t THE GAMK OF "JIOIV IT EXCELS POKER AND IS EQUAL TO THE FASCINATING FARO. A New Short Card Clame That Hat Taken ParU and London by Storm, and I'rora li to llecome Popular In America How It la riaycl and the llulen for II. People of Prtria who gnuiblo aro de voting nil of their spn.ro ttmotonnow gnmo that has stiimlnntcHl nil of the other Ramos played tor monoy. Tlio new gumo Is called "hop," nud It la described as being the most fasclnnU lug gaino that has ever leeii played not eTen excepting tlio alluring gnmo of poker. Paris is no Infatuated with "liop" that millions of franca nro lost and won nt it every night. Tlio game of "hop" has been intro duced into tlio clubs of London, and it is being played tliero with a real worthy of a better causd, So far ns known tlio gnmo has not ns yet been attempted in tho United States, but it is only a matter of time when It will becomo as popular thcro to in Paris luid London, for tho reason that it is bo enticing that it is im possible for card players to withstand Its temptations. All that is required to render it a go thcro is to explain tho rules governing tho play. "Hop" is nn extremely simple gamo. Any person of ordinary mental caliber can play it If onco told now to proceed. Hero is n description of the game: Four persons aro necessary to make up a game. Tako four decks of cards, from which throw out all of tho cards lielow tho sevens. That leaves the aces, kings, queens, jacks, tons, nines, eights and wrens to play wth. rotm decks is one. All four of tho decks aro shuflled to- f ether as though thoy wero ono deck, his done, and, the cards having been cut, one iierson makes tho deal, giving ono card nt a tlmo to tho other players until ho has dealt them threo cards apiece, but taking no cards himself. After tho deal thoso who have been supplied with cards look at their hands and bet or stay out, as their judgment nictates. Tho matter of bettinir havlne been settled, tho dealer turns a card from tho top of tho deck and proceeds to pay and take, according to tho exigencies of tho game. Losers and winners aro determined thus! If tlio detder turns an ace he makes a sweep, or, in other words, wins all of tho bets that nro made, regardless of tho cards held by tho other players. If ho turns a king, and there aro any kintrs in tho hands out. they "stand off tho dealer. All cards below tho king loso on that hand or deal. All aces out win. It is merely this: Tho persons to whom tho cards aro dealt tako chances, after looking at their cards, and before seeing tho turn up, of their cards being either higher in- denomination than the card that will bo turned up or as high. Tho aco is tho dealer's percentage. A king or a seven will standoff a king or a seven, ana tncro is notnmg lost nor won on such a stand off. but nothinir will stand off on oco when turned by a dealer. Even if thero aro three aces in a hand against tho dealer, he wins If he turn on ace. When the cards havo all been dealt by ono dealer ho passes them to the player on his left, and thov are sliutfled and dealt Jby that person until they aro again exhausted, and so on as long as tho game lasts. Thoy aro not shuffled between tho hands as i in poker or euchre, but after each hand is nlaved the cards emtiloved in that hand aro thrown aside, not to bo used until another grand shuffle has been made. A limit is placed on bets to bo made. which is determined, of course, by the purse 01 Uio players. A SAJtrLE GAME. Imagino a game. Say tho players ore jjinciuo Edwards, rein jueade, Dick Holland and Bill Bolandcr. They sit in the order named, with Blockle on Meade's right. It's Blackio'e deal. Ho shuffles tho cords and hands them to Bolander tocut. Then ho deals ono card at a time, helping Meado first. until ho deals three cards from the top of the deck to each of tho players. Meado looks at his hand and finds a king, a ten and a seven. Tlio limit is $25. Meade bets $1. He signifies his willingness to bet by declaring that it's a "go," that being tho technical phrase. Holland finds in his hand a jack, a nino and an eight spot. He bets tho limit. Bolander discovers a queen and a pair oi tens, iio Dets so.xo. Blackie then turns un n lack. Mcodo's king, beinfe higher than the iack turned bv tho dealer, wins $1. but tho ten and soven both being below the lack, causo mm to loso $i eacn, which forces him to iav tho dealer SI. Holland's jack is a stand off for Black ie's jack turned up, and thero is no action so far as that card is concerned. Dick loses on tho ten and tho seven, they both being below tho jack in value, so ho owes Blacklo twice $23 until ho can see Bill Hyde. Bolandcr wins ono bet and loses two, having a queen and two tens. The next hand, all of tho outsiders. that is, those other than tho dealer, have average cards and bet well up to the limit, out, notwithstanding tho fact that Meado has threo aces, Blacklo wins everything in sight when ho turns up his card, for it is an aco. Remember, aces In the hand of tho outsider do not fctand off on aco turned bv tho dealer. When tho dealer turns an aco thero is but one thine to bo dono on that deal, and that Is to tako every tiling if you aro the dealer. If an outsider hold threo cards corre sponding to any card oxcept an aco turned uy mo oeaicr, tnero is nomine JlRlb Ul M UJ1 Ull UIU 1UU1U. 1U1 IIJUJ1 UIUUII a stand off. If an outsider havo three cards that prove to bo higher than the ono turned by tho dealer, tho person holding tho cards in question wins three times tlio amount of tho money ho bet. If ho hold threo cards that aro lower than tho one turned he loses three times Ids bet. Thoso who play cards for money like to get quick action, and for that reason tho gamo of "hop" is bound to becomo popular in mo biaies wneu onco fciuneu there. Tho action in "lion" is as rapid as in faro. In fact, it is littlo short of being furious. Paris Letter to Cincin nati inquirer. IIIi Generality. "How was it such a mean fellow as uo j inns nanueu you ius cigar caser "Ho just pulled it out to show mo he hadn't a cigar left." -New York Evening ...... guu. Mateima ot Pennine. M. Tisscrand has presented a report to the Paris Academy of Sciences con cerning somo remarkable observations of tlio satellite of tlio planet neptune, n-l.lxli wmt iltsmrerpil in 1847. Tho an gle which the piano of tho orbit of this satellite mado at tnattiato. Willi mocciip tio was about CO degs., but this angln has nntu lnr.t-onu.il llV nt ll'TlMf. Q tlPCS. The satellite mores round its principal in an opposite direction to mat usuniiy 101 inu'cl l.v nthpr KjilpllitpH. so that a nuea lion might be raised whether in tho courso of time this variation in tho in clination of the plane of its orbit might not end in its movement uround its prin .fr.ci inmlnir normal. M. Tls6eraud showed that this variation of Inclination was duo to the oblate or flattened con dition of Neptuno at its poles, and that it ...ill MunnlAto (In limit wltlilu a oerlod of 500 years, at tho end of which timo it will again Uo as it was in ion. m-ieu tifio American. A Tom Ochiltree Story A man in Texas was accused of fcteal ing a horec. It U scarcely necessary to say that immediately thero was a lynch ing bee. At tho conclusion of the enter tainment tho participants found that they had hanged tho wrong man, and the high miuded citizens wlio liau managed the atfalr were filled with remorse. They determined that tho dead man's memory was entitled to vindication, and therefore committeo was appointed to wait upon the widow. They found her weeping. Tho chairman, with nn awkward wave of his slouch hat, eahl, In u bomewliat embarrassed manner: "Marin, wo hanged your husband, but ho was the wrong uum. Mann, tho joko U on us." Phlla- CUIMIA TUB6a, THE COLUMBIAN AND Till-; TURKISH BATH. AN INSTITUTION THAT IS POPU LAR WITH THE LADIES. TVomn Mho llathe to Inrrrana Their Weight, and Othera Who llo thn Ham to Matin TIiciiim-Wim. Thlnnei faidlrV liar at a Nt. UiuU Hull. Hoiim". While Bt. Louis cannot boast of nnv Turkish bath houses marked by Parisian or oven Levnhtlno luxury and elegnneo as to fittings and conveniences, bIio can claim to have u large contingent of fresh looking, liamlsome women who giro full credit to the beautifying influence of regular Turkish baths. All the public Turkish baths ham "ladles' Days," and tho register of tho leading establishment yields on Inspection n long list of names of ladles prominent In society, In the schools, in the rliurches In all the sets and circles of tho liody social of our city. On "Ladles' Days" this bath bouse can hardly accommodato tho crowds of maids, matrons, children and school girls that are Its regular customers. HAVE 'rllKIlt IlKMJLAIt DAYS. Tho visitor ns well ns the attendants at the Uilh house soon learn to look for cer tain classes on the eiiiuo days of each suc cessive week. Thoso who come by order of their physicians, or for somo special physical ailment, nro generally promptly on hand Tuesday! society women who como to recuperate their expended strength and for beauty baths, favor Thursday as the off day of their week, when the gayetiei pauso for breath and one is les likely to "mist something" on that day. batunlay Is tlio teachers day. when they may stop to shed the dead bUIh of their spent forces nnd relax the taut muscles of discipline on tho slab where the spray soothingly falls on the just and the unjust alike, for most often, too, some of their recalcitrant pupils come In gay, noisy little shoals andmako the corridors ring with their laughter nnd littlo screams of merriment. Tho faith of many women In the vir tues of the Turkish bath is limitless. Thoso who aro too thin bcliovo that thoy will attain tho plumpness of their stand ard of perfection by continuing tho baths. Thoso who groan with tlesh think tho bathing and the rubbing will make tho burden roll away: thoso whoso com plexions nro too palo or too sallow seek thcro color and clearness. Tho pimpled faco expec'ts to groW smooth, tho flushed faco pale In sooth, they think tho Turk ish bath tho real fountain of eternal youth and beauty. Women as ugly and old as tho Witch of Endorhave parboiled themselves until the sap of life has left their skins like parchment, and they havo finally1 dried up and blown away on the way from their tri-weekly trips to tho Turkish baths, where they hoped to grow fat, fair, and 40 nt least, when scragglness and tho soventios had seized them ten years liefore. One entire fat family of social as well as personal magnitude in this city tiovcr fails to send' its mnplo supply of (laugh ters for a doucho nnd r. pounding every Thursday; but poiuiding 6nly seems" to make them moro pulpy. Then there are threo thin sisters Avho go to gain ;sym metry; nnd threo other sisters who have tho natural rotundity and rosiness of , stocky girls only ono geueratidn removed from tho farm life of their mother's pa- rental precincts', go for well, for vcliati; Perhaps, to get elongated: perhaps to ac quire a littlo ethcrealization heaven knows for what perhaps' only for the fun of it. Then there comes a tall girl, neither oo thick nor too thin, too'rosy nor too pale, and, as is natural, she in clines to tho Htout, short girls, and ,thcy compare notes on tho advantages of Turkish baths: SOCNDLNQ TUB MAN ALARM. Tlio mother of nlno children, whose friends tell her alio "doesn't look a day older" (than whom or when?), comes reg ularly, and says, "It's the Turkish llath does It." Tho phrase may be a littlo promiscuous, but it seems to bo under stood by her friends and fellow bathers. After her will come n beautiful matron of ten years' standing, who nover liad any children, and her acquaintances will tell her alio never looked so beautiful nnd strong, and congratulate her on tho good times she has going around the world and having no children to keep her ut home, and wind up by saying sho looks younger than ever, and sho says, it is all tho Turkish bath. Then a widely known teacher, wise and learned, will bo heard telling a pale littlo Dante woman that nothing so helps to clear tho brain and put spring into tho vertebra and mako keen tho nerves, which, unclogged, aid all tho faculties to digest tho learned dissertations of tho doctors now expounding doctrines of tho flesh mid tho devil as given forth by aocthent the guild rooms of St. George's, as a thorough massage of the physical woman. A sulTragUt, toeing wildly on a hard couch near by, from which she can see tho clock, whose warning hour hand stands at half-past 12, notes tho fact that "we must all be getting out of hero pretty soon for thoso selllsli men, who want tho placo at 1 o'clock. When women can vote we'll change all this." "I hopoyou won't voto to let the men -in during tiie women's hours," exclaimed tho horrified woman of calculus nnd belles letros. "No! wait till I get my corsets on." cries a beauty from her drawing room who has only heard "men" mentioned, and sho immediately upplies the rabbit's foot to her cheeks, ties down her laco veil and goes out with a last injunction to her bather to "tako care of my terry blanket and things" and w ith her faco toward tho door to get tho first gllmpsoof any of thobo "horrid men" who may ho com ing, sho looks over tho register as sho iJgns her name nnd leads therein a lift of the bebt known naiics in tho oity. St. LouU ItepubKc. Thcro has been begun in ParU a cam paign against trained nurses, and iv re turn to tho old system of uursing by Sla ters of Charity lias been t-trongly advo cated. It is alleged that tho mortality In hospitals Is 4 per cent, higher siueo the Introduction of trained nurses. The "IMock" fijitrni. The block system, as it is now termed in railroad parlance, Is simply tho divis ion of n railway into a certain number of what aro called telegraphlo districts, the distance netwecn which is determined by tho amount ot traffic, and each block station has slirnalini' Instruments bv which the signal man cau communicate wim tno box on each side ot nun. "Sow, when a train enters any block, a sema phore signal U lowered, and no train ia allowed to follow until the ono in front has reached the end of tho block, when the signal is raised and at the same time lowered for tho block ahead, etc. The block systems In use In Europe and in tho United States emnlov mechanical devicoi for lowering and raising tho out door signal; uut tnesc, it is thought, win oventually bo replaced by automatic do- vices. WE SPRING MEDICINE YOU WANT Paine's Celery Compound Purifies the Blood, Strengthens the Nerves, Stimulates the Liver, Regulates the Kidneys and Bowels, Gives Life and Vigor to every organ. There's nothing like it. Last Bprlntr, being vrry much run down and debilitated, I procured toine.nt 1'alne's Celery Compound. The uwi ot tno bottle made me feel like a new man. As a general tonic and spring medicine, I do not tuow Its wiuaL" Brigadier Oeneral V. N, O., Ilurllngton, Vt. tl.M. BU tor 13.00. At Druggists. MM9M0 DYES An Attack of Gravel.v Thn Terrible HoUrln of Wamaa at 00. Haw Rho was Happily Corel. - There la nothlnjr I now enjoy thUdoiiolew to hMtnir need Dr. Dtrld Xtn&tW rTorlte nemedr. nude at Itondont, N. T. My tronblee txwi In tar kldnere end from which I Merer eipeetod to reeor tr. Flrtl thero were rains In my heci. 1 u ferer. Ih, wllh no rrllte and eonld not uleer, I wm com. relied to un A cans, and anally got m wm tbil I Soul J not etind alone. The dlatrem In toy back w3 terrible. Iwm burnlmt un with a f nr or eonetin. lyahlTerlnir ull cold. Mfrhyalcltntuld I HAD BRIGHT'S DISEASE, which wm alarmlnir information. To add to mr af Hlcllon after I hd been lit about two rear., I had tad attack of OrercL when thle made Hi eriwr. iim my nhrilclin nr up my caeo, and I r timed mywlftodle. I had four dortori attend me, U lest In tho country, xct I coniUntlr grew worse. Bit rcsrsairolistJnno,howwellI remember the time 1 1 saw Dr. Kennedy's Farorlte Remedy advertised In our rarer. After uslnir one bottle I threw awtr mr c ne and went to New Tork on a Tlsll. and three hot ties cored me, I hire nerer had a return of Grant, nor of tho pains or weakness In the baok, and thonib. I am orer alttr yean of age I am Now Vigorous nnd Strong n r) TfcT. r-tf .n3 - a 1 . roy.own work, end If"Tf. knoT."""!! '." B W tiroi Tl keep the t'edl. ana iJfiS','?.il!? ""H ,a iiyrian,lchllSriin. "f! IVfSVI?S21' ',' wbeneTer t canTAVhst rhynlcilu FAVORITE REMEDY. Mc One dollar. Prepared at BondouLH.r. Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. l'repfcrM by UK. DATID KKNNBDV, nONDOUT,N. V. IperbotUt SlifortS. Br AlldrattfliU. . Ttio Rne onrl Pnnac MftHtrinnQ 1 NO 1 UIUi lUVMiviiiu liVUH IV1AUC jwTtw... ciriviHtiC Hiimorfromjvmr CU Ull it 1 14 1 B11IV"'H'I iituni.- 'Immes and Jllutclifs; .which mar your beaut; ejuiftcti uy impure w l enn dciii o...... v Lm,vp. -i-i ,- o,. Dent ftnti riicapeni. " 'A v TV U, I you mIIUh) rviti filed Hot It f vriiir Druiririftt. Don-tAVait. Getitatoxck I If you nro suffering from Kid oMage, ne blLlMIint Biri'KUS Send 3 '2-ccut tninjis to .. r. Onlwnv & Co.. Button, Mn3 for bo.t tuoillcalwork imOIUhcdr HAT AILS YOU? Da you fe41 dull, languid, low-splrlted, lire leal, and Indescribably miserable, both pliyei cally and mentally; experience a sense of f ullnoas or bloating after eating, or of " gone ness," or emptiness of stouiacli In the morn ing, tongue coated, bitter or bad taste. In mouth. Irregular appetite, dizziness, frequent headaches, blurred eyesight, "floating specks" before the eyes, nervous prostration or ex haustion. Irritability of temper, hot lHi-his, alternating with chilly sensations, sharp, biting, transient palna here and there, cold feet, drowsiness after meals, wakefulness, or disturbed and unretresblng skep, constant, iitdcicribahlo fooling: of dread, or ot Impend ing calamity? If you have all, or any considerable number of theso symptoms, you aro eulfcrlng from that most common of American maladies Ulliou.i Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liver, associated witli Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. Tho moro complicated your dlseaso has become, tho ? reator tho number and diversity of symp oms. No matter what stagn it lias reached. Dr. IMcrcc's finlilcn Jtlcdlcnl Discovery nil) eubdua It, If taken according to direc tions for a reosonablo length of time. If not cuted. complications multiply and Consump tion of the I.unirs. Skin Diseases, Heart Dlseaso, ltheuinatlsm, Klduoy Disease, or other grave maladies aro qulto liable to set In and, sooner or later, lnduco a fatal termination. Dr. l'lerce'a Coldou Slcdlcnl DIs. covery acts powerfully upon the.l.lver, and through that great blood-purifying organ, cleanses tho system of all blood.tulntsand Im purities, from whatever cause nrislng. It Is equally efficacious In nctlug upon tho Kid neys, and other excretory organs, cleansing, strengthening, and healing their diseases. As an appetizing, restorative tonic. It promotes digestion and nutrition, thereby building up both tlesh and strength. In malarial districts, this wonderful medicine has gained groat celebrity In curing Fever and Ague, Chills and lever. Dumb Ague, and kindred diseases. .Dr. l'lorce Goldou Medical OI. coyorjr CURES ALL HUMORS. from a common Illotch, or Eruption, to tbo wor6t Scrofula. Salt-rheum, " I'ever-sores," Scaly or Hough Skin, In short, all diseases caused by baa blood aro conquered by this powerful, purifying, and Invigorating medi cine. Great Bating Ulcers rapidly heal under Its benign Influence. Especially baa it mani fested Ha potency In curing Tetter, Eczema, Erysipelas, llolls. Carbuncles, Soro Eyes, Scrof ulous Sores and Swellings, llip-Joint Disease, White Swellings." Goitre, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged Olanda. Send ten cents In stamps for a largo Treatise, with colored Flatespn Skin Diseases, or the same amount or a Treatise on Scrofulous Affections. "FOrtTHE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Thoroughly cleanse It by using Dr. Plerce'a (iuldru Medical Discovery, and good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital strength and bodily health will be established. CONSUMPTION, which Is Scrofula orthe Lunge, Is arrested and cured by this remedy, If taken in the earlier stages of the dlseaso. From Its mar velous power over this tenibly fulal disease, when first offering this now world-famed rem edy to the public. Dr. Plerco thought seriously of calling It his ' Consumption Cuke," but abandoned tbat name as too restrictive for a medicino which, from It wonderful com bination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative, or blood'Clcansing, ant-billous, pectoral, and nutritive properties, la uucqualed, not only as a remedy for Consumption, but for all Cliroulo DUeaaev ot tbo Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak Lungs. Spitting nf Illood, Short ness ot Ilreath, Chronlo Nasal Catarrh, Ilron chltls. Asthma, Severo Coughs, and kindred affections, It Is an ollicicnt remedy. Bold bv Druggist, at I.UO, or Six Dottle, for t&.00. Of" Send ten cents In stamps for Dr. Pierce's book on Consumption. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, 003 Mala at., UUI'I'AI.O, N. V. M. C. SLOAN & BRO. BLOOMSIWRG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETNS SLEIQHS, PLATFORM WAMS &3; First-class wjrk always on band, JiEPAIltlaUNEA 7L YDONk. Fricti rtducedto tull tht (imci. Use It Now! "Having uaed your ralne's Celery Compound this spring, I can mifely recommend 11 as the uuwt luwerlul and at tho same time mart gentle regulator, it Is a dplendld nervu tonic, and since taking It 1 hate felt like a new man," H. KT Knokk, Walrrtowu, Dikota. Wills, IUciukpsou l Co. ITopa. Burlington, vt. I i isTirrn rnnn AiUu wli It tW.".!! awif tiu ryvu w litt DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA I n Anun nlnBtikii-NrV Eaf And I'll hT it to? oov. WolfrsAOEacking IS A GREAT LABOR SAVER. A SHINE LASTS A WEEK. RAIN AND SNOW OON'T AFFECT IT NO BRUSHINQ REQUIRED. MAKES A SHOE WATERPROOF. USED BY ilEPf. WOMEN U nllLBREU. Can be vaibed like Oil Cloth, and absolate'r 8oftons and Prcsorvoa all kinds of Leather. Ask for It, and do net cite nv till rmi get It, and rod HtU be well reTrarded. Bold by Shoe Stores, G meets, Dnirrist, 4c For llnrnesalt Uuneqtuled. WOLFF & RANDOLPH. FfliLAOELPHUL BLQOMSBDRG MlWE MILL Tho undcralcncd havlne cut his Planlnir M Railroad Street. In nrat-ciasa condition, lanre red todo nllklndsof work In Ills lino. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS.MOU.-DINGS, FLOORING, Etc. urnlshed at reaaouauioprlccs. All lumber use s well seasoned and none but skilled workmen are employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. CHARLES KRtTO, UloomsibiirKi Pa TO CONSUMPTIVES The undersigned having been ro- stored to health by simple mean?, after sueffring for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread diseaso CoNMJMiTioN, is anxioiiB to make known to his fellow stiHerers the means of euro. To those who desire it, he will obeerhilly send (free of charge) a copy ')f tho prescription Uf ed, which they will find a mro cure for Consumitiok, Asthma, Catahuh, Bronchitis and ill throat and lung Maladies. He nopes all sufferers will try his Ilemedy, is it is invaluable. Those desiring the prencription, which will cost them noth ing; and may piovo a b'essing, will olease addrcs?, Rev. Edward A. Wii ion, Williamsburg, Kings County, Now York. A-cfc-co.-deo-7-l v " n HINDERCORNS. Tnj obit ww Car fop Corn. Stop all pain. EnfnrM comfort to the feet, I Sc. at UrugtrliU. liisobr&Ca.H.T. lae wornt comm mi U lit btft re mttir lor H UU rtln train defectlT ttutriUoa. Take la Uiua fioc. tad ILoI Feb l-a-H. DAGKLCHE g WEAK AND PAINFUL KIMNKYt Af'IIINd tides. Hack and Cnct, Hhouinailc, -clatlc, uiiaip. inu ,muw;uiar j uiu.1, icilcu 1U ono Ulinuie oj nrst uuuuuia xiuu-i&iu i i&c.ui nnd only instantaneous paln-Vllllcg' stiensdUfMug plaster. 85 rts: 5 torn. At druggists, or ot l'ou ic Drug and Cliemical Ca, Uoston DTIT Ilraples,b',acklicads,:cliarpcd andnT pp n 11 ollv uklu cured br Cutlcuia torn. CLl&O Jan is-d-t F IIKE INSURANCE CHRISTIAN V. KNAl-P, BLOOMBBDKa.PA. iivaia, uc n. z. M KKUIIANTS', OF NKWAKK, N. J. CLINTON, N. V. l'BOI'LKS' N. Y, ItKADINO, PA. (IEHMAN AMKIilCANlNS. C0..NEW iOMK. OlIEENWIL'H INS. CO., NEW YORK. JBHSKV CITY riltK 1KB. CO., JEItSEY, CITY, N. J. TUcse old couroRATioNS aro well seasoned bi aire and rtKK tkstkd and have never ret had 'a loasbettled by any court ot law, Their assets are an invested in solid aucomnts are uaoieiome azarq oiriBKoniy. LosftDs fkomptly and noMESTLr adlustedand gald aa soon a? determined by Curktun r, Km.Tr, srECiiL Aoskt mu AojcsrxB bloousbubo Pa. The people ot Columbia county should patroa. He tho agenc where losses It uny are settled and pai "v nncm I linr nwp pi"7pnH. rouJiriAjuo, avuii li rain ubhihiw. 'T cuy. I YOUR, Rubber Boots until you have seen the "COLCHESTER" with "Extension EcJeo" A Napoleon Top, This la tha best fitting and MOST DURABLE BOOT In the market. Mado of tho Best PURE CUM stock, Ths"etonalon Edge" pro toot a tho up per, adds to wear orthe Sole by Blvlmj broader trending surface, AND BAVE8 MONEY FOR THE WEARER.. PiSFU "T BUY YOUR AROTI08 UN UliJVt I TIL YOU HAVE SEEN THS COLCHESTER ARCTIC with "Outside Counter." Ahead of AIL others In style A durability. If you want the worth of your money try the Colcheator with OUTSIDE COUNTER. Kopt: i Hare by Best Stores. AT 'WllliLltfAI.lt BV .ItOKtlAN lillOH. ti CO., WllLfsbairv, Pa, Kov, HJm. Iitjnl l.li.nlii tiltit" uii'iids broucu Clilmi, uluss, Wood, Leutlior, Jlctuls, Fur niture, ilc, with EverlustliiB '1'i'iinclty I Hold )y Orocers, Druggists' and Ueucral Hturua. ROYAL POR SALE BY 1. W, llailmsn A Vow, w. II. ProoVo & Co. The Oreut Eastern Tea ro., ti. n, tiion, J. II. Mercer. ElwellS mtteubender. PK.5 HollJ f4d Wuk..n cum iir 9 vw. wbhi tuimij. j rariai-i iiiaxa s eaiMr- . tt air. . lantaa. iitsr dvuii unit laiiii ttuli' u.i.. wllk WBiki ititfl ruts ( I ilu. nlil raat wruri Ctti ft. uabU Un of llu-ttuUI .Hi4UlIHs I i"'i-. 'wfll lh wiul. " tnl I's-oa. and tfter Yi.tt bav ktl t Wtta liiiy li AlltJ, il Uetiuw . ptuptMT T? bt) writ tt a ut urw i r'iisi bliuwmV Co., liuK sjiri, J'ttrUandttlnv, Jan 4. 9 ly PATENTS, yeats and Trade Marks obtalned.and all Patent slncss conducted lor MODKItATK PEES. OUIt OPK1UK 18 OPPllSITB U. B. PATENT UFFICE. We have no sub-agencies, all business direct, henoe can transact patent business In less time and at LESS CoaTluau those remote from WauUIDKion. Head model, drawing, or photo.wltb description. We adrUe l( patentable or not, free ot charge, nir fun nnt (Iiim till natrnt.la RiviirI. A booli,"llowto Obtain i'aunta, "with references Jntlre?, Allreit C. A. SNOW & CO., I Opposite Patent dmoa, Washington, D-0 o actual ciienia in jour eiate. uuuuij, ur uiwn. f?TT CONSUMPTIVE PARKER'S GINGER TONIC It hu eiiroi ll'fCi'. I tt'l t Wll OUR 8ANITARY LAWS. It Is Nut That We An tVllhont Them, lilt They Are Mot Unforced, Am jiopulntlfjn Increisc8 In ilcuslty tbo ncctl for the enactment, BUiwrTislcai nnd enforcement of laws portalhlnff to com ratiiilcablo diseases increases. Tho gen eral Kariltnry condition of iho United States, l'n respect to ilcnslfy of population, Is very different to-day from what It was ono hundred or oven fifty y cars ago, A single city with its surroundings now contains nearly ns many souls ns did tho wholo United States a century back. Far greater alertness on tho part of legislatures, city governments, courts and odlclals Is consequently now required than was over required before, and, so far nsnpjicars, tho need-will continue to grow with our adrauco In settlement. Our nrcrago national doath rato has so far been comparatively low, but many of tbo largo cities of England, notably Lon don, Liverpool and Manchester, surpass us in their management of sanitary mat ters, and, If tio impimity is,tocpntjnuo, wo must tako additional steps to securo it Tbo troublo is not bo much that wo do not possess a sufficient number of laws its that wc are lax in enforcing thoso wo have. It appears for exnmplo that tho yellow fever, the outbreak of which has been so disastrous in Florida, was intro duced thero from tSk'i through tho agency of smuggled goods! nnd yet thcro exists a law against struggling. If it hail been effectually enforced, thero wotdd havo been no epidemic. The in tention of this law, It.is true, If not Ban itury. Uut when we find statutes the object of which is to tecurc monoy nl lowed to fall Into nboyance, wo may bo, a priori, sure tho enforcement of tho san itary laws will bo bo much tho more neg lected. It must bo tbo aim of tho city, state and national legislators that communi ties obtain the laws they requiro for tho prevention, restriction and abolition of disease, wholly uninfluenced by political, partisan or mercenary considerations. T ho control of legislation by corporations, monojiollos and monoy kings should cease. And in tho enforcement of sani tary statutes, greater impartiality Is do innuded. Tlio man of wealth nnd Indu ction should bo, Indeed, In nil respects, "equal to tliQoyoof tho law" with tho poorest, and It f.liould bo put beyond the power of any of thoso financial dictators with whom our ngo and country havo tteen nflllcted to push their grasping bchcmcs, ns thoy no often do nt present, to tho detriment of tho lives or health of their fellow men. Boston Herald. A Urare Utile Sailor. On a weatherworn bark that Is moored to n dock in South Washington to-night there is a littlo chap with a remarkable hNtory. Uo la 7 years old, his naruo is Garfield Slocum, and bu is tho son of Capt. Slocum. who has just arrived hero in u small boat from a 7,000 mllo sail from South America. Uurfleld was born in 1891 in Hong Kong, China, nnd was named in honor of President Garfield by Col. Jlosby, consul nt that point. Tlio lioy has traveled not less than 875,000 miles, including two voyages around tho woild, and has touched his foot upon tbo soil of tho threo Americas, Europe, Aisa, Africa and any quantity of islands, and been clear around Australia. His last trip on the Libertad, n lioat thirty fivo feet long, carrying only four tons, was 7,000 miles long, n sea voyage un paralleled for a vessel of tho size. Ills father, mother nnd elder brother wero his companions. At times thoy were 2,000 miles from land', and tho frail littlo craft met dangerous storms, but came through safely. Garfield is 4 good sailor and lias never shown any fear of the sea. In fact ho does not know anything but tho sea, having never lived on land longer than two weeks at a time. This Lib ertad trip, however, did not strike him very favorably, and the first night on boanltho small boat, when he knelt at his mother's knee, to 6ay his prayers, ho looked around a moment and dbubtlngly remarked: "Mamma, this boat isn't big enough to pray in." Washington Cor. Chicago Now's; Wrestling With a Bear. A couple of hunters'from tho Catskills followed a bear trail for threo days. Near Sundown, n' charming' littlo nook, entirely shut In, by great mountain peaks, the hunters came suddenly upon they prey. There was an old bear and threo good sized cuhs. They all ran for their lives at Bight of tho hunters, but Levi Small rushed headlong in pursuit of ono of tho cubs that bad mado a sense less detour; and, slipping on a bit of treacherous ice, ho went tobogganing down the bide of tbo mountain. The cub was tripped up by one of SmoU's cow hido boots, nnd the shaggy youngster took it funny tumble nlong with the hunter. Seeing her ofTsprin'ln danger, tho old bear rushed to tho scene, but the companion of Small fired u shot with such good effect that liruin fell in her trucks. Another ball finished the game, and then attention was directed to tho impromptu tobogganer, who was having a rough and tumble fight with tho cub, It was quickly dlsputched nnd tho other cubs wero taken alive. Philadelphia Timet. Moderate work, alternating with mot erato rest, clvos a brain which, taking tho wholo life through, will accomplish tho most nnd tho best work of wliich a human being is capable. Tho brains are to bo improved and dovelopcd by reason nblo exerclto and reasonable rest. The ono Is us essential as Uio other. Once a Week. Tate Springs, Tenn., July 4, 1888. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: During the spring of 1871, while'worklng in the field at my home in Morgan county, Ga., I pulled off my shoes to give, my feet a rest, unfortunately, I walked into a clump of poison oak, and In a few days my feet ere In a terrible condition, and I coukl not put on a shoe because of the soreness and swelling. I wa treated as poison oak cases usually are, and everything was healed up. About the same time the following spring, 1872, my feet became soic again, as at first, and every succeeding spring fcr five.yeara brought back the same condition hf the dis ease, only each time It became more dis tressing, because I began to think it was a lifetime trouble. Finally, I was Induced to try Swift's Specific. I took sit. bottles, and to-day am entirely well. My improvement was gradual from the first, nnd no evidence of the disease remains. I shall take pleas, ure In testifying as to its curative proper ties. It is the greatest blood purifier in ex istence. Yours truly, J. L. Morgan, The foregoing certificate is taken at random from thousands of letters in posses tion of the Swift Specific Co., and presented simply as a sample. It is a voluntary statement, giving facts and results of the case. Its accuracy and genuineness are beyond question. A valuable Treatise on Illood and Skirt Diseaso mailed free. Address THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., rwvar Albmta Oa THE WORLD Of TO-DAY, A MAGNIFICENT ATLAS OP TUB WOULD, in one large quarto volume, 1(1 x 14 Inches la size, containing lis paires o( bandaomelr en graved and colored maps Also uu Index ot orer b.ioo cities, rlreru, :eta, throughout the world, giving exact location. Cloth, price ttoe, plus ano postage, A beautiful, aocurate, convenient and compre hensive atlaa, a marvel ot art, ot tninrmailou and olprl-e, tho equal 01 llw best 110.00 atlas ever published. AIUNUYATLAHOVTIIIS WOULD. A neat and convenient volume, containing . 194 colored maps, diagrams, tables, 'etc,- descriptive of evrry country In the world, carefully class'fled and skillfully arranged for eaiy reference, isoo Cages of Information, vuluaUloau l available, loth, price au. piuso. A guide biok to the whole world, a pocket cyclo pedia, a marvel ot value and cheapnoss, and a dally companion of every nevyapaper reader, Bent by mall on receipt ot price and postage. Saclose Postortloe Money Order, New York Pratt, or Postal Note tr full amount. Eton O. BaUUUKT, 111 qumcr it,, Brooklyn, N, T, Bumford YEAST POWDER, "Tho Old Koliablo." Restores to tho flour tho nutritious phosphates lost in bolting. No other powder does this, nutritious. Put up in bottles. PERRINE'S PUKE HAKLKY Dunusnfrom selected llarley Malt and guaranteed to be chemically pure and tree trom Injurious oils and nclds often contained In alcoholic liquors. Ills especially adapted to persons requlrlnga Rtimulallnit Ionic, conmimplUes ; being rreatlv bonentted by its use. Kecommcnded by leading physicians as a IMuret v Kervlne. Tonlo and Alterative For Consumptives It Is Invaluable. l'KHHINKS 1'UltK UAIILKY MALT WHISKEY insures a return of vigor to the stomach, ugooj nnnoMtiv a rn.n ntirt nntinnflni sumuiant mim ana g eases can bo entirely It Is a ronln nnd diuretic litxTi;,J UltllLI II A 1,1 V V II A 1.1' SI those who pursue their avocations in tho open air and whose dally work calls It exceptional powers of endurance. Ask )oui nearest druKglst or grocer forlor PEltltlNE'SrUIlK UAIILKY MALT WII1SKKY revives tlio energies ot those worn out with excessive bodily or mental effort, and acts us a sareguoid against exposure in wet and rlgoroun weather. It w 111 drive all malarious dlseaies from the system. Hard workers ot every vocation and persons whom a sedentary lite renders prone to Iiyspepiia nna in rcrnne s Mall Whiskey powerful nr.4 hftlm.r tO fS I IT f-Rfl Af I. runts iiAiu.ci .urtui without unduly stimulating the kid nys Increases their nagulng activity, counteracts tho effects of fatigue, has tens convalescence and Is a wholesome nnd prompt diuretic Watch the label I None genulno unless bearing the signa tut P01 Bine uj all druggsts and grocers throughout Btates and the United Canada. 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORT1I WATER ST., PHIL A roitsALB by ENNEY GOODS A SPECIALTY. BOLZIOBMTS roK F. V, ADAMS CO., Alexander Bros. i& Co, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. SOLE AGENTS FOR HENRY MAILLARD8 IMC INDIES. FltEM! VERY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa, FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Sole agents of thetol- towing ornnas 01 cigars. UENltY CLAY, LONDKE8, NORMAL, INDIAN I'KINCKSS, SAMSON, H1LVKK ANIL & IB. JK03BHINS DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BL00MSBURG, PA. Ladles do your dying, at Home, with PEERLESS DYES ! rh,r will five everrthlntr. Thov aro sold ever where, l'rlce toe, n package, io oolors. They have no equal for strength, brightness, amount In packages, or for fastness of color, or non.fadlng qualities. They do not crack or smut. For sale by Moyer Bros, and Jas. II. Mercer. feblfrly. AdvcrtlHcrH by addressing Geo. I. Itnwe fe Co. lOSprucoSt., New York In good faith, can obtain all needed Information about any proposed lino ot ADVERTISING la American Newspapers. sir Kw-page ramputet, wc. Nov 18-r-tw. J. W. CUSICK, Vyrmont, Ohio, writes! ' I feel that I can not rec ommend Dr. Beth Arnold's Cough Killer too highly. Would not be without it. Druggists, 25c., 00c-, aud $1.00. .9GorfciQJ? liana Kbit NO HACKACHV PY ONE MAN. OrcAtlr improved. Also TOOL (urnllntc paws w nerf uj innno leMi fipenenreu c'v not mail ft rnUUkt. Rent frre tcitK machine. Tt Iktra fur crtmeBl ikws, hf vail ll.OU. iltiif drtdt hre wd b it tttotiDd Uailr. W wsiit all who biiril wuod wnJ all luureta lit tUs timber buatueu to writs for otir IlluitrftWU bYt Ualalotriie. We ex aetly whfctyou want, tha trrfateat labor MTt-ranJ WiU ulli us tool now on VftNh. Virt onlcr from your Tlein. Ity Rocurei-aemcr. iilfuu Billilkl ca, tut Ullt . Cautl bwim lUcM. U V. A Jan 4-1-9-ct-cow h&T PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clcanici sod beautifiei th hair. lJroinotci a luxuriant prowth. nvr rant to Meitora Uray Hair to iti Vn-tWfL.1 CMap. ' frTei.U Dandrutl and hair railing1 Keb I-d-lL 59, ..ml Tho WONDERFUL 1 IIDIIDn PMM0 buuunu '"' uoiuoinmf a rirw. utriry. loot. Ill, icllilij. if Itvalld CNAIO. . V maka ih larttMt variety of Miimtif. nuiuiii, Pkiiiclni- riitfCipit roIdlia.Ru4 ! ftlMia'CH AIR Sand LOCIPEDE8 and SELF PROPeIlI-FiS. All KINDS OF APPLIANCES fOR INVALIDS. RABY QOACHES ittr pO dlffrrent dealgaa. r. Wa dii-Mt with tha maaera you oan mm rral preAt. Oar tkuAing ptiem uain I iiaraaina wui aaionunii II aula under a fuaranlM r ml f rod la am ivtlnt in I j ItM mum. Iff band ataniD fox tnd Irre to aoj pout la um, tXfUod itamp foi 1, aod tUU lau ol goodc It f- LUBURG MFG. CO. O 14A North lilUlh Hirevt. tMilladelpblu, l'a Exchange Hotel, IIKNTON, The undersigned baa leased this well-known bouse, and Is prpatd to aceo nmodate the puollc with all the conveniences ot a nm-claaa hotel. tmiyrr) LBKUICi DBAKI, IToprletar mm f oa abh It is healthful and MALT WHISKEY. d nounaant 010011 anu incrt'HM-u hchu uuu uiuuioi " I cent 10 in effect. Dyspepsia, Indlgrstlon nnd all wasting dii ly conquered by the ute or I crime's l ine Il. tley alt Whiskeys iiretio and a powerful sttrngthener to tlio entire system. I'Llt- ninou ana incn'HM'u iichu uuu uiupcuiui unnc .1' vvi nun iiruvca a meaicinai nruiciLiuu iu ruro inwr Invlgornnt Tho analysis as It appears by the La bel on every bottle: l have carefully an alyzed tho l'cna Iiarlhv Miit Wiiis xKTmade by M. atj.s. rerrlneandtlnd it entirely free from fusel oll.furturol, metals nnd nclds nnd Is absolutclj pure." mimftl, Camilla Arthur Maler, llroiualx ollie tntrertttlef of Munich, neiirmana fFetHbaden 1 r.uuiii r. r Dttuoamrs and all dualisms. ANY ORDER FOR FESTIVAL will bo SUPPLIED VV J Til THE LOWEST 1 as follows: ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS! CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, l'OP CORN HALLS. scorn EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL MS HYPOPHOSPH1TES Almost as Palatable as Milk. So dtignli.it that It can be taken, dlgeiUd, and alilrullat.d by tha moit ensltlv. stomach, wnen the plain oil cannot lie tolerated t and Uy the com bination nflh. nil I . t. phltes ia inach more eHlcaclou.. Brmtrlable as 1 gfsh prodattr. Persous gain rapidly while Ullng It, SCOTT'RP.Tirm.SIOW t..i, i..i..,i.. PhTsIcjans to be the Finest nnd Dest prepa ration in tho world for the relief and euro of OENii,-Pl-BIUTY. wasting UPflACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIC COUCHS. The grtat remedy for Oonsumptian, and Waiting in Children. Sold bu aU DrfggUt,. Bept SS-'SS.ly PAI H EEL .38 ww nirn eirei, belo Oreeo, ?till4il,bt, faT With ara (uenitlne) prartlcal expr). Kuaranteca to eurt tu oior if .., l'l"S:!'.,''tt" ma.ind. SPECIAL DISEASES AND BLOOD POISON. onsTi.VATr. l'I.t'i:its. iiLOTrm-u i:ni)iTio.s. vinvi.TM mwV i' nnd lililiir-y DUeiiNPN. (Acute cases 4-10 iji' n.ii.i .t , jjiy niii-'roiin ugusl 17'K3ly, URE FITS! .,Vnie,n 1 !y Cdbb 1 do not mean merelT to flop liiem for a timo. and then have theniro? turn oirain, 1 mean A ItAUILAL CuIlS. I have mado tlio duea.o nt -ukl. FITS, EPILEPSY or t ALLiMQ SICKNESS, H.O.ROOT.M.O., ISlPiwLST.NlwYou MmK w n :- i d,D YATES & CO. ,mioi' nuL:,'r' test Made Clothing Philadelphia I'OH Men Youth and Children. A. C. YATES & CO. 6 Sc Chestnut, i,i;ix;i'.it. miii.niNt;. OKATUFUli COMFOHTING. EPP'S COCOA. UHEAKFA8T. "My a thorousli knowlcdirc of tlio natural laws which govern tho operations of digestion and nutrition, nnd by a careful application of the tine properties of wcll teleclcd t ocoa, yr. jjnps lias provided our breakfast lablca with a delicately flavored bevernco which may save ns many heavy doctors' bills. Itlsbytho Judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradual ly built up until strong enough to resist every ten dency to dl'citBo. Hundreds of tubtlo mnladlcs aro llontlnif oround us le Uy to attack wherever there Is a weak point, We. may escape n any a fatal pliatl by keeping onnelves well foi tilled with pure t lood and a f rojierly nourished frame. "-CMI Service Uaiftle. .Mane simply wllh boiling: water or milk, hold only In halt pound tins, by Urocers, labelled thust JAMKH KITS 4 CO., Homoeopathic Chemists, oct20.fl.ct. London, England. TaAIXiIIOAD TIME TADIiH piELAWABE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTKltN ItAILHOAD. BLOOMSBUHG DIVISION. STATIONS. SOUTH, i. u. a, u r M S 40 5 53 R (0 r h 1 5 NORIIICMEEni.lNP,. Cameron Chulnhky Danville 10 10 1115 10 V5 10 29 C 81 t 40 B IS 7 C5 7 12 7 tU 7 27 7 31 7 85 1 42 7 49 6 8 p 8 If 8 22 8 3H 8 3.1 0 CIS 1 68 8 14 2 19 2 21 'J S9 10 30 10 63 11 CO 11 07 11 15 II !2 11 2ff II 39 11 87 11 44 11 49 11 63 12 OS 12 13 12 20 12 23 12 30 12 37 12 41 12 45 12 60 12 55 1 03 1 U 1 19 1 25 1 30 r M Catawlssa G So Itupert..,. o 3o Uloooibburg 6 3a Espy, e 43 Lime Kldgc. 6 CO Willow oiove M Ilrlarcrcck CM Berwick 7 05 2 4? 2 54 S 69 3 09 3 19 3 Si s'ss 3 39 3 43 Ileach Haven 7 11 lllck's Kerry.. , 7 18 . 7 HO , 7 43 7 50 7 64 . 7 611 Rhlckshlnny... Huntock's Nantlcoke Avondale Plymouth fly mouth Junction, , 8 03 Kingston 8 09 iiennou u vi .... Maltby 8 17 Wyoming 8 22 3 62 West HUSton 8 27 3 56 HUSton ,,,. 8 33 4 01 Lackawanna 8 40 .... Taylorvllle. 8 48 liellevue s 54 SCRANTON , 9 00 4 22 p m r it STATIONS. AM AM SCKAN70N C 10 9 60 liellevue 6 16 9 55 Taylorvllle. 6 20 10 00 Lackawanna. 6 21 10 08 Ilttston 6 36 10 16 WeatHtteton 8 42 10 22 Wyoming. 6 47 10 27 Maltby 6 61 10 30 Bennett...... 6 55 10 34 Kingston 6 68 10 39 Plymouth Junction 705 10 42 Plymouth 7 10 10 47 Avondale T 14 10 61 Nantlcoke 7 19 10 65 Ilunlock's 7 26 11 02 Sblckshlnny 7 47 11 12 Hick's Kerry 7 66 11 22 Ueach Haven 8 01 11 28 Herwick 8 07 11 87 Unarcrcek. 8 13 willow Orove 8 16 11 49 LlmeKldge. 8 20 11 52 KjPy. - 8 26 11 69 liloomsburg 8 32 12 05 Itupert 8 37 12 in Catawlssa 8 '2 12 is Danville 8 67 12 30 CnulaBky. 9 0.1 Cameron 9 07 12 40 Northumberland 9 22 12 5 AM P M SOUTH. r m 2 05 s'ii 2 21 2 28 2 34 2 89 i'ir i 60 2 54 2 69 8 03 8 06 3 19 3 29 3 89 3 45 3 61 8 67 4 01 4 05 4 12 4 18 4 21 4 29 4 43 4 64 6 00 5 16 r m connections at. liurerr. with 1'hiifliir.itihin Iteadlnic Kallroad for Tamonend, Tamaoua. will, lamsport. Huhbtiry. rottsvtlle, f tc. At Northum. berland with P. E. DIv. P. It. It. for Hatnsburg. Lock Haven, Emporium, Warren, corry and Erie. 'V. F. DALSTEAD, Oen. Man.. Scranton, I'a Pennsylvania Railroad. W! Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. x' TIME TABLE. In effect Nov. n 1833. Trains leave snnhuir EASTWARD ui., cc puuib iuiprese taaiiy except Sunday), tor Harrlsburg and Intermedial est at Ions, arriving at 1'hiiAdpinhin s 11 u m . 0.50 p.m.; Baltimore, 4.45 p.ra.s 'WaBhlngtcn' 5.65 p. m., connecting at. Phllodelphla for all Sea PmfadeTpbla. "" lu - 1.43 p. m. Par expresR daily except Sundfty)(forllarrlhbuiF and intenne- flint n at at (firm n --4 trlrr, -. j " . . M5 p.m.; WashlDpton, p.w p. m. Parlor car through toVhtlad?lpLla nnd V&miSZ' BO"B" Pv rn. ltenovo Accommodation (dailr i?(.a.t 1 hlladelphla4.25 a. m. ; New York 7.10 a. m. llAltlmnrfl. K ,K a m . ,i.n.l,in.Mn ,u . Lr : Em f Mi i0'11, I'hUadelphla panngers can mK1iil"T' V run on ,hls ,rn,n ,rom iht.,,. : " tuanj')ior rinrranurg ana Lotf?n?lc' a!.atl(lr'B. nrrvlne at Philadelphia 8.25 a.m. New York, 11. so a. m. : Baltimore 8.15 ?,-mv "hlngton, 9.80 a.m. Throurh Pullman careafe n o" thlatralnto Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wathlngton, end through paseen ger coaches to Philadelphia atd l'altirccre. WKSTWAltb. 1 1I o n 1't n. 11.11 . J - . . . ... .. !J prmedlate stations, llochester. liuflalo acd "....".i" luri'unn i unman raifcn cars and passenger coaches to Erlo and Hocnef. i foo vumi; cAL-rpL nununyi rcr leek IlaTen and Intermediate stations. ' ' BAI-Vniro Vvn.an f 1 .. . . i Z Z., ' 4MUSrltt r.j,iit-B luauy except run l y) for Kane andlnlermedlatestallons and Can r,S'gya a?d principal Intermediate stations, It-fhester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls with :,?K'1,na''penK('r "oacheeto Kane and Rochester andParlor carfo wiuiamsnort. 5.30 ti. m. Vfl,t flno Mali n.nun.M Cl..JI , . ... S?J..ani1,m.t''rmeillate MMIoru, and Klmfra, Wat fiSn1 ,nrnledlal,8ta'l0I1. wh througL pas sengercoachea to ltenovo and Wautns. M.!!! ft. m Hnnrl n r Mutt ti.. m dlafe station- ' ""'u''ra imerme- THROCOH TltAINS FOII SDNBntY FHOMTUK H, UnnAw , ... . . .... tt..J7 v." ' " 'envrs i nuaaeipnia 4.80 a. m New?11!?8 40 "'nB " sunbury V.S0 a. m. iurrtK,rr"2.:v B"a,:P"a .su a. m. arrtVlnVaVsuiury .saTk.m. 7 e"epl aWa&J PhUarielphla. 7.40a. m. , SSSSSlSFSSS ?lSptthSJ,ah ?.rT,ni' at sunbury, iim p. m.. ud LEM.110' car 'rom Philadelphia XandlLltlnoDf!er CWhVt rom Vmlei' Vaif llnal..v ..... ... Dhi ittn. '?5f " a.m.! rn laaoi. sunbury," SsopVm Vlthhrougr;' viZi&ei mfSiih? ''""PW and Baltfmorer. e Kei Ktlti AT All IPAVPD TJnur 'i-i- oiui. . l.ii. j .1 moro ii Ti' i,."?,"u'"6'"u.iu.l"r- rn. j nam f m wHP,.'S:,,1W,,arrlv,n?at Sunbury 6.10 pniSa.w.'fc.". lK'.9 1'ullman sleeping core from iS '..!."',"l"lllr ar1 Baltimore and nrough passenger coacheB from Philadelphia "'hKiMX! !'.Al5 l',T,,N ' 'U.KKHIlAItltK .1"" ni'HTll AN I WENT IM'INIUI ItAH.WAY. w1,,iUa,"r,0???P.t'i,!P'ay.) 1 ?frjr "--.Bunbury l 45 p. m. Express West eavM wniVt.,., v! r. Ting at Bloom Kerry 4.80 p. to., sunbury ( 5sbp.m" SUNDAY ONLY, ,Tfia,,raaii leaves Sunbury 9:85 a. m.. arrlvlntr UHi"i"iI.l?:1SaA'LlvIlke8.liarrelw "luiuiuuMion leaves Wllkea-Uarre 5:1 0 w" B-wan, j. r. wood. 30 8 45 8 49 8 63 S 69 9 03 9 09 9 17 9 25 9 80 9 85 AH r if 8 10 0 25 5 3 6 37 6 45 S 60 S 65 S 59 7 03 7 07 7 12 7 16 7 21 7 25 7 43 7 55 8 07 8 13 8 20 8 27 8 31 8 31 8 41 8 47 8 62 8 67 9 15 9 23 9 28 9 45 uen.ntnage Qtn. fMiDiar Attl -7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers