COMUBIA MKOCJUT, RAk Of "(,.nTnl OOtUM. MAS, COMPUIW Lined Wretdr, erei j Fr' U OLOOMSmmn, COLOMnf ' WT V PS, t rco rotiiM nor yewy M HSlW when raid in JrontaiIo.CT,2uA?' i witity mo terms ftro wpetiw 'iy In mhanco lir-rtopapordlscYmtlnwd SVf11.0" nf thr .lUWWjcrs, until ltHTcar1re t,allJi butiong M paper Bent out of li fll'tant post Ohio's must be putfl forlXuM, ?,nJV fipon. lx AM tvor) (1.00 ll.rxi lion STiOll 00.00 It (.ton 1.1 m ts m One Inch tint Mm 6.00 7.00 .00 if), on 17.10 301(10 Two inches. jiu Ihrro inches .m Foui Inches s.i" tianer column.... ai all column I,i.m One column . . f h-im. in null iiujiivii. I r ,ij Blent adl ertlvmentM imwi Im n .1,1 tnr Mnm .n Jt.i i n t r i r ntnriinmn...,. .. . . , ., A .. . . u .... Binif iierson in coiumnii suiworlpllon duo on den POSVAaElsnOlongei mt,umc to par the actm subscribe In'. i.iteiv uaiuca u.lie .1JCUUII13. Uw ndvcillsemcnta tin. ! .n.ins per Inch for thrvo Inwrtloiis, and nt r te ii additional Insertions wo county. n iinuiii merenca 10 icngi It Ktlt lllnr'n. Ai1mli,IOf .ii,r k...i,n-.. ..u. CT033 Tlie Jobbing Uepartmoj 'O. irtl.rMBlAN Is verr three dollars. .Must bo paid for when Inserted. igcomparo f.uora- 1 or Local notices, ten conia a lino, reirulav vlicriliiicnts halt rates. anls In the "Business Dlioctorr" column, on loUar per year for each lino. Mr with that nf the lanrrl BLOOMSBUEG, PA., FRIDAT, JANUAEY 5, 1882. demand, neatly and at incaei "win uuno cm COLOMBIA UKMOCKAT, VOL.XLVI, NO, 4! III If I M flit tflM VbP I II HIP 1 KApSir KDB3, rriprlelort. 0. B. BB0CKWA1I ATTOHNK COLCHBIAK I1C Memb"r of tho Unite Collections made in any L. E WALLER, Attorndlit'ftw. Office. Second door r(Bstns' Dank, uloomsiiI, r U. FUNIC, Attorney Office In Bnl's Uoii.dikv n b & w.j.ntMM I. ATTOKN'KS 1 Otnce on Main StreetTcit TOIIN M. CLABKj ATTOHNK 1 Office over Schiiyler'sJrJrvn i. n. i.rrn.. H. A R. R. L1T1F RHB E.1 A-AW, msburg, Pa. olcjw Association "0 Ica or Europe, kpstsiJima.PA. rile Coartllonat wrt irg.ra. ATTOF p W.MTLIiEUjl AmonNFAl Offlce In nrower's buliaircff BJOl B FRANK SARI Attornovr. omco cornor or coatr m Building. Can bo consulted, 11 imlI . 9fi '.room No 1. A. E. CHAPIN ATTORNEl- 1 May bo found In HI! court uouso. FlflUl, P.l. I "OR In tho f,'St,6-m 1E0. 13. KIAVEI A T TO R N I New Coujmbian Si Member of tho UnlW Collections made In any) KNOHR A? A t.f.nv Offlcoln llarliimu-J'jrck, ket streets, liloorosbuw'ft. tBFPfnilou turn oh; luturg, Pa, Ptssociatlon. fu or Europe pAUL E. WIlW. AUorntfiatLaw.l Offlco In Urowera lllnelirjc lor be I Building m ' BLOiaUl'RGr, v' RET, pv. pud Mar- Nckway G' UY JACOB J Attoi lV'-rt'JjaA i looms:! onice In h.j. ciikr I'H'iw. ficotJ aos mo (l Oct, 6. '60. IK.' , first If. MAI'K, AT ro :my- I LAV I AMI JUSTlCitiF Till Office In Mrs. street. l'EC KDl'tHt.ldlngtJlrd tor ScMam OSWA Attoisnlyt Jacksou May 6, s M. I KVfflL BI, ttisv- w collections promtl ATTO offlce, corner ot Tflrd 'TIIUMOST f -SE Kcoj: i Cnl Power Kno J 4ifMH 1 a r. Titcrnrnv rf fo clean Xoil Hoeiieal. It lakes b It nrvi There is no1 In.? hJ It Is' rusalnc i-rli Injj I.nlh, s, i tors, etc l'otir horse Itlsnolselcs' I Sinl fur ct, Newark, N. .1 ertlsi tnentl Price, tl I 8, F oom. ut cfitopalr. blow up. ,t ibeds no fuel Sticeda hocnifltcer, til llrlny up; no aM liiBurnncetorny: ii irv: no col lin , nlwnjsrrndyfor for Mow Ins Clnuw0rSi1s for resses, Sewinc ifVlnevrum- Buws.Orltid sioBCfrc,lll8i lYcd Cutlers, (fti in, uieva. jrnt40 pound9 l, compact, tie; i VERY CM r to the iuck"h .tin name of ). SHAf riiiio of Ijir.a auovo an Si tter Motor Co., irjoiiBnv ml- sept. 30tf Cor. Centre ai Jail mad Sts.,1 Lowest Prii:4 -will nc: f I. & 1). Depot, to undersold. if. IS, Coal llreak Manufacturer SllNK OAK erandBrldg- jiUncs, Watcri"!, stoyes, Tin ware, Plow?, Ii PENCE, andlklnds of Iron and Brass' a lines. 1 The on Irmloetrose. Ironlbm, rlnht hand left 1 ano, and f-?Thlll Pluw-), lfi(-"'i In tli mark- fand all kinds plow refalrfii Co(k Stoves, lm Stovi'S, nrftl ovi s for heating Aluo the larg vholesalo and stores, thool h icf, churchet'f, ostsiocKof r i,9lor city ales retail, such as i iBiick,Crati'iCt''S' I'lecif, Lids Ac. Ac, Ntoo Cock 1 i lares, targe irocettles, '2 Farm Pells. SI lies, Va?o m i 'Allontfp Bof PLASTHU, H .TI.J.?4 Jan9,'S0-ty . U Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backacho, Soreness of Iho Chost, Gout, Quinsy, Spo Throat, Swoll'ngs and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genoral Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and lhadacho, Frosted Foot and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation an earth equal St. Jacob Oil u a 3tift',aitrr, Afmjtffiaml r,t-n; Kiternnl Ueraeily. A trial entails but tho comparatively trlfllne outlnr of nr feiili, and every one sutrerlnr! Willi pnln can have cheap and iwltlvu proof of Its claims. Directions lu Eleven Languages. SOLD BY ALIi DRUGQISTS AND DEALEEB lit MEDICINE. A.VGGELER &. CO., Jtatltmore, Md V. 8. JL. It MM i.mre painful Uian thess I m bo removed and , us. u. Perry Davis' Pklillta, cako- I'Jons to lx t arrelB) xcs, Maum'e" T. WIIOI.ESAIXIDjiii STAPLE Afi! SIMPLE U ffTPV 11 u 1 DKALEIt IM H0TM3 LAW, Catawsa.ll maliuid renttcd.l salt r. AL. PKITZ, . In llroekwiy's T BUOKINbTl AV ,tlco, llrocku ay' hurt', I'cnn'a. r caiv IdMOlitreel. ktlnr'Aat-Liv. IKUI.I Ull G. BAR CLE In Drowefs bul B. ROBI In Ilartmal wm. clan, OfUe J. JON. 'a bull R. EVA PS, M. D.?iirKeorinfl clan, (omt end ltei into cnl'tll i t-4- B. alclan, McKiLVY,MiJHiirgn an.noj-h f Uo Ma Btieet, Uo it. Illrneyil culinil 1st oo Aey.".(.ai ing ulstorjlto i BJJ4.L Xwor-'tap. id I St 5 Ktt a4'-at.lwlj Ge. llnilinstrit. 1 REIlEI.rgeoir Warkat eft. N'rApi i J. 0. RTTTER, PltKlCIAK UKOKON ntfin MnH- ftL'ftf ....... DR. I. L. U-VBB, Maln Stroot, Mojito EpDral CnrciiJ nr Teeth oxtrotod wllbtlal UUl. 1 JStV. blcomuig:il. o m All styles of worliono mi warranted at epnseill free off ct,vo mU I- aru lutl omco ov ljoniBiul Jo be orxii-dnl iMi ... A " " "rr, p M.DRI Hewlug Mad aired. Omul it. kCELl ?'nd Allnry o; M Duhm, Uloos David imsav Main Bt-'i!ent I 8. KUIInS),).,, , 1.. OeotsttM',,tw(. TAMES Uffiff- T s aealn at his THC, and has nJ ailOP. Ho resS lilsoldcuatomcil liyi, 'bO-tf BXOHl W. R. T I OTfH Ar,rt i-ii ifl hot aud col J witl n.l LOUr'MM Jirff.PaJ Hl.i stock coniprl. jah. While and Mixed XJ 1ST D DEH. ty E A. T?. for Ladles, Oenwan lilldrii Oottin, Merino, ana Woolen llO.S.EttYidlus 'ubtas, HooH and Olovcs, Licj nnjmlr !re1 Colhri and Tloi, Plain dYa I Scckwear, SCAR'SJ TIES, and Biwa ij' UndlHtts 1 15s, Ka-rlngs, OOLI.AK AN QITF BUTTONS. ami Clialne, Ocr.tfasfdi Buck and Kid, lined ned 'LOVES iM MITTENS, I.AU.NllItlKUA.MJN COLLAR'! Shi til !er Prices awl ihui 'Shirts nul i Co' ton I'L'ibnll PENOILF. Flour S.v we api To arrive, rv vat Warm! Fit, HEAlVjIl lAUNDIIlKDSIIIHTS, n CUFFS, ilj.Hieis (J rliaii Jackets, Hi Alp ten, MiK-liim and 'i'n; IMni'i'. I I'Mtjio. ufl GRAYONB, , Ojcer'd Hags, nnd r rorsots, lnctudln? Dr. UC PAPEB. Making his purchl' and their ajen's l vtlll coinparii olo hip and DOKSETS. as docs of manufacturers liro'jseslto miko prices that .voibU' with tho best 1 OUSFS. BJOOMSBURG, PA. Oct. '.s si t-f T PALL ANDWWTER CLOTHING IViLNS, i.wun received a tine lino d to mako up AND WNTER SUITS A.JIV in Clo'jil r, li.'J :di, an) I pre.u The uptown of New Qocdi, FALL For Men and l'rjIii the iatcbt manner and Latest styles. i - GENTS' BUltNUIIING GOODS H is. Cms, &c- Always on hanl. Calland xamlne. EVANS' BLOCK sorter Jiaui aili itm btpits, 2SZiOQJlZXVla, VJL PLUMBII'.i, GAD HTIlKGi ' ST0VI3 and TINWARE. f E. B. BEOWEB. llaMiuifli.Tnillinsin k mil insliifKaof I. llairen buili.and lBirw iiciuril to do all kinds ofwoik inLisiiiic. Jiumbug iLoi'iiiilig especially, TIUHare, htovi?, In agr'ft variety. All work dono by EXPERIENCED HANDS, Main Street cffncrct East. ill (iii.u.:iiii., r....i f-oni! ail low, riilrd. Art t. ad tiler KXi HI ftlll'H' '.I'l. I I-1 lis the Mthlunlioiri'i NOB H UAH I irouage ,iiy. N. S, TINGLEY. nnoum II kinds AiinnnnnpK In il.o nubllo lhat l.o Is rri tared to do kinus i i torn Tailoring, promptly and it re.isonablt prices. Now Is tho tea l'"r NEW WINTER SUIT ; (Aid Tingley's lUe j laco to get a proper m, li Satisfaction Quarantoeil. Ifrwal;-,' ''tpralin, l'ulii In the Ilnck nnd Sldo. T!iero Is ni Mils., dlsc.isesj but t.i tho dlcasi! euad Pnln Killer. Till remedy not a chrnii Tlenzlne tir rcti'iilt'iuu pi-i.iluct that uiuht bo kept away from llru nr lirnt ti. aolil dnngcr nT i, ijtion, Hiir Is It an untrlril cxpurl inent limy tlo uioro linrin tliaiigood. Pain Killer has been In constant uso for forty years, nnd the universal testimony from all parts cf tho world is, It novor falls. It not only effects a permanent cure, but It relieves pain almost Instantaneously. Bclag n purely veytablo remedy, 11 la safa In the hands of tho most Inexperienced. The record ot cures by tlio uso of Paid Killeu would fill volumes. Tho following extracts from letters received bhow what those who have tried It think: Edgar Cady, Owatonna, Minn., says: About a ycr muco my wife became imbjeot to FOero uulwrlni? from rheimiMtlxm. Our report win t3 tho Pain Killeu, hith iipccdlly relteeil lior. Charles Powell writes from tlio SaUori' Homo, London: 1 had Ikpu ailllctetl three yearn with neuralgia and violent upapiiH of the fitomach. The doctora ot WestinlUHttr HcMMtnl inno up my caim In deipair. 1 tried your Pais KlLLLli.aud it inive luo lninictltato relief. I hate retrained my Btreniftti, aud am now ablo to follow luy usual oecujiatlou. 0. II. Walworth, Saco,Me.,wrItes: I exleririii-eil immediate relief from rain In tho Kklo by tho use of j our Paim Killeu. E.York says: 1 havo ummI your P UN Killfr for rhcumatlfxu, nnd haio recoiled i.-rcat beueut. Barton Seaman says : lluie uwil Pain KIMF.n for tlilrty yeart. and hue found it a fiet-.r.uiiot? remedy for b rlteumitiim an,! lumcncaa. Mr. Burdltt writes : It nttrrfatiM toirlio relief In caaeflof rheumatism. Phil. Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., writes : l-'rom actual use, J know your Pain Killir Is the best medicine 1 can get. All druggists keep Taw Kili.ek. its price is so tow that It Is within tho reach ot all, and It'A'lU Bavo many times Its cost In doctors' 61 25c, 00c. and 91.00 a bottle. I '"EERY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Provldonco, R. I. GRAT GERM DESTROY FX DARBY'S PROHILYLaOTIO FLUID! KNFllljtllNGS. Tho snow-lliko that softly, all night, Is whitening tree-lop nnd palhwa); Tlio avalatiCho audl!nty ruMilug with darkness and d j.ith to tlw lnmlot. The ray sto illng In throtuli tho lattice to wakon tho uty loving baby; 'I 1h pitiless uorror of ll-ftit In tho sun-smitten reach ot tho desert. Tho Boed with Its pri'gnitit surprlso of welcome young icallH nnd blossom; Tliodlspalrot tlio wilderness tanglj, nnd treach erous thicket of f jrest. The happy west wind as It Btartlcs some noon-laden 11 iwcr from Ha dreaming; Hn hutrluno crashing Us way through tho homes and llfo ot tho valley. Tho play ot tho Jctlets ef llatno when the children laugh out on tho li;arth-atoae; Tho town or tho pralrlo consumed In a terrloln his 1 igcimbuillm The gildo of a wavu on the sands with Its myriad sparkle In breaking; Thy roir and tho fury of ocean, a limitless mael strom ot ruin. Tho leaping of heart unto heart wltlibl.s that can never bi spoken; Tho passion that maddens, nnd shows how God may bo thrust from Ills creatures. For this do I tremble and start when th j rose In tho vino taps my shoulder For this when tho stotm beats me down mysor' groweth bolder and bolder. .Vitit Mapa D.tyt, in Tlie Otnlury Maguilnc for Xovcmbcr, Select Story. ivtu tlio fuoo of tho yoii iir man who hml I uiioiunt!(l. I forced tho look nnd found tnivi'k'd witli mo tlio ji-nr bofovo when I your imino iimidt' tho bat,'. Tho contents had lost my bac. i was so ob tain of aro intact, as von w ill sec. this that i rcsolvoil not to continue inv I odciuuI niv safe, nnd lu-fnm T u'niihl journey until 1 had iiciuainlodtho poliuo allow them to open my bag I took this wini iiu.s iiici. lroill llio !ll0lf. ant I. li neill!? it iraun inv llio train stopped nt Crowe, the place own. wo nil three saw that in sizp. maltn. wheio I leiiieniheitd tlio yoiuiL' man had indeed in weiuht thev exaellv rnsnmlilpil I. t. .1 ... .. . .!.. . ' " .1 . . .. " ' ien mo iiiini un our up journey me ire- cacu oilier. . . : . ii ii. . . .i... l ti.i i t t .. . vioiis year, noro uic lauy iiimiitid Mitiioil'lli i lo I I ittl 1 hai I vpn v m.n n I did also. A carriage awaited her nt tho discovery myself, I cheerfullv paid the station I secured n lly, nnd direct- the inspector tho check ho deserved for HiR tlio driver to louow llio carnau'e, 1 tlio clever ami proinnt manner in w h u:h l I ... . !. . , I, . 1 . discovered wuero tno intiy drove to. no must nave coiivovet! inv siikh h. inn. IT.... 1 ....1.1 I.. LJI... - 1 .1- 1 11.. .. . . i 1 1 nur uwn iiuimu uviueiuiy. one a ineiiteu ueciiieeiiy awKnrei one, to mv), . . i ii... ... ,. ,i to oo in excellent, position, ami to no wealthy. I was not tleterred by this discovery. for I felt I could not bo mistaken nbont a faco which, though I had certainly noticed it only in a casual way at the time,had nevertheless been stamped upon my mind, and connected in such a man ner with tho loss to mo of several thous ands of rounds. I went to tho polico station, told them what I had scon and what my suspicions rii... ! , 1 ,,...:. , .... iH'ie, aiiuv iinii'iiuii .iiiuiiu civ its iv inn . . i . t, ... ,. r ..:.i ...r.t ii,i,ii,.ii i i... luimciiuies ui i iw uonmimion. a naner L nillll, illlll IIIUI1 lUlll Hl'J lllikb 1 1111131, UU . Ml I" II til . . i,. , 1 mistaken: that tho ladv in nuestion was ''"V"8'"-" lu, l,mo " nsningion, .....Hi..,,....., i... ,..;.i.:f n Miin,. ,.,t.n '-""lany su paieo to uo jir. lit- ikii niiuiii't inv niiiun ui mi uinvt.i " MU I ,l.n.,. 1 11 l r i. i .,!...! r. !..!..... i unaiiuii a uruaii. l'orilin SUDDOSltlon 1 nau uivu iui, aiiui imjiiiiiili iiiiu a lariiu , , , ,, , . t.rooerlv in the country in tho countv. . know that thero was any foitnda- Shc two sons. Ono had been in the u?" CSC,T J'1?1 tllu !,al,cr m3' ome and had lost his life in tho wreck l,,u 1' ttrouage or ine uov Presiilf nt lliii'liaiiaii anil Secession. now m: UKituicr.ii tiii: iiinroit or ins SUI'POSI'.O OIK1AM. To tiii: Em rott or tub Sr.v Sir: In tho correspondence published bv lr. Horatio ICitiir in tho December number of The Vcnturii, it appears that in No vember, lGO, he called tho attention of President l.uclianan to tho secession SHALL rex ERADIOA1 B contagion destroyed, Sick itooms punned and made pleasant. Fovered and Mck persons relicveu anu rerretnea by bathing with 1'iophy lacttcFluld added to tho water. Soft White Complexions scureu uy us uso in bithlnsr. Impure ulr riado bar.n. ioi una Dunui'ii o.v sprinkling Uarby'H Fluid auuut. To purify tlio bro itu ciernso- mo .Teeth, iti can't oo surnass sd. Catarrh relieved and cured. Erysipelas cured. Burns relieved Instantly. emovc odor cf SMALL X Provimted. ITIc, ra i. until ii and healed uautrrnno prevented and cun ii. Djsent. ri cu'e l. wouu I- li-ah il rapldU. -curvoy uuiud lu hh time. iTotter dried up. it is perieuny imriiiifaa r or Huru luruab ii, ii u sure cure. 1 DIPIHERIA PREVENTED. j pr: Cholu'n dlsstnitfd ship Fever i rovented by ns use. In eases of d"ath In the house, it Hhouli nlw.os boused aboutthecorpie u, w.u prevent any Hears prevented. unpleasant Btnell. Itemoves all uupleasantAo Antidoto tor .nlraal 1-UISUU9, SCARLET FEViR CURED. cr egetablo Minirs. ajc, Dangerous illluvlas of bluk roo ns aud hospit als reuiuieu "y iu usi. YELLOW PEVEIf J- liADIOATED TUB BLACK BAGS. a .iHWKi.Eii's sroitv. UHAl'TEU I. MY .IOUIINKY. It was on tho 29lh of October, 1859, that I was returning to England, having taken tho steamer at Dublin lor Holy head. J5usines4 had taken mo to Ireland I am a jeweler and it had been nee essary lor mo to viit a branch or my own linn in Dublin. I was bringing back certain valuable jewels which re quired resetting diamonds of great value and some other things ol les-i importance, but still valuable. 1 iotind all the passengers tulkiii'' on ouo subject the terrible and appallin reck which had occurred only three liys before off Moelfra, on tho Auirlosca coast. iNolcss than four bundled and forty-six Uvea were lost that night when tho Koyal (Jharter was totally wrecked She wa4 a screw steamer, commanded by Ci.ptnin Taylor. A largo sum of money -XilW.UOU or iSUU.uuu in gold was lost also, it was supposed ; but I havo since heard that some of the "old was re covered. I am a silent man habitually, itid tho awo in the voices ol my h-llow passengers struck mo forcibly; but I had another reason, as will pres-ntly appear, in remembering my journey from Dublin to Loudon on this occasion. 1 carried the iowels which I have al- ic.idv mentioned in a small black hand lout; as 1 know that it was safjs I was freo from care. Arriving at Ilollyhead, I took my seat in an empty lirst-cl.iss railway carriagti. Just as tho train was inoviiiir off, however, a gentle man suddenly ijot in. He sat down nearly opposite me, so I hid a good op portunity of observing his appearance, noticed that lie was young, apparently not moro than tour and twenty, tint he had a broad black baud round his hat, aud that on his faco were tracisof ro cent sorrow, almost in fact of agitation. Ho seemed relieved at having caught tho tram, and being like myself quito lisinclineil lor conversation, our journey proceede.l in silence jly bag lay besido me, and under my eyes. 1 was tired alter my crossing, ami fell into a sort of doze. On waking, I nstantly glanced at my bag. There it lay, ipiito safe. My companion, however, had moved his seat. e stopped at Chester, and hero I thought I would get out anil walk about, a little, as we had ten minutes to wait. I took my bag and gut out. On mv return to the train there was my companion apparently asleep. 1 got into tho carriage without disturbing him. and wo continued our journev :U Crewe, our next stopping place, ho got out, and did not come back. 1 was very tired now, and fell into a sound sleep with my hand holding the handle of my black bag. I did not wake until wo reached hoimon ; then getting into tho fli'bt haudsom I saw, and still carry ing mv precious bag, of which I was heartily tired, I drove home. On my nr navv, of tho Hoyal Charter about a year pro viously. 1 ho oilier was expected homo overy day, and had been away almost over since tho end of last October. It was impossible, they said, to make inquiries in such a direction. Ill satisli ed and disappointed,! found myself com pelled to leave matters as they were ; but eminent. It might be inferred from Mr. King's letters to' his correspondent Hint ho spoko to tho President reneatedlv ibout this paper, and that the President did nothing. Mr. King does not appear to havo known that tho President re buked the editor for his course in legard in my possession to secession. I havo n ni uivv nuu "ill. .. i .., , . on my return to London I wrote to the i " ly. ted my convictions so forcibly that ho "" "'nUo." "A" 1 nt J'"1!'" 1,a( lakL:" ovidently was impressed by what I stid. u""'' !l:"".sl 1,10 1 'csuienion 1110 sub ject of secession: Private. Wasiiinoton-, Dec. 2.), 1800. My Sin: I havo read with deep mortification your editorial this morning, in which you take open ground against my message on tlie light cf secession. I have defended von as Inn rr I pan I was standing in my shop ; it was a ngimst numerous complaints. You havo dull morning in November, aud the visi- a perfect right to bo in favor of seces- tor who came in hrst spoke to my assis- sion, and for this I have no just lhe result ot my letter came, alter a brief fioknowcdgment from tho inspector, in tho visit ot a gentleman lour days ntterward. CIIAPTEK III. TIIK IUSCOVKP.Y. In fact His tho g'eal DISINFECTANT AND FUhU'U.H viisiMittn vr J. H. ZBILIN Si Co , MANUrACTDUNIlCllBUISIB,: SOLE PitOPm ETOHS O- E Silvorwaro A SAVAGE, UKlt.KH IN Watchc:, Jewelry. Olockr.&o All kinds of Watclcs, CltrlB and Jtwelry neat l repain it aua warrautou. maj D.'lo tf 1IAIITMAN v I iPhon over lllllmcyer's (lioeerv. Corner of Main and umiorerof New York, ttiitro struts, . ManhatUinof Now Yoik, KtrABfitNis Tint loi.iawisn AM1:HK'AN INSL'HANfi: COMPANIES Lycoming of Muncy Pet nsylvanla. Konh American ot Plillado.phla, Pa. Franklin of " lvnnsilvanla of " " Fanners of Yotk, Pa. I1L00.USBUUG, PA. HCMBIi. PR0PIE1DJ WiDU 1 w r omco on Maiket stiect, Vo. s, Llotmiburg oct, t. ivi-iy latb roiui Lveulew, HKAS BROWN'S INSCRANCK AOKN CY. Aloytr't new bulldlnir;Maln street, lilooms Assets. ford, Conn, 1I.II18.'N 13.&CO ouo a lusururirn 0.1 . nf truf u ui uvarpoji inlilrn Asa clailjn, Phllalelpl da, 1 f . ondoii Jji'ira'ihtrn, nf f, t of . I art foul iOeld imd Mur n" ha agepi'les av (Pre oollclos aro wrltlon lor inured snvllllAy la the oniio at .wuitf, i- m . ' --I . a.' ;lan4,.. vs,vt" i.iuv.yic B,H13,CU0 AIlISAUTIFl'L OIKIAN, llm "MuZVUT," New tUjle.No l(J.i,Ibliiiii1lO full Bit4 0olilenToi,gue i ltei tu. Solid Walnut Highly Pollahml t'a.n. New and viUuablo Improveiiwiils Just .added. yiooi.lkK k, Alusio. lioxoii anu ueuvureu uu u'nir 1 varBiiep'.pnof u'lrAQutsi one vmim IUI l.l l TV Sill I rl 111 1 1111 lll'l . IL la U BT.11III' fag artYerllMtineut. nd r alnnei' Notldug sivol by I'uiies 'iinilenc Mv ti"W f otory Jur 1 inpletwl, iiv iii 1 1 irani,',iiiL v r. 'Ja davs. ve lali r-aivlnr w iod woikinir ir.aeliluery. Vastcapl 10 nuiiui iciuro nc 1 1 r w joui ur ieis iS'SsSn only'uaran j.vii? In every paitloular r miney reliind 'iliitii'r I years use i:vi ry sni I nil-. 1 wtluT. Itlsast ays, vem lau4' till enabli'. 11 inor.ry ilia'i 1 T. Address, orcall uiwu DANIEL V, HE VI' l Y, Wasltlngw)n,Now Jersey, d a e l 4 taut, who referred him to me, and then in a moment I recognized my fellow passenger. Not wishing to make every thing quite public, I led tho way to tho inner room 1 reserved for myself and handed the gentleman a chair. He was too excited to sit down, but began his story at once. "You remember tho day I traveled with you from Holyhead, sir !" "Peifectlv, I replied. "1 havo too good reason to l-member it." ''So have I. I had been on tho Angle- tea coast all tho night before, searching for some relic perhaps tlio body ol my drowned brother. 1 had only twenty' four hours, and was obliged to nurry back, with onlv a few bits of wood and iron gathered from the wreekago which Tlio lllRSost blur. Among thoi inmates of a Western in sano asylum is a man who is often per fectly sensible, and when accosted at such times ciusej visitors to wonder why ho is confined there. This inmate en tered into conversation tlio other day with a caller, whoso dress proclaimed him a clergyman. S.ii.l the madman : "It was too bad, was it not, the killing of Grant nt Chicago t" "It was," snld tho minister, who followed tho accepted custom of nssenting to tho statements of lunatics, for peace's sake. "Hayes was assassinated nt Cincinnati, was ho not t" ngain nsked tho lunatic. "Yen," replied tho clergyman "And was not Queen Victoria murdered In her palace 7" To this query from tho madman the clerical visitor onco more answered in tho allirm alive. Tho lunatic named ono after another a dozen living royal personages, nil of whom tho clergyman was led to admit hnd been put out of the way. Finishing his catechism, tho madman turned on the clergyman, and saidfiercc ly ; ' Your dress shows you aro a tuin issor ; but you aro the worst liar I ever mot." These 1 put into a "Had you a aid I, strewed the beach, small, black bag. "A black bag f ick bag. too'?" "Listen," said the gentleman. "I saw that von had o ie, and I remarked that it wa's like mine so ni'ioh that at CheS' let-, where you g it out and I did not, you may remember you tnuk my bag with you instead of your own. I felt sure )ou were coining back, for you ha I lelt your coat and umbrella in the I did not follow vou. "Yes." said I. gelti ig excited, "but that does not account ' "Wait a inomeu:, ' s fid tho geiillem in. I know perfectly what you would say It iIods not account for mv not advertis- iiii vour bag. or making some sort of si'ii nil this time unite so you will understand presently how it has hap. nened. 1 sat down ami begged mm to uo tuo same When 1 got out at Crewe, I took, ns I supposed my bag. When I reached homo 1 tound that my poor moiuer,wuoin I had loft in most titter griet and pros tration at my brothers death, had not rallied at all ; I told our doctor, who was there, that my search for any personal relic ot my brother nail ueen iruuiess, but that I had a few bits ot iron nnr wood from tho wreck. Tho doctor advised mo to say nothing to her about it, not to tell her oven that I had these sad relies. I put the big just as it was in a cupboard in my own room and locked it up. insu very nay I had to leave naigiaun, a nan a ousi ness engagement which took moto Aus tralia. If I had Iroken my engagement it would havo involved my mother in considerable pecuniary loss. Sho knew , -l 1! 1 rival, with a method which I suppose is I had to go, aud as sho did not like mo 0( m, m, habitual to a man in my trade, I instant ly went to tho sato in which 1 keep val uable jotvelry, unlocked it, and, deposit ing tho bag on a tabic, i opened it. im agino my dismay at linding that, instead of diamonds,it contained only boino rusty bits of iron and wooden debris. My bag was gouo ; this other bag had been clov- eily substituted lor if, bo ol voihyndeod, that oven tho weight as well as me np pcarance had been judged. t . -re.,. ! r.i. i mil tuo nnair inio tue nuuus oi mo poliee,giving them exactly every particu lnr ns I have hero written it. Tho bag was los'. CHAPTER II. .mv smncii A vear after tlio events narrated in tlio last chapter, I was again traveling on tho lino which takes passengers to Holyhead. It was tho beginning ot October as well ns I remember I traveled first-class, my usual custom when I have a long journey before mo. During tho vear not a sign had been giv en of my missing bag or the jewels, but I had not really desp-iircd yet of recover ing it and them,for I had a ceitain mine countable leeling about tho whole I lung that there w ;s some mystery about it I felt suro Regularly every Wednesday in overy week I had called nt Sootlaud Vard, and hnd always had tho same answer, "Noth ing yet, stir." The reward I had offered was sulllcieut to insure a certain interest, and tho polico, I lirmly believe, wero ns keen in tlio matter ns 1 oould wish. On this October morning in 18(1 J, I traveled with a lady who was in deep mourning. 1 he day was chilly, and sho to stay, as my sister and nor husband wero with her and could taitecaro oi ncr, I loft the house that very day, and journeyed back north to Liverpool, just 111 iimu lu uaiiai uiu act-aiuui uuuuii iui Melbourno "I only returned yesterday inoriiin Tho first thing I heard after greeting my mother was " 'Where is the bag you brought with you from MooltraT il t . t ..: i " All nry iuuiii, a eairr. " 'Get it for me,' sho said. "Without another word, though I wondered how sho had heard of it, I went to mv rooni.unlocked the cupboard, found tho bag just ns 1 had left it, and took il down stairs. "I was just going to open it when, to mv still lurtner surprise, my inouicr said: " 'Aro you quite suro that is your bag, Arthur r "I looked at her in astonishment, " 'Well, mothor,' I said, 'I urn as sure as a human being can bo of anything. "'Did you open it alter you camo homo dear t "I thought for a moment, and then said : "No ; I am certain I did not. I could not bear it.'" " 'Then,' said my mother, 'bo prepared for a surprise. 'I think you will hnd th it you hnvu soino ono else s bag.' "l did not answer, lor i was trying u unlock tho bag. reason to complain. The difficulty is that tho (jOitstttuUon is considered my organ, and its articles subject me to the charge of insincerity and doable dealing. I am deeply soi rry to say tint I must in soie authentic form declare that tho Coiisti tutioii is not the organ of tho Adminis tration. Vour friend , very rcsneotlullv. James Uuuiiaxax. William M. 13uow.s-e, Esq. In the multiplicity of matters of the gravest concern which, in t lis month of November, ISO J, demanded the Presi dent's attention of which, as well as of ill his conduct down to tho 1th of March, 18GI, 1 expect ore long to give the pub lie a full account ho may have not dono everything that his anxious friends da sired, before his annual message of De coluber ii, 1800, to relieve their minds of the apprehension that his Administration was sultoti'ig injury troin this newspa per and other similar signs that it har bored secessionists among its ollicers or tho objects of its patronage. Hut I tako it uiioii mo to affirm, after tho most thor ough study of Mr. Hiiclianaii's course .rid a full examination of the very abund ant materials contained in his private papers, that from the timo of Mr. Lin coin's election, when tho secession of S mth C irolina was first threatened, down to tho day of -Mr. Lincoln's inau guration, Mr. lluchanau neverdid un im portant act which any patriot or any triend ot his would now wish that lie ha i not done, or refrained from doing in important net that any patriot or friend of his would, upon close consider ation of the facts, say that he ought to have performed. 1 hero is not a more remarkablo in stance in all history ot tlio misconcep tion and misrepresentation with which a great public man may be pursued than tins oaso ot .Mr. liuchanan. it is some what encouraging that tho revelations recently undo by tho surviving members of his Cabinet, Messrs. Hlaek, Holt, Thompson and King, havo tended to show tho people of this country how mis taken many or them have been m regard to him. Hut it must bo remembered that Gen. Dix and Mr. Stanton aro no longer living, From them and from Mr. Holt, will ooiiu in duo lime tho most in lubitablo proofs, put on record! im mediately after tho close of his admiuis tration and when facts wero recjiit, that their authority is not to bo used to dis pira'o iiif pirtof his conduct, his ciiv sistenov, his firmness his fidelity to the Constitution and the Union, tho wisdom a-uivs, and the propriety of his Prat'lirs. That luscious fruit, tho peach, is likely to boas fcarco next season as it was this year. Many trees that wero badly fro zen last winter were cutoff with the expectation that now tops would grow upon ihom They rapidly recovered dur ing tho early summer, but their growth was checked by tho drought so that few buds were formed on the now top?. Tho yield from such trees will fall oft eighty per cent. Trees that survived tho sever lty of last w'niter budded late, and their growth was feeble. Tho buds which usually appear before frost aro shrivelled. It is thought that tho drought has af fected all kinds of fruit trees so serious ly that the pros ccts for tho season of LS82 aro discouraging The extraordin ary dryness of tho air. lias prevented the formation of fruit buds. Hortieultuiists will do what they can to alter theso con ditions by mulching and manuring. Thero has been iu existence in Eng land for many years a periodical called the iVeto Moon, tho contributors of which aro inmates of lunatic asylums. As a rule, tho articles display marked ability, and no ouo -would suppose that tho writers were suffering from mental aberration. On one occasion the editor of the A'cjo Moon leceived compliments from several subscribers that tho contents of the journal, although well enough in their way, wero lacking in distinctive flavor, and did not betray thcirorigin ; so inthenextnumberiiegave freo piny to his refractory contributors. Thero appeared astounding political revelations ; n paper on evolution, with woodcut illifetration of tho shape of tho human soul at differ ent ages ; the designs of a machine to facilitate bodily nccnsioii into heaven in tho manner of Elijah ; and the first canto of an cpie, which, was not utterlv incoherent, anticipatory of Alioo inWon- liand. Una number ol this character wassuHieient.Tliedi.sconlened subscribers expressed themselves satisfied, and beg ged that they might have no moro of IJ' ilium broko loose in prose and verse. Odd Items. acts. Tho tini'j has come with Mr. Hiichaiian himself, when the truth as it is should have a hearing; and although I lo not mean, iu writing his life and tunes, to constitute myself 'lis special ulogist. I intend that ho ami his causo shall bj "roi 1 aright to th) nautili W Geo. Tiousnit Cuuris. New Youk, Nov. -, 1881. A Horned Trotter. HoW PSIXTlN'O .UTEC'IS TIIK HEALTH. Years ago thero was a notion prevalent imong those who wero but partially in- firmed upon the question that printing business was essentially detrimental to health. There was a tradition about tho absorption of poison from tho constituents of which typo metal was composed. This was, and is, true in so far as it asserts (ho poisonous nature of somo of tho con stituent pans of type metal; but that these poisons should necessanlv bo ab sorbed into the system of ono who handles typo is simply absurd. Printers who havo such habits of cleanliness and sobriety ns n decent respect for one's self nnd the opiu ,ons ot others might bo ex pectud lo dictate, may lullow their call ing for years, without experiencing any further damaging effects upon their health than what will result from close application to any so' t ot hard work. Moro "poi.ou" is absorbed by tho pi inter when taking observations of his liltlo linger through tho bottom of a glass than any other way. Glticwjo Specimen. Lament of tho statesman : Wo should think that after a man had bcn Secre tary of tho Treasury for three or four years, nnd had occasionally "dumped titty millions ot dollars into Wall street to relievo tho money market, and had called iu twenty million sixes at one timo and bought two nullum ot bonds overy week, and disb' rsed cloven millions one week and eighteen millions the next, wo should think it would hint him awfully to go back into bis law office when the administration changed and mako out an abstract of a farm away out in Huek shaw county and sell it for an old wom an down in Kickapoo to nil old fellow out in Wunkiiidaw S 'lthuii'iit nnd onh got a feo of Sil2, nnd havo to wait four months lor that and then havo to tako a sorrel colt for that. Attributed to Jh Secretary Window. Wl! CONFIDENTLY ASSP.UT AND CAN SATIS PACrOItll.Y l'KOVi: There is no instnnce on record of n caso of dyspepsia or torpid liver that cannot bo relieved nnd positively cured by tho sys'cinatio use of Simmons' Liver Hcgu lator. This is no vain boast, but an es tablished fact; and suffered from thtso diseases deny themselves tho blessings of health and comfort by refusing to give tlio Regulator a trial. It is nojco upou-id of advcntures,but a meritorious medicine which has won its high reputation in countries' where torpid livers prevail and and where Nnturo supplies tho roots and herbs to euro tho disense common to its climate. Ambitious man: Is thero any fixed rulo for writing poetryf There isl Don't! Mr. Cobb recently married Miss Webb; he knew they were intended for cacli other as soon ns he Fpider. Ay cr's Cheiry Pectoral is a really ro jnarkablo and tnno-honored medicine. It is the best remedy known for all dis eases of tho throat and lungs. PIlEMUJ.M WINE. We can confidently recommend Specr's Port Grape Wine, which was recom mended the highest premium at tho World's Fair, ns n superior niticlo of wine for tho sick and debilitated, and all those who require a vinous t-timulation and invigoration. Iho vineyards and cellars are at Passaic, Now Jcsey, near New York City. This wine is sold by C. A. Kleim, druggist, Uloomsburg, Pa. In accordance with the facts: A party of San Juan ranchers made a bonfire of an Apache Indian, nnd tho coroner's jury returned a verdict of "overcome by the heat." When n Yankee in Homo was shown the petrified fonii of ono of the early Christian martyrs, he remarked that it was evidently a Saint Gothard. SITTIXO UP NK1I1TS. Mrs. E. S. Perkins, Creek Center, N. Y. writes sho had been troubled with asthma for four years. Ilad'to sit up nyht after night with it, and was ulti mately cured by two bottles of Thomas' Eelcctrio Oil. When a man told his wifo that lie had just traded for a new spring wagon, sho replied, "You dunce you! why did you buy a spring wagon iu the fall of tho yeart' An auctioneer, bv birth a native of the Grieen Isle, of course, caused to bo print ed on his handbills at a recent sale, "Ev ery article sold goes to tho highest bid der, unless some gentleman bids more." KIDNEY COMPLAINT OUItEI). I!. Turner, Rochester, N. Y. writes': "1 have been for over a year subject to serious disorder of tho kidneys,nn(l often unablo to attend to business. I pro cured your Burdock Hlood Hitters and was relieved boforo half a bottle was used. 1 intend to continue, as I feel confident that they will cure me." Price $1.00, trial size 10 cents. Farmer Janesbury says his hens al ways lay during tho winter. All lie hns to do is to casually remark that eggs havo dropped down to ten cents a doz en. Then they all go to woik with a will. Texas complains of too many newspa peis. It is getting so a gentleman c ' tako a hand in a lynching, or c join iii a fi to fight without ' name in print. Joseph Durrinlurger, Broadway, lluf falo,was induced by his brother to try Thomas' Eclectric Oil for a sprained ankle; aud with half a dozen ajiplica tions ho was enabled to walk round again all right. V gieenback with a hole in it will bo received where a silver dollar having a holo in would bo icfused. This is an Iowa argument in favor of greenbacks. Cincinnati Irish Citizen. Mr. Thomas Lewis, 02 Butler street, informs us that for seven vears ho was alllieted with that dreadful malady, Sciatica, and being induced to try St. Jacobs Oil, found almost immediate telief therefrom, and is now perfectly cured. F. L. Ilaight of 102 Sullivan street. New York, is interested iu a steer of al leged phoiioiniual powers. Tho steer is in Pennsylvania, but Mr. Ilaight doson't caro to say exactly in what part ot tho State, because some speculator might get nt tho steer and reap a harvest "He is what yon might call a remark ablo animal," said Mr. Ilaight, "and was born to trot. When ho was a little calf, instead of jumping nnd gamboling on tho green like other calves, no would set Ins head and spin off on a square trot for a Minuter stretch. J his created somo com ment, because the little Turk would make big time, nnd ho was encouraged. Ho is only three yeais old now, nml as gentle ns a lamb, but ho can pull a sulky over a mile of soft road iu four minutes, aud iust get warmed up at that. His name is Novelty Hoy, and ho is strong on three-milo trot, lie's got big speed in him, nnd it can bo brought out by straight training." Mr. Ilaight then produced a photo It is very odd,' I said ; tlio key won t graph ot Novelty Boy, standing between open it. the shalls ot a light racing sulky, look ',,, it ,1 1 II 1 ' I 1 .1 !- " 'juy moiuer rang tuo lieu, nni in ing very sleepy in llio on eye. His tore walked tho inspector. legs ate very short and his back long, Hero my visitor ceased speaking, ami but the under partot his body curves up, worosoveral wraps, but getting warm in walking hastily to tlio shop door ho beck- giving liini a greyhound build. Ho is tho carriage, sho presently throw asido a tur cloak sue was wearing, and my eye was instantly nttrauted by a haudsomo brooch she iiad on, in which was a portrait. Without appearing to do so, and with a srddoii feeling of interest and curiosity for which T oanuot account, 1 managed to got a nearer viow of tlio portrait. It oned to somo person seated in a hand driven in light racing harness, with a col somo oil) oloso by. It was my friend Iho , lnr that onens at tho lower end. Hols Inspector of Polico nt Orowo. llo contin- steered with oaso by two reins attached 1.1 . 11.. ll . 1. l"l .1 . . ( a a ued tuo siory. uui ursi uo pia;oa on mo to tho base ot his horns. iovelty Hoy Al 1 A-ll.l 1. t. I - tauio my -uiach. uag, h pure with amuer norm "incre, sir, saui ne, -is your wig Pi.v.u Cake 1 his is a good school cake, and, if covered with sugar icing, is lieu enough lor children s birthday parties. Mukotwo pounds of flour into dough, with two ounces of German yeast and tnreo gills ol tepid water. Let it rise tor an Hour, then work in a pound of dissolved butter, six eggs, well beaten. the rind of a l-iuon, half a small grated nutmeg, a pomm oi stoned raisins, a pound of currants nnd half a pound of '.mulled peel, shred hnely. When all tho ingredients are mixed beat tlio cako up well, and let it rise iu a hot place for an hour. Then put it into a greased tin and buko iu n good oven lor two hours, It made in moro than ono cako it will not tako so long to bake. Hero is a Man who has iust Stonned ins i apcr. wiiat a .Miserable lookin uroaiuro ho is. Ho looks as if he had been stealing Sheep How will ho Know Tho Star route men havo had seven lawyers to pay for tho last six months, and many jieoplo aro beginning to think they are punished enough. A WitONO IDEA. Many pcrsonshavinggotteii tho wrong idea that hops nro strengthening, havo aken to drinking beer and alo very freely. The consequence is they feel better for a short time, but when tho reaction comes they aro much weaker than before. Header, if you value life, lay aside all malt and alcoholic beverages aiid put vour trust in that temperance iii ii:ii aiiuii ui ii un aim vcgviiiuiu tomes called Brown's Iron Bitters. It gives real health and strength to every part of tho body, n tresiies tho mind, and icstoies tho nervous system to its proper standard. Over 1,000,000 bottles havo been so d this year. A devil fish with arms thirty two feet feet long has been caught on the banks of Newfoundland. What a cashier ho would havo made. Goorgio (four ycais old, at the- tea table): "Mniuina, may I liavo si.ino sar dines" "Mamma: "Wail till I'm readv. Georgie." Goorgio (surprised): "Why, ma, it's me as wauls 'em." An exehango thinks tho cause of tem perance will stand a poor show if a Gor man chemist lias discovered, as ho says, how to mako brandy fiom sawdust. Theie is not much chance for a tcinpcr auco preacher to get in his work when "a man can tnko his up saw and go out and got drunk on a fonco rail." A tutor of a college, lectin ing to a young man on tho irregularity of his conduct, ndded with great pathos; "Tho what is going that ho has stop- report of your vices will bring voiir fath pod us Paper t He will Borrow his ers gray hairs with sorrow totliegrnvo." you were quite right tins gentleman took it by mistake, mat moriiiug.wlieu Mrs -sent lor mo, I tound the bag For diseases of the nerves, brain.blood a id lungs a superior niillciiio to all nth ers is Browns Iron Hitters. pod Neighbors paper. Ono ol these Days ho will Break his leg, or bo a Candidate for office, nnd then the paper will Say nothing about it That will bo Trcatiinr him just Right, will it not.litile children 7 JJenver i'rtmcr, Not long since a family moved into n house on Austin Avenue. After a week or so, a fiiend of tlio family called on them and aked Ihein how thev liked the locality. "Pultv well." "llnvp viu , tiiMed on any of tito neighbors yet!" ' N i, I but I'm going to if time is any innn "f mj llre wot d ri'- ing." Ter m .S'.i,',,i replied the im- "I beg your pardon, sir. pil, "my father wears n wig. A pure, wholesome distillation of witch hnr.el, Aiueiican pine, Canada fir, innri gold, clover blossoms, etc., fragrant with tho healing essences of balsam an 1 of pine. Such is Sanford's Hadical Cure for Catarrh. Complcto treatment for Si. Ouo by ono tlio beautiful legends of tuo woild nro lading Into ip nentdies, it Is now said there is no race f nilft man in Borneo. Pcih.ij s they didn't inc. premium lifts iiign e noui?h n u en woiiuin t race. 1 AS" sit
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers