THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, FAJ The Columbian.' 0, B.Elwall, lt!i.,. J. E. Blttoabsndor., ;E4iton. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FItlDAY, NOVEMUEIl 1, 1889. DEUOQRATIO 8TA.TE TICKET. State Trrasuheii, EDMUND A. IHULEU, Clearfield. Tho election will ho livid on tho oth of November, 1880. From the Ualoa of Oot, 26, 1889 . "Tho United Libor League, some llmo aijo, oent a communication to llonry K. Boyer, hto Speaker of the Stato Houso of Kepresontatives and tho Hepublieaa candidate for Stato Treasurer, inking him to givo his rea sons for voting against the Ballot Re form bill introduced at tho last session of tho Legislature. To this requoit, Mr. Boyer has raado no reply, and the League, at its latt meeting, adopted a series of resolutions, asking organlzod labor to manifest its displeasure at Mr. Boyor's action. The Ballot Reform bill was ono of tho most important measures beforo tho last session of tho Legislature, and its defeat was a publio oilamity. Mr. Boyer is tho first of tho opponents of this measuro that tho lovers of honest elections havo had a ohanco to express their opinion of, and it would bo a warning which tho political bosses would not daro to pass uuhocded if Mr. Boyer were allowed to continue the praettco of law unhampered by tho caro of tho Guanoes of the State." Only one Week More Tho masses of tho people don't seem to bo bothering tlnmselvo3 about tho oloction th'u year, but the politicians o all sides aro awako to tho fact the gen eral oloction is now only ono week dis tant. There is praotically no contestin this city for anything. Tho Republican city ticket is clean out of tho woods, and it is only a question of majority with tho candidates. Both sides cham pion Judge Pexnyi-acker; all of ono side and a liberal proportion of tho other beliovo that District Attorney Graham should be again oloctod, and General Luta and Coroner Ashbridge aro serenely lloating into port on a smooth and ample party tide. Speak er Bojrcr is personally popular and his irienas feel assured of a big majority in tho city to protect him against any possible political whirl or party supine ness in tho State. And what of tho Statet Woll, that's just what Field Marshals Andrews and Kisner hayo been trying to find out and can't, and Boyer and Bigler havo tried it too and hit it just whore their Field Marshals missed it Of course tbo Republicans aro confident Bimply bocauso they have 80,000 majority to protect them against tho returning ebb of an awfully off year; but they want to keep up a big majority to start off next years battle with a whoop, and then they don't know but that prohib ition, liquor, labor, or somo other un seen and uncountable factor, or all oombind, may happen to knock them out just at the homo wire. Of course, they know isn't probable; but when it can't bo safoly estimated weth er six, seven or eight hundred thousand of tho million votes of the State will bo at tho polls, and with now elements of unknown power within rango of the conflict, speculation as to the result is simply idle. One week raoro will soon pais away and definite guossing as to majorities, which aro so involved in doubt, might as well bo set aside to lot tho election figures tell tho story Times Oct. 28. What will Eaum Do? It is obvious that General Raum enters tho delicate and responsible position oi rension uommtssioner uu der tho shadow of popular distrust; put no is conieHseilly able and sagac ions and ho mav command nublio con fidence by a bold departuro in favor of honest pensions and an honest Pension Department at tbo start. What will Raum do! Ho ha3 a rare opportunity to put the pension system on an honest plane at once by the prompt dismissal of tho twenty five or thirty subordinates in his office who joined the Tanner raid on the Treasury by re-rating themselves. It wa n most flagrant abuse of law and pre- ceaeni. ana n tney snail do permitted to retain their lawless pensions, or if they shall be continued in office, the publio will well understand that honest pensions aro without friends in the new organization of the Pension Office. Not only should tho self-re-rated clerks, eta, bo remanded back to their original rating, but they should be summarily dismissed and future pay inents on pensions withheld until the largo arrears filched from tbo covem ment arw repaid. Especially should Commissioner Kaum call to prompt account uoputy commissioner smith, who rerated himself under tho thoft and pocKetcd Jo,030 ot arroars. it was simply a plain theft under tho faintest color of law, and it is a dis grace upon our pension system that must bo spoeduy a id entirely effaced What will Raum doT Ho knows his duty: will ho perform it! Times. Miied-Up Marriages. Henry Miller, a shoemaker who died recently in this city, had a reraarkablo matrimonial career. His first wife died in giving birth to a girl baby, lie aucrwards married ins wifos sister, who also died in the course of a year, just auer uavmg uorn to nor a girl baby. Miller was an industrious fellow and his tatncr-in-law, a close-fisted dairyman, brought about a marrauo f!ll 1 - .1 .. . -l . , uuiweuu iiuiiur uuu a imru uaugmer. In thrco years a girl baby was born and tho third wife and sister died. Tho fathor-iu law had died a year be foro and tho mother, who was a treblo mother-in-law to Miller, and ho mourn ed tho loss of tho dead together. A mutual liking struck up, tho result bo ng that mother-in-law and son-in-law Miller became husband uud wifo. Their marriage was a happy ono or almost three years. Then Mrs Miller No. 4 gave birth to a girl baby dying within less than ten days. After tho littlo ono was born Miller lived but two mouths. Ilia four daughters, born undor such peculiar circumstances, aro still living. Tho first thrco aro not only stepsisters but are cousius. The fourth, the daughter of tho mother-in-law, is net only a cousin and stop, sister, but likowieo an aunt, while the grandmother was slop-mother to her own grandchildren.-ivw York World. mam.ot rworu, no the liL-otilc (iltkn ttiu t'llllri. i1clilila " llecoril"i of I-ciui-o Ma li In rvnlly wimt linflot reform? Would llivy like to linte Oil-loot. Inir of llic election return ex. prenn tlic tliioouultt, llliliillnililiil. el -will r the toterH? Tliere will tic mi excellent opportunity to tunlcc n record on MiMemlicrjtli, l'.ilmiiiitl A. Illuler mill Hie lii in. oernllc pnrty are for ballot re form t Mr. llnyer anil IHh party arc aualiiHt It. TltHAHVRV KIU-'OKM. I'nrtnerH of I'ennnj Ivnnlnl A rote for Ktliiimiil A. Illirler for Htnte Treasurer Ih a vote tor trenn nry reform, n ntep towarit equal, ration of taxation, ami IHh elec tion will lie a tletlHlve victory In your war HKntiiHt monopoly ami rlim rule. Co to the pollw on No vember slli. LABOR KHFOKM. vVwcc-cnrncrN of I cup Hy Ivn nlnl You nnkcil Henry K. Iloycr ami IiIh Republican legislature limt winter to ulvcyou tlleHe luxvtti Tlic Nenil. monthly I-ay tuwi Hie llocltiiKe lllllt the Company More mill the Australian llnllnt 11 1 1 1 ( tlic Invr to make election day u lexnt holiday, and a number of other I.nlinr Kefonn IiIIIh. Henry K. Iloycr helped to defeat thcHc IiIUhI tin to tlic pollH on No du ller 3th uud vote aualiiHt hlui. ATTENTION, DEMOCRATS liven our enemies admit Hint we linvc an even chance to carry the Htnte. ltemembcr the day, Motcillher 3H1. WASHINGTON LE1TEB. Prom our regular correspondent.) Washington, Oct. 28, 1889, Secretary Noble seems to bo ablo to got into more trouble than all the rest of tho administration together. Tho idea seems to bo getting into people's hoads that bo is a good deal liko the man on the jury who got mad because the other eleven obstinate fellows kept him away lrnm bis wile all night. Another idea that is making friends among the working republicans, is to bring about a state of things that will enablo Mr. Noble to appreciate tho feelings of a man who receives a kick from tbo Presidential boot. In plain words, a movement has started among republicans, to drive Noble out of the (Jabinet, and from certain things, 1 am inolined to believe that it will eventu ally succeed, but not without a desper ate ficlit on tho part of tho Secretary, Here's an extract from a letter received by Mr. Noble from a New York ro- Sublican, who in resigning tho office of pecial Examiner of the pension office, used language that caused Mr. Noble to refuse to accept tho resignation and to remo vo tho writer : "I am freo to say, uewonally you aro a puppot, officially a sycophant, and individually a coward and craven. I simply dtsiro to say that I will place my letter and all my relations with you before the President. If he sub, tains you, a I suppose ho will, I shall be only confirmed in tho general con clusion that ho has selected you, and some others of your caliber, to misrep resent the men who made it possible for lienjamin Harrison to insult the nation by patting you in a place which neither your services nor character could justify, and which your whole personality is proof positive that a violence to every f enpe ot decency and propriety, was attonded by your srltc tion.'1 Representative Joe Cannon has vir tually thrown up the sponge in th Speakership tight, by announcing his intention of going In mo this week to remain until the miildle of November This action is surprising, in viow of th fact that Mr. Cannon h.n been actively engaged in canvassing for votes almoct ever since Congress adjourned. I havo never steu a man except Mr. Cannon hitneolf, who thought tin' Cannon had tho slightest chance of ever becoming Speaker, and now this ono man has lost bono Representative Mill , whoce name became a household word through it' connection with tin democratio tariff bill during the list Congress has taken quarters hero tor the season. He has entirely r covered his health which came near breaking down5 from overwoik last winter. Mr. Mills will not havo a tariff bill during tho Fifty first Congress, but he proposes to see that tbo republicans do not pass one with obnoxious features. All of the immense power wielded by the administration is to be brought to bear upon Congress this winter for the purpose ot getting rid of the sur plus. One of the first schemes to bo pushed is that of Goverutnout aid for eeveral lines ot steamships which are to run to South and Central Ameri can porte, and which, in return for a liberal subsidy, aro to ro- alize Secretary ulainos Utopian idon regarding tho commerce of thoao count ries. This idea of Government sub, sidics to private individuals or coruor alions, has always been antagonized hy .L- J, 1 . ' tno uemocrniiu party, anu i seo no reason for supposing tint the democratic loaders will allow any such measuro to pass tho Rouse. Swell society circles aro all torn up because tho new Chinese minister has announced that he will tako no part in tho winter's euteitainments. This in all the raoro disappointing becauHo tho former minister made the old "Stewart castle a centre fot all that numerous class of diplomat-worship Was hinuton iaus. Tho now minis tor has his wife with him, and as sho is the first high oasto Chinese woman evor to visit this country, he probably fears to turn her looso in Washington society. Tho last meeting of the cabinet was very long aud stormy. Tho President submitted a rough draft of his first messago to Congress, and tho members of his official family took turns in jumping on it with both feet. The thing has of course bt-en kept very quiet, but such matters always get out in some way or other. According to tho informant of your correspondent, Secretaries Blaine and Windom wero tho principal "kickers." Mr. Windom objeoted to tho financial part of tho messago as outlined, and Mr. Blaine had decided objections to tho stand taken on certain matters within tho provinco of the Stato department. Tho arguments wero long and somewhat heated, and finally when it was agrcei to submit tho matter to a vote of tho Cabinot, tho President was defeated, tho only votea he received being thoso of Attorney General Miller, Postmaster General Wanamaker, and Secretary Moblo. Tho x'resident then expressed his willingness to obango the disputed matter, and peace reignea once more. But for how long. The Secretary of the Treasury has dooldcd to dispense altogether with the servico of the inspectors of foreign vessels at Philadelphia, Now Orleans, and San Francisco, and to havo what slight duties they would bo called upon to do performed by the looal Intpec ton. Tbo salary oi tho foreign in spectors who havo ben dropped ! $2,000 a year each. Tho Prohibitionists aro in earnest in their efforts to effect a change in the ucenso system. Having been doceivod by tho republiian legislature, and later by tbo Kepublican voto at tho Juno election, they bavo determined to put candidates In tho field of known tern perato habits, and who havo been warm supporters of tho Prohibitory Amend ment. For Stato Troasurcr thoy have named Mr. James R Johnson, a mem ber of tho Union Prohibitory League. 'Pl. r 1 T . r . i uu union jjoaguu in vunveniiuu assembled at Harrisburg September 20th, 1889, issued the following cir cular : ''Tho Stato olection this year affords an opportunity to all ftiends of Pro hibition to protest againH the attitudo of the two groat political parties, and give expression to the principles whioh wo 09pous3 by casting our votes, for that candidate who 'host represents our principles,1 and will further the Interests of temperance reform in the Commonwealth. L?t there bo 'no step backward.' " A Suggestion That Saved My Life. 1 took a severe cold and suffered nntn tlirntlrrh thn lifinlr ntul IrMnnea. T sent for a physician, who pronounced my case Uravel. A mend recommend, od Dr. David Kennedy's Favorito Remedy, of Rondout, N. Y., and after taking two bottles I considered myself perfectly cured.-Jobn Davics, Rochest er, N. Y. What moro could bo asked. MARRIED. BNYDEK-SCUWEPPKNHEISEH Mar. rieu in West Mlfllla at tho rcsidenco of the bride's parents by Itcv. E. A. Stmrretts, uciouei aow, Mr. Isaac 1j. Hnyaerot I'ottn. vllle, Scliuylklll Co. and Miss Myra II Schweppenheiser of West MliHin, Col. Co., Pa. Jast Married. How loving they arc; this i-i always a suro sign. After the first year somo times it don't hold good. When Char les comes home to you grouty and cross, snapping and snarling, unablo to relish the moo dinner you cooked, and feels as if there was a ton of pig iron in his stonuoh, he is troubled with dyspepsia, and Sulphur Bitters is tho only medicine that will euro him. VKfc The Chief Snm for the gnxt me- cess ot Hood's SarsaparllU U foond In the article Itself. It Is merit that wins, and the fact that Hood's BarsaparUla actually ac complishes what Is claimed for It, Is what has ctrcn to this medicine a popularity and tale ereater than that of any other sarsapa- Mprt Wine rilla or bloo1 pnrt" met 1 1. VV 1Mb fier befor, th, public flood's BarsaparUla cures Scrofula, Bait Bbeura and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Biliousness, orercomes That Tired Keeling, creates an Appetite, strength ens the Nerves, builds up the Whole System. IlMd'a Hanaparillm Is sold by all drug lists. tl; six forts. Prepared by O. I. Hood b Co, ApotheearUf, Lowell, Mass. Cures Liver Complaint, BllIousAffecj AX AD OR Hechejick I .... Stomach, Gid- IHIHI and all delicate Fcmalo Com plaints. Sold everywhere. Price-25 cents. DREXESqCOIOGNE Fragrant! 41 Lasting! The Leading Perfume fortheTolIetand Handkerchief. Bold by all dealers. Price 25 eta. i'iiiMii'Mtiuj.TTTfiCTiTETiB Salvation Oil 0 W only 23 cU. Soli 6 alldtugghti. Will relieve Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings,Bruisoi,Lumbago,Sprains, Headache, Toothache, Sores, Burns, Wounds, Cuts, Scalds, Backache, Frostbites, Chapped Hands and Face, Gout, or any bodily pain or ailment. 4i,v?f ' fiUOS. Tht Ortat ioiacc.'t vtau-fHf lOCtt. At all arusiln$. BRIOCtS' wm - wm FOU- SICK HEADACHE IN ITS This I'emedy Is tho peracrlptlon ol one ot the leading phiMclsns ot l'arls, Krancn, and was used br him with unparalleled nuccmi (or over thirty years. It was nret trlveu to tut) publle as a propria, tary n.cdlclne In 1818' More which time It, has found llawsy into almost every county on the face of the globe, and bocome a favorito remedy with thousands of the leading physicians. Medlral BocleUea have discussed its marvelous gucctwa at tteelr annual conventions, and utter their onclal ctemlsts have analyzed it and found that It con talned no opiates, bromide or other harmful In- Sredlenta placed It among their standard reine. ten. TESTIMONIAL. L. It UUOWN, M. I)., n West Jer.y St., Kl.IllBiTU N.J. June Its, Mm. This Is to certify that I have Usui fur some months with much aatlsfactlon. the comhinntinn ot remedies, for Headache, known as Urltva' ache. eHDectallr such as affect Nervous wnm.n than anytnluK I am acquainted with, and it this cert meat c will bo the means of bringing it to the favorable attention ot sufferers from that trouble, I shall feel that I have done them a service. u it. UUUWN. PRICE; 25 CENTS. Bold by all Prugglsu, or sent by Mall on lie oelpt ot Trice. Briggs' Medicine Co., ELIZABETH, H, J. 0-27-lj. SHERIFFS SALE OP VALUllILK By virtue ot writ of Lev. Fa. Isiuod out of the Court of common l'leasot Columbia County and to me directed; there will be sold at public Bale a the Court uoiuo Illoomsburg, Pa. TUESDAY, NOVEMHKU 12, 1889. at o'clock a. m. the following i All that certain plantation and tract of land eltuatolnthe township of Prinklln, county ot Columbia, State of I'ennirlvanla, bounded and described as follows, to-wit i Uoglonln? at a post near a chestnut In line of Uid ot John Zelgler and running thence by sIJ Una siuth eighty-four degrees west ono hundre I an 1 elevoi perehet to a white oak, thenoo by I tnd ot sme an 1 lind ot B. r.rortner north ntnety-nlne an 1 throd qua. tors de grees west n perches to a post a corner ofotherlanlots-Md John zelgler, thence by tho Bame anl laid lati of the heirs of WlllUm Clay, ton, deceased, then late of George Scott south twenty-two ant three quuteredegr-es, east one hundred and ninety-nine pcrcnes to a chestnut oak, thence by land of late Lloyd Tnonuj now or latoot Jacob Kostenbauder south rlhty-soven and a nair degrees oast seventy-seven perches to a post, thence by land sold to William Stoker north ten degrees west slitr-eLjot and two tenth perches to a chestnut oak, thence by the same north sixty-eight degrees east one hundred and eighteen and six-tenth perches to a post In lino ot land belonging w the heirs of John Former da ceased, thence by the said line north t wenty-blne and a half degrees west on shun ire d and a hat pcichcstotheplaceof beginning containing ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY- ONE AC It Ii3, and Forty-seven perches neat measure, be the same more or less, on which are crectol a largo ! LARGE BANK 15ARN, STRAW SHED, WAGON SHED, SHOP, STONE SPRING HOUSE and other Outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution at tho suit ot Abner K. Walter for himself and for use of Lucet ta Ilower vs. Estate of John Hower deceased. In the hands othls executor, John II, Uo.ver, and to be sold as the property ot John Hower, deceas ed. JOHN B. CAS3Y, Sheriff. Spihnbt, Atty, )n-lSJ. ALSO : By virtue ot writ otFL Fa. Issued out ot the Court of Common Pleas ot CMumbla County, ra., and to me directed, there will exposed to pub lic sale at the Court House, In Bloomaburg, Pa., on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1839. at 9 o'clock, a. m.. the following : All the right, title and Interest ot the defendant, John Mordan, In all that certain I lew, or parcel of land, situate In Madison township, Columbia county, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit : On tbo north by land of Joel .Mos;r, on the east by land ot Ch tries Dodson and Abram Wolford, on the south by land of Charles Dodson and on the west by land ot Davis Weatherlll, con taining EIGHTY ACRES, moro or less, whereon aro erected a FIaME DWKLLINO HOUSE, UAR.N, anloutbltldlngs. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit ot Thomas Morlan vs. John Mordan and to bo sold as the property of John Mordan. UiRuixi, Atty. JOUS .1. CASEY, Sheriff. PnTVllr Claln Wilt b-s exposed to public h UUllti Oalc. sale on tho premises, lu Ber wick, Columbia county Pa., on THURSDAY. November 14. 1889, at ten o'clock a. m, by BeiJ unlu Evans Esq., ad m'nlstrator C. T. A. of Mary A. BrKtaln, deed., by order of the Orphan's Court ot said county, the following described realestite: Situate in Ber wick, on the south side nf second street, between Mulberry and Vine streets; Beginning at the cor ner of lot nnmber ntty-ons, thnce by same eighty-four feet, nine Inches, more or less, thence on aUne parallel with Second street, forty-nine and a halt feet to lot (So. 59) number ntty-nlne, thnce by same, 84 feet nine Inches, more or less, to Second street, thence by Seconl street forty nine and a half feet to the place of beginning, be ing a portion ot lot numb ;r fifty-two, In the plan ot the Boroagh of Berwick . ALSO, on the same day, on the premises In Brtarcreek township, Columbia co inty Pa , at one o'clock p. m., the undid led one-halt ot all that certain piece oflnl bounded and described as follows, to-wit : On the north by land ot o F. Ferris, or the public road leading from Bloomsburg road to Little Brtarcreek, on the west by land of John Falrchlld and lands of heirs of Elizabeth Clemm, on the south by Bloomsburg ro ul, on the east by land of O. If Ferris, containing FIFTY ACRES. more or leas, all Improved. On which are erected A BRIOK DWELLING HOUSE, A FRAME DWELLING HOUsE, frame kitchen, LARGE BARN. and out-buildlLgs. well watered. AL-O, On the same day at tho same place at one o'clock p. m., the uutlvldel ono-h lit of ono other piece ot land In sain township, h.iuak-1 onth soutnby Daniel Miller's laud, on tho nirth by M. W. Ja k. son's land, east by Daniel Mlller'a laud and on ihe west by land otMrs. Klla3 Ukiuaooaud others, containing TWENIT ACRES, more or less, the same being a I Imber tra-t, TEltMSOFSALE Ten per ceix of one fourth of the purchase money shall ik pal 1 0 1 ihestrtUng down of the property ono fourth less t:e ten per cent, at CheconllrinaUi'i of tnesilf, and (be re maining three foart'is In oue year urtyr courlrma tun nisi, wi h Interest tro.n that date, and to be aecureu d, bond uiu rajrtga'jo .n the pie.uls. BEN.J MIX EVANS. J. O. Prekze, A tmlulstrutor C. T. A. C. B. JacxsoN, ot Mary A. Brlttaln, deed. A tjs. N. B. The two undivided luteiesls Ure adver tlMOd will bo sold together giving im purchaser title to tlie whole tract. Poshcsdlon given April 1st. 10-18 ts. Public Sale.ft.VJ,?AuJ"? crocsHownihlp, Columbia cjunty Pa., on TilUllMJAY, November 14. 18S9. at ono o'clock p ra., by C. C. Evans, Ksq., com mltteo ot Matvaret J. Urtttain. of tho Court 0: Common Pleas of Columbia county ra., tne following real estate, sltuaW In Brtarcreek atoresald, bounded and described as lollowa, to wit; Tho undivided one-half or all ibnt irM nt land, bounded on ibe north by land of o. F Ferris, uriuopuuuuroaa leaaing from the Bloomsburg ,uau ui uuiu una creek", on tno west by lands of John Falrchllili and helm or l-'ii7.iu.ih 'i,., deceased, on tho south by Bloomsburg road, on me eaai, uy muu oi u. tr. jrerrts, containing FIFTY ACRES, more or less, all Improied.on which are erected A BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, A FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, frame kitchen, LARGE BARN, and out-butldlngs well watered, ALSO, on tho Bame day, at the same place at one o'clock p. in., the undivided half ot one other piece of land In same township, bounded on the south by Dan iel Miller's land, on the north by M. W, Jackson's land, oast by Daniel Miller's land, and on the west by land of Mrs. Ellas WlUnwnand others, containing TWENTY ACRES, more or less, the sane being a timber tract. TEltMSOFSALE. Ten per cent, ot one-fourth of the purchaso money sh ill be paid on the strlk Ing down of the property, one-fourth leas the ten percent, at the confirmation of the sale, and the remaining throe-fourths In oue year after conflr. raatlon nisi, with Interest trom that date, and to bo secured by bond and mortgage on the prcmbea. C. U. KVANS. J. Q. Faitzi, Committee ot O. B. Jacssoy, Attys. Mirgaiet J, Brlttaln. N. B. Tho two undivided Interests hero adver. tlsed will be sold together, clvlnir thn nnrci,ni- title to the who! traot. possession given April st. in- 10-18-Ml. UDITOIt'8 NOTICE. Estate of Joshua Savage, deceased. Tha llM.nlifna .iHIIa. - .... t . . r. E bans' Court of Columbia county to make dlstrl utlon of the balance In the hands of the executor to an I among the parties 0 .titled thereto, will sit at bis onice In Bloomsburg, on Wednesday the HLh dav of November, imai nf. in nvlv-L- .n n attend to the duties of his appointment, when and where all pe sons having claims again it eaides- debarred from any share of said fund OCtlMSW. ...a...uum,r. Al FMFNWANTED,"n OHlaL.0111 t-llandclly. Steady em. Sloyraent at "good Salary Jor Cominlatlon". Out. tsfrce. wnfe for terms at once. H. y.0UHKco., Mumr7men,iJlocuetrKV EXECUTORS' NOTICE. vl ofltetxcca lint tau of Bugartoaf tmentMp. Lett testamentry on said esUW having been firantwl to the undersigned executor. All persons ndebtd to said estat aro hereby notified to pay the same, and those having claims azalnst said eatalo to present the same to . . AMANDAUd PHITZ. A. U Fritz. (luava. i(M 4U Att'y. Kxocutor. m)iTi7fTN0Tica Kttateof OfO. IjOivjmirryer aeceaiefi. Tho undersigned an auditor appointed by tho Orphans' Court of Columbia County to pass upon exceptions to the account of James McAlarncy, executor, will sit at his office In Bloomsburg on Wednesday November eth, 1189, at 10 o'clock a. m. when and where all persons Interested can appear if they desire. OltANTHEHtllNO, 10-11-4U Auditor. JAILHOAD NOTICE. 1 ho stockholders of tho Bloomsburg and Sulll. van Uallruad Company are tircby notined and requested to meet at the office of tho Company, In the town of Bloomsburg, on Wednesday tho soth day of November, lss, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, for tho purpose of voting for or ngalnst an increase of the capital stock and Indebtedness of said Company. By order of the Board ot Direc tors, U. J. CONN Bit, becretary, Bloomsburg, Sept. U, IS89. qenkkaL EbEOnON ritOUliAMATION. I. JOHN B. CASEV. High sheriff ot Columbia County, commonweilth of r-ennaylvanla, do here by make known and proclaim to tha qualified electors of Columbia county, that a general elec tion will be held on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1839. (being the Tuesday next following the first Mon day of said month) for tho purpose ot electing persons (or the following named onices, to-wlt : One person for stato Treasurer or the common wealth ot Pennsylvania. I also hereby make known and elvo notlco that tho pl icos or holding the aforesaid election In tho e,'.!?, boroughs, alstrlcts and townships within the county ot Columbia are as follows. to-ltt Beaver township, at tho pubUc house ot Mary Smith. Benton township, nt the publle nouse of U Drake In the town of Benton. Berwick, East, nt the little office of Jackson Woodln In the borough of B 'rwlcic Berwick. West, at the onico ot J. a. Jacoby, In tho borough of Berwick. Bloom Ivist, at tho Court House, In Bloomsburg. Bloom West, nt the Court House. InBloomsburg. Brtarcreek township, at tho public school housf near Evnnsvllle. Catawlssa township, at tho public houso of (J. W. Itelfsnyder, In the town ot Caiawlssa. Oentrnlia, Borough, at tho public houso of Wm. Pelfer, decease I. Centre township, at the school houso near Lafay. ette Creasys. Conyngham North District, at tho school; houss near ccmralla. conyngham south District, at tho house of Mrs. Thomas Monroe. Flshlngcrcek township, at the school houso neai C. B White's. Franklin township, nt tho Lawrence school house. Orecnwood township, at the house of I. D. Patton. deceased. Hemlock township, at the public houso of Chas. IL Dlettertch, In tho town of Buck Horn. Jackson twp., at the school house at Waller. Locust township, at the public houso of Nathan Knorr, In Numedla. -Madison township, at the public school houso In Jcrscytown. Main township, at the public houso of Addison W. shuman. Minim township, at tho public house ot Aaron Hess, in the town of Mlflllnvllle. Montour township, at tho public house of Mrs. .Mary Hazledlne, at Itupert. Mt. Pleasant township, at tho Mlllertown school ho im. orango township, nt It Falnnan's hotel In Or angevltio. line township, nt tho Centre School House, l'oarlngcreek township, at tho houso ot Samuel Lei by. Scott East township, at tho pubUo houso of Joseph Klcckner, In Kspy. Scott West at tho public houso nf John L. Crawford, in Ughtstrcet. Sugarloat township, at the houso ot Norman Cole. Polls shall bo opened at seven o'clock a. m. and shau continue open without interruption or ad Journment until seven o'clock p. m., when tho polls will be closed. XOT1CE IS IIEUEBtaiVEN. That every person excepting Justices of tho Peace and Aldermen, Notaries Public nnd Per 8Sn3. J" J1118 uUltli service of the State, who snail hold ur shall within two months have held any onice or appointment of proilt or trust under tneUr'ted Mates, or of this state, and city or corporatcd district, whether a commissioned officer or otuerwlse, a subordinate, officer or agent who Is or shall be employed under the Legisla ture, Executive or Judiciary Department of this State, or or any city or of any incorporated dls- ...v ..uu .m.-wj, iuai every meinoer oi congress and ot the State Legislature, and or the spiwt or common councU of any city, or commissioners 1 ir3. l"rau;u 11151 net. arH uy law incapable of holding or exercising at tho same time the OllICO Or aDOOlntment or .ludtre. Insnontnr fir PlArt- ot any election of this Commonwealth, and that no Inspector, Judt:e or other officer ot such elec- uuu Euan ueeuigioie to do tuen voted for. The Inspectors an 1 Judze of tho elections shall meet at tho respective places appointed fur holding the election In the district to which they respectively belong, before seven o'clock In the morning, and each ot said Inspectors shall ap point one clerk, who sliall bo a qualified voter of The qualined voters of this county aro hrcby authorized and renulrod Ln vote hv ttpkir. nrmtp,! . written or partly printed ind partly written; one vnitct. numu man nt laiM-iei tale, ana contain tnename of the person voted f ir f or State Treas- J UN II. CASEV, Shertir. hhcrlft s Office, Bloomsburg, Oct, 11, issu. m J. R.SVIITH&C3 LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., DKILKIU IN PIANOS, By the following wellknown makers; Chickcrinc:, Knabc, "Weber, Hallct & Davis. Can alBO furnish anv of tlm cheaper makes at manufacturers prices, uo not uuy a piano be fore getting our prices. .o. Catalogue and Price lists On a plioDtion. TO POULTRY & WILD OAUE SHIPPEBS. WANTED, Dutter, Cheese, Eggs, Hears, Game, Hops, Meat and Slock, 1'olatoes, Vecetaliles, Dress ed and Live I'oullry, Fruits of all kinds, l'op Corn, Honey, lleeswax, Uinsen, Maple Sugar, Apples, Grapes, Cranberries, Kurs and Skins, f. M. BALLARD & GO.. I'rotluce and General Commission Merchants, l7SI Myrtle Avenue, (near Wall about Mar ket,) Bruoklyn, K. Y. IW.iir. mum MANCI T Null, t:lliimtn nnd 1 Location In the south '. MANCHA, Claremont, Va 10-Vid 61. ASTHMAfflK anyone affllctod. 1)u.TA1T1IUO.,1!oc1iii CURED. i sent Prt to ltochiikr,H,Y, 10-83 d-tt. CHICHEaTEn'S ENQI.ISH PENNYROYAL PILLS. lltiU Crott UlumuuU DruiiU Ttt 1r rtllabU I'll! for ulc tAfe 4 u. .JlV. k lrcclt fur U Ilt llraadin r4 bMiUUtwiM,MM slibblMrtltUia. TakaMDlirr, ti14. (U BID) luff aXUiUtUua ftbl n.n.,r Lft41f.w iUtt 1J MAIL -MW, 9-U4rit, JUST RECEIVED ! j STILIS FOltt FALL ! JUST RECEIVED ! ii Sf IJLES 1 FALL ! IotBiiBBi4 I'oB Men, ouilts, Boys and Children, that cannot be equalled to select from. The latest and most stylish lot of Hats, Caps and Men's Furnishing Goods just received that will excel all others that we have had. We are determined to have what is wanted in the line ol CLOTH, HATS, CAPS, TRIMS Al FlIISHIII GOODS, and POSITIVELY will save you more money than to buy them in Wilkerbarrc or Scranton. As have said before our Prices are always tUo lowest, And Our MOTTO is AHvnys "FAIR DEALING'' RESPECTFULLY YOURS, I. MAIEB The Largest Clothing UI'fillii Bros, Photogragla & Crayoais. Correct Styles, .Perfect Finish. Copying, Fnlargi Viewing, an !-5 Frsmics to Order WAIfE! rvnnaiient ImsIIIohs duamiileeil. With Salary ami Kipmse Paid. Great adraiitagoi to uenlnuera. Fjat-selllns speclaltlea. No exp?r.n neeile,t with ui OUT FIT HUNT FltRIi Wrlt quick and set choico ot territory, stating ace, (Name this piper.) HOOKliK MJItsnmU:), Hocheiler, N. V. 10-1 -d-4t. How Lost! How Rogalnod, KNOW THYSELF tub- c -, .rr; v-av-a: jr ui r u A setentlfle and Standard Popnlar SIdical Treaties on the hrron nt Yputh.I'remature Decline, Nervoui -ir....ri. iiuporuica oi uio Itesnltlnefrom Follj, Vice, Ignorance, Kxrcsecs or OvtruijUon, Knervallnj and nnfluinf the Uctlm Ui Worlc, Uuslncea, the Married or Social ligation. Atold nniltlllful pretenders. 1'oBBcea this w-irk. It contains SJO papes, rojaUro. HcauUtuI blndmp;, embosaed, full put. 1'rlce onlj fl.oo tr mill, postpaid, coucealed In plain wrapper, lllr.. trst iel roeuectus lfrer.lf sou apply now. 'im disdnjulahed author, Wm. II. l'arkcr, M. 11 . re. ceived the tJOLU AND JnWO.l.tlJ JltllAL fE?B,i)!f.Hf.,l!Pal Medical Assorlnllon for IhU I' KSSAY on NUUVOUH urd I'IIYHICAI;Ill!UII,ITY.Dr.l'arkerandacorp or Aislttant 1'hBlclansmay be coneulitJ. conn. S.?... ot ,n person, at tho onice of TJI1J (ltAllODY .HHIMCAI. INSTITUTI: No. 4 lIiilrincUNt.,Holon,IIInm.,toMhoina:l orders tor books or letter tor adtico should U dlrectod as abort, 10-11-d-lt. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Tha undersigned having been rebtored to health by simple means, after suffer, ing for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Con sumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheer fully send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis, and all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all suf ferers will try his Remedy, as it is in valuable. Those desiring the prescrip tion, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing, will please address, Rev. Edward A.Wilson, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. A-&-Co.-Dec-7.iy. Cleanses tbo Nasal rossogcj, Allays lata and InaamallOD, Heals Uiu Horce. Itestorcs tuo Senses nt T-isto and Smell, TRY THE CUREH AY-KEVER ADartlclala annlled Into e.voa nmirll ,i t agreeable. Price w cents at Drussttus : by uulL nnUterod, oo eta. ' ' KLY HltOTll Bits, M "Varrcn St., New York. 15-20-d-U, PATENTS! Will TG AT ONC'K FOll 11." I STHAThD Liiiuuij.vii uimiNsruucnoNS, AIIVICi: VH1!I'- J. B. 03ALLI! ii CO.. IMtM. WAt.IIINUTON,M,C. SALESMEN ff0Fffufff !, The Reliable Clothier. and Hat House in Columbia and COME AND HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED HY I G. fells, the Optician WHO HAS JUST COMPLETED A THOROUGHLY PRACTICAL COURSE AT BUCKLIN'S OPTHALMIC COLLEGE, NEW YORK. ISO Bart-ra Charge MADE PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Fine lino peb ble and white crystal lenses constantly i n stock, also the Fin.' watch work ntul jobbing neatly ariteed t give sali-fiiutimi. CARPETS and MILLINERY. Next clonr to I. W. Hartman & Sou's, Matn St., Bloomsburg, To. N'KW CARPETS, Litust Pa'term in Volvel, Bo;Iy Tapestry and Bruasols, from flOets. up. ' INGRAIN fro n 20c up. RAG CARPETS from 30o up. STAIR CAR. PE I S fro-n lL'J up. MATTING, to cloao out for lOo up. OIL CLOTH, all widths nml p ic. . G. W. KEITER. 1889. FALL OPENING 1880. SEPTEMBER 28-26. MISS II. E. WASLEY, KiT Sel d.ior to I. W. Harmvin & Bom. Mala Street . . ULOOMSBURQ. Sol" GUARANTEED FIRST MORTGAGES. 8.I A LIMITED GUARANTEE. 25 por cont Additional Security with Amsrican Loan and Trust Go. of Boston. cut ,mZ,t a xy lZtWUe" a DaiS tno trans 031 01 018 anan- WILLIAM H.PARMENTER, Gen1. Agent. 50 Stale St., Boston. . F. Savits, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, llEAI.l'.lt IN Tin Roofing a Specialty. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WOKK IN HIS LINE. First door in Bloonmburg Opora II juso lro. Ill r ii t'l'iiliiry, lUlacutlsatao bliulle ot an an uhlni. it itmi n t ..... !Htle. It ti hUtorUiillii iin. itructlveaud wllthuuv In. erettlnu. biint to any ad lrohson receipt ot w cents Any ono lormlog a club of dve will receive one gratia, .OKllTIi WlMtan I n.A frottta, Addraa ssii i if Montour Counties. Finest line of watches, clocks, and jewelry in Bloomsburg. and qmokly executed. All work iruar b CURTIS COHfQMi. BLOOD, LIVER AND KIDNEY PURIFIER. Now is tho appointed time for thoroughly cleansing the gyattim from all ituparitii p, and all will And that tho Curtis Compound will exactly fill tho bill. It has stood the tost of 22 years and its pales aro larger than evor, every year. Price 50o. and $1.00. Foil 8ai.k By James H. Mercer, DRUGGIST, BLOOH8UURO, Pa. ' "-JSlS-H PI ir i,wvt It...- i once, no opertU'u CURE GUARANTEED. oaI.'SSSrtix p oo !( Wrllta I W al uk on f.rns .. t)D. i Ha lam. (thin. ItfltUa nsAkit.. V fot t. C. Allau iv fa a alLiima uA ...I. II. 4tluui and eft.n tuk T 0 day,1 Wlillatu Klius, "lUrrlaLurf, I'm " nbisj ntjifr uylhiuf io Mil Ilk your lUisu. I lnl7 took ordf r tiiuuab t W m vtrHtta." W, J, lt mrt, lUnior, .riiti "I luiuai aitrj buu vUll Uj Kurtl U vfttrn taut bat WO r ilufU 4f Bwwil.," r i biricta dwiD((juUta tll vt ba itwi tuki iv -it rlt flrulU Ikklf lallvta. . uvwr iwr your aibvu ti mi m taM kM "hU mad Lu.lW.M lUl.. uv r.Bs wttL Mmll we ntnrt i'OU lu lYiU Luslnea S',!.TlIi w,riuMWdlru til aUulU for ywrMir. Wi Uk. t,W run will b. bltiVkk up iruU fart. vr itriiil- I lu.U i'Uaniiluf y. V if Wll,'rt Httk' iarUJWata. 40r rati bawt? all. TUBU a WEYEU, Iwa.Mew KorKiitf. 1U-IXMW
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers