THE COLUMBIA" AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBTJRG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, Men and Tbelr Hobbles- A statement mndo by a wiso mnti la that "Kvcry honest man has a hobby." Tho man In question did not uso theso prcciso words, says tho American Cul tivator, bnt they amount to tho samo in 8ulstanoo. A man who is always tinkering ar ound making something or olhor in tho mechanical line, is never found spend ing ids leisure hoars in a gin mill Or saloon. The young man whoso hob by is study will bo found at his books as soon as his day's work is dono and supper is swallowed. Tho chap who has "musio on tho brain'' will be pulling or scraping his instrument oirly and late, until his frionds almost wish ho would quit his hobby and relegate ldmsclf to tho rum shop. Many young mon rido a mechanical hobby, and aro often building experi mental maohlnej, and making "young" steam engines. To such mon, elect ricity possesses a most enticing liohl. Tnero is no end to the directions in winch thought may bo profitably turn ed in connection with electricity. Well developed as it is, electricity is as yet an almost unknown thing, which will require lifetimes of study to tho full understanding ol all. Electricity is the future power of tho world, as it has always boon its life, although un known and uncomprchendod for ages. That a young man will wasto hours and days of his lifo in doing worso than nothing, when ho has snch a field beforo him, is scarcely to bo compre hended, but it is a disgraceful tact. Let tho young men awako to tho idea that tho advanoo of tho world deponds upon thorn personally; that tho years to como may bo hotter or worse as they ohooso to study or to bo idle, and it seems as though thoy would quit beer drinking, dioe shaking, and card shuffling instantly, to avail themsolyes of the privileges beforo them. A man may bo about what ho makes himself nowadays, and if ho chooses to beoomo a sot, tho way is open; if ho chooses to becomo a power in tho land he can do so by going to work in that direction and keeping at it. Dangerous Precedents. Tho Republicans aro making very dangerous precedents for fnturo Demo cratic power by tho revolutionary re jection of men elected by tho people and the substitution of men who were rejected by tho people. No party majority in tho popular branch ot Uoneross since our revolu tionary war and reconstruction times has ever exhibited such reckless dis regard of popular elections as tho pre sent 110U80 under the leadership ot Sneaker Reed. It was regarded as absurd by all parties (o seat" tho thrco colored contestants from tho South. Indeed, thoy expected only a liberal appropriation .'or expanses, but it is now decided that party necessity de mands their admission to seats which wore refused them by the people. As the Republicans bavo hardly an even chanco to control the next IIouso, they aro simply makiug precedents wnicn aro likely to react upon them in the near future. Equally violent was the dismissal of the Democratic Senator from Jersey ana the admission ot bis defeated com petitor. There would bo eood reason to deolaro tho election void because of the frauds exposed, and the enactment ot a reform election law was a guaran tee of an honest expression of the peo- pleple; but tho partisan majority ot the JNew Jersey senate seated its candidate without even the pretenoo of showing a majority for him. Suppose that that chango in the Sen ate should givo tho Kepublicaus the majority on joint ballot whon the next TT.1..J Ol.. ' o . - 1 1 uuiwu oiaLUB ouuaiur is lu ue uuusuu, what could tho Democrats do, with such a revolutionary precedent to in vite them; with a majority in the Ilonse' Won't revolutionary leaders epe mat inoy aro only inviting retribu tion alike from tho law-lovinc peoplo and from opposing partisan power When it gams the mastery! Tines. The Slot-Box. A CKMINAI. THAT COJI.DN T BE CIIAROED WITH 1113 CRIME. A complicated case was brought in to tho Central rohco station Louisville recently. It was that of a man who had succeoded in beating a "drop-a- nicklo-in-tho-slot" box on tho corner of Third and Jefferson streets. Tho man who was ablo to porform this feat- was John Lewis and ho is said to have made a thorough study of tho subject before risking his nioklo. Ho first bored a bolo in the coin and then fast ened to it a small black silk thread lie then dropped a nicklo in tho slot as dtrocted by the sign and drew out a cigar. Seeing that nothing was stated in tho directions as to how many times ono nicklo could bo dropped in, ho drew his nicklo out and dropped it in again, securing me second iimo, he continued to drop and continued to drop and continued to draw uutil ho emptied tho box. By the time ho had drawn tho twenty-ninth cigar quite a crowd had gathered around him and cheered him on. Their cries attracted Officers Sohradel and Donahue, who arrested Lowis and took htm from tho circle in which ho had beoome a hero At tho station house the question aroso as to what he should be charged with. After several suggestions of robbery, burglary, it was decided to placo against him disorderly conduoL tie was taken out on bond a litte later by some of thoso whoso cries had attraotod tho police. What it Costs Must bo carofully considered by tho great majority of pooplo, in buying even neoesttoa ot lite, flood's sarsa panlla commends itself with special loroo to ttio groat m'ddio olasses, be oauso it comuires posittvo economy w'ih groat iced'oinil power. It is the only medioino of which oan truly be said "100 Dos-b Ono Dollar," and bottlo taken according to directions will average to last a month. In The Treasury Attic Some of tho queerest work of tho Treasury Department is done in tho attio and in the basement, You can have no idea of the varieties of busi ness which aro carried on insido these groat walls. I stood for ten minutei recently and watohod about 50 womon sewing on carpets in tho top loft of the Treasury. The carpet was stretch edon frames like carpenters' saw-horses, and the girls were having kind of a quilting beo in joining tho widths to gether. All the carpels of tho govern ment departments the country over are sowed here, and if a oustora houso at Cleveland or Mow York wants a car pet it goods a diagriin of its room to the Secretary of tho Treasury, and tho carpet is hero mado and shipped. Uievekvut Meaatr. The stOTj Is toM of A Oormnn, who took th hantti at his clock to the maker to havo them fliod, becauso the did not keep proper time. Of course, tho clock-maker demanded tho vorkf, 09 In them lay tho trouble, llolll and blotches, plmplea and other emptloni on the oiterlor tell of a disordered oondltton of the Mood within. If you haro these Indications, be wiso In time, and take Dr. Ploroe's Oolden Medical Discovery. It puts the liter and kidneys In rood working order, purines the blood, cleanses tho system from aU Impuri ties, from whattrer cause arising-, and tones UP the functions renerally. "Oolden Medical Discovery" checks the frightful Inroads of Scrofula, and. If taken In time, arrests tho march of Consumption of the Lungs (which Is Lung-scrofula), purifies and enriches the blood, thereby curing all Bkln and Bcalp Diseases, Ulcers, Sores. Swell ings, and kindred ailments. It Is powerfully tonloaa well as alterative, or blood-cleansing. In Its effects, henco It strengthens tho system and restored vitality, thereby dispelling all thoso languid, "tired foellngs" experienced by the debilitated. Especially has It mani fested Its potency In curing Tetter, Bolt rheum. Eczema, Erysipelas, llolls, Carbuncles, Bore Eyes, Ooltro, or Thick Keck, and En larged (Hands. 'Oolden Medical Discovery" Is tho only blood and lung remedy, sola by druggists, and guaranteed by Its manufacturers, to do ail that It Is claimed to accomplish, or money paid for It will bo promptly refunded. World's Iiispemsaiit Miihoai. Associa tion, Manufacturers, No. GG3 Main Street, buffalo, N. Y. by the manufactur ers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Hcmedv, for aa Incurable case ot Catarrh In the Head. If You Have OONIUMPTIONICOUIHorCOLB BRONCHITIS! Throat Affeetloa SCROFULA I Wasting of Fltdt Or fy DUenN trJW th Threat and Xvrtft art Xnflmmtd, LU of f tempt or Krm ur. you can 6 rKve4 mnd Cur& bff SCOTT'S EMULSION PURE COD LIVER OIL With HypophoBphltes. PALATABLE AS MILK. Aeh for feoff Jftnwlrfan, anil M n toy fUnutUn T flicllattoi induce yu to eupl m tutsHfuts. Bold by all Druggists. 0TT A BOWNI.ChomUU, H.Y. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING G, OT. BERTSGH, " THE MERCHANT TAILOR. Us' Furnishing GoodsEats &i Caps of every; description. Salts made to order at short notioe and a fit always guaranteed or no sale. Call and ezamino tho largest and best seleotod stock of goods ever shown in Columbia county. Btoro next door to First National Bank MAIN STREET, Blooru?biir Pa. 51k FLY NETS CHEAP AND STRONG. 3) other styles 6-A Nets, prices to suit aU W AYIIIMdtHONK, lMULADEXl-HIA. Hold by all dealers. J. R. SMITH & CO LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., DEALKBS ID PIANOS, By the following well known makerat Chickcring, Knabc, Weber, Hallct & Davis. Can also furnish anv of ilia cheaper makes at manufacturers prices, uo not buy a piano be fore getting our prices. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. 8 8t-P-U- TOBACCO This standard brand of plug tobacco is acknowledged to be the best chew and the largest piece for the money in the mar ket. Vinco tin tag on each lump. Its extensive sale for many years lias established its reputation. There is nothing better. Try it. For sale by dealers and grocers. BOOK AfJItNTS WABTHD FOIl MyStoryof theWarjt ' BOIkLUrUUMCItS txiiuiuusrsa. !IKI" In UunlUK tV a. uvuituour. na on wt iftiut-ncui. ji A'uyf Mtt f ilijirsV I wr v r rnt una kit axr iain BREAD cr ' ONE CIN EAT TCO K'JCH OP I?. , An OT.rlrd rd brtsd nit not injur, yen V.t twill mike rtrti terj anco)dfurtLli to tiu ortrloMlinf o( woifrsACMEBipN not Injara rnrrtjit. ) mk t Mil. UUUn UliTIVllVIJB. MnMaMsaWMrMMMMMTrTimtltV. Ai in Dma, Vatnt en ft flow. FThuntnj t j t wiu Stain Old 4 ncw ru"iTunt rrj'i. will ikn Glass and Chinawarc at tho WILLtTAtN TINWAR1 AtCWlO will Stain town old babact titc. ,tILL STAIN 0T CoAfiH AND WOLFF U RANDOLPH, nUlulklA. The Few Way of Keeping Ooo) Ono who suddenly enlcroH Washing ton market, in Now York city, of a hot day, will bo refreshed by tho greatful ooolness that fills tho placo. Through out tho building tho tornncrutiiro is just what a oitizen would wish for hi" houso during midsummer heat. Tho thought will pel haps, ocour that a groat quantity of ico is required to produce this effect. In that ho would po mistaken. Thcro is not a pound of ico usod. Perhaps his oyo will bo at tracted by a number of pipes that ruu overhead and down into tho various booths and boxes whero meat and other perish ablo provisions ato kept. Theso pipes will glisten as though covered with ico and snow, though the temperaturo bo above 80 deg. outside tho markot. As a mittor of faot, it is exactly ico and snow that covers tho pipes, and rothing else. A freezing mixture of tho salts of ammonia is pumped into tho pipes from a plant in another streot, and tho vaporization of those salts prodnccs tho intense cold that chills tho pipes till frost and snow oollect on the outside of them oven in midsummer. Thus tho wholo great markot housa ia cooled and provisions aro kept at a low temperaturo. Iloro is ono of tho beautiful secrets of chemistry put to important practi cal use. Tho utilization of freezing mixtures is only in its infancy as yet. Too freezing mixtures aro not expen sive. Tho time will como when milk and butter in dairies and farmhouses will bo oooled in summer by this pro cess, and tho temperature of houses kopt deliciously low. Then nobody need go away from homo to escape the hoat. When a man is fortunate in business he attributes tho fact to his ability. When he is unfortuuato ho bowails his bad luck. Miss-Flora Woodward Tibbits, of Ann Arbor, is the first, wnmnn in Michigan to apply for admission to tho bar of tho bupreme Court. His Wife Suffered from Erysipelas. Mr. John O. Roiors. of Dana. Illi nois, writes as follows undor dato of March 29, J 390: "My wifo was for years an invalid from "a blood trouble, ard sufford tc.iblo at'tima from Ervsin- e'as. She tried many remeies adver tised as blood purifiers, but received nobeneht. A few bo.tles of Swift's Speoifio (S. S. S ) the best blood puri fier a"d tonio bIio over saw, and is will ing for any ono suffering as she was to bo referred to her. ins mx0D poisoned nr ccw itch. About five years aco mv blood was poisoned with cow itch, and every spring since then I have been troubled with the poison breakintr out in laroe soro9 all over ray body. I tried various remedies wuhoutreceiving any bandits Threo bottles of Swift's Speoifio (S. S. S.) effected a complete and piomanent cure, whon all othor blood remedies bad failed. It, L. Henkekson, Live Oak, Fla. Treatise on mood ana Hkln Diseases mailed free. SWIFT BPBOIFIO CO., Atlanta, Oa. Scrvincr riches, instead nf mnliinrr riohes servo you, is the most piteous of an poverty, n is Hlavery. Peoplo who boast that thoy never did any harm, aro generally thoso who haven't done muoh good. J. S. GARRISON M. D. IIOMEOI'ATHIO PHYSICIAN AND SUliGKON. 19 Olllcc over I. vy. Uartman & Son' store, residence N. E. corner Centre and Fourth streets. J. T. FOX, Dentist. All the latest annliances fnr mnnnfnrt nrlnr treating, filling and extracting teeth. AU styles of work warranted as represented. Office uiwuaiu oucci. near tast, . 5luly, K IIT & PODMORK. AUG'UITEOTS, Ostkhhout Uuildinu, Wllkesbarre, I'a. Brunei) Oulce. llloomsburir, la., with Jno. M. Clahk, Att'y. & Couusulli-r. l31lja Exchange Hotel, BENTON, I'A. hTSS nngerstirned has leased this well-known S!1J0,.ft?2u Pruparod " accommodate the pubUo with all the oonvenienoea ot a nrst-class hotel LEMUKL DHAKE, Proprietor. M'wcurrs magazink. a m vantd an J txcillint eonlmli, it a library it Hit, ' It uji indttd a hafff thought to trinl at titlirt iitivtl in laeh nuntor. Not a liort luvtltUt, lul a long story such hi you artusti to git in loot form and fay romoni dollar to ont dollar and a hatfor. Not only that, tut with tath numlir ou git an ai undanci of other contributions, which gtva you a good magatint tuidet tht not il. The ringing Howe which have ieen struct oh tie gateway of fofulat favor, have resounded throughout the entire land, and to-day tiffin colli Magatine standi in the front rant of monthly tuHtcatunt, and is the moil widely-read-andtaltedif fuUUttien of in tindin the uvrld. for full descriptive tircutari, addresi liri'lXCO TTS MAGAZINE, Philadelphia Sjooferyear, a$ elt. lingle uumttr. The fuilisher of this paper will receive ye 'WCUftlOH, U-JMmo. THKCOMJMHIAN ISTHK RUST. THRESHING- machines A SPECIALTY. WinplfBt. Mot Durable, ;Econimtcal. and perfect In us wastes no grain; cleaoa It readr tor in wket. THRESHING ENGINES "?.,, BaxeUUU, Shlngl MacMni, I'rtuei, and D , A.U. KAUiiifnAltca, LtmltAi, Bend for lUua. I ltonnnlntik i(HMttnr.i trated Catalogua. Woika, Voaa. Pa. YEB, MY DtAFl, 'fCx IB TME RTirr' O Mf'&.JK AND TE1 A Kitchen Oilototb. A cheap oilcloth for thokltohon may bo mado of oht an, heavy towc.loth or burlap fitted to tho room. Nail it on tho Ride of an outside building ahd cover tho cloth ullh it thick panto mailo of ryo flour. When this is dry, paint it a good, cheap tiopg brown. In two weeks time paint ngain, and in two wcoks moro give it pi, other coat. L"t it i email) until well seasoned' which will ho in two or thruo months, lien vamith and nalt down. This oil cloth, it is Fid, will last for many yuara. Arcw York 'JVibune. The Suntncr at Atlantic City. T1IK l'ENNSYI.VANNU UAIMIOAd's OHEAT PACIMTIKS. Tho prospects for a hriliaut summer season at Atlantic Uily were novcr so bright as at the present timo. Tho oxtraordlnarily liberal patronage which it has gained during the winter nnd spring seaoo, largely duo to tho mag nifiot-nt transportation facilities main. tainod by tho Pemiylva ntn Rtilroad, is still manltesting itself in luu well, filled hotels, nhi.ih bid fair to hold their visitors well lhrouc!i tho earlv summer season. Tho city by tho eca I. I.. 1.... !!.!.... 1 ia in ueuer uuiiuiiiuii 10 rnienain anu amueo its friends than ever beforo. Now holds havo boon built, and older ones remodeled and enlarged. The groat ocean uoulovard has liten com pleted, so that Atlantic City now pos sesses tho handsomest and most attrac tive ocean front of any seaside rtsort in America. All indications point to tho largest summer season in tho his tory of tho placo. Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany has' kept well in lino with the spirit of improvement which has per vaded tne Beashore. Its facilities for promptly and comfortably handling lari'o numbers of peoplo bavo been in creased bo as to supply any pos-iblo demand; tho road-bed of itsdouble lino has bcon improved greatly, and the terminal faoilities both at Phildaelphia and Atlantic City havo been enlarged and improved. Tho bettormont of tho tracks will enable the management to materially reduce tho timo between the Delaware Ktvor and tho soa, and the summer eohcdtilo will present tho quickest, best equipped, safest, and most satisfactory service of trains for everybody ever enjoyed by tho hosts of Atlantic Citi's summer patrons. Tho comprehensive system of excursion iicKots leading Irom ail points on tho Pennsylvania System will be available as in the past years, at tho oxenption- ally low rates that havo heretofore prevailed. It would bo well for read ors to remember that a summer trip that does not include Atlantio City laokatho spico tint would make it memorable. Invalid And Sacramental Wines Sneer's TTnfnrmnnfpft ftrnnn -Tmnn ta a puro unintoxicant wino from tho lino native grown Port Grapes, especially for the uso nf Christian Churches, preserved from fro$h and nurn inion na it is pressod from tho grape and guar- uuiecu uu luiniu us graieim navor ana essential O'lnlitinn tmimimrml fnr nntr period. Muoh used for evening parties and invalids who do uot uso stimul ants. B. F. Savits, PLUMBEIl AND GAS FITTEK DEALER IN FITTHS, lit. Tin oofing a Specialty. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK IN HIS LINE. First door Ulooms'mrg Opera IIouso B. F. SAVIT! I UHVVtliWtfViltll lit. lias secured the sole agency of Columbia county for the Nation al Sheet Metal Roofing Co. Thesti roofs aro guaranteed to be far superior to any other roof, aa they are both storm and wind proof. Sheet iron roofs of this manu facture can bo put up as cheap us tin, and last much longer. Hook aro made of sheet iron, tin. or copper, as parties may desire. Orders may bo secured through B, F. Savita, Bloonis burfic, Pa., who will put on tho roofs and guarunteo the work, or may he ordered direct from tho HistisM?talEoofl(!D, 510-520 East 20th Stroot.N. Y. FRAZER GREASE DEMT IN Till! WOULD, JUwrlnf QualltlM ara uoauntuMd, actually outlaaUev two boxta of anyotbsr brand. Mot fTMVMl by lul. fm-iitm II K U tM U IN li. yOB81IJilrVDEAmmotKEIULI.V. tUf ftThe Greatest Blood Purifier k KNUWNi Tills (Iruitnermnn Mcdlclno 1 t clicn)Ctnini licit. lMitoMdof KlI one rent n nose, ji s curu im- a common pimjiio on tuo in to ttint Awful ilUono Scrofuli SUU'IU'H IU'm;it9 U the ben mctllclno to lifo In nlli rni"cs of sttcti ftubhorn nrnlffv01ir Uccp wonted uiecascs. IoncyAnrcotit not OVOr tJlkO nfr.n1rr.ttil P DL.UE PILLS ?."ll!:"u.Ura tfiiMmi nf i.iT-ri ifq ninttcr wluit am ll.n ..i.rn.f n.,,1 l..l' jTlTOU, U0 incllduo e( cr mtule. BitlcrS I with n yellow ellckyrnon't wait until roti M breath foul nnilflfnrollat on yowr tmcK, oircnrivo? yoiiri7lit (ret somo at Blomnch Is outfl'n lll euro you. Sulnlmr nfonlcr. Uectfllltlerala NIII.I'III'IE . I 111 11 MlSf - l-i K'l'nn inrnn i'a UTinn i.m ImmcillatclyirTlioyniinKitlionKCilnncI tot. In your t tcrlnj? nro poon made well by I I Ino thick use. Itememlicrwlmtyoti rony, clo.rrail here, it may raro your uur, orrtre. It tins fftvcvl hiimlreila. II! i t wait UDlll lu-iuorruw, Try a Bottle To-day I E3 Am roti low.pnlrltcd nntl wenk, I r MiflVrliiff from tho cxrrAtc o( fyouiwe it bo, faULPauit miTKita i curu j uu. Scnti 3 s-ccm etnmpii 10 a. r.uniffnto., Boston. Masa,, for beet medical work publlslictl? Intelligent Eeadora will notice that re not'iftrra(fttfon4r" all clatae of dlseitte. but only such as rusnlft from adlsordorcil llTrf Tiai Vertigo, Headache, Dyspepsia, Fevers, Costivones3, Bilious Colic, Flatulence, etc. For tbeae thejr aro not warrant o J Itf' fmlUble, Lutnrtnannrlyana It la not alblotoiuiikonrvinoUy. lrlee, S5ota fiOIil) EVlSKYWIUtatE. 01 inuuaa'iua navd um g Kliiiat.eiitiy curetl by- mm 1JI1LAUKM'IIIA,1A. Ki-ratonte,iiooiHr.'itlfr. or luBsuf tlintj Iruni bu.lness. Caws nronoiinre! la curable ly others waiitdl. Somi rurfhciilar. JURE GUARANTEED. ollllZix Aug 10 'SO ly. PARKER'S HAS!? BALSAM Clcirues and bcautific the hair. I'romotM a luxuriant crowth, Nrver Failt to Reitora Gray Pnlnp. TroTcnts liaii'lnifT and hair falling VulLlC por.nli ot Mr I. am He Wrileil ('W al wnrk nn mm. t... WO ft month i I mxr hare n ri-ttti f K. C.A11fti ArnaBll.nm. Bn.l if Hon and ofttn make !Sil ,Ur gntai W. II.OAHBISU.", William Kline, Ilarriibuiy, I'a, "i"i nae nrvrr Known aiirlhlnf to fell like your albuu. 1 Kterdaj I took oriif rt enouirli la pay me over w. J, bl- uiure, lUoror, Me, wrlieit "! lake an order for jour album at ' nume i itu. Pit (To til UonenainmrliaiMmn ifor aftiele ilhrreiloin null n , hare not ijiaco to pita ei Slirtll wo start YOU in this imsitu's. reader? Write lou anj learn all about it rVryutim-ir We areatanlitRiuaiiyi we will atari you If you don t delay until Biioihifi:eiaabealofyouin)ourrart f ibe country. Ifyou lake hold you villi be able to lrk uppold fait. UiT'Kcitil lt i.'L-ountnr forced monuiaclurer'a aale I lf,0HI ten ifiitliu; lhtoarnih Attttnim an-to be iM to i lie H'ui fitt fJch. Wound In Uoval Crfmann hllkelvet 1 1ub.niarmlnrlydecoratedlniildM.llandioinet album In the worl.l.lariteit tlze. Urtateu bargain etrr known. A rent. Mantfd. I.llwral term. Jllf money for a pent a. Anv one ran heennc n euceeaiil afrent. Sella Ittrlf on aijtht little or nc talking nertaaary. S herevrr ahown, every one v. an I. to tur. ehae. Ageuta take tboutanda of order wltli raiildlty netcr ber.ire hnown. On-at profli await every worker. AKeula are making fortune. Ladieamake a mudi a men. Vou, reader, tan do a well a any one. Full Information and term f r'. to thoie who n rite for tame, with particular ami term, for our Family lllblea, Hook and I'eriodlcale. Atttr you know Itonldrou eoncluda lo rono further, whv no Im lake Ik. 1.1 nftl.Umn.l ..n.. ' .'.,. whv no barm la dona. . AbUtlla, UAUI JtD.l:-9My. Detroit Bum! cum' atcel taclclu lllocU IIALFTllUcosror bolttlng aavej to Moieke-ii", Hut jtieia, FarinerB, JIach. Inlats, Builders, CiMractors and OTU lks Auuilited to be tUf greatest lu ll ovemci-ts tvitlt made m tack'e b'ocka Freight preoiltl Write lor catalogue. Fultcn Iron U Saglna Woris, Estab. iws, ID Urusli y ., Detroit, Sllch. t-wy. INLY! For LOST or FAILINO fiCANJIOOD) aeneral and NEKV0U8 LABILITY) ncuneuQi ijgay una Ainu, x.uacui of rrroriorEzeesaetlnOlior Yauna. llabaii, hortaiiaMHMMi Tally Iteitored. Haw (rt enlara aal fctMBilhrnttr-Ah, t MKFKMPUOMJiHl PiriTSOKRODV, Abaolntely uuUCUr HOK TltillllkT-UeneDIa In a day. teitliy ffom SO State an 4 t arelgn I'uunlrir. rlta than, lie KrlrtKe (ionfc. etlmtln and iroof mailed (aealed) fre Uin nti r.'.tClCAL CO., BUFFALO, N. V. FOR Horses, Cattle, Sheep & Hogs. Ecel anrremeoy (orlhe rapid curt of Hard Co!d(,Coughi,Hldt Bound, Ytllow Water, Fciar. DUtemper, Sore and IVeak Eyes, Lung Feer. Cotthenen, Blotchet, and all dlHIcultlet arlt' Ing Irom Impurlllct ol the Blood. Will relieve Hcavet at once. Manufactured ly the ;0PPA MANUFACTURING CO,, LYONS. N. Y. I'OIt SAiJS 21V A1X DKALEI1S. 3-21.90 r ly HRISTIAN V. KNAPP. FIRE INSURANCE, BLOOMSBTJRG. Home of N. Y. : Merchante', of Newark, N. J. j Clinton, N. Y. i Peoplee" N Y. j Reading, ra. German American Int. Co., New York, j Greenwich Insurance C., New York i Jerscj City Fire Ini. Co., Jeney City, N. J. These old corporation! are well eeasoned by tg and nix TztTio and have never yet had a loss settled by any court of law. Their assets tra all Invested In solid sicuritiks, are liable to the haiard of rial only. Losses 1 romptly and HONISTLY adjusted and paid as soon as determined, b CHRIST IAN F. KNAPP, Ei-aciAt. Aoint and Ad. lUSTKR, IlLOOMSllUB, I'A. Jfhe oeople of Columbia county should pat. ronlte the agency where losses, If any, are s. lied and paid by one of their own dtiient. WABiBiJ .SKUNK WANTED. hlTUATIlW Pl'llMANKNT. SAHHV and uph. Kxpeilenci unecesaary Willi us. OUl'lvr nKNTFiUK. Inilurcmcnti and tlicile-of t'ri r.ory I o cvei y in hi enaslng wiw. Wrlto for term ipiluH. fctmloi; age, V H TAFl' 4 Co., r.jii -ii ai'.i ruu n Tin r. izui k wn til! mieciul' " i. s. n a HIRES tl Hints' IUPR0VEU ROOT uuoug. 10 iDimomiiia iuukasi THIS rACKACE MAKEa TIVB CAtLOM. ROOT BEER. CVM I. 'in in I liio xnvnnu s lricnu. PTlioyniinKithonKdlnncl tot- 6 m I" r Ml BEER! Thm moat APPBTIzmn and WI10I.KHOUU I THMPHHANOH DUIHK la Ul. wuild. I IMUcloiu ami HparhUov, THY IT. Ask your Druggist or Oroear for IS. C. E. HIRES, PHILADELPHIA. 0 (5 il. iRAtLROAD TIIWCD TBLB Mai JKLAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WKSTKRN RAILROAD. 111.00MSI1UKG DIVISION. STATIONS. NOItTII. r. M. r.M, A. it, A. u. NORTIU-MIHRI.IND., 5 40 I 60 (J.imcron 665 ... rhulasKy 10 00 819 1019 6 80 1019 .... 10 80 8 41 10 43 6 68 10 60 7 0J 10 67 712 11 (13 7 20 1112 7 27 1116 7 31 It 20 7 31 1121 71 11 34 7 49 11 83 7 69 It 43 8 06 11 6S 8 It 12 06 8 24 12 10 82S 12 16 8 33 12 20 8 34 12 27 8 4J 12 31 8 49 12 33 8 63 12 10 8S8 12 43 9 03 12 63 9 09 101 017 109 025 116 S0 1 20 9 85 r. u. r. u D.invnio ou 11 CatanUsa 05 .... Itupcrt & ' to liloomsburg 34 9 36 0 4 a 41 jjme kiokv......,,.. w Willow Orovc 061 .... Ilrlarcrrek 0 64 .... licrwlcK i i s Ucnch Haven..,. 711 .... lllck'a Ferry 713 .... Htitckshlniiy 7 80 tSO HUniOCK'8. ill .... Nanilcoko "CO 3 36 Avondtlo HI .... l'lymouth 7f'9 S 4j l'lrmoutn Junction 801 .... Kingston SOU 3 63 Dennett 812 .... .Maltoy 817 Wyoming 8 si 4 tn West l'lttston 8S7 4 Oil I'lttston. 8 33 4 11 Mck.lwanna 8 40 Taylorvlllo 8 43 ..... iiellcrue. sm .... SCKiNTON S 00 428 r. . r. h STATIONS. bOUTll. A. m. A. is, r. x. r. M BCRANTOK 6 10 9 60 1 63 6 20 HcllCVUO 619 9 63 .... 6 29 Taylorvlllo 6 20 10 00 2 02 6 80 I.ticlcawanna 624 loos 8 10 8 87 llttston 6 31) 1016 218 6 49 West HUSton. 6 42 10 22 2 24 6 60 Wromlne 6 47 10 87 2 89 669 Maltoy 7 6 61 10 80 .... 6 69 Dennett 6 9 10 31 8 37 7 03 Kingston 6 63 1089 2 40 7 07 l'lymouth Junction 7 0J 10 42 8 43 712 Plymouth 710 10 47 8 60 7 16 Avon.lale 7 14 1061 8 63 7 21 NantlCOkO 7 19 1059 2 69 7 29 Uunlock'S 7 56 1103 8 00 7 43 tmickshlnny 7 37 11 12 3 20 7 63 Hick's Kerry. 7 65 11 22 3 31 8 07 Ueacli Haven 8 01 1131 8 40 8 13 Berwick 8 07 11 40 3 47 8 20 unar Creek 813 8 6.1 8 2 Willow Urova 8 18 11 60 8 97 8 31 IJlnHUi:0 8 20 11 64 4 02 8 33 Kmn: 8 2t 12 01 4 09 8 41 Bloomsburg 8 32 12 06 4 15 8 47 Rupert 8 37 12 12 4 22 8 52 catawlssa 8 42 12 17 4 2? 8 57 Danville 8 57 12 32 4 46 9 13 UUulasky 4 54 Cameron 9 07 12 41 6 00 9 28 NORTUtTMBIHLAND 9 21 12 55 5 19 9 49 a. u, t, t. r, u. r. m Connections at Rupert with Philadelphia Ue.ullnu Hallroad tor Tamanend. Tamaqua, Will. lamsport, Sunbury, Poiuvllle, etc At Northum. oeriaai witu l. s. a. liiv. i'. it. iu lor uamsuur, lock jiaven, umponum, warren, uorry, anu unu. W. V. 1IALSTBAD, Oen. Man.. Scranton, ra. Pennsylvania Railroad. lx Philadelphia tk Erie R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. M TIME TABLE. In effect MAY 11, 1890. Trains leavo tmnbury BiST WAltu 9.40 a. m-. Sea Sboro Bxnrfpa Mallv nxeen dunday), for Harrlsburg ondlntermodlatestatlonB anlvlurf at fniladelpbla3.l9 p. m.j New York 3.50 D. m.: Baltimore. 3.10 n.m.! Waahlntrton 5.63 p. m., connecting at rmladelpWa for all ilea Shore points. Through passenger coach to Phllaaolphla, Baltimore. 1-39 p. m. Day Express dally except Sunday), for IlarrlsDurg and interme diate stations, arriving at Phtladelph a 6.90 o. m. : Now York. .S5 n. m. n&iftmore 6.45 p.m.; Washington, 8.15 p. m. Parlor car luiuuku i.u ruuiugiuuia auu nasBeoger coacnea turougn tg riuiaaeipnia ana uaitimoro. 8.03 p. m. ltenovo Accommodation (daily iwi uamsuuiK uuu an luvurinuoiawBiationH, amT' Ing at l'hllalelphla4.29 a. m. ; New York 7.10 a. m Ualtlmore, 5.19 a.m.; Washington 6.30 a. m. l'ullmansleenlncrcarrrom IlarrtRbunr in Phiiitiiet phla and New York. Philadelphia passengers can remain In sleeper undisturbed until 7 a. m. 1.60 a. m. Erie Mall (dillvUor llarrlflnnnr Ann mujiuirojuw sdabiuuo, arnfiug ai. fuuaaeipma 6.50 a. m. New York, 9.30 a. m.; Through Pullman Dicvui unra nun imHwnger coacneB to rniioaei. 2.60a.m. S3ithira BtpresHWly) tor Harrts burz ana lnteraiedlato atitlins arrivln? at linn. more 7.20, a. in. 1 1 1 .V tsuiagton 8.15, a. m. and through i'ullmiuMeplng cars to Biltlnnro and wasinuKwn, aaa tarougo paasenger caacnoa to UUUIU1UIU, WBSTWAHLi. 5.10a. m. Erie Mall (dallvl. tor Erin nnl a Uananlalgua ar.d Intermedials stations, Roches ter, Buffalo NlagaraFaUs, with through Pull man Pah je oars and passenger coaches to Brie and llojae-iter. 9.53 News Express ( dally ) for Loclr. Haven nuu tuwiuicuiaic abatluUB. 1.43 D. m. Nlacrara Bxnress filallvexnentHnn. any) for Kane, cana nalguaand tntermedlatesta tlons. K hoster. Buffalo and Niagara vmiowith through passenger coaches to Kane and Rochester and Parlor car to Watklns. 9.30 p. m. Fast Line (dally except Sundayltor lte novo, Watklns and Intermediate stations, with through passenger coaches to Kenovo and Watklns. 9.15 p, m. wtlllamsport Express ( dally ) tor THROUGH TRAINS FOR SDNBURY FROM THE J.AD1 Altii QUU i ll. NewsExoresa leaves New Ynrir. 19.1k niht Philadelphia 4.30 a. m. Baltimore, 4.30 a. m. Elar rlaburg, 8.10 a. m. dally arrtvtng at sunbury 9.63 Nlacrara Bxnreaaleaves 'iw vnrt-fi.9n n m Philadelphia, 8.60 a. m. ; Washington 8 10 a. m. Bal timore 9.00 a. ra. (dally except Sunday arriving at sunbury, 1.4.'; p.m., with through Parlor carfrom Philadelphia and tnrough passenger coaches from rmiauciuuitt uuu uuuunore. Fast Line leaven New a.m. PhiiariAi. phla, 11.10 a. m. ; Washington, 10.60 a. m. ; Ualtl more, 11.45 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at sunbury. 6.30 p. m. with through passenger coaches from Phlfadslphla and Ualtlmore Wliliamsport Express leaves New York 2.00 c. m. Philadelphia 4.23 p. m. Washington 3.80 p. m. Baltimore 4.i3 p. m. (dally ) arriving at Sunbury 9.16 p. m. ' Erie Mall leaves New York 8.00 p.m.; Philadel phia, 11.25 p. m. ; Washington, 10.00 p.m.; Haiti more, 11.20 p.m., (dally) arriving at Sunbury6-10 Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore and passenger coaches from PblladelDhla and Bam. moro. SUNHUIIY, IIA7.I.KTON ac tt'll.KKSIl AltUB itAii.itirit Anu riiruTSi anu went HirANIllI RAILWAY. tllally except sunuay.) Wllkesbtrre Mall leaves snnbnrv inm a m Arriving at Bloom Ferry leus a. m Wllkoa-barre 12.10 p.m. Express East leaves Sunbury 5.35 p. m., arrtvtng at Bloom Ferry 6.26 p. m., Wllkes-barre 7.60 p. m. Sunbury Mall leaves Wllkesbarre 11.17 a. m.arrtv Ing at Bloom Ferry 12.37 p. m., Hunbury 1.28 r. m" Express West leaves Wllkes-barre 3.05 p. m.. ar" vine fit lltnnm mtm- j n n n- Dnv-H t nn SUNDAY TRAINS. Wllkesbarre mall leaven Hunhnrvirvon a m a riving at Bloom Ferry 10.4s a. m., wiUros-Barre Sunday accommodtllon leaves WUkea-llarre 1:10 p. in., arriving at Bloom Ferry, 6.39 p.m., soni, r t:s0 p. m Oil AH. E. PUOII, J. IL VNOOD, Ocn. Manager. oen. Passenger AgL plIILADEH'IIIA & READING - UA1LUOAD. ON AND Al'l'EU MAY 11th 1W0. TRAINS LEAVE BLOO.MHBUHG as follows: (3UNDATS kXCIlTD.) For New York, Philadelphia, Reading, Pottsvll le, Tamnqua, etc, B.oo, n:m a, m. ' For rt uuainsport, Mlitou and Danville 7:3i) a. m. 3:10, lliuo p. 111. For Oatawltsa 6-00, 7:30, 11:03 a. m., l:20, 6:00 6.3J p. 111. ' For Rupert 6.00, 7:30, U:M a. ru., 12:20, 3:16, 6:00. o:33, 11:00 p. m. ' TRAIN'S FOR BLOOMSBURO IrAY(l V,trlr irin Dhllnnlnhl. - p. m. and via Eastou 8:13 a. in. 3.43 p.'m. ' liflPM l.hllmlttlt.ltln ,11 ... n r Leavo Reading 11:50 a. m. 7:31 p. m; Leave l"oiuvllio 12:30 p. m. U-uvo Tamaqu UU a. m. 9:13 p. m. Leave Willlamsport 9:18 a. in. 4:13 p. m. liaVfl (!nfA.Wl44jL 7.IIU'lhl,i m t.u.i .a . lirui p. m. ' .w B,i'l!pfrt iM 7:M- SM U:Jl ,:38. 1. o:5K, 1 1:1a p. 111. ' ' i or lisiiuuoro VVashloiftOQ and tha West via li. W&!if. bunaay8 4:"1' 8-w- AT LANTIO CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, pier 7. Chestnut Street vVharf, and Soum street Wnart: Koa ATLANTIC CITV. WWW ftnva RinrMw U M -n . nn Accommodation, 1:30 a. in. 4:15, 6.3). p. in. i'. c.uv,.uu h- ui, Aocuinmoaai on 8:00 a. m. and 4:3o p in. KXTOUMINO, L1V ATtSMTIO CITT, Depot corner Atlautlo and Arkansas Avenues 1 WixH Ua a ix press, 7.00, .oo a. in. aDd4.-O0D. m. Aicominodatlou, d.ou, 8:05 a. in. and 4:30 p. m Sundiya-ExproHa, 4:00, 6:30, p. m. Accominoda. Hon, 7:30 a, m. and 4.80 p, in. ..,,,,, 0-0 HANCOCK, A. A McLEOI), OmX llui. Jotlu. 0 ATENTS. rettstnl rrala vtarks ontalnM.and all Paten t dnon iviad Mted for U JDiilt v ta if it Hi. j OUH Ob'FlOit li oei'HU'E U. S. I'ATBNT uri-iv.,. imumuuu Buu-iiguuciro, aiiusineas In ct, uonacan transact patent buslnetu In less waVhingtou. .u..n,u. s)ua iuiiol, drawing, or photo.wlth description. Vto alvlno If paUnlablo or not, free ot charee. Our feo not duu till patent tanocured. " ' A book,"IIow to Obtain relents, "with reference duUreV. Addre.': l Mwn, C. A. SNOW & CO., opposli rusmg u WAiiloglon, d.o CUM MINGS DEALERS IN COKFECTIOIERY, FEITITS and NUTS, AND MANUFAOTUKKKS OF KCE (CI I AM, 1 I illLIBiiMBSM.SllllBMIrlSWWMMlIIWIIIIII I WW IIWI , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. EXCHANGE 15LOCK, - BLOOMSBU11G, I'A. W1IOLLSALE CYj-, 3Weo, Can6, Fvot'tj anA Hotj-. SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. IFIEllsrSSJ "2" GOODS S. SFEOIJLXjOT'Z". SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Sole agents of the following brands of Cigar 1 Honry Clay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princoss, Samson, Silvor Ash. Any order for Festivals will be supplied with the Lowest Market Prices, aa Ullmn 1 ranM, Lemons, ream N5. Bananas, "peanuts. At" BLOOiVlSBURG, PA G. 5. TtoBBIflS, Foreign and Domestic TOBBBE TIN OZO-aJESS-BL00MSBURGPfl In purchaBing houso hold necefrxiiics, it 13 wise always to select that which is the bent, it will bo the cheipoHt iu tho cud. A good article is always a source of pleasure. J. SALTZEIi has won .1 wido tulation for (idling tiood gooda at low prices. Jle buys direct from tho niaiiufanturew, and can sell first clasui goods cheaper than can bu obtained olso where. Iloro arc tome of tho articles and pnoeB : Sewing Machines of threo grade., bv tho New Home Sowinn- maphlnn drawer drop leaf, all attachments, $19.50 to $00. Royal St. John, $30 upwards. standard Rotary, $40 upwards. New Home, $30 upwards. Have received tho agenoy for tho Uoosoy I )i-tin Cornet, tho best cornet in tho world. A ,;ood aasortm. nt of violins, guitars, banjos, aciiordomis, drum, iliites, fifes and all kinds o muioal instrument. Thn beat of strings f r violitic, cuitarc, binjs, violincello, and haw violins. Agent for Hutterick's patterns, pattern-book and fashion sheets. Pianos, organs and sowing machines sold on monthy payments. A libera discount for cash. Do not fend elsewhere, but call nnd seo tho stock of your homo dealer, who U always with you, and can givo you any information or instruction upon any instrument you may purchase. J. SALTZE Musical WnimiIs anil Sewine WARE1100MS Pianios-h'aBis. The lraprovrd mtthod ot fastening stnnsra ot pla boh, luveiiUd by us, H one ot Ilia most lmporlunt linprovciiioiiUdvcrinaili!, m ikliiif no Instrument moro rlclily musloil In touo, moro durable, and Imt llatilu to utl out ot tune. tioth tlio .Mason 6 llaiulla oivanH and I'lanoa exoelclileuyluttialwlilcti U IbDcUlof oxcoll uco Iu any muilcul lustrumeut, iiuiillty ottuno. utu tr tlilnKs, iliouk-li important, am much less bo UiantliU. An Inbtru nent with unmusical tonea canuot U) irood, Illustrate! caialounj ot mw btyleu. Introduced tlita wuaor, bcnl lieu, MASON & HARflLIN O ' r-M AND P.AKO Go. BOSTON. NEW YORK. UEI0A0O. Ml d it. GOOD STOCK We lmvc all the fncilittcs of lam inanufacturers for turninsr Good Stock at the lowest cost TaT pur $10 Suits as an instance of how nattvand well we. m.iLi 1 . e v , til 0ff. priced goods. Large assortment .11 ,1, pi 4, i0j i8 and SQ and every additional dollar brings its full value in better material! and trimmings. A. C. "YATES & CO., Tnu YATES STORKS 6th ani Ohsstant 5u 13th and Ohsast Sts! riiu.Ai(.LriiiA, & VE11DT 7 DEALERS IN Etpy Piano, $350 to SGOl). Stock, S37.r to $000. IX. M. Hent & Co., $2.')0 10 $100 Hrown ifc Simpson, $2."0 to moJ. R-tfy OrgaiiB, $00 to $175. Miller organ., 75 to $150. United States orgatm, $125 to $175. Chicago Cottago organ, $00 to Si 10 Worcefter orgnus, $75 to $150. Paris ornaiiB. SfiO to SI 00. I " " " Celebrated White Sowing Machines $3J to $05. New Domestio Sewing 5Iaohinci, $35 10 5!.'). raada n,t . n from i1 Pl. J" H. WILLIAMS, AU0T1ONEKH. ULOOMSUOItO, I'A. Hoal Sstato 'Bought and GeH. P.irtU'8ileslriii(tobiiy liorti'snnd wagon 'voiiiii nc wen to call nn ine anovr hVi r.rn i.,.iipa ' MM ..a I. .r 4r "" fuVn..,. l'u'","1!f1f,' UulH'""!"cbLll;i uwi ii.. miu ; V,"i4 m cut ! ,roM, BBTfrta Machines MILES -v'tPtp fiMn.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers