THE G0LTJ11BIAJN".&ND DEMOCRAT. iBLOOMSBURG, (SOLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. A TERM WANTED. Tlioro wcru Uircu hundred trnltiud an experienced cluika employed in tlio railway mail sotvico between Now York and Chicago when Mr, Wnnamaker took posxcsslon of tlio Cabinet oflico ho bad bought. Tho duties performed by theso men two of n kind ior which oxporicnoo alono can fit man, nnd tlicy lmvo no tnoro ro. lation to politics than to the moons of Mare. Incapacity and inexperience on tho part of tho railway mail c'.orks (list urb nnd delay tho business of tho count ry mid subjcot tlio public to inconvciH onoo nnd serious loss. Of the thrco hundred experienced and capable men employed Mr. Wauamakor ha-i removed 290, appointing now and inexporionccd men in their places. it tho railway mall service was a privato or corporate enterprise, depend ing upon tho efficiency of its work for public; patronage, a now manager who should disorganize tho business in this reckless fashion would bo justly ohar aoterizud as a fool. Precisely what term at onoo accurately doscrlptiyo nnd duly' respectful would it bo propor to apply to'Mr. Wanamakor lot doing tho samo thing! World. talk or Tnr day. WAS (JU1ET WllbN HE SI.K1T. " How do vou like mv boy, Mr. Drown 7 Nico piiet littlo fellow about tho otlico t" " Yes. Ho doesn't snore." Harper's Uszzar. Typewriter Agont I callod to boo you in roferenco to vour typewriter. Would you oxohango if you could get some improvements 1" "Merchant 1 can't i I'm engaged to her. Judge. Peto Was Resigned. A MURDiSUER WltO WAS W1L1.1NO TO llEU' HIS EXF.CUT10NEK. Tlioro was only ono man waiting cxeoutioi at Fort Smith when I visited tho post, aud he was only one of tho ordinary run ot white inon in tho Ind ian Territory. The hangman rather wanted to show him off, and so wo paid a visit to tho guard houso. Upon entering it the executioner said : "Poto, hero is a deocnt white man came to sea you. Do your purtiost, now, to entertain him. You've got two more days to live, and I hope you II try and work into deoont socioty as muoh at possible." "I'm Sura I'm clad to see him," re sponded Pets, as ho came forward aud shook hands. "That's good. A born gontleman couldn't hvo said them words better. If I could only keep you sir weeks, Pete, vou wouldn't know vourself, and vou'd do me proud. But 1 can't. I've got to hangijou day after to-morrow'.'' "Well, rm ready." -"JL jiats good, and just what 1 ox peclcd of you. I've used you white, nnd I expect the Barm in return. If thero s any one thing that riles mo above another it's to havo a man go back on mo ot tho last end. Did you seo mo hang Cherokee Jack, reto T" "Yes." "I nadea bungle of it beoauso he kicked at too last. Why, sir ( turning to mo ), ho held up until tko very last hour, deluding mo 'with promises, and then went dead back on in?. Think of his refusing to be hung after every' thing was shipshape and regular." "I'm not going to kiok," obsorved Peter. "Good for you I Some of the boys are betting that you will, but 1 11 give odds that you won't. When a man kno'rs he's got to ba hung, what's the use t People have got a mistaken no tion about hanging. It don't hurt bit. How you f eolin', Peter TM "Resigned." "That's right. You hadn't orter killed your old woman, but being you did, and being that you must pall hemp for it, "(lie beat way .is to feel re signed.f Youcpme mighty .nigh being a gentleman, Pete, and, as I said be fore, I'm sorry I can't keep you and watch your -mental .improvement, Tou'd improvQ fifty per cent, in six weeks. f Want to ask the gent any questions, l'ete T' "N-o, I guess not. Witt he bo here to see mo got" t''IIe'd liko to over bo much, but ho can't. Ho's got to go on to Van Buren." "Can I do anything for you," I ask' ed. iNo, thank you." "Well, Pote, we must bo going," briskly' remarked the executioner. "Would like to stay longer, but time presses. J'lUcomo in to-morrow and cut your hair and rehearse a bit I made such a poor job last time that I want to do extra fine on you. If you'll stick to what you say, I'll do the purtiest job ever seen at this post." "J. want everything to go off all right," .responded the condemned. "Of course why shouldn't yout It's' for your interest, too. Well, so long, old boy. Koop your grit up and do your best, and I'll guarantee a first cl9S job or quit tho business." New York Sun. TWO OK A K1NP. Blacksmith S s 8-8eeh-ho-cre,B b-b-bob I st-st-st strike, qu-qu quick, the-the-er. Holpcr Wh-wh-whero ! Blacksmith (iu it discouraged jum ble) Nev-er-over m-m-mlnd) it's c-c-o-cold u-now. Judge. CURVING THE TEXT. " Why did you slug your teaohcr on tho street, Johnny V " (Jauso ho liokod mo in school last .week, and sinco I joined tho Prohibi tionists, pop, my motto is 'Down' with all lickers.' ' Yonkors Gazolto. If Prohibition State Chairman Pal mer is as angry at the iwpuuncan bosses as ho seems to bo, ho will bo found arrayed againBt them with his outical sword in hand next tall. w e shall see what wo shall seo, Harris burg Patriot. "happy AS A KINO.1' " King Milan is fearfully short of money and utterly without crodit. ' When iirokeley road this he thrust both hands into hia pockets up to tho wrists and oxolaimed melodramatically : "Now I know what it is to feel like a King!" Fliegendo Blaotter. "Thero is only one, sure way to pre vent a ooy irom smotuug oigaruitea, and that is to chop bis head on. uoi umbus Dispatch. Adolph Struthers of Hancosk coun ty, Ohio, is bound to keep cool tnis summor. llo has invented a.laa to bo placed in his hat, which is run by an electrio battory carried in one' of his pockots. Ho has1 been 'using1 the fan for savoral weeks past, and says it works perfootly, and. that he .does not mind tho extra weight. They wero talking about penman ship. "I like .your hand,'1 said ho "Don t yon want it, Ueorgel ' she ask ed Bwcetly. No cards. Lawrence Daily American. "Did Eve talk French!' asks an or change. Wo don't know, but we rock' on that when Adam oamo homo Irom lodgo ho heard her, no .matter, , what language sho talked in. William sport Sua and Banner. Queen Victoria is the richest woman in tho British Kingdom. She has ao cumulated a fortune ol $2U,UUU,UUU Lord Tennyson is to rcoeive $1000 for the poora he is now writing. His first accepted posm brought him tho mumbcent sum of ten shillings. During her stay at Cape May Mrs. Harrison Bent a daily telegram to Mrs. MoKee to keep her informed of the baby McKees. You can buy a piga-in-clover puzzle for two cents, but it isn't any easier to put the pigs in. the pen than it was when the thing cost a dimo. Somor ville Journal. Tell a woman that she looks fresh and sho will smile all over. Tell man the samo thing, and if he doesn' kick you it is either because he has corns or daresn't. Burlington Free Press. To be Ohened bj a Oiah UWldend. a I'iioMisE of 3 run oknt to n;KntmiKi STOCKIIOI.DEnS OK NOIlTHKItN PACIHC. It has boon decided by Ml-sbis. Vil lard nnd Oats, who control tho North ern Pacifio Railway, that the preferred stockholders of the Northern Paoilia . will this Fall receive their first dividend In cash. What the dividend halt bo of courso depi nds upon tho result of tho yoar's work. Should the present estimatos prove correct it will certain ly not be lu s than 3 pur cent. Tl.a present estimates call lor a surplus ot $G0O,000 over fixi d chargos. Tho sur pluB of previous years foots up about tho samo amount, which will make the total sum nvalmlile fordividemls some thing in tho neighborhood of $1 200,- 1000. As tho Company needs money for additional equipment and the improvo merit of Its I'acilio coast terminal prop erty, the stockholders aro to be inked to approve the creation of a 8 15,000, 000 collateral trust loan. The s curity for this will bo $0,000,000 of bonds of branch roads, now in tho Company h treasury s $0,000 000 of bond in ter minal property, aud S3.000.000 of oth er securities. The bonds cnuraorated will not bo sold, as it is deemed tin wise to sell them beoauso of tho income de rived from them. The Company's un mortgaged property in Taconia will iorm tho basis for tho second $0,1)1)1), 000 of credit. Only suflioient bonds will be sold at once to mako such ltn provomont as aro imperative The Disappointments in Politics. Politios disappointsimply because wo elect too muoh availability and too lit tie knowlodgo. If people took iporu interest in politico, studied the history and scienoe of govornmont moro wo should have far different law-making bodies, from the town council to. the United States Senate, and better oxeo utives, from a ward aldermac to prosi dent. The time will come when there, will be no more disappointment in pub lio life than any other calling, simply becauso men the voters arrive at that Btage of kuowledgo or learned selfishness when they can see that it does not pay to send indifferent men to high official place. Evory station in life has its disappointments, Unly ttvo per cent of merchants succeed, And tli average prevails in a'l other callings o life. Tho mountain top of success i not big enough for tho world to dance on. It all depends on the ability at tiro contestant who gels up the sides. Men, who deBorvu to succoed in othciai lite do so. "The' failure aro not WobBters, but are those who want place in ordor to make'a living. Taking, Uvtnr poll' tics as a portion' of the world's affairs, and the most important, it can be0 said that publio life, in its -highest setae, is worthy ot the highest ambition. jjan caster JSxaminer. IwTmI Rlrtt. I hT. tM WOUT'i ACHJ .BUicxua my boot nu Umt Uu ! M sr. arrart brls bt and lwn. Wollf'sAGMEBIacking It Ikt RUtking Jor Men, Wemen and 'Children. TU RICHEST' SLACK POLISH. Mating Ltalher Waterproof and DuralU. No 'SruiK A Skint Ixutt a Wttk. Gail be vathtd uUK uaicf, tamt at OitthlK ThtFineet Iketting for jlanuu... Bold br Shot 8tOTM,Orocn, Dntawts, ,. uSnUlUnmurallr. WILFF 4 RANIOLPH, rHiUDOMU. M, C. .SLOAN & . BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers Of CARRIAQ ES IBUQGIES.'PHAETNS SLEIQHS, PLATFORM WAINS &3 Flnt-clMBwork always on hand, REPAIRING JXEA ILYDONh. Priett redueedto tutt the timer. "Well, sir, what are your prospeots 1 Mv danf?hter can't marrv a beccar. "I expect to come into a large fortune, sir. "inherited from wnomi" "in herited from my er r that is to say, from my father-in-law." lime. Wo nover fully understood tho in ner meaning of the term "horse Bense" until we observed that the horso never docks his own tail. Washington Post. gilded a rich nnole tho other night : "Not one word if you do not send me '$2000 before midnight I shall cease, to live." A similar demand bad been received earlier in the day, so the fond uncle replied : "In response to a former favor I havo already forwarded you my rovolver. It is in good condition and loaded." A young man known as "a youth ser.t tho following note to Peculiar In tho combination, proportion, and preparation of its ingredients. Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures where other preparations entirely fail. Pe culiar in its good name at homo, whioh is a "tower of strength abroad," peon liar in the phenomenal sales it has at tained, Hood's Sarsaparilla is tho in st successful madicine tor purifying the Diood, giving strength, and creating an appetao. Well Answered A train from Pittsburg was approach ng (Jhicago. Un board was a quiet, weiL-uressed copper-colored young in dian, who seemed to havo all he could do to attend to hisown business, whioh ho did without molestation, until a young man, whoso braius had evidently ueeu uuvuiu to ins ciuunng, came from tho sleeper iuto tho smoking-car and saw him. "Au Indian, I guess," said the young man, as he lighted a cigarette. And then, approaching the son of tho plains, no caned genorai attontton; by shout ing with strange gestures: "Ugh heap big Injun Omahl Siouxl i'awneel ftoe Ureat Father! Have a drink fire water! Warm hiiuns blood.' Tho Indian gazed at tlio" young man a moment with an ill conooaled oxpres sion of contempt on his faoe and then he said with good pronunciation: "You must havo been reading dime novols, sir. I am going back to my people in Montana, after spending three years in tno nun at school i advise you to do tho samo thing. Whore I live, gontltmen do not carry whisky flasks in their ookots." Tho young tiro water drinker did not wait to finish his (.iinko. There was too much mirth and music in the air just then. Took First Priie. Tho Stato Board of Pharmaoy recently analyzed twelve of tho most popular raediaues in order to see whether they wero what they were rooommendod to be. After two weeks f careful work, they awarded the first prize, a gold molal to Messrs. A. P, Ordway x Go., proprietors of Sulphur Bitters, it being in thoir opinion the best and only strictly puro blood puri fying medicine in the market. Weekly lying nlti. Route to the West. THE lMlIIADELl'IHA AND BEADING ROAD 1'I.ANNINQ FOB ACTiyK BIVALUY. The Philadelphia Record says that .the Philadelphia and Reading railroad company is planning a new passenger) route to the west, wuioli will bring it into more activo rivalry with the! Pennsylvania railroad company, liy the new arrangement' the Reading road, instead ot transferring passcn gers between New, York, and the West to the mitimore and Ohio lailroad in Philadelphia, will take them to Harris burg, aoross tho Susquehanna river to the terminus of the Hornsburg and Potomao railroad) thence over tho! Western Maryland railroad to a , point of connection with tho Baltimore and Ohio railroad at or "near Cumberland., From thero westward the Baltimore1 anu unio will bo used. The new' routo will be as short if not shorter than the Pennsylvania railroad route and win have many advantages. Tho plan is that of President Cor bin, aud is likely to prove of consider able importance in trunk-line affairs. Under tho present system the Read ing's western passengers have to take tho round-about routo by way of Washington and Baltimore, aud nl though a differential is allowed by the j.ruiiK jjiuu associations more can do no vory close rivalry with the Pennsyl vania railroad. When the new routo shall bo adopted no differential will be allowed, but it will bo no longer need ed. Tho Baltimore and Ohio railroad wilt havo to agree to a shorter haul, but it is said no trouble will be made in this quarter. The Western Mary land road is deeply interested in the completion of these plans, whioh aro sure to provo profitable to it. Tho constructions uescessary to throw open this new routo will be a link across the Susquehanna river be tween the Reading and the Harris burg and Potomao railroads, and the extension of the Westera Maryland railro&d from Williamsport, Md., to Cumberland. Both these works are soon to bo begun. President Corbin. liko President Gowen, is determined that tlio Reading shall be raoro than a coal road. Carl Shurz has abandoned the idea of nrenaring a maeazine sketch of Big. mark, with whom he had many livoly talks, as be has concluded that to. ruth into print with the knowledge be thai found would be a, violation ol their friendly intftr coarse. An Attack of Gravel. turn !. liftiWtWwmMSa i Hew Oh uDlIr JI '' Quotum. I now aojor.tut lao&oUwtto Wrfcc m4 Dr. XtarM Smatart TtTutte UmtiT. MS, at omt.X.T. Mr knUa ImaotaBiT M4D7i and from Mch.I amr KptcM to mor . ririt ttr wen ptinu 1m Br 1 irx frrtr. Uh. with no appeUU ud rola sa (Imp, t wu com. paUtd to.UM a caca, ami DaaUr tot So WMk thai I , KruU tot ttaoaalona. 'XhadiatnM lass teak was lirribla. IwMlranJiwopwlUafTrereoartai. KaUnttmraitf eoU. MrpbralalauaaU ' I HAD BFAOHrS DISEASfcV Uch alaimloff Information. To add to H If. diction afUrXhad bora in about two jam. I bad a bad attack of OraTtl. Whan thla mada Ita appear, anca my phyilclan tar op tar tu.aM I rMlfntd mrMlf to dla. , I bad fonr doctora attasd ma. ttia bait i la tho country, ret I conrtantlr trew woraa. Six, wmoUil June.howwUIramambertbatlma! X aaw Dr. Kannadra Farorlla Bamadr- adtartlKd to oar paper. Af ttt niln one. bottle I threw awar or cana and want to New Tork on a rlilt, ud threa fcot tlaa cored ma. I hara Barer had a return of Orirtl. nor of tha palna or weakoaaa In the back, aad thoaah I am OTor aUtr raax of aa I am Now Vigorous and Strong to I at I.AVORITE REMEDY. JMeaCwdoUaa. rMntadaiBondoot.X.x.,, On Kennedy's Favorite RemwiW Inparedbr ' DR. DAVID KENNEDY, HONDOUT,rt.T SlparbolUa Biz far St. Bralldnmlata. . Sfi?;2H)H".r,?fillW 1 taken cinLtno, eured woman. THE' GREAT 6erman Remedy. TRUTHS FOR THE SICK. Iror tlioe deatalr Ulllaqa Spellideienu ailMUwlli Im tl.' (aracaawlicra&UL,lll onStfLFiiuuUirrizaalriinn IftrrKiia ullllll tt will enra you. fuotaailetorcure Itl l)o vou tiger lkt1'" " -t; lS"f."r'u?5ua"8onel Clwnae the TltUtad Sn..Vr,?,,1wVl!rT;,l,5 ita'inijunuit uurs l-iDM'WUB JlirTEKJJ; ik win cure you. Oueralli en yyIiu arc lolostily con floe J In line milla and work ftboni: clerk t.who do not iirocurc sufficient! uierciftv. ami an wuoj I are ronnncH inaoorf , should lite BntPUUK Bitteus. Thev-wlll J not thcultwtatftutl 1 lo nut wUl I to after from Klteinn latlam. use a bottle ol jSl'U'IlLTt H1TTEB8; it nev r juii m cure. I Don't 1.0 without n botila. Try It: tou WIllnntrrirrc-tiL Lailltja In dvlloat nraitn, mho are al ran down, ehould dm- SUI.I'IIUIl IIITTEItH. or through the skin Ilnllsiplel.lSlotcltea', wnu norea. iwir. on fUUHLK 1IITTKK8, ,inl koalth ivlll -fal low. ... Huu-iiun uiriKita win rure i.iTtrL-om jlaiuui Don't tiovia MurngeU: U wUl curt- BBM IIUR HlTTClU wUlbulkljrou upajlJ make you ttroug anil iimiuiy. u HDLrnuK Jurrana' will make your AmmJ hiure. lirh ami itmn. hum your uetn nam, Try ttULriitiii nir nsua tn.nlKhl. and vou will b1iu welt -urn uti uimi-r loriM TO CONSUMPTIVES The undersicrned having been re stored to health by simple mean, after BUffTring for sovoral years with a severe lung atteotion, anu that dread diseaso Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. -To those who desire it) he will oheeriully send (free of char ,e) a copy of the .prescription used, whioh they will Gud a ruru cure for Consumi'tioA, Astiiiia, Catauiiu, BiiONciiiTis and all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his llumody, as it is invaluable. Thoio desiring the prescription, which will cost them noth ing, and may provo a b'ossing, will please address. Itev. Edwaud A. Wil son, Williamiburg, Kings County, New York. A-&-oo.-dou-7-ly Do you want the twit iledlcal Work nulillhMi r Bend S !-oeiit ttampt to A. 1. OnuWxx X Co Uoeton, Man., awl receive a copy; free. Out of tho Breastworks. Tatx Srwsoi, Tknn., July 4. x68 Th Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, G1.1 Centlemeo Se-rea yearj ago I contracted aa eicdinffljrba4 aaie 0 blood poison. I tried a physician, the beat at command, tmt ecuretf no benefit. .My throat began to get aore, and ror body covered with sores ad oleen. Galag from bad to worse, X felt that my (rare raiut bo reached Is tha near future. I care up the, doctor' treat ment, and with a dapatrtojj hope I coov Bteneed taJdng your medldne. I began t? improTC from the fin t bottle, and In a short' tune tha ulcers healed, and my skis cleared cS and wu entirely well. One year ago a case ot catarrh developed, la my system. The physician did his best, ' but could not cure rhe ; but two bottles of Ssrlft'l Specific gave we permanent relief, J. 11. ROIINSOX. Kaufman, Tax., June j, iBSS. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta. Ga.; Gentlemen I have been-afflicted vita sldn disease for about twelve years, and tha best medical treatment failed to give me re lief. I am now using- SWift's Specific, and hate received the greatest benefit from its use. Ycurs truly, Wu. Jonu, For tale by all druggists. Tire Swrcrr Srecinc Co- Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. New York, 756, Broadway. Loaiaa, Kcj,, w KM. BUBSOniBK FOR THK OT-UUniAM (pIKE IN6URAJ?CK CHRISTIAN P. KNAH-, ULOOlf BllUKQ.PAt' UOMK, OP N. T. MEKCIIANTS', OP NBWAKK, N. J. it'LINTONN.Y. PKOI'IS' N. Y. KKADINn, PA. UGKVIAN AMElilCAN INS. CO..NBW VOKlC, OHEBNW1CII INS. CO.. NKW VOItK. JBItSKV CITY PlItK INS. CO., JKUSttT CITV, N. J. -TUese li coitrORATioNB aro well Bcasonedb) iiie and viki TxsTKuand Have never yet, bad. a lOBSBeitlc-d by any court of law. Tnelr aascta are all Invested In boud sscdkitiss are Uabloto'ine azardol naaoniy. Losses moMi-n.r and noNiaTLv adJnstedanS iiald as soon as determined by CnBirruH r. KKirr, arioiaL aosmt shd Aojdbtib ulooussdbs, Pa. Tlie people (V Columbia county auould patron usetbeRgenoahvliere losses It any are settled and all by one oat nor own oituens. PBOitroiKss. EyuiTY. faih dbalinq, PATENTS re i'i 13 1 Trada Mirks obtslDid.mi all Patent' d t lucin ducted for MOURIHTK Pas. OU.t OlflTIOK IS OPIM3ITB U. 8. PATENT trpics Wo htve no sub-at-sncies, all business lr,wt, hence can transact patent business In less imsand atLBj-l 0031' than tnose remote from Waabtntrton. send model, drawing, or photo.wlth description. We advise It patentable or not," tree ot charge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured. A book,"How to Obtain Patnta,wltb referensea 0 actual clients In your stato, county, or town, ntfrea. Adlress C. .A SNOW & CO., lOpnoalte Patent om eWaabtnirton, D.0 J. R SMITH & CO LIMITED. ' r. MILTON,' Pa., n&iUBS in PIANOS liy tho following well known makers; Chickcrinsf, Weber, Hallet & DaviH. Can ttlso furnisli any ol' tho clipper makes at manui'acturera prices. Do a piano be fore getting our prices. .o. Catalogue and Price. Lists -iet,p-t3. On rtliation. . SOMETHING NEW. The Patent ft Clipper Fly Net has meshed bottoms which can . not tangle and lashes at the top which won't catch in the harness. :5ik Lap DusteraiMSaTratverM. 5A IronsIdesSheetja- Truaunta4 TfuiiMre. ISaUtkaCMi. 100 other styles of Sfy. Ilorss BheaU and 6 writ w. Clipper Fly Nets' I laulte Littler at 100 other atvlea of IA ITonu BlKeU, atprleestosuUeTexybody, For sale by all deUers. If you can't get tlea, 5A BLANKETS A HANDSOME RESIDENCE.' riane anl View nf n Tlwelllnf Ttiat Is Out nf the Ordinary. The plans anj view of thehmiM hero given are taken from Die Scientific American ArcblUMta and UulUlnrs' edition, wblcli speaks of It aa"A llouta of Moderate Cost," anil eaysi fElUPKOTIVS VIEW. "Ref ereuco to Uie door plans 111 sbow good arrangement of rooms. TJio parlor is almost circular In form, and is connected to the din ing room by a eliding door; open fl replaces are in both rooms. Access from front to rear is felned without ranking a thoroughfare of any of tho rooms, and when the passage doors an closed the kitchen is entirely cut off from tho front portion of the houso. UTO(tK il r-l ,1'-tr 1H sJrf'Nsi tf-l0 jf I ANY ONE CAN DYE A Dress, or a Coat, ' Ribbons, Feathers, tarns, Rags, etc. DIAMOND iJA DYES Any Color FOR TEN CENTS ana In mievother weri SAV& Money, end mate thlnjl look like NEW, y UllAg DIAMOND DYES. The work eety, simple, quick t the .colon IS. BEST end FASTEST known, Atk tat DIAMOND DYES and take no other, ForOlldlng or Dromlng Fancy Attlclei USE 11 DIAMOND PAINTS. Odd, Silver, Drome, Copper, Only io Cents. Baby Portraits. k PnHfatlnnf tu,antlflil l,l,v ,,lrt. lures from life, printed on fine piaic paper vj ,aien piium proceiw. sent free to Mother st any Baby bom within a year. Every Mother wants these pictures 1 send st once. Ulvo Baby's name and ago. WEIK, RICHARDIOH 1 CO., uitkinviani it Cleanse the System mm mat most reusbie medicine Palne'a Celery Compound. It purines the blood, cures constipation, and regulates the liter ami kidneys, effectually cleans ing the system ot all waste and dead matters. line's Celery Compound combines true nerve, tonic and strsngtblDg qualities, rerlrtng tho energies and spirits. " I havo been troubled for some years with a Complication ot dimculttes. After trying vn. nous remedies, and not ending relief. 1 tried ralne's Celery compound. Heforo taking one lull bottle the long troublesome symptoms be- t nu 10 nuu-iun, mm 1 mil iruir bat now, iiiufc 1 and I hare rained 1?n nounds In wetcbt since f havo commenced taking the Compound." iiuniBTiB DistHns, roicuTllie, Vh tl.oo. six for fs.00. At Druggists. Wstxs, liioniRDSOM A Co., Uarungton, Yf. DO IT NOW Pa fERRINE'S BAH LEY MALT WHISKEY. wost noon. "VA pinasat encircles the parlor, 'and on tha righi of, the entrance theplaixa roof termi sbtes in a small circular tower; a seat under Vila provides a pleasant lookout fOn',the second 'floor the principal chamber is also-'. circular, with a circular bay rbdng into a tower. There are two other good stud chambers and a bath scorn. Tha front hall "on Ufli floor Is of large dimeuions, with -sonar ty to tha front and sent therein. Th spiral staircase from this hall la llghUd mj uvea uirgo etainea glass wtuaowa HkljL 1 t-l' J I SCO!!t FLOOR. "From whatever point tho elevations may be viewed, their aspect is equally attractive, the combination of to weirs, liays and dormers making this residence, particularly inviting. "Sko of structure, 4Si27 feet, exclusive of piazza. "Vor also of rooms, see floor plana ."Materials. Tha vertical sides shingled throughout; roof shingled." Npat frame Cittrije. This is from tho Nntloual Building pian assockatlon's "ArtUtlo llomus," lu which the PKnspEonvsi vrew. estltnatcd cost is given at First stury, 9 feet high in the clear, cellar 0 feet. First story contains hall, 0x6 feetG inches; sitting t3 IcHAHKnl W0H U HAlTo SITTING I I ma rMtnnvn srw room, 12x13 feet 0'lnches; living room, HxlB, and bod room, ExlO. Cellar under living room. II li said that the otdost rosebush la the tlwdxU, of .which there ts aiitheuUo record, growtt in a clrurcbyard una against an . old Church at Ueldersbalm, Qerrnany. Eltti hundred years ego, so he'recor4s mj, Blabop QcpUo esuued trapis to be built on which jt was tn'prcrtl Today tha main em U Vbteker than a man's body. ARUHEtSlBOIIMST: IWialiisslsiikjiss bv SM. liua mane wsmmsss nowpltul lCcmeitlcH. What are tliev 1 Tho urowlli of Intclll. ence in medical matters lias given rise to a demand ror a class of genuine, reliable medicines. The opportunity of the .ignor ant quack, who grew rich curing everything out of a single bottle has passed. To supply Satisfactorily this demand this list of re inc. dies has been created. Tliuy are the favor, lte prcscilptlous ot the most famous medU Cil practloocrs of tlio, day, gtttUcrctl from the hospltuls of London, Paris llerliu and Vienna. , Prescriptions which cost the pstlenls of these specialists from $33 to $'.00, are here offeittl, prepared and ready for use, at the nominal price of Out Dollar ImcJi. Not one of then Is a euro till; eucli ouo lias only the reasonable power of curing H siugiu msrupu ami eucu oue Keeps us con. tract, Snircrcrs from Cuturrli, Diseased Lungs; ilruiichitia, Astlirun, Consumption, ltooutnall.m, Dybpflpsu, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Kcver and Acue, Neuralgia, Female. Weakness, Lencorrhcca. or Nervous 'Debility, should send stamp fnr descriptive catalogue to Hospital Kemedy (Jo., No. o'j3, West King Bt Toronto, Canada. If your druggist. docs. not keep these remedies tt-mlt pricu aud wo will tend direct free of duty. M .HINDERCORNS. aoeXM rtuxJfir au uli arlalaj ecUt . auuulus, IskauilueL UciuulaiZ JliiO tl'd It l3Bsriie5!r 1 '' . PARKER'S HAIR BALBAIW ClcauMi tad Uiuiifi.i tb. hair. sr.ivwutcv msurunc trowta. I?er rsiis.u neeter. am (UtrraitCi from selected 11 irley Maltani guaranteed to bo chemically pul .. .v .. uu. ...ju, wua UK. UIIV. Pb.U, UI.U (UUUIIIIIU IU U11.UIIU11U IIUUUID. MV, especially adapted to persons requiring a stimulating tonic, Consumptives being greatly benefitted by its use. Jtecommcnded by leading physicians as a Dlurettv Snr."0?! .Totilo nnd Alterative. For Consumptives It ft Invaluable. I'KWUNIfH 1'UIIK HAltLHV MALT IVIIISKKV Insures a return of vigor to tho stomach, a good appetite, a rich and abundant blood nnd Increased ncsh and muscular tissue. A Stimulant mild and Prfper.. flironinali ltiillirretlnn nr. nil nraatlnir ill eases can bo entirely conquered by thousoor per rise's I'uro nsrleyhlt Whiskers !...?..." Hi.. "'luiu'iuniuuHowermiHuenffinenrr 10 me entire system. , i-ftn-ltlNK'H PUItB llAllLKVMALr WIIISKBI has proved a mediclnal protection to those who pursue their avocations in the open air and whoso dally work calls It ?x!S(,.t.1.1?.al f endurance. Ask vout nearest druggist or grocer ror lor PKUMNE'sraitE UAItl.KV .MALT WI1I8KKV revives thecnergles of those worn put with excosslvo 0 xllly or mental effort, and acts as a safeguard against exposure In wet and rigorou wanner. It will drive all mil arlous diseases from the system, iiard worKera o( vry vou itlon and persons whom aBedentary lite renders prone to v.' 1 ...Lll,.,u " 1 t-rriiiu i-uro uariey Malt. Whiskey a powerful Invlgorant 1 SSS.i 'Pr .". dlgettlou. 1'KltltlMK'S 1'UltK HAHLKY MALT WIII8KKY without undu ly stimulating the kid. keys incroiscs their liaising activity, ounterace4 tioerrsots of ratlgm, hai ens convaleao nee and tsa wholesomo proraptidlt ctto. W.Uoh the label t Hone geuulnoui less bearing tho slgnu The analysis as It aDDears bv the La be 1 on every bottlei I have carefully an tiyzea me itjrb ' jwilt vvhib skv made by Jit. J. s ivrrlue and find It entirely free from fusel oil, furfural, metals and acids and Is absolutely pure." synta, camuia Annur xaier, Omauateofthe UnirtriUttt Of Munich, iteiievaand Weitbaaen Y"l saie uy all druggls and, grocers throughout the United states and Canada. 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PHIL A rOKSALB UY DHUWIIHfS AND ALL DKALKItS. PENNY QOODB A SPECIALTY. soli aaiHTS roa P. P. ADAJI8 CO., PINE OUT CHEWING TOBACCO sole agents of the fol lowing nranasot Cigars. IIENRT CLAY, LONDItES, NORMAL, INDIAN TKINCKSS, BAUSON, BlLVKH ABU. Alexander Bros, d Co, WIIOLK3ALE DEALKI13 IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CaWDIGS, FRUITS AND NUTS. SOLB QBNW FOK HENKY MAILLARDS 1HCA.NDIES. FllKSII VEKV WKKK. Bloomsburg, Pa. ANY OltDEIt VOll FESTIVAL will be SUPPLIED WITH tub LOWEST as roLLOWs : ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS! ORE AM NUTS, ALMONDS, l'OP CORN BALLS. DEALER IN mio WINES AND LIQUORS AMD JOSSER IN CIGARS, BLOOMSBURG, PA. IIBUCEfflEIf sear ITEELl K1 1 H6psolvogo Jill rtrf r,iwlrtlhf.))cto I'..'fri 1 w iVif ft lu Jl.iUrkst at., tikio.s., ill. l'cb ilt o mm 1 HLEi rrnu,v :t.Rnlnr.Mnrliar' iiclBf AariMimitL i n foa wiav is opi can J ttitmi Will lejrdrre to en bM, nrlk-'fhlr mad In liwortJ-Writ 111 ih tilittinfnti Wi j-Ui aim Mud frre eotnplri Una cfonr eotilr and tilmbla irl rnill In returq wi Mh un foit shftt hi l kfbd. ty iboa h nayriU ac ymt bomt.tnd iftfrS nnninf u prwu nwnn your vwi prof ft r. 1Ma fiwl tnachimt u ini.afttr4)l4jHlDfr ptttntl. vorn bits -ftrfi oui 1 wtrvm pairnia m 001 11 01a njr mw, wn u ucagirUI, "BQ Hl" ,w N t(Dlta) rtxiulrttl. ritlD. brUf insMmrttont fn. 1 Mom whtt wrln to u at onrt tn tN frv tb mh Mwrnrinachln tm tfc world, aad tba 'ilnrtt lies oftofi ( k)rri art tr tbvwn Hf-thff In Aitifrki, An V A U IU., 1IOK AUHIIH JUUIAV -IN- Pianos, Ops, and Sowing Machines. -AT- Music Warerooms FRAZER AXLE GREASE I1KK1 IV ...,-Sl"taal)7 wSl Mmwiuuummm tttsanlir. JR. WIIJ.UM", AUCTlONEEH. BLOOM9DUKQ, I'A. Heal Estate Bought and Gold. OHATKFUL COMFOHTINO. EPP'S COCOA. BIlKiKFABT. "Iiyathorousltknowlodgoottlio natural laws wlilcn govern tbo operations ot digesllon ana nutrition, ana by a careful aipllcatlon ot tbo lino properties ot well-sciectcd i!ocoa. Mr. Kppsbas provider! our breakfast tables with n dsilcatcly flavored beverage wblcli may save us many heavy doctors' bill". It Is by the Judicious use of such articles ot diet that a constitution may bo gradual. I V built up until strong enough to resist every ten. dency to dtseooo. Hundreds ot subtlo maladies are floating around us rotdy to attack whorevcr tnerolsawcak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame. "civll service UaullK. MauunlmDlrwltli tinninc nu. or milk, sold only In half pound tins, by Oroccrs. labelled thus : JAMES KITS & CO., nomajopathlo Chcml9ts, u-uvw ijnaon, imgiaDa. RAILROAD TZIVXB TAB KB JQELAWAItE, LACKAWANNA AND WKSTEllN ItAlLltOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONB. P II NORTHOMBKUUND 6 40 Cameron 8 &5 Chulasky o rxi Danville c on catawlssa ess iiupen g so Uloomuburg . 6 sc Espy s 43 Ltmeltldge. 6 60 Willow drove ft m llrlarcrcek. .... s 68 Uerwlck 7 05 Ueach Haven 7 11 Hick's Kerry 7 i Shlcksblnny ... 7 no nunlock's 7 43 Nantlcoke 7 60 Avoname 7 64 'lvmouth i so I'll mouth Junction,,.., 8 03 Kingston 8 03 Dennett h 12 Maltby 8 17 Wyoming , 8 22 West l'lttslon s 27 Plttston 8 33 Lackawanna h dn Taylorvllie. s 48 uenevuo m B0K1NTOH 11 00 r h STATIONS. A M s 10 C If G SO a 23 6 36 HCKINTON Helievuo Taylorvllie r.acxawanna. HUston We8llHtston 6 43 Wyoming. 0 47 Maltby g si Bennett .... e as Kingston e as l'lymouth Junction 7 05 Plymouth 7 in Avondalc t 14 Kanucoke 7 19 nunlock's 1 vn Sblckslilnny 1 47 incK-arerry 7 es lieoch Haven, 8 01 Uerwlck g 07 Bnarcrcek. 8 13 wuioworove .. 8 ic Lime Kldgo s so gfPr--" s SG Bloomsburg g 32 Kunert a r catawlssa 8 42 8 67 . V 03 , 9 07 . V w nanvtiio .. Chulasky uameron NOKTTIOIB IBUKD... r u 1 36 1 6 2 14 2 l'J S 24 S 29 2 43 2 64 2 69 309 3 19 3 20 3 35 3 39 3 43 3 62 3 6S 4 01 4 22 r 11 a u 9 60 9 65 10 00 10 08 10 16 10 22 10 27 10 30 10 84 10 33 10 42 10 47 10 61 10 55 11 02 II 12 11 22 II 28 11 37 ii"i-s 11 63 It 69 12 05 12 10 12 It 12 39 12 40 12 6 NORTH, a. . a. m 10 10 ) 15 10 25 10 29 10 3 10 63 11 00 II 07 11 16 11 22 II SS 11 30 11 37 11 44 11 43 11 68 12 03 12 13 12 20 12.25 IS 30 12 37 12 41 12 45 12 60 12 6b 1 03 1 11 1 19 1 25 1 30 r 11 SOUTH, ru 2 05 G 30 ti 31 S 40 r. (h 7 05 7 12 7 20 7 27 7 81 7 35 7 42 7 49 65 8 00 8 17 8 22 8 3y 8 33 8 38 8 45 8 49 8 63 8 68 9 3 rv 2 14 2 21 2 28 2 34 2 39 247 2 60 2 64 2 69 .1 03 3 0G 3 19 3 29 3 39 3 45 3 61 3 57 4 01 4 05 4 12 4 18 4 24 4 29 4 4G 4 64 6 00 5 15 0 25 G 30 6 87 G 45 6 60 A 65 G 69 7 03 7 07 7 12 7 1 7 21 7 25 7 43 7 55 8 07 8 13 8 20 827 8 31 8 8C 8 41 8 47 8 62 8 67 9 16 9 23 9 28 9 46 an pii pir pu Connfctlnna nt. -i,,,nnv.,. ,,n-? Heading Itallroad for Tamanend, Tamaquo, Wilt. ISS?.,1 HV nSu ryi. ?t t bvI I If, etc At ftorthum. r.viJ," i I,T- r- " for llarrtsburg, LOCK HaVCn. RmtVlriltm Warran Pa. TVL , :1rv"uY. t . uu .111.-. iiAiAiMu, (.en. wan,. Scranton, la Pennsylvania Railroad. Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Divis-? ion, and Northern Central Railway. I'l TIME TABLE. in effect WAY l 1889. Trains leave 'innbtuy KA8TWAHD r, D.f? onoro .Express (daily excent arriving at Philadelphia 3.16 b. ir New York 6.60 p. m. ; Baltimore, 2. w p'Jnl: ' WasWnSon s-uup. m., connecting at PhfladciAhii. fn oil Uaa PhllMeWa8; Tlir0UBU "eer eoach to SSU SS 8nday),roriarSsbuVSlngr'rn,eS dlate stations, arriving at l'h 1 1 a d a 1 n h la for ii.rhnr?,.0. Accommodation (daily iSb a 'phihSffi ""'""nisdlate stations, arrlv i?ttn,nIMrfAla i'25 a-..m- iNew York 7.10 a. m. remafr?10Lorl- "54ePnU plusSngSre car. undisturbed until 7 a. m. lninntiS-,7KJ,'e..Mal,(lallfor Uarrlsburg ana e tS'SPW JUons. arriving at Philadelphia sirtinelS".1' VM m.i Through PuUman phis. ana Passenger ooachesloPhiladel- bunmnT5?,a K'Press (dally) for Harris, more 58 STHS10 stations arrlv lng at Haiti SaJi,a?5WasfltlA't?n8-45' and through Pull, and thM.PiK.?tt t0 "a'tlmore aud Washington, and througb paasenger 0 jachos to Ualtlmoro . WBHTWA11U. i'5;'ilJi;m-"Krle MaU (4alir), for Krlo aDi at Ur iPrfrrW dJ S, Intermediate stations? KoVhea mnp7a52Nla,,fttraPall!, with through Pull HocireBte" andpassengercoaohes toirleand anWredlM&onr7' L0C "aTCn ,'VfnE-if1VNiaeara Kxpress (dally except Kun. tlons. h-?.?40,4'6!14 ana tntermedtatesta throurrhiSSliuIraL0 andMagara Kails with and i?arforXr warkin"0 Kftne aDd KocllMter no5 pwSvuS? "ne (dally except Sunday)! or lte. tSXLhSJSS intermedial stations, with 10 S? passev?.?Sr coaches to Kenovo and Watklns. Surtiat ' S; , ''nPort Kxprcrs (Jally except ttont " 'orWllaaisporiand Inunnedlato sta- THltOUOH TitAINU yon 8DNBUHY yitOM TUB HAbTAMDBOUTU. nHti!Jn ExPreaa loaves Phlladelpbla 4.30 a. m. p!!SiraDnadl?.ra0,tunoPrrn Mioburv 45 oii?-1' "Iff1 "unW "rtvlng at lnalnBuVb,iryPVo.ni2Wp!lymC.XCtl,t BUBlla a,tlv niii 11 ol, 7L ""vS. ors.oup. m. t rul adel. through passenger coaches from PhibelDnla l'l'NI) RAIlaWAY. .ri'lXr ,000 a.m. 3.i6p in ,u" a'ln't WlUes-barro aV2,Tep! rtv.VnlikSb.1r J P1"1 JMMS """fury 10.00 a. m.. a 12:1 0i.m. a, in., Wilkes-11 arra P. m arrtvfSS IS?5,tlo5.le,ave Wllkea-uarre 6:10 too p. m. " 1 Bl00la 'Mrjr' w P-m" unnbury CHAit it pugii, j, ti. woon A.lYS!!,,BerJ'Dy adclresslng Oeo. i. WlcaB'NJw.Kra.uuo w AUVKllnal N0 ta H r is-r-uT 'P"" Pamphlet, sao,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers