mwinwin two THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA -4T -u, . J' w a. VP ft;- I if . i ' V- ; N(iTtcR-TIio nersonnl properly of Thorn. " 43 Vnii'lrrsllfp, ilprciwil, will lie cxp6sctl K ,,0lV,,,11'! tt) nt lils lnlorcMilrnco In Hemlock " i.,,j!SEn5lilpfTilof'iKv, .Innunry Jl, 1883, nt (1 ,'- fl.'JPW . .1co.23.2w 3 News Items. ."l'-ngincor Jtelvlllo liaa telegraphed to the American Legation nt St. Petersburg that tlio Jcntinctto was MUToittiilcd ana crashed by ico on tlio 2!U1 of Juno, in lutitndo 77 north, nnd longitude lo7 cast. Tlio crow IcXt tho vessel in thrive boats. About fifty miles from tho mouth if Tnltn .l.n.. ... i 1 1 uiu iiviui uivy nviv Hujiiirnieii iy vio lent winds nnd thick fogs. Boat No. 8, ctimniaiKicu oy ruigineor .Melville, arri ved on tho 20th of September nt tho ens torn mouth of tho river Jena, where St was stopped by b'ocks of ice, near tho villngo of IJolonontKi, Inhabited bv idol nters. Jloat No. 1 reached tho same spot. 1 ho occupants of thebo boats StntO that Linulminnt. TV1 Ambler, with twelve others, lntided nt tho northern mouth of tho Jena, nnd nro in n lcnrlul coiuIilion,suiTering from frost -------- -. j l uiu iiiuiiuikiiiiia of IJolcncng.i started immediately for Boat No. 2. v vMr. John W. Garret has been rc-clco-ted nreshlmit. nf flm llnllMnnm n,,t f1,l i".","u"u lur 1,10 twenty ioiirin time. iicn i commences b euruarv 22 and VIIUS IJJril Oil). TliKUim.ii Ari-iiii! .,i,,,..i.. afternoon, about 8 o'clock, tho still in iv. .i. uoycrs uistiuory exploded. The oatiso of tho explosion is not known but .t is supposed that tho pipes wcro clog ged so as to interrupt tho passago of steam from one n.irtnf tlm niill r im nti.n,. k ''-"" Ul,,, Jlr. W.B.Taylor U.S. store keeper and 0....0... ,, ... wlu uuimiii ,11, uiu nine, nnd. as blinded bv tlm ntnnm 1m nn,i ored to mako his Wfl' ntlK lift (ifllmlilnil nnd fell into tha nsh pit into which had flowed tho scaldinirlimiid from tlm burn. ting Btill. Ho was terribly scalded but " "gouy uuui 2 ociocK on last Sunday morning when ho died. No other person was hurt and no damago was uoiio io mo uuuuing. Tlio (listillery is m Vnlloy Township nbont -1 J- miles from Dnnvillo. Mr. Taylor was an cstimablo juuny uuui una nau rcccntiv been ad mittcd to tho Montour county bar. Montour American. t lho Wilkes-Bnrro people talk of erec ting a soldier's monument to comemorato tho names and heroic services of her Hons who tell in tlio great rebellion. Tlio "lobby," broken up by Speaker aiuuuau anu a iJeniocratio Uongresj, is returning to Washincrton. Fat sto.iliurrs are again expected from Republican ,u' " uujiuui. oo niucn lor tlio cleleat of Ilaucock. . Rov, Dr. Leonard 3acon, the eminent I'nnm-nnrnf irmnl .-,lt,,n,nn .1: i . -vt -..0. -0, umjiiimij, uitu ill nuw Ilaven on the 21th inst. aged 70 years. , Frederick Latter, tho Readme brewer. has, failed. His liabilities aro placed nt Hon. John J. Pearson, who has been on tho bench in Dauphin county for tho .past thirty years, performed his last of ficial act on Tuesday. It was the issuing ui ,i uracu oi dissolution oi the JiOcmel Mutual Aid Association of Ilarrisburg. Tho Postoffico Dcn.ii cd that no supplement containing any advertisements whatever can bo allowed m tue mails at second class rates, unless tho publisher makes an affidavit that the aamo i-aics aro pam to mm lor tho ad vertisements nontninml in ment as for tho30 contained in the body ui uiu paper iseit. Tlio supplement must, nntifoii. i,inn,.n il.!Ai. . ....... , uinuu mnuu is )IJI11CU 111 . tho suunlenient for nn otli for want of room iu ,lho body of the pa- iiui, aim wjucn wouui nave been so pub lish'ed but for this reason. , . tiii: business man's uust i-itn:.Ni). .Mr. C. L. Oiulesluys, n lending impor- iti jj.iiiiiurL-,iia svueu mat nothing has dono his dyspe jsia, indigestion. &c, bo much good as that most wonderful of 'nil tonic nnd reviving medicines Brown's Iron 'Bitters. Just think of it j at a supper tno other night, although a "dhroniC dvsnentir ll o clock, fried 0-htei-s, chicken salad, and tco cream, after which taking a dose of ' 'Iron Bitters,ho never spent a moro pleas nnt night,-with no dyspeptio symptoms in me iuuriiing. KM1NENT WS. It. way bo observed that no attempt is made to hunt up out of tho way or un-l .known places to endorse Simmons Liver; Regulator. Hon. Alexander II. Stephens. , John "W1, Beckwith, Bishop of Ga. Gen. Jno. B. Gordon, U. S. Senator. 1 ,' Hon, Jno. Gill Shorter, ex-Governor of Alabama. '. Rev. David Wills, D. D., President Oglethropo College. ! Bishop Pierce, of Georgia. ' 'And did space and tirno permit we could' fill a volumo with tho highest testimon- ''ials. Tho proceedings in tho Guiteuu trial tho past week have been but n repetition of former ones, onl v that tho prisoner has been more abusive and demonstrative if possible. AVhy an American Judge. -moum permit such conduct on tho part of a prisoner ut tlio bar is incomprehen sible. The opinion that tho assassin will bo hanged is fast gaining ground, tho defence of insanity having been badly .damaged by the prosecution. The nation will breathe more freely when this farce closes. The peoplo havo had quite enough of it. A slight fire was caused in Philadel- ' phisi recently by the contract of tho wires of the Brush electric light company 'with tho telephone wires. The councils nro nlnrmed and it is proposed to havo tho wires by which Chestnut Blroet is 1 now illuminated removed. It is probt able that tho electric wires will bo run 'Underground. The State Firemen's Association At tho session of tlio executive com. 'thittbo of thoStato Fircinon's Association held at Norriatown on December 21, tho secretary was requested to notify nil companies to elect delegates to next conventiom by April; that tho dues of the association should be paid nt once, and that certificates bo printed and sold to each member for twenty-livo cents. 1 The president was also ordered to pro. euro a charter for tho association. , Marriages. WiiTKUd Siitts. At the residence of tha hridu'i purcnts, llloomslmrg, Pit., December 10th, 1881, hy Itev. I). J, Waller, Jr., Sir. t .Henry 0. Walters, of Atnllssii, Muscutlno county, Iowa, and Jlisi Dora A., duuglilcr of Itlclmrd Stllea. , 77 Deaths. Dn.w.vK. In Oriuigo township, December ' 18 .1881, Cora Blanche, daughter of I. K, ' and' Angelina Dlldlue, iigod 10 yean, ? mouths ami 0 duyii. Uowman. At Mllllinvlllc, Baturday, Do- ceniher 10th, 1881, Utorge A. Uownmii, nged 83 years, 7 months and 15 days. OPERA HOUSE ! OWE NIGHT ONLY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30tli, 1881 OHRATEST Bl'CCKSS (IF TUB BKISOX. Till'. GIFTED YOUXQ ACTllliSS.- MISS JULIA A. HUNT IN- it Shu romcs highly endorsed hy nil who have witnessed her production of this truly Hue drnmn. PRICES AS USUAL. . A UDITOIVS NOTICE. KSTAM Of DAVID DAVIS, DKCKAbKD. Tho iindcrslBnpd niiilltor nppotntort by tho or phans' Court of Columbia county, to mnko dlstrlb'-. lloa of tho bulnnre na oundln tho hands o( tho administrators In last, account of David Davis Into ot Hearer town9hlp. dccoasoil, to and amongr the parties legally cntlllod to receive thosatno will meet the parties Interested tn said estate at his onico in tho town ot Woomsburff, In said comity, on Tuesday, tha ttlh day ot .lanuary, at in o'clock a. m. ot said day, when and where all parties Interested In raid estate must attend or bo forever debarred from any sharo of said fund. UUY JACOBY, dec 81 4-w Auditor. DMINISTItATOR'S NOTICE. csta or i.oma roi.i, cxciash. tettors of Administration on the ostaM ot Louis Folk, lato ot Hemlock township, Columbia county, renna, deceased, havo been granted by thoUoifls tcrot Bald county to l'ercivel Folk and Joel Folk administrators. All persons havlne claims against tho estate or;tho decedent aro requested to present them for settlement, and tlioio Indebted to tha es tate to mako payment to tho undersigned adminis trators without delay. rjsi'.gmii, folk, .Tnrr. uni tr 0. W. Millet Attorney. Uocsq c-w- Admlnlitrators. GREAT GERM DESTROYER. DARBY S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID SMALL POX ERADICATED. Contncrlon deslrovod. Hick ltooms purltled and made pleasant. Fevered and Pick persons relieved and refreshed! ny oatnine with Frowir, laetl&Flutd added to the water. Soft White Complexions necuruu vy us use in Impuro air made harm lew and purUled byl sprlnkllnz Darby's Fluid aooui. Cleanse thekTeetli, it canxoo surpassed. Catarrh relieved and curca. Krvslcelas cured. Hums relieved Instantly. Hears prevented. uemoves an unpleasant uuurH, SCARLET FEVER CUBED, Pitting of SMALL POX Prevented- Ulcers Durlfled and healed oanurene prevented and curvu. Dysontery cured. Wounds healed rapidly. Scurvey cured In short L1U1L. Tetter drlod up. It Is perfectly Harmless. For sora throat It is n suro cure. MORNING LIGHT, DOUBLE HEATER C. -C.GALIUNM,,., . BLOOMSBURG. DIPTHERIA PREVENTED. Cholera dissipated. ,Shlp Fever prevented by i us uae. In cases ot death In the nouso, it should always bo used about the corpse it will prevent any unpleasant smell. An Anttdoto for Animal or vegetable l'olsona, Dangerous cflluvlas ot sick rooms ana Hospit als removed by IU use. YK1.LOW FF.VElt KltADIOATED, FIMB WIWEBAMB MWMMf BLOOMSBURG, PA. 7 PER CENT BET Firtl'Clast Farm Mortgage Loam and Muni cipal Rondt. For particulars address Dec 9 .w JOHN n. CLAUK, CASUtsu, FlItST NATIONAL UANK, LINCOLN. NEIlilASKA. r PIANOrOETES-JIAGNIPr- fonts, four very hannsomo round corners, rosnwood In fact It Is the great DISINFECTANT AND FUBIFIElt A ..CENT holiday presonW! squaro grand piano- mscmo rounu corners, ru .Ueattv's Matchless Iron I stool, book, cover, boxed, t2.i2.T3 to SWT.SO; catalo gue prices, t'OO to; satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded after ona year's use; upright pianofortes, $115 to t'tbi ; catalog uo prices, 'oo to isoo ; standard plnaf ortes of tho universe, as thous- 1 lledtty'scablnctorgans, cathedral, church, ciapol, panor. upwara; T'BRors ieieumu ; iree tarnuKt) meets trains; lllustratod catalogue (holiday edition) free. Address or call upon DaNIKLF. DEATTT, Washington, Now Jersey. Dec 9 4-w r TRErAUEU BY J. H. ZBILIN& Co., Manufacturing Cnimsrs,: SOLE Pltoi'RIETOltS. LATEST STYLES OP C-A.XA-aG- OABDS A. 1 tha 'COLUMBIAN OKf'IOE.' ITS POPULAEHY IS UUf AEALLELED 1 1 1 on finfi Qfll n I J and, sUll Moro Agents lt)U,UUU OUJjU I ! nro Wanted to Supply tho wonderful and Increasing dotaaud for by far this njssr, most ropuiar ana uui.Ariiai LIFE OF GARFIELD Price Only $21 ThlsArork Is Profusely Illustrated, tells the ontlro llirllllne storv of his eventful Ufa and trairlc death : has been critically revised and approved by ono of his most lntlmatopersonaUrieniis; has Jar outsold all other editions becauso tho best and cheapest and our terms to agents aro tne mosi noerai oi any. BnDcru steel t'lato rortralts Freo 1 1 Outfit 60 cents. For proof of oxco lence, success of agents and terms address atonce.llUUUAltl) UUOS.rubs.rhlla, Decl-Tf CAUTION. GET THE BEST. "gas BSTET OIRX2LA.:KrS lift. I '00, STRONG COIIIPISXITIOIV In the manufacture of Orgaus is resulting in the production and Bale of cheap goods, made from inferior materials. I refer particularly to bogus Organs that are continually springing into existence, without any merit whatever, except to be offered cheap, and then when purchas ed found to bo dear at any price. Will you not then, reador, If you Contemplate Buying an Organ consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument bearing the names of first class, wholly responsible makers. A good assortment oi styles of tho celebrated Estoy Organs can now bo seen at the new rooms of the Only Authorized Agont fo tlio Eatoy Organs in Columbia Oounty. A guarantee for five years from tho manu facturers accompanies eyery L-stey Organ. J. SIKT TZESR, Agent, Bloomsburg, F, a Juno is.'so-tf "'""--'-'""' - - Ilm jjii SrriE T0N1C A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. tKON BITTRItS nro highly recommended for all dlwostj re iulring A certain ami eCideut toiliu ; especially Indigestion, Dytpejma, Inter tnillext Jems, Watitof Alpiite. Xoei of Strength, Lack of Energy, etc, Knrlchcj tlioMoaljfctrcngthensthBjnu.sf'v, nnd gives new Hfe. to tlio nerves. Tho act liko a clmrm on tho dlgm.'i', jrpuns, removing all dye peptic symptoms, gucli as Tutiwj theVmJ,lMehimj,lImt In tie Stomach, Heartburn, etei Tlio only Iron li'oiininllon tltut will not lilnclccu tlio teeth or rlvo liouilltclio. 8'ild by all drufigliU. AVrito for the AUG Book, 82 jp. of useful and umiulnj rending cni free, 1)150 WN CirEailOAL CO., Kaltlmoro, Ma. 8 PUBLIC SALE OF VALUAULKr TIMBER LANDS AND MON TANA LOTS. I'oi sulo Uy Moycv Jirolliur k"ob-l '81 Tho undersigned wi" exposo nt public Kalo at Chertlngton's Hotel, Locust township, Columbia county, I'a , on F1UDAY, JANUAItY Otli, 1882, at J o'clock p. m . tho following described valuablo tract or Umber land, located In said totvnsblp,on tho south sldo of, tho Llttlo Mountain, bounded by lands In tho warrantee names ot Mary Huston, Thomas .Huston, 1 homas llllllneton, Adam Clayberger.John Lee, Samuel Lee, Philip Lavcnkere, John Young and others, known In the wnnanteonnmo of John Evcrhard, and containing 880 ACItES nnd 104 perch es and allowance Dealers In lumber, prop timber, bark, etc., arj re quested to examine said tract on or betoro tho day of salo. Keterenees as to location, 1'etcr swank, Esq., and Daniel Morris, who will point out tho lines on tho forenoon ot the day of sale, or beforo if called upon. Also, will be exposed to.salo, at tho Itcd Tiivern, on gATUUDAY, JANUAltV 7th,; 1882, at ten'o'ciccK D. nf., the' following lots In Montana City, viz: First Lots 3 nd 4 Block "N" on Centro street, main road adjoining tho school Lou30, each 2.1 feet front and Ho feet In depth, known as the Ycrkcs lots, ' Second-Lot J.Block "I" on centre street, opposite tho Itod Tavern, fenced and under cultivation, formerly, known; as the Peter Joyce lot, irontw feet, depth no feet, j ' Taxes to date will be paid, and tltlo warranted. Terms of Sales. Cash one-halt nt striking down tho propjrty, tuo oUkt half In six months there after. , Dee. 23-2W C 1). BltOCKWAY. Valuable Heal Estate AT PEIVATE SATB 1 THE LARGE FLOUKING MILL In Hemlock township known t s tho RED MILL lsotfeiedat PRIVATE SALE. This mill Is 47 feet by 60 In t and contains j FOUR PAIRS OF IlURltS. U sunny run by wr.ter power, tut has a t,team en glno to i un It In time ct unusually low water. It has A Largo Custom Trado and tlicro Is a bargain In II. For further particulars Inquire of M. .8. Al'I'LEMAN. Oct. 7.3m Dloomsburg, Pa Orphans' Court Sale ' OF VALUAULK Mesil Estate I Pursuant to an order of tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, tho undersigned; Administrator of Samuel ithonc. lato of Ilenton township, do- ceased, will J30 to 3alo ou tin prmlsjs in said lownsmp on Friday, January 13th, 1882, At ono o'clock, p. m. tho following doscrlbad real e3tat o of paid decedent, In Uenton township, boundod and described ;H follows: On the north by land of Alfred luntz, on tho east by Thomas Bender nnd W. W. Hois, on the south by w. V. Hess, c. W. Myers and A. A. ober boltzcr nnd on tho wes: by Danlcil Karns, containing Twenty-two Acres. more o lesss, whereon nro erected A BtVIALLHOUSH AND B AliW. TEIIMS OF BALE. Ten per cent of one-fourth of tho purchnso money shall bo paid at the striking down of the property, tin cno fourth less the ten percentattue conilrtnatloti ubsoluto, aud the rc malnlnj threHourths In ono year utter contirmatlon nisi with interest from that date. QEO.W.lIIItLBMAN, Adnilniitrator, Dec. I0-5w lien ton, l'a ORPHANS' COURT , BALK OF VALUAULK In puttmanco ot an order ot tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, the undersigned administrator, cum tcstamento annexo, ot l'eter Applemtn, Uto of Benton township, deceased, will .exposo to pubilo sole, at tho Exchange Hotel, jlonton, on SATURDAY, 'DKOEJtBlilt 81st,1881, At ona o'clock p, m, All that portion of the following described THAW OF LAND, In Benton towashlp, ColumbU cSunty. lying on tho west; sldo ot Flshlngcrcek, bounded as follows: On' tho north by lands ot It. I. F. Colley, J. F, Chaptn and A. Wilkinson, on tha wost by lar.ds ot Ell Ncllctry, John K. Aprleman and Peter Laubach, on the tomb, by lands nt Wil liam Huline and Margaret Dildlne, and on tho ea&t by lands of Iteuben II. Davis and Stott E. Colley, containing FIFTEEN ACHES, moro or less, bottom land, all cloared. Also, all that tract ot land situate In Ucntoo town ship, bounded on tho est by lands ot llcbccca Con ner, on the north by lands of the' heirs ot Thomas Davis, deceased, and J, F. Chapln, on tho south ty lands of EzcUel Cole, contnlnlLg EIUnTEEN ACHES, more or less, unimproved land, TEHMS, pp SALE, Ten, per cent, of ono-fourth of the purchase money shall b paid at the Btrlktug down of tho property; tho ono-tourth less tho Un e'er cent, at the contirmatlon absolute, and the re maining three-fourths in one year alter condona tion nisi, with interest from that date. X ltjj Tj. IC. KntCKBAUM, $ Administrator, to., v Cambra, Fa. OLD. MEDM AWARt AUU tlBAllMlt. IlidUIMfUUlUto Tllf orWf -lrttrwkUon ' bound lu full fllilU) tip.toUlnt UMitlfnl ntJ iDntfingi, 1X6 prtontk Uani, rno oalr Ltft ul tj mull Qlni(tntHlMio(i,(c(iU a runW TIIVRPT V tel. MVtoUor ir.W. u.Vaii. m.i wii iui uauj i bun, ROAD TIME TABLF m:. mmMm$mmmmmm BLOOMSBURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Q T V rP TT "MAT? A T. G C U C Cl T . T T Q V D T n'P kj -a. v. x xx xi y xv 4 ix x xj j i-x v v j.v j. kj x xv x vy X Columbia County, Pennsylvania. P'TflYLVANU RAILROAD. PIIILA4 '.It tc KHIK It. It. DlVJtOK. WINTER TIME TABLE. onthoil",. Monday, Oct.H, Issl, lho trains as foUow?lphla Krlfl lltt'lrfad DHlilon will run A WBSTWAItD. lenrcs Philadelphia narnsDurg V' Hunbury I'' viillamport ! Lock Haven A itonovo ,!r, Kane Niagara Kxpi,Icaves,Illnd(,plllft 'U iiirnsuurg ounoury if, Krlo li7 BloOmsburg, Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. TlttssCHOOL, asat present constituted, oilers tho very best facilities for Professional and Clansroai learning. , , Uulldlmrssnacious. lUTlttni! and Commod ous : cnmnletcly heated by stoam. well ventilated. Iltrhtcd bv nan. and furnished with a bountiful fciiunly of puro.soii spring water . . .. Locuttonheatthtal, nnu eosy.ot access. Toachoi sexperlonced, efllclent, and allvo to their work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform nnd thorough Expense moderate. Fifty cents h weckdedttction to ajl expecting to teach. Htudcnts admitted at any time, ltooms rescrred when desired. I. Model School. Adjunct Courses ! II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. I. Academic, II, Commercial. III. Course hi Music. IV. Course In Art. V. Cournc In Physical Culture. Tho Elementary. Solcntldo and Classical Courses' aro I'HOFESSIONAL. nnd Studonts craduilnir therein, loeolvn statfl ninlomaa. confcrrlns tho following corresponding Degrees j Mnstcrot the Klemonts;. Master of tho Sciences! Master of the Classics. Uraduatcs tn tho other Courses rccolvo Normal Certificates uu'ir luuunmants,, signcu uyiue uiucers oi mo iioaru oi imiecs Thocoursoot study prescribed by tho stato Is liberal, and the SJientlfle and Classical courses nro not Inferior to Ihoso of our best Colleges. Tlio NfatprnniilrrtR n. hltrhnr npdpr of f,ltt7.fnlitn. Tho Hmpa dtnnnrt If. II; I. nnn nf tun nrimu nhlnnt. tt thla dihnnl tn hnln tnaKrnlt. gent and emch-ntTcachcns for her Schools. Tothlsendlt solicits young persons of good abilities and good purposes, those who dcslro tolmprovo their time furnishing lntcUl, For and their talents, ns students. To all such It promises aid In developing their powers, nnd abundant opportunities tor woll paid labor after leaving School, F. r. DH.LMYEIl, Secretary, ataloguo.nddresjtho Principal. . . , HON7. WILLIAM KI,Vi:l.t rrlilnnt, Hoard of TriiotrM.. oeto. 1,'st.- ' III? WHAT ! ffltll? WHY! Oiiq of tho probldihs 6fl Good and Comfortable Living IS TH3- MATTER OF CLOTHING. STYLKI3H, i WELL MADJE. OLOrillNQ AT 'THE VEHY LOWEST - ,, ,LLllCES. HATS for MEN, HOYS, ' YOUTHS, AND OHILDKBN. 'HXAMINBDuuSTOCKop "VOUTltS 150YS and CIIITjDHENS OLiOTHIBifGS' S1IIUTS, VRMlh WHITE, MOYOLK SHIRTS, JjATEST out. P.US1KE53 AND DnEd3.SIIIUT3 HANDSOME PATTERNS DE3IUABEE STYLES IS O Hit MOTTO. A FULfTLlNE OF FALL STYLES just heceivj-:d. ia Vi I 1 tl till V. i m I.J tl M Perfect Fits, TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Latest Styles, Full Satisfaction. CALL AND EXAMINE THE LAEGESW STOCK OP CLOTHING fid GASSIMERES IN THE COUNTY UlFull Mnd, of Furuteking Goods. Headquarters for TRUNKS, SATOHElii, VALISES sets' Outliltca' THE DAVIS. as i ONE THOUSAND (l.OOO) DOLLARS 1'ltEMIUM offered lo ANY PERSON that will do as GREAT A RANGE OF WORK on ANY OTHER MACHINE., WHAT THE M DAVIS VERTICAL BED. Will do without basting. Itwlll maVo wide liem on sheets, c hem all manner ot bias woolen (roods, ns soft inortno, crape, or pooaa dltllcult to hem on other machines. It makes a moro elastto BUlcu than any other machine. It will turn n hem nnd put la piping at snmu tlmo, Itwlll turn a hem. sew braid ou the right side and stitch on trimming nt ono operation. , It will do felling bias or straight, either on cotton or woolen goods. It will fell across Beams on any goods. I win bind a Dress orBklrtnnd sow1 on facing, either with or without showing stitches: blud Ureas Uoods with tha samo material, ultherhcallups.poluts. Bquares or straight, 'i ho only machino that will bind lints, Cloaks, or other articles with bias, satin or sllK, from w 3 Inchestn width, without basting. ; It will gather witf or without tewing pn. It will gather between two pieces and sew on at tho samo time. ii will make arunia and stitch u pillow slip on to tho facing at the samo time. It will shirr any kind of goods. ' j Itwlll mako plaited trimming cither with or with out sowln It on. ' ! It will mako plaited trimming either acalluped or straight, and sow e piptrg ou at the same tlm,'. II will malso kulfo plalUij. i J. SALTZER. Gen'l Ajrcnt, UlooiiHbUrg, Pa, oct. l, 'sOstf. . . :. HIDES. The Highest Market Pries in Cash PAID FOll AI.LKIIIDd OF HIDES T i IiCatlior andSIion rimllng Sloin Main SrncKT, Oi'poswn Stoxr Oiiuncii, BLOOMSBURG, PA. April 8, '80-ly w u una unr v lur iXn tai L-lf fe lll)d,aiid will wiiiMlclcly i imiiKo tho Liooillu ' (liii(;Hllrovteiii (ll U,:a nnitn. Anvpriwin . f wllltiiktil ). II TiVi lilulit frum lMhurvkl pnrlieretorH tn ,,innl lunllli. if mrha tliluu WI'PjlIilo- n'iiHj in Hff s IHt Kiir.ip. " Is St .rJi.s'f)vi.i .'u .ii,L,., )i...L' U ,.r1. Fi... ...... V. ' ' " Ill HM nutn I u irni I CU ilwuttl'ainlly Itntl. II1IK Jiucilllir r tr U.M.UIM. 'Will klilUpolrof i.Kkimii.H.i ll ;i:i.b,i toj: coinpieie, ui SL"iut.".,'f Sm l,"HarilT1nyif Jaucy. wi tur v tji h there It ulw ready uwrl.f iju,.! for circular twl lerraito 'l'vvoml,ly IClilttlilK Blaoliliis t'u.i t WJwlilnitoa Bt.', lhtu. M ."" mayo, '81. ly riKGAI"BrANKS73 ALWAYS PN HAlD To Nerwtn Buffcrers Tho Great European Hdxoiy. BR. J. B.SIUrSON'S SPECIKIO MKOICINE. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific Medlclno Is a positive euro for overwork of body or brain or oxcess of any kind, such as weakness and nil diseases rasultlng from Nervous Debility. Irrltablllty,Mcntal Anxiety, Languor, Lassltudo, Dopresslon ot bplrlts and func tional dorangements of tho nervons Bjstcm gen erally, l'alns In tho iKiuK or aiao, i,0S siroaa. inna. ot Memory. I'rcma ture old age and dis eases mat ieaa u consmptlon. Insani ty & an early gravi or both. No mattei how shattered th system may bo Iron, oxcesscs of am ivuiu. u Buurt cuursu ui uiu lilcaiclnu win restore lu lost functions and procure health and happiness where before was despondency and gloom. Tlie Spe cula Jledlctno Is being used with wouderful success. l'amphlets sent frea to all. Write for them and get full partrlcuJar. Price, Speclflo f 1.00 per package, or six packages for $5,1 o. Will bo sent by mall on receipt of money. Address all orders, J. 1). simi'SON's MliDIClNB CO. No. 104 and I'M) Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. lo'J. ll,81-3f "yyAINIUQHT As CO., WHOLESALE anocEts, Philadelphia, Dealers In TEAS, SYItUl'd, COFFJSE, SUOAlt, MOL VSSKS, KICK, S1'IC3. EICiKll SODA, AC., iC, N. E. corner Second and Arch streets. w-Ordcrs will receive prompt attention. THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE ML Fast Lino let' Wllliamsport uck uaven t iicnovo A Kano 'ThlladclDhla ,, iiiarnsDurg ,, friimhury A8TWAII hck Haven fixpros-Aavcs W 'liven T M n m iiMtpm 4S5 an - tSOltl I 9 40 n) liosam .3 co p "I . 4S p m suu a ni 1 ISO m I so p m i o p in 4 so p in 5 45 pm louipm 19 to p m 4 oopra olop m M 05 p tn 9 10pm twilllaiport arrive ""frjfjurg Fast Lino leaves Isntiiaijua fcllport arrlrea ailiriBburg iiaacipnia DayKxprcM leavetiiio1 , novo arrive at Krlo Mall leaves ' " L ii ii aitlveo at I ii i. ii la Mall west and ifco close connect! li L. It. it. it. in ton, Ho Mail West, Nlagn 9 OS a m 10 to am W 68 p m 5 ispm 701 p m 8 40 p in u so ii m lv is am l a a, m n in a la tco am 6 00am 10 o a in 11 15 am 19 la p m b so p ni I os p m 11 35 a m 4 10 p m siiopm loiopm II no p in 1 05 a m sooam .XEliam l IlftV'en Expre"J2t I'lnt Nnrrhti,nrY.i77w 'is for WUkcsbarro-aniT t,:rnr.088 Wc,t ani Fast IV Ilaven fillmsport mi TMOiirir piladclphla ru ,iaol inovu laven u Mis port Imliurv itiilitirg eiplna mgara Express WAtirjcl Day Kxnress Trnm nlvo close conncctiun niiock Haven wltuu. k v lilt, trains. ,t ' le Mail Kast and Met connect at pn tilnsonL. S. fi Jl. ff. t. it. at Corry with ii l' Empohur with d.n. Y.AI'. lt. li ' ailatDrUtwoodwllh' .., rlor cars will run t.wccn Phiinir-ini,i.i n. Wlimnporton Nlaitan Loress west, and Dnv piiiEast. Slecplngtarsin all night trains. numiui'NBtLHON, , Oenernl Supt. AlORTHEKN COMl'ANI, i Olond after Jantury 1SS1, tialnswll! leave KWAltD. I 13 Norlcrn Express l a. .Arrive Itlmlrn H cim,, ATlVI'HCMnnn,lli,n o. !"" Sutkiry as follows : t Whoroa, tho world renowned reputation of tho White Viewing Alachiiie Induces many unscrupulous competitors to resort to all kinds of mean tricks to Injure Its reputation, we beg to caution all Intending purchasers not to buy a White Machine except from Its regular authorized dealers, who will be sustained by the following warranty. WE WAH11ANT THE NATURAL WE Alt AND TEAR OF THE White Shuttle Sewing MacMne, PLATE NUMllEIt 10333l FOR FAMILY PUItPO SEN, AND IIEKEUY AOltKKTO KKEP THE SAME IN HEi'AHt FOlt THE TERM OF KITH YKAK8 FROM THIS DATE, FREE OF CIIAEUE. This warranty excepts tho breaEage of needles bobbins and shuttles. This warranty will not be sustained unless the plato number nbovo elven corresponds with the number on the shuttlo raco slide. Ucwaro ot defaced or altered numbers WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. Tho "WHITE" Shuttle Sowing Machine tunoKiuTitt capacity than any other family Bewlng Machine for dolmr every variety of work. J. SALTZER, ocnoral Agent, wocmstmm:, F, OOt. I. "(O-tt. BE ARTY'S ORGANS ST stops, to sets reeds only iu. rmnos jijjup. uaro uouaa; lndeccments Heady Washington, N.J. av Wrlto or call on HEATTY, aid may 6, "Si.iy A YEAR'S READING THE NEW YORK WEEKLY WORLD. j New Presses, New Type Through -; out, New Building, Now Appli ances ol liivery Ivind, nnd New Life in livery Depart ment, To tiny Atldrc33, Postage Paid, $1.00 a Year; " 50 ceiits for six months. Over 5000 Druggist AND Phy, Havo Signed or Endorsed tho Following Rcmarkablo Documont: Messrs.Beal)ury& Johnson, Manufactur ing Chemists, SI riatt St., Now York : Gentlemen :-For tho past few years wo havo sold various hrands of Porous Plas ters. Physicians and tho Pufcllo prefer BenaonB OttTielnB Poronn Plaster to all other?. Wo consldor them ono of thovery few rellablo household romcdloa worthy of confidence, Thoy aro superior to all other Porous Plasters or Llnlmonts for external uso. nonBon'n Capolnn PlaBter is a genuine Pannacoutical product, of tho highest order of merit, and so recognized by a'phyulclansand druggsts. When other remedies fall got a Ben son's Capclno Plaster. You will bo disappointed if you uso cheap Plasters, Liniments, Pads or Elec trical Magnetlo toys. hllltll Ult.lllillV A'P LAST. I-riceitfcU, MUD'S Medicated CORN and DUNION PLASTER, nvo-i.'swv a I L,HOlUl,OwlJ, rilliin, uolLr i jUUnn. ThouMrJjruiillll,,l. I'elonilr tt ,iliyl)Uri'. Tliilltu, t it, n,l.,, rt h ,r ,i,icni jl r. ici Pi Ivi nlll.i. fu,4 'ATLST14 l.rftL-ur.J f lUli nbrrBDU IitarurtJ-hunoLtanA u.A.l 1,4 i, ,r bii ,r I' , T 'iirf'Kini 1. t nr. IISUI'I fot";i(n r(ll,O.S,ljUr." ! I'luii tua llouuir Iiwi I i.W. u4. Iiixriclloui. In Nov, lS-iow ca Ml 8l What Makes the Children Laugh? AT THIS OFFIOtt. CAT mm, Tlu Handsomest Vina Art Juvenile Hoot, -with 60 colored Illustrations. 1 vol, (Quarto, tl.oo, IS. WOITHINQTOH, 77 BrwSwiy, New York, dec, iww r A COMPIiETK FAMILY PAPER. Special Departnienls for every Member of the Household, 1. All lho Nows, fully and succinctly, i, The Vnrraer'8 world-A full pigo ot Aprlcultural nnd l'aim News. 3. Tho Literary World-A full pago of Long stories and short Stories, Coml3 Hallad3 nnd serious Poems, Fairy Tales and Sailors' Yarns. 4. Tho Housekeeper's CoIumns-WhatEvery Worn in Wants to Know. 5. Trr Veterinary Dopartment-Wlth presclptlons freo for all Subscribers, and full Instructions for tho treatment of llvo stock. 0. Tho bost Chess Column In tho world for aniat ur pliyers. T. Tho best Checker Department in tho world for both nmatour and professional players. 8. A Comer for tho Young Folks-Itlddles.Charades- Puzzles, Enigmas, Acrostics, ic. 9. Coinpieto MarVet Reports Unrivalled In detal and nccuracy. 10. Answers to Inquiries. Each department li perfect of Us kind, aud all com bined mako the best Weekly Newspaper over published. Tho New York World has no superior on either side of the water ns a Livo.Biilliant, Perfectly Appointed, Pro gressive Newspaper. SPKOIMEN COPIES SENT FREE, Till) NEW TOKK WOULD, WORLD HUILDINO, Nkw Yom. dec, 0-CW AND Paper Hanging. WM, F. BODINEi RON ST., BELOW SECOND, UL001IS1IC110, Pa Is prepared to do all kinds of house r-aiNTina . Plain and Ornamental PAPER HANGING, ilOTil DECORAT1VK AND PLAIN, All UlnrtH of Furniture Itciiaii o nutt nnido an food uN u(,w ' NONCDUT i'lIIST-t'LASS WORKMEN KMl'LOYKD Hstltnatco XVIado ou all Work. WM. F. I50D1NE. ci:rfjAi. t, 1 RAILWAY ATlvi' t Omandalgua 3.!iV,L n Ntnivflrrv u , ,. Nbdra Express IK r, matrlvo Kimlra s. 03 n m uirouunnnuaiguae.S! I Rochester 945 " InlairariL ... S UQI. BUO w,iv J, Ml uun!i JOUTEARD. 11.03 p m 11,52 p m Soutlicrn ExprwiJa a. c irrlvo IlarrlabV 8.15a m j o Ite Philadelphia 1.85 I'jqic Express iw a m aril IT. New York Baltimore 1D.85 Dav KnrcsJl.6C m nnulllarrlsburL' 11 uuaueiyuia pew Yoik jiaitunoro ivasnington Erie Mull 1.06 ai. arrlt Waalilnt'ton g o m lvo Harrlsb'g vim d ra e Philadelphia 3,45 p m .ow vork, Ilaltlinoro e.'jo Washington s,8 pm 0.45 " .50 " 0.35 7.5 s.on a. ru 7.S3 ' 0.33 " 7.40 9.0'i thrrlsnurir lUtladelphla IPtr Virlr " f.attlinoro "iVtshlngton L. P. WMER. ( Paaseufur AL,t t. mil TUCSON, Gonoral Jtanagtr. piIILADE'HA SQ READIXQ ROAIj ARRANQEENT OP PASSENGER TRLNS. tOVCmt Itll, 1831. TB1IXB LElTBlrEKT iOL1.0Wa(SUUPiV EXCJCrrtD For New TSp, Phllalphla, Reading, Pottavilli Tomaqua, 401,15 .n 4 For Catawlsf 11,45 ai's,45 and 7,10 p. m. For WUUanurt,s,15 an. m. aud 4,i,t p. ra. 11,43 ai's,45 v. rt, 6,13 an. m. it iit.fl ,roi f cicni i TiutNs rou ac kt Leave Now drk, via. via. Hound Brl; H9U0 ' ujave l-nuaeipnia, ,4; Leavo Roadg, U,taa yOLLOWd, (40KD1V IX- 8,43 a. ra, and Ifinend r I'ottavllle, 13,S0 p. n. andTamaqual,S5p. m. LcavoCatatssa,'l,10 8,4.'tn. and 4,00 p. m. Loavo WUR ispcrt.o.ts i,,w p. m. and 4,so p. a rassengoralto nnd fro.Now York, via. Tarn a nend and t itul from ludi Iphla go tlirougn Itliout chtti j of cars. I J. E. WOOTTEN, Uoncral Jlnniiger C. O. RAN (CK, , General 'atsengur aTlckot Agent. -tt, DELAW WESTE Tlmo-Tablo NORTH. p.m. p.m. 9 44 9 tt 8 32 V oil S U 1 23 3 15 11 I D VJ VI 3 04 ? LC A WANNA ANl. X RA1LRD. )MS11U1- DIVISION. No. 3 , I'S effect at 4::io a. SIPSDAY, .TB 10, 1878. STA'NS, m ::::::: 0 (0 2 5J Jtll II 00 2 45 ?H 2 87 8 51 '4 SO 43 , 3 23 8 42 2 IS IS , 8 35 2 03 31 , 8 21 1 45 20 8 03 1 '.3 1 11 , 8 01 1 18 104 , 7 55 1 05 It9 . 7 43 12 50 7 44 12 40 I HI 7 40 12 81! 7 45 1 SI 11 91 1 7 21 12 12 ll 8 . tv ll UJ 1 I X3 7 10 11 63 I I 54 1 u 01 in .u I 1 Of 1 111 a .3 in i,l I 31 ,U 4 il 1 it, ami u.m ' Qnr.111 C!.!..lle.ue T Tav Ule.. . lo ...Laekinna..... ft PI on w ., west is ton.., Wyng ,.WY .BctU Klton Kiton riymttJunc. ....l'ljuu" Adalo , Nn?.,". UunKcroelt ...hhljjnny-, lnrFerrv... ,.,.BenBven., Iflck .... lirfe-k ...WUHJpTu ""'Bi'iSfrg CataBrTdjJj'. .lYiue .ilnky JMTin .NdrMmlaiid, BHtn'n. a.m. p m. p.m 2 15 6 13 2 31 2 20 2 31 t 42 ! tl 2 52 s;t4 ! til 8 Oi 03 8 (18 8 13 8 18 3 21 3 S3 3 50 4 03 4 1? 4 18 4 25 4 2 4 83 4 42 4 411 4 49 B m 5 1 9 16 b 30 5 48 9 30 42 9 W 9 57 10 07 1U U2 10 18 10 18 10 20 10 54 10 42 10 ti 11 07 11 13 11 21 11 W 11 43 11 6 11 M 13 18 12 45 p.m, t 19 e 24 1) 32 e 40 5 45 C 51 6 61 uts 7 02 7 10 7 17 7 22 7 0 7 37 7 fO 8 21 8 4.1 V IX) 9 10 8 St 8 41 f 43 8 61 9 0. U 03 V 13 0 31 lb 9 41 U 65 p.m. r.m. ham nuuj. bun Siirwrlntsnd'jut's ie.,ficrftnton, June 0, 137i a. n bunt BLOOKBDRtMfflG MILL The undersigned )(? Put hh Binning Mill on Railroad street, in t-ciass condition, Is prepared to do all kinds or w 'J'la Uuu- FRAMES5ASH, DOORS, FL VOULDINGS. Ping, Etc. furnlshtl at reasi well seasoned an' cuipiujeo, sprlccs. All lumber used Is ho, hut skUled workmen aro ESTIMATJH)R BUILDINGS furnished on applih tin Plans and specifications preparedly an eipiad draughtsman, ClAllLiUH JiKUU, HloottiNbii is, Vn, M. C. SHAH & BRO, H1.0UMBURG, PA. Mil icturer3 0t CwIazM, Biigsljjiajtcns, Sleighs, Platform Uwi 1 on hand. m . Xt NEATLY DUM. First-class www REPAIR Prices teduced 1 11 c Uie umes. E ? IKE INBltA.NQE. CRH1BTIA, KS41T, BLOOaSIiniiO, l'A. tA ASSltltANCK COMPANY. bUI!ANOE COMPANY. INM1IIANOB COMPANY. jm;i company. I1I11T1H11 AME OBHMAN Flit NATIONAL VII UNION l.NSUlt and imi tsstii tied ny any 00 e1 n bOi.iu Of t'iuK only. as soon ait ai'i 111, AuklvTii Tha people yAlIt OAlUNdS jhre old ccleaiTioKs aro woll si fWAfSKl id imi Tssnfud uuve never yet had "Jrl . ibu.,. oHinBtci andl paid I Awe auIliooussBru, 1,,.,,aIoI Golm h. oounty should patronizoi re 12. Sit any aro sottledWa paldl liny 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers