general law. SECTION 2. The assessments shall be ma le by the executive committee, rated proportionately and based upon tlie emoluments of the respective offices. SECTION 3. If any nominee of the convention shall neglect or refuse to pay assessments provided by these rules, up on reasonable notice, the certificates of nomination shall be withheld, and the name ot the nominee stricken from the ticket; and the vacancy supplied by a new nomination to be made by the mem bers of the Standing Committee. ARTICLE IY r . EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. SECTION I. The county chairman shall appoint an executive committee consist ing of five persons, two of whom shall be the chairman and secretary of the county committee. The county chairman shall be the chairman of this committee. SECTION 2. The duties of the execu tive committee shall be to make and col lect the assessments of candidates pro vided for in these rules; fix and appor tion the amounts to be paid by candi dates as a registration fee ; and appoint a treasurer from among their number. SECTION 3. Whenever it shall appear OASTORIA. Bear* the sflto Kind You Have Always Bought to the satisfaction of the executive com mittee, that any officer of the primary election, candidate, or other person, has offended against the election laws, or the rules of the party, made punishable by law, it shall be their duty and they are hereby required to institute proceed ings against the person so offending ; in cur the necessary expenses incident to such prosecution, and take all necessary steps to vindicate the law and the rules of the party. SECTION 4. The treasurer of the ex ecutive committee shall receive all moneys paid by candidates upon assess ments and contribution for campaign and other party purposes, and disburse the same as the executive committee may direct. ARTICLE V. RULES SECTION t. These rules or any one or more of them may be altered, amended or rescinded at any regular convention by a vote of two-thirds of the \yhole number of the convention. AMENDMENT. The following amendment was offered by Hon. C. R. Huckalew and adopted by the convention : Jit•solved: That the Chairman of the last preceding convention shall be the temporary Chairman of the next annual convention. Lines About the Philippines. Situated in the Pacific Ocean south east of Hong Kong. Discovered by Magelien in 1521. Settled by Spaniards during the reign of Philip 11, after whom they were named. Manila is the seat of government and residence of Governor General, appointed by Spain. Principal islands, Luzon, Mind anas, I'anay, Negros, Zebu, Bohol, Leyte, Samar and Masbate. Total area, 115,528 square miles (almost five times the size of Pennsyl vania.) The group comprises 1200 islands, of which but 408 are inhabited. Population, 7 or 8,000,000. Earthquakes are fiequent and hurri canes common. Islands are traversed by chain of mountains, rising in some instances to 6000 feet. Rice, sugar, hemp, tobacco, coffee and cotton are raised. Mineral pro ducts are gold, copper, iron, lead, mercury, sulphur and coal. The Malays form the greater part of the population, while the negroes and Chinese inhabit the mountain regions. YVild animals : Antelope, fox, wild cat and monkey, while most of the domestic animals common in Europe can be found on the islands. Birds include the parrot, pigeon, water fowls and species of pheasant. Fish abundant; serpents numerous. YY'eaving and straw hat making is carried on by the females. The chief manufacture is cigar making. OA.STOHIA. Boars the _/) Kind You Have Always Bough 5&- MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE. The mill property, known as tlio Edgar Mill, with lour acres and ninety perches or land, TWO-STORY GRIST MILL, with water power, and a two-story dwelling house, barn and other out buildings, situate within the borough ot New Columbus, Luzerne county. Pa., will be es posed to public sale on the premises, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 189 S. at eleven o'clock In the forenoon. TERMS: stoo down, and tbo balance In one year. A. C. CAMPBELL, 5-l-'9B-2t. Trustee. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ, of Levari Facias, Issued out of the Court of common Pleas of Columbia county, l'a., and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House In Bloomsburg, l'a., ou SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 189S, at two o'clock p. m., all those two certain lots, pieces or parcels of ground situate In the town of Bloomsburg, county of Columbia aud state ot Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol lows, tc-wtt: Beginning at a corner of lot ot Mary Phillips (now I'. 11. Ileddens) and First street, of the town ot Bloomsburg, thence by said lot north twenty-live degrees and ten min utes, west one hundred and sixty-nine and tlve tenths leet to line of land ot Michael Casey; thence by the same south Ofty degrees and fifty-two minutes, west eighty-two and thirty one hundredths teot to lot of E. F. Row ; thence by the same south twenty-five degrees and ten minutes, east one hundred and sixty-nine and live-tenths feet to First street aforesaid, and thence along said First street north fifty de grees and fifty-two minutes, east elghtytwo and thirty-one hundredths leet to the corner, the place ol beginning, whereon Is erected a LARGE TYY'O-STORY FRAME DYVELLING HOUSE, Frame stable and outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of Dorothy N. Brown, Martha B. Brown and J. j. Brown vs. J. K. Fowler, and to be sold as the property of J. R. Fowler. W. W. BLACK, Sheriff. Herring, Attorney. 5-12-98 AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Caroline n. Hoefmi, late of Cataiclssa township, deceased. The undersigned auditor, appointed by (he Or• plums' Court of Columbia county, to make dis tribution of said estate, will sit at the Coui\ House in Bloomsburg, Pa., on Friday, May W, 1898, at 10 o'clock a. in., when and where all per sons having claims against said estate must ap jiear and prove the same, or be dtbaired from coming in on said estate. 5-12-98 0 . B. MELLICK, Auditor. Try Ihe COLUMBIAN a year. CARDS.*?* N. U. FUNK, ATTORHEY-AT-LAW, Mr*. Ent*> Building, Court Hoot Alky, BLOOMSBURG, PA. A. L. FRITZ, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Post Office Building, and floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA; C. W. MILLER, ATTORN KY-AT-LA.W, Wirt's Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA. JOUN 0. FREEZE. JOHN 0. DARMAN FREEZE & HARMAN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Offices: Centre St., first door Delow Opera House GEO. E. ELYVELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Columbian Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG, P.ft. \VM. h MAGILL, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office in Peacock's building, Market Square. YV. H. SNYDER, ATTORNEY- VT-LAW, Office 2nd floor Mrs. Ents building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. ROBERT R. LITTLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Columbian Building, 2nd BLOOMSBURG, PA. A. N. YOST, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Wirt Building, Court House Square. BLOOMSBURG, PA. % H. A. McKILLIP. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Columbian Building, 2nd Floor. BLOOMSBURG, PA. RALPH R. JOHN, ATTORNEY XT LAW, Hartman Building, Maiket Square, Bloomsburg, Pa. IKELER & IKELER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office back of Farmers' National Bank. BLOOMSBURG, PA. R. RUSH ZARR, — ATTORNEY-AT-LAW BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office in Clark's Block, corner of and and Centre Streets, l-i2-'94 W. A. EVERT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOMSBURG, PA. (Office over Alexander A Co. Wirt building, G. M. QUICK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office over First National Bank. EDYVARD J. FLYNN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, CF.NTRALIA, PA. Office Llddlcot building, Locust avenue. JOHN M. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AXt JDEXeB OT THE PEACE, * Meyer Baa. Bniidmg, aadfea*, BLOOMSBURG, "PA. J. H. MAIZE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, tXSUEAMCE ABE REAL ESTATE AG CRT. Office in Lockard's building. BLOOMSBURG, PA. B. FRANK ZARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Clark's Building, cor. Main and Ccatra St*. BLOOMSBURG, Fa. CS~Can be consulted in German. W. H. RHAYV'N, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office, corner of Third aad Mam StiCTU, CAT AWISSA, PA. DR. J. C. RUTTER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, North Market Street, BLOOMSBURG. PA. J. S. JOHN, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and residence, 410 Main St., 3-70-iy FLOOMSBURG, PA J. HOYVARD PATTERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rooms 4 and 5. Peacock bldg. Telephone 1463. BLOOMSBURG, PA. HPICIAL ATTENTION TO DISIABSB OF CUICBAAA H. BIERMAN, M. D. UOMCLOI'ATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURONON OFFICE HOURS: Offlce A Residence, ill! St., Until 9 A. X., Ito 9and 7(o8p. x. PLOOMSEUItG, Pa S. B. ARMENT, M. 1). Office and Residence No. 18. West fifth St DISEASES OP TIIE THROAT AND NOSE A SPECIALTY (8 to 10 A.M. ISLOOMSBURH OFFICE HOURS. SB tO 4 P. M. "ALOOUKH 17 to 9 P. M. p A DR. ANDREW GRAYDON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, BLOOMSBURG, PA.- - Offlce and residence In Prof. Waller's House. * MARKET STREET * TELEPHONE. HENRY VV. CHAMPLIN, M. D. Office over Farmer's National Hank. Hours IO to 12 A. M., 3 to 5 and 7 to 8 P. M Residence, 218 Third St. TELEPHONE. DR. F. W. REDEKER, Pnv SICIAN AND SURGEON, omce and Residence, centre St., between 40b and sth sts. Diseases of the ear, nose and throat a specialty. BLOOMSBURG, PA. 18 to 10 a.m. or FICS HOURS: -< 1 to 3 p. m. (7 to 9 p. m. J. J. BROWN, M. D., Market Street. BLOOMSBURG, PA. THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes treated, tested, fitted with glasses and Artificial Eyes supplied. n°urs 10 to 4. Telephone connection DR. M. J. HESS, DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Crown and bridge work —A— SPECIALTY, Corner Main and Centre Streets, BLOOMSBURG. PA, DR. W. H. HOUSE, SURGEON DENTIST, Offlce, Barton's Putldfflg, Mam below •* BLOOMSBURG, PA. All styles of work done in a superior mannas and all work warranted as represented. ' TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, by the use of Gas, and free of charge what artificial teeth are inserted. *4TTo be open all hours during the Jay. DR. C. S. VAN HORN, —DENTIST.— Office corner of East and Mam street*. o posite Town Hall. Offlce hours 8:80 to 12 a. m ; 2 to 5 p. m. BLOOMSBURG, PA. C. WATSON McKELVY, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. (Successor to B. P. Hartman .„i^E l^ ents twelve of the strongest Comma, les In the world, among which are: CASH TOTAL SURPLUS Franklin of Phlla.. TSFIOS.SA ° T? OOWM Penn'a, Phlla 400,000 .8,825,150 1 uSS Queen, of N. Y. . 800,000 3,638, MS 1 Westchester, N.Y. 300,000 N. AmeHca, Phlla. 3,000,000 9,780,689 MBUM OFFICR IN I. w. MCKSI.VT'S STORS. ""Losses promptly adjusted and paid. M. P. LUTZ & SON, (SUCCESSORS TO FREAB BROWN) INSURANCE AND REAL ESTAT* AGENTS AND BROKERS. —o— N. W. Corner Main and Centre. Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA. —o— Represent Seventeen as good Compan. ies as there are in the World and all losses promptly adjusted and paid at their Office. CHRISTIAN F. KNAPP, FIRE INSURANCE, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Home, of N. Y.j Merchants of Newark, N. J.; Clinton, N. Y.;Peoples', N.Y.-Read ing, Pa ; German American Ins. Co., New V ork; Greenwich Insurance Co., New Yorkj Jersey City Fire Ins. Co., Jersey City, N. J. i hese old corporations are well seasoned by age and fire tested, and have never yet had a loss settled by any court of law. Their assets are all invested in solid securities, and liable to the hazard of fire only. Losses promptly and honestly adjusted sod paid as soon as determined, by Christian F. Knapp, Special Agent and Adjuster, Bloom, burg, Pa. The people of Columbia county should patronize the agency where losses, if say, are settled and paid by one of their own citizens. CENTRAL HOTEL, B. Stohner, Prop. C. F. Stohner, Assistant BLOOMSBURG, PA. Large and convenient sample rooms. Hot and cold water, and all modern conveniences. The hotel has been lately refurnished. CITY HOTEL, W. A. Hartzel, Prop, retar F. lieldy.'Manag No. 121 West Main Street, BLOOMSBURG, PA. ""Large and convenient sample rooms,bath rooms, hot and ccld water, and modern con veniences. Bar stocked with best wine and liquors. First-class livery attached. EXCHANGE HOTEL, ~ G. SNYDER, Proprietor, (Opposite the Court llouse x BLOOMSBURG, PA. Large and convenient sample rooms, flub rooms, hot and cold water, and all mo Jern conveniences 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers