'i, . . 1 1'i THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. 1 - -1L Starting Plants from Slips. l'oter Henderson, In tho TmiUcs' Floral Cabinet, gives tlio following ilircctlons for tho domestic iiropngtv tion of plants from slips: Florists nso wlint nro called propagating lienches for rootlnjr cuttings when wanted on a largo Hcale, no thoy usually nro by them but when nn amateur, not hav ing greenhouse facilities, wishes to root n few slips, thero is no process that wo can recommend better than what is known as tho "saucer system," which, oven at tho risk of telling it to 8omo of your readers who nlreaay un derstand it, I must again repeat, as thero is no other plan that is ho simplo nnd so safo. TnKc any common sau cer or plate, into which put sand to the depth of an inch or so. Then prepare tho cuttings in tho usual man ner and placo them in tho sand closo enough to touch each other. The Hand is then to bo watered ho as to bring it into tho condition of mud. Tho saucer thus filled with slips may bo placed on tho window-sill and ex posed to tiie sun. The cuttings must be fully exposed to tho sun, and never shaded, lint 0110 condition is abso lutely csciiii.il to success: until the cuttings take root the sand must be kept continually saturated with water, nnd always in the condition of mud. To do this tho slips must bo watered at least once a day with a very fino roso watering pot, and the watering must bo done very gently, else the cuttings may bo washed out. There is every certainty that ninety-nine per cent, of tho cuttings put in will take root, provided they were in the proper condition when placed in the saucer, and that tho temperature has not been lower than sixty degrees for greem house plants, or less than eighty de grees lor tropical plants. By tho saucer system a higher degree of tem perature may bo maintained without injury thau "by any other system of propagation, aa the cuttings in reality are placed in water, and will not wilt, provided the water is not allowed to dry out. Still, the tender slip, until rooted, will not endnro a long contin uation of very high temperature, and wo would advise that propagation be done at such seasons that they may have as near as possible a uniform tcinperaturo of seventy-five or eighty degrees in tho sunlight. When root ed they should bo potted in dry soil, Biich as is recommended for sowing seeds in. They should bo placed in pots not exceeding two and a half in ches in diameter nnd treated carefully, by shading and watering for two or three days. Two Hundred Years. I'Ult.AllKl.l'llI.V Plllll'AniNO TO OBI.U- nuATi: lir.n m-ci:ntensiai. a lt.NI CIVIC, MUSICAL AND MII.ITAHY l'AOKANT OK I'OUlt UAVS I'ltO l'OSKl). Appended is n iienernl outline of the more prominent features of the bi-centennial celebration in Philadel phia tho latter part of October. It is promised by those in charge that the observance of the two hundredth an niversary of tho founding of Philadel phia and tho commonwealth of Penn sylvania will bo the grandest celebra tion ever held in Philadelphia, not excepting the centennial. FinsT DAY. Parade of civic bodies, including thirty-fivo companies from thu state, tho old firemen of Philadelyhia, the paid liro department, who will enter tain the visitors ; the United States department, the postoflice, showing the rise and progress of the postal service. The United States mint will display the process of coining, striking off a commemorative medal ; tho city and state departments, the secret and be-, nevolent societies, temperance organ izations, the butchers in magnificent costume. The marine band of Wash ington will be at tho head of the United States department. Grand tableaux of tho lauding of Peuu at Dock street wharf, naval display on the Delaware, ending with magnificent display of fire works in the park, with piec s illustrating tho early history of Philadelphia. At least 25,000 men will be in the procession. SKCON'I) DAY. Parade of tho different trades, man ufactories, and foundries of Philadel phia, with wagons, all showing the vni ions modes of manufacture; wood ware, hardware, furniture, printing, dyeing, weaving, sewing machines, ' engine building, tinware, household goods, upholstering. Grand parade of the Pennsylvania railroad, showing tho rise and progress of railroading and car building. Thirty thousand mechanics and manufacturers in line. In the evening grand historical moving tableaux, showing historical incidents in the hUtory of Pennsylvania, follow ed by an epic poem," illustrated by tableaux in tloats or ears, each car drawn by four horses, and shown by lights and carried by men. Tlllltl) DAY. Musical entertainment, hall (oid machinery hall) Allison's engaged, lighted by electrio lights and fitted up to nccommouaio irj.uuu persons ; a,000 singers on tho platform ; all tho pr'ui- cipai iveisii ana uerman singing Bocicuei arm cuoirs; 5ii,.'oU in pnzes ; reception to tho societies in the even ing. Grand regatta on tho Schuylkill by tho navy. Bicycle race and Cal edonian ijanies in the nark. Parade of Knights Templars j all the leading comnianuenes irom the principal cities ( five to ten thousand Knights, with their magnificent costumes and Oriental drill on parade j reception at mo academy ot music, Horticultural and industrial hall in the ovenlng, FOUKTII DAY. Mho greatest military display over Been in Pennsylvania! 25,000 state and visiting troops and Grand Army posts; nil tlio .National Uunril of l'enn sylvania and Now Jersey ; visiting corps irom uoston, riovuience, isow 1 ork, linltnnore and other points ; iu.uuu men ot the Uratul jrniy,nr rangcmeutH will be made to entertain nil visiting delegations of soldiers. In the evening tho city will be entirely illuminated, and receptions at the Academy of Music, horticultural hall and other places. During the four days tho city will bo magnificently decorated tno united btates win lend tho assistance of all departments. Vow is tho time for tlio minlstors to work up a revival by telling sinners that it tnoy don 1 repent thoy 11 go wnero Uniterm lias gone, ino man even in tho next world, will want to find himself in such disgraceful com pany, "cum on on." L. P. Follott, Marion, O., states that ho hui used Thomas' Kclectrio Oil for burns.and has found nothing to equal It in soothing tho palu and giving relief. Forms of Oaths. Tho forms of oath now In use in tho legislative assemblies of various foreign countries aro as follows i Bavaria "I swear. So help me God and His Holy Gospel." Denmark "I promlso and swear. So help mo God nnd His Holy Word." Greeeo "I swear in tho name of tho Holy and Consubstnutial and Indivisible Trinity." Hcsso Darmstadt "I swear. So help mo God." Saxo Coburg and Baden "I swear. So help me Urxi. iiouana "I swear. So help mo God. Portu- nl "I Bwc ar on the Holy Gospel. Prussia "I swear by God, tho Al mighty nnd Omniscient. So help mo God." Servla "I swear by one God and with all that is according to law most sacred nnd in this world dearest. So hcln mo God in this and that other world. Spain After swearing the deputy on tlio Gospol, tho 1'iesldent says: "Then may God rettav you : but If you fall, may llo claim It from you." Swedon and Norway "I (President or Vice President only) swear before God and His Holy Uospel. 1 will be faithful to this oath as suro as God shall save my body nnd soul." Switz erland "In the presence it Almigiuy God I swear. So help mo God." United States "I do solemnly swear. So help mo God." It is noted, in con nection with this record, that as States advance in civilization they show nn increased disposition not to swear. For example, Austria, France, Ger many, Italy and the United States either abandoned the theisttc oath or mado its use optional j while in unim portant nnd backward countries, like Servia, Greeo, Portugal and Spain, tho oath is most stringently imposed, Men and Women, Although both sexes aro bound by tho same code of morals, thero appears to be two states of morality. One for women and one for tho man; and women have instituted these two states. In her ignorance and blindness she tol erates in men that which sho condemns in her own sex. A man may go wherever his passioiw or inclinations lead him, yet he is coddled, flattered, smiled upon and recognized in society. IIo may bo addicted to the vice, yet he finds no dilliculty in effecting n passport into the society of pure women, or being admitted to the homes of respectable families. But how is it with a woman t If she has strayed from the path of virtue, or has been sought, won, ruined and forsaken, is thero a hand in kindness held out to lead her back to the paths of rectitude? If she makes the fatal mistake and takes tho first step to ruin, but perhaps would gladly return, is she allowed to do so? Is sho by the influence of homo humane sister, ever restored to her friends, society and the world? No ! the very women who smile upon the hardened libertine, frown upon his unhappy victim, and shut her out for ever from a purer, happier life. Althoug tho making of a new uoso for a person deprived of his natural organ of smelling has been repeatedly undertaken with success, it is a nice and dflicult operation ; and an attempt j just mado in Vienna by Prof. Billroth, one of the most distinguished Burgeons of Austria, to supply a soldier who had been frightfully mutilated iu Bosnia with an artificial nose, has attracted much attention. Tho material for the new organ was taken from the skin of the forehead. Tho operation is report ed to have been entirely successful, aud with a supplementary shaping process, it expected to result in a nose that can not be distinguished from a natural one. The bicycle is said to be a graceful arrangement, composed chiefly of two wheels turned by three cranks ; one seated on a saddle, turns tho other two with his feet. Demand it, 'ami tako no other iron preparation except Brown's Iron Bitters. It is tho best. When vou have found n man who thinks it his duty to tell you of your faults you have also found a man who never thinks it his duly to tell you of your virtues. Tho law of harvest is to reap more than you sow. Sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character aud you reap a destiny. Iiiffersoll has endorsed Beecher, Beecher has endorsed Ingersoll, and Satan has increased his order for fuel for next year by over a thousand tons. A vigorous growth of hair is pro moted and tho youthful color restored by applying Parker's Hair Balsam. Aro tho Purostantl Dost Blttorscvor mado. Thoy nro compounded from Hops, Mult, Bucliii, JIanilrnko and Dandelion, tho oldest, beat and most valuablo medicines in tho -world and contain all tho best and most curotivo proporties of all other remedies, bomg tho grenteBt Blood I'uriflor, Liver Regulator, and Lifo and Health Restoring Agont on earth. No diseaso or ill health can possibly long exist whero jjop Bitters nro used, bo varied aim jicrfect their operations. Thoy givo now lifo and vigor to tho aged nnd infirm. To all whoso employments cait30 irregu- janty 01 tno dowcis or urinary organs, or who require nn Appeti zer, Tonio and mild Stimulant, jop Bitter uro invaluable, being highly curative, tonio nnd stimu lating, without intoxicating. No matter what your feelings or symptoms nro, what tho diseaso or nilmont is, uso nop Bitters. Don't wait until you aro sick, but if you only feel 'bad or iniseriiblo, uso jrop Bitters at once. It may savo your life. Hundreds havo been saved by to doing. 1500 will bo paid for a caso they will not euro or help. JJemcmbor, nop Bittors is no vilo, drugged, drunken nostrum, but tho Purest and Best Mcdicino ovor mado; tho "Invalid's Friend and hopo," and no person or family should bo without it. it) WANTED LIVE MAN Tn Triivrl ami Hollrlt Onlcru for NUIIHHUV HTOI K. A knowledge ot the business easily ao (inlred. SALARY AND EXPENSES PAID BY US, Must coins well recommended and be able to fur nish security, Address 11. u. Oil AHK Co. Nursery, men, Mouth Merrick street, lbtladolpb!. aug 'a 4f d I flirmA WBEK. 111 a day at home oially made Costly outnt ujusta, Jlalna tu&rch 31 .y w 4 1.YL2.A E. t3 INK MAM'S yT.qTTlPT.K. COMPOUND. 1'nr tttl tftnr rnliifiiWomptalutaaml AVffiVnMftM fcti f.tiHnion to our tK't fr runic population 1 Mi'ttlttrtft for rtniii, ItiTPiitfit by a Woman. Prepared by a Woman Tfcf f.rrkltat HVBfttl hrrf Sl th ! t UltUr?, t3TltrcvT( 1 tV d.'oopltif uptrlts, Inrlgorfttet and hirnun!ittli orotic rnnctloiit, civMctutlclty nd flrmnowto thU'p, ti'ftoiofl thenAtural lustre to tba typ, an J A uita on the pftJo chetk of woman the f rsih rtmi of Ufc'i rprta? aud eurl jr iuoimer time. rCThjilclanj Uie It anJ Preicribo It Frsely.-tt It rem jrfj faint at in, flitukney, dot troyi fcll craTlog for ttlmaltDt, undrclItTtiircatoeMof tho itommch. That feellnjf of bvarl.itt dawn, ?j.aOnglta, weight and lAckulie, U alwayn itrmnnentty cured ty It use, Far the en re ofKliney Complaint of eltbar ex thU Compea d U vaaurpassed. l.YWAE. I'lXKIIAM'ft ItT.OOl VUIlTriEfl will criulicnto trtrj reileo ot Humors from the Blothl, and irtre tone and strength to the system, of man woman or child. InIt on liarlng lb Bth the Compound and DIoodFuriflrrare prepared at t33 and 833 Western Arenue, Lynn, Mass. Prlceof either, U Sli bottle for Bent by mall In the form of pillit or ot lotenjce, on receipt of price, $1 per box fur either. Mrs. Pinltham freely aniwcrt all letters ot Inquiry, Encloto Set. etainp. Snd for pamphlet, Nn f fttnlly should be without LYDIA E. riXKHAiTfl UVEU I'lMA Ther cure constipation, biliousness, &Diltorptdlty ofthellrer. ta cents per box. ArSollby nUIniKgUt.-tf 0) FOR THE PERMANENT CURE CONSTIPATION. No other dUeoao it so prevalent In this conn-1 try a Constipation, and uo romcdy has ever . eaualled tho celebrated Kidney-Wort as a I I cure. Whatever tho cause, ho woTer obstinate tno case, tnii rexnoaywiu overcome it i nil this outrcesinff com rlbbOi clalnt Id verr ant to be I complicated with constipation. KldneyAVort ' strengthens the weakened parta and quickly cures all kinds of Fllee erenwhen physicians! ana meaicu.es nave Deiora iiuea u nnryounavo citaoroi tacto troubles PRICE 8U lusEr Drupglsts I IJ1AUMKUS AXI) THKKSHKHS WISH 1 Inj tj iurrliaio ilrst o:ass articles of Threshers and Separators, also one and two-horse Ticail rowers, with Threshers ml Shakers, wilt do well to call on or addrers J. M. nULSIIIZEP, Llghtstreet, IV n work warranted- Send for price list nnd (rive me a trial xo batter Machines uro Manu factured tor this sccllou ot the country. tune cu. s-m MMuM MaokB J. W.RAEDER, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, PAPER RULER AND GENERAL BOOK BINDER. BLANK HOOKS OF ALL DESCRIP TIONS MADE TO OHDEli. PERIODICA LS li 0 UND IN ANY DE SIRABLE STYLE j. w. r audi: n, llOdc 112 W. MAKKET STREET, WILKES-BAREE, Pa. r wit - WviAiw 1 blepanpi or Chronic Indlsestlon, the debility and mental stupor resultlnu frcm n coailve imblt, my bo certainly avoldeU Dy rejulatlne tho system wllh that a reeable and rtfreshinu Standard Preparation, Takkint a .ikltzk ai-kkibnt. PliOCUltAllLE AT A LI, DHUOGISTS. Sept, 13, l-w. r $10 TO $20,00 In Iflpltlmite ludlclous speculation In Oraln, Pro visions ana ihocks on our peneciea pmu, jiuus sure monthly proats to lurfo and smJl luv, stora. Auare1, tor ;iuii parucuuis, ic. k. nrnuuii w Vo Com'u. ilerchanw, ITI & 159 La Hallo St., Cl'loago, 111. r bept 15 4w WANTED ! LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS In Pennsylvania. To those who have hal experi ence and have been successful as solicitors, good contracts will be given as General Agents (or a number or counties. InexDerleuced men will bo aided and Instructed tj Special Agents. Address AIANACI'.lt, llox 3,003, . V, l'o.l Olllce. aug is-lm r w in price; stlling un, nrtilvj e erywherei Liberal tcimt. 114417 rrUJ A lliMiN 1 uurU bt., fntUilaliibki, I'i, June so-l y uhl O. DS. SAVAGE, DXitIR IN Silvorwara, Watches, Jewelry, Clocks. All kinds of Watches, Clucks and Jewelry neat If repaired and warranted, may 17, 'l-tf B, P. IIARTMAN RirHISIXTS TUB 1'OI.IOWIHH AMERICAN INSURANCK COJII'ANIKSi Lyconilni: of Muncy I'eunylvanta. North Amertcau of I'ltlladelphla, I'a. Krankllu of " " Pennsylvania of " " Karmers of York, I'a. Hanover of New York. Manhattan ot New York, ortlce on Market mreet, No, 5, nioa-nsburtr, oct. u, 1-ty y,i I. L. HA fill, PRACTICAL DENTIST, Main Street, opposite episcopal Church, llloomourg, I'a. w Teeth extracted wli ain. UCt. 1, 1T, i i Cares Scrofula. Enrsinolas. Pimplas and Faco Gmbs, Blotches, Bolls, Tumors, 'Set- tor. Humors, salt Iilieum, Scald Head. Soros, Mercurial Diseases, Female weakness ana Irregularities. Dizziness, Loss ot Appetite, Juandlcc, Allections ot the Liver, Indi gestion, Biliousness, Dyspep sia ana u-cnorai Domuiy. A emiMe nt nutilosk lit'! ttittrrt will latlifr the nio.1 turpi ii at mil li ! tn- i.feaieM ihothi ,-unner oa lWre.tl(ni la clevtn Utifuxfei. 1'KICR, t'to. f03UR, HILBU N it CO., Prop'i. BuflVo, N.Y. Feb. II ly. HI 'O PIOTOIU.VL OFAH1LY BIISLB, Oontilnlujr both versions of tlio Nil IV TEHTA .HUNT. uVmnkino pxtm rlinrvii for this ad dition, Other publishers cnargnv l. nn PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS Elegant Designs, Handsomely Seuni. Our Utbles contain !, on pices, a.foo Illustrations. Kxtrn liiiliirriiiriitfi oUVreiTloKnercetleAdrtits llluitr.ltpd CatnloifUft sent nn nnnlt.'fitlnn. A. J. I10I.MAN s CO., 122 Arch St., Chll.idclphla. aug : 4w a NOTICE TO INVESTORS I Flrwt .IorlHHp It c til Klii(t liouim mado ami (innrunictMl by ihe Neoraska Loan aofl Trust rupaay, School Uonds and Municipal s.curltlo 'or snlo. liest of references furnWiod. rlt for full pirtlc ulars. .IAS. II. iUAIIVWKLI,, Pres., K (!. Wrni 8tkk, Trcas. d au g 1 5 4 w To Nerroas Sufferers Tho Orent Eexedy. db. i. B.smrsoN's SrEClFIO mudicins, Dr. .1. II. Slmnson's sneclho Medicine m i,ii. ttve cure for overwork of body or brjtn ornxcess ot any kin 1, such as weakness and all diseases re sulttnir from Nervou3 Debility, Irritability, Mental iQxteiy, uuuKiiur. busiib'juu.ueiirus'iiuu oi ffpirua and functional derangements of thn nervons sys tem kviii-(117, luiua iu luo uick or Me, loss of Memory, Pre mature old age ud diseases that lead tu consumpt ion. Insanity .V:ln early grae or ooui. .o matter sow shattered the wstem mav bn ruin uxcji&i'S of anlcind, a short course otthls r idlclne will restore the lost functions and pro euro health and happtnessnhero teloro was de spondency and gloom. Tho specific Medicine Is be ing used with wonderful success. famnnieta sent rree to an. write ror them ana get full partrlcuhir Price, Specific n.on per package.or six packages tor J5,io. Will bo sent by uiatl on receipt ot money o No?, lot and IKMaln street, lliiffalo, N. Y. For sale by J. II. KINPOItTS, Iiloomsburg, Pa. fib 2lS2-ly SWITHIN C. SHORTLIDGE'S Academy for Yonnn Men ami Boys, 12 MILKS MCOtt PI1ILADKI.PI1IA. .SCIKIOI, VHAIt OPU.NS SPPT. 12. Fixed orlite covers cverv exDCnso. even books c. No extra charges. No incidental cinenie. Nn examlnalon for udmlsslon. Thirteen experienced leucucia, iui me.i uuu an gruuuuies. special op portunities fornpt students to ndvanvo rapidly Socclal drill for dull and backnard bovs. Patrons or nudenta may select any studies or choo9othe regular Kngllsh, sclcntinc, Hunlncfs, Classical, or Civil Engineering Course. S'.udenti fitted at Me dia Academy are no x In Harvard. Yale and ten utuer colleges nnd Polytechnic Schools. Media nas seven cnurcnes anu a temperanco cnaracter which prohibits the sale of nil Intoxicating drinks For new Illustrated Circular address tho Prlnclna. and Proprietor. NWITIIIN (!. SIIOIITI.IIICK,. .1. .11. ti'arvarj university urauuaie), .iiiiIIh, Pen ii. sept, 1-4 w Agents Wanted VSSh. TREASURY ' SONG For tho HOMtC C.11CLU. n rich volume of 300 best luved Gems chosen from the whole realm of Music. Usual cost, fix I iicrc, only $2.w. Ho Dookitk'iit. r.0 competition i sale is immens." ! Eminent citizens say: "A treasury of pleasure for every horn ." o. 11. Tiffany, U I). " periect insrvtl of excellence and cheapness." a. A. Peltz I). D. ' Full of genuine gems." F. L. llobblns, D. 1). "I like It." W. II. coane, Mus. Dir. "it meets n real household want." A. J. Gordon, I). I). "Its contents will bring genial sunshine to the home." Prof W. F. Secrwln. "I have oxam Inelthlss'itnptuousvi.lume with great delight." J. 11. Vincent, 1). I). "It should bo In every household In tho land:" Prof C. C. Case. Three million homes want It, hence It Is a grand chat.ee to coin money, sample pages, Ac, free. Addtest 1IU11UAIID DUOS., Philadelphia, Pa, Sept. m, 4-w, jf.F.JS- Prnrf Irnl I Ifn J?'o.icy irn Pn,!'k VI . L'LPV.,"lAi.Ba"fl'-lT SOU pp. Clvti.t)rp.,fliicatblnillii2BBd llluatratloBt. AOKNTS WANTKU. tft to Hit) per Month" I o, rerun, ajjrtu J. c. MtCURDV c.- Co., riiilljtljili, Fi June SO-ly aid tflfia weeK in your own town Terms and ti out uOnt free. Address II. IUli.et Co., 1'ortland, Kalno. march 31 -ly WmiB W1MBM I Bxroai. aWTXS. j BLOOMSBQRG, PA, LOOK OTJT FOR FALL STYLES AT BL 00MSBUHG STATE SG HO SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. bloomsourg, Rov. Tiiiuunniinr. ini nrpnpnt unnatltutd. otlers Ilulldlnirs enaclous. Inviting and commodious ; pure, son spring water Location UCailOlul, antl lias; Ul iujicaa. im,utiiiiivu.tu.wu.iiHMi i,uwiittii nui a, Expense? moderate. Fifty cents a wees ucuucuou iu uiiuxpucuuk w lciuju. stuueuutuuinuu-u m courses of study prescribed by tho state i I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Clamicil. I. Ailnmrt fmimc: Academic. II. Commercial. Ill, Coilrxo In Mmic. IV. Course Tho Elementary. Scientific and Classical Courses ate PKOFKSSIONAU untl Students grtultiatng following corresponuingltegrees; .iasierui too .Normal t'ertlncntcf their attainments, signcu uy tue uniwrstu ine nuaru oi i rusurs, Thneoursnnf stnfl v nrescrlbed by the State Is liberal, and tho s;lontlHc and UlMric.il course are not Tho State requires a higher onlorot citizenship. HILT HlLCMIl bTI?IlL IIIIU UlllUlUL 1 Hlvllll O IUI liCI JWIVWia. .V. b..i..uu .v ouil.lia j uuuk V ' T.U. ,,l KUII I. Improve their time aud their talents, as Students. labor alter teavingscnooi. f or uataiogucnaarcst tuo rrincipui. lltl.N.WII.I.IA.M l!f,Vlif.I.i I're.litrnt llonnl of Trti.ifria. F P. Ill' l.MYKH, Secretary. OJtJ. I, Si.- FOB SAL .IE. Tliu following prdpcrtles from $300 TO $12,000 Vuriouslv located In lll.OOJISliUHG nnd oilier itlnci's, nlToriling clicnp lioincsor prof, liable Investment. A, Frame Dwelling; In rjoml condition. A SPECIAL nAHGAIN. So'bl Small PRAMS DV73LLINGS. Deslmlilo clicnp homes or good investment". A number of Dkttku Fkamk DwKi.i.ixas 1'l.RASANll.Y I.OOATKI). BRICK DWELINGS from CIIKAP to 11EST nt various locutions. BUILDIN8 LOTS on nearly nil Blrccts nt va rious prices. CoNTIIAfTTH StAtlK TO BflU) FKA3IB OK nitICK I1UILD1NGS of nny description, to be done promptly nnd satisfactorily. FARMS b'OK SALE In Hloom, llenton, Fishlngcreek, Hemlock, .Mudison, Miniin, IMontour, Jackson Pine, Catawlssn nnd Centre townships. The above at all prices and embracing land for Farming, Grazing, Trucking and Tobac co Baising. Also several good TIMBER TRACTS nnd SAW MILLS. Ai.o Rcsikexs LooATioNH witli trade estab lished, including a Woolen Mill; in Good Condition and Location, Carriage Manufact:ry, Coal Yard, Limo Stono Quarries, and Kilns. All the above can be bought at fair prices and on reasonable terms. For particulars, apply to .10IIN A. FUNSTON, PAUL E. WHIT. WORTH SENDING FOR. li r. J. II. SIIKNCK, of Philadelphia, has Just published a boor, on "IHI!sw OI' Till: I.U.NliS AND IIOWTIIHVliAN 111! CUItllll," which li offered Vrrr, postpaid, to all applicants. It contains valuable Information for all who suppose themselves aflllcted with, or llablo to, any dlsenfes of the tnroat or lungs. Address UK. .1. 11. SCIUiNCK .t HON, COO Arch St , FutHdel pbla, Fa. 1'. U. llox 3S33. d Sep 8-4 w. CUTTHISOUT! a.S!Rte8S15tjS40wpeeerk. Woh.ivo storoc InIO load In Cltlos, from uUlch our utrciiU obtain tbclr itiji Uch quietly. Our I'lirtui li ami l'rinrtpiit (ilticci hre ut i:tl', l'u ttonl lor our Netv Cululuut buJ 'r'M I Ae:iM AtliUCAii J J ACI I 312 Lnckawannn Avo A. At LUCLL SCRAWTON.PA. MarcU s-ly :snrur.r.tmq and J$&0A9, THE THIS WEEK uoiumDia bounty, D. J. WALLER, Jr., Pb. D., tho very best facilities fur Professional and ciaMhieni completely heated by stuam, well ventilated, lighted niciueuts, .niwmrui tuu ouicuurn . triin'rui luoi.iastcs. uraouaies in inu inner uourses receive The times demand It. It Is one of the prime objects To all such It promises aid In developing their Every Estcy Organ Sold is made roughout with Equal fidelity, and Yields unrivaled tones. Stnd for Ittmtratnl Catalogue. CELEBRATED 'mm HAEBMAN PIANOS, And other first class Pianos, and a large lot of MUSIC BOOKS, VIOLINS, ACCOItDEONS, BANJOS, MUSKCaVL (DMIDIIEf TE, VIOLIN STRINGS, Ami everylliing m tiie Millie lioie. 0". SALTZER, MUSIC ROOM, PIPTH STORK BELOW MARKET STREET, BLOOMSBURG PA. WEBER--E FINK INLAID FKHNC1I WALNUT lUxy Ttiiiiirt. Satlsfuvtlon Ottaruiif ui't). iiA-OOisr's FiA-isro rooms, MUSIC I1A1.L M.OUK, WILKBS-IIAB.B.B. PA BENSON'S GAPCINE PLASTERS HAVE BEEN IMITATED, And their exooPont imputation in jured by worthless imitatiouo. Tho Publlo cro eautionod agalntt buy ing l'lustcrs having similar sound ing namos. Soo that tho word CA P.C I-N-E iu corrootly spollod. Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters Aro tho only improvement evor mado in Plaatoru. Ono iu worth inoro than a dozon of any other kind. Will positively euro rhoro othor remodics will not ovon rollovo. Prico 25 oonts. Dowaro of cheap Plastors mado with lead poisons, SEAUURY A. JOHNSON, Mtunftctutlng Cl.cinlM Not Yorli A'-M'.IK hUMUMIV AT l. AST. Prlro25i.li,. HEAD'S M.tiicitcitCOHNtiii) BUNION PUSTCR. Nov 4 '81 .ly AionUWantod. ThaCulnilMltnsTrliimpli HOW to LIVE! AcompUteCyclopwHtol Imuirliulil tnowlrili. fnr Iht uiiimiiiiow rtay Mollilncllkolll (Jolnufu.il Iaw priest, lllu.lrnlt iiiit-iiiHlt'fl In auiUuralln. Send for Pr notice, nd luir ,atn uUnnow. Outnt mi Initrunton liowto.rll, rrctnclualititi, tlur ctllgurllllcdllthlulKotkrr Slalr,,, iliiirr, If I'ubll.U. r, M 'ArfL Sum, l'lillgi li uu, pa. sept. 8, t-m, ea OL rennsyivania. Principal. teaming. by gas, andfurnlsbed with a bountiful supply of uisiapuui;, uriu uub kiuu, umiuuu mm tuuruu;u any tiinv. iiooms reserved wncn acsirou. In Art. V. Couro in I'livslcnl Culture. therein, tecclve State Dlplcmos, tunferilna the Inferior to those of our best Colleges. ot this School to help to hecure It, by furnish- Ul 1 1 .11. S .I1U KUUU UU UU .ID. IIIUHD nuu Uta I) IU powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid Every buyer should Select an Organ OCltat guarantees good Every day work and Years of service. J. ESTF.Y & CO., Uruttlcboro.Yt. WEBER PIA A-RDMAIVT CASK OKGAN, STOPS, S!)0 CASH. Junel J. SALTZER'S Goneral Sowing Maeliine Depot, Fifth Store Below Market St., BLOOMSBURG, PA. Celebrated White Sewing Machine, Now Duvis Vortical Feed Sow ing Machine, Now Homo Sowing Machine, Household Sowing Mnchino, Estoy Sowing Machine, Genuine Singer Sewing Machine, Singer Pattern Sewing Machine, Attachments, tst Sowlnir Vaculne Oil, and Nee dles for all bowlufcr mactilnea, Bewln? Uacbliiva sou on monthly payments- Literal dlHoount mado for cash. Bitty inachtne purchased from mo la warrantt'dtibo kept In tcxxl runnlnvr or ler for five years free of charge, aud tlwrouih In. Btt uctlons given br the bust lady operator la this part of thu state fre v of chariro. Kxamlna my stock of machines before purchaMnkr. $5 toS!20lerd45.St.nom2' Samples worth 13 lu fWreo, Address htinson & Co- I'ort marcli 31, 1-y 1 RAILROAD TIME TABLE HL JKNNHYIiVANIA RAILROAD. 1'IIIL. ADKLl'lllA & KIUE 11.11. IIIVIHION. phiimixttililii nnd Rrtn lta'lroad Ulvlslon nnd Northern Central Hallway. SUMMER TIMU TAD LB. In effect Juno Jth. trains leave Nortuum. berland. K8TVaUD, it:, a m. soa shore Ktpress for Sunbury, llar rlsburir nnd Intermediate stations, Lancaster, Philadelphia, Now York, IMItlmore and Washing tun. arriving at l'hllidelphla 3. p.m.! New York, 0.15 p. in. Ilaltltnorc, 4.10 p. tn. ; Washlntfton MI p tn . making close connections nt I'hllndtl phla f or nil Sea 8hore p )l n w, 1.4 p. m. Day oxpross for Hunbury, llnrrls burg and intermediate stations, Lancaster, Phil adelphia, New York, Baltimore and Washtnjtton, arriving at Philadelphia 7. is p. m-i Now York, I0.3i p. m I llaltlmore, T.ifO p. m j Washington, l.f p.m. l'ttllmnn Parlor car through to rhlladel. phla and passenger coa 'lies through to Philadel phia and Ilaltltnorc. 8.05 p. m. Wllllamsport Accommodation for Hunburv, llarrlsburg anJ all Intel mcdlato sta tions l-ancrthtcr, Pnlladolpiiln and New York, arriving at I'lilladelphln i.is n. m. : Now York 6. 15 a. m. sleeping car tccomtnodatlons can bo secur ed at llarrlsburg tor Philadelphia and Now York. Philadelphia passer. gcrs can icmaln In sleeper un disturbed until; a. ui. l.M a. m. Krlo Mall for Sunbury, llarrlsburg and Intermediate stations, Lancaster, Philadel phia, New York, Ilaltlmoro and Washington, ar riving at Philadelphia ISO A.m.; New York, il.u a. nt. Ilaltlmoro 7,(5 a, in. : Warning ton, 9.17 a. m. Through Pullman, sleeping cars nro run en this train to Philadelphia, llaltlmore and Washington, and through passenger coaches to Philadelphia and llaltlmore. WE3TWAIID, O.&S a. m. Krlo Mall for Krle and all Intermediate stations with through Pullman I'alacu car and through passenger cojiehes to Erlo. For canandalgua nnd Intermediate stations, llochester, Iluffalo and Niagara rails, with Pull man Palaco car and passenger coaches through to llochester. 1.45 p. m. Niagara Express for Kane nnd Inter mediate stations with through passenger coaches to Kano. For canandalgua and principal Inter mediate Btatlons, uochentcr, mitlalo and Niagara Fulls wllh through parlor carlo Watklns and through passenger coaches to llochester. t).r, n. ta.. Fast linn for Lock Haven and Interme diate stations, and Klmlra, Wntklns and Interme diate stations, with through passenger coaches to wntKins. . TUKOUHII TIIAIN8 FOll NUKTIIUMllliHLANU FKOM THE EAST AND HOUTH. Niagara Expnss leaves .Now York, 6,so a. m.j lilllliueil'lliu a .U u. ill. i nuuiKiuu, o.u, u.tu. lialilmoroB.JOa.m., arriving nt Northumberland l.4i p. m.,wllh through Pullman Parlor car from Philadelphia and through passenger coaches from I'niiaueipnta anu imiuiuure. Fast Line Icatcs New York 7.53 a. m.: Philadel phia, 11.05 a.m.; Washington, 0.37 a.m.: Haiti more, lit fo a.m., arrltlng at Northumberland 6.35 p.m., with through passenger coaches from Philadelphia and Ilaltlmoro. line wan leaves new jorK t.uo p. in.; riumuei nlila. II so p.m.: Washington. 9-67 ti. m.: Haiti- more, ll.wi p m , arriving at Northumberland . s a. in,, with through Pullman Palaco sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington nnd Ilaltlmoro and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia, NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY. Ou and aner Fobruarv loth.tsai.tralns will leave Sunbury as follows I NOltTHWARD. Northern Express 0.30 n.m.,arrlvc Klmlra 17.30 pm Amvu uannuuaigua s.xo p. in. " llochester 4 40 " " Niagara, s 45 " Nlajrara KxprcsB 1.00 p. in. nrrlvo Klmlra 0.05 p m urrivo uananuaiguit n.sa " llochester 9 4S " " Niagara 11.50 a rn Fast line 6.15 p in arrive Elmlra ln.so p m ivatKins li.io pin 80UTIIWAUD. Houlhem Kxproos 1.32 a.m. nrrlvo Ilarrlsb'gS.lSam arrive l-nuaaeipuia i,uu " New Y'ork 9.33 " " Ilaltlmoro l.co " Washington f,2i a rn Lock Haven Ex 10.60 a m arrive Ilarrlsb'g MM pm nrrlvo Philadelphia 5.00 p m " New York 8.45 '; " Baltimore 6.20 " Washington 8.47 Day Expre33l.5u p rn nrrlvo llarrlsburg 8.8 p m " Philadelphia 7.08 " " Now York lo.uo " Ilaltlmoro 7.oo " Waahlngtou 8.17 Eric Hall 1.02 a. m. arrive llarrlsburg 3.ou a. m ' Philadelphia T.o " " New York 9.35 11 " Ilaltlmoro 7.00 " Washington 8.22 J.H. WOOD, General rassenger Agent. FKANK TnoMSON, Goneral Manager. pUILADELPIIAAND READING ROAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGEIi TRAINS. Juno 20, 1882. TH1INS LK1VI BUPRRT IS F0LL0WS(SUNU1T mcsrr.r. For New York.Philadelphla.Iteadln'g.rottirviro Tamntiua, ic, 11,45 a. m For Catawlssn, 11, 15 a. m. 4 66 and 7,20 p. in. For Wllllamsport, 6,16 d,60 a. m. and 4,04 p. m. TKitusroK HDrsar uiiva is ruLUjws, (eoMDir tcirrsD.) Leave New York, via. Tanuncnd 9,oo a. ra. and via. Bound Urook llouto 7,45 a. in. Loavo Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Loavo Ileadlng, 11,55 n. m., rottsvlUe, 18,88 p. n, and Tamaqua,'l,35 p. m. Leave Catawlssa, 6,10 8,40 a.m. and 4,oo p. m, Loavo WllUamsport,9,43a.m,2,uo p, m. and 4,80 p. m Passengers to and from Now Y'ork, via. Tama nend and to and from Phlla lclpUa go through without change ot cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Manager, C. 0. HANCOCK, Goneral Passenger and Ticket Agent. Jnn.l0,lil81-tf. EL AWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WEsTKIIN KA11.UOA1). BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NOKTH, STATIONS. Scran ton.... licllcvuo. . Tjivlnrvllti. SOUTH p.m. p.m. a.tn. a.m. p in. p.n U 15 V W 9 03 H 6(1 8 H 8 4'i 8 37 9 30 9 43 9 t2 9 ti 2 iu It t 92 6 27 0 34 It 41 40 0 31 0 65 6 38 7 01 7 10 7 17 T 22 7 1.0 7 37 8 00 8 26 3 40 8 50 9 OH S 00 8 05 8 11) 8 18 8 :r, 8 30 2 SO i! IfJ I 11 1 15 t 10 a a; S 20 2 27 2 34 2 39 2 44 8 30 ...Lackawanna. 9 li 9 19 9 II .... lituton.... West llttston ...Wyommgr.... . Maltby Bennett,.... . ITIiirvQtnn 10 OS IU 03 8 23 B 115 2 0,1 1 W 1 49 I S5 1 V5 1 18 9 04 9 04 10 16 10 13 10 20 10 34 10 42 2 U 2 54 8 02 3 00 3 10 3 18 3 33 3 45 8 61 3 67 4 07 4 Vi I 20 4 27 4 83 4 88 4 60 Kingston!"! riymoutu juno ....l'lymoutli.,, Arondalo ... NATlttlVilrft . 8 63 8 07 S 01) 8 4 1 03 8 89 8 !3 8 17 8 12 8 00 Uuulock'st.rcol; 1 40 II 42 ...Knicksmnny.. ....lilck'a Forry. ....Beach Haven. ....... Uerwlck.. lirlar Creek.. ...willow arovo. 10 60 11 07 11 13 11 20 7 33 l i 25 7 20 12 15 T 20 13 00 1 13 11 47 7 09 11 411 7 C5 U 32 S 57 11 10 1 10 tS 0 45 10 50 fi 37 10 41 fi 19 10 22 10 10 M 111 10 W 5 45 9 40 7 W 7 52 7 44 Lime Kldffe., Espy..... ...Uloomntiiirf-.. 111 39 7 BS 11 45 11 B 11 65 12 13 7 3 ll,ifwrr 7 SV Catawra Urt'dije 8 35 8 32 9 (ID 9 04 7 11 .....ianvuio..., Chulasky... Cameron.., Northumberl'd 6 09 45 Northumberl'd 12 45 6 26 u 20 p.m. a.m. a..m. p.m. p.m. a.m. ,. , . .. w "ALSTBAD, Bupt. superintendent's omce, scrauton, Kcb, 1st, ibsj. AK.K35I?..,i HAIR Bi'iXB A'irZ. 1 In f I -ui. i i'rv.i'1 IS H I J h. l, ,J ulluh.v. lia. diLtumtr I .jUuiuIjr uiule, on .t. coiiiit u itt fmi-iuir wv" "a"'", latul fiiiiiy, Aluluivvais FeiKrei theVouthful Color to Crey or Faded Hair aiKer iiairuaKim in finelr ptiftimed ami ii warranteil ta iirev cut CJliin c.ri'w luir nnd i j i.. miHodaniirufrauditiUui. Ilicux&Cu . N.V. "4 II ,! lUal.ralii Jrv,la4 lu. A Superlative Health anil Etrannth niii, If you tiro a mechanic or fanner, worn out with oveiu otk, or a moilier run iltmn by family or l,ou.o hold dutieeiiy l'AUKqu'n (,iM.tu Ti.mc. If ) oil re a lawyer, minliier or butlncn man hauued l,y mental itrain or onxioin caret, do not lata) lntoiicatingnunulanti,buiute rajttrtJIcerTonis Ifvoiibave Caniumption, Vyiptwla, Hheurru. Iim, Kidney toinnlauiu, or anydiaoruerofihelunte, or.iacli. b.ieli, blood ot lierei,l'AKk' GlNcta iONic williure you. Itluhe Createit Ulood I'urifier Aid tha Out and Surut Cough Curt Ever Uud. If yomrewaiiinif away frontage, dissipation or any dueaw or weakneu and reauii a a itimulant uka tjiMJim i lo.Mcatincei lmilllnloraie andbwkl you up from the nnt dose bin will never Intoxicate. II lu saved liundreds cf livetl if may save youn, CAUTION l-rufun .11 tuMILbi. rul.r'i Qluear Tnk Ii ' l-4cltL.Uilriill.lar,aUli,l,,,t4,,04UBUlr llj4Co.,N,r, 4fc.4Hl,(u.,,v.lmUil,fc OBtAT SAVINQ tl'VINQ POtiAn Slit j "."i1! "" '-"""S frajranco lias made tlus dclifiliiful perfume eaceediuBly popular. Ther Is nothing II to It, Imiit upon havinr Vuouiu TON Coux.ni andlook for slgnaturo tf .a.vtry lotllfc Aey dri,M,i cr d.d,r Ia twrnuuai na iPl, v.o. VI ail I,,', fnu-'r UIU.E AMu 111 VIS J jfc. fijp. rW?L ""'rtlMr. ebciMficial GIlOEBTOiSO March s, '62 ly,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers