ltt- THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Farm l.nliorfr. Mirny fiu-mure. uspcuially tlioio omo wliat mlvaticcrt in yi'tirVconloml that .tlio tlmo was wlicu tliero was no tlilll culty in gcttlii; linmia to work whenev er they were needed but of hitter years this has not been tlio case. Men, they pay, needing work, would sooner go round as tramps, and hang about cities with nothing to do, than to go out to tho country to our farms, whero they are needed, and do nn honest day's work. Wo hardly think that things nro as bad ns this. There nover was any dillluulty in getting permanent hands, nor is there now. Tho trouble is to get men for n few weeks only, ns temporary or extra helps Mid in this there nhvays was trouble and thero always will be. Men nro pretty much ulfnliko. They havo friends, ncquaintainces nnd associa tions, and tho temptation to keep near them is nntural and strong. They may not havo work now, and there may bo work fifty or ono hundred miles away, but purely something will turn up near home, ninotig so many looking out for them, and they let tho probable chanco go by. Then it costs money to go to these distant planes, and they have noth ing to spare lor tho chance. It is not unreasonable that men should think in this wav. And then there is tho natural indisposition of men to take in and board total strangers for a short time, oven when work is pushing to be done; and, it is no uncommon thing for persons to refuse applicants work when they renlly need them, because they do not like their looks. Many n man has actually started off from tho (owns to the country in search of work which he has been told is plenty there, only to find day after day ol disappoiutmcnt.nnd to discover in the end that it was much easier to beg than to find work. We have indeed no doubt that in many cases tho great tramp brigade hasbeen recruited by men who, failing to find work, reduced to beggary by the chapter of accidents, have taken to this as a regular profess ion. Onco reduced to this, lazy habits of course set in, and then tho tramp wants food and money, and anything else tli an work. Wo fear those thiol's will alwavs be, and the only remedy is tho increase of chances of steads' work. Our farm-life is rather deficient in this respect, and perhaps more so since the introduction of so much labor saving machinery. If it could bo so ordered that tliero would alwavs bo employment at evcrv season in the year for men living about farms, so that thev could alwavs bo at hand men whom ono knows and can trust there would bo very little cry for extra help. o suppose iarming will never come to this, but it might be brought nearer to it in many cases than it is now. Genua ntown Teleyruph. Tho craze overtlie'-nuiiLtarian Grass, a new naino for the good old one of mulct, has, like so many other tliinir-i that arc llashed upon us, had its day.and has now measurably disappeared, leaving only hero and tliero evidences oi its ca reer. But tho German millet has liijrh claims to consideration that nearly or quite equal any or tlio rest, lor it ically posscssts substantial value and fair claims upon tho attention of farmers. An aero or two would always come into use and pay well, especially as it can be cut for green food tho latter part of August and lorepart oi September when pastures are Irequently short. It should bo sown any time from tho 2."th of June to tho 10th of July, and it will take about five-eighths oi a bushel of seed to the acre. It also makes fair hay, cattle eating it lreely; and the seed is ground ior Iioiko feed, and in parts of Germany and Hungary biead is mado of the Hour. Fowls in winter are especially fond of the seed and fatten upon it. Four tons of hay to tho aero is not a heavy crop. uermantoieit 1 elcruji. The cheapest meat for a fanner, says an exchange, is mutton. It may sate ly bo said to cost nothing, as tlio ileeeo liom the sheep ot a good hieed will pay for its keeping. ' Then for additional profit there is a lamb or two, tho pelt ol the animal, if killed at home, tho excel lent manure from its droppings and iho r'uldanco of tho pasture from weeds, to which sheep are destructive foes. With the exception of poultry, mutton is tho cheapest meat lor n farmer. A sheep is easily killed and dressed by a single hand in nn hour, and in tho wannest weather it can bo readily disposed of be fore it spoils. Science anil experience both decline it the healthiest kind of meat. Tho record kept by Enos Savage, of East-Coventry, Chester county, shows how much can be mado from a few hens when they receive proper attention, llo owns thirty fowls, which were kept in a warm place all winter, fed a variety of food and given plenty of pure water. From tho first of December to' April first, he rent weekly to niaiket an aver ago of twelve dozen egg", tho total be ing 1 If.-J, inch hen producing an aver ago of 80. Mr, S. says his receipts from tlio sale of eggs were $.r)2, and the ex penses for food, ifcc, $10, leaving a profit of 3-1:?, or a fraction over 1.82 per hen If any of our readers kept an account of the expenses and profits of their poultry during tho past winter, we would liko to hear Irom tluni. Germantmcn Tele rraph. A correspondent of tho Jlurul New Yorker advibes stock raisers not to bo in hasto to destroy any animal that may break a leg, for by means of plaster of l'aris and souio bagging strips, tho limb may bo set anil Mippoited until tho frao turcd bono unites again. His plan has been, both with caives and sheep, to wind tho strips ot bagging -about tho broken limb, plaster over with calcined plaster mixed to a thin paste, wind other stiips over that and npjily intiio plaster tho lee being fastened to splints of wood until tho plaster sets. The animal would limp around for a few days on three legs but recovered without blemish. It is reported that tho largest hog in tho country is a Poland-China, A yeais old this spring, lately on exhibition at Junction City, Kansas, His lencth is 7 feet, giith of neck (!L feet; girth of chest 74 teelj girth ot centre H leelj width across tho hips !10 inches, ami weight l.riiia pounds. itosn COI.K ani iiav rKViai. Being seriously troubled with Hay Fever ami Boso Cold, I (nt tho solicita tion of n friend) tiied Ely's Ciemu Balm nnd was surprised in obtaining almost immediate relief. I heartily indorse and earnestly recommend it to all similarly mulcted. V. J'. .Amlrus, JJruggist, iU luehen, N. J., August 2U, 187!. For IIy Fever I recommend Ely's V'M'Oiu JJnlm. it entirely relieved me from tho first application; havo been n sufferer for ten yenm. Going from homo nnd neglecting to tnko tho remedy, I had mi iiltflcki after returning I Immediately it soiled to It, and found Instant relief, I Mh've, bud I l.cjim its mo ehilhy, I Khmdil not havo bwi tumbled, 1lrm ftw.l hffli, tin, pud draughts im 'well da dmlitff otttrr inoiiOiH, J, Uhllvor, Cli-vV. 1 Blond i?il,pMiett,fl.. JiM Odd Items. Wcdo not believe in medicine for chil dren, but wo do believe in Dr. Bull's Ba by Syrup nnd nsseit that no family should bo without it. Tho early bud catches tho worm. Bobison Crusoe's llddlo never both ered tho man next door. Hold on towhf.t you have, rather than ! reaen lor what von cannot get Appetite, Flesh Color, Strength am Vigor if you covet these, tnko Aycr'i 1 s Sais.iparilla, which will confer them upon you in rapid succession. Inquirer asks: "How many pounds of coal make a ton?" That depends entire ly upon tho weight of tho diiver. , Mrs. l'nitington's latest; Iko has bought a horso so spirituous that it al ways goes oil' on a decanter. iiitAi'i: cui.Timi: anu wish. Mr. A. Specr, of Xew Jersey, one of the largest grapo producers in tho East, commenced, but a few years ago, in a small way, to make wino'froui currants, blackberries and other fruits, lie now controls largo vineyards of tho Opoilo grape, from which his famous I'oi tGrapo !..,. i., 1.. i .1. .i ... . ... i ii iiiu is uiuiic, .inn iviimit cuciiiisis mitt physicians say rivals the wot Id for its beneficial effects on weakly and aged persons, nnd consumptives. "For sale by C. A. Kleim, druggist, Blooinsbiirg, la. Some of tho "lesthetio" ladies of Lon don wear sad sick tii cen trimmed with bilious blue. A mmi in Atnlinnn. Imvtnrr iinlilialmil another as a "liar, a scoundivTand a pol iroitu," the lal er complains that he dots not spell iio'.i-ooii cortectly. MAKlNll A llAlSIl. John Hays, Credit. IV 0., says that for nine months ho could not raise his hand to his head through lameness in the shoulder, but by the use of Thomas' Eclectrio Oil he was entirely cured. Tho foolish man takethdown his stovo the first warm day, but tho wise man on dureth its presence on a "probability." There is a man in Home who has writ ten a poem that can bo lead backward. IIo is a rcversilier. Jacob Martzolf,of Lancaster, X. V., says your Spring Blossom works well lor everything you recommend it: myself, wife ami children havo ail used it, ami you can't find a healthier family in Now York State. Oct. o, 1830. One of the greatest trials in a young lady's life is when she tiies to get a half gallon foot into a quart shoe. What kind of uiUMc does an excessive tobacco masticator remind us of? Why, an ovcr-chewer, to be sure. lioi'U on, noi'u i:vi:n, No matter what tho ailment may be, rheumatism, neuralgia, lameness, asth ma, bronchitis if other treatment has failed hope on! go at once for Thom as' Eclectrio Oil. It will secure you im mediate relief. There is a class of people who arc not ablo to decide between tho merits ot butter and oleomargarine. They arc looking for bread. Put pebbles of different sizes into a box, shako them up, and the largest will ho found at tho bottom. It is different with strawberries. Slang intrudes even into love affairs. Sho asked, "Am I your little lamb?" and ho replied, "Well, you just gambol." When you kiss a Boston girl she holds still until you are through, when she Hares up and says: "I think you should bo ashamed." llL.MUL'CCU) A f A I N 1 saw so much said about the merits of Hop Hitlers, and my wife who was always doctoring, and never well, teased mo so urgently lo get her seme, I con cluded to ho humbugged again; and I am glad I did, for i'ii less than two months uso of tho bitters, my wife was cured ami siio lias remained so for eighteen months since. I liko such hnni bugging. II. 'J'., St. Paul. Pioneer J'remi. A Cincinnati man has been arrested for bitillLT a liiee.t nut. Iiw uifu'i nnn a man who loves his wife well enough to eat her, is to have no credit for it. The lilossnins nn the tri-nu in. II,,, dm Sprintr. but tho blossom on mmi'- nnuii denotes tho hill. A cloud about the siza of a one dol lar nolo has 'risen upon the brow of the young man, indicative of coining ico cream. "Pinafore" and tho small uox reached Honolulu and Japan on tho same boat. They didn't mind tho small pox very much. nn: iimon r or folly. To wait until on nro down on votir bed with diseaso yoil may not get over lor mounts, is tho hemhtot lo v. when you might bo easily cured during tho eaily symptoms by using Paiker's Gin ger Ionic, it costs only a mile, can nev er do any harm, ami possesses curative nupi-iiii-M in ino iiiguesi degree, wo havo known tho palest, tickliest looking men, women and children become the ro siest and healthiest, fioni the timely uso of this pure iainilv medicine. Seu ad vertisement in another column. Obser ver. "Sho was a daisy," but she put her lit tle French-heeled shoe on a banana peel, and lit a Hash was transformed into a lady slipper, ami then arose blush ing liko u peony. Troy boasts of a man who had his hair cut, his photogiaph taken, was measured for a suit of clothes and had a tooth extracted all in one day without !. !l, 1 " saying nun nam. A book publisher upon returning from a party given by a member of the "best society," remarked that soma of the ex pensively nttned voiiiil' men present io minded him of a dimo novel bound in 1 urkey morocco with gilt edges. A PERFECT STRENGTHEMER.A SURE REVIVER, IltON JJITTUUS aro liblily rjulrlnj; ti certain anil cDlclcnt Ionic ; mj.irii j'aCTs, iianto jxppaw, jom vj Uioljlool,strungtliLn9 tlio uiusc!;i, and gives now liio to tlio nerves, 'jliiy tut Jlko rt cliarm on tho dlcol-jt, organs, removing nil UyBpentloeyiiiiildiiis. nucli 71...V,. 11.. tv.i 7J... .. rr,.,i .v i. .vi,,,k ir..A...l,. .1. ri'i.,. Iron Proimrntlfiu tlmt will not ItlnckcK tlio tooth or i;lvo lieutluolie Bolil ly all drugglstt. Vrlu for tho A Jl 0 lloo!.', 'Z'i jiji. of usviui uuu uiuustiig rvaiitna ni jrec, BUOAVN CIIiailOAL CO., Bnltlinoio, Md, BITT ii i'ii rii' i iMimtAmtn nil a ii ii' t'.'.uMViil.i MRS. LYDIA F. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. ducoveueii or LYDBA E. FSNKNAIWS VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Tho Potttvp Cnro Tor all Fomalo Complaints. Thhtirep.iraHnn, m Iti rnrno rtRnlfle, fonlt.i ct Vpffetalilo I'roiK t tics that oro linrmlow to tbo tnewt del ltclnvuliJ. Upon ono trhl tho merits of'lMj Com' immd will 13 roco;n!jL'Jf m relief H ImmodJato nrnl hrn Ha tiso l conthmcd, In tilncty-iiliio ensea H a liun. ilml.ftpcnnanctitctiiDlieffcctcJ.aatliouaandi will ton tlfjr, On Account of lUprorcnmorltitltlitc-dajTc-i.iivmrmlwlanilprcatfrilw.lljy lha best I l:yelciana lo tho country, It euro entirely l'io xfent form of fn'.llng f.C tlid titeni, I.ii;orrliaV Jfrcclai' nM jalnful Km itruaUon, ollUrftrkn Trout lo, InflamiMAtlijii nml L'lce-atloti, i'lmxlincnUI)lB;tnocincnti nnil tlii con MumtflplnMwcA'.tii"t0,rnllj trivially ti!nptcd ( t'lciChftrcocf Uti ltWUillomlvo nnd txpel tumori fiontliouttrtmI:in.nc4i-!yfit.tso of Oeveloment. Tlio t. :i lanoy to cxtcorouuhutnura thero ti eUecIieJ very U txjtllly ty Haute. !.i f.wS it 1 finm-d t do fhe rrrflt o,t nt lKt r "i.dy thnt Iifti ever lyn discover i 1. Hpc-nnoMidevoryjw-llfn of tlio pjntrm, nnd cIvm i Wjifonn Ulior. lsr"ir.nvrf'.!ntnt"iii,f;.atulLn(r(tlo f ' iya oltt v.wltitf for stLuuJjiitti, ani relieve wcafcnc!' tt t .anioTuvIt!n, tTcfuInrliri, Korvoii.i rroMratton Oonrml lability, UacrKiH".', iJrpitiioii nnd Indi ctbn. That fee Urij of bottKnjjdonii, cujslr.? jmln, Vw.'ht cid LocJ.ncho, in always pcrraaiuiitly cured ty iHi.;. H will cttlltiaes, end undercH cirtunutdn ios cct l'l li.iraior.y vlththa lavr tl-ut covtrai tUo fi'mftlenjTtDr.i. iVrlCidricyCGnijrfjdnU of either not tLia ccmioui:3 Lydia Et Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound IiprepnroilatCiand2.i5Vo(Jtei.i AvcnitP, J-rirn, Maw. jkeCI.QJ. fix lo:tUforW. Soi,t Ly taail in tho f-raof pIlLi.tUiila tho form of Loeutrcn, on jccclpt of price, fl.W, jr oit for either. Mrs. riNUIIAU frtclyanjwcrsalll tU-Muf inquiry, tend fur -aui I'likt, Ad !rc33 ai a'jo o XLntiun tii jmprt. Ho family Ehgul.Uw without LYDIA U riMCtl.VJr UVC:. TILLS. Tcy euro Cci.Etltion, HUlousnch pn.lToirldity of tho Ucr, W ttrtaivr box. JOHNSTON, HOILOWAY A: CO., General Agents, Ihih., Pa. SOU) 1IY UOYER BBOTHEP.S,, 31oo.tJiburg, Pa, Juuel,ly. a YOU QAM BUY THE BLATCHLEY Uiilltiril,or Willi Copper. Porcclnln.or li on J,1iiIuj;h licli oito Penciled lth my munp M inimnrni'turrr ih wnnnnuil In lmitcihil ami enn Ktrni'tliui. l'or stile ly tho lu'.t lioiucs In Iho tnulc. If -i)ii iln mil limw wIrtu to ti t UiH aimp, vr!lu to mo us Mow, uul 1 -will H'lut iiamoof nuiMit nonrtt ymi.whowiU fcUiilyou nt my lowest pricus. CHAS. C. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer. aoa Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. march I, 'Sl-cm aii ii rjanrr,v as - JdOBt mgrant fiefresamg of Perfumes Exceedingly Delicate nnd Lasting. Prise, etc.; Large Ecttleo, 73 etc SolJkydeaUrilnDnisi&rerfainery, I,,Tialu cfJIU cox A Co . N . V., cu try Utt e. PARKSER'S mm TONIC Tho Modlclnc for Every Family, f NEVER INTOXICATES. I.lMlcfrom Ginger, liucliu, Mandralc, Stillingu, nnd other of the hest vcnetnUc remedies known. t 1'AliKKR's Gincck Tomc lias tcmarLaUy varied curative powers, ft isthc greatest Stomach Corrcct r or, IlIoodruriTier and Liver Regulator ever made & The Best Medioino You can Uso for BestoringHealtli & Strength Itcommenccsto act from the first dose, searches out the uealc organs, and is warranted lo cure or help all diseases of the ItowcU, Stomach, Hlood, Kidneys, liver. Urinary Organs, all Comphintsof Women, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Ithcuma thm and Itruiikenuess. Try a bottle to-day; itmaysaveyourlife. soct. and$i sizesntalldruggists. Eerygcnuinebottle has our signature on outside wrapper, Hiscox c Ca, N. V. Large saving in buying $i size. Just Wlmt is Wanted. Everybody whose hair is gray cr faded has felt the ncedof a Hair Restorer and dressing that is cleanly, agreeaUy perfumed and harmless. Par ker's Hair Balsam satisfies the most fastidious la these respects. Sold Ly druggists at 50c. and $i. Oct. 1,'tU-ly TANITE EMERY WHEELS il GRINDING MACHINES J!ay lij-iw u For Hnw-nilll. l iiuiiilrlc'H, nuj ilInrlilucNIoiM. t or rlrtiilnra TIIHTANITECO. nirouufrmnr, Mouiw Co., 1'a, Any pM'in to im sorlJip-1 1 l'!u ti i wiuK sfm. ..vm . iiiiuiiuntri 1.1 MOIiOh rtll l Wll'.'IJ 111 B,l oriritii-, niv lii i;t.fl ojuditlou im mi i.ot lltuUiit-lr lUjhltl. kill' !i I ,1 if f. ',, , J omu nly o ri gn uica tlu-au lMiiioi-iaiit, (iru'ui.s.aml mtrlrfli8 10 rnokouitt Mood rlcu tuaiuit!, una to ,;,i . . . ' I ."-"l "" h"iu'. iniai cured iiiiidivii-i 01 not luiring mvallds t.k your n-lffli. UOldabulltlt. d liui' VJ-4 ,v 1 Ami nio!tii3ir: ! cured In I J taSO day.. Ten yearn ci. ta'jllshcil; loco curcil. Write tlot. iBgcuM.Ui.MAbii, Qulucy.llich, April 2U-3ai ma BEATTY'S l'r!.rs ls ''-elm ncps, os"iHPf(i.H Oitik.i;. 1'Vao. Adlrcaa U tatty, W.t Ulu.'tun, N J. Ituyii, 'Bl-ly alt NEW RICH BLOOD! J'iimoii' J-utuutlfo I'tlls innko Ni-wlllcll iJIikI, nnd will coitiidctidy chnniru tho liloodln thacntlrusfili'm lt thrio iiiiinthn. Anviicrwn I10 will tnV.n 1 jilll cnrli nlRlit from 1 to 12V coki ni:iyliorr.itorpil to sound liraltlt. If xtti'li n llilnn I'oiHWlMn. Sctitbv umll for 8 loiter Mnmtis, . H. ,(m.V.SO.V CO., ilojloii, Jllits,, formerly Jlmifnr, Mr, ' AGENTS WANTED rhSTiulifviinu'l tomlnutei. 11 will olw knit a creit variety ol Xor'cy york fur Hblcb there ti livari a ready market twnd lor circular and terraa to the Tivamlilv liiilttliiir Machlue Co., uf H'MhinswnBt., uitiu, .Mail mayr., i.ty Bid- rccommcnilcil fir all ilUcasci t cutiociully Jnd'njeuion, Dyspepsia, Tiifcr- J oiroijin, x,ac vj jncrpj, fie, R " '-'tl'-'rl JUST OUT. MORRIS & IRELAND'S NEW IMPROVED SIGHT FlaABIGrK THE ONLY EIGHT FLANGE SAFK MADE IN THE WOKLD, AND CONTAINING OUR Patent TiisUlc Eoll. Work, 'iitent Hinged Cap, Four-wheel Loeks; Inside Iron Linings, Solid Iron Corners. LATEST FROM MAINE. Lock'. Mill's, Oxford co , Me. Messrs. MortU ,t IrrUnd: (icn'-b: on tint 22nd ui November, 1T9, o tr sjuol mlilutililplaoi', r.u.r, , mo sun-les high, wasto tttlly couaUiiiDit lv ill e. In Wiileh thero tn a l.irctj iinantlty of i-pnui Inntni'i-. tpu i h and block, nil hea soned. 'I lit- llio tiuravd for tlirnit U'id a It ilf days. Wo lud ouiM.f ourt!iK'i In our mill unci Tmslny inoriilntr (idiiwltttf, eljnly li tit s ultt-r th wns too hot tulinullo, tipl'itf euvereil with burninu Mucks. M.i.n lime alter It wits opened and iho eon tents wero In u t;ood btat-iot iiieserviitl in, not a book rr )ipe-oelni;datroied i tun sillslled vilth yonrtiiires and have purchased another, utul cnti ehec ilu'ly tojommund tin in to anyone l.shlnt;io teeitio their valuables liom beta destroyed tiv tire. ouis truly, 1. u. TKiiiii, TEBMSNDOUS TEST. Uoastlnu Thirty Iloirs In a lied of Hed Hot Coals. C'Dt nlt if, N. V., January it, Morris A Ireland Boaton.Mafs. (leulleiner.:-tm the ugh', of tho llro In our Ml latro on IhoUCth tilt, I h d In Ufo nm of jotr No i MaftH 1 am nlenseil lo Imoim ou, after the llo ir (f.ivu wav It f:il into tho cellar, imo a li-up ol nlu-ioit ro.isteil for thlity hours, i-tiruit-kens and in) sell uaM-lip the h no nf uuMhlne; be-u.l-hiv, ii in it. unUlii; token fn in llm rulin 1 wiw happily dNappoliiifd to tlnu inj cjsli. vuiu ln-r.i and oiher tuilcas tf value lerlitlly munnei. 'Him couiDlnatiou woilw ell now. I am K.UIsll"d Jouruew urd Impiciv il work, ono tf which, a Nn. in, I hiMicui red if mirni,-ei.l to-aay, will allurd .iboluto pioivi.ti.iii In any lire. Truly Yours, K. S. IMknif. STILL AHEAD- Hoc-lii sler, N. 11., Dec. lr, -S9. Messis. MoriU.V lrtl.ii di lien r Sps: -In tin- i!lns'r.ius lire Midi h tnrk pl.iee In I ln- ton ii Nov. ::n, 1 1 , . - Morn-, anil In 1 s i'u In mv k'miv was snbjieiid In a n nit Uhl, It Ine; I lit iiwn Into Hie a huee mns-s i f dibili r. II ii.iuii H. nrifl II. w sin I In mi nsMoine twnil.ivs. I take ple.ihuin In li.l.. nnln' Mm Hint i.i i.i-avn. nun Ii u ,miii 'milium ir.inh.i'ai il tlieeont nts er fiui.dti'lo mil Jipt'il. 1 ilneilulj iieum- miji'ii Miiaa I lniiiln I n.iiit niiiuli r 1 .ould On lallll) 1111.... u lll.. liom iou. Yotiistiuly, ti. W, lloaii. ETILL AK OTHER. Ironi I he 1 1 rent lie lu Troy, New Ycilc. Ttoy, N. v., Ikei inter 11, isia. vTi Mi rrls ,t 11 eland. Ilo't n: tli'Mlim-ni AHer Hni-S' Int; the ele rreil bni 1;h inn nf tin Mifen . ponei-. al-n iii.e oi my own wlilin wa.ainilh.r like h!eh lun nut lu the h-'iu ol tin: hi. like'lm vi (il I 'lv P'ln h ii-d nt "ii, hlf h w is in Ihi) lite iiirr tup J i 'Kb' bout'-1, anil hud In be nurii, Miiinli) t lyht ns II w.i umipleii' y hiti run i i.ed with Imiiilu,' innsllln h it ii h i hi) limn., iii.i'v lal. mi u en n ir It In iho tnliH I' ilu , lien null, I in. plt'iiM-il m llud llm contents, hunks, imp, ji anil nuniy Mem nil pie-heielln-i ly tfo, d ejmlllioii. Willi this proof of the lUu i iiill'les ol yuiit taiu iiohavoulv en jour t';,'"iil hii oidrr f r uuu No. b t-nfe. Yours rei-ioctfully, Davis U Co, THE CHEAT BOSTON PURE. JANL'.MIY. IsSO. Morris .V Ireland's Safe i Aifuln Tilumphant-Mcssrs. lliei-, I.hiiu.iII ,t t'o's batg.) Mifu I.eVi'iiH Its Vilil.ib!,) lunti'tits IliUi t, after bu u' slib Jcctrd lo Inleii ebeat lor tino luiadud i nd llility Hours. 11 jalou, January i, lisu. Mnsir. Moults: lielaud. lloslcn: dent-: tin tun iilut of IHteiiiUr a, last, tho liut tin if oce l i Mil in put bj i.sal N , tl IVileinl ln,-t, in I win h biik loar ! Htshlli nnd iinnnt noil In I tieep, Lunifiit lira and ilvMroy id, wit i ml ,1s i-oiilr nit, n-lsilnj.-lI u ia Utce etoel ot paper, took. Ltnd -is' in iieiluls nnd o er in due. While kh Ml other l.iit-e b iliilin.-s mljolnlm; ours Men- but netl ut llm same time, Ibe II un s neie e.tltitnMied lb" Inllowliih da .but nut huek tun I'lmed lu lull li or oii s Iheiinftir. After n ib lay ti lUihouiswti uhI'o utile to ill Mi our hale ml;' out noin Hie ruins a opeui d, and U'itm pn a-nl tollnd all tub eu itunts e.l pr"sei ved, '1 In safe u.nlntucd our most v.ilti.ibhi booKs, impuis p ll-irr, iicninl wo no I -e sine Hi it our J I'lunii'iit i.-as eonietta bu Hi; cue ct our ml t, vvl.iun wo deeliled tu do utter kiiuv. inn llu won ni ml u eord f jour saieb in lliegieat llost.,11 Hie i f i Wi tf-t'. r I Iho liiultc tloinf jour mle ns in -st lids lire Is n 1,'U.r.inty ol Us bcciu It) to those ho may wish to pUllll ini, Youis very truly, Hick, Ulnuiu. & Co. Al:o a CoiKir.ur.ica i:n from E::-5nvcr-n:r Ale:-:. Eics, lloston, Janunry 2, ls-o. ME.SMH MOlllllH ,t lltELANl). tientst lh.iBiiuiH uarilnl e.ainlnntlon rl Hie couluiits cf Iho Kitu purenased i f jousomo jears sliiceby llm linn of l.lee, Kendtll A Co , and wt.Kb was subiect in Hie lest of ntorinous hem lu Iho Kie-it mo of Iih biiml ty ulifUl. 1 rejuui Iho se curity of tho sat j under tho elrcuiiHtatiees us most teiuaikable. Mi.ii of Its foments veio burned, nur mid u.yof I hem so Inpiroiby heat, ns in bo nuterl illy iliin iifed 1 houl I commit nny h, eurlt les loynir s.iti herimfter with iililltlniitl onill donee. With uieav uspect, jouis very tiuly Alexander U.ltlco. THE LATEST YET. EU." 721 S SAMS R-SULT, m Noirldvowoek, Mo., l'Vb.l, issi, ,Mesrs Morris & Ireland, llwtiin Mass t The sain innijlii nf jou I ist OrtnOer was In a 'wihitory woJdeii bulldhii;, wltleh bun ed ,lau . Tim buildlnu' look llo In llm iiK-lit, and thosaf', buldinu' unit Its euiil'UlH, tell Into Iho cellar upon a lulu of dry wool, in ikln' n lot llro whlili listed forlen hoirs. Tim nulsli.i or III i Hifo w no Ued I'eil hot, II nHtvil tho hindlii and dial oil Hit dU'. ilneonli-i la eoinl.t-d nl hu'iIp-h, Ji welij, HImi w.irn, huuks papers .ti., nil nfwhlm o.iinu nut In w'n.iliii idi'lon. I'apus hliiifiif il nt tuelnsldoot Hi t -nfo wiir i mil In) l ed 'run h ir hows fur IN s -li n i,ia It M, un 1 1 f.-el well mlMled with whiili. hasduno, PIimo wilto h ti jo i ea t ulluw for It towaidauow one, and obll.-o, O. I'. HALL. CHAMPION RECORD iiilhe GREAT BOSTON FIRE Id 1872, tirsendforprlees and doscrlatlvo catalos'io bo. fjrj purcbaaiiii;elsiiwln;io. MORRIS & IRELAND, Boiioii Mass BLC0MSBUB6 STATE NOBMAL SGH80L SIXTH NOBMAL SCHOOL D1STIUCT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLiTR,"ji?7Ph. ID., Principal. Tlllsstlliool,. asat nreent constituted. oCers the very liest facilities for Professional and Classical lotrnltiir. lmllcllntrssiiaclous. Invltlm: and commodious i completely healed by steam, well ventilated, llirhttd by trus. Sfrlliif Maler. Liicution iioau nun, ami cusv ui imouss, iuui;uijra miHieraie. r my ecu id ii hitr ueuuei.i'jii iu 1111 o.tieei.iuu lu lumu. oiuuciiin .luuiuiou b iiu iiiuu. iiuoius reserveu wueu iiesirou. Courses of study pres.citbed by tliu stale t I, Moilel School. II. Preparatory. III. Klenicntary. V, Clas!cnl. Ailjiuict Courses i 1. Aculenilc. II. Commercial. III. Course in Mtnic. IV, Course In Art. V. Coureo in I'liv.ic,'il Culture Tho Momentary fclentltloand Classical Courses corrcipondlnirDi'sreosi Master of ttin Wcincntai tneiraitainnieats,, sitfiicd uv tuo nmcers ot inn i.oamoi iiisioi". Theeoiirsoot stud y prescribed hv the Slate Is liberal, and the t :lontlllc nnd Classical courses aro not Inferior to I hnsn nf r,nr liist. ('nllowrs. The stale fiHiulresa higher order ol cltl.ensiilp. Tlwtlmes d;liandlt. Ills ono of tlio prlinn ohj'.-cts of this School to iHp to PCC-iroTt, by furiillilntf1nlelll ortntniidenielent Teachers lor her Schools. Tolhlsendlt Millclts j-ouiiff persons nf good abilities and Rood purposes, tho i. whoilcslre 'olmprove tlx Ir time mm i iioii uiirnii,, ii -.i.uiL-iiin, i u un ouuii ii pi unices Cntaloirue.aiblres the I'llnelpnl. mim. i iiiiiiA.ti i.i.ui.i.ii, rre.iueiii iioarii "tt, .'!.- SPRING THE T a nnCT OIF T3..TH A TTSr CLOTHING. JUST WHAT WE REPRESENT IT FOE COSTOi TAILORING-OR READY RfifiDE. MOW Om HA MB AVE LNVITE YOUll EXA1M LNATION TO KNOW "IfflAT TO WEAR," AND "How TO WEAR If CALL AT THE DAVIS. 2.00e, REWARD ONK TIIOUSANU (1,000) UOIJ.AliS I'UK.MIU.M oir-nd lo ANV l'JIUMlN lint will ilo n- (illbAT A itvNOK OF WORK on ANY OTllKll MACIIINK. WHAT TUH NEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED do without lasting. Itwlll make wldo hem on sheets, Ac. hem nil m inner of b'as woolen cooils, ns soft ineilnn, crape, or good dltllciilt. to hem on other inacht-es. It mikes a morn clastic stlleh than any other machine, It -a ill turn a hem and put lu plpluu-at tame tune itwlll turn a h-in. sew braid on tho right Mdo ami stitch on tilminlni; nt ono opeiat on. It win do f Htm: blascr ttralj;ht, cllhcr on cotton or woolen goods. It trlil nil across senmsoneny grooda. I ul I bind a Hiif-s or hklrtiind tew on faclnir, rpher with or without fchouliii; Mil tins; bind liriHi nltli tli" a tine matt rial. ellln.rKCiillops.polnta sq'iaiisni ft .Pi:h'. il.u onlv hu hlno Hint wnl bind lints, or other nttltles wllh bias, miln or bilk, finiii H to 5 Inihislu wl tli, without bailing. It will yalher with or wlllput sowiuj; on. It win father betwetu two ihctsaLdscwount lb j saino lime. II will make (i rullle nrrt Mitch a pillow blip on to the facing nt the i. iiaolline, H w 111 fchlrr any kind of goods. It win mnko platted tiiian.liik' tiiherwllh or with out sew Un; It on. It will mike l'liltod triinmtns; ellhertcallapedor str-iitht niidsew aplplt'uouat tbosamo time. II will make knife p.lalituf,'. J. SALT ZEU, Geti'l Agent. tSlouiabburg, l'a. not. ltso-if. Dauchy & Oo'a. Advt's. PGLB, MEDAL AlVAfltlli) tlio A ut nor. A now .itui great SlbJ. leal ui k.warrutjttil t im Uj1 and cboaiiiikt.rKliipuut-alitd tu xvury luan.fiititli J"tl.o S(.ir)coo( liila nut-it 1 r-nih luuslm.umboaat'd, full Kllt..'iMi,rnnUHHiljoauti(uI fctml cnirr ivinicB, 125 iirojcni tiimH, i into only $l.:iunt ly man l inuM,ran!an.Tfiil"ie,fironm j t-eii'l nnw.Addrefli 1'cntwidy AIid. IM'V II NWU, Juno 8 4-w Tlio Kcllfth ol' lit u II oiiii HALFOBO SAUCE! !lil l sill (itiit'i ik. Jino3i,v d Ara:ivrs! Afjivvrs! .tfii-tv?." JOHN 11, (iOlKUl S l,rili-li. nuok, Jul nJ.h.J.iJ, nlnl.Nl . 1 ' . i ",mU) ,vir ,ncri,l In you. It, t-ciiir. prmlriittn nui,, viiym iuuj m re lye, mi porn ui ii I a. w" John. Ji. GoiffA portray them. Tor I'allim, Humor, anil iolnx interim, It 11 Hll. all litllvri ID tu I. Ulllli IIioumii Im l.rrM. luUAl'uoll yantinl. mi n womi'n. Now I. llm tim. VrV.'jclu.riw Ttrrt tlruii.l,yi,,,l Villi.. Kivm. Ofl.v n.(r ttnunr.. Ail.ln.., A. 1. VOUl IU.MI1 O.N A. t-o.l-ub... IlutauJ, lW Jino S.4w d TJCfiAT, HfcANKP, AIAVAYS ON HAND AT THIS OFFIOK. operiem:oii, cur;ioiii, mm uuo m ineir worn, iiistapiine, nrm out Kino, uniiorm and tnorou;u. r;.pcnacr aro IMMl'KfSIONAL. and Stinlonts trradiiatiii? Master of tho sciences ; .Master of the classics. tlraJuitei lu tho other Coui sw, receive Normal Certlilcales uioiii uuiciupui i-uuu powers, nun uouiiuaut opporiunuie.) lor won paiu laoji alter leaviuirscnooi. r y ' nt TriiMpm, CI THING; - - STOCK IMI-A-IDIEj Oi PORT GriAPE WINE l"fed In the pilndrnl Churches for Connnunlcn inrfoscs. ?02 LADIr. 5 AI'D WS.KLY P3233M3 AM3 THE AS ED. poor'o Port Grape Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. mills celebrated Native Wlr.o is made rrnmtho X Juice ot the Opono tirapo inh,ed lu ihlst'uuntiy I Its Ihvnluablo Tonio rail Strengthening Properties nro unsnrpa'sed bv nny oilur Name vm I el k t o pure Jileeot Ihotnnp". jn otltt.-i-ti iiLder Mr inn's own personal sui eivislon, Its purity nnd i:etiu iirnes. nru nuraii-eed. '1 he ji.nniji'si child liny p..rruli" of IHi;eneroiisrualllii's nnn iheMink eM invalid u.u Pin ndviMiliiee It U pnitieularlj benltlcinl to the avi it nnd ili-blllliited. nml nnn d tn (he v.nloux ailments tlmt affeei the neaktrkex. It Is ui every rcipect, im; iu uii itixiiill UJi. Tho 1'. .1. Stunt MY Is a Wine of .Supei lor character and pnrtikos of th" golden ipi illlli-s ct t tin crape, Irom which It is made. Kor Puilty, Illcliiiew,Vlaor nuu .ui'uieji i-iuperiii s, ii. i ui uy loucu uuc.celltlt. S PEER'S This UK ANDY M.im1 i ntirlvaled In tills Country, belnt; lars-ipi llm- lor inidiiul puipo-i s. IT is , Pi iiKdWlliii'li'ii f oiu the erato and con tains vuluaiio intdlcal prop rtiu.1 It hu n d'leite llnor, tpmlnr to that of tho grapes fr an ttlnii II isdWl hd and lavor oiii jiij,- Ill's,! c jm farullb s. See that t'u- Ha inni-n i f m.fiirii spEKIl.l'assalc N J , Is over tho cork ot each bottle, SOLO UYCJ. A.KI..13IM. lilM 'it SJ t- To l?crv:'i: C':?crr3-Th Crcat European Est cdy. Pit. J II. Hl l SON'S Sl'lXil 10 .MtillCINE, II". 1. II. Mihimi'I)'. S:eclllo MmiIKI hi U n li(ltlu cine for nveiwi tkif bodj or Ir In tr luccis ofmiv Mil t, sii'-ii as wi-itkm-ss nnd tib ills-ns'-s r.iMililnL' flout !i imn I) bllltv. Urn itilili), Mental Ahxiiiv. UMfiior. l.ak.Umle, lo oi Hdnls nml lunc d iriiiiriini'i Is of Un iionous fvbtein ten. tral.y, 1-nli'B In the inn ic or sir.i, ujs. of .Memo J, I'reiil.1 tilluold uiidill easeH Unit, lend ti euiiMiipilnii.hivu'd ty .Viiiuntlr er.iv nrbuth, Nomillci how Mull. 'Mil Un sjslein ma) b fion OM'i'H.-S n f a l j it,,,.,, ,, ri. , i i ..i ,,i n in- il rinu win II-HOI e lllii lost funelioiH unit prueuie heal h nnd liippnuss H bet ii bi Mm wnsdespoiiileiicv nnd gloom. 'I bo r-'po-elllo ,Mi nl.iiio Is I'elnif tled with wondeiful sueciss. l-amiilii.-ls w-r.t live to all. Wilte for Hum and t'i t lull onrlrl' l'rlce,Si;rlll it no pr pnekaip-, or Elx paclaifes for$vo, ttip Im enl In mull on rtclpt or intiiioy. Address H'lnnlirs .1 II SI.Ml's NUMICDIUINCUU. Nos Pit und I .Main Slri'U, HuHhIo, N, Y. 7 A IK WKKIHT ACa ' VVUtlLESALi: aitOCKItS, I'uu.insLMiu, Dealers In tuas. svttwa. wiyi-nR, sruit, aiouiwKs nit , ui'ickn, siciw ioi.lL, so., lo, M t OMvct Jivictil XL i Aifoh idtut, and furnished with a bouttlful Rtiu-.ilv ot liure.sott tlmrntn. lernivn stntu tiiiiimnns. rnnrti-tnr Mm tntlnulti 1, 1'. lilLLMYlll , sccretarj-, mmmmmmm Buttlo Crook, IVIIchlgnn, MASUfAoiuncns or the only unsi-tsE TUrrccurpq. Traction and Plain Enrjlnos ana noroo-rowurs. Monl Camnlcto Tlirc.licr l'uctorr I Eotabllshod In llic World. i 1040 n O VET p rynllti'iow.aauccMYuii"i- J'l I CHiid "', without ehaniro ol nnmo, i f mniinm-nipnt. or location. to"Mf vivHh STI1A3I - I'OWJilt SF.PAIIATOHB, and ('iiiiililele Mimiiii hillllHi'"w''-'';7'ili'''. ivuii Trnetloii i:imlni'Hiii)(l l'lulii l.iiHbien cerncoiun tho Amerk-an market. A miiUUmU of fpeetal feamrtn nn-1 1mprovttifnl for lbKhtoircUior with inferior qiialMm iii comtruc. lion ami maitrlaU not ilrvampd nf liy othr-r makers. l'our BlJ-a of Separnttra, from O to IS! horso Cnpacttl. for Hmmor hottt purer. Two utile" of "Mounted" llorH&rowcrj. 7Rnn nfin I'eet r M-Ierted I.tmilier ,OUU,UUU (roinl.recfo.JV"ir.o(r-.rtFt) constantly on hand, from v.hlch Is built tho lu coinparablo wixxl-work of our machinery. TRACTION ENGINES rnoilA S, 10, ia llorso l'owcr. t J , Fnrntorrt nml Tlirrhlierinrn nro InvlUxl to invi'HtiijaUi tliirt nuUchient Thrcfchluj? llacalnery, Circulars Bent frca AddroBs NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO. Battlo Creek, Mlchlenru jm, 7, S -5 a Z I i'rS-i--. 'i'JB5' THE GREAT HUfiljIXGTOW ROUTE. C2y-Jo other lino runs Thrco Through 1'ns renrrer Ti-alii3 Ually botwecn Chicago, Dcs Moines, Council lllulls, Omaha, Lincoln, fit. Joseph, Atchison, Topelsa nnd Kansas City, lllrect connections fne nil points In Knrons, Nebraska, Colorado, V.'yomlnir. .Montana, No vadacw Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Orcnoii and Cnlllornia. Tho Shortest, Ppenllcst nnd Most Comforta lilo Iioulo via Hannibal to Foit Scott, Dcnlson. Dallas, Houston, Autln, Sail Antonio, Galves ton nnd all points In Texas. 'iho unequaled Inducements olTcrcd liythis I.lno to i rnvclcrs nnd Touristn. nro as follows: 'Iho celebrated Pullman tio-whccl) l'alaca bleep nif Cars, run only on f liU I.lno. C. II. & p. Palaco I)rny;lujr-i:oom Cars, with Ilorton's Itcolinlnifi hubs. Nu oMrn chnrijo for Seats In Itccllulnsf Chairs. Tho famous C, II, It (j, 1'alaco DlnlmrCars, Coruonim Smoklm; Curs lltted with IHcpant Iluvh-Il.icltcd lialtan lto volvlnrt Chali-s for tho cxclusivo uso of ilrst tlas p.i'i'-ensers. Steel Track und Superior Knulpment.'com limed Willi their Orcat Thrnnph Cur Arrange ment, makes I his, nuovo all ol hers, tbo fuvorito 1 onto to tho South, South-West, mid tho Far Vest, Try It, and you will find traveling a luxury instead ol a dlieomfort. Through Tickets via this Celebrated Mno for sale at all olhccs In tho United States and Ciiniid.i. All information about Itutos of Fare, Sleep, lnir Car Accommodations, Tlmo Tables, &u will bo cheerfully given by applying to J. Q. A. nnAN, Oeni IlnBtcrn Agent, 'Mi Wtivliinjrtuti St., Ilostnn. Mass, i mno i, wnn,".";'.1117 !lr0 '"way, Now York. JAMLSIt. WOO . tin. ,l'usj. Ant.. Chlcaico. T. J. I'OiTlUt, Ucu. Mutiuser, ChieiiffO. is, 'tn, iut CANCERS CURFD At Crsse's Cancor hgrnnry, Aidi::n, II. V, III NHHKIH i,y PKHso.NS iiomull pints cf Iho w mid bnv been cured of tills miicli iiread.-rt ri .". ease mid an-now I inK vntnes-ie lliutthct have ei in, veiled irom ui.tiIMh and untimely di'iM,, liociois iliilMeimii.Uiliel'o(.r ntaieiifne. Wilie n u,11r;,1vl,,.l;UlVK!l.ll,l'll'r,l,nll,lh' AiWcli.f.s, Dis. ',; i",h.s 1 Lt" 'bOV,.N, AddlHl., .N. X, W enver & Go'u Ads $1,000 AWg til ti' Illililn nf. ltnnwt l.v iiuv t-cuvK mut) cr woman, 111 IV III (Hll Vnl. .. .11 homn fv'-'r!0, wl''.0 J 1'."' 0 4 ' ton n, or bo away from Ks" .VtVnu'li. li'nn j5r l"" 'U,ltl " " v i wiu hi Aitr nnmn a m t itfit wouth 11 ike5? omul, ','V'.1?''1, "''"btf tho d.y you can il,r"f M'iiU.'"fi!" r,1tn "' "I"!. '" dn J I l td ut onco ttreIl1'iv,1CUlll,S l0,,; . "lI'ti'lT. ""l'iriliy binci, .n. . vico match it. 'oi.nin. BKKI0K T() ALL OTHERS. MIIYIUI ,V ro.v, Ui lichbtiect I'Jdladclphla. Illtfliest Awards for tho best IHpoei London l'aris, cviiienr.lal and I'enn'a state fahs, niiroi n, 'si cm wico I I l..livjllJIC3v,iu ,,...i,.u,iui,ium ,. T ":' "'.", "iiil)Hinlli',.. Pom i.1,,.1,,, 1-1 rl 41.',8l""',l'2,iJ'-rii.iiiK.n.i,c...i V.i... Ji r nil) UlniUB, H.'il...i.J. Vf,.! ,.,.' " i . iV ' 1 . I""rnl,br i.iiiilnr., K Ji.ri , HI, I w III i lint. iir,,ru,t 1...U.I. t .. ,,. I A f ,y1' $5? Outfit freo tothocv.lio Vilshto rnrfaeoln iJi?.oslv.rloiu!'i'.t auJ proiiuiblebusmei" KSnSS' iln-r WW. capital not re. . , ut iuiuiii j u'j I'vt r inmtr lift wilXf.TCI'1? .""'jy, hi iiho"tVij&iVi ''."."Htoftstwy RAIL ROAD TIME TABLEs N OltTlIEllN OENTKAli KAILWAY VINTKH TIMIi TABLE. rin nr,, nftnr Rllndav. NllV. 7. l. thn 1..I. I fin t ho liil'adelpliift fS Krln lift Iroad Division wilt im I asiouowsi ..,,.,. IlllOl IT ,111 U. Krlo.Mall leaves I'lillnftVlpliU ii Ilatrl'ibuit; ii " wnilala port ii .Icisey shore ii hock Haven " llcuovo 11 ispm Ss ii ia 8 40 1, m u to a in 0 io a m 11 ns nm 1 p 111 It no a in Wispm 13 p in l w 11 hi 0 4(1 p in mm ina "Tin 1 f,5 p m 0 10 p tn TfSairt V it a m R vo a m latispm 3 45 p in lo oi a in 11 Mum 12 2.1 p tn n 40 p m r, ui p m a m p m ltuopra naipw o m a tn Tysiim in is am nrrnu in. i.i ,u .... Nlacar.i Gxpresa leaves tiillnilelphla n ., II ll,.M Idlxirt. art-, atwilllainsport i. " Lock llnNen ii " 1,'ehOMi l'ost Lino leaves liillndeinhia " llnill'.bnrfr " arrive at wnilatnsport ! Loci: llaNeii tlASTWAItl). I'aclllo Kxprcss lcau-s Lock Haven ii i' Ulllnmsport " nrrlvontlti'irlsDiirt,' ii Philadelphia Day Express leiiv cs henovu " Lock Haven ii ' Vllltnmspoit " nrrlvent llnrrhburii i. I'bllndelphla i--irt tlnll lp.icr. Itr-nnt-o " 1sck Haven ii " Wllllanstiott " arrives ntllarrKiljiiti; a liillidelpln.i raat Ltno leaves wnilnmspoit ,. nirl.a.dnt llnrM.lillM. nnm a " I'llliaiteipiiia M vlt a tn ,.. i ii.ll ,i.nal ntH 1I.V 1!vi.riRi t'nnt. ,n ,t.,i .... connic'tloiisntiotlhunibt,ri.iiidwliliL.& n. jj, , trains lor UKcsoario uuu nuiuuiun, Erin Matt West, Nlaxnra U.rpres west ami rn Line West inako close cohiicctloit nt Wlllltm w 1th N, C, II. V. t rains north. Klaenra i:press West nrul Day txrrc i F makoelofotoiiLictiuii nt Lotk Itacn wllhli.L.i u, it. trains Erie Mall ea't and West connect nt F.'in wli trains on L. H, fiM, H. H. 1. t at Corry vtPuti.t.,, . v. II. It. i ut Emporium Willi 11. Ii. Y. 4 1', n.i; and at lirlflwood with A, V, II. 1!. I'nrlor cars will run between MiU.1lctp.1l4 nt: uiiiiimtnnit, on Nlneara Kxntcss west, nnl li.i i. pi ess Kast, Sieepluifcuis on nil nlulit, train. W.M. A. ItAt.llWIW tleiiernl supt. ATOllTIIEHN OENTltAL KAILWAi UUJIl' 'Ounnd nfier danuary ltth, 1SS1, trains whllcav sunburyns follows t HOnTHW.UtD. Northern Express cao n. m arrive Elmlra 15.30 pt Arrive at Canandatifiti 2.2 p, a " Ho:U03ter 4 " MaKara, 8 Nlijara E.rprc33 1,05 p. m. arrive E'nilra n oi p tW nrrlte Canandaljjuas.35 " ilochestcr 0 4i " Maira H.sonc fast lino 0.10 p m an Ive Elmlra 1 1.03 p t " Watklns ii.ns pc HOUTHWAltU. Southern Exprctw 1.3-J a. in. uirlvo UarrlsbV lU3n t arrive rbllauel.hlaT.ii " New Yor!: " lUltlmcro 1.4) " Witslittietonv.osac P..o'llo Express a m arrive HarrlsbV 12.05 p t mrlvo Mil nde'plila 3.13 pn " New Yolk evs " llaltlmoro cm ' Washtuylon T.S'i Day E.prcsi1.5)p m arrlvo llarr:svu n n.wjic ' liillaa-lplda r..4s " NewYoik 11.30 " llaltlinorti 33 " Washington T.5J Krlo Mall 1.05 a. ta. nn ive Harrisr.urg 3 05 a. n ' liillid'lplda 7.33 " " ew Yoil: p.31 " llaltltnor-j 7.10 " Washington L. 1'. FAUMCII, (loneral l'asaener Age. t. FltANK TinMSO.V, Ooneral Alanactr. TIirLADEIjl'IlA AND BEADING IlOAli J. ABIIANGEMENT OV I'ASSENGKEl TBAINrf. May so, l81. TRAINS LEAVE RDPX11T AS rOLI.OWS(SL'KllAVI!XCKrTlll I For New York, Philadelphia, Iii-adim;, l'oUsMlsl Tamaiua, fie, 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,15 a. in. l,tn and fi,45 p. m, For Wllllamsport,c,15 i,to a, m. and 1,00 p. m. ntAIN3F0n KCTERT LXATK AS yOLLOWS, (StMUY S I CKVTi.n.1 Leave New York, via. Tiunancud s,a a, ia, anil via. llouud Ihook lloule 1,45 a. m. Leavo Philadelphia, 0,15 a. m. Leave Headlnir, 11,15a, m., rottsvllle, 12,3Jp.K ahdlamaqua, 1,35 p. in, Loave Catawlssa, 0,10 1,4 a. tn. nnd 4,00 p. ti. Leavo a.m,2,i 0 p. m. and 4,n 1 p, E I l-asscngers to andfrom New Yoil', l,t. Tama I nend and to and from ru"aje!pi!a go throes. without chanjo of cars. J. K. WOOTTfJN, CO, HANCOCK, UencralJW General l'asienser and Ticket Amr.t. Jau.10, lssi-tf. D EI.AwAKE, LACKAWANNA ANli liM'li'.'.rt llAILKOAU. . BLOOMSBUBt! DIVISION. Tlme-Thblo No. sit, i aVes effect at 4:3U A, M MOSHAV. ,11'NK in, is.l. NOltlil, hi'ATiUNS. SOl'TII, p.m. a m,' n.rn p oi. p.rn V 3D 4 't 0 22 U 17 0 OS b r.s s n 1 nil .. .scrniilou i. lilt", tie . Tiijlorviih",. .Lacknwiinna,., Huston . iv'.'lat I'lttiitOll,. Wjoming , Ahtltb) Lelinelt 1 l .15 y ii) ij ir 2 10 C ! 0 U , !) .til 0 '111, 1) III 14. i -ti fc S3 2 JO lo 5.3 llo 1.; V ,-s C l'l I S tl ill 2 41 0 41 1 S 41! : 4 12 4! 12 II i JO ii IU 2 4'J t'i (Hi ii M, c a I 57 II Ml 8 33 S 13 ) ('4 . S 41,. ...,1.iii(;s.iou, '.0 18 3 '5 7 It I lllegston in 33 3 15 7 IS I 3 111 7 111 3 15 7 M I 3 21 7 Si I ..I'lymoulli ,luoc!! 8 2s s m 6 " .li.wiiouih ... in 2a s 41' S! S ss s 17 S 12 8 UJ. ... ..WOIIU.UO .... ... Nnniicnke in ;u llllilouk'b reek, hu li ,M,liiIilnriy 'in (ft ..Ilh'k's rerry... ill 07 ..llencii llavih... II 13 Lerwick .... U a 8 12 8 m 7 61 7 3S 7 .2 7 25 7 13 7 14 7 10 7 02 r.n 11 50 f, 4", fi 21 3 12 3 04 2 'il 2 35 2 SI 2 'ii n yi; 7 ii 3 15 ill 3 C'l 8 '.3 I 0.1 S 41 4 10 HI 4 IS a (! I 4 i'5 7 U 4 23 7 SJ Hilar Crock ...Willow wove..., 1 1-lmo Hl.iije I Til L 1,1 i .1:1 2 "4 1 T 1 51 1 IC 1 11 I 42 7 41 7 3S,..Lloumi,liiii't' Ill 45 4 4S s 10 1 ltUpl It 11 5 4 ,V 8.YJ 7 V2l'atawls.ia llUdiro, 11 57 fine 111 UitnvlUn .. 12 is 5 IS S II Chiitasky I . . .Cameron fc 45'.lIorthumbcr:a!id, a is h 6 16 C 'HI 1 CO o 30 D 12 45 ti 43 9 H. IC. tl.rn. A.. 'il. P.m. a.ta .. ... ' . . i r.Ai-i, null, s in rtritemj-.nt-t nica, fcernton. Juno Ut ts73. rillim liin.l.l.n,, ...... p..,, lotii I ,t- coiulucilin; t i! most m illiublo .il Elf l,il!.tl.,Jvw II, ..I ..... In v 'Tr..:,... 's..""".:''.?":''". : . . "H'liitv, ia eu rjr.y lu ll'.iril, milium I i'ii.1! inn. n ... u,..i i.. ...... , r,, niiiiti,,; mitt j;uill, Ullll. UI1J VUV enn 111.1KB (."cut i riitltn fitim ti e very hturr, Ho one r.lll 1,111 M nlvdllll..,.!. ....... T , ' . n ......... ,u ..... ,,,,,- iu nllu 1 II11LI1 1110 Ha Slit esi-r i ,is nn'ii. i os and iflilscnn eain law sunn. '"J, have mado at tbo bus,b,ess i.roi.o hutidied "......w.wLjim mvu, .uillli:-linu It oierKlli'i.u iicfiiui. All who eiiKiiito niosurpiHtil nt t ln vnso and litnti tv win, .i,i..i, ,i.... A... ... ..,n ni..i, ,,, ,..,,u vu, ., uiu uuiu iv u,,,v . , v uu tun vuipiiru in inn iiusiiiess uurini; yourspiio llmeatirr atproilt. You do not hau to .Ki'-iuupiiunu ii. , e taKe all tho lulc. Those wno lined ready money, should wiltoto us at once. All furnished ine. Aidresa Ikuk Lo.. AtiL'uta.iial50 o r. i,. "vji-iv ' a lircclioiis For caturrli day Vevcr, Cold In tlio no-Hi, kc., ins n 1 mm llltlo iliner. a lurHilO ut the Halm Into r,o llllAtllU. fllMW htiom: liiv.atli-i ti llL'll Hie tijllOM'. It Will to lib; soi bed. cleaiislm:, anu llm diseased mvuv Viinh- a particle into no ear UliVa 0RUA.U 15 ALU JliD.'lW""1 nb'bMnblokrol r j uPtt..n d'tpa I'.ut.(r Iiepi'iullons In Iho Milnllj ot dls , S . .ui 1 011 u mell,s nr'"e, ncogiil.'(d ns a fti """,,lv w"eiecr khfiwii. A Inlr'Hid )!, ! ,nl,,.c,lr""1 "UKt fcpfinl of lis ciirnllio , t )ui i'h . tuulty tli ui.t.t'b tbo initial rnts-nrcs iLu ".0l V,llH'''l,,ls"lr: luailly ficrdlons.ul , ,n 11 l'l1""""" I'lidlrilinllon, iioieitBlluuiitia i n nl l'! .s !'.,"'" ll,ua ''' .tldllloiiauriw. n 11 (,"ls, tcilf'- us I tie I3 1 v n r ,? 't'.B, m'n; Hebcllclai:ii"uli8 aio roalWd iWrlf Ji ri'llcailots. A thorous;!i iicntini i.t rfc ' I t,r . ttl""ib. As u liCibuhtld mmuy .n.v,ill,1",llu,liulu UhKiutHul, 'lie Inliu is iSt,i ,o;!i,"1,,",01.i'Me. Kold ty dut-'KlMMitti1 fr-1 nn ri.n.. i1"1!1 ,ll P 6,lt''HH vvllfiiiull upuii-Ot'C ttnd for ciiculnr, wllb lull Intoinintluii. F.I.Y S CKEAM HALM CO., Owt'ffO, IJ. V. I on fole In lllooinsburirbv Mnjer Pros , C. A, Klelm, oct. ji, 'jo-iy a TT IT' I 1 om selves bj makntf money ll 11 I I - ben n ifiild ti liiauto Is of J.iJLj I Jl ll'Ud. Ihiubv HlwnjsUetPlni; uimniurat., i. . 1 v' T1 j Irom jour tlcor. 'I bote mlCln .n'nti V;1' i' U,v'"'t'i;e Him etunl t l.ances for S?.'.mS,mS".i . '.'! ' "ic onttid, lencially Uctm? bo? b ttLd ot fi1!, 'u1'1 V 1 15 xv ""t womt fc cufitifs i$ il, ft,o,4K uVk "Kbl'ii IbtfrbMiilo rrdliliirV w?b Iv2 ? ''''ire tban tni t'mea nil i iRSKSf K.?-,".6 "nlsh an exteitUve putnt on mLv ri111' Ko we who tiiirtKfs lulls to wtUotZetLVe,frWIr' ,V0U cao Vetoto jour lull it iL,rm,?ii!"',w.t'.,k.Vr "" Jbur spare moments iddii iL L?,2 i'ha Wl aat isiittdid mittlit'D AdUitto biTiK&oN Co., j'ttUtna, Utdue. cel.Wti'ty A WTa WANTEiiinrtiit.iiw.1 .,,7. Mittf. ,t I- I i ir m? i- Move v $yun! VA. 18 'ut ly WVrt wU. ihM. Wttikfe vjy; otto,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers