THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCEAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Atstliotlo Concert. Tlio AcflUittio Concert .it Uorwluk given under llui nintlutR of tho Y. M. C. A. on Kriilny tvci-.iny Sept. 24th was received by n full house. Tho Aiuocliuioii orchestra opened tho ontcrta'nment with n nicely rendered Bclcctlon "Tho Grenadiers,'' following which tho curtains wcro thrown back revealing a neat litilo cottngo surround by a beautiful garden of flowcro at tended by an aesthetic gardener, tho wholo scene overlooked by a fidl moon iihlnlng through tho branches of tho trfes. Tlio gardener Mr. J. Frank Smith introduced his lowers with a nico littlo solo, to which theru camo a chorus of rcsponeo from tho faces peering out from tho heart of tho flowers. Tho Solos, "Tho Flower Girl," and "Last Hoso of Summer' rendered by 'Tho Uosc,'' 3Iis Jenulo Jackson, showed a most excellent voice, under good com inand. The solo by "Daffodil,"- Miss Nora brmtli, was most elegantly rendered with her deep contralto voice. "Tho Hollvhook" solo by Mr. Frank Diellchirst wa finely rendered. Part second of thii Concert was very nicely opened by Mr. Arch Dickson "Tho Man in tho Moon" calling out who killed Cock Hobiu t to which sev eral of tho flowers responded followed by tho full' chorus, in tho beautiful minor strain closing each verse. Tho Concert was gotten up by tho' Misses Jackson and Jcmtnisoti, asistod by several of the young people of tho association, tho choruses showed by their arrangement and presentation, a most excellent music taste, and tho whole entertainment reflected tho great est credit on the projectors of tho Con cert. The young men of tho Association orchestra are to be commended for the acquirements thoy bavo gained, many of their selections wero rendered in a way that would do credit to tho mast ers. Resolutions of Condolence. At a special meeting of tho Philolo gian Society held Sept. 29, 1886 tho following resolutions wero unanimous ly adopted : Wiikijeas : It has pleased God in his iufinito wisdow and power to re movo from our midst our beloved friend and member, Arthur A. Wilson, bo it Resolved, That while wo receive this affliction with feelings of deepest sorrow, wo recognizo it as coming from the hand of "Him that doeth all things well." Jiesolved, That wo readily bear wit ncss to tho Christian and gentiemanly qualities of one highly esteemed by all who knew him. Jiesolved, That wo extend our deep est sympathies to tho relatives and friends of tho deceased in this afllcation. Jiesolved, That the Philologian Hall bo and remain draped for thirty days. ' Jiesolved, That these resolutions be inserted in tho Bloomsburg Dapers and a copy sent to tho bereaved family. Wirx C. Johnston, Paul Tcstin, Annie Haoexuccii, Com. May Connoii, Florence S. Richards. I Judgo Yorkes, of Bucks county, in his charge recently to tho grand jury of that court lays down tho law on embracery or jury tampering as fol lows: "Tho law against embracery ap plies to ono who approaches a grand juror as much as any juror. If any one attempts to influence a grand juror in favor of finding, or against finding a bill; it is embracery and it is as much your sworn, duty to inform your fellows and nako return of it to court, as it is to return tho offense of burglarly whero it has been charged before a justice of tho peaco and laid beforo you upon the evidenco of wit nesses. The obligation is stronger for the reason that in the ono caso you de pend upon tho testimony of others, but in this caeo you have knowledge within yourselves. I am afraid that tho practice is too common in this county for parties to approach tho grand jury in regard to their action upon matters likely to oomo before them. I regret to think that the peo ple of this county are not educated to tho danger which they inour of violat ing tho criminal law when they do so. I trust this warning from the court will have effect and that you will re turn any party who approaches you, for tho offence of embracery. Now that the remarkable discoveries which have recently been unearthed by Egyptian explorers are attracting such wide attention, the public will be urently interested in the exposition o( those wond ers which Sllss Amelia 11. Edwards contrl butes to the October Habi'kr's. Miss Edwards is best known as uu English novelist, but her scholarship in antiquities has achieved for her the distinction of be ing the first lady to receive tho degreo of Doctor of Laws from an Ameiican college and as if to confirm that honor from Smith College at its last commencement, the same season brought her tho title Ph. I), from liethacy College, Topeka, KanBas. Her thorough mastery of Egyptian Archaeology is proven by "Tho Story of Tanls." The progress in exhuming the buried secrets of tho Nile valley leads up to a graphic ac count of the work of tho Egyptian Explo ration Society. Tanis is identified with "Zoan" of tho Old Testament. "Marvel lous things did lie in tho sight of Egypt, in the fields of Zoan," was the Psalmist's ref. crence to tho famous city where Moses was born and bred, the sceno of tho plagues, unit tho other Exodus events a city whoso graudcur and rich history wcro unparullcl ed cren by Karnac or Thebes. Oao of tho most interesting parts o( this article is a realistic description of tho priestly festival celebrated by Itameses II., tho Egyptian Alexander, on his return from a career of conquest, followed by the exciting nam tlve of the fiery desl ruction of the city. An abundanco of capital engravings renders the article unusually valuable. Our eamplo books contain everything in tho printing line, and goods not kept in stock can bo obtained at short notice at tho COLUMMAN OHICC. tf. QUEER FREAKS. An Andovor hen liss lately laid an egg in w lileli wero four peifoci nor ulicll eggs. lUram Southward, of Fulrfax, Vt., has a curiosity in a cmeuou wun twclvo torn, Jefferson Johnson, of (Jrasd Lake. Mick,. has a vino on which aro eighty-five squasueH In all negroes or uuvelorinwnt, Iienjamlu Iloj, of lkcton, and John Stew, nrt, of Jljltlinore, caught tho biggest halibut oH tho "Applodoro" coait of Maluo which has been board of In tiventy-flvo years. It was 0 oet 0 Inches long and weighed I'M pounds. A curiosity in tho thapo of a cow Is teen poinj to ami coining from tho nwuuips every day. Tho cow'n feet liavo tho appearunco of having melted uml flattened out. The hoofs aro neatly a foot Ion;, and ubllo uallilng tho Happing noUo is similar to that uuulo by a man walking In a air of ihocs wvcral tlzea lo larga. Macon Teltgraph. PITH AND POINT. A Menu Stan. A man who will bent a printer Ismtiwi enough to tlckla his now with n frvithcr to savo tho oxpenio of buying snufT, Dansvlllu llrecH. A fplrllcil He ply. "Say (htc), Mlw IHnnche, shall I sing 'Coming Thro' tho llyot'" "No, tlinnk you, Mr. Ihlcr; nt least, not un til you get over the effect of It," Judgo. A rnul Tip. College Btuilont You raw tho Awnnlni, I hear, when you wcro abroad, Miss Modern! Miss Modem Oh, yesl It was n twit, too. CoUcgo Student Didn't they play better than tho Detroltst-Tid Bits. Tho flndilest Thing. Wo rend tnA things from the poet's pen j Our hearts are moved by tho artist's brushf But the fcaddcBt thing to many men. Is drawing ono card to a bob-tailed flush. Tom Mauon In Life A flrent Combination. But takn a man who ain't used to traveling and ain't used to being drunk, and have him traveling and drunk at tho snmo time and Its a great combination. Holtroad conductor in Philadelphia l'nw. Wiling to bfl Ills Mother. Mrs. Mulligan And so you havo no mother now! Motherless bov No, mum. Mrs. Mul ligan Well, me boy, whenovor you feet tho want of a good licking, come to me, and I'll bo a mother to you. Boston Journal. A Great DlfTeronrc Clerk (to employer) My wlfo Is dead, sir, and I would llko rt couplo of days off. Em ployerTwo days! Why, when my wlfo died, a year ago, I only took half a day off. Clerk Yes, but thero is a dlffercnco In in wives. Harper's Bazar. lie Knew Her. Mrs. Often Do Voreed Is this bridal veil material good? Will it wcarl Mow Schaum burg, Jr. Youpetitvas first class. It vtll never Year out, no madder how many dimes you uses it Don't you vant some of our In destructible orange blossoms t Texas Bitt ing. A Miscalculation. Bhe James, do you know you put thro buttons on the plato In church to-day t Ho Yes, I know what I was about She James, perhaps you don't know that I bought thoso buttons yesterday for my now dress and paid fifty cents apieoo for them. Wilmington Star. Ills Head tVas Level. A O-ycar-old boy signed a pledge In this city n few days ago. 'When told by his mother that "it didn't amount to anything,1' ho replied! "It may not, but if dad had signed ono when ho was 0 years old it might havo amounted to something." Nowburyport Herald. Ho Could Watt. "What's tho matter with tho train, con ductor?" asked a passenger; "do you expect to stop at every crossroad I" "If you don't like the way this train is run," growled the conductor, "you con got off and walk." "Ob, I'm In no hurry," said tho passenger. Harper's Bazar. Hut Ho Couldn't tri It. Customer How much aro your fit teen and a half collars! Furnishing Goods Dealer Thirty conts. Customer Well, I have but twenty-five cents. Furnishing Goods Dealer I con giro yon a size smaller for that Judge. He's In Every FTlntlne; Office. Stranger I camo up for a few strips of that article on publla parks I sent in yester day. Editor Go tho devil I Stranger Sir 1 Editor You'll find him In tho other room. He'll tako the proofs for you. Tld Bits. The Chestnut Hell. The Mend who tells you a story old. Or grinning asks if it Isn't cold, Or plays you a trick and then cries sold, While he laughs with a manlacyeU, v Is an angel compared with the other ass, Whose brain Is a sad chaotic mass, T And who never can let a moment pass Without ringing a chestnut bell. Columbus Despatch. Ufe In the Metropolis. Police Justice Well, officer, why is this young man here! Policeman For stealing, your honor. Police Justice Young man, dont you think you are beginning early Prisoner Oh, nol pa tol' mo to begin early and I might bn a boodlo alderman some day. Judgo. The Skating Crase. The craie will last for years, they said, And so they all supposed. Alas I alas) their hopes are fled The Bkatlng rinks are closed. No more the maiden fair and bright Doth round tho elllpso spin, Bhe sits upon tho Etoop at night, Andplays tho mandolin. Boston Courier. llrlnglng a Jury to Time. "Bailiff," said an Arkansas judgo ono day last week to tho officer in charge of tho Jury, "will you please inform tho jury that thero will be a horso race In Merrick's pasture at 8 o'clockr The jury had been out for forty eight hours, but In loss than thirty minutes they camo into court with a verdict Chicago Tribune. High and Low. "How high tho bonnets aro this fall I" 6ald Jack to pretty Nell; "They're high in shape, but that's not oil They're high in price as well." "Yes, Jack," the maid repliod, "that's so," And then glanced up at him "But BtiU you always 6toop, you know, To get beneath the brim." Columbus Dispatch. Whero She Drew tlto Line. Willing to reduco oxpenscs Mr. Overdraw (reading shopping list) Bonnot, shoes, shoe buttons, gloves, silk for dress, trimmings, carriagohat, etc., ete. Don't you think you can cut it a little, my dear) Mrs. Overdraw Certainly, lovo; I know how hard it Is for you to get money now. I con got along without tho shoo buttons just as well as not Tid Bits. The Straw Hat Lament, nowdeartomyheadwasthusu-awhat of sum mer. The plain-woven basket that now I am fain To swap for the sablo and felted newcomer, Wbish, hot as an oren, Is boLIng my brolnl Like a poor crofter's thatch on a hut of Kilkenny, The breezes of nioruingcrept through It alway; Twos lighter and brighter and coclur than any, And cheaper it cost but a quarter in May t The headgear of suinnwr, tha straw hat of suav raer, I love it It cost but a quarter in May! Washington Post STRANGE HAPPENINGS. Pntsoy Collins, while shoveling grain hi tho top of a big Niagara Falls flouring mill, fell Into tho hopper, slid for eighty feet through a spout eight by ten inches hi blz, pnd fchot out unhurt, with six tons of grain. Into a car standing on tho truck below. A fow months ago, whilo Mrs. Mary L. Atkins, a young matron of Salmon Falls, N. II., was horseback riding, tho straps of the. saddlo guvo way, and sho was thrown, Injur ing her plno. She now sues tho nun ho sold her tho saddle, alleging that It was de fective, and claiming $5,000 damages. Thomai ltutkin, living near Jacksonville, was paid $103 while plowing in a Hold. He placed tho money in his iocketbook and went on plowing. At dinner time ho found that his pockctbook was missing. Ho then plowed over again the ground which ho had plowed during tho forenoon. He finally tumodout the pockctbook und money. As Monroo Ooodyoar, of Scranta, la., was feeding his horses ono switched his tail, and to keep it from striking his f aco Monroo seized it J int at that moment lightning struck tho barn, killed this horse and another, knocked down to others, threw Mr. Goodyear somo dlUanco, and sot tiro to tho barn, f. oodycnr regained consciousness In tinio to extinguish the flfvt. is ounce of nhun will purify a whole hogs bead of foul wuter. Cotton batting is imicrvlous to all llfo germs, and if drawn tightly across a full Jar of preserved fruit wiii prevent mold and fermentation as jierfectly as If the Jar was hermetically settled. To extinguish kcroseno Haines, if no cloth U at hand, throw Hour on the llames. Flour rapidly nboorbs tho fluid and deadens the flnrnu. Chlorldo of llmo Is an iufulllblo preventive for rats, as thoy lleo from its odor as from a iiestlleuco. It should 1 thrown down their holes and spread about wherever they or likely to come, and should bo renewed once a iertnight. ? Bhe l'layed on the I'lano rarte It. A teachor requested a pupil to parso the following sentence. "She played on the plnno." Tho pupil began thuslyi "Shocp is n com mon noun; third person; plural num ber" "Mold onl" cried tho teachor. "Who said anything about shoapf 'Sho played on the piano' was tho sentence." "Oh, I thought it was, 'Sheep laid on Die itano,' and I wondered what tho mutton leads wanted to lay sheep thero for. Danville Breeze. A Spanish newspaper has beeh started in Knnsng City, THE LITTLE PEOPLE. "Did you ever go to tho circus, Tommyf" asked ono small boy of another. "No," said Tommy; "my father won't let mo. But they took mo out to hear Bam Jones preach." Cambrldgo Chronicle. Littlo Tommy, nn interesting hoy, but timid when left alone In a dark room, was overheard recently by his mother to say In his loncllnesst "0 Lord, don't let any ono hurt me, and I'll go to church next Kunday and glvo you somo money." Cntsklll Moun tain Nows. Johnny Fizzlctop's mother put him In tho corner Iwcarao ho would not say "Please." After he had ln-cu there a whilo sho wanted to imako him useful In running an errand. "You may come out now, Johnny," sho said In a fluto-llko voice. "Not till you say pleaso, mother," w as the reply of tho littlo boy. Texas Sittings. A Bt Albans 3-year-old, who Is ono of three children and n lively and mischievous specimen of tho nonpareil edition of human ity, was making considerablo noha about tho house tho other day, when UU mother said to him: "Dear mo, Oeorgle, it does seem as though you would drive mo crazy." Tho lit tlo chap stop;ied till nolso, camo over to whero Ids mother sat, folded hU hands in her lap, and with all tho sincerity iinaglnahlo risked; "Say, mamma, what'd you want to ha o so many young ones for, anyway!'' St. Album Messenger. AN EXTRAORDINARY OtfrErtVj To All Wanting Emplo 5r.1t nt. Wo want Live, Hncrgctlc an J C-ll Agents n fvrv rmi nil' In tin: United lili'l Lain it. tn sell a tut cut article of merit, on ir MR kith. An article having nl.ugc wl, pay iii.' nver r tent Profit, having im t .mine- titton, nrut on whkh the agent jirtitictcil in tlie exclusive sale by a deed; given t Jr cath cnJ every county he may iccurc from us. Wi;h nil thete advantages to our ngenUnnd the fan that it is an artic e that can be sold to every home owner, it miijht not be necessary to inAe an j "l'.X rRAOKDIMARY OFFER' to SCCUM ROCnX UHeiit it out-e, but we have concluded to in?kc it to nhovv, net only our confidence In the merits nlj our invention, but In its stability by ntiynscn'I that will nanuie it wun energy, uur wvnm now nt work are making from $153 tf Sfoo 1 month clear and this fact makes it safe for us nt nuke our offer to all who are out of crnij -; ment. Any agent that will give our business t thirtv davs trial and fail to clear at least $m v in this time, above all can return all goods unsold to us and we will refund i!ij money paid tor mem. jny a'" agent who would like ten or more counties and work them through sub-agents for ninety day and fad to clear at least $750 adoxe all kx pemsks. can return all unsold and get their moneyback. No other employer of agentstver dared to make such offers, nor wouli we if we lid not know thai we have agents now matting lore than double the amount we guaranteed; id but two sales a day would give a profit of ver $ia a month, and that one of our agents 1. .n nr.lM in nnm (lav. Our tar -e de scriptive circulars explain our offer fully, and these we wish to send to everyone out of em ployment who will send us three one cent stamps for postage. Send at once and secure the agency in time for the boom, and go to work 01 the terms named in our extraordinary offer. We would like to have the address of all th agents, sewing machine solicitors and carptn ur in the country, and ask any reader of tin inp;r who reads this offer, to send us at one the name and aJdns of all such tliey know Addrrss at once, or you wi!l lose the b it cua'ir. cvf-r offered tothose outof employment 1 1 M.lta money Henmbr M NtirArTURtcJ Co., 119 SuutUiicll bt., I'.LUJur, i'. D. LANCELL'S ASTHMA AND CATARRH REMEDY. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Having struRglea ao years between llfo and death with AbTllMA or I'UTUISIU, treated by was compelled during the last i years ot ray ill- ness to sit on my chair day and wgnt (rasping for Dream My BunennKaivere ueyunu aescnpiion. In despair I cxpeilmcnted on myscir by com. Doundlae roots and herbs and lnhalintr the medi cine thus obtained. 1 fortunately discovered this WONDEKFUli CUItE FOlt ASTHMA AND CA TAHH1I, warranted to relievo tho most Btubborn casoot ASTHMA IN FIVE MfNUTES, so that the Fatlent can He down to rest and sleep comfortably, lease read the following condensed extracts horn unsolicited testimonials, all ot recent date: Oliver V. it. Holmes, han Joso, cal., writes: "I nnu tno remeay an ana even more man repre sented. I receive instantaneous relief." E. M. Carson, A. .M., Warren, Kansas, writes: "Was treated by eminent physicians ot this country and Germany; tried tho cllmato ot different states nothing anorded reliet llko your preparation.'" T. E. fiates. County Treasurer, Philadelphia, Jllss., writes: "Have used the ltemedy. would not llvo without It. Every ono that uses It re. commenai it." L. II. racing, r. M.. (lilies. Oh o. writes: "Suf fered with asthma 40 years. Your medicine ln.1 minutes does more for mo than the most eminent physician aid ror ine in tureo jears." II. C. l'lumnton. Jollct. 11L. writes: "send Ca. tarrii Kcmedy at once, cannot get along without It. I nnd it to bo the most valuable, medlcino 1 havo over tried." (ico. w. liroay, Nelson Co., Ky., writes: "I am U31UU IUU tllUIlCUO UIIIIUS IUJ H would not bo without It." Martin Fox, Littlo Falls, N. V. writes: "Find lieraedv excellent. Could not llvo without it." We liavo many other hearty testimonial of cure or relict, and In order that all sufferers from Asth ma, latarru, nay rcer, anu inuaiea aiseases may havo nn opportunity or testlnir tho value of the jieuieuy we win senu 10 any auuress tkiai. l'AUlv j i31.u.iiaii & i;u., l'roprieiorg, Wholcsalo Druggists, Wooster, Way no Co., o. Full bUe box by mail may7-ly. WILKES-BARR3 MANUFAOTDliEltS OF A IX KINDS OF BRUSHES, No. 3 North Canal St , Near U V. It. It. Depot. John H. Derby, l'KOI'lUETOH. rHTWIll call ou dealers onco in six weeks. Bavo your orders. octl. ly For "worn-out," " rundown," lUhilihitcU school teachers, iiillliners, si in list reuses, houso hceiH rs, and nvcr-workol women itcnerally. Dr. I'lereo's KavoriUi l'nwilptlon Is tho best of all rvntomtlro tonics. ltlsiiota"Cui-o-all," but admirably f ullllls a singleness of purposo, lioinir a mot jotent Sxlilo for nil thoso Chronio Weaknedses and Diseases peculiar to women. It is a powerful, Kcneral as well as uterine, tonio una nervine, and imparts vigor nnd strength tot huwhola system. It promptly cures weakness of stomach, inciigpstiim, hlout Ing, weak buck, nervous pro-it nil inn, debility anil sleeplessness, In cither (kv, Favorito l'ro. serlption Is sold by ilruggMs under our jmt. ttcc tiidrtuitee. 8eo wnipior nrotinl bnttlo. 1'rlco VI.OU, or nix boltle for 85.IH). A largo trentisti on Diseases of Wouieii, pro fusely lllustrateil with colonxl plates ami nu merous wooil-euts, sent for 10 cents in stamps. Address,'s Disi-knsauv JIliiicai, Association, (Ml Main Street, lluiralo, N. Y. HICK IIIIADACIIi:, Unions Heailachc, und Cunstlpntlon, prnmptly cured by Dr. 1'Iliiii's rellets. SJc. a ial, by druggUts, CHAMPION vosrrrvBXY Jiuu.Uiplo.lve ratent Fufetr EXTINGUISIIi: Will not IlltliaU Cleanly, the CBIURET. ot OIL. Civet a Lighi THE CHAMf ION In tho llit, C'httapeRt anil Hufevt LAinp for Churchei, cijual In iu uu uanaies, or 2J Gh Uurscn. IhlfUlhemokt I'oweriul ana I'erfect LKiHT ftvr mnde ll.uu. or Fumlly Uio. l'JIOJl OIL. lucd on vour eld Ci or Oil Ctindo llertorbrackcu.ind vlll increat your Uclit.ffl xiuti::.roti). JJHi AOENT3 WANTCO SM mODBI IE 11 . J . fk 30 S. 2d St,, ESHPfi- Sole Owner Wt8ina, SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE GOD LIVER OIL Almost 09 PnlatobloaaMllk. Tho ctily prrparatlon of COD t.tvnit OIL thai can bo taken readily and tolerated for a long tlmo bj delicate Rtomarli. am jii a HRMKnT rnn rn;rMPTinv, Si iton 1 1 ,oi AH-n uow. amku, iu... ritrnnt.iiii,ir. iimiiis ami in uu vt af. H.t llONS ami all BAsfiTill flisillllll.ltS l? C llll.llltl.N It U Bnrrril(ia-i In Ita rwnlH. llTvcribcd and cmlorscd by tbo best I 'hyolciana tn tho countries cf tho world. Fort SALE DV ALL DRUGGISTS. er-re GO U ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. Provcnti Roup, Prcve.Ua Gapes, Pro venti Chalcra, Prevents Egg-Eat-lng, Prcvento Loyl.irj Soft Eggs, Makes liens Lay, IT mm ITISHOliEDICIKE, It Holh for Fivo Ocnts Per Pountl, iu Boxes. (iouHry food ami pre ventive cf for poultry) Br1 PC food, produces egg! prodigiouOy nnd Is good for the health of the towling. It Is the Tint article cf Us kind ever Patented In the United State, Canada and England, 'lry it. It costs only five cents per pound. It U no powder. Chick em will eat It, ought to convince you that it Is good. If your Grocer, Druggist. Hard ware or Country Storekeeper wUf not get ft (or you. send me one dollar, and 1 will ship you a twenty-pound box by freight, or one hundred pounds for five dollars. A large box will cost you no more freight than a small box. Attend to ) our Jioultry, if you want to make n profit out of them, mt the same ns you attend to your land. Unlcw you manure your land It will not pay you. Tut so shh poultry; you must ctve them something besides Iced. 'Ifiey must have material ta answer for grinders, and material for the egrr. If you feed (egg fJod) every day you will never hae any sick chick ens, andyour hens will lay eggs when other, ise thcywould not. You will never do without It nfter a lair trial. Do not pay twenty-five cr fifty cents a pound for medicine to feed your poultry when you can get n better article frcn your storekeeper at live cents n pound. Don't .eaclam; try it. Manufactured In the United UUtes only by S. S. MYERS, Patentee, ig N. Front St., PHILAD'A, PA. lMr Cf,lo ,1V Vn.nnfmil T,r.,f,i,n Bloomsburg, l'a. Eep-a.M-Cms. J. R. SMITH & CO. LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., Dealers in PIA Ilytho following well known makers: Cliickcring-, Knabc, Weber, Mallet & Son's. Also otlici cheaper makes. Catalogue andFrice Lists On application. Bepu-sotr. TO FARMERS ! Any one In want of tho BUCjCEYE IVKcfWEFiY, Glass Feed Fertilizer, Grain Drill, Cider Mill or any thing Manufactured by the Company, can get them of AARON SMITH, I5UOKHORN, PA. apr. Id-Cms. S WITHIN C. SIIOKTUDOE'S ACADEMY, FOlt yOUNO MEN ANI HOTS. MEDIA. 1'A. 18 miles from I'lilladelpula. l'lxcd price covers every expense, even books, c No extra charges. and all graduates. Special opportunities for ap students to advanco rapidly, i-peclal drill for dull and backward boys. Patrons or students may so lect any studies or c hooso tha reirulnr Kncrllsh. Scl. entlllc, Ilusluess, Classical or civil Engineering courso. students tltted nt iledla Academy aro now in Harvard, Vale, Princeton and ten other colleges and l'olj technic schools. 10 itudents sent to couego in ibm, J5 in IBM, iu in 1, iu in 18.S6. A craduattni? class I'verv vearln the mm. merclal department. A Physical and Chemical Laboratory, oymnaslum and Hall uround. 1500 vo.s. added to library In 188.1. Physical apparatus doubled In I8s3. Jledla hasbeven churches nnd n temneranco chaiter which nrohlblts the salo of all Intoxicating drinks. For new Illustrated circular auuress uih i rincipai ana proprietor, hwituin u. SU011TUUQE, A. SI., (Harvaid Graduate,) Media, ix-uuu. lAUg.u,&ri,iy-, PUOPUIETOn OF Exchange hk Shop Saih Room At the old stand, under the Exchange Hotel, BLOOMSBURG PA for wonting people, nena 10 cents post age, and wo will mall you free, a royal, valuable sample box of goods that will pay you In Ihe wav of making mora money In a few da) a than you cter thought possi ble, nt any business. Capital not required. You can live at homo and work Insparo time only, or all tho time All ot both sexes, of all ages, grand, ly successful, W cents to J5 easily earned every evening, That all who want work may test the business, wo make this unparalleled oner: To all who are not well satisfied we will send f 1 to pay u, iuu uuuuiu u, milium us. run particulars, UMlltluus, Kill uue. IIUUII'USU uu- uusuilllO' ly sure for all who stait at once. Don't delay Address Stinson & Co., 1'oitlund, Mtlne. deel DOIjI.AItH pays for ni'uauuoi.AHailn'ia llUSlNJiSS COLLEGE 1109 CttilQil 51, rtibJtlplii. Positions for Oraduatos. Time required 'J to 4 mos. Tho Host Eijuippod. llest Course of Study. l)ot Ev erytblng, Writ, for Circular J 9 ems. pic. 4500 sold In Ten Days 1 1 A flllHAT HIT. Mi 0 more AUEN'18 WANTED to fcUimlv the Immense demand for tho only wio iuttirnt(c Vork-U I.A USTONE 1 Alt N ELI. 4?iB PtREAT TRISH STUUGGLB, A thrilling hlaluryof th "ni't'lTly sti ugglu thiuugh- oui .uicririi nun nitru, mat. is i-ocvii(j tno IlrltUh Einnlro lo tit mitre. DiilyiJ.a'i. Hiulovml btHtmiell. lllustratol. hELUS FAST, Address HLiiUAiiuiiKUM., Philadelphia, pa. oci.itu. NEWFRUITS. TlilUMl'H GOOSEIIEEBV lt5 from H )oung plants wciu rulseil this Nummer. each. HUM per down plants. lil'I I'd I'l'll a Wlnterapple,verylirgo,red, otilno 1 'L,"J appearand, good keeper and bearer! roots, each, I5.UJ per doen trees. A largo Ksmrtmeut ot nur. sery slock always on hand, Orders tor all ship ments booked now. Address ustfdl ueohuh ACIIEI.ik, West Chester, I'o. vium, Iwr oil iprbl 10U, tnt tuo u 1uri,r'fiiiitbaC'UUii.K Ht .1 .'-urafrj. 1 viulill.!.! l,lt.d. 10 SUBSCMBH von TIIK COLUMBIAN, elys catarrh Cream Balml Utrft licUef nt nml Cured Cold in Head, HAY FEVER. .Vol a I.tquttl, diimr or ftoiMcr. five iwn Qffetutre vilorf. rl ""fctaV t. f A Particle U ntinlleil lnln rnrh nnfititl nnrl i'l agreeable. Prleo CO cents nt druggists: be mall, registered, ro cents, circulars fret:. fcl.V 111IOS. Di ugglsts, on ego, N. Y. scplMt-d. (T 1 1 t I'EH JIONTH.-Halnry nnd Commls. KacKII slonto competent manager for thl vlluUIJ city or r-lnlo ngency. A splendid combination. Our AUTOMATIC OAS noVEIIN Oils savo S3 per cent. In gas bills, our Mlver tlas Lights enn bo ntincliedtii any fixture, instantly changing tho dull, sickly, yellow ilamo ot any gas iu n huiu ineiiuw. luminous wime, inei easing iini. llancy 60 per cent, over H.fHiu In service. Address TIIK UNION NATIONAL OAS SAVING CO.. SI East l Ith St., New York. IseplO-3m'. lATENTS. Hut small percentage ot fees In ad- viuu'i', uamnue wih'U jmient n ou. talncd. fend for circular giving full Information, nnd containing list of SI. J, CLAOETT, Washington, D. 0. Pacific llulldlng. (sepi'.cm. urn WANTS ft I to sell ror tho IIOOKEIl NUIiSHltlES. Ustabllslied (loodpay nil tho year around cm salary or commission, bend for terms. 11. 1 1IUUKLK CO., KOCllCStCr, N. V. tepir-ltd. , mi in, i.ia UASjinoAD 'xir'xs avians. ELAWAKE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTEHN ItAILltOAD. BLOOMSBUUG DIVISION. NOHTH. STATIONS. SOUTH, a.m. a.m. p.m. 0 10 a 15 2 05 0 15 20 a 10 0 SO 9 26 2 15 (i 27 B SI 2 22 6 34 9 41 2 30 40 9 47 2 86 p.m. p.m. a.m B 00 12 3i 8 CI 13 SO 8 43 12 22 8 40 12 15 8 3.) 12 08 8 27 12 03 8 22 II 58 8 IT 11 5-1 8 12 11 50 8 08 11 47 8 03 11 41 8 01 11 42 7 59 11 38 7 51 11 31 7 50 11 SO 7 43 11 23 7 80 11 12 7 18 11 f0 7 11 10 51 7 05 10 47 0 58 10 41 6 51 10 33 6 50 10 31 6 42 1C 27 0 SK 10 21 0 30 10 Id 6 25 10 11 6 03 0 60 a ....crnnton.... llcllev lie.,,. ...Taylorvlllo... .. Lackawanna.. Plttstou ..West Plttston. 8 211 8 22 8 16 8 10 8 03 1 58 7 54 7 50 7 41, 7 47 7 42 vj oming.. I 6 45 ft F.1 2 di ..Jlaltby , 8 49 9 5(1 2 44 i.ennctu. 0 rl iu 0'12 47 ....Kingston a 58 10 MS 2 50 ft 68 10 05 2 60 7 12 10 102 65 7 07 10 153 00 7 12 10 SO 3 05 7 15 10 25 3 10 7 23 1032 3 27 7 37 10 413 SU 7 50 It 11 3 62 7 67 11 OT, 3 58 8 01 11 13 4 05 8 10 11 20 4 12 8 11 11 25 4 16 8 18 11 29 4 2.) 8 25 11 36 4 27 ....Kingston .... Plymouth June. ....Plymouth.... .... Avondalc. . 7 38 1 31 7 3D Nnntlcoko... i 1M 7 12 7 00, 0 SI 0 47 ft 41 6 38' 6 34 0 87 0 21 0 16 6 11 6 tn 5 49 5 45l 5 32 a.m. I Hunlock's Creek ..Miicksninny.. ..Hick's Perry.. ..Uenelillaven., lierwlck.... .Ilrlar Creek., ..M'lllow drove., ...Llmoltldge.i, ...... . O 11 .1114 VI ...DIoomsburg ... 8 30 11 44 4 34 .... llupcrt 1 8 30 II 60 4 40 Catawl'a llrldgo 8 41 11 554 46 . ..DanYlllo.. . 8 53 12 13 5 01 ...,Chulasky,... 9 05 12 20s 12 .... Cameron.... B 08 12 250 17 Northumberland 9 25 12 40 5 35 la.m. a.m. p.m V. F. HALSTEAD, Supt. Lspy.. 00 U 4'J 5 55 5 40 p.m. 0 45 am. Superintendent's onice. Scranton, Feb.lst,l82 Pennsylvania Railroad. . M Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. H , TIME TABLE., , In effect Juno 13th, I8S11. Trains leavo Sur bury. . EASTWAHD, 9.40 a. m., Fea Mioro Express (dally except aunaayj, lor iiarnsourg anaintermeuiatesiations, arrlvlnc at I'hlladelDhla 3.15 n. in. : New York. 6.20 p. m. ; Baltimore, 4.40 p. m. ; Washington, 5.50 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia for all Sea Shore points. Through passenger coach to rnuaaeiDhia. 1.C0 n. m. Dar exnress dally cxcoptsundayl.forllarrlsburgand lnterme- uiaie SIUUU113, arriving at. i'niiaueipnia 6.50 p.m. New York, 9.35 p. m. i lialllmore 0.45 d. ra. : Washington. 8.00 n. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches through to Philadelphia and Baltimore. 7,45 p. m. ltenovo Accommodation (dally ior iiarnsourg ana un intermediate stations, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4 45 a. m. : New Y'ork 7.30 n. m. Baltimore. 5.25 a. m. : Washington c.30 a. m. : Sleeping car accommodations can be secured at Harrl8burg for Philadelphia and New York. On Sun days a through sleeping car will bo run; on this train from Wtlllamsp'ttoPhUadelphla.Phlladelphla passengers can remain in sleeper uuuigiuruca unii 7 a. m. T.tO a. ra. Erlo Mall (dally except Jlonday, for Harrtsburg and Intermediate- stations, arriving at Philadelphia 8.25 a. m. New York. 11.30 a. tn. ; Baltimore 8.16 a. m. ; Washington, 9.25 a.m. Through Pullman sleeping cars aro run on this train to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing, ton, and through passenger coaches to Philadel phia and Baltimore. WESTWAHD. 5.10 a. m. Erie Jlall (dally except Kunday), to. Erlo and all Intermediate stations nnd canandal, f:ua and lntermcdlato stations, Hochcstcr, Bulf a oand Niagara Falls, with through Pullman Pal aco cars and passenger coaches to Erlo and lioch ester. 9.53 Nows Express (dally except Sunday) for Lock llaten and lntermcdlato stations. 1.00 p. rn. Niagara Express (dally except Sun day) for Kano and Intermediate st nt Ions and can andalgua and principal Intermediate stations, Rochester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls with through passenger coaches to Uano and Rochester and Parlor car to Watklns. 5.30 p. in. Fast Lino (drily except Sundayjfor lie not oand lntermcdlato stations, and Elmlra, Wat klns and Intermediate stations, with through pas senger coaches to ltenovo and Watklns. 9.20 a. in. Sunday mall for ltenovo and lntermc. dlate Btatlon- TnltOUGH THAINS FOB SUNBUltY FItOJl THE EAST AND SOUTH. Sunday mall leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. m Harrlsburg 7.40 airlvlng nt sunbury 9 20 a. ra. with through sleeplngcar from Philadelphia to Wll llamsport. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.S0 a. ra. Harrlsburg, 3.10 a. m. dally except Sunday arriving at Sunbury 9.53. a. m. Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. ; Baltimore 7.30 a. m. (dally except Sunday arriving at bunbury, 1.00 p. in., with through Parlor car from Philadelphia and through passenger coaches from Philadel phia and Baltimore. Fast Lino leaves New Y'ork 9.00 a.m.; Phlladel phla,11.60 a. m. ; Washington, 9.50 a. m.; Balti more, 10.45 a. in., (dally except Sunday) arriving nt sunuury, o.aup. in,, wuu lurougii passenger coacucs irora rmiaueipiua aua uaiuinoru. Erie Mall leates New York 8.UI p. m. ; Phlladel nhla. 11.20 n. m. : Washington. 10.00 n. m. : Haiti more, 11.20 p. in., (dally except.saturdav) arriving at sunbury 6.10 n. in., with through Pullinau Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington nnd Baiumoroanaiurougu passenger coacucs iron? j'uuaueipuia. HUNIIIIItV, IIA.MSTON A- WII.KICSI! U1 K.tll.Hll tll AMI Mlll l ll AMI WJ..1T Illf IMIII It 41 1. WAY. (Dally excent suuuay.l Wllkesbarro Mall leaves sunbury 10.00 a. m. arriving at Bloora Ferry 10.62 a, m., Wllkes-barre i.iop. in. Express East leaves Sunbury 5.35 p. m., arriving at Bloom Ferry 6.23 p. m., Wllkes-barre 7.65 p. m Sunbury Jlail lca es Wllkcsbarro 10.40 a. rn. arriv ing nt Bloom Ferry 12.05 p. in., Hunbury 14.55 p, m Express West leaves Wllkcs-barro 2.45 p. m., ar. riving at Bloom Ferry 4.15 p. mbunbury s.ltp.rn SUNDAY ONLY. Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 9.25 a, rn., arriving at Bloom Ferry 10:14 a. m., Wllkes-Harre 11:10 a.m. Sunday accommodation leaves Wllkcs-Barro 5:10 p. m., arriving at mourn t erry, e.4i p, in., ounoury. I'.W lh U. Cl A. K. PUOH. J. It. WOOD. oen.Manager. n. passenger Agent Tho Jobbing Department of mm QpXmfflm OFFICE is well stocked with material for doing all kinds.of printing, in great variety. All kinds of MLAMB, kept in stock. Special prices on largo orders. Ollico 2nd door below Exchango Hotel, Main Street, BLOOMSBUHG, PA. KAUCH'S $25 PHOSPHATE - UnRVf Oontnhu tlw life nd Isthuo, it YdtvOb l"",'r Animal Uonea. CIIKA1, 1" IIK1.IAIII.K, I.AblINO BAUGij & SONS, VlllLAUtlLI'IIU, Pi. Kor Kulu by V. W. LOW, pmAMBVrVtrl S3 fcttfla- it UTiBUaiiCD f.i. Oiangovllla, Pa. PERSONAL Jt. Cliovrcttl's "boy" is liN TO-ywir-oM ton. l'rlnco llltinnrck is on hit back nith a lofao wc The MnniuU of Balkliury lias gone to l'rnnco. Jmlln McCartby is to glvo 100 lectures In tlih I'liuiitry, Dr, Iliwletter snys lio Is not tmylntf rail' rotul jmt now, Jolinllrlglit, tlio Ilrltlsh, Ii salmon (Islilllg In Keollniiil. Hov, I'oliert Collyer U lecturing in Hio towns ot Yorkshire. Alnltil Ilniulil lias occupied tho Turkish tbrouo for ten years. Jllchael iMvlltlslii Bncrniiiento, wlieretio is to linger tmtll Oct. 1. IMhwiI Arllng, tho English Hoclallst, Is n tomln of Henry Irving, Clinuiiecy M. Deirew Is tho guest of Cor nelius Vaiidetbllt nt Newport. ljinjieior Wllllnin is accompanied lit nil lib trnvels by tlirco court iiliyslclans. No 1ioh?s of Hartley CampbeU's recovery nro eiitertnliicil. Ho Is n raving maniac. A bronzo tnttio Is to Iw crectetl nt Mel liotimo to tlio memory of Daniel O'Conncll. Ocn. W, H. Harney is going to settlodotvn In Ornngo county, Fin., to jnss tho rest of his life. After nearly flfty years of nlisenco tlio Hon. Oeorgo llancroft Is visiting Worcester, bis native place. "Old l'rlnco Albert onco told mo," said Liszt, ''Hint bo looked upon inuslo ns nn ex pensive nolso." lllomllii, tlio tight ropo walker, Is living quietly In l'ni'If, with hair somowbnt sllverol by liN IU years. Iloseoo Conkllug Is snld to have ngreeil to lectui-o In tlio big cities this coming winter, but hi tliemo is not named. l'rlnco Bl-minrck Is said by n bold Berlin journal to Iw "equally fond of tho Blblo nnd tho latest biul Kivneh novel." 'J'honins Bailey Aldrlch, who has justcomo homo from, says tho civilization of Moscow emplinslzes savagery. Tlio ceiMis sIiohs that M. Chovroul is not tbo only centinarlan In France, thero being 120 others ho bavo lived 100 years. Attornoy Oeneral aarland's- vacation has tlouo hint much good, nnd his faco Is now as brown as that of a cigar-storo Indian. ltovlvnlist Sam Jones w ants to build a col lego for hlmiclf nt Cortersvllle, On., nnd has rnlsed f I0,(H) In furthornnco of the scheme An old clergyman once said to P. T. Bar num, "I hope to meet you In heaven." "You will if you nro there," nnswered Mr, Uarnum. Charles Frnncis Adams, whp went west to look Into railroad matters on tlio Paclllo coast, will not return homo until November, John M. Bookwnlter, tho Ohio patron of tho lino arts, writes to his friends that ho will extend his trip abroad to Egypt nnd India. Mr. Fnnstnlie, who Is president of tho Im Irlnl university of Japan, is nbottt to set out on a tour of tho United States and Eu rope A now billiard tablo ordered by VT. IC Vnnderbilt will cost $20,000. It will bo of solid oak finished in Inlaid work of Moorish design. Ocn. Abo Sawyer, a candidate for mayor of Key West, Flo., is only twenty inches high nnd weighs twonty-clght nnd a hnlf pounds. Robert II. Coleman, of Lebanon, Pa., paid f 17,000 for a safe deposit vault and The Head ing Herald says this is just ono week's income to Mm. Mr. Labouchcro says that tho queen's son-in-law, Prince Honry, hasn't money enough to buy a railway ticket from Ballater to London. Professor Adolph Frank has resigned his professorship of philosophy nt tho College do France, after having lectured thero for fifty four years. Whenovor n child Is born to Mark Twain tho happy father bos a stono watering trough for horses put up on tho road near his summer house nt Elmira. Joachim, tho famous violinist, requires all pupils iipplving to him for Instruction to bo over 10 years of ngo, nnd thoy must pass a so vero examination. John Mackny and n largo party of friends nro on tho way from Ban Francisco to Now York by tho way of Puget Sound nnd tho Canadian Pacific railway. Americans arriving in London from tho continent tponk of seeing tho Princo of Wales at Hamburg, whero bo was drinking heavily and seemed pretty well used up. John Russell Young, whoso own health is somewhat butter, says that Mr. Watterson still shows tho marks of his rocent illness, and is living in tho most abstemious way. Dr. Stcibling, tho premier of Saxo-Wcimnr, who has just celebrated tho fiftieth anniver sary of his cntranco Into publlo llfo, is a grandson of tho famous poet, Herder. Rossini, tho great composer, wns a high liver, and believed iu elaborate cooking. Ho studied tho art himself, and always laslsted that his proier sphero in llfo was that of a cook. Maj. PoiwIT is tho uamo of ono of Princo Alexander's bosom friends. Said ho when tho prince was making a speech at Sofia: "Wo will nlwnys stand by you. Courage, und go oul'' Miss Helen Wadlelgh, daughter of ox United States Honator Wndlelgli, of Now Hampdiliv, nnd Mr. Samuel Hoar, of Con cord, Mass., nro to ho married In Boston on Oct. 20. Ocn. Sheridan, Oen. Horatio C. King, Ben: Perley Poore, Benjamin P. Shlllaher (Mrs. Partington) und ex-Oovernor Waller, of Con necticut; Crano, tho comedian, all' began Ufa as newsboys. Ell Perkins vouches for tho sobriety of tho feminlno portion of Saratoga's population by asserting that ho saw as many as forty ladles drinking chnmpagno there every night during tho season just closed. Scnor Miguel Velasco y Velasco, tho now minister to tho United States from Salvador, has arrived iu Washington, acconipunlod by ills secretac)' of legation. Ho succeeds Senor do Peralta, who is now in Europe, Sued, tho Italian faster, has accomplished his task of subsisting thirty days without ordinary food, on mineral waters nnd nn ex tract from African root. Ho finished hU task without licliig at all exhausted, Thero must bo nn attraction in criminal sta tistics for Detoctivo Henry Woyl, of Phllo. delphln, for ho has 2,000 portraits of tho most noted criminals in the country, with scrap books of remarkable trials and CTimoj. People at Mt. Desert Island sny that Mr. Matthew Arnold recently mado his nppear nnco among them arrayed Iu a corduroy coat, wldo trousers, pearl colored kid gloves, patent leather shoes and a Scotch cap, Tho Princo of Wales dined yesterday at tho "Pnlmengarten." After ho bad left an English family bought, nt a very high pi Ico, tbo tablecloth ami tho knives and forks that his royal highness had used. Frankfurter Journal. FROM ALL SOURCES. alrartIand' 0re'' La$t f flftcc" milllon- ,lnn Ia"'! Wft3 h0M ,h0 f l. per 'aero ' the rnto of 10.0(W,000 A company has invested 11.10,000 to open a gold mine nt Abingdon, Mass., 'where ,We of tho valuable metal have been discovered. Two years ago tho entire cronlierry crop of lWscons nwast),S001rroIs. Last year tho reu" Y alm l'r0llucwl 49. bar- Maggie Green, a littlo girl of Sodus, Mich lias arranged on cardboard 2,125 sjwi mens of four-lenved clover which sho has,lcked her- Women's milk is sold on tho streets in somo Chinese- cities for tho sustenance of Infants nndold imople, It being believed ic" ""ly nourishing to aged people. ' who, having been asked to saygmcoat a formal spread at which bo took leading im t bowed UU head slightly, languidly low? cml hb eyeli,U and murmured! "O Lord tlianks awfullyl" ' A Kingston (N, Y.) nowspajwr tells of a MarilKirougl, colored man who, having earn" tUO, Invested ,Kty cents of It in threo c ozen bananas nto them all on tho t,t lid heund ourne, ton saloon to molsu'u then with a dozen glasses of beer. An Indiana tramp was seen hiding a pack, ago l hedso before ho entered Chatham on a begging tour. The package contained 70 hi nickel., f 100 in greenlincks and a certlll rate of ttarndt for $U)0. All this weal , was hamM over to tl. tramp and ho was told to move on. Agnes Aurora Eiighalii.n little girl of 7. ,,.Tf nn l- :'""' h not una her aunt, alio boclety for tho Prevention of 232 10 Chllirea t00k 019 WtL eh'1 In for Infants and Children. aaaaaHaaaaHBaBaBaaaaBaaaMaaaaaaMBBMaaaaaaaaMMaaaaMBaaaaaaHat "CastorlalssowcllndaptodtochlldrenUiat I Caitorla cures Colic, Constipation, IrccommendltassuperiortoanyprcscrlpUon I g.or Btomach . DlarrhcsB, EructoUon, 1110o,Oiiord8t,,llrooklyn, N, Y. Without Injurious medlcatloo. I Tui CiKTaua Courisr, 183 Fulton Btroet, N. Y. PEBRINE'S 1'UltK BAULKY Pi I mil DisTiurn from selected barley Malt nnd guaranteed to ho chemically puro anil free frcm:iaJurIous oils nnd i elds often contained In alcoholic liquors. It is especially adapted topersons requlilngn stimulating tonic, Constimplues belnit crcatlr benelllled by Itstife. lirrommendrd by Ipadlnc phjtlclans ns a Dluretla Nervine, Tonlo nnd Alterative. For I'onsumptltcs It Is invaluable. I'J liliNi"s rt'HF! 1IA1II.KY MALT WIIISKI'.Y Insures n return of vigor to tho stomach, a good appetite, a rich nml abundant Wood nnd Increased llesh nnd mutcularll'sue, A stimulant mild and genllo In effect. Hjspcpsln, Indigestion and nil waning dis eases can be entirely conquered by tlio nso or I'crrlno'a l'uro llarley Malt WhMcy. It Is n tonic snd diuretic ar.d a powerful strengthencr lo tlio entire system. l'Eh. HINl'.'S l'UHK 1IAHLKV JIALT AMIISKlli has procd a medicinal protection t thoso who pursue their avocations In tho open air and whoso dally work calls for exceptional powers of endurance. Ask Tour nearest druggist or grocer for It. l'i:illllNE'SPrili:ilAllI.nY MALT WIIISKFY revives thociiergtos otthosovorn .out with exeesslvobodllv or mentnteirort and nets as a safeguard ngalnst exposure In wet nnd rigorous weather. It will drive all malarious diseases from the sjstem, iifS Dyspepsia find In rerrltie's Pure JHIIU Ulhl I ft Ul f,il ) uini lull Mali whiskey a powerful Imlirnrant and helper to digestion. PLIlliINirs I'lIIU HAIIIXY MA1.T HIIISHLY without unduly stimulating nys Increases their Hugging counteracts tho effects of fntltme. has tenseonvalo'eeneo and Isn wholesomo nnd prompt diuretic. Watch the label I None genuine unless bearing tho signature 1 1 For salo Dy all druggists ami grocers turougiiout tho United stales and Canadas. 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38 NORTH WATER ST., PIIILA FOlt SALU 1IY DllUIIOISTS ANI1 ALL DUALU1W. (j ( cms. PENNY GOODS A SPECIALTY. SOLE AflSNTS FOR F. 1'. ADAMS S CO., PINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Solo agents of tho fol lowing brands ot Cigars. IlENltY CLAY, LONDItES, NORMAL, INDIAN ritlNCESS, SAMSON, S1LVEK ASH. Alexander Bros, tfe Co., VIIOLr.SALK DEALL1IS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, FRUITS AND NUTS. fcOLE AGENTS FOlt HEKEY MilLLARDS HM CANDIES. FltESH EVEHY WEEK. Bloomsburg Pa. ECONOMY THJE .PISACTlCAt. QUESTION OF THE HOUR. EVERY THING THAT IS NEW AND STYLISH FOR THE SEASOI. CAN BE BOUGHT CmiAFIM THAI ITEffiL A Large and fCL0THIH JUST RECEIVED. llaaawBaa-'TfflrT" ALSO A LAHGE JNI)"sELECT LINE OF Call and be Convinced that you have the LARGEST SELECTION OF GOODS OF THE LATEST STYLE, BEST QUALITY, AND AT The Lowest Possible Prices AT THE IPeipte llitlhi Stove - inn immswm. Rlooiusbiirg, Pa, C. E. JHOBBI1S, DEALER m Foreign and: Domestic WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Ettfeabeaiei & to. M'holcBalo anil Ilctull ilcnlcrs In WACnO MAKEISS' AND BLACKSMITHS' Headquarters for MERCHANT IRON & STEEL. Storo ami Wnn hnupcri, Nos. 120 & 128 Fianklln Avuiutf, No. 3 Lack'a A(nuc it 210, 212 & 2M Cen ter Street, SCRANTON, PA. nIALT WHISKEY. lint, n- ai''1 " '.!'' "I' "' '" 111 ' lln i' III I' In prnnn 10 Parley H Tho pnalysls ns It appears by tlio I.a- Ucion eiery uoitie: inavocnreiiiiiyan- the kid Kkv mado bv M. A.T. S. I'errlnn nml litui I1JVU IIU 11IIK iiAKI.hV .11A1.T II IS activity, Sit entirely freo fromfnscl oil, furfurol. metals and nelds and Is ab'olulel) I nraanntp of the trnlrrnlttes vjilunh 71 ucnt iti ana h eifutmvn ANYOIIDEII FOIl FESTIVALS will bo SUl'l'LIED WITH the LOWEST ml i as follows: ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, TEA NUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS. CKEAM NUTS, ALMONDS, TOP COUN BALLS. Varied Sioek of OF - "9 SUPPLIES.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers