THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.1 The Columbian. 0. E. Elwali, I tHat. J. E. BlttwVendor.,; E4Ucr,, BLOOMSBURG, PA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 188G. ExSenator Wnllaco 1ms positively declined to accept tlio nomination for Congress in tho twentieth district. Tlio Supremo court lias decided that tho law of .Tuna 29, 1881 prohibiting tho issuing of storo orders, is uncon. stitutlonal. They say tho laborer "may Bell his labor for what ho thinks best, whether money or goods, just ns his employer may sell his iron or con), and any nud every law that proposes to prevent him from so doing is an in fringement of his constitutional privi leges and consequently vicious and void." The Business Boom. MORI. SKINS THAT THE COUNTRY HAS NorniNO to feak prom democrat ic ADMINISTRATIONS. Tho Democralio Stato platform of Pennsylvania says : "Tho Democratio reform administration of President Cleveland has given confidence) to tho business interests of tho country." Despite the silly Republican partisan attacks overy sign of tho times goes to show that this is bo. Tho Now York Times, (Rep.) of a very recent date, says : "If thero is any clond anywhero in tho financial Bky it manages very thoroughly to hide itself. There has been no hint ot it in tho week past. Trade is booming j merchants are orowdod by custom, and manufactories are driven to fill orders booked far ahead ; overy man who wants work has it, and every dollar not locked up is showing an earning power. Tho farmers of tho West and South have crops that pay for tho first timo in years ; tho railroads in all their history have never been called upon to handle such a vast traflio. Illustrations of tho increased earnings of the rail roads of tho country wcro given last weok. Tho samo stato of things con tinues, with but tho one differenco that tho percentage of iucrcaso is oven larg er now than then. Tho result is un precedented. The prosperity betoken reaches in every direction." The Outlook in the State. From tho Yorlc Age, The political situation in tho Stato has a most encouraging outlook for the success of the Democratic Stato ticket. From all sections of the Commonwealth wo meet prominent gentlemen, who aro not in any sense of the word poli ticians, but who, in traveling about transacting their business, have natur ally become interested in tho triangular uuuwoi B'"i5 uu, auu wiwi inu tact and shrewdness peculiar to tho active man of business, put tocethor the threads of conversation they hear about tho probablo result of tho election, just aa iney wouia some Dullness problem, and they reach a conclusion which must be accepted as almost indisput able. Tho judgment of these mon, as wo near it expressed upon tho cars and at tho hotels, whero we ohance to fall in with them, is that Chauncey F. Black will be the next Governor of Pennsylvania. They have a substan tial basis for this belief, and they do not hesitato to put themselves on record as prophets, regardless of their own political opinions, for mauy of the gentlemen who make theso statements and honestly believe in tho election of Mr. mack, are of the opposite party and will vote for their own candidate. WHY HE WILL UE ELECTED. A Now York traveling man called upon us Saturday for an order, and in the courso of bis conversatiou said : "This is tho home of Mr. Blank, the Democratio candidate for Governor, in it not !' Wo remarked it was. "Well," said he, "if signs and talk go for any- uuiig iuiK county win uo nonorca with tho next Governor. I have been pretty generally over tho State, and find ho is not only popular, but that the labor interests and Germans aro earnestly at work for him, and I be- lievo ho will be elected. The Democratio Becord, rOSTMABTEK-OENEKAt. VII.AS OK WHAT THE PARTY HAS DONE AND l'KO POSK1 TO DO. Postmaster General Vilas was to speak at a ratification meeting at Mil waukco last week, but was prevented ironv coming ana sent a letter or npol ogy, in which he said : When President Cleveland took office a large number of our fellow- citizens had been taught to expect little less than national calamity to follow Democratio ascendency, distrusting the pledges of that party to tho people and tailing to comprehend its benign principles, which wisely seek tho good of all. There wcro many who believed tho operations of tho Government would provo a disastrous failuro ; that tho publio service would bo imbecile, tho finances ill managed : tho revenues but half collected or half squandered, our pensions go unpaid ; our publio lands be lost : our colored citizens rele gated to servitude, and all security for uusiness disappear. "Weak and credulous, indeed, must bo tho man who longer yields faith to such diictul prophecies. In tao etch teen months which have passed, not only tho ordinary operations of tho Government have been without difficul ty or disturbance but already many pledges havo found redemption. Vast quantities of tho publio lands which bad fallen under privato control havo been reclaimed and saved for settlers, and measure of economy in collections of revenue and in expenditure havo yield ed goo'l results, For aMimmary proof contrast tho business of tho Treasury during thu last fiscal years, of which tho acting Secretary, Mr. Falrchild, has kindly furnished me n statemont. During tho year ended Juno SO, 1885, tho receipts wero 8323,G90,70G 88, and during tho year ended Juno 30, 18SG, 8330,430,7.27.00, while tho expendi tures of tho former period were 200,. 220,035,11, as against only S'212,183, J38.50 in tho latter or roundly btuled, more revenue was collected during tho Jat than during the preceding year by 813,000,000, while the expenditures were decreased by 818,000,000, not withstanding, aho, tho increase in tho payments for pensions was over soven millions. Berwlok. Rev. Mr. Kuralcr. pastor of tho Presbyterian church, will bo absent for thrro weeks, attending a family touti ion in Iowa. Tho Uev. Mr. Dickson, tho former pastor, will occupy tho pul pit morning and evening. Roy. Mr. Yocum and family, who havo been spending the week In Phila delphia, returned on Saturday evening. Tho Jackson & Woodin Co. nro making an addition to their works of n building to contain a coro .oven nnd moulding room. Work in tho construction shop was susponded on Friday last. Tho men wcro all at tho iair. Several Knights of labor from sur rounding towns havo pitched their touts along tho Susquehanna in this vi cinity, and aro living from victuals col lected from chnritablo lamilies in town, mostly from tliofw having n less houor- able title than Knights. Tho fishermen who havo oel walls in tho river are having quito a tich harvest this season. As many as three bushel havo been caught by one fisher during a night. The usbcrmcn laugh at tho idea of their being stopped by having their walls torn down by offi cers. Work on tho toll bridgo lias nearly reached completion. Its now siding and whito paint makes n great im provement in its appearance. Tho progress made in tho echools un der tho principals!)!)! of Mr. Clark is i . - , i t very grauiying u) musu wiving sciioi- ars in attendance. Work on tho now school building is being pushed rapidly, tho roofs aro on and work has been began on tho in side. By tho addition of this building tho work of tho schools will bo muc h facilitated. Excursions to Council Cup aro very popular this season. Several havo been reported to havo gone. ?5Tho town fathers have forbidden bicycle riding on Front street Tho boys haying wheels look with much disfavor on tho restriction. Lightatreet. Our town is much enlivened by tho building of tho B. & S. R. R. A number of men from town aro engaged in grading. An infant child of Charles Culp diod last Saturday morning and was buried on Monday morning. Mrs. Henry Hagenbuch, who had been hick for a long timo, died Monday morning, in tho 71st year of her ago. She was buried Wednesday morning, in tho Afton cemetery. A largo steer has been lunning wild in this neighborhood for almost a week. Ho is cross and will not bo turned from bis path. Ono of tho young men em ployed on tho railroad narrowly es cuped being gored to death one day last week. He attempted to turn tho steer back when ho niado a savage charge upon him and tho young man was saved by his quickness, dexterity and prcsenco of mind. The steer be longed to E. A. Rawlings, of Blooms burg, and was captured on Wednesday. Duckliorn. Jack Frost Is on hand, causing vegeta tion to wither, droop and die. lie nipped maDy a rose bud. Cora is cut and tho husking season opened. J.. White, our up-town merchant, is at tending court this week. John Kisler sold his Kansas horses last week for $140. Jacob Wcrkhelser, after an absenco of 31 years, is visiting relatives and friends of this place. lie says ha don't S'jo what is tho matter with Ko stern people. They nil look so old. Ho will remain in this section dunnc the Winter. John G. llartinan and wife, of Nuntl coke, aro expected home during the Fair, to spend a week with his parents. William Tilloy attended the funeral of Jacob Chamberlain, near Pino Summit, on Sunday. Mr, John Earnest, of Ohio, now visiting these parts, dropped in both of our Sunday schools last Sabbath. Mrs. Frank Pursel moved lu town on Tuesday, occupying N. P. Moore's house. Mrs. Harm an left for Shenandoah on Monday. Our young men aro wishing for house cleaning time. Cold parlors on certain evenings don't suit them, and tho out kitchen well, that Is so strange. Miss Maggto Tubbs, of Cambra, was in town a few days. Jacob Terwllllger nnd wife, of Light street, were nt C, M. Terwllllger's on Sun day. Winter apples, a good crop. Buckwheat, a half a crop, and cabbage, a no crop at all. Itrcent rains left our grain fields in a very bad state. Schools aro now nil supplied with teach ers, with one exception. We learn that no teacher has secured tho Valley school yet. Schools are to open October 18. Look out for us nil at thu Fuir next weok. Somo ono has determined to extcrmin ato tho dogs In Catawlssa. Saturday night of ast week small pieces of meat containing poison was thrown around whero the dogs would find It. Seventeen hecauio victims of tho tempting bait. A number of tho owners of tho dogs offered a largo reward for information leading to the arrest of tho party who prepared tho poisonous bait. Rheumatism It is an established act that Hood's Bar saparMi, has proven au lnvaluablo remedy k many sevcro cases ot rheumatism, effect ing remarkable cu.-es by its powerful action In correcting the acidity of the blood, which Is Mio causo ot the discise, and purifying and enriching the vital fluid. It is certainly air to assume that what Hood's Sarsaparilla has dono for others It will do for you. Therefore, M you sutler tbo pains and aches of rheumatism, give this potent remedy a fair trial. A Posltivo Cure. "I was troubled very much with rheuma. tlsm in my hips, ankles, and wrists. I could hardly walk, and was confined to my bed a good deal of the time. Being rc oiomendpd to try Hood's Sarsaparula, I took four bottles and am perfectly well, 1 cheerfully recommend Hood's Sarsapartlla as one of tho best blood purifiers In tho world." W. F. Wood, Dloomlngton, 111. For Twenty Years I have been afflicted with rheumatism. Before J583 1 found no relief, but grew worse, I then Began taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, and It did mo more good than all tbo other medicine I ever bad." II. T. IUlcou, Shirley, Mass. " I suffered from what tbo doctors called muscular rheumatism. I took Hood's Bar saparllla and am entirely cured." J, V. A I'nouDFOOT, letter carrier, Chicago, 111. Wo shall bo glad to send, freo of charge, to all who may desire, a book coutalnlnguuny additional statements ot cures by Hood's Sarsaparllla Bold by all druggists, til six for $3. Mado only by p. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One ollar. COMPARATIVE WORTH H0YAL (AbsolulolIMrc)..! (WANT'S (Alum Powder)..! ItUMFOKD'S, when fresh.. lIAXrOUD'S.wlion fresh.. ,. iu'.immii'.s i CIIAUM (Alum rowdor) ,... AMAZON (Alum Powder. .. Cl.r,VKLANI)'S(shortwt.loi.) riOXi:i:U (Ran Francisco)... , CZAll im. riucE's SNOW FLAKE (droll's) LEWIS' I'EAHL (Andrews & Co.), IIECKER'S , GILLET'S ANDREWSACO."Regal" MUwaulM, (OODUlna JUwm.) IlULKfTowdcr sold loose).... I (tUMFORD'S.whennotfroshl HbbHsHHHsIsbSbdHH REPORTS OF GOVERNMENT CHEMISTS . As lo l'urlty nnd Wholcsomcncss of tho Koynl Baking Powder. "I havo tested a packago of Royal Baking rovnlorv which I purchased In tho open market, and find It composed of puro and wholcsomo Ingredients. It Is a cream of tartar powder ot a high ucgTeo of merit, and docs not contain cither alum or phosphates, or other Injurious substances. K. Q. Love, l'h.D." "It Is a scientific fact that tho Iloyal Baking Powder Is absolutely pure. " U. A. Mott, rh.D." " I havo examined a packago of Roya. Baking Powder, purchased by myself In tho market, I find It entirely f rco from alum, terra alba, or any other Injurious sub stance. IIbniiv Mokton, I'll.!)., President of Stovcns Instltuto of Technology." " I have analyzed a packago of Royal Baking Powder. Tho materials of which It Is composed aro puro nud wholesome S. Dana Hates, Stato Assaycr, Mass." Tho Royal Baking Towdcr received tho highest award over all competitors at the Vienna world's Imposition, 1873 ; at tho Centennial, Philadelphia, 1870 ; at tho American Instltuto, Now York, and at Stato Fairs throughout tho country. Ko other article of human food has over received such high, emphatic, and uni versal endorsement from eminent chemists, pbyslclaus, scientists, and Boards ot Health all over tbo world. Note Tho abovo Diagram Illustrates tho comparative worth ot various Baking Powders, as shown by Chemical Analysis and experiments mado by Prof, Schcdlcr. A pound can of each powder was taken, tho total leavening power or volumo la each can calculated, the result being as Indicated. This practical test for worth by Prof. Schodlcr only proves what every observant consumer of tho Royal Baking Towdcr knows by practical experience, that, while It costs a few cents per pound more than ordinary kinds, It Is far more economical, and, besides, affords tho advant age of better work. A slnglo trial of the Royal Baking Powder will convlnco any fair minded person ot these facts. ' While tho diagram shows eomo of tho alum powders to bo of a higher degret ot strength than other powders ranked below them, It is not to bo taken as lndlcaU bag that they have any value. All alum powder), no ma'.ter bow high their strength, are to bo avoided as dangerous. LIVER COMPLAINT Jiad breath a bitter or bad taste in the mouth; pain in the back, sides or joints, often mistaken for rheumatism; sour stom ach; loss of appetite bowels alter nately costive and lax headache loss of memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do something which ought to have been done debil ity low spirits a thick, yellow ap pearance of the skin arid eyes; a dry cough, often mistaken for consump tion. How Cured. "I have been nnilctcd many years with dyspepsia, sick headache and affection or tho kidneys caused by torpid liver. I havo tried a great many remedies and physicians Brescrlptlons without success, health fall ig nil the time. DurlDg last Fall and Win ter I was obliged to suspend tho mo3t ot my labor in my Held ot Homo Jtlsslonary vrork on account ot my healt Karly thl Hprlng I was Induced to try Simmons Liver liegulator, and havo had moro real good health since taen than tor 5 cars belorc. I use tho medlclno to relive me when, by ex posure or ovcr-exertlon, I discover tho symptoms ot my disease returning. Tho ltegiiiator relieves me at once, and is moro BatistActory In Its effects than anything ot the kind I ever tried. I havo also used It with good success In my lamlly to ward off bilious attacks." Jos. K. Wiibklek Cum berland l'res. .Minister, Lebanon, Mo. The First Sign Of falling health, whether In tho form ot Night Sweats anil Nervousness, or In a sense of General Weariness and Loss of Appetlto, should suggest Ltho uso of Aycr's Sarsaparilla. This preparation Is most offoctlvo for giving tono and strength to tho enfeebled system, pro moting tho digestion and assimilation ot food.i restoring tho nervous forces to their normal condition, and for purify ing, enriching, and vitalizing tho blood. Failing Health. Ten years ago my health began to fall. I was troubled with a distressing Cough, Night Sweats, Weakness, and Nervous ness. I tried various remedies pro scribed by different physicians, but became, so weak that I could not go up stairs without stopping to rest. My friends recommended mo to try Aycr'n Sarsaparilla, which I did, and I am now as healthy and strong as ever. Mrs. E. L. Williams, Alexandria, Minn. I havo used Ayer's Sarsaparilla, In my lamuy, lor scroiuia, ana Know, it it isi taken faithfully, that It will thoroughly eradicate this terriblo disease. I havo also proscribed it as a tonic, as well as aa alterative, and must say that I honestly believe it to bo thu best blood inodicino over compounded. W. F. Fowler, M. I)., I). D. S., Greenville, Tenn. Dyspepsia Cured. It would bo iinposslblo for mo to dc Bcribo what I suffered from Indigestion, and Ileailacha up to tho timo I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I was under tho care of various physicians, and tried n great many kinds of medicines, but nover obtained moro than temporary re lief. After taking Aycr's Sarsaparilla for a short time, my hcadachu clisnv pcared, and my stomach performed it.i ttuties moro perfectly. To-day my health is completely restored, Mary llarloy, Sprlugtiold, Muss. I havo been greatly benefited by tho prompt uso of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It tones nnd invigorates tho systi'in, regu lates tho action ot tho digestivo anil assimilative organs, and vitalizes tho blood. It is, without doubt, tho most reliable blood purifier yet discovered. II. I). Johnson, 383 Atlantic avenue, llrooklyn, N. Y. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared ty Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, liu. l'rico 81 1 six battles, S3. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate! Tho undersigned, executors ot the last will and testament of JiincsD. brown, late or the town of catawlssa. In the county ot Columbia and state ot Pennsylvania, dee'd, In pursuant ot the directions contained in said will, on Thursday, October 21, 1886, aa 10 o'clock a. in., of Bald day, will expose to sate on the premises In the town of Oatawisna, the fol. lowing described real estate late of said testator, deceased; All that certain lot ot mound, situate in the said town of Catawlssa, bounded aitd de scribed as follows, to-wlt! Un tho cast by Third street. In said town, on the north by land of Henry Tuthlll, on the south by land of Frank (labia and on the wost by an alley, fronting on said Third street so loot, and extending In depth the samo width to said alley ill) feet. The improvements are a large two-storied frame DWELLING HOUSE, with basement kitchen and porch on side and front. There Is a kitchen attached, with other necessary outbuilding, and also a good well of water. The premises ore in a good state of i epalr, and situate In a desirable portion of the towu for privato residences. ALSO, at the same time thero will bo sold tho following prviicrm ONU OHGAN, one pair ot bodsteads, with feather tick, six chairs and other household furniture. Terms ot sale of real estate and personal estate mado known en uu vi sum. rur juriucr puruuuiiuB luuuuui MEIlltlTT A. llllOWN.l r,,,cl or W. II. Huawn, Alty, for euate, Catawlssa, I'a. oct.a. 1 LADYi Aircnts actually clear no dally with my wondenul new paient ruuuer unaer uarmeut for females, one lady sold 50 Bret two hours, illta. li c. LITTLE, box 113, Chicago, 1IL octS-etT of BAKING POWDERS. SHERIFF'S SALES. lly vlrluo ot a writ Fl. i'a. Issued out ot tho Couit ot Common Picas and to me directed will be exposed at 1'ubllo Salo nt tho Court House, in Bloomsburg, SATURDAY, October 23, 1S8C, at S o'clock p. m, all that pleco or parcel ot land situate In ltoarlngcreek township, Columbia coun ty, I'a., bounded as follows: On the north by land of Wio. Drelsbach, on tho cast by lands ot Michael l etterolt and Leandcr Fettcrman, on tho boutu oy lands ot Catharlno Lelby and Franklin Yocum, nnd on the west by lands of Samuel llouck and Isaiah Houck, cohtnlnlng about thirty-four acres, moro or less, whereon nro erected a ono and half story log house, bank barn and outbuildings. belzea, taken Into execution and to bo sold as tho property of Martin breech. SAMUEL SMITH. Oct. 1. bherlff. CURED 1 S1SCLK TU11L U S tl SSiSn m.e.'.tlumostiln.tiuilJ -GERMAN ASTHIM CURErlMel ,, nirmt Yiuleut uttiM k; liinuieH roiufuttuMe h1(:3 )Stt wnltliis tor ri'Milt. 1U fiction l f Immediate, direct fiinl Trunin, unil in icuicie. Ultvtedtn all Cllli AHi.i; CWMS.s 1 llitviuisuuiitlf cutxauiB. Rifur lomoitftOTtlnic." ITiHl. H. IaxU. St. I'uul. A cm I"I an cntlfLlr rcabcrci to befcltli It German Aittim. n Cure." Thu. titlvn, JiamtUon, (jto fil. fuif. tV. Inn tiuirtm. (.'.rthvtllt. S. V 'It r iihvMelni f.-ooramuti i A (Jcrrr to Anttiuit Cure. It eurwl iiw," M'. M. A. Trtrirk J(.ifuniit Ukiu vi bilUr tltr en Bta. Ail atty drutr.Ut tJU it-rnuiM AkJliittii l!ur t rt siv ti Annr. vitrjiftrt fat TiOt'.HUil lor m lit I i ii nil ii rutli ?W prwa. i rial iaiVw lriM to thy aiMrtH u ri SJiUliV. ICiWlr'h'M .N. AI. M.I'Mul,Mli.,. I JIST OF PKEMIUMS TO BE AWARDED BT TUE COLUMBIA COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, at tnclr 3lst annual Fair, to bo held at lilooms- ourg, riL, on WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, October 13, 14, 15 And 10, 18S0. HOUSE DKl'AliTMKNT. superintendent, Jerro uosienuauuer. CLASS 1. CAllUUaK AhP LIGHT DRAVOIIT U0RSES, MAKES AND COLTS. best stallion over four 3 cars old secoud best best stallion under four years old K'cond best best brood maro with foal at her foot... Second best best horse or maro between 3 4: 4 yrs old second best best horse or maro between s and 3 ) ears old Second best best horso or maro between 1 & s yrs old second best best colt under ten months old Second best best pair carnage horses or mares Second best best slnglo carrlago horse or maro Second best f 15 CO 10 00 (1 0) 3 01 8 00 4 01 5 00 3 00 4 00 5 00 3 0J a 00 3 00 1! 00 10 110 fi (10 a 00 3 60 6 00 3 50 ue:t pair matched colts under 4 years old. broken to harness Second best CLASS II. HEAVY DKACOIIT HOUSES. MAKES COLTS best stallion over four years old $ is 00 second best 10 00 best stallion under four years old 0 00 Second best 3 00 best brood maro with roal at her foot.. 8 00 second best 00 best norso ormaro bctweena d: 4 yrs old. 0 second best 3 00 best horse or mare between s 3 yrs old 4 00 Second best s 00 best two-horse team sou second best 4 00 CATTLE IinPAltTMENT. superintendent, Jerro Kostenbauder. CLASS III. ULOODEr. CATTLE. Persons competing for premiums on blooded Cattlo must pioduco pedlgieo or satlsty Judges they are registered, or entitled to registry In each or the following name.1 breeds: but hams or Short Horned, Aldtmeyaor Jerseys, Guernseys, Dovons, Holsteln or Freslans, and Ayershtres. The tollowlDg premiums will bo paid on each ot tho above named breeds: best bull over two years old second best best cow second best best heifer under two years old. Second best best calf under twebe months old... second best f IS 00 a 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 2 (O 3 00 1 00 CLASS IV. GRADED AND NATIVE CATTLE. Itest graded bull over 3 years old i 10 00 second best : 5 00 best gi aded bull under 3 years old ........ a 00 scoend best 3 CM best graded cow over 3 years old - H 00 second best 4 00 best graded cow under 3 years old 0 00 Second best ,. 3 00 best heifer between 1 and 2 years old. ., 4 00 Second best !IU best imtercalf under 13 months old.. . 3 ro second best 2 00 best bull calf undc 12 months old 3 00 Second best 2 CO best native bull over 3 years old 4 00 second best 2 (0 best natlvo cow oicrs ycarsold 5 00 second best 2 50 best heifer betw een 1 and 2 years old. . . 3 00 second b.-st 2 00 SHEEP BEPAltTMENT-Superlntendent, 0. W. Hewitt. CLA8S V, 8UOKT WOOLS TUIS CLASS INCLUDES ALL MtUINOS. best, 2d Best. Pair, buck and ewo . f 10 CO 00 1M ot lambs, not less than six 8 (0 4 00 UIUULE WOOLS. THIS CLASS INCLUDES SOCTIIDOWNS, SIIKOI'SUIUEDOWNS, IIAUI'SIIIKEDOWNS, OX tOUDSUlKKDOWNS. best. Si best. Pair, buck and ewo lie 00 (5 uo Lot ot lambs, not less than tlx S 00 4 0j LONU WOOLS. THIS CLASS INCLUDES LINCOLNS, LEI CESTEH 4 AND COTSWOLDS, best. Sd best. Pair, buck and ewo s 0 ft 00 Lot of limbs, not less than 0 6 00 3 00 CI.AS4 VI SWINE DEPAllTJIENT.-Suporln-tendent, J. M, be Witt, best. 2d best. Jersey red or Huroo Jersey boar. ..... f5 00 f 3 ou " " " bow,,.,, 5 00 3 00 Essex boar. , a on s uo Essex sow , 5 00 a 00 nerkshlre boar., 5oo sou berkshlrusow 6 10 3 00 inland china ho,ir. , sou 300 Poland china sow 5 00 3 00 Chester White boar r. M 3 10 Chester White sow 5 00 1 (11 LllLt r ot pi-, not lens than tlx, un der 11 .numbs old fi CO SCO best mid largest display ot any puio breed .. 8 00 CLASS VH.-roULTltY bEl'jiltTJIENT.-super-lntendcnt, '1 nomas Webb. Exhibitors will bo furnished with first-class coups nee ot charge; all loops shall contain ono cock or cockeiel and two heus or pullets. cntcxiNS. best sd Host Best coop of chickens without regard to breed "... fi 00 rrcmlum for trios ot each of tho fol lowing varieties: , 1 ro 50 riymotith ltocks, Dark llrahmas, wyandotts, Lnnirihans, Hurt cochlm, Whito I-cgliorns, nito cocnins, nrown Leghorn, l-artrldgo Cochins, oolden 1-enclled Ham black and Kpri (Inmn. Imrira. OOlden Seabrlght ban. black Spanish, tains, Houdani Silver Reabrljht ban. Colored Dorkings, tarns, Whito Dorkings, i.niuK - nmiHicu jicu jiominiquc'i. mum jKininms, Light brahmas, Japanese bantams, black African bantams, pucks. best. 2d best best coop ot ducks without regard tn lirced " ... 12 (fl ("retted whdodticks. 1 on f.o Colored Muscovy ducks 100 50 Wood ducks 1 00 50 l'oland ducks 1 to W Common ducks. too 50 OEKSE. Tulomo gocso 1 00 to brown Chinese gecso loo W) Natlvo geese. 100 CO Wntto Holland turkeys $1 Od M HronM turket r. 1 (fl M Natlvo turkeys 1 00 50 miEONS, PET STOCK, ETC. Largest collection 1 00 6 ic premium for best pair ot each of tho follow' lowing varieties; Trumpeters, lllngdovcs, ranuiim, inrners, Tumblers, Antwerps, Pouters, Turblts. Jacobins. best pair pea fowls $ 1 00 " KUIneaB 1 A " rabbits. 1 00 best cntro canaries. , 100 CI.ANM Vllt OIIA1M. SKRtlS AND FLOUlt DK PAltT.MENT.-Supcrlntcndcnt, T. It. Sands. It. V. Wliltn At Cn. anppinl nrpmlnm for tho best bushel of Longberry red wheat . $ 5 00 A special entranci) fee of CO cenli win uo charged for oach entry for this Special Vi-pmtlltn best wheat Hour, roller procc33, W lbs. S 00 srcnnrl tiest 1 eo best w heat Hour, buhr process, 3D lb3 2 (.0 second best 1 eo best buckwheat Hour, 50 lbs. a 00 Second best -. 1(0 best clover seed, halt bushel 1 (fl seeoml best ' best I Imothy seed, halt bushel. loo Second best 50 best red w heat, bearded chatT, 1 bushel. . . 2 00 second best 1 00 best red wheat, smooth chaff 1 M reuouu uesi best whito wheat second best best buckwheat. Second best best liyo Second best. best oats, second best Host corn, red cob gourd second best Host corn, eight rowed yellow., second best ...... beat peck sweet corn Second best , best peck pop corn Second best 1 (III 50 1 00 PO 1 00 50 1 00 50 100 01) 1 (fl 50 60 23 50 25 CLASS IX. VEGETABLE Dl-l'AUT.MENT. SU perlnlcndent, T. E. sands. On each of the following varieties of potatoes yi ousnei nest xi. uo; secona ucsi, or., Snow Hake, I'rldo of Valley, Dun more seedling, Early Hose, Lato ltose, Whito star, Mammoth Pearl, bwect potatoes, grown oy uxiuuuor, Quicn of Ireland, blllmeycr Seedling. On each of tho following varieties, 0 each, toe., except pumpkins, and water melons, 1. Beets, Turnips, I'nrtnlps, Itadlshrs, carrots, beans, (lima) benns, (pole) cabbage, celery, Cauliflower, Pea?, Peppers, Cantaloupes, Onions, Cucumbers, 3 pumpkins. 3 squashes, 3 watermelons, Egg plant. Tomatoes. Bhubarb, CLASS X. FRUIT DEPAUTJIENT. Superintend ent, T. t. tanas. Best general assortment of fruits of all klnds.not less than 25 sorts.0 succlmens of each $ r, 00 second ucst a vv best display of apples, 4 spcclmcns,not less than 10 varieties - 2 (0 seeoml best, 1 00 best display ot pears, 4 specimens, not less than 5 varieties 2 00 second best 1 Ml best display of peaches, 4 specimens, not less than 8 varlct tea. 2 00 Second best, 1 00 best display of grapes.4 specimens, not less than a varieties. 2 00 Second be3t.. 1 oil best dozen quinces 1 00 second best. 50 Also on tho following varieties, not less than six specimens of each. APPLES. Baldwin, It. I. Greening, smoko House, Fallawalter, English ltussett, York Imperial, King. smith Cider, rorthern Spy, Hello Fleur, nam bo, Golden ltussett. PEAKS. seckel, Flemish Beauty, vicar ot Wakeileld, Lawrence, Washington. PEACHES. Crawford Late, Wards Late, Susquehanna. Bartlett, Sheldon, Klrtland, Brandywlnc, Crawford Early, Beeves Favorite, Solways, Concord, Niagara, Delawnie, California, Martha, Brighton, Bogers, Iotna, Clinton, Catawba, Isabella, Diana, CLASS XI. DHIED FltUIT DEPAUT.MENT. A premium of soc. will be paid on tho best quart ot each ot tho following dried fruits: Apples, Pears, Quinces, reaches- Dewberries, Whortleberries, Plums, Twetchers, Prunes. Cherries, (pitted) Cherries, (imputed) chestnuts, ltnspberrles, Hlckorynuts, blackberries. CLASS XII. DOMESTIC MANUFACTUltES. Superintendent. J, P. l'rcas. A premium ot 51 centswlllbo paid onthobest quart of each of tho following: currant, Blackberry, Cherry, Bhubarb, Elderberry, cider Vinegar, Grape. CUSS XIII, BHEAU, BUTTElt, 1'ASTItY AND CAKES. Best loaf wheat bread, (home made) $ 2 00 second best 1 00 Best loaf rye bread, (homo made) 1 00 Second bept 50 Best Doz. biscuits, (homo made) 1 00 Second bist.. 50 Best Doz. rolls (homo made) 1 00 second best. 50 Boll butter, 3 lbs or moro 2 no second best. 1 00 Best display of cukes, not less than t) va rieties 5 00 Second best 3 00 best display of pies, not less than 0 vari eties. 3 00 Second best 3 00 best display of fancy cakes, by baker or confectioner, 5 (0 CLASS XIV. CANNED FltUITS, I'ltESERVES, JELLIES AND PICKLE. James rylo & sons, special premium for tho best 3 cans of fruit (different varieties). Ono box (18 lbs.) Pylo's Pcarllne, worth 5.4u. A special entry fee ot 50c. will bo charged for each entry for this special premium. best c varieties canned fruits In glass Jars. $ 4 00 second best 3 1 0 Best six varieties preserves In glass 4 CM soeond best 3 00 best six varieties Jams In glass 4 01 second best 3 (fl best six Varieties Jellies in glass 4 o Second best .i 2 00 best six varieties bplced fruit 4 00 second best ... 3 (fl best 3 Jars pickles s 00 Second best 1 on best Jar tomaloe catsup 110 Second best Do CLASS XV.-LADIEV HANDIWORK, Superln. tendent Dr. A. 1'. Heller. KNIT, CK0C1IKT AND I'ATCU WOHK, Best display ot knitted and crochet aril- cles 1 2 00 Second best 1 00 Best two pairs woolen knit Btocklngs..., 1 (fl second best 50 best two pairs linen knit btocklngs 1 00 second best 50 best two pairs cotton knit stockings.... 100 Second best 50 Best two pairs woolen knit gloves 1 00 second best 50 Best two pairs woolen knit legglns 1 00 second best 511 Besi-nlt atguan tonvarrlage 1 00 Secoud best 50 Best knit Infant's afghan. 1 00 Second best 50 Best knit lady's skirt 1 00 Second best. 50 best knit infant's skirt loo second best. so Best knit Infant's sacquo 1 00 Second best 50 Best knit infant's socks 100 second best 50 best knit qullt , 1 00 second best , (0 Best knit Infant's blanket 100 Secoud best 50 best pair knit mittens by girl under 12 j ears 1 00 second bust, , , ,,,, 50 Best crochet qullt,,, , 1 00 Second best 50 Best two pairs crochet stockings 1 00 second best 50 best two crochet tidies. lw secoud best, ,,,, 50 bet two pairs crochet tablo mats 511 second bust 25 best crochet sacque J 00 second best 50 Best crochet lady's skirt 1 00 Second best , 511 Best crochet lufaufs skirt loo second best 50 Best two pair toilet mats, mi second best ,,, is Best crochet afghan 1(0 Secoud best, 50 Best two pairs cioebct bocks. , 1 00 Second best ......, 50 Best two palraciochet legglns. 1 00 Second best 60 Best crochet edging 'or bklrti...,, ....... 1 00 becoud besu . 50 Best silk patch worknullt 3 00 second best, . 1 50 Best calico patch work nullt, 1 no Second best, , 50 James f.vlo Son's sneclal nremlutn for tho best patch work qullt, to bo Judged for workmanship, not for material. Ono box (30 lbs.) l'ylCs Pcarllne, worth 3 40. CLASS XVI-EMlHtOlDHItY, Ac, Best !d Best Collection ot embroidery. ., . ti 00 l 00 Two embrolderou linen towels 1 00 Do piuow snams, 1 iv 00 " sheet shams 1 W 50 Sit " napkins. 1 (0 50 Embroidered lady's skirt loo 50 " inrani'SRKirt ... 1 w w " tablo cover In silk, nrra scneor rhenlllo. 1 (0 CO Embroidered tablo scarf tn silk, nrriv seno or chenille. . . 1 00 50 Embroidered lambrequin In kllk nrra- seno or rhenlllo 1 OJ 50 Embroidered sofa cushion In silk, nr- rnseno or chenllla 1 00 50 Embroidered lotlt cushion tn silk, nrrascne, or cuenuie, ., 1 w eu Embroidered screen in silk, nrrascno or chenille. , 1 00 50 Embroiders! banner In silk, nrrascno or chenille. 1 00 50 Embroidered pair slippers 1 on 50 " pairi.uica., iuu ou CLASS XVII-LACE, WOHSTKD WORK, Ac Best Sd Best Collection of laces . a 00 $1 00 Display macramo laco 1 ou m darned net laco , 101 50 " rick rack lace. 1 00 50 Fancy apron In scrim.. 50 25 linen 50 23 " " " snlss 50 83 " " " block work 50 23 six napkins In outline work 50 25 bureau cover " " 50 t.3 Wnshstnnd cover In outllno work.... 50 25 Splash mat In outllno work 50 23 Tno tidies " " 50 25 Shoo bag " " 50 25 Pillow Miami " ' 50 25 Two Utiles In fancy embroidery 50 25 Bag for duster 50 25 Worsted foot rest Ml 23 " ottoman cover. 5fl 23 " reception chair 50 25 " BOta cushion M 23 11 tablo eushlon 50 25 Best collection worsted work 2 CO 1 00 CLASS XVI1I.-PA1NT1NO AND DECORATIVE ART-Superlntendent, Dr. A. 1", Heller. Best 2d Best Display ot drawings and paintings... $3 00 12 10 oil painting by resident l ol. Co 2 00 1 00 Water color painting by resident Col. co. 2 00 1 to Crayon or pencil drawing by resident col. Co 7. 2 00 1 00 Palmed placquo on china 1 00 50 " brass 1 W) 50 Display of lustra pointings. 3 a) 1 00 Panel hand painted 1 00 50 Hand painting n r-llk 1 00 to Display decorated pottery 2 no 1 00 " hand painted china 2 00 loo " wax iiowers 1 eo 50 " wax fruit 1 00 50 " paper flowers 1 00 50 " photographs. 2 00 1 00 " penmanship 1 00 50 " mechanical drawing. 1 on 50 CLASS XIX. ORNAMENTAL PLANTS AND FLOWERS superintendent, J. P. Frcns. Best 2d Pest Display of flowers In bloom $2 (X) $1 eo Display of foliage plants. 201 1 (10 Six varieties ot roses l'OO 50 ' " " geraniums 1 10 to " " " carnations 1 00 60 " " " coleus I 00 10 " " " gloxlnns 1 00 50 " " " Howcrlue begonias.... 1 uo 60 " " " crysanthemums 1 00 r,o " " " German asters 1 00 50 " " " ransles. 1HI 0 CUT PLOWEBS. General collection 2 00 1 00 Display of dahlias. ro 23 geraniums, 50 23 " " gladlolas 10 23 " " verbenas 50 23 " " carnations. 50 25 " " roses. 1 00 r.0 Floral design 3 00 1 00 CLASS XX. MERCHANDISE A MANUFACTUR ED GOODS-Superlntcndent, J, P. Frcas. Best Display of flno groceries Bronze Medal " " dry goods do " " bats and caps do " " millinery do " " brots and shoes do ' ' furniture do " wall paper do " paints and oils do " " chlnu and glass do " ' sen lng machines do ' " silverware do " ' musical Instruments. . do " " trunks and valises do " " umbrellas do " " turs and robes do " " carpo s and rugs do " " gents' furnishing goods do " " druggists sundries do " " table linen f 2 00 " " rag carpet 2 00 " ' coierlets $ 2 00 " , woolen yarns $ 2 00 " " woolen blankets t 2 00 CLASS XXI. VEIllCLES-Stipcilntendent, J. P. Frcas. Best Phaeton t 3 1 0 Fa m lly carriage 3 0 1 Open buirfry 2 00 Ton burnry 3 00 Farm watron 3 00 Sprlm; wagon for farm use 2 00 f nrlnir wairon for measure. 2 0 1 open surrey wagon 2 00 wlieelbarrow 1 00 Sleigh - 2 10 Sulky 2 (0 CLASS XXII-AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, MACHINERY, Ac., supt., John Appleman. A diploma will bo awarded to bost of each of tho following articles. Right hand plow Mowing machine, sulky plow, Lawn mower, corn plow, Hay tedder, Two horse cultivator, Thresher and separator, one horso cultivator, Potato digger, One hoiso corn planter, Hay cutter, cralu drill. churn, Mower and reaper com- Clothes wringer. blncd, Right and left hand Reaper nnd hejf-blnder, plow, Fork and llxturcs for Hand plow, unloadlrg, no horso cultivator, Thi eshlng machine, Band cultivator, l'ortablo steam engine, Hand seed drill, corn Bhellcr, Holler, Cider mill, Roaper and self raker, W ashing machine. Grain cradle, Left hand plow, Dors') rake, Subsoil plow, Fanning mill, Hauow, .Manuro.6preader, Sulky cultivator, Fodder cutter,'corn planter, Refrigerator. Fertilizer dull, CLSS XXIII-STOVES, TINWARE AND EARTULNWARH.-Superlutendent J. 1'. Frcas. best. Display of stoves $ 3 00 cooking stovo with fixtures 2 00 l-arlor stovo with Hxturcs 2 no Variety tlnwaro 2 00 Variety earthenware 2 00 Display marblo work, 200 CLASS XXIV SADDLERY, TANNERS, SHOE MAKERS, Ac, -Superintendent, J, 1". Freos. Set double draught harness $ 3 00 Set double carriage harness 6 00 single carriage harness 3 00 Pair calf boots, hand-made 1 (fl Pair kip boots " 1 00 Pair miner s shoes " 60 Half dozen brooms 50 Two sides solo leather 1 00 Two bides kip leather 1 00 Two calf skins .. 100 Sample brick 50 CLASS XXV BEES AND bEE IIIVEd-Supcrln. tendent, F. 11. Hagenbuch. Best. 2d Best, Swarm Italian bees fa 00 n eo swarm black bees 3 00 2 00 Display white clover honey 1 00 50 Display buckwheat honey... . 1 00 50 Jar extracted honey 50 23 Box honey, 5 lb), or moro 1 00 to Tho bees and honey to ha , 0 been the produco ot tho exhibitors, CLASS XXVI-MISCELLANEOUS,-Superlntcnd. cm, in, a, 1-, iieiter. Articles not herein bei'oro named will bo entered In this class, and tho JudgTa"ivlllexamlno all such as hao Interest or value, and award such nrcm. turns as they deem proper, subject to revision by iuv uiMiu ui ..imiagcrs. CLASS XXVIl-IIICYCLE TOURNAMENT AND RACE. A grand blcyclo Tournament will bo given on rriday at 12 oclock noon, under the management of tho Illooinsbun; Cvcilnir club. All wheelmen aie la Ited and v. Ill bo admitted with their wheels tree uu 1'iiuay. An open to all one mllo raco will bo called at 12 o'clock. First prize, a handsome gold medal. owuuu iie, u iauey i a. w. UdUs'U. Entries to this rncti must bo inmlo nn nr lvprnrn Wednesday, 18th. Entrance fee jl, and must ae. uiui,.,,i iuo entry, Auurcss uu cuiries 10 n. v WHITE, secy. TRIALS OF SPEED. THURSDAY, 1 O'CLOCK, P. M. FA Kit tltS'. best horse or maro lu tho county, under o ,ia, u.u, ui, m-u tuiu usuu uy a farm er , Second best .. Third best. Fourth best 2:40 CLASS. Best trotting horse or maro that bos 23 00 12 50 r 6c 5 00 never made u lnllo In less than 2:40..,, $75 (fl Second best . 37 10 Third best. , Fourth best..,, 15 uo FRIDAY, 1 O'CLOCK, P, M, COLTS. Best trotting horso or maro colt In tho county, 4 years old, and under Second best Third best , Fourth best 2:30 CLASS. best trotlng horso or maro that has never mado a mile In less thau 2:30 .... second beat , Third best Fourth best , SATURDAY, 1 O'CLOCK, P, M. 2:50 CLASS. Best trotting horso or maro that has never 20 00 10 HO S 00 4 (fl f 100 00 5U 00 so 00 20 00 maue a mile in less than 2:50 00 Second best ,, 25 00 iruni oesr 15 00 iuuim ut-ai , ,,,,, , , 10 00 OPEN TO ALL. Best trotting horso or maro 130000 second best joo 00 Jhlrd best. w on Fourth best 40 ou NOTICE. 1 No horse or maro will bo eligible to enter tlio Colt or Faimer's List, unless owned by the com. pernor In the county thirty days 1 rcvloua to tho 2, Horses eligible to tho Colt or Fanner's trots, will In eligible to all, 3. All entries are to bo put In writing t they aro toconectly show tho name ond residence of tho nominator, ulao the name ot the owner, with the color, box anil name of I he horse, (judicature whether tho entry be a stallion, mare or geldmir.) and to glo the pedigree, so far as known. 4. Entrance fee, ten per cent, of puree. All en. trauce fees must be paid before tho entry can bo made. 6 Not less than four entries to moke a race. All trials to bo decided by tho bebt tbioo out of Uve beats. 8 Apractlcatstartcrandtlmprhasbcon secur. cd, and all races will bo subject to his decisions under tho rules ot tho National Trotting Associa tion. t CAttTtoN. All matters relating to lids class will bo governod by tho rules of tho National Trotting Assoclallon.nt which this society Is a member. 8 Entries may bo mado by application to or ad dressing tho Secretary at his ohico at any timo before Saturday, October Oth. nt 8 o'clock p. in when nil entries will postlvely bo closed. SAMUEL CAMP, Pres. II. V. WHITE, Scc'y. Bloomsburg To. 1 NiSTH ator-Tnotici.. Xitttti ot H7J07i A. Tliomnt, late 0 Oretmrood Jbtcusdij, rtpcrfiwd. Letters of administration on tho estate of Wil son A, Thomas, late ot Greenwood Twp., doe'd, having been grniitcd to tho undersigned nthnr., nil persons Indebted to said istnto uio hereby uo tilled to pay the same, nnd those having claims against said estnto present tho samo to A. P. YOUNO, Mlllvllle, Pa., eepJICt Administrator. JI.KOTION NOl'IOKI Nottcols hereby given that tho regular annual meeting of tho stockholders of tho bl.minsburg Water Company will bo held In Bloomsburg on Tuesday, October 12, lwo. at tho otllco ot F, P. Bill. meter, necween mo nnura or z nna 4 nciocK in ldu afternoon, for tho purposo of electing a Board of Directors 10 servo tor 1110 cnsuinff year, nnu inr mo transaction of any other business of tho Com pany. JtllA.MV 1'. 111L1..M1U1-.I1, sept,it-4u pecreuiry, T7RKAS HIIOWN'S INSURAjNOK JP AGENCY. Moycr's now building, Main street, Itioomsbunr. Pa. Assets litna Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn ti,0Ts,22 ltoval ot Uvernool 13.600.00 Lancashire I0,ooo,oo Fire Association, Philadelphia 4,KA"1 l'hoenlx, ot London 6,2rjA,3Tl London A Lancashire, ot England 1, "09,970 Hartford ot Hartford 3,273,03 Sprlnglleld lire and Marino 2,082,680 As tho airencles nre direct, noltcles are written oriuu insurea wiinoui ueiay in mo oiucu at luoomsuurff. ucu 23, 'or- KNKRAL klection PROCLAMATION. I. SAMUEL SMITH, llu-li MiorllT ot Cn. tuujuia euunty, uommonweaun or 1 ennsjivaina, do hereby mako known nnd proclaim to tho nualt- lied electors of Columbia county that a general Tuesday November 2 1886, being tho Tuesday next following tho first Mon- uiiy ui sum iiiumii) lor rno purpose ot electing rno oc.uai 1'eiauiif iicreiauiter nameu, w-wn: Ono person for Governor of Pennsylvania, ono person for Lieutenant Governor. One poison for Auditor-General. ono person for secretary of internal Affairs. Ono person for Congrcssman-nt. Large. ono person for Member ot congress for tho ElcV' cnth Congressional District. Two persons for Representatives; TWO ULrsOns for Assnrlntft .lltilErec, I also hereby mike known nua give notlcethat tho places of holding tho aforesaid election In the several wards, boroughs, districts nnd townships WlthlU the COtintV or flolllinhln nrna.rnllriui vf?t Beaver township, at tho public houso ot Potter Benton township, nt tho public nouso of Hiram i.uss, in iuu iuwii ui uenion. East Bloom, nt tho court House, in Bloomsburg. West Bloom, nt tho Court House, lnbloomsburg. East Berwick, at tho little onicoof Jackson A W oodln In tho borouirn of lierwiet. West Berwick, at tho oftlco ot W. J. Knorr, in borough of Ceutralla, nt tho publio houso of Wil liam Pelter. Hrlarcreek township, at the public school houso jieui r,uusviiie. Catawlssa township, at tho public houso of W A. Yettcr. Centre township, ntthoschool houso near Lafny. ctle crcasy's. North Conyngham District, at tho school houso uuur inu couiery or jonn Anuerson tc Co. south Conyngham District, at tho houso of Mrs. i nomas ..lonroe. Flsulngcreek township, at tho school houso near O. B Whites. Franklin township, at tho Lawrenco school houso. Greenwood township, nt tho houso ot I. V Patton. Hemlock township, at tho public houso of Chas. H. Dletterlch, In the town of Buck Born. Jackson twp., at tho benool house nt Waller. Locust township, at the public houso of Daniel Knorr, In Numedla. -Minim township, at tlio publio houso of Aaron Hess, in tho town ot MlHllnvllle. Madison township, at tho publio BChool houso In Jerseytown. Mt. Pleasant township, nt tho MUlertown BChool boase. Montour township, at tho pubUo houso ol W. o. Holmes, at Rupert. Main township, at tho public houso of Jeremiah E. Lonscnberger. ltoarlngcreek township, at tho houso ot Samuel Miller. Orango township, at a. Ilcckman's hotel in Or nngevllle. Pine township, at tho Centro School House, sugarloaf township, at tho houso ot Norman Cole. West Scott at tho publio houso ot A, J. Thrash In Llghtstrcct. East scott township, at tho public house of JohnMouroy In Kspy. At all elections hereafter held under tho law s of this Commonwealth, the election polls bhallbo opened at seven o'clock in the forenoon, and shall continue open without Interruption or ad journment uut U se en o'clock In tho evening when the polls will bo closed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That every person excepting Justices of tho Teaco nnd Aldermen, Notaries Public and Per sons In the mllltla service of tho state, who shall hold or shall within two months havo held any oHlco or appointment of pront or trust undvr thobrited states, or of this state, and city or corporated district, whether a commissioned omccr or otncrwlse, a subordinate oracer or necnt who la or shall bo employed under the LCKtala ture, Executive or Judiciary Department or this state, or of any city or ot any incorporated dis trict, and also, that every member of congress and ot the stato Legislature, aud of tho belect or common council ot any city, or commissioners of any Incorporated district, art) by law Inclinable of holding or exercising at the Bamo time the olllco or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no Inspector, Judgo or other onicer ot such elec tion shall bo eligible to be then voted for. Tho Inspectors and Judge of tho elections shall meet nt the respectivo places appointed for holding the election in the district to which they respectively belong, before seven o'clock In tho morning, and each of bald Inspectors shall ap point ono clerk, who shall bo a oualWed voter of such district. Tho qualUled voters of tho several districts In this county nt all general, township borough nnd special elections, are nereby hereafter author ized and required to vote by tickets printed or written, or partly printed and partly written, severally classtfled us follows: One ticket shall embrace tho names of all Judges of Courts voted for, and labelled, outside, "Judiciary;" one ticket shall emUraco tho names of all the Stato olbccrs voted for and to bo labelled "State:" no ticket shall embraco tho names of all couutv officers voted for. including the onico of Senator, aud Members of Assembly, If voted for. And members of Congress, it voted for, and be label led "county," ono ticket shall embraco tho names ?Jnalltow.Ui,uPomc,;ra voted for, and be labelled ,ron Sllllp : onot'et shall emorace the names "Borough " officers voted for, aud bo labelled And each claS3 bhallbo deposited In separate ballot boxes. SAMUEL SMITH, onci-ln. AXLE R El BACK best in Tin: would uitbeauKa ty Get the Uenulnu. Sold Everywhere. Septio-4t.r. FMZER FALL A10ICEIMT ! :o: When you want a new suit of clothes what do you do ? Why. go where you can be well fitted, get good cloth, and have the full worth of your money when you get your suit. Do you know of such a place in Bloomsburg ? If not, let us tell you of one. It is a : the corner of Main and Iron streets. The services C. Rhodes, have been secured, and we will guarantee satis faction as to fit and price. Should you want a READY-MADE SUIT, We can show you a large stock to select from. If you want SUITS FOR YOUR BOYS, Here is the place to get them, also It is about time to get measured for a new Fall Suit. Call and see our goods and examine our work. EVANS & EYER, Cor. of Main and Iron Sts., BLOOMSBITRCr, PA. Au& sr, 3ms. WILLIAMSrORT, PA. oCupIllW foctism- DEMOCRATIC TICKET. STATE. Von Governor, OHAUNCUY" V, UU.CIC. of Yoik. Foil Lieutenant Governor, It. UltUCli KIOKHTTS. of Luzerne. Von Amu rou General, WILLIAM .1. UKENNAN. of Allegheny, Von Congress-at-Large, MAXWELL STEPHENSON, of rhlln-ltlpliia. Von Secretary of Internal Appaiiis, J. SIMPSON AFItlOA. of Huntingdon. COUNTY. 1'ok Congress, CHARLES H. BUCKALEW. Fou State Senator, JOHN G. FREEZE. Subject to tho decision of tho Conferees of tie :ith District. For Repiiksentatives, A. L. FRITZ, Of Uloomslniru;. JAMES T. FOX, Of Reaver 'i'o.wnsliip. For Associate Judoes, JAMES LAKE, Of Scott Township. C. G. MURPIir, Of Centraliri. Administrator's Salo OP VALUA11LE Real Instate ! Tlio undersigned, administrator, with the win annexed, of the cstato of John Springer, lato ot tho township of Hemlock, In tho county ot Colurn bla and stato ot Pennsylvania, deceased, will ex pose to public sa'e, by vlrtuo of power In the will of tho Bald deceased, on Saturday, Oct. 9, 1886, at 1 o'clock In tho afternoon, unon thnnrnmioAa the following described tract of land ot the cstato 01 tno said uccedent testator, namely: That ccr tain tract ot land, sltuatoln tlin nrnrfait.l mn. ship ot Hemlock, bounded by lauds ot Ellsha Bruglcr, Frederick Miller, Egbert Thomson, estato ot Levi Wright, deceased, and Thomas and Albert uanman, containing 107 ACRES AND FORTY-SIX PERCHES of land, strict meas. ure, bo tho samo moro or less. Nearly all of tho said land Is clearcd-a small portion being WOOD JLAN1, on which Is erected a ono nnd ono-balt story frame DWELLING HOUSE, a frame bank barn with straw shed attached, wagon shed nnd other outbuildings. The placo Is supplied with water by good springs. An on tho premises and other fruit trees. This prop erty Is situated about six miles from Bloomsburg and about soven miles from Danville, and thus Is convenient to market. Terms of Sale:- "chaso money to bo paid at the striking down of trc property, and tho remaining three-fourths ono year thereafter, with Interest from the day of sale. Possession will bo given on tho llrst day of April, 1SS7, upon tho unpaid purchase money being sat lsfactorlly secured, tho making ot tltle,papers and security to bo at tho expense of the purchaser. PETER S. BRUGI.ER, Septl" Admr., c. t. a. BLOOMSBURG MARKET. Wholesale Itctal Wheat per bushel 78 80 Hye " " GO Corn ' " .... 50 CO Oats " " ya 45 Flour " bbl 4 to 5 80 Uuttcr 20 23 Eggs 10 18 I'otatoes 40 CO Hams 11 10 Dried Apples 03 05 Side and shoulder 10 12 Chickens 8 10 (Jeeso Lard per lb 08 10 Vinegar per gal 20 30 Onions per bushel 50 CO Veal skins 07 Wool per lb 35 Hides fi to 7 Coal on Whaiif. No 0 42.00; Nos 2. 3, & Lump $3.25 No. 5 43.00 liltumlnus $3.25 SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COLUMBIAN, w ' F, M. ALLEN, Pmest.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers