St X M IF The Columbian BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRIDAY, .IANUAHY 11, 1889. The democratic Stftto Coiumltteo of Pennsylvania will moot at the Bnlton Houso, Ilarrisbtug, Pa., on W-itlnenlay January lClb, 1889, at eleven o'clock in tho forenoon, to elect n Chairman, Secretary, and an Executive Committee, and to transact fluoh other business as may bo brought before it. Bonj. M. Nead, Ki.t.iorr P. Kisnku, Secretary. Chairman. The legislature met last week, Tncs day, and alter a session of two days adjourned until Wednesday last. Tho sic days thus wasted arc counted iu the 100 days for which tho members of tho legislature receive $1000, so that tho pay goes on notwithstanding tho adjournment. Thero arc many things in this world tliat nro boyond human comprehension 13 ut if thoro is ono thing more uncer tain than another, it is the notion of a politician who has got a taste of pu' lio offioo and wants to stay there. Tho world must not bo surprised nt any moment to see him bowing in humility beforo those who in his innermost con science ho heartily despises, even as a car fondles and whines at the feet of ite master, no matter how hard tho kicks it has received therefrom. Tho Supremo Court of tho stato be gan its sessions in Philadelphia last Monday. Tho court now consists of Chief Justice Paxson, and Justices Storrett, Green, Clark, Williams, and tho i-eeently elected members, Mitchell and McCollum. For the first time the Judges wear OxfordB gowns. Tho only other courts whero gowns nro worn aro the: Supreme Court of tho United States, and tho Court of Ap peals of New York. There will bo no election for Judge of the Supremo Court until 1895, unless there is a death or resignation beforo that time. WABHINGT0H LETTER. From our Regular Correspondent. Washington, Jan. 7, 1889. Senator Reagan, when asked about tbo rumors of opposition to the re election of Senator Coke, laughed good naturedly and said: "It's all bosh, Coke will bo unauimonsly re-elected. Texnus always know when thoy havo a good thing." Senator Ciillom raised quite a laugh at tho expense of Senator, or, as he is oftener called here "Granny" Blair, Saturday, when ho presented to the Senato resolutions adopted by the Columbia Turnverein of Lake, Illinois. Tho resolutions after reciting their opposition to Mr. Blair's bill for com pulsory religious instructions in publio schools, etc. , recommends ''that Congress make an appropriation suf ficient to pay tutors to instruct such Representatives or Senators like Mr. Blair in the rudiments of history and other studies calculated to develop and broaden their minds, so that tbey may no longer disgraoe our nation in tho ojes of the world by resolutions and bills to which thero is no present parallel, but which reminds one foroibly of Spain iu ihe fifteenth century." This is rather rough on Blair and liis kind, bnt as lonj as they act on the obsolnto idea that people can be made good and virtuous by the enactment of laws, they can expect no belter. Senator Brown, of Georgia was in bis eat Saturday for thn first time this session. His health has improved slightly. The republican comet, Blaine, lia-i arrived beie. His arrival has created a great commotion in the polittol firmament; his satellites, such as Sena tor Hiscook, Plumb, Chandler, and Representatives Phelps, Boutelle and others are sailing around with an air of great importance, while his rival?, such us Senators Sherman and Edmun Js, aro revolving around with great dignity and taking especial care to keep out of the way ol the fiery tail of the comet; tbey realize that there is great danger to them, should a collision take place. The appearance of a comet in tho sky has from time immemorial been consider ed the certain forerunner of wars and disturbances, and the longer tho tail the greater tbe disturbance or war. The Blaine comol has a very long tail, and the war presaged is likely to be correspondingly long and bitter, ending only with the destruction of the com batants. But as tho oombatants are all in tho republican party, there need be no great grief over their annihilation. It is understood that Sena' or Hiecock was tho bearer of Blaine's ultimatum to Harrison; it not only demanded that Blaine shouid sit at the head of the cabinet table, as Secretary of Sta'o bnt he should haw tbo naming of at leal two other membuis of the cabinet. Ilarrifion has not yet given his answer, and tho sudden appearance of tbo Blaine comet at the capital, and the marshal ing of tho various planets into a bt ill iant constellation, is all for tbe purpose of impressing tho Harrison sun with the immense power for good or for ovil wliioh is wielded by tho comet. Whether tbe comet shall destroy tho sun or tho sun the comet, is a matter of indifference to the democratic ob servers gathered in tho national observatory for tbo purposo of enjoy ing free pyrotechnics. Firo tho big gmis.Jand let thoj show begin. The nation is assomblod to witness the fnn. The Senate plods along in its con sideration of the tariff bill. The re publicans havo struok a dangerous snag n the sugar question. When tho paragraph reducing tho duties 50 per cent on imported sugar wn framed it wni known by tho republicans that it would bankrupt tho sugar planters of Louisiana, but for that tbey oared nothing, as thoy expeoted no votes from tli at state; but now they havo discovered that it will do equally as much damage in republican Kansas and Calilornia, both of which states have protesting delegations hero now; tbat of tho latter peing headed by Claus Spreckler, known nil over the world as tuo sugar king. The result is, tbe senate finance oommittee have conoluded to offer an amendment to the bill, giving a bounty for every pound of sugar produced in this country. Filibustering seems to bo natural in tbo present House, which has practical lv been a deadlock sinco lost Thursday. The committee on rales reported a reso lution for tho purposo of stopping the introduotlou of bills on tho 'wo Mon days in llit month known as suapcuxion days. About thirty members oppostd this monition, and owing to the small ntiendaucu they havo been ablu to pre Vt nt its adoption by refuting to vole, thus breaking a quorum. Telegram havo been rent to nbsont member, and it is expected that enough will bo present by to-morrow to pass tho reso lution in epito ol tbo fillbustcrcri. The Aot of 1887, Dividing Cities, Deotared Unoomt tntios&l- In affirming tho judgment of tho Common Pleas Court of Luzemo county, from which an appeal was tak en by 1). P. Ayars. tho Supreme Court monuay delivered on important de cision holding that while tbe Municipal Corporation aot of 1871, dividing tho cities of tho stato for tho purposes of legislation into three classes was con slilutioual, tbo subsequent acts of 1870 increasing tho numbers of classes to five, nnd that of May 24, 1 887, increasing it to soven, wcro unoonsM tutioual and void. Tho County Court simply decided that the act of 1887 was not yet operative Tho pcrniciom system ol special legislation practiced for many' years before 1871, had be come general and deep-rooted and tho evils resulting therefrom so alarming that tho people determined to apply tho only remedy that promised hope of any release, and tho result of tbat de termination was the adoption of the Constitution. Ono of the manifest objects of that instrument was to eradi cate that species of legislation and sub stituto in hen of it general laws, when over it was possible to do so." After quoting several provisions of the acts to show the lack of necessity for any further classification Judgo Stonelt answers tho argument that the question of necessity for classification is a legislativo and hot a judicial one in this way : "The answer to that is obvious. The peoplo have seen Gt not oaly to prescribe tbo form of enacting laws bnt pIso, as to curtain subjects, tho method of legislation, by ordaining that no local or special law relating to those subjects shall be passed. Whetlmr in any given casH the Legislature has transcended its power and passed a law in con flict with that limitation is essentially a question of law and must neces sarily be decided by the courts. To warrant the conclusion that tho people intended so invest their lawmakers with judicial power and thus make them the official arbiters of their own nots would require tho clearest and inou emphatia languago to that effect. No such iutentien is expressed in tho Con stitution and none can be inferred from any of its provisions. That these limitations were design' d to establish a fixed aud permanent ruto can not be duiibted. But if the ultimate applica tion of that rule were to rest polely on the judgment of the body on which it was intended to operate nothing could bo more flexible. "No such proposition can be enter tained by the courts without abandon ing one of the most important branch es of jurisdiction given to them by tho fundamental law, namely, the pow er to ultimately determino whether or not a given law is local or speoial and has been passed in disregard of the constitutional limitation that has been placed upon tbe power of the Legisla ture. It follows that tho decree of the court below is correct, not only on tbo ground that as to tbo city of VVil kes.Barre the act of 1887 is not yet operative, but also on the broadir ground that the act is unconstitutional and void." Dootors in Five Weeks. A. "C01.LEOE" WHICH UKADUATE8 WITH BLASPHEMOUS CEREMONIES- Cincinnatti, Jan 5. An iniquitous scheme has been operating with im- puuitv for fifteen years in this city. The Amercan Health College, run by Dr. J. 11. Uampbell, at. Fairmont, pre tends to great powers, which aro an insult to the medical profession, a sacrilege on holy things and a blot upon advanced civilization, tbe bold nes with whiob tbo establishment is conducted almost staggers belief. It leaches what is known as vitapathy. Thero is no regular course of instruc tion, no scientific lectures, no classes in dissection, no study of anatomy or pharmacy A sort of superstition which po-sesses neither logic or merit is vitipathy. Smdents aro graduated and given diplomas in two months. If their lime is limited or they are iu n hurry thoy will be made M. D. 's in five weeks. Dr. J. B. Campbell is not only tbo author of tbe mighty system but bo is principal of tbe college and sells a number of books which attempt to .explain the infallible qualities of vita pathy. tie believes that bis is the only vitapathy school in the world, and he has tbe name of ti e college copy righted. It is ouly lately that this diegraceful doctor taotory has been called directly to public notice, b or some years the reputable physicians of all schools have denounced the vitapathio College iu tho Btrougest terms. Their criticisms wore not htcded becauto no one but themselves, it was Buppo.ed, had any interest in breaking it up. Ministers of the gospel would not believe that pitch a den of blasphemy existed, and could not to persuaded that such im- pnms practices would bo ptrmuted in a city like Cincinnatti, At tho commencement exercises on November 25, the most blasphemous practices were indulged in. Parodies on "Hock of Ages' and other woll known Christian hymns were sung, then tbo graduates, twelve in number, six of whom were women, were given what Campbell, who olaims to be the high priest, calls tho vitapathio sacra ment, in which was now vitalized and spiritualized milk. This was UBcd in stead of tho bread nnd wino of tho Christian Church. Campell went through tho form of vitalizing and blessing the milk, whiob, he said was cmblamatio of tbo highest food of tho eternal life. Each candidate roceived a portion of the milk poured into small glasses, then loilowed a still more prcfune mockery spiritual baptism ana vitnpainio ministerial ordination This tbe high priest conferred opon tho advanced graduates who bad bo coruo fully converted to tbe sublimo and holier doctrines and were willing to accept the whole armor of vitapathy for the benefit of humanity. He placed jus hand upon eacn candidates Head and uttered tho following: "Brother, you havo learned the vita pathio syBtero, giaduated at its college, partaken of its highest sacrament and holler spiritual baptism, and are ready to take on the highor oiliou of vitapathio minister. We, therefore, by authority of our country's laws and heaven's highest power ordain you a viiapnituo minuter ami puysioian, with full authority and power to preach tho gofpol of life as contained in the great vitapathy pyetem in all its fullness and power to alt peoplo in all worlds, all time aud eternity; to attond funerals, solemnize marriavjoj and to do whatever a vitapathio minister-physician can do to comfort tbo afflicted, relievo tho distresred, heal the sick, oummuue with COLUMBIAN AlND Hood's Sarsaparilla I a peculiar medicine, nd li carefully pre pared tr competent pharmacists. The com ttnatlon and proportion of StriapirUU, Din. dellon, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, and other remedial stents li exclusively peculiar to Hood's Sarsaparilla, glrlng It strength and euratlte power superior to other prepa rations. A trial will convince you ol Its treat medicinal value. Hood's BarsaparlUa Purifies the Blood creates and sharpens the appetite, stimulates ths digestion, and glret strength to every organ of the body. It cures the most severe cases of Scrofula, Salt Ilheum, Bolls, Pimples, and alt other affections caused by Impure blood, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Ileadach), Kidney and Llrer Complaints, Catarrh, Itheu matlsm, and that extreme tlrod feeling. "Hood's Sarsaparilla has helped me more for catarrh and Impure blood than anything else I ever used." A. Ball, Syracuse, N. Y. Creates an Appetite " I used Hood's Sarsaparilla to cleanse my blood and tone up my system. It gave me a good appetite and seemed to build me over." E. M. Halt, Lima, Ohio. "I took Hood's Sarsaparilla for cancerous humor, and It began to act Unlike anything else. It cured the humor, and seemed to tone up the whole body and give me new life." J. F. Nixon, Cambrldgeport, Mass. Send for book giving statements of cures. Hood's Sarsaparilla SoldbyaUlruggtitt. f 1 sUforfl. rrtpwadonly by C. I. IIOOO A CO.. ApolhacMUi, Lowell, Mui. IOO Doses One Dollar ancels. receive hishcr insnirntlnn. runt. out devils, raise the dead, perpetuate existence and mako human lifo im mortal. All tbo power is now yours. Go and perform tbo duty well, and tho lifo and power and love of vitapathy wiin you iorever. These vitapathio phvsicians are soattered all over tho country and num ber about 200. Thev marrv nennle. attend funerals and perform other :-! i .,. t . .. uiuisiunui uuues. in many states iney havo not been allowed to practice. The Ohio Lgisiatnro will take tho matter in hand at its commiug session. Nothing in the Wide World so rood- I WAS afllloted with kicinnv rtinnnafi Dr. Kennedy's Kavorito remedy, of ivuuuout, xx. i., i say it with a' perfect recollection of all that wa done for mo besides it, is the only thing that gave mo permaneut relief. 1 havo recoomended this medicine to many people for Kidney diso so and thev all asree in savin? that it Una tint. its equel in tbo wide world for this complaint. i.ynian urawtnrl, Drug, gist, Springfield, Mass. janll-lt. n: OTIOE. Notice Is hereby given that the counts have been Med In the court nt common Plea ot Columbia county, and will be presented to sild Court on the Flret Mond iy of February A. U. ino, HUH tUUUruiGU U1H1, &DQ UUICSS P CCPllOUS are filed within four dars themflrtAr win tu. mn firmed absolute : 1. The account of John P. Janen im,tM nt thn "Bryn glon Church" property. 8. VI ret and final aooounfc afMMMVniinrr committee ot the person and estate ot Maria cole man a lunatic Prothonotarys Office. January 7, A. D. 1839. WM. H. SNYDKlt, Prottry. SHERIFF'S SALE. OF Real Estate! By virtue ot a certain writ ot AUas levari Facias issued out ot the court of CommonPleas ot Columbia county, In the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and to me directed, there will be eiposed to public sale at the Court nouse In the town ot Bloomsburg, paid county on Monday, February 4, 1889. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, all tbat certain mes suage and tract ot land situate In Beaver township county ot Columbia, and state ot Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows; viz : On the north by lands of Peter Knecht and Jacob Shear man, ou tho oast by lands ot Peter nauck and Jacob hhearman, on the south by lands nt Peter Ilauck and Jonathan Uauck and Samuel Nungess- er, and on the west by lands ot Samuel Nungesser and peter Knecht, containing one hundred and twenty acres and thlrty.slx perches, more or less, together with the hereditaments and appurten ances. Seized, taken In execution and to bo sold by virtue of an Alias Levari yactas, at the suit of Daniel blngly Sr. and Mantel blneley Jr . admin. Istrators ot John Slngley, d- teased, against Fred erick Hoaaler, with notice to Terra Tenants., Attorney. JOHN B. CA8KY. Jah II sheriff. Look out for this space next week. You will hear of something to your advantage at D. LOW EN BERG'S Clothing Store. . SPECIAL NOTICE ! J. G. Wells iho Jeweler has just returned from New York City with n fine, large stock i f goods, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVERWARE, Ac. Repairing done promptly and neatly. All purchases engraved free of stock. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED. J. & WBE&8, JEWKLEB, Coluiublun Building, 31ooniHburg, l?u. DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. WE ARE GIVING AWAY By Selling Our $15 London Made Scotch Cheviot hits -AT- $9.50. Samples of material sent to any address ".Free of Charge." Our Self-Moasuring Chart, with instructions "How to obtain a perfect fit and order by mail," sent with all samples. E. 0. THOMPSON, TAILOR CLOTHIER, 1338 CHESTNUT STREET (Opposite the Mint) Philadelphia. TyiDOWS' APPRAISEMENTS. The following Widows' appralsments will be presented to the orphans' court ot Columbia county, on the Flret Monday ot February A D. 1&89, and confirmed nnd, and unless exceptions are filed within four dayB thereafter, win be con firmed absolute i 1. Bernard Duttan Est. CentraUa, Itealty 1310.00 2. oeo. Kmerlck Est. MUnln, Personality 265 00 3. Wesley u ss Est. Centra Itealty 300 00 4. John Aunyan Est. CatawlBsa, Itealty 195. 00 5. Thomas L "all Est. Madison, Personalty 300.00 e. Bamuel Nungesser Est. Beaver, Person alty jri.00, itealty imuo. Total 300.00 Clerk's office WM. n. SNYDER. Bloomsburg Jan. 7, 1839. Clerk O. C. ttotice! " oheDoUcr hoMera nr thA fin. vimim Mutual Insurance Company of lime Itldge, will meet at tho hall of the centre Orange, P. of n. In centre township, co'umbla county Pa., on Monday the 1Mb day of January, into, between the hours ot 10 a. m. and 2 p. m., for the purpose of electing Directors tor the ensuing year, and for transact ing such other business as may properly come be- SAMUEL NEYIIARD, ! 21. secretary SHERIFF'S SALE-" OF Real Estate ! By virtue ot a certain writ ot Levari Facias issued out of the Court ot Common Pleas of Col. umbla county, In the commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, and to me directed, there wUl be exposed to public Bale upon the premises hereinafter de scribed, In tbe borough of Centralis, said Columbia county on Saturday, February 2, 1889. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, all that certain lot or piece or ground situated In the borough ot Cen traUa, county of Columbia and state dt Pcnnsyl. vanlo, bounded and dt scribed as follows: Begin ning at a romt on the east side of Troutwlne at. fifty (M) feet north of the northeast corner ot Trout. wlno and Centre street, thenco along said Trout wine street north three degrees, west twenty.flve reet to a stake, thence north degrees east one hundred and forty feet to an alley, thence along said alley south three degrees, east twenty- nve feet to a stake, thence south eighty-seven de grees, west one hundred and forty feet to the place of beginning, being lot marked with the No. 10 In block numbered slxty-three, as laid out by Locust Mountain Coal and Iron Company, In the map or general plan ot said town ot centralis and tbe sumo lot which tbe Locust Mountain coal and Iron Company, bt an article of agreement dated the ltth day of June, A. D. 1833, did sell the samo to Mary Dyke, her heirs and assigns. Upon which are erected a two-story frame dwelling house, and outbuildings. seized, taken In execution and to be sold by virtue ot a writ of Levari Facias, at the sultot The Citizens BuUdlng aud Loan Association ot Cen tralis, against Benjamin J. Dyke and Mary Dyke bis wife, C. G. B4KKLKT, Atty. JOHN B. CA81.Y, Jan 11 Sheriff. charge. Call and examine my $0.50 CASH ORPHAN'S COURT SALE OP VALUAHIiB Real Estate ! By Tlrtue ot an order ,'of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, the undersigned executor ot John Conner deceased, will expose to publlotale on the premises In Benton township, on Saturday, January 20, 1889, at 1 o'clock p. m., the following described real estate, to-wlt t ll that certain real estate sit uate In Benton township, Cotnmbla county, Pa., described as follows, to-nlt i Beginning at a stone In line of land late of Joshua Brink, thenco by land of Ruasel Karns north Mtf degrees west 107 and Mo porches to a post, thenco by land of Bmlly Roberts north 19,V degrees eest 1SS and 5-10 perches to a post, thnco by land of Catharine Conner south mj,' degrees cast 131 perches to a post in line of land now or late ot Thomas Davis, thence by tho samo and land ot Joshua Brink aforesaid south S1K degrees wost 138 and 5-10 perches to tho place of beginning, containing 102 ACRES and 133 and 4-10 perches, strict measure, located about one-half a mile from the town ot Benton, along the publio road leading from Benton to Jameson city. About forty acres cloared anahe oaiancoweu tioincrca witn pine, oak, ic, all level land, on which aro erected two DWELLING HOUSES, bam and out-buildlngs. There is also on the premises a saw mill wtth good water power. J TEBV8 OP SALE. Ten per cent, ot one-fourth ot the pu'ohaso money to be paid at the sinking down ot the properly, the one-fourth lea? tho ten per cent, at the confirmation of sale, and tbo re- tnalntng three-fourths In one year thereafter with interest from connrmtlon nlsl. EMANUEL LACBACII, Executor. A. L. Frit!!, Ut'y. VTOTICE IN PARTITION. 7p the matter of tho partition of tho real estate ot John Johnson, late of Madison township, col umbla county, l'ennsylvanta, decoHsod. NOtlCe IS hCrebT irlrPn thA hptra nf anM .Iwn. dent, that In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, a writ of partition has logufu nun, oniu Luunio ino snerirTor said counts returnable on the Flint Monday or February, A. I). 1HS, and that the inquest win meet for the pur posi! of making partition of thA real estate of Bnld decedent on Friday the Flret day of l'ebruary, A. n IBS'), at ten o'clock a. m of said day upon tho premises, at which tuna and nlara vnn im tv, present If you see proper. Said premises being ..Muwu WniMjji(j vuiuuiuin couniT, alo.csaid. and containing nlnoty.four acres and nlucty perches ot land more or less. IsAMUKLSMITII, JCn8K'At,r- a- E LKliTION NOTICE. Nntlce it hprphr Hvon thnt tha .Mit.. of tho Columbia County Agricultural, Horticultur al an .Mechanical Association, lor tho election of omcers ai.d Uie transaction of a ,y m her proper buslnes". will bo held In tho Court llouso, lilo ma burir. Saturday January i9tn. isa at. a nvin-ir P- m. H. v. WHITE, secy. Jau 4 St DAIINISTHATOH'S NOT!CE; JSistale o Xftemarta lles.1, late of Sugarloa township. Notice Is hereby given that letters of adminis tration oi tho estate of Errecmarta Hess, late of Hwwuiuwiuui nuB-iinom, coumy oi uoiumDia. and state of PennHvlvanl dpppjiAnri. havn twpn Kranted to Jesso Hess, to whom all persons In- lv boiu roun" nro rciiuusicu 10 matce pay. ments. and those having claims or demands will mako known the same without delay, mm, Atty. J BS.ME HESS, Deo 14 cw. Administrator, c. t. a. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOIICE. Kstale ot J. Drumstetter of Orange twp. Notl'-e is hereby given thnt letters of adminis tration on tho estate ot J. Brumstcttcr, late ot th township ot Orange, county of Columbia, and stale of Pennsylvania, deceased, havo been granted to It W Brumstctter of Orangovillo. county of t'olum bla Pa., to whom all persons Indebted to said es tate are requ' sted to mako 'patmehts, and those having claims of demands will m.vo known the samo without delay. Ii. V. BTtUAlSTETTEIt, Admr. "cc I Orangevllle. A DMINISJRATOR'S NOTICE. filiate of Alice X. Karat, late of Kenton township, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that letters of adminis tration on the estate ot Alice M. Kins, lato of the township of Benton, county of columoia, and state of Pennsylvania, deceased, havo been grant ed to A. C. Karne of Benton township Columbia county ra., to whom all persons Ind bted to said estate are requested to make payments, and those having claims or demands will make known the muav wunoui aiay. . A. C. KA.HNS, Dec 14 6w' Administrator, c. t, a. JgXECUTOit'S NOTICE. astute of John rttrard, late of Dloornstntrg. deceased. Letters testementary on the said estate having been granted to the undersigned executor, all persons Indebted are hereby conned to pay the same, and those, having claims against said estate will present tho samo tor settlem-nt to I', l: I10WEH, O. E Elwell, Atty. Executor. Jan 11 6w. MADE WITH BOILING WATER, EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING, COCOA MADE WITH BOILING MILK. Jan 4-d-it WIIV no YOU HUl'FBR when you can be cured by using thepreatoat remedy yet discoveicd for tho cure of FITS, BriUKrNY OH I'ALLINll SICKNESS. FKICB TWO DOLLARS FRH BOTTLK. To guard against counterfeits and Imitations, send direct to h-.lNINO MEDICAL CO , Hng Mng N Y, Solo Proprietors and Manufacturers. Jan 4-d-Jt. 9Cords:80 Rutin Kiy BACKACHE. BY ONE MAN. Greatly Improved. Also TOOL Cur GUnK taw whereby tfaoae lead experienced oan not make a mistake. JSrat rre tetth warhtnt. T etaert. fir ceMte ereae-rat atwa, b, nail SS.OO. Ullll drtMlahare sawed S 1 u COUDS ilatl, We want all who burn wood and all interested In tbe timber buitneia to write for our lllua trated Prte CatalOKue. We have ex. acthr what you want, the greateat lebor-iaverand bett. at'llinfr toclnow on earth. Pint order from your Tletn. Itr aeSiireaaEener. rOLolU stWISU MaCHllS CO., SOS U Sit S. Caaal Street, Ulaefe, l. a. a. Jan 4-S9-6t-COW L T A PT?WPC! WANTED,-Permanent cm XlwjaVI i u ployment and good salary or com mission. Address A. 1). PRATT, Nur.'ryman, ltochester, N. Y. Jan 4-d-lt. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleames and beau ti net the hair. Promote! a luxurUnt growth. Nvr Faili to Reitort Qray, Hilr to Hi Youthful Color. rrerenU Dandrutt a4 hair fiUtns teimft)UmiB Jan 4d-4t. WANTED ! A good man to represent us as local agent. Can give control oi territory ana sieaay wortc. win pay good wages and guarantee success. Write to J. AU8TIN HIIAW. NiirHerytuniii BROOKLYN. N. Y. Jan 4-d-lt KNOW THYSELF. XXZ UOXXINOS OV XjX3P3il A Sclntlflo and liiandard I'opular Medlol Treatise oa the Krrorgof Youth, .'reraature lecllue,Kervoua and rbyalcAl Debility, Impurltlei of the Itlood. Ittfttuluog trora Folly. Vice, Ignorauce, Kxcitet or Orertaxutlou, una unfitting tho lctha for Work, If ualueae, the Married or Social IteUtlon. Avoid unikllful pre tend uri. TonavM thli great tvork. Jt cooului COO page, royal tfvo. Ueauttfut blnd.Dc, emboMed, full gilt, i'rlce, only 01.' 0 by Hull, jiodbpald, concealed 1q plain wrapper, llu. trutlve Trovpoctui Fre If vou apply now. T(.a UUtlogulibed author, Wni. II. Turker, M. !. n. cvlvt-dtheGOLD AND JEWELLED MLDAL from the National Med loo I Aianclntlon for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS unci PHYSICAL DEBILITY Dr.l'arkerandae&rpa of AUtant rh)alclaD may bo couiultrd. roD.K, by mall or In peraon, at the elllru of Till; I'KAI.ODY MKlHUAI. INhTII UTII. IS. i, 4 Jtultlurli St., llohton. Alaa. to whom all ortlera for books or ietlrri or tw.Ulco thould b directed oa above. Doc 31-d-U GET YOUR JOU PRINTING DONK AT TUB COLU MBIAN OFFICE tfll KK NO FARMERS! FARMER A largo patronoRO hns nlroiuly been received from farmers, but many living within 0 miles ol Bloomsburg have not yet learned of tbo new and MAMMOTH LOT fflSG - HOUSE OF 1. MMBB, BMOM8BVBG FA 1 advertise purposely to make known tbat I lvvo at tl.e present time $25,000.00 worth of Men's, Youths', Boys' and Children's Clothing, Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods in Abundance. It is now after the Holidays. I now ofTer great bargains in clearing out Winter Goods to make room for tho L-A-IRGi-IEST LINE OF That can be shown outside of As I, SEAIBB. Mlmfeto The Easiest Clothing House in MohIohb', hisn or Noi'f hiiiuberlaiill eoimties. i. w. HARTMAN COKiyER AGAIN. Everybody since 1st of January are offering bargains, but every body is not 1, V. Hartman & Sons. They nave their own siock to clean up, Well, we start this kinds ot ITauey Silk Velvets 1.50, 3.75, 2.00 V 2.50 pei yaii, reduced to l.OO per yard. Next we are almost giving away White Dresa Goods. lOc white dress goods down to 5c 15c " " " lOc 25c " " " 1 5c 30 & 40c white dress goods down to ISc. Now take a look at tho Embroideries. Some styles from 30c down to 12c yard ; in Kemnants down one-half for good lengths. $1.00 Silk Handkerchiefs down to 50c. Coats at all and any prices. Our Dishes and Hanging Lamps are all in a good condition for satisfactory sales 1. W. WAKTUIAJV & SONS. WmBsM HSaWHrVM HgsM m Ono ot tiiu latest lmpiovcni'-nls is the NEW SOFT STOP ATTACHMENT which enables ono to play without disturbing anvono in thu vicinity and with little wear to the iiiHrumcnt. WE ARE OFFERING HARGAINS ON THESE INSTRUMENTS. THE GEORGE STECK & CO PIANO, aftor thirty years of severtst test aro used, on account ot tiiiequalUd durability, by 66 colleges and many others in tho United States. TIIR VSTRV ITPIJIflTTT PlATr world for linrif'hi, r,ian'p. nnd tlm introduced with upright piano. THE OPERA PIANO has a reputation of 38 years. A warrant of Bvo years is given with each instrument. It is the test medium priced piano in tho market. O ir LINE nf ORGANS is vrry complete, E3TEY, THE MILLER. WORCESTER. makis. SEWING Wo have the celebrated WHITE. STANDARD ROTARY, ROYAL BKW HUMK. Pianos Organs and Sowinn Machines on installment plan. Wo havo nUn binjos. guitars, aoconlooiH, blow acuordeons, tlutej, lids, mouth orgiiH, drum', tfco. Five httndi pito of leu eont eheet mus'w, ifcc, ifco. Seco'id hand pianos, oroans nnd machines nu hand, and received in exchange, for new ones. Agent for Hutterick and Domestic patterns and fashion bonks. Sowinrr necdleii, oiU and attachments for nil machine. always in stook. Bloomsburg Pa. YELLOW SION8. YELLOIV 'lUIW. Use "Peerless Brand" "Ai.tinuui; FHKSII HAW ovsTifns Selected and pack d with ceanilnei and caw vt vj. ii. i- ft .1 li .1 u fl 4t u o., 1IAL1IMOUE. Ml) ' Thoy ar the iicut. Ask your Oroocr for them. j an ii-Mt " an nwi d ms RUU tJI ' ,Vr wroi, win pre i A kt-p ibem In gool ooDdltloo. WkeC4narlea liirtj r 1a lilbr All ilpllirirlsitsi . rood Co- 4ft) R. 8.1 FREE fcS",,0'J f0PflfW'aCMrierowar SPRING CLOTH Now York and Philadelphia. said beforo, our aim is to sell lots of goods and at small profits. RESPECTFULLY YOURS. SONS week with a big drop on all Wo have in slock a finer lire of niueica uf-trumeulB than has ever been bought in his Ftetion. nd wo aro making special nducemenis to purchasers for the holiday eason. Wo get our iofctrumuvU direct fiom tho ma'iufactorief, and can offer " etter tonus than can bo given by any i tlier parlies. THE 1VERS & POND PIANOS btand at the head. ONE HUNDRED OF THESE NOW IN USE at tho IJOSTON CONSERVA TORY of MUSIC. tnitl, r,nur nnnllnr, nntirvn Loot !r.,l,0 firt. and onlv unrfpftt rfineatinir nnlinn wo havo THE CELEBRATED UNITED STATES, and other MACHINES. NEW DOMESTIC. NEW HOME. ST. JOHN, NEW DAVIS, and old German, r mm sowidl' naner innuhima J. Saltzer, General Agent MORTGAGES ON LAND! Vp purchase .MOItTnAQES upon land.i In all tho Western and southern StaUa and Toirliortea, and hae constanllr oa haud for Bale very de. alratle High Hate Interest Bearing Securities. The Corfcin Banking Co. 118 DltOADWAY, NEW YOIIK. Jatll-Mt SAFE INVESTMENTS. Vm These moitgnges are ae. urtl hy and orth th ee to six time, ttlelr amount. We oner choice InveatmentslnAbrrdefii uily Pri.i. n,. AbTr de. n is a city ot e,ujo, aud l growing more rapidly dletM saiiB' BLOOMS15URG MARKET. Wholesale, ltctnll. 1.00 CO 00 70 33 45 0.80 2(1 28 22 24 40 00 12 10 03 05 07 10 00 12 7 10 10 14 20 80 7 100 07 35 C to 7 Wheat per bushel.... Kye " " .... Ccru, " " .. Oats " " .... Flour " bbl Butter EftKa Potatoes Hams Dried Apples Side Shoulder Chickens Geese Lnrd per lb Vinegar per gal Onions per bushel.... Veal skins Wool per lb Hides Coal on WnAitF. No t) S3.00; Nos 2. 3, & Lump 53.25 No 53.00 BlliimimiP $8.25 :o: Reported oy 0. S. rainier. Wholesale Commtiston Merclmnt, 166 Iteade At., jr. Y. Nuw Yoik. Jan. 7, 1889. Business for tho woek opens up unusually quiet, weather having con tinued stormy through ut tho day. Wintei Ins been very mild nnd open thus far and very unfavorable to tho trade generally in most lines of country produce. Receipts of poultry continuo'light and prices lavorablo. Dressed turkeys 14 to 15c; chickens 13 to 15c; fowls lOto 12c; duckB 14 to lGn.;geei 10 to 12c.; quail selling from $2,00 to 2,25 per dnz.; rabbits 25 to 115 per pi.; wild ducks, ted head. S1,G0 to S2,0U apr; mallard 50 to 60; cu'as havo further declined and market e.iMer, .nd fresh stock to-day going out at from 18 to 19ii; limed 17o.; droned veils 10 to lie. for cho'co stock; gra-s is G to 7c; pork 7 to 8c; butter market shows no material change over previous quota tions; Fanoy creamery 29 to 31c; select dairy tub nnd pails 25 to 26c; medium grades 22 to 213. The arrival of potatoes oontinues liberal, but firm prices are being maintained. Stato roso worth 1 75 per bbl. Bin-bank 81.25 to Si 3"io. Swett potatoes S2.75. King nptibs, also fancy Spitz brincinir from S2 to 2.25 p r bbl. Greening Si. 75 to 82.00 for chmco stockjrthor varieties $1.00 to S1.50. Cranberic, fancy, large, dark berries", S7 50 to S8.00per bbl ; boxes 81.75 to S2.50; Onions S2.50 to $4.00 per bbl. white; yellow or red $1.00 to 1.25. Cabbago $2.50 $100 per 100 head. Marrow boani in light and worth S2.25 to S2.30; medium $1 85 to $1.00. Whito and red kidney $2.10 t $2.45. Fancy whito clover lioney 14 to 15c; buckwheat 11 to 12a; bnts'wax 22c OFFICE OF THE BLOOMSUUHG wvrai COMPANY. llLOOUSBCUa PA., NOVEMBER 22, 1838. SPECIAL NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The Board nf Directors of this company have called a Bptlal mei tlng of lta stnckho.clera; lo bo held at my oraco, the (,'eneral office ot the com paoy, In Uloomsburi,', on Saturday. January n. A. D. Itm, at and bt tween the houra ol two ! and foar (4) o'clock p. M , for iho purpos of votlnc tor or against on lncrcaso ot the Capital stock. FliANK P. BILLMEVEIt, SfCy. ELY'S CatarrH Cream Balm Cleanses tho Nasnly Passages, AllaysS Pain and Iutlamf HAVFEVER1 mation, Heals Uuj Sores, lleslorcs the! Senses ofTastoands Smell. TRY THE 0UEE.U AY-F.EVE W A particle U applied mto each no-tin, anaii aifreeablc. Price w ci-nta at Druggists; by man rtvlstcrod. co eta. ELV Dlioi'lltus. in y'eJ'n Uheumatlc, Sc i lc. aVi mi SfiSP'F-.Wj;?!. fplleyo t' in one minute 6y the tOM IVn Ll hl'j k vm i . PTTT I7,n,Ps'bla;kheads, chapped andBT nn 1x4 aiffit curca by Cutlci'a SoapTLES JlMESTCR'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS SIS CS333 SIAl!:iID ISA1!S. ......... vlt, i..rai AVTrr aU. . Plinjond Brand, lo nd n lir. . V. nm rib A' ''irflata. w, ah bill, lu .a.W. V "rtlauu, liikarpp ii.rlarir. 1'hlcheatcr 1'hi.nilr.l r' i.i. !.. .'r'' ..,,i'. , HINDERCORNS. L'm) ueo si-d-4t lK J$L AAHInnaaM.... an4m-4t muunw rMatofflc, Wsl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers