Darned net toilet net, Mr. fin Powell . Hemstitched sheets, .Mrssuo llrniler. Scrim bureau oovcr, Mrs, Jacob Keller. Macrame lace work, Lnurn Waller J L. FRITZ, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 0MCI front Room, over rostoffleev ntooMsnuRo. pa. J. H. MAIZE, ATTOUNEV-AT-LAW, INSURANCE AND REAt ESTAT AOZTT, Office P.oom No. 2, Columbian Building, Bt.OOMRllUKG, TA. N.u FUNK, ATTOr.NEV-AT-LAW, Office In Ent's liuildlng, near Court Home, W.OOMSUURG, TA. OHN M. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, AND JUSTICE OF THE TEACE, Office over Mover Bro's. Drug Stort BLOOMSBURG, PA. W. MILLER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office In Brower's building, 2d floor, room No i. BLOOMSBURG, FA. B, FRANK ZARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office cor. Centre & Main Sts., Clark's building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. 13 Can be consulted in German. QEO. E. ELWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office, Second floor, Columbian Bulldiag, BLOOMSBURG, PA. H, V. WHITE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office in Wirt's Building, 2nd floor, Main St BLOOMSBURG, PA. S. WINTERSTEEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, and NOTARY PUBLIC. Office in First National Bank Building, 2d floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA. W Pensions and bounties collected. jP P. BILLMEYER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (DISTRICT ATTORNEY,) Office oyer Dentin's Shoe store, Front room, BLOOMSBURG, PA. JOBERT R. LITTLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office, Columbian Building, floor.front room, BLOOMSBURG, PA. JRANT HERRING, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, . Office oyer Rawlings Meat Market, BLOOMSBURG, PA. ' w. H. RHAWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office, corner of Third and Main Streets, CATAWISSA, PA. J B. McKELVY, M. D., SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, Office, North side Main Street, below Market, BLOOMSBURG, PA. D R. J. C. RUTTER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, North Market Street, BLOOMSBURG, PA. D R. WM. M. REBER, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, Office, comer of Rock and Market Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA. JJONORA A. ROBBINS, M. D. Office West First St. Special attention Riven to the tye and car ana luo ruling oi glasses. J J. BROWN, M. D., Office and Residence, Third Street, West of Market, near M. E. Church, BLOOMSBURG, PA. "Office hours everv afternoon and evening. Special attention given to the eye and the fitting of glasses. Telephone connection. D R. J. R. EVANS, tleatuikt of clirosjc diseases mask Specialty. Office and Residence, Third St., below Marker, BLOOMSBURG, PA. M, J. HESS, D. D. S., Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental Collete. Slaving opened a dental office in Lockakd's jUUILUING, corner oi Main ana ignore streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA., Is prepared to receive all patients requiring pro tessionaj services. Ether, Gas, and Local Akicsthxtics, administered for the painless extraction of teeth free of charge when artificial teeth are Inserted. All Woac Guaiamtud as lUrRuurrKD, yAINWRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS. TlA SYRUPS, CoFFKE, SlirMR, MOLASSES. Rice, Spicks, Bicaiib Soda, Etc, Etc, ,N. E. Corner Second and Arch St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. WOrders will receive prompt attention. , M. C. SLOAN & BRO., Manufacturers of Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs, PUUonn Wagons, sc. BLOOMSBURG, PA. First-class work always on hand. Repairing vieatly done. PrictHifduccd 1 5ult ,lie lmc'- w. H. HOUSE, SURGEON DENTIST, Office, Barton's Building, Main St., bel. Market, BLOOMSBURG, PA. All styles of work done In a superior manner, no all wont warranieu as represemcu. Teeth Exteacted Without Pain, j the use of Gas, and free of charge when . I - 1 ..... !.-!. I ariinciai icctu : ihhiiwi sa Ta be open all hours during the day, auLisommc FOR THE COLUMBIAN. 1. K. BIXTEHBEMDEB, "e''0,' Consult Your Interests, 13y patronizing a livo and PROGRESSIVE HOUSE. The Largest Stock, The Most Reliable Goods, Lowest Prices, Square Dealing and courteous attention will always be found at the OLD ESTABLISHED CLOTHING HOUSE OF DAVID LOWEBEBG. n Everywhere I Mr j 26 CTS. 5 FOR $1.00 or mailed for price. Nfiir ritlludt'lpltln SiiuHtl (im-ii ept. IS tit. Yeurlr i:xienMct S(IO Four inrmeniHt Sl'JS. I 26CTS. r Admlu ami clslfiea yountr men and tioys fit any time: fits them foi BuOnesi, my Collfee, Polytechnic School, for Vfttt I'mi.t or Annaixilis. Giaiiuatintf cliises. One of the best equipped and te&t managed School. GckxI table. All students board with the l'rlnc)ial leachen all men ami graduates of iwmi nciy rinnu imi in k a strain ra iiai r aim is completely athletic, etc. Cinuasitin. SjwcUl oppoilumtie for apt Mulent fur hnckward liol. I a iron or student tun sc.ct i ony iimiics, tnEinfertnij course, rnysicai anu Liiemicai uatwratory. rracticai More fully bunnhed with amtaritu tlian anv other College fort, the lest rduLatmn, and the lest tminlii TiKed prices cover every eipense. No eiunlnation for adnmiio. New Illustrated cataltnie tent free to any addreu. bWlTtUN C. SlIOKTLlUGh, A-D , A.M. (Harvard Graduate), PrUcfuat and Hroprletor. Media. I'a. .lledln. 1'n.. nenr lMilln. BROOKE HALL, School (Mm-ii-h Sept. U5th. nrlr Ckihtinc. k.IUU. Two l'a)iiiL-nli, FOR GIRLS AND YOUNG Craduarinir Cfiursn In Cables. IJternrure, Science. Mathematics, teachers and lecturers. Suerlr Musical Deartnient. Schox oi HALXwani (xmiis mimnuii rtiieniion. sniaii classes. Safety ajid lianuinsi. New Illustrated Clrculir free. I attention. Si JlluU4ted Circ Pupils MRS. BW1T1UN C. SHURTLIDOH. JPrlaclpals, Madia, fa. WHY we Solicit I nnnh a I 1 1 1 1 i n i ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 0 m ii circular. We have a full line of goods, and are prepared to place them within your reach. Let our representatives have your orders early. FOR SALE BY DAVID LONG, MILL GROVE. NATHAN MILLER, MAINVILLE B. F. HARTMAN HEPKESENTS THE FOLLOWINO AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES . North American, of Philadelphia, Franklin, ' " Pennsylvania, " " York, of Pennsylvania, Hanover, of New York, Queens, of London, ioth British, of London. Office os Market Street, above Main, No. 5. BLOOMSUURG, PA. M. P. LUTZ, (Successor to Fi eas Brown,) AGENT AND BROKER, Bloomsburo Fire & Life Ins. Agency, (Established in 1S65.) COMPANIES REPRESENTED 1 Assets. Ctna Fire Ins. Co. of Harlford, $9,528,388.97 Hartford, of Hartford,. 5.2S8. 609.97 4,778,469.11 3,099,903.98 4,512,782.59 Phoenix, of Hartford Springfield, of Springfield Fire Association, Philadelphia Guardian, of London, Phoenix, of London ..20,603,323.71 Lancashire of Eng.,(U.S.llranch) 1,642, lq5.ee Royal of England. " " 4,853,564.00 Mut. Ben. Lf.Iii.Co.Newark,Nj4!.379-"8-33 Losses promptly adjusted and paid at this office, BLOOMSUURG, PA. J. H. MAIZE, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, Office, Second Floor, Columbian Building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Liverpool, London, and Globe, largest in the world, and pcuectiy rename, Assets. Imperial, of London, Continental of New York American of Philadelphia,.,,. Niagara, of New York,, $9.658.479-00 5,239,981.28 2.401,956,11 2,260,479.86 jgXCHANGE HOTEL, V. R. TUBUS, PROPRIETOR, Opposite Court House. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Large and convenient sample rooms. Bath rooms, hot and cold water i and all modern conveniences. Exchange Hotel, HKNTON, PA. The undersigned has leased this well-known house, awl Is urvpared to accommodate the publlo with all the conveniences ot a nrst-olasa boteL LKMUKL DUAKB, Proprietor. GET YOUR JOU PRINTING DONK AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFIOK lie BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, FRESH HOPS. HtMLOCtOGUM NO PINE BALSAM COMBINED Spread on white muslin. he Popular h RtUABlt Apply oat now fer Baokaohe, BldeftOfc. Bhamtlm, Kidney Wetknans, Tender l.antr, Bore Cbest. Btlff Musolea, Female Itcuict every tort of Fain, Ache, or Weakness, ana qauuuy, too. r Lookor ttgnature af HOP PLASTER CO., pBOrpiirTOR, BOSTON, on the penuxne good- EDIA ACADEMY iirsKlais CollfcM. Kmc buildings i tingle ot doubl lurniinea. urounas lien aciei) lor Ioot-lII, UkMIi to advance rapidly. Private tutoring and ipecial dril or a minims, -ouejre-rrpnara'oty, t.i leee-Prfnara'ory, Electrical, o CWU. Uuslness IJepartment, Short-hand, Type wrltlnj, etc. fining -hniiL Me.H Ara.im arTr.U hnn.rnm. LADIES MLi Eattman'i Celebrated School. Music, Modern Languages. Twelve aceo(Bpllsliei apllsle4 xlns foe to tWf lias an oriran surrounded by such letLralaU at are essential your Orders. BECAUSE we have the experience aa practical Farmers and Manufac turers for Twenty Years. BECAUSE of our extensive manufac tory and acid chambers. BECAUSE we give our entire personal attention fothe manufacturing oj Fertilizers, -This is our specialty, and we place at your disposal all our facilities. For these reasons we make the thor Guarantee found on first page of our QHRISTIAN V. KNAPP. FIRE INSURANCE, BLOOMSBURG. Home of N. Y. ; Merchants', of Newark, N. T. j Clinton, N. Y. ; Peoples' N. Y. s Reading, pa. ; German American Ins. Co., New York. Greenwich Insurance Co., New York Jersey City 1-ue Ins. Ko., Jersey City, N. J. These old corporations are wfU seasoned by ft and fike tested and have never yet bad i joss settled by any court of law. Their assets are all invested in so Lin securities, are nauic to the hazard of FIKE only. Losses 1 romptly and honestly adjusted ;nd pa,d a. soon as determined, by CHRIST. M T, KNAPP, Sfecul Agent and Ad- ILSTFJl, NLOOWSJiUJIG, PA. ffhe people of Luiumhia county should pat- rouUc ihe agency where losses, if any, are set tled and paid by one of their own citijeni. j&warct Irist. rremtuma awarded at the ttilrty-llltu ahus) Pair, ot the Columbia County Agricultural ' SO. ci'ity, held at Uloomiburg, October 9th, lotu, 11th, Ktu. ISiJ. CLASS I, .CAKRMOE 1MO LIOOT DRiCOUT U0R1EJ, 1I1EES AM) C0LT. lilooded stalUou over 4 yrs W M Hitter.. I a bU'Uon la col co over i yrs James Man- non S i Stallion In Col Co DcUeen 2 and 4 yfrs Wesley ilomau ,,, I IK) Second Wm J Miner 00 ll.ood mare and foal T. U. Sue, poo- belser 00 Stcond c L Poho S 00 .Mare or gelding between 2 and 3 yrs OL Poue. (O second N U Funk 2 00 Col. between and 8 yrs T U bweppen- helper 3 01 second J U F-dder s 00 colt undnr jo months c B Hazenbuch.... i 00 Pair carriage horses or mirej II. f. Knorr. . W Hecoad Wesley bowman - ? 00 Migle carriage horse or mare I'biuip creasy..,..,......,..,,...., o Second c K Hagenbuch 9 00 Pair matched coils under i re A 0 Ifld lay , I l i CO i 09 second H K ulelienbach roaj M L Keller , k'icond Wm Hutton , I Oil i 00 CLASS II-tiatvr PEit-auT korsu. Brood mare and roal Clinton Crawford ... M becond W J Hldlay - t 00 Mare or gelding between 2 and 3 years Simon sltler M Two horse team IS. 1). lUgenbuch i 00 Second F. P. Hagenbuch...., 9 00 ,yu)o between J and 2 years I U Ikeler 9 09 CI.A8S i;ir-BLO0DED CATTLE DCRHiU , Hull over 2 years oiJ U J MJHer.. , ...., 30 Co Douglas Hughes., s 00 Second s V Uoono 1 00 call under 1 mouths S Y boons dp UOUTEIH FRISUH. Heifer under t years Douglas Hughes..,, 8 I CLASi IV BLOODED CiTTLi-JSRSETd OR ALCIH XETS. Bull over 2 years TJ Barton 00 6 00 8 00 .... second 0 Michael Cow Willie U Webb .. fecond a Michael llel'rr uoler 2 years U Michael. Sooond " call under 11 months WHUe B Webb., becond U Michael ...., (JOIUV6IVS. Bull over I years Wm J lilllay t CLASS V-O.U1DKD emu orciissl. Bull over 2 years I B Ikeler,,.. t Second Howard Traub , cow Paul bhulU Calf under 12 montbij III Heeler,,.. , Socood BV1XXW.,U."- 6 00 9 61 1 31 00 ft 6 S3 00 4(0 4 09 1 (O 100 CLASS VI-ORiDED CATTLE OF CtUt 4. Cow John Coleman 00 second Hadle C'aull 4 00 llcirer under 9 yeira Howard Traub.... 4 00 second Charles Hterimj a CJ can under u montns v. 1: iiasenDuci 1 81 CLASS VII NATITI CATTLE. cow over 3 years old Wm P Vandersllcs. ISM ralr twin bulls J (1. Fodder S 00 srECULraiiEi. nostliordot class It! AS Sblmer 50 00 IV " " 8U tJ t talrn nAaur In aavlnc that t). O. Hotcomb'fl hedot Hereford cattla and Hhiopshlra sheep were very fine and deserve special mention. 11. r. liwii, juoife. CLASS VIII SHEET SHORT WOOL. Pair bucks and ewe F I' Hagenbuch.... second J a .... 8 00 4 00 5 00 4 00 i 00 3 00 333 4 00 3 S3 UIDOLE WOOLS. Pair brick and ewe Samuel Uldlay ttecond Ax shlmer Lot lambs, six or more Samuel Hldl T. . uocond A H Shlmer LONO WOOL. Lot lambs, six or more Bllsha Hag-enbucri CROSS WOOLS, Pair buck and ewe elms. U Hitler CLASS ir SWIME. Jersey rod boar W A Fcdder. .............. ., .. gQW .. nerkshtra sow V V Ilazenbuch s S3 3 S3 D W 3 00 6 00 Chester white boar A S Shlmer Keconl 11 j Miller f'hpstpr white row Kamuel llldlay Litter otpl?s Henry ltote 8 00 umo imorovea unestcr Doar uoo a cuuer o 3 S3 1 1X1 CO Pair Chester whlto Bhoats II J Miller.... ' stilpod sucking pigs " " ...... CLASS X rOULTRT-CHICEIKS. Plymouth nocks John D Armstrong.... Scconl W 1) Herman .... Wyandottea " " Bun cochins OeoA Flsber lilvik and red games Geo Moyer Second " ' Utrht llrahmas Henry ltote 1 01 CO 1 00 7 1 00 60 7 07 Dj-e " VP Hagenbuch White LK?horn!i Iialah nltrer 1 00 Second Ella J Krramer w Brown Leghorns Henry Koto . J Rose comb Leghorns WB German. 7 Colored dorklngs John D Armstrong.... si Dark Dominique Games FranE Edgar.. 100 " Second Thomas Gorrcy. W Block Breoated ted Game Bantams Chas ht-rUng Common, redgamebantamsFBdgar.,.. si Crevecours Samuel Loo common, Frank Edgar to Whlto Plymouth nocks Willie B Webb... C" Muff Games Thos oorry i ccexs. Coramtn, Frai Edgar 1 00 Pektn Henry ltote 1 00 second lie-ij 11 Lee 60 Native ducks 4 mos old Mrs Wm Troup to Colored Mosoovy Wm Shatter I 00 Sccona Kllaha Hagenbuch CO oassE. Touloi'so, Samuel Leo 1 00 etconil, Samuel Uldlay CO Native, Henry note 0T Lrown Chinese, Eltsha lUgenbuch " TCHEEY8. Bronze, F P Hatcnbuch loo second, Mrs C P Glrton . 0 N t't, Henry Bote. 1 00 set.r-td chisHbltlcr. 60 line, P Hagenbuch 61 Native with chicks, F P Hagenbuch I 00 socojd, Alonzo D shuman co rrr btocc. Pair nabblta, Thos Gorrcy ' ItlDgdovci, Chas H lit er to " Fan Tall Plcois Itervey Furman... 60 " Ferrea Douglas llujbes ....1 75 Vat Tirrlpr. 1tlt.h ftnd PUDS U B USTOn- buch. J5 DISDlay white rai, George smoyer. 75 CUSS XI OR1IN SEEDS AHU FLOUR. Whpiit. nniir. Roller Droce&a dealer Bow man. 67 Wheat Uour, Buhr process Geo Ileigle 67 Bi'kwheat nour Wesley Bowman 1 0 seco id, Geo Beagle 60 rinwpUAMl uhii Henl K stler 67 T nothy, Samuel Uldlay 1 to Second BeU Klstler 60 lied wheat, hour Jed Chan . 1 uu T W nneenbuclL 1 00 Second J. J. Keller 60 rim wheat, smooth cin 1 ou iieury itnr 67 Dell Med.bearded wl .t J J. Miller...... 1 00 Seconn, Silas St uman 60 nmth wheit Uenl II Lee 67 Huckwhcat Henry ltote . 1 3 second ilenj Klstter 25 Silver null Duckwreat uj muier i Remrd Bcnl II Leo 23 Japanese Kuckwoeat Ile'.ry ltoto 60 ritiCuuu.luuu nicouiu Itve.iohn DeLonir C7 oitj 1 11 Ikeler 3.1 oa Yellow Belgium neiir note ai lied cob mwd corn John Del ong 1 00 second Heuben Hess 60 Eli?ht row ed yellow corn F P Hatenhuch 1 03 secoadJ 11 Crevellng 60 ropcornsusle Cieve"ng 60 hecond Ellsha Hagenbuch 25 Klnir PhlllD corn Emanuel Lazarus . 67 Three stalks corn (tall) E C Cleaver 1 00 swnnd W uicerman VI White cob gourd corn E C C'erver 1 00 Lannlng com Emanuel Lazarus 1 00 second Wm Shatter 60 Montcomery Co FP.vor.t3 corn Emanuel Lazarus. 67 Ited cob dented yellow gourd corn H J Miller 67 Brazilian Hour corn John; WKreamer 67 Sample wild Itye J u creyenng DISDlay (arm and gardei seeds Jennie A Hitler S3 Marti i mber wheat U J MlUer 67 White landreth " " -.. . 67 Hock mountain " " (it FaulU! " " One stalk Japanese Buckwheat John W Kreamer . CLASS XII VEGETABLES. POTATOES. Burbonk Samuel Uldlay. American Ag'l'it White star ueuoen uess Sweet potatoes Mrs Isaiah Kline " " Breece's Mrs A J Mans " " Pride of the Valley o E Hagei- buch. " " Green Mouitaln John DeLong. . " " Early red bliss triumph Joan - DeLong...... " " Ktrly Ohio Samuel Uldlay " " eerless Mrs A J Maus........ ... " Early King " " " Empire state " " " Beartyot UebronO E Hagen buch. " " TBO (TABLES, Beets Reuben Hess... . Turnips Mrs Mil Gelslnger..... Cabbage (3) heads Geo Beagle Celery t iara Vandersllce .... Onions Mrs A J Mans eveumber Henrietta Maus parsnips .Caa pjstler Beans Lima John DJiopg..., " Pole Geo A Fisher,,,.-. y, ' Marrowfat Allle Uagenbucb Butter Mrs It Kitchen " Proline tree John W Kreamer,... " AtdaluslaWax " " " French Asparagus " ' lTollnctreeonstflk " ..... Tomatoes Wm Abbot Itadlsbci Mrs It M Gelsinger PeppersMrsAJ Mans... Pumpkins Geo Beagle Squashes Carrie sweppenhelsor Araogflps Wm Abbott.... Onion acts Anna Hagenbuch llopull Kitchen.,,,.. ,,(.... Net egg gourd "UaJ Ureauwr Dipper gourd Alonzo D Hhumao Japanese Squash Emauuel Lazarus Pineapple " " Whiter l'eas Jennie A sitler Display Pumpkins Mrs Wm Troup Bermuda onions Wm Abbott K y vegetable egg " Paicpan Bquaahen , ' OUsrter uwisptj I' . China roaa winter radishes Wm AbboM- Var.ety of herbs rs A J Mau Ground chenlea F P Hagenbuch. strategem Peas Wm Abbot Black Mvstard Mrs Ben) Klstler CLASS XIII FRcrr. irrLEs. Ualdwlo A E Glrton SexonJUU Hagenbuch., , ...,,t Fallawater A IT luon ..,,,...,..,, Second Itlihard Edwards Ulug of Tompkins CO Ella J Kreamer,... Second A E Glrton Golden HusHCt Iteubon Hess , , Denjamltou E UageobucU... ..,,,, .. Iron ciad " " crabapples Freas Klstler Spice wm Evanb Branch apples on limb Chas Sterling,... Seek no Further E1UJ Kreamer rEARS. Keirer ItUaJ Kreamer Socood 11 A Hf-s .,, winter Wr. Troup UeurreD'ADjou Mrs, M. it Getsbiger.. rsiciiES. prav.?ord's Late Martha Vanderellce., IjRIFES. Concord Martha yandsrsUcs ,, Second Geo Beagle .,. , llaspberrlea growing Itct .rd Edwarda.. quinces Freas Klstler , Socood lteuben Heti Ueiroap, prune II U Drown cum XIV-BRP PRPIT, Apples Airs Ben) Klstler ,, Pears Mrs It Kitchen Quinces " " Feachaa Mrs B II Edgar Cuerrles, pitted Airs Isaiah Kline ' uupltted Jennie A Sitler Itaspberrlea Alrslslah Kline - ... iiatkberiles Airs It. Kitchen WhortlebSrre Mra Wm Shoemaker,,,, numbs Mr A J MauT.7ir.....7.V. ...... Prunes- " "' corn MrsUKlUhen wild Cherries Miss A M Krumm Klderberrlesi Mrslsalab Kline....,,, , Chokeuhonles jsnne A HtWf,,,, Urane Mrs A J Maus..,, ,.,..)..., Coreander Jennld A Sitler..,,,.......,, Curranj lleui.etta Maus Dried yeast Airs Ella Cox , . Liquid ' M.J ben) Klstler ... NPT8, C'teatnuU Mrs. Ben) Klstler.., ,,t UtckorynuLs Mrs It Kitchen,.,, Walnuts Mrs A.I Maus Peauuti Mra M It Uelstnger Ilotbcchtfctiuta J Harrold Ikeler......,, CLASS XV wives ta. Currant Urape 1 Henry ltote 60 60 60 60 to 60 83 S3 60 SJ 60 S3 60 33 S3 60 51 60 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 83 33 33 udwtsrry ' " Apple " " Wiucherry Mrs L A Young Pirn " " " , Mu'berry Clara Hagenbuch.. Pr r MrsL A Younr ., ,. Gcoseborry Miss KJTownacnd. ....... Stra' "berry Mrs Isalsh Kline Itasiij 'rry, whlto MrsL A Youjg... iiuckiexrry " " hssDoerrr. black Mrs Bent Klstler... Cider Wlno II J Miller crabapplo Mrs W W Barrett Boiled Oder " " " sweet Cider MraAJ Maut HIIANDT. Peach Mrs LA Young , 1 'ear Grape Cherry " uiackuerry 0011I11AL. Mrs LA Young,,, Blackberry Ginscr Cherry 31 S) 33 SYUUP. Cherry Mrs LA Young ltaspborry " " Currant " " strawberry " " S3 S3 S3 3.1 YINEtlAlt. Cider ltcuben Hess 60 50 3.1 31 60 SI S3 Blackberry Mrs isaian mine ivach urs B, 11 Johnson strawberry FC Klstler ltaspbe.Ty " " Crabapplo Chas M Kvans wnite wine wm auuui CLA83 XVI PHKAD, HOTTER, 1 AND CAKES. Loaf wheat bread Mrs W W Barrett.... 1 00 60 C6 1 00 5 1 (0 50 S5 60 S5 to 33 second Maugrcto hicks Unt rye bread Mrs LA Young Loaf raisin or currant bread Mrs Wm. snociraKe- Second Mrs Wm Troup. LOM Graham Dro m Mrs iienj niauer. Seoond Mrs W E Dlettrlck LO .t cornpone Mrs wm rroup Doz tj'sculU Mrs A J Maus Secord MrsWm V Itobbln Vn rolls Mrs William shoemaker Doz Currant blsculu Mrs Wm rroup ... OAKE3. Fruit Mrs CP Glrton 1 00 60 51 25 31 50 25 60 95 :ond sirs it Kitcnen O'nger Anna B Webb second Mrs H Fornwald soda sadie K nagcnoucn Hpongo Clara vandersllce Second Mrs J K Wilson JeUy Martha Vandersllce Second Mrs Isaiah Kllno Chocolate norauinney Ice cream Allle Hagenbuch Orange 4nna llagenbich cocoinut Mrs Delia O Ohl second Anna Crevellng SI SI 33 60 25 White Mountain Mrs is aa luine S3 60 oolden Mrs B F sharpless - second Carrie sweppenholser 25 33 33 Lady llalclmore Mary t uirman Fig A'lle Hagenbuch Jumb'es Mis Kills cox ro 25 S3 S3 Seconl Mrs A. i Maus Variety or cakC3 MrsAJiwa.'s Oiilc'en and silver Mrs Isaiah Kline...... lund Mrs A w vry Second Mratha Vnndeisllco ..... .. 60 25 60 25 (linger Snips Edith V Eut... tweoaa Mrs ijcuau uiii.......... Kisses Delia O Shuman - Ca'la Lilly Mrs Wm Shoemaker..... CO IT 60 " Spice Anna Hagenbuch Second Anna 11 webb Feather Mrs Kilts cox. lit Mrs Isaiah Kline Marble Mrs A C Creasy Angel Anna Hagenbuch TIES. cocoanut MrsKlmlraStet'er Apple Mmce Clara Vandersllce Second . nalsln Mrs L A Young Peach Mrs Elmlra stetler Ij:on Miss K J Townsend l'lu j Delia C Shurran currant Mrs J J Keller. - Sulnce Mrs LA Y'omg rape Mrs Isaiah Kline Sweet 1' tato " Elderberry " Green Tomato Mrs BenJ Klstler Pear custard Mrs Wm Troup oat meal " " ltlce " " Centennial Mrs II Fornwald Chocolate Anna Hagenbuch rhokecherry " " Cranberry " " Cream Mrs J E Wilson Apple, butter Mrs Isaiah Kline Banana Mrs L A Young Quince Custard Mrs A .1 Mai's Butter Clara Vandersllce Second Mrs J J Keller cured Ham Wm Abbott Homo made cheese Mrs E B Johnson..... TAKT8. Apple Mrs Ben) Klstler cocoanut Mrs J J Keller ... llaspbciry Miss E J Townsend Doughnuts Anna B Webb , cinnamon buns Mrs w V ltobblr Oat meal gems Mrs Wm Troub co.-nstarcn Cake Mrs A W Fry Cookies Mrs A J Maus. Vanilla atcrs Mrs J F. Wilson ulnger drop cake Mrs Jacob Keller. Cinnamon Holla " " " 33 S3 33 50 25 S3 33 33 33 33 60 60 25 83 61 S3 33 Si 83 60 31 50 S3 31 S3 3) Ml 33 S3 33 S3 33 33 3.1 1 00 50 !0 25 25 25 23 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 CLABS XVII CANNED AND Bl'IOED FltCITJ AND 1'IOKLES. CANNED Hill IT. Peaches Mrs It Kitchen Cecond Mrs Delia c Ohl PcnrsWm Abbott second Mrs M K Gelsinger . Cberrles (sweel Win Abbo.t second Allle Hsgeubucu Cl errtes (sour) Airs It Kitchen Second Mrs A O Freas Plums MrB Al It Gelsloccr Second Miss A M Krumm Wild Plums Wm Abbott - Crabapples Airs M it Gelsinger second Mrs A J Mau Qi'tnces Airs It Kitchen Second Alartha Vandersllce Gooseberries, canned, Wm Abbott ... Second, Mrs It Kitchen Currants, Mis JA Maus Second, Mrs E J Townsend Pine Apple, Wm Abbott Second Mrs A J Maus I omatoes, Carrlo Sweppenne ser Becond, Airs Jacob Glrurd Grapes, Alia I-Hlah Kline Second, Mrs Wra Shoemaker Uhuiiain, sir. ll Kitchen Whortleberries. Millie Klstler Becond. Urs Delia C Ohl Corn, Airs M It Gclstneer Blackberries. Henry ltote Second Allle Hagenbuch Chokeeherrles, Airs U It Golslnger.... Second. 'Airs Isaiah Kline Uaspberrles, (Biaek) Allle Hagenbuch Second, Mrs It Kitchen..., Raspberries, (Ited) Airs Al It Gelsinger Second, Mrs h J Maus lueroerries. urs ai it utvsiuur Dewberries, Henry ltote Second, Mrs A J Al'tus 1'i.innkln. Mrs Ellis Cox Cranberries, Mrs It Kitchen..... Sausage, Mrs J J Keller Juneberiles, Mrs Wm Shoemaker Mulberries, win ADbott Strawberries, Mis A J Maui Grange Hauls, I ., ,,,, Crabapples, spiced, Mrs M KGei.lnger Second, Airs ft Kltchon Quinces, Sirs M It Gelsinger C'herr ut, Mrs It Kitchen Second, Mrs A J Alaus 1'tars, Mrs It Kitchen Second, Airs M It Gelsinger Peaches, " Scfond, Airs It Kltoi en Cucumbers, Mrs A J Maui.,.,.,.,,,,,., riuins. Birsu u uuisingur,,.........i Second. Mra A J Mnus.... Chokeeherrles, Anna llagenbucn Tomatoes, (ripe) Airs A J Alans Apples, Air- It Kitchen Tomutoes. (yellow) 11 .1 Miller Cantaloupe, Mrs M 11 Gelsinger Grapes, Mra A J Maus ijrounill puorries, Wrs'A j'tiaiij"!"! Currants, " If ' Citro 'i ........ Cucumber, plcklri, Win Abbot Second. Mrs Jacob Cllrard.,,,.,,,,,..., Tomato, Airs Isaiah Kllno,..,,,,.,,,,., second, Mrs I It Uelslnanr,, Onion, Mrs Klinlra Stotlor Second, Mis J E WI'boii Mustard, Mrs Jacob Glrard Variety, Henrietta Maus Becond, Mr) A .1 Maus Fieneh, Mary T llarinan Caulltlower, pickled, Mis 11 K Sharpless Second, Airs Doha U Ohl Mangoes, Martha Vumlersllgo. Cublnjo, Mrs lsa aiiKHnb.... ...!.',..! Second. Mis Win Troup Nasturtiums, Henrietta Alaus Second, Mrs Jacob Guard Giound Chorries, Carrie Sweppen. ' belser Peppors, Ifenrletta Maus..., Vetetablo Peucl), Nqra Kinney. ll.'ans, Mrs M It Gelsinger Second, Airs Jacob Glrard Artichokes, Mrs A J Maus CDow.Cbow, Urs 11 l'oniuli.,, Second, Mrs (saiah Uline..,, Tom. to catsup, AlrsM It GoUlnger.,,, Second, Mary T llarinan Grupo, Airs I. A Young , , Cucumber, Mis Ellis Cox , Apple. Mis K U Johnson Green Tomato, !! A Hess , Seoond, Currio Keppenhlser Pepper sauce, Wm. Abbott.,,,, BeonJ,Mrs A J Maus CUM, A)rs Jacob G iaril Narsturtlum, Alllllu Kisiler uerman, urs isuiau mine, etnble to Ilhibarb Henry ltoto..., , Blackberry " " - ltaapbcrry, red Mrs L A Yourj Cherry Mrs Isaiah Kline ElrterNossom Mlsa k j TowDijnd..., Klde berry Henry Bote 1889. Gooseberry, Mrs A J Maus 83 60 25 CI 21 60 25 61 25 60 26 60 23 SI 60 23 S3 25 23 &l 23 60 ?; 50 21 60 25 31 60 25 60 25 33 SI II S3 31 jippio, airs a .j Kvans .,....... Rt'coml. Mrs F O Kyer. Plum. Delia O Slitunnn 8ccoml, Mrs Isaiah Kline Strawberry, .1rs A J .1ius , Becoml, Jfrs Isaiah Kline, ihr-ik itnspnerry, it ,r mner Sooond, Sntlio K MaROnbuch lied Itaspbirry, Mrs M It Uelslngsr.. Second, Mrs It Kitchen Peach, Martha Vamlcrellco Second. Mrs A vr Fry llliok Clierrv. Mm Isafnli Kllnn...... Ited Clierrv. Mrs M It Gelsintrer Seoond, Millie Kli'lor , Khubarb. Mrs Isaiah Kllnn Tomato, Mr 1st! in Kline Airs a j siittii Pear. Mrs A V frv Second, Mrs Isaiah Kllno r.iuurnerry, nattio l'encocit Second, Mrs Mary Cavaneo , Cranberry, Sadie K Hasenbnch Second, Mrs It Kitchen Wild Plum, Mrs M Ittiolslngor Second, Mi's A. I Mnus Chokccberry, Mrs It Kitchen Blackberrry, llenrlettn Maus Second, .1rs Jr II Geislnxer Whortleberry, Delia UUhl Second. Nora Kinney Cucumber, Mrs E II Johnson wuitoGrapo, Mrs it Kitchen Yellow Plum, " I'm' v, Mrs M It Getslnger Mulberry, Clnra Hagenbuch ., Cider Jelly, Mis A J. Minis SI 3.1 S3 83 50 21 60 25 33 33 33 ai S3 Si SI III 25 33 SJ S3 8.1 33 SJ 31 31 S3 33 SI 50 25 50 i eiinw romato, " Dewhorrv. 11 Green Gago, " Pear preserves, C1nrn Vanderslico.. Second, Mrs It Kitchen , Strawberry, " Second, Anna Hagenbuch , Quince, Mrs Istlnh Kllno f twhn M.a I, Watermelon, Mrs lsainb Kline Cantaloupe, Mrs M It Golslnger Apple, Mrs II Kltchon , Pouch, " Currant. Mrs A J Mans Cherry, Carrlo Hwcpponl-elser , Second, Mrs Delia O bill , Cucumber, Airs K It Johnson muerucrry, Anna iiagennucn vegetable Poach, Nora Kinney I'lno Apple, llattlo Puacock Atipte Ginger. 61 re F O Kyer Gooseberry. Airs A.I Alaus Flower reacnos in Alcohol, Mrs 11 Fornwabl 8 utneo marmalade, Airs It Kltchon. ... rape, Lillian barton Tomato, Mrs L A Young Gran go. " itlucK uaspoerry jam, Henrietta oiaus Second. K J Townsend Strawberry, " Mecnnti, Anna it went Dowberrv, Airs Al It Gclslncoj Second, Alls A J Alaus Gooseberry, Mrs It Kitchen Currant, " 25 60 23 S3 S3 33 S3 50 25 Si 33 Whortleberry. Airs Al it uoisingor Cranberry, Atrs It Kitchen uea uaspnerry, 6irs ai Aueisingur.... Second, Airs II C Grotz Cherry, Airs M It Gelsinger Tomato. Mrs Wm Tri'tip Quince Honey, Mrs J IC Wilson Second, Anna B Wcblt to 25 SI rino Apple, nirs a o tiaus 33 i cur, Dim tt in t roup ........ Peach, Airs 1. A Young ItaspbeTV, " Tnmtio. Airs II rornwald second, Mrs 1. A Young 33 33 50 25 60 Munln Atnlassps. AIl-s A J Maus Second, Atrs It Kltohen..... Quince butter, Martha Vaiulersllco.... 25 50 neconu, airs isaian tviine Plum, Henrietta Mau'' Second. Airs Ialah Kllno Pear. Martha Vandersllco Peacb, Airs II. F Sharpless Second, AUIIIo Klstler 23 50 2.1 83 60 25 50 25 Apple, oarrio swepponneisor Second, Emma I) Knorr Tomato, Airs .1 E Wilson Second, Airs Wm Ttoup 60 25 33 Black Cherry, Mrs It Kltchon Ited ' " Grape, Martha Vandersllce Second, Mrs Isaiah Kline 33 60 25 Lemon. Mrs J J Keller 50 25 S3 S3 Second, Mrs J E Wilson Cranberry. Anna Hagenbuch Bananna, Mrs A J Alaus. .. , CLASS XIX. HEAVY KNIT, PATCHWORK. AC. Woolen knit stockings, Mrs K Kitchen 60 Linen ' " 73 Second, Henrietta Mans 60 Cotton knit stockings, Mu Dtlla C Ohl 50 tvnnien Kit l i-ioves. aiiio uozenuucii .u '. socks. Mrs E Alkman.... 33 Double woolen knit mittens. MrB I, A Young 60 Second, Mrs it Kitchen. 73 Ladles knit mittens, llettle J Shairer. ai Calico quilt by girl, Airs L A Young.. 60 lien nuiiL cuuco uutcuwoLK. airs Freas 2 00 Second, I.tlllo Pcttlt 1 00 Cradle quilt calico patchwnk, Mrs It ititcncu Bed quilt worsted patchwork, Sstllo Cnull 1 00 60 1 00 60 cecond. Airs A J Evans Cradle quilt worsiod patchwoi k, Net- He Wilson coeond, Mrs It Kitchen iiomo mane coyenot, juis Amanita Kelchnor 1 OO S xond, Mrs A C Creasy Pillowslips, Airs L A loan Pair Woolen Blankets, Mrs E Alk- man I 50 75 1 00 60 Second, Henrietta Maus Tablo linen, Airs E Alkman Seoond, Airs lien). Klstler iiomo mane rag eurpet -u yus, uisra lluuenbuch 1 00 Second, Henry ltote Fi'Ot rug, Klennor Sbultz, scoml, Nora Kinney Hearth rug, Ireno Glrton Second, Airs W V Bobbins 25 1 00 Allislls mint. Airs J It Alelrov Second, Alary Smith Set calico collars, culfsuml liaukkor- culels. Jennie A Sitler Gingham handkerchiefs, Anna ilagen. uuen Second, Jennlo A Sitler t Cradle coverlet, Mrs Ben). Klstler ni t us piain linen " .... Worsted comfort. Ireno Glrton Seconit, Atrs Ellis Cox Knit loumre cover. 11 A lless. .......... Gingham apron. Anna Hagenbuch.,,, Second, Airs A llerblne Callcoapron, Anne Hagenbuch luwii i;ouii'ii ncginu uowenuurg.... Cheese cloth comtort, Mrs M AFun- stop Crazy delulne quilt, Mrs Thomas Uart- inun Woolen btd snread. Airs A llerblne... Gingham skirl, " ... CLASS XX. VAN0V KNIT. CROCHET AND TATOH WORK. Knit afghan for carriage, Mrs C E Uabb 2 00 Second, Louisa Wlntersteen I 00 Knit afghan lor Luby carriago, S idle Koons Knit Infant's skirt, Airs Grunt Herring " . sacoue. Airs D J Watler.ir Second, Airs M A Funston Knit Infant's socks. Mrs AO Preaj,,.. If.,, !.n.l null, ttp. IF ll, nnnn oiilid's suppers, urs cniitox,.,, slippers,Mary F Itiehards slumber robe by girl 0 yuara old, Gcormo Yost Knit slumber robe. Mrs P u Foulko... rvnov Knitting silk. Mrs It Kitchen... Specimen of dtrnlng, Mrs It Kltchwn. ivnit cium fl nose, uuttie o anuiier.... B'lellwork stockings, Mrs a u Ed. gar 1 tea pot holder, Mis O K Savauo... 1 lady's jacket, llattlo teacock,,,, 1 silk mittens. Atrs M II Mllnes Second, Mrs A C Fruas Uniterm spreuu, juib di u unties laity's worstuu uuitens, u a uar ton Second, llettle J Shatter Knit chlltls worsted mittens, Mrs 61 U Alllnes Knit llresltldu shoes, M A Barton. 1 Infants silk mittens, llattlo Pea cock..... Suit underwear pe aioworl.', Smllo Unons ; Second, Salltu Williams Crochet quilt, Helen Curpentor........ Crochet tidies. Kmanuol lzarus second, urs r 11 r oulk table mats. Lillian Barton .... Second, LUIlo Pettlt Afghan, Lillian Barton Second, Sadln Koon;.... Sacquu, Alio J l( Afelroy iuiV'sskirt, aioii.1 xuraoacK Second, Mrs ltKltchen llureau cover. Airs II 1 waller Ir Cake cover, Mrs Al U Alllnes.,,..,,,,,,, Seoond, Airs lot Young.,,, Shaw), Mrs C K Ssvago , Work basket, Airs Jumos Cadman ColUr. llattlo Al White Second, airs Ellis cox Slippers, " , Cap, Mrs Wra Shoemaker Shoulder capo, Mrs 1) J Waller Jr Second, Louisa Wlntersteen Toilet mats, Clara Whlto... , Second, Airs Grunt llcii'lng Chuinlsu yokw, Sadlo Koou Cuku stand cover, DolluO Shuman,,.. Sccontl, Allle llagenoucti llush covers, Airs Ellis Cox Scrim scarf crochet work, Jennie y llarkluy , C)iouso oloth stand cover, Delia O Shu- lJllnbreiUln. Mrs Wm Shoo uaku'r'.V.V.' Display crochet work, " ,,,, ueau ruticuiu, juua r uriiian.,,,,,.,), Saclpd 1 boot. it itifv, mhih auam ...t.,,,.,,.(ti.,,,, Oigun mats, llattlo Klnnuy,,, lnfunt souks. Airs A O Freas Vusu mats, Lizzie Franklin Ulblu cover, Iantha Snyiler,,,,, ,,, Chllds skirt, Airs N U V'utik NupEln rings, Al x Uarton Lacuolovor louf thins,, Anua Hagnn,. I ,,,t,li. .Iin,. rlllln. I ... L U UIU , ,. ... , I, I I A J 1, ....... Pin cushion. Edith V Eut silk patchwork quilt, Mury Eyor , Second, Sadlo Koons ,,,,.,,.. Thli'ii.Joiiniu w IHrkloy..!. .......'.! veivut ttHUiwui'K tjuut. airs uraut llurilnu Silk patchwork sofa cushion, TUllo itiKiuouiuyet ...,,,..,....,,,,,,, Socond, Mary Smith 1'iusu suia ousiiini). airs juoou iveuer. yeivet puianwoik s uacusmon, Airs 11 Fornwald Patchwork table oemf, Mis IHnlc Snvilnr..,, , Second, Airs W II llousu , tiiavy worK imy, uary smitu ,. Plus'i toilet ritu. Alurgrelo nioks iiuitiiaurcuiui aim giuvo mux, MUtliri'tU ttlUKB.,,,.,,,,.,.,...,,,, Plush haudkerchtef case, Lizzie Frank- Uu Bccoud, lttulha Buydcr... YOL. 24, NO. 43. Plush cablnot holdor, Motlah Turn bach Second, Marirroto llleks Plush stiawborrlns, Mary T ilarman,, foot rest, Mrs P II Foulk " and silk olislr cushion, llettle J Shatr.tr Itlbbon tlily. Anna llagcnbaoh Tablo cushion " Muslin apron, " ........ silk patchwork reception chair, Ltllle Pottlt China silk sofa pillow, Mrs M B Knt.. Raddle bag ehalr cushion, " .. Drapery or mantle scarf, " . Second, llattlo Peacock Plush cushion, Mary Smith China Bilk night dress Holder, Mrs N U Funk Seoond, Mrs id E Ent Spangled felt lamp mat, .Mrs JE Ent. Plush table oovcr, Kdlth V Knt Crazy patchwork photo holder. Mxty Smith Plush thimble, case., Met Win Troup... Satin patchwork quilt, E J Townsend Silk " vlumbor robo, Mn A U Freas Velvet wall panel, Lizzie Franklin.... Cuirnml collar box, .Wrs J K Wilson... Neodlooaso, 11 .... Horso sboocrab In silk, " I'lusli bavorsack, I.tlllo llomboy....... Tinsel " " CLASS XXI. kmusoidert, Ac. 60 23 25 25 fO 23 10 25 SO 60 61 60 25 S3 60 25 25 1 00 23 25 1 60 25 25 60 25 25 25 &0 Linen towols, Clara Whlto Pillow shams, Holtlo J Shaffer 83 75 60 1 00 60 60 13 00 1 00 60 1 00 60 1 00 50 66 1 00 60 76 60 75 60 Second, Kcglna Lowenbor Ladles' iiklit, Mrs 11 Kltchon Second, Maty Ever imam s skiti, airs u .j tvauer, ur.... Second, Mrs A u Freas Suit ladles underwear, Mrs IS II Ed gar Table oover In silk arasono or cl'onllo, Mrs Jamos lecioskev Second, Ilotlle J Shaffer Lambrnqiiln, Mrs A O Freas Second, Mrs James McCloskey Sofa cushion, llettle J Shaffer Second, Mrs 61 U Golslnger Screen, Airs James MeCloskey imiiuur, i.i.iu r rauKull.. .. .. Scoontl, Mrs Grant Herring Pair sllpn rs. Mrs It Kitchen secouu, oaciio tauii,, Tidy, Anna Hagenbuch Second, llettle J SharTur 23 'Aanioscarr, auie n ii goibuch 1 oo eoonu, .uts.tr it ueisiugor Stand cover, Jlrs Jary Cavanoo 60 25 25 25 25 60 25 23 25 1 00 60 25 25 50 50 50 SO 25 60 25 50 tvutsp noiuer. iiuiiia jvinney Night dress, Jrs It Kitchen Apron, 3ary T Ilarman Toilet set, Iteglna Lowenberg Seoond, Delia C Shuman Child's dress, Airs 11 Kitchen , liana and sleeves tor chemise, .urs It iilicumi.. Flannel skirt, Jennlo V7 Barkley Sooond, Afrs James Cad man lioister caso, nettle j Bhairer Plush placaue " Inrunt's shawl, Jrs n.f Waller)r " dross,. Ulss U J Townsend Chair scarf, " .... Bureau cover, Anna Hagenbuch Sample silk embroidery, Jrs T A lirlttaln Book b tg, .Urs C E Savage Yoke for nltrht dress. .Ifrs It Kitchen.. Child's gingham dress, Sadie Caull.... Pillow slips with lace, llettle J Sbaf- ler Hand worked hat crown, Salllo Will iams Satin sweeping cap, Salllo Williams.. Tinsel tidy, Mrs Jmncs .UcCIoskey.... itrumeu towels, L,iiuan uariftn pillow shams, Arj Jamos Cad- man Opera glass bag. Lizzie Franalln Jewelry case, .urs Jiary Cavanoe nana inane neaa o.naments, uegina Lowenberg Plush tinsel work lambrequin, Dolla Kj miumun ,. Wood cut tan. E F Krum Applique pin cushion, .Urs Grant Her ring. Ladios skirt with luce, Afis .Vary Ca- vancu Second. Nora JFlnnev Canvas tidy, Allle Hagenbuch rtnei, saiiio W illiams.., -Virror. i'.usncuair pmow. .urs At; rroas.... Foot rest, Jrs James Cadman Wall pocket. Llzzlo Fraukiln Organ scarf, " Jitter receiver, " Fin cushion, E F Krum Second, Jrs Grant Herring PlUow cases, Jrs Jury Cavaneo Doylies, Kcglna Lowenberg Gents chest protector, Jrs N U Funk. nigut. snirt, Jirs u uryiugie Towels, Henrietta Jaus violins, K F Krum Violin bag, Edith V Ent l'nltetto. Jrs Grunt Herring Stand, Jrs A Uerbino Comb cose, Jrs Grant Herring... awiss, Jirs i) J wai erjr Sewing companion, Julia Furman ITCUSCU tioii, Dolls quilt, J Jrs W lllloueo...... 75 comtort. ) crochet socks, ) ? on wiper Edna Wilson... 60 urnlturo, ) CLASH XXII. LACE, WORSTED Vt'OBI,-, AC. 61 50 Illsn. darn'd net lace. Mrs. It. Kitchen. Display rlckruck, Mrs. M. II. Mllnes.., Second, Mrs. Win. Shoemaker Display crochet lace, Mary Barnes,,.. Second. Mrs. Wm. Shoemaker Display nana made iace, airs, it, 01. Gclslm-er Second, Sirs. K. II. Edgar 60 Disp nv crochet lace Mrs.c K. Mavage. 50 i.ace collar, alary r;yer.., Seoond, Mrs. K. II. Edgar 25 60 ned 1'ik'f. M xjiio ntiiri. jiiks r,uim uin. ......... MacrameTldy, Airs. Grant Herring... IllckrncK tidy. Airs. II. K. ltlce 50 Hrcond, Airs. 1. A. Young named net lady s aress, airs. r'. a. Urlttnln Ataciame lambrenuln. Alns. A. O Freas. S3 25 25 Second, Airs. James Cadman...,,,,,,,, Scrim tidy, Mellali Turnbach Second, Allle Hagenbuch Lace tidy, A)rs. Grunt Herring Second, 11, A, Hess 5) 5) 25 50 35 25 21 60 Jiucrume ouu ci couar uux, i.izzie l'owell Second, Mar.ete Hicks Worsted lace, MPs A. Al. Krum Second. Allss .Mary T. llarinan Thread luee, M iry Barnes Second, Allss Alary T, llarinan., Knit lace h'dk'f, Mrs. It. Kitchen Macriuno basket, Airs. Grant Herring. Scrim apron, Jennie W. Uarkley Linen apron, Alary K. Itlchards Swiss apron, Clara White Second, Jennie W. Uarkley Satteeu apron. Mrs. Kills Cox Outline worlt.llattle M White Second, Airs. L. A. Young Farcy nproi, Edltli V. Kut Second, Jennie W, Uarkley. , Clothespin apron, Airs. Jos, Cadmau.. Second, Al, A. Uartcn ,, 66 33 Drawn work apron, Aim. K. Dlettrlck, Ifernslltchetl apron, MelluiiTurnbikOb. 50 25 3 M'OUSTED WORK, ro 25 S3 Foot rest. Mrs. James Cadman Second, Airs. E. Alkman It.......... tf... L- . 11. .inn Sofa cushion. Clara Hagenbuch Second, Alary K. itlchards Pin cushion, Louisa Wtnterbleen Tidy, Airs. Grant Herr.ug 60 60 21 50 necoou. airs, 1 a. 1 uung 1 1 1 1 Foot rug, Louisa Wlntersteen ,, Becond, Kdltli V. Ent 25 25 10 60 60 r,ggs, urs. iritis uox W tapper, Sadie Caull Milk stool, Mrs. Wm. Troup llureau mats. Anna HiLirpiihuch 25 25 25 X5 2! Ottoman cover, Airs, A.C. Kreus Organ stool cover, Klla J, Kieamer.... Table cushion, Olura Hagenbuch i.uuir cubitiuu, irenu uiriou OUTLINK WOKK, Napkins, Jllbs K. J, Townsend ,,, , Second, H. A. Ilesc ,. Bureau covet, Atrs. James McCloakey, Heqond. Alnalida Kelchnor...., Wnshstund cover. Airs. Jus. M'Closkey. Splash mut. Airs. James McClosbcy... Second, Airs. it. Kitchen Tldlej, Huttie AI. White Second. Airs. W. II. Hausp, ...;,..!. 25 23 I 00 60 1 00 75 60 Shoe bag, Iantna Snyder, Second, Alattle Klpney Pillow shams, llettle J, Shafler Second, II A, Hess ' ., Sideboard cover. Lizzie Krunkll" Towels, Lizzie Franklin., Stund cover, Alary P. lllohards Hecond, Margrete Hicks,,,, Toilet set, Airs. W. II. House........... 25 ft 60 60 60 1 ,0 60 aiat, aiargreto juckb Skirt, llettle J. Shairer Seco id, Mrs. A. C. Frens Silk scan. Jeuiiio W. Uarkley 23 25 95 25 Set finger bowl doyles, Mrs, Waller Jr......... U. 4, 25 10 second, iteglna t.oweuhem Pin cushion. Airs. Jacob Keller b Second, Muttle Kinney 25 rub 10 cover, rcd in v. i:nt CO lied sure 'mI. Mrs. James Cad man 25 Child's bed spread, Mrs. Jus. L'udiuan, 25 ""'luuif owg. muiiiu miyi(or Hem stitched h'dk'f, Iatflo Peacock,, 61) 25 10 nttuiiU urtt ai. riltiiey. Work bag. Mrs. D. J. Waller Jr Second, Mary llyer Hachet bug, Lizzie Franklin , fteconu, Miss 11, 11, Dleip-nbaph Work baskot nr hux. Murirrelellleks.. 23 25 '25 Seoond, Alary Kyer-..,.... Zephyr pin cushion, Airs. l)'l, Snyder. 26 25 ts 10 V5 21 orciuiu, moiiii..v. nitmr Zephyr lump inut, Airs. C, P. Glrton.. . Second, Jennie A. Sitler. nuir receiver, airs. 1. i'one,, ,, Second, Hurley Angle , Hone banner. Mrs. Grunt llerrlnir . 60 25 25 23 25 25 3 00 1 60 I U0 2MJ Second. A(ary hmltli ivuotieu luitiMY siiuiiiH, it, a. iess,, ,. . llalriilii cushion. Alts. Al. R.Gelsliinnr. Orlentul laco veil, Airs. II. H, Edgar,, . Set foot sttMils, Airs. in, Troup ., Sambun worljed shawl, Mrs, K. II, t..itar , Bracket fun, Delia C. Uliumun Darned net btantl cover, Sadie K, lU genbuch Hard net nill'w shams. Delia Hb uman. Second, Anna llugeubuch liurnea ueihiieet siinms,,,..tio 74 Mucraine- u as 1 uox, airs, ai, ft, r.ul... Dust bug. Edith V. Knt Drawn work h'dk'f. Mury K. Richards. 6) 51 Second, Medial) Turubach 1 iiruwii wins Berlin imy, 11, 11, Dier fenbach 60 25 Second, Martha llrowu Wlilsp utiiuer, name peacocu ('hoete cloth tidy, Airs. A, C, Freas. ,. Iltmiitlin lace tie, Airs. M. II, Mllnes. ., Towels drawn work Urate Franklin. 25 23 61 itureau cover wora, 11.11, uieuenuach. Wiuhatuud cover,,. ... ..do Moorame tewing basket, Mrs, Grant 1CIIIUI., ,,,,,,,,..,.(..(....,,., 'ratline drnnerv. Kdltji Weiss Chcmlso trimmed with hand mado ince, .M. II. Mline . . Tlnr.lA.l tll IftltV'M tlTCS. MM. J. It. 73 .tiitk rrrlilR'r'lioldnrl Mil'lili V." Ktl U.'. 60 Second, Alnrgrete HICKa 25 UllAHS A.A111, I 'Alfl IllSt! AH JIISUUBA TIVK ART. Oil Painting by rosldonta of Ool. Co , MIm Kleatior J. Patterson Second, May Sharpies., 2 Oil 1 00 10") 150 Irruil piece intru, vinry r.yer Water color by res, Col. Co ..do... Crayon or pencil drawing, M'Kllllp 2() Second, A.'(l."Wciblt".'.'.'.'.'.'.!!'... 1 00 Jlisioicni ngure painting, air.. i tinier aw Painted plaque tin china, Mary Kyer. loo Becond, .May Hhnrpless ,, 60 . 75 loo CO 75 160 1 no 60 75 2 0) 100 2,3 US Tainted plaque on brass, Airs, A. u. Kreas , Panel hand painted. Lillian liar Ion. Second, Mrs, J. It. Molrny nana pnui'gon hk. i.izzior innaun. Dlip'y hand pnlnt'd china, H. V.. ifornll , .,..,.. ., it., w ii i , ...... Hecond. Mrs. A llerblne , iiispmy leatner nowern. ntitiie iitsticr. Dlsplnv I'botttizraptis. M KilllpHros,. Heeund.A O. Mesbltt Display paper llowers. Kaniiie U'.etuty, Hand painted pholo, A. M, Krum Kensington painted banner, .Mrs. A. fl. FreAfl Second, Clara Vandersllce CO HAND TAtNTINO II anil nalnled tldv. Llllle Pettlt M HI 75 50 21 m 23 50 m S3 loi 50 CO 1 00 50 23 1 OI CO 50 51 1 00 60 23 23 35 Second, Clam White , lla'd pint'd plaque, Alell ibiTurnbacli. Hecond, Klennor (I.Patterson..., liana pointed roiling pin, airs. r . u. Foulko Tablo scarf. Mrs C. L. Polio Hecond, Airs. I, Mnler mass, .Minio Klstler lAino screen A jug, llattlo M, While. Tlieimoi.ietpr, Mrs, M. 11. Oelslnt,cr. .. Haulier. Kdlth Weiss.. Hecond, Martha llrowu l.adle, l.ll l le l'ettll Glass screen ornament, Klennor U. Patterson.... Hcrcen door, Iteglna Lowenberg Hecond, Anna Crevellng Pea fowl, Halllo Williams Hecond, Lizzie Franklin , I'hoto holder, Lillian uarton Mush spoon & tntrbourlue. Airs. A. C Freas , Drape. Mrs. II. O. Hnrlmiin Second. Airs. N. It. Punk Tltiow, Martha Ilrown I'aper snonball, uinin vandersllce Hurk banging basket, Mrs II, F ltlce. Ilu.r wall pocket, .Mrs, William Troup, Lamp shade, tlo do Decorated canteen, do tlo do Vases, tlo do do lla'.r plnholdcr tlo tlo do Butter dish, do do Painted plcturo draping, Mrs. J. E. Wilson 51 60 25 50 51 1.00 50 25 75 1.00 50 50 Hecond, Delia O. Hliiiman Tainted roolar, Sirs Wm Hboemaker Kensington painted tidy, Miss Llllle Pettlt...... Kenslnc. lamberaulti. Miss T,. l'ettlt. Hecond, Miss Halllo Williams Hair ehaln, Klla J, Kreamer, Transpa'nt painting, Mis W II House Hair wrenth, do Uo Second, Miss Nora M, Kinney .cpuer wreiuu, i .urs. w. Jl. House, uu oirus, l tto uo Hand-made clock cose, S. It. Bitten- bender, Hand-made baskeLKlorlda grass, Sirs. N. U. Funk...... Pair Vnses made from coal, Sirs. J. L. itieiroy, (wormy or special men tion.) Ornamented bottle, Mrs. II. Foru- WltlU , Bunch cotton weed poupons.Hettlo J, HalTcr, ... 33 White hair cross, Mrs. C. P. Qlrtou,.. ',50 CLASS) XXIV. OntJAMKNTAI. TLANTS AND Fl.OWEllS. Display of cut flowers, Emanuel Laz arus 9 flrt Hecond, B. A. Hess, l.to Hngonln, Anna Hngenbucb 35 Second, Mrs. Jacob Keller, 25 uispuiy cut geriimuins, .unrtna van dersllce, so Display cut coxcombs, Martha Van dersllce 3.5 Cotton Plant, Martha Vandersllce.... 25 Palm leaf tree, Cluru Vandersllce 25 Crystallzed grass, Airs. Wm. Troup,.. 25 Karfugla. do do 23 Danllus, Delia C. Shuman 25 Oxohs plant. Airs. W. V. Hobblns 25 60 25 60 25 so 25 25 iiieuuiug neari, auie llageuuucll. 25 Wax plant, Clara Vnndersl'co 25 Hydrangea, Hivdlo Caull 25 CLASH XXVI. VEUICLF3. Family Carriago, Scrantou Uuggy Co. ltlinV7.tt tirr,iT. Top Buggy, Scrantou Huggy Co. do do wiu win, i), r . itiev, uo UO Kami Wairon. 1 Set Wagon Itims, f .., . ., 75 60 25 60 50 60 60 25 60 25 S5 23 60 25 85 60 25 60 50 25 60 25 35 25 1500 nunners, - " Wagon hounds J Hantly Waeon. A . C. Creosv. itnnv Jockey speed cart, do uo do ' do CLASS XX Vir.AaillCOLTUBAI. IMPLEMENTS Creamer churn nud butter worker, jonn u. ileum Dti'LOMA. 8cotcb Harrow. Chas. II. Ilombnv. do reeu 111111 anu corn ear crusucr com- biuedi Wnldron & Sprout, Fork and fixtures lor unloading. do do do do do Reuben Hess Churn, Geo. Unlim ,sr., Wiought Iron fence, l K, llomboy.. hunting room Btool, do do 1'iatio stooinnu unnstmus tree Holder P. B. llomboy, do Cabinet creamer, J. AI. Kolbe, do r.ievnior Vermont -arm -Mach. Co. do natter primer, uo 110 do " worker, do do do twlng churn. do do tin do do do Su.facesklmmer do dn in do uroves' runco, w. H. Fisher do " portable fence, do do do Mower Kureka, H. V. White & Co. do do Urudley do do do Road worker, It. K. Rice do Grain and fertilizer drill, A. C. Creasy da Spring tooth. liurrow.H. V. White & Co. do SO 71 50 75 50 75 50 50 50 25 50 60 50 50 25 50 75 50 75 60 50 uoosier corn planter tlo tlo do Riding cultivator, do tlo do Walking do do do do w lard swivel plow, do do tlo Level land plow. tin ii ,tr. Self dump rake, F. B. Kendall dn Twohorsotread power, Whlte.Conner .v. Sloan do Thresher and Cleaner, W., C.& Sloan. i'o uue norse trend power, do rto tlo " thresher A hlinlior ilrt ,ln in Field roller, tlu do do Iiver Power, tlo do do Washing Machine, C. Meals .t Son. do D'snluy trardon tools. Kshlnmun .t- Wnlf iin Houtli llend Plows, do do do uiiuiiu ciiiijier 1 lews, uo uo do Ulglit JtLeft, do do uo Pan'l barbless fen. wire tin l .tn Cook stove drier, do do do U, S. Seeder, do tlo tlo Comblnbatlon fence, Jellerson Acliy, do uu.wqcll,wi,j, !I,.tUWVUlCK UO CLASS XXVIII. STOVES, TINWAIIE KAllTIIENWAKE, 50 23 50 25 75 dO 50 50 50 50 50 25 60 50 25 50 25 60 23 60 60 Cooking stove and fixtures.P ,H. Alnycr Parlor stove, D.uivllle Stove Alt'gCo. Heater, Eshlemun ,t Wolr. Opera Stove, Hartmin A Edgar Variety Tinware, P. S. Aloyer .lepiii, biuuu uuu eartuenware. unub CLASS XXIX. Set double draft hnrnoss.C. S. Fiirmun 8.00 " carriage harness, O. 13. Grimes 5.(0 single carriago harness, C. H. Furniirm 3.00 Buddie and bridle, do tWR 1.5 umpiuy ruues, uo Uu 1.50 " blankets, do tlo 1.00 " trunksnnd vnllses.L, C. Cronln 200 " lsnunrn.114. ilo .In t ivt Single heavy harness. C. Al. Clirlsman L50 i-air onuies, ueorto B. urlines 50 CLASS XXX. HEEU AND BEE HIVES. 50 23 50 60 25 25 50 23 50 25 23 75 60 50 50 60 60 60 Swarm Italian Bees, II. 11. Brown Display white, clover hone-, William Hutton Second, Paul Shtiltz ' Disp. buckwheat hou ey, 11, 11. llrowu Second, Ella I, Kreamer Jurextruclod honey, 11.11, Urown.... Box honey 5ll)s or more, tlo do Seoond, Miss Noia Kinney CLASS XXXI. MISCELLANEOUS. Cn'Oofhorsoslioes.G. it, Martin Second, P. E. llomboy Old time lump, Allle Ilauenbucli urn ten pot, airs. w. ii. House Seoond, Sadie Cnull Puzale stopper for botlle, Sadie Caull, Cocoons, Aim. K. II, Edgar Second, M. A. Barton Tulip patch quilt 5U years old, MrB, Wm. Troup Soldier's knllb, folk and spoon, Mrs. Wm. Troup Cucumber grown in bottle, llettle J, Shatter, China bowl 50 yrs old.Heleii Carpenter Hullalo skin, 1). J. Waller, 3d Cow boy saddle, tlo tlo Sword, do Uo Chair and caudle stick cumeou May Flower, I). J. Wullcr.Sd ., Indian Relics, do do Sampler 15J y'rs old. Dolla C. Shumau Fancy box, Allss Julia Kurmau Spinning wheel, do do Little chair, do do Collection Bholla. Jl. P. lirlttaln, Ilible 137 yours old, do do Cows horn, llettle J.Hlialler, Hooks m yean old, Sirs, Win, Shoe maker Old Chinese emb, luble cover, Howard 50 23 50 23 60 50 50 50 50 25 60 25 CO 25 60 25 50 25 50 25 60 25 75 50 60 60 75 75 Old Chinese emb. shoes, ilow.l'utU' rum Spoon bolder 1U) yours old, Airs. Delia C Ohl, Metul plate from Englund, luutlui Snyder Woodeu vuses, Iuntha Sny der China pepper duster 121 year old, Inntha Hnvder Old Shawl. Ella J. Kreamer Old losliloned back comb, Airs, W, II, House , Deer ekln, K. O. Cleaver Horse's fool and shoo, 1'. E. llomboy. Elk head unit antlers, 1). J, Waller, . . . Indian 1'estle, do tlo 2 drill cores, do do Asblstos & glass cotton tlo uo llrowu bear skin, do do Peacock coal, P. K. llomboy Horse chestnuts, Airs. A, llerblne China cup and Saucer 150 viars old, Mrs. A, llerblne ' Mirror 50 years old, Sudle Koons Colonial Money, Alts, Oram Herring, Potato Btomper IJ3 icuis old, Tilllu 75 I Flying squlrrels.Norntsn'HemieVVhot 50 I Teaspoon US j ears old, M. C, Junes, WU.t UUIHIll UU tlU 75 75 60 75 SPECIAL PREMIUMS. Rest homo made cake, Miss Mary Alk- mau,. "PyW's PeurllmV Uost piece hand made fanoy work, Airs. .. ."' K'iclieii,,... , .. ... '.pyies IVarllue.'" Best roll, jar or tub butter, Agnes .K!u',Je."" ''Py.'i, Pearllno." Host loaf breud, Mrs. A, J. Muus, "Pyles Peurlliie." The display made of stufl'cd blrd and ani mals by Charles II, Eldon, Tuxlderiiilst.of Wtillamsport, was the centre if ritrueuon and deserves special 111011 lion. 'I ho thuiika of 1 he Society are extended to Air, Eldon for his uddltlou to our exhibit Ion. 60 60 V) 23 25 60 75 60 60 a M. 1 LU PA Secretary. w m 25 CI i AND 2.00 200 2.0U 2.U0 2.00 2.00 4.00 1.00 50 1.00 50 50 1.00 50 0 25 25 3.5 25 1.00 50 7.5 .11 SO 2i 21 50 60 21 23 25 50 50 23 23 25 50 1.01) 21 25 23 33 23 1.00 50 iiFja WM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers