THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. pOYAi is POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tlila powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesoroeneas. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be nam in competition wllh the multitude ot tow test, short wrugub muni ur imuspiiaio owuers. hota only in cans. ItoriL IUiino Powder Ca, 118 Wall St., N Y. The Columbian "Published every Friday. Subscription price, Jl.OOayear. Knlercd at the Tost Ofllce nt Bloomsburg, l'a., an Dtruuuu ta&sa wavier, aiarcu i, lepo. 1BL00MSBraO, PA :FUIDAY, FEBRUARY lfi, 1880. C0B1CT RAILROAD Till TABLE. BLOOMSBUUU 80LLIVAN HAILltOAD Taking effect MONDAY. NOVUMUEK SB, 168?. SOUT1I. NOHT11. 'Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. STATIONS, t. M. r. x. a.m. a.v. r. u. r. k. Bloomsburg........ e?8 l 03 8 09 S3 1 lio Main Street 18 18 63 7 68 8 48 S 38 5 51 Irondale 16 IS 50 7 M 8 43 S 42 6 M Paper Mill ......... 6 08 IS 40 7 48 8 58 2 f2 7 01 Llghtstreet. 05 K 85 7 4? 9 00 2 67 7 08 Orangevllle 6 M 12 20 7 85 10 3 so Tit Forks, 6 45 12 00 7 SO 9 25 3 84 7 31 TubbS 5 42 11 63 7 15 9 30 3 42 7 86 Stillwater......... 5 87 11 45 7 10 9 87 8 60 7 41 Ilenton 5 28 11 80 7 00 9 47 4 15 T 62 EdSOns, B S3 11 SO 0 M 9 61 4 0 7 6? COlesCreeH, ...... 6 20 11 15 0 52 9 66 4 24 8 00 Bugarloaf 5 IS 11 10 G 49 10 00 4 28 8 05 Laubacbs, S U 11 05 45 10 04 4 33 8 10 Central..: 6 06 10 67 6 88 10 12 4 40 8 15 ECHO Parle. 6 03 10 62 6 26 10 16 4 43 8 19 Jamison city.... 6 00 10 4,5 0 39 10 20 4 to 8 25 LT. Lt. Lt. Ar. Ar. Ar r. it. a h. jl. u. i. m. r. m. r. x. Trains on the r. & K. It. K. leave Uupertis follows : north. south. 7:22 a. m. 11:04 a. m. 3:49 p. m. 6:20 p. m. o Tralnaontlte D. L. & W. It. li. leave Bloomsburg as follows: WOKTU. BOOTH. 7:19 a. m. 8:32 a. m. 10:51 a. m. 12:06 p. m. '2:24 p.m. 4:18 p.m. C-M p. m. 6:47 p. m. Trains on tin N.SW.B. Hallway pass Bloom Ferry as follows : NOKTtl. SOUTH. 10:46 a. m. 11:65 a. m. t.26 p. m. 4-30 p. m. SDHDAT. KOKTH. SOUTH. 10:16 a m 6:39 p m SAI.F.B. FgnmuitY 21. John lillllilme will sell valuable horses, cattle, farm Implements, wagons, sleds, harness, household goods, etc. etc., at his residence In Madison town, ship at 0 o'clock a. m. March 2. Louisa Wolf, ndmlnistiatrix of Henry Wolf deceased, will sell twenty four acres of land In Fishlngcreek township containing house, barn(ctc. on the premises at 10 a. m. Mahou 2nd. Joseph Weiss, agent, will sell valuablo personal property at public salo on the premises at Lime llldge at 10 o'clock sharp. Horse, cow, farm Imple ments and machinery, household goods, etc. Makou G. Margaret Ulrich will sell horses, cows, pigs, &c. on Shcatlcr farm, near Jcrseytown, at 9 a. m. Makou 7. Geo. B. Derrick will sell horses, cows, harness and other valuable personal property at the residence of D. W. bobbins in Pine twp. at 10 o'clock a. m. Maroii 8th. E. W. M. Lowe will sell valuable personal property, on tho premises at Irondale at 10 o'clock a. ra. Makou 8. Daniel Yocum will sell horses, cows, pigs, farm machinery, household and kitchen furnituro on his premises In Hem lock townshin, across tho creek at Red Hock bridge at 10 a. m. Mahou 13. William Ash will sell per sonal property on his premises In Fishing creek township, at 10 a. m. March 14. The administrators of Bamuel Nungcssor will sell a tarm In Beaver town, ship on the premises at 10 a. m. Mahou 14. 0. A. Harman will sell horses, cattle, farm machinery, wagons, sleds, etc., at his residence In Mlfllln twp. at half past nine o'clock, a. in. Mahou 21. John Zaner will sell farming Implements and live stock on his premises In Fishlngcreek township. About twenty head of horses will be sold. Foit Sale. Thirty aces of timber land In Pine township, two acres cleared, property of Mrs. Mary A. Joyal. Inqulro of Geo. E. Elwell, Bloomsburg, for terms, tf For Sale. Fifty-sevcn acres of land In Bugarloaf township, being part of the Wolcott Harvey farm. Good farm land, and a valuable timber tract. Inquire ot Geo. E. Elwell, Bloomsburg. tf Foit Sals. A valuable farm In Madison Township containing 115 acres, fine build. Ings. Will be sold on easy payments. If not sold at private salo by July 1st, will be sold at public sale. For terms inquire of J. B. Williams, Bloomsburg. tf. Foit Bale. Three good store properties, twelve dwellings, six farms, two grist mills, one saw mill, also a good farm of 807 acres In Virginia, by M. P. Lutz, Insurance and Ileal Estate Agt, Bloomsburg. Pa Fob Bale. A farm, situated In Frosty Valley, 87 acres, good timber land, bouse and barn, good well of water, young apple orchard, etc. Must bo sold by 1st of March. Apply to J. B. Williams, Blooms burg, Pa. Foit Bale. A desirable and commodious residence on Main street, supplied with water, gas and steam. Apply to jan20tf. L. N. Moyib. Foil Sale. An elegant walnut sideboard with large mirror, as good as new, will bo sold cheap. Inquire at Columbian office, tf. Wanteu. Immediately. Two girls want ed at Brown Bro's., tailors. Pott-office, Bloom Pa. 1'crHuuul. F. A. lkelcr has been chosen president of his class at Lafayette College. Mr. and Mrs. ('. P. Bloan celebrated the 20th aautvereary of their marriage on Saturday last. It. B. Bowman, editor of the lierviek In dependent, has been re-appointed post-malt-erat Berwick. Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Bliattuck left Thursday of last week for Florida, where they will remain fur some time. Tho river was closed wllh Ice last week sufficiently strong tor foot passengers. Hiram Karns of Btillwater was In town on business Tuesday. Blnd Tom at tho Bloomsburg Opera House next Baturday. Fins Cabinets If vignette or scroll, tf M'Klllip Bros. M. 0. Woodward is a candldato for ro election for Constablo of this town. Wo are told by thoso who know thit when a man govs fox hunting, one gun In llio hand is worth two In tho wagon. Mrs. Jesse Hicks was affitcttd with a stroke of palsy Baturday of lift week, At this writing she is much better. Ltfo lzo crayons in gold frames only $10. tf M'Klllip Bros. Grandpa Aurand Is tho way tho people peak of the popular landlord of tho Cen tral Hotel since tho Arrival of his grand daughtcr, now nearly tlirco weeks old, Don't fall to call at F. D. Dcntlcr's shoo toro and get tho benefit of the discount of 10 per cent, which he gives on boots and shoes from now cm till March 1st. Cow or no cow, Improvement or no Im provement seems to bo tho Issuo ot our township, next Tuesday, Tho election of councllmen will absorb all other interests. 11. F. Everett met n 1th a acrlous acci dent last Friday, at Benton. Ho was un. loading tlos and had his thumb and Index finger badly crushed. White, Conner & Bloan, Orangevllle Pa. offer for Bale a full lino ot bob sleds, hand and power corn shelters, also the cele brated Lion fodder cutter and crusher, tf Blind Tom will glvo two of his wonder ful piano recitals at tho Opera House next Saturday afternoon and evening, Matlnco admission for children, 15 cents. Prothonotury Bnyder, and Freeze, Quick, nephew of Deputy Prothonotary G. M. Quick, went out fox hunting on Tuesday on Sharp Hldgo. They captured two foxes after a few hours work. On Thursday ot last week the directors of tho First National Bank elected I. W. McKclvy President ot the bank, to succeed 0. II. Paxton, deceased. J. P. Tub tin was elected a director. Tho Catawlssa instituto will commence Friday night Feb. 15th, with a frco lecture In tho M. E. church by Dr. G. G. GroiT act ing President of Buckncll University. Judge Ikclcr'a salo of personal property ou Ills farm near Light Street will bp held on Baturday the 23d day ot March next at 10 a. m. 'lho world-wide reputation of Ayer's Bar. saparilla is tho natural result of Its surpass ing value as a blood medicine. Nothing in the whole pharmacopoeia, effects more astounding results, tu scrofula, rheumatism general debility, and all forms of blood disease, than this remedy. Mrs. John Klnalev llvinrr nt lluntlnrrdon Creek, went up stairs Thursday morning to mane tue beds, bhortly afterward her mother hearing a noise wen', up stairs to flud t'u aUso and found Mrs. Kinsley bad dropped dead. Heart disease is supposed to be the cause. Dr. Bhattuck's Ucllanthus, the Rapid Oxygen Cure for consumption is a scientific comblnatlonof Oxygen and oil of Ucllan thus and has proved the best remedy in the market for all throat and lung troubles. The marvelous rapidity with which It cures a cough is creating a big salo for it A rare opportunity is presented for somo enterprising townsman to represent a Nursery firm that warrants stock to be de livered in prime condition, so that a large, honorable and permanent trado can be built tip. Very liberal terms to the right man. Address, James E. Whitney, Jan 2C-3m. Rochester, N. Y. The prospects for the shoo factory, arc bright. Stock to tho amount of $20,000 has already been subscribed and promised, and it Is probable that sufficient will be secured to make the factory a sure thing. It will bo located on Seventh street. This kind ot stock has proved profitable else where, and there Is no reason why It should not be here. Sylvester Pursel, of Hemlock township, had a paralytic stroke last Friday. For somo time past he has complained of a numbness In his fingers and arms. About four o'clock on Friday morning he called his wife and told her that his left side was paralyzed. Ho continued to grow worse all day, but by evening It was checked through the efforts of Dr. Montgomery. Since then ho has been slowly improving, and is now able to sit up. Mr. Pursel Is seventy years old. Tho contract for building the Rupert & Bloomsburg Railroad has been awr.rded to Col. Jameson, who will commence work at once. 'The track is to be laid by May 1. This will form a connecting link between tho Philadelphia & Reading and the Bloomsburg & Sullivan, and it is expected that when it is completed, that trains will leaye here in the morning, reaching Phila delphia at noon, and returning, leave the city at about 5 r. m. and reach here at midnight, thus enabling one to go to the city, spend five huurs there, and get home tbo same day. Mrs. M. L. Marcley died at her home on East Street, Bloomsburg, early Monday morning, after being confined to her bed about four weeks. For the past year she was under treatment for that drad di sease consumption, but no medicine seem ed to have any effect upon her. The last few days of her life was spent with much suffering, yet kind friends ministered unto her in her closing hours. Eight years ago her husband was burled, and one year ago her oldest son. Mrs. Marcley was 47 years 2 months and 17 days of age. Ono daught er and a son are left to mourn tho loss of a kind mother. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon. Interment In Rose mont Cemetery. B. I. Price, son-in-law of Samuel Ney- hard of this town, went west a couple of years ago and located at Denycr, where ho is now the manager of tbo Denver Optical Company. He established a high reputa. tlon here as an optician, and we are glad to know that he Is appreciated in his west ern home. Tho Colorado Exchange Jour nal thus speaks of him: "B. I. Price, spe cialist, manager of tho company, i also the consulting examiner, a gentleman whom lt is a genuine pleasure to meet, and whose knowledge of tho details of the business Is most thorough. Mr. Prlco tills prescriptions for many of the most promi nent oculists of the west, with whom he has an established reputation." Notwithstanding the bad weather, last night a large-sized audience assembled In Library Hall to boar the unique perform ance of Blind Tom. Sinco his luft visit here, Tom has enlarged his repertory some what, and the entertainment last night was unusually diversified. As an inspired player of the piano-forte, deriving his skill from no school or teacher, Blind Tom is certainly an unxplalncd phenomenon. In what may be called the serious part of his programme, this musical wonder played from tho works of Beethoven, von Weber, Goltschalk, Pease, and other great masters, with his usual intuitive skill and fineness. Tho vocal numbers were more curious than artistic. Tern's Imitations were, as usual, remarkably clever, and his piano forta reproduced the musical effects of var. iouB Instruments with exactness. Newark, N. J., Aditrtuer, Bloomsburg Opera House, Saturday, Feb. 10th, atternoon and evening. Imlgrants and returning voyagers find Ayer's Barssparilla a cure for eruptions, bolls, pimples, ecezma, etc, whether result ing from sca-dlet and life on ship-board, or from any other cause. Its value us a (onto and alterative medicine cannot bo overestimated. In order to rcduco stock I will from now on till tho lit day ot March give n dis count of 10 percent, on boots and shoes. F. D. Dcntler. List ot letters remaining In the Post Of fice at Bloomsburg for week ending Feb. 18. 1880. Mr. Frank Caldcronc, Mrs. Abigail Cox, Mr. Lcavcrn, J, II. Kasc, Mrs. Susan lt'lnc, Mr. M. E. Kayoc, John Nichlcs Obcrondcr, Llzzlo Roesc, Fcrdlnando Ros sic, Miss Crona Smith, Mr. Dr. Waits. CARDS. Mr. M. G. Schcvcrn. Persons calling for theso letters will please say "advertised." Georqe A. Clark, P. M. Dr. W. II. Houso, tho dentist, has adopt ed in his practlco tho Uayis new process ot and npparalus for generating and applying anesthetics. An editorial In the Clnclnat tl Medical Journal says: "The Hayes an aisthetlo Apparatus was recently exhibited to somo of tho promlnont physicians and dentists In this city. A gentleman present was anaesthetized and bo exhibited none of the unpleasant symptoms which so fre quently accompany the giving of an antes tbetlc, such as a sense of suffocation, coughing, pallor, 'retching, or a senso of dizziness. Tho comfort to the Individual inhaling the amesthetto is qulto In coutrast to the ordinary coughing, retch ing and vomiting." Dr. Houbc always keeps up with tho times. At a meeting of tho Directors ot the First National Bank of Bloomsburg, held Feb. 7, 1880, the following action was taken: Whereas, In tho providence of God, Mr. Charles R. Paxton, President of this Bank, on Feb. 1st Inst, was removed by death. Jlesolved, That we the Board ot Directors of the First National Bank of Bloomsburg, hereby express our sincere sorrow at tho severance of his relation with us. Resolved, That we bear testimony to bis worth ot character, his recognized ability and deration to the Interests ot this Bank; and his fidelity In the conduct of its busi ness. Resolved, That the success of this institu tion Is owing In a large 'cgrco to the wise counsels and faithful service ot its lato President, who for a period of twenty-five years has given direction to Its affairs. Resolved, That wo tender his family in their bereavement our sincere sympathy. Resolved, That these resolutions be placed upon our minutes, be published in the Bloomsburg papers and a copy ot the same be sent to Mrs. Paxton. Attest: J. P. Testis, Cas. Dentil of Geo. Krc-nmer. Mr. George Kreamer died at his home in Berwick, Friday of last week from apoplexy. About one year ago ho was first attacked, last summer he had another, and Sunday tho 3d received tho last which resulted In his death on the 8tb. Ho was 77 years, 5 months and li) days ot age. He was burled at Kitchen's church, in Mt. Pleasant town. ship, Sunday the 10th, In the graveyard which he had laid out upon his own farm. Ills sister was buried February 10th 1888, just one year prior to his burial. Mr. Kreamer was a resident of this town for many years, but moved to Berwick about four years ago. He was a member of tho M. E. Church for sixty years, and one of the class lenders for over twenty years. He was much respected and leaves many friends to mourn his loss. We arc request ed by friends ot the deceased to thank the kind friends of ML Plea?ant for their hos pttallty, for which they will ever feel grateful. Klzzello Convicted. ADJUDGED OOILTY OP THE MURDER OF PAY MASTER M'OLURE. Wilkesbarre, February 11. When court assembled nt nine o'clock this morn ing the trial of Michael Rlzzello was im mediately resumed. As on every previous morning since tbo trial began the Court llouso was Burrounded by a large crowd and to-day, for tho first time, there was noticed a disposition toward riot and dls. order. The crowd at tho rear door when Miko was brought down from jail aur" rounded the van with shouts and jeers and had lt not been for the active work of sev cral policemen they might have attempted violence. In front, too, tbo crowd was very disorderly und made a resolute ef fort to forco their way into lho court room, the result being several heads broken by policemen's batons. At 0:15 Judge Rice ordered the case to proceed and John Gar- man, one of tho counsel for the defense, made u long and able plea tor the prisoner. He laid great stress upon tho fact that Mike was not a tree agent, and was acting under the tear of Bevivino and the secret society of Mafia, to which the latter belong ed. District Attorney Dartc closed the case In a masterly summary tor tho Common wealth, and then Judge Rico commenced his charge to the jury. He spoke for over an hour, defining clearly the law on tho subject ot murder and thv different grades as fixed by the Pennsylvania statute. Ho instructed them that the killing ot Paymas ter McClurc was, under the defendent's own testimony, murder in the first degree, and tho only question to decide was wheth er the defendant had been a principal or only an accessory, and whether he bad been a free agent or acting under tho coer cion ot Bevivino and Villalla. It was 12:15 when be finished his charge and the jury retired. They were out just flfty-flve minutes and returned with a verdict of "guilty of mur der In tho first degree." There was not a dissenting voice and as each man's namo was called ho stood up and said "guilty." He vas then asked in what degree and tho answer came "first degree." The verdict was followed by Jeering and demonstra tions ot approval. One of the jurymen as sured your reporter that the Jury was ea tlrely unanimous at the beginning. They bcllovcd the evidence against him was con clusive. That he shot McCluru was prov en. Tho bullet which entered tho pay master's back and passed clear through the lung, lodging Just beneath the skin at tho breast, must have been fired by Mike, be. cauio be was the only ono behind the bug gy. After retiring to their room the Jury took time to smoke, elect a foreman and then a ballot was taken. Every man vot ed "guilty ot murder In tho first degree," therefore but one ballot was necessary. When the crowd at tho rear ot the court room outside the building was wafted the news that tho verdict was "guilty" a mighty cheer arose and it was re-echond throughout tho surrounding streets. Shortly afterward tho prisoner, heavily Ironed, was brought out surrounded by officers with drawu batons. There was much jeering on tho part of tbo surging crowd aq( somo exhibition ot a hostile do munstratlon, but the murd.crcr was placed safely In tbo van tud driven to the prison. During all this time he betiaycd no fear whatever, and appeared to bo as cuul as any of tho men who surrounded Mm. Ho will be brought befoie court for scutence on Saturday. Sick hi-idiiche it, readily cured by Hood's K'ir-upu a, whch tones and regulates the ilivxilnn, and creates an appetite. Church NcvfB. (Undtr this head will be l&Mrttd. tra of charg, all cutters connected with th churches of th countjr. Bpoclalmwtlnirs, change of pastor. Im provement or Injuries to property, and any thing ot publla Interest about churches of all denomina tions. Is Invited. Pastors aro specially requested to Bond In their report! Tho Young People's Guild of St. Pauls' Episcopal church will give a "Dunkey Party with variations" on Friday evening Pub. 15th, 1880, at tho homo ot Mr. Geo. 8. Bobbins. All aro cordially Invited. Spnrrltie Mntch. Thero was a sparring match In Apple man's hall at Benton Baturday ovenlnir, February Dili, between Gcorgo Smith of Cambria and Tommy Joncb ot Danville. Four rounds wcro fought when Jones was declared tho winner. Thero was present about 125 to witness tho sport. Tho win ner received 05 per cent, ot tho gato re ceipts, tho loser 85. I'or Over Three Montlm my son suffered night and day with rhoma tlsm; so much so that ho was unable to feed himself. Your Sulphur Bitters cured blm, and lam trully thankful to say they are an honest medicine. Mrs. W. H. Carle ton wlfo tf Deacon Carleton, First Baptist Church, Winchester Mass. 2-t Reunion or the 1091(1 ReKlmcnt, A meeting of soldiers ot the 200th Regi ment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, was held at Boiling Springs on the evening of tho 19th Instant, for tho purpose of taking steps toward holding a reunion and form ing a Regimental organization. Lieut. R. H. Wcbbcrt was elected PresI dent, and M. A. Emblck Secretary. Capt. John B. Landls, It. R. Craighead and Rergt. 8. D. Zelglcr wero placed on tho ex ecutive Committee. Tho following coun tlcB contributed Companies to this Regi men): A, Capt. John B. Landis, and F, Capt. Henry Lee, were from Cumberland county; Company B, Capt. Henry W. Bpanglcr and I, Capt. John Klugh were from York county; Company C, Capt. Robert Lltzuger was from Cambria county; Company D, Capt. James McCullough lrom Franklin county; Company E. Capt. A. C. MenBch, from Columbia county; Company 0, Capt. C. F. Ulnkle from Adams county; Company K, Capt. Jacob Wcidle from Lebanon county; Company H, Capt. W. H. Miller from Lehigh county. It was decided to hold the reunion nt Carlisle, on tho 25th of March next, tho anniversary ot the battlo of Fort Steadman, and nothing will be spared to make it a full nnd pleasant one. Among those who will be present are Major General John F. Ilartranft, Division Commander; Col. I. B. Kaufman, who takes his meals lu Iowa now instead of in Libby Prison; Lieut. Col. G. W. Frederick of Philadelphia and others, who will be here to meet again the boys they once commanded. It is earnestly desired that all soldiers of the 200 Rcgt., at once send their names and addresses, by letter or postal card to the Secretary so that arrangements can bo made for hotel accommodations and rail road transportation. Address all letters to M. A. Emiiiok, Bect'y Boiling Bprings, Cutnb. Co., Pa. All members of Co. E, 200th Regt. who can attend the above reunion, aro request ed to report to Geo. W. Sterner, lato color sergeant of 209th Rcgt, Bloomsburg, Pa., in time so that he can send names to the secretary. Your liver Is out of order because your kidneys do not eliminate the poisons from the system, but two or three bottles of Dr. Bhattuck's Rest Cure Specific will strength en and create a new life for you. Jom-pli W. licuclcrHhott. The oldest natlvo born citizen of Blooms burg passed away on Sunday thclOtb lost, at 8 a. m., by tho death of Mr. Joseph W. HendcrshotL He was stricken with paraly sis on Wednesday the 0th Inst., and re mained unconscious until he breathed his last. He was born Feb. 4, 1809, died Feb. 10, 1880, 8 days after he had passed his 80th birthday. Although his death was not un expected, the mournful news Is saddeninir to all who admire the beautiful traits of his upright life, and particularly so to thoso bound to him by the ties of nature. His life was typical ot the cardinal virtues of a truo christian. Mr. Hendcrshott has been quite feeble for a number of years, and was cared for during tbo last years of his life by his youngest daughter, Mrs. H. W. Sloan. He was born on tho Hendcr shott farm located on tbo bank of tho Susquehanna river, which he possessed at tho time of his death. His parents located this land when Bloomsbvrg contained but a few log houses. Ills mother died In 1800. After the death ot his father, In 1830, ho continued the business of farming, later be associated with this tho grocery, feed and coal business at tho canal. In 1850 be re tired from the farm and continued to reside In East Bloomsburg until the death of Ills wife. He leaves to mourn bis loss four children Norman, Mrs. Lavilla II., wife ot Dr. A. B. Jameson ot Washington, Albert F., also lu business In Washington, und Mrs. Annie M., wife ot II. W. Sloan. Tbo funeral took place on Tuesday after noon from tho house, Interment in Rose- mont cemetery. Tho services were conducted by Rev. W. 0. Levcrott of Bt. Paul's Episcopal Church, ot which the deceased waB a member, and whero he served for many years as a ves tryman. Court I'rocecdliiifH, 6adlo Koons vs. Alfred Koons, divorce decreed. Commonwealth vs. L. Fettcrman, S. Mourer, A. E. Fetterman, N. Bbroup and P. Bhoup, forcible entry and detainer, and cutting timber trees. Defendants entered into recognizance in $500 In each case for appearance at next session, and to abide the order of tho court. Monday, Feb. 11, Citation awarded in estate ot Jesse Johnson. Commonwealth vs. Geo. Ruckle, nol pros, allowed. Commonwealth vs. Robert lledrlcb, nol pros allowed. Widows' appraisement In estate of Bam uel Long filed. Tbo usual orders tor jurors at May court was entered. John Vandermark vs. Anna M. Vandcr. mark, eubpccLa In divorced awarded. Amendment ot petition to sell real cs talo ot Bamuel Mears filed. Charles Stewart appointed guardian of Mlnnlol., Sarah K., Harry E., John A., and Muggio M, Stewart minor children of Catharine Stewart. Estate ot Maria Coleman, a lunatic, pe tition ot committee for discharge filed. John Leggott, Win. Karsbner and Joseph W. Eves appolutcd viewers ot road In Brlarcreck near 11. B. Keek's. Estate ot Wm. Johnston, real estate or dered sold, purpart No. 3 allotcd to D. IL Johnston for 1350. Balo ordered in citato of Bamuel Loug. Auditor's report In estate of Geo. Fedder confirmed nisi. Auditors report la estato ot Edward Crawford confirmed nisi. Sale ordered In estate ot John O. Jones. Sale ordered In estate of Elizabeth McAfee. Thomas Northrup v, J, F. Harvey, re port of commissioners In partition confirm ed absolute Gw. E Elwell continued as auditor In estate of D. W. Waller, Order ot sale continued In estate of Joseph R. Patton. N. U. Funk continued aud'tor In estate of Jacob DcmotL J. II, Maize continued auditor In rstato of Henry Lltwllcr. Estato of Phillip Miller, rulo to show causo why administrator shall not apply for order of salo, and fllo an account. Stephen Vanhoutcn vs. Barah Vanhou. ten, divorce, B. W. Dickson appointed commissioner to tako testimony. R. It. Llttlo continued auditor In estato of William Bltler. Ann Ruch vs. James R. Ruch; A. K. Oswald continued as master. Application of II. Dclghmlller to satisfy mortgage, publication ordered. Estato ot John Johnson, exceptions to Inquest, rule to show cause granted. W. B. Cole vs. II. B. Cole, rule to show cause why judgment shall not bo opened. J. U. Malzo continued auditor In estato of Mary C. Peterman. J. 11. Maize continued auditor in estate of Abram Lltwllcr. J. M. Clark uppolnted auditor In estato of Geo. W. uell. Elizabeth Bnyder vs. W. U. Bnyder, publication ordered. Jennto A. Frcy vs. Thomas Frey, publi cation ordered. W, Blnilt ct at vs. 11. O. Wcrts, judge mcnt for plaintiff In replevin. O. 0. Evans appointed auditor in estato of Thomas Polk. H. E. Smith appointed auditor In estato of Anna Young. J. II. Malzo appointed auditor to distri bute proceeds of salo of Bryn Sion church. Court fired March 20th .at 0 a. m., for argument court. Adjourned to Wednesday nt 3 p. m. for purpose of acknowledging sheriff's deeds. Thero will be a session of court on Satur day morning for general business. CoiiHUtuptlon Murely Cured To the Editor Pleaso Inform your read, era that I have a positive remedy for tho abovo named disease. By Its timely use thousands of hopeless cases havo been per, mancntly cured. I shall be glad to send wo bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who havo consumption If they will send me their express and post oltlc address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOOUM M. C.lfil Pearl St.,'New York. scp',21.1y WANAMAKER S. rnii.AOKLrniA, Monday, Feb. 11, 1S89. We know of no oilier roof that covers such a stock of Black Dress Goods. We are all the time gothering from French, German, and English looms whatever sort you can most wisely buy. Take what one manufacturer sends us as a sample of all. Silk-and-Wools : Henrietta. sso tot. Drap d'Alraa, I1.S5, t-1.50, $l.T5, and $3.60. Venetian Cloths, f i, S1.25. 11.50, $1. Ulalrette, $1, 11.25, 11.50, fl.75, s. Tamlse, $1, l.t3, 1.50. Convent Cloth, tl, tl.9, SLtttf, f 1.S0. Hallway cord, $1, 11.25. Belting, Camel flair. fl.SS, $1.50, 11.75, u f!.rA Mourning Cloth (Alys), 11.85, 11.50, t!.T5, , H.50. Veilings, II, $1 25, fl.SOtotS. Veils (IV to fi to li. All-Wools: Tamlae, 5C, T5c. tl. Albatross, sac, 75c, 850, tl. Camel Hair Grenadine, 15c, to 1.75. India stripes, si. India cameUlalr, light weight, tl to $2.50. Mourning Cloth, 75c, to $1.50. Chalus, 650 to $1.25. Veilings for dresses, (Oc to $1. Melrose, 750 to 11.25. Drap d' Alma, C5o to 11. Venetian Cloth, $1 to $1.50. Twilled Surah, S5o to 1.5). We stand behind every stuff on the list weave, color, finish, wear. Three more lines nearly as full. Have you any doubt where the Black Dress Goods trade is being done? If they are not 25 per cent off value other people's value then we give up our guess on Silks. We mean the Black Surahs, the 26 inch wide sort, at 75 cents, well worth $1, and the other sort, 22 inch wide, at 65 cents, equally worth 85 cents. They have been fetching the higher prices. The lower prices are no fetich to gammon with or myth to mystify, but facts, hard facts, worth all your Black Surah faith. We crow for the real Shang hai. Honest for once is the heathen Chinee, and he beats out the French Foulard. Our India Silks produced by Art and Nature, brought by Commerce. We have said boastful things of them not vainglorious. We boast more each day as the choice grows greater of the styles exclusively our own. Come look on them in the first coming brightness. The widths 24 to 28 inches. The The tell prices 75 cents to $1.50. patterns types cannot them, nor the colors. Converted Mohairs, Per haps they started In the natural gray to be men's coatings, but here they are exquisite dress goods. Converting is important in the evolution ol many dress goods. It takes a wool, cotton, or mohair fabric in the natural fibre bleeches, prints, folds, and puts the finished stuff, bright and beautiful, before you. This is the process that brings these white Mohairs, beautifully print ed. The botany of the decoration we leave for your critical study. But the tone and the face of the goods as a ground for exquisite color-work is the special point for your thought. The wiry fabric, always lustrous, spring ing back fair and smooth when crumpled. Only pure Mohairs will do this. 50 cents a yard. January was a month of rush, crush and scurry in Linens as well as In other goods, Clear-. ing out the old to make place for the new. Always new things in Linens but most sorts come thickest now. Prices ground to a razor edge. ( Among the latest comers are six good patterns 68 inches wide Double Damask Table Linen at $1.10. Matching nap kins are 2.25 for fi, and $3.50 for L One of the richest and finest Table cloths we have (new de sign) is yards long and 2 yards wide. Napkins to match. $48 for the set. 8x10 Colored Table Cloths, borders in delicate shades, $3.50. Doylies to match. You can't well go amiss of extra attractive prices all through Linenp. Here are five special things almost at random: TMnch Meached Tablo Linen, 70c. y. Napkins nne Double Damask; 25 inches square $4 50. 16-lnch Dolle.i, plain white, $1 a down. K9 to DO Inch French Linen sheeting 550. 1'laln White Damask Towels, knotted fringe, 83c each. John Wanamakek. A DSIINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Sitate of James Commont, aeeeated, late of Ittoonutmrg. Notice Is hereby given that letters ot adminis tration on tho estate of Jtmoa con-mons, lato of tho town of Uloorasburg, county of Columbia, and state ot Pennsylvania, deceaaed, have been grant ed to Geo. K. Elwell of llloomsbarg, Columbia county, Pa., to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payments, and those having claims or demands will make known tho same without delay 10 GEO. K. KLWKLIi, Feb l5-6t Administrator. TVTOTICE IN DIVORCE. In tti N Tns Count or Common Plias or Columbia COUNTV, JiO. 30, DKCKMBKK TERM, 188 Jennie A. Frey, by her next friend, s. U. Bowman, vs. Thomai S. Frey. To Thomas 8. Frey, respondent above named ! Whereas, npon the petition or libel of the said Jennie A Frey, above named, a subpoena being awarded by the Court of common Pleas ot said county, a suopcena issued out of the aald Court, commanding you, tho said Thomai 8 Frey, to bo and appear at the next regular term of said court, to ahow causo, If any you have, why lho said libel lant should not bo divorced from the bonds of matrimony which she has contracted with you, agreeably to the prayer of sold petitioner ; and, wliereas, upon the return or tht aald subpoena, duo proof was made that you could not be found or served with the sjme In tho bailiwick oftho sheriff of said county; whereupon an all's subpoena was awarded by tho said Court, commanding you to bo and appear at the next regular term ol said court, to answer, c., as aloresula. to which tho same re turn was made by tho Sheritr. You are therefore required to bo and appear on the nrat day of regular term of said court, to bo held at liloomsburg. for tho aald county, on the nrat Monday of May next, A. D. 18-9, to answer the complaint aforesaid. JOHN 11. CASEY. Feb l5- Sheriff. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE Real JCstatc! Pursnant to an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, tho underelirned administratrix of Henry Wolf, lato of the town of Dloomsburg, deceased, will expose to pubUo sala on the premi ses In Fishlngcreek township, said county, on Saturday, March 2d, 1889. at 10 o'clock a. m. all the following described valu able real estate, to-wlt : All that certain lot or piece of ground eltuato In Fishlngcreek township. Columbia county l'a., bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a post corner, thence by land ot John Savago north 33 degrees, west 53 perches to a post, thence by land of George Keller south M degrees, west fifteen perches to a stone, thence by tho uamo north fan degrees west, seven teen and 8lx-tcnth3 perches to a post, thence by and ot David Savage south 7 degrees, west fifteen and tlre-tcntha perches to a post, thence by land of David Albertson north 88 degrees, east sixteen and Beven-tenths perches to a post, thence by same touth 3 degrees, west twenty-one and three-tenths perches to a post, south tlilrty-nlno and ono-half degrees twenty-one and live-tenths perches, thence by land of Philip Eyer north tac degree, east thirty-tour and twenty-four-one-bundredths perches to a stone corner, the place of beginning, containing 13 ACRES, be the sime more or less. ALSO, all that certain parcel or pleco ot land situate In Fishlngcreek township. Columbia coun ty Pa.,' bounded and described as follows, viz : On the west by land of John and Samuel Drako, on the north and cast by lands of Alexander Stewart, and on the south by lands of Isaac Mcllenry, con taining twelve acres more or less. The two tracts containing 24 'ACRES, and to be;sold a Bono piece, on which Is erected a barn and outbuildings. TEIIMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of one-fourth at tno striking down ot the property, lho one- fourth less tho ten per cent, at the confirmation of sale, and the remaining three-fourths in ono year thereaiter, with Interest from continuation nlsL Purchaser to pay for deed. LOUISA WOLF. Knorr & Wlnterstecn, attys. Administratrix. Feb 8 ADMINISTRATORS' SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate ! Tho undersigned administrators of Samuel Nun. gesscr deceased, will expose to public sale on tho premises, on Thursday March 14 1889, at 10 o'clock a. m., a farm, situate In Beaver town ship, Columbia county, bounded and described as follows) Adjoining lands ot Henry Swank, John Singly, Sarah Longenberger, Christian Shuman and others, containing 94 Acres, and7 perches, about eighty acres under good cul tivation, the balance In timber, well watered by a good and unfailing spring and other streams. The Improvements conslits of a new J tfllliu tillliili and other outbuildings, all In good condition. 3 applo orchards and other fruits; said tarm Is pleas- anuy situated in a gooa neighborhood and con. venlent railroad facilities. TEIIMS OF 8ALE:-J100.00 on the day of sale, HtO.00 when possession i3 given, the balance In easy payments. II. W. NUKQESSElt. Feb 8 WILLIAM E. YEAGE1L Administrators. KHOW THYSELF. A ycieutldo and Standard l'oputar Medical Treat'se ou tho Krrurflof Youlb. rreinaturoUt'ilitic-.irvoif) unci rnyici i'eiuny, juipuruu-tfcii inciwooj, 1 EaiKinwiEifeiMi Ituiultiuu trom Folly, Vice, lKUoran,l iutor 0erMiutloii, Knervatlnv owl uuflttluit Un- mi Urn for Work, lluilnrai, the Married cr BocUl UeUtlou. Avoid unkllftil pretender. l'oteM this yrMl work, it conulne imgeg, royal 8vo. lli-auttlut binding, croboMtd, full gilt. Price, only il."0 ty mull, pot.pald, concealed In plain vrspir lllui Imtlvu l'ronpoctui Free, If iou apply now. Tho dlttlniitil.bcd nullior, Wm. II. l'mkir. M. 1., le. uhrdthoOOLD AND JEWELLED MCOAL from the Mntlonal Moillaal Aesrolntirn, for lho p.tlZE ESS A V on NERVOUS nnd PHYSICAL DEBILITY, pr. l'arkrrxndac irpi of AudtUint I'byslctau may bo conwultcd. c nill. ilcniuiiy, ty mitl or In pcrvori, at lha c-illt-o of run Pirvnoiiv MisfnuAi, instituti:, Kir.-l ItiillhK'li M.tltoatun. Maa., fonhtiinalt ardcri for WW ur kurr for adlca iliould te directed aa abut o. Feb 16-d it GETYOUR JoFriUNTING DONE AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE LOCAL NOTICES. BLOOMSBURG. Fine Cabinet portraits only 2. i1n7. T.ifrt aiy PrnvAnc rmlv $10.00. Viewing, copying and umiirging. instant process used. tf. You should see tho now curtain goods at dark & Hon's. IllOOtlCCl I'OWlH. I'll (lamcB, Grist Hlnwlnecks, Heath woods, Ulack II. lied?, that will ntny to win. Eggs, II) for $1. Satisfaction Uuarautced. WilTuam DfcNMS, tf. llluornBhiirg, l'a. (Mention this paper.) Full lines of wash dress goods now open at Clark & Son's. 10 per cent, oft for cash on all woolen Kinds for tho next 30 days, at A. M. I)c Witt's, Orangevllle, l'a. 4w Wo offer bargains In gauzo underwear this week. Clark & ron. Tho ''Old Vlrulnla Cheroots" aro maun, facturcd on'y by" P. Whltlock, Itlclimond, V., who Is proprietor of tho largest spec ial cheroot factory In the world. Sold by retail druggists, grocers and cigar dealers everywhere. 0 for 10 cents. Alexander Ilros. & Co.', Wholesale Agents, IMooms burg, l'a. Wc still continue to sell you those hand some challlcs at the low price. Claik it Son. There Is no necessity for any ono saying he cannot afford to smoke when he can buy 8 "Old Virginia cheroots" for 10 cents from any first class cigar, drutr or grocery store. Alexander llros A Co., Wholesale Agents, Bloomsburg, Pa. Engraved business cards can be obtained nt the Columbian office. Ladles having plates can havo cards printed. tf Wo place on our counters this week a new line of choice sateens. Clark & Son. PWIIlWUBMH. Cabinet, Impe rial and Heroic size, in artistic styles, with latest accessories and highest grade of finish. All work pertainingto pho tography skillful ly executed. Ba bies' pictures par excellence lifesize crayons framed $10. M'KiLLip Bro's. Our table linen sale is making a stir in the community, don't forget it will not last long, $1.00 linen for 80c., 80c. for 68c. oc. for G8c, 50c. for 44c. Just opened a heavy (not fine) gingham for 7c. a yd. Our towels for 50c. a pair arc the largest. We have a beautiful good border towel for 50c. a pair. Coats are sttll in demand, we lave a good lot cheap. We are ready now for a big sale of muslins 4-4 to 1-4 good article. A few nice hanging lamps at a discount. I. W. Hartjiax & Sons. BUSINESS NOTICES Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorta. Whan Baby u sick, we gave her Caitoria. When she waa a Child, ahe cried for CaatorU, Whtn ahe became Hlas, she clung to OutorU, When she had children, aha gave them CaatorU. Dii. Tiiiiki, the celebrated Specialist has yet to receivo a case of special disease, mrvous and kidney disease, or blood poUon that he did not promptly unest lu its pro gress und nermautlv cure Wo. would nd. viso an suuenng tu consult Ihe Doctor persoauy or uy letter, ills Knowledge, and powvr of healing is most marvelous. Of. tlco 538 North Fouith St., Philadelphia, Pa. IMICHl IMlCMl ItCllllIC IM1CH. Symptoms Moisture : Intense itchlnir and stinging ; most at night ; worse by scratch ing, ii auoweu to conumio tumors form, wuien ouen uiceu ana ulcerate, uecomlng very sore. Bwayni-'s Ointment stops tho Itching and bleeding, heuls ulceration, and In most cases removes tho tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for (50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia, may-4-ly. TCczciun, Itcliy, Hcaly, HUlu 'I'orlureH. Tho simple application of "Swavnc's Ointment," without any internal medicine win euro any case ot 'teller, Bait ltlicum Hlngworm, Piles, Itch, Sores, Pimples, Eczema, all Scaly, Itchy Skin Eruptions, no matter Jiow obstlnato or long standing. It is potent, cifcotlvc, and costs but atrille Juay-4-Kwy THE IIOMLIEST MAN in M.OOMBBUKO as well as tho bandsomest,and others aro In vited to call on any druggist and get (ree a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for tho throat and lungs, a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to cure and relievo all chronic and acuto coughs, asthma, bronchitis and consump. tion. Price 50 cents and $1. trtd la all erti. by I j wuf vvajair IH JWI1 tan if ET-IMl wtea ttiKs ftuij.iba very mi MwlnaT-fuachiDa il m i wia, wua ait id titac amenta. Yi will alao m ad Ore cempUia Bafur coatlv and taluabia an tMmpUa la rlurn wt aaa I bat yot Fnow waat wt aotl, lo ibm k . may rail ai Tour bona, an afltr H iBiaatna an oati Dtcumi jvur iwi UM-QMny. Tnla rraad aaacalaa i m4anir tat Hi n err aaianlt. tuca Rift mm vwi nrian paiftiti ruaaul it a)4 feral ttil, wtta lh a MfhaMnii, and aev talla for M.'kO. Baai. airanraai. meal uaa. FREE': fill oiarblna ta lb world, all U aVa. Ni unlLal aair.l Pli briaf laMracttOBt rm. laeaa whuwtiia la ua ai enra can aa atrt lVc iba fetal Mrui(-avrhiaa ia Iba wet-IJ, aiad la wMttm iiaaniwotaa alalia tut tttf n utrthtrt ADinra, XUlt at; CO., lloft AuiHiia, MmUic. Jaitfi-68-t PENSIONS ! PENSIONS ! U, .8 PENSIONS due many Orriciag, Soldiiks, Saiuors, their Wipows, cuildhxn and UsraxpiiKr 1'akikts everywhere. If In doubt, or any Pension Information wanted, write here. No Washington, D. c , or other Agency so advantageous as this N. J. agihcy- ItTltOUsandaot rcnslon3 aggregating millions pf dollars, obtained through tbls Agency, and others allowed dally. i Adore- with two stamps JasIeST. uriiUNU, couniilor at Law. m E. Stale bt.. Trenton, N. J, iLate V. b. Pension Agent, N. J, im. Urlg. nen'L) -HeferstoUov..U.s. t'enn and M. c"g N. j' osu u. A, It, and Pensioners all v, a, cuuda c, Feb it-r-tv I II LCI HON.jJ. P. BASS, now rrosldent Eastern Maine State Tilt Associa tion, cx-Mayor.of Dan20r,nustncss man and capit alist, is one of tho belt known men In Maine. lie had, not long n?o, a sovcro attack of ilrspepsla , which took htm from all business, placing Ulm tinder treatmr-nt. Ha went South and West In search of health, hut failed Co find It. Could eat no solid food, and became rcduwd In flesh from lCOlo lis pounds, hpent thousands ot dollar, till no relief. At this time met Dr. Brown, who had Just returned from Europe. Tho latter un dertook a cure. He expanded and (strengthened tho wall ot tho stomacli of the patient j cleansed tbem ot the. for eien accumulations i reduced that "Rnawlng- tea Ration;'' revived the liver and kidneys, exciting them to a healthy action, and toned up tho blood until Mr. ilass began to rrgaln former good health. Uuder thla treutment ho becamcentlrcly well, and that year. In connection with Hon. Ueo. II. Iorlng and other offlclals ot the New icnglann Pair Asso ciation, managed their great fair. Mr. Ilass says Dr. Drown used nothing in his cam but BROWN'S Sarsaparilla. Not genuine unless mado by Ara Warren & Co., tlangor, Me. may23 d ly APPLICATION FOU OHAUTEU. Notice la hereby given that an application will bo mado to tho lion. K. It. llteler, President Judge of the Court of common Pleas ot Columbia county, on the-xtd day of February, A. 1). IR99, torthe charter ot a Corporation, to be called tho 'Blooma burg Library Company t'1 the charter and objects ot which are to provide and maintain a free read- lug iwui. 1U1 kllU uau Ul IUI1 U1UUUIVUUU1 UL IUU Town of lllooaiiburg. JUlll U. J-lllblW.K, Kcb l-3t Solicitor. SPKCIAL, NOTICE TO STOCKHOM). KIM. orric op uxxmjii waTrR coMrAKV, uu. S8 &9. A stock subscription book has been opened for the taking ot the Increased Capital stock, and will be found at the omce or tho Company in Ulooms burg. Each present share holder has tho privi lege of subscribing for two shares of the new stock for each share ot original stock held. ThU privi lege win remain oiicn for thirty dava. from Jan. 26. 1889, niter which time any remaining stock may be sutwcilbed tor by any ono making applica tion therefore. FRANK 1 U1LLMEYBIC, Feb l-lt. secretary. E XECUTOIt'S NOTICE. Kttate of Ann Young, late of Ilenton totonthtp, Letters tf-atAmfnt.Arv rn th'n CAld rmffttA havlno- been granted to ino undersigned executor, all persons Indebted aro hereby notified lo pay tbo same, and those having claims against said estate will present the Bame tor settlement to A. 1 YflTTNfl Jm is Executor. JXEOUTOU'S NOTICE. Estate ofjonn uavirara, late nf Blooiiulmrg, drceasetl. Letters teste menury on the said estate having been cranted to the underpinned executor, nil persons indebted are hereby notined to pay tno same, and those luvlnc claims against said estato will present the samo for settlement to i v. HOWEK, O. E. Elwkll, Atty. Executor. oau ii ovr, DMINISTItATOU'a NOTICE. Estate of A ndrew I'.unyan, late of Ilenton toienihip Notice la hereby given that letters of adminis tration on tho estste of Andrew Itunyan, late of the township of ilenton, county of Columbia, and state of Pennsylvania, decease !, have betm irr,int ed to I. K. Krtckbaum, to whom all persons In- ucuicu w b&iu esiuiu uru re(iuesu.-u io mane pay ments, and those having claims or demands win mako known tho same without delay. I. IC KItlCKBAUM, Feb l-t Administrator. DMINISTHATKI.V NOTICE. Estate of John C. Jones, late of Bloomsburo, decmsetU Notice la hereby riven that letters of admfnis. tratlon on tho estate ot John c, Jones, late of the town ot Hloomsburg, county ot Columbia and state of Pennsylvania, deceased have been granted to Mary M. Jones, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payments, and those having claims or demands will make known tho same without delay. .MAUI M.JUMiS, Febl-Bt. Administratrix. ADMINISTKATOK'S NOTICE. te of Henry Wolf, late of Vie Ta?n of Blooms ' burg, deceases. Notice is hereby given that letters of adminis tration on the estate of Henry Wolf, late ot the town of liloomsburg, county of Columbia. and stale of Pennsylvania, deceased, havo been granted to Louisa Wolf of liloomsburg, Columbia county, Pa., to whom nil persons Indebted to said estate are requested to mako payments, and thoso having claims or demands will make known the same without delay to or to LOUISA WOLF, Knorh s. Wintkrstkek, Administratrix. Attys. Jan-ss. The Sunbury Electric Co., OONTKAOTOKS FOR Arc and Incandescent Isolated Plants, Motors, Electric Qas Llshtlng, Annunciators, Durglar Alarms, Speaking Tubes, Iteturn Call SyBtemg, ic WX MIKE A erKcum- or Incandescent Electric Liglit Wiring. Wiring lor Motors, by Iiattery or Dynamo Current Guarantees furnished with every Contract. OFFICE AND SHOW HOOMS.EAST MAI1K1T ST Correspondence Solicited. Sunbuhv, Pa. Jan 4 sw W. II. BROOKE & CO. Exchange Hotel Building Are agents for Julius King's celebrated spectacles. The best in tho world. Hundreds of pairs to select from and a fit guaran teed. During the Holiday's trado we sold dozens of pairs of theso celebrated goods.and as far heard from all are satisfactory. Any purchaser not exactly suited may leturn these goods and ex change for others, suited to their eyes. The Favorite Medicine for Throat anil Lung Dlffl. eultles litis lung been, and still is, Ayer's I ucrry I'ectoral. It cures Croup, Whooplug Cough, llronelillls, and Asthma; soothes Irrltutlon tt tho I-nrynx and Fauces; strengthens the Vocal Organs; allays soreness ot the I.ungs; prevents Consumption, nnd, oveii in advanced stages of that disease, relieves Coughing and Induces Sleep. Thero Is no other preparation for dU oases of tho throat nnd lungs to bo com pared with this remedy. "My wife had ft distressing rough, with pains in tho side and breuit. tried various medicines, hut lmmi did her any good until I got a lxittlo ol Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which has cured her. A ni'lghlior, Mrs. tUcnn, hud the measles, and tho cough was rnllated by tho use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I have no hesitation In recommending this Cough Medicine to every one a filleted." Itoliert llorton, Foreman llemliigM, Morrlllton, Ark. "I havo been afflicted with nstlimi for forty years. m1 spring 1 win tiikeu with a violent t'ough, whlih threatened to termiualo my days, Kvcry into pro. nnuueed mo in consumption. I deter mined to try Ayer's Cherry 1'retuiul. Its efTocls were magical. 1 was liuuiedl. atcly relieved and continued tu liuprnvo until entirely recovered. "Joel Ilullard, Oullford, Conn. " Six mouths ago hnd a sevcro liem orrhugo of tho lungt, brought ou by an incessant cu'igli wltieh deprived iuo ot sleep and ret. I tiled arious rmno. dies, but obtained no ndlrf until 1 bo. gun lu lake Ayer't Cherry I'ectoral. A lew buttles ot this medicine cured mo." Mrs, K, Coburu, 111 Second St., lowcll, Mass. "For children nrlllcted with rold, roughs, aoro throat, or croup, I dn not kuow of any remedy which will giut more eedy relief than A)er'a Cherry Pectoral, I havo found it, also, Imahi. able in cases of Whooping Cuugh." -. Aim Lovojay, 125T Washington Mieet, lloston, Mass, Ayer's Cherry Pecioral, rUKt-AliKll IS V Dr. J. O, Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mats, Bold if all Drugiliu. Prlct 1 1 , als wuwa, V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers