THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Persian Harbors. In Persia tho barber shaves tho beads of bis customers, dyes tbolr beards, pulls their tcctb, cups and bleeds them when filling, seta their brok nn hones nnd shampoos their bodies. Dr. Willis, an English physician, who re sided in Persia for many years, being nttaohed to tho overland telegraph, ras Invited by Hassan, his barber, to visit bis shop nnd boo him work. He went, ngninst tho remonstrance of his serv ant, Malek, who insisted tbat tho bar ber would say that tho English physi cian had called to leirn of him how to prnotlco surgery and medicine. Tho shop was a littlo squaro room with ono sldo open to the street. In tho center was a tiny bed of (lowers sunk In tho floor, from tho middlo of which an octagonal stono column a yarJ high. Tho capital of tho col umn formed a rcceptaclo for tho water in which the barber dipped his hand as he shaved his customer s soalp; in Per sia they do not lather. On tho earthen platform, outsido of iho shop, sat a burly man, whoso long beard was beinc dyed an orange color. It was full of yellow mud (the henna in a paste), and bound up with cab bago leaves to prevent too rapid evap oration. Tho shop was very clean. On two recesses wrro displayed foui- vases filled with flowers, and the implements of tho barber s art, scissors, razors, lancets, hand-mirrors, largo pincers to oxtract teeth, branding irons to cautcr izo tho arteries in amputating the limbs, strong combs; but not a hair-brush, for that implement is never used by i'crsians. Jrom the barber s girdle hong a round copper water-bottle, his strap, and a pouch to hold his instruments. Iu his uosom was a small mirror, the presentation of which to bis customer is a sign that tho job is finished and tbat tho barber waits for his pay. Customers came to submit their heads to the barber's hands, and to have their paralyzed arms shampooed. When served, they remained to smoke and gossip. Others called to bo bled: they were taken outsido so that the blood might flow into the cutter. One mat), suffering Irom the toothache, was operated upon for fifteen or twenty minutes. After three pulls, a largo piece of tho tooth camo away. "Ah !" exclaimed the barber, "that's the piece in which tho pain was I A sufferer from rheumatism an pearcd. Tho barber heated a small iron, tbo patient lay down, and after invoking Mahommed and the sainta was burnt three times on the loins. When the English physician, having seen all tbat was to be seen, reached home, Malek upbraided him. 'Sahib 1 I said it I I knew it 1 That doc, may tho graves of seven generations of his ancestors bo defiled! There he stands, explaining to tho two merchants, your patients, that you have come to him at yonr own request to take a new lesson in tooth draw ingl" An Indian Disarmed. HOW A SPIRITED WHITE WOMAN AROUSED A HIDEOUS APACHE'S ADMIRATION. In the following good story, which Tj...: tu:ii: ' .l .uuiwcb a uiiiitM reiuiua in uiu f miadeipHia Jseics, we must leavo it to our readers to judge what it was which proved too much for the Apache. Was it the teacher's hospitality or her courage whion won his heart ? Some. things of both perhaps. Ono thing, at all events, wo feel sure of ; stolid as ho may have beon, ho must have felt both surprise and admiration at the white woman s spirit : "An Apache, in full war-paint, stalk- ea into an Indian school at Albuquer que, N. M., ono day. Tho children were immediately terrified, and trerab hngly told us he was a 'bad Indian.' They said an undo of our boys had killed his brother, and they feared he had come for revenge. As it was dinner-time, I saw nothing better to ao man to navo the children marched into tho dining-room, as usual. We keep open houso to Indians at all times, and treat them as distinguished guests, so I motioned to our Apache to take a seat at the table. He sat down, terriblo in his war-paint, and laid two loaned revolvers, beforo him. The children Legan to trembb. "I summoned all my courage and said: 'Put those revolvers on tho window. "ihe Apache nover moved. The cook placed beforo him a cup of coffee 1 1 i r uuu a uowi oi soup. " 'Take away that coffee and soup, x i-uiuiuauueu, wun my neart in ray mouth, adding to the Indian : 'You snail not have them until yon put tuuKu revuiverj on ine window. "Irembling for her life tho cook oboyed. When tho Apaohe saw his dinner removed ho deliberately rose, picked up his revolvers aud shall I ever forget that terrible moment T quietly laid them on tho window. His dinner was restored to him ; ho ate it in Bilence, and then, taking up his property, walked out without a word "I did not soe him again for years liut this last time, on my way home, as l was waitinc in tho train nt Sinta Ve. my terriblo Apaohe, in all his feathers and war-paint, cot into tho oar and walked iu whole length, as if looking for somo one. My blood ran cold.- Ho then left the car and returned with a dozen other braves, as horriblo as' him eelf. He introduced them all, and all must shako hands." A Philosophical Tramp. A stupid looking tramp knocked at one ot the inest residences in Austin and was received by tho lady of the house. "What do you want t" "Please'ra civo mo a dime to buy glass of bread; 'scuso me, I mean a loaf ol beer. "I haven't got any monoy." "Haven't got no money T Then madam, modest as this cottago- is, would suggest your moving into cheaper houso ; you aro living beyond your meain. .Economy is wealth, Economize in the way of clothes nnd house rent. Cut your expenses, an then, perhaps, tome day you will hnvo a dime to sparo a dime, madam, that may bo the means of preventing hungry and thirsty fellow-mortal from committing suicide ; or it may be quarter a coin of tho valuq of 2. cents that will upholder tho dark clouds of tho horizon of his despalrln soul with a silver-plutcd lining an fill his stomach with bock beer. Good day, fair lady." Texas Siftings. A farmer sent ono dollar for a light rung potato-bug killer, which he saw advertised Iu a paper, and received by return mail two blocks of wood with directions printed ou as follows "Tako this block, which is No. 1, in tho right hand, place tho bug on No, 2, and press them together, Removo the bug and prooeed as beforo." A UriWs Plaint. UK HAS A ITtONOUNCKn ACCENT ANU IS llKIUDED DT AMERICANS. "I nm subject to ono form of porse tlon in this country," said an En glishman to mo tho other day, "which I find quilo intolerable, though I can't in tho least blamo my persecutors. You know 1 speak quito like an En glishman, naturally, and conduct my self quito like ono, a a matter of course, lleally, Inasmuch ns I've been on this ldo only a month, would hardly be worth my while to attempt to mas ter tho accent and tho manners of the country, don't you know. Now, I'm not iu the least unwilling to be taken for an Ji.nglishmant tbat 1 am ratbor proud of, in fact. Iiut I'm not taken for an Englishman, and there's the dis agreeable feature of the thing. I'm constantly taken, don't you see, for an Anglomnmao Yankee, a beastly cad whoso nativo country isn t good onoucli for him, and who caricatures as in a wild attempt to imitalo us. To bo taken for an Irish dynamiter or a Rus sian Nihilist would bo a comparative compliment. Tbo other day I called on a friend in the city to whom I had a letter, nnd as ho wasn t iu 1 fell into a little parley with the young men of tho outer offico about his rctnrn, and tho like. Then I sat down in tho inner office to wait a bit for him. Preseutly I heard, over tho half-partition ono of tbo young men' say softly to his com panions, with an Imitation of my own accent: 'Bah jovo 1 not bad, don t you know 1 Is it natural or acquired t' l'ainfnlly acquiabed, deah boy pain fully acquiahod,' said tho other, in the same tone. 'Cahn t bo dono in a day, deah boy,' ho went on; 'there s Beverly Cadley, don't you know, who enmes in hero sometimes to boah tho governor; took him ono-and twenty months yaas, threo-and.twenty months, to ac quiah his accent. This hasn't been carried to tho supebb perfection that Cadley's has, not at all, my boy, but hcM mahster it in a yeah or two, don t you know, with perseverance. All this with an indescribable clipping of con sonants and vowels madi with 4 the teeth really very clever, you know. Then I heard a maddening chuckle from the two. This is very much the sort of treatment that I get every where. Sometimes men took as if they were going to kick me, until they learn tbat I'm really an Englishman and then thoy'ro the best and most cor dial fellows in the world. Really, it's very natural to troat me so, but it's deuced nnpleasant to be made odious in a strange land by a set of cads, don't you know I'' Taverner. Women at the Play. FEW OF THE PECULIAR CHARACTER ISTICS OF THEIR EMOTIONAL CRITICISM. I like tho female criticism, observes a writer in the San Francisco Chron- icle. It is always honest and frank, utterly free from any dread of disclos ing ignorance, and it is full of those new views that are sometimes so val uable. When a man looks at a play he always wants to bo the hero if the leading lady is handsome. If there's any kissing going on, any bogging or embracing, he wants to be the man en gaged in, the business. But a woman will get carried away by her emotions and actually want to be the old woman in a story sometimes for a minute, to work her will on the villain. To men tho stage figures are always stage fig ures. To women they are more real men and women, and they compare the actions of the heroine with what they'd do themselves under similar circum stances. It was at "Othello," and she got very excited over the Iago business of tho handkerchief. I suppose if it had been a book, or anything without sox or of male denomination, she would not have been so impressed. But it was a handkerchief, a woman's handkerchief, which muet have been a lovely thing if it answered Othello's description. She only felt that if sho bad only got hold of that handkerohiof, like Emelia, no Iago could have taken it away from her, no', because it was Desdemona's aud was to be nsed to stii up Othello, but because it mnBt have been such a beauty. That' is what I surmised, oho gave a kind ot gasp when Iago got it away lrom Jimeiia. 'Well r she said, "1 lust see royselt giving it mm 1 J. oats all. ' It was so dainty, so thoroughly, so modernly womanly of her 1 It was Shakespeare, and all the pomp of cir cumstance, of glorious war supposed to be floating around the quay at Uyp rus on the Baldwin Btage. There were the spider-legged dudes of Cyprus and the curled darlings of the Venetian troops, and all sorts of fascinations. and Cassia was paying those gracefal devoirs to his General's wife, just as it might happen, well, at the I'residio, or at Angel Island, or thereabouts, Iago stood on tbo corner muttering, "Just see that Cassio I'' she said "Look at bim. Just see how he's flirting with Desdemona I" Can it be that this young and guile less thing has found a new idea iu Shakespeare's well-studied play, and there was somo truth after all in that scandal about those two t Great Scot I If Iago shouldn't have been lying at all I With Her It Was a Tragedy. The church which Mr. and Mrs, Topnoody attend is getting op an en tertatnnrunt to raise funds, and Top noody was on the Committee of Ar rangements. Tho committee met the other night, and when he came home his wife was anxious to know what had been done. "Well, ' she said, "did you do any tnmgi "0 yes, my dear, wo outlined a pro gram,' he said, with au air of businoss, "What's it like V "Well, the chief feature is to be play." "What play V "Just the thing for amateurs, my dear; tho pretty, little, three-act com edy, 'Married Life.' " "A comedy, Topnoody I "Of course; and you aro to be Mr?, bamuel Uoddle, ray dear.' "No, I ain't, Topnoody," bIio said firing up, till her cheeks looked liko nair of autumn leaves. "Amateur the atrioals aro bad enough, any way you tlx them, but when the amateurs am so raw that thev call married llfo a com edy you may count mo out. I'm professional In tho married-Ufa bus! noss. and I think I know comody from tragodv when tho curtains go up. "Sou hoar my orchestra, Topnoody, and your committee may sorutch ray namo off tho list. A comedy t And with my experience T lireat Heavens r Topnoody went to bod without giv ' .1 !.!!. -1 .!. !..... ing luriiier ueiaua ui mu vuuuuuice work. A Brooklyn blind boy takes dicta tion ou tho typo-writer fastor than any known expert in tbe possession of good I j eyesight, r Humorous, Jnwklns That was ft rather suddon death of old Skinflint's. What was tho matter with him t Hawkins- Economy. Tho two undertakers nro running caoh other, nnd funerals nro away down in price Old Skinflint nover mtssod a bargain in ins uio. Zoteell Citizen. Thov were standing on tho deck of a Cunardf i that runs to tho Hub. "And what is that shining so t" sho asked. "That is tho domo ot tbo .state bouse. I was born right In Its shadow.'' "You don't say T And this is really America, then 1'' "O, doar no, this is Boston." Kexo Haven New. B1IK IIOIHIIIT IT. Yonng woman (timidly to clerk) I would liko to look at some falso hair, please. Ulork (experienced; les, mn am. vVhat color docs your friond waut 1 Salo effected. Xttf. time 3 A. M. Mis Jollyboy : "Where on earth havo you beon V Hit. J. : "l cannot ten a lie : iv e been to m'offisb.'' Mrs. J. : "That's whero we differ. I can tell a lio when I hear one. Cruel silence, during which something is heard to drop. Harvard Lampoon. CIIANOEI) IT. Mr. Brown recently brought homo his second wife. A lady who had known the first quite intimately camo to make a call. As sho looked about tho room bIio remarked : "How famil iar everything is -to mo hero ; 1 nsed to be here bo much : there is a picture. however pointing it out which 1 do tint. ronnrrniTn." 'Oh 1" usAA ihn lirlifp. "that's the first Mrs. Brown. My hus band thought it might not plcaso mo to havo it hanging thero as it was ; so he took it to an artist and had a Gains borough hat put on, nnd changed tho oolor of tho hair and eyes, and we call it a fanoy piece." shoe ana Leather Reporter. IT WAS THE I.ABT STRAW. 'Genllomen," said the hard-looking man with tho inflamed nose, as he pick ed himself up from tho Bidewplk, ro- Dlaced his battered bat on his bead, drew bis ooat-sleevo across his nose and looked around with great dignity, "I have been treated with outrago and insult. The barkeeper just now called mo an old thief and a fraud. Ho emptied a sawdust spittoon on my head drovo his fist into my eye and kicked mo out of the saloon. All this I boro patiently, because my personal honor was not attacked. But I Bee him in there now erasing my account from his slate as if it wero worthless. 1 regard that as an imputation on my integrity, and thero is but one thing for mo to do. I shall withdraw. It Is useless to1 ask mo to do otherwise. I shall never pat ronize that saloon again." And he withdraw with the air of a deeply in jured but consciously upright mani Ho bad saved bis bonor. Chicago Tri bune. An Indefatigable Liar. Aa an illustration of tbe the 'colossal liars' of the West, General McCook re lates the following : He was traveling among the Rocky Mountains, and straying out one morning from the trail, stood tor a moment entranced by the. magnificent landscape spread out beforo bim, when he was aroused from his meditations by the footsteps of ono of the guides, who had followod him, lest he should lose his way. 'is not this magnibcent, liill T ex claimed tho General, anxious to show his delight 'its mighty party, (jeneral, said tbe guide, 'but I kin show you bigger Bights nor this. Why one time Kansas Jim and me bad been trarnpin three days and nights, and we came to a plain, and right in tho midst of it was a forest all turned to solid Btun !' The General smiled and remarked : I havo heard of petrified trees before Rill Bill.' The guide expectorated without changing conntenance and continued : 15 at that warn t all, Ueueral. Thar war a bullalo on that plain, and be war petrified on the clean jam p. and hia buffs had kicked up a bit of sod, and I'm blamed ef that warn' petrified in tho air !' The General turned an amused conntenance on the narrator and said : Why, Bill, tho sod wonld have fallen to the ground by tho force or gravity.' XlT.'.l . 1 , T1MI - J - it iluuui auy ucBiisuon 13111 aoBweruu ; Well, by , Ueneral, the gravity war petrified too 1' A Oar Driver's Tate- 'Yon fellah," ho exclaimed, as he followed a street oar down to Jefferson avenue and shook his fist at the driver, "What ails yoal"' was' the gruff query. "lieholu me I tioe this collah this shirt-bosom these pawnts 1'' "I boo. Yon havo been splashed wun mua. "And yoa did it, sah yon are the fellah 1 I was mossing the street baok bean and was about to meet a pwety gurl a pwety gurl, sah, and she woul'd nave returned my bwow, sah my bwow. when von camo along with your oia canary coi-irea vebicle ana dashed this mud over mo over me, sah 1" "And yon didn't get to bow to the girl V ''No, sah, of courso not 1 How oould I, sah, when I was made, widioul ous in her oyes ! And it was you, sih you are the follah P "Well, what of it t" "Nothing sah nothing eioept that I shall never recognize you ns a gen tleman, sab ncvab, sah 1 I shall givo you the cold cut tho direct cold out, sah 1" Detroit Free Press. A Curious Trench Clock. A correspondent ot tho New Church Messenger describes a clock recently patented in Franco in imitation of a tambourine, on the parohmont of whioh is painted a circle of flowers, corresponding to tho hour figures of ordinary dials. On examination, two bees, the one large and the other small, aro discovered crawling among tho flowers. The small bee runs rapidly from one flower to another, completing tho circlo in an hour, whilo tho large ono tikes twelve hours to finish tho circuit. The parchment surface is un broken, and tho bees simply laid upon it, but two maguots, connected with tho clock-work inside tho tambourine, move just under tho membrane, and tho insects, which are of iron, follow them. Suvcral Georgia farmuiu nro serious ly considering tho question of employ, ing Chinoao in place of negroes on their plantations. Tho Russian minister at Wash! ngton is allowe-1 920,000 t year by bis gov. ornrnent for the purpose of giving en. turlaiumenU. It is estimated that 1,310,550,512 cigarettes were consumed ry tbo smok ersin this country last year. The French government costs tho tax payeri $90,000 OTery hoar. A (Ms Dkzy Hide, A cat got upon tho rim ot n high fly-wheel which runs in n pit nt an electric light elation In Brooklyn. Tho wheel was soon ranking twenty revo lutions n mlnuto. It was impossible to rcscuo the cat from lta perilous po sition without stopping tho engine, and putting out all lights dependent upon tho dynamos in the Ftatiom so tho un fortunate animal had to ridu on until tho engino wn stopped nt tho usual hour for putting out tho lights. Tim cat then dropped cxhnustcd from tho wheel, but soon revived, nnd was nono tho woreo for its strange experience. It is estimated that In tho seven hours which tho animal spent on tho wheel near tho rim it traveled more than 1100 miles. Bill Nye, the humorist, is to work for tho New York World Bill expects a great deal from his last book. "It is a larger, thicker book than any I over published hefoio. What tho pub lic wants is n big book ono that can bo used to prop up tho loungo when a leg is broken. Such n ono iH invalua ble in a household. It can bo put iu a chair to bring baby's head on a level with tho table; it can well, it can 1h pat to a thousand uses. I havo consid ered this matter vcy deeply, and tho result is that tho next book I publish I intend to mako fully a foot and a half thick. This will make a success. Why, look nt tho most successful books of to-day thoo that havo the widest circulation. What aro they 1 The dictionary nnd tho family Bible, and yet neither of them has any plot. I don't tako any stock in this rcali'in theory of HowellV. No, fir; tho com ing book is the big book." A farmer neat Winona, Mis., claims to havo raised MO bushels of corn from ono acte of ground last season. SCOTT OF PURE COD LIVER OIL Almost as Palatabloas Milk. The only preparation of f on MTER OIL that ean be taken readily and tolerated for a lon;r llnio Lr delicate htoinaclis. and as A ron rnxsr'iPTinv, M'HOH'WII s AllH-riOXv. AMU1M, UK. mn. nt.iiii.iir. uTTTus am iiikqm' .u- H.1,IIIIN, anil all Ht.sll.Ml IHMHUnTts OK Cllll.lllil.N It In nuntMloos In lis rrnltii. Prescribed and endorsed by the best 1'hyslclans In the countries of the world. For sale by all druggists. oct--ly cn CD s rj O CO Wm. E. Warner, Dealer In Surgical iLstruments, Trusses, liat terles. Crutches, &c. COAL EXCHANOE BUILDING, SCKANTON, PA. npm-Cma. T1ASTE1 Por coratlvo power and offoctlvenesa, hml In? Qualities, and qaloknees of action, they ttand without an equal. SclentifloaUy pre pared from approved vegetable agenta, virtues of Fresh IIops, Gums, Balaams and Hemlock, spread on white muslin. They promptly and thoronchly subdue all pains and aches that torment the human body, vitalize worn-out muscles and strengthen wea'c parts. Always ready for Inctant application. Clean, fraffrant and never-lailing. Hop riaaters told bydruff. jrlstfl and Country stores. 25ct8.,Bfortl.OO. I ualled for price by proprietors, Hep Ilantcr Company, Ifotton, Ma. I Look for hopvine wreath and aUmature of ty Beware of imitation. See whatvoubuv. I HOP PLABTEU COMPACTS', on back of plaa- fl i icr ana on cmmiwwyujia piaster. fj noviUSCly mi a tew Mutt Gira U bBU Xm (3Ut j ADVERTISING AGENTS W&g PHILADELPHIA Cor. CfaratD-it nnd Ulcuib r-'l.'. Itccelvc Advertisement fo' JhU Taper. tOllft.AltOnt Lov,cet Cust' Rmas I litu irit 1 I '11 SSMEDALS-AWAKBES'Tfi- TEH sss Sky Cnrti ncriiy, Backftehi. WatknaiJ. Cold slnci. "t fr ' K Hm of lialttlon nodaralmtUr OQDdlaiBimca. 4ik FOB is THEBESTIRIHEWORLO nOY.lJ.firt 8UJ8.ll EHULS EIA HANDSOME WEDDINO. BIRTHDAY OR HOLIDAY PRESENT. -W5 mil THE WONDERFUL. Combining a Parlor, Pl'0P. iff? U. I I tsls tp 4 AW furnish Rll U Ilh atourM'lioleuli Prices THE LUBURC WIAFF'C CO., 98 Mm3S3 for Infants and Children. "CotorUlug well adapted lo ehUdren that I CaitorU cures OoUa. OonatlpaUon, I rvoommend It aa superior to any prescription I Bour Stomach, liUVThaaa, Eructation, known to me." U. X. A&cuil, M, D., I KiULWjrin Cl,ei 1,ePi proniot dl IU Bo, Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. Wuioutlnjurlouj r"MI'Wi, Tea Cxmumi Cowurr, 1B3 Fulton Btrt, H. T, KASKINE. (THE NEW QUININE.) NO BAD EFFECT. XO HEADACHE. NO NAUSEA. No RINGING EARS CORES QUICKLY. PLEASANT, PURE. A POWERFUL TONIC that tho most dcllcato ntoranch will bear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RIIUUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, and nil (If rra Diseases. FOItCOUlS KAMINU HAS IIKI'.N FOUND TO HIS ALMOST A srECIKIO. Superior to nululno. .Mr 1 A. Jilller, m i;ast lorth street, New York, was cured by KasKIno o extreme malarial pros tration after se; en yearn Burterlnff. Ho had run down from ITS pounds to 9?, began on Kasklno in June, 18o, went to work In ono month, regained hi? lull weight In six months, oulnlno did him no good whatever. Mr. Charles Haxter, architect, isa Kaat 1!Cth Ht., New York, waacured by Kosklne of dumb aguo In threo months after nulnlno treatment for ten years. .Mrs. .7. lawson, 111 llergcn street, Brooklyn.was cured of malatli and nervous dyspepsia of many yenre standing by Kasklne, tho nulnlno treatment having wholly failed. Mrs. T. A. Solomons, of 16!) Halllday St., Jersey city, writes: My son Harry, 11 years, was cured of malaria by Kasklne. alter 15 months' illness, when wo had given up all hope Letters from tho uote persons, giving full de tails, will be sent on application. Kaskino can bo taken without any special med ical advice. $i.iio per bottle Hold by M0YKK linos., liloomsburg, To., or sent by mall on receipt of price. TllEKASKlNKCO.,54 Warren St., New York ncA2Md. it-axxnoAS XZIVXX3 zaulb TELAWAKE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTBHN 1IA1LROAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NOIITII. I STATIONS, p.m. p.m. o.m 9 00 12 80 s 30 ....Mranton.... SOUTH, a.m. a.m. p.m 8 61 12 L'8 5 48 13 S3 6 40 13 19 8 3.1 13 08 8 87 12 03 8 21 11 58 8 IT 11 M 8 12 11 50 8 OS 11 47 8 08 11 41 8 0: 11 42 7 59 11 33 7 51 11 34 7 60 11 SO 7 43 11 23 7 80 11 12 7 18 11 00 7 11 10 51 7 03 10 47 6 58 10 41 6 54 10 38 6 50 10 34 6 42 10 27 6 36 10 21 t 30 10 16 6 25 10 11 6 08 9 59 (I 00 9 49 a 65 9 45 6 10 9 15 2 05 8 26 Bellcvue.... 8 22 ...Taylorvllle... 6 15 9 20 2 10 6 20 9 26 2 15 0 27 9 34 2 22 8 10, 8 0.1 7 58 7 541 7 50! 7 47 7 471 7 42 id .. uicsnwanna.. littston..... ..West l'lttston. ....Wyoming.,,. . ..alaltby Dennett.. ., ....Kingston.... ....Kingston .... Plymouth Juno 34 9 41 2 SO 6 40 9 47 2 36 6 45 9 52 2 41 6 49 50 2 44 6 63 10 00 2 47 6 68 10 05 2 50 6 58 10 05 2 50 7 02 10 10 2 55 7 07 10 15 3 Oil 7 12 10 20 3 05 7 15 10 25 3 10 7 aa ....nymouin.... 1 34!....Avondale. . 7 30l....Nantlcoko... 7 23 Uunlock's Creek 7 is ,. shlckshlnnr.i 7 37 10 443 23 1 032 S 27 T 00,. .Hick's Ferry.. 7 50 11 lis 62 6 54 ..neachllaven.., 7 67 II 088 58 0 47 Derwlck.... 8 04 11 134 12 6 41 .HrlarCrcck.. I 8 10 11 20 4 05 6 38 ..Willow Orove.. 8 14 11 254 16 6 31 ...LlroeHldge..., 8 18 11 29 4 20 6 27 Espy 8 25 11 36 4 27 e 2ll...nioomsburg... 8 30 11 44 4 34 6 16 ... Rupert 8 36 11 60 4 40 6 li caiawra linage 8 41 n 55 4 46 6 60i. .Danville.... 8 58 12 136 01 5 49 ....Chulasky.... 0 05 12 205 12 a Cameron I tt rw 12 2sa 17 1 S 40 9 32 e 32lKorthumberland) 9 23 12 405 35 p.m. a.m. 1 1 a.m. a.m. p.m W. F. HALSTEAD. SUDt. Superintendent's ort'ee. Scranton. Keb.lBt.182 Pennsylvania Railroad. 11x11 Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. IWI TIME TABLE. In effect Jan. 30. im. Trains leave Buntmrr. EASTWA1W. 9.40 a. m.. Fea stioro K.xnress (dallv exeent Sunday), for Tlarrlsbunr and Intermediate stations, arriving at 1'hlladelphla 3.15 p. m. ; New York, (1.50 p. m. : Baltimore, 3.10 p. m. : Washington. s.sop. m., connecting at Philadelphia for all Sea shore points. Through passenger coach to Philadelphia. 1.43 p. ra. Day express dally except SundayUorllarrlsburg and Interme diate stations, arriving at Philadelphia thou u. m. i isew iorK. d. m. : itauimore 6.45 p.m.; Washington, 7.45p.m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches turougn to rniiaaeipnia ana liammnre. 7,45 p. m. lienovo Accommodation (daily tor iiamsourg ana an iniermeaiaie stations, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4.25 a. m. ; New York 7,10 a. m. Baltimore. 4.55 , ra. : Washlnrton 0 Of! a. m. Sleeping car accommodations can be secured at Harrlshurg for Philadelphia and New York, on Sun days a through sleeping car will be run; on this train from Wllllamsp't to Phlladelphla.I'hlladelphla passengers can remain In sleeper undisturbed untl t a. m. 2.M a. m. Erie Mall (dally except Monday, fcr Harrlsburg and Intermediate stations. aiving ai rmiaaeipuia o.'o a. ra. isew lorK, ii.Su . m. : naitimore 8.15 a. ra. : Washington, a.m. Through milman sleeping cars are run on this train to ruiiaaeipina. uaitimore and wasnini ton, and through passenger coaches to Phllade! i. phla and uaitimore. WK8TWAHD. 5.10 a. m. Erie Mall (dally except Sunday), to. line ar 1 ait intermediate stations ana canandai, guaard Intermediate stations, Kochester, Hum lo and Niagara Falls, wlththiough milman Pal ace cars and passenger coaches to Erie and Koch' nut ur. S.53 News Express (dally except Sunday) for Lock Haven and Intermediate stations. 1S.52 p. m. Niagara Kxpress (dally except sun. a iv) for Kane analnterinedtatestatlons and Can a nalcua and principal Intermediate stations. Rochester. Buffalo and Niagara Falls with through passenger coaches to Kano and Kochester and Parlor car to Wllllamsport. 8.30 p. m. Fast Line (dally,ciccpt Sunday)for lie novo and Intermediate stations, and Elmfra, Wat- Kins ana intermcaiaie stations, witn through sencrer coaches to lienovo and Watklns. U.20 a. m. Sunday mall for lienovo and Interme diate station" T1IH0U0U TRAINS FOll SUNHTJKY FROM THE HAST AND SOUTH. Sunday mall leaves I'hlladelnhla 4.80 a. Harrlsburg 7.40 arriving at Sunbury 9.20 a. m. with inrouguBieepingcar irom rnuaaeipma to liumapun. News Express leaves Phlladelnhla 4.30 a.m. Harrlsburg, S.10 a. m. dally except Sunday arriving at Sunbury 9.53. a. m. Niagara Express leaves muuueipuia, t.w u. ui. ; uuuuuure t.bu a. m. (aaiiy except bunday arriving at sunbury, u.52 p. m., with through Parlor car from Philadelphia phla and uaitimore. ana mruugu passenger cuacnes irom rmiaaei- Fast Line leaves New York 0.00 a. m. Phlladel a. m. : Washington. 9.60 a. m. : Haiti more, 10.43 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at ouuuurj, 0.011 ji. ui., nuu luruuKu passeugei coaches from Philadelphia and Baltimore. line jiau leaves rew lorn o.uu p. m. ; l'nnadci Dhla. 11.25 p. m. : Washington. 10.00 d. m. ; Haiti. more, 11.20 p. m., (dally exccpt.Saturday) arriving at Sunbury 6.10 a. in., with through Pullman Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and uaiuinore anu tnruugu passenger coacnes iron? rnuaaeipma. HUNItimV, IIAKI.KTOM A" WII.KItHIIAltltl! KAM.IKIAI) AMI MI11TII AND WKMT 111HMM1 IM I .WAV. (Dally except sunuay.) Wllkesbarro Mall leavoa Sunbury 9.55 a. m arriving at Bloom Ferry 10.46 a. m., Wllkos-barra 12.15 p. in. Kxpress East leaves Sunbury 5.35 p. m., arriving jtiuuui rerry p. ni., wiiKta-uarru p. m Sunbury Mail leaves Wllkcsbarre 10.25 a. m. arrlv. lnzat Bloom Ferry li.Sf a. ra.,nunbury 18.45 p. m A.ltO. IllOVIiaiU l'IU...'WUIIC.UU Ui.. UI- riving at Bloom Ferry 4.19 p. m., sunbury 5.10p.m. SUNDAY ONLY. Bunday mall leaves bunbury 9.25 a. m., arriving at Bloom Ferry 10:18 a. in., Wllkes-Barre 11:45 a.m. Sunday accommodation leaves Wllkes-Ilarre 5:10 P. m., arriving at uioom rerry, o.av p.m., sunbury. i:ou u. iu. C'llAS. E. PUG1I. J. 11. WOOD. Oen.Manager. Oen. Passenger Agent i 0m si m CHAR BURG Library, Hmoklug, Itecllnlng or Imallil Jia5duJ- t'eoutamp 43-N1IIPPKD to all .If If t0T ttuloru. I irl of the woilil. thf Aiifnniatln ftnacli Il.-a.1ra . i..-ti.l Send stanm for Catalomia anrtmpntinn mrHnt 146 N. 8th St.. Phllada.. Pa. October SI si 3j ra. can Uvo nt home., ami mako more money nt woik for us, than anything clso In this world. ( null nl not needed: son are started " tree, llolh sexes: all ages. Anyonocando tho work. Largo earnings sum from nrst start. Costly outfit and teim.s iree. Hotter not delay. Costs you nothing to send us your address and nnd out; If sou nto wlso you will do so at once. II. ali.btt ft vUi, 1'oniauu, iuaino. aowXiu-iy 1.1 j . I . iu Aci r, iiijid young llll' I ul lt ror . reinitiation wilt (lrjiatt, And fmllgestlon quickly Hurt I fjlck HMache, too, will bcau nubnlitn. Vhpn Tnrrant'B Bcttzer hai been tried. maylsrlt. LKl!i 3 O fnrnB,SCBTT'8liitlful UOTRIO CORSETS. BRUSHIS, BlUS, ETC nit. nulclc nalos. 'lerr tnrv mtcli. ml biauioii No aukcd. Dll. SCOTT, 8 1 1 llroiulmty, M. Y. uunr- mayisdlt. AGENTS WAfiTEDffi."Kotffl! eeUblihd,tMSrit-kDOfTn .luprrh-n In the ronrj- ricMlow. (Jrnrru iir"rpy. Ilnlilr'iril tmiiyllldlt liataulUlicil TakM Ihe Iniidt dooa not emrodft like tin or Iron.tiof decay like Bhlnnlenur tr pnmjmettlonsi emy in nvij ffronffunil.liml'lel it half Iiib ro.t of tin. I nwo MIJIIMTITIITl: fnr I'l.A'tTUII nt Hull Ihp t'o.t. CAIIITTI nn.l UtMIH of Hume mt.'rll. f. 11. I'A V .0 O., I'AMlID, !i. ii may .id It. NERVOUS DEBILITY WRAKNIXS. Ac., and all disorders broutrht on by Indiscretions, f xcesses or overwork of tho brain and ncnous system, speedily nnd radically cured by ... . WINCHESTER'S SPECIFIC PILE purelr vegetablo preparation, the most success ful remedy known, f-end for clr ular. Price II per dot; six boxes. Ji, by mall. WINCIIESTElt u., uuemisis, nv miiiam si., xcw iont. iimou. MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS. Illehest Honors nt all Orcat World's Exhibitions since 1W. 100 styles, 22 to llioo. I'or Cash, Easy 1 ayiucuis, ur neuieu. vaiaiUKwe, so pp, iu, live, PIANOS. The new modo of nlano construction Invented by Jlason llamlln In ss2 has been fully proved, many excellent cxpcrtspronounclng It tho "great est Improvement made in pianos or the century." I'or run information, send for catalogue. ason & Hamlin Organ & Fiano k Boston, New York, Chicago. aprSMlt. IVAVTPfl WftMW Actlvo nnd Intelligent to llAiHf.ll IIUJIAil renrchcnt established busi ness In own locality. Permanent position and good salary, llercrences excuangeu. oay Jirg. t;o., is uarciay &t., i. aprcuuit. SIT- AOENTS WANTED FOlt THE a LIFE OF ISEECHER, nr T)r. lyman Abbott, editor of tho Christian Un ion, ateecher'H ! uncial bennonwas preached by Dr. Abbott). Mr. Ueechcr nldttl In Ihls book un to hia death. Much la uutubiwrauhictil, A lareo amountol interrsttng narrative in no other, '1 his Is the right book, a. GOin on & CO.,PhlIndn. 29 LI iires ROOT BEER. 1 IMPKOVEDi pnfkntrp. 5p.entH. makes 5 gallons of a delicious. sparkling, temperanco beverage, strengthens and purines tho blood, its purny anu acncacy commend It to all. sold by all, druggists and BtoreKeepers iiuuu. T T? A WKTITCC! Its causes and a new and I liliAr JN J'jbb succesMul CUBE at vour I own home, by ono who was deaf twenty -nrMfllttH wltlinur. honeflt. Cured litmsetS In S pitrnr. Tpnre. in mi' i uviuuaLui uiuj uicu monins anastnee men iiunaruus ui uiut-rr. xuu partlcularssent on application. T. S. PAOE, No. 41 west aist St., New lorK uny. npreim 11, ! MY BACK, MY BACK! ;i:lii:vj:i in osi minittk. Aching backs, hp, nnd eUfs, kMney and iterlno imlnn, enkiicfs nnd lntlam matlon, rht'um.itlc, neuralgic, nciatlc, eutldcu, fharp and neroun pain, couglm, coldrtaiul st ml nn ri1Invi-i In nmi mlti. lite by that new, original, elegant and Infallible antidote to pain and In II am mat Ion, the Cutlcura Anii-i'nin I'xatter. 'ja cis. ; 6 ror j at all ilrug KUts or Totter Drug und Chemical Co., Boston. aprSfKMt. Iho 'lest Cum for CouirlH, Weak LutiK". AEthnin, Indl ption, ItiwnM I'aini, LvliaUMilnn. CotubiriinU.a most V aluailuiniylirlfieH wilb JaitisriaUinpi-r, ft vxeitn evira te t jiowir ccr dtwoMti unknown t (iliier ifmtdici. Wt nk l.'iiit?t. lihruniatlrin, 1 tmiilo Cuiiii'l'-lnt, and tbe distrLVstiudliof thet-tomach,IJt"r,tCliliicjBn)Kl IkJwiU frodnurtrin tboumndi ti tin? pr t lio ould rwovtr tlicIriieaithbyttioiinielvuKeol i'lCKKn'tldivuCRToMa ItUnen lircniid fctitnclli to tit' nti il 60c. at In uir t;t;j. ilUQQX & Co., 1U WlUIam Stiuct, N. V. apn;9d4t. DSlNES 5YRUP, CURESi .Coughs SCOLDS- mmw , i i mi n am tits nOTl9-swms $25,000.00 IN GOLD! TYIIX ME I'JlID FOR ARBDCKLES COFFEE WRAPPERS. 1 Premium, 2 Premiums, "6 Premiums! 25 Premiums, 100 Premiums, 200 Premiums, 1,000 Premiums, 81,000.00 8500,00 each. 6260.00 " 8100,00 " 650.00 " 620.00 " S10.00 " ror full particular and directions see Circu lar Iu erery pound of Amii' Coffee. marl.rly f 1BST PKSMUM, fKILAMISTS. Or nml 1'rlipMetlnI, l'arlt, 1HTH. Aak your Orocf r fur It. Wm. lireytloiiel,Mfr l-JS North I'rout Street. PIHLAIJELPIII A, Pa, )unl-s.iy.aprltc. MANUFACTURED ONlXK;ebeth4eo. i i i m w w n u nfn v rOR SALCUKCEALERS BgRYwutRe. deoSM noco. suj sf lMi ron THE COLUMBIAN, Lammhimney i h i i U If x J SO J EXAOT LADLE IS ON ',lA r EACH OHIMNEY AS A S j? IK 6M0WN IN PIOTURE. , A Y KNNY GOODS Alexander Bros. (& Co., WHOLESALE DEALKII8 IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. SOLE AOENTS FOll HENRY MAILLAKDS SHICANDIES. FHKSH EVKIIY WEEK. Bloomsburg; Pa. SPECIALTY. soi.1 aciints ron F. ADAMS CO., FINS CUT CHEWING OBACCO 8olontrcnt8 0f the fol lowing brands oi Cigars. I1KN11Y CLAV, LoNDlin.n, NOllMAL, INDIAN PlltNCKSS, BAMSON, HII.VKll AH1I. PERRINE'S l'UHE, BAIILEY DIBTH.1.M1 from selected Barley Malt and guaranteed to bo chemically nurj nndfrce Irom Injurious oils nnd itldsolten conlflnrd In nltoliollo liquors. Jt. espcclallr odniitrcl topcrkons retnililng a Mlmulnllngtcnlc, fODfUtniilUes bclne crentlv bonenlted by Iir ure. Ittcoictnended by leading rlijslclnns as a Diuretic. Nervine, Tor Ic nnd Alterative. For tontuinmues it Is IMoluablc. WKliiM'j 1T11K 1IAKLKY WALT WHISKEY Insures a return of vlporto thostomacli, u good amictltc, a rich nnd abundant blood and Increatjd fleth ar.d mutculartluv. A Btlinulant mild nnd gentle In cflecl. Djfiiepbla, li.dlgistlon and all wnMIng Ots. eases eat be er tlrcly tonqueud by the ma vr I'eritnc B I tire Hi rlcy alt Whisker. It Is a tonlo find diuretic nnd a iKmeilul stieriElhener to thocntlros)btcm. I'Kli. HIKE'S l'UHE BAULKY JIALT WllItKKi lias proved a medicinal protection to thosovOio pursuo their avocations In the open nlr and whoso dally work calls It exceptional powers of endurance. ArK vour nearctt drupglst or grocer for lor I'EUIIINE'S ruili: BAIILEY ilAI.TWlllSKhY revives the energies of those worn out with excessive bodily or mental effort and acts as a safeguard against cxposuro In wet nnd rigorous weather. Itwlll drive all malarious dlscnbcs from thosjsicm. Hard workers of every vocation and persons whom a sedentary lire renders prone to Djspenstannain icrnne b rura nurii-y l .... t Slnlf Vhlskey a powerful lnvlgornnti Tho analysis as It appears by the La and heltiLr to digestion. HIIIII ItATII.KY MAI.T ivithnnt undulr stimulating nos lncienses their nagging activity, counteracts tho meets of fatigue, has tens convalescence and lsa wholesome nnd prompt diuretic. Watch tho label I None genuine unless bearing tho signature mm vm fTv 3 Vor sate dv all druggists and grocers tnrouguoui the United states and canadas. 37 NORTH FEONT ST. 38 ECONOMY THJE PRACTICAL QUESTION OF THE IIOMg. EVERY THING THAT IS NEW AND STYLISH FOR THE SEASON. CAN BE BOUGHT CmiAPIlE THAI EYEB. A Large and CLOTHIHG. JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LARGE AND SELECT "LINE OF Cloths, Cnssimeres, &&, Call and be Convinced that you have the LARGEST SELECTION OF GOODS OF THE LATEST STYLE, BEST QUALITY, AND AT The Lowest Possible Prices AT THE Fepite letting mm mmm mwmmmmm Hloomshiir, Pa, DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG PA. Vliolcsalcaml WAGON BLACKSMITHS SUPPLIES. Headquarters for MERCHANT IRON k STEEL- Store and Warehouses, Nos. 12C & 128 Franklin Avcnuo No. 2 Lack'a Avenue & 210, 212 & 214 Cen ter Street, SCRANTON, PA Q WITHIN C. SlIOKTUDQE'B ACADEMY, Q FOH YODNO JIKN AND I) OTB, MEDIA, I'A. . wiira iruui i-uimueipma. rizra price covers ycry expense, even books, 4c. Noexfra charges. T "'.'-". tl'llJS. ,,U VAUU1IUU11UU lur UU" mission. Twelro experienced teachers, all men, ana all irraituatpfl. SnwlAl nnnnrtimlt1ia fArnnt Btudents lo advance rapidly. Kpeclal drill lor dull and backward boys. I'atrona or students may so. lect any nudles or chooso the regular Enfllsli, bcl. entitle, liuslness. Classical or civil Kntrlneeiloir now In Harvard, Vale, I'rlnceton and ten other tolltt'es nnd l'olylcclinlo schools. 10 students sent lo collciro lu jbi, 15 In 18fl, 10 In 18-A, 10 In llteii. A graduatlns class every year In tho com mercial department. A rhrslcal and Chemical Laboratory, Oyninaslum mid Hall Ground. 1600 vo.s. added to library In ll83. l'hyslcal apparatus doubled In 183. Media has so en churches and a temperance charier which prohibits the salo or all Intoxicating drinks. For new illustrated circular finr,Ti1i11n,tt,u.t'lpf1 "fnaiToprlctor. HW1T1IIN C mioin UUUU, a. u,, (Harvard Graduate,) Media, 1CDU" tAUB.,sMy. 65 lor Ladles in each county, and lilffbeat NEW llOUK alrpmlv nn OV bl'CCESS ifu JLh MJ JLLs XY So in North and Fouth America, at tho Ice-Hound jws, oirr ins iana or the Midnight Bun, under the hem nor, through tho Dark Continent among ?yfml,lei oi. lo the nowery Klni. domsot China and Japan, amid the ruins of lncaa Antecsand Zunl, vltula Canons, CUtt Uulldlngs and Hardens oi the Clods, on tbe Tsles'ol "m i ffia and Hi all parts ot the globe, w engravings. Low lrtce. 6mck bales, rind lor circular. 8 Phllndflphlk, f'a. hii t! ,4UIUU" Ji I Chestnut St. ANYOlllint FOH FI56T1VAU will bo BUITLIEDWitu the LOWKST i I AS FOLLOWS OHANGKS, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS CHEAM NUTS AL1IONDS, l'OP COKN BALLS. wiftLT WHISKEY. l'l'.HltlNIC'S Ibel on every bottle: 1 have carefully nr, wihmvi-.i mi'zeu inei-uitB iiAui.hv jialt wins tho kid kkt maue oy .vi. so. p. rcrrinonndnnu. it entirely freo from fusel oil. fiirrnrni u metals and acids and Is nbioluteljB uraauaie qj ine iniwrsiues qr Munich veneva ana ejeoaaen NORTH WATER ST., PHILA tHIB II Hill II EHMaBU' FOH SALE BY DRUOOISTS AND ALL DEALERS. Jan St,m Varied Stock of retail dealers in MAKERS' ra 1 AND J . a it ti WILKES-BAERE MANDFAOTUllElt OF ALL KINDS OP BRUSHES. Mo. S North Canal St., Near L. V. IL 1L Depot. John H. Derby, I'HOPlUETOIt. SO" Will call on dealers onco In fix wicks. Bavo your orders, Working Classes Attention. We are now prepared to furnish all classes with employment at hrnne, tho whulo ot the time, or for their spare moments, llusluess new, light aniJ prontable. l'ereousol either sex eatlly earn lrom M cents to Jj.oo per evening, and a propoitlonal sum by devoting all their time lo the Vus!! HO) s and girls earn nearly as much as men. 1 bap all who see this may send their address, and U'sV the business, we make this oner, To such as are not well satlafled we wUl send one dollar to pay for the trouble ot writing. Vull particulars and P.I'S'Ir0?- Address atonal Hudson & Co., mi lied, usiae, ae8i-snr'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers