THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Agricultural Experiments. ' Tlio Superintendent of tlto (Jtiolph model farm, Province of Ontnrio, offers tho following ni the result of his experi ments: 1. A stonily, frosty winter is better limn nh open one in feeding cattle. 2. Art average two or Uuec-ycar-old steer will ent its own weight of different materials, in two week?. 3. Two or thrco-ycar old cattlo will add one-third of a notind more nor head per day to their weight upon prepared nay and roots than upon tho sumo mate rials unnrenarcd. 4. It Is thlrtv iier cent moro profitable to pro-manure nnd dispose of fattening emtio nt iwo years old than to keep tliem up to tlireo years. fi. There is no loss in feeding cattlo won upon a variety ot materials tor tlio sake ot tlio manure alone. G 1 arm yard manure- from well fed cattle, three years old, is worth an aver rgo of $3.30 per ton. 7. A three-year old cattlo beast, well fed, will give at least onoton of manuro ovcry month of Winter. . cocaine oeast wnaievcr will pav for the direct increaso to its weight from mo consumption ot any kind or quanli ty of food. 9. On an avcrago it costs twelve cents for every additional pound of flesli add cd to tho weight of n two or thrce-yoar old fattening steer. 10. In this country the market valuo ot storo cattlo can bo increased thirtv six per cent during six months of finish ing by good lccdmg. 11 In order to sccuro a safe profit, no storo cattlo beast well done to, can be sold at less tnan 4.J cents per pound (.nvo weignt.) 12. In t no fattening, of wethers, to finish as shcarlinns, tho Cotswold and Leicester grades can bo made up 200 pounus, tno uxtora ijowii 180 pounds, and the Southdown (grades) ICO pounds cuuii uvo weigtii;. Seeding Lacd to Grass. Probably nine-tenths of tho farmers ot tno United states bow all their srrnss seed in tho Spring, and usually can givo no better reason than that they havo al ways dono so, and their fathers beforo them. Many of them do not know that any other season will answer for seeding. On the majority of farms in this latitude, August and September aro better than spring, as acrop of hay may bo obtained the following season, whether tho grass seed be sown alono or with wheat or rye. I have sown grass seed with wheat in early September, on land not subject to heaving" and havo taken a good crop of each- tlio following season. Clover seed will necessarily have to bo sown in tno spring, as the young plants aroliablo to winter-kill. When tho frost leaves tho ground in winter or spring, afte seeding with or without grain, it pays to roll the field with a heavy roller, first sowing the clover seed. If tho plants stand lirm and well tho smoothing har row may bo substituted for tho roller. Tho roller, or harrow should be used as early in spring as the surface becomes' dry crumble. In many cases it is good policy tosowgrass seed alone. For instance, one has a "run out" mead ow, and wishing to keep it in grass, cau plow down tho sod as early in spring as possible to work it well, apply a good surface dressing of manure, harrowing it in Well, making a fino seed bed, and on this sow tho of grass and clover seed desired. Usually a fair crop of hay may bo made from the laud tho same season, and a better one tho season following. Lands may thus bo seeded in early tall to good advantage. For instance, take sward land that hardly pays the expense of mowing it, and plow it in August, and treat it as above, sowing it immediately to grasses, includ ing clover, which will become well root ed before winter sets in, and a good crop of hay may be reasonably expected tho next season. Any other land than sward may bo thus seeded, if dono in August-, (provided it ,bo sufficiently fer tile), and produce a good crop of hay tho following season. A First-rate Jersey Cow. The anions Jersey Queen comes from tho herd imported by E. T. Fairbanks & Co., was, purchased' when only a few days old,' together with her mother, by D. Harvoy of Peacham, Vt. Sho wan sold when nine months old to a farmer of that town for 32. In six months from ihat time she was purchased by Asa Iloyt, a cooper, of tho same plec. Mr. Iloyt owned her for several years. The last year that sho was in his posses sion he kept, an attentive account of all tho butter and milk which tho Queen produced. At tho end of tho year lie found that sho had made 140 pounds of butter, - In 1879 the. cow was resold to Josiuh Kherson, of Uarnet, Vt., for S1,000. Mr. Kinerson christened her tho Jersey Queen, and in 1881 ho had an accurate account kept of her milk and butter; Sho has already produced betweon .r00 and 000 pounds of butter, and at the end of the yenr her record will pass 800 pounds. Mr. Kinerson has just sold the Queen to A. 15. Darling, proprietor of tho Fifth Avenue Hotel of New York, for $2,000 cash. Mr. Darling now owns tho best two cows in the world Kurotas, whoso record is 7.j0 pounds of butter in one year, and tho Jersey Queen, whose rec ord will pass 800 toimU.-SpriniHeld iiepuuucan. The Strongest Man, TIIK STORY OF A RUSSIAN COI NT WONPI'.IUTl. STUI'.NOTIt. WITI 15S2. Harper's Weekly ILIiUSTKATHI). (Iruuorv OrlolT was a Hussion count who lived nbout a hundred Years ago. HarpcrM Weekly standi nt tin Heart of Anwloan ' , . , ..... i ,i,f Illustrate i weekly Jouri.n'a lly Iti unnirluan post win win iiuuuiiij j vuiiiii, "ui miii ii tion la pomiC9, Us adm'raWo Illustr.UK. s, IU care ral as well, though thero were people tully cho en terlils. eh rt Moiles, sU'tcI.e, and who said that if he had to manage the poems, oniributod uy tlio fjremost artlits and licet by himself, instead of having three (minora tf theilty, itcurDs detraction and enter or Jour excellent naval cointnaniieis 10 talnmcnt to Ihotnandsof Amcrlojti Inraei. It will always bo tho ulmtf (hopuM'shels tomako Harper's Weekly tho most popular and att scttro fam'ly nowrpiperln tho voiU help him, he would havo tuado a pqor job of it. Hut whatever doubts there might have been about his statesman ship, thero could be uond about his strength, lor no was one ot tno largest and most powctiul men ot mtssia. jikc many other giants, ho was, pctnaps just nAurain) dazah noo a little too loud ot showing oil his great HAiirKii's mamazink w strength. Nothing pleased him more hahpeu's weekly 4 oo than to bend n horse shoe uetweccn ins ThflTm(KK0bovo rmbl i3.u ions looo too 1 so Ihrpor's Periodicals PEIt VCllt. lingers, or pull out of tho ground a stake Any TW0 ab0Vfl MIned which no ono elso could moves and if ,IMU,mi.s Yoim ,.K0PM nin - f l.ia n n I rftt Ittritml iMtlllimlld fltill uuu u.. uin mmuin ',"-" , ' , I ItAUl'KU'S MOA7.INK norrnii in iii.iko n nmsL'. ur o a u o u u nisi i hahpuh's yuunu 'hi 'lu. take liim by tho throat, and shake him harpers franklin sijOaukliiiiiauy, as a cat shakes a mouse, alter which me brawler was usually quiet enough. Now, it happened that one night this strong handed admiral was nt an evening party nt tho palace, and as he was nnmi ieg n bouquet of llowers to ono of tho la dies, tlio silver paper which was around tiior.ociptot order, THE SUN. KKW YOltlf, 1H33. 1 li bii'i lor 1-ts win tinke Its fifteenth ntiMial rev. plutlon imiltT the present miniueini'M, hint K. ftlwi)s, for nil, bur and little, mean nnd eraetous, rt.,ttt.ntiil nml ilfifiilitw. lffmitilti, ill n,wl r.t-fiinprnt. Io, deprived and virtuous. tntolllircnt and obtuse. 1 'Itie sun'4 lUht Is lor mankind ami womankind ot I rvirjf nori but Its irciilat wirniih U fortheKooil, wjiplt pours lior dlscomfiirtoatli bllstcrlnif tiaclw if ihnppnlstcntly wlikcl. . l In' sun of Peswtsa i.evrspipor of a neirklnd. it alsoinlcd many of thn forms, mid n mitltltudo of the Mtijetll ions jiiH an t plirnsi s of inclont J mr n.ilism. It, nnd 'doc k io nort Pi alrrt-h, succinct, nnoonvehlhnil wav all tin- n"vsof tha world, omit tine ro fvi'ntef hum.ri I itrrrat, nnd commenting tipun nn.ilr lih th" f",iflHsuissof nbtoluto Ind). punOlcDC '1 hn suci'i m f ttils experiment was tlio mtceess of invMin lti'trecti'dap'rinaneiitcliango in tlvMyle ot Amrrlmn nrw-pipers. Krery In pcrilDL j'Hiniai t'.uuunzneu in mm country in uic iiirffti i-iirii oust h is bt'i'ii niodollod attur Kvery Jiurnal already I'Xlstlnif has been ho Hun, . id by tlio foreo of 1 he sun's ex- f,03 ,Ono Year (st Numbers) M 00 Postnro frco to alt subscribers In tho United HtAtcs or Canada. Tha Volumes of the Weekly l2lnwlth tho nrst number for -I.iiiUiry of each year. When no time Is raciiltoni a, II win oo nnuersioou uru it.o huum-h-bcr wlshos to cotnminoo with tho number next after tnodtrkd n ad ivt fimnln. Tho sun of i sl will ba tin sim outspoken, truth. teUli.K, nnd Int. renting newspaper, i liy u liberal u?o of tho means which nn nbundunt prosp tur orfordSjWj Rliill tmkj It better than i ever beforo. i Wo shall print n'l I'm n iws, puttla? It Into reid nblo flupe, an I meaotiriutf its Impoitnnco, not by i Im nil, Hw tta mil InlnMol 1,1 ' IUU II.'UI. lUUill jniUIU. A, Will' 'J IMIll.l lU.iillU.lU tin people. llitan"o 'rom rrlnllng House Hnuaro is not. tin nr.-tc insider a Ion with Tiij Sun. When ever anj thing h .ppeus worth rcporiltig wo itcttho A m L jJlfe. i RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE II pUSNSYbWNIV "..ULUOAD. PH1U. X IlKLl'ill V KltlK It. It. DIVISION. wm'foit rttR TvnLK. ifter Mj.iHv. line. n. ism. n,n on tho rid adoiplim A Krle Ha iro .d Division will rue on and in tho I'lil s follows 1 WKiTtt Altt). particulars, whether It luppena In llrookljnorln iiOKlinra. in polities we nave uejineu opinions; nnanronc. custonnd to express th' tn till inguag i tint can ba unoeniioou. wvhi.v wn.ii tve iiuuk huuul men 1111 1 events. That lablt Is luo only secret of Tin Sun's political I' Tin Wceklv sun cnthers Into eUht pages tho best. matterof tho seven d.illy Issues. Au nsrlculturnl i.i ment, inn oi uniiKciro oril in of ittemry. Bcleniltle, ami doni"stn I'lt'-llluanci' l omphto 'I ho Weekly !. ii .1 rr i-..irr .....1.:.,.. t.,.i I mo UstTwelve Anninl volumes of Harrer's '""IT"'"1' """'": r'lr. in neat cloth binding, will t.a sent by malt Btepped to the Slipper table, and taking ago paid, or by oxprcas, free of expense, ilf it biiui man, luui'ii iif iiivu u iii-wu i Qf 7 00caCU pncr, put tlio bouquet into it mid hand- (nroiHcd Iho freight docs not exceed ono dollar per volume), ilensrt men! of tintinultii ortsf and n literal rrOporil m of ittemry, Bcleniltle, n..f, ...Ilrt lfi,,.ni.riltl. nAmtil. ft, 'I hn Wnlrl, iiw.. s.m.nnd make It tho b?st. newspipirfor tho farm i iwiit, cr's hou-u'hold lint was ever prlnte.t. liiHrii Who does not know and road nnd llko Tho Sunday ananors nro not toooov without tha express order of harpir Ilrjtliera. Address j 1Q 13 tf HAlll'EKAllROTniiKS, New Tort. HIDES. Tho Highest Market Prico in Cash PAID VOU ALL KINDS OP 1IIPE3 AT Am SGLIbBBElVS I.entlicr mid Shoo I'lndlnp Store Main Street, Orrosur; Stoxh Cuoncir, BLOOMSBURG, PA. April s, 'so-ly cloth cases for each volume, suitable f rblndlnj, ed it to tho lady: and this is the dish you vjtiibo sent by man, postpaid, on receipt fi io SCO in the museum. rtcmlttiincwi should bo mado by I'ost-omco Money Not long after this, Orloit arrive tl in waoc or uran, io avoiu cnanco ii ks. Kf 1,.to'alTi,r'fenm -i tnm'imv. mwl u-ns "Wmm??9W?. SV'5'"' met at his own door by a messenger from tho palace, who told him that tho JMii- iress particularly wished to seo hiin,anii io must go to her nt once, botne men would havo waited to put on their finest clothes, and to make themselves look gay and dandified; but tho admiral was used to oboying orders nt once, nnd off ho started for the palace, just as he was. Now, while the admiral had been journeying, thero had come to tho palace a new hall porter who had never seen him uctore. This porter was a strong fellow, although not nearly as big as Orloff, and not a nice tempered man by any means; so wnen no saw tno admi ral's big coarse, ugly-looking figure com ing ui) to the door of the stately palace in a dusty traveling dress, he shouted hercely: "Iso olt, you vagabond! 1 ou vo no business here! "Who aro you, I should like to know?" Orloff never answered, but stooped and picked up a long iron bar that list ened the door nt night. One ierk of his great strong hands twisted it around tho porters neck liko a ribbon, so that the poor lellow had to hold up tho ends. "iSow, my boy, said he, with a broad grin, "go and show yourselt to the Km- press with that iron collar on, and she will know who I am!" Then tlio porter knew at onco that this must be tho tcrriblo Count Orloff,of whoso strength he had heard so much, and ho fell on his knees to ask pardon. But Orloff only laughed, and told him not to be quite so ready to pulge a man by Ins outside another time; and, indeed, trom that day iorth the porter was aU ways civil to everybody. St. Nicholas for January. sun. oich number of which Is a Oolconda of Inter esting literature, with tho best poetry ot the any, prose every line woitb reading, no-is, hum' r mat (Ten u.-li to till n iroods7id hook, nnd Intlnltfly mueinii d itidun.'rululur llun nny book, big orlntit : It our Id n of ulnt a r,uepapcr sluuld to pleases you, send for Tho Sun. our twins are as f i:lo 1 1 for tho U illy Hun. a f jur pago sheet of twenty eight colnmns, tho price by mall, poit paid. Is 5 cents a month, or tir,o a joar; or, Including tho sundiy paper, on elght-pngo sheet ot ntty-slxrol-umt b tho ptlco Is w coats per month, or H.tJ a icar, postige tuM Thosund.i? edlihn of Tho S.inlJ also furnished separately at St.) n year pa-iuw paia ho prlcoot tho Weekly Sun, eight pages, flfty-slx u. rurumuaui a copy free UMIL columns, is i n year, pjstngo paid. jKorclu' ion scnuin? iiu wo wn ienu un exirn cony iree Aoureas I. v m.milsnii. Publisher ot TIu Sun, New York city LAT3513T STYLES OP O-A-XIlSra' CARDS Atthi 'OOLUMBr-VN OFFIOB.1 BlOCMSBUaC STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOltMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. ....... i, m,AM marv I ftnlllllAa tnr 1ipnfnalnna1 anil (lln.reA i lAlrnln 9. Iluildlngs spacious, Inviting and commodious t completely heated by steam, well ventilated, lighted by gas, and furnished with a bountiful supily ot pure.soft Xoeatton healthful, nnu easv ot access. Toachei eexperlcnccd, etllclent, and alivo to thctr work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and thorough Expenses loderate. Klftv cents a week deduction to all expecting to teach, students admitted at any time, ltooms reserved wnen desired. Courses of Study prescribed by the Stulo t I. Model School. IT. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. Aillunct Courses ! I Acidemia, 1 1. Commercial. III. Course in Music IV. Course In Art. V. Coiimc in Physical Culture. Tho MMmnninrv Keieniinn nnd Clasxte-i! Courses nro I'ltOKKSSlONAU and Students eradualnz therein, tccclvo state Diplomas, conferring the following I correHnoridlnelieirrces! Master ot tho Elements: Master of the Sciences: Master of tho Classics. Uraduatos In the other Courses receive Normal Certificates thelrntwinments,. signed by the omcers of tho Hoard of Tustees. ,,. . , , . ,.k . TneCOUrsO Ot WlllO nrescriueu UV IUU SUIIU IS liuurui, uuu Hie OJIUUUUO una vtac-iii..ii luuioua iiiu nut lllicuui w hiiwuuiwui uvoivuhmvo. m,.. umi,. ,-.,r...iro n Miriiur nriter ni eiii7enliin Tim iimeu rtominrt it. II U nne ot tha nrlmn obtects of this School to hclo to secure It. by furnishing Intelli gent and eniclcntTeachers for her Schools. Tothlsondlt solicits young persons of good abilities and good purposes.-thosewhodeslrotolmprovo their time Inci their talents, as students. To all such It promises nld la developing thoJr powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid labor after leaving School. For uaiaioguo.aunress me rrincipai. hum. wii.i.ia.u i;i,vvi:i.ii Brio Mull li-nvcs PhtlaJelphla " " llarrlsburg " " Hunbiiry " " William imrl " " Lock iinvcn " " Itcnovo " " Kan. " arrive at Krlo Nlsgira Kxpross leaves Philadelphia " " Suntury " " Wllllamiport ' " l)0k Haven " " Itenovo " ' Khiio Fast lino leaves Philadelphia ' " llarrlsburg ' ' sunbury " " Wllllamsport " arrive at Lock Haven EAST WA III). Lock Haven Express leaves Lock Haven I s i a m HMpiu 4 5 am l in m s 40 n iu 40ll III 1 1 OR n in s M p m 41 p in s oo u m Wisp ui t w p m V3 p in 4 so p m 8 45 p In lo is p m 11 so p m 3 OS p m 5 15 p 111 riopm s io p m M lltlamsoori " " Sunbury " srrtvo at llarrlsburg " " I'hlladolphla Fast Lino leaves canandatgua " ' Watklns " " Klmlra " " Wllllamsport ' " Sunbury " arrives at lumsburg " " l'hliadelpnia Day Express leaves Kano " " Hcnovo " " Lock Haven " ' Wllllamsport arrive at llarrlsburg ihla octo. I, 'si.. trrslilent llonril of TruntccM. F. P. lil'.LM YKIt, Secretary. Ilf? WIM f 11? WHY! One of the problems of Good and Comfortublc Living -is TUB MATTER OF CLOTHING. A Treasure Trove. A very Hingular discovery" is reported to havo been mado by n party of si Spaniards while on a shootings expedition in tno liiianit ot Pennentarn. whicli ih part of tho Balearic group.. They camo tiiion a larco cavern, eiiiraucc to which seemed almost impossible, owint; to the thick growth of bramblep. Their curi osity, however, was excited by tho evi dence that the cavern had been made by . . . . . .' litunan iiands, and they cleared away the obstacles in their path, arriving alter Beveral hours' hard work in a spacioiw chamber ot Arab architecture in an ex cellent state of preservation. In tho centre of this chamber stood two Milen- did tombs of a very peculiar shape, and ot creat external beauty. Uiey lilted without much dilliculty tho litis ot theso two tombs, and yvero greatly astonished to find that thoy contained tlio mummies of a young woman and an elderly man of colossal stature. Upon tho head of tho woman was a diadem which if the stones aro real, is of priceless value. Thero wsi3 a largo pearl neeklaeo round her throat, carbuncles in her ears, and her lingers were covered with rings Tho male figure had an Imperial crown upon his head, and a scepter in his right right hand. Tho people of tlio Island wero aware ot tho existence ot this oavorn, but they believed that it was only a refugo for tho serpents which aro so numerous there. J our ot tho bpan- iards remain in the cavern to guard this treasure trove, while tho two others have gone to Madrid to inform tho 'authorities of their discovery. ' ' 3? I A IsT O 3, A FINE INLAID FBENOII WALNUT CSIi ORGAN, 1) STOPS, 90 HASH. Easy Terms. SftllsftictloBi "fiuaranlci'd. DB-A-oonxps :piA.:isro ploojes, MUSIC HALL 11LOCK, "vVIX.EEB-2A3.:R.H. PA Juno in, st-Iy STYLKISII, rt'KM MADH CLOTHING AT THK VEKY LOWK5T lMtl01!S. UATS ron MEN, HOYS, YOUTHS, A N'l) CHILDHKN. UXAMINBounSTOCK or YOUTHS HOYS and CIIILDKKN'S SIIIUTS, " " PHAWi WHITE, 15ICYOLE SHIHTS, LATEST OUT. business and dres3 shirts handsome patterns desirabee styles is our motto. a fuTlTine Oh' FALL STYLES JUST RECEIVED. Perfect Fits TAILORING DEPARTMENT Latest Styles, UAJjL AINU iiAAWUNii Xliii AttU-XiSX PuU Satisfactiou. ' STOCK OP CLOTHING a"d 0ASSIMERES1N THE CODNTY noulqnarten for TRUNKS, SATCHELS, VALISES i$rvi Farm Work for Spare lime. Just beforo winter sets in or in the early part of it thero aro many days when but littlowork seems called for in tho holds. Tlio "Cultivator" enumerates tho following things as being prolitablo to look after at such times: "A coat of ir.uu, uppiicu to woou worK will preserve it for a great many years, and paint an plied to (ron work will greatly prcservo h, out in mis case tno ucaniigs should not bo painted. A coatitiL' of lard oil. would, however, bu found of good ser vice! tho bearings would bo preserved from rust, ami when tho innchino was brought nito use in spring or summmer it would run much easier than if nl lowed to rust all winter. In caso naint is thought to "bo too expensive, petrolo- iiiu is us gouu a preservative, iiioiign ap pcarancq is sacrificed in its use. On ti clear day in winter, tho shingles of build ings might havo a coat ot whitewash which would prcservo them many years. nnd thougji it would not render them ljrp proof, yet it makes them less liable to tako inc. With corn tho best way to rid it of smut is to pass through it and gather nnu burn an tno aitected oars ami btalks Iu this way tlio many millions of spores nro Kept irom ueing spread ami continu ing tho pest. With tho smaller grains, as wheat nnd oats, this method, though it ia tlio most effective, would probably bo impracticable. Though tho remedy is not easy of application, it is a step forward in tho work, to know tlio exact nature of tho trouble, mid about this there is no doubt. Smut Is a small par nsito plant proying upou those of u high er orach i Tho Largest Genera! Store in ipltl 1 samples and DoscripWvo cata- f S : Squaro ami Market St., Including ISWP-H Absolute faithfulness by both 1 FMB Yi'IM'ESAWM MWE, BLOOMSBURG, PA. ATM&N THE BES'i The I) n I it its of a liurslurlons F.lvtilmnt Tho proprietor of a circus lately visit- -1--1 Ni- -I LJJ JL. V S JZSj VTi JL.N1 K-J- ing Houlogne-sur-Seine, in I'Va'nee, owns au elephant of peculiar intelliuence, which draws coi-ks, nres pistols, rings Delis, opens doors, and so on, with uuu sual skill. At 15oiilognc-sur-Seine, lm lived in a stable which communicated with tho establishment of a confectioner One night tho elephant opened his own door, and loiind himsclt laeiti'' the door of tho shop, l'rolitiiig by his education ho picked tho lock of tho "shop door, opened it, and sacked tho premises. I'irst ho ate up all tho cakes and sweets. Then ho turned to tho bottles, neatly drew the corks, and litiished them ono after another, replacing the empty llnsk exactly where ho found it. Stimulated with wine, refreshed with pastry, the creaturo's excellent tasto suggested coffee, and ho sought, discovered mid consumed all the cafe voir prepared for next day's a ri .11. i.:.. i... i i . uau. nuci line, uu iieau iiusilll'ss, opening every drawer, nnd inspecting if not swallowing tho contents.. After de vouring all tlio sugar, lump and candied and moist, ho camo to tho cash drawer, and iu tho excitement of burglarious greed at tins moment ho smashed a mar ble table. Tho noise brought down tho householder, armed with u poker. Tho intruder after some dilliculty was ojcoted anti put iiack to tno stainc. It is an easy matter to train a heifer to stand quietly to be milked, but it is easier to train them to jump, kick ami run. Tho way to teach them to stand still is to require- thoin always to do so, If .1 I . 1.. I.!...!.. . ! 1 I ! mi ii f - - . i vi I.Jim.. r r v via nil STKOiVCi C?IPl!i',B,flRr t.. i r . ii! ,i . i .. . . ii uieiu in iiiiuui, iu niiiuer a wuti nen- J.U tuu iiuuiuiuutiuu ui vyigitiib is resulting ill tlio prOClUCllOtl UUU BalO cr from running, nnd if her fears prompt of cheap goods, mado from inferior materials. I refer uarticuliirlv to S,iot'run,t auSTioTS bog113 "ro continually springing into exisL.eo, without and habit is ay ,nerit whatever, except to bo oil'eretl cheap, and then when purcha-s-influences in ed found to be dear at any price. "Will yuii not then, reader, fear and stands from habit: ono of the most powerful in SSSirSm I y Contemplate Biding an O0an musfbolXlItmJrSa to select an instrument bearing tUe Novcr striko her. "Tho mainspring of Italian musio in tho eighteenth century, says a recent writer, "was tho exclusive and passionate worship of tho human veioe,' "I'liila. Sun." Tho mainspring of Itnlian music in tho nineteenth century is iu tho organ-grinder's arm. "Hichniontl Haton," names of first clas-i, wholly rcaponaiblo makers, A cood assortment ot styles of tlio celebrated Kstoy Organs can now bo seen at tho now rooms of tho Only iitxtlioriaaa Agent foi .tut) Eafctsy Organs in Columbia Oounty. A guarauteo for five yoiM from tho manu facturers accompanies every Estoy Organ, J. S&'Ca IP T till. Rp:cnU Jane Sf,'9Mf THE DAVIS. $1,000 RBWAFUO. 0KK THOUSAND (l.OOO) DOIJiAHS 1 UBMlUAl uiTfred to A.NV l'EKSON Ihat will ilo .11 ORKAT A JttNGE OF WORK on ANY OTHER MACHINE. WHAT THE NEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting. It will miko wldo lioro an sheets, c, licin all manner oi b'a.i woolen irooda. oa note merluo. crano. or s,oola uinicnlt to liem on other machines. It mines a moro eusuo miicn man any oilier maeuine. It will turn a hem and put in piping at namo time. It will turn a hem. sew braid n the rlcht side A&d stltcli on trimming at ono opcrat'on, It will do fcllltu; bias or BtratgUt, cither on cotton or woolen goods. It will (ell ucross teams on an) goods. I will bind a Dress or Skirt and sew on raclmr. either with or without showing stitches: bind Urotn (loods with the same material, i'ltherscallops,polnt.i, squares or straight. '1 he only macuino that will bind Hats, cloaks, or other articles with bias, satin or Bilk, Irom a to 3 IneUesln wl ttb, without basting, It will gather with or without sewing on. Itwlllgathcr Lctween two picas and sew on at tliosamu time. II will make, a runic and Mitch u pillow slip on to tho facing at tho samo time. It will slilrr any kind ct goods. It will make Dialled trlmmlne cither with or with. out sowln'' it on. It will make Dialled tilininln? cither scallaned or straight, and sew a plplpg on at the same time. 11 win maK KUU3 piamng. J. SALT ZER. ClfinM Ationt, Hliionul'iiri;, Pa, oct. 1, '80-tf NEW HIGH J'unron.i' l-urtutlto I'Uln jmiku New Itlcli 111. ml, uml will coiiipli lcly i'li.ini;o the Mnoilln tlioi'iillriiUbli'iu In llii(i) ii niii'H. Anv )i'rs(in w '.o wllltal.ii I pill r irlnilglitripinl tubwi'tki lnaylHiiiMUiriil t i n. cl hcaltli. 1 1 null a thing lm iiomlbln. 8.'iitl'. m ill fnr 8 let'er stniniw. I, H, ,KUlSXO ,t CO., llustun, JJaet., foi'inrrli Ittni'jur, Me, ABEHT8"WAHTED MlSS tlliir .llnclilne er luvintna. Will kultiiair(i( (tiicUiui, u il.i III'.IH, ru to1: coinnlilc, In 'M inUiutci. It w ill a!M knit a Krrt vallety tf Incy wuikfor v.Lkh therelittwatt n realr niarktt ixnl r ctrj ttliirn.l tmni to Ilia Twomlily Hum lua Hacliluu Co, i tyl U'lKUiuloobt., lktuu. Utti. ,may o, all LEGAL 15LANKS, ALWAYS ON HAND To Wervous Sufferers Vho Great European Dll. J. B. SIMPSON'S Sl'KCIFIC IIEDICINB. lit. I. U. Slmpion' Spoclflc Jlcdlclno Is a positive cure for overwork c( body or brln ornxcess of nny kin t, such as weakness and all diseases rasultlng from Nervous Deblluy, Irrltablllty.Jlental Anxiety, Lioguor. Ijissltude, Depression ot bptrlts and func tional Uorangemonts of the nervous tj'item nen crally. l'ab.a In tlio uacK or Bise. ijss of .Memory, rrema turo oia ago ana dis eases that lead U consmptlon, Insani ty an early gravi or both. No miitU'i how shattered the system may be from excesses o t an kind, a short course lost functions and procure health and happiness where beforo was despondency and gloom. Tlio Hpe clilo Mealclno Is being used with wonderful success. l'amplilets sent free to all. Write tor them and get full partrlcular. 1'rlce, BpeclUe $1.00 per package, or sit packages for $3,to. Will be sent by mail on receipt of money. Address all orders, J. U. SIMPSON'S MEDItllNBt'O. Nos. lot and ins Main struct, UuCTalo, H. V. leu. 11, 'SHt oi i Ins meuiclne w 111 restore thw USINKSS CARDS, VHITISO C.VHD3, MJI'l'KIt UE.n, lllLLUnsDrf, POSTERS, to.,tC Nfiilly prliiteil nt the "Columlilnn Olllcc." yAlXRIGHT & CO., W1I0I.ESA l.K GllOCimS, rilll.ADKI.I'HIA. D.-alcrj In Tms.SYItUI'J.COFFKK.SUOAII, MOLHSKS. K1CE, 81'lCES. 1JICI11L 80D1, AC, KC, N. E. corner second and Arch streets. Jv"orders w m rccelvo prompt attcntl )n. Back Ache POSITIVELY J1V CURED Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters, liannt Why lli'y .u reiu A Hi Ml tUlie i' I'm huh matter or f.xtivnal Ui'liU'.Ill'lil "l-IruiT-Iloeamo tliey hh nil tlio merit of Ilia t trt ngilii nlng piiriniH plum-r, nu.l cunialii In ml. ilillini I lit-1. i.i Hn, i.(.y illmonuii iKmirfnl unci l.cllvofgi.iililiicumliiiiiiili,iiMli(ii a. t W, . ueaaeit in iclaclent, miniulalliig, redatlvu nud counter lirllimt i Kecif. Sci'oml, Ilei'aiiwllii'ynroagpinilnpl,armtmitliu un-ii. nrutlon, ami ,i mcouulfxil by lli.i profewiluii. Tlilrtl. liicatinHlieynro llio un'y plattcn that rellcio pain tit tinte, I'ourlli. Il.'camo llii-y will ponltlvely inreilUeawi whkli other rcmodU a will not even relleie. flflli. Il-cnuo our rcoo phi klmi8 nn.l druggl.ta have Noluuturlly luatlned tfnit they uro suiSSlur lo ull oilier plntcr or mtdiclm a lot extcrnul uac, Slxlll. II lun-o i'.iu liunu iKiureH have recilnd Iho tuny i.m.lii'a ev r g i. n fi.rp ninid plaHeta, Benson's Carina Porous Piaster! GEA13UP.V L. JOHNSON, .Vatmi.iiniriug Clu iiilkit. ?ew York. MEAD'S MeJicated CORN and BUNION PLASTER. nvoi.'JUv AT TIII8 OFIOrf. a I kOlUk J vliluti, (allien, uviUd ti ("J I tlHrlo. JUiiunaij-nieiiililuJ, piuiluin,!) Vfi,l h4.rr..iuirr,d .rluiU.. j. b '3 , M fiiurmft'g Hit Nov. lj-iow e THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE 9 US n In loio a m wsspm 5 15pm roi pm Mlptii S 40 p in UlSatu I S3 a m S 11 a in Ttwam 00 a m lu ui a in 11 is a ni II is p In 8 3) p lu T os p ui It 31 am 4 10 p in 0opiu 10 lo pro 11 30 p iu losam sooam loo a in l'hlladelnli urie nuu mates nnu " " Kano " " Itenovo " Lock llavcn " " Wllllamsport " " Sunbury " arrives at llarrlsburg " " rnuadclphia Erie Mall west and Lock Haven Iituress K&ai make close connections at Northumberland wltn L. & o. It. it. trains for Wtlkesbarre and Scran too, Erie Mall West. Nlairara Ktnren Want and f.i.t Line West make close connection at Wllllamsport with N. C. It. W. trains north. Nlatrari Exbrcss West and l)av nxnrrim fu make closo conncctlun atLockllacn with It. K, v It. It. trains. Krlo Mall East and West connect at Erin win. trains on L. tl. & M. H.; at C'orry with H. l'.t: W. It. H.I at Emporium with II. N. Y.l II. It. and at Driftwood with A. V. it. it. Parlor cars will run between I'hlln 'u'lniiin m, i WUIaminort on Niagara Express west, and Dav im press Kast. Bleeping cars on all night trains. nullum' .Niiii.sos, (Jencral Hupt, NORTHERN COMPANY, CENTRAL RAILWAY Whereas, the world renowned reputation of tno White hewing Machine Induces many unscrupulous competitors to resort to all kinds of mean tricks to Injure Us reputation, tie beg to caution all Intending purchasers not to buy a White Machine except from Its regular authorized dealers, who will be sustained by tho following warranty. WE WARItANT TUB NATURAL WEAR AND TXAX OF TUB White Shuttle Sewii Machine, PLATE NUMI1ER 103330 FOR FAMILY PURPO 8E3, AND IlKHKUy AOUKHTO KEEP TIIE HAVE IN REPAIH FOR TIIE TERM OF FIVB VKAItM VUOM THIS DATE, FREE Ur' UUAHGB. This warranty excepts the breakage of noodles bobbins and shuttles. This warranty will cot be sustained unless the Plato number above riven-corresponds with the number on tho shuttle raco sUde. Beware ot defaced or ottered numbers WHITE 8KWINO MACHINE CO. On and after February loth, if si. trains win lenro Sunbury as follows : numuwA nil. Northern Express a. m nrrH i- Klmlra i so pm Arrive ai uunanaUKU i.t: p. u " Uochestcr 4.40 " " Nlninra 44 Niagara Express 1.5-1 p. in. arrlvo K'mlru t. os p m i ii.o zaui4uutsl(U.( " Rochester a 45 " Ntairarit 14 rji a ,n Fast line p m arrlvo Klmlra 10V1 p in viaiKins 11.10 pm 80UTUWARD. ScuUiera Express Ui a. m. arrive HarrlHb'v 3.1s a ni amvu rnuaueipuia i.on " " New York y 35 " " Ualtlmore I.. 0 Washington 1. 91 n ,n Lock Haven Ex a m arrive llarrlsb'g p ra ai uru 1 uiiuuciuuiH, o i.ll n m " New York 8.45 " Baltimore 6.21 " WaslilnL'tnn n ft Day p m arrlvo llarrlsburg p m rniiaieipuia 1 us " NcwYoik I11.110 " " llaltlmora 7 on Washtntrtmi K.17 Krlo Mall I.03 a. m. arrive IlarrlsLuri; 3.uo a. in ' Philadelphia T.UO ' " frew York .ji ' llaltlmora 7.0 1 " Washington wii I. R. WOOD, Ocnoral I'uboenyur ahm t. FRANK TUOMSON, General .Mauai r. pHILADELPUA AND READ1M) ROAi he "WHITE" Shuttle Sewing Machlns arrangement of i-a&.enu t h TRAINS. November 7th, 1S81. TXilNiLliVX KCrlHT AS FOLLOWBlBCKUiV KICKri.l. For New York, Philadelphia, Reading, Poltsvuit Tamaqua, tc, 11,45 a. m For Catawissa, 11,45 u. m. s,l5 and 7,'.u p. m. Fer WUlUmsport,e,Is n,so a. m. and 4,i p. m. I IMllNSron rtUi-mr taT 13 fOLLOs, (itrfDH 1- CBPTID.) Loavo New York, vl 1. Tamanend 8.4J . ro. and via. Hound Urook Route 7,45 a. in. Leave PhUadelphla, 9,4s a. ro. Leave Reading, ,!,, in., I'muitlli-. 1. u. aadTamaqua,l,3Sp. m. Leave Catuwlssa, s,to 6,4) a. ni. and 4,ov p. m. Leave Wllllamsport, 45 a.m,,oo p. m. and 4,3 1 ,. u Pasiongera to and from New York, vU. 1am a I nend and to and from I'utnt l.'lphla uo throuif.i without change ut cars. j. a. woirrt KN, General .Manager O. (1. HANCOCK, General Passenger and Ticket Agett. Jan. 10. tssi-tf. tv b OHKiTsa capacity than any ether f amUy Bowing nuuiiiuu iur uuuit? evory vaneiy 01 worar. J. 8AI.TZER. General Afent. Bloomsburg, Pa. JlKAl"!1?'!! organs s; Btops, losets reedi only - t " ptaii'.s ins up liaro lloltdar Inducements Ready. Wilto or call 01 1IETTY, iuiuuiion, i. aia may 11, 91-17 A YEAR'S READING .i'or $1. THE NEW YORK WEBKLY WORLD. New Presses, New Type Through out, iNew Uuiluing, New Appli ances ot Jiivery Kind, and New Life in Every Department. To any Address, Postage Paid, qi.w a 1 ear; 50 cents for six months. TiELAWARK. LACKAWANNA XJ WKSTKHN ItAlLltOAD. BLOOM6BURO LIVWION. Time-Table No. 3 , Takes effect at 1:30 p.m. 44 S 81 V 11 V 14 MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1878. nuaiui 1 oiAiiu.i?, A NL A p.m. 3 42 3 32 3 ti 3 IS 3 09 3 01 a.m. a 35. '.7 so 14 a.oa! a ot A COMPfiKTE FAMILY PAPER. n 1 t-v 11 opeciui uepartnients lor every Member ot the ilousuliold. 1. All the News, fully and succinctly. ?, Tho Farmer's World-A mil page ot Africultural and Farm News. 3, Tho Literary World-A full page of Long S'ortes and Short Stories, Coml) Ilallads and Serious I'oeras, Fairy Tales and Sailors' Yams. 4. Tho Housekeeper's Columns-Wliat Every Wouun wants to Know. 5. Tin Vetetlnary Department-With presclptlons free for all Subscribers, and fu'l Imtructlons for the treatment of live stock, fl. Tho best Ches3 column lu tho world for atnat ur payers. I. Tho best Checker Department In tho world (or both amateur nnd professional players. s. A Corner (or tho Young rolks-Rlddles.Cuar&des. ruzzics, Enigmas. Acrostics, 4c. .Complete Market Itcporti-Unrlvalled In deui and accuracy, 10. Answers to Inuulrles. Each department la perfect of Its kind, and all con, blned make the hest Weekly Newspaper ever puuiisuca, Tlio New York World has no superior on either side of the water as a Live,Brilliant, Perfectly Appointed, Pro gressive Newspaper. Sl'EOISIEN COl'IES SENT FREE. TUB NKW YOBK WOULD. WORLD 1IUII.DING, New Yum. ueo, e-ow i SI 1 45 2 II 3 3') 8 3i 2 IS 2 03 1 4i 1 .8 I 18 1 es 1 4S 12 si I 44 12 40 7 40 12 36 T 31 14 24 7 2 12 12 7 VO II 01 7 IS II SS S S7 12 10 ll 18 43 10 10 31 0 4i 9 i0 a cu 8 01 8 41 8 35 8 21 8 03 8 Ot 7 55 8 SI 8 61 8 4t 8 18 8 31 s an 8 11 S UI 7 W 7 60 7 46 1 ta 7 31 7 V9 7 24 7 01 9 it ... .Scranton Dellevuo Taylorvllle.. ..Lackawanna..., lilts ton.... . West l'lttston... Wyoming.. .MB altby. uenncu Kingston Kingston .Plymouth June. ,...l'l) mouth Avondalu..., Nanttcokc Uunlock's treek. ,.Shlckshlnny ...Hick's Ferry... ...Reach Haven. .Berwick .... ....Briar Creek ..WUlow Grove.... Lime lUdge jwipy. bloomsburg.., Rupert Catawissa Urldge. uanvuie Chulasky Cameron .Northumberland, HOUTI1. p m. p.m x 10 1 21 2 20 1 34 1 42 2 47 I Vi ;.r4 v ta 3 i ) 01 ! 18 3 13 3 : 3 24 3 33 3 SO I 03 4 II 4 18 4 X I 22 4 33 4 42 4 42 I 43 5 UO 5 t 18 u ill S 4S a so a 42 a m a m 10 01 lu vi 10 is 10 18 10 '.6 10 24 10 42 10 tl 11 ej 11 1.1 11 1 11 .IV 11 4S II 5 11 01 12 IS 12 46 6 13 5 12 6 24 .. 82 Ii 41) 6 45 6 S 6 61 a 61 1 02 7 10 7 11 1 22 7 .0 7 37 7 0 8 21 H 4A 3 00 9 10 s: 8 41 f 45 8 SI t 0. V 06 IB 8 31 8 !! 8 41 U U p.m. a in P.m. I W. (. IIALM-EAI Sutirlulnndoiit' iitiee. Scpintnn, Jun ,m. ai, snuu u. lir BLOOMSBURG PLANING MILL 10. .The undersigned having put lila Planing UlU on Railroad Street, In tlrst-ciasi condition, Is iircpared to do ail kinds ot work In his line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BUNDS, MOULDINGS. FLOORING, Etc. (urntshed at reasonable prices. All lumbf r usod Is well seasoned and nnm inir. nifinri .Lm.n .r. employed. ESTIMATES FOR I5UILDJNGS furnished on application. Plans and cpccUleatloM prepared by an oxperteneed draughtsman. CHARLES It II HO, niooniMburer, 1'a. AND Paper Hanging. WM, F. BODINEi RON ST., UELOW SECOND, Ul.OOWblll'IlO, J'A 10 incparea 10 ao au kinds of nOUSB TAXN XXIf O flalu and Ornamental PAPER HANGING, IIOTII DECORATIVE AND J'LAIN. All MiiiIh ol'I'iiruKiiru Rciulriil, .aa lllliu M RIIDIl UN UOW. NO.NK 1IUT FI HUT-CLASS WORKMEN EV PLOYED Bitimatei Made on all Work, WM, P. BOD1NE. M. C. SLOAN & BRO , lH.O2MBURa, I'A. Manufacturers ot Carrlags, BugfJis.Phaetoas, Slelglu, riatfora Wagons, Its. Mrst-class wolk atwajs on hand, UEPAUthS'Q XKATI.Y HOSli. J'rkti utlueeJIo tuil the timu, jpiRE INSURANCE. CURISTIAM Y, UNAl-l', I1LOOM3BURO, I'A. pitlTISII AMEIIIOA ASSURANCE COMPANY. tik iuan viuiciNHiiiiANoir i;fiJr.Vrl."" IIATlONAH'IltB INSURANCE COMl'ANY. UNION INSURANCE COMPANY; .,Afc.e.iJ eoHroiiiTioNi aro woll seasoned by age id run tmiid and have never yet had a loss sot tied by any court of law. Their asset are all Invest- or riRronly,1C0IllT',I8'lDa are UaWe 10 buwri Lossos raourrLT and uonistlt adlusUid and! paid u soon as determined by cbhutum V KKirrririo- AOIKTAND ABJPHKallLOOIItSUKa, 14. .hi-lF6?1"8 J Uol.amD' oouhty should patronUe L. ??.r!L1'""'e losses U any are settled and paid ty one o( their own citizens,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers