The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FltlDAY, MAHOII 10, 188:1. Correct Jtiillruad Time 'I'uliic. Train on tho l-UUaJ Jlput a It. K. leavo Unpen M rouows I JIOBTII. ROUTII. 8 18 ft. m. 114Ja. tn. 4 wi p. iu. p. m. Trains on tho 1). I.. & W, II, II. leave Bloomsburg as iuiiowd i NORTH. ""HI11, isaa.m. IS12ttm .o 6J a. rn. J' a' !" -(I 61 D. 111. 4 8' P' u Tho 11 45 train south connects with tho Phila delphia Heading at itupert, nml with the Northern Central at Northumberland, Tha8-Mn. m train connects at Northumberland with :3J trAln on Pennsylvania road reaching pnPadeiphla at 8:sn p. m. Th'o lt!4 train connects with Philadelphia and Heading roal at import at 11:50 reaching I'lilla dclphla at e-.oo p. m. The 11:45 train connects with l'ennjylv.inla roil at Northumberland at 1:53 reaching Philadel phia at t:J5 p. in. Tho 4HT P m. train connects with Pennsylvania road at Northumberland ai i p. iu riilladelphla at :M a. m. and reaches BTralns on tho N. W. II. Hallway pass Bloom Kerry as follows : NORTH. SOUTH. T.4la.m is.tsp. in. ul p. m ..01 p. m. lMitillc HalcH. All persons having bills prlntcil ixt this onicc, will receive n gratultovis notice tmiler this hciul. Charles linker, Adm. of Jacob linker, dee'd will sell valuable real cstnto on tlie premises In Heaver township on Friday, March 23, 1883. The administrators of Thcrcssa Haylor, deceased, will sell real estate In Montour township on Friday, March 30lh, at 2 o' clock p. m. li. Frank Zarr, trustee, will sell valuable real cstntc on premises of William Kolcli ner dco'd on Tliursduy, In MllUIn, March 20th, 1883, ut two o'clock. John Mourcy, trustee, will offer for sale n valuable town lot, on premises of Kllza bcth Kelchncr, deceased, in MllUinvillc, on Thursday, March 20tb, 1883, at 10 o'clock. nnlclllrlnk will sell personal property on premises of Win. Brink in Jackson town ship on Friday March 23. Howes, cows, &c. Johnl'oolcy will sell valuable personal property on premises in Frosty galley, on Wednesday March 21, commencing at 10 o'clock. H. Buckingham, administrator, will sell valuable real estate on premises of Eliza both Walter, deceased, In Montour town ship on Saturday, March 31st, at 2 o'clock. The heirs of Hiram K. Kline, deeeased will offer for sale valuable real estate In Or.inge township, Columbia county, on Wednesday March 29, 1833, commencing at 10 o'clock In the forenoon. I'cr.tonal. A. A. Zancr, has returned to his homo In Audubon, Iowa. Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. E. Klwell nie In I'hil adclphta this week. Mrs. Daniel Zarr, of Catawissa, is severe ly allhctcd with dropsy. J. Saltzer will move into the new store room and dwelling of James Barton, about April 1st. W E. Smith Esq., of Berwick, gave us n brief call on Wednesday evening, on ids way homo from I'hlludelphtu. M. A. Caswell has moved into the new building of Wm. Sterner, on West Street, near the woolen mills. Eli Bobbins, of Forks, started for No braska on Monday. He expects to re main there several months. Kev. Dr. Hopkins, of Williamsport, preached in tho Episcopal church last week, Thursday evening. D. F. Weiss lins given up the agency for the Singer Sewing Muchine Co., and Is salesman for n grocer In Philadelphia. James Lilley of Orangevllle, who has been confined by rheumatism for some time, is getting, better, and will soon be able to attend to business again. Mr. Isaiah Bupcrt, who lias beecn em ployed for a number of years witli A. Par dee & Co., at Hazleton, tendered his reslg nation nnd has returned to his home in Bloomsburg. Among our callers the past week were Joseph Gilbert, of Scott; Joseph Hess, of Sugarloaf ; Beuben Bomboy, of Hemlock ; William Brink, of Sugarloaf; Charles Ash, of Fislilngcreek i Jacob Diert'cnbacb, of Bloomsburg i J. It. Sutllir, Blooming dale, Luzerne county j I. K. Dildine, ot Orange; O. H. Dlldine, of Greenwood; Samuel Giger, of Bloomsburg ; rOiadrach L. Hess, of Sugarloaf; T. J. Hutchison, of Forks; Thomas Brobst, of Lime Bldgej Kev. 1). M. Klnter, Stillwater; J. II. Alk man, Llghtstreet ; B. F. Dietterich, of Hemlock. A water company has been orj Sunbury. ;anized In The Philadelphia Times of Tuesday eon. tallied 20 pages. The Sunbury Neica press soon, so rapid and success. will put In a power lias been its growth Husbands will soon be greeted by their fond wives with a please-buy-ine-n-new-spring-bonnet smile. Lockard Bros, have a contract for build, lug a largo number of mlno cars. They commenced work on Monday, Tho Sunbury Democrat donned a new dress last week. It published an Interest ing history of its early days iu the snmo issue. Dr. Joseph Priestly, a son of tho distin guished Dr. Priestly, died nt Ids homu In Northumberland, on Saturday last, aged 05 years, Sir, MncFarlano Introduced a bill In tho Senate on Monday llxlng the salary of County Commissioners ut three dollars a day Instead of two. ioit Hunt. A desirable propeity on corner of 3rd and ltallroad Sis. Suitable for boarding house. Inquire of G, M, Quick, nt Prothonotary's olllco. The Llbruriau of the Philadelphia. Historical Society says that tho History of Columbia county "Is very attract ively printed." The sale of thu book thus far is beyond our expectations. Notices havo been posted at thu noul mines at Scr.inton announcing that full time will bo resumed next week. The mln. crs nre greatly rejoiced as they have work' ed on half tlmu since Dercinber, Tho fish commissioners of Pennsylvania have notified tho legislature that there Is n largo number of brook and California trout, salmon and curp ut tho statu haxhlng house. These can bo obtained by addressing Col. James Duffy, nt Marietta, Wo have been itnablo to deliver the half morocco mid full leather copies of tho History of Columbia county becuusu tho binder has delayed us three weeks longer than wo expected. Our ugent Is now on tho road delivering the $3.G0 book. THE Base ball will bo indulged In to a great extent during this summer. The champion clubs are making extra preparations. Can we orgnnlzo n good club ? Tho newly.clcctcd Justices of the Peace aro required by law to file their accept ances in the Prothonotary's ofllco within thirty days ntter tho election. The History ot Columbia county Is sell ing rapidly. If you destro to secure n copy you should send In your name at once. Direct all orders to lids onlcc. Mr. O, W. Barlch nnd Mr. John Outlier, of Sliennnilonh, Schuylkill county, have recently purchased lots at Kaglcsmcrc, and will erect cottages dating the summer. If you want a nice Spring Hat The latest color nnd style call nt David Lowcnbcrg's Popular Clothing Store. Senator Hart of this dlstilct, is n mem ber of thu Legislative Committee sent out to Pittsburg to Investigate tho charges of cruelly at the Dlxmont Itmno Asylum. Lumbermen take Notice 1 Parties hav. lug lumber, nit kinds, nnd shingles to sell, will do well by calling on Lilly & Sleppy nt Orangevllle, Pa. They will pay the highest price In cash or merchandise for the above. The Danville Inlelllgcnccr thinks tho Noith Brnnch canal will be abandoned since tho Pennsylvania H. it. Co. have direct railroad communication to their mines by tho North and West Branch rail road. This Is denied by employees of the canal. " 'Tis more brave to live than to die." Therefore don't wnlt till n slight cough develops Itself into consumption but secure a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup nt the small outlay of 2 ) cents, curu your cough and live on h:pplly. A meeting was held at Sunbury last week to organize anil select a place to Hold a musical jubilee, the coming summer. Hon, J. C. Biichcr, of Lewlsburg was elected President, and A. M. Carey, of Sellnsgrove, Secretary. Sellusgrovu was selected as the place for holding the musical convention. The date of the convention will be announc ed hereafter. Postmasters aro often called upon to de cipher queer Inscriptions on letters. The following is the exact copy of one lately received at this Post-olllco : 'I. A. Shucked, Sunertcndent of the in- llamcrlnry asylum llloms Burg Pa" It was Intended for Dr. L. A. Shattuck, of the Bloomsburg, Pa., Sanitarium. Fine Spring Suitings Fine Dress Suitings Fine Tiottser lugs list arrived, call and examine the Custom- Department of David Lowcnbcrg's Popular Clothing Store. iV tight occurred in Girlon'a saloon on Saturday night resulting In a broken win. dow and several bloody noses. A drunken man went In there and without provoca tion struck at another man who was sit ting iu the saloon. The disturbance was shortly quelled by the arrival of M. C, Woodward. Tho impositions ot heavy fines on such unruly characters would greatly assist the police in preserving order. The following is the latest swindling dodge prncticed on farmers : Two stran gers come around ns cattlo buyers. In making purchase they pay generally one third cash, giving bogus checks for the balance on banks in vailous parts of the state. They then hurry the cattle oft to the railroad, nnd ship them East selling them for cash. Li due time the checks nre returned from the banks as worthless, and the unlucky holders find themselves sold." The State Normal School, of this dis trict, at Bloomsburg, Columbia county, will begin the spring term on Monday, April 2nd, 1883. The uninterrupted growth of the past years lias continued the school is closing the best winter term n its history. Additional teachers have been engaged for thu next term in view of the increased attendance already assurred. Students coming by the Delaware, Lack. awanna & Western or by the Reading It. It. should send for cards for half fare. Hare Bargains in Fine Heady Made Cloth ing, grand arrival of Spring Styles. We defy competition Wu guarantee sat isfaction. Elegant Suits for Little Boys. Substantial Suits for School. Stylish suits for Youths call and bo convinced that the best place to buy your CloUdus Is at the Popular Clothing Storo of David Lowcnbcrg. Judge Rockefeller bus decided that a license for a hotel or a restaurant, cannot be grunted unless thu petition is signed by twelve reputable citizens of tliu ward borough .or township. By citizens is meant native or naturalized persons who havu thu privilege of exercising the elect. ivc franchise, anil tho right to exercise all political and civil privileges of the govern incut. The petition of Mr. B. II. Barto, of Tuibutvllle, was refused at last court for thu reason that ono of thu signers was a foreigner mid not naturalized. lmrrican. Wu have arranged to grind Lewis' Pens WiiirK Lead w Campiikll's and Thayku'i Pmtc Lixsi:i:i) On., and are prepared to of. fer Inducements in price to dealers and consumers. Hkniiy S. Itu.w, y.2-3m Itupert Pa, Wu acknowledge the receipt of an Invi tatlou to attend tho Annual Purlin Bid Mnsquu under the auspices of the II. Y. M A., at the Dauvlllo Opera House, on Wed nesdnv evening. March 23th. There will be a concert and tableaux at 8 o'clock, Prof, Kuhu's orchestra of Allentown, will furnish thu music, and S, J, Cressmnn will provldo the refreshments. All the nr. ranginents nro first class, and a very en lovalilu tlmu Is anticipated. The number of tickets Is limited, and those who desire to attend should securu tickets at once o I.owls Lowcnbcrg or L. Alexander, Cheap ltAii.iton Tick cm to this West, If you aro going west buy your tickets of H. I). Darlington, agent, P. ic It. Itupert station. Ho sells cheap tickets to lull parts of the west and over thu most desirable routes. Trains leave Itupert at 0: 15 ami 8:50 a. m., and -1:00 p. m. feb 10.3m The stylographlo pen Is onu of tho ncces carles of our modern civilization. If Hood', song had been "Dip, dip, dip." Instead of "Stitch, stitch, stitch," it would hnvo lost Its text at the hands of Mr. Llvcrmore, who lias given ids ngo this perfection of pen, penholder, and case, and Ink, nil lu one handsome, and always at hand and ready for use. The Inventor has put some now Improvements into it ami now what re mains but for every scribo and letter write to find It on his desk. Ink, filler nnd clean cr, nil go with It. And to crown all, the prlco has been reduced to $3. Send that iiinnuiit to the solu agent, Mr, Louis 1 Diinlap, 200 Washington St., Boston, Mass, and the return mall will bring you this most perfect pen, Ointribulor, Jiaaton, Juw, COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, Col. Copcland will deliver n Icclnro In Catawissa, on Friday, March 30tli, 1883. ubject i "Snobs nnd Snobbery." Lloyd Krcssler of Pine township, who as been an Inmate of the Danville Asvlum for nenrly n year, died there on Friday last, from dlsenso of the brain. Ho was a son of George Krcssler. The funeral was held on Wednesday and thu Interment took place In Hoscinout ccmcterv. A full lino of Groceries. Quccnswnro nnd Ceder wnro at Klnports ic Bro'a. Itobert MeWailc appeared nt tho Opera Home last Monday night as Hip Van Win. klo. Tho play ns presented by his com. pany lias undergone some changes, his own work we are told, but wo cannot say Unit It Is nny improvement on the old version. McWndo represented tho jolly drunken diitchmnnjn n very amusing way, but Ids support was not strong. Ho Is rnted ns second to Joe Jefferson In the representa tion of tills character. Beautiful Easter cards nt the Columbian office. By reference to the minutes of the Town council It appears that n pioposlllon has bean made tut tho town to purchase the hook and ladder truck of thu Rescue com pany. As tho apparatus was put chased by subscriptions of citizens for the use of the town, and not for the benefit of Individuals It would bu well for the council to bo sure that tho apparatus docs not already belong to the town before spending nny money cn It. Now Is the time to purcluse garden seed, n fresh slock of Liiudretli's seed at Kln ports ic Bro's. Clmrcli Ilc-tllcalloti. The new M. E. Church nt Espy, will bo dedicated on Sunday, March 23th, at 10 a. in. Bishop Bowman will preach the sermon. At 3 p. in. there will be a chil dren's meeting, llcv. Dr. Uphnin, of Drew Theological Seminary, will preach at 7 o'clock in the evening. Supreme Court Canon. Hie following cases from this county have been decided by tho Supreme Court: Watts against Columbia County Mutual Sav- ng I nnd and Loan Association, judgment nfilrmcd; Crcvcling's Appeal, decree nlllrm- cd, and appeal dismissed at the costs of the appellant; Biliby against Jncoby, judgment nlllrincd; Catawissa '.Railroad Company's Appeal (the Rupert crossing case) decree affirmed, and appeal dismissed at the costs of tho appellant. No decision is yet report ed in the cue of Abbott and others against Raiip. Horse Bills printed nt this ofiice in the best style nnd cheap. This Is the only olllcu iu the county that has the cut of the Percheron. A Terribly AfnlcU-rt I'nmlly. The family of Daniel Hcimbauch, con sistlng of fourteen persons, living near Danville, was attacked with typhoid fever a couple of weeks ngo. so malignant was the type that the entire family were down at one time. Two of the children died nl most Immediately and were buried by the neighbors, not one of the family being able to leave their rooms. Last week the father and two more of the children died and the three were buried in one grave. Three of the remaining children nre not expected to recover. Fresh stock of Liuidreth's garden seeds at Klnports ic Bro's. 'I'lie Hate of IviiHter. About this season of the year man y peo. pie arc asking what It is that determines the date of Easter. The answer is that it is the moon of 3Inrch, which Tennyson calls "the roaring moon of daffodils." The old rule Is that Easter shall fall on the Sunday ufter the full moon which comes after the vernal equinox. Unit brings Easter this year on the 23th of March. Iu 1818 it fell on the 22d of March, tho earliest date possible. It will not full upon that date again In thts or the follow ing century. Invigorate your house plants before set ting them out, by using "Food for Plants." We can recommend it. 10 and 23 cents a package. For sale at this office. ISutttcr Cnriln, The present fashion of exchanging small gifts at Easter-tide has been iu general usage from the earliest eras of Christianity. Tho custom, like the religion, is altogether Oriental in its origin, and is symbolical of the idea prevalent among Asiatic people that every kind ot enjoyment, rejoicing or congratulations should be accompanied by bestowal and reception of presents. Until within recent years Easter gifts took thu form of eggs, variously called pace, paske, paschall or pescha eggs, or else morsels of cake and sweetmeats, would be ollercd and taken by friends meeting, with words of pious congratulation appro priate to thu Holy Feast. Now it is cus- tomajy and fashlouablu to send Illumina ted cards, Inscribed with Easter greetings, to all Intimate acquaintances and relatives, since the Centennial such cards have be comu articles of luxury, equally expensive nnd elegant In manufacture as valentines and Christmas tokens. The shop windows now show some line displays of these beautiful cards, Look Heuk! If you aru going West why not start right, avoid all further trouble by purchasing your tickets of V. B. Poust agent of I). L. it W, It. It. at Bloomsburg. Ho can glvo you your choice of routes cither by way of Pennii, It. R. or Niagara Falls and Erie It. R. Baggage checked through to destination ISO pounds, freo with each ticket. Circulars, time tables or any other Information will be cheerfully given at uuy time. tf, Willie Vt, Mirny towns in this section of thu state have wakened up to tho fact that their growth depends upon the enterprise of their citizens. Thu prosperity of a town is regulated by thu industries that glvu em ployment to tho laboring classes, bring money from abroad, and glvo an impetus to business. Berwick has her car shops and rolling mill that have doubled tho popula tion within a few years; Northumberland, that has been nsleep for forty years, is about to erect largo nail works; new nail woiks are being built at Danvlltu; Shlck. shinny will have large pulp works; Wilkes, liarru a now paper mill; Sunbury Is putting up smelting works. What is Bloomsburg doing for Its own benefit ? Thu project of tho bridge works seems to havo been aban. doued, at least nothing more is heard of It, ami tho subscription of -50,000 has to go a begging. Why not Invest tho capital In some other Industry If the bridge works cannot bu secured ? While all our sister towns nro putting fortli their energies in thu establishment of mauuiactories, wo ure resting on our oars uud allowing golden op. portuuittes to slip from us. If wo hope to keep pace with tho times, and make Bloomsburg n growing, Halving town, wu must act now. Let no more tlmu be wast ed. Use Caw's Ink, It Is thu at tho Columbian ofiice, best. For sale Court IroccctlliiKn. Adjourned court March 10, 1883, Mis. E. J. Wooilrltig appointed cttar. dial, of minor children of Henry Wood ring, deceased. Clara Faust vs A. Hughes Faust, Sub. plena in divorce awarded. Citation. awarded In estate of Henry Wi Long, deceased, to file account. John Wolf appointed guardian of W. II. Miller, minor child of Levi Miller, deceas ed. M. A. Williams vs Columbia county. Rule to open judgment. Opinion filed. Jackson vs Booth. Mcchnulc's Hen. Opinion filed. Lien stricken off. Report of auditor In estate of Win. Laz arus, deceased, confirmed. Edgar vs Low. Rule to strike off np. peal. Opinion filed. Defendant to enter ball within ten days or rule to become nb solute. Eves & Bro., vs Hess ic Carter. Rule to strike off mechanic's Hen filed. Sheriff acknowledged deeds lu open court for tho following i Three tracts of land In Centre township, sold ns tho prop. erty of Samuel Bower to II. R. Bower for 1200 j House and lot In Light Street sold ns the property of D. W. Hicks to II. V. While. In trust, for Smith, Kinney is Co., foi $43.3. Order for private salu granted to I. K. Krlckbaum, guardian of Amelia J. Sltlcr, a minor. Order for prlvotc sale granted to Michael Weniicr guardian of Clement Bclshllnc, a minor. Our Common HcltoolH. (Conclusion.) county Institute wns held In the Nor. mat Hall, at Bloomsburg, during the week commencing December 12; 1881. Our in. structors were Miss L. E. Pntrldgc, of Philadelphia; Miss Delia F. Smith, now of Boston; Prof. G. E. Little, Washington, D. C; Prof. Noctllng, and Dr. D. J. Waller, of the Bloomsburg State Normal School. This was the largest and one of the most enthusiastic Institutes ever held in Coluiii. bin county. The examination of tho teach, crs developed the fact that many were de ficient In language, and particularly so in literature and methods of Instruction. Spec ial attention was therefore given at our In. stltute to primary instruction and literature in our common schools. The evening lect urers were Miss Putridge, Rev. Young, and Col. Sanford. The evening sessions, ns well as the day ones, were well attended, all of the lecturers being greeted with large and appreciative audenccs. Regular semi-monthly Institutes were held In Catawissa, Conynghani, and Cen- tralia. A regular monthly institute was held In Plue township, which did Invaluable service In educating public sentiment, and iu creating a deep interest in the public ex ereises. Although this is one of the largest and most mountainous townships in the county, the church in which the exercises were held was always filled to Its utmost capacity. The directors deserve much credit for the interest manifested in their educational meetings. The secretary and president took an active part In tho oxer. cises, thus encouraging nnd assisting the teachers. Quite a number of local instl tutes were held in various parts of the coun. tv. I entered upon the duties of my present work witli a deep realization of the respons Utilities resting upon the superintendent, nt least so far as the examining and grading teachers wcro concerned. I therefore re solved to leave nothing undone, so far as I knew, to glye the teachers a fair, impartial examination. The examinations were large, ly written. This increased 'rery much the work of the examiner, but was deemed tho bettei and fairer test, consequently was adopted. It wns announced at each exam ination that the papers would be kept on mo nt my olllco, nnd that teachers were cordially Invited to call and examine them, This had a salutary effect, although quite a number .were rejected, no charges of un fairness, so far ns I know, were preferred All the schools in the county, but one (which was closed both times when I was there, on account of sickness,) were visited once, quite a number twice, and a few three times. The organization of the school. the teacher's method of instruction, pro gress and conduct of the pupils, their stud les and attendance, were carefully noted and such suggestions made as wcro deemed best to remove existing errors, and for tho encouragement of the punlls. borne lime, (luring the latter part ot June 1881, about fifteen Indian boys nnd two gills, ranging lu ago from fourteen to twenty veins, came from the Carlisle In (linn training school to this county, princi pally lu Greenwood township, to live with the farmers during vacation, to learn to farm and to be profited generally from the association of the whiles. At the close of the vacation, all but one or two preferred to stay at their new homes, work, and at. tend the free school during Its session. At first some of tho patrons objected, thinking that their presence might bu detrimental to their children. Their suspicions, however, were mioh allayed. Thu Indians, by their good conduct and studious habits, soon won ,(110 approbation of all, Their progress Iu nil of thu brunches was good, especially so In writing. I wish to specially call tho attention of the directors to the Importance of properly looking after the school-grounds and build nigs (lining tuc summer, it seems to mu that In miny of the smaller towns of the county, n good teacher (at least as good an one for summer us winter) could be secur ed, if properly managed. Too often is the building promised to tho first onu who ask: for It, and, in many instances, to onu who could not obtain a provisional certificate, Let me earnestly, but respectfully, urge the directors to allow no ono to enter the as a teacher who has not, could not obtain, a valid certificate; thu protecting tho littlu Innocent ones from tho Instruction of one who knows comparative. ly nothing of the science of teaching or lb development of thu intellectual faculties, Eugagu tho building to but ono teacher; ill low him to secure ns many Instructors us ho desires; but In no casu permit two, three or moro to canvass tho town, dividing the patronage, and making it Impossible, to so cure a good instructor. I he following aro a few of thu needed Improvements i Hiilllcleut inducements to lead teachers to expend the requisite, time nnd money for a thoraugh preparation for the work; pupils to bu furnished with the necessary books. In tho visitation of tho schools, I found a great many boys and girls, young ladles and gentlemen, In school with no other books than a speller, n reader, and an arithmetic, On Inquiry, it was found that tho pupils and their parents thought that, In order to make progress 1 thesu branches, it was necessary to glvi iiieni uieir eiiuro attention. lioiv. If w can gel them to take up, iu addition to these studies, thu branches adapted to their ages and acquirements, a great barrier to progress will bu obviated. Wo need a more regular attendance, especially on thu part of thu pupils of thu rural districts; a more frequent visitation of the schooU by thu patrons nml directors; and tli.) furnishing oi an ino boiioow wiui iiiu necessary np. pnratus, In conclusion, I wish to express my sin. cere thanks to tho teachers, directors, und citizens, for the kindness ami courtesy I Ssram , u,, "i0 V?" ii, in,, nt w iiuiiu iiioiiuiiuii, lur vaiuaoio counsel, BLOOMSBURG, Council Iroccctllitit Council met nt 7 o'clock, p. in., Wcdncs day, .March 7lh, 1883, being their regular monthly meeting, G. A. Herring, thu president, and Messrs. llnrtman, Ilabb, Waller, Sterling nml Hnsssert were pres. cut. Tho minutes ot the last meeting wcro rend and approved. A committee from the Rescue Hook & adder Company appeared before Council and asked to dtsposo of their truck, ladder and fixtures thereto, to thu Town of Bloomsburg for the sum of ono hundred and Bevonty.flve dollars with the prlvllego of redeeming them within two years. Mr. Rabb moved nnd Mr. Hartman sec. onded that n committee of two bo appoint ed to confer with tho Rosemont Cemetery Company In regard to tho removal of the dead- from the Episcopal burial ground and to post notices for tho proposals of ic removal thereof. Pakscd by unani mous vote, Tho president appointed Messrs. Rabb nml Hnrtmnn ns Bitch com mittee. Newton Boone, Collector of tnxes, claimed exonerations on duplicate of 1881 and 1882. On motion of Mr. Hnrtmnn nnd seconded by Mr. Sterling, thu accounts ns made out by tho Secretary ngnlnst different Individ. ills iu favor of tho Town of Bloomsburg and reported by the Town Treasurer as not collectable or barred by tho statute of limitations were directed to bo cancelled. The following bills wero presented and io becrctnry Instructed to draw orders for their several amounts i Bill of Nathan Bomboy, street Commls- sioner, for February, 1833, $ 12 25 James Warr for labor on High. ay, for February '83, 2 CO Elijah Strohm for labor on High way, for February, 'By, 2 50 John Shannon for labor on High way, for February, '83, 1 Frederick Schrtm, witness fee lu o. 1 Feb'y term, '83, in Equity, 1 CO Julin Shannon for same, 75 Henry Old for same, 75 James Warr for same, 75 John Haywood for same, 75 Levi Shoemaker for same, 1 50 Joseph Ruckle for same, 1 50 Nathan Bomboy for same, ! SI. O. Woodward, constable "ami police service for January, '83, 11 33 M. C. Woodward, constable nnd pollco service for February, '83, 8 83 B. 11. I rcas, police' service for February, '83, 7 00 I. W. Hartinaii, one year rent of hall for Rescue II. & L. Co.. ending April 1st, '83, !10 00 Elwell ii Dlttcnbcndcr, notice 4 weeks of Episcopal burial ground, slips and envelopes for same, 5 82 Bloomsburg Qas Co., for Jan uary, '83, 42 posts, and post at woolen mill J month, 85 00 Bloomsburg Gas Co., for Feb. ruary, '83, 42 posts, 81 00 Bloomsburg Water Co., water cut for February, '83, fi(j 07 Secretary's salary for February, 83, 15 00 Total S41 00 A. L. Fiiitz, Secretary. Ml kinds of vendue notes kept at the Coi.umiiias olllco. Deeds uecorileil, The following deeds have been recorded since those last published : George L. Kostcnbatider to Pcrinella Kline, Catawissa. Bloomsburg Iron Company to Stephen luiorr, Bloomsburg. James Ilellly and wife to Patrick Galig. nan, Bloomsburg. Thomas Ilicky and wife to John A. Fun- ston, Bloomsburg. George Farver and wife to John A. Fun. ston, Fishingcreek. Allen Maim and wife to Salinda John. son, Beaver. John Turner nnd wife to William Hum. niell, Espy. Joseph Miller nnd wife to Emma Hagen- buch, Espy. Geo. W. Correll, ct. id., executor, to J. II. Long, Bloomsburg. I. W. McKclvy to JIary N. Barman, Bloomsburg. Reulien Fnhringer to Mary Faliringer, Locust. Julia Ann Lviby and husband to Daniel Fry, Montour. Jackson Leiby nnd wlfu to Daniel Fry, Montour, Daniel Fry and wife to Jackson Leiby, Montour. John Leiby, et. id., executor, to Daniel Fry, Montour. Joseph Stackhouse and wife to C ic J. Stackhousc, Briarcreek. II. W. Mclteynolds and wifu to Baltis Sterling, Madison. David Whltinue and wife to Mary Ella Dietterich, Scott. Henry Gable ami wlfu to James Gun. nlng, Centndia. J. W. Evans and wife, et. til. . to Ellas M. Reinley, Berwick. Tlie HIiiiiii unci Hie Ileal. Every good thing has Its host of imita tors ; every erenuine article Its counter- felts Bad manners and wicked habits have theirs also ; but he who shams tho bad never boasts of It, while they who npo tho virtues of the good or simulate the geiiulno nuvcr hesitate to place the coun, forfeit before the public in their most nl. luring tones. When thesu people Imitate they always choose a pronounced typu or popular subject to copy from ; and when they claim to be as good as "So-nnd-So," or to sell nil nrtlclu equal to "So-and-So," thu public may depend upon It that Mr, "So-and-So" nnd his article aro always the best of the kind. Thus thu sham Is al ways proving the genuine merit of the thing It copies. A itrin oi enterprising gentlemen pro diico and popularize an article of house. hold use, such as the Royal Baking Pow der, whose convenience, usefulness and real merit make for Itself an Immense nml universal sale. A hundred imitators arise on every liiiiul, and as they hold out their sham articles to the public, yelp iu chorus, "Buy this ; it's Just n good as Royal, 'ind much cheaper !" The Royal Baking Powder is the standard tho world over, and It Imitators Iu their cry that theirs Is "as good us Royal" aro all tho time emphasizing tills fact. Iu their la. borlous attempts to show by analysis ami otherwise that thu "Snowball" brand has as much raising power "as ,the Royal ;" or that thu "Resurrection" powder Is as wholesome "as Roynl ;" or that tho "Earth quuku'' brand Is as puro us Royal," as well as by their contortlvo twlstlngs of chemle al certificates and labored efforts to ob. tain recognition from tho Government chemists and prominent scientists who havo certified thu superiority of Royal over all others, they all admit tho "Royal" to bo tho nemo of perfection, which it Is their highest ambition to Imitate, fiut tho ilifferencu between tho real nnd these Imitations, which copy only Its general appearance, Is as wide us that be. .......... .1 .n i .i... . i. . ui.i.11 mu iwvumi mu iruo uiamoiiu. Tim Ml,,a ll i. l,n,, 1, .11. ...., ,,. - i"v """"S" u "ujiiii COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. llorwlck ItciilM. Work Ii by no means plenty, mnn of the men are working half time nnd everything feels depressed. Hopes for an improve, inent nro held however. Tho Historical Drama of ltlciilllcti wilt bo given In elaborate style by somo of the elite In n week or two, preparations on a largo scale ore being made. The costumes which for this ptece nre very rich have been ordered from Boston and there is every reason to expect the entertainment to be a brilliant success. .Mr. and .Mrs. M W. Jackson havo been spending thu winter In Florida They wilt return In a few weeks. The new Waterworks Co. aro-inaklngbig Improvements to supply the town witli water by menus of better apparatus, nnd n complete equipment, necessary for the pur pose. Notwithstanding nil the snow which has fallen recently, thanks to our new pave incuts, pedestrians can walk all over town dry shod, Our people sadly need a boom of some kind, to make things more lively wo wish tho town papers would resuscitate the question of a Town Clock. The crcat superiority of DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP over all other cough remedies is attested by the immense popular demand for that old established remedy. m biu mm m mm - - - For the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Croun, Asthma. Bron chitis, Whooping Cough, Incipient Consumption and for the relief of I consumptive persons m advanced Mages of the Disease. For Sale iyr.Il Druggists. Price, 25 cents. MARRIAGES On March 10th, 1883, At the reformed parsonage hy ltuv. U. II. Strunck, Mr, Jacob C: Blttenbender of Mllllmville to Miss Lizzie Cramer of Bloomsburg. TIRED OUT, Tho ilisti cas ing feeling of B vcarincw, of exhaustion without clfort, which makes llfo n hunlcn to so many people, Is duo to tho fact that tho Mock! Is poor, nml the rltallt) consequently' feeble. If you nro sulTerhur from euch feelings, Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is Just what 3 ou need, and will do you Incal culable good. No other preparation to concentrates and combines blood-purlfylng, vitalizing, enrich ing, and invigorating qualities as Ayiiu's Mir-AnnD hy Dr. J.C.Aycr &Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists ; SI, six bottles for ?5. LOCAL NOTICES. A new lot of crctones nt Lutz & Sloan's, both imported and domestic. Feathers wanted at C. C. Marr's. Our stock of dtess silks, dress goods, prints, muslins, cheviots, hosiery, corsets ixc., Is now complete, Clark cc bon. New Goods at C. C. Marr's. !i:!3t nice white, tliriftv shoats and dIl'S In weight from 20 lbs. 25, !I0, an, 40, 15, GO, CO, 70, 75 lbs. apiece. All young hens, young roosters, old hens, turkeys, geese, ducks, lard, dried apples in tho county wanted nt Light ntreet, by Silas xoung. marJ-'-m C. C. Marr pays S3 for butter, 24 for eggs, is for lard nml wants chickens, po tatoes, oats, corn, large uud small onions, and dried apples. Urine your samples of black or colored silks and compare the quality and price with I.utz & Sloan's stock. Strictly pure timothy seed, clover seed nnd large yellow seed com a car load of itiorsaiuai i.igui ftireei y lounir, mar0-2m A craud rush nt O, C. Marl's for Kerr & Co's. thread. Now open, tho largest lino of neckwear we have ever shown consisting of laco fichues, Spanish tlchiies, Spanish scarfs, guipure scarfs, ties, collars, both linen, lace, Irish point collars and cuffs. Come and see prices, away down, Clark & Son Kerr & Co's. spool cotton on patent ma. clinic spools tor sine at t;. u. Jtarr s. Another case of heavy Kinirhnms ' at Lutz it Sloan's, for 8 cents a yard. 100 teams wanted right nwnv now to haul oak lumber from about six miles above Kohrsbiirg to the railroad at Illooms lmrg, at Light btreet liy fcilas loui.g. iiuiruiw See 'tho new colors of dress cloths for spring dresses at l.utz it Sloan's. C. C. Marr has his snrlnir stock of L'oods in, io sen very ciieap. Strictly pure Clover and Timothy seed, a car load ot it lor salu at Light street by IMI..,. A- " uas luuug. mar. another inrifo lot ot uiuio linens, nan kins and towels at I.ulz it Sloan's this week. A largo assortment of lace curtains bv the yard or pair, aUo curtain poles and rings for hanging them on. Come nnd see, Clark it Sou. Mure lace curtains Ibis week at i.utz & Sloan's. T.r . i i , . .. n u nave nisi received a larL'ii i nn n black oiul cream, Spanish, guipure and iioiiey.eouiii spanisu laces at lower prices than ever and a larger assortment. Clark x son, BUSINESS NOTICES. Many ladles who had seared v onlnve the luxury of feeling well for years hav been so renovated by uslinr I.vdla Pink. hunt's Vegetable Compound Ihat lliev havu triumphed over the ills tlcbh Is said to bu heir to, mid life has been cniwifed will uie aimed charm of a fresher beauty. A Xut'llISIIlNO WINK. Old und infirm persons need some nilhi tonic or gentle stimulant, especially nt tun season, inu wlno maiiu at Sneer', Mount Prospect Vineyards, in New Jersey called Sneer's Port Crape Wine, is used ii tue Aliaiuio states ns the best totiio wlno Known, nun is regarded as pure, ami I very mi nimi uniuue: n vs emus, it u e peclally beneficial for females and old peo, pie. -A, Imu lifimblican. For sale by O, .i. mvnu. Ayer's Hair Vigor stimulates thu lull reus in iieaiiuv aeitoii, nml promotes be supplied to make tho uatmul hulr beau iiuuiuiis tiimiui. u (Mini mix nil unit , " "ui 1 Keeps uie scalp fre i (luiii utiuiKii.i, iiiuiriiis inu iiiiip irnin in ..n,,,!,,,!,.. ,rilrti .,..i vr" r.V" 5 ' ' . ' """ """ " "WM i inu ami glossy. ''Ho who Is rendv tn lniv tin his ene mies will never wnnt a supply of them." It Is cheaper to buy a true friend In Kid. liey-Wort who will drive nwny those mis. ernble enemlrs,n torpid 11vcr,conMlpatlon, diabetes, idles, dlscmed kldnevs and bow. els. Till j remedy Is now nrcpared In liquid ns well ns In dry form. "llb'CIIUI'AtllA." Quick, complete cure, nit annoying Kid ney, Uladdcr and Urinary Diseases, ijl. Druggists, CtTThc wonders of modern chemistry nro apparent In the beautiful Diamond Dyes. All kinds nml colors of Ink can bo made from them. Wo have n speedy and positive cure for catarrh, dlpthcrla, canker mouth nnd headache lu Shlloh's Catarrh Id icdy. A nasal Injector freo with each bottle. Use It If you desire health and sweet breath. rrico ou cents, sold uy ,i, ii. Kinpons. may 13-cow. COSCOIU) OIIAl'K VINES. Fine, vigorous Vines, Two, three nnd Four Years' Old, for sale by the dozen or thousand at the lowest prices. These vines nre raised on the ininous T. Tl , 1-! .t- ... llnoann V T where the well-known Port Grapo Wlno Is produced thnt is so highly esteemed nt Dresden and Berlin, ntid other European Cities to which it is shipped, nnd that is so Highly esteemed hy physicians everywhere. Address, AtFIIKI) Spbeii. Jan. 20, '83-Um. Passaic, N, J. SKINNY MB.V. "Wells' Health Hcnewer" -cstorcs health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence sexual l)eblllty. on, what a cocoul Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of thnt more . II. f.. .11. ........ ..M..,r.t!., A air vriiir- IU1 J IIISUUBU v.wil-i.i,'.v,.. ..on ,..- selves if you can afford for tho sake of saving fiO cts.. to run the risk nnd do noth. ing for It. We know from cxperieuco that Sliiloh's Cure will cure your Cough. It never falls. This explains why more than n Jllllion bottles wero sold the past year. It relieves Croup, nnd Whooping Cough, nt once. Mothers do not bo without it. For lame back, side, or chest, use Shlloh's Porus Plaster. Sold by J. H. Klnports. may 12-eow. "itOUail OJtltATS." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flics, nuts, beddings, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Druggists. 4 UDITOH'S NOTICE. io undcrslsned aulltor qudo ntel ur tno Court ot common Pleas ot Columbia county, to distribute the proceeds or tho suerltr8 salr ot the real estato or Samuel Dowers among tho lieu creditors entitled fiereto. will sit In the dlscnargo ctllie duties ct hts apnitntment. at his omce tn liloomsburg, on SHurday tho seventh day or April, imh, i ten o ciock in un iorenoon, wnero ana uiicn nil parti'S interested in saia runu must appearand present their claims or bfl forever de barred. PAUL E. Wilte, mar 10 Auditor. A UnlTOH'S NOTICE. KSTATR OF JAHED IIAHRI10S, I.ATK OK FISUIKIICXIEK TOWNSHIP, neCKASED. The underslirned auditor annotated by the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county to ens r oute Dn anceintne nanos or 11. r. unarm. ono of tho executors of said decedent, will sit nt ins onice in n oomaourir. on .Monday. Anrii vin ISS3. at ten o'clock a. m., to perform tho duties of his appointment, when and where all parlies In. terrsb'd In said fund must appearand present their chilms or be furover debarred. C. W. MILLRIt, mar to Auditor. 0UTHANS C0UKT SALE OV VALUAULK Meal Estate! Pursuant to an order ot tho Orphans' Court ot Columbia eoun'y, will bo sold at public tale, on tho premises, In 11 intour township, la said coun ty, on ! FRIDAY, KM 30fb 1883. At two o'clock In tho afternoon, the following do scribed roil estate, latoof Thcressa Bailor, de-1 ceased, to-wlt : A lotot ground adjoining lands ot Peter flelnbAch, and Joslah Glgger, containing One-Half ACRE, mora or less, whereon framo nro erected a two-story DWELLING HOUSE, and other out-bu Tilings. SAld lot being well Im proved, hiving ngoxiwuiof water atthe door, and a number ot good fr lit trees on tho premises. TEltMS OF SALE :-Ten per cent of tho one- fourth of iho. purchaso money to bo raid at tho striking down ot tho properly; tho one-fourth less tho ten p2r cent, at the conilrmatlon ot sale, and tho remaining tliire-rourtlHla ono j ear there after, with Interest from conilrmatlon nut. Purchasers to pay for deed. DANIEL DAVLOlt, f Admln.strators. 51 art) fiallie 8a Be! OF VALUABLE Real Estate. The widow and heirs. of Hiram it. Kiino. infnnf Oranfl tortsilp, Columbia county. I'a deceas es win exposo io puuuc sale, on tuo premises, on Wednesday, March 28, '83 at. 10 o'clock a.m.. lha following descrltei real A messuagoand tract (it land sit uate In orange tonBlilp, utorcsild bounded and described as lollows, to-wlt: Beginning at a siono by a public road and corner or land of John Cadman. anil running thenco by said road north ninij-viKiii '.unreel, east uveniy-six ana nino until nerches lonnnar. In siiii rnmi thnr. hv hind ot estaw of II. K. Kline, north thirteen and a rpiarter degrees, west forty perches to a sion to inu ui Linn ui Kiien Kline, ineucu by tame north ciHMt.v.i-iKiibuiiii h iiuunvr uegi u,?s. eai rourieen iciLuca iuu biuuc, lueuce uy tuo&mo north elirut decrees, we&t stitv nv,i mirciipu m o amnu lu lino ( r lan t ot .lames Cumpoell thenco by ilia samo north eighty-eight and a ciuirter degrees, oi.ij-uiitn uuu oi it-urn remits io a stone, Iheucj by Und of William Long, south 1 0 degrees, woit ii und 4-iu p.rchRs to a stone, ineiice uy tuo simi south m degrees east v) perch. s to a pohtln lino of laud of Jesse Sommors, thenco bv the suae south U. degrees, west II perches to n post In line of lana of John Cadman lhncn by tho mine north ov degrees, west and 1-10 perches to tin place of beginning. Con. tatoiug SIXTY ACIIKS nnd Si perches nf land, whereon nio erected a house, barn, and out-biilldlngH. i ui mini ?iu,-. i en pcrceur. or i Kuu paid at Hid sinking down of the propeity: k lest the Hi l0r Cent. OU thO 1st dlV Ot Anrll. K4.I. whn n.a.t blon will lio given, ami tho remaining ; In two eiiuil annual ptyiii'nls witn interesi from April ist, ivo. widow and ll 'ln of m tr v u. it. Kline, deceased. 0RANGEVILLE ACADEMY. Orangevllle, I'a. SpritiK term begins April 0th. Students prepared for TK.VOIlINO.mTS. IXESS, ou HIGH STANDING in Collono. A Scientific Course of cm vat value. rarcK- tn ne uci iiireu. excel u uv a ioiiif ami (mien. slve term in College. Superior primary department. Special Instruction for thu 'backwiml. hv which thu biillianl ure enabled to advance more rapidly. Competent and skillful teachers. Kx. penses very small. Circulars sent. l-'HAKCIS JlKCK, A. 31., "iai-0 lm Principal. iAn.v MARK TV ATN cntltlad "I.IFB uN'iUti MISSISSIPPI." A rich tbemo, and tho rloliost. raciett volume ot all the 1ulu BU.Ies. Characteristic III titrations. mjo in rash prizes to agents. A word to the wis j ib nuiiiiicuL A f2.TrTTrpclWANrE Outlin now ready, tl. XiUXJit X Qfor pirilcuurs address Ii.iujIm IT"., i mm , ru, r MarV4w FREE lalaKKULAIlTlCLKK, Fiorai CtiROMo Cars a. lluwl.. to all ha CBd wo So. lumpa fop rO.U tad P;ll(. UI. ,.p,p. t. 0. IIOEOUT & CO., KIW TOU. ea Jan l, twy .... .Halt .l,,rt V.V...U I M&m it j av rmmmm 1 litfMfl r Tn If ORPHANS' COURT SALE VAt.'JAtlM. Heal Estate ! ! tn purstnnco ot tn onlir of tha orptnns' Court of ujlambla county tho unlcrslirncd trustee to make silo ot tho Und of Eltzvbnth Kelchncr, de ceased, will ctpose t) Public Silo ou tho premises In MinilnMlIc, sulit county, on IftW, March 13. At ten o'clock s. m.,tho follawlnir described rel csUtc, Utuato In said vlllazoof MlffllnTllle, on I he south slda of Fourth street, adjoining ioioi M, K. Church on tho Eajt, Fifth street on the tsuuth, lot of Samuel Uldleman on the West! being sixty-six feet Inwldtii on Fourth street, and two hundred feet, moro or less, deep, where on Is erected a two-story framo house. TKI1M3 OF SAtE.-Ten per cent, oi mo one fourth ot the purchase money to be paid at the striking down of tho property, tho one-fourth less tho ten per cent, nt tho confirmation of sale and tho remaining three-fourths In one year there alter, with interest from cinnrmatlon nUL Purchasers to pay for do 'd. JOHN MOUltBV, Mars Trustee. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE Ileal Estate! Tho undersigned administrator of Klliabeth Walter, deceased, of Montour township, Cotum. b'a county, I'a., will expose to public sale on the premises on mmm March, 31st 1883 At two o'c'ocls In tbo afternoon, a mcsnuaeo and tractot land Bltuate ti the township of Montour insaldtounty ot Columbia, bounded by lands of Ilouben Uulld. John Walter. Evan Welltver's es tate, FrancH Evans Samuel digger, William Trowbridge and others, containing 22 ACRES, moroorle. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of the one i.rth nt tim nurchase money to bo paid at tho striking down of ihe property; tho onc-tourto less the ten per cent, at tin coutirmatloa'of sale; and tho remaining three-fourth) in ono year there after, with Interest from conflrmaUon nisi. Purchasers to pay for daed. It. HUCKINfJUAM, MarJ Administrator. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate! Pursuant to an order ot the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, Pa., will bo sold at rubllo Sale, on tho premises In tho towmhlp of Beaver, In slid county on FRIDAY, Marcii 23, 1883. At two o'clock in the afternoon, tho following de t crlbed real estato lato of Jacob linker, deceased, to-wlt: A farm adjoining lands ot Charles Mi chael, Gideon BDdbenncr and others, contain ing FIFTY ACRES, more or lesr, whereon are erected a two-story framo dwelling houso, frame barn and othor out building. Bald land halng well Im? rovea. Ten per cent of ono fourth ottho purchase money to be paid at striking down ot the proper ty ; tbo ono fourth less the ten per cent, at tho confirmation absolute ot the sale, nnd the balance In one year from connrmatlro nisi, with Interest from that date. Purchasers to pay for deed, CHARLES 11AKK11, Mar i Administrator. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUAULK Real Estate I Pursuant to unorder of tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, Vjl , will bo sold nt Publlo Sale, on the premises, In Mimin township In said coun ty on W ft I IHNIVII aniuj At two o'clock In the affrnoon, lh9 following do scribed real eslatolatoof William Kelchncr, de coised, to-wlt : A (arm adjolutng lands ot Low Bros. Co., on thi North and East, on Ihe South by lands of Samuel Dreshe', Oeorge Fedder and others, on tho West by lands of George Fedder, containing 43 ACRES, moro or les?, whereon aro erected a two-story log houso, frame barn and out buildings; also a good well of water and applo orchard. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of the one fourth of Iho purchase money to bo patd at the striking duwn ot tho property, tho one-fourth less the ten per cent, at the conilrmatlon ot sale ; and the remaining three-fourths In one year there after, with Interest from conilrmatlon itsl. Purchasers to pay for deeds. II, KUAN K ZAItlt, Mar 2 Trustee. EVER17 LADY SHOULD SUBSCRIBE FOR Strawbridge & Clothier's FASHION QUARTERLY. EVERY NUMBER CONTAINS t Nearly one thousand eugravlugs. Illustrating tho now things In every department of fashion. EVERY NUMBER CONTAINS: Four pages ot new music, la most cases original, either vocal or Instrumental. EVERY NUMBER CONTAINS : Tuo prices of all klndi ot Dry Hoods, together with descriptions and engravings to Bhow what they look like. EVERY NUMBER CONTAINS: Valuable original articles, mostly Illustrated, on subjects that treat ot the adornment ot the per sun, the beautifying or home, and the newest things In art needle work. EVERY NUMBER CONTAINS: Insi ru itlous how tho distant consumer can shop as sitlsUuorlly and at economically as residents ot the city, 1'ItiCE, W CENTS t'EU COPY. SPECIMEN COPIES, 15 CENTS. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, Eight and 3Iarket Streets, Philadelphia. Jan-5, "SJ-tf. MARKET REPORTS. m.oo.Msnima jiaiucet. Wheat per bushel 1.M ilvo Corn, " oats " " Flour per barrel Cloversced , nutter Eggs Tallow Potatooa Dried Apples Hams sides shoulders chickens - .00 .J 6.40 s.te .S3 .M M . .SO .09 U "ii .1 .14 ttuo to 1.00 Turkeys Ijird per pound Uay per ton neeawax Buckwheat flower per too,, l'HIIiADEU'HIA 3IAKKETS. March ll Fiioa-Ia limited reipint t formir prices; site of l,M)lbirrels Including Mlaneoota eitras at t).T43T3; Pennsylvania fvmlly it kmviv, western dulUMWo; do patents fl.soii48.oo Hvs KiH'k Selltnxat $i.-.AUtv.', WiKiT-The mirietwui loictlvo and lowr: car ioW tl.lxai.vs; I..IS bid Mr March; l.tV for April; (I ll', for May; for Juno. u ikk Market was unsettled and lower; car lou 610 bid tor March; Mo tor April; 6ii,c tor May ; l-.i4'o tor June. Oits The market w.iidutl and weaker: cir 1oib5'J(mc; mo bid fjr March; liso for April; SIo for May; 6Jo tit Juno. t Ui j open Board, sxjjnd o ill, I n. m, I Wilt it-Dull and lower; t'..ISi' hid fjrllarch; I tl WX for April; ll.11, forMiy;; for Junu. Coax Market dull and lower, with Tubld for March; ,vo for April; M3 for May; esv for June. OaTS-Market dull and towAr, with S'J'.'o bid for March; Dl'.c Or April; si',;o for May; M'.o for June. THE ATTENTION OF INVESTORS U called to Ihe shares ot THE liltKAT I'LAINS LIVE hTOCK COMPANY as a means for the safe and prontable Inveitment of sunn of sm up. Tbo capital Is loo.fto t bares ot f 10 each, full paid and uuu uaacaauuir. luiupauy roani'rtiu uy general laws o! coloruda. lulrrrat at the rate ot 10 to to tier ceut. wr annum, piyublo quarterly. Iba very best reference for character and uallrlc. lions of managers, with full particulars, scm on tuo ureal piaius Live stock Co., Denver, col, Mar-4w r .80
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers