PROFESSIONAL CARDS, A. L. FRITZ, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office Front Boom, over rostoffie BLOOM SDURO. TA. J H. MAIZE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, INIURANCEANDREAt ESTATl AOtXT, Ofuck Room Xo. 2, Columbian Balldlog, IK.OOMSllUIlG, PA. N, U. FUNK, ATTO R N KY-AT-L AW, Office In Ent's lljllting, near Court Home, W.OOMSIIURG, PA. J OHN M. CLARK, ATTORHEY-AT-LAW, AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Office over Moyer llro't Drug Stor BLOOMSBURG, PA. W. MILLER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office In Brower's lmilding, 2d floor, room No I. BLOOM SBURG, PA. " FRANK ZARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office cor. Centre & Main Sts.,CUrIc' building, BLOOMSBURG, l'A. fiT Can be consulted in German. QEO. E. ELWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office, Second floor, Columbian Building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. H V. WHITE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office in Wirt'i Building, 2nd floor, Main St BLOOMSBURG, PA. S. WINTERSTEEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Office in First National Bank Building, 2d floor, BLOOMSBURG, FA. HT Pensions and bounties collected. P P. BILLMEYER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (DISTRICT ATTORNEY,) Office over Dentler's Shoe store, Front room, BLOOMSBURG, PA. JOBERT R. LITTLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office, Columbian Building, 2 floor, front room, BLOOMSBURG, PA. QRANT HERRING, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office orer Rtwlingt' Meat Aluket, BLOOMSBURG, PA. "jr H. RHAWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office, comer of Third and Main Street, CATAWISSA, PA. J B. McKELVY, M. D., SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, Office, North side Main Street, below Market, BLOOMSBURG, PA. QR. J. C. RUTTER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, North Market Street, BLOOMSBURC PA. D R. WM. M. REBER, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, Office, corner of Rock and Market Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA. H ONORA A. ROBBINS, M. D. Offlco West First St. Bpechl attention Riven to the eye and car and the fitting ot glasses. J J. BROWN, M. D., Office and Residence, Third Street, West of Market, near M. b. Churcn, BLOOMSBURG, PA. . tHTOffice hours every alternoon and evening, Special attention given to the eye and the fitting of glasses. 1 eltpnone connection. D R. J. R. EVANS, Tuatuikt of Chronic Diseases madx a SriCIALTV. Office and Residence, TVrd St, below Marker, BLOOMSBURG, TA. M, J. HESS, D. D. S., Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental College, having opened a dental office in LoCKAED't BUILDINO, corner 01 Main anu (.entra streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA., Il prepared to receive all patients requiring pro fesslonal Services. Emxx, Gas, and Local Ansthxtjcs, administered for the painless eitractian of teeth tree of cnarg e w&eu arunaai item are uuertco. All Won Guajlaistxxd as Bjusjuimtsd. w AINWRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS. Tkas, SYRurs, Coffee, Suoar, Molasses, RICE, SPICKS, lilCAUB bOUA, ETC., ETC, N. E. Comer Second and Arch Sts. PHILADELPHIA, PA. HTOrders will receive prompt attention. M C. SLOAN & BRO., Manufacturers of Carriages, Buggies, Thaetons, Sleighs, Platform Wagons, etc BLOOMSBURG, PA. First-class work always on hand. Repairing neatly done. -9"Prtces reduced to suit the times. w. II. HOUSE, SURGEON DENTIST, Office, Barton's Building, Main St., bel. Market, BLOOMSBURG, PA. AH styles of work done in a superior manner, and all work warranted as represented. Teeth Extbactkd Without Pain, 'j the use of Gas, and free of charge when ifT To be open all hours during the day. GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONK AT TIIK COLUMBIAN OFKIOK u. a. iliWELIi. J K. BITTEMBEMDEB, f PrIton. Owing (0 the extreme mild season heavy goods will bo sold very cheap. D. Lowenhehq's Est. Having cleared out a large surplus stock of Over Coats we ure now enabled to offer Bitr Bargains 113 follows : $4.50 G.00 8.00 10.00 buys $0.00 8.00 10.00 13.00 Coat. if (i That's the story we're telling you now. A depreciation in mees, not in quality. $15.00 buys a $20.00 Satin Lined Chinchilla Over Coat. Now wo have a lot of Black Corkscrew Over Coats ; also Wide Wales at $0.00 and up wards, while all wool Kerseys it $8.00, must be seen to be appreciated Those Children's Over Coats it $1.50 are here again. Suits for little Bovs at S1.25. We )refer to sell The Jerseys and other fine suits of which we lave the largest assortment in town. And here are the bigger Boys' Suits and Over Coats, some at ow prices and some at lower. Now we tell you that we will surprise you it you will only call and see the Big Bargains you can buy. A big assortment of Children's Pants and Waists for 2oc. Do not be scared when we will sell you a Boys' Suit for $1.50, and a waist thrown in. When you come we will show you some other eye openers. Storm Over Coats are so much reduced, we are ashamed to nit the prices on paper, but we will tell you all about them when you come for one and come pretty soon while we have a big assortment, for while wo mve not the largest store room in the county we have the larg est stock of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Underwear, and every thing for Men, Boy3 and Chil dren's wear, while everybody will acknowledge that we are headquarters in Trunks, Bags, &c. Now we have posted you on our cheapest and lowest price goods, we want to tell you about our Rochester Tailor Made Clothing. There may not be so great a profit as in some of the cheap trash sold where you make a dollar and lose a cus tomer that will not pay in the end, so we keep the best quality of cootls. sell them at a small profit and give our customers the best of satisfaction. Wide Wale Doulbe Breasted Prince Alberts. Three Button Cutaways. Straight Cut Sacks. These are some of the latest and nicest styles of Rochester Made Clothing. Wo have a few Double Breast ed Sacks. Heavy Coats and Vests, just the thine to keep you warm, Cardigan Jakcets, a big line. Scotch Caps for 25 cents. Fur Caps for 1.50. Don't forget the boys, little and big. Bring them right alone for our coats and Winter Caps; they cost but little and you will bo surprised how cheap you can rig them out lor winter Gloves, Shirts, Neckwear, all of tho latest stye, A few Jersey Suits for chil dren, to be cleared out cheap, as well as Over Coats for littlo boys. All we ask is a visit .before you buy and you certainly will be convinced that tho oldest Cloth iitsr Store in town is still tho place to buy your clothing. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Lowcnbc fife BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, COME AND HAVE YOUIt Wells, the Optician, WHO HAS JUST COMPLETED A TIIOROUGIILYiPRAOTIOAL COURSE AT BUOKLIN'S OPTIIALMIO COLLEGE, NEW YORK. WQj E:tra. Charge for Bxamining Byes, PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Fine lino peb ble and white crystal lenses constantly i n stock, also the Ftno watob work and jobbing neatly anteod to give satisfaction. Npur lMillndclptiln r-dionl Open f-,pt. ISlh. Ynit-tl r.xprnxi', 300. Four l'uMilcnttf, Sl'.23. EDIA Admits tnd elasslfie voting men and boys tt any time fits them for BuiineM, any Col lee. PoMecnnle School, for VftH Point or Annapolis, Grxluatine classes. One of the best equipped and best managed Schmls. Good table. All student! hoard with the Principal. Teachers all men and graduates of first-class Colleges. Fine buildings i single or doubts rooms hvety toom has In It a steam radiator an V Is completely furnished. Grounds (ten acres) tor foot-ball, te-balL athletics, etc. Gymnasium Special opportunities fur apt students to advance rapidly, Private tutoring and special dril for backward hois. 1'atrons or students may select any studies, or a Business. College. Preparatory, electrical, or Clrtl. tnffineerlnjr course. Physical and Chemical I Jsttoratory, Practical II us inns Department, Snort-hand, Type-writing, etc., etc. More fully supplied with apparatus than any other College-fit tint; school. Media Academy affords every home com fort, tho liest education, and the best training. 1 lied prices cover every expense. No eiammatioas for admission. New illustrated catalogue sent free to any address. &W1TH1N C. SHOKTLIDCE, A.B , A.M. (Harvard Graduate), Principal and Proprietor, Media, I'm. Mrdln, l'n. nntr I'Mln. School Open Sept. .3th Y-rnrtr l.xperme. S5U0. Ti'nrracnt,8iJi). FOR GIRLS AND YOUNG Graduating1 Courses In Cashes, literature, Science, Mlthemitlcs, teachers and lecturers. Superior Muskal hepanment. School has ackward dudIIs Individual attention. Small classes. Puuils ri.mai attention, aman classes, ruuiis new illustrated unuiar tree. MRS. HVUTII1H C. SIIORTLIDOE. J PfiaclpUl, MedU. P- IAD THIS OFF Wo will end ill Teirlr Bubicrlberi to DRAKE'S MAOAZINI, FREE OF rotne-rM. ! TXIOAHT CLOTH DOtTJID II.M BOOK I OtVINO KACH HDDSCntrBB TTTE 1'liIVlLSUB Of MAKINU UIH BBLECIIUK FROJt OUBOATALOQUEOroVlitt M BIANDAItD WOKUa. DRAKE'S MAGAZINE Con t aim U Tft(ri of InUmticr. InUmcttve and nmtlor Mifllnf, eontrlbnted bTthliainj anthoTi nf tbe day, Err number It eomplet la Uttlf, Ka aantlaaad atari ai. uiQAziNX puLiiitiaa la mil counter ti ;no iow puce ox $1.00 a It lntereiti the old and tbe Tonnr. tb rich irjd tbe poor, tbe tnoit popultr Fftmllr Meritloe in ethteDC ltli.lIK.IIIIKIt One Year's 8utj;riptloa to The nnlr cb.p thlor about it le tbe rrlce "-New recoivo witn that a 11.00 Book ruts ot eioeneo. Tho with the November number. It then entera on couiploto catalogue ot books mailed on receipt ot THE DRAKE 8.1 GUARANTEED FIRST MORTGAGES. A LIMITED GUARANTEE. 25 por cont Additional Sacurity with American Loan and Trust Go. of the wiNMKHiNvmTMKsrco. ffuinntuea onlr City real estate made Dy It, ani can not Incur a liability In etces ot tt8 canu assets. It la dimcult to see how anr investment In raortjiies cai Da stter t lan mew a niencan oai Reporter. "Tuo investments onered by tno Winner Investment Company uavo tue enaoraemeni 01 tlie leadintr Hanks at KansisCltv. ant tlie Kistern stickuolderj an) amo32 tiie strongest ot tno nnan- clal men ol Uoston and vicinity." Commercial Bulletin. six and elirhtrar cent, investments In Kansas Ottr cates, interest guarantied anla uirotn pndti i WILLIAM H. PARMENTER, B. F. HARTMAN KlnlSINTS TIIE FOLLOWJNO AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES i North American, of Philadelphia, Franltlin, " " Pennsylvania, " York, of Penniylvanit, nano-verf ol Sitvr Vork, Queens, ot London, North IMtiih, of London. OrriCK on Market Street, above Main, No. 5. BLOOMSBURG, TA. M. P. LUTZ, (Successor to Fi eas Brown,) AGENT AND BROKER, Bloomsburg Fire & Lire Ins. Agency, (Established in 1865.) COMPANIES REPRESENTED 1 Assets. iEtna Fire Ins. Co. of Harlford, $9,528,188.97 minora, 01 nartiord, 5,2ss.b09.97 Phoenix, of Hartford, 4.77860.1-1 Springfield, of Springfield 3,099,903.98 Fire Association, Philadelphia,... 4,512,782.29 uuaraian, 01 i.onuon 20,(103,323.71 Phoenix, of London, 6,924,563.48 Lancashire of Eng.,(U.S.Branch) 1,642,195.0c Royal of England, " " 4,853,564.00 MuU Ben. Lf.In.Co.Newark,Nj4i, 379,228.33 Losses promptly adjusted and paid at this office, BLOOMSBURG, PA. J- H. MAIZE, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, Office, Second Floor, Columbian Building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Liverpool, London, and Globe, largest in the World, and perfectly tellable. Assets. Imperial, of London, $9,658,479.00 Continental of New York 5,239,981,28 American of Philadelphia, 2,401,956,11 Niagara, of New York, 2,260,479.86 pXCHANGE HOTEL, A W. R. TUBES, PROPRIETOR, Opposite Court House. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Large and convenient sample rooms. Bath rooms, hot and cold water ; and all modem conveniences. Exchange Hotel, BENTON, l'A. The undersigned baa loaaed tula well-known ' nouse, ana is preparoa to accommodate- me puniio with all the conveniences 0.' & Orst-clasa hoteL LEMUEL I) HAKE, Proprietor, S. GAUHISON M. I). PHYSICIAN ANI) SUItOF.ON toy Oftlco comer of Centre and Fourth St., Illoomsburg, l'a. HOOK A fi TINTS TVANTItn ron MY STORY OF THE WAR By Mary A. Xwcrmore 1 iiui-nia. ur. anu nl for iht hulidua. 6 eoiptUt-. TOO pst1. Itndltl NtMl IMnle, ld old Jittlwric la ivnlf chWi. 6 1 at fAuitJUNti. 0j6.O0O iuur AytU H'anfi lu od Womru. lMktauce nu hliidriire for i'uy jHujk,4 ftnd Kxtr Itnng. Wnu for eii-euW to A.l, HUUl'UlUlUM At CO., JJrlfwrO, Cwrnu 'boumlnr' UmiV la niAka muntr on &ur SUIJSOUIBK YOU THE COLUMBIAN. EKES EXAMINED UY Finest lino of watches, clocks, and jewelry in Bloomsburg. -:o:- and quickly executed, All work guar ACADEMY ROOKE HALL, LADIES Min Eiilmin'i Celebrated School. an organ and elevei Muilc. MoJern Llnzulffet. Twelve tccomrllihe4 surrounueu surrounded bv such restraint as are easeatial ti thai puncn. rrivtte tutortnr tot EXPENSE. Year, and bu eirnol tbe repntttloa It tnoyi o( bolni DRAKE'S MAOAZtNB cotts only 81.00. and you York flan. new volume ot DRAKE'S MAUAZlNF.WtUit Its eighth year. Sample copy ot Uagaitno and 10 cente. Agents wanted la every toiru. PUBLISHING CO., 21 Park Row, New York. 8.1 Boston. raortemrdatmwl on an actual sale ot Kansas ileal Estate' First Mortsriie Bonds and Syndi i.i nu if )i 1 1 tolrj il i-i a U referenws. Gen'l. Agent. 50 Stale St., Boston. Tbe Dm and onlj combined Boothlnir, Paln-KiUlnf, Caratife and BtrTOKtheninA' 1'Ja.tera ever Prepared. Hop Plasters A marvcll'tan romblnatlon ot medical affenta. Fit.h liopit. Hemlock. ltne liaUatn, aad Lxtracta t,mnroil and Bpread on tnablin, all ready to put on. lhoNeEnglaud remedy PAIN, Korritc... lnllamraalliin or U'eaLn.ia, whether recent or cbrouic. oomatur where located or li(,w cauHil. ylelda instaDtlr to tbe all.powerful meal cinal pro!M.-tie8 of tba Hot Plaatcr. The port, are wondi-rfullj Btrengthened, vitalized and re-tored to boalth and vlor. HOP PLAOTCHK never barn or Irritate. Are amid by thouuod. ot people In every walk ot lite, alwayi wilb aacoeafl and aatiafactlon. l ()t;7 ATTVUTIOK-nn't let any dealer fool you into takinit a eutntitato or imitation. All genome Hop Pluteni ebow tbe proprietor! elanatore. HOP PLASTER CO., Pno PHI CT0R8, BOSTON Moid lihunttii dailtrt und examtm uitn you buy. Dec. la Aug. 8. QHRISTIAN V. KNAPP. FIRE INSURANCE, BLOOMSBURG. Home of N. Y. ; Merchants', of Newark, N. I. ; Clinton, N. Y. ; Peoples' N. Y. j Reading, Pa. j German American Ins. Co., New York, j Greenwich Insurance Co., New York ; Jersey City Fire Ins. Co., Jersey Cily, N. J. These old corporations are well seasoned by g and FIRE tested and have never yet had a loss settled by any court of law. Their as.ets are all invested in solid securities, are liable to the hazard of fire only. Losses ieomptly and honestly adjusted and paid as soon as determined, l,y CHRIST IAN F. KNAPP, Special Agent and Ad. IUSTF.R, BLOOMSBURG, l'A. JThe people of Columbia county should pat ronize Ine agency where losses, if any, are set tled and paid by one of their own citizens. -N CROWN ACME, The Best Burning Oil That Can tn Made From Petroleum. It rives a brilliant light. It will not smoJn tbe chimneys. It will not char the wick, n has a high fire test. It will not explode. It tl pre-eminently a family safety oil. We Challenge Comparison with &n other lUnmtntllng oil made. We gittKe OUr Imputation, as refiners, upon the statement that It Is tin o& IN THI! WOBI.I), Aalc yoor dealer for CROWN ACME. ACMZ OIL COMPAHY, BaHyille, 3Pa. Trade tor Bloomsburg and tirinlty supplied 1) Bloomsburg, Pa. SELECT STORY. A TERRIBLE LESSON. IOW I VA8 ALMOST TIIE CAUSE OK A FEAltKUt. DISASTER. Tho broad canvass flapped heavily, Uio frinato rollod to port, then nlowly by starboard in tho last swell that lift ed tho hiiro fabric, and, a minute later, alio lay nearly motionless as tbo faint duller ot tno brcczo died away aloft, and oven tho heaving of tho great ocean seemed to subside. Wo wero bccalmod off tho lino under tho burning sun, whoso rays moiled tho tar upon tho shrouds, heated tbo anchors as if thoy had just been drawn trom tho lurnaco anu startod tho imcli from tho deck-planks, which fairly fcorchcd tho feet of tho men through tho eolcs of their pumps, in spito of tho awning that covered almost every part of tho upper or spar-deck. sonic ol t no hands lairly gasped lor breath, and I beard tho old coxswain of tho firpt cutter say that it waB the "lightest" day ho had "weathered'1 since ho was a boy. In fact, among tho whole of that shin's crew of five hundred men, even tho strongest felt tho effects of tho heat, and many of the broad-shoulder ed, sun-embrowned fellows, who, be loro noon, had been sitting around on gun-slides and on the decks reading, convening or mending their clothec, wero now lazily roulining at full length, while the young topmen, usual ly so brisk and lively, no longer utoon erect in tho tops but leaned wearily againRt tho masts and the rigging. Therefoto, when sturdy grown men thus acknowledged tho power of old So), it seemed to me a mere youthful novice, on his first voyage, in training Jor a reefer s warrant that i had good reason to bo provoked at our officer of tho deck Lieutenant Biddlo for sending mo aloft, an hour beforo sun down, to tho foretop gallant cross-treo where, though it was lato in tho day, I could still feel tho rays of tho "old 'ncorcher'' darted at my devoted head likn a huudred rod-hot wires. "What need," I retsoned, "of a lonk-out being kept in a dead calmt Tho liltlo brig, our tender, which we last saw a couplo ot leagues to lee ward, is no longer visible in tho haze thereaway, and though my own father 'I.ioutenar.t Oolton is in command of her, I see no uso of my watching for signals from him in tins weather. 1 heso thoughts 1 expressed aloud to tho sturdy captain of tho foretop, when ho came up, soon after, to attach and hang to the cross-trees a coil of rope for reoving new top.gallant halliards on tho morrow. "Lieutenant Biddlo knows what he is about, sir," tho man answered, "Do you see that thick uazo off thero to windward, as well as to lcoward'" "Aye, aye, plainly.1' "Well, that may mean a heavy blow, sir, or it may not. In either case you should keep a sharp lookout, as ordered. Always oboy orders, my boy, if you would win your warrant ; always do your duty without question ing why you wero sent to perform it, and you will do well; otherwise, you will got into trouble.'' Tho man went down to the top again, and I am sorry to say that 1 had not deemed his advico of sufii cient importanco to givo it much at tention. As darknrs closed about us, I made no very determined effort to rid my self of tho dull, drowsv sensation, en gendered by the close, sultry night, and tho con'equenco was that cro w.n awaro of it, with my arms twin ed around the stay, near which 1 sat, I fell nsleep. This was tho first timo that I had ever actually fallen asleep aloft, and although an experienced "Jack" will sometimes, on sultry nights, when off duty, safely enjoy a sound slum! or in tuo breezy lortop, even ot a rolling, plunging ship, jet it would have been extremely porilous even lor sncli a per son to take a nap on tho narrow perch 1 now occupied, with only two crcr stiiks. Exactly how long I slept I know not, but presently I dreamed that my tathcr, Lieutenant uoiton, seeming to rise up pale, ghastly and dripping from tho ocean, was hovering in tho air, directly beforo me, solemnly shak ing his finger at me, and saying, in bellow voice: "Frank! Frank! awake! awake! Have Inotolwajs adtiscd you to be true and vigilant at tho post of dutyt God help you, boyl Itns is criminal care lessntstl Awaktl awako lor yout lilt!' Mho last words seemed to fall upon my eats in a sort of a howling scream, and it was this scream nol that of any human voice, as I now discovered which aroused mo from my slumber. As I opened my eyes, that shriek rang louder than 1 had heard it m my dieam, for it was tho ehriek of a storm and such a storm as appalled and startled my sudden .wakened senses. j Diiuuuig iiusii ui iiguiiiiiig criJM-eci I I 1? .1 .1. ..C II. -1... t my vicion, dark clouds ol vapor were around me, 1 seemed to bo borno along with .emtio velocity on tho roaring whistling gale, wl ilo below mo I be held tho gleam of tho frigate's battle lanterns, by which 1 could seo nimbi fonns hurrying to and fro, far be- ntath my confused gnzc, hauling on rcpes, pulling extra lathing about the launch, carefully securing tho guns while tho lioarso voices ot tho boats wain and his mates, together wilh tho shouts of tho clliccr of tho deck through his trumpet, wero blended with Uio nnsweitng cries lrom tno tofi men and others aloft, who woto full ing and reefing tho heavier canvass lighter sails, evidently, having already been inken in. All theso eights and noises, together with tho din of tho tempest, tho roar of tho ocean, tho hitching and rolling of tho hugh black hull as it was hurled along likn a mere wisp through tho angry waters, surprised and puzzled me: and in tho half-dazed oondition my mddonly awakened brain, soaroely realizing my precarious situation thero aloft, my hold ot the stay, roun which, when asleep, 1 had still kept my arm, becamo loosened by a violent pitch ol tho Btnp, and away I went falling headlong from my position. Down down, with n horrible, tick cning Bdistttion in my brosst, and even at this dreadtul moment, with a sort o consciousness that my impending doom was tho result of tho neglect of duty, I shot through spacu toward tho 1889. limlydighted dook, which, before my distorted vision, eoemod springing up to meet mo and thus hasten my fato of boing dashed to death. Wildly throw ing out my arms and clutching at tho air tho instant I foil, something tho noxt moment touohed ono of my h-Mids. It was, as I afterwards learn ed, a dangling ropo tho foreto-gal-lant studding sail halliard which liad previously been nccidently loos ened from tho belaying pin below, and around this ropo my fingers closed with a oonvulsivo grasp, while my oth er hand was quickly used to add to tho force of my grip. Alasl my decent had been too swift to enablo mo to re tain my hold. As my body "righted" my hands kept to tho ropo but for a fow seconds, my fingers slid away from tho si rands, and ray descent through the air continued. In eoino degree my grasp of the line had checked tho force of my fall, hut I had as yet do scended only about thirty feet, and the frightful distance of nearly seventy feet ot snaco yet intervened between mo and tiio deck, when, to mysurpiise, my further downward course was sud denly stopped witii a jerk that nearly took" tho breath from ray body, and I found myself Bwaying like a pendulum in mid-air, with a ropo securely lied about my breast beneath tlu arms. It is perhaps needless to stalo that this ropo had been mado fast to mo while I was asleep, though by whom I could not imagino at the time. It had proved to bo tho means of Baviug ray life, but had not my fall been previous ly checked by my clutching tho stud-ding-sale halliard, as I havo mentioned 1 think I would havo been somewhat injured by the jerk of tho ropo when my swift descent was so suddenly Btop ed. Now as I swung inward towards tho shrouds, I clutched them, and shaking like a leaf, still feeling faint aud dizzy, I had braced myself against tho rig ging, whilo I stood on tho rat-lines, when, despite tho dense gloom, I ima gined I saw, directly ahead of tho fri gate, the dim outlirjo of a small partly tlismisti'd vessel looming up, not four iip's lengths off, her hull and a por tion of her shattered jib-boom lighted by the phosphorescent gleam of tho railing, foaming waters. "Sail O! right ahcadl" I cried, as loudly as I could, and my cry was ro peated by tho sailing-master and ono of il lojkouts on tho forecastle, tho master calling out, an instant after, to th o Lieutenant, in a voico of thunder : "Ilaru-n-port. sir, hard-a-port, or wo ill bo a-foul of her!" "Hard-a-port, quartermaster!" roared the officer of the deck. Ilard-a-port it is, sir!" bawled tho quartermaster, but it was evident that human power could now savo us from running into tho craft ahead. "ily Uod, sir, eho is doomed! Bhout- 1 tho sailingmaster to me. "Why d you not sing out beforel" A chokiug sensation in my throat prevented my answering, Ono of the occasional flashes ot lightning that ac companied this tempest had tust plain ly revealed to tno tho fated craft ahead, and that brief glimpse had shown to me that sho was tho brig, our tender, whL'h was commanded by my father. Wo would run her down this could not, it was plain, bo now avoided and it was all my fault. Had not I gono aIeep had f held a strict watch, as .lieutenant liiddlo had ordered mo to I would, from my lofty position avo seen tho cralt soon enough to avo enabled us to keep tho ship off and away from her. Now, although the two men at the helm jammed tho wheel hard over, tho great Irigate, in that gale, with nearly every ttitch of canvass stowed, was low to answer, and on sho went with terrifiie velocity, until suddenly thero wa a tremendous crash, as sho struck tho brig amidships with her enormous bows. I heard tho noise of tho splintored woodwork, tho grinding sound of tho frigato's keel as she dashed along, ser.iping a tew crackling lragments under her loroioot; then siio went booming on, piobably leaving bohind only a few shattcied pieces of tho craft she had destroyed. Mean whilo I hat listened for some voice somo cry trom the lll-tated vessel, and had fancied though it might havo been tho wild shout from ono of our own crew blending with tho din of tho lierco gale that 1 had heard a yell of agony as wo went cashing through and oer the brig. liut whether or not that cry had eoino from tho destroyed craft, the tor. nble senso of my being to blamo for tho loss of her crew and of her Cap tain my own father lay liko a heavy wtight upon my conscience, and as 1 now unfastened from my breast tho ropo which had saved my lifo when 1 fell from alolt, 1 wished, for tho moment, in my wild grief, that there had been no hindrance to my being dashed to instant death on tho deck below. In that tempest and iu tho deep gloom thero was ovidently no chanco of any of tho brig's hapless crow being saved, noverdielets, as tho wind by this timo had slightly shifted aud abated, tho frigato, by niertns of tho reefed foro antl mainsail, was got round, aud she cruised about for a couplo ot hours burning bhio lights and tiring signal guns, but, as expect eJ, no sign of tho Btoven vcssol's people was discovered. Lieutenant fiiddle, ere now, had call ed mo down, but hu said not a word to mo about ucgligenco of duly, until tlits hopilers cruise for Biirvivors of tho vcreeked orait was nearly cntlcd. Then ho sternly summoned mo beforo him, and demanded why 1 had not kept a gcod lookout as ho had ordered. I mado no attempt to oxcuso myBolf, but mieerablo and dejected, confoeBcd my going to sleep aleft, and described my fall, which, m tho intense doom no ono nboard had observed, and told how l was saved Tho grim old gunner, tho until1, mm euinu Ol my young Bllll) mates afterward told mo that thoy had iiuvtr bo woei)ogono aim tieniorabio a picturo ns I presented at this time and I boliovo that tho Lieutenant, though a stern officer, felt sorry for me, as, after my explanation, he dis missed me, paying that ho would Bay no moro on tho mbj 'ct at present. Ab I left him, the Ihundor of anoth er guu ironi tuo irigate bomned over the angry waters, and as tho broad Hash from it, blending with the ghau ly gleam of our blue-lights, Btroauied tar out over tbe hissing foam, wo sud YOL. 24, NO. 50. denly beheld a largo boat containing human forms, emerging from a clond of scudding vapor, about twenty fat homs ahead. Only for an instant did wo soo it, for, as it was boj'ond tho gloam of our lights, it was tho next moment, hidden by the darkness. "Lot her luff luff you can, quarter tnasteil" roared tho Lioutonant. "Luff it is, sir,'' was tho answer; and later, as the frigato's head was stead ied, wo ranged alencsido tho boat, a ropo was thrown from tho gangway and alio was mado fast. She proved to bo tho lost tender's launch, and ns we hove to, no words could express mv i'ov when my father, Lieutenant Colton, sprang aboard, to bo soon followed by tho rest of tho brig's people. Wo now learned that thoy had left their vessel, taking to tho launch bo foro wo ran the brig down, as tho lat ter had been wrecked nnd nearly water locccd bv tho first burst of tho tern- pes', which had caught her aback, her ruddor having, proviously been damag ed so that sho could not bo properly handled bv tho wheel. "Let this be p. lesson to you, Frank," said my father to me, when no tiaa tho story of ray neglect of duty and my narrow escape alolt. "It has hap pened only by mcro ohanco ( to say nothing of your peril ) you havo been spared tho terrible remorse you would havo Buffered for life by causing tho loss of that brig with all her crow aud mjbclf, your own father!" I never forgot thoso words, and being ever after careful to faithfully perform my dutj', I finally obtained a reefer's warrant. Meanwhile I was long puzzled to guess who had tied tho ropo about ray breast, at tho timo I was asleep aloft but when, at last, wo reachod tho port of Norfolk, Virginia, aud tho frigato's men wero discharged, a sailor inform ed mo that it w.n a young foretopman. who had attached the lino to mo, While helping to furl tho for'-to-g il- lant sail, ho had noticed that I slept, and thinking it would bo a good joko to "give some lino ' to a napping nov ice, instead of awaking him, ho had steadily mado fast to mo a portion of tho coil of ropo, which, as I havo stat ed, tho captain of tho top had provi- omiy brought up to the cross-tree. Unfits liale, in iV. Y. Ledger. SOUTHERN IRON -MAKING, IS TUB WO mOK INUUSTUV OF TEN VANI.V UECUNlNOt Tho groat activity during tho past few j'ears in tho building ot blast lurn aces in tho Soutli has led tho over san guine to predict tho decline of pig iron n. n .. fm., ,, I , 1. n TMt1. n.itnnin'ln Pennsylvania, and tho nltimato growth of tho Southern states to tho prominent position of the loading pig iron proaucmg distnot oi tno country, Tho iucreaso in tho number of blast furnaces in tho South but especially in Alabama, duritig tbo past two years has certainly been exceptional, the number in that state alono increasing from twenty-four completed and nine teen building in November 1887, to forty-four completed and eight build ing at the present time. All these now furnaces are ot largo capacity, being built upon tho latest design and with powerful blowing raacbinerj-. A glanco at tho industry in Pennsylvania would seem to show that tho proline sied declino in that state had really be guu, as thero aro but iiJl) activo turn aces in tho stato to-day, whereas two years ago thero wero 242 furna:es which wero in condition to mako pig iron, a decrease in two years ot twelve, t his apparent decline m tho nura ber of furnaces in Pennsylvania, haw ever, does not indicato a real declino in tho produciug capacity of tho Btate, Wo have ascertained tho oapaoity ot tho furnaces in Alabama in November, 1887 and November, 1889, which will bo found in tho following table, in com parison with tho capacity of tho Peun syivania furnaceB at tho samo date Nov., 1887. Nov., 1830, State. NHtons. Net tons. Increase, Net tons, Pctma. 5,073,938 G,733,BS3 059,000 849,000 labama 428,1)00 J ,377,000 That the ratio of inoreaso in Ala- bama is not to contiuuo is seen by the number of stacks under con Btruction in Alabama and Pcnntyl vania at tho present time. Tabulating these figures wo have : Capacity. Pennsylvania Net tons Alabama Net tous Increasing ennac- la two years C40.G00 849,000 Capacity ot furn aces building U'JU.UUU iilU.UUU Total 1,019,000 1,059,000 It will bo soon that tho increaso capacity ot tlie two states is compara lively tno auic. Prom Iron COLUMBUS' ONLY PORTRAIT. AN IMPOKTANT A11T1STIO FINIS OF OKiniNAI. L1KF.NF.33. On the toil floor of a hotiso in Clin ton Placo N. Y., is tho studio of a French artist of advanced years and venerable aspect, who possesses if certain theories ho holds bo coriect ono of tho most intercbtiug bilH of canvas in tho United States. It is claimed that the picturo was painted some 400 years ago, and that it iH a portrait tiainled trom lite of Christo pher Coiumbit'", tho discoverer of America. JThis supposititious portrait of tlio great discoveror bears a most black ened and dilapidated appearance. Closo examination discloses that a strip lias been torn away from ono of tno corners, and tho canvas consists ot two pieces very deftly sewn together down tho centre. Tho portrait whioh is worked out vt ith tho minutest at tention to dotal-!, is that of an elderly man, whoso whito hair crowns a wan, rather sallow looking faco. Between the lingers of the uplifted right hand is au egg. j'rom unce a week. Consumption Oared With Grapes. This foil destroyer has broutrht blight to many a promising life, and Badness to many a homo circle Thero Is ono remedial agent that will aeist nature m throwing off this terrible ilia ease, viz; hpetrs Port Wine. It has been used by hundreds with wonder, ful success; lias checked tho progress of diseaso and brought thousands back to health. Its property is to mako new uiuuu. i-ur iuiu uy tiruggiaiy. V 1" 1. .. 1 . Court ProccctllMKH. Tho Court oonvencd on Monday morning in regular session, IIon.K. R. Ikelor President Judgo and Hon. O. Alcllenry Associate on tho Jicnoti. Kst. John Legco., auditor's report confirmed nisi. Ordor to viewers for road in Scott twp. near J. M. Show a continued. Est. Phillip Springer, deed. (Jrdcr of Balo continued. Hoad in Calawlssa near "Notostino Hill" petition for roviowcrs to bo op- olntod in caso exceptions aro not sus tained. Estalos of Jacob Klingcrman and John Santoe. Ordors of salo contin ued. Tho list of jurors was called and all but Gcorgo Fonstormaohcr wero pres ent. Gioeon Michael was appointed foreman. On motion of J. II. Maize, Esq., James A. Itohbach was admitted to ractico in tho soveral Courts of tho County. Auditors report in Slicrilt salo Charles Krng and estates Daniel Forco and Joshua Savago confirmed nisi. Kst. W. A. Kobbins. Upinion tiled setting asido Balo of real estate. In removal ot dead from Woiecu Baptist Burial Ground. Opinion filed dering tuo removal of tno dead witn- six months trom date. Tho following reports from view ers wero confirmed nisi : In favor of bridge in Greenwood and Pino near Bcnj. Lee's; against a road in ino twp. noarlJerro iiurgors: in Javor f bridge in Sugarloaf near J. P. ritz's; m favor of a bridge in MifUin twp. over Heller s Klin; and tho re ports of bridge inspectors for bridges near Eyer's Grovo and near Mendcn- hall's. Estates of Susan Hostler. Joseph E. Barkloy, Sarah Johnson, Mary A. Briltain, Margaret J. Brittain a luna tic, Thomas Shearman and John F. Fowler, reports of sales confirmed nisi. Est. Stephen Tliomas. Auditor's report referred back to auditor. H states li. a. reterman, Herman u. Crevoling, J. P. Sands, William Gid- ding, John Ilarning and James C. Syl- Widows appraisements conurm- cd nisi. Com. ys. Georgo Mason, Assault and battery, ltecognizanco entered into with W. C. Mason as surety in the sum of .r)00.00. Com. vs. Alfred Ycttcr. Larconoy. A truo bill. Cora. vs. John Omlove. Assault and battery. A truo bill. Kst. Sallie Johnson dcod. excep tions filed to confirmation of the in quisitions in partition. Com. vs. U. & S. 14. 11. (Jo. .Ne glecting and refusing to ro construot a road. On motion of District Attorney nolle prosequi allowed on payment of costs. Com. vs. James Long. Fornication and bastardy. Continued on account of pending rule. Uoru. vs. bamuel T. uampbcll, for nication and bastardy. Continued to next term. Com. vs. Mrs. Mary Casey. Dofen- ant pleads guilty and is sentenced to ay costs. Kstates Isaao Wagnor and Eliza beth Gearheart. Inquisitions in par tition awarded. Estates Joseph Ilcas and Daniel Brower. Reports of sales confirmed nisi. Roads in Orango twp. near Justin Johnson's and in Benton near Ira Hess,' reports of viewers confirmed nisi. Petition of C. C. Evans guardian of Morris R. Sloan for allowanco filed. Com. vs. Wellington Yeager. Bench warrant issued. Com. vs. James Phceny, Ellon Mus- helheimer and Mary Doylo. Larceney A true bill on tho first count. Com. vs. Albert Yetter. Tho de fendant pleads guilty and is sentenced to pay costs and enter into his own ro- cognizanco in ijiiUU.UU lor good be havior. Georgo M. Moorehead, D. A. Beck- ey, Howard uni, Antirow ueictiara and J. M. Shew excused ns Jurors. Com. vs. Casper Rhawn. A trno bill on first count. Road in Briarcrcek near II. S. Klcck's, William Mosteller, Wm. Fleckenstino and James Brown ap pointed reviewers. Koad in Main near Lewis Miller s, Samuel Noyhard, Samuel yetter and It. B. Angell appointed rovicwers. Rheumatism, Is undoubtedly caused by lactio acid in tho blood, acid attacks tho fibrous tissues, and causes tho pains and actios in tho back, shoulders, knees, ankles, hips, and wrists. Thousands of people havo found in Mood s barsapanlla a positivo euro for rheumatism. Tins modicine, by its purifying action, neu tralizes tho acidity of tho blood, and also builds up and strengthens tho whole bodj'. Eailway Mail Bervico. " THE ANNUAL nKPOItT OF THE OKNUItAI. BUl'EIlINTKNllhNT. Lowrio Bell, tho General Superin tendent of tho Railway Mail Strstce, has submitted his report of the opera tions of his bureau for tho fiscal year ended Juno 30, 188'.). Tho report shows that during tho year postal clerks wero employed in the distribution of the mails on 133, 110 miles, service on the remaining 17,271 miles having been performed by means of closed pouches, which were. while in transit, in tho custody of tho railwaj' employes. Upon tho subject of city delivery Mr. Bell says: "Tho importanco of effecting an early morning delivery of mans arriving at tno groat commercial centres has become so apparent that much attention has been given to tho perfecting and enlargement of tho ar rangements and schemes. By extend ing tho Bj'Btem of preparation, it has been mado potsiblo to send out by tho tiret carriers a vast amount of mail. which, by tho usual process of assort ing at the jiostotllces, could not bo de livered before noon, or during tho afternoon. It is believed this system can be much enlarged upon with great advantage to tho public. "ainco tho last annual report, says Mr. Boll, "rnuoh has been dono .toward ttio improvement of tho existing service." Oild Waves. Aro predicted with rollablo accuracy, and peoplo liable to tho pains and aches of rheumatism dread every chango to damp or storruy weather. Although Hood's Sarsapanlla is not claimed to bo a positivo specific for rheumatism, tho remarkable cures it has effected show that it may bo taken for this complaint with reasonable cer tainty of bent fit. lis notion in ncutra liziny tho acidity cf tho blood, which is the eau-o of rheumatism, constitutes, tho tccret of tho succeB of Hood'B Sar eaparilla. If you Buffer firm rhnima I trial; it will do you good.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers