THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.1 THE PHK31DENT'B ME33AOE. At it meeting of stato raflroaa commissioners and their accredited representatives, held at Washington In March last, upon llio Invitation of the Interstate commerce commission, a resolution u unanimously Adopted urging the commission "to couslder what can be clone to prevent tho loss of life end limb In coupling And uncoupling fnHxht oars , And In handling the brakes of such cars." During tho year ending June SO, 1888, over 8,000 railroad employes wero killed in service, and more than 30,000 Injured. It is competent, I think, for congress to require uniformity In the construction of cars lifted lu lu tcrstAte commerce. And the me of improved safety Appliance upon such trains. Time will be necessary to make the needed changes, but an earnest and Intelligent beginning should be made at once. It U a reproach to our cIvlllxAtlou that any class of American workmen should, lu tho pursuit of a necessary and useful vocation, be subjected to a peril of life And limb as gieat as that of a soldier in time of war. (The president then speaks of tho depart ment of agriculture, the weather service, and the District of Columbia.) The proposition to observe the four hundreth anniversary of the discovery of America by tho opening of a world's fair or exposition in some one of our great cities will bo presouted for the consideration of congress. The vnluo and tutor est of such an exposition may well cleim the pro motion of the general government, In tho course of lengthy rofcronco to tht civil service commission, he says: The reform of tho civil servlco will mako ni safe or satisfactory advance until the present law and It equal administration are well established In the conflJ-nco of the people. It will bo my pleasure, as It Is my duty, to see tliat the law li executed with firmness and Impartiality. II some of its provisions have been fraudulently evaded by apKlntlng officers, our resentment should not suggest the repeal of the law, but re lonn in its nuministratton. We should have oik view of the matter, and hold It with a slncerltj that is not affected by the consideration that the party to wntch wo belone Is for the time in imwer. Sly predcssor. on the 4th dnv of Januars-. IS). by an executive order to take effect March 15, brought the railway mall service under the opera tion of the civil service law, rrovlslon was made that the order should take effect sooner lu any state where an eligible list was sooner obtained. On the 11th day of March, Mr. Lyman, then the only member of the commission, reported to me In writing that It would not lie possible to have the list of eligible ready before May 1, and re quested inai tr.o taking effect of tho order be postponed until that time, which was done, rule ject to tho same provision contained In the origi nal order as to states in which an eligible list wai sooner ODiainea. As a result of the revision of the rules, of the new classification, and of the inclusion of the rail way mall service, tho work of the commission hat been greatly Increased, and the present clerical force Is found to be Inadequate. I recommend mat tneouiiiuonol clerks asked by the commls sion oe appropriated, ror. I am satisfied that both In and out of il rlnmi. fled service great benefit would accrue from tht adoption of some system bv which the nfrWi would receive the distinction and benefit that. In all private employments, comes from exceptional faithfulness and efficiency In the performance of duty. I have suggested to the heads of the executive Departments that they consider whether a reenrd might not be kept In each bureau of all those ele ments that are covered by the terms "faithful. ness" and "edlciency," and a rating made showing me reauve merits oi toe clerks or encn class, this rating to be regarded as a test of merit In making I have also SUireeSted to the nostmAAtpr r-pnoral that he adopt some plan by which he can, upon the basis cf the reports to the department and of frequent Inspections, Indicate the relative merit of postmasters of each class. They will be ap propriately indicated In the official register and In the report of the department. That a great stim ulus would thus be given to the whole service I do not doubt, and such a record would be tho best aerense against Inconsiderate removals from office (Tho president here suggests a national ex perimental grant In aid of education.) The "Color Question." The colored people did not Intrude themselves upon us; they were brought here In chains and held In the communities where they are now chiefly found, by a cruel slave code. Happily for both races they are now free. They have, from a standpoint of ignoranco and poverty, which was our snanie, not weirs, maae remarkable ad vances In education and in tho acquisition of property. They have, as a rjeoDle. shown them selves to be friendly and faithful towards the white race, under temptations of tremendous sirengin. tueynave tneir representatives in the national cemeteries where a grateful government has gathered the ashes of those who died in Its aerense. They have furnished to our regular army regl meats that have won hlzh praise from their com- mandlng officers for courage and soldierly quall- ues, arm tor naeiuy to me enlistment oath. In civil lire tney are now the tollers of their com munltles, making their full contribution to the widening streams of prosperity which theso com munities are receiving. Their sudden withdrawal would stop production, and bring disorder into the household as well as the shoD. Generally. they do not desire to quit their homes, and their employers resent the interference of the emigra tion agents who seek to stimulate such a dctlre. But, notwithstanding all this, in many parte of our country where the colored population is large we people or tnat raco ore, by various devices, deprived of any effective exercise of their Domi cal rights and of many of tholr civil rights. The wrong does not expend Itself upon those whose votes are suppressed. Every constituency In the Union is v, ronged. It has been the hope of every patriot that a eense of justice and of respect for the law would work a gradual cure of these flagrant evils. Surely no one supposes that the present can be accepted as a permanent condition. If It Is said that those communities must work ouOkis prob lem for themselves, we have a right to ask whether tney are at work upon It. Do they suggest any solution? When and under what conditions la the block man to have a free ballot! When is he is fact to have those full civil tights which have so long oeen nisinlaw! When Is that equality of influence which our form of eovarnment was intended to secure to the electors to be restored? This generation should courageously face these grave questions, and not leave them as a heritage oi woe to tne next. The consultation should proceed with candor, calmness and great pa tience; upon tho lines of Justice and humanity. not of prejudice and cruelty. No question In our country can be at rest except upon the firm nose oi justice ana or tne law. I earnestly Invoke the attention of congress to the consideration of such measures within lu well defined constitutional powers as will secure to all our people a free exercise of the right of aurrrage ana every otuer civil rlKht under the con stitution and laws of the United States. No evil, nowever oepioraoie, can justiry the assumption, either on the part of the executive or of comrress. of powers not granted; but both will be highly blamable if all the powers granted aro not wisely but firmly used to correct these evils. The power to take the whole direction and control of the election of members of the hcuse of representa tives is clearly given to the general government. A partial and qualified supervision of thebe elec tions is now provided for by law, and in my opinion mis law may be so strengthened and extended as to secure, on the whole, better resulu than cos be Attained by a law taking all the processes of such election Into federal control. The colored man should be protected in all of his relations to the federal government, whether as litigant, juror, or witness In our courts, as an elector for mem bers of congress, or as a peaceful traveler upon our interstate railways. The Merchant Marine, In the course of his remarks on the mer chant marine, the following occurs: I recommend that such appropriations be mode for ocean mall service, In American steamships, between our porta and those of Central and South America, China, Japan and the Important Islands in both of the great oceans, as will be lib erally remunerative for the service rendered, and as will encourage the establishment and In some fair degree equalize the chances of Ameri can steamship lines In the competitions which they must meet. That the American states ly. ing suutn of us will cordially oo-operate in es tablishing and mainUlnlng such llut-a of bteuuv blps to their principal ports I do not doubt. We should also make provision for a naval re eerve to consist of such merchant ships, of Amer ican construction and of a specified tonnage and speed, aa the on ners will consent to place at the use of the government, la com of need, as armed cruisers. England has adopted this policy, and oa a result can now, upon necessity, at once place upon her naval list some of the faster steamships in the world. A proper supervision of the con struction of such vessels would make their con version into effective ships of war very easy. I am an advocate of economy in our national expenditures, but it U a misuse of terms to make this word describe a policy that withholds an ex. penditure for thepurpose of extending our for eign commerce. The enlargement and Improve roent of our merchant marine, the development of a sufficieut body of trained American seamen, the promotion of rapid and regular moll comniu plcaliou between the ports of other countries and our own. and the adaptation of large and swift American merchant steamshljM to naval usee, in time of war, are public purposes of the highest concern. The enlarged participation of our iieople in the carrying trade, the new and increased markets that will be opened for the producu of our faruu And factories, and the fuller and better employ ment of our mechanics, which wlU result from a liberal promotion of our foreign commerce, Insure the widest possible diffusion of benefit to all the states and to all our people. Everything Is most propitious for the preeent Inauguration of a 11b straf and progressive policy upon this subject, and we should enter upon it with promptness and de cision. The legislation which I have suggested, It is sincerely believed, will promote the peace and honor of our country and tho prosperity and se curity of the iieople. I Invoke tne diligent and se rious attention of congress to the consideration of these and such other measures as may be pre sented, having the some great end la view. Hum. IUmubox. Executive Mansion, Washington, Deo. a, 1VI. Scenery for the 1'asslon Play, The Oberommergau Passion playa aro fast becoming modernized. Hermann Oorghardt, of Vienna, has received an order to paint the scenery for the new etago, and call bells will bo introduced, The scenery Is taken for tho most part from tho old masters "Tho Last Sup. per" of Leonardo, and "Tho Crucifix, ion," after Itaphael, etc Two drop scenes, which aro painted upon wood, aro also being prepared, and will be shitted backward and forward by means of rollers. Tho stage receives all its light from above, being covered by a glass roof, London Graphic. Tho story Is told of n German, who took the nanits nt his clock to tho maker to hnvo them fixed, becauso thoy did not keep proper tlmo. Of course, tho clock -maker demanded tho (corks, as In them lay tho trouble, llolls nnd blotches, pimples nnd other eruptions on tho exterior tell of a disordered condition of the Mood within. If you havo theso Indications, bo wlso in tlmo, and tako Dr. Tierce's Uoldcn Medical Discovery. It puts tho liver nnd kidneys In good working order, purifies tho blood, cleanses tho system from nil Impuri ties, from whatever cause Arising, and tones up tho functions generally. 11 Golden Medlenl Discovery" checks tho frightful Inroads of Scrofula, and, if taken In tlmo. Arrests tho march of Consumption of tho Lungs (which Is Lung-scrofula), purines and enriches tho blood, thereby curing all Bkln nnd Scalp Diseases, Ulcers, Sores, Dwell lngs,and kindred ailments, it Is powerfully tonic as well ns alterative, or blood-cleansing, in Its effects, hence It strengthens tho system and restores vltnllty, thereby dispelling nil those languid, "tired feelings" experienced by tho debilitated, especially has it mani fested its potency In curing Tetter, t?alt rhcutn, liczema. Erysipelas, Uolls, Carbuncles, Soro Eyes, (loltro, or Thick Neck, nnd En larged (Hands. "Ooldcn Medical Discovery" Is tho only blood and lung remedy, sold by druggists, and ouarantred by its manufacturers, to do all that it is claimed to accomplish, or money paid lor it will bo promptly refunded. WOnl.D'S DtSl'ENSAHY MF.DIOAI, ASSOCIA TION, Manufacturers, No. CG3 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. S500 OFFERED "T ""V ZT by ,ho manufactur ers of ur. Page's Catarrh Hemedy, for on tncurnblo csso of Catarrh In tho Head. An Attack of Gravel. Tli Twrlble HwBhHng of m w.a&n at 00. How She wtaa Happily Oared. , There Is nothing-1 now enjoy thst I do not owe to havlna- used Dr. David Kannsars ravorlte Remedy, made at Bondont, N. T, My troubles Una In my kidneys And from which Z never expected to moot sr. ITrst there were pains la my back, 1 was fever lib, with no srretite and could not sleep, I was com. polled to nse a cane, end finally rot so vuk thst I :ould not stand alone. The distress In my back wsa terrible. IwssburnUwnpwllhAfsvMoreonstant lyshlverlngaslf eoli, My physicians said I HAD BRIGHT'S DISEASE, which was alarming Information. To add to my of. ttiction after I had been Ul about two years. I had a bad attack of Gravel When this made its appear ince my physician Bare op my ease, and I resigned myself to die. I had four doctors attend me, tho best In tho country, yet I conaUnUy grew worse. Els years ago last June, how wall I remembsr the timet I saw Dr. Kennedys Favorite Itemsdy advertised in ourpsrer. After using one bottle I threw away my cane and went to New York on a visit, and three hot ties ourcd me. I have never had a return of Oravel, nor of the rains or weakness In the baok, and though I am over rutty yean of aga I am Now Vigorous and Strong clnafn th house and TmiClSaSSSsSaiiim !K if 2.' "henever 1 ean7VhVt rhi i ctau FAVORITE REMEDY, Met One dollar. Prepared at BondnntH.T. Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. Fnr-sred by DR. DAVID KENNEDY, RONDOCT, J. T tlparbetUa BU forts. By all drurslsta Best and Purest MedicineS EVER MADE. Ill A. Itwlll ilrlvc tlio Ilumorf rora voui "III C,NW8ystcin, ana mako your nkinl II S-W?lwm nml 6mooth Ttionel II 9j v 'A.V'k.w,ll(-ninur Jr uvauiyra A, TCmoYOlinaBhoit you are wise ana ubc r, . vs. -. n -v - v n jn..' kvUiuuwi'U- Ai. K si, PJ Tho Doso Is small mlvnt( spoonful It Is tho! bent and clieaiiet mpit.r.lno. Trv it. at von u 111 ho satiRllCti. Uet it of your Druggist. DontWah. Getitatosce! I Tf von nro Mifforlncr from 1 Iney Disease, ami wish to llio Ui old age, use bUUMlUU BITTEN i xiiuy nuvur ia-11 w cure Send 8 2-ccnt stamps to A. 1. Ordway A Co.. Boston. Mase., for bCbt medical work published? TO POULTET It WILD GAME SHIPPEBS WANTED. Uuttcr, Cheese, Eggs, Bears, Game, Hops, Meat and Stock, Potatoes, Veeetablej. Dress ed and Live Poultry, Fruits of all kinds, Pop Corn, Honey, Beeswax, Ginsen, Manle Suuar. Apples, Grapes, Cranberries Furs and Skins, f. M, BALLARD & CO., Produce and General Commission Merchants. I" 734 Mrrtle Avenue. ( near Wall about liar. ket,) Brooklyn, N. V. 10-4-3m. I bad a 5a BLANKET" See for yourself how 5 Blan kets wear and other makes tear. FREE Get from your dealer free, tho ik Book, It has handsome pictures nml valuable information about horses. Two or three dollars for a sa llorto Jilanket will make your horse worth more and cat less to keep warm. 5A Five Mile 5A Boss Stable 5A Electric 5A Extra Test Ask for 80 other styles at prices to suit every body. If you can't get them from )our dealer, write u. BLANKETS ABE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINE WITH OUT THE S'A IABEI jlanufd bv Wii Avn li I'm , 1'hll dv vl,c auii.o tho famous Homo Uranu V. .'.r l.unl la SALESMEN WANTED1? Swrii sndclty. Steady em ployment at gooa uai&iy or commission", out tits lite. WUU) for terms at once. 1L v. OLAIIK t CO., Horscrjraen,tHochter N.Y ir li-o-st. . cT' CATARRH, Catarrhal Deafness and Hay Fever. a m:w iiomi: TitnA.TMr.NT. SnfTcrcrs nro not gcnernlly nwnro that thovi tlUrnars nro ccnitnKimis, or Hint they nro ilta' to tho prosi'iico of llvliiKjiarnsltea In tho lililiif! lucinbrntia of tho noso and t-us tnehlmi itilH'.i. illeroscoi)lo rosenreli, how ever. Imi proved tliH to bo a fact nml tho result li flint n slniilo lemwly has locn for mtihilcil whereby catarrh, cntnrrhal deafness nnd liny fovcr nro porinniienlly cured in fiom ono In threw Mnii.u nppllcallons inado ntlionm by tho patient onco In two weeks. N, II. For catarrhal dlseharees peculiar to feinalt'9 (whites) this remedy Is n specific. A p.i iiplilct cxnlnlnlng thh new treatment h sent on receipt of ten cenU by A. II. l)lxof Si Son, Ml West Kins St., Toronto, Canaila, Sclciiiyio Irncrcuru BufTercrs from catarrhal troubles should read tho above carefully. C.H.t5EARSON&C2. - BALTI M O R E.Ma VUlUr. Portrait vt Mr. dm). tun. of 8 lorn. Illil.. It wntflt "Wii at Hork an linn tr tnonlh t I tiuw hurt- n ngentj nrd) W, ll,OAHHl!OK, Villini Kllnt, Ilirrtiburif. I., attjllilnir to it II like your alliunt 1 utrrtlHj' I lonk ordrri rnotiirH to ry ma uvr W. J. hi. more, llmiror, M., wrlip" "I Uka an unlr for your iltjuinat Til or a iltisrls) diiiHaik." ' OlIitTi irBdultii! null m fill Lwa haw not tfuir to tivp via ttfrmt rVuiii I-lira I ..... ,.s, ,..r. nvm si, iniiiiinu uiiKiura fiiiri Ul.trinii liruntt. Slinll we stnrt YOU in this Lu&liic, rcatlrr? WriW loua and lrn at) bout it tV vnurtfir. We ircitrHtiirniiiyt wi win (trt you tf votitsvii t drUy until tiotlirrftcti ihvsij ofyou In jour i-irt r iheconntrr. Irtnu lukc Uv..l you will beibleto .ck up rulil ram. or ICiUl On account of a furv-(l maiiuracKirrr tale lVXh,UOO lollttl llio(iitrti Alh n aralo beaul-J in tlie tHitl for aarh. Hound tn Koval Crlmion llk. tlrt riuih. CliarniliiflTilpcoraleil Inildra. lUndwrnetl album in tlia world. Larffviii he, Urratcit brsrln ever known. Aptnu anlfd. Ubfral ifrm. ig money for arenla. Any one ran bn-nm-ta ur-ccMful arrnl. Belli ltelf on ilght-littU ornr talktnir necriMry. W hrrrvrr ihown. tvety one w ami to ur. chaao. A(retitt tk tbsjUMnil of ordrn Hllh rajildlty m-ver before known, lirrat .rofll aw alt every worker. Aprm are niaklnff ftiniinei, taduft mak a mm h aa men. ou, ifdcr, can do a well aa any one. t- ull Information and ternia Titi. toiliote lio write fur aame, with pankulari and temiaforonr Family lilblea, llowka and Terlodicale After you know all, cbouldyou conclnda to fono further, why do harm ta done. Addraaa k. C. ALLEN Ji CO, At. oust A, UliXR Jan. Itv&My. THE WHOLE MWm WILL SOON TAKE tb: new toee mm 110V ITS CIRCULATION HAS OltOWN: 18H2 8,151.157 I8H3 12.2-12,5-18 '1884 28,510,785 18H5 .. 51.211.1107 1830 70.12C.041 1887 83.3H!),828 1883 101.473.C50 Thli erpiali one four tenili tne cnmblue-1 clr culatlonof all me i,a I)all- Ncwspipera of tho Unite a butts at last to port, which was, 1,48 1,844,000 THE WOULD alone.... 1 0 4, 4 7 3, 0 5 0 THE WEEK&Y WORLD IS Tfrs Beat and Biggest NEWSPAPER on Tho North American Continent. 12 Large Pages and 84 L:ng "olumns A POPULAR 1500K l'libUshed in ana (liven with Each Issue of tho Weekly Button. ( Latest Issues. ) July 3 A Man of Honor J, 8. winter July io-TneOa6 of Mr. Lucratt W. Ucsant .Inly 17 A Troublesame Olrl The Duihess July 24 He Loved and Hods away. Hidden July 81 Harvest. J. a winter Au.7 HUnd Love Willilecr.lltne auk. l-Mystery of Central Park , Nellie HIv Auir. ss-Nr I'erjlval ' hept. 4 Fair' but Kale IJora Thorne best. 11 A l'4ilve Crime Tin Ducliww sept. 13 Anton Maltasof ... Grevillo Sept J. Shocking -hoit Wllkle Collins oct.S-?lamenlia. it. E. Kranclllon ocf l'rombe of Marriage. ISmlle Qaborlau One Year (52 numbers), $1; 0 Months (20 numbers), 50c. 3 Months (13 numbers), 25a. Try a subscription for three rnontbi. Agente wsnted at efery poit-onjco. Addre: I THE WORLD, New York. J.R. SMITH & CO UJDITJJU. MILTON, Pa., DKAi.ur.a in PIAN Ilythe following welUnown makers: ChickeriuiT) Wcbcr, Hallct & Iuvis. Qui also furniflh tiny of tho cheaper makea at manufacturers prices. Do not buy a piano be fore getting our prices. -.'.O.'.-s- Catalogue andFrico Lists On application. )., rti. HINDERCORN8. Tm onlf sTtir l?ure for LVin Btnpi ill ttaln. Kntanv eomtorttotlffrt.lfaat lJrugtrtjU. lltoui A Co., N.V, .A T7.-m "YOtr CONSUMPTIVE ffti. HtonrJilll-, Antlnn, ladltfuiliujif Dm n&T TOU lk.ll PARKBR'S O l Ms WUTsl CmjusI b.11. roni!r tf su Ills sj-Uatf buoaMtAlriJUUulvu. Taielu Uiac too. son )l 8-d-lm. A CTUU A CAN UE ; CURED. Mai 1 r1 1 VI t A iiM botlle xut Krcu ta sajroMsnucttxk 1) , 1 A rr u ita, llotlsttr. M. T. tajoo ll-IM-lt. c- tpicmai m TlIflli, Oar Tiny Ught-Givor. TIIK NUJIKItOUS 1'ItOCKSSF.S NECKWAIIY IN MATCH MAKING. Tho oiicrnlton nf mnkinn rantohcx from n pino oi mny lio ilivldctl into four liontN, vir.: tircpirinir tlio Bpllnls, 'lliiilill tin matolics. liox mukinir nnil filling. When tho tlmlier U lironglit who tne cutting loom ol llio lactory It In stlzptl upon liy a gnng of men, wlio pliioo it liefuro n oiroular kuw, where it is out .nto Wookn tlftppn iiiohos long, which in tht- length of srvun inatohc. It it then frood of lu hark nwl tnkon to tho ttirning-lnthi1. where, by mentis of a Hpec'nl form of fixed cutting bnml running its ontlio length, n continuous tool tho thickness of tlio nmtch is out off. As tho block rovolvc and decreast s in diameter tho kniio adv:ino -n and a baml or veneor of uniform thickness is obtained. As tho veneer rolls off the knifo it is mot by night small knives, which cut it into hijvcu sepirato bands, each tho mz of a matoh Hy this ono operation seven lont; ribbons of wood, each tho length and thickness of a match, aro obtiii.od. Tlicso aro then broken into pieces six feet long, the knotty parts removed, nml thoy are then fed Into a midline which looks and acts like a ntrawchoppcr, which cuts them into singio matches The machine eats 150 hand-i nt tho pamo time, and a mechanical device pushes them forward tho thickness of a match at each stroko of tho cutter. 'I'lii-i little machine with its one sharp knife can cut over 10,000.000 matches a day. From tho cutting room tho splints aro taken to tho dry room, where they aro placed in revolving dritm, which absorbs all tho moisturo tho splint may contain. They are then prcpa'ed for tho dipping process, which is avtry important operation, as 6aoh splint must havo sufliciont spico to bo fully coated and yet tint laord go close to tho others as to cause tho mixtuio to iht tho heads of tho other splints. To do tli's they aro placed under au in geniously cons acted ranchine, which seems to woik with almost human in telligence, md aro caught up and plac ed clo-elv but at regu'ar intervals in a dipping frame. These franv-s contain forty fmir movahlo lathes and betwren each latho tho machine places with clock-work regularity fifty splints, making over 2,000 splintB in each frame. Tho heads of tho splints aro all on tho same level and a single attendant at each machine can place over a mi1 Ihm splints in tho frami s per day. Tho dipping. vat is a stove of masouary, which cnntaini throR square pans. Tho lir't pan is for hea'ing the splints so they will absorb tho mixture; tho sei ond contains inoVn parallino in wrr'oh the points aro dipped, and in tho third thoy are coated with tho ig niting composition. Over 8,000,000 matches cn bo dipped hy a skillful workman in ono day. Aftor tho dip ping prootsi tho mUches aro dried while still in the frames and aro then taken to tho packing room, where they are put into boxes by hand. Chicago Mail. The Silver Btates. It is agreed by and between Da kota, Waahincton nnd Montana that their representatives in congress shall unite with anybody and everybody to Hocure tho paKsaqo of a law which will authorize aud compel the secretary of tho treasury to coin an unlimited amount of silver dollars. It was ex pected that they would tako silver into wioir conuaeiiee o cause the metal has a tinner hold on the averago citizen of tho late territories than tho average citizen has on silver. lint thero are other citizens living in tho region of gold mines, and ethers who eko out a splendid existence on National Bank noles, who aro opposed to silver for teasons more plentiful than dollais of any kind in the pockets of needy bor rowers. The patriots in the gold mining dis tricts aBtimo tho high and lofty posi tion that silver is a base metal unwor thy of fellowship wi h tho jellow coins which the government manufactures Tor tho benefit of tho owners of gold mints. Thoso nearer tho Atlantic sea I ond who deal in National bank is sues aro alarmed leat tho country may bo overwhelmed by a redundant isue of ra mey and p.iupoiized in thus get ting more silver dollars tli3d thp peo plo would know what to do with. As to the objection raised by tho "gold buys," the silverites treat it with cold contempt ; but for tho purpose of quieting any fears which may exist on the eoare of an over coinage of money which would impoverish tho pooplo of the eastern states should it be unload ed upon them, they havo a scheme, old it is true, but yet ono well calculated to "fix things." This scheme to case tho treasury, is known as "tho harbor and river "im provement policy," which, if oarricd ou', will leave tlio treasury vault as empty of silver as tho most reckless Bilver worshipper could desire. There aro a number of places in tho north west whero there aro available sites for rivers nnd harbors hut which for a lack of moisture aro going into decay. Thero aro countless gorges and canons steep enough to hold tho largest ship-, thoy continue for miles and miles j aro well protected from cyclones and trade winds and in fact havo every advant age except that oi water whloh never comes except when it rains. There are other streams not so deep nor so wide, which, at times, have too much water aud then at other times aro so dry that tho dust raised by tho salmon on a hunt for a drink becomes so thick as to imperil the lives of navigators. Now, as tjiepo northwesterners oay, why should these rivers and places for rivers go dry and bo dry when tho government under tho "general wel fare clause" in tho constitution could mako them "roll, Jordan, roll V and what kind of a government i-i it any way tint cannot mako a few rivers and htrhors to encourage tho infant industries of now born states t What aetion congresa may take n tho matter it is a little preuiatiuo to discuss ht this time; hut it is painfully evident that tho politicians of the now states havo a firm grasp on the repub lican idea of a paternal government, and should congress fail to provide them with water enough to fill up their canons, gorges and gullies there will he glcom galore "in tho land of the pakotas, in (hp ni)d of tho way offers." Patriot. ' One Fact Is worth a column of rhetoric, said an American statesuiin. It is a fact, es tablishcd by thu testimony of thous. nnds of people, thitt Hood's rJarsana. rilla does euro scrofula, salt rhouiu, and other diseases or affections arising from impuro stato or low condition of tho blood. It oho overcomes that tir ed fooling, creates a good appetite, and gives strength to every part of Uio system. Try it. ffWmoAfr T not this tb tth time I hir half loled thMO boots f CuWfmr VmI BIncfcl haTsnuM WOLTfl A CM I BLACS1MO my txott wear lootr than before and are alwan bright and clean. Wolff'sAGMEBIacking Is tht DtaMnt) for Men, Tl'omrn ond Chilttren. Ue RICHEST HLACK POLISH. Making Leather Waterproof and Durable. No finish. A Shine Lasts a Week. Can be washed with wattr, tame as Oilcloth. Tht Finest Dressing for Harness. Bold br Shrvn Stores, Or-xsra, DTnstssts, snd ntstlers senersllj, WOLFF & RANDOLPH, phiudelphu. WIDE AWAKE Jl Good Ten " Tkt Irithlttl rf He tkOJrtn'i WW trufasttui." bpriogtield Republican. X Herri If ir Flt'S GREAT SERIALS l THAT 130Y G1D. By William O. Stod dar J. Young and old will follow Gideon's adventures and his sister's on their father's acres with laughter and breathless Interest. THE NEW SENIOR AT ANDOVER. Uy Herbert D. Ward. A serial of school life in famous Andovcr our Kugby. Tho boys, the professors, the lodgings, the fun. "THE SONS OF THE VIKINGS." Dy Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen. A right, down jolly story of modern Morse boys. BONY AND BAN, one of the best of tho Mary Hartwell Catherwood serials. SEALED ORDERS, liy Charles Rem ington Talbot. An amusing adventuro story of "wet sheets and a flowing sea." CONFESSIONS OF AN AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER. Uy Alexander Black. Six practical and amusing articles. LUCY PERVEAR. First of a series of graphic North Carolina character sketches by Margaret Sidney. TALES OF OLD ACADIE. Twelve powcrfi.1 true stories by Graco Dean McLeod, a Canadian author. THE WILL AND THE WAY STO RIES. By Jessie Benton Fremont. About men a nd women vv ho did rrcat things in the face of seeming impossibilities. THEPUK-WUDJIES. ByL.J.Bridg- man. The funny Indian Fairy Folk, BUSINESS OPENINGS FOR GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN. A dozen really helpful papers by Sallie Joy White. Twelve more DAISY-PATTY LET TERS. By Mrs. Ex-Governor Claflln. TWELVE SCHOOL AND PLAY GROUND TALES. The first will be " LAMBKIN ; Was He a Hero or a Prig?" by Howard Pyle, the artist. C3T" PoiUl -card Votes and Cajh l'riici. SHORT STORIES sifted from thousands: Santa Glaus on a Vegetable Cart. Charlotte M. Vail. Hljane. William Tretton Otis. How Tom Jumped n. Mine. Mrs. 11, F. Suckney. The Run of Snow-shoo Thomp non. Lieut. F. P frfmont. Polly at tho llook kltchen. Dela W. Lyman. Trolling Arbutus. HeieluahUutterworth. Golden Margaret. James C. Purdr. Fefrgry'S Bullet. Kate Upson Clark. How Simeon and Sancho Panza Helped tho Revolution. Miss Kitley beward. The Difficulties of a Darllnp. L. II. Walford. " One Good Turn." Harriet Prescott Spofiord. ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES, noreltiest Dolls of Noted Women. MisiKWey Seward. How to Build a Military Snow-Fort. An old West Pointer. How tho Cossacks Play Polo. Madame de Meisaner. All Around a Frontier Fort. Lieut. F. P. Fremont. Home Of Ramona, Charles F. Lummii. A Rabbit Round-Up. Joaquin Miller. Japanese Fight ing Kites, j. II. llemadon, U. S. N. Indian Base- Ball Players. F. L. Moane of " The Hamp ton Indian Nine." A Party hi a Chinese Pal ace. K. K. Scidmore. The roemi, Pictures and Departments will be more interesting than ever. The Christmas Kitmitr tnlarrtd 6 ares it admit a great serial of adventure, by Grant AUon. entitled! WEDNE8DAY THE TENTH : 2 Tale of the South Paclllc. Vide Awake it (2.40 year. Nm Vd. lerinsDee. D. LOTHROP COMPANY, Bostom. 189O. Harper's IJazar. II-LUSTHATED "iUkper's 1Iazu 13 a Journal for tho home. Giv ing tlio latest Inform itlon with reiurd to llio Fashions, Its nu'neious Illustrations, fashion pi ntcs, nnd pattern sheet supplfincn' b nro lndu pensible alike to the Home dress mikcr ami the prof 1 slonal modiste. .No expense is sparel In inakluf- Itinrtlsilo sttractlveiieto of the lilrrnest order. Its Clever sh rt ktorlea, parlor plays, and thoughtful c-Hiys sitl-cy all 1 antes, and Its laar, paffu 8 famous as a budget of w P, and humor. In lis weekly l-sues-ver. thins Is Included which Is of Interest tt womn Dunn;; lent) Oliver Tnorno Miller, .'hrlbtlno Tcrnuni Ilerrlck, and Miry Lowe Dickinson will res cctuely a series of papers on '"llio I) unrlitor lit Home," "Three Meals a Day," ml The Woman of tho PariM.' The serial novels will bo written by Walter llesant aiu F. w. itoUnson. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per vvnr : IIAItPKIt'd MAOAZINB f 4 00 UAKPEK'd WEEKLY 4 00 IIAItPKlt'S UAZML 4 00 HAM'EK'S YOUNG PKOPLB . t( 00 i"os(n((( Pre to all sitoscrltters tn lite United mates, Camiaa, or Mextuj. The volumes of the Hizab beirln with tho tint Number for Janu try of each sear when no time Is mentioned, subscriptions will bejlu with tlifl Number current at the tlmo of receipt of order. Hound Volumes of IUm'sk's Uizab for three yoirs back, in neat cloth blndlmr, will bo soot by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (proldod the trekhtdofs n it ex;oed one dollar per volume), for t'.m per volume. Cloth Cases tor o.ich volume, saltable for bind ing, win bo sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt of tl.t 0 each. llemlttanccs should be made by Post-omce Mpn oy Order or Draft to avoid chance of loss. Xewtikwrrsare nut to muv this advertisement icttlioul tlu) express order of UMXPKll & MtOl'll- Address : HAllPElt IlltOTHUUS, New York. TO CONSUMPTIVES, j The undersigned having been restored to health by simjile means, after suffer ing for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Con sumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheer fully send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis, and all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all suf ferers will try his Remedy, as it is in valuable, Those desiring the prescrip tion, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing, will please address, Kt v Howard A. Wilson, Williamsburg, Kings Co a my, New York. A-ii-Co.-lJec-7-ijr. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING J, BERTSGH, TIIK MKUUIIANT TAILOR. OF KVKUi' DESCMPTION. Suns niadu to order at nhoit notice and a tit ilwajH gtiar.mtMd or no sale. Call and examino tho larjimt and best selectwl tjtouk of goods cypr vlioyyn in Oolumhln oouuty, Htore-uext door to Kirit National Hank MAIN 8TKKET, Iiioonisburs: Ptt KsUCLKOAD SIMS TXtlsH MM J-yiLAWARK, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD, lli.OOMSIIUUO IJIVIStON. HTATIONS. r. si NORTH. r Mi 1 to A. SI. 1. II, 10 00 6 13 111 III 6 E0 Nonm umo km. and fill) Osmemn . S63 niulasky. 11 mvlllo . OiUawlssa lltfucrt ... Art's 6SJ 111 ID 10 US 10 4.1 lu tiO 10 67 11 es 11 12 II IS 11 SO 11 21 II 31 II SM 11 If 11 Ss 12 00 2 11 i'm 2 41 B4I DM 7 03 712 IX) 7S7 7 31 7 31 7 42 7 41 7 rs 8 08 8 17 H 21 3i Hloomsburir 0 3.1 Kspr 0 41 Lime llldKT OM willow drove. usi tMarcreek.. CM llerwlck 7i5 2 till in'sen iiavcn 711 lllck's Kerry 71s Milckshlnuy 7 so 8 20 llumocKR 7 41 Nnntlcoke. t.o vondtle 7 SI 3 31 12 10 8 24 Plymouth 7rg 3 4A 12 IS S.M ii.vmoiuu junction not 1!2i) S.'IH Kingston 8 0S 3 53 12 27 8 41 l'onnett, 8 12 Miltnv 817 Wyomlng 8 01 West llttston , .8 27 Plttston 8 3.1 Lackawanna 8 40 TaUortllle 8 4S Ucllcviie. sm 8CKANT0N II Oil 12 31 12 ai 12 40 in; 12 M H 49 1S1 4 02 4 01 4 11 8 SS UOI UIKI f 17 1 01 1 (ru V ti 1 13 II ."0 1 211 35 r. m. r, ji STATIONS. M1UTII. A.M. A. U. SCItANTON 1,10 MI Kellevue ft 11 Tnjlorvllle 6 20 Id (ki r. m. r. m 1 1.1 6 20 .... 0 23 2 02 210 2 IS 2 21 2 2!) 237 2 HI 2 IS 2 60 2 66 2 61 3 OS 320 3 M 3 ID 3 47 85) 3 61 4 02 4 02 4 15 4 22 4 2 4 16 461 6 00 r. 30 C 91 (143 li Ml f. M HSU 7 03 7(rr 712 7 PI 7 21 7 21 741 7 S3 8 07 8 3 820 8 27 3l R 31 8 41 8 47 8 62 8 67 9 15 L ckawanna ias 1 111 nai 1 n ift H42 10!2 I' 47 10 27 fi 51 10 30 HM in 31 (IM 1(134 Plttston West lltttton Wyoming , Mattby Bennett Kingston Plymouth Junction Pl.t mouth Avond lie Nnntlcoke llunlock's xhlckshlnny Illek"s Kerry Reach Haven llerwlck Umr Crock Willow Orove Llmeltldgo ICspy IUomsburir Rupert Catawtsru Danvlllo Chulasky (lameron NOBTlU')lIlKUI.Am r 1 .1 in 4J 7 10 1017 ill II) 51 7 m 7 10 737 7 S3 8 01 8 07 813 SIC 8 2H 8 23 8 32 8 37 8 12 817 'l7 10 64 1102 11 12 1122 1131 11 40 ii't'o It 61 12 01 mm 1212 2 17 12 2 ii'4'1' 2' 0 45 1121 12 r,s 6 IS a, m. r. h. r m. r. it. Connections at, lluoert with Philulelphl 1 A Heading Hallroul tor Tninanenl. Tamaqui. Will, lamsport, sunbiry. I'oaivlllo. et3. At North im berland with i'. A K. I)lv. '. It. It. for Hjrrls'i'iM, Xiock Haven, Emporium, Wan-on, Co'ry, an 1 Krlo. W. I'. IIALlTlSAtl, (lii'l Man., Hi'ninton, Pa. Pennsylvania Eiilroad. JX, Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. T!MEi!TABLE. in eflaot NOV. 10. 1S39. Trains leive Sunru-v BASTWAHD V.40 a. m., f-ea Shore Express (dally excert 8unday), for narrlaburgandlntenncdlatentat Ions nrnviut; s., i'uuaaeipaiad.15 p. m. ; iNow York 5.50 r. in.: Baltimore. 3.10 D. m. ; Wruhtnirtnii 6.51 D. m.. COnnOiitlntr at. Mlllrulnlnhlr. tnr nil Hun Shore points. Through psssenger coach to ruiuvueiyuia. 1.31 n. rn.-Tllr TnTO,t dally except 8unday),forllarrlsbnrg and Interme diate stations, arriving at PUlladelph a 0.50 p. m. ; New York, 9.S5 p. m. ; llalttmore .S p.m.! Washlnijton, 8.1s p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches buruuKii lu ruiitsueiijuia una liailimore. 8 01 p. ra. llenovo Accommodation (daily tOr UarrlsblirL- and alllntPnilMlntnstnllnna nrrlv. lng at Philadelphia 4.23 a. m. : New York 7.10 a. m. uainmort:, o.iai. in, ; ttagmuf'Ton Q.30 a. m. : Iullman sleenlne car from Harrisburtr tn pmiiuiei. phla and New York. Philadelphia pasoongers can iu -iy"r iiu'iiNi uroi 1 'nr,ii , a. ra. l.ooa. ra Brie Mall (dally) for IlnrrUburg and tntorraodlate stitloi-v. arr'ving at Pailalalphta 6.50 a. in. Now York 9 10 a. in.; Through Pullman ujn nuu iiASHUQt-r uoiiouus to rnuuiai phla. 2.60a. m Si itvn Rtprst(imv) fir llin-li-bur,; ana lufmedluo stittoni arrlvlni: at lliltl more 7.J0, a. in. aa 1 vtrmngrm 1 45, a m. and throush Puilminsi) pln 0 m tn u iltlm ire and Washington, anil througb p.vssengar oacnos to Uallliniro. WBSTWAHU. 5.10 a. m. Krlo Mali (dally), ror Erie arJ ai auuuutiicua 41 a inierra.yiiarfl siiir,ions, Koches tor, Buffalo md Niagara Palls, with thromrh van- man Pau-eoars anlpasnenercoachos to Brie and Ho-inestr. 9.53 News Bxpress ( dally 1 rot lock Haven ami inierraeuiaiti utaiious. 1.43 u. in. Niagara Kxoress (flatlr exeent sun i ) for Kane, Oana aiguaand Intermedlatcsta tlons, It r heater, Buffalo and Niagara Palls with through passenger coaches to Kane and Rochester nun rnnurvur ui stiiiiimsporr. 6.80 p. m. Fast Line (dally except sundayjfor Ite novo, ,Vaiklns and lntermedlato stations, with through passenger coaches to Itenovo and watklns. 9.1s p, m. Wllllamsport Kxpros ( lally ) for Wlllla 1 sport aud lntermedlato stations. THROUGH THAINS FOH 8lfNBllHY FKOMTHB jsaoi- Anil tsuuui. News Hxpress loaves Philadelphia 4.30 a.m. Baltimore. 4.30u.m. Harrlsburir. .io a. m. rimitr arriving at Munbury 9.63. a. m. , . . Niagara Kxpress leaves Phlladelnhla. 8.50 a.m.! Washlnirlon 8 iOu.m 1t.1i. tlmore s.00 a. m. (dailt except sundas arriving at Hunbury, 1.43 p.m.. -vlth through Parlor car from ruuiuiumaiH a:iniurousn passenger coaches from Philadelphia and Baltimore. Fast Line leaves New ) or it .oo a. m. , Phtladel. phla, 11. 10 a. ra.j Washlngion, 10 60 a.m.: Hilt', moro. 11.45 a. m.. (dally fkeent Hundftviarrinnc-ni Hiinburr, 5.10 n. m. with through ptssenger coaches from PhlladJlphla and Haltlmore n HiMiavur usp -esa leivo1! ."ew lorK 2.01 D. m. Plillaaelplit 11.45 p. m Washington 3 3) p. m. Ualtlmoru 1 .13 o. m. (dillv arrlvln nr. snnhnn 9.15 p. in. ' Krio si all leaves New York a.oop. m. i Phlladel phla, 11.25 p. in. ; Washington, 10.00 p.m.; Baltl. more, 11.20 p. m., (dally) arriving at Munbury 5.10 a. ro., with through Putlnnu Sleeping cars from Phllidotputa, Washington an! liutlmore and through paiiinger ooacues trou patuuiphu MVNUUItV, IIA'.I.KTIN .V Wil.KKx.ll. It UK Itsll.llO.MI AMI NOIITII A.NII IVUsr III! 4M! It i II.W4. V. tBally except rsuuuay,) w ll'.esbarre Mall loavi .Sunbury 1000 a. m arriving at Bloom Perry 10.13 a.m., wnser-barrf U.lOp. iu, Express Bast leaves Sunburj 5 35 p. m., arriving at Bloom rHirry S.2C p. ra., Wllkes barre 7.60 P. to. sunbury irrlv IngatHloom Ferry 12 37 p. rr.., wuub'iry p.m. KxpreHB West leaves Wilkes -barn- J.03 p. m., ar vlng at Bloom Ferry 1 31 n. m n inbury 5 ) p. ra. SUNDAY THAINS, Vllke8barro rnall laivii3!sual.iry 100) a. ra., sr riving at Bloom Ferry 10 4 a. m., Wllkos-iiarre 12.10 a.m. Sunday aooommodatton leaves WIUos Barro n o p. iu., arriviujf tiv uioum rurrr. i.v-i p. oi tsi CHAM. J5. PUI1II, (leu. Manager, J, H. woon. Ilea. Passenger Ai;'. PATENTS veati a'H rrtln Mi4nottn 1, ml ill c"n., , slnessO'Vil iitai Or JDISil V t'K FKm. ouit offius is j'l'iniru 11. s. i'i' OFFICE Wehtvono sub-agencies, all buiss Inct, liaarjg cm aiiuiii buslnes4 lu i ss line and atl.rjj-) oijsrtini uws remotffum Washington. Send modxl, drawing, or phoin.wlth dscrtpion. Wo advise tf patentable or not, free of chjige. Our foe not due till lutont is suourpil. A book,"llow to Obtain PalenUV'wlth references uoiiiuii uiiuiiiiiu your ataiu, ouuniy, or lOWh dntfree. Address C. A. SNOW & CO., Oppi.Blt Patent r it- 0 Washington, p.c FflTX JlOJLLAllH for LIFE SCHOLARSHIP BUSINESS COLLEGE HUD Chestnut St., rhllsdt. I'oslllon-i rorf.rndimies. Tluiuvequlrrd 3 to-1 nios. tll.hT iltiuivned. lint Conine ol Studj. Orcu-Vin J a WILLIAM", AUCTIONEEH. HLOOMSIIUItO, PA. Rail E3tato Bjht and t'artifts tleslrlps; tntuiy linrsesHnil wngonp vriilil tin will In full mi lint aliovo. .... ... ... S "W in TUB VVOIM Its weorluB qualities aru una" 1 a oiillsslloK two l-i-il nf sny no!, p , '" Not utsitud by icot. CIKT TIlr fJl ,V1V , Kill SXl k i'u X!)il.anl auj lic-Iti. flfurriiflv. PARKER'S HAIR Rll C A HM Cleanses and beautiCei the hslr. Nsycr Fails la n..Tr. n,.. tlslrlsltiVo.lhfgl Color. ' JSOiU", PENNYROYAL PILLS. 7g JSYli lm t''"0 lilaiuond llrund, i - - ;sr. Ixdias, uk lr(C1.t lurlbtlil.' 1 h i i Ul,n'1.Lr-Hl T....I. iit . .. . -r l"?,'1''! i,,rtB,r itji.r tit 13 FRAZEI "BLOWING" Tho "Ledger Huilding" tolls 11 simple story nml relics on its Clothing to nmko yoti a cus tomer. We don't blow the "Big Horn," but the "Best Clothing with Lowest Prices lends the bund. CIoUiIdr for Mod, anil Clilltlrcn. fi. C. YATES & CO. Sixth anaChestmit, Phila. BMERS MD Exchange Block, WHOLESALE Ojtoidhs Orders by mail will Ouster a-rloxs -tta,cl2.ed.. A Com3 M try qui3 FAMOUS 15 Cent Stews. K WIIOLESALK DKALKRS IN Cbowao, &in6(?s Fvoftj Iotj. SOLI! AGENTS FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Weeic SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Sole agents of the following brands of Cigars 1 Honry Clay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver Aoh. Any order for Festivals will be supplied with the Lowest Market rricej, ss (oUmsj i raneg. Lcmonj, ream ISjMtj. JS Enlijh WttlnUtj. Pop om fitttl BLOOMSBURG, PA. c. Robbies, Foreign and Domestic m l BLOOMSBURG Pfi INDUCEMENTS Pianos, Ops, and I. ilffllW Music Warerooms Bloorasbuirg, Fa, OltA-TEKULi-COMFUHTlNO. EPP'S COCOA. nHKAKl'AST. "'i'atUorourjiikn'iwleiUteottlie natural laws nutrition, nd by a cairrul application ot the one propertlos ol Hell-seirxjlud Y,W. ilr. Eppinss I iro.Med our breakfast tables with a de laaiHy havor boyerajf.) which may save us many heavy ' doctore-bills, ft U bribe lullcloun use ot auoh I articles ot diet that aconstliuuoa may ba uradual. IV built up until strong enouiru to rv.tst every teu. dency to dl-easo. llunrjnvis ot suuilo maladies are noatlnif around us rt-idy to'aitacK wherever lherel3a v,oak point. We may escapa mauy k fatal shaft bjr kecplnaoiiraolves well foritrted with pure blood and a properly uourUhod f ramo."-Cfi'i; I'MTlt? Ouieite Made simply with boilinif water Utellrj thulii01 hU P0Uu4 by ",axt JAUB) ui'iu CO., nomowpaUdo ChemUU. lHJ-d-.t 1wjob, sugiuri CONFECTIONERS Bloomsburg, Pa. and RETAIL Crwbn and Mi4 receive prompt attention. -IN- Sowin Machines. SALES MEN WANTED iVniwitsrii tasitUms Ouaruntred. .-.. pumt eij-penses afj irli$?llM?Ja'iale, '? pinners FastselUnif spooiallle-i. No eiperino nc-jdetl tth n oiitt .Vii.'J.''',1'.',""4 Write quutaT,a1BetUcholVeJot territory, statim aye. (Nairn this p'ner i 11-8 ci"t ' N""1('K Chester; N. Y. PGUP UI7QT.H"" CUM"" ma DUO 1 LcwatloitlaUMBOsiii. r. MAuuA.UaoiMatrTv
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers