THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. li ft li I lift K The Columbian. ject " BLOOMSBURG, PA.. FRIDAY, APRIL, 13 1888. The republicans of Wisconsin aro determined in Bonding a united dele gation to Ghioto favoring tho nony nation of Judge Grenhara for presi dent and Senator Atllaon for Bccnnd ohoioo. Robooo Conltlin is lying at the point of death at Now York City. His 4tllA4tn la 1..n tn ia annnnnlnrd with tlUllUtlUH in UUU .V. ilia the late blizzard, which overtaxed his energies. Physicians, at tht hour wo go to proas beilevu him tronbled with menongitls. President Cleveland is looking about for a suitable person to fill tho vaoanoy of chief Justice, among tho names presented liini aro Minister Pbelps of Vermont! Judge Carter, of Now York, JudgH Cooley of Michigan and Spoaker Carlisle. waIhihoton LETTER Krom our llegular Correspondent.) Washington, April 9th. 1888 Wanted, a leader in tho House with sufficient nerve to -iauiplino the mem bora who have brought about the pres ent protracted deadlock. Such Is the substance of what every Cleveland democrat thinks and says about the shameful state of affairs now existing in the House and which was brought about and is kept up by a more hand ful of deraooratio members, simply be cause they object to the passage ot the bill to refund to the several states the direct-tax of 18C1 No possible good can come out of tbe misguided actions of these gentle. men, while the harm already done is almost incalculable. They have set a precedent before the republican min onty of the House of which the latter will be sure to lake advantage. No one need be surprised if, when the time comes to Vfte on tho Mil's tariff bill in the IIotie, trc republicans shall brinp about a deadlock in order to prevent a vote being had upon it, and the same may hold good of every other measur mat tne Uemocratio majority tuiy d sire to pas A largo majority of tho di'tnocratii members are opposed to the filibuster ing, bat owing to the lack of a bold leader they sit around helpless. Spenki r Carlisle is tho only man who, alone, hat tho power to break the deadlock but as yet ho has not shown a disposition to do so. The deadlock began on last Wednes day, since when there have bei n only suoh recesses as were necessary fm rest and refreshment The legislative day of Wednesday still on inue therefore, there has been no adjourn merit, and no one cm predict the end The order of proceedings is tbe calling for the ayes and naves on a'tt-rnatr motions for adjournment and reces-. On one night since the beginning ol the deadloek a rectus was.not taken until 3 o'clock A. M. On ano'her oe caion when it wan discovered that a quorum wa not present th- Sergeant-at-Arms and hisdeputie- locked the door of tho House and s'arted after the abentees, the usual amusing ine.i dents ocouring when thev were brourzlil before the bar of the House to explain their delinquency. This struggle in the House has brought into prominence a few Rep resentatives who, already more or less known, now stand out in sharp relief as tbe captains of the opposing forces. On the democratic side the leaders are Mr Oatea, of Alabama, Mr. Breckin ridge, of Arkansas, and Mr. McMillion of Tennessee. Mr. Reed, of Maine is of course the republican leader. No ono will gainsay his right to that position, for wheu he says, "All up," the entire republican side arises as ono man, ai d when he says "A'l down,'' every Rep resentative takes his seat Si ill in this fight he is not as prominent as Repre sentative Taylor, of'Ohio, trie man who is pointed out from the galleries as the successor of (iarfield in Congress. Senator Sherman denies that he has retired from the race for the President lal nomination. Ho has opened his barrel and is having delegates wherever tney can oe una. Let there be no more critinisms on the House for it laziness this session, It has passed 222 private, and 127 pusiio Dills already. JNo previous Congress can furnish a better showing .v.. ... . suup cnuv in iiiu reBdliiH, Senator Gray, of Delaware, is said to bo favored by a majority of the democratic Senators for tho Chief Juo tioeship, and Justice Field is said to be tne cnotce ot sis of bis collt agues on tbe Supreme bench. 'I ho senate has decided acrain-t puunuiy aieouBBing me risneric8ireaiy. .ino new guuuuuL iurKiuun anu i man ulcer slxty.eight degrees, west one nunaiui the Dynamite cruiser will bo lannehi'dandfourperchestoapinoakthcnoe north along on tUe 28th met. We aro Blowly mov inc towards a uavy. Hie lialavelto aionument cornuiM- ston aro trying to gel llu- sito occupifii by the equestrian staluo of Andrew Jackson, in LifayettH snuaru, direct ly opposite tho White House upon which to erect tho i.afcvette monument. A this wo'ild involve the removal of "Old Hickory,' it is likely to raise row before it is A democratic caucus of mrmhure of tt 111 n 1 . . the Ilouse wailield Oh Saturday niulit, at whicb It determined that the Sprint: or omnibus b II providing fur the ad - .;u:.. ... rr ... f i.i . Montana. WMl.ln.,r..n ... M;. ! .. .' ! . D(.Ulll Ue passed by tllO UoUcO at tilt preeeut si ssion. 1 liey aUo possi d a resolution rtniiustintr tho oomniitUta m. rules lo lix a titu for coneidetitii: bills reported from the committee ,on W lands, lorlciting unearned railro:d land grants and leseiving tbo remai'i. dtr of llie imblio lands for tho bnmfii of actual cottiers. 'PI... IT. : i o. i a r J he United States Sunremo f!outt 1, 'lit 1 . las aenlL'U tUe aiinlluatlOIl for a rehear. llta Ot the "driven woll" naaa. Major General Alford II. Torry has. at Jus owunnuiBt been nlaood on i)ip retinxl list of tho Army. JJrigadUr n . . - --O Ueneral Ucorge Uioolc has been pro niunu luiusjor ut'uerai ami Uol Johl' It. Brooke, of tho 3rd Infantry to Brigadier General. Cuaiuuan Mills of the Was and jueans committee is still to sick ti resumu his seat in tho ilouse. On Friday the Seunlo DaaBeil ly!) WIU in Iws tLan an hour and a hall. Ono io was a private pension bill, givii ' '. Mary Walker 25 a month as ai. Dr. "assistant surgeon, United StaW Army." I lie first liaul ol shad waa inado at . I , . . i rr i .i "jiuiiBter Auihuuy tuo ;vill. II was mailo with only a email net. The mam moth rut will be cast thoist timo oi lotiaay next. M&i-JbMbMLht CANDIDATES. Candidates named under this heading aro sub to tne ruics oi i nc jjcinocrauo party. foh nKi'ncinNTATivc, E. M. TUWKSUUHY of CatawUsa. POIt KRPItKSKNTATlVR, JAMES T. FOX, of Beaver township. FOll HKPIlhSKNTATlVE, 0. Z. SOHLIOIIEH, of Heaver township. Mill KErltKSKNTATlVn, GEN. C. M. 11LAKER. Corn CVtsti", CoMs, Hoawnws, CmnvAr Brouc lulls. Vi bool'lnjr Cough. Incipient Com -rJrjs. tlun, and rdlarca conun Asthma, H tiun,anu run arcs conumpie k... .!!.. PH.IlMltl fVlM. tlon. lb. Oenvuo ir. nu I Vonyh tiirvp it old onlf In I trftt vntnxrs. and boara rar I rrdstrrM Tnwle-liwk-J t lt 1 1 A T:t,II 171,1 (anf l!tt- Lftfrtp Cnution-LabtU rid th IfwximllettgTintarotof Jvhn t ltutl Ct lYop'0, fciULaior, 114., U. B. SALVATION OIL, "The Orettcit Cure on Earth tot Pain," Will relieve more quickly than any other known remedy. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Lumbago, Sores, Frost bites, Backache, Wounds, Headache. Toothache, Sprains, &c. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25 Cents a Bottle. Be Sure to Cot Hood's Sarsap&rllla, my child. See that they do not give you anything else. You remember It Is tbe medicine which did mama o much good year ago my favorite Spring Medicine Nearly everybody needs a good spring medi cine like Hood's Sarsaparllla to expel Impuri ties which accumulate In the blood during tne winter, keep up strength a warm weather comes on, create an appetite and promote healthy digestion. Try Hood's Sarsaparllla and you will be convinced of Its peculiar merits. It Is the Ideal spring medicine re liable, beneficial, pleasant to take, and gives full value for the money. Bo sure to get Hood's Sarsaparllla SoldbyalldruggUtl. flttlxfortU. Preparedonly by C. I. UOOD A. CO., Apothecaries, LoweU, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar FOR STEEP OR FLAT ROOFS CAN UK PUT ON I1V ANY FEIISOX. THOUSANDS OP ROLLS SOLD ANNUALLY" run UUUjUiHiia ur lvi DESCRIPTION. SEND rOB NEW CIRCULAn. CONTAINING w. r wam lull IllITl.'ni.'vntfM ACE NTS WANTED. M. EHRET, JR. & CO. SOLS MA3U1'ACTUUER8. 423 Walnut Street. PHILADELPHIA. aprll may Bept. ' SHERIFF SALES. By virtue of a writ ot Levari Fuclaa tailed I outol the court ol common pleas ol Columbia count'' an1 10 me dlrecte1 wlu 1)6 exposed to public a tie at the court house In the town of public a tie at tho court Illoomsburg, l'a., on MONDAY, MAY 7, at a o'clock p. in., the following real estate, to wit: All thoMi tracts, pieces or parcels ot land situate I In the township of contour In tho county or Col umbia and stat ot Pennsylvania bounded ana described as follows to-wlt: The first beginning . . .,,. olefin nitr.i. I tDencerunmngsouUl aiong other lands of solo- land of M. Faust nine degrees, west eighty-three perches to a stone thence south along land of the bame eighty-one degrees, west soventy-three perches to a stone, thence north along laud of the same ten and a naif degree , west twenty-eight perches to a stono, thence north along other lands I ot the said Daniel Olger deceased eighty-one de-1 grees. East one hundred aud seventeen perches to a stone, thence north along lands ot tbe same Beventy degrees, east forty-two perches to a stone thence south along ot Solomon olger fifteen and one half degrees, east one hundred and one perches to a post the place of beginning contain. Ing sixty-four acres strict measure. I iuesecuiiu, uvgiuuing ut u wmw uo& tree WW running thence along land of Daniel Glgei-s heirs, I south eighty-one and three quarter degrees, west 1 Wrty-nlne and nine tenths perches to a stone Ithencnnnrth Alnnir l.inil nf .tnlin Olcrer'a heirs. e'8"t and threeuarter degrees, we.t sixty land 1 two-tenths nerches to a stone, thence north alone land of KllasOH.ereHrlitv.two decrees, east titty. I rune and nine ter.lbs perches to a stone, and I thence south along land of chrtstatn llelst eight desrees, east slity perches to a white oak tree 5" XIZ measure. exceMIng and resenloe to Uarbara I tlelger her heirs and assigns from and out of the I aforesaid lands all the Iron ore and any and all I otaer 'uluerals 1) lng and being In, upon and under I toe nam prcraifcej logetper tne ngut ot ireo in- . . ... I lBH irfcicoo ill, ujjwii unu mil vuv I sAld nreinlspH with miners and other workman I with horses, cart and wacrons to n ine dig and carr' ?waT ,Ue lro".?r8 oUier "'no" i"- "P; aaer ine saw Piii,is ana to maae ana use such roads as mar be reuulred for the removal i a. u.M ..Mi ... Atn uiiti, " I VI Mill XI" VI IUIUII.H, VVKVlllVI MOU ni.U 11.W - 1 right to use and occupy as much ground as may I Derenuirou loruie aeposiung ot ain, sisie ana i otnerietusQ iroui me mines, tne gam jiaruara Olger, holding herself, her heirs and assigns nopr and at all times hereafter (tea and clear from every and all liability for loss or dimage W the said Elmer W. llunyan her heirs vr o&tlgns &cM loned either directly or Indirectly by reason of the I openlngof mines upon the said premises or tbe Z? p0"9'"1'"" roau8 t"rou11 th9 same. Ell,fu1 lllrnn Inln ..utnllln In lhauiilt r.1 Ui artw .,.H .w.v H PU1V w. W(W, John's executors aud Deborah Hariisonls executor against E. W, Itunyan and to be sold aa the pro perty of E. V. Itunyan. ESTABLIbllED S70. J a. I1ROWN. PHYSICIAN AND HUHGEON. Office and residence on Third street. Diseases of the eye a specialty. . .. V--t. -At--:'. . &.a.jlu Hi TO THE PUBLIC. Intending purchasers of Pond'a ExniACT cannot take too much pre caution to provcntsubstltutlon. Somo druggists, trading on tho popularity of tho great ininily Kcmedy, attempt to palm off other preparations, unscru pulously assorting them to bo "thu samons" or "equal to" Pond's Ex- mACT, indifferent to tho deceit prac ticed upon nnd disappointment there by caused to tho purchaser, b long as larger profits accruo to themselves. Always Insist on having Pond's Ex mACT. Tako no other. SOLD IN BOTTLES ONLY NEVEH 1Y MEASURE. Quality uniform. Prepared only by POND'S EX TRACT CO., 2(ow York and Loudon. Sco our namo on every wrapper and label. Noto picture of bottlo below. rcr flies, soie Tiroal, llpatlieria, Sores, lilMia tiois, and Heracr- taazes cf all Catatrl, tun, Nealla, Toclliactie, Rralses, Earns, !r!ETes....iJ,f Mils. Tho Famous Lecturer. J0IT! It. OOfOlf, wrote 1 For Boro Throat, cepeclally when tend iojf to ulceration, I have found It very beneficial." AMUIEh D. WHITE. Kx-Preidilent of Cotne 1 TTnhTralty, aaya , " Ono of the absolnto tieeeffU tle4ot houBetceplng.11 Ik tun to get th4 genuine, KM Ml AnnOTT- the celebrated rjrlma donna. " Valuable and beneficial." II KVtVOOD. SMITH, X. D., M.n.. T. P.. of England." I hare need It with, marked benent" ' nntvriu u Ti n 11 v MY I. u t ikiwiii..., ji 1... iru.. ijrii. . a know of co remedy to generally useful." A1ETIIUR (.1 JI. D., F. II. ('. S.. of Enclind. "I havo Bretcrlbod POND'S EX TItACT with great eucceu." , JfRTIX D. Fri,T05. It. D.. Brooklyn, N. Y. -" Provinx ltaelf to be a rjeceeslty In our homo." P. A. iVESTi:nVF.I.T, 3f. D., Nahvllle. Tenn. -" Havn need lanre nnantltlea of IflND'H EX TRA CT In my practice." Mm. S. n. Jlcrnnn. Jlntron, Uomo or Desti tute Children." Wo And It mont efflcacloua and rueful." In Ilotllei oulr. Prices, f.Oc, (I, SI.7.'. .Vo our naixt cn crerv wrapper and abd. Vrri'irel oaly Ly POMO'fl EXTIUfT CO., OT'.W VOHK AKD LONDON. Creasy & Wells1 LUMBER YARD BLOOMS25URG, PA. We keep on hind a larp- and well as sort' d 6tock of all kinds ol lumber, Southern Yellow Pine Michigan Shingles, Williamsport Lath, Fencing, Flooring, &c. A. full stock of West Branch Mouldings, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Window and Door frames Estimates and prices quoted cheerfully. Lumber delivered by wagoD or rail rnces positively lowest in the market. apr 13 8m Mason & Hamlin Organs and Pianos. Tho Cabinet Orean was introduced by Mason & Timlin in isai. Slasou Si Hamlin Onmus lisvo slurays maintained their supremacy over all others, lialn2 reculTod Highest Honors at all Great World's Exmmttous since 1807. The ImDroved Modo of Strlnrinz Pianos, Invented by Mason & Hamlin In lt&!, Is a great advance In piano construction, ciiierls pronounclnz It "the crealeet Improvement In pianos lu ball a century Wartn rlrrtiUr. rnntiillltnff 300 lestimanlals from purchasers, musicians, and tuners, and I'lano and Organ Catalogues, tree. UASOH & HAMLIN OEOAN AND PIANO CO,, ti sut uu a. (nits liutD, iixw tqu. apr 13 im Dr. J. H. SOIT.EWCK hai published A HEW AIID ELABORATE BOOK on the Treatment and Curo of CONSUMPTION, LIVER COMPLAINT and DYSPEPSIA which will be mailed FREE to r'.l who want' it. If you are, or know of any one who is, afflicted with, t r liable to any of these dUeases, icnd namo and address ( plainly writtclto Dr. J. II. BOHENOK ft BOr Name thia papsr. rhlladolphic lu. Iiewiirilecl are those that read this and then set; they will and honor, able employment that will not take them from their homes and families. The profit b are large and sure for every industri ous person, many nave made and are now making several hundred dollar a month. IttseaM'for any one to make 15 and upwards per day, who Is willing to work. Either aez, yming or old: capital not needed; we start you. Everything new, No special ability required; you, reader can do it as well as any one. rite to us at once t r full par tlculais. which we mall free. Address Stlnson & Co., Portland, Maine '.ydecso. BLOOMSBUUQ FIUE AND MFE IN. SUItANCE AflENCV. Established l&S!. M. P. LUTZ, (Successor to I'reas Drown) AOENT AND llltuKlill COKl'iHUS BCrKISIMTIli; Assets .Etna Plre Ins. Co., of Hartford,, Hartford of Hartford , . Phoeilxot Hartford ... , Hprlngnold ot spl gib id lire Association. Phlladelnhla t V,528,S8.I s,17J'l'j S.0U9D0S 4,81S,7i.U uuanlian ot Iiondon au.-u3.aa 71 IJSuhCoTKnSiaWu: o,v:4,oai.iK 1,I4MMOO uoyal of England. . Mutual lienelll Lite Ins. Co. ot New. ta arK. Fii j 41 .niv.rcs as Loasoa promptly adjusted and paid at this orace, GALVANIZED WIRE NETTING! BEST CI! E t PEST FENCE IN THE MARKET FOR POULTRY, (1AU1IKN Oil LAWN. IN BALES, 169 FEET LO.NU. 4 FEET mail, ONLY 4.50 PBH BALE. i FEET (IIOII, (INLY.. .,. 5.K3 l'KU BALE. 8lKBTIlipiI,ONLY ... 8.75 PER BALE. (ither widths froai I to ft. at proportionate prices. Address orders and coi rtspoudeuco to i 1 ' U. d. W1BE NETTINU CO.. W KOiie St.. N, Y. SALESMEN I I W -XM X J-i I I lo canvass for the sale of Nursery Btockl Steady employment guaranteed. (ALARY AND EXPENSES PAID, Apply atonce, staling at. Chase Brothers Coajujr, Ift 't. march so as-apnl and jwt " .ttJkji;. jM' - .w, - ,l.tJtu - ii - '.i.!. SPRING IS- COMING ! So arc the Spring Styles. Spring Styles in HAT Spring Styles in SUITS, Spring: Siyles in OVERCOATS. sPRirvo SPKIWO SHIRTS THE- New SPRING Ms IW NEW SPRING TIES SPRING SUITINGS in i a ci, any thing in the way of CL0TH1MC Can be had at the POPULAK CLOTHING STORE OF Estate, - !r jtAVjiL?jjRi D. LOWENBERG'S JOTICE IN PAHTIT10N. H$liHf of John lloati, decfatrt. To Reuben llausman, Nathan Ilausnun, Edwin Ilnutmai, Raran Kiocnharu, Uarolmo Hunt. Louisa wcland. Mary rfherer, Caroline Schertr, i M..raii urnwn, an in Lflilgh county; Charles Hosts John li. lloft'ft, Jacob IIats, i atharln' llonti, Mary Hosts, Mary Hhuman all In Schuylkill county! Caroline King y, John Hennlnger, Kranlt Nus, Itavld Nnsa, CharKs A. Shuman guardlin rf jnhn NUss and Ijdla Nuss all In ieav.r town ship, Co umbia county, l'a. Take no ice that In pursuance ot an order In the orphans' Court ot Columbia county, l'l., sn Inquest will to held on tho premises, on real es tate of sattt decadent, situate In Beater 'ownshlp, I Columbia county Pa., i ract No. l containing thirty, one acre and ton perches, nest raaure; tract No. s containing ten acres and fllty.slx perches Btrlcl measure, when on Is erected a house, barn and out tulldlngs; tract No. S containing ntty acres st let measure; on Thursday May 8rd, ISB8, between the hours of Ma. m. and 4 p m. for th J purpose of making partli Ion of the Bald real estate I lo and among the children ml legal repro entt. tlvee of said decedent. It tho sa e can redone without prejudice to or spoiling the whole, other wise to value and appralsu ti e same according to inn, ai. nuiuu viiuu uuu jjiacu yuu can SlUDQ, II ivu iuiuiv jiivcr. SAMUUi BAH 1 11, 13 apr sheriff. "VTOTICE. Notice Is hereby clven that fin rnllnwinir c count has beeu nied In tho court of Common Pleas of Columbia county and will b pr.scn'm to the said Court on the lira'. Monday ot May A. I). I'm and confirmed nlsL and rnlem oxcen (nna arn nieil """lu iuiu iujb iucn:aiu.T win uu ronnmiuu ausoiuiu 1. (Irst and final account of II. w. nera com. wince una nie voioman a lun-uio WM. II, SNYOKIl. PTO'llV. rrot honotiirv'fl Office. tllnnmOittrc I'd . Anrll KK YOU OOINO to havs any paper-hanging doni thts spring If so observe these nrices or newest pattern,, perle. t full length i-u-iir ui iiiii-u iTs,ic:r, o crnui nii. lleflUlllul frnld iiaiht. IS rpnta rnll Velt or carl ridge pater. SO cnts mil. Heavy emifrwed gold pa( cr, as cents roll. We'll send tree tn nnv nddrpua in thn rntfAi States a full lino ot smples.wi' h bordersto match. . U PIAMENT A CO., mo! Market Ht, I'hlladel phla, l'a. IS h prim UDITOU'S NO I ICE. Kftntp nf Mnrit Vnilnr rfwwtwbl The undersigned, an auditor nppolmel by tho Orphan's court of Columbia counlj, to make dis tribution of the balance In the hinds of the ad mlnlstrator ot said decedent, as appears by his ac count Confirmed. ti nnd nmnnir (hnnnrllpapniltlMl thereto, will sit at his onice In lilconsburir. on wednesd y May snd, 1881, at 10 o'clock In tho lore noon, to attend to the duties of his appointment, when and wh' re all parties having claims against Said estate must nmnr nnil npnvn ma oama n, be forever debarreil from any share of said fu d. i..,. u-co j, I,. jHAiau, Auditor, UDITOIfS NOTICE. KSTATK OF KUZ4HKTII TETItRUAH 0CiSKD. Tho undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Or phans' Court of Columbia county te make dlstrl outlon of the funds I the hands of H. F. I-etermm admlnlstrator.wlll sit at his on'ce Inliloomsburg.on Saturd y, Aprll Slst, ims at 10 o'clock in the Fore noon, to perform the dunes of bis appol'itment. when and where all persons having clalmsagalnst said es'ato must appear and prove them, or bo de barred from any share In said fund. OKO. E. EL WELL, Auditor. marSMt. fXECUTOIVS NOTICE. Estate q Mary Kdgar late of Benton tountM unvtm-a letters testflmentsrr on tlm tnlA oot.itn i.nvint. been granted to the undersgned, all persons In debted to sold estate ni hereby notified to pay the Bame, and those having claims against ssldes tato will present the samo for settlement to , iionnjiciinNRr. w Eitccutor. "D1UDGE NOTICE. "Tsollco Is herebv crlven llllt an nnnltallnn will be made to the Ooveinor of I'ennsvivniiin nn Atnn- uj. vim luiruuiimay ui April A. 11. 18S8. oyi) .1. waller, c. w. Miner. John (I. Free.-!. T. R Knhn I'aUl E. Hrt. II. V. White And nflipra unrtnrtlin act ot assembly entitled, "an act to provide for Luuiuk.uiiniinuuu unu it'KuiHiu.n ni certain cor porations," approved April 29 n. 1S74, and the sup Dlement thereto for the charter nf in iniendpii corporation to be called Tho Bloomabunr undue company, the charter and object nf which Is .ui nm uiuusi ui eiTvuiig cnnsirucung ana malntal' log a bridge and the approaches th- reto over tho North rlr-nch Of the husnliehnnna Itlver. from a DOlnt at or near the Kerrv rnd tn the tnwn of uioomsbunr, in the county of Columbia, to a point in catawissa townsh p on the opposite side otsatd river tn the same countv. Ami rnr thnne purposes to have posseses, and en Joy all 1 he rights benefits snd privileges ot sUd act of assembly and C W. MILLKIt, H. V. WIUTP, soucitors. mar iMtr, "OTICE IN DIVORCE. iiaggie uirton. rjy ner next intnd, wrntrd Bton. ser vs. nariea uirion. In the Court of Common neat nf Co vmtta eoun. s i,.vo. ua, xec. Term, 18S7. To Charles (llrtoti. restwndent above named vt nereas, upon tne pettuon or noei or tne said Maggie uirton. above named, a subpoena being awarded by the Court of Common Pleas of said county, a subnrcna Issued out ot the said court. commanding vou. the said Charles Uirton, to be ana appear at tne next regular term or saia court, to show cause, if anv you have why the said libel- ant snouia not tie aivorcea rrom tne Donas ot matrimony which she has contracted with you. agreeably to the prayer of tne petitioner; and, whereas, upon the return of the said subpoena, due pr of was msde that vou could not be found or served with the samo In the bailiwick of the sher- in oi saia county : wnereunon an anas uODcena was awarded by said court commanding you to be auu appear at tne next regular term oi saia court to answer, a, as a'orcsald. to which the same r turn was mad" by the sheriff. Kou are therefore required to be and appear on tbe first day of regular term of said court, to be uciu Diutiuisourg. ior me sum county, ou tue first Monday of May next, A. D., 1689, to aoswer said cou plaint aforesaid. Hherlff. Sheriffs office, Bloomsburg, Pa., Mar. 30, 1888. OTICE IN DIVORCE. Maggie Magdeburg, by her next friend J. II. Vas- uuu vs rrruencK siagaeour. In the Court nf Common Pleat of Calum'bia coun- iv, iu. iv, uvc. jvrm, iss7, To Frederick Maedebuiv. resnnniipnt ihnu named : Whereas unon thenetltlon nr lthAt nf iimmm Maggie Mag-ieburg, above nnmed. a subptena be ing awarded by the court of Common Pleas ot Bum 1-uuiii.t, u ttuupucuM istwca out or tne said lAiurv. cuuiumuuiiiK juu, me Ruin t redencK Matr. aenurgjto Do and appear at the next regular iriii oi biiiu cuun. to ttuow cause, irany you have, why the said llbellant should not be divorced from me uuuus oi matrimony wnicu sne has contr-cHl with you, agreeably to the braver nf the netltlnn. er I and, whereas, upon the return of the said subpoena, due proof was made that yo i could not i-D luuuu ui rrvuu uu inn name in me oautwicK of the Bherin of said cou ity ; whereupon nn allss subpoena was awarded by said court, command ing you lo bo and appear t the next reirnlar term of said court, to answer. &c as aforesaid, to wnicn tne same return was made by the sheriff. You are thorefore required to be snd appear on the nrat day of regular term of said court, to be hMd at Bloomsburg, for tho said county, on the first "ondavof Mav next. A. l) tana m . oiuu ivuiiiiauii, muivaam. . KAMHKL vMiTn. sheriff, sheriff's office, Bloomsburg, Pa., Mar. ao, 1898. GET YOUIt JOIJ PRINTING DONE AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE. NNUAL STATEMENT OP TUB TOWN OK I1LOOMS11UHO, FOIl TI1K YEAH KND1NI1 M AltOII 31st, 188. FUNDED DEBT. Bonds due Aug i, is87.. " Jan i,ii8. " " Feb'yl. as.. " " AUgl.IljSS.. " " ' I, 18S9.... " " " 1, 1B1K)..., " " " 1, 1891 " " " 1 W2.. ' " l, 1683...., " " " 1, 1891,,.,, " " " 1, 1893..,, " " " 1, H90.... " " " 1. If.97 " " " 1, 1F98 1IS0 HO " " I, itrm " " I, 1900 1. 190 " " " 1 IB-! " " " 1, IMS,,,. " i; t 15010 00 VALUATION OF TAXABLE PltOPEKTY IN 1887. Ileal Estate ..$ 1,419.335 l'eraonal property , wuo Occupations 17B.H0 t,U4,355 00 33,487 10 Two per cent of the above valuations. ASSETS. Balance on duplicate of i. " 'I " I' ISiT Due from sundry persona on IU93I5 89 51 account Due from estate J II liar man sewer permit .. ..I 1000 Due firm J D Fowler (0 W aHUer)sewcrperuilt..,. 600 Duo from sundry persons on old account ,. ,,,,,, I 900 oo mo no 500 00 770 0 780 00 C90 00 820 00 850 00 BsO 00 910 Ol) 900 00 15" 00 10 0 00 1130 HO 1000 00 780 00 290 00 3HI 00 320 00 340 CO C50 00 8 48 tt708l OTHER LIABILITIES Orders of 1881 outstandings " "1881 " I' t' 1883 " 1CS4 " lNJjr l Coupons No'a SO nd 73 of 1BS6 f unpild....... Coupons of 1886-7 duo &nd un paid. - - 26 9 TOO 323 88 117 83 1129 43 300 815 81 Excees Amount of funded brought forward... 'debt Total Indebtedness NEWTON BOONE Collector for 1884. DIL To balanAfl nn rinnllrntA taai -a IM. c. WOODWARD, collector (or 1886. OIL To balance on tiupllcat,.,., $ivti 49 W'':fij cn. I ny exonerations allowed., ... liycash paid U P rani.atta, treasurer. Dalancoduo 69 60 15103 lirrs u M. 0. WOODWAni), collector tor 188T. DIL To amount ot duplicate,,.... USMS1 cn. Ily cah paid D P Vannatta treasurer.,. . I 700 6t DaUncedue....,!...... H5l 12880 31 M. P. VANNATTA, Treasurer for 1981 In account with tho Town ot liloomsburg. Ult. To amount of tax roll for f7 . less 80 " ' ree'd from Wm Chrlsman late treasurer being balance, 833 To amount ree'd from bonds negotiated Issue ot Oct 1-S7 enoooo To amount s'ato tax collected on bonds, , 1809 To amount reo'd from n F Zarr late prca't for sower per mits,;. 1000 To amount reo'd from Y Zarr lato prcs't for show licens es BOO To amount received from P 8 llarman prcs't to' sewer permits 11000 To amount received from P H llarman prrn't for show li censes and fine M83 Team ree'd from o W wil ier for shovellug snow Si To amount ree'd from David H Inner per M O Wood w rd ondupUcatoof "SJ... U60 To amount ree'd from David winner on duplicate ot'85. SfO To amt reo'd from M Wood ward on duplicate of tsss.. 1735 90 To amt ree'd from O Wnod- ward on duplicate of 1887.. toosi 11&S0S 08 D. P. Vannatta, Treasure for 187 In account with HIUIUIVUUI U1UUU1SUUIK. fit By amt of dU"llcats MM O Wood- warn collector ior loai, uvuik iuuv uncollected by treasurer on tax roll for isai - oom By amt ot orders paid during tne yi-nr .. ... -iioi i By amt nf coupons pnld dur- Inir the rear SCO 2t By amt ot bonds paid during the year viz:.- .. Bond No lis. 1140 " ,ix 10U " 71 S00 ' 9 loo " 74 SOO 800 00 By amt of tteas commission on s.4r.;s 30 (. l percent uw By amt of tress commission on 45 ce eo 1 tier cent .. W 00 Balance In hands of tre as...... 62 is f 1S6467 1U05 88 ltECKIPTS. Amount from Wm Chrlsman lato tress Amount collected on tax roll ot 1887 Amount reo'd from bonds negotiated Amount ot state tax collected 8S'J 4768 99 5000 00 109 on nonas Amount tee'd from B F Zarr late prcs't for sewer per mits Amount from 11 F Zarr lato prcs't for show licenses . Amount from P S llarman pirs't fewfr permit . . Amount from l1 8 llarmsn prcs't show Menses, o Amount from c w Miller shoveling snow Amount 'rom David winner Ser M Woodward on upllcatoof 18 Amount from David Winner on dupllcat" of mi In full Amount from M Woodward on dunllotc 18-6 Amount trora .M o Woodward ondup lcate 1887 10 00 500 91160 1T35 90 700 ST I 19C45 57 EXPRNDITUHKS-lliailWAYa Wm Bldleman late corn's for March 18S7 Peter nillt.cver corn's Sundry pe'sons for labor.... ' " teams for hauling Sundry persons for hauling lime stone spawls .... J S Menscb weighing spawls oOKckforasfti tonB pawls J V Whltenlght for building stones. O A .lacoby flag stone for crossings. Abraham vnyder repairing pump at Forks. Sundry persons tor pick and hamme handles llarman ti 1J assert cast plates fie . Freight on terra cotta plpo for drain In scott town J A llutchlns Co for terra 472 367 39 124315 390 89 lltl m 48 76 12810 9 91 76 50 550 05 55 99 5091 954 39 44 33 1183 45 00 175 980 eottanl'.e fnrssme. Creasy & wells lor lumber... V w Huny-n hardware &o .. Fundrv persons for smithing A .1 Williams snow shovels lantern .... A Kruin Ior sand 1 4589 49 CONSTABLE AND POLICE. M C Woodward services 5000 13 44 urrests ana other fees. Daniel I nyrock lite chief of nollje in March. .... 4 00 58 00 Wesley Kntrrchlef of police 11 B Freas et al assistant po nce..... . 02 50 187 91 SEM'EItAOE. tmndry persons for hauling ara laoor imu w J A Ilutct'lns Co terra cotta plpo 714 (9 sundry pereons for powder and fuse 51 68 Sundry persons for smithing Jcc Sundry persons damsgesfrom 10123 oiasting ....... Freight on sewer pipe Central lfnna telephone Co TOO 36 93 tnree messages to wyom ln Penna 73 f 2413 21 MISCELLANEOUS Firx DxpiKTMIKT, Rent paid 1 W Hart man to April i, i"7 ror Kescue Hook and Ladder Co .. 8000 Bent paid Columbia county toJanl'Bfl- 20 00 Rent paid Columbia county to uec l ihst ior iiescue Hook and I Adder Co 18 33 Rent paid J J Brower to April 1 1887 for Friendship Co. 30 00 Rent paid appropriation to winona ror 1887. . 50 in 148 S3 90000 Paid Bloomsburg Water Co for use of fire hydrants Paid Bloomsburg Gas Co for gas con sumed Paid Samuel Neyhard services aa town engineer.. Paid (i E Elwell rent for council room to Jam, 1888 Paid M o Moan & Bro repairing buggy broken In cave on Second street. . . . Paid sundry persons cleaning council room Pstd sundry persnn's coal, lock. up. Paid sundrv persons t?r strest lamps and repairs .. Paid "amuel Neyhard services as secre tary Pall Samuel Neyhard making tax roll Paid Samuel Neyhard preparing annual statement and clerking for auditors Paid M u Woodwaid H'rvlng tax notices Paid Moyer Bros fem for lock-up to June 1 188. Paid 8 A fetrivin Co rent f r pound to April 11887 P Id Omv Jacoby for swearing president of town eou ell and taking two ac knowledgments .. .... Paid I W McKelvy and 1 8 Kuhn et al Interest on over due orders Nos M and4W Paid o w sterner for r-cordlng release for right ot wa for storm water sewer from Second street to Fish creek Paid o w Neal executor 5f Emma n Neal damages as"ewd In widening Llghtstreet road and interest No t Deo term 1R3 Paid Anna D Blllmeyer damages assess ed in wldenlngLtghtstreet road and Interest No 5 Dec term 1883 Paid Anna D Bll'meyer and s A Petri. klnp-oc edp g same as above No 5 Deo term 1883 Paid I "dement of J o Ka'nsva Town ot Blonrasburg No 237 uept term 1882 and Interest assigned to K It Ikeler Paid Wm Krickbaum publtshlngnnual statement Sa Paid Klwcll & Blttenbender publishing annual statement to. Paid J o Brown publishing annual statement to raid (i () U rklev solicitor 93895 6000 460 5 ISO 18 7 817 I '011 Dentler, Klnker and Garrison aud. Itors for 1886 raid judgment Blonmsburg Qas Co ys Town or Bloomsburg No ll Bept term 1883 "... 1411 t 5898 OTHER DISBURSEMENTS. Paid on account of orders outstanding " for 1SK Paid on account of ordrs outstanding for I8S3 ... ,, Paid on account ot orders outstanding for 1884 ,, Paid bonds Interest paid during the year, vtz: cou. pons ,., Interest paid on over due order No. ti 1. M II . .. l. 1. II II II II l jgQ Paid State Treasurer lax on loans..... ommlsslon to treasurer ......, Balance In hat da of treasuier.M.. 371 45 800 too 3 8 e 38 151 Total expenditures ,,, 14774 w Deluct orders Outstanding, siSD42 Leaves amount equalling receipts t 12645 SAMUEL NEYHARD. P. 8. HARMAN, Secretary. ITesldent, We. the understrned fltirllfrB nf thA Tnin Bloomsburg met Monday and Tuesday S6th and I 27th of March issa, and do hereby certify that we I have examined the foregoing accounts and state I ments and Pud them correct and do approve the IW38 00 ssmt. we also report mat we find the books. 914 tis papers and puhll arollvei of the Town have been and Mill aro unprotected from tire and burglars I MHO 00 Iron" tho want of a proper place of deposit, and we do urge upon the Council the neceasuyor the f 16364 84 Purcu"',! ! iJ"fe ,nr "M" keeping of the same and would further urge a proper indexing of and purchase of lidex Hooka rnr anmuir r..ffrntX minutes and other papers relating to the business WM. E. RINKXR, F. D. DEN TUCK. Joti. UAluuaoN mm iltr April e-ts rpnHslBUHElfS BALE. OF UNSEATED LANDS. IN COLUMDIA COUNTY, TBNNA. tv Ttrftin nriindrr artanf the (lencrat sssem. bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, rcla'. log U the sale of seated and unseated lands In the county of Columbia, etc., for tales due and un paid, I will olfer to pubpo sale tn the court Ilouso, I In the town ot Bloomsburg, on ' MONDAY, JUNK 11th, 1888. at 10 o'clock, a. m. The following described pieces of land, or Btich part thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amount of taics due and unpaid against the sime, and continue tho same, from uay HJ uay a tue eauio iun w w.i i.-.. j . TEUMb OF BALE. The amount of taxes and costB must bo paid when tbe land Is struck off or the sale may be void and the property put up and resold. Acres. Warrantee or owners Twps. lgts Columbia o I Co ....Beaver Taxes, t 14 20 63 1 59 I 12 S 13 1 54 89 51 1 00 2 4 4 It 18 V! 14 55 10 73 87 1 22 ei 1 86 1 6I 1 60 1 60 51 1 Oil 2 61 I let ueaver 1 nariv 3lota Beaver Jesse Jo.... 78 B ookway Abbott........ do.... 118 h .... do.... s lota Br ckwayo B do.... Slotc Butt 4 linger do.... ll Bogart Mary. . do.... lots BoycrFB.. ""5? " u cox O 8 Ex Tench Cox. do ..... iu .1 n 11 ,,do.... im " " " .. In " ... JJ7 " Slots Crwwlng Patrick aj.. Hot Cannon M.. . ... 100 Downs Martin. do..... It John do.... slot Kians Recco. ..... S Flanagan a uu.... 3 " FreyWS do.... lot Gearhart WllUam do.... SIou " " do..... 5 ' Hoffman EG do,,.. 8 " Harner Jester.... do... 1 60 6 St) OO 3 03 160 1 00 64 1 61I 2 48 lu CO 83 15 80 1 6 7 42 2 16 I 61 1 CO 2 87 14 1 60 7 94 II 6(1 lit tio Hauck Jonathan. go.... 60 HoatsJohn do.... SJ0 Hlnderllter Sarah A qo.... 3 lot Hunt Euas. uu.... SlowllcDry oeorgo. do. 1 lot Kline A do.... 2lou Lev is Frank do... 3 lota Lawrence W It. .. do.... 300 Mann Miller. do.... !0 Jicnsinger namuei uu.... loo McHeynolds W II. do.... 5 lots Mastln vMlUam. do.... 140 Nungtsner George do .. Skua l'aitertson J u. uu.... Slots Price Clarence do.... 83 Rico Abraham. ao.... im .....aO..... 4-53 lou Ruthford, Samuel Co.,. do.... Slot " ' 218 Swank Daniel do.... 140 schwepptnhelser I K .. do... 8 Hhuman Michael do.... 3 lou Schlch J J ...... do ... Slots smith J W do... Mots scott Peter do. .. 10 UiaipherGeo do. .. 1 60 1 60 93 2- 813 00 2 66 25A5 West B Coal Co. do ,. sio's wetroius uo. 1 lot Wood Augustus. do . 51 1 81 21 Ulsapher George go.,.. 8 lota Kiaseww ao...... lots Wood Augustus do.... 1 CO 1 00 53 2 66 83 1 60 90 2 2i 10 Losee Jessee do... 61 Hhuman F L. do ... 28 BrelschS CO ao.... 3 lots Prout Stephen dee'd .. do ... 25 Wells John Benton 28 Clem Rev WT Brlarcreck 800 Doty. Pealer Stewart do ... . 220 " 13 50 9 00 6 75 4 50 11 29 4U 4 50 150 " " " 100 " " 2$o 41 H 7 Edwards Henry J ao.... 22 Evans Francis. do.... 40 Fowler Gilbert do.... 10 VrnftA .Iaska 11 .....d0..... 5 66 90 4 60 23 6u 60 Freas Fannie d0,. 464 Lamon Joseph......... do, 100 Kemp Daniel ..... .. .. do.... 4 60 so Roooins eu 60 btackhouse JosEst.... X 20 1 ISO 6tackhouseG J M.. 10 Killer It 11 6 75 4ti X ot S30 Shaffer a Kelchner 6 17 12 36 1 13 48 675 Schuyler Mrs Mary.. I 40 10 3 14 14 10 40 00 21 stout Kiiaa .... Edwards .Martha J... Yost KmanueL 1 80 61 Doty, Stewart " do ... " do Adams Henry. do.... Bower Isaiah do.... KoonsGenS do.... UoilopeterD F do.... Dodson J B do.... Shuman Reuben Catawissa Weaver Ellas do.... Dornbach Margaret. do.... Kl ner Robert do.... Newell Fred do.... ciewell Joseph Eat do. .. Shuman hllaa. do.... Uaruer Thomas E. do. llower Moses do.... Barrett Mary. centralla Geraghty Thomas. do... 4 44 ...... do.... Ileffron Philip.,. . Kneff tobn do.... Lehigh st Mahanoy KB... .do ... aicKIuney Charles..... do.... Steel Gto W ao,... Sweeney Margaret do.... Walsh David do.... 44 44 do.... 44 44 do.... 44 44 do.... 06 31 35 22 2 37 45 11 200 1 35 1 S 12 30 2 61 St7 4 5i 4 43 34 18 10 11 7 61 1 63 61 80 1 07 Lots 1 1 1 2 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 4 60 5 68 16 10 4 Sj 88 3 S3 S 66 2 93 S Acres 22 Adams EnosL... AllabachlBenl.. ..Centre,.. , ,..30...,. 2 24 5 2 lota Brobst'J'bouias.. Fowler John F... Good Jacob .... Hagenbuch William.. 1 35 Sr Est. do.. Hoffman William Est do.... Keller DanieL Mclicnry Dorcas. do.... Hot Sponsler Jacob 00.... 1 lot Klikendall creasy. do.... 429 seam Joshua.. ..Conyngnam Hot Brcsllne Bernard. do.... 2 lota Drelsbach Lewis do.... 119 Huston Johu .... do.... 333 Kline John L do.... slots Kramer A W ao.... 1 44 44 44 do.... 1 14 Lelby Charles. do.... 2 44 Millard o u ao ... 1 44 McGulre Terrance do.... 1 41 Morris Annie B do..., 2 44 Mouroejohn do.... 1 44 44 44 do.... 380 Huston Mary do.... 176 44 Tnomas 100 Trlen Jacob do. . . . 410 Young John. do.... 8 Walker Lewis. do.... 186 1 18 2 33 108 C3 S3 4 70 S 31 2 St 3 90 6 29 2 34 4 70 2 34 206 00 39 60 94 80 174 24 26 40 4 70 1 16 2 33 8 72 8 11 2 lou uuiniaa Geo w ao . 1 Kress Manraret... do.... 2 ICO 60 100 75 20 90 200 250 140 200 b6 60 RelnboldWU Doty, Pealer Stewart .do.... .F'hc'k do.... Blelsb .Reuben. do,,.. Fowler John F do...... Farver George...... do..,, Hirrlsou John. - do, Hoffman Freas. .. do..,. liulme William.,'. do ..... lemou Thomas ... do.,.. Kindt John Co ..... McUenryCB Daniel.. .... ltobblns W A do. . 4 20 2 32 1 6 8 48 35 71 5 88 8 40 2 2 4 X of SOU Shaffer Kelchner.. 3 Pealer Geoi onre,, ao.... 12 50 40 6 30 29 20 .V 1 2 1 M 200 6 (0 3'J 13 22 100 30 28 8 30 SO 5 20 24 100 300 78 4 38 216 30 76 18 200 80 266 95 93 30 200 200 200 200 100 190 8 43 90 16 35 60 127 60 15 6 23 23 3iO 25 40 60 20 43 21 Whltenlcht AVUUam. do. Pealer b J do.... Cleaver Wellington....Franklln Vought James.. ....... do..,. 41 E Howell........ , do ... ltohrbacb WllUam do ..... Blbby James ...d .... VatllneJH do,.,. Manhardt George do..,, Ilayhurst Ezra heirs. do .... Blbby Augustus do..., Albertbou Allien A Bartley Greenwood Berry John . do,.,. Derr Iram. .,,,do..,, McBwen II J Appleman Lloyd Hemlock 44 William ... do..,, 41 Hugh W do ... Brugler Ellaha do...... Campbell N L do.,,, Emmett A J. .. do.... McBrtde H D do..,, Neal Pursel.,.,, do.,., Pursel Is,ac (i do ... 350 unangst are cnaries ao.. Wrhtht Levh Jones David.., Black I'D...... , .... ..Jackson 1 8 24 Bartch Franklin.... 6 Miller Charles W do., 2 24 24 7 S 3 200 44 Neyhart 44 44 do.. rarkerCo , do,... Hoes Clinton do,... Meeker Ellas do..,. BlUngton Charles, Locust Dewalt George do .... Kverhart John do ... Hughes 4Vnghl Est do..,, Kulp Mcwllllam . .... Longenberger Phillip do,,,, Myers Mary do. Huston Mary ,,,, 44 Charlotte do .... Reynolds John ... do,.,. Huston Thomas do.,., lteece Daniel do ..... Mine Adam,,. 1319 320 800 1013 263 2 01 640 640 640 640 400 6 40 ICO 1 CO 800 40 46 1 24 2 28 1 80 90 V5 23 46 2923 18 54 288 156 40 136 95 136 67 1 36 63 9 46 136 1630 90 260 196 34 180 15 50 31 15 980 99 99 211 2 11 174 330 27 64 31 27 05 1 (0 CI 450 46 Too KM nnaner uenry ao,. Hboads Franklin., ao. .Madison ueagie George... Uenaershoit E. 1 Shoemaker Jacob.'.'. .no.... .. do,,, ,.. do. 1. ..... ,....d).,,, .. do..... ,,,do.,,, Demott Cyrus GlnglesTH Johnson Chester.... Comer J E ... Eves O W Cox .loeL , lleydenrlck Tobias,.. Masters D W Miller W B , uu.... Brockway Ent Main Hlnderlltter Henry do.,,, Shuman John . .-in ... 85 23 ,V 0(100 Bchmcck, Btobst, Yetter-i ItRVlL' ,1n 1 7 346 100 COO 160 41 69 10 20) 2 35 13. Snyder Abraham do.,,, shuman w t ... ao .... bwarti,Shepp Co ,do. 4 Isaac .do,... Torbert William .do... Shuman Reuben do .... Moser vichael do . Blttenbender Jacob. MlDtln llenderahoit Kramer A W do .... Lutz Catherine do.. Michael Joseph Peter .... 44 44 44 do.,,, Mastcller Joseph .. do,,.. Nungeaber W 1, do.,,. Park James A Y do. sututf joel aXr.n Schweppenhelacr I K.....,do..,, " Horace do,.,, KP.. .do..,. " Horace., do..., wniiams samuel do.... lohejacob Est do.... Plan UHas . ,, do ... Eckroth Hiram.... Slenunger William do..,, Giger tJamuel ..Moutour Fry Daniel,.., do Neal Wllilaio..., do Gordon JohnN ,do T. Creuiie Ulram Andrew it t MtPlnunt 61 n g 73 30 30 47 10 18 'li 9 40 10 67 - . - '.jv. Jacoby ft Rupert do. 44 "nrntiel,...., ,.do,.., Crcvellng Samuel 1 Orange nsgenbucn Jeremiah, . . . 2 8, 17' 6 04 B It 5 II 1 41 i" 4 24 6 80 1 19 1 86 13 72 -S9 21 41 116 6t 103 10 72 2 70 36 ISO 61 73 48 90 18 1 26 3 30 40 66 I 60 14 00 12 36 78 46 (0 81 8 22 47 93 344 10 2!) 10 29 23 99 10 29 10 29 II 72 0t5 4715 41 51 20 65 27 40 6 85 1849 80 23 William do..,. " Mary Hess Jeiemlah,... Colema George Est... Kllno Abraham J. . .do,,.,,,, ,.do.,..,. , . do.... ... Pino 41 Jacob dod Crawford tMlllam., Frlckiieu A. Et... Lvons R W .ao,... Roberta Colo iiotignner peter ...Roanngcrcck Brelsch Jacob do do do,... .do. .. do 60 Barnes Thomas Jr Cox o s Ex of Tench Cox 2T0 18 do,.,, . do ., do d4.... do..,. . do.... do ...,. ,.do .. do . do.... do ... .. do 800 11 11 60 18 18 Dllanlaln Ereklel Fetterman llcrbtno llcnston John Reiner John.. Morris Hughes .... Mlndy lwls , Navlngor Jonathan.. Rico Abraham Shuman David nhiup Abraham ., McMllllan M M WlteheyJohn Trlen Jacob 100 18 143 68 70 40 27 01 16 20 60 do.. 193 Buekalew Evan sutrarlosf 40 cole Thomas II do Cnspln F do.... 210 2,,,,,,.,, .., 75 60 Custard Mary...,., ,. cope Israel Hess, Crevellt g Co. . 44 Wesley 125 01119 Of 119 Of 119 44 14 do..,. Smith Minor ,. -Mclienry Hohr do.... 91 860 600 200 .1 ao. kj " John .1. . do,. do.... ..-colt 8 21 81 Savage Joshua Kt .... Davenport F Caso 0 1) GEORGE A. 6 6 HEItlllNG, Treasurer. T REASUKEH'3 BALK OF SEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENNA. Also at the same time nnil nlnra the followim. lots, pieces and parcels of Roatcil lands, returned iy the tax collectors, are to bo sold under the pro leloos of an Actor Assembly, entitled 4'An Act. relating to the sileot lnnds for tax In Columbia County," approved March 6th, 1801. Warrantee or owners. Kaso Wolvcrton Schrlber Henry Philips Catharine Mann AW ,, Rlioads PctiT Bankes Daniel.... Acres. Twp's. , Heaver . 1., ... do.,.. Taxes. 8710 1 37 1 75 2 8.1 3 18 118 1 lot 23 23 1 4 1 lot 1 44 1 41 10 1 lot .do.. Pu reel Mrs EB Bloom Gulnn George. do ., Behamjohn do.., Price Jonas Catawissa, Keller Sarah Centre 43 00 210 4 0.1 31 73 1191 47 473 70 633 HO 441 6 85 4.TI 2 9) 17 18 45 1 75 1012 6 40 9 74 4 27 IM 3 89 450 3 53 375 221 8 23 187 83 9 26 sal 17 87 sai 250 2 60 8 40 I'H 8 .11 4 49 19 20 264 14 89 886 400 400 cummlngs II M Co Con'y'm cuny Ellen do , Murphy, HughcsCo..tlo.... Mcllaio John It do Coiner Michael do.... eas y Lawrence ...... do.... Dougherty Mary. do.... Vought It win B.... Franklin. . Moore A L Greenwood.. Albcrtson David O Est do Wand John A .... Hemlock . Rhone Michael.... .Jackson.. Chamberlain Lewis..., do.... 44 44 ... do.... YoungLewisO do... 44 44 do ... Olassmyer Francis F.. Locust Lonnon Geo W Est do.... Eves O W Madison. 44 41 do.... Bill Jesse do.... Ilouscr & Kroom do.... Eckront Charles Est .Miniln... llower Charles E. MtPI's't,. Hess John Pine Ktlno Patterson .... do.... Lions Newton do.... lattJohn do.... TarkerJohnll ,, Ftlck O A tot do.... Hess Lavlna .. Sugarloat Albertsoti Jesse. do ... Kline Abner W. do. .. CrcvellngJH ,do.... Shultz Ellas do.... Iiedllno B F do ... yS' 1 44 81 54 100 too 31 75 33 63 80 !1 130 60 170 6 10 31 112 5" 50 37 30 112 20 21 31 40 34 G. A. HERRING, Treas. Treasurer's Offlco, Bioomsbu g, March 28, '888. LADIES ! Do Your Own Dyeing, at Home, with PEERLESS DYES ! They will dyo everything. They are sold every where. Price 10c a package. 40 ni-lors. They have no equal for strength, brightness amount In packages, or for fastness of color, 4 r non-fadlDg quauuee luey uo not. craca or suiuu ruraaiu by Moyer Bros, and Jas. U. Mercer. febimy. mm naa revolutionized the world dur rg the last halt century. Not least among the wonders of In ventlv nrotrressls a met hod and 45 system of work that can be performcC all over tho country without separtlng the workers from their hnmes. Pay liberal; ai y one can do the work; either Bex. young or old; no special ability ro- K4 70 10 10 8 00 54 JH 12 M 11 II 140 50 l'O 60 4) 103 13 quirea. capital nrr neeaea; you are siarcea ircu. cut this out and return to us and wo will send you free, something of great valuo and import ance to ou, that will start you In buslness,wblch 2 14 5L win onng you 111 more money rignt away, man anything elso In tho orld. Grand outfit free. Address trub Co., Augusta, Maine. lydecSO 14 SUFFERINGWOMEN' MARRIED OB SINCLE. 23 WbSB troubled with those annoying IrreRularltliviso frequently followinsa coldor.ipo.ure, or fromCop etltutioual Weaknesses BO peculiar to tuetr sex, should Use OR, OuCHOINE'S Celebrated. FEMALE REGULATING PILLS. Thar'tra Btrenthenltta to the eotlr r-tora, Impart tons, vigor and magnet") force to all fond Ion-of body nd caiad. beat by muil, iwarvlr nealM,!. A clarets Or. Harter Medicine Co., ST. LOUIS. MO. nov25n.ocoly. 9i 09 S3 You will Suvo CatarrH Money rime, Pain, Trouble, AND WILL CURB CATARRH By Using ELY'S Cream BalmHAY-EEVER A particle Is applied Into each nostril and Is agreeable. Pi ice 50 cents at druggists; by mail, registered. 60 cents. ELY DHOTHMtS, 235 Oreen wlch St., New York. mar30d4t. MEMORY MAKES SUCCESS Wholly unlike artificial systems. Any book learned in one reading. Classes of n!7 at Baltimore and 1005 at Detroit, lito at Philadelphia, large classes of Columbia law students, at Yale, Wellesley. Obeilln, Unlver slty of Pcnn., Michigan I'nlverslty, Chautauqua. c, c Kndorsed by Illehsrd Pro tor, tbe Helen ttst, Hons. w. w: Astor, Judah P. Benjamin, Judge Gibson. Dr. I.ruwn, E.H. Cook, Principal N. Y. State Normal College. 4c The system is perfectly taught by correspondence. Prospectus post tree from PliOF. LOIHKTTK, 237 Fifth Ave., New York. marsodtt. BLOOMSBUHG MARKET. " Wholesale. 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