an. COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. IS POWDER Absolutely Pure. strength nnd wholeeomenoss. More economical than the ordlnaiy kinds, and cannot bo sold In competition Willi tbo multitude ot loir test, abort rinui. uium ui puusuuuiu , UWUITB. BWU OJtlV III cans, Uotal II k kino 1'owDER Co., U S Wall St., N. Y. The Columbian nrpubllshed every Friday. Subscription price, fl.ooajear. Entered at the Tost Office .it Bioomsburg, Pa., BL00MSBURG, FA FRIDAY, FEMIUARY 1, 1880. ' COaiLCT R11UU1D TiaiTABLI. BLOOMSBURG tz SULLIVAN RAILROAD Taking effect MONDAY. NOVEMBER S6, 1898. SOUTH. NORTH. Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lt. Lv. STATIONS, r. u. p. M. A.H. a.m. t. u. r. If. Bioomsburg,-.... s8 i os 8 09 8 35 a is g o Main Street 0 18 I! 53 7 68 8 46 S 38 6 81 Irondale 16 12 SO 7 58 8 48 S 1M Paper Mill ....... 6 08 18 40 7 48 8 56 52 7 04 Llghtstrcct. 6 05 is 33 7 4? oo 2 87 7 os Orangevllle 5 5i 12 SO 7 35 SI 10 .3 50 7 10 Forks, 5 45 12 00 ' 20 9 25 3 S 7 31 Tubus 5 44 11 M 7 15 9 30 3 42 I 86 Stillwater .... 6 37 11 45 7 10 9 37 3 50 7 43 Benton, 5 2D 11 30 7 00 9 47 4 13 7 52 Kdsons, 8 23 11 CO 0 M 9 51 4 20 7 56 cole Creek 5 20 1115652 9 56 424 00 Sugarloaf,... 6 15 n 10 6 49 10 00 4 sa 8 05 Laubachs, 5 19 11 OS 6 4.1 10 04 4 3? 8 10 Central. .7 6 08 10 17 6 88 10 12 4 40 8 15 Echo 1'ark 5 03 10 52 6 V5 1" IS 4 43 8 19 Jamison city.. 5 OO 10 45 6 39 10 20 4 to 8 23 lt. Lv. Lt. Ar. Ar. Ar r. M. A. H. A. U. A..U. r. M. r. II. Trains on tbo 1'. S u. It. It. loavo Rupert as follows : NORTH. SOUTH. 7:22 a. m. 11:04 a. m. 3:12 p.m. 6:20 p.m. 0 Tralnsontho D, L. & W, It. It.leave Bioomsburg as follows: NORTH. SOUTH. 7:11 a.m. 8:82 a.m. 10:57 a. m. 12:06 p. m. 2:24 p. in. 4:18 p. m. C;.16 p. m. 8:47 p. m. Trains on the N.&W.B. Railway pass Bloom Ferry as follows : NOHTU. gouTn. 10:46 a. m. 11:55 a. m. 6.28 p. m. 4-30 p. m. BUNDAT, NOHTH. SOUTH. 10:10 am 6:39 p m HAX.KH. Fan. 7, 8, 9. II. F. Everett will sell his entire stock of store Roods, lu Denton, afternoon and evening, at auction. Big bargains. Fkbuuakt 31. John Blllblmo will sell valualilu horses, cattle, farm Implements, wagons, sleds, harness, household goods, etc etc., at his residence in Madison town ship at 0 o'cIojk a. m. March 2nd. Joseph Weiss, agent, will sell valuable personal property at public salo on the premises at LI mo fridge at 10 o'clock sharp. Horse, cow, farm Imple ments and machinery, household goods, etc. MAiton 5. Margaret Ulrich will sell horses, cows, pigs, &c on Bheatler farm, near Jerseytown, at 0 a. m. MAiicn 13. William Ash will sell per sonal property on his premtsca in Fishing creek township, at 10 a. m. Mahcii 140. A. Uarman will sell horses, cattle, farm machinery, wagons, sleds, etc., at his residence in JllQlln twp. at half past nine o'clock, a. m. March 31 John Zaner will sell farming implements and llvo stock on his premises in Fishingcreek township. About twenty head of horses will be sold. For Balk. A valuable farm in Madison Township containing UC acres, lino build, ings. Will be sold on easy payments. If not sold at private sale by Juh 1st, will be sold at public sale. For terms inquire of J. B. Williams, Uloamsburg. tf. Town Lots.for Balk H. J. Hess and David Ki'cber have a number of town lots at Central which will bo offered at reason able prices. ithln one mile of Jameson City. It is along the main road leading to Laporte. For Sale. Tbreo good storo properties, twelve dwellings, Ax farm", two grist mills, one saw mill, also a good farm of 807 acres In Virginia, by I. P. Lulz, Insurance and Real Estate Agt, liloomsburg. Pn For Sale. A farm, situated in Frosty Valley, 87 acres, good timber land, house and barn, good well of water, young apple orchard, etc. Must be sold by 1st of March. Apply to J. B. Williams, Blooms burg, Pa. For 8ai.1. A desirable and commodious residence on Main street, supplied with waicr, gas and steam. Apply to jan20lf. Xi. N. Motkb. For Bale. One bay marc of medium size 5 years old, will work slnglo or double and can be driven by woman or child. For price and terms inquire of Mrs. Ukokoe IIkckuas, Orangevllle, Pa. I'CTHOIial. Geo. M, Lockard is gradually improving, and hopes Boon to be out again. Miss Anulo Miller has been visiting in Philadelphia duriug the past week. E. W. El well, of Towanda, spent Sunday in town with his parents. Miss Cool, of Illinois, has been visiting at Mr. O. W. McKelvy's. Miles AlbertBon, formerly of this county, who has been residing at Clinch Haven, Georgia, has sold his lumber interest at that placo and removed with his family to Waycross, in tbo same state. Fine Cabinets in vignette or scroll, tt M'Klllip Bros. Rev. A. Iloutz will preach in the Re formed Church next Sunday ovening at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Wynkoop is laying sewer pipe from her buildings, and making connection on Centre street. The salo of the Bhlvo block, Main street, Bioomsburg, has been postponed until Saturday, Feb. 3, vhen it will positively bo sold. The land of John Conner's estate In Ben ton township was sold at public sale last Saturday to Dr. T. O. McHenry for $1010. Whlto, Conner & Bloan, Orangevllle Pa. offer for salo a full lino ot bob sleds, hand and power corn shellers, also the cele brated Lion fodder cutter and crusher, tf The services of J. B. Williams as auc tionccr ore being engaged all over the county. Those wanting a first class crier should write him at once and fix a date. In order to reduce stock I will from now on till thn 1st day of March givo a dis count of 10 per cent. Dn boots and shoes. F. D. Dentler. H. J, Clark & Son leccived Wednesday a machine with which they can measure and wrap cloth at the same operation, They have thoroughly tested it and find lt Rccurato In Us work. I.lfu size crayons in gold frames only $10. f , M'Klllip Broi. Mr. John Zantr Is now nicely fixed In his new homo at the sugar camp near tho creek, lie hat built a very convenient house, and will retire from farming. Tho SI Plunkard combination that played hero last week, disbanded Thursday morn. Ing, and the actors left tne same day for their various homes. Thcro aro 183 boarders and 115 day scholars at tho Normal this term. This Is among the best records in tho history of the school. A military company has been organized at tho Normal School, under tho command of Prof. Chapln. Application will bo mado to the state for equipments. Tho Vestry of tho Episcopal Church has authorized J. 11. Malzo Esq., to collect tho monoy recently subscribed to pay the church debt. The Hannah Conner property on East street, advertised by M. P. Lutz, has been bought by Clolworthy 8. M. Fisher, of Oliver's Mills, Co. Pa., for $3,000. The Yeung People's Social Club of the Presbyterian Church will givo a soap bub bio parly, Thursday, Jan. 81, at O. W. Mc Kelvy's. Admission 0 cents. By order of Committee. A strangtr came to tho house of J. K. Bittcnbendcr, Friday morning of last week, Jan. 2Gth. It Is a little girl and tho happy parents will ace that it Is pror crly cared for. Don't fall to call at F. D. Dentter's shoe storo and get the benefit of tho discount of 10 per cent, which ho gives on boots and shoes from now on till March 1st. It Is rumored in police circles at Wilkes- barre that the two accomplices of Red Nose Mike In the murder ot Paymaster Mc Cluro and Hugh Flanagan havo been cap turcd In Italy. All who purpose having sales this spring should send us the date, and we will an nounce tt, gratis, in our salo register, so that there will bo no conflict of sales in the same township. A spring medicine is needed by eyeryonc. Winter food, largely consisting ot salt meat and animal fats, causes tho liver to become disordered and tho blood Impure, hence the necessity of a cleansing medicine. The best is Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. A mandoline and guitar club, with about ten members, has recently organized in town. The club made its first appearance in public, at a recent Saturday evening meeting of the Philologlan Society at the Normal School. Wanted. A resident salesman for Col umbia and Luzcrno Counties. A man with cxpcrlcnco preferred. Francis Jordan & Sonb., Wholesale Grocers, 200 Nortn 3rd Street, Dec. 14 St. Philadelphia. The managers of the Opera House receiv er! on Monday a letter from tho Montague- Tumer Company, stating that they would be unable to appear here. They were booked for Tuesday night. Over one hun dred scats bad been sold, and a large num ber of peoplo wero dlssappointed. A local institute will bo held at Canby, Feb. 2, at Benton Feb. 8-tf. Dr. D. J. Waller will deliver free a popu- lar lecture at Benton, Friday evening, Feb. 8. Interesting programs have been prepar ed. All are invited. J. U. Lewis, supported by an excellent company, played "Si Plunkard," at tho Opera House Tuesday and Wednesday even ings of last week. They gave n good per. formance, Mr. Lewis In the role of the Yankee, and the German comedian being especially good. They should havo been greeted by large audiences. Rev. J. S. Wagner, who has been Pastor of tho Reformed Church of thiB place, went to his old homo In Somerset County, Thursday. Ho will take charge of what Is known as the new Centrcvilte charge, and his post office will bo Glade, Somerset County, Pa. Mr. Wagner made many friends during his stay in this town, who are sorry to see him go. We tender our best wishes to him in his new field ot labor. A "Burns" entertainment was given at Normal Hall Saturday evening. It con sisted of recitations, and readings from Burns, Bcottish songs and music, render ed by Prof. Nlles' orchestra and the guitar club, and concluded with the poem, "The Cotter's Saturday Night," Illustrated by several tableaux. The hall was well filled and the audience well pleased with the entertainment. List ot letters remaining in the Post Of fice at Bioomsburg for week erding Jan. 20, 1889. Mr. Wash Bllman, W. B. Burgess, Mr E. T. Uazeltine, Alberta Martin, Miss B. Moycr, Mrs. William Rogers, Mrs. Wm. Wbary, Miss Minnie Workhelser. card 3. Bcnjamino Tyson, Persons calling for these letters will please say "advertised." Georoe A. Clare, P. M. "Undo Tom's Cabin," at tho Opera House last Friday evening, as usual drew a largo audience. The houso was filled to over flowing, many standing in tho aisles The troupo was Stetson's "Mammoth Double," including two Marks', two Topsys, etc A first-class band and orchestra accompanied the troupe, as well as a donkey, pony, and several bloodhounds. Excellent special ties were introduced at various points dur ing the progress ot the play. A large street parade took placo at noon. That Little Pain In your back Is not trivial. It threatens your Kidneys. Let it go on a little while and you will suffer much more keenly, not only in those or gans, but throughout tho entire system. Take at once Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, which Is the most effec tive medicine known for the treatment ot a. diseases ot the kidney's and liver, as we., as for the purification ot tbo blood. Fever and Ague and Malaria rapidly im prove under the same treatment. Jan. 1141. Dr. D. Harry BUlmoyer, who is now on a visit to bis parents here, is residing at Missoula, Missoula county, Montana. He left here tour years ago last April, and located at Thompson Falls, Montana, where he remained about a year and a half, and thenco he went to Idaho in the mining dis trict of Coeur d 'lalne, and practiced there for a year. He then became connected with the Northern Pacific R. It Co. as a local surgeon, and soon after that went to Missoula where he entered the Hospital as assistant. After five months ho accepted a position at Roslyn, Washington Territory, as Surgeon In charge of the Northern Pacifio Coal Mines, remaining there for eight months and was then called back to Missoula to the position of first Assistant Surgeon ot the Western Division of the N. P. R. U. in which capacity be has served ever since. He has a leave ot absence for twenty days. Harry was one of the popular young men ot our town, and his numerous friends hero aro glad to see his rosy countenance, and to welcome him home again. Miss Jculo Fisher, ot Orangevllo and Mr. Roland R. Ikeler, ot this place, woro united In marriage at the home of tho bride Tuesday, the ceremony taking pl'co at 7 o'clock. The newly married couplo left on tho next train for Florida, where they will remain for sonio timo. Tho Columbian extends congratulations. Employes ot the Pennsylvania railroad company havo made nuncrous requests for the Payment of their salaries every two weeks Instead of monthly, as at present, but the company has always tefuscd to make tho changes in tho system. In this connection an official of the company saidt "If the salaries of ono set of employes should bu paid bi-weekly, all others would havo to bo treated in the same way. Now wo havo to make out 40.000 checks for every To do this work a force of clerks Is kept busy throughout thu year Tho force would have to bo doubled if wo should pay oftcner. For this reason tt is deemed Impracltcnhlo to mako the chauge so often requested." Tlencral Manager J. 1 Illgbcc, accom panted bv Chief Engineer Rlchter, of the Wllkes-Barre & Western, was in town Wednesday looking into the grade at the terminal here Mr. Uigbco says the road will bo completed by July 1st and trains running between this point and Watson' town by that date. Tho bridges and cul verts along tho extension graded last fall are being built this winter and early in the spring the line will swarm with workmen its entire length. It Is believed by elevat ing thu tracks hero somewhat that the road can make the summit at McDaniels' on a one per cent, grade. If this can be accomplished all objection to Shick. shinny as a terminus would cease. Sftki shinny Echo. The friends ol Mrs. and Mr. Bomboy of Espy, were surprised and also delighted on last Wednesday by receiving an invita tion to attend a social reunion, on Thurs day evening, at seven o'clock, at their re sidence. It was given to commemorate their long and prosperous matrimonial re lations. Brief speeches and toasts suit able for the occasion wero delivered, also useful mementos wero presented by Mr. Mr. Lewis Hess and C., on be half of tho boat yard employes. Tho au dienco wero composed ot malo citizens, with the exceptions of Miss Lillie Bomboy and Miss Matlie McKcmey, who conducted the ceremonial part with such caso and grace ai would have done credit to veteran society ladles. Espt Cor. A local item in last week's lssuo in re ference to the janitor of one of the town churches was given us by a person who could not have had any spiteful motive In so doing. It struck him as being rather amusing and his report of the matter struck us the same way. Wo disclaim all ntcn tion to misrepresent any one, or to publish anything concerning the matter in tho per sonal interest of any individual. Wo have been informed by the best authority that no one volunteered his services as janitor, and that it is certain that the escape of gas occurred in some other way than through tho negligence of the janitor. This cor rection is most cheerfully made. II ad wo known that any feeling existed on the sub ject any allusion to it would have been avoided. Council ProccedlUKH. Thursday, Jan. 24. Pursuant to adjournment council met at 7:30 o'clock. Present, P. S. llarman, president, and Sterling, UaBBert, Cadow, Wolf, Wells and Rlngltr, members. The following petition was presented and read: To the president and members of the Town Council of the town ot Bioomsburg Pa.: Whereas: It is rumored that a request will be mado to your honorable body to grant to the Phlla ot- Reading it. R. Co. or other corporation the privilege and right of way to lay a railroad track upon and along Seventh street of the town of Bioomsburg between Market and East streets of said town, for tbo purpose ot connecting with railroad facilities, Neal's furnace and the adjoining industries In that portion of said town with tho new contemplated route ot the P. & It. R. R. And, whereas, tho laying of said track upon and along said Seventh street would bo of great danger to tho trading public along said street, especially on account of its narrowness and would be ot great dang er to property owners residing along said street and the serious inconvenience to ail citizens and tho public generally in that part of the town. And, whereas, another and much more suitable route for tho laying of said rail road track eiuld bo had along the birm bank of the Penua. Canal with no incon venience or danger to tne trading public or property owners along seventh street. Your petitioners therefore pray your honorable body to refuse said request to said P. & R. R. R. Co. or any other cor poration making Ibo saruo request and leave the parties to their remedy at law to to purchase their right of way where it will do the least injury to ihu guucral Jpub llo and they will, etc. blgntd by Seventh street property owners. On motion tho petition was received and ordered filed. On motion council adjourned. A lMcilHUllt Alfair. Over sixty happy guests assembled at tho elegant country residence of Mr. and Mrs. T. U. Edgar, near Stillwater, on thc evening of the 24 Inst., to witness the mar riage of their only daughter, Leila- I. Edgar, and Will L. Mcllenry, son of Hon. U. B. Mcllenry. At precisely 6:30 p. m., tho bridal party conststUg ot Mr. I. W. Edgar, Mlsa Grace Mcllenry, Mr. Bruco Daley and Miss Mc llenry, attendants upon the Brldu .and Groom, presented themselves before the as sembled guests, when by the Rev. D. M. Kinter, in a short, but beautiful and im pressive ceremony, two young and happy hearts were united for life. After the us ual congratulations, the company repaired to the dining room for refreshments, where they did ample justice to a supper, such as only that prince of cooks, Mrs. Olive Hess, late hostess of tbo Exchange Hotel at Ben. too. can prepare when supplied with all the delicacies of the season. To say it ffas a most happy and enjoyable time for all present is putting it very mildly, Tho bride was the recipient of many handsome and valuable presents, useful as well as ornamental, the gifts ot loving and ad miring friendb. The happy couplo left on the early morning train on the B. & S., for Buffalo, Niagara and Blnghamton. This was an event that will linger lung in tho memory of all present. CoiiHuiuptlou Hurcly Cured, To the Editor Please inform your read era that I havo u positive remedy for tho above named disease. By Us timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been por. manently cured. I shall bo glad to send wo bottles ot my remedy wee to nny of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their express and post nfllo a 1 're Respectfully, T. A. 8LO0UM 181 Pearl Bt., New York, sept.31.lyj Going 10 net Ikven. A short tlmo ago the physicians ot Bun- bury organized what thoy stylo "Let Them Die Hoclety," the object of which Is to blacklist all who owe them fees and no physician Is allowed to attend the families of any on said list until the old score is cttlcd, To offset this scheme another to clcty Is being formed, to consist of not less than three hundred employes In the sh'ips, mills and on tho railroads, each member of whom shall contrlbuto fifty cents per month to pay a physician who wi'l bo brought from a distance, and who will open a first class drug store, lt is also proposed that any merchant who employs a physician be longing to tho present "Let Them Die 80 clcty," shall bo boycotted. Matters aro taking shape, and before long tbo new or. dcr of things will b6 in operation. Milton Bcommitt 'fheladica of tho Presbyterian Church will havo a supper at tho Manso this Friday evening from 6 to 10 o'clock. An elegant supper will be served for 85 cents : Ice cream and cake, IS cents extra. Pleasant lor prof, Romford. Tho Importance of tho character ot bak ing powders to be used, Is shown by the Met that mauy eminent scientists havo giv en their best thoughts to tho question. A notable example Is tho very thorough and exhaustive experiments mado by Baron Lteblg, ono of tho most eminent chemists of his time, who became, greatly interested in Prof. Horsford's invention, (Rumford Yeast Powder). In his published report Llchigsays: "I have, through a great scries of experiments, satisfied myself of tho purity and excellence of the baking preparation of Prof. Uorsford. Tho bread has no acid, Is easily digested, and of the best tasto. I consider this invention as one of the most useful gifts which science has mado to mankind. It is certain that the nutritive value of the flour will be Increas ed ten per ceut. by this phosphatic prepa ration." Certainly high words of commendation for an American inventor. Cnndleinnn Day. HOW IT WILL UE OBSERVED IN THE CATIIOLIO CHURCHES. At all the Catholic churches Sunday morning the announcement was made that on oalurday next tlie feast of the purifica tion of the Blessed Virgin will be celebrat. ed. This holiday, while not one of obli gation, is one of devotion, and the cere monies attending the blessing of candles are always impressive. It refers to tho purification of the Virgin Mary after the birth of Christ nnd to what Simeon said when he took Jesus lu his arms and said he was a "light to lighten thc Gentiles." Some ot tbo ancient chroniclers asserted on that day thc Christmas greens should be removed from the walls of thc houses and burned, while in very early times the ground bng was dragged into the affair, and upon him and the sun did tho condi tion of the remaining winter weather de pend In Scotland a peculiar custom was very lately in vogue. On the morning of candlemas day the school children entered their rooms ami going to tho teacher, placed In his baud certain offerings of money. Tho sums given varied in amount from a penny or two to a shilling and in some cases a crown. The b.y, glymg tue largest sum and the girl doing likewise were carried on the crossed hands of the scholars at tho bead of the processions of youngsters. Tbey wero called the king and quen of tho day. in fact the seat mado by the joining of hands is called in England "king's chair" to this day. Some teachers, after the offerings wero all in, made a bowl of punch and regalled the children with a glass of it and a biscuit, all to thc health of the queen. As for the superstition about the crop question, It has existed for centuries in European countries. In tho Hebrides the natives had peculiar ceremonies Invoking tho aid of providence for tho good of tho coming harvest, while lu Germany husbandmen and shepherds watched the state of the weather with great anxiety; was it dismal they rejoiced; did tho sun shine, they prepared themselves for a lengthy selgc ot cold weather before the arrival ot spring. sue niusued awfully when I told her what to do for thoso horrid pimples with which her face was covered. She now says if you want a pink and whlto complexion with a nice clear smooth skin, you must use that best of all blood purifiers, Sulphur Bitters. 2t CONGRATULATIONS. BV JonN BUTTON. For the Columbian. Now ibo weddimr bells aro ringing, Bending music through the air, Every pleasant note is bringing Wishes for the youthful pair. We have known them since their childhood, Watched their growth in form and years, Heard their laughter In the wild wood, Seen their faces wet with tears. Now before tho marriage altar, As man and woman there they stand, Without a sln of fear or falter, Hold curb other by the hand. Soon tho solemn words aro spoken, Which make tho lovers man and With a cord not easily broken, Binds them firmly during life. wife, Now wo givo congratulations, Heaven bless tho married pair Burdens. tend all situations, May those be light tbey havo to bear. Wu cannot livo in sunshine ever, The clouds are here, hence, shadows come, From these, exemption will be, never, 'Till we reach that higher home. Amidst the cares of love and labor, AmldBt the changes dark and fair, May they, through the Lord's good favor, Of life's sunshine hive their share. Stillwater, Jan. 23, 1889. When suffering from throat or lung troubles, take only such medlcinu as has been proved worthy ot confidence. Such a remedy is Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral ; a specific for sudden colds, and invaluable in all forms ot pulmonary complaints. Bold by druggists. Price $1. A Youthful AetreHH. Llttlo Grace Washburn, who played Eva in Stetson's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" at Ash. land, on Monday evening, is quite pre. coclous for a girl ot eight summers. Her homo is at Jackson, Mich. She is au or. phan, her father having died when she was 2 years old, and then the proprietor of the company adopted her Into his family. Sho has been on tbo road since, being In charge of tho proprietor's wife. Grace's mother Is poor and supports tho family by taking In washing. This Is Grace's first season on the stago. She takes interest in her work, Hnd nearly every time she leaves tbo stage tho asks some one of the company, "Did I mako any raUl&kear'AiKlandAdvocaic A raro opportunity Is presented for aome enterprising townsman to represent a Nursery firm that warrants stock to be de. livered iu pi line condition, to that a large, honorable and permanent trade can bo built up. Very liberal termt to the right raau Address, James E. Whitney. jaa 25 jsm. Rochester, N. Y. Mr. II. A. Bctioch has accepted a position as assistant at tho Banking Company. Thu buslnoti hat incicascd to rapidly that an addition to the foreo becamo necessary. Rheumatism Is caused by lactic acid In thc blood, which flood's Barsaparllla neu trallzes, and thus cures rheumatism. A a meeting of tho stockholders of the Bioomsburg Water Co. on Saturday last, It was voted to increaso tho stock 900,000 making it $90,000. It tbo growth of tho town at any tlmo should demand a larger Stock lt can bo Increased $45,000 additional In bonds. A new pump with an additional capacity of 8,000,000 gallons per day, and a 100-horso boiler aro being put In at tho works. It is tho intention within thu next two years to build a 6,000,000 gallon reservoir. WANAMAKER S. rnii.ADiUBiA, Monday, Jan. 23, 1689. This is for you. madamc about your Dresses. How many of them fit just right? Have you one Dress that pets exactly as you wish? Isn't there a draw, or a wrinkle-spot or a hunch-up place in the best of them? Doesn't it pinch a little here and slouch a little there? Of course it does. Needn't. Heard that before? Very like ly; but we prove it. There's no guesswork about the fit of a waist that comes from the Pollock Garment-fitting Frames. Can't be. A cuirass of flexible metal tapes does thc business. Being adjustable in all its parts by a series of hooks and eyelets, it is fitted perfectly to the form, re moved in sections, laid flat upon the material to be cut, a pencil sketch is made, a few snips of the scissors, and the garment is ready to put together. No shearing and shaving to "make it fit." Science touches a secret spring in dressmaking and the lines of beauty fall into place. lhroat curves carried out; shoulder slopes not marred by straight unyielding seams ; darts that defy straining or stiff ness in outline; sleeve that might serve to mould the arm of a Venus, easy in any posi tion sharp elbows especially invited. The only perfect waist meas urement system we ever knew and invented by a man ! Think of the time lost in try ing to be fitted; add the plague of the almost certain misfit; take note of the cost of ruined material, ruined nerves, and ruined hopes. Then hail the deliverer. You are asking "what will all this perfection cost?" Absurd ly little. $1 for waist and sleeves lin ing perfectly jilted and basted ready to put on. $2 for zvatst and sleeves Imtnp- and cloth basted together, but you must furnish thc cloth. I he paper pattern and the wasfed stuff by the common way would about balance this cost. The wind whipping the spray from the crests of high running billows is the metaphor for the early sales of rare Ginghams. The new styles for this year are the song and laughter of color. Some, many ''flew like the down of a thistle soon as opened, and are still flying. But the glory is not all to the Scotch. Yankee "me too." Massachu setts Gingham in plenty, deli cate as "Summer evening's latest sigh." To enjoy the rare day in June, when it comes, buy and prepare now. Let no hur ry then disturb the peace of glorious Summer. There are styles by the hun dreds. Mostly novelties. 20 to 60 cents. Dress Robes $4 to $10 each! Rich stuffs for panels and trim mings, and strong, handsome plain weaves to combine. Yard-cost would be double or more. We hear of Women's $6 Shoes reduced to $4, and other like doings about town. Do you gulp such stories down without looking into them? It isn't safe, if you care to save money. We were shown a pair of $4. from $6 Shoe recent ly that came from not a thous and miles away. We hadn't a regular $4 Shoe in stock that wasn't better made, of better stuff, and better finished, You can be extravagant in Shoes as easy as in anything else you wear. John Wanamaker. LOCAL NOTICES. BLOOMSBURG. Fino Cabinet portraits only $3- tloz. Life size Crayons only $10.00. Viewing, copying and enlarging. Instant process used. tf. Blooded I'ovrlu. Pit Games, Orlst Shiwlnecks, Heath, woods, lllack B. Reds, that wllUtay to win. LggB, 13 for , Satisfaction Guaranteed. W114LUM Dennis, , . Bioomsburg, Pa. (Mention this paper,) IUBBON8. A special lot of Italian Faille satin edgo ribbon in black nnd co. ors. 25 per cent, less than regular price I. W. Hartman & Sons'Grocery and Dry Goods departments works well together to uu uub-ici vi taiuier-,ami oiners. Clark A Fori aro showing somo decided uurgniu iu uress goods. ttlinnlni rf Thrill. U.M. --1 Coats at big bargains at I. W. Hartman & Laco curtains, scrims, do at Clark os Don 1. What Is the '"bid Vlrniv' f Why It Is a brand of cheroots which Is the best and cheapest in Iho country. Dealers supplied by Aloxander Bros. A Oo., wholesale agents, Blopmalmrg Pa. Black dress goods, largo lines, low prices at Clark & 8on7s. I. W. Hartman & Sons' begin tho open. Ing of now White Goods, Embroideries Ac. In a fe days. 10 per cent, off for'criili on all woolen goods for tho next 80 days, at A. M. Do. Witt's, Orangevlllo, Pa. 4w It will pay you to go- to Clark & Son's for your dress goods. 0-4 all wool dress cloths, COc yd. at Clark & Bon's. All who are fond ot a good smoke will save money and health by suoklng tho "Old Virginia Cheroot." Tako no other and beware of Imitations. They are retail, cd S for 10 cents, and guaranteed to bo tho best goods on tho market for the mnnov. Try them anr? bo convinced, Alexander uros. & uo., wholesale agents, Bioomsburg i a. Complete lines of hosiery, gloves, under, wear, &c at low prices. Clark & Son. 10 Towels for $2 60, 8 Towels for $2.60. G Towels for 2.60. 4 Towels for S2.80 2 Towels for 2.60. nt I. W. Hartman A Dons'. A few mora coats to close out chenn at Engraved business cards can be obtained at tho Columbian office. Ladies having plates can havo cards printed. tf Another lot of those chenn all linen nan. kins and table linens at Clark & Son's. Stock taking is over at I. W. Hattman & Sons', now tor thc sale of cheap table linens 81. Linens reduced to 80c. others in nro. portion. Call If you wish a bargain. Tt Will tlBV 'umi tft ar.,1 riarlr Qah. ..... , ' J mJ " w BW V.U.D. kJWU Ines of Hamburg edgings, &c. BUSINESS NOTICES Children Cry for Pitcher's Cistoria. When Baby wu aide, we (arc her Cutorla. When ahe wu a Child, aha cried for Cutorla, When ahe became HU, ahe clang to OurtorU, When she had Children, ahe cave them Cutorla. Br. Tliccl, the celebrated Sneclallst.has yet to find an equal in curing nervous, kid ney. Mood, skin and special diseases ills tu per lor power ot hcallne is due to his complete practical knowledge of allopathic, homeopathic and eclectic systems of mertl cine. All suffers should consult htm per sonally or by letter at his office, 633 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Plica I IMlenl ItcllltlK IMIcm. StMFTOMs Moisture ; Intense itching and stlngine; most at night; worse by scratch ing. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swayne's Ointment stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in most cases removes tho tumors. At druggists, or bv mail, for 60 cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia. raay-41y, Eczema, Itcliy, Hcaly, Skin Tortures. The simple application of "Swayne's Ointment," without nnv internal medicine will euro any caso if Tetter, Bait Rhtum Ringworm, Piles, Itch, Sores, Pimples, Eczema, all Scaly, Itchy Skin Eruptions, no matter how obstinate or long standing. It is potent, effective, and costs but a trifle May-4-'8!f-ly TUE HOMLIEST MAN in BLOOMSBURG as well asthobandsomcst,and others aro In vited to call on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsnm for the throat and lungs, a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to cure and relieve all chronic and acute coughs, asthma, bronchitis ana consump tion. Price 60 cents and $1. Beauty Is desired and admired by all. Among the things which may best ha done to enhance personal beauty Is the daily use of Ayer's Ualr Vigor. No matter what tho color of tho hair, this prepa ration gives it a lus tre and pliancy that adds greatly to its charm. Shonld the ' hair be thin, harsh, ' dry, or turning gray, Ayer'a Hair Vigor will restore the color, bring out a new crowtb, and render the old soft and shiny. For keeping tho scalp clean, cool, and healthy, there is no better preparation in the market. " I am frco to confess that a trial ot Ayer's Hair Vigor has convinced me that it is a genuine article. Its use has not only earned, the hair ot my wife and daughter to bo Abundant and Glossy, but it has given my rather stunted mus tache a respectable length unci appear a nee." K. llrltton, Oakland, Ohio. "My hair was coining out (without any assistances from my wife, either). 1 tried Ayer's Hair Vigor, using only one bottle, mid I now havo as line a head of hair nt any one could wish for." -It. T. Sehmittou, Dickson, Tenu. " I havo used Aver's Hair Vigor in my family for a number of years, and re L'anl it us the best hair preparation I Know of, It keeps the scalp clean, tho lialr soft and lively, and preserves the original color. My wife has used it for 4 long time with most satisfactory re milts." Ilenjurain M. Johnson, M. D., Thomas Hill, Mo. " My hair was becoming harsh and dry, hut alter using halt a bottle of Ayer'a Hair Vigor it grew black and glossy. I cannot express the joy ami gratitude I feel."-Mabel O. Hardy, Delavan, 111. Ayer's Hair Vigor, rasrARiD bt Dr. J, O, Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold br DruuzlJts and Perfumers. VEAK1S i BACKACHE WEAK AND PAINFUL KIDNEYS, ALIIINQ Rides. Back and Cheat, ltheum&tle. Ttatiiv Nhdrn and Muscular Pains, relieved In one minute by the rintiVnm Anti' Doin DUr.tmr. The nret wummi iuni-i tuu iiautoi and only Instantaneous paln-kllllng strengthening uiaaicr. lavHioiurn. At uruglflSla, gr Ol rot ter Drug and chemical Ca, Boston TJTlUr Ilmples,blackheads. chapped andnr T?e JT llri oily akin cured by Cutlcura soap. tTLlQ yfyTALN WRIGHT &UO WHOLESALE QR0CERS, Philadelphia, Pa. IKAS, BYRUrS, COFFEE, BUG Alt, MOLASSES 'Oil ''on 'vaos eiiTom 'bious 'aoiu N. E. Corner Second and Arch Bts. """Orders wui receive prompt attentuoi "IFFICE OF THE I1LOOM8BUKG BLOOMBBCXa rA., NOVIMBEH 23, 1888 SPECIAL NOTICE TO STOOKIlnT.riKIHL The Board ft Directors ot this company have cslled a f peclal meeting of Its tlnckho.ders. to bo held at my omee, the general unlce or tho com- A. 1). lBttu, at and between the hours of two en and lour ft) o'clock r, u , for i he purpos of wning FKANIf. P. UIUMEYEH, Secy, HON. J. P. BASS, now President Kastern Mains State Ptr Associa tion, ex-Mayor of nanKor.bustneaa man and capit alist, Is one ot tho best known men in Maine. lie had, not long ago, a severe attack of dyspernla, which took him from all business, placing him under treatment, no went South and West In search of health, but failed to nnd It. Conld eat no solid food, and became roduci d In llesh from ISO lo 118 pounds, upent thousands of dollars, still no relief. At this time met Dr. Brown, who had Just returned from Kurope. The latter un dertook a cure. Ho expanded and strengthened tho walls ot tbo stomach of the patient j cleansed them of fie for. clitn accumulation reduced that "ki awing sen. nation i" revived tho liver and kidneys excltlnif llicm to a healthy action, and toned up the blood until Mr. Ilasa began to regain former good health. Uuder this treatment he bcamecntlrcly well, and that year, In connection with lion Geo. II. Lortnrr and other officials ot the New England Flr Asso. i-iuu u, uiuiiBKeu ineir trreat rair. jvir. uasa says Dr Brown used noihlrg in his caso but BROWN'S Sarsaparilla. Not ffenuine unless mails by Ara Warren Co., SHERIFF'S SALE. OK Real Eslsite! By virtue of a certain writ ot Alias tcvarl Facias Issued out of the court of commonPlean of Columbia county, to the Commonwealth or Pennsylvania, and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House In tho town or Bioomsburg, raid county on Monday, February 4, 1889. at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, all that certain mes suage and tract ot land situate In Beaver township county ot Columbia, and state of I'onnsvlranta, bounded and described as follows; viz; On the north by lands ot Peter Knecht and Jacob Shear man, on the east by lands ot Peter llauck and Jacob Shearman, on tho south by lands of reter llauck and Jonathan llauck and Samuel Nungess er, and on the west by lands ot Samuel Nungesaer and Peter Knecht, containing ono hundred and twenty acres and thlrty-slx perches, more or less, together with tho hereditaments and appurten ances. Selied, taken in execution and to bo sold by virtue ot an Alias levari Facias, at the suit of Daniel SlDglay Sr. and Sanlel Slngley Jr , admin istrators of John Slngley, deceased, against Fred crick Mossier, with notice to Terre Tenants. HlRKLir, Attorney. JOHN 11. CASEY, Jah n shenn. SHERIFF'S SALE- OF Meal X?statc ! By virtue of a certain writ of Levari Facias Issued out of tho Court ot Common Pleas of Col- umbla county, In tho Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, and to me directed, there will bo exposed to public sale upon the premls-s hereinafter de scribed. In tlie borough of Centralia, said Columbia county on Saturday, February 2, 1889. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, all that certain lot or piece of ground sltiuted In the borough of cen tralli, county of Columbia and state df Pennsyl vania, bounded and d scribed aa follow.; Begin ning at a olnt on the east Bllo of Troutwine su nrty(5i)feetnorthofthe northeast corner ot Trout wine and Centre street, th-nce along aald Trout wine street north thrco degrees, westtwenty-nve feet to a stake, thence north eighty seven di groea cist one hundred and forty f- et to on alley, thence niong said alley south three degrees, east twenty, nvo feet to a stake, thence south elghty-Beven de grees, west one hundred an"" forty feet to the placo of beginning, being lot marked with the No. 10 In block numbered sixty-three, as laid out by Locust Mou'italn Coal and Iron Company, in the map or general plan of said town ot Centralia and the ssmo lot which tho Locust Mountain Coal and Iron Company, b an article ot agreement dated the ltth day ot June, A. D 1M, Old sell the same to Mary Dyke, her heirs and assigns Upon which are erected a two-story frame dwelling house, and outbuildings. seized, taken In execution and to be sold ty virtue of a writ of Levari facias, at tho suit ot The Citizens Building and Loan Association of Cen tralia. against Benjamin J. Dyko and Mary Dyke his wife, C. O. BmsLKv, Atty. JOHN B. CASEY, Jan 11 Sheriff. 1ST OTIOE. Notice la hereby given that tho following ac counts havo been nied In the court nf common Pleas of Columbia county, and will bo presented to s ld Court on the First Mond y ot February A. D. intra, and connmed nisi, and unless exceptions are mod within four days thereafter will bo con. nrn.ed absolute : l. The account of John P. Jones trustee of tho "Bryn blon Church" property. !. First and llnal account ot Moses Mcllenry, committee of the person and estato of Maria Colo man a lunatic Protbonotarys Office. WM. n. SNYDKR, January 7, A. D. ipso. Proth'y. JOTICE. The policy holders of tho IMarereek Farmers' Mutual insurance company of Lime Uldge, will meet at the hall of the Centre Grange, P. of II. In Centre township, Columbia county Pa., on Monday the nth day of January, ISM, between the hours ot 10 a. m. and 2 p. m., for the purpose of electing Directors for tho ensuing year, and fur transact ing sucn other business as may properly come be fore said Company. SAMUEL NEYIIAltn, Deo Si. becretaii XEOUTOIi'3 NOTICE. HtUxte of Ann Young, late of Benton tovmihtp, deceased Letters testamentary rn the said estato having been granted to the undersigned executor, nil persons indebted are hereby notlfled io pay the same, and thoso having claims against said estate mu picacui. tue Buuiu rur settlement to , . A. P. YOUNG, Jan 18 Executor. WE ARE GIVING AWAY $5.50 IN CASH By Selling Our $15 London Made Scotch Cheviot Suits AT- $90. Samples of material sent to any address "Free of Charge." Our Self-MeaBuring Chart, with instructions "How to obtain a perfect, fit and order by mail," sent with all samples. E.O.THOMPSON, TAILOll CLOTHIEK, 1338 CHESTNUT STREET (Opposite tho MBit) Philadelphia. MADE WITH BOILING WATER. EPPS'S GRATErUL-COMFORTING. COCOA MADE WITH BOILINO MILK. Feb l-a-tb pEGtSTEIVB NOTICE. Notice Is hereby MTfn to all l'galee creditors and other persons in'ereatod In the rstats Of the respective decedents and minors that tho follow In dmntrators'cx,cittO's' guardians accounts hare been nied In tho offlo" nf tlio Iteglater of Col umbia county andwlll too presented for confirma tion and allowance In tho orphans' Court to Da held In liloomsburg.Fcbruary tin, 185S at 9 o'clock p. m. of said day. No 1-Flrst and final account of Silas Conner, administrator nt Margaret Montgomery lato ot orange township, Columbia county, deceased. No. (-Account of Samuel Knorr, guardian of Margaret A Davis deceased, law of the borough ot Centralis. No. HFlrrt and llnal account ot George W Kreaaler, admtn'slratororcaro lne D Kremter, lato of Scott township, Columbia county, deceased. No 4 Second snd llnal account ot Clinton Kills, administrator of Charles Haves, lato of tho town of Catawissa, Columbia county.doceascd. No. 8 Account ot Miles W Moea, administrator of Oeorg" W Hell, lato of Sugarloaf township Col umbla county, deceased. No. a First acd nnal acount ot Wm. It Demott guardian of th peraon and estate of .Harry WeU llrer, minor ch'ld of Jamca Wclllrer, late oi Madi son township Columbia county deceased. No. 7 -First snd llnal account of Joseph E Zelgler administrator of the estate of Oeo-go Zelgler, late of scott township Columbia county, deceased. No. 8 Swond and final account of D P Karsch ner, administrator otJohn Karschner, lato of rino township Columbia county, deceased. No. n-Account nf Obadlah Yocum, one of the administrators of K'llah Yocum. lato Of Locust township Columbia county, deceased. No. 10-First and flnal account of Aaron R Pat terson, executor of the last will and testament of of Elizabeth Kline, late ot Greenwood township, Columbia county, deceased. No. ll-Flrst and final account of Jos. W Eves, administrator of Thomas Poll:, late of Madison township Columbia county, deceased. No. it Firs and flnal account ot n J Conner, administrator or c v Belong, lato of Orange town ship Columbia county, dsceased. No. 13 First and final account ot Cyrus Relchard administrator of Anna Young, late ot .Madison township, Columbia county, deceased. No. 14 First and flnal account of Moses McHenry admlnlntratoror Hamuel Mcllenry, late of Benton township Columbia county, deceased. No. is First and llnal account ot James II Shultz. administrator of Hannah bbullz, late ot Jackson township Columbia county, deceased. C. II. CAMPnKLL. Jan 11 Register. 7"IDOWS' APPRAISEMENTS. The following Widows' appralsme' its wlU bo Drewnted to the Orohana' court, of Cnlnmho county, on tho First Monday of February A. D. 1.-,, tuiu 1.UU111 iucj uim. uuu umes.1 exceptions are filed within four days thereafter, will be con firmed absolute : 1. Bernard Duiran Est. Centralia, Realty 3to.0O a. oeo. Emerlclc Est. Mifflin, l-er.-onalltr Sv,oo 3. Wealer 11- as Est Cenlr. Realty 300.00 i. John Itunyan Rat. catawtasa, Realty 195,00 6. Thomas L 'all Est. Madt-wn. Personalty S0O.OO 0. Samuel Nungeiwr Ear, Beaver. Person- He ilrrSND. 0. Total 300.00 7. Jesse BrumRtelter Eat. Ornnc-n tVronn. a'tr 310.00 h iri Kurtz Est., iwrwlclc, personalty 300.00 9. Daniel Flrnnhinn Vjtt.. Mnntsitir. Prei.n. alty $!9 so, Realty fia 00, 554.50 Clerk's office WM. II. SNYDER, Bioomsburg Jan. 7, 1 SOT. cleric O. c. "JOTICE IN PARTITION. n the matter of tho nartltton nf tho nai earntA ot.Tohn Johnson, lato of Madison township, col umbltrountv, Pennylvanla,d"ce sod. Notice la hereby given 1 ho heirs of said dece dent, that In pursuance ot an order of the orphans' court ot viumbla county, a writ of partition has lwued from said Court to the Sheriff of said county returnable on the First Monday of February, A. D. 1839. and that tho innumt will meet for thn ntir. pi w nt making partition ot tb real estato of sild ucunnii. on rnuay menr-t aav or rehruaiy. A. D 18H. at ten nloeka m or said premises, at which time and placo you can be present lt you see proper. Said prcnlaes being situate in Mrdlaon township Columbia county, aroreaald. and containing nlnety-tour acres and ninety perches of land more or less. hAMUEL SMITH, C W. MlLLVR. AtfV. UhariV Jan 2 1889. pXECUTOR'8 NOTICE. Estate of John llayward, late of Eloomsburo, deceased. been granted to the undersigned executor, au pi.-ua iuucw u niv iivicui i uiuieu ij pay me same, and inose havin claims against said estate Will thn In, in F. P. HOWER, O. E. Elwell. Atty. Executor. janii cw. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 'state of George Kmertck, late afiHttln township. Notice is herebv elven that, letters nf nrimtniR. trai Ion on the estate of Oeorge Emerlck, late ot the township of Mimi , county ot Columbia, and Btato ot Pennsylvania, dec-aacd. have heen cwintjvi tn Joseph A. Woodburn ot Newvlll-, Cumberland coui'ty, Pa., to whom all per-ons Indebted to said esuuoare requesica to make payments, and thoso tuvlnir claims or demand will tnakn v-nnvm rtin same without delay. JUICI'll A. WOOUUUKN, Knorr Wlntersteen. Attys. Administrator Dec SI ct' Ncwvllie, Cumberland Co Pa. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 'state of llenrv Wolf, late of the Town of Blooms- ourg, aeceasea. Notice Is hereby given that letters of adminis tration on the estate ot Henry WoT lato ot tho town ot liloomsburg. county ot Columbla.and state ot I'cnnajivanla, deceased, havo been granted to Louisa Wolf ot HloO'UBburg. Columbia county, Pa., to whom all persons Indebted to said estate aro requested to mako payments, and thoso having claims or demands will make known the samo without delay to or to LOPISA WOLF, Knorr & Wihtebstkeh, Administratrix. Attys. Jan-sj. rpiUV ERSE JURORS FOR FEBRUARY TERM. rtloom Oeorge Hasnert, Gideon Heist, Naao It Kitchen, Hiram Palmer, W c Rlchart, c P Sloan. Heaver T J Miuman, Oeorge Kesharcr. Berwick Uer.ry Amerman, Saraul llopler. Catawissa Thomas L Dean, William Kycr, I. B Kllno, Adam Mcnsch, Stephen hhawn, Perry Waters, Daniel zarr center Boyd Bower, bamuel nidlay, Reece Hoffman. conyngham Sylvester Hoffman, W II Rlnbold. Flsblngcreek-Jetbro henry, Richard Hess, E L Lemon, John I'ealer. Franklin Henry oottsuhall, David B Munson Washington Matin vt. Jack-on A B Metdcnhall, Artley Mcllenry, Joh Savagn. Locust Emanuel Erdman, Abraham Lelby. MadHon Daniel Maust, John Moser. Maine Nathan Miller. Mifflin lohnAten, (3 V KUngerman. .lontour-'hirlo. Eck, II I) Quick, orange (ieonjo Johnson, Isaac McHenry. Ilne-Alfieil Kitrhen Roarlngcn ek F u caso t-cott 1) F Folk, Franklin Jacobs, M C McCol. lum. SECOND WEEK. Bloom Mlls Beiz, Joseph Decker, C A Klelm, o KSavigo. Ileaver-Oeo. I'Drlfsbich, Peter Knecht. Ilenton Steward Fount, Bi-rHlcfc-J R MeAnall. Brlxrcrnek lease Kunger catawlssa John Bates sr., William Miller, centre Clark Creasy, MordecclMlllard. Stephen Swank. Centralia .lames Barrett Junes McBrcarty. ConynghamJohn conry, Isaiah Krischer, rishlngcreek .1 o Doty, Mathlaa Edgar, Charles Kelcnnrr, WlllUm Mcllrlde. Franklin J an lArtley, Sylvester Hower. Orecnwoort-c W Kves, Francis Eves, John Mather, Jacob Rantr, W P Robblns. Hemlock Daniel ((older. locust-Jonathan tii-avcr. Haillson llobert Fruit, Mlfflln-Samuel J Keller. orange ueorge Appleman, Miles Delong. Scott-A B Pursell I The Sunbury Electric Co., CONTKAOTOItS FOP. Are and Incandescent IsMated Plants, Motors, Eiectno Gas Lljhtlrg, Annunciators, Burglar Alarms, speaking Tubes, Return Call Systems, tc. wk uiti a sraciALTr or Incandescent Electric Liglit Wiring. Wiring tor Motors, by Battery or Dynamo Current, Guarantees furnished with erery Contract, OFFICE AND SHOW ROOMS, EAST MARKET ST correspondence Solicited. Sunscrt, Pa. Janisw W. H, BROOKE & CO. Exchange Hotel Building Are agents for Julius King's celebrated spectacles. Tho best in tho world. Hundreds of pairs to select from and a fit guaran teed. During tho Holiday's trade wo sold dozens of pairs of these celebrated goods,and as far heard from all aro satisfactory. Any purchaser not exactly suited may leturn these goods and ex change for others, suited to their eyes. ft POSITION" mcs aasmmamsmammmmwtmtmmmm as salesman, with good pay, to any reliable man. t urnkhlng satisfactory referenda. Apply to H. A. McOMUKH CO.. HocL(i.,ter. N. Y. 1 Jwli-d-tv
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers