THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian FRIDAY, MAY 21), 1887. School boards can nlilnln 1.1 n.i. -m. .. I .it..i . -. . - . . . '" " .. manas ior making out tliclr Onsn. clal statements to post up. at A purse, containing a small amount nf money, was found by John K. Ulrton In tho cemetery last Sunday. CORllCT K1ILH01D Till TltLt Trains on the Philadelphia & H It. leave llupcrt is follows t " KORTn. SOUTH. 6:ss a, in. 11:49 a. m. s: p. m. Q 6:13 p. m. Tmlnson the D. I W. It. It. loavo BlootuBburg OllOWSI NORTn. , ""UTn- 7:U a. m. 8:33 a. m. ll:07a.m. 13:0.1 a. m. 2 84 p. m. p. m. 6:36 p. m. o 8:4? p. m. Trains on tin N. &W. 11. Railway pass llloom crrrastollowB1 NOBTU. SOOTH. li):4J a. m. llsM a. m. 1.80 p. a. 4 19 p. m. 8CMDAT. mortii. .ocin. 10:1 a m BiW P m HO I FOlt THE WEST llw. i colng th0 largo B880rtmcnt of Trunks, Satchels and Barrs at 1). t '-"""fi o. Buckncll University at Lcwlsbure offers collegiate courses equal to any In tho state. Tho New York ll',,r,; r.f m. m BnJ nt Tcrv low cst. It us a complcto printed on blue muslin, tho nrca.inn i.,in collcso facfllly' n ,ar8 llurBry ,llnJ. nml n Its fourth anniversary under tho present DW a9trono'nlc"1 ouwrvatory. An Instl- for young men and boys Is connected with tno University. Sleeping cars have been Introduced on the i'hlladclphln & Heading It. H., betweon Willlamsport nnd I'hlladclphhi. This will be a great accommodation to persons trav !.00. ItClltlCCll ItiltCH. Hereafter the price for publishing Kxc cntors, and administrator's notices In the CmiiMiiiAN will be $3.00 Including it note and receipt book. No other paper In the county makes so liberal nn oiler. Auditor's notices also reduced to $ HAI.l'.H, Ton 8ai.b. Pair of handsome bny tlx and seven years oui, largo ana strong, i,ml drivers and will worn nnvwhere. Warranted sound and free from faults or blemishes arc offered for salo solely for want of use. J. it. scuuvi.itic. A I'lnc Kcnulcticc I'or Hale. The executors of Mary N. Hnrman, de censed, offer nt private sale n handsome residence on Market street above Main, Bloomsburg. The bouse Is of brick, large pleasant rooms, steam near, gas, water, sewcraec. and all modern Improvements, There is n large framo barn, Ice house nnd outbuildings. Ono of the most desirable inrutlnns In the town. Terms easy, Thcvalso offer for sale tlilrty-scven ncres of land on Normal hill, adjoining I1. Dil lon's and the Hoyt estate. Cn be divided Into desirable building lots. For terms and particulars apply to I. W. Mc Kelvy, ono of tho executors, or Geo. E. Elwell, attorney, Bloomsburg, Pa. tf for rawr. Two rooms on second floor of tho Co- r.t'MniAN bulldlnc, together or separately, Steam heat, gas, water on same floor. Kent low. Inquire of Geo. E. Elwell. Ct Wanted. Six or cieht men to mine soft ore. Apply to W. F. Ilafcr, New Colum bia, Union Co., l'a. SUmbl' WANTED 11.000 boys and children to buy New Spring Suits. New In style nnd low In price, at David Lowenberg's. peraonnl. Mrs. Tunlson, of Brooklyn, Is a guest at the Sanltorlum. Mr. and Mrs. Jpmeson made a short visit to I'hiadelphla last week. II. II. Hess, of Philadelphia, spent Sun. diy in town among friends. J. W. Hirlcman and Lafayette Keeler, of B:nton, were In town on Tuesday. Jonathan Poust, of Orangcvllle, started on Monday for Illinois, to visit his brother, Judge and Mrs. Elwell returned from Elmlra last Friday, after an absence of two months. It. Mowbray, who was connected with tho Steam Heating Works for some months past, Is now located at Wilkcs-Barrc. Miss Lou Jameson went to Chambers burg on Monday to spend some time visit. Ing her sister at the school In that place. lit. Bev. N. 8. Uullson, D. D., assistant bishop of the Diocese of Pennsylvania, will preach morning and evening at St Paul's P. E. church next Sunday. The rite of confirmation will be administered In the evening. Wall paper hangings and handsome ceil Ids decorations at Clark's book store, T. W. Gunton drives a handsomo new truck wagon. management. i meeting or th H nnm!.iir ah.u.i- 1 , , , " t IUIIIIU association was held at thu mil f v,n. liiilnicycr E-u., or. Werinosd frr I..... ... ' J ' Hcv. Thus. MtUlvmmit. minr nf n, mi n.ipun church of Willlamsport, will ullnS on tdght trains. Sleepers havo been prencu uiu set mnii to the Ki nlnr f,l,,. much needed nnon tlm I' A: II. uml tlm ounuay, June "fl new management was milck to see the ne- . M". W. Z7Z7, . CC86,Uy of , willlinu III ins bed with sickness forscveral davs nasi. A ,low "' pretty drop curtain has been IT...1..- .1.- ... .... I t . ... umii-r me in aimeiii or Dr. Jlcnelvv l,n UDK m "10 Danville Upera House, similar improving rapidly. uuixi oinmi'sioncr Hillmeyer h mak. ng our streets look line. If our treasury was only well supplied we micht look for uu greater improvements. (V Wirt fountalu pen was found on Fifth Blrm.l lnni rr... . iiiLsuay morning. Tlie owner ot the same can have It by cdllng ou J. M. oiaver ni me Woolen .Mills. wnu piper hangings and ccillnc dir.n. aliens to pioduce almost anv elTiet iln. sired. Cull and examine our stock and be convinced. Clark's book store. Trout fishing parties nre cettlne to bo mil.. XT ... ju.iu I.UII1IUUII. meany every week a party goes up tho creek to engage In the enjoyauie sport or trout fishing. Dr. J. H. Moore, tho eye nnd car sneclal. 1st has been detained on account of sick ncss In his family, but will be at tho Ex- change hotel, Saturday, May 21st. On Saturday, May 14, tho Comptroller of tno Currency authorized tho Merchants' National Bank of Willlamsport to begin Dimness with a capital stock of $100,000. The Woman Suffrage bill was defeated Monday by a decision of the speaker, who ruled that as an Identical bill had already been voted down this one could not bo considered. Mrs. BurnsUles, (colored,) wife of Sam. uel Uumsldcs of this town, died at her homo at Port Noble last Monday mornine. Interment took place in Hoscmont cemetery on Wednesday. The excitement over oil found at Hansom still continues. Shipping tags, with or without strings at the Columbian oflicc. tr. Decoration Day and Fourth of July both fall on Monday this year. Mr. J. E. Wilson is building nn addition to his house on Market street. Argument Court will bo held on June 13th at 2 p. m., and 14th, at 0 a. m. An elegant line of SPRING OVERCOATS Just received at D. Lowenberg's. The TpvBlnnn Mlnetrnln nYnent tn plvo a performance In Milton either this week or next. Now is the time to get your Confirmation suit. A full stock on hand at D. Lowcn berg's. G. A. R. Cards can bo obtained at this office, with name, post and address neatly printed. Wall paper for 1887. Tho nowest, best colored and most artistic designs at Clark's book store. Barnum was In Kunbury yesterday and will be in Wilkes-Barro to-morrow (Satur day, May 21). Window fixtures, spring balanco spring top, lower than ever before, at George A. Clark's. Mr. and Mrs. John Shatter ate to be con gratulated, becauso of the birth of a Tuesday morning. Window shades, nlaln or dado, either mounted or without fixtures as you prefer at Clark's book store. The lawn tennis grounds aro now In full operation. Somo of tho club aro getting to be qulto expert at the game. WashinBton Parr Is a candidate for nomination as Countv Commissioner. His name Is announced this week. A party of young folks of town spent very pleasant rvcnlnglast Saturday at Mlsa Jo. McKelvy's home on Rock street. The rush has commenced for Spring styles In Neckwear. Call and see the beautiful stock, now In nt D. Lowenberg's. Boating has already begun on tho rive A number of our young people spent one evening of last week In that pleasing pas time. William U. Snyder announces his name this week as a candidate for re-election as Prothonotary. lie has made an efficient oQlcer. Mr. Bnd Mrs. 8. N. Walker gave a recep lion at their homo on Weduesday afternoon tho occasion bclne Mrs. Walker's 60th birthday. Tho boys aro beginning to go swimming, The water Is probably somewhat cool yet but they do not enro much for that. They vill swim. There was a trout dinner at William Cole's on Thursday of last week. A good many wero in attendance, and all enjoyed themselves. The mln nn WpdnpRiluv lnornlnp was quite acceptable, as the roads were getting very uusiv. it was very welcome aisu iu tho farmers. Trunks I Trunks I Trunks Just received a largo stock. Cheaper than ever atD. Lowenbcrg I..W. McICelvy Is bulldinir a two-story addition at tho rear of his residence. Latest shapo in hats, Dunlaps, Youman, ct cnucra. Correct In style, Flno In quality, Lowest In price, at Lowenberg's. Very many persons, men, women and children, who need nnd enjoy somo gcntlo outdoor exercise, will read with plcasuro ot a rovtvat of tho excellent gama of cro quet. Nothing but o freak of fashion cauB- cd croquet to fall as It lift" done Into Inno cuous desuetude. Tho very fact that It was equally sultablo for everybody was doubtless ono reason why it becamo unfash ionable; but It was too good a gamo to bo lost, nnd It Is not strnngo that It Is coming up again. Wo may hopo that In tho com. Ing summer tho onco familiar sound ot tho mallet and ball will again bo heard In many a modest enrden. If not also on many a lordly lawn. The prnch growers have been holding a convention, and strange as it may appear, it was admitted that the Delaware crop will be enormous. The yield is estimated at 188,000,000 baskets. Bishop Rullson will hold services in Cat- awissa at St. John's church on Sunday af ternoon. Accompanied by Rev. W. C. Leverett he will.vislt St. Gabriel's, Sugar- loaf, on Monday afternoon. 1 invite the attention of parties who in tend papering or decorating their walls or ceilings to the largest and most complete line of wall hangings or ceiling decorations in town. George A. Clark. There will boa trout dinner at J. W. Perry's, in Sugarloaf, on Saturday, May 28. Ihcsu dinners aro lamely attended. and have gained a wide reputation. Ev erybody always has a good time. Tho Merchant Tailoring Department is now replete in Spring styles. Call and see the largest stock of Cloths, Cassimeres,&c., to select from. Suits made up in City Style at D. Lowenberg's, Merchant Tailor. The sixty-fifth annual session of the Grand Ljdge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows was held In Scranton this week, and was a grand nllair. An im mense parade took place on Tuesday. Men's, loullis.Boysand Children's Tailor Fitting Clothing. Leading in quantity, quality and style. Perfect satisfaction always the motto of DAVID LO WEN BERG. to the one here. The border of the curtain s filled witli advertisements of tho leadlne business firms of Dauvllle. and in Iho centre Is u landscape representing ancient buildings. In tho lower corners are plants with a variety of flowers. Never place fresh eggs near lard, fruit, cheese, fish or other articles' from which any odor arises. Tho eggs are extremely activo In absorblog power, nnd In a very short time they will bo contaminated by tho particles of objects In their neighbor. hood, by which the peculiar and cxquUlto taste of a ncw-lald egg will bo destroyed. As a llttlo son of N. J. Hcndenhott's was noing a norse out Third street on Tuesday afternoon, the horso was struck by a baseball thrown by some bojs who were playing ball near the skating rink The horso Immediately took fright, and started to run, throwing the boy off, but not injuring him. The horso then ran on homo. John Gingrich, who was on trial at Sun bury for murder of James Haley on De cember 10, after he had been ejected from the poor house of which Gingrich was manager, and who was convicted of In' voluntary manslaughter, was on Monday sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and to un dergo an imprisonment of flvo years with labor, in theSunbury Jail Mrs. Miner R, Smith, of Benton town- ship, died very suddenly at her home on Monday night between 10 and 11 o'clock. Her husband noticed that all was not right with her, but before ho could raise her u she was dead. Mrs. Smith was a sister of Dr. T. C. nnd J. B. McHcnry.of Bcnton.and daughter ot Benjamin Mcllenry . She leaves a husband and eight children. The Decorative Art Exhibit, at J. Saltz- er's music rooms, from the lKth to the 18th inst., was very fine. The imitation oil paintings worked In silk were very pretty, and there were also handsomo draperies, etc. The room3 were well filled every day and evening with people who much ad mired the work, and wero several times treated to Prof. Metherell's enjoyable music. At this season of the year our little town can be seen to the best advantage. The trees blossoming out in all their beauty, the green foliage of the trees, in many planes entirely overhanging the streets and forming bvautiful green bowerj, and all the other beauties of Spring, all combine to make our town at this time of 'the year one of the prettiest places in this section of tho country. The Keystone Minstrels played in the Opera House last Friday night to a fair- sized house, and gave a good entertain ment. Tho West Brothers' dancing was very good Indeed, and the afterpiece was well acted and very laughable. The re malnder of the progamme was well carried through. The boys went to Orangeville Saturday, and were greeted there Saturday evening by a full house. TOtnnnmlicr'ss. A. K. Smith vs, nf tlm nnntitnr I tried. Verdict for i i i , Court rrocccrtliiits. Hons m many club colors. '75 cents, 500 dress lent, ths of stulTtliat have been $1.25, Si and 75 cents. Samuel Bruglcr. Uaso plaintiff, and damages assessed at $5.00. Salo ordered In estate ot Thomas J, Hoffman. Tho following Sheriff's deeds wero acknowl edged iu open Courti To William Brink, sold as tho property of Lewis O. Young, Tricots, Plain Cloths, Camel's fofr Tf ,nnl T1"c 'd" PrPctl 1 1 c i- ii 1 1 of John M. Cliatnberlin, for $750. Hairs, Serges, Camels Hair Columbla Counljr TrcR8Urcr V9. w. Curl and desirable lnter-Hlate iMcnlc Hxlilliltloii. Grenadines, Canvas like seasonable and goods. Udcl pieces, broken lots. We cut them into patterns ample Krlckbaura ct al. Case tried. Tills was a suit brought about by the Treasurer on a nolo payable to him, given by W. Krlck. bnum, I). Lowenbcrg and J. W. Hoffman, tor a balnnco duo on tho duplicate of R. I Tn. 1 1 onltnnln. .... 1 1 for a dreSS, ard let them CO at sureties. On December 10. 1881. Lowcn. Exhibition, under tho auspices of tho Mf.nrul nrices. berg and Krlckbaum pnld each n third of PatrouH of Husbandry, will open nt Will- , t, . t10 amount nnd wero released from further lams' Grove, Monday, August 20th, nnd il 3 fi' liability on the note, by tho Commissioners promises to uo unprcccucnicu in mo ins- " j.v.. t- ...v.. s and Trcasurer Bml produced receipts to Tfhen lUby u sick, w gT her CmIotI, When sti tu t Child, aha cried for CutorU, When lie bectme Mint, the cinng to OMtorU, When the hid Children, the gT them Cutori, lory of these exhibitions. Varied nnd ex tensive, as was tho display last year, It will be greatly surpassed the present sraBon. A largo number ot new nnd handsomo per manent buildings will bo erected, which, together with other substantial Improve ments that have been made, will add great ly to tho beauty of the place. Thirteen years ago, when tho Patronsof Husbandry, to tho number of a few hundred, came to this spot to hold a pleasant reunion, nnd talk over the work, already done and nr. range plans for the future, llttlo did they thluk that they were even then laying tho foundation for tho crcatcst gathering of farmers, manufacturers, and all interested In agricultural pursuits, ever known In the United States. That few hundred has be- come over a hundred thousand, represent ing twenty-eight States of the Union. VorlH Ileriiliarcl. On Thursday nftcrnoon, the 12th Inst, Miss Annie J., eldest daughter of Mr. L Bcrnhard, became Mrs. Robert R. Vorls. Tho ceremony took place In St. Paul's church at half past three and was perforin cd by tho rector, Rev. W. C. Leverett, in tho presence of a large number of Invited guests, many of whom were from Danville, where the groom resides. The bridal couple marched up tho centre preceded by the ushers, Messrs. II. B. Clark nnd C W. Funston of Bloomsburg. nnd Mr. Vorls of Danville and Mr. Dicfenderfcr of l'liilii dclphia. Miss Carrie Matchen of Danville, presided at the organ. Tho tirldo wore n very pretty traveling suit and hat, that effect. Tho Court charged that this arrangement was binding, though it might Call it Percale or "Shirting;" I nt hayobcen good management on the there's no nonsense about it. part of tbo officials. Tho jury found n Tough, and plum,, 36 indies ZKi Am- Wide. 1 he weight IS Irom the W. Krlckbaum vs. Columbia County. COtton in it. Hard twisted, hard This was nsult about a disputed Item of woven, every thread of it. A $10, 'or advertising Commissioners' sales stuff for hard wear, if you will; la 1885 lbo sum d"" by plaintiff being ' ' .' I 49fl .ml 11,11 n.l,l nf ll,n nil,., n.n... neat and dressy, too. Hand- r ,' ... ' . . p. , ' ,rn . somely printed in Stripes,( plaids that ho made a contract with all the papers and figures OI1 white p'round. 'or that figure, and plaintiff denied this Esjor Life. What n truly beautiful world wo live in I Naturo gives us grand eur of mountains, glens and oceans, and thousands of means of enjoyment. Wo can desire no better when In perfect health) but how often do tho innjorlty of people feci liko giving It up disheartened, discouraged nnd worn out with disease, when thcro Is no occasion for this feeling, ns every sui fcrer can easily obtain satisfactory proof, that Orccn't Augutt Flower, will mnko them free from disease, as when born. Dyspep sia nnd liver complaint aro tho direct causes of sevcnty-flvo per cent of such maladies as biliousness, Indigestion, sick headache, costlvcncss, nervous prostration, dizziness of tho head, palpitation of tho heart, and other distressing symptoms. Three dnscs of Avijutt Flowtr will prove Its wonderful effect. Sample bottles, 10 cts. Try It. Jan 281y87eow. To Pheskiivk Natuiial Fi.owbrs. Dip the Mowers in melted parafllne, withdraw Ing them quickly. Tho liquid should bo only Just hot enough to maintain Its lluld Ity nnd the Mowers should bo dipped ono at a time, held by the stocks and moved about for nn Instant to get rid ot nlr bub bles. Fresh cut flowers, freo from moist ure, mako excellent snecimens in this way. A telegraph from Reading, says that, for if you would preserve your health and In- rprftl vrnrn nnfll. thn fUtv nr mnrn fur- I vln-n-,itn vnti, nili-n Bvatrm nun IVrrlnn'ji POWDER Abcoiutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel or purity, strength and wholesomcness. .Moro economical than ordinary klndt, and cannot bo sold in compe tition wltli thd multitude or low tcst.nliort weight, atum or pnospnaio powaers. oia oniy in cans. ltOVAL 1IAKINO I'UWDEHIU,. ttailSU.H. X. one Good ICITect 01 the imcr-Htnte Illll. 1 he price has been 1 5 It's been a lively goer We make it 12 4. cents. at 15, Batistes as dainty as ever, as well liked as ever. Novelties moner them of course. Inch so far ns his paper was concerned. Verdict for plaintiff. Sale ordered in cstato of Ellas Baylor. Rcs.aurant licenses granted M.J.Ryan and E. J. Hallcy, In Ccntralla. W. Shaffer, D. K. bloan, Geo. Conner, Edward Hartman, M. F. Bowman, M. UoU9cknccht and Ellsha Rlngroso np- square blocks of brown, black L. .Tn)in fl . ,.ii,. and red, black and blue, chance- ) usual order for venires at Sept. Scattered on a cream surface. Court was made, and an adjourned Court That's one. RintJS for blocks, "PPOlnted for June 13, at 2 p. m., and 14th another. And so through a 6 a;,nV ... . , j:. x . xiuiiiiuyur uppoioieu auuuor in cs tato of Peter Miller. Estate of Daniel Thomas. Specific per formanco. Citation awarded. ' S. N. Walker, appointed commissioner to take testimony In case of appeal from probate of will of Mary A. Brlttain. R. R. Llttlo appointed auditor In cstato of John Springer. C. E. Geyer appointed auditor In cstato Pure Barloy Malt Whiskey. For salo by C. B. Bobbins, Bloomsburg, Pa. cow. Two great enemies Hood's Sarsnparllln and impure blood. The latter is utterly defeated by tho peculiar medicine. ? score of styles colored figures on tinted ground, 125 cents. Some extra fine 16 cents. several years past, tho fifty or moro fur nnccs in tho Schuylkill Valley have been using Immense quantities of foreign ore and ore brought from other states, thus causing tho almost entire cessation of Iron ore operations In this section. The Inter state Commerce bill, however, with its 11111 lll-lfllt. IfUUIgS. 11U3 baitlbV.llll.LlV 1111- naccs to use ore mined In Eastern Penn sylvania, and thcro is not a mine between Reading and Allontown which Is not being worked to its fullest capacity. Over 2,000 ... 1 i. j .-. 1 ,t.n.. iiiiuuis iinvvi Biu.iiiv rviiin, nun. nnviu iiiuj formerly received 70 cents, they now get $l.iu and per day. Consumption Can he Cuiied I Not by any secret remedy, but by proper, health ful exercise, and tho Judicious use of Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphltcs, which contains tho heal- JERSEY'S. An overloaded Im- Ing and strength-givlng virtues ot these porter, found vith too many Children's iwu vaiuuuiu Bpwiuus iu weir luucsi iorro. JorsCVS Oil 11.111(1, vo inauo tncm an rrescriueu uy pnysicians. iae no otuer. SPECIAL. FROM DEI HIS Bloomsburjr, Pa. Plain Cashmere Shawls. Car dinal, cream, blue and pink. Elegant wraps for piazza or After drawine-room. Fine, soft, clinff- tho ceremony many of the friends attended ;nfr thinrrq that lend beautV to I ' Samuel Loreman a reception at the resldenco of the bride's 1 1. tfT or- nn I I-8. Winterstcen appointed auditor in parents on Fifth sfect. "t" estate of A. A. Kline. At o.n air. nnu airs, voris went cnrcci j. m. Clark appointed commissioner in to Danville: and began house-keeping at Latest Stvles and shapes of divorce nrocecdinir. MarvE. Jones vs. W. wraps from Pans LOCAL NOTICES. Collectors' receipt books and salo at this office. notices tor tf. At a special meeting of tho Vestry of St. Paul's church, held un Monday night, E. It. Drinker, Ueo. E. Elwell and W. M. Monroe were elected deputies to the Dio cesan Convention, which meets at Reading June 14. Mrs, R. A. Snyder has Just received a full line of trimmed and untrimmed hats, flowers, feathers, and a general lino of new millinery goods. Her store is In tho room lately occupied by Miss E. Peterman. Please call and see her stock before huy- Inc elsewhere. 21 The Young People's Guild will occupy the Chamberlin building, next to N. J. Heudershott's on Main street, this Friday evening. Fancy articles wilt ue oiiercu for sale, and ice cream and cake served. All nre invited. There are some dog fanciers in Benton. It is rumored that one of them recently sent away for a pair of water spaniels, but when they came he was not entirely satis- fled with his purchase, as the dogs looked very much like common Benton curs. They ought to have been full bloods, as they came over the water. They weie hauled across the creek on tho Benton stage, having been shipped at a point some where near Patterson's mill. An Illiuols paper has tho following: 'The funeral of the late William P. Lewis was somewhat hurried to enable his estl- malilo and grlef.strlckcn widow to catch the 2 o'clock train lor Chicago, where sho goes to visit friends." The namo of Charles II. Campbell, of lllnniiialiiircr. is announced this week as a candidate for reclstcr and recorder. Mr. Campbell made a strong run for the nomi nation three years aco, but tho two term rule defeated him. Ho Is iu every way fitted for the olllce, The State Grand Council of the Improv. cd Order of Red Men aro holding their an. nual session at Wlkcsbarro this week. The first meeting opened on Tuesday with nearly five hundred Red Men present from all parts of the State. A large parauo toon place In the aflcrncou. Tho holler in the now Novelty and Fur. nlluro works of Chamberllu & Brown has nnnwl them n little trouble, because of weakness, but It has been welt repaired and they hopo now to havo no moro drawbacks lint will hasten tho completion of their numerous orders for work. The rush of Immigrants from Europo to America is astonlshiug. or the pres enl year already over 133, 000 havo arrived, Miss Audland Hagcnbuch died nt her father's residence, near the Normal behoof Wednesday morning, after n lingering Ill ness with consumption. She was confined to her bed for nearly a year and eyery ef. fort made to prolong her llfo but without avail. Slie was about twenty-five years of age, and had a wide circlo of friends who will mourn her early demise. The funeral will take place this (Fiiday) afternoon nt 2 o'clock at tho Presbyterian church. List ot letters remaining In tho Post Of' flee at Bloomsburg for week ending May 17, 1887: Mr. D. W. Kingsbury, (2,) F. V. Learch, Miss Llzzlu Boat, Miss Annie L. Smith, Unas. M. Smith, John U. SmllU. OA1IDS, Bolavo Fraueejo, Allesnndre, Mr. J. U, bpaln. Persons calllnc for these letters will please say "advertised." Gaoiios A. Ci.ahk, P. M. Mr. C. M. Drinker had his patent Issued last week on his baircaco check. We aro informed that he has also uindu application for patent In Europe and other foreign countries. Tho baggage check Is of neat construction nnd so designed that the one cannot be taken from the trunk or other artlclo without IU counterpart. Thue checks are not liable to bo lost nor to tho nnnoyance of somo party taking them from the parcel they are locked fast tho ono servlnc as a key tor the other. Mr. Drlnber expects soon to manufacture them, and he looks for a largo sale. Prof, Nlles' Orchestra and tho Oleo Club of tho Pbilologian Literary Society went to Danville last Friday night and gaye an en. tcrtainmcnt iu the hall ot tho Danville In sane Asylum, iney siuncu irom uere about three o'clock In the afternoon, in the band-wagon and a two-seated spring wagon, and returned tho samo evening after the performance. They wero otrWMO oK greeted by n largo and enthusiastic and- uvcr u.uuu ui i" " .,.!, ineo lence, who seemed to appreclito the music 8' 1er ."""" .1: tm very highly. Prof. Nlles' orchestra played well, as It always does, and the singing was excellent. It must have been a great treat to tho Inmates of tho asylum This Spring has been ono In which tho people In tb placo rnado moro advance. ment in improving their residences than has been done for many years. On almost every street In the town may bo seen th work of tho painter's brush. Many have also had the paper hangers at work and 1. , .i.a,nrliiTn are look, thus beautified tho inside of tue houso, .... . thev always do Mr. W. F. Bodlne. ono of tho painters 1 li't I J I 1 I nn, inwn. has heed overcrowded with during the Bummer, juey . -- , . f ullv laid out, and Iho fountain playing in worn, u seemcu as .1 ,u umjr " . . -ir.... It I nitwr linnirpr Iti town, bv tho wai ho waa the centre produces a oeauuim iuu. ..0.. .- , ,iv r inco tosnend the Bummer urged lo do work. It is a fact, that for l'v..j - -- . ,!. .nl! , .,(!, ..ft",.,-! In ns rnn bo found In UliS SCCUOn Ol luu m.uB u.i , -v. I Mr. llnillnn RtAnila lit Iho Ion. 1840-fi0 when tho people wero driven from Ireland because of starvation. Says nn eichangei The threo signs of n counterfeit coin nro not often heeded by a careless public. A bad piece of silver has a hollow ring or n lightweight or an Im. perfect rim. If theso characteristics were fullv learned counterfeiters would soon be discouraged In trying to pass Imperfect money, shapes of We want The them to go at once, 1 he price shall be the push less than it would cost to import them. There are three lots, all silk lined and elegant: 1 bilk Grenadine and Jet $7-50. 2 Silk Grenadine and let, lace sleeves, S7.50. 3. Chenille Centres, sleeves and oak frames, hand painted panel anc trimming O Jet, fcQ. once, their bomo being in readiness lor them. Tho bride was the recipient of very many presents, and we n.rc permitted to enuracr. ate them Two mahogany rocking chairs presented by the Danville Presbyterian choir, mahog ny and brass table, rattan work table, large decorated vase, pair Dresden vases, pair amber and peach blow vases, large peach blow fruit dish, boquct holder, placque with flowers In relief, bevel mirror in bronze frame, bevel mirror in carved walnut, four steel engravings in gold, wnl ... . t.A.t t..wi uub tiiiu uaiv names, uuuu jiuiuiuu t'iuii:i i fl'l i 1 11 picture, two dozen after dinner china cot- Stylish short Wraps, beaded fee cups in satin lined Morocco cases, hand grenadine, trimmed with lace painted easel scarf.embroidered table scarf, I and jet, $20, $22 and $25 dook racK, siaiucuo 01 ouaKcspearo in bronze, black marme mante ciocu an tiio 6, cents for ..button Suede fiftv dollar check, tweutv dollar check. twenty dollars in cold, brass crumb set, 7? Cents lor O-DUtton MOUS decorated china and silver tea set. shell and butter knife In case, lemonade set, six dozen dinner napkins, eight linen table cloths, oue linen tray set, two Mar seilles quilts, one comfort, one piece quilt, one pair braldcd'plllow shams, silver bub tcr dish, plush sofa pillow, silver pickle caster, silver card receiver, silver ice pitch er, silver cake basket, silver fruit dlsb, silver and cut glass oil and vinegar caster, vinegar caster, pair silver salt cellars, but ter knlio nnd sugar shell in case, sugar shell In case, two cases spoons in old sil ver, one case chased silver, one set after dinner coffee spoons, set knives, carving set, nut picks, pair decorated salt and pep pers, china tea set, cut glais berry set, one rug, pair tidies, ono pair knit slippers, one plush picture frame, ono oil painting. Not a nnilooii. Jones. II. V. White appointed auditor in estate of Thos. Crcyellng. L. E. Waller nppolnted auditor in estnto of Isaac Crcvcllng. C. E. Gcycr appointed auditor in estate Joshua Savage. CO dress patterns, combination styles. from $1.60 to S14 00 each. If you want to havo a stylish suit do not fail to sec them at I. W. Hartman & Son's. Just received nt C. E. Savage's n tine lino ot silverware tho latest designs, also spec tacles anu eye glasses. at. Always remember that G. W. Bertsch. the artist tailor, is the place to get youiselt a perfect fit In a Spring suit of clothing or a coat. A full and comnleto line just re ceived rrcsu irom the city. You can cct n handsomo embroidered dress at 1. W. Hartman & Son's for $5 to 65 cents for 4-button Gloves, embroidered. 75 cents for 6-button sugar quetaire Suede Gloves, plain $1 lor 6-button Mousquetaire of abroad. II. & 8. R. ft. Notes. Thcro are very few surveyors wprkmg about town al present. Tho work of tracklaylng Is still at a standstill at Fourth street. Grading above Benton was begun last Monday. Judge Mcllenry has the con tract. A number ot new hands arrived here Monday, and have gone to work on tho road. An Italian was badly hurt Tuesday after noon while unloading rails by a rail falling upon Mm. A number of surveyors went up tho creek on Monday to work on the upper end Suedes, embroidered. Until this year these gloves have never been shown in this country. 100 Lace covered parasols at $5.00 have just come. Some of them, il not quite all, rank with goods we've been getting $1 to $2 more lor. Some extra good things in Children's parasols, so cents and $1. An extraordinary black batin parasol. 3.00 worth for $. 1 50. You will bear the statement out when you see the goods. A very good black or colored Twenty-four car loads of rails arrived hero on Saturday nnd Monday in readiness for rail-laying. The bank of the creek all along tho foot of the rocks Is covered with red shale, blown off from tho rocks. The old Irondale road-bed will probably not be blown out until next week, though some ot it may bo done this week. It will make a tremendous explosion. I or the past week a bright light in the heavens has been viewed nightly by hun dreds of people In this town, under tho impression that it Is an electric light sent Satin parasol for 5 1. 8. up in a balloon al wuuamsport. 11 ap pears In the northwest at a point that might bo over that city. It Is vlsiblo soon after sunset, and gradually falls until about ten o'clock, when it disappears below the horizon. A Wilkes-Barre paper first pub Don't worry over the Lace Curtains. Take them down as usual, wash them as usual. Then let 'the Lace Curtain Ushed the story of tho electric balloon, and Stretcher step in and push Care stated that the light was so bright that its k Dry as many mvs wero reflected on tho river at that . J When l'atlcuce Ccunch to be a Vti.ue. When wo receive rolled manuscript. When handed copy written on both sides. When contemporaries draw on our col umns without credit. When a business man tells you it doesn't pay to advertise When someone Is hunt'ng you to cor rect a fancied grievance. When tho "give-me-n-voto" young man 0 ,nnn interviews you. uhen every advertiser wants tho most conspicuous part of the paper. When people rcfuso Information nnd growl about their home newspaper being dull. When you are given pointers nnd cau tioned "not to uso my namo you know." When a falsifier whom you havo almost offer and closed out tho lot. Wo will now sell you $1.00 quality lor 50o., tho 81.25 for OOo. All wool. All colors. All sizes, from 20 to 30. Bieccut Value in Jerseyslcvcr shown. Just tho article for Misses. PARASOLS. Tho kind of weather is now liero tor tins Kintt ot goods, and wo havo lots of 'em at most aston ishing low prices. All Btylcs. Call and see. JNico Satin x'.irasois, 111 ail colors, at $1.00, $1.2,r each. Satines, 12c. yd., batiucs, 25c. yd., Satincs, 12jo. yd. See them. Exam- mo them. Try them. WHITE GOODS. Well, tho sea son lor tliem is coming, in tact, it s hot enough to-day for them. Wo havo them, and at prices you can af ford to wear them. Also, Embroidei ies and Laces to trim them with, away down in prices. Call and see. MILLIMEUY" GOODS. Another lot of those Cheap Hats and Bonnets just in. Also, h lowers, lips and liib ooiis. And thoso nice little Laco Caps for children from 10c. up; you should sco the prices we ask 011 theso goods. Wo can save you money. CORSETS AND BUSTLES. All tho leading sliapea and makes at low prices. Ularks 77 Uorset, Mikado Hair Rolls. Sco them. DRESS GOODS. Now, if you want Dress Silks of any kind call on us, tjasnmercsv Atauatros uiotns, 'in Cream and Black, Armure,,Sebastipol, 1 reuch Tragaus auitings, in Beige, at 95c. yd., wortli S1.00 yd. Dress underwear at I. W. Clotli9, Cotton and Wool Dress Goods. All kinds, at all prices. LACE CURTAINS. Don't you think yon have a room or so that needs new Curtains T Wo have a handsomo lino of Laco Curtains, Scrim, Madras, Ac, witli full lino of Curtain poles, from 25c. apieco complete up to gl.25. RIBBONS AND GLOVES. An other lot of those 25c. Silk Mitts (Black only). Watered Ribbons, in lnndlnrr dnlnrs inst. in. Walnrnd All kinds of watches, clocks and lewclrv Sod. ,;i.i,nna ;., i)il- n,'n.l. neatly repaired a d w rranted at C. & " Tn.';l M'Killii,Plio togrsip Ii cr a n l Crayon Artist, Bloomsburg: Pai. Fine Cabinet Portafts, only $3 a dozen l ai staiitaiicons pro cess ii sel. Money saved by going to A. S. Trucken miners, Latawtssa, l'a,, tor wall papers anu window similes. .Largest stuck at lo.v est prices. atmo Summer weight Hartman & Son's. Having just received a cylinder for fin lshing silks and cloths, I an prepared to clean and dye cents' clolhinir. ladies' cloaks, sacques, silks, dresses, shawls, &c. Feathers dyed and curled. Packnces for warded by express will receive prompt at tention, according to directions. Call or address, J. O. Caswell, dyer, Bloomsburg wooicn jhiiis. scpj4-n. Hammocks, fans and parasols at I. W, uariman a son's, Savage's. bank. 3 dooia abovo first national 2w Q. W. Bcrtscb.tbo clothier and furnisher. always has a full and coain'cteline!of cents' furnishing goods on hand. All the latest styles in neckwear, &c. Call and see tnem. Striped velvets, Hartman & Son's. H. J. Clark & Sou, PROPRIETORS. 10c. a yard, at I. W. j$rIUll)lClf f) gUnUUaiC. place, eighty miles from Willlamsport. u as you please at once; not one paralyzed with compliments tells you he is almost needless to stnte that this alleged of them can get awty, electric light is nothing less than Venus, 53.50 tno brlcut and bcautiiut evenin; star whose rays reach tho earth through mill' Ions of miles of space. Wo havo tue Information direct from Willlamsport that no electric light has been sent up in a balloon at that place, and no such a project has been contemplated. The people of that city are much astonished to learn from outsido sources that they havo had hovering over their heads for tho past week an electric lamp two miles up in tho air, that "throws rays of light on the river at WIlkcB-Ba-re, and Illuminates tho country for miles around." The story was a thin one. and boro conclusive ev idences of impossibility upon its face, but nevertheless, many people believed it, and Venus received more attention for a few nights thai, has been bestowed upon her since tho days when all the mythological $3 and hasn't read your paper for several weeks. When the free puff fiend drops in to have you mention "that little matter just In an incidental way you know; need not enlargo on It you know; fifteen or twenty lines will answer this tirno you know," Exchange. Tlie National Drill and Encamp ment at WnHliliiKtoii, Tho National Drill and Encampment, which opcnsMn Washington May 23d, con tinning until the 80th, will be ono of the most Interesting events that ever occurred In the history of America's militia. Its in. inguage, revised edition, il. ., ., . ,. , ., . , liana i McNally's btaddard Atlas of the World, ception was tho outgrowth of that general "slralclnesca, by Marlon Crawtord. $1.10. deslr0 t0 ,nako tho volunteer military of Many mraltlDIe proota, by Hev, Arthur T. l'ler- tho several States more effective, and ns a GenuTrrom Henry ward Heecuer, with Memoir S'P la that direction this competitive con- 60 test was arranged, and valuable prizes of Also, timely WOrKS on Agri- cash, medals and trophies, offered as re- For a Sprinc and Summer stiff and soft hat call at G. W. Bertsch's who has just received a full and complctellne all of the latest styles and shapes. Prices lo ivcr than ever. Bargains In pianos, orgars and sowlrg macuines at a. b. Truckenmiucr's, Uata- wlss, l'a. 3lm0. The James M-an9 men's shoes for $3 at 1. w. uartman cc son's. pni 1 11 1 1 1 From our Book store shelves vou can select somethinc for evei taste. How else could we sell more books than any other house in the country? And there's no combination bulge in the prices. rant's Memoirs, S vols., H.M. Tho Diary or Hamuel, l'epys, 5 vols., a new edi tion, Nuttal's Standard Dictionary ot the English BUSINESS NOTICES. HEAL estate, t or sale to every man, woman and child, an honest and speedy cure ior an pains, acnes anu wenxnesses. Apply thy Hop iasreraand note their sooth ing, pain. allaying qualities, unly iiue. Scarlet fever having appeared tn our vil lage Darbys Prophylactic Fluid was used In disinfecting the Collcso buildings. The disease never went beyond n single case cither in tho College or elsewhere, where mo tiuiu was used. hev. ikes. u. t. PmoE, Auburn. Ala. Darbys Fluid dispels all forms ot epl. demic diseases by destroying the spores or germ poison that causo contagion. DooTons and Churches Hundreds of doctors who have visited Specr's vineyards during tho wine making season say his tulnn. linvA mnnul In 1... mini ftftJ&SPL&Ml culture and Horticulture; a large wards for excellence In drill. Washington ated of flue H assortment ol r reach iiooks, bound aad unbouad; Seasides and Franklin Squares; Butter- a telescope at tno uisputeu oojeci, anu failed to agree as to what it was; and at least ono editor that wo know of was fouud after dark w th a hie rov-class Irvine lo discriminate neiwcen me mysieneB 01 mo , , ptfnc 't heavens and thoso'Of Edison. A numbor ll-K b 1 diit-rilb, etc. ot heated discussions have occurred be tween those who insisted on the balloon storv. and those who thought otherwise, nnd taken all in all, Venus and tho Xeics. Dealer havo afforded a topic of conversation all along trio norm and west uranencs dur ing the past wceu. was very appropriately selected as tho place, tho citizens responded liberally, thu War Department lent Its aid, and tho suc cess of the enterprise is assured beyond any possibility of doubt. Over thirty of the States and Territories will be rcpro. scntcd by military organizations, and tho dally contests, embracing all the branches of military scrvico from tho manual of unsnrpasscu ior meir restorative powers they prescribe them us very superior wines. The churencs in New York and Brooklyn uso the Port for their communion. For sale by druggists. 'SSlanamahfr's. rmLicKi.ruiA, May 1C, 1837, Our buyers use taste and judgment in selecting whatever you write lor. We've had Printed Flannels before, but not such Printed Flannels. The richest that can be had; choicer than could be had last season. Fruit of a year's thought and work by the maker. Genuine, thick-and-thin, all-wool Flanael. Striped aad figured; 37 styles aad color ings from one of the two or three Alsace-Lorraine printers who stand at the head in such things. Lawn Tenais and Boat- jiag Suit stuff; perfect combina- More things for sporting wear than we know of anywhere. The floor space of a good sized arms to brigade drill, will bo Intensely In Store riven to them. Lawa tercsting to every one. Tho cash prizes teaais, boatiag, base-ball, crick- " t0 f m- ,Tl10 caa,P11'WIU bo , . 1 , pitched ou tho grounds surrounding the et, swimming, bicycle and other 'Wa8lllDglon Mobnumenti and ,Uobdriu things. Prom Virgoe, Middle- ground will bo marked out on tho campus ton & Co., London, and the between the Monument and tho White House. Tho universal Interest which will bo felt In tho drill In all parts ot the country, aud the excellent opportunity it will afford for visiting tho National Capital at tho most best domestic makers. Good Hats like other good things are sure to be imitated. When you read of a i5 silk hat beautiful season of thu year, will draw for g4l go Slowly. Either know """J8118 ' Washington The dty, noted the goods or know that you can DCTcr appear9 10 B0 dan adyanthgoas trust the llierchaat. in the llrst bluBh of spring, nor is there TUp nnrtmpnt nf fnc any pleasanter timo to visit thu parks, gar. i ae ucsc assortment 01 -as- dcn8 and pul)llc bmlainga than this, ah simere and Derby Hats weve tho put-iio property u open to the inspec owr nffr,.r1 DunUf,, nnri ct1 lloD f Visitors. . , . ,' .t . 3 ' Iu order to accommodate visitors the ail riglU, SO S tlie price. Pennsylvania HallroadCo. will sell excur. Thero Is no danger to human life more to bo dreaded than that which arises from vitiated blood. Dyspepsia, rheuma tism, beauacuc, and general debility, all result from It, and are cured by the use of Aycr's Sarsaparllla. Take It this month. Six bottles, $5j Instead of leaving thu linen yellow, or wiui urown spots uu over it, like common rosin soap, Drcydoppel's Borax Sonn makes It white as snow, and purifies and cleanses morouguiy. napr'-"J, A oitEAT battle Is continually coluir on In the human system, Thu demon of im pure blood strives to gain victory over tho constitution, to ruin health, to drag victims i to tho grave. A good reliable medicine liko Hood's Sarsaparilla Is tho weapon with which to ucrend one s sen, drive tbo dcs. perato enemy from the Held, and restore paece and bodily health for many years. Try this peculiar medicine. DltCNKENNESS, Ol! LlQCOIl IlAItlT, OAK II K CUUEU UY ' ADMlNISTEltlNU I) 11. HAINES' Qoluex BrEoino. It can bo given In a cup of coffeo or tea without tho knowledge of tho person taking it, effecting a speedy and permanent euro, whether thu patient is a moderato drinker or an alcoholic wreck, 1 housauds of diunkards hayu been made cmperate men who havo taken tho Uohlcn A little earlv for Men's Straw 8l" "ckets, May 21 to 87, good to return Specific in their coffee without the!rkno. InL 1,m IT 'r , h lraW umll 80th, from nil stations on Its lines, at edge, and to-day believe they null drink. iatS, but we have the new ones reduced rates, in addition special trains (ngof their own free will. No harmful I to show you. John Wanamaker. Cbettnut, Thirteenth and Market ttroets, at special rates will bo run on certain days from various sections of tue Pennsylvania I sy si 111, the details of which will be an noi' t-cu by posters and published la the I newspapers, effects results from Its administration. Cures guaranteed. Send for circular and full particulars. Address Iu conttdcucu Golden Specific Co., 183 llace St Clnclu. n&tt, Ohio. dec 8 80 ly, Hot weather is fast approach ing, bimrp competition among the manufacturers have brought down the prices. You Aould bo asto"ihed to see what a nice refrigerator wo can sell you for a very little money. It will pay for itself in one season's use. Ice Cream Freezers. Our leading freezer is the "Rapid" and has only to bo seen 111 comparison with others to in sure its sale. Every one guar anteed, and the price almost as low as some of the other makes wo keep. WATER COOLERS Water Coolers, with stands or without for family, hotel or- fact ory use-, handsome goods ; sizes and prices to suit every body. LAWN MOWMS It is almost an impossibility to keep a yard in nice order with out a mower. Ono of the great objections heretofore lias ueen the price, but liko every thing else, they havo Oeclined so as to bring them within tho reach of all. Our "New Model" wo claim to bo the best mover made; runs tho lightest aud prico as low as the 'west. J. H. SciiUYunt & Co., Bloomsburg, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers