COLUMBIAN AlND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. i The Columbian.1 BLOOMSBURG, PA. KK1DAY, FEBItUAHY 1, 18R9. THE PROHIBITION AMENDMENT. Thoro is liltlo doubt bill that the Frohlb'tton mnendmont will bo sob mlttcd to a vole of tliu peoplo on Juno 18, next. From now until that time it will bo the absorbing topic of discuss- ion ovorywhnru. it is our intenliou to give evt-rybodjr a chance to bo heard who has nny thing to say, under cer tain rontrlctinns. Tho preference will bo given to thoao who have the uournge of their convictions, and tiro willing to have their communications printed over their own names. In nil CAs?e articles must be signed by tho writer, nnd the name will be printed unless otherwise direoted. All unsigned communica tions will go into the waste-basket with out being read. Tnu discussion must be kept within tho limits of propriety, and no tirades against tho temperance pooplo on tho ono hand, nor tho liquor deaiors on tho other, can fiod a place in those columns. Wo invite honest, earnost and tcraperato discourses from both sides, but wo have no room fur tnero abusive cITiimoih from either side. Tho quest! n of whether intoxicating liquors shall be manufactured or sold in this state involves a moral princip u nn t.lin nnn hniul. nnd I hr, riphtM flf millions of dollars that have been in vested under the eanctiott of tho laws of tli0 8lato for many years on tho other There is much to be said on both sides. Does anybody want to say it! WASHINGTON LETTEB. g romo ur Itegular Correepondent. Washington, Jan. 28, 1889. 'Is there really danger of a war with Germany"! I asked one of tho leading tnembrrs of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. "Yes, I think then M,' was the reply given in a very thoughtful, delibt rate tone. "Do you think that Secretary Bayard is in any way to blame for the pres nt condition of affair-T" I then asked. ''No, most ileoi ledly I do not. On tho contrary I think he has managed the matter very ably, and it is only be canto 1 think ho will have to givo way shortly to Blaine that causes me to believe there is danger of ft war between tho United Stales and G. rmany." 'Can you givo mo your ideas, in a nut shell, ot this whole Sarnoan uifll cultyi" "lies, in a very few words. Germany for sorao years hae, for I oth comtner cial and political reasons, been looking with covetous eyes on the Samoa, islands. And with Bismark to want,ic to gel or to try to get, so that ho ha for a long time been quioily working to establish a German protectorate over thoao islands, and things have now. reached a stage when he is prepared it necessary to fight for them if he cannot gain his point tnrough diplomacy. It the United States is to defeat him through diplomacy it is absolutely necersary that we should have the as sistance of England, and with Blaine Secretary of Slate I do not believe that is possible. Nor is it possible for the United States to stop Germany by force unless wo can get at least nix months time to prepare a navy. If war should be declared in sixty das it would be disastrous to the United States. That is why I view the situa tion with alarm." Tho Senate has passed its tariff bill, it has been sent to the House end re ferred to tho Committee on Ways and Means, and Mr. Mills and other promi nent Demooratio tuembers of that committee have promised that it should bo reported back to tho houso at an early day so as to giye that body an opportunity of voting upon it, A notable featuro of the debate in the House attendant upon its refcreuce to committee was a speech of Mr. MeKiuly, of Ohio, who is believed t-repreH- nt the views of General Har rison, He made an appeal to the Democrats to relieve tho present situa tion by agreeing to some sort of a compromise which will reduce tin treasury surplus by thirty or foity millions of dollars. What effeot this appeal will have is of course at this time a matter of conjecture, but there are many JJemocrals who beitovo mat a compromise will bo effected wheret.y a bill that will meet the approval of the most conservative members ot botii parties will be agreed to. If an agree ment is reached it is probable that the most of i he reduction will come from the internal revenue, The sudden death of Representative Burns of Mi-souri, on Tnursday morn ing, caused au adjournment of the House, which prevented a vote beinij taken on the Oklahoma bill that da as had been previously acreed upon b vote of th House. An attempt will be made to get it up this week, aud it that fails it will bo called up next Monday under a suspension of lli rules. As the end of the present adminis tration draws noirer the popularity of Mrs. Cleveland woems to Increase, if that wero possble. Saturday after noon, notwithstanding a disagreable rainstorm, nearly two tliousana people attended her public reception. The sixth oandidate for public print er nnder Harrison has made his appear anco in this citv. . Senator AlUson has gone to Indiana nolis to finally settle the. question as to r. 1. tl : . O l WHO W'll uo nsrriMJUB octii nuv u tho Treasury. Allison is said to Have declined the honor threo times by letter, but Harrison still insisted; hence the nresent visit. Mr. Itandall is very indignant at the tnanorts sent out from Washington an to his intended action in opposition to the wih8 of the Demooratio raeraberr of the Wavs and Means Commiitee of tho House in r tfard to the tanlt bill. The fao' is that Mr. Rand 11 will do nothing to tmbarrass the members o that committee, Frank Ha'ton, the naw"8dtorTjfTfirtny comuiHatoa and dlsoount allowed col. I innltra nn rirV I A T Till I KHH Wnsliincton Post, lose no opportunity of booming Matione for a cabinet p ltion, but tho indications are that Sir. llatlon's mflaenoa with Gon. Harrison is very slight, Jlopresentotivo Butterworth, who it said, expcts to bo next Governor of Ohio, made a spoech in the Honse latt, week bitieily arraigning tho kiiighwof labor for their manner of doing things. The speech was the political seneaiio of tho present eefsion, and evrybody is talking about its probable effect upon his political future. Sonator Ueck'a absence from the Senate has been felt by both sides of th- Ct omber, and e-peciaily during the del-ate on tho tariff bill. On this sub ject tin ro is no abler man in ei htr IIou-o ifCongrest Thodistinguisbeo Kentuokian and invalid reporis hie iukltn a-, greatly improved and txptct io rttiuto oon. He it lo Cub. The Oft Told Story Of the peculiar Inedlclnal merits ct Hood's Birssparllla It fully confirmed by tba tolas tsry testimony of thousands wbo nan tried It. Peculiar In tho combination, proportion, and preparaUon ot Its Ingrcdlenta, peculiar In tho extreme care with which It It put up, Hood'i Sartaparllla aceompllahei cures where other preparaUoni entirely fall Pecu liar In the nnequalled good name It has made at home, which la a "tower cf itrenith abroad," peculiar In the phenomenal tales It lias attained, Hood's Sarsaparllla Is the most popular and successful medlclno before the publlo today tor purifying tho blood, gtrlng strength, creating an appeUte. "I suffered from wakefulness and low spirits, and also had eczema on the back ot my head and neck, which was very annoying. I took one bottle ot Hood's Sarsaparllla, and I baro received so much benefit that I am very grateful, and 1 am always glad to speak a good word for this medicine." Mrs. J. & Snyder, PottsTille, fenn. Purifies the Blood Henry Biggs, Campbell Street, Kansai City, had scrofulous sores all over bit body tor fifteen years. Hood's Sarsapatllla completely cured blm. Wallace Buck, of North Bloomfleld, N. T., suOered cleTen years with a terrible varicose ulcer on his leg, so bad that he had to gtre np business. He was cured ot the ulcer, and alto ot catarrh, by Hood's Sarsaparllla DoMlbyialtdraiirlstt. fl;slxforS3. Preputdonly by 0. 1. II00D A CO.. Apothecaries. Lowsll, Kail. IOO Doses One Dollar S othing in the Wde World so rood- I was afflicted with kidney disease. Dr. Kennedy's Favorite remedy, of Rondout, N. Y., I gay it with n perfect recollection of nil that wa dono for mo besides it, is the only thing that gave ran permanent relief. 1 have reccomonded vhis medicine to many people for Kidney diss se and they all airreo in saying that it baa sot its equel in tbe wide world for this complaint Lyman Crawford, Drug gist, Springheld, Mass. yan-H-4t Statement COLUMBIA From Janvary 1 , 1 888 Statement showing taxes assessed and balances still due. 2 S p I ? f JJlSTjllCTS. JJ H ) 2. : j LXJ'LJJ Ueav r I 718 46 a 8ft 00 t 73 18 i MH (OM a 03 Benton , 90S SO 90 00 it it 69S07 (MM 16 W IScrwick. 18m 19 63 80 Ml SO M7 0t 41 ) 99 SS Bloom 414 3.1 1WIO 1373 13 1179 33 74 SO 27190 HrlarcrtiCk 1121 74 70 00 128 718 57 69 011 63 69 C'attawlssa 1937 U3 68 &l JOB 76 CPS Ml 30 30 73 21 Centralia 1IIU 83 4 3C 313 74 180 79 2 fiO .. Centra 1714 66 84 0) 229 32 918 11 68 0 3 23 Conynnham 163) 29 12 00 18 TO 27 39 10 W 0 60 rishlngcrcelr 11S4 44 H 01 73 91 M 48 T SO 18 H Franklin 3-0 0! 45 00 41 22 2HI3.1 23 0i 8 77 Un-enwood 1277 28 99 OU 41 61 496 0 1 68 SO 37 98 Hemlock. lO'l 44 B7 01 tfl 9 319 97 24 9.1 4 W Jackson 292 5? 32 Ol 37 8 174 87 41 SO 19 9 Locust 13 6 68 137 00 138 4 1 43 St 83 60 17 16 Martl.on 10--0 41 83 60 64 27 C28 47 SI SO 21 OS M .in t98 73 S3 iri 72 71 187 64 24 50 7 SO Mifflin 1069 63 81 61 184 39 3 1 74 61 01 29 61 Montour 801 90 41 Ul 78 13 3.14 01 23 1 17 64 Mt, Pleasant 6'7 41 6ft 00 i 6 (B 88 02 9 89 Orange 938 88 53 00 217 29 SOOn 29 SO 23 21 Pine- 429 81 60 00 1 02 27153 89 B 8 10 Boaiingcreek 417 ifi 3 00 98 90 60 03 21 51 219) Scott. 1438 41 80 50 237 37 673 61 64 5 73 91 Sogarloaf 384 82 7 5 ) 6 40 233 61 37 50 6 40 28741 16 1697 00 iMl 83 t"lQM879 U70 96 jjTiiTw Amount due for rears previous to 1888. Districts. Collectors Y'r iCon'r. 1881 188til 494 60! SI91 60 1 Dog 79 K) 83 0) 8162 50 Bloom W. II. aPeu R. Harris Bloom GEORGE A. HERRING. Treasurer of Colum bia County, in account with said county on county lunds. Jnnuary 2nd, 1888. DR. To amt uncollected prior to 1888 .... 8 6098 43 ami on nana auasi souinment... . " county til assessed In 1839 28741 10 " t ii on register of voters lift 43 11 amt collected on unseated lands. 3096 65 " " seated " . 940 29 reoetved for hotel and restau rant license 1186 38 ' Jacob Hot lor, old plank -. ... 4 John 8. Mann, costs Com. vs, J. 8. Mann 16 00 " G A. Buckingham, costs Com. vs. Walter Hays IS 00 " Gut Jacoby, cost Com. vs. Paul Pegatt 4 80 11 W. II Snyder, Proth.oost Com. vs, Glassmycr 46 03 v. tl .Snyder, Proth. cost on struolc lurv. Kindt va. Sands 66 31 i 60 11 U. M. Baker, old iron safe " Catharine Uankus county tax had uoen exoneraieu in -of.... m 11 Commissi ners. Insurance on J all stable by Knapp 300 00 11 1. W. uaKelv .support of Marga ret Weaver at Danville Asylum.. 59 09 ' Anna Melllck, supprrt ot Peter Mellck at Danville Asvlnm 68 58 " Geo. E. Klwell support of John Barton it D.nville Asylum " Michael Fetterolt, dog tax exon erated In 18iS " W. a, Snyder. Ink " balanco due Georg A Herring, Treasurer.,,, U 68 1 00 3 00 S3 63 839791 78 cu. By commissions and discounts allowed on uoumy lax lor low. Districts. Com. Dls Districts. Com. DI. Beaver 8 7 69 $ 1J 3 Ji-.-ks'n $ 4 66 8 3 10 uenton u xi Berwick 2s 89 Bloom 67 10 1 65 Lrausi !sj a as it 5 98 136 60 Madls'n Main Mifflin M'nt'ur Utl'l'nt 20 48 12 33 20 69 U 41 13 46 20 30 4 70 13 07 .3 15 5 84 26 21 2 58 24 69 22 46 IV 98 19 68 7 83 0 93 31 88 3 65 Brlaro'k 12 it 36 18 21 63 21 77 29 32 16 01 20 36 62 95 Cat'w'sa Cent'lla Centre Cony'm 41 01 27 61 Orange 2 62 21 29 18 48 33 18 24 73 fine Boaro'k Scott Sug'lo'f riauoa Fr'nk'n 9 88 Gr'tnw'd 17 02 uemrck 19 m 8192 10 8765 03 CU. By commissions exonerations and re'.nrns allowed collectors on County tax tor 188., DiL Com. Kx Bet. Dls. Com. Ex A Uet Heaver 610 38 8 17 97 locus 6 I S3 Benton 21 S 8 78 Uadls'n 16 88 Bloom 32 to! Main 5 16 Cat'w'sa 32 HiMimin 5 SI Cent'lla 8 09 71 U'oi'nr 3 34 Centra o ii MUlTnt S 09 C my'm 123 74 orange 6 99 Flsh'ck 8 68' Pine 6 00 7 07 Gr'enw'd 5 50 Scott 1184 lleml'ck 1 98.8ug' lo'f 10 83 jaoksou a 7i 615 92 S.197 27 62-02 785 08 By total commissions " " uiscounts " " exonerations and returns.. " amount due fiomoolleotors 17 .. i. - .. 1888, 891 27 117 27 10568 79 11 county orders Issued ana re- deemed 263G0 89 commission to t.easuror 1051 44 8J979. 76 QEORG E A. UeRRLNG,Treasurer,ln acoount with dog fund. January 2nd. 1888 To amount duu at last settlement on upll ates of 1881 725 90 amount due at last settleuv-nt o Bloom duplicates of lew and 1881 162 SO " amount &j&ea in 1888 lt.9 oo 82685 40 CR. By commission and exonerations allowed uuneuiuro uu uug ui iwi trci. Dlstrlota. Com. Ex. Districts. Com, Ex. 8 4 oo 2 60 2 10 8 00 1 00 4 00 3 50 6 SO 2 00 Boaver 41 10 8 2 50 Uadlaon Main tlimin Montour Mt. Pl'ut Oraege Pine icott Sugarlo'f Benton 2 60 Bloom CatawlAsa Lentralla Ceiitre Cony'm Flau'ck Groenw'd jack ton Looust 7 0 1 50 1 eo 4 oo 10 6" 900 7 ) 2 00 4 501 82 15 til 00 CR. Districts. Com, Dls. Districts. Com. Ills Beaver s or 8 I 12 1 07 1 10 1 37 Jackson 8 23 8 57 ltenton 65 6U Locust 1 a') 2 Berwick Bloom Brlaro'k Cat'w'sa Cent'lla Centro cony'm Fl-hVk Fr'nk'n Ur'enw'd lleml'i-k Uadlson Main Uimin Montour Mt. Pl'nt Orango Pine Itoar'ck scolt Sug'ioaf 93 6 61 48 108 76 31 49 48 29 1 53 1 2 1 02 bO 1 00 1 27 62 82 80 60 53 31 43 1)6 48 0J 51 60 1 27 96 83 90 10 to 08 97 1 Ul 2 12 I 03! 816 68 823 It By total commission to collectors. tl I. il lannnnL allowed 17 7J i It it h exoneration " " ,, 81 to ii ii amount orders paid In 1838., 92175 ainoun due from collectors 1888... Jl.o 96 " amount duo from oolleotors 1887.. S3 09 i amount due from collectors 1880 and 1881, Bloom , m w i' eommUuinn to treasurer , 46 oo ii cash bulanss da band,, 107 14 82383 40 OKORQE A, IIEI1RUO, Treasorer In ao- tiount with state tuud. January 2nd 866 To ainouut unouileoted on du.-iliflaU tate tax aVsod'l'a'jVVii.',. i SUM ! rECtAfi NOTlCi; TO BTOCKHOLD. BllS. orrici or Mooustcita wants cowfant, A stock satmcrtntlon book has been oocned tor tho taUnir ot the Incresl SDltal Htock. nnd will tw found ttti(ioruce or tho Coin I'anf in Illooras burg. Bach present share holdor has tho privi lege of autiwrtbin tr for trm shares rf the new Mock for each 'hare ot original stock held. This prlrt lege will remain open tor thirty dais, from Jan. if, 18XS, alter which time any mnnlnlng stock inav do suuscriDcu lor oy any one maun ippuo Hon thcrefjro. FRANK P. D1I.LMKYRH, Febl-tt. Beorctary. A DMINtaritATniX' NOTICE. tnUileof JnhnC. Jonet, lalt of Btoonutntrg, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that letters ot admlnls tratlnn on tho rotate of John !. Jonco. late of the town of Hloomshurg, county of Columbia and state of Pennsylvania, docomed hive been granted to Mary M Jones, to whom all persons lndobied WsnM estate ore requested to rasko payments, and those having cWlms or demands will mase known tho samo without demy. .MARY M.. IONS. rcbi-cu Administratrix, A DM I N I8TH ATI) ll'd NOTICE Suale of .tndme Human, tale of Benton tmonsM t Notice Is hereby given that Iptlers of admlnlv tration on the est to ot Andrew liunyan, late of tho township or uenton, county ot coiumoin, a stata nf TvnnavlvnnlfL. ilnpnaqn I. have been KTrtht- rd to 1. K Krickbaum, to whin all pemouB In debted to sdd eataieare requested tora.Ke pay mfnts. and those having claims or demands will maae Known me aaine wuuuub uc 17. . I. E. KRIUKUAEM, Feb l et Administrator. A PPMUATION FOIt CHAtlTEH. Notice Is hereby given that an application will be mado to the Hon. E. It. Iltoler, President Judge of the court of common Pleas of olumbia county, on the Ud day ot Feoniarf, A. I), its?, for tho charter of a corporitlon, to bo called tho "Blooms burg Library company!" the charter and objects ot which are to pi 0 viae and maintain a free read ing room, ror me ubo ot ino iDuauuiuia vi wo Feb Mt soucltor. a (Kwlaa-MiieKlae' IS 'MftM la Mca lrUtr,lta try ks MwlH-Muala n4i la h world, with mil U atMehnriti vr will alM mm) frc etmpltt HfttefMf CMil d vitMbUtrt UubIm. I mar wi Mk Ikal yoa 'aw what w U tkM wko WlAiHJ utj Mil ftl jttt how-, M tntr m Ma am ii laehwyMta. rn.nA bow MlU for loocBMo ra m woni. n 1. ?fo ctottti rtqtiirta. ruin, who writ IS til t vnet eon M. (tnMnctlmtriTB. 1hM MwlBrntOLhlno in tho world, ind lh mwilorworkirkifhKnif how lotMhrla Amrrtr. VAMJ 0. Jft 7A. Auiwio, Mwln. of Finances -OF- COUNTY, to January 1 , 1 889. CK. By commission and dlsoonnt al'owed col lectors on state tax for 1888. Districts. Heaver t Benton Com. Ti Dls 1 21 1 61 Districts Com. Dls. 91 7 00 2 16 3 23 6 74 2 93 3 911 9 40 41 3 83 8 18 lac Kaon $ M t 16 33 22 03 I 87 8(0 9 41 6 68 23 1 73 Locust 4 23 Ber'Ick Bloom Brl'io'lc Cat'w'sa Cent'lla Centre Conv'm Flsh'ck Fr'nk'n 27 21 63 06 3 12, 14 1 13 68 Madls'n Main Ultain M'm'ur UtPPnt Orango Pine Boaro'k Scott Sug'lo'f 1 30 1 96 4 04 1 75 2 64 6 04 27 2 31 5 60 11 3D S9 2 89 1 62 97 Gr'enw'd 11 43 19 0S lleml'ck 1 2 61 8112 1 6 8-06 07 CR By commissions and exonerations allowed uuiieciors on siaw lux ror insi. Dlstrlota. Com. Ex. Dlstrlcta. Com Ex. Gi'enw'd 8 8 22 Uadls'n 19 Main 19 m M'nt'ur 43 Sug'lo'f 6i) Beaver Benton Bloom Centre Flsu'o'k 8 38 8 40 222 40 1 80 03 8 78 6246 01 By commission to collectors for 1888 " discounts allowed " " " " commissions" " " 1887 "exonerations" " " " amount due on duplicates or 1F67 h .. .. ., iBjg " " naid State Treasurer..... m 66 aw 07 78 246 01 21 39 018 27 300,1 10 commission to Treasurer for 1888 30 110 " bal. in hands of Treasurer loio 61 856 79 COMMI88rONERS' EXPENSES, For which orders were Issued on the Treas. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. J. M. Grimes Co. Supt. Appropria tions for County Institute 1887. Central f enna. Telephone Co, " " " " attach, mentsor whisper phone Adams Express Co., expressago Western Union Telegraph Co.!!!!!I! B. A s. K. K. telegram v . It. Kocher, freight bills Ilervey E Smith auditing publlo ac counts B F. Zarr, 1 Purdon's Digest llloom.burg Baaklng Co., Interest nnnnte K. It. Richardson A Co,, bill trult tree W E. Dlctterlck, 1 steii ladder SbO'lrlck Cox, dainugt- to wagon f Io ti bildge , Prtnk Jones, stable rent Hell r A Co , d. coratlng court house William G. Olrton, expenses to Com missioners' Convention, Erie.... Samuel Michael, lantorn br kon Klttenhou-o b.ldge D.C. Black, J I costs. James Thomp son vs. Col. Co William Mann A I o . bill Ink, Ac... 8. F. Peacock, Notary Publlo J, D, Rodlne, extra work on eltctlon paperaaliowed by Wright A Co. George . Herring, 42 deeds for land fold Treasun r's Sale It. Y tloun bunting ,, Lou's Uernbard repT town clock.. C F Kn no Insurance on Jail stable C. M. Drinker, rerjatn, to look 210 00 48 60 1 00 8 60 1 25 3 12 64 3 09 35 00 13 00 11 83 1 7.1 a oo 6 U) 15 00 A 98 6 75 1 23 600 110 01 6 18 1 00 4 60 73 4 1)0 1 SO 5 0) I. L. Haul), ext. teeth lor prisoners A.c. DeSue pant, ep. safu lock..., Johu J Ueardon, defraying expen ses memorial committee,,,,,..... C.F. Harder two sets election boxes and freight Samuel Smith. Sheriff taking two prisoners at dlffuunt times to Eastern Penitentiary W. it. Fowler, taking Daniel Seybert to E. Penlten'y fro n Union Co. W, II. Snyder, Proth, et al. Costa Win. F. Uodlne vs Col. Co Stephen Pohe, attending Co audit Ell Mendenhall " ' Washington Parr " " " 2 83 91 27 08 82 02 09 16 00 It 00 16 00 837 08 COURTS, JURORS' PAY AND CON1TA BLKS'RKTUUNS Grand Jurors during the year Traverse J urors at court i struck Jury Klndivs. m 46 3663 17 86 36 802 06. 100 00 17410 4'x) 61 62 28 162 64 122 40 43 73 43 83 20 00 callus , Con-tables returns during year Court crier " " ,, Tipstaves " i Newton Walker, Stenographer.,,,,. I . " Craig vs. ralg I " Dr. Gardner trtal . Samuel Smith sheriff serving Jury notices i GeoraeA, Buckingham,! ury com. mlssloner Georeo W, Derr, Jury commissioner. J, D.llodlne, clerk to samo no 8 8072 61 COSTS IN COMMONWEALTH CASES WHERE THE COUNTY BECAME LIABLE. Justices, constables and witnesses.,, 6 1211 30 F, P, lllllmeyer dlslrlo, attorne),,,, mo ui Wm. 11 Snyder, clerk of court , Ul oo It. F Zarr.olerk of oourt for 1S77-7S . 6 90 j t caidweii. meats mrjury on u... Fiederlcks' trial Samuel Smith, sheriff, tees, on pris oners attend-ng court Samuel Smith, sheriff, turnkey fees. capias recap turing Thomas Jones 9 73 41 26 22 50 80 63 8 1702 38 HOAP AND BRIDGE VIEWERS AND ROAD DAMAGES. Sundry persons as viewers J I) llrown, el al.. Greenwood elec tion division surveying, Ao f 393 10 88 95 W 10 20 10 130 00 0 ) U) 00 00 Win Ileruluger datnuge Catawlssa It l l(udwl Henry Jlolliiigtb llunlel HaruiMii gtbead " Bantnu, . t i Clreenw'd " ooust,,,. SuS4nna Applrmau 1 I I A Dswltt , , 4iiVHtver, stal 'S nnPTi SBBBw ia will fl 4 70 07 120 no so oo 2 00 85 80 10 10 15 00 D9 00 11 40 18 W 67 00 Orange,,, Pino Hugarlonf Orange... icusu... Wm auirton,commlsstonerattend iiik nmti viewH. ,.,,.,,, .,. Jn Itlitenhousc, commlsaloner at' tending road vlowa , Etru Htvphens, commissioner at tending road views,, , ,,, SHOO SI COMMISHIONEIW OFPICK ANI COUItT 1IOUHI3. J 11 Ycttor, auditing account 27 96 AlP" Hartman.audlllng accoiinis, 30 86 l' J1 Tewksntiry. Hiidlttng accounts. 28 68 John II Cey, clerk to Hiidllors 00 John UCaey,welgh!,ttok holder 3 60 jHtnes Uidman, repairing chairs . 1175 T J1'!"! work nt "eoorder's vault , 15 80 J I) lindlno, extra clerk hire 30 00 uuuu iieriinv, anisiina to cony reg- lHlcr of voters t-Vhleman Woll, repairs Bloomsburg Oas Co ,gas ,,,, llloonitburg Water Co., wnter rent.. UlnomaburxHteani A Klectrio Light Co., steam lor heat Clias Krug, snsh nnd doors for book rso O W Hterner, glasn, ,to. for bonk cae l'K Vaiinnttn.pnlnllng bookcase... Caroline Hiiderbrant, cleaning nt court house Allco Ahiarunn, cleaning at court loue... , 1, 0 Hiiderbrant, cleaning nt court hnuae , , K Hliutt, cleaning at court bouse. A Cnmpbell, ' M K Cox, work and cleaning at court honse , Wni Mhoemaker, shoveling snow to W narratt, cleaning at court house. 8 W Garrison, work at law library., A O DeMir ppard, repairing locks..., OM : Drinker, repairing 1 ocas at vault CI I lower, repairing at court house.. Kphrlam Harks, haulldg rubbish.., D A Creasy, wind .w brush 10 00 6 10 160 63 66 09 813 79 10 M 4 20 11 21 14 70 3 00 60 1 60 173 18 77 4 60 260 SO 8 40 75 1 25 1 2A 75 4 00 2 80 20 23 2S5 00 1.1 48 m on 442 00 472 00 110 00 600 00 a 't iuoivivy, diii tnase J 11 HChUVlflF A Ha., hill hanlMM A Heroine, cnrinter work at book case Wm F Bodlne. judgment obtained for extra painting Creasy A Wells, bill lumber Vm O Olrton, commissioner. Jesse llltlenhouse, commissioner... Ezra Stephens, commissioner. H K Zarr, atly lor com mlssloners. . . J 1) Uodlne, clerk lor commissioners 833C0 70 COUNTY JAIL AND I-RISON IU2QUI8I. T10NS. C L Bands A Co., blanket I 16 60 Harman i A Hansen, repairs at Jail.,. 21 78 II K Havlts, repairs at jail 48 43 Wm Ilarratt, watching fire 2 00 O A Mclirlde, repairing fence 1 00 Ell Jones, statement of stable to Inmirance Co 8 00 Oeo II Martin, repairing pump 1 00 John lwls, repairing n of on Jail.. 2 00 Oross A Luubach, mortar and work. 2 00 Or knapp.lnsuranceon Jail stable. 7 60 llurtmai. A Edgar, repairing boiler. 4 80 J J Hagenbuch, pump handle t 00 S Knorr A Son, blaeksmlth bill 5 75 Chas W Itunyon bill hardware 22 60 J W Maateller, towels, etc 87 Eshleman A Wolf, repairing 15 30 tleary Hower, work at tank etc 8 79 Tlios L Jones, work at tank 25 Weaver A Knorr, work nt pig pen and fence. 40 50 P Unangst, mending shoes for pris oners , 8 60 Tho Oorry. contract Jail stable 274 Oil 0 A Jacoliy, coal 140 16 Harman A Hasxert, coal 01 68 Foundry and machine dept., Harris burg, boiler 86 25 Bloomsburg Oas Co.. gas 59 20 Bloomsburg Water Co.. water rent.. 165 76 S Smith, shir board forprlsoners.... 706 89 8 Smith, shfT, washing for prisoners. 116 60 John Taylor, Janitor. 338 00 1 W McKelvy, bill rendered 4 70 Kvans A Ever,clothlns for prisoners 16 20 J It Schuyler A Co., hill hardware... 5 00 B V Hicks coal oil and soap 187 Bloomsburg Cur Co., repairs 8 95 Michael Hess, bill coal 14 69 TVannatta, repairing pump 125 Creasy A Well-, bill lumber. 78 97 urju iiuiier, prnr. attendance on prisoners ft-om Apr. 1, 1885, to Dec. 31,1888 .......77,. 74 00 12418 85 PRINTING, STATIONERY, STAMPS AND BOX RENT. Geo A Clark, stamps and box rent.. " " stamped envelopes. .. " station, ry Wm Krickbaum, printing annual statement Wm Krickbaum, printing election proclamation Win Krickbaum, printing court cal endars Wm Krickbaum, printing notices, blanks,Ac Klwell A Btttenbender, printing an nual statement Elwell A elllenbender.printlngeleo tlon proclnmat'on Elwell A Klttenbender, printing no tices, c Elwell A Blttenbender. subscription J C Brown, printing annual state ment J O llrown, printing election procla mation J C llrown, printing blanks and no tices Catawlssa News Item, printing elec tion proclamation W II Brooke A Co., stationery J 11 .Mercer, stationery I 17 60 22 00 15 61 45 00 16 SO 82 00 5(1 90 45 00 16 60 7 50 1 25 45 00 16 60 0 60 16 SO 4 00 4 20 1331 36 INQUI8ITIONS. J M Gwlnner.Cor., 11 inquests.... Samuel Snyder, J. P., 1 Inquest.... J M Gwlnner, Cor., 2 Inquests (232 82 PENITENTIARY AND ASYLUM. Convicts In Eastern Penitentiary '87 8 78 92 Sup'tof Llzslellawley, Warren, Pa 93 00 " Mary Sullivan, Danville, " 104 56 " " Hiram Albcrlson, " 101 67 " " Margaret Weaver, " " 61 12 " " Johu Barton, " 104 67 ' " Peter Mellck, " " 68 60 8615 30 BRIDGE BUILDING AND REPAIRS. nEAVEit. Moyer Brothers, Fisher's bridge, bill cement 8 9 39 Amos Farver, et al, Fisher's bridge, repairing pier 81 03 11KNTON. D II Karnes, Karnes' bridge M G Hei-s, " FPDIIdlne, Benton " D II Karnes, Kdson 11 M G lless, Hartman " II II Karnes, I Thomas " I J Thomas, " " BLOOM, W W Barratt, Barton double bridge, work Geo Harlsell, Shatter bridge P K Vannitta, Red Rock bridge, painting notices J Hachman, Red Itock bridge, pier contract J Bachmun, Hed Rock bridge, extra work on pier J O Brown, Red Rock bridge, sur veying Wm Barratt. Red Rock bridge, labor Weaver A Knorr, Red Rock bridge, carpentering Levi Cox sr., itcd Itock bridge, work D Yocum, Red Itock bridge, snow ing, Ao John Kimner, Barton bridge, plank John Woll, Shatter bridge, rilling In. Creiisr a ells. Rod Itock bridge, lumber IIKIARCREEK. J Bnchman,Itlttenhouse bridge, con tract mason work J C Brown, Itltteuhouie bridge, en gineering 2 00 1 60 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 60 500 2 00 3 00 12C0 00 172 17 12 60 1 75 8 77 4 20 3 60 1 24 00 9 St 639 82 6 20 CATAWISSA. David Glffln, near mouth ofCatu. creek, snowing Thos Hartman, Paper Mill bridge, repairing J Acuey.Paper Mill bridge, snowing Henry lterner, llolllngsheud bridge, filling , ViaUINOCHKXK, O D Hagenbuch, Billlwaler bridge,, E It iJtuderbuch, Paden " ,, " 'Jones ,, " " Buckalcw " .. PRANKLIN. A Lorornaii, lleeder bridge, ttlllngup OREENWOOl). William Harlem, Iola bridge Montgomery Cox " 11 Y Redllne, Lemons " rep'lng Wm Harlem, Mcllenry's Mill bridge John Leircott. loin tiridce 2 00 25 41 200 3 60 2 00 1 2 2 35 1 60 3 S7 2 00 2 60 112 60 2 00 2 00 2 00 200 60 Mellenry bridge " " Hereno " " " Greenly " ., ., HEMLOCK. John S Meusch, Hemlock bridge,,,, JACKSON, A W Hugenbucb, Derr's bridge MAPIROX, J W Mordan, R Wilson bridge " above Wilson uridge,, Jacob Shoemaker, Hawk bridge, rep Daniel Murdan, Keut bridge, ,. 200 1 SO 2 00 2 1)0 11 04 SO John mm? Jervinlali HnyJcr 11 W nearer Abner A Kvans Joaeph Fansey Alltias Colo A 11 Cole AlrrnlCole Dnvld Acuehbacli John Fettertnati SPECIAL NOTICE J Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVCKWAKE, Ac. Finest line of Watches in town. All purchases engraved free of charge. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED.. & WEmBt JMWMMEE, ColwmUfW NttU4i, Blooaivibiirar, P. autff. John J Oearhurt, Iron bridge lavldBhumau, " MOKTOttn.. A J Learn Ilupert bridge,. , ',, jaMsusch ' " t. rt.r.ASAST. J W Mordan Bands bridge. Dan'l Mordan " ' ,. Ueorge llaruet Wanlch bridge ORANOE. J M Larlsh Vance bridge repairing,, WK Crawford" ' W H Klcekensllne Oaragovllle rep.. . JPMengle r' "... I! II John " " ... Ilachman A Farver Herring bridge mason ountract.,,. Jackson A Wood In Mrg Co, Herri, g bridge pipe t ..,.,. J U llrown Herring bridge survey'g, " " " " engineer. Atnos Farver " " rep walls, (leo Herring ' " " " . Wrought Iron Itrldge Co, of Canton, Ohio, Herring bridge on contract. John Hlppensfecl Vance bridge soorr. J M Larlsh Ht bridge rep.,,,,, avnARLoAr, a W lless, J O Hess br'dge W A K.le, K Cole " II K Iing " II II Karns, J It Cole " " " )lnn Cole bridge V II Rutllrr, Rutlirr brtdgo rep Haohel A Hesn, Hess bridge Wm Q Olrton commissioner attend tngto bridges i, F.Ira Hlepbens commissioner at tending to bridges Jesso lllttenhonse commissioner at tending to bridges , ,,,,,,,, 100 300 2 00 2 00 2 00 76 2 75 68 27 2 00 1 0) 60 8 60 533 02 24 12 H 01 I 98 .1 39 1 00 157 60 200 C4 01 2 00 18 24 2 00 2 00 200 8 00 3 60 00 09 m w 63 04 13322 82 ASSESSORS PAY, Districts. Heaver., Benton. Ilerwlrk , Bloom, ,.. Brlarcreek CatawlMa, Centralia Centre Conyngbam Flalilngcreek.,., Franklin Greenwood Hemlock Jackson,,.,, !ncust Madison Main Minilu Montour. Ml. Pleasant Ornngo. Pine Hoartiigcreek,,,. Scott Annual. Trlennlnl , Total. I 73 U7 VI 79 Ul 82 198 45 96 31 97 66 103 85 85 11 40 72 W 01 l 62 81 69 03 88 61 61 106 25 IOO 09 62 41 05 30 51 25 70 21 74 05 72 05 48 70 1113 14 57 20 til 32 g 88 75 89 01 63 07 64 45 43 68 46 81 47 10 36 86 40 72 42 08 17 12 40 60 23 13 22 61 A3 00 41 61 22 66 39 05 21 60 20 61 26 30 :to 3d 21 B'l 68 75 58 75 132 00 62 75 60 75 58 75 48 75 47 95 19 60 41 Oil 42 75 29 00 63 25 61 46 89 75 66 25 32 75 43 70 47 75 41 73 20 73 60 75 42 .19 28 43 Hugarloof Assessors tor fall 28 registry of votes,, 166 (0 J2452M SCALPS. George A Herring, 1 wild cat I tox and 1 weasel, allied before bounly taken off I 2 23 1 75 14 00 ELECTION EXPENSES. Paid spring election officers tall " " " spring room rent " hill ' " " constables advertising, serving notices and attending spring elec tion Pain constables attending fall elec tion Wm II Hnyder counting vote D It Cofthian congressional return (lM'f'ickardjud'ciarreiuVn Judge.'.' J 11 Wright A Co election blanks.... FI Matter " " .... f 889 41 673 30 141 00 137 00 148 W 61 00 61 60 8 20 6 00 68 90 16 60 81691 61 TAXES DISTRIBUTED AND REFUNDED. Amount or township taxes refunded 85)00 27 BLANK BOOKS. William Mann deed books 8 William Murphy's Sons deed and mortgage books E II Yordy blank books F LUutter military mils, etc J II Mercer blank bjnk, etc Get) A Olark marriage docket Wm FMurphy'sSousdocketrorpro- thonotary 27 25 63 60 75 00 2ft 00 8 fill 2) 00 14 60 8231 75 BURIAL OF DECEASED SOLDIERS, AND TOMB STONES. O B Brockway funeral Bloom 8 35 00 Augustus Grove " ' 35 Oil Geo 8 Patterson " Espy 35 00 JnhnRllrobst " Catawlssa.... 35 00 OSDodsoa " Benton 35 00 It II Boody tombstones 00 00 8235 00 SHEEP ORDERS ISSUED. Brlarcreek .... $ 8 00 Denton 2275 Cdilre 15 2i Flshlngcreek.. 83 00 Greenwood,.. 16 60 Hemlock 36 00 Jackson .33 50 Locust 27 00 Madison 261 25 Mifflin 87 00 Montour 5 50 Mt. Pleasant . 19 50 Pine 58 51 Scott 14 M) Sugarloaf 10 00 (921 75 STATEMENT OF DOG TAXES ANDSIIEEP FUND. Cash on hand 8 107 14 Dog tax due from collectors. 1381 55 1193 60 2011 00 81293 60 8 837 03 6072 61 1702 35 1186 31 :tm 7o 2118 85 351 36 232 82 S322 82 615 30 2232 06 4 00 1691 61 2666 27 231 75 233 00 Probable com and exonerations., RECAPITULATION. Miscellaneous Courts, Jurors pay, conlables re turns, etc Costs In commonwealth cases Road and bildge viewers nnd road damages Commissioners otBce and court h'se County Jail Pruning, stationery and postage.... Inquisitions Bridges, buildings aud repairs 1'enltenllary and asylum Aasessors puy Scales. Election expenses Taxes refunded Blank books Burial of deceased soldiers and tombstones 026:160 80 COUNTY FINANCES. ASHKT8. Tax In hands ot collectors duplicates 810086 06 Probable commission and exqnera- Hons 1600 00 89086 06 LIABILITIES. Estlmatod costs In com moDWeallh cases 8 24 00 Amnuutduethesoveraldls. tricts, ta.ea 852 63 Amount ot unugo aim roau viewers due on books Amount of road damages 101 20 imsessed ana unputa esti- mated to Jan 7tb, I8S9 3800 00 Amount due Wrought Iron Bridge Co, of Canton, O... 15M to Amount due lounlry and macnineuoparimeni tiar- rt burg. Pa, for boiler Bal due George A Herring Treasurer 533 75 S3 83 87IS6 21 81929 & Amount of assets over and above liabilities as per estimates 81929 85 Wo, the undortlgned L'omml-sioners of Columbia County, do hereby certify that the foregoing la a corrrect statement of the ac couuls of said county for the year A. I), 18S8. WILLIAM O. OIRTON, JKSiE RITTEN HOUSE, EZRA STEPHENS. Commissioners of Columbia County. Attest! J, D. Bodink, Clerk, We, the undersigned Auditors of Columbia County, having been elected to adjust and settle the accounts of the Treasurer ai.dConi misaloners of Columbia County, do hereby certify that wo met at the office of the Treas urer and Commissioners In Bloomsburg on Monday Jan. 7th, A. D , 18s. and ended ex umlnatlon on Saturday January IBlh. 1889. and carefully examined the accounts and vouchers of the same from the second day of Jan., 1888 to tbe seventh day of Jan., A. D. 1886, and find them correct as above stated. Given under our hands and seals this the 19lh day of January, A. D. 1889. K.SI.TEWK8HURY, J. It. YETTER. CYRUS ROBBINS, -1A County Auditors. Attesti J. D. Bodinb, Clerk. HIND1RCORM8. nsMlrMraCnrarorOorBi. Sbia all lata, jbmjl eotmrort totafr4.Uo.u Drajyuu. UiarUlM tmafetseUfSBiiUIUoa. TakslaUma to.aa4 6La& Feb l d it. M AIR BALSAM CUanies and Uulifil lh hair. PrfimnIM a luvurtnt rtowln. Navsr Fslls ilssTsre Qrsy I HsIrUlisYMUnil CsUr. rnfiM liuaras ana mar nuuf Feb l-dt. Gorhan's plated ware, finest made 83 FARMERS! FARBS! A large ptrounRO hns already been received from farmers, but mnny living within 20 mi es o Bloonidburg have not yet lenrned of the new and MAMMOf I advertise purposely to make known that I lvo.ttho worth of Men's, Youths'. 1W and Children's Clothing, Hals, Caps una Famishing Goods in Abundance. It is now after the Holidays. I now offer great bargains in clearing out Winter Goods to -make room for the- L-A-IRCKEST LINE OF SPRING CLOTHING That can be shown outside of New York and Philadelphia. As said before, our aim is to sell lots of goods and at small profits. RESPECTFULLY YOURS. I, MAIER, Bailable Iftilfe The largest Clothing House in Montour, C oBinn bisn 01 JVoi'thiinibcrlaiHl counties. HOW! WRM' WHERE! WHY! One of the problems of life is to buy GOOD & CHEAP CLOTHING. We are now closing out the entire Winter Stock at Cost. Over-Coats for Men, Boys and Children. Winter Caps, Mufflers, &c. Call and we will make you smile at the Gle&E&sg Qui ftmg&im NOW OFFERED AT D. LOWENBERG'S Popular Clothing Establishment, IS looms bury, Pa. 2" -''ISItfiiBH Ono oi tne tuit-Bi iiiipr.iveni ins is which enables ono to plav without little wear to the inbtrument. WE ARE OFFERING BARGAINS ON THESE INSTRUMENTS. THE GEORGE STECK & CO irn usid, on account ot unequalled in uiu u lined states. THE E3TEY UPRIGHT PIANO, with now repeatinc action, best in the voriu mr uprigut pian s. ana mo , . . introauoeii wun upiigni pianos THE OPERA PIANO has a reputation of 38 years. A warrantee of five cars is given with each instrument. It is the best medium. i.rii'ixl ui nnn In tho market. Our LINE of ORGANS is very ESTEY, THE MILLER, WORCESTER, UNITED STATES, and other niaxes. SEWING Ws have tho celebrated WHITE, NEW DOMESTIC. STANDARD ROTARY, ROYAL NKW HOMIfi. Pianos, Organs and Sowing Machines olds on installment plan. We havo also binjos, guitars, accordotin, blow acoordeon, tlute, hfti miuih orijin, drum', ifco. Five hundre.i pieces of ten cent sheet mueij, &o., Ao. Second haml pianos organs and maeliines on hind, aud received in or new ones. Agent for Butterick and D meatiu papor patterns ami taMnon bonks, bowing needles, oils and attacumcnla tor all always in stock. Bloomsburg Pa. YKIXOW 81QN8. YELLOW 1UBS. Use Peerless Brand" iiAirimmi; FHESH 1AV OYSTKItS. It Selected and packed vfith cieanltDPss and care v, 11, l'K a usun i; u u UALTIMOKE, MU. Tber ar the Dest, Ask your Urocer lor them. MANNA ' Tba bee ret of M Uuwf bredn MouuUlu.Oei J 4 I m my. Bird huu WUl rMtora th tone ot uwi liira. win pre ooodltioo. U&ki oanulei wuff. ere a noua tJdlBg feather, tout by muioaroiiiox DlrectloD rrtx. bird rood Co 40JN. i. la tit., PhlU., Wt Wi ? Mf rcWtt Prooenrld'sCIUlwdw rscKacsor rroQsneia'stiusrvwasr :r..r.r:r v,M:? tuv e oner cnolcu (or uStmj, CHI. StFoulirr, 1h.ll Investmeotsln At.rdeeu flix I'rou riV. AbeN mm mm loruorMS.UAitisa rouiirv, 101111 aids, irsoismui's a r. oesu Iui wri UruiA. rs, Jsalt-Mt M CLOTIIN OF BLM&MBBWEQ We l'ave in stock a finer line of musica instruments than has ever born bought in .his section, aud we are making special nducemeniH to purchasers for the holiday canon. Wo set our instruments direct from tho manufactories, and can offer i ctter terms than can bo given by any finer parties. THE 1VERS & POND PIANOS Htand at the head. ONE HUNDRED OF THESE NOW IN 1 r-E at tie BOSTON CONSERVA TORY of MUSIC. the NEW SOFT STOP ATTACHMENT disturbing anyone in the vicinity and with PIANO, aftor thirty years ot severest test durability, by GG colleges and many others nrsi ana oniv nerieci rcDtatinc act on complete, wo havo THE CELEBRATED MACHINES. NEW HOME, DAVIS, aud ST. JOHN, NEW German . fin sewing exchinge LAW MM maclnni machine J. Saltzer, General Agent. MORTGAGES ON LAND I n,u,rclia8eJ,0KTPA0E9 uPn 'aids In all the Western and i-ouiliem stales and Territories. a.naJ"L,T,? const""' on hand ror saleverj "at sirable High lute interest llearlnij Sucurltiei The Cortin Banking Co. us uncumvAY, new yohk. Jat li-r-4t I17 SAFE INVESTMENTS. of nils hkiktosk 1I0UT(IA(IK CO . OI" AlWhUKKN, DAK "iv ' Essteni pnu. 1M C'bestnut St., PUIladel hla Ps. uapiui 8io,(Mtu. oner duaraStewi 7',! Pa. an7cltyor ILWUbJi BLOOMSBUKU MARKET. Wholesale. Retail. 1.00 CO 00 70 32 45 0.80 20 28 20 22 40 00 12 10 03 OS 07 10 09 12 7 10 10 14 20 30 75 1 00 07 35 5 to 7 Wheat per busbel,.., Kyo " " .... Ccru " " Oats " " .... Flour " bbl IiuttCT Epcs Potatoes Hams Dried Apples Side Bhouhlcr Chickens Occsc Lard per lb Vincear per cal Onions per bushel,,,, Veal skins Wool per lb Hides Coal on Wrahf. No 0 $ 2.00: Nos 3. 3, & Lump $3.25 No. 5 $3.00 UIMimlnue $3.2.1 Repurtet oy O. S. Kilmer, Wholesale Commission jtercftam, iw truur ac, .1. 1 New York. Jan. 28, 1889; The week opens with mild, clear weath er. jNolwnnsiaiHiing 1111s ine marxcis shew n little firmer feeling on eggs, and advices of colder weather and snow pre vailing in the west we have reason to ex pect a more active market soon. Receipts continue heavy, however, and prices will not materially advance until wo nave a continued spell of sharp, cold weather. Jjrtsu near ny selling luc. Binary fancy, while leghorn w'll bring 22 to 25c. Dressed veals in light supply tuul choice stock elllng at 11 to lljcs fair 0 to 10c. Uogs 0 to 8J The market on poultry has not yet opened for tho week but have every reason to look for good prices and a favor able outlet for all choice, ulcdy dres9ed Btock. Prices about the same. Turkeys 12 to 13c. Chickens 11 to 13c. fowls 10 to 11c. Ducks 18 to 14c Uu se 10 to 12c. Quail continues scarce and bringing $2,50 to $u,7u a (loz. wild ducks, red Head, $1.75 to $2.25 per pr , malla'd 75r. to $1. Rabbits 20c to 25c. The market on pota toes continues diprmst d on ing to liberal receipts. Rose $1 50 to $1.75 per bbl. Hebron $1.50. Uurbank $1 12 to $1 25. tiwect potatoes, choice $2 75 Onions tlso In very heavy supply and prices r eling low. Yellow $1 lo $1.12 a bbl , red 75c to $1. Hubbard squush in demand and worth 42.00 a bbl., marrow $1.25. Tho market on apples still continues demoral ized except on few fancy varieties. King and Bpilzworlh $1 60 to $2 a bbl. Green ings $1.50; other varii ties 75c. to $1 25. Grapes, cataba, i to 3c per lb,, concord 2 to 2Jc. Cranberries, $5.50 to $7 i bbl., accoidtng to quality nnd condition; boxes $1 60 to $2.60. There is no special im provement on butler. Creamery, fancy, 27 to 28c; select dairy tubs und pails 24 lo zur; ciimcc sra 10 x0c and entire dairies in to 23c. Owing to un advance In price ou somo of the grades of furs in Emope the market litre shows aib elded Ilrinir leeling. Otter selling $7 lo $10. Heaver $7.60 lo $8.60 Mluk 50c. to $1 Fox 80c to $1 OO. bkunk 60o to $1 25. Opossum 25 to 45o. Muskrat 12 to 20c lli ans held steadily and marrow worth $2.25. Medium $1 85 to$1.87Jc. While kidnev $2.3-5 to $45 and red $1,90 U $2. Evap. apples, fancy, 0 lo 7c; sun dried 4 to 5c. Raspberries 20c. Beeswax 22c a lb. Honey 12 to 14c Giuscng $2.60 to $2.75 Wool, domestic, xxx, 87 to 38c; xx 35c, x 33 to 33 and com mon grades 25 to 80c. aMEMhiS! KNOW THYSELF. ABcltMlfloaDd Htandsrd l'oiralar Medical Treatlsooa tlioEnorsot Youth, Premature Dei lino, Nervous snj Pli)lcal Debility, Impurities or llieltlood, Pi lultio Irom Folly, Vlee, Ignorance, or Iheruiuilon. Kuervatlnn and nutltlloK Iho litlm for ork, llualneis, lbs Married or Boclal llelatlon. Avoid on.kllful pretenders. I'o.aea. till. Kreat jvorli. It contain. 31 page., roval 8o. lleautlful llDdui;, eraboed, full gilt, price, only 61.1 0 by Moll, po.t.pald. concealed In plain rapiier, llins tr vo Prp.poctus Free. II you apply now. Tbs ul.llojnil.bed author, Wm. II. Putter. M. 1)., re. wiveainauykD AND JEWELLED MEDAL from the National Medical Atsnolntlcn. cPuJE?? ,IE E88V on NERVOUO and PHVSI0ALDEB1LITV. Dr. Parker and ocoi pa 1 ,u."t I'nysletans may be comulled. eonfl. Jent ally, b mall or In per.oD, at tho ettlco ct f",;:,VKiS,l.)IiY MBllIOAI. 1NST1TUTK. Ni. 1 Hull mli St., Iloston, llui,, lo whom all srder. lot books or letters lor advice should b directed as above. Jan 18-d-it r:;""BCATAflRH Time, I'nln, Trotiliie, FPbrisnfclVA AKnwiucciit ruiVrrirDl UtvrrL'rn win fcv 1 CATARRH ELY'S Cream BalmffiRFEVER ppw e,cn iio-till. aid 1 J.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers