THE COLOMBIAN. mm 0. E. EIwjII, 1 J. E.DittoabJnisr.,r Ei,tors' BLOOMSBUUG, PA. FRIDAY, OCTOUKIl, 20, 1833. EMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. I'OIt AUIIirOU (IKNIIItAt, HOniiUT TAGOAIIT, ofWntrcn. I'OU STATU TUKASt'KKlC, JOSElMt POWELL, V .(. tl , of HradforJ, DEMOCRATIC! COUNTY TICKET. i on msTiuoT attornky. U. HUOKINGHAM. it. u t "HP 1V 1 I or m.ooM3iit;it(i. VOtl COUNTY SUltVUVOIl. SAMU151, NKV1IAKD. of nt.ooMsmnui. Tho Philadelphia 1'rcss has discov ered tremendous "frauda'' in Ohio. So there are John Sherman and Charlio Foster. There are no biguor frauds nnywhero in the country. "Tho l'rcss has been slow to find them out. Jam caster Intelligencer. President Arthur lunched with Au gust Uolmont nt Newport, recontly. t I'olitleal ICxchanyc. This is about as important news as we over hear from the present incum bent of tho Presidential chair. Ho has cither just lunched, or gono fishing, liko a baby or a school-boy. Thous ands of dollars aro weekly expended for wiro reports about Arthur's last ' "lunch" or string of b.ns. What does this nation caro how many times tho President cats botwcoa meals or how many suckers ho units out of a mill pond T Head the history of the United StatoSj and you will find no word of any lunching by Washington, except when ho lunched oil tho British soldiery at tho expense of Lord Corn wallis. .Teffertfoii was rather moro re nowned for statecraft than lunches. The Adamses uV not nppear to havo lunched all through tho dull season preceding a political campaign. Abe Lincoln had his hands so full of busi ness that ho was satisfied to snatch a cold bito anywhero ho could got it, without refcrenco to tho fact in tho howspapera. It was Grant who set tho horriblo example of lunching to tho click of tho telegraph key-board, and Arthur lias lunched his way from Wash- ' ingt6n to tho Yellowstono and back, 'and is 'now fishing and lunching up and down tho wholo Atlantic coast. And tho Great American Freo Lunchor is a candidate for another torm ! Turn tho lunchers out! Texas Silinit. '''' Do Not Porget These Pacts. Tho ollicial figures of the Ohio dec ' tion aro not yet returned, but tho ag- gregato voto is only about ten thous- and short of tho largest ever polled in tho State. Oa this great voto the De mocrats havo beaten tho Republicans by a majority of about 10,000. lloretoforo it has always been claim ed that with a full voto Ohio was a surely Republican State Experience may bo said to havo justified that claim. But tho last trial of strength has proved to bo an exception to the ' common rule, nnd has inspired tho Do ' ipocrats with confidenco in their ability 1 to repeat their triumph in 1884. '' It is needless to talk any more about tho different causes of Republican de feat as alleged by a rival or by disap pointed leaders of tho party. The supremo causo they will not recognize. The Republican party long ago fulfill ed its mission. It would not bo in power now but for flagrant fraud and scanda lous corruption. The days of its remaining existence are numbered. Tho peoplo earnestly demand a chango in tho administration of publio affairs. They intend to havo glaring abuses reformed and to havo economi cal government instead of cxtrava ganco and stealing. They will insist that tho President and tho Cabinet who are to succeed tho present incumbents shall earn their salaries honestly, by re maining nt tho seat of Government and giviug proper attention to the peo plo's business. Tho timo has gone by when public servants can play the part of masters, and draw full pay for con tinuous mouths of idleness and of ab ' sence from duty, while appropriating publio property to their personal use ' ' and pleasure. That is tho political significance of tho recent election in Ohio. Tho Re publican party is going, and it is coinc fast. JT. Y. Sun. The Demooratio Oimpiign. MOVUMKNTS OP TUB UAXIHIUTES AND STUMl'SI'KAKKIW. Tiro meetings held by tho Demo cracy in different parts of the state dur ing tho past weeks havo been remar kably well attended. Tho enthusiasm is unprecedented for an off year, and tho demand for meetings inDemocratio counties is increasing. Tho Republi cans, meanwhile, havo had listless gatherings, and the party seems to bo depressed over the Ohio election. Fol lowing aro somo of tho details of the meetings and visitations already ap poiuted for tho next week or ten days, thoso in italics not yot positively ttx ed. Friday, Oct. 20. Phillipsburg. A. G, Curtin, R. Jones Monaghau, 11. F. Da vis, W, U. Ilensol. Saturday, Oct. 20, Iloritioultural hall, Philadelphia, Hons. L. C. Uassldy, S. J. Randall, J, G. Gordon and Gen. George R. Snowden. ' Saturday, October 27, Gettysburg, R. Jones Monaghan, 11. F. Davis. Frank Geiee, W. U. Hansel. Tuesday, Oct. 30, York, Hon. W. A. Wallace, k li Wright, ir. Wednesday, Oct. 21, U'iiUamutort, Hon. S. J. Randall, R. E. Wright, jr., Hon. Jos. Konucdy, W. U. Hence, Thursday, Nov. 1, lllentoicn, Hon. L. O. Oassfdy, Hon W. S. Stenger. Thursday, Nov. 1, Frio, Hon. J. P. Keuucdy, W. U. Hensel, Prof J. liel . lain. ,. Friday, Nov. 2, Horticultural Hall, Philadelphia. Speakers to be announc ed. Saturday, Nov. 3. Danville. Speak ers to bonnnounccd. Saturday, Nov. 3, Pittsburg. Speak ers to bo nuiiotincod. Saturday, Nov. 3, Lancaster, Hon. S. J. Randall, Malcolm Hay, James M. Heck and W. U. Hensel. Other meetings in Western, Central and Noithwestern Pennsylvania, will soon bo fixed. (htneron Still the Issue. At n democratic mass meeting ut Yoi k on .Monday night Lieutenant Governor Black thus spoko of tho one issue in this (ntnii.iimi. It is said by tho Republican leadors that Mr. Cameron is not in this conical, that the boss has been banished nnd hlsslaves aro emancipated. But whoso or der is it that paralyzes tho Constitution of this freo Commonwealth t By whoso mandate and in whose interest do thirty Senators rcfuso to apportion the C.... 1 .,..!!.... ' I.l. ukiuu nun iieuimu even 10 eoiuer wmi the nearer representatives of tho people' Tho truth Is, Mr. Cameion is liliiUcli tho main struggle nt Hamsbtirgt nnd If you sustain his Senatorial body guard by your ballots you will insure his return ti tho United States Senate, tho solo oliject of their contumacy. Tho boss banished I Banished when his personal interests aro placed above tho right of nearly live millions of peoplo to jnsi representation i jjaniaiiou wnen bis command, uttered from boyond seas, suspends your supremo law I Ban. ished when oven tho law which inter feres with tho old management of the l rcasnry is treated with moro contempt nun in flagrant violation of tho statute, great treasury balances still lie at usury lor tho benefit of tho pampered favor ites of tho ring I Ah, no 1 Tho boss will go only when tho Federalist-Republican party has gone : when you havo wrested the Statu Treasury from his grasp ; when next fall you drive his majority from tho State Sanate , when youe'lect a Demooratio Presidout, who, ltku Thomas Jefferson, the first Democratic President, will concur in the abolition of the needless internal system and tho reduction of that army of useless ollice-holders who, appointed by the boss, maintain tho boss. The PeophVs Eights. Tho rlijlit of 'equal representation' is tho right preservative of all rights in a lreo government. To deny it is revolution, and subver sive of Republican institutions. luxation without Kcproscntulion was what our fore-fathers of 1770 pro tested against and tho rights of peo- ;ilo of all liarties to bo represented fair y is n right not to be measured ,by money. the Pennsylvania Democrats claim this right, for themselves andcoucedo it to others. The Pennsylvania' Republicans tldnv it. Iu 1830 tho Republicans polled ill, 701 votes in Pennsylvania. Tho Democrats polled 107,423 votes'. Pennsylvania elects 28 Congress men. 30,433 votes is the quota for dnu member. ' Tho Republicans aro entitled to'l t Congressmen. iho Democrats aro entitled to 13 Congressmen. Iho excess represents tho additional member, J? air apportionment would civo the Republicans lfi members, at most. 1' air apportionment would mvo (ho Democrats 13 members, at least. Alio Democrats offer tho Republicans 17 CoiiKressmen and claim 11. Tho .Republicans offer tho Denioomts 0 and claim for themselves 19. Tho Democrats whilo contcndiuc for Equal Representation havo neverthe less shown a willingness to comprom ise, in order that tho Legislature might, perforin its constitutional duty and ad journ., On the other baud the Repub licans havo not only soouted tho idea of initial ltcpreseutntion but refuso to ac cept the liberal Democratic offer of a compromise, nudj havo. imposed upon tho state a cost of upwards of half a million dollars. The Ohio Election. i Secretary Newman furnishes tho fol lowing totals of the vote for governor as a result of tho elections : Forakcr, 3I7.0G1 i Hoadly, ll,')9,593 ; Schumack er, 8,301 Jenkins, 2,783 ; total vote, 721,401 ; Iloadloy's majority overall, 1,383. The majority for tho judicial amendment is 39,413. Tho second amendment fell short of a majority of 39,o 13. The regulation amendment receive, OS.OoO votes. An explosion occurred at tho Excel sior Gas Squib factory at Kingston on Tuesday, just a littlo past 1 o'clock. The last employee had just entered tho building when tho accident occur red. Tho factory employed eight hands, in ages ranging from 11 to 1 5. All were injured nnd it is possiblo for only three of them to recover. Tho factory manufactured squibs for uso in mines. Defying the Law. Attornoy General Cassidy appeared in theDaupluu County Court Tuesday and asked for a writ of mandamus on tho Sinking Fund Commissioners on ac count of their failure to invest inll (ho available surplus iu tho Stato Treasury in United States or Stato bonds. Mr. Cassidy said tho purpose of, tho Writ was to compel this board to invest, as required by tho recent act of Assembly known ns the Humes act, tho large sums of money uow deposited, without interest to the State, with various banks and individuals, and that in presentjng it now ho Bimply desired to get a re turn day and trusted that Saturday next would bo an aeceptnblo time. Mr. Weiss said that, as his firm would pro bably represent some of tho defen dants, he desired to say that the return day ought to be fixed at, say, sixty days. The caso was a grave one and would take time for preparation. Jlr.Cas sidy pretested against such delay, and after somo further argument the Judgq said : "It does not seem to us that fixing Saturday next is giving reason able time. Tho usual time is ten days. Let this writ issue retuniablo on Monday, November 5, at 10 o'clock.'1 The effort of tho counsel for the re publican Sinking Fund Commissioners, to stavo off the return of tho writ of mtuuliumw asked for by the attornoy general to compel them to obey tho law which commands them to invest tho 1,000,000 of surplus in tho Sinking Fund in stato or Unjted States bonds, raises a now issue In tho present political canvass. One of tho best known iinancinlmen of Ilnnisburg, says : "The law is nn eminently proper one and just what tho honest peoplo of both parties have demanded and hoped for these many years. Had it been enacted twenty years ago the saving in interest to the stato would havo beon sufficient by this time to have enabled the legislature to wipo out all the sato tax on personal property. Tho people would thus havo been relieved jo a largo extent of their burdens, Now when the law so long waited for has been enacted the auditor general and state treasurer refuso to execute it and when the attornoy general undertakes to ooinpol thorn he is met by an Attempt at dilatory proceedings. Tho people will certainly not rest quiet under such a scheme to deny them tho benefit of tho law." THE COOTMBLA.N AND Pension Frauds. The alloiilioii of Postmaster General Gipshairt Iim been called to the pen- rmm iiifuiib swjiiuiurn will) nro laKlllg from'tho poor of tho country thousands 'of dollars ycArly by misrepresentations. In reply General Gresham says : "I havo ilo doubt of tho truth about these operations, but I do not sco how I can help It. To begin with, tho mails nro for tho uso of all persons. Then tho statutes speclty certain classes of indi viduals to whom registered letters nnd money orders may be denied Unless the statutes plainly cover n case, such as that of lottery companies, tho Post tna9ler is powerless, for ho obviously has no authority to make laws, but to oxecuto such as ho finds'. I do not think 1 can do anything to stop this wholesalu pension swindling. If a caso were bronuU before mo than 1 could Investigate it nnd sco if tho statutes cover it." The statute by nu thority of (which Genoral Gresham has Stopped tho mnil of tho Louisiana Lot tery Company is ns foll6ws i "Section it. a, jno letter or circular con cerning illegal lotteries, so called gift uuniA-iis ui uiui'i enterprises oi fering prizes or concerning schemes doVisod nnd intended to deceive- nnd defraud the publio for tho purposo of obtaining monoy under false pretenses snail uo carried in tno mail.' In sever al instances General Grcshnm's prede cessors have denied tho use of tho mails to various swiiidhntr firms encaccd in delraudiiiK tho publio under this section under tho power conveyed In tho phrase. "or concerning schemes devised nnd tntenileil to deceive and defraud tho public," There seems to bo littlo doubt that Judge Gresham will tako up tho matter if recipients of these claim iuiii. win SL-im nun ;i sampio of them. ... . i i . Lidge Forakor, had n superstitious dread of tho 9th day of October. Ho told a friend that ho had crrcat faith and believed ho would bo elected but for the fact that tho election camo on tho 9th of Ootober. On this day, wheu a child he fell from a walnut treo and broke his shoulder blade . on tho same dato whilo a ybung man, ho lost 5iuu on tnreo card monte ; on tho 9th of October, .whilo in tho nrmv, ho fell off a horso and had to go to tho hospi tal for a month, and on tho 9th of Oc tober, 1870, he lost an important law suit, which had changed tho course of his life ever since. Jefferson Monument. The Thomas Jefferson monument at Montecil'.o, Va., is completed. Tho monument consists, first, of two foun dation courses, the lower twelvo feet square and tho next eight feet square ana oacn nine luetics in liemht, which cover1 tho graves of Jefferson and four ot lus kindred who aro buried at bis head and feet and on either Bide. Theso foundation stones are surmount ed by a die four feet squaro at the base and threo feet seven inches in height and this by a granito obelisk three feet twoinchessqunre at the base and twelve feet cloven inches high. Tho total height of tho monument above tho ground is therefore eighteen feet. The inscription, composed by Jefferson, and in accordance 'with bis directions placed on tho obelisk, is as tollows : "Hero was liuricil Thomas JclTcrsou, Author ot the Declaration of American In- dependence, of the Statute of Virginia For HeliglQus Freedom, and Father of the University of Virginia." And upon the die : "Horn April 2, A. D., 1743. Died July 4. 1820.1' On the upper surfaces of tho four sides of the lower foundation steps aro inscriptions marking tho four graves above mentioued ns surrounding that of Mr. Jefferson, viz. : Tho gravo of iMaitha Jefferson, his wife; those of Maltha J. Randolph and Mariu J. Ep pas, his daughters, and of Governor ihomasAl. Itandolph, lus sou-m-law. Tho total expenditure for tho work was $8,332. Albert II. Disston the financial part ner of the great saw house of Philadel phia died on Sunday morning. Ho was but 34 yearj of age. The Pint Electric Telegraph. Tho idea of the practical application of tho electric telegraph to the trans mission of messages was first suggest ed uy an anonymous correspondent of tho Scots Magazine, in a letter dated Renfrew. February 1, 1053, signed by C. M.. and entitled "An Expeditious Method of Conveying Intelligence.'' After very considerable trouble Sir David Brewster indentified the writer as Charles Morrison, a native of Green ock, who was bred a surgeon, and ex pcrimented bo largely in scienco that he was regarded in Renfrew as a wiz. aid, and eventually found it convenient to leave that town nnd settle iu Vir ginia, where he died. Mr. Morrison sent an account of experiments to Sir Hans Sloane, tho President of tho Roy al Society, in addition to publishing them anonymously, as stated above. The letter set for a sohemo by which n number of wires, equal to tho letters of the alphabet, should bo extended horizontally, parallel to one another, nnd about one inch apart, between two places. At every twenty yards they were to bo carried on glass supports, and at each end thoy were to project six inches boyond tho last support, and have sufficient strength nnd elasti oily to reoovor their situntion after having been brought into contact with an electric gun-barrel placed at right angles to their length about an inch below them. Close by tho last sup porting glass a ball was to bo suspend ed from each wire, and at about a sixth or nn eighth of nn inch below tho balls the letters of tho alphabet wero to bo plaoed on bits ol paper, or any sub stance lighteiiough to raise to tho elec trified ball, and to continued that each might retuuio its proper plnco when dropped. With an apparatus thus con structed tho conversation with tho dis tant end of the wires was carried on by depressing successively the ends of tho wires corresponding to tho letters of the words, until thoy mado contact with tho electric gun barrel, when inimo dintely tho same oharactirs would rise to the electrified balls at the four sta tions. Another method consisted in the substitution of bells in place of the letters j these were souuded by the electric spark breaking against them. According to another plan the wires could bo kept constantly charged nnd the signal seut by discharging thorn. Mr. Monieou's experiments did not ex tend over circuits longer than forty yards, but ho had every confidence that the range of action could bo greatly lengthened if due caro woro given to tho Insulation of tho wires. lYoin J2n-glnttrlny. DEMO CEAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. POWDER Absolutely Pure. strength and wholoaomencfl. More economical u uiuium j k ii'in, unu lUllUiil. vt3 801.1 111 competition wltn tho muititudo or low tost, Biiort Wplirht. fllllm ftp nhncnhnla n M ,..... il . . In cans. Hoyai IWkin.i powder Co . io,i Wall-St.. N.V. aurlUtv. HEADACHES Aro generally Induced by JndlcoKllon, Foul Stomach, CotttvcnoM, DrCtlent Circulation, or eonio Donuiccnient or tho r.Ucr mul rlCritlo System. 8uflcrcr will find rollcf by tho uso of Ayer's Pills lo ttlmulato tLo stomach ami prwluco n regu lar dally movomcut of tho bocls. lly thel action on theiio organs, Avnu's Pills divert tho blood from Iho brain, and relievo and euro nil forms of Congestive and Nervous Ilenitaehe, llllloun Ilendnelie, and Sick IlenilAchol nnd by keeping tho bowels free, and preserving tho system In a healthful condition, thoy lnsuro Immunity from future attacks. Try Ayer's Pills. rnsrAnED nr Dr.J.C.Ayor&Co.,Lowoll,Mas8. Sold by all Druggists. NK W AUVKKTISKMKNTS. ONE HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND In the Cutawis3;i Viillov near Giranl Manor composed of twenty acres cleared and partly cultivated and eighty acres iu sprout and young timber. For a desirable tenant a house and barn will be built. Full name of applicant is re quested with post oflice address and names of two references. Hebcr S. Thompson, Engincor Girard Estate l'ottsville, Pa. Oct. so-tw unrrons notice. XST1TKOP I1KSHV DBlCJIMILLKIi DECEASED. And now SentemberKtli 1883 on notttlon of Hen. ry UelchmlUer a ton nnd heir ot Mid deceased and by agreement of all parties In Interest, C (I. Uartc Icy, Is appointed auditor to make dWrlbu. tlon of said estate to nnd amongst tho parties legally entitled thereto. IIV T11K VOrRT. Cert ined from tho Itecorda this 9th Car ofocto- Der lbs-j. vr. KMCKBAUM, Clerk. In rmrsuanco ot said nnnolntment tho undersign ed will sit at his otnee In Ilrower's building, Illoomsbunr. l"o.. on Tuesday. November a). in3. At ten o'clock In tho forenoon, when nnd where nil parties Interested must appearand present their claims, or oe. loruver uuDrreu irom uny sn.ire 01 said fund. U. U. UAKKLEY, Oct., S6-4W Auditor. E XECUTOU'S NOTICE. K8TATE 01' ELIZABETH DELOSO, LATE OF OKASOK TOW.NSUlr, DECEASKU. Letters testamentary In tho estate ot Elizabeth DeLout'. deceased. Into or oransre totvnsuln Colum bia county. Pa., havo been irranted by the liegl-iter of said county to Thomas -Mcllenry. All persons Having cuims ugainsi ineesuiieoi saui ucceuueui. aro requested to present them for settlement, anil thoso Indebted to the estate to make payment to uio uuucrsigucu wmi out ueiay. THOMAS McHEXUV, Orangevllle, CoL county, l'a. Executor. Oct. SO A popiil .riu'i-uuiittirthe llerurs HI AiLi-litULTH, ulia ly tlirlr V.ilormiJ-Witr-crrtft lt tw Ic tin M igt fn-iii tho liurilerii nf livilimtlonnli 1 ilsie tilt. Alur. H-un fotreti t Iho plow and iii ifLi. vrith an Intro liictinbrUr J.aiar.iuTii Uidr-p. luinmcmacrnt lllUlt'K. Spvhmn pp. fri-o. Aarsrs W.sti i. f uiicm Ilro. .V Co., . CIMOINNATI.a OF I PIONEER LIFE oct. ii tin B, F. SHARPLESS' Near L & B Dap:t, Bhomsburg Pa. Manufacturer of First class ranees In ill lie rent styles, cook stoves, parlor stoves ami stoves for lientiin; houses, churches fee. Lnrge stock of tinwnro anil stove repairs, such as gintes, lire brick, lids, centres Ac. CALL AHD SECURE BARGAINS. Oct 20 If UTTRTf! without a ti;aciii;ki Al,,y oiusopei-g instantaneous imute to keys of jyilUno ami Organ. Price Jl. Will teach any tier son to Play Mileeeii ornmlninniirti!.iv. Vnn eouldnt le unit from a teacher In a month for fi. Tvy Itondbo conwnced. Sample copy win be mailed to any address on receipt ot! cents In stamps by HKAltNK & CO., Publishers, 1 o. Ilox S'cw York. uctooer is iw a BATTLE of the BOOKS. 500,000 volumes tho choicest literature of tho world, loti.pago catalogue free. Ixmest prices ever known, t sold by dealers. Sent for exami nation UToro payment on evidence of good faith. JOimi A1.UM, 1-ubllsher, 18 Vesey t,(., N. v. i. ivt'ober ltMw d FOE BALE ! The undersigned offers to sell on ensv term1?, ABOUT 50 ACRES of lund lyin iu Dloomsburg ad joining on tho south, lands of D, W, Armstrong, on the east by lands of Mrs. Jano Richie, on tho north by lands of Ma tbiaa Shall'er and on tho west by other lands of tho soller. Apply to Jolin G. Freeze, ocutut Bloomsturg, Pa. 'KNUHAIi Ut.HUTION I'JtOtAMATKJN. I, JOHN MOinthl, mgii HherllT of l'o liimbliinoiinly, Commonwealth nf ivninylvanla, t o hereby mako known and proclaim to tho quail. Hod cleoluni nt Columbia county that n general eleel Ion will bo held on Tuesday, November 6, 1883. iH-Ing tho Tuesday noxl following Iho llrst Mon day of said month) for tho purpose of electing tho Ono person for Treasurer of Pennavlvntiln Ono crson for Auditor (Icncrnl of roansil vanla. Ono person fjr District Attornoy of Columbia einiiiiy, ono p.-rson for County Hurvejor. I also hereby in lkokn-iwn nnd civo notice that ,'iuw o ... ,,'jiuiiiK mo Hiiirv-nam election in ma soveral wards, boroughs, fllitricw and townships Wlllllfl flu. ..Itn.t. nf 1 1..l...n..t. ..I.. Ileavcr township, nt tho publio houso of roller suutii. llenton township, nt tho public nouso of lllram I ... ...u 1,11 u. I.V111U1I East Iiloom, nt tho Court House, In llloomsburg. West llloom. nt tho Court llnusn. I nr w t it, e v , 'a Vesl 1,l,lrlct; ot tho orttec . ... -..uu...u.s..B. ii liorMh ot0cntralla "t tho public housoof Wll llrlarcreck townshln. nt irt tioimni i.miud A. YPtlPP r' ruu huhso un, C7Af.nwlq.4fi tnwnohln nt mti.iu i.n.. ..?. (Vlltrnliiwntliln ill Hi.ionl.u.l ....... North coiiynjfhfim District, nttlio Bchool house ....... nuiuiiiuj wi ttuim .im'.TNUn X J04 Nntllh I VifivtifflintM I tlaf !,. i . . t'!!)FF.,v.Kl towmhlp, at tho school houso near U. II. Wll I til s. luJunkUn '"wnhlp, nt mo Lnwrcnco school (jreenwood township, nt tho housoof U. 1). ilemlnet tiwnaliln .lilintiiivii. i....n n. it. in,. Tr, I,. , i" , ""Y' V""" Ui VUIU ... .w.vv,. mi uiu nj n ui iiun, iiui ii v viu iiwino ui I'.Lt'nl 'I VUIU. NumctiiA. Minim towiHiiip, at tho public housoof Aaron Infersoywn nSUlPl nt tUo pubUc 8Chol "owso Mt. l'hMsaut township, at tho Mtllcrtown school 11 t iiVi-nA nt liit J puuuu UUUSU UI Mnnfinr tnwnslitti nt i.n ..nkiu i . Aituu luwusiup, ui mo puuuc nouso ot Jcrcm ah E. Ijouffcuborgcr. f'oariuffcrw!K township, at tho houso of Samuel rto SnS " '","' )rilti(Tf tnwnsMn nt tln itni.llt usti.nAi t.. r. . vnmu tliiwui IIUU3L". IMtin tnvvnshln nt tin Puntu,. a.ti.t u Pnln "uuou ui iiuiuiuu rrli-l i'wwuw uuusu ui i-. v. riuu t .KS?16 ,townshlp, at tho publio houso of Jacob Miller, in Kspjr. At all elections hereafter held under tho laws of ii4ia viiuiiiuunL-mui, II1U UitTllDIl POHS HllftU DO opened ut seven o'clock- In tho furenoon. and shall continue open without Interruption or ud Journmcut until seven o'clock la tho evening when i.uu j-vitj nut w tiuatui NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That every person excepting Justices of tho reacts nnd Aldermen. Noturti- Pnhiin nn,i i... sons in tho militia service of tho Htate. wlio shall hold or shall within twomonth-j havo held 1 "viiuiiiuireui. ui proui, or trust unuur theuri'ed Stau-s. orot tlili stiiie. nn.i rm-n ..inini-L, iiwiiwr n eumniisMoneit olllccr or otncrwlse, n suboidlnato olllcer or nirent who It or shall bo employed under tho ture, Executive or Judiciary Department of this oui.u, ui ui uuy uuy ur ui uny incorpornteu ttls trlct, and also, that cery member of Conyres's nnd ot tho htato URlslature, nnd of tho select or common council uf any city, ur commissioners of any Incorporated district, nro by law Incapable of holdlnff or cxcrclslnir nt the same time the OltlCO Or UDDOlnttnent of .llldire. insnoelirnpr-lori- of any election of thU Cominonwealth, an 1 tnat uuiuaiicvwi,duu(,-u uruiuur umcer oi sucn elec- iiuu siiiui uu eiiiuie 10 ue tiien vuiea tor. Tho Inspectors an 1 Judge ot tho elections shall meet nt tho respective places appointed for holding tho election In tho district tu which thoy respectively belong, before seven o'clock In the morning, and each of said Inspectors shall ap point ono clerk, who Khali tin n nujnrind vM,.ni uiau ill. Tho nualllled voters nf thn siu-nt-iii iiictH.tB in this county nt all general, township borough nnd special elections, are Hereby hereafter author ized and required to voto by tickets printed or written, or partly printed and partly written, severally classlded us follows: Ono ticket shall cmbraca tho names of all Judges of Courts voted for, and labeUed, outside, "Judiciary;" ono ticket shall embraco tho names of nil tho State uiua-ia ivioi lurauuiuuo lauenea "state, ' one ui-iii-b Dunn cuiurucu iuu names oi an county and .Members of Assembrv. if voted for. nn lembers of Coucrress. if vofnit fnr. nmi iv iniui. led "County :" one ticket shall embraco tho names ui uu luniisiupuiiicers voted ror, ana Do labelled "rownsUlD!" one ticket shall emninen tho nn.. of all borough ollla'rs otcd for, and be labelled hfiiint iu,v. t,-fi. ;t;:..v..'"' And each clais shall bo rtpnnsifri in Bnntmit. 'l't- hherirf. lutiirntous with TfM f Vfl'ti COIDIN 101 V brunt you la MUSI MONll in On. MunUithiii any. tlUtu ebw in America. AbaolaUilfertAlutv, tlthor lw.ocapUal.x Yomwa7SUrnwlcliit.N.loifc oct 10.1m aid. .nab wui oocceooeooeocaas eocoooooooeeoeoo eoeooouoeoesottcec Diamonds. Wo asl; the attention of pur chasers to the Importations of Fine Diamonds now arriving. To meet the demands of the most critical, and consequently the mo Jt prudent, we confine our selves entirely to the sale of such diamonds as may be pronounced strictly fust-class in quality. Rucogn'zing the fact that in ferior stones have little intrinsic value, it has been our business aim to offer only such Diamonds as we can unhesitatingly recom mend as a judicious money in vestment. In Rubies, Emeralds, Sapphires, Cat's Eyes, and Rare colored Gems of all kinds, we have been fortunate in securing many beau tiful specimens. We desire to extend a most cordial invitation to our custo mers and other:! ia thisclty to visit our store, now rendered addition ally attractive, by reason of the many elegant goods of all kinds constantly arriving from abroad. J. E. Caldwell & Co., 902 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. tiimttiKeceasi etttttixatttici ott(Of oeoesi UDITOIfS NOTICE. KSTATK OP IIANN1U miT, PECEA8ED. The undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or- 1'iiiiu a ..uuib ui 1.-UIU111U1.1 county lomaiio uistri lutlon ot the balance In the lands of the admlnls trator to and amom? the n.irtlt- pmltltM thproin win sit at his oniee in llloomsburg on r-aturday, November 17, lssa at 11) o'clock a. m. when and wl-e"c all parties Interested In said estate must np tiear nnd present their claims or bo thereafter de- uarrui troui any suare 01 said lunil. U & WlN'mtsTKEN, Auditor. Public $ulc2 OP VALUABLE Real Estate The undersigned will offer at public sale- on the premises on SATURDAY, OCTOHUU i7tl, '83. Commencing at ono o'clock p. m., of said day, the following described property to wit t all that lot of ground situate In the Milage of Kipy, In Scott township, Columbia county, I'd., fronting on tho public road leading from Kspy to ltertvlck, adjoin. Ing au alley on the east, an alley on tho north and lot ot Jacob Hess on the west, said lot being about TO feel la w Idtti and 177 feet In depth. Whereon are erected a large two-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, under tin roof, and veranda outha east side and front, with two-story frame kitchen attached vitth larch cistern on said porch, u good well of water with pump, a good suminer-Michen, and coal house on alley. A Kood largo fraaia stable with carriage house. Votisejslon will be given on tho ut diy of April nwi, or the purchaser may lake constructive pos sesslon and collect the nuts from Not ember 1, 'da. icnus maae auuwu on uay 01 sale, E. 11. 1IALDV, Ilyhli Attorney In fact, M. V. Ejerly. oot S-U llloomsbutv, Oct. 8, list SUHSCWHR FOR ( THE COI.U.MIIIAN, 1.50 A YEAR. OKlMIANff COUll'f HALM Of VAMWIILM Kcal slsiic! lly virtue of nn order Issued out nt iho Orphans' court of Columbl.i rotinty tho tinilerslgncd ndmln. inrntor or Mlllon Mnsteller, (leeoa.nilr will cxikx to sale on tho premises on Saturday, October 27th, '83. At 10 o'clock, n. m., tho following tract of land t sltualo In llrlarcreck tnwiwhln. mtiimtiin mnniv. Ixiunded and described ns follows, to-wlti On tho i-nov uj inuii ui u, iv, nowmnn, on tho southby tho ruim icauuig trom ncrwick to liltlcnhouso's mill, on uiu noriii uy roan leaning to llerwlck, contain, ing 1 AKES, on which nro erected ft VlMtK DWKLLl.NO, 8TA1II.U ond outbuildings. TKIIMH OP Ten nereent. nf nnikfiuirtl. of tho purchase) money to be paid nt tho striking uuwn oi ine property! tno one-fourth less tho ten percent, at tho connrmatlon of sale s nnd tho ro malnlng three-fourths In ono year thereafter, with Interest from confirmation nlsL A. II. (JllOOP, oct 3 Administrator. FALL OPENING OF Alexander & Bro. GOODS, LOW pRlDSt full lit, n nf 1'nnlfV.llnnn.i. I.. .tin m nrs. Tobaccos, lines, Christmas tree trimmings, and a largo stock of Sugar Toys for tho Holidays, rWJtotcisatc and $ctitlt. Meerschaum l'lpes, cigar Holders, cigar Cases. Tobacco Pouches and other goods suitable for tho Christmas trade, county dealers should consult our prices betore purchasing elsewhere. Ttrsext to court House. ScpU S8-3m ORPHANS' COURT SALE OV VALUAnLB In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' court of Columbia County l'enn'a tho undersigned ail- minisirator of William Ivcy, deceased will sell at public salo on tho premises on Saturday, October 27th. 1883 at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of said day tho follow. ing described valuablo real estate, to-wlt : A tract or messuage tenement and lot nf inmi sltuato In Hemlock township, Columbia county, i-a., uouncteu ana described as follows, to-wlt : lie ginning nt a btono corner, thence by lnnds of John tlruber.fcouth two degrees West, eighty-two and rSHr:tcn,h lurches to n stone ; thence by land of JMlllam Kmest, south scventy-elght and one- ...... ... whiu., i-ai, uiiivitx-ii unu niur-ieniii nerehe-i tn n ulnnn . rtmnnn ti.n nn.n -v-n.,. . .. ukv.,u , .u.ihv UJ.1IIU N1UV, Ullll IUI- ...... ... 0 . l,. ,rvo., ..1,1 . . -IIIUO UUU L.TU-lClllll tourth degrees Hast, seventy-seven nnd tlvctcnth 11 ACRES and 51 perches strict measure. Auo another messuaee or tract, of tnnii mimin. ing tho above described land, In said township, boVinded and described as follows, to-wlt Begin, pint- at a po,t In lino of lteuben Ilomboy, thence by land of Philip A. stroun, South eighteen degrees West, forty-seven perches to a hickory tree; theueo uJ .....Maui .u. yu oiim.-iuiuvcr, f?uuiu lurij -luree 110 gtves Last, n!nety-elgla perches: thence by land grees Last, Ufty-slx perches to a stone: thence. . . . ... va M...ini..uu I lunula iu 11 SVUUD thence, horth two degrees West, sixteen perches to a stono by land ot ileorgo winner ; thencu bv the same, North twenty degrees Kast, forty-six perches to a chestnut : thence. North nnd . .. ... .iijuuu wvii,u m u mime ; iiieiieu by land of John s. Hartman, South twenty-four degrees West, blx perches to a stake ; thence by two perches to a stone ; thence, North ten nnd n mjiiua 1..131, im.v llCltlll-S IUU SIUI1U I llieilCU by land of lteuben Ilomboy, North elghty-four de grees West, thirteen nnd two-tenth perches to thn place of beginning, containing lO ACRES and is perches of land strict measure. AI.SO another messunco nr tr.iet. nf lnml aituntn In Hemlock township lying alongside and adjoin. Ing the above described tract ot land bounded and described as follows, to-wlt Beginning at a stone .uiu luuiuiiK iiu-iieu vy miiusoi i-niiip a. ftroup, Nortli two deirrees iiasr Kltt'-twnnepehfa tn stone: thence by tho same. North fortv.thren iin. grees West, slxty-nvo perches and one-tenth to a none; thence by the same, North forty degrees iwai, i in 1 1 j -unu iit-ixii-s auu six-ieutus to a post ; thencoby laiulsoiM. o. Shoemaker, south forty three degrees Iiist, nlnety-clght perches nnd two tenths to a stake : and thence, south fnrti- 1a. grees West, seventy-six perches nnd eight-tenths iv, mo iu.ivu u. m-mmiiug, euuuiining acres and 3 perches strict measure be tho same more or less. Altogether h; acres and ttt tierches, on which are erected a good two-st ry Frame Dwelling House, out-kltchen, bank barn and other outbuildings. also a goou wen or water at the houso and ono at tho barn, as also two never-falling springs of water near the buildings. There is also an npplo orchard on tho premises composed of young thrifty trees, good beating, and ot choice grafted fruit. TEILMS OP SALR Ten per cent, ot tho one- fourth of tho pur:hose money lo bo paid at tho striking down of the property ; tho one-fourth less the ten per cent, nt the confirmation of salo ; and the remaining three-fourths In one year thereafter, with Interest from connrmatlon nlsL Purchaser to pay for deed. ANN IVEV, o KDWAHU V. IVEV, sept, ss-ts Admrs. A UDITOU'S NOTICE. 2X. E3TATS OF ELIZABETH KKlCnNER, LATE OP JIIFFUN TUWSSMir, DECEASED. TllO UnderslL-neil nnitlfrir nnrmlntivl Yi- lin rim phans' Court of Columbia eouutv. "to mike illtri. button of the balance In the hands of John Moure y, trustee, to sell real estate," win sit at his omee In moomsuurg, on r rw.iy. November 9th, 1SS3, at 10 o clock a. m., when nnd where all parties interesu ......iii uiuuo. irrvai .uiu pirm-uv claims, or be forever debarred from any share ot said es tate, ir V. WHITE. oct 13-ta Auditor. UDITuIfS NOTICE. ESTATE 01' AMANDA WEBKIIEISEK, LATE OY BLOOMS- l Bl'Htl, DECEASED. The UndeMtrned auillter nnnnlnte.1 hv tliA.v. phausT'ourt of Columbia county touuko dlstrlbu. tlon of the balance in hands of the administrator, to and amom- tlm n.iritr. pntuimi ,titip..tA .l.ih Li. athlsomceln llloomsbutv, on Thursday, Novem ber nth, ism, at 10 o'clock a. m when and where all parties Interested In said estato muit appear and present their claims, or be forever debarred from any share of said fund. A. I- F1IITZ, oct 13-ta Auditor. E XECUTOUS" NOTICE. ESTATE OV RICHARD KILE, DECEASED Letters tcstamentnrv In thn ptntn nf iha!i...i Kile, deccasol, late of Suirarloaf township, colum- ui.i euuniy, renn., nave oeen crantea by the Ite. Klster ot said county to Zephanlih 1. Kile and Ka- iuiuu a. iniiniiiii. au persons naviui; claims atrallist the estate of said decedent to present them lor settlement, and those ludebted to tho estate to moke payment to the undersigned without delay. .KriIAMAIIL. KILE, . ... KATUltAU A. 1IKIU.IN(1EH, October 13-w Kxecutora. OUl'IIANS' COURT SALE OF VALUAULE lursuant to an order of the Ornh-ins. fnmi n. Columbia county will lie bold at Public Sale on tho premises in Minna township lu said county on Wednesday, A'ov. 7tli '83, Rt tWO O'ClOClt In thU afternnnn thn InllAuHn.. described real estate late of William Kelchner, uivcok-u, iu mi i a larra aujotniaj lands of law ltros.4: Co., on the wutu by lands of Samuel Dresher, Ceortre Vilder and others, on the west by lauds ol (leorve I'edder, conlalttlnjf 1 ACHES, more or less, whereon aro erected a two story lot? I1'"USE,. FRAME BARN andoutbulldlun. also a iraod well ntwntor .ri apple orchard. TKUMS or' 8AU1 Tvn per cent, of the one fourth of tho purchase monev to lu m ti. rtrlklns down of the property Ihe one-fourth less ... u t7i vcui. uv me connrmatlon w sate and the remalnlns three-fourths lo one )ear thereafter, nt... .uiviv0v iiuui vuuiiruiaiion uisi. COLORED SILKS. Our Full Importations luivo now arrived of tlio cclobi'ntcd innko of JOHN STAPFER'S SONS' COLOR ED SILKS, Ir. fifty similes, 18 mid 20 Inches wltlc, At 75 conta and $1 por yard. Wo lmvo ALL BOILED LYONS COLORED SILKS 20, 21 mid 22 inches wltlo, At $1.25, $1.50 anil $2 00 per yard. ' Wo luivo n Rilunt1i(l lino of LYONS ALL-SILK COLORED RADZIMIRS, . , . Tim now texture for ladies' tailor-made garments. Prices $1.75 to $3.00 per yard. Wo havo n wonderful Block of FANCY WEAVES OF SILK, Such ns BROCADES, FACONNES, ETC., in both Satin and Ottoman Grounds, to match tho now shades of plain silks. Prices: $1.25 Eighth Street. Market Strett. PHILADELPHIA. 55 r-3 o O I Ml jtoek siirns ana at, lower nrir timn i. - K. .in h, -SL .. ui vuri'is over "TvrmSHJnVln" .. J",'?,i"".','. ." ",V line 6 Su'rw 'different .at Wher makes of llody llrussels. A full l)xlyandT,ipestrynruls,TlallandStal" prlcM ftway dow"- A "' "no of GOOD BODY BRUSSELS, $1.23. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, as low as 70 & 75c. EXTRA SUPER INGRAIN, 80 & 05c. ALL WOOL SUPER INGRAIN, 75 & 80c. WOOL FILLING INGRAINS, 05c ing carpeta cruuVl clot lu i and fuSli nnS 2S, J. J". BROWBR, BLOOMSBURG, PA. m w KS3 U of ALI, IM, Tp. fur A I.l. ATI i. 1 11 , re Wj!.onn,i ;'1r;uei:ViVri?' lu,alo "J ot .no, mil. tllltT'S tltDS HIRAM SIBLEY ftbruaryoiy $300,000 Ordinary Stock, In Hurw of 8 JO Men, In The London ad WwtmlnitMlnTetmnit Cotnpny of Ontario, ornnlud to conduct Tery proflUble Inreitment bailneu In tbo Unlte4 Bt4tM and Cnl. I. oBer8j TU next luue wUI U nuda at conildtrablo prem. lam. BhrMmy,atopttonofiubritr,Urldup In full at onc or ty lntUmLti. Addrew at one, for full partlculara. tbe Managing Plrvctor. EDWARD UKCIV,LoDe,CAXABA. "uwior' October lK-lw LIVE AGENTS WANTED. andCaniulas tolarKedby the publisher to 6lS pagea. I t contain over 8,000 household recelpes and is suited to all class? and condltlonsof Lot clety. a wonderful boolc and abouihold necS. r,Jl.8el.Ua.t,Jnt- "reatest inducement eve onered tobooit agvata. Sample copies seni by mall. 1-ostpali forn,oa Exclusive terrllorj-Klven. Atrenu more than double their money. Address iiti'4 tiU!Ma ,,rtuun nn ItefSor kUtlUtASl.Sai. to $1.50 per yard. Filbert Street. off (Qpetg9 brousli . . 'r; .iihiiiiihw ineiatestue- life1 che".'' ana f&rtMe, used for co er- iP fit only in, .i, iirr .11,1. i. 111 Dill, ilia ticnt M-nt out & CfV rtrhK. uv ru m ' ' " u,""6ui DMINISTUATOH'S NOTICE. KSTATS0I' JACOB HONS LATE OF MIFFLIN TOWNS1IIF DECBA8ID. Itt.eJs0'a'lmlulilratl0lln the estate of Jacob lions late of Minitn township, Columbia county l'a. tteeeased, have been granted by the ltcglstcr of said county to (lea. K. Hons, admlnUtrator. All ,!f.rviniullrtDfclal,usll8llhistsaid estate are re luested to present them (urbettlement, and those indebted to tho some to make payment totheun. Uerslsued administrator without delay. . , . (1KO. A. llON'a Sept, Sl-ow Administrator. XJSE 0TI8BK0TUKRS' NEVER-FAILING CORN CURE! Cures quleklr and easily nrd and 8ofl Corns, Cal louses, Warts, Moles, tc no H! no coition I no cure, no pay ! Price Only 15 Gts. 1'BKl'AllKUONl.VllY OTIS BROTHERS' Chemists, Bingham- Aug. 314a). ' m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers