Farm Notes an J Hints.' fiioji Tiit: "ortUSTiiv UANTI.EMAN." jVool, wnsto locommomleil a? n gbilfortlllss?r' f6r lofihccd ailtl grass. ,, Tho thrcu important requisites of an ico homo aro tjood tlrainago, mtnlciont vdntilation ami that tlio let bo well Y'a'ckcd in somo good non-conductor, of wliich savlii3t or shavings seem to bo tlnfbcit. t n iouM? hoils6s"8or 1(5 stfitaro loot lor oaoji lien U na littlo m they can bo kept in comfortably, and in that only by bonstnnt cleaning nnd frequent re newal 6f soil' in tho iloorof tho houses. Coal ashes aro recommended to bo spread tinder tho droppings in tho lion hbnso every morning. Tho hens scratch ,' In. .1... t I I t. . , "fir"? lul "lv "am, wnito pieces ot n-tjios.' tlitu keeping tho droppings I0010 and dry. This mixtnro Bproad on tho meadows in tho Hpring is an excellent manure. Tho using of coal ashes in tho hen house is of great benefit, as it lakes tlio place- of shells, and also furnishes a dusting placo for tho hens. Western fanners annually loso thou sands of dollars by not housing their machinery. In half a day's travel one will in mid-winter see plows, harrows, cnltijators,, mayor's and harvesters, out in tho field, or m tho fence corners, or neat-tho buildings, and thero they stand exposed to tho stormi. This practice is tt0l s f?ioral as It formerly was, but still it, is a heavy tax. to farmers who practice itpiod an eye sotu to good farmer that a littlo timo at(d cxnenso w6nld remedy. A man who wm a blacksmith by tradcj but who possessed tasto and fore sight, indulged in what might bo term, cd "arbor day" fifteen years ago, and wiuijiixBjnnmspauo'prepareil and plant, oa twd-lmndred poles of common whito willow, on both sides of tho road, about 10 feet apart. Nearly all grew, and they. bccamo year by year more attract ive, and tho onco bald and open road has beoomo an avenue where people re sort for pleasant drives. Lately, when tho placo wa4 offered for sale, it found ft ready and eager purchaser, whoso choice was partly influenced by the lines of over-arching trees, which g.ive tho nanio,of , Willowdalo, to this onco uninteresting spot. A prominontChieago dealer in pro ducts.receutly.'mntle the following sig inficant remarks about tlio manufacture oioleomarganno: "I tell you oleomar garine will next season give tho butter manufacturers of tho West lively com potitiqm You know a few years ago wo wore, making ia.hard fight against oleomargarine and woro .demanding that laws be enacted to compel manu facturers of that nnd similar compounds, to brand their products, 'and sell them on their merits Well, wo accomplish ed what we desired; but I believe we have now in it 'a stronger competition with creamery butter than we ever had. Tlio manufacturers were, by the en forcement of tlio laws wo prayed for, compelled to improve their products, and they have improved them to such a degree that they can sell them for what they are, and compete now with all but tho very choicest grades of but ter. .It.looks to mo as if we aro to be forced, sooner or later, to recognize oleomargariucas, a Jegitimato, competi tor witlfthe product of the cowl" Testing Seeds. ,TJjo practice which has been' adcptcdiby'several of tho ag-.-.cultural colleges, of testing the ger minating quality of garden seeds offered in market, while-ft will add to the' reputation of reliablo dealers, tends ttf dijyq irresponsible or- dishonest men from tlio business, "or into n better cotlr&'.' Amorfg tho reports of such tests, is that by tho Pennsylvania State College, of experiments perform ed KobertTnit;a graduate of the college, in which ho gives tho percent age of pure seed in the packago (or unmixed with other seed), and tho per centage capable of germinating. Near ly nllthrj seeds examined were pure, mostly exceeding nine-tenths, but tho germinating power was exceedingly various. Somo of the common grass seeds were among tho best, red clover containing only one-part of impurity in" -109 parts, and 77 per cent, gcrmi uated. Timothy was nearly as pure, . with 92 parts germinating. Ken. , tucky blue grass, with about one-fifth impurity, did not afford a twentieth part 'that" germinated, and crested dogs'-tailj with scarcely any impurity, gavo only t ono part .in C(3 capablo of growing. It would seem from these and other results that tho more com mon seeds1 being readily sold and sup plied, t aro nearly always fresh j while tho rarer, kinds,, for which there is lit tlo call by purchasers, are kept long on hand, or more prices, mixed with good seed. Another proof 'of tho cor rectness of this; conclusion was tho fact that lettuce-and radish seed gavo about nino-tenths growing seed, while kohlrabi, whirls. not much' planted, contained moro than four-fifths poor seed.' But it must not ho forgotten that in common, careless planting under clods, or 111 burying too deep, much excellent seed U pronounced worthless by unskillful farmers nnd gardners. Cultivator. 'A ' ' LTho Egg Trade. MOllE THAN FIFTY MILLION'S CONSUMED - 'MANUALLY IN WAY YOlttf. .......... A . , A few years ago it w.n estimated that- 2.5,009,00;) gia woro sent to Now York city every year, tlio entire product of tlio country being about 9,. O00,000,00p oggj. Messrs, F, C. Ji,ir gor ifc Co., tho Warren street comiriis sion merchants, havo prepared tables which show tho average receipt of eggs during tho month of January to unyo ueen 1 i,it. narreis sinco JH77, during February 31,fi83 barrels, and ( during March 78.5S3 barrels. Allow ip'g soventy dozen to tho barrel and ,.ioKing ou.uuu narreis as an average monthly receipts, tlio total nmount re delved annually would bo more than 50,000,000 eggs. It is certain that tho egg trade of tho city hai greatly in creased during recent years. Tho valuo of 1 this trade may bo estimated from the fact that tho wholesalo price of the March receipts has averaged more tbari 81,500,000 a year. Great liritian is a lamo consumer of eggs and imports many from tho continent nnd from Ireland and an increiisinir contribution to her supply is made each year by tho United States. Tho golden egg laid by the American bid dy is of monstrous size. iVhatovor ttu weight ot a reason against fermcnte'd Honor, jt is weight icr still against distilled spirit. Cheerfulness makes tho mind clear cr, gives tone to thoughts and adds graafian: beauty to.uio.couptenance. How' to prevent the hair from bo coming gray. Cut it olT, do it up nont ly in'tlgsub paper, and put it carefully nwnv in a drawer. Uv SO dolntr it win not uecomo gray nunujj yum .uu time A Wonnn's Expericnos. WIIVT A LADY OP nilKAT I'ltOMINKNOK HAS TO SAY AllOUr Drill 9l!Y. nhiWt On a recent trip by a ropresentatlvo of tills paper to tho oitv of Haverhill. Mass., a most important incident occur red, whloh cannot fail to bo of tho greatest interest to all, and especially to our lady readers. The nowspaner man met a lady a triflo past middle ago wan luxurious wiuto hair that con trasted strikingly with piercing black eyes. Sho possessed n straight, full nioit, womanly, out commanding, combined with manners whollv l.nlv like, and yet pronounced. Anv acute judge of human nature could see at once that 110 was in the presence of ah unusual personals ono destined to ac complish more than most of her sex. and to exert an iufitienco far retelling in its power. This lady was Mrs. M. v. Winiate. Almost fr im childhood sho has taken a special interest in tho oouiiy troubles ot her sex and has probably been moro successful in re lieving suffering and saving lives than any other woman 111 America. Indeed, she seems to have boon to woiifii what Florence Nightengalo and Dorothy ijix were 10 1110 sintering soldiers. Tho instances of woman who were in tlio greatest ngony and apparently bj yond tho reach of human aid, that" sho has restored to health nnd happiness, aro almost innumerable, and it was only natural that the scnbe should be come specially interested nnd wish to convcrso with her moro in detail. How long havo yon been engaged in tho practico of mcdiciuo Mrs. Win gato!" "For moro than 2j years." "A long timo certainly. How did you happen to enter the field at that early day when women in tho profo sions were specially frowned down up on." "I think I must havo inherited a tato from my Father Professor J C. Wood, of Harvard college. Ho was eminent in tlio profession, a hard work er and equally earnest in Ills recreations, lie hunted consMcrnbly and I remem ber when only nino years old I used to dissect tlio birds and animals he had killed. I felt infatuated with medical science, oven then and the infatuation has continued up to tho present timo, "And did you begin your studies so early in life?" "I can hardly say when I began, for I cannot remember when I did not read medical literature. You would scarce ly believe it, but I was a slender girl and did not weigli over a 120 pounds, but I used to sit up night after night until 2 o'clock in tlio morning poring over my studies ami never dreaming of the (light of time. Il seemed as though calls for my attendance on tho sick al ways came unsolicited. I certainly cannot fix tho date when I first began practicing. Of courso most of my pa tients were women, and the natural sympathy I felt for my sex has incroas ed during all theso years where I havo been brought so closely in contact with them and have learned to anticipate their needs and sympathize with their Buffering-'. After tho opening of tho Boston Medical Collego I appeared be fore tho faculty ; passed examination and received a diploma. I had prac tised for years previous to that timo but thought it desirable to receive another diploma, which I did without nny effort. "Your experience with many and se rious diseases of women' having been so extensive must also be valuable ? Can you give mo somo facts regarding thein?" "I find that woman seems born to suffering, and where sho avoids it, it is by reason of some care on her part or owing to somo special renowing power. It is true somo women go through life without unusual suffering, but they aro 110110 tlio less in danger, lor thero nro critical periods all along their pathway when tlio utmost precaution is required. Tho innuraberablo complaints called female, weaknesses ; the irregularities bf life and changes of the system all iu dicato tho perils which hang over every Woman's career, and which, attended to, may result disastrously." "But is there no way by which those terrible troubles can be avoided t "That has been the problem for yeais. Tuo habits or lito and and tlio demands of fashion are clearly at war with tho health ot women. I havo been perhaps unusually successful in my treatment of their troubles, but thero havo been many cases that seemed specially stub born, i recall ono in particular. 1 had exhausted all the usual expedients nnd tho results were not satisfactory. I became worried over the case and really did not know what to do, but finally thought I would try something out of the usual line. I had heard a certain remedy recommended very uglily so 1 procured somo and made a chemical analysis of it. I found it was perfectly pure, and that tho ingredients were unusually valuable, bo 1 beaan giving it to my patient, changing it, howover, into a bottle of my own. To my great joy it seemed to havo an al most immediate effect and a complete euro was tho result. Since then I havo used it constantly in my practice and have cured every form of femalo weak ness, as well as displacement, dropsical tumors, cellu dropsy and all sueh troub les I have also used it with the best of results in cases of preguaoy and gestation. Indeed I havo found il of untold valuo and benefit. "Havo you any objection to giving me the 11:11110 of this remedy of which you speak f' t'iNoiio whatever, it is Warners Safe Kidney and Liver Cure." "Why that it proprietary medi cine. "Certainly, but what of that? I havo hut 0110 end in view in tho ti eminent of lay patients namely their restoration to" health. In the accomplishment oi this end I pro-icribo what f believe to bo bonefieal, no matter ivhat tho pro fessional consequences may be." "I notico in tho New York papers that Doctors Hammond, Aguew nnd prominent physicians are taking a simi lar stand Mrs. Wingate?'1 "Yes, and all independent thinkers in the profession me bound to do so. I am, howover, on tho best of terms 'with my professional biotlren ns you can see," ami tho lady pro ducei a beautiful gold mcdil mounted in the form of a badge which had been presented her by thu niediual society, known as the Kiislgu of the Humble Family, of which sho is a prominent member. After examining it closely, tho reporter com irked that the medical profession evidently wero proud of what she had done, ns she might well bo in the possession of sueh a medal. "I nm proud of that," she replied, "and 1 was also pleased a short time cince to receive an offer at a largo salary to take the professorship in tho now m'dical collego itt Walla Walla, on tho Pacific coast. 1 do not know how they heard of me out there, but 1 wni obliged to decline their offer," "And so, in your oxpeiieiico with tho diseases of women, you haye found THE COLUMBIAN AND success, nnd that Warner's Safo Cure has been a most cfilcicnt remedy." "Yes, I hnvo had unusual sitcoms nnd tho remedy of which you sneak nas noon proven ot great benelit. Thero nt'P. Iinn'nvpr. ftninn li-lsii Imtlnfimia nf It to ba found in tho market 1 theso nro bad and should bo avoided, but tlio genuine lemedy is ono of tho very best. "And has not tho praclico of your proscssion injured your Health 7 "iNo, 1 nm better now than ever hefnrn In inv liO f fi-mn mi' timlm last winter, wliile lidlng ono cold night to see 11 patient and was obliged to remain unworn lor orcr two months. Otherwise 1 am henlthy, as you can see uy looKing at me. "And may J publish this intoiviow Mrs. WiiiL'ate ?" "Yes. If what I havu told vnn should bo. tho means of assisting any women, who may bo Fullering, 1 shall iiu ju rieeiiy wining 10 nave 11 puuiisi A Drunken Russian Buried Alive. A Swiss, settled in Hussia, sends to the JSioul a strange story, taken from Vkdomosti, n paper published at Sama ra, of a man being buried nlive, for tho accuracy of whioh tho writer says that no can personally vouch.. The story, besides tho horror of it, shows how helpless tho Hussian system of govern ment renders tho people for whoso bene fit it is designed, and how utterly bu reaucracy has crushed in them all spirit of initiative and independence. Tlio other day, ho runs the account, n man was buried alivo in Samara. His name was Tiohonoff, nnd ho had been employed as a writer in a mnchino de pot. On tho feto day Tichonoir drank heavily, and had an epileptic lit. For n long timo thereafter ho lay quite still and showed no Bign of life, which led his wife and kinsfolk to conclude- that hn was dead. This happened on St. Silvester's Day, and to avoid keeping the supposed corpso in the houso three days (for on Saturday preceding a festi val no body can be buried), it was de cided to lay him in the ground that very night after vespers, and arrangements woro made accordingly. Tho body was removed to the cemetery church, where the Popo (priest) read tho service for tho dead. Whilo this was going on (tlio collin being uncovered) some of tho by standers noticed what seemed to bo drops of sweat on the .dead man's face; but tilts uppearanco being attributed to a few snowflakes which had fallen dur ing tlio passage froniTichonoff's houso to tho "cemetery, ho was laid in tho grave without more ado, and," the hour being late, very little earth was thrown over him. When tho gravo digger went early next morning to tho cemetery to com plete his work ho heard a sound as of gio.ming and struggling in Ticnonoll's grave. Instead of forth with releasing the poor wretch, the man ran to tho priest to ask leave to disinter him. This request tho priest refused, on the ground that ho dure not touch a body once buried without tlio permission of the police. On this the sexton informed Tiohonoff 's wifo of what had come to pass, and thej' went together to tho chief of tho local police. This gentle man said it was quite out of his power to givo tlio required authorizitiou, and referred them to the archimandrite, and the aicliimandrite, prolessing to be equally powerless, referred them to the procurator. In tho cud the agonized wifo procured J tho authorization, with out which nobody would act, and re turned to the cemetery. But it was too late; fivo hours had elapsed since tho grave digger fust heard, the groans, and Tichonoff was now dead beyond tho possibility of doubt. The poor fellow succumbed only after a mortal struggle. Ho had turn ed unite round in his collin, nnd in his despair bitten his fingers, torn his flesh, and rent his clothing. "This fatality," says tho ViedoDwsti, "is duo to no other cause than tho senseless formali ties which prevail in every branch of Kussian administration." Mmo. Tich onoff is suing the priest who refused to let the grave diggcrjdisintcr her husband for damages, 611 tho ground that ho caused the lattcr's death by too slavish ly obeying the letter of his instructions. Market Gardening, Every season furnishes its crop of unsuccessful merchants or mechanic1, who ask our agricultural editors if market-gardening does not pay large profits, nnd if thero is not a good chance in this business for an indus trious man to better his condition. Judged by tho high price the averago citizen pays for his vegetables in the larger cities it seems to him thero must be monoy in raising vegetables. It no could remove to the country, say within an hour's ride, ho could attend to Ids city business without loss of time, and by hiring a good gardener he could havo cheaper vegetables and fruits, and add something to his income by sending tlio surplus to market. Nothing looks moro feasiblo on paper, nothing is moro delusive in practico. livery business, to be successful, re quires a responsible head, thoroughly acquainted with all its details, and giving it his personal attention, Thero aro many points in market gardening that can only bo learnt by experience, and if a stranger to this" business un dertakes it, lio ill pay dearly for hw education. Somo three huudrcd dol lars to tho acre nto needed ns capital to carry on the business to advantage, oven "when a man is practically ac quainted with it. and knows how and where to invest every dollar. Tho questions to bo solved are looition in reloreneo to market j soil, what kind and how much j what crops to grow j what kinds of manure to apply to u given crop and thu quantity ; what tools aro wanted ; what heeds to plant j what teams nro needed ; and what labor to cairy on tho business success fully, and havo no waste. The culti vation of n few squaie rods for a fam ily supply of small fruits nnd vegeta bles might prove piolitublo and health ful, whilo market gardening in tho same hands would provo disastrous. Maiket-gardoning is a remunerative business when a man understands it, but it is far from being an easy load to wealth for those who have all tho details to learn. American Ayrioul turist. Men who wiangle for religion, write for it, fight for it, die for it anything but live lor it. Christianity proves itself, as the sun is soon by its own light. Its evidence , .... 1 .... 1 ... 1, . ....... is involved in us exisieuee. Those who blow the coals of othen strife, may clianco to havo tho spaik fly in their own faces. Tho man who lives in vain lives worse than vain. Ho who lives to 110 purpose lives to 11 bad purpose. ft to Al)VKItTISKlti.-Lowat Itttos lor ulvcr. I tll(r In good newnum-M aval free Art-dres-i (ifio. 1. ItuWiiLL O J., 10 spruce St., N. V. jiarr-ttv r DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSlWltG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Aro tho Puroot nnd Dost Blttors ovor motto. Thoy nro compounded from Hops, Mnlf, Bitcliit, Mnndrnko nnd Dandelion, tlio oldest, best and most vnluul-b medicines in tho world nnd contain nil tlio best mid most citraiivo jiroportics of nil other remedies, bonig tho greatest Blood Purifier, Liver Begulalor, nnd Lifo nntl Health Bcstoring Agent nn earth. No disenso or ill health enn possibly long exist vhero nop Billcrs nro used, so Tnricd and porfoct their operations. Thoy gho now lifo nnu vigor to tho ngcil nnd infirm. To nil whoso 01n.ploym.cnis cmiso irregu larity of tho bowels or urinary organs, or who rcqniro nn Appeti zer, Tonic nnd mild Stimulant, nop Bitler3 nro invaluable, being highly curative, tonio nnd stimu lating, without intoxicating. No matter what your fceling3 or symptoms nro, what tho disenso or mlmcnt is, uso nop Bittors. Don't wait until you nro siok, but if you only feci bad or miserable, uso jrop Bitters nt onco. It may envo your life. Hundreds hnvo been saved by eo doing. $500 will bo paid for n caso thoy will not euro or help. Boinombcr, jjop Bitters is no vile, drugged, drunken nostrum, but tho Purest and Best Mcdicino cvormnde; tho "Invalid's Friend ana nope, una no person should bo without it. or (3) 'HE QRKAT CUKE , w n Fl B AM lit a It Is for all tho painful dUcruws of the iuuriBTa,uvi;K AND DOWELS. ii,.! . :tw 01 U1 wntt poison jlhat causes tho dreadful uifcrin ivMo:i Ciuy Uia letims cf Jlheamatisni can realLzo. Uavo been quickly relioved, and la ihort time Tirirr ?i. iiqnnfiit dry, pom nv nitrcciSTa, (1 Dryerintfo sent by mail. SPEER'S Usui In tiw prlnclpalChureliot t)r Communion purposes: Excellent f:r Ladies and Woakly Per sons ana tno Agca. Speor's Port Grope Wine! FOUR YE ARB OLD. THIS liRU'.tlltATED NATIVE WINE U made from tlio Julco of Iho oporto drape, raised In mia uuumry, iia mvuiuuuiu Toni: and Strsnstnonins Properties aro unsurpas3ed by any other Hatlvo Wine, lie- luKiuupurejuicc oriueurape, proaycen unaer Mr. Speor's own personal suporvlMon, its purity and nro iruarantecd. The roundest child nmy partako ot iM cenorous nu'lUies, and iuo wuiuiuii invalid hso it w aa vantage, u is par tlculmly benellcUl to the nged and debilitated, and suited to the varlou-i ailments that affect the weaker sox. It Is In every respect A WINE TO IlEltELlEDON. SPEER'S JP .F. Sherry. ThoIJ.8UEnUYIsn wlno ot SuDTlor Char acter, and partakes ot tin licit qualities of the traps Tom which it Is male. For l'urlty, lllch ness, Flavor nnd Properties, It will to found unexcelled. S PEER'S P. .IT. ila-iiud.v. Tilts IlllANDV Stands unrivalled In this nmintrv bcln(f far superior for medlctnal purposes, IT is I'UltK dtstliutlon from tho erape.and con tains valunolo medlclna1 properties. It has a delicate iltvor, MuilUr to that of the grapes, from which It U distilled, and Is In great favor amontr first-class families. See that tho signature of ALFRED SPEElt, Fas sale N. .1, is over tho cork ot eaci bottle. SOi.n BY O. A. KLT3IM. AND UY DKUaOISTS EVKU 'Y 11 EMS. Kept. 22, 'il, l.y CUIUS WHIRE All USE FAILS. Uietnlliue. Kt.d by druggist. nil Jan so '63-ly. WISE: rcoplo nro always on the I jo tout for chances to In ereno lb.' Ir carnluss.and In tlrno becomo wealihv : those who do not Improvo their opportunities remain In poverty. Wo orfer a (treat clunco to inako money. Wo want miny meu, women, biys andnlrlsto work forus rlsfit In their own localities. Anyone can do Uio work properly from the first stirt. The business will pay moro than ton limes ordinary; wages. Expenslvo outfit furnished free. No ono who engages falls to make money rapidly. You can dovoto your ho'e time to tha work or only your spate moments, f un luiormauon ana ut that Is needed hent frco. Address m-inson Co 1'ortland, Maine. Dec, B, 'fc'My Free! Cards and Ohromos. . WowlltRcnd fteobv moll a Hainnle set ot our large (leiman, French nnd American Chronio cards, on tinted and gold grounds, with n price- list of over v.m uinurcut ucMgos, onrctcipt oia Htainp tor po&tage o wm man senuiteu uy mall ha sainnles. ten of our beutillftil Chromoa. ou receipt ot ten cents to pay for packing and post age; also enclose u contldeiitUI p loo list oiour lingo ou ouroiuus. Alieuis wauwu. Auuruw r, ulkason & uo., ii sum iter mroei, uusion Jiass, Feb. S3d, 4W. d. f!f!a week In your awn town. Terras and ts out vtJUfjt freo. Address II, IUi.i.kt.V Co., Portland Maine. mateutii-iy A week made at homo I y tho lndustrl ous. lk-st business now beforo tha Si public. Capital not needed. Wo will start nou. Men. women, boys nnd clrls wanted everywhere to work forus. Nowlslhe time. You can work In eparo time, or glvo your whole tune to tho bnsliisss. No other business will pay you nearly ns well. No one can fall to maku enormous pjy, by engaging at once, easily out nt ana terms ic-o. Money maue last, easily, ntid liouombly, Address Titi-u & Co , Augusta, muiuu, nee. o, Tt-iy. THE PANTAGltAPII HINDEH. FOU BALE ONLY AT "THE COLUMBIAN" OFFICE". CALL AND Si; 13. APEMTS, WANTED M "UR KLW BOOK lly ALLAN riMKxitTON.Iha U l"if tan lUbtiUlon. A uir. t u, inrQiintf ami irum- (of! nfcrH erthiinsiur.?. a rare I ! M. C, SLOAN & BRO , BLOOMSnUUG, l'A. S inufacttirers of CARRIAGES, BIJQQIES, PHAETONS, SLEIGHS, PLATFORM VAQONS, SiC First-class Wolk alnn)s on hand, IMPAltlXO NHA TL Y DOS'E, Pried reduced to suit the timet. c. 03. savage, DIAI.KH IN Silverware, Watshos, Jewelry, Clocks All 1-1 n, la nt Wntnhnf nib., ..4 .i.. . nn"'"! ' "tuooi nun cwciry neat PILESU",?Su5'?t 'or1-1 Per pack. U. S. ME!. en., Walton, .N.Y. feb 9 4w tVIAKE HENS LAY . ... ,J iniu utiemtsi, botra'ellDfc'Iji this eotmtry.SHVB tint mot ot An Rnpltah Vatrtrl. ftp., u...A..M ..... ... ... iMwrtfislt 'J0 ?''s, !lmt Sll"1l'n'3 Condition ;,T" mi-,i nnu uimuiiineiiseiy vsiu able. on earth will maku n ns lay llko hhorldan'scouditloul'owileis. Dose.l teaspoon ful to i l pint foid. Soldcvcrwliere, or sent by mAll Mr H ln(lu,.el,hinu I u ....... . llosrox, Mass. nil Janso'Sa-ly, AGENTS Wan led ISrn4;T"!',,g',1;;i Ilri.llrj, Crr,l,n X I .., a, I , St., I'iillilcl.hll, l'a. Junesvly aid PURE Prom tlij lllstrlcts ot Asjim, CutTrAUONo, Cacuih kanora Valmv, DAtUKKUNO, DsttKA Doo!, and othsrs. Absolutely iniro. Huperlir In llivor. Tho Most Economical, lienulros only half the H?l1.1l.1uan,lt3r. Kold by nil grocers. JOHN C. i'UIt.Lli'5 ,t co.. Agents ot Ux-) cilcutta Tea Syntllcats, wo Water-St. N. Y. Alat'J-lw it J. SALTZER'S General Sowing Macliino' Depot, lii Store Below MM St., 13 LOOMS BURG, PA. Gslebrated White Sewiug fflacHn& New Davis Vertical Feed Sew ing Machine, New Home Sewing ISfachiuc, Household Sewing Machine, Estey Sewing Machine, Gennii.e Singer Sewing Machine, Singer Pattern Sewing Machine, Attachments, best Sewlni Machine OU. and Nee. dies tor all sowlug imculncs. Mowing Machines sold on monthly payments- Liberal discount inane xor casa, isvcr.v maciuno tmrcnaseu rrotn mo Is warrantedtooo kept In good running orJer tor rive Mfars free of chari!. nnd thorouh In. structlons given by tho best lidy operator In this part ot the mate freo of charge. Examine my stock of machines, beforo purchasing. T WANTEDS I MA Strajy Lmplnvmrnt nurlni; RPIllMl .L.i.l AJJrrsi J. C. McCl KUV .1 to., I'l.iUJcIi.tiU.fa. uno 30-ly n'd LEGAL BLANKS, ALWAYS ON HAND AT THIS OFFICE. HERE AT LAST. After Long nnd Weary Waiting ltollef Is llrouglit 10 tuos'j who euu iu "Well, l'at." said an Oranga county I'hvslclaa ton eotnplalnlni; Irish pttlent soma years uuo, "for that pain In your chest you had better go homonnd putona mustird tlastor. I can'tthlnk luis initmiu ui uiiytiiiug u.-iier, auu u.v inu way, added tho doctor turning to a friend, "I wLsh somebody -would Invent a real good plaster sumo, thing actually helpful for sueii cites as rat's. Maybe they wllUoinetlnu, whenlta toilatotor tno to use It." When nESSON'SOAI'CINi; l'OUUITH PLAHrRIl was placed ou the market about ten yuiir i ago tho doctor's hope became n fact, llecausu ot t ho rare modlclnxl virtues Inherent In It, Its rapid nctlou nnd guru results, the Capclno Is fast displacing tha sl)W.acil!ig plasters of former dajs, for all affections to widen apl.ts'er Is over applicable. I'rlco 85 cents. In thu middle of the genulnols cut tho word CAt'CINIi Beabury Joliusm, Chemists, New York, feb '.3-lw d j iiilto poiUlro retuotlr for tho ature uiiae; 17 iti vi tbouiaucU of cuei of thft vrortt tlod ftnd of Ions tiriillDK biro beta cured. 1 tidied, to ttrone It mjr nttli iii iu ViScKr, tiiH 1 win two hottllIi imiiSe, to. L-alliar wltt, u valuaulk iiiEATlsii on inn,vj ho; uSerer. 01, 0 Kinrns and t. u. atldrei. ' iiu. t. a. Uocua, in i-witK. 'ttw York. l'Cb S3.4W IL'mUlcel errdeilibl; ooTeltr of M A Nil 111 Iho l.tton, fully deKllhed In Ibtlr IIIHIIUMU ofEVERYTHINGlrtil r oh Vtett&bU And Fhiir Cul. I turt," mtVing It conienMti Csfdcalng Book, hlvloif I roiur nonuurson uo.. 35 ft 37 Cortlandt St., New York. sunsouinE now foh THE COLUMBIAN Sl.CO A YE AH KVJ2UYHODY LUCKS IT. 'llflSHl'MU IHal ilnil.lnK. .,, ,!... 1 k . .... full Itssecond, towrltonn tntertnlnlne hlslory of 11 0 times In which wn live It ptlnts, on nn ntcrjge, moro than n million copies n week Its circulation Is n w larger llun cv.t b-fore, Huh. stflnlloni DMIyrt pHges), by mall, 6W, a inonlh V,Ii,'vY";jt'jr! Siindftyfi pages), $1.81 prycar Weekly ( pages), f per j ear. 1 I, V. hNULAM), I'ublfsher, Now York City Mar 9 4w r DIVoHCES, No publicity i rosldtnt" of any dtnto. Deseitlin, Non-Support. Uvlco nnd nppllcallons for btatnp. W. II, l.rjB, Att'y ira irwny, N, Y, r m r w-4w IJAltMH -liefore locating, consil t our cnta. : logaa nnd map, a"tit freo. ister ft Mtwklns, Cambridge, Md. r -4w Every lint eg Organ tftttd l made Throughout with Equal fidelity , and Yields unrivaled tones. Send for Illuttratid Catalogue. THE SUN CEIMIE1 And other first class Planes, and n large lot of MUSIC B02S, VIOLINS, AGCOE.DEONS, MUSICAL OMDIIIEf f E, VIOLIN STRINGS, &flad cvd'yUBBBHag: Bsa Use MaBSfic'llBBBCe J. SALTZBR, . musia room, FIFTH ST0IU5 BELOW MARKET STREET, BLOOMSBURG Pa. MqMj to Bqj mm Might SUPERIORITY 07 Excellence of Material. PERFECTION OF FIT. - I Unrivalled Stock of Spring Clothing 3Iiinnfactiircil Ex pressly for nit?. gnarnntoo i Stylo, Qualiiy, lsps-- ant Woiknmimliip, to Also a Very Superior Line of Gents' FURNISHING GOODS for Spring and Summer. THE LATH ST AND NKWKST SP1UNC STYLES OF HATS, Just RecoiveU, at the Popular Clothing Store of D. LOWENBERG. PIAlsTOS, PINK INLAID rKKNOH WALNUT CASE OMAN, () STOPS, $U0 CASH. i:hy Tu itiN. SaJlHraclltiii i ii. bacon's piano 'Ware rooms, MUdIO "ALIj II1.0CK, WTr.TmN.vtAT.iiTi fiwcpnlriL nv. l'Q before )ou tirtt, uiiKitty ana buu. it'lllliil tn f'untuipr ime n weeiv you own wwn, jo otiint rrco, Noruw. Kn-rytliltiB now. OJiltaliuitrt'itulrt-iJ. Wo will tqrnlsli yimuverj tlilnt,'. Many aro maklnir torttiDoi. Utillra inako an much iib men, and Lioya nrt ulrls m ike ttroat luy. Kvuder. It jou want tittlncf s nt which you cm muko yrcat p.ty All tlio lime, writ (or lurllcuUrj to II, lUM-trr tc Co., rorilanu, Malno U.o, 8, 'oS-lv. !t!R'f n QOnw lAy at uotne, Haiuplos worth 0)11 TO u5U,rc0l AdHrfsaSriNiOK (Co, ror march to l-y 7QVKKK. u ndy athoma easily mailo WCostlv outittfrei). A'ldroai Tbiii svo Auu'ufcta.Jlalnu. match 31-ly sunsoimu: von THE COLUMBIAN. SI. 50 A YE All. Thoro is no Baking Its qualities, fvTodicinal and Culinary, guaranteo Health and Luxury. Every buyer should Select an Orynn Tiat guarantees good JlJvcry day wtrk and Years of service. 3. ESTEY & CO., Urnltlcuoro.Yt. lio tin; JiliST. JJnel Kail to vn At, All AS TINE for roun Untr your Wall tuul dMim ,'s. uu rapidly a iierduilltijf all other Htilili. KorduribllUy, IwwutY and i-i-ono-my. It h without nn hih.iI. and can lonpplloduy nnyon. If not forsalH In jour neighborhood, Rood to 8EW.KY lllttW., 8-2 llurllntf Mlp, New York. Mard lw d FARNISi HOMES The UMtn the worn, ar eaalk o'ltalned In )a. kot-i, MlnnoHota and Norlhrn Io-a. il"t itadv M move lu tho HprlDL'. Urbt come, bait mvid Cotiuty mapj, rt-w;irpllun otlandj, in-es ot paai nie nod in If lit. furiilnhi'tl frfe by joiin It I'llrl', , Awiil, Chicago, Nllwauketi bt. 1'ati Ify, WlllUmsport, l'u, No trouble to nrisv.o quoatlona, r mars-4 Powdor equal to 'ho PURE RAILROAD TIME TABLE PENNSYLVANIA KAHiKOAD. PHIL. AIIKU'IIU A KIltBll.K. DIVISION AN ) NOHTIIIJItN (JKN'THAI, JIA1I.WAY, TIJIB TAULK. Id ciroct Jnuuaty lttli, m. Trains Icao sun ifury. UASTtt'Alin, 9.86 n. m Lock Hnvcn Kxprcus fer narrlsbtirtr and Intorrni'tllato stations, Lancaster, I'lilladtC phin, Now York, ltaltlmoronnd WaslilncttSn. nr. rltltignt Philadelphia 8.vo p.m.! Now York. e so p. m. j llaltlmorc, 5.05 p. m. ; Washington 0.40 'n in. l.Gop. m. Daycxprcsifor irarrlsbttrff nnd In. n. in. lhill. uiuiiiiiiiui tui imuuuii iy r Illiaucipnia nnt PftH- sengcr coaches through to Philadelphia and lialtu moro. 8.20 n. m. Wllltnmsport Accommodation for Ilarrlsburg nnd ull Intel mcdlnto stations, Lan. caster, rhlladclphln nnd New York, arriving at I'lilladelphla tM ft. m.j New York U.!o a. m. Sleeping car occommodatlona can bo Bccurrd at llnrrlaburg tor 1'hlladelphta nnd Now York. Phila delphia passi'bgera can icinatn In sleeper undls. turbed until T ft. m, l.ns a. m. Krlo .Mall for Hnrrlsbttrg and Inter mediate stations, Lancaster, Philadelphia, New York, llaltlmoro and Washington, arriving nt Philadelphia T.65 a. in.: New York, ll.xonrm.: llaltlmoro T.40 a. m. ; W'nphlngton, .lo a. m. Through I'utlmau bleeping cars nro run on this train to Philadelphia, ilattlmore and Washington, and through passenger conches to Philadelphia nnd llaltlmorc. WlOTWAItD, 0.25 a. ra. Erlo Mnll for Kilo and all Intermediate stations with through Pullman Palace car and through passenger co ichea to Hrle. For Uanandnigtta and lnUrmrdlnto stntlons. Itochestcr, liurfaloand Niagara Falls, with Pull man Pnlaco car and pass-ngcr coachca through to Uochester. p. in. Niagara Kxpress for Knnonnd Inter mediate statlous with through passenger coaches to wane. For cannndnlgua nntl principal inter mediate stations, uochester, nunaloand Niagara lulls with through pallor carlo Watklna and through passenger coaches to Uochester. ti.25 p. ih., Fast line for Lock Ilnven and Interme diate Matlons, nnd Klmlrn, Wntklns nnd lnterme dtato 8tatIonH. with through passenger coachCB to Lock Haven nnd Watklns. THltOUUII TIIAINS FOU SUN1IUIIY THOM TnE KAS.T AND SOUTH. .,.If.,aP1rl Express Icavcfi New Yoik, 6.15 a. m. : Phllatleloh'n, .-t.ina. in.; UalUmoro 7.80 a. m ar riving at Hunuury, p. m.. with through Pull, man Parlor car from I'lilladelphla and through passenger coachca from Philadelphia and Haiti iwire. Vast Lino leatea New York 8.00 a. m. : Philadel phia, 11.115 a. m.; Washington, 0.30 a.m.: llaltl morc, 10.45 a.m., arriving at sunbiiry, 6.28 p. m S,u.a Ibrojigh passenger coaches from Philadel phia and liiiltliiiorc. Ijrla Mnll leaves New York $.00 p. m.; Philadel phia, li.pu p.m.; Washington, a &o p. m,; lialtl m,nrrllngatKunburv,.2j a. 111., S,", ,,h.r,?Uh I'ull'nau l alaco hlrcplrg cars from I hlladplphla, Washington and llaltlmoro and through passenger conches frniu Philadelphia. bUMipilV. UA7l.ETOM & WlLKKS-UAUUK ItAILKOAD iN.".!S.P?.T" W Esr l"'NCII 11AIMVAV. ,'''l,'!''eayei8uubiiryfl45 n. in., arriving at llloom Ferry 7.41 a. m Wllkes-barre 20 n. in. Ktpress Last learea Sunbiiry 0.33 p. m., nrrlvlng Mall W est leaves Wllkos.oarro 10.80 a. m., nrrlv Ingot lilooin terry n t'8 p. m., Hunbury l.ea p. m. Kprrai West leaves Wlikes-barron 80 p. m. ar thlns nt llloom Ferry 7 07 p. m , Hunbury t.05 p, OIIAS. ILPUOII, J. It. WOOD, (ien. llanager. uen. Passenger Agent. piIILADELPirAA.ND READING ROAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. J una 20, 1SS2, T111IN8 IKAVK KDMtUT AS F0U.0WSCSUNDAY KZCSrTKD. For Now York,Phlladelphla,Hcadlng,lottavllIo Tamaqua,&c.,ll,45a.m For C'atawlsaa, 11,45 a. m. 4 55 and 7,20 p. m. For WllUamsport,c,15 8,60 a. m. and 4,06 p. m. TRAINS FOH HCrUBT LEAVK AS FOLtOWB, (SBNDAT KSCEPTSD.) Lcavo New Y'ork, Tla. Tamanrnd 0,00 a. ra. and via. Hound Urook nouto 7,45 a. m. Loavo I'hiladclphla, 9,4a a. m. Leavo ltcadlug, u,ts a. m., Pottsvllle, 12,80 p. m andTamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Lcavo Catawls3a, 0,10 0,40 a, in. and 4,00 p. in. Loavo Wlilbuaiport,9,45n.m,2,oop.m. and4,so p, m Passengers to and from New York, via. Tama nend and to and from Philadelphia go through Ithout caango ot cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, ao.HANOOCK, General Manager, Ooneral Passenger and Ticket Agent. Jan. 10, i8i tf. J) ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND. WBsTJHIN ItAILItOAl), BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NOIiTU STATIONS. Scran ton,,., Uellevue, . Taylorvllie., ...Lackawanna. l'lttston . ... .. UVRt. Plttntnn p.m. p.m. a, SOUTH u 15 9 f.t) a.m. p.m. p.rr 9 HO 6 17 6 22 8 27 6 84 II 41 40 C 61 6 65 0 68 7 02 7 10 7 17 1 22 7 (0 7 87 8 00 8 26 8 40 8 60 9 00 S 00 8 05 8 10 8 18 8 tn, 8 SO 8 88 8 62 9 09 9 04 1) 29 9 03 8 6ll 8 43 8 4J 8 87 9 45 9 12 9 69 10 0:1 10 (8 Wyoming.... ..Manny Ilnnnal f 8 25 8 2.1 0.1 1 61) 1 42 1 S5 1 23 1 18 1 03 Kingston',"! KlmrRton 10 18 10 18 64 2 61 .Plymouth Juno 6 16 ...riymoutu.,, Avondalo... TJnnM.nlsM 10 20 8 02 B 07 C 1.0 8 OU 8 10 3 18 llMnlft'k'fllror.'u 10 64 10 42 10 66 11 07 11 18 1 46 12 42 7 83 12 25 7 111 12 15 7 20 12 00 7 18 11 47 7 09 11 40 7 t5 11 82 0 67 11 10 tl 10 63 6 45 10 60 0 87 10 41 0 13 10 22 C 10 10 OS ...BUiCK8Mnny.. ...tucK-B terry, ...TiPnpl, lln.nn 8 45 8 61 8 67 i 07 4 12 4 20 4 27 4 S3 4 88 4 60 6 (9 6 25 lierwlck .' 11 20 uriar creel:., ...Willow Urovo. Llmo Itldgo., Kapy ...llloomsburg.. TltlTlf'Tt 11 to 11 45 11 60 11 65 12 IS CatawPa ltrldgc i.iianviuo.,, ..Chulasky,, O 04 10 6 45 9 C p.m. a.m. n Mf IP, l HMl.n.lM 12 43 p.m. p.m. a.m. W. F, TTALSTEAD Runt Superintendent's onlec, Scranton. Feb. 1st, 1882. OF ALL PLAi TS, FOR ALL CROPS, ru.i nil. ULIMAI tS. TTo era t'10 hr,- -! f. rincr, lur-CEtkced grow er 1 una t . -d dealers anywheres bouco li its iireatutt fndllt i fur ril-iiliit Ilrat Keedi .1 I our &t It art itsifl, and only tho bcit tout out. Dit .tntiMlCaUhim an Vrict IM brines TIH1 Y01tI,l) TO Y)i;it OWN lS(l()l. It'n! t nloi 111 tha dosiralb new and rtandanl vitriU! 1 tf riwa., ytsWo. IKU and Trco KccdJ. 1 . i 1 -.'1. Cent I-.tLlltoany address, III 1 '."fl SJBS.EY & CO. Socdr.i,.ii Kw.i3tttr, ti, Y, nnd t'hlwuu, IL. A J s Feb 9-ly PAYNE'S 10 Horso Qpark-Arrostlng Portablo En.-jlno haa cut 10,000 ft, of Michigan Plmi lloonU In 111 hotirK, buniic thbi from thg tnw In Our 10 Horse it- Ouarantu to furnlnh power to aw 8,000 toi t of Hemlock llo irJi In 10 houri- Our ItJloiuullt cut K.VMjttt lu Mino timo. ""I 1.111111 UrU IIUA1IANTEEI1 ( fitrnl.h a hortC'puwer on yt lots fuil and water tlmii any otht-r En pine not fitted with an Automatic Olf, If you wml a Stationary or Portable Knglne, Holler, Ctrcti , Inr Baw-hllll, bliafimg or Pulley, udtlicr rai.1 ir XtA.lin,rtfl I'titpiit l:aBl"flgSjWruitelit-Irnii Pulley, m-nd for our HnffM&V Y llhutmtrd cataliigue, No. 12, for UiriAiu. Information and price. 11. f, I'AYNIJ &, SONS, Cornlag, N.Y. Ilox 1427. Jan. 6, 63-ly, - niM m ,i,tn h m . riTfpafHinat na. muroaJNu ad L ll.i.iiMI,.l.....i I . 1 . ".KWM1,U,UIUJ,U All !lroutllli,Khl.l'onUilu ron... I,U,M,. lUAIlMk.. AO. umx-iituim 1, ' !iMutl.U mji I Miniiiii m rAf -'litfMlrtib.T,( lWUtl0aj mj luiaUtlil lUlfflAiMf xm n UM. lift ft IIXUUU-H Itf M M tfttuFMiton It kftrtlcij tn$ Oct08(-ly f JUPV
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers