Vie Columbian. MJl"' Toflubwribcrsoutofthn.,.. '. J-.r """ru i"ciiyin Advance All papers Bent out ut tho swto or to rt uton nbloporsopln Columbia county to in. ho subscription duo on domanU. 10 pay JO B PRINTING. ThoJob Printing .Department ottho coLm.m. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. I TT B. WATjIjEU, ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ' omco over 1st. National Hank. Woombuir. r jyr u. punk, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. mco In Ent'sltulldtng. Uloohsdueo, vi, J OIIN M. CLAUK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, AND JUdriOB OP THE PEACE. 11L00M8BCK0, I'l. O.llco over Mover Bros. Drug Storo. p W. MILLER, ATTOHNEr-AT-LAW Ofttco In Brower's bulldlug.sccond iloor,room No. 1 Bloomsburg, ra. B PHANK Z-VUR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Bloomsburg, Pa. omco corner of Centre and Main Streets. Clark i Building. Can bo consulted In acrman. G EO. E. EL WELL -ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Uloomsuukq, Pa. Olllco on First floor, front room of Col dmiiian IJuildini;, Mum street, below Ex change Hotel. pAUL E. N'MT, Attorney-at-Law. omco In Colombian Builmno, Itoom No, 3, second Moor. ISLOOMSUUHG, PA. KN0K1I. L. B. WIKTBB8TBKN. KNOKR & WINTERSTEEN, A ttornoy s-at-Law. ortleo lu 1st National Bank building, second floor, Urst door to tho left. Corner ot Main and Market stroots Uloomsburg, Fa. Sa3"Pennon and Bounties Collected. J II. MAIZE, ATTORNEY AT-LAW Sfflco In Maize's bulldjrg. over Blllmcyer'B grocery. F.1' '. lHLLMEYER, (DISTJtlOT ATTORNEY.) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. CiTOIllcc over Dentlcr's shoo store, llloomsburg, npr-30.80. JOHN C. YOCUM. E. 0EY21L YOCUM & QEYEH, Attoi'neys-at-Lawi CATAW1SSA, l'A. (omco front suit of rooms on second floor of Miws Item building.) tJTCAN HE CONSULTED IN QEIlMAI.. jU Members of sharp and Alleman's Lawyers and linker's Directory md Iho American Mercantile and collection AteocMtlou. 111 glvo prompt and ?Sraful atu'ntlon to collection of claims in any Sart ot the Unllt'd btates or Canada, as well as to Sll other prBonal business entrusted to them K. OSWALD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Jackson Building, Kooms 4 and 5. BERWICK, PA VtT- H. RIIAWN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Catawlsfla, Pa. omco, corner of Third and Main streets. -JJ V. WHITE, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, B L 0 0 M S B U R 0 , PA. Olllco in Browcrs' Building, 2nd floor, may 1-tf jJIOlIAEL P. EYERLY, Conveyancer, Collector of Claims. LECIAL ADVICE IN THE SETTLEMENT OF ESTATES, C. ... with v. v. inn meycr, nttorncy-at-law, front icoinf, "d Boor Bloombourg, ra. E. SMITH, . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Berwick, Pa. MISCELLANEOUS " B. McKELVY, M. D.,Surgeor, and Fby . siclau. north side. Main Btrcet.below Market A L. FKITZ, Attorney-al-Law. Oflice , Front room over ruai uiuu.-, D R. J. 0. BUTTER, PHYSICIAN &SC110EON, omco, North Market street, BlooiLBburg, Pa OR. WM. M. REBER, Surgeon and Physician, omco corner ot llock and Murket it. JR. EVANS, M. D.i Burgeon and .Physician, office and llealdenco on Third street. -pIRE INSURANOB. CniUSTIAN F, KNAPP, BLOOM8BO O.PA, MKHCHANTs' OF NKWAHK, N. J. CLINTON, N.V. PEOPLES' N. Y. ItEADINU, PA. Theso niD coaroBATioNs aro well seasoned by age and fihk tested and have never yet had a loss settled by any court ot law. Their assets are all invested In solid shcubitiks aro liable to the hazard of hub only. ..,h h Losses promptly and honkstly adjusted and paid as soon aa determined by chkistun r. IiNirr, SPKCUL AOENT 1ND ADJUSTKU BL00MSB0B0, 1 Tho people of Columbia county should patron ize the agency whero losses If any are settled and pall by ono of ther own citizens. ..,., I'HOMl'fNKbS. EQUITY, FAIK B BALING. B F. UARTMAN liiranssNTS toi roLLowixo AMEH10AN INSURANCE COMPANIES North American ot Philadelphia. Franklin, " " l'enusylvanla, " " York, of Punnaylvanla. Hanover, ot N. Y. ueen3, ot Indon. NortliBrltlsh, of London, ooico on Mirket street, No, 5, llloomsburg. oot. 84, 1" EXCHANGE HOTEL, W. R. TL7BBS, PROPRIETOR BLOousBuna, fa, OPPOSITBCODHT HOUSB. Larg esand convenient sample rooms. Bath ,rpoma hot and cold water and all modern conveniences ."moro money than at pVtWnir cum bytaka inir an agency lur iuu uubi, lkalunew succeed trandly. None fall 1 h-aTiiki fren. llALLETT BOOK C0,,I 0BTL4H Ma'no. declUM. A TENTS. ilut small peicentaue of fees In ad. vauco, balance ytmu y up u; icterences. U. J. CLAOBTT, WwJUnywn, 1). 0. J'aclUo Bulldlnt'. ( m J. K BITTEltBEMDEB,Pr6Pr'8tcr' BEST. MAD, SLOJHIH SI KTH 7 AINWRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, rillLADKLl'IHA, Pa. TEAS, SYIlUrS, COFFEE, HfOAll, MOLASSES, It ICE, SPICKS, MCAItnsOIlA, EIO., ETC. N. E. Corner Second and Arch sts. '"Orders will rccelvo prompt attention. II. HOUSE, DENTIST, BLOOMsnuna, Columbia County, Pa All styles of work dono In a suporlor manner, work U3 lUJJIUHeUieU. 1ISTU HiXTBAOT id without Pain by tho use of Oas, and freoof charge when artificial teeth are Inserted. Olllco in Barton's bulldlne. Main street. below Market, live doors below Klcim's urug store, tlrst lloor. Jo be open at all hourt during the rfaj H. C. SLOAN & BRO., BLOOMSBURQ, PA. Manufacturers ot CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETONS SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS &C. First-class work always on hand, REPAIRING NEA TLYDONh. Pricet reduced to tuit the timet. BLOOMSBURG PLAKING MILL :o. Tho undershrned havlnir nut his I'lanlnir Ml on Railroad street, In nrst-ciass condition. Is pre pureu iuuu uu kiuqs oi worK in nis line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. farnlsned at reasonable prices. All lumber used Is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen are employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS urnlshed on application. Plans and speclnca oas prepared Dy an experiencca araugnisman CHARLES HRVG, DIooliiHbtirp;, Pa CLOTHING ! CLOTHING Cr. W. EERTSCH, THE MEUCIIANT TAILOR. Csnls Furnishing Eoois, Sals i Caps OK EVERY DESCRIPTION. Suits raado to order at short notice and a fit alwajs iniarantecd or no sale- Call and cxamino tho largest aud best selected stock of goods ever shown in Columbia county. Btorc next door to First National Bank, MAIN STREET, fHoonisburg, Pn. ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES OF CAST CH WKOUGIIT IHON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds The following shows tho Picket Oothlo, one of the several beautiful styles of Fence manufactured by me unaereiL'uca. For Heauty ana Durability they are unsuniiss ed. Set up by experienced hands and warranted to give satisfaction. Prices ami specimens of other de signs sent to any address. Address s. a warn, BLOOMSBDRG PA- May 4-tf FRENCH'S HOTEL. CITl HALL SQUAItC NEW YOHK Opposllo City Hall and tho Post Oflice. This hotel Is one of tho moat complete In Us ap polntD ents and furniture of ANY lloUSli In New York tuy aud Is conducted on tho EUROPEAN PLAN. Kooms only Ono Dollar per day. Half mtnute'a walk from llrooklyn lirlJfe and Elevated It. All lines of cars pass the door. Most conrcnlen hotel in New York for Merchants to stop at. Din. iii: llooins, Co fea and I unch Counter replcto with ulf the luxuries at moderate prices. g g in presents given away, sond u cents postage, and by moll you w VUlUt', liiuv " ".-" an th W n Alialu't thoKf oa uiiresi'iils with each box. Agmts wunted ev. cry '."here, of either sex, ot all ages, for all the time, or spare time only, to work for us at their ownhomea. Fortunes Yor all workers absolutely ?.85red. Don't delay, II. UitxTT ca.l'orv and, Malno. decis W, II 7 m J lie BLOOMSBTJRG, PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15 EXHAUSTEDVITALITY. ILLUSTRATIVE Samplo FREE. KNOW THYSELF. A Great Medical Work on Manhood. Nctvous and Physical Debility, Trcmiituro Dccllno In Man, Exhausted Vitality, Ac., &C, and tho nntoUl ml erics rmiltlng from Indiscretion or excesses j iOO rases, subslanllally bound In gilt, mnslln. Con tains moro than 1SS Invaluablo prescriptions, cm briclng every vegctablo remedy In tho pharma coprela for all acoto and ehronle diseases. It Is emphatically a book for every man. Prlco only tl by tnall, post paid, concealed In plain v rapper. iM.usTit.mvi: sAstPLn fuck to ai.t, Young and mttldlo-agcd men for the next ninety days. Send now, or cut this out, as yo'i miy never eo It again. Address Dr. V. U. PA11KU1!, I llul. finch street, Boston, Mass. feb.,5-tl. ly Sofficifilag hua i)&M ilAsnra and At i T'rorit lTipptlne o( I nncatcr county farmeri, tao full'iMlnc hUtenini.t tui Hindu, lr III oiiKir liii 'ntama.Kil.v Sir John lt'jtinrt Tjiwps find Ir,.l. II dilheit, in IlnBlainI. a plot (tiouml wlit-re ciminrrinl Fertilisers Iiavo iircn uned for forty jucrrhHBe v't". tlm wtiont crop 1 am kxh now M when tho pxpfirimrnts liPBfin, un.l brtt.r (Ann n UmiUr pint that reiwivtHifltabloiuaourtj aloue fort bo BnniH j'rlul." Ttioiuuct rellnWo CiHiimrrelnl FcrtlMzcrH are It.WV KONU lANtJHKs! BflUGH'S SK5. PHOSPHATE Ii a ltnw ltimo Dlnmirrt consequently An eicI ntrrojt prmliucr anj hniirut-r of tho null. the ontami, Banarhflarcr. of 1UVT HOSE SUPEB-PHOSPHATE BAUGH&SONS MANcrAcrcnctta IMronTEits", PHILADELPHIA, PA. Ooroblnod capncltr of our Works, ift.inn) nn per year, and still BAUGHS $25 PHOSPHATE IS A COMPLETE ANIMAL GONE MANURE. Feb S6J irORSAMPLC CQPYolTHII m:i-1 ikuis lMiiiK. It glvi'sllit LAHCUACt nnil Scnllment ol Cvcri flower MJ Shrub, :MKM( lllltf I fill Minis. A 11 Ml U thu Known Rulciol fllrti. tion wltli Clove, Partial, Hirflkefthtdinarfli. It lthcmoit completmork or the ktuit cxtr pub 1I1kh1.Qm;i.i1 I'lfli-Oll CcntuHn Btatnii for a painplecopy.imo our price mum ins. Agents wnntfil tvervwhert. Ad. Tinth llnit.Phliid'l.Pl. AMLhICAN PUB. CO., 17 North SINGER 17 THIS NTiLti Ulf 1 Cf -DAYS' TICIAL. B A Full Net of JIV Atlnelimenii. 5WAllllANTEI SToa-rB. ScuU for Circular. K. . HOWE A CO., li23N.0tUKt-,l,UHa.-.l'o. Apr. 8 47W. flPST PREMIUM. foZS. PHILADJIST6. Sjgfj) (Iranil Prise Meilnl, I'ui l.. 147H. AskyourOrocerforlt. Win. Ilrrj.t,iel.Mfr VU NorlU Pront Street, PHILADELPHIA. PA. Juno 4 88 ly. Adams' Patent Metallic PICKET FEMCS. ft-a-, "NCC. j SI.7U por rod nncl upwards. SPECIAL QUOTATIONS, All kinds cf Iron Fences, Giles, Fire Esc rn, 4c. A FENCE til ""M Iron Work In all stylos. TRCC CUARO Coal Screens a specialty. Iron Ladders, Wheels & Cresting. Blackirr.lthlng In ill bnncfc.i. Estimates furnished. EACLE IRON WORKS, Cor. Union & Canal Gto. WILKES-BARRB. PA march 12-80-Iy. IRON ROOFING 00. Jlanufacturera of CoBiiroiTED, CKiurin Edok, CnowL'a I'atknt, I'UIH AND CAUUINCO Iron Steel Roofing & Siding. These, roonnss wo lay on solid shcatblni:, on pur lins, on Iron w ork, or over old shingles or slats, we haelnour enmlor Eood and experienced roofers whom we will send out aa instructors to those w ho may wish to lay tnelr own roonnf, pur. chaser navliiL' men's railroad faro and time. We mako these nwllnfa to any deslifd thickness and weight. EstlinitcsBlven and contracts taken for rooiings and sidings, laid and completed, satis faction guaranteed on all work done by us., cala mined lion and steel roonngs mado to order at snort notice. I'lTTSTO.N IKON IIOOFINO CO.. 1'ITTSTON, l'a. BOfflcoand factory near Lehigh Valley depot. Dock bt. Telephono connection. nugs 8m GOLD; field kit M&ree, bot tho who wrlta to HUomo A Co.,lortlsuid, Uiina,wHl reccW free, full Information a.buul work wblctt thiCsuidci.Bnd ll?tl boue.tbftt will rr iKm tmm tA in J2S nr dor. Bom hkta MrodOTert.V11i.ft(l7. KlUw Mi.yoonu or old. CkpiUl sot rquirl Yoq ra ittrled fre. Tbo wbo ittit ftt oac it atwglutel iiut ( luug UUl fortoau. All u mw. ( Nov. 0 65 ly. PATENTS, ( btalned and all patent business attended to for Our omce Is opposite the U. B. Patent Oflice, and we can obtain Patents In less time than those re mote from Washlnuton. Hendirodelor drawing. Wo adylso as to pat entability freoof charge, and we make no charge unless patent Is secured. We refer here, to tho Postmaster, tho Supt. of .Money Order I'lv., and to oltlclals of the U. B. Patent onice. For circular, advice, terms and references to actual clients In your own Mate or uouuiy, Mtnv iu C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposltn ratent Office, W&blDfftont I) 0 RAUCH'S S25 PHOSPHATE SW . llinlf Oonuliu tho LU8 .ud KiKcnc i4 mni" Anlmil Hone.. CHUAl. 'BAUQH&SONS. M. ........ ' PHILADELPHIA, l'A. Vot hulu by C, IV. LOW, UTiULisniD ini, OranBevllle, Pa. A V PAT.IROM SCR LEN J tatfffflttttffiffl I BROWN'S IRON BITTERS WILL CURE HEADACHE INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA NERVOUS PROSTRATION MALARIA CHILLS and FEVERS TIRED FEELING GENERAL DEBILITY PAIN in the BACK & SIDES IMPURE BLOOD CONSTIPATION FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA KIDNEY AND LIVER ' TROUBLES FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS The Genuine has Trade Mark and croned Red Lines on wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. FOR STgSP OR FLAT ROOFS CAN UK VVT ON ItY ANY l'lSHSOX. TIIOIMANDS Or r.Ot.LS BOLD ANNUALLY run buildings or eveiiy ui:scr.tiTioN. BEND l'OIt NKW CIHCULAIl. CONTAINING rillUE LIST AND ItEFEllENCES. ACENTS WANTED. & GO. BOLE MANUVACTUHEUS, 423 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA-"As.3m5 This dmibls eaxle, the National emblem of sllthn ItnnslaB. arpearH In this connection as the biiccUI trsde-muk of tho RUSSIAN RHEUMATISM CURE which la TvorWoff ench wonders with all Uhenmatla Buflerers n bo ha a e er.tried It, it cosipli:ti:ly cuui:d J.T. Newtoh, 613 Broadway, Camdt'ii, N. J. VH.o rays: "I wan bo noorcly afUictulnltli rheumtv. tlsm that I had to carry my arm iu a eUnw. My hands vera swollen, tuy flnrfnt BtitI ami tbo Ialn bo In ten bo that for seventeen nlifhts I wa unablo to Rlcop. Uocton did me no food. I trial everythitiKi nothliiK' ht IixmI mo. A friend BugycfltodtholtuNHinu l.tu-umatism Ouro. I tried it. Inside of one Aotk I hod full uwi of arm aud hand, and have boeu well ever f lnco.' It has enred every one'aflllctcdwitUrhetimatlsm Who haa given it a fuir trial. ONK BOX l)Oi:s TIIR nUHINriH. n.i-- co nr t If mailed 10c. addltlonat. PrlCe &2iDUi if mrir-tored Hie. muro. As yet It Is not to bo found at tho rtorr. but can only be had by eiicloninn: tho amount aa auoYo, aud adifresBiiiif the Americau rroprietors, PFAELZER BROS. & CO. 81U-8il Market Streett l'talladelphla. march 9-ly.a CURES ALL HUiGRS, from n common fllulcii, or fruininii, to tho wovtt Scrotula. Nnlt-rliiuiiu. Fovcr-.orc," Sen y or KoiikIi Skluf In short, nil discuses caused by bad blood nro conquered by this powerful, purifying:, nnd InvlKOratlno; medicine. Urcnt JntliiR UN cern nipidly henl umler Its benign jnliueme. Especlnlly 1ms It muuir$tcd Its potency iu curlntr 'lollur, Komi KiihIi, Hull, (!nr bunclcN, Sure llycft, Scrotiilonit Sores mid Su oil til uk, Iliii-Jotiit UUenso, Wliliu Sv1IIiii:, (ioitrc, or Tlitcic Neck, nnd llulariri'tl (ilntlrin. Bend ten cents in stamps lor u lurire treatise, with col ored plates, on Skin Diseases, or tho samo amount forntientKo on Scrofulous Affections. "tiii: iii.ooii is Tin: mfe. Thoroughly clcmiso It by uslnir Ur, llcrcc' CJoUleii Itlcdlcal l)fncovery, and pond dlftostloiit a fntr flktu, lino) tint i-plr-IU, vital utrcnirtli, nnd hoiiihIik ot couslltiitloii, will bo established. which is Scrofulous I of Ilia I.miKs, Is promptly mid ciiiululy uriestcd t.nd cured by this tlnd-tfivi n iciuedy, if taken before tho lust stages ot lliodlsensonro rt ached. From Its wondertul p(er over this terribly fatal disease, when 1 lift ollcrlmr this now cel ebrated remedy to tho public, Dr. 1'lF.nci thought serloutly of callinff It his "Cou. sumption Cu io," but abandoned thnt name as too limited lor u luedleluo which, from lu wonderful combination of toiile.orst rent-then-iag, alterative, or blood- Kuuliig,imtl-Ullous, poctoral, and nutilllvn properties, Is uneiualed, not only as n remedy for consumption of tho lunes, but for nil CHRONIC DISEASES or the Liverj Blood, and Lungs. If you foci dull, drowsy, deblllttted, liars allow color of skin, or ycllowlsh-brown spots on faco or tody, ficnuent headacho or dull ness, bad tnsto in mouth, Internal heat or chilli, alternating with hot Hushes, low spirits and gloomy borcbodlngs, Irregular appetite, anS coated tongue, you nro culTerlng from ludl. Ke.tlon. l).popl"i unil Torpid I.lver, or "" in many cases only part of tlieso symptoms aro oiiierleneed. At a remedy for all such cases, lir. l'loroe's Golden Itlodlcal Discovery has no equnl. l'or Weak I.ii n its, Gplttlnjr of Illood, Shortnosi of lticiilli, Itroiichltls, Novoro tJouttlis, Coii.iiiiiplloii, and kindred affections, It Is u sovorelgn remedy. bend ten cents In stamps for nr. I'iercoi book on Consumption. Sold by Druggists, PRICE $1.00, ronVoTcfo. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, M3 Jlaln St., BnrriLO, N.T. VVCOs LITTLE oaeawt t.tvptj wvaaxvuo FILLS. ANTI-lllMtlllS mill CATIIA11TIC. Sold by DriiWBlMs. Si cents a vial. $500 REWARD t-M, ib oiieit'u oy ino prupneiura iA of Dr. fcago's Catarrh Itemedy cunnot cuio. 1 1 you havn a discharge from tho nose. olTen6lvo or other wise, ptu t lal loss of smell, taste. or pressure la head, you tiavo Catarrh. Thou sands of case? tcrmlnato In consumption. Dr. tia(re's t'AT.wtliil Itr.smiiv cures tho worst rmu'snt Cntnrrlit "Colli in ilia Ilend," nnd 4'iHKrrliul l'nil.i(.lio. Wj cents. )I)I7 send Hx cents for post fieri' nnd itwh n Iroi n i-rtwt I ly box ot foods which u 1 Lull, ,r.t, In . ,., 'i 1, n.'lit uway than unjllUus elaoln this woild. All, of cuuer bex, buceecd fioin first hour. The broad road to fortune opens n to o the workers, absolutely feme. At onco ad drcus, Tuck 6 CO., Austta, ilaluo, Mbbi Tmm ntta-uuiSS ll sr iiiiti ' mm IP ) 7 1 1 ii j SELECT STORY. MILLY'S OOMFORTER. A COSIMONPI.ACr. STOltY. It was woven of fleecy, crinkly zephyr, nml was red, bat that viviil scarlet wo sonielimcs nee intlio ilnsh of a bird's wing or tho glow of n biilliant Biinset. lluskin Bays this is the color of life, and though Milly had not heard this, sho felt it every timo bIio wound tho gay thing about her slender throat and tossed its ta99eled cnus.coqiictishly over her shoulder. Ono short, raw, wintry afternoon Milly was hastening homo from school, well wraped in its toils, when her brisk pace was arrested by a heavy sob, and, looking around, shu nan a sight rather raro on thoso quiet, aristo- 'jratio Blrootc a lit.tlo boy, tlnnly and raggedly clothed, sitting on Iho curb ing, his head bunt forlornly on a pilo of papers in his lap, which he was evi dently making damper than usual with his tears. Milly looked at him pitifully, walked on a paco or two, hesitated, glanced back and then stepped reso lutely toward him and lapped his shoulder. "What's tho matter V1 sho asked, quietly ; "aro you sick or hurt ?" Ho raised his head and turned upon her a surprised, woebegono face, which, however, in spito of tears and dirty streaks, was far from unattractive. "I can't sell my papers," ho sobbed, brokenly. "Of courso not, up here,'' said Milly, in brisk, busincss-liko tones. You don't seo anybody on theso streets but women and children, and they don't want papers. You ought to go down town whero tho stores aro ; then, if you'll wait until G o'clock tho gentle men will bo going homo to dinner, and they'll tako them fast enough." "I5ut they bustle mo about so, and I'm awful cold and hungry," he moan ed. "Poor child !'' Milly's tones softened. 'I expect they do, but you must hiiBtlo back, and stand your own ground. Guess you never sold papers before, did you t" "No'm,', ho rettirucd, gazing at her as though sho was an oracle ; "I never had to before. Tom takes caro of me. He's my big brother and a sailor. Wo'vo got a nice littlo room that ho pays the rent, and when ho goes off on long v'iges, I eat with tho Jenkinses across tho entry. Ho pays theo, too. Tom's awful good, but ho como home sick this time, and tho money's most gone. I thought I could get somo moro selling papers j but I havo spent all Tom's fifty cents aud I haven't mado a thing 1" Ho sighed dolefully again, while the sudden memory of a dimo saved for taffv in tho corner of her handkerchief mado Milly's face radiant as she drop ped it into his dirty paw. "No,no," she laughed, as ho handed out a paper ; "I don't want any wouldn t read it for a dollar ; and papa buys his down town if you could find him now 1 IIo takes tho brown cars near tho common, a big man with a fur overcoat, and moustache, and a sealskin cap, and eyes that twinkle ; and liko as not he'll throw you a quar ter, and say : 'Never mind the change!' It's just liko him and here, this'll keep you warm." With a quick movement tho red comforter was transferred from Milly's ut ck to his, and boforo ho could speak she had nodded a gay good-by and disappeared around the corner. IIo looked after her a long minute, then down at tho soft scarlet wrap, and gathering himself tin with new resolu tion, turned and walked away, burying his chin in its ileecy folds with a "deli cious sense of returning warmth and comfort. Two hours later a superb-looking gentleman, striding rapidly toward his car b smilo in his eyes as ho thought pf tho box of French bon-bons in his pocket ready for Milly's searching lingeis felt a gentle pull at his eleoo and such a pleading '-Oh, please, sir, buy a copy please do 1" that ho in voluntarily stopped. It was a littlo fellow who held them cagorly forward with a smiling, tear streaked face, and a vivid bit of scarlet about his throat that made tho owner think of Milly, bo ho said, in his own brisk way : "All right! Got a Transcript? That's it! Here never mind tho chango ; there's my car ; and with a rush forward ho had swung himself lightly aboard, leaving a silver quarter in tho boy's baud, exactly, as Milly had prophesied. "I knowed it 1" muttored the child, gazing after him with shining eyes ; "I knowed 'twas her pa 1" But an im patient "paper boy" brought him to his senses, and in a short time, with arms empty, but heart and pocket full, ho rushed for his brother, cold and hunger alike forgotten. "I dono it, Tom ! I sold ovory one. Hero's tho money," and quito a shower of coppers aud nickles, to say nothing of the silver dimo and quarter, rattled out upon tho bed. Tom's wan faco brightened at tho sight. "Why you littlo clipper,"' ho cried, gayly, "who'd a thought it 1 Come, reel off your yarn, quick, and lets havo grub. I'm as hungry as a dolphin." 'Well, 'twas all tho littlo lady's doin's, you see," began Jimmy, and told Uio story you already know, dis playing tho red comfoiter as triumph antly as a couqtierer displays his tro phies. At that very moment Milly sat munching a bonbon upon tho arm of her.father's easy chair before tho grato, while- ho, lyinir back luxuriously in dressing gown nnd slippers, with tho Transcript across his knees, looking teasingiy into ncr inco. "Whom did I buy my paper of T Hless tho child ! What curiosity ! How can I toll now, I'd liko to know t nuts see, iiiougn mm 1 no was a little, and pathctio, and dirtv. with bit? bluo oyes, and a beautiful red comfort er much liko vours.' Ho glanced laughingly at his wifo here, for this comforter was ono of llioso things thov liked to joko about in imviiiu , mil, iuniy jumped up aim down with pleasure. "It was oh, papa, it was him 1 Ho real v. reallv know vnti ! Oli. linn- perfectly splendid P and all in a breath sue told llio pleasant story of tho after. noon, wmio nor jollier s lace grow tender, nnd tho glances exchauged with his wifo wero bo full of lovo and , 1886. happiness that neither could bo content until sho had perched upon tho other a.'in, whilo tho happy man enfolded them both In what ho merrily called a "trinlo hug." Weeks slipped by, whilo Jimmy con tinuing to Bell papers, with varying but over increasing success, and Tom rapidly regained health and Blrength, to finally ship again as deck hand on board a great vessel which was to carry grain to Southern France, and return (God willing) loaded with tho lioh winca and iho luscious fruits of that favored country. "You can earn enough money to pay tho rent,'1 said his brother, as they talked it all over, "and Mother Jenkins says you shall sharo her bito and sup so long as they last, and I'll pay when wo drop atichor in tho bay again. There, there, boy, keep up a good heart ; it won't bo long, you know.'' Hut Jimmy pried all night j it was so lonesome with Tom gone. Then a bright thought checked the tears and he slept peacefully. Next morning ho thought returned, and, acting up on it, lie crept out of bed, took tho precious red comforter from his littlo Blielf, and folding it witli a lovimr touch, laid it in Tom's sea chest which, packed, but not yet corded, stood by tho bed. "It's all 1'vo cot to civo him," thought Jimmy, sadly, "and it'll keep him warm when bo stands watch these cold nights." So, unknown to Tom, tho long, red length of comfort went with him, to help tho battlo against cold and storm, whilo Jimmy was left to fight tho worm and siormior iato at home. Another crcat vessel, very different from the clumsy concern Tom sailed in, loft tho bay a week later a steam ship with Hying pennons, decks gay with people, and enough shiny wood gildings and mirrors to havo furnished a dozen houses ; an ocean passenger steamer bound for liavre, freighted with a thousand souls, and tho ten thousand things necessary to their com fort. Upon its decks stoood Mr. and Mrs. Wentworth and Milly. Thoy were going to Franco for tho lady's health, while Milly was to havo an out ing and learn from naturo's creat school for a while. About threo days out tho weather becamo very unpleasant; rain and chill ing log vied with tempestuous wind and storm to delay their course, but tho luxurious ship a world in itself laughed at old ocean's moods, and plowed Bteadily onward, quito undaunt ed. It was, however, far wo'se for draught vessels, often overloaded and ill managed, and dependent upon wind and tido for their spceM and safety. But Milly never thought of theso, as, oloryinc in her perfect immunity from seasickness, bIio roamed the great steamer fore and aft, making friends ...tii. j i ., wiiu I'ansi'iigi-ia mm uruw, aim asKiug questions which often mado the latter scratch their heads in perplexity. They were about a week out and far from eilhci- shore ; tho foe had lifted. aud a brilliant morning sun lighted the broad, comparatively smooth expanse of sea. The Cptain, glass in hand, was slowly scanning tho horizon, and Milly, close by, with no lens but thoso of her keen young eyes, scanned it with equal dignity and care. About southwest his glass came to a sudden standstill, then ho took it from his eyes and was eagorly rubbing his lenses, when tho watch suddenly sang out, "Sail ho !" "Whero away ?" ciied tho Captain, readjusting his glass. "Io leeward, 'came tho prompt re ply, and in a moment tho two wero consulting in eager tones. Soon after tho steady plunging of tho engines grow slower and slo,ver, then almost ceased ; gentlemen passen gers began to climb to elevated places aud gaze through their own glasses, and she herd ono sav : "Yes, it's an open "boat, evidently a small one, too. Seo ! they aro going to tho rescue. It's well tho fog lifted when it did, or wo would never havo sighted them in tho world." The excitement increased, for every incident becomes an event in the monotony of sea life, and especially everything that speaks of danger aud snipwrecK. Milly watched them lowor away tho boat and man it, tho officer descending last, oi an and giving orders, which caused cacli upraised oar to drop as if run by machinery, sending the littlo crait euttine; swiftly through tho waves, then, throwing her glanco beyond it, for tho first timo alio saw a speck against tho sky a blr sk speok with a fiery tip, apparently could that bo tho lost boat T .supported on the talT rail by her father's arm, she could now see tho fiery tip was really a flag or penuon floating upon tho masthead, and at last could mako out the 6hape of tho boat, and even tho fow figures within it. I hen the ships boat reach ed it : tho figures bobbed about, mix ing themselves indistinijuisliably, after which tho nie-saving cratt put about and camo rapidly shipward, towing iuu uinurM in iiM miKi'. i nearer view showed Milly fivo rescued men and one boy, lying at full length, apparent ly dead ; a still nearer viow (could it bo possible !) discovered that gay pen non to oo her own red comforter, tas scls nnd all streaming in tho breezo. Speechless sho turnod to her father ; but notwithstanding, no excitedly lift ed her down and ran with tho crowd to seo tho rescued men helped aboard, Meanwhile, down tho cabin gang. way lied Milly and burst in upon tho astonished. ladies thcro with a cry: "Mamma, mamma ! what do you think T Thoy vo saved them, and my comfortor was tho flag !" "Milly, my child 1" cried tho mother, springing to her lect. "Uootl heavens ! has this excitement driven her mad V But, persisting that sho was still sane, Milly dragged her mother deck ward to seo for herself. Yes, thcro was no mistaking it thcro, in its vivid warmth of color, fluttered tho comforter ; a littlo fiea stained, to bo sure, but unmistakably tno same. "Oh, mamma, I seo it all 1" cried Milly suddenly. "I seo it all 1 I seo it all l Tho boy gaid his brother was a sailor that boy in tho boat must bo ho I Do do go and ask tho Captain if he is alive, nnd if we may seo him." "Yes, yes, doar, whrn papa comes. Now you must sit down, for you aro trembling all over." In lees thati an hour word was brought by tho Btoward that all tho 1 rescued men wero conscious, and tho THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XX.NO 41 COLUMBIA DBMUUltAT, VOL. I, MO 31 ladies might talk with them if they choso so, accompanied by Mr. Went worth, thov went belo w "I hcy'o had a dreadful time, poor fellows !" exclaimed tho Btoward, as he guided them into the hitherto unknown depths. "Out four days in that loaky uoat. i ncir vessel foundered Monday night. They took to tho boats with what littlo provision they could snatch, but tho wind and sea drove them apart, and when daylight came tho fog was so heavy thoy couldn't tako their bear ings. Their provisions what weren't spoiled by salt water gavo out on Wednesday morning, nnd they vo lived on faith ever since. It nearly finished that poor boy. Ho isn't over strong, I guess, and pretty yonng for such Bcrvice not over '20, I'll wager. This ...... !.!!. 'I vij miliua. And they stood bcsido a buuk. whet o lay a ghastly young fellow, with great blue eyes, so liko .Jimmy's that Milly could no longer doubt tho rela tionship, but sho had been already con vinced. "He's the one, papa he's Tom !" sho whispered, excitedly. "Speak to mm. Ho answeicd their questions in a weak, languid tone ; but when it be come clear that Milly wm tho young gill who had given his littlo brother tho senrfjho had risen eagerly upon Ins elbow, while a big tear rolled down his face. "Oh, miss, it brought a blessing that comforter 1" ho said, oagerly. "Tho dear lad slipped it, unbeknownst to mo into my chist, and I was a-wcar-ing it in tho night wo foundered ; and when wo wero lookin' about for signals to hoist, I rigged that up, and, bless God, it's brought us safo hero." Persian Oustoms- llltlKAI. FOltMS IN THE LAND OF TUB SHAH. Tho seat of honor was given to me. tho bride Bitting on ray right, her elder aunt (her undo had two wives) on my left. Persians think a great deal of appearanco and outward show, and all tho ladies were decked in their gaud iest attire, and were blooming in all the fictitious glories of painted woman hood, t air hair and eyes aro not ad mired by them, but a fair skin and florid complexion aro greatly sought after, and call forth tho tribulo of gen oral admiration. Even when nature has distributed her gifts with no nig gard hand they will furbish up the complexion with quantities of rouge and powder until they look liko full blown roses. Many an old woman of hideous forbidding aspect, whoso ap- -..1.1 l. ! , . luitiuiiuu wuiuu uu iiivuttiaoio in melo drama, is mado up into tho bad semb lance of a young woman ; tho furrows Time with his ruthless fingers has traced are filled in with powder, not artistically laced as tho Jiuropom belle many of whose charms might not bear closo overhauling often sets off her loveliness, with artluliy-arranged aids to beauty, but laid on in thick lay ers. Although tho brulo was very young, having at the most seen sixteen summers, rouge, a!n, was no stranger oven to nor pictty laeel nor hair, which was jet black and very long, was plated into a number of tiny tails, the ends of which peeped forth from under tho chagt of folded white linen sho woro on her head. Nothing can exceed tho ugliness or unbecomingness of this head gear it i3 nieiely a square piece of muslin or cotton folded cornor- wiee. and tighti fastened with a pin or tiny brooch under tho chin, with two ends hanging down tho back, and the remaining two falliug over tho breast, uver this again is worn tho house veil which envelopes tho whole figuto ; it is a largo squaro cr rounded piece of muslin or gay-patterned chintz and is not fastened on but simply kept in its place by tho arms. Her volumi nous skirt was of while and pink striped satin, hand omely trimmed witii goiu lace, anu readied only nan way to mo Knee s tno legs wero bare. Often as many as twenty vards of silk or satin aro employed for these Bkirts, which aro gathered into a band at tho waist, anil aro worn over four or fine petticoats very much stiffened. Tho moro a skirt staulls out tho moro tishionablo it is. Tho bodico is a loose sort of jacket of silk or velvet, trim med with gold lace, the slfoves aro long and terminate in a pointed cuff that turns baok, reaching nearlv to tho elbow. This is worn over a calico or linen shirt. Although all dresses agree in ineir leaning leal tires, and tho lash ions never change in tho East as thov do in tho west, yet they differ to a great extent in detail, and afford a scope for tho peculiar taste or fancy of tno wearer, mo contrast between in door dress nnd walking attiro is very HlllKIUg. i'ann and Garden Note3. Ducks usually bring a higher tirico in marKei man hens Do not let foul weeds oo to seed uibuui in uuiua ur luuusiiies. ;.i, : i!i.i.. j.n. A week of exposure to tho hot sun will injure tho horse rake, mower and reaper moro than a whole season's use, Throw a littlo 6traw under tho toma to vines, to keep tho fruit clean and ground moist, making much fmer fruit uuu cuuiiiiiiiug it longer, If you wish tho pigs to crow, food them all tho grass they can eat. Don't turn them loose in tho clover field, but cut tho grass and throw it over tho pen to them. Bo Bliro that tho ernimil flnnr in Mm poultry houso is CII0mh hlfhor tlmn tho surrounding ground to keep it per- luuuv ury. uiiiiii noots aro very pro ductive of disease. In buying pigs for breeding stock tho best is tho cheapest, though it costs a littlo moro llinnnv. Tim rnnum, u.l... breeders justify themselves in saving iuhib, is ueeaunuBuiiiu men aro thought less CllOUgll to buv them t n lnur price. All small applos and others defective in form or damaged by worms havo their best market on tho farm as food for animals. If packed with sound fruit, oven iu tmall proportion, thoy reduco tho price of all often to tho point of loss. Bees do not work as well iu a hiyo exposed to tho sun. In midday, when very hot, all work on tho inside, such ns comb-building and storing houey has to bo suspended. Sometimes combs melt down, and tho brood dios in tho heal of tho mm. fTES of DVEiVpsiNq. 1 W IW 1 M S M 111 IK IT 1 Inch I tl 1 I M 60 8 00 4 60 1 CO 0 " 1 60 2 00 S S3 4 00 4 75 V Ml IJ HI 8 2 00 55 3 60 6 00 6 60 10 (10 16 (0 4 " 2 60 3 60 4 60 TOO 8 00 12 00 10 00 If tot 3 23 4 60 6 60 8 00 B fl 14 tO 23 fO Scol B 60 1 00 8 00 14 00 17 00 SO fO 40 Ot fcoiumn 8 00 12 00 15 00 25 00 80 00 40 00 tO 00 Yenrlr ndvortlsemontii payable quarterly. Tran sient advertisements must be paid for before ri sorted except whero parties havo accounts. Legal advertisements two dollars per Inch lur thrco Insertions, and at that rato for additional Insertions without reference to length. Executor's, Administrator's, find Auditor' no tlccs three dollars. Transient or Local not Ices, ten cents n, lino, rcg utar advertisements halt rates. cards In tho "Dustness Directory" column, on dollar n year for each line. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Corner Loafing. Speaking of corner loafers tho first week of court Judge Elwell said to tho grand jury : 'We understand that in certain pails of tho country persons habitually con grcgato on tho sidcwnlk in front of drug stores, hotels and saloon, putting podeetrians to inconvenience, interrupt ing puLlio travel, almost pi eventing ladies from passing that this occurs particularly on Sunday. "People havo a right to pas over the highway, but not to slam! and loaf upon it, collecting in numbers ; ami tho owner of tho oil has tho right to dis perse such gatherings. Tho landlord as well as tho private Individual has this right to stop tho obstruction of tho highway in front of his premises ; and if a landlord or any other person who come to this court for a license does not exeiciso this right his neglect will operate against hi-t application. IIo asks a special privilege j ho must nut interfere nor suffer others, where it is in his power to hinder, to inteifcro with tho lights of the public. "It is in somo of tho published re marks of this Court that if keepers of saloons and hotels allow persons to asscmblo about their buildings at. im proper times and especially on Sunday wo would consider the fact as prima facie evidenco of a violation of somo provision of tho liquor laws ; and wo say now, that if tho holder of a licenso tloes not prevent such assemblages be fore his place of business, that fact may riso up iu judgment against him when ho applies for a renewal of his privileges." Tho remarks aro particularly applic able to our own village, and we would not havo been a bit surprised had His Honor brought tho ancient name out in connection with the aboyo warning. Now, seo if tho corneis cannot be kept clear. Resolutions of tho Zion Stinday School on the death of Joseph F. Oeis'ingor. Wnr.itr.AS it became our sad duty on tho 30 tilt to pay a mournful aud sorrowing tribute, by attending tho funeral of our honored and worthy brother, Joseph F. Geisinger ; who died the 28ult. after a lingering illness of heart disease, in the 25th year ot his age. To his memory wo would willingly eulogize of his conislonf. nnd upright life, but wo feel tho life ho has lived express in impressivo language his worth in terms moro eloquent than pen can describe. In the death of liro. (ieiMfger the family havo lost a loving and dutiful son and brother; the church and choir a member that was always found attending to his du ties; and may his life bo an example for all. IIo will bo satlly mised, but remembering all things are ordered by God we know our loss is his gain, and io him Iho gate of death an entrance to eternal rest. Jlcsolved, That wo extend to tho bereft family our sincere and most heartfelt sympathy, may they feel tho blessed assurance, it is all well witli him. .Resolved, That this memorial ba printed in tho county papers nnd a copy bo sent to tho bereaved family. JiiTiK .b. Jiu:asv, i II. S. Humei, v Committee. J. L. Con Bit, J If left to themselves sheep will re tiro at night to tho most elevated part of iho field. This is a relic of tho time when they weio wild and such precau tion was necessary that they might guard against approaching danger from wild animals, isut the lact has its ad vantages. Tho knolls that sheep select for their sleeping places aro generally originally poor, but sheep will soon en rich them. The grass also is sweeter than on low land and sleep aro less liable to disease. Tho varnish on carriages u often ruined by being housed wheto ammonia arises from boree manure therein. This may be avoided by sprinkling planter freely. It also makis tho stables healthier for horses. But carri ages should bo kept in a separate build ing. J. II. Mercer wishes to mako an assertion, which ho on back with a positive guarantee. It is nil about Acker's Blood El'xir. IIo claims for it superior merits over all other remed ies of its kind, and guarantees for it a positive and sure cure for Kheumalism, Syphillis, and all blootl disorders, it frees tho skin from Bpots and disease, and leaves tho comploxion clear Ask him about it. J. II. Mercer would especially recom mend to the ladies Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. As a laxativo they havo no equal. They aro guaranteed to euro Chronic Constipation, Dyspepsia, and all diseases aiising from a deranged stomach. With a free tiso of tho Tab ets, Sick Hcadacho is impossible There aro scores ot persons who aro suffering from somo form of blood dis order or skin disease, such as Scrofula, Boils, etc, etc. After a practical test, J. II. Mercer asserts that Acker's Blood Elixir will certainly euro all sueli dis eases, including Syphillis mid Kliciim- atism. Itis net a patent nostrum, but a scientific preparation, ho guaiautees it. A naturalist has satisfied himself be yond a doubt that tho average cat travels a distance of eighty miles every night, when there is no earthly reason for her moving a yaid. It must bo a great relief to a bate ball umpire to havo a batter knock tho ball over a fenco fcr a homo run. Ho knows there will bo no closo de cision for him to mako on that play. "And then, gentlemen of tho jury, I must nppcpl to your eciieq of justice. You must remember that you nro twclvo btrong, well fed men, opposod to this ono mis -able, puny defcudant." When a man sits down on a tack ho can't seo tho joke, but ho can feel tho pointy Ono of the finest iron bridges in tho Soutli is being put up at London,Tciiii. The yield ot rico in Louisiana is eaid to bo coiibidernbly below tho aver age this scaeou. Buffalo Bill is a great icai', but i Buffalo Grover bents him.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers