rriinniijiiiii M, , THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUllG, C0LXJM13TA COUNTY, PA. Hd-Sk. UUA MUA Shailo frets In Pastures. Wlmtovcr (llffuicnco of oiniiii tlicrc iwty bo ninong inrnifin ns (o t lie .ioirii Iv f liuv'mn ii'os in psiMnio Ik'.i.H, ns a ic.nrt fur oatllu in very wiirm weather, iu imi'uiiii tlcny tliattlic nth. 'intuitu tliey aiv to tlio animals in tliu initlst, of thu lieatcd term, beyoml the ilninnfju the trees may do tlm land, is very eotisidera lile. IttiL It must lie understood that, Home trees do more damage to tho mound than other, nnd tlieao are well known to most farmers, who will exerelsu their own judgment when seleetiny them. Tin- eherrv is confesiedly one of tin wo, which, while it lull In the land nearcely niiri'eial)ly, is us line a tree for shade a i any in the c:ilidojue, mid hexides af lords'a irolit in frnil. Where will lie found a more beautiful shade tree than the JUaek Knyle, Elton, or Downer's Into flurry! They nro hardy and tom, bear ers. Then again there is the yellow lo cust which is 0110 of our most beautiful trots, though not generally so dense in it- foliage as tho cherry, which does no perceptible injury to tho land, mid the wood of which is valuable, like the cher ry, when there may bo occasion to re move them. These facts show that there is no (food reason why tho cattle should bi deprived of this" groat protection against summer heat on the ground of protection to tho laud, which is so seri ously dono by the oak, tho walnut, the beech, and some others. Manure, tho key to siuvessful fanning over tho larger part of the country, de mands attention. Perhaps in no one it ni of farm practieo has there been a gn ater change than in that of the nimagcnient of manure. Eormeily, it was thought that manure should only b' brought to tho fluid just as it is to be used. Now it is taken out when eartingorslcddiiigis good, nnd tlm hands arc not pressed with other work. 15y hauling it in winter, and placing it in heaps near to where it will bo needed in the spring, it gets the benefit of an extra turning, and if desirable these heaps may bo ag:d i turned before they aro spread. Of course somo forethought must bo tAKon to put tho manure in the most con venient place fot the after labor of dis tributing it. Whatever else is done with manure let it bo kept in compact heaps; to scatter over the whole barnyard that which should only cover an area of a few square yards is wicked waste. After tho winter rains have washed out the solublo matter from tho scattered man ure (often it rims to tho nearest creek), what ivmn'ms is of little value. It would be far better were the manure upon tho field where its washings would bo utili zed. The animal adds nothing to what is fed to it; it taken out something, but leaves the refuse, which it does not want but the soil does, in an available form. Tho old adago '"out of nothing, nothing comes," is commended to those who think tiny cm ni iko a largo quan tity of rich manure out of a little poor food. Mr. Coming's llijjli-l'rlceil Cow. An unpretentious looking little cow was led through this city yesterday after noon, 01 route to tho farm of LMr. Eras tus Corning. The animal was purchased by Mr. Corning of Mr. Hums, at Middle town, Herkimer county, whence sho came to this city by express. Sho is of the Jersey breed, is u years old, and bears tho handsome 11:11110 of "Gold Thread." It is claimed that lilt percent, of her milk is cream, and that she can produce 18 pounds of butler per week. Jt is undeisiood that sho was purchased for Mr. Coming's piivnto use. and that tho stun paid for her was $1,301). A Ma ny Irijiia. Maxoi-.oxa IIoksi:. This is caused by an insect. Whitewash the stable and stalls with linio and cover tho floor also with it, as tho mangejnsect will live upon tho wood work for sumo months, and return to tho horse if not destroyed. Treat as follows for the disease. Make an ointment of lard, twelve parts, embol ic acid onepait. and sulphur two parts. l!ub these together thoroughly, until itis well mixed and smooth. Work some of this ointment into the affected poitions of tho skin twice a day. (live an ounce of flour of sulphur daily in tho feed, un til the perspiration of" tho horse smells hlrongly of it, but continue tho use of the ointment some time longer, until the skin recovers n healthy uppcninnco. A Cnn.U' Cohn- 111:1.1.1:1:. An ex change says that a cheap corn sheller may be made from a piece of plunk two feet long, two inches thick and ten inch es wide. Drive eighteen penny nails pretty thickly into 'the central portion, just so that they will not come through, and for a distance of ten or twelve inch es along tho surface of the plank. A small strip should bu tacked across the upper end and on tho upoer side to hold on to the top of a box when in itbo. Tho corn is shelled by rubbing tho ears 011 tho heads of tho" nails, the board u-stiug in a slanting position in the box. After repeated tiials atl'aiis it has been decided that twenty eggs count a kilogramme or 2 l-.'i poundsT Tho bleeds of fowls that lay largo eggs, averaging " to a pound, are La Fleche, Jfoudans, l.eyc-C.eurs and lilack Spanish: thoso laying medium sized eggs, averaging 8 or!) to tho pound, aro I.eghorns.Cochins, JSrulimns, I'olauds, Dorkings, (lames nnd Sultans: tho Ilaiuburgs about lOetr'.rs to tho pound. Tho weight of tho eggs of ducks is fiom 2 to tl ounces apiece; tur keys a to -1 ounces; tho eggs of tho goose from 1 to (! ounces. Homo Eastern tourists had been spin ning somo incredible yarns wheu'ouo of tho parly,turning to an old mountaineer, said : "Hill, that gets away with fishing in Montana, don't iff" "Wall, I don't know 'bout that." "Do you mean to say that you have caught inoro or larger lish?" "No; but I've caught somo purty big letters. "Come, now.toll us tho weight of tho lamest trout you ever caught. 'Wall, 1 can't tell exactly as to tho weight, but you lolks can tigger 011 it Now, you know it is over two bundled miles around tho Yellowstone hake. J ut that down. As I said before, I don't know tho weight of tho biggest in. nl lever yanked out. but I did haul 1111 one on llio tieach, and alter J laude 1 him tho lake fell three fcet.aud it hasn't ii. i-iuco. A O ut: at I.aut. Specifies without number for tho euro ot Catarrh have Iki .1 i-vtensivelv advertised, and doubt Uss there is somo viituo in nil, but the 1 iilcni'K is nverwU'linliiL' that Ii. vs ( 'nam liniin goes more diie,elly than any other to tho pent of the disease, and il,,ni.i it U I'oinimrnlivelvn new dlscnv uy, it has resulted in 111010 cures within the range of our observation thnn all tho others put together, w maw nani?, rn. ffnion JMiihr, Dee, 10, 1870. Wo hnvo sold Ely's Cream Halm for (atniili for tho ptist yoni'i Imvo never li.nl a eomplnlut but hnvo received prnU 1 - It give Wdlfmlion to (ivory 0110 it NM. Wolff- & Co.. datgftfsK Odd Items. Song of the postage stamp "(luni,ob, gum with me." A washerwoman's uhlcf inppoit is tho clothes prop. When a watch runs down Its nffairs have to be wound up. Whnt n sereninerl is a tribute often mid to a crying baby, but Dr. Hull's Jluby Syrup by allevia'ting thotmins of the little one soon stops tho crying. Avers Amm euro has Hived thousands of lives in (he malarial districts of this Mid other couuliies. It is wairanled a eeitain and speedy reiucdy,niul fire from 1 11:11-111 1 111 ingredients. The man who wns wnitinir for some thing to turn up. was rewarded when ho stepped upon tho edge of a barrel hoop. iimnusr piii.i, pour wini:. Tho best wine in tho country that took the highest premium at tho Centennial, is Spoor's Port Crape AVine, which lias become tho most celebrated product of New Jersey. This wiuo nnd Ids P. .1. lirandy are now beiinr used by physi cians everywhere, who rely upon them as tho purest to bo had of diuggists. It is unsurpassed for weakly females ami old people, h'or sale by" C. A. Kleiin, druggist, lilooinsburj;, Pa. A Paris wit says that Parisians do not practice any viituo thai does not pay expenses. Oyster shells seven feet lontr have been unearthed in Kansas. A mini who tackled "a dozen raw" in vo olden time had a job before him, no matteii. Though consumption may wither the weak-, Though fevers may biing down the stout. Though disease may bo life with the t young, Though pestilence is walking about. Thomas' Eelectiic ()il it will cure, It you got it and t;Tke it 111 tune, 'Tis kept by all diuggits for sure. Aim neats all 111 the medicine line, A Wisconsin gill who promises to ri val the fainous butter nitist, has molded a stiikiug imitation of a silver dollar from cheese. The former made a doll. the latter a dollar. In tho recently caplnred counterfeit trade dollars the principal ingiedicnt in their composition was antimony. Cer tainly, all countei foils aio anti-mouev. M. S. Ueutler, 78 Delaware Place. Buffalo, N. V.. savs: I have used Dr. Thomas' Kelectrie Oil for neuralgia and have found permanent relief from its use. A police com t is a very accommodat ing place to transact business. If you haven't the money to pay tho cash. 'the judge generally gives you time. No one ever yet saw a man who made a move to separate two dogs engaged in battle,as long as his own dog was having the best of it. HAltll HIT. Oftl lave I proudly heard thee pour,love's incenso in mine ear, Oft bade thy lips repeat once more, the wonis i (iceniod sincere: Hut though .the truth this heart may break, 1 know thee false. "And no mistake." If vou suffer rheumatic or any other ache, bVli.nl.!. Mil ...ill 1 .. ...!.. ..i..vt.i.i ,u vll Hill HlllU J"", illlll IIU IU1S UIKO. Accuracy of cxm-os-inn nrrpstsnrv When VOU say that, :i o-ivl'ii lioir i'c ni black as" a coal it is just as well to spoo ny mm. you no not mean a red-hot coal. An old lady who li.nl Iipom r."i;lim ilm health ofiieei's weekly report thought i.'n. .v f .. 101m urns., 00 an awiuiiy malignant disease, since us many die o'f it msmII tlm rest put together. IVPItOVUllliNT l-oi: .MINK AND 1IOPV. For genuine merit theio is no tonic sold that begins to compare with Par ker's (linger Tonic. One ."() ct., bottle contains more life and stiength,restoring power than a bushel of malt or a gallon of pure milk. As an nppeti.cr, blood purifier and kidney corrector, it. meets wun asioiusliuig success, and invalids find its use promptly followed by ie newed energy and ivacitv. menial and physical iiuprovetr. id, and gradual res toration to perfect health. Sie other columns. dommerciul. It is not pleasant to have the barbel's apprentice practieo upon you, lay open your cheek with a two-inch gush, and then follow the cut with the cheery re mark, "Skin's very tender, sir." It is not pleasant. o don t know what it is, but it isn't pleasant. A WIsK IIIIACON. "DeaeOll Wilder. T uvmt vnn lr l.ll ,n T ....... V ... .1. ,v MIV how vou kent vonrsMf. .nwl -tMinik- -v..ll ilu. past season when ail the rest ot us have 1 -l. . - 1 . wc'-ii sick son.ucn, and have lind the doc tors visiting us so often." "hro. laylor, the answer is very easy, I Used Hoi) llillri s in linn., l.-i. it ll . T.,lli K' U-nll 'HuKmvo.I ,1.,. ,1 .n.. '!'!... .. Y v., 1 iiu .ivu .in tuns, jiiuc dollars' worth ot it kept us well nnd ablo , 1. ..11 . t . Tl.. ... i nuiK iii! 1110 ume. 1 11 warrant it lias cost you nnd your neighbors one to two hundred dollars apiece to keep sick the same time." "Deacon. I'll use vnnr iiw.dii.iiwi after." Distressing accidei.t A man went into a house last night and picked up a gnu. Of course be didn't know it w:u loaded. It went, olT. Sn did tl III ItVltl And tho man who own, or rather who owned tho gun, would givo $o0 to know where they went. The leader of a Clucngo orehcstin fell down stairs and smashed his liddlo. lie wasn't much hint himself although he fell so violiutly. It was a wealthy Philadelphia)! who, 1. (.i.w. ..l-n.l .... 1. f I." i.i.fi . M III.-- Il llll lllllll 4-.IOIO llOW he liked the l!ii7.1mriw vi.nlii.l1 that, ho didn't eat any, and prefemd tho oriiiiuiiy nomo-maoo sausages. """"""'"' " ' mimmnaMimm u 1 1 .....i- ..n,... ,.,.,,1 A PERFECT STRENtSTHENER.A SURE REVIVER, lUOX K ITT MI'S aro JiIKli!y quiring :i r( rtain nml Hlieicnttonio; Mill. 1 j ii en, nuniiy jippcitujjOinjitrcutjm,4-iurjifijr.,nergi,(it, rnnum tlio lilnu1.i.ti-.,irFiKi-iw tint nine !m. mul ilvn now lliu to tlio nervea. TJipvmt I likca n t-iiarm eti tho Mncntjyi cirguns, removing all dyspeptic 6ynititoiin, bik Ii m 'ilisiny il c food, lMchkij,lhit in the Stomach, llearilurn,ttc. Till) only Ii'on ProurntSnn (hut will not blnckf i llio leotli or kIvo licatlntllt Bold by all druggists. Wrlto for tho A It (J llool;, 31 j.ji, uf uscfal and n. busing rvadlng tent free. liltOWN CIIKJIIOAT CO., Rultlnioio, Mil. - W .r fcinifi f. n-, a,rJrnu '.afc,mj r- j j ....... MRS. LYDIA E. PiMHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. If M inn mtnin or LYEMA E, RNKMAIWS For all I'emtilo Complaints. ThUrriMvunllivl, m It, nvio H.mllM, conxlitl nf Vr, vtAMo lYoj vi tlu tli-t ftru lmtiln to On. inu.t i!cl lento llirall.t. ll:irti.itllultliotiHTltil of'thls Coll l.iiUwiati)rcMT'ili.,ijiri'llof H lmmo.ll.ito 1 mi.l :i lt Mm lit coiit.n-if l, !-i tilurt y-nlno rtutpn In n l.iui. dru,!, aiirrmnnrttriirtilic-lTritpil.ijUiaaMiiih 111 lw tlfy. On iwAunt f Itiiiruvniiiicrlts.ltlJtiMl.-tyto. t o-nmcmli. 1 nn.l rrwcrllioil by tlio lt rloilclaiis In tho com.try. It rill euro entirely lha vmt forri of filllnij ftf t!io utcru,, Txuonrrliavt, Irrccular lu.il jAlnrul .'Icnttniitlon.allOrnrlanTriMM", InHntnnmtlon nn.l LMftfiitlon, llonllniM, sll r!slircmont 1 mul llio roll. iiiortKlnalivcAl.lK'.-n.clulh c-Fivlally nitaptnt t tlio ClMiiRii of IJft n.!llilliwolro nml t-x tuinnri f.-onlUioutoi-1lln(Ulnjilyi.!iiu.i of k'vdof.iii.-nt, lhu li"iilpnoy tjcui?ero'J4lriinur4tlu'ro li cht-ckvil try t-,.cMlybyUju.-u. tl Toot It 1.-.1 i-rovwl tJ lo ll'O emit' c it lull t.t ictnt-ily tlmt !i.n crcr lcn i:ifcorcr 0.1. Hiwnwat. ctiry nrtlonurtl.oryntrm,on.l(:lvi'i luwIifooii.Iv-k-r. Hit iiov if -l.itM ,11-iti.lcnry, ile. rcy.i nllpra-iiiB Cor ktLuulaul i, cr.il liUurc nuune tf tlinotormv h Hcmul;loillr.i-, t:cr.i'iohii, Ki rrons ITiwlrnllon, a. nrn.1 IWilllij-, llptplu 11c .. lvti..-k.n nu.1 InOl Cation. Tlut fHlUietif Usrliuri'.cnn, cnuilne Uii, wight on.l btwkiiclio, la ulr.v.-.i f naanc t.lly tunil ly Itjwa. Uvlllatliatlliic.i.rjiilulKltrill clrcunistta. wj, R!t i.i iiarmoj i.i'.to Uif tLat inutuii tho ftni-ilar'yiitci.i. IVrKluiicyCViiiiJilnlj ttcll!nr mi tlili rxuiMunl U unyuiiiauul. Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetahle Compound U uvuml ot IU ami iU Wcrtcnt Ai cnuc, Lym, Sln. .'rlootlOI. Slj lmtlK.ni fur 85.00. tki.tl,yn.allliill.o fjrr.irriIli,&Liil.injo form f T.-u:-iii, on iY'l;t of fl.co. i;f Im, fur ciitir. J.'in. riNKIIAJl frctIyun-nvcnniIIKU..rjof Inquiry, f.n.l fyr luiu .li'.ct. AJJnla'.Vjovo .VL,iHo:i thu jmxr. ?.'. fnmlly.-uulJlnjMilhout I.VDI V li IIXKItAJI' Livr.:: r:i.tA Tiicy i-uro cor.-t::wtioj, rjii,.usu anJ Torplilily nf tho l.lrcr. 2a cert r tcx. JOHNSTON', 1I0U0WA A 10., General Agents, Fhlb., Pa. tiOLl) 1IY MOTES 3R07H2R3,, June 1 1, ly. Bloomsiburg, Pa, YOU CAN SOY THE BLATCHLEY iri,lp-l,orvl(lk CoptirrPot-(tlr.ln,flrIrart I.ltilUL-. limli onj t.ti.-iciUl Willi my muurat liiinniti -turr-r h w.r.intO'1 In n utfriiil n:ul ifin-ftr-r-llnii 1'or iilc by On- ln-t liiiuics In tlio tr.nli'. If you i.i not lumv wlicm tn pit tlil-t immii. wrlii tn ina 11 I" m il I will tend n.uiii' r iiL-.Mit iKnrC"t y .u, wlio will mpjily jou ot :..y 1 ni"-t irl. CHAS. G. EI.ATCKLSV, Iilnuufaoturcr, 303 Market I'hi'.adelpliii, Pa. march l, V.-C:a aSi FACTS WORTH KNOWING. ninrtr. Eaclm. JlamlraUp. Etlltlncta and- rflrnir nthpr of thu bebt medicines kucm n are so' 8Ullfully combined in I'rker's (iisota Tome, aa to make it tho greatest Blood Purifier tnii . Ili littt uoaun anj Mronsiu j.ciiorer tier t'trd. , Rn Trfirt Ln tlia comnositlon of rARKKR'n. Qlioeji To:na that no ilisensn can long exist' where it 13 used. I! you IwfDyipeptia, Head.) tche. Rhcumatitm, Neuralgia, Oowel, Kidney, or Liver Disorder, or If you need o rulld btim-' ulant, or appetizer, tho To:tc ia Jun the med-; Icine for 5 ou, oa it is highly curatlvo ana In-, vlsorating but nover Intoxicating. 1 u you are. Biowiy wasiing away nriin on. lumnUonornny ulctuoss. It youhsvoii Painful, nn,l, nralulil Cold. l'jr.KEIl'H OlNOCR TONIC will surely help you. It gins ne7 lifo undj Tljror to toe f eeuia una npeu. nnu n cenain, euro for Flheumatiim nnd Ciolcu Infantum. It Ui bated llandrr.li or LIicj; It Ms; K&va uuri. ! If you nro feeling miserable don't wait until you ore down hick, but uso tho Tono iixlny.' ijn m.iiAr wiLii.vn'ir illi7f.mn or t.viniitoniilnav. ;bo it will pl" prompt reli-f. 3 . Eememhcr I I'aiikcr's (lixnra Tos:o a notj a rum drinlc but tho Best nnd I'ure.t I'amilyS Medicine ever made, compounded by n nowJ proevi.B, and entirely diiTcivnt from VMtfn.i tf ginger preiiarai 10113 ana nu otiu-r unin.-. iryj fa tflb. tiottfe. Your druggist can supply you. 3 PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Tie I'.tit and Moit V.codouUuI !Ulr Dieastot uquUitely ptrfuracd and perfectly hir-nlcsj. Ulll llwiyi Hoatore Cray or Fadnl Hair ' IS tta crfcinal youthful ecler and npearjicf . and la warranted to atop ila CXinz, biit tta .luihth and prevent baldnest. A few applications of the IWham wi I orien the hair, cleans all dandruff and cure it:hinj end liu BMura of the Ka!p. Said by 2i druej'isu .t e i jot. OCl.l.'cO-ly a tj.iH.i VDi.ritr: i:n::b:i til .11.- 11, l.u!:.cy, iinU. aid 'V,'"'"" -'l!!II,MiKI,PllI. MMII 1!. ' 1 -nil 1,1-vrinlli.i n ' in. 111 '. ... u e i i f tobfi . .ila iifil lit fnrv yi'tt '" I'nr II. T...- 1.' He .Tiiio 'u nt.-.f t "i - i-ir.i ltt.ii' f... 60. 11 M.i iilt . .1 uitrd Ii r nil T 'r- S'l t l-r 1 . r Illu.n Ur1 ir. vuur E.' 'I . tllLi !- I.. Aildrt-.. cii.ini.i.s . tt-.mi) .1 n.. 17 :i.lj:;lii,lt.!.i:fi.j, i. caw a"C"iOWiis crijiiis 'S u. fill Hops, j sen, rreils -'-' ' a null' f'5. I'JanOJ f 115 UP ItlUUF. G ilaloL-. r inn. Additia-i llr.iltv. Wa lniiiTlnn. V. .1. may 0, 'Sl-Iy aid D?BR0WNM6.s a koacHi3Ci V F0R GOLDS and COUGHS2lBolu ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT W. CHAMPION BHOVNIHO.M.D. oi. rmii'iiii run. I3SI Arcn street, Phllntlclptiln. l'eb, is, sl.iy rccouimoraod f r nil illsc.wa ro S csiiccially Irdttt;on,Jtrfcjut, J.,' r- April s;-3ti FeS. is 'S1-13V.- JUST OUT. MORRIS & IRELAND'S NEW IMPROVED FIRE-PROOF SAFE. THU ONLY EIGHT FLANGE SAFK MADK IN THE WORLD. amm 5i ps maw -mm AND CONTAINING OUR Patent Inside Bolt Work, l'lttent Hinged Cap, Four-wheel -Lock?, Inside Tron Linings, Solid Iron Corners, LATEST FROM MAINE. Ixcl.'j Mill's, oxford co , JIc. Mcssi-3. .Morris .t Inlanit: (ion's: On tlio wail of November. 1?T0. oursncol mlUnt -hli place, tiixo . lo stoiles hlgli, mnie t.ill.vcotiiumeJLy!ire, Inwlilcli llicro mn ltrc iiu.inttty ur kpooI lumber, dpi) k ami block, Ml Ma soneil. Tlio Urn burueil for tluvo ami 11 Half iluis. wo inn oneti joars'it..'.-i in our mill ami Tuesjuy inoriittiir follnnliu', eighty litiii.i nltui' ilu lire. it w'ilh Loo hot tu biiiitlle. b'jlin; covered with burntnL'' hlacks. Miiuilline niter It as opened mul tliu tun tents were In 11 pood stutiof preseiviillm, not IwolcorpiiiC'bvlBffiloatniivil. 1 mil sjll.-lleil ullh your K.ito-i and have purchased another, nml can ulieeilu'ly recommend, ihemlo any one wlshlnirlo tecuie taeir valuables fain belag destroyed by lire. loiusuuiy, i. u. i i.uitii, TREMENDOUS TEST." lloastlng Thirty Ho ns In a I'.ed ot l'.ed Hot Coals. Cornltg, N. Y., January 0, 'St. Morris .V, Ireland Boston. Mass. (icntlemen:-on tlio n'glitof tho lire In our vll- lairo on llio aotli tilt , I li U In uso one of ynur No. a Mies I urn pleased to Infoi m you, alter tho floor iravti way It fill tuto tin cellar. Into a heap of burn ing coal, whcioit roasted for thlity hours, uurctt- uenn m.u inyseu i;ave up ine imru ui au.iiiiuig oe Ini: MiViii in it. on belli; token from tliu ruins I wan happily dlsappoli.tt il to Had lay casa. vouchers and oilier urtlvMH cf value terititly tueHerved. 'I lie combination works wll now. I am Katlistl'-il journewaiiiiinpmv.il won;, one erwhien.a ml ve. 1 hive old r((l it iouniireiit to-day. will nllunl aboolutu protcctton In any ine. '1'iuly youw, K. s. iiauxv;. STILL AHEAD- Iloclitsler, J. II., Die. 1, no. Mcsais. M011I3 .V ireln.il: Dear Mrs: In tho dUas'rotts llro wnleli took plico In I Ins town Nov. :ii the Morris ami Inl mil ha'e In my kiore was lubjeuten to a seu-ie. tbt, b-tng tlirown lulo the cellnraml a huse mn.-s of di bits ffll npo-i II, and It w.'s In 1I11 1 iilus hoinu twoiliys, I take pleasure In li'foi mtiii; oil that upun excava tion It was iipeni il williniii 1 luiihU-mul tlietonti lies wor- ton ii1 to be uiili.Juii"). I clueitiily lecoin meiid .ii'iii-nif. sand bliua!.! I wuin iinnlh' r 1 suuuld co t.ui.u pun h i.e oi.e irem jou. Vours truly, U.W. IIowi:. STILL AU0T2EB. Trom Ilu (neat I'lre la Truy, New Ycrlr. Tioy, N. Y., December 11, 1ST9. Mc.'i rs. Mori U A Inland. Hot t jr.: ilenlb mi'tn-Aller wllnes'lug tho charred books outof 1I10 sa.'es 1 pete'. at.so oiieofmv own widen was .i'iuilii'i'"ijM!. wlileii was tin In iluliiai. of 1 Ilu lire likiilh i No fi 1 ilelv p'iri'h imm! or inu.whlt Ii whs In I lie tile over Ii'ii.vi ttrlit Imais. anil hail to tin i"iultl, 1:. illy p.'nW'd 1111 ilurii'g Mnndav nlxht. ns It w,e cumpieii'iy hiiiroiu ecu wun ouiniiig muslins m i o'h- r Ii II nu ible maioilal.on opening It In the lulus I'l'e-il.iy 1 lien oon, I was plr.ird 10 lliel the eiiiitents. lauiLs. nam is ami 11101 ev wem iillnie- birvedliin 11la.11k.1rly gm'il conilllloii. vtlllillils proof cf llio Jilt ipiulliieMif jour tuln wo hale giv en 3 our ug.'iii. uu oroer 1 'l 0110 10. a hiuu. Yourn lesj eclfnlly, Davis ,c Co, THE GREAT BOSTON FIRE. JANUARY. ISSO. Morris Ireland's snfei Again TtUmphant-Mcssrs. in.... 1.. ...i.ii .. 1. ..j 1 ...... ....... i... ....ij i,u ,,.v, ttviiiiuii tv 'n. h.iis i-iiiu iiii.viiis itn Y.iluible tonicnW I man, after Ik'iiix sub Jeel.d lo lnleii i lieat for une llundred and Thirty Hour.. llaston, January i, lio, Mesr', Monti IieUt.il. lies on: f.enn:-On me t.lglit cf Dccemrn- ss, latt. tlio lul illti' iKii ipti-d in pan by us at N , il I V.kral reet, .ill 1 "III hwas iuji noiles li'.li nml about jiii in 1 deep, t.ii.gui Ur ami w,i- lUirojid, wltli all ilsi'i i lliiv' 'ii'l'll'gil a i"j laieHiekof paper, vou.v Liua-rs iirueriuia nnu u i.ei uiurtuan ili..e. Willie siv ijlottnr 1.1 1 aro li,.lli'lriL-s iuIUjImIiil- ouis weie burned at Hie same time, tin.. Haines weie I'xnngui-neuiitj iiiionin.' a.n.nni tun mockcoii t'liued to t'tllii tor 1.111s Iheirntte:. After a dtlay ot IJJ llOUIS Wll IllTU HI'lU III IIJIO lllll Said Ullg OUl lioiu iho nilnsand opemd, ami wue pii a-ul lollnd all the eonteuls we I pivserved. I h- Mifecontalm d our luo-t valiiabl" udoks, papeis, i. lli'lej, etc., ami wv now ffel sine lliiti our JU'iuaient was 10, net In bu.ilt'giiieol Mnir iul. which wo ili-rldrdlodo after knowing tlio woni)"iiiil iicoid it jour sales 111 the treat llostim Hie u '.J. We reeuru tlio pion c llon if our "ale i.s mist rem likable, and this tire Is a gu.i'auly of li-j s.ciitltj 10 tln.se who may wish ii. pureh i-e. 1 jura icrj truly, 1 i.e, lu.vaiu. i co. Also a Commur.icati;n from Es-Govor-r.cr Ah::. P.ico, licistou, January 'i, isso. ME.-SIU MllllllIS ,t lltKI.ND. tienls: llMicmailt) eaiiful cxiuulnnllon rf the contents if ihe bale piirciiateil if you somo M'ars sliieet.y the Itrni of Inee, Kcudull i Co . utd which was bab eetin tho test if enormoiii heal In the grer pre ot last bund ly night. I loifind lho se eantj ot the sjt 1 under ttio vlreinnslam es as must Teiuaikable, oue of lis contents ero burned, nor who my of them so injure 1 by heat as to bu nutei tally djiuaged I t-lioui 1 commit nnysirurlt I's lujo'ir s.ifi hereittiT wlih aldltloticl couil dence. With gieat respect, ) 0111 s very truly. Alexander 11, Idee, THE LATEST YET. BUr THS SAU3 RSSULT, So. Norrldgeivotk, Mo., l-'eb. 1, lssi. Messrs Morris & Ireland, llotou Muss. : Tlio hale I t'0.i'tit ot jou I ht October w.11 In a iwo-Mory wooden building, which bun oil dan. w. Tlio building look Ilie In llio nlelit, ami thu h.it, bul'illng auu lis confnts, felllatu the cellar upon apllaefdry wood, nuking a hot llro which luted I ir ten hours The oulstiia of tin sifo ivai i.uited 1 '(1 hot. It ia.'lt"d I lie himlloaod dial olf 1 hi door. I liiUMiui'iild i-oniMi-d w.i che.s. Jewelrj, tlltei ivare booki p.ip.'i a .v :., nil of wlilca c am.) nut 111 .''i in iduloa. Papers lilagujal si iiih inside of Hi 1 Kilt. wep not luntreil ihobit.i hows for It s it wi.at It Is, nu 1 1 feel well HjtlidP'it with what I1 lusiijiio, piaasii writ.' nil 1' jou ea 1 iilloiv for It lowarda nov one, utiJ obll re, O. IMIAI.I.. CHAMPION RECORD in lie GREAT BOSTON FIRE ill 1872. t '"semt furpileei and descrlptlvj cvtalogjo bo forj imrUuMlliri'lsoiVhcru, MORRIS & IRELAND, 64 SUDBURY ST. BoHon Mbss 'ivvni B.L00MSBUBG SIXTH NOUAIAL SCHOOL D1STHI0T. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. 'I lllSSOHoiit,, asnt present constituted, o'tc-rs tho very best facilities for l'rofeElonnt and ClasMcai learning. l.ulldliiL'ssii.icious. iiivttini' and coinmodioiis : eomolelelv heated by steam, ivell M'litllated. lighted by gas. and furnished with a bountiful supply of iiure,sotl Sil log water. i oe u ion ni'aiiiiiui, ami rnsy 01 across, loacaers uxpcnenci'ii, oiiich-iii, nun uuvo 10 iin-ii mu k. uinripiuir, nrin hui- mipi, muuui hi .iiiu uiviuuu. .i. ." rrrilei alo. Kitty cents u weelc ilediii'tlon to all e.xpocllng to teach, students admitted at any tlino. ltootus rcacrt ed when doalred. uourses 01 dtuiiy preseiiueii uy ine aiaio i I. MoJel School. 11. IVcparatory. III. Iilemciitary. IV, Cla'sir.tl, Aillunct CoiiMoi : I. Ac.ulemto. 1 1. Commercial. III. Courfe In Minic. IV. Course In Art. The niement.lrv. Selontllle nml rinsuliul flnnrsns corriMponillng Degrees; Master of the Kleinnntst Master of lhu Sciences j Master of thoClas-les. tlradtiutcs inriraiiaiiimenis,. signeu nv mo tiiiiccrs or llio iioani 1 hi" course in Mini Dtvicnueii uy inn Mnto mineral, nnu ino 6 :ientiucnnu riasucni courses are nor interior 10 inoso in our nesi uouegis. n-ln, VI iili I'.ini.li-Aun lin.l.,i,M..It ,.l .fl..t..jl.l,i 'll... Il,.. .1... ml ! Il II nnnnf tlm nrlinn ,ilil,...ia nf I Mil U.lmnl In linln Hi HPIIt-i It. llV fll rillMllriO InlCl 1 gentandi'mc'lenlTeacliersforherSeliools. To liilsend aim ineir intenis.as miuiicius, to uu such it promises VIII il-KII.-. IIIIIIIV.S I UU I I UK If Hi I. iiii.i. i ll,l,l..ll i:i,vi;i.I.i i're-ilili'iit llouril Set t.S. '-a.- -ZSPRING CLOTHING- TI-IE LAIIGEST - - - - STOCK OIF CLOTHING. JUST WHAT WE REPRESENT IT CUSTOM TAILORING OR READY EVIADE. MOW Ol HAHB Wl? INVITE YOVR EXAlMTNATrON BEfOrE oi ally TO KNOW "If HAT TO WEAR," AND "How TO TEAR IT CALL AT THE DAVIS. $.000 REWARD. ON II TIIUUSANT) (l.OOO) DOU.AItS I'UKiMIU.M ollVteil in ANY VKIiSON Unit will iln a (illKAT A 1SXNOK OK Vi'OUK on ANY OTIIlilt MAOHINi:. NEW DAVJS "VERTICAL FEED Will do without busting. ltwlll mako wldo hem on sheets, Ac, hem all manner of bias woolen Koods, as soit merino, crape, or coods dlfilcult to hem on oilier machines. It makes a more elastic stitch thnu any other machine. It will turn a hem and put la piping at same tlino Jt will turn a hem, sew braid on Iho right stdo nnd stttcli on ti Inimlnt' at one oper.it ou. It will dot lllni; bias or straight, cither on cotton or woolen goods. It will fell across scams on any goods. I will bind a Drefs or Skirt anil Few on faring, either with or without t-howlng Miiches; bind I'ress Hoods with the same material, eliheri-cillops.polntH, Hiliaiesiir M alulr. j I.e null mat blue Hint will bind llats. Cloaks, or oilier aitlcles wlih bias, i-atln or &llk, from to 3 Imhialn wlith, without baatlng. It will gather w 1th cr w lllinil sewing on. U will gather bttwecn two pit cis and sew on at. tlie same time. II will make nrullle aril stitch a pillow i-llp on to the faclngat tliu '.amullme. It will ehlir any kind of goods. It will mako rlalted trimming either with or with out sowing It ou. It will miko Malted trimming elthwfcallaped cr straight and H'W a piping ou at itiusaino time. II will mako knife planing. J. SALTZKH, Gcn'l Agent. liloomiliitrg, I'a, oct. l.'sO-tf. Dauchy & Co'b. Advt's. Set UOld UUV I I I O en 'ipog'ti' llred.oiily dribs Daniel V, Ueatty, Wa.ililngion, Is. .1, fvl ,ll iiiay tSJiv MAKE HOME BWAUTIF UL.,, . gravlngs. ChchM mbjecls, I, es' pilci s. SenU for catalogun and prien lls-t. Avents Wanted. Ad Uiess J. u. Mct'L'itl) & lo., I'M'.a, I'a. may o 4-w OHIO MEDAL AWADDld tltu Au(h r Aiu'wati.liiriul HcJ. K'til urk.warrniiU il I ti Uwt atul ilio,ip( it, ii.iliaiK'Uoutj.ii tu uvury luan.t-mitli d "thcintuof liio (ir,ulM'ri-6frvati('U i" iMtuniliu ti iicet I n-Tiih ii.ulni,('iiilMinjH'tlt full Kilt .iMJiiiM'tmiAiiubitautifuI utt't I mt,r4Tifnf, 125 iTii-rip lion, iiricu only tyWbtvnl ly ni.ttl t lliiitrt4)tltiuiiip)e.fii-tntiii Ki-ml nnu A,l.!i-..k. M...l.l. At. ..I Tririmr fnitTTrtnTn i. n- 11 m'i.. i, K Nil vv M I iSr.l.r . V .'." "".V. r,Vr y ,to. 4 l.n'.ui.Ubt, l!vbttu. Thu IlclNh of Iho Voi !l ! HALFORD SAUCE! Sttlit It.v Jill (Jini iTs. may ciw n JlllIN 11. (101 01 1 S ItuVu ml 14VM, callU. d SUftiiGHTAND SHADOW I. tlm ..I cUi.lo .f nlur.,1 t vmi. Il, Bciju. aru Jr.wn Irwiit' . lwl.l mil thtdjr . Ut tl .ut it., uj trlraia u w" John JJ. Goiifh ran imitray th m. l or I'llh... lunior.n..l Im.h. Ml.iril.llll vitlii;l 1 ..-r. III. Hi. "to, , mm ' fcuwl jtr JjLi Ii, au1 out iclla all ialm J to I, anil. l.uuui,( in iitu. IuuaidU .anUd.ini.naiid Huliiell. NuW U tliu tlm.'. I WlUttuuve frt! r(aD.l,Nli'i.il y.riu.yivrn. ar itujnr I Vn ukiru Aillnu. A. 11. oiti niu'i uSx i o., PuIm., llutr.nl, Cmu iaay0 4.w d nf "P. TiT'lo sell Krult and Omamcnlnl Trees, T4JA'i ( l runes, slums, lions. 1 1. . Nil X ll- Wrminrl leiieiriiilri'il Salary and i'peun-s '; vvn ueapaia j, r,uci.Aiti;, ltoch Hti'. w.v, j April 19 w TANITE J'or Hiiwallll., I'otiiitlileM. nii'l aiii(-l,ltiuMiiH, l ilrculM .4aiva THRTAItn'KW. annii irtiBf, lttU,j. vninuinu mh " wit A v A STATE NOHMA?- SCHOOL . am I'ltdKINSIIIV At., nnd mini, 'lit s rnilii.il nv 01 i usiee ' It sollrlLs young pemousnt good abllllles and good nnnn uoveiopiug tueir powers, nuanuunuani opportunities iur wen paia laour aucr iuaiiiigni;uuui. i o, nl TrimlrrH. SPKEll'S PORT GRAPE WINE I'icil In the principal Churches fcrCotrmunlon rurrescs. ES;SLT.SNT FOS LADItS .V.JD V7SAELY ?s3so:;3 vhe agso. peer's Port Grape Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. ritl.ls Celebrated Natlvo Mr.o Is mado from Iho JL Juice tt tho oporto (irapo niteed la ihls Country Its Invaluiblo Tonic r.nd Strengthening Properties arc uiisiiipasied be any other Nut lie Wtno. I'el g t'io pure Juice cf thetirap '. prodired under Mr. Speer's own persounl sill eivislon, Its purlly and geiuiliifnesi ulo giirnirted. 'Iho LUngesi child nny p.n-okiof Its generous ipiallt'es and I lie weak est 1'ivallil uu It to iiiiviiiitii-.-e It is pamcnlarly lienllitlil to the au-eil and debilitated, nnd Muted lo the v 11 Ions ullmeLts that alTee' Ihe weaker sex. It H Inevoi lefjuet .. WI.MJTU III: ltU.lliUON. F PEER'S I. Sliei'i'y. Tho 1'. .T. SIlllltllY Is a Wine i f surei lor character an t partakes of thegJlden iiu-IIIImI tlio grape, Irom which II Is m ule, r'or Purity. lllctinebS,l''lavor and Mullen Propo-ilcs, It lll bo fiiind unexcelled. S PERU'S F. J .JiSraiiri.v. I This iikaniiY M 11 iU iinilvalel In this Country, being far supeilor tor tiudual puiposes. IT is a ITHK dlill ii'iiin t mu tuo gr 'foand con. talus Miluaule n.edleal rop rtes It his a iM eiio 11 or, ilnlirtn that rf.the grapes Ir uu which It Is distilled and Is In great faior among Ilrl c asi fainlll' s. j Seo that the .Igoaiiire f xl.CHKU SI'KKlt.l'assalc . j , i- over ine voir ci eaeu ooiiie, I BY O. A. KLEIM. lied Jl '-'I It Ncnci! Sufferers Ihi Great European Pit. J. Il.fllir.-0H'S SI'KCII 13 SltMCINE. Ur. 1. 11. siinpwnv speiino Mediolntj lsapolllvu cure foroM'ivi. ikif lod or Ir In orexcis if any klui, sii'-'i as wi'.ikin ss and up diseases raMiltlng from Ni'ivinii Drbtlliv liiltillil ) Menial inxiclj. laingiior. I.nvs.11 licit.', lie- lesslju 01 .Splrllb and lnue lloUal ilji'.iiigeioenls cf III" neilous tyiiteiii .eii 1 1 nl. v. I'aliiuln Ilia iiaiK or .-iuu, ijjsi.. of Memo y, I'ri'ina iniuoiiiuginnii in eau'n t tiui lead I eoni.mpllon,lnsaii ly tun early ttrav or both. No main how t-l 1 it li t i d tin njML'Ill IIIUJ UJHllll 1 MPTTVf f-l t-Meftis ci t ans lmC'lA. U kind, a 1-I101 1 euune 1 1 in n uu il ilno wnl nMoru llio lost fiimlli ns ami i iik'iiio heuph ant hupiilness wbeiu lielnio uus ilesi oudi ntv uud gloom. '1 bo : f 1 tin Meilleliio Is being ll-id 111) wondeiful hUinss. I'amnhii'lH si-lit mu to all. Wrlto forihemnnd get lull nuilib libit'. I rice, hiili.i fl.iai h r pai knge, or sit paekoges for J5, a. Will Iw Hi nt bv mull on leeelpl of moi ey, Ad lrossn'1 eiders..!. H. SIMIN -N's Ml.'llll'lSISUtl. No-t lm and P-0 Main siieil, lluffale, N, V, e II. til-t UX'.AL lll.ANKS, ALWAYS OX HANI) , V. Course In Physical Culture. llifirnln. lecclin Stnln llliflnmas. COtlferilne tlio followln In llio oilier Courses I ecetvo Noitaal Cerllllcalcs purposes, thoso who ileslro 'olmprovo their time 1 . r. iin,i..M ii-.i(, tccreiary. Rnttlo Crock, Mlchlgnn. MAMUFACIUnEIlS Of tllE ONLY IIF.SI'INT THRESHERS. Traction and Plain Enalnos and Horso-Powors. Mot ComrlcteTlircahcr Factory Eatnbllohod In the WorlJ. I 1040 r fK Ur ADO ofonftnlioulan'lauffeal'iitfcu.'t J "I I bit ItO ii, mthoiit cbanra of naum, tjZ. ruaiimrement, or location, io"iep"if trttaii warrant! gittn oh all ourgtxult. STK ni -I'OWKIl xr.PAltATOItS, and Cniiilill'le Mi-lllll OillIllHi. Mnlrliiiam(M. iniTrnriliini:niiiiii'Haiid I'lnln Limine clcrFCen In tlio Ararrli-uii liwrkct . , A mvllUwl nfprrinl fratvrrtt oti'l tmprortmnttl for 1S"I, tmretlier w ittl ntxrtar qmllun tm routine. Urn ami material not dreamed of bynUVr makers. Tour el7cs of Separate, from 0 to It; liorao capacity.jlrtr ilium or hornr potrrr. Tun Hi Ion of " Mounted" IInie-rolver. 7fnfi nflfl I'i'i't r Kelertril I.iiiiiIiit UUl,UliU ffromlhrrHorixurarlalr.ilrlrd) roiiBtatitlr on hand, from blch i built tho in- eoaiparauio woou-woritoi ur mm-muvii. TRAOTIflN ENGINES iUrontett, nwt JvrbU.nntl tffieir.. tvtr ?-, piaJr. tit lUi 13 llorbu l'otr. EJt i t FnrmorN ami Tlircrslimncn nro invitod to IntoHtimta tbiri vtatthte 'I lu'Lfluujj Machinery NICHOLG, SHEPARD & CO. Battlo Creek, Mtchlean Jin. 7, Sl-fira BUM kilWilil (VtWaWi UlaVJ THK CREAT Jil'JtLTXGTOF J!0 1'TE, CS'-.S'ii other lino runs Three Throuah I'as rengcr Trains Dally between Chicago, lies Moines Council Hluil. 'im-alia. 1 liienln. ft. .lotepli, Atchlmn, Topeka nml Kau.nis City. Direct lounectloin for all point. In Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado. Wjomliur, Muntain, .e vaila. New Mexico, ArUou.i, Idaiio, Oregon uud Calllornla. Tho Shortest, Sp-edleit and Mot Conifnitn tilo Itouto vlallnnnllii.i to t'ort C-cut, ru-nUnn, Dallas, Houston, Aii-tln, tfan Antonio, Halves ton and all polim In Texas. Thu iiiieiiiali-it Iudiiiem"nt3 fffcrcd liytlila I.lno toTravelc-rs nnd TourUt". nro ai tollows; Tho celebrated t'ullmaa (It'nlieel) I'alaeo rilcepliig Cant, run only on ihii l.lne. 0 II. .V p. I'alaeo Uiitirli'g-Unoin Cats, with Iloiion's ltecllnliigl.hnlrs. No cxtrii ehau'o lor rliats lit iteellning l "iialri. Tlio tamnits C II. a y, I'alaeo lilnlnv Cars, (loraeous Smoking Cms lined with lllegant llluh-ll.ickcil llnttan lle voliinir Chairs fur the oUluslvo uso ot first dan iai-eni:crs. Steel Trm It nnd Superior Diulpment. com bined with llieir (Ireut Tlirinigh Car Arrnmru mentitnnkri this nlinvo all other?, thofavorlto Homo to tho South, South-West, ami tho Vat West. 'Iry It, mul vou will find (ravelins a luxury lnteailofniliiiiiiintort. Thrmisli TlekeH a thla Celchrated I.lno for fiiloatnll unite in lhu I'nlted States nnd Caiiiula. All lul'oimntlon about l!aio nf Fare, Sleep Imr Car Aei'iimmiiiliitliiiii, Tlino Tables, ie., will lie cheerfully glien by applying to J. Q. A. ni'.AN, (len'l ll iitern Apent, aid V.'ii.hlniitiiii St., II Mini, Mima, and til" llro idwav. Now Vork. JAM1M It. WOOD. lien. l'us Aki.. i lil.'aVo. T. J. lW.rr.lt, Uo.i. Jlauaaer, Ch eago. Maali is, 'SO, 40 1 CANCERS CURED At Crane's Cancer InStnary, Aasiscn, IT. V. iirNDitnns ur i'ki.mins nommi p.ms of tuo world hai'tf been cured of Mils much dreaded dis easo anJ uro now llilng wlinesses Ihatlhevhaio been reseueil irorn lUtirlbio and untimely death. Doctors. Ministers iind the Poor lieatodfrce, Wrlto J?,1".,1! c.'.ff ?ll!r. B'vl ,u" I1'" 1 'cilns. Adddiess lis. '' clMNi: X nlTMI ln.tiW.v, Addison, N. V. net, 1, Su.ly Weaver & Go's Ads C)1 find A VP A D c'm ,,u 'ao'loat homo by Oi.UUU A IrjAlt "; at-uvo nian or woman. ' I uu " boy ir ghl. Vou will net bo obliged to leave jour on town, or I.e away from homo over nighl. Any ono can conduct tho bust m8. It reiitlriK no capital. K WlU,bI'Altl' Ynl' WITH AN Ol'Tl'IT WOUTII ii :.'"i''in:i:."fca If jou nro cmnioyed ilmlng the iliy jou can mako from (l to 3 an eunlng. ruuo . f our ugenis lepoi t a prom of tu In a Ung lo day. Vl i ut onco V!.',I,u."J'J-tluular'i ," l" " "ill'tol'T. "o Itaielay btrtet. , wico march ll, 'ai.aia SUPGH101 OTHERS. .MliYI'.lt Highest I'rUes A win di d. .IIIIVIIK .V: mi.V, 7'.icliMrec tl'Iilluilelplil.i. Highest Awards for tho beat j lanosi London l'arls, Centunulul and I'tnn'a Stale Kalra. luno'.i il, ; cm wtcn lAj,o I l'iJlUIX5iauiu,t4iiii.n.uiii.iu ix 'I ry X "i"r'ii., iin'iii iuj j -l i iitlil.-.l. IMiil.iiirliin ,-ri i i.i'iir,ii.i'.,i.r ru-oir.ai,r in,, T l.liy lU-l.-il-... 1lii.lliiill.lj i : f li.UH,,,,., ViVl A l in I .rinuli r..rw,,l,l..,iij,una..ij. s,.laiir! I"! ',UJJ "l'!:' f'.'.ri'iirri.-l.ljali,iin. Iirinlil ..iuiiii, i.,r n.a iin-n-i, J Ur." and I'.tiji. ta r:,4. iia?,. SKV.si..l"w..' April :-Jtn aid (t ,iw outnt freo tothoaowho vUhto cngogola V Kllio moat pleasant and proiitabk) business tlJf ) kno'ii , Everything new. capital not re-,f'v-' quired. We will fumlsU jou everytlilng. 110 a day and upwards Is easily made without Maying awayrrom homo over night. No risk whateier. Many new workers wanted at once. Many are mak ing roitunes at the business Udlos make as much iistafp.andsoungboja and girls raakosreat nay. NooueVaoUwitTini to work Mis to wka more laotiiiy every tixy Uuiti can lx inadnln uwwk at any XV it Jt I TO ALL PIANOS RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES iir.i.i itmimf -i(s'j..ji irri N OHTHKUN OKNTUAIj 'VJNTKH TIME TAIILH. on nnu nner nunuty. .mu n, i ira nam on tiin 1'hl'adclphla tl Krifl Ha lroad Uh lsloa v, 111 inn as follows I . WKSTWAHI). Etlo Mall leaves Milladelphla " " llarrlsbuig milium' port " .Jersey lloro "i " iflck Haven llenovo It f.apm 4 s a in si'itim u ns ma u in a in II nnu in 7 in n in nrrlvo at i:iio Niagara Kxprent lenies I'lillnilt'lpliln v nil u in ' " llnrilsburg IliBpnt " air. nr. iMiiiumspoii, iiupm ii I.oel: IliiU'ii 4 vn pin 11 l.'enovii B to p in Fast t.!no leaves l'hlladclt.hla la so p m " Ibirtlsburg 4hipm " arrlvo at Wllllamspcrt 7 fs p m i' " l.ockiiaicu uiopm HASTWAIIl). l'aclllo Kxprcsa leans Lock Haven 7 la a m " uiibi'j .nun ii i i ii in ' Mllllamppoit H vii am " airlioat Harrlstmrg VJospm " " riill.nlelplua a -O pin Day Kxprcss leaves ltenovo lotunin Lock Haven II iu a in i " i llilnmsport 13 ss p in " arrive at Ilnrrliburg 4opm " I'hiiadcipiita aaapm Erlo Mall leaves ltenovo onopm " Lockllavcn lo lo pin " Willlamsport It no p m " arrives at llarrlsbure a loam " " I'liiladclphla 7 os am Fast Lino leaves W llilnmsport la 15 a m " nnlveaat llarrlsbtirg 815am " I'hliadclpnla 7 05 am Krlo Mall west and Hay ll.vpross Knst mako eloso coniitcllonsatNorlhtiinberlandiiltlil.. Jl 11. It. It trains for Wtlkcsbatio and scrantou, Erie Mall West, Niagara impress Wef.t ahtt fas I.tno West mako closo cotincitlon at Wllliwaspor with N. c. It. W. trains norlh. Niagara Express Wef-t nnd Day ExpicFa Tos mokuilosuoonticctluti at Lock I lawn with 11. U. V, li, K. trains. Erlo Malt cast nnd West ronnect at K.'li Willi trains on I.. S. .t M. S. It. It. ! nt Con y with O. C. 4; A. V. 11. It. ; nt Emporium Willi II, N. V. & 1', 11. It and at Driftwood vuth A. V. It. II. Potior cuts will run between l'lillalelphla and IVIllamiport on Niagara K.ipiessttoM, nnd Da Ux pi ess aM. sleeping cars on all olght I rains. WM. A.1IA1.DW1N, uenerai aupc. TVTOUTIIKKN CEXTHAL JJA'ILWAY 1 COMPANY. on nnd after January Ittli, lSsl, trains Vf ill Icavo Sunbury as tollows t NOKTHWAltD. Northern Express c.r.o a, in., arrive Elmlra is.r.o pin Arrlvo nt canandalgua 3.'J? p. m " Itochcstcr 4.40 " " Niagara, s 15 " Niagara Express 1.05 p, in. arrive E'mlra n.oj p m arrive Canatidiigiia H.35 " " liochester 0 45 " " Niagara ls.soam Fast lino c.to p m an ivc Elmlra 11.05 p m " W'atklas 11.53 pm SOUTHWA1ID. Southern Expreaa 1.3! a. m.airlvoIIarrlsbV 3.13 a m arrive Philadelphia 7.35 " " New York 10.3.-, " " Ealtlmoro 7.10 " Washington o.oa a m ivc tic Express in.i a m arrlvo llnrrlsb'g l'i.f.t )i m M lite Philadelphia 3.45 pm " New York o.?r. " " Ealllmoro CM Washington 7.5i Day ExprcaU 51 p tn nrilvo Ilarrisbiirg 3,to p m " l'lill.vlelphla fl is " " New York 9.30 " " Haltlmoro C.B5 Washington 7.nj Erlo Mall 1.03 a, ra. arrive Ilarrlsbtirg 3.05 a. m) " Philadelphia 7.35 ' " New York '0.35 " " Ualtimoro 7.40 ' Washington Ml I,, p. FAHMClI, Ooncral Passonser Agett. KitANK THOMSON, General Manage r. piIIIjADKIjl'IIA AND HEADING HO AD AKRANGEMEXT 'OF PASSENGER TRAINS. May 11, 1670. TBAIKB LX1VK RCrKltT A3 yOU.OWS!SrjWlAYI!XCKrTID For New Y'orl:, Philadelphia, Heading, l'ottsvllli) Tamaqua, 4o 11,15 n. m For catawlssa, 11,45 a. ta. 7,51 and J,?S p. rn. For Willlamsport, c.'3 9,os a. m. and 4,co p. tn. TlUlKSrOK l'.Ut'lillT I.KAVK A3 FOLLOWS, (SlNDiT ei CklTED.) Ix;avo New York, 8,45 a. in. Leave Philadelphia, 0,45 a. m. Leave Heading, 11,13 a. m., rottsvlllo, iv,30 p. m and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Leave CatawUsa, 0,20 8,50 a, m. and 4,00 p. m. Lcaw Wllllamspori,o,43a.m,2,15p.m. and4,:o p. ra Passengers tu and from New York and Philadel phia go tlirouga without change of earn. J. K. WOOTTEN, Ucneral Manager C. 0, HANCOCK, oeneral Ticket Agent. Jan.lt, H.ctt. D KIjAWARE, LACKAWANNA WBSTEItN HAlLltOAD. JiLOOMSBURd DIVISION. ANB Tlme-Tablo No. 39, Takes effect at 4:30 A. M MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1S7S, NOliTII. b'PATIONS, soum p.m. p.m. a.m. ISO I 9 41! a.m. p.m. p.m .. ..Scran ton Dellcvuo ....TaMorvllle.. . .Lackawanna tl 35 ' 111 i 10 1 -it 1 30 1 S3 i 41 9 49 1! 53 67 3 t5 3 13 3 10 3 13 3 91 3 90 3 35 3 50 4 03 4 ltf 4 IS 4 '.'5 i 99 0 13 f. 90 li 95 0 33 r, 411 C 43 C Ml C t5 C 59 1 10 7 1S 7 1S 7 95 7 S3 7 49 8 04 S 93 8 43 8 t5 9 113 7 13 7 S3 7 SO S -li ll IT V U4 s r.s s M S 40 ll 81 9 45 0 .10 3 01 ',... uiiA.in iiiiii.i, 9 si rittston... 9 63 10 07 3 411 3 ll lit 41 11 i'S 3 30 3 10 9 19' West l'lttslon... 9 14 Wyoming Mnltby llennett KlngMbu Kingston ..Plymouth June, .... I'li mouth Wondalu Nantlcoko .nunloek's neck, ..-Milekshliiny ....Hick's Kerry.... ....Pencil Haven.,, lierwlek .... Urlar creek ...Willow (novo.,.. Llmo Ittdgc Espy ...liloomsourg ltupert S 33 e 1.1 0 04 S 41 10 IS 10 3J 10 9) 1(1 31 10 49 10 65 11 07 11 13 11 J 8 S3 3 90 8 t3 8 19 S 01 7 51 7 33 7 I'i 7 !5 7 13 7 14 7 10 7 01 C fx) 0 60 t 45 87 15 t 00 3 19 3 04 9 61 9 33 9 31 I 9S S 47 s SH s as 8 17 U 19 S CD 4 33 4 49 4 49 9 M 1 tT 1 M 1 45 1 37 7 44; 7 .13 7 33 7 99 J 11 11 39 11 45 11 SI 11 87 13 13 7 44 8 W 4 55 8 Si Cuniwlssa lirldge. 6 00 8 N) uanviue Chulosky. Cainr-roa .Northumbvrluud. f 13 9 13 o 30 & 43 8 91 9 51 ) 9 1 00 6 13 13 45 p.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m W. F. IIALtjTEAI), Sttpt, SaportntondBnt'd omco. Scranton, Juno 10, lfc78. II A oiililt fnrnlkhed fiee.wllh full Instruc tions wr conuuciing tie most proiuawo lnu-lnoss that, nny ono enn engage In. 1 llO bunllllss Is kfi rnuv tn lnnrn in,. I nnr Instructions nro so hlmplo and plain, that any 0110 can mako great t rollta from tl-'; very ttart. No ono can fall who Is willing to work. Women am assuc ei'stfu ns men. I'ojh and girls can earn largo sums. Many haw tnudu at the business ov.rono liundred dollars in u blDglo week. Nothing llko It over known Heroic. All who engage aiosurpilscd nt tho easo nnd rapidity with which they nro able to mako money. ou can engugo In this business during your sparo tltnent gri-ai proilt. You do not have to Invest capital In it. Wo tako all tho risk. Those who need leudy money, should write to us at once. All furnished tree. Address Taint Co., Augusta,Malno oel. 15' 'So-ly ELV t'i-tt f'ntfirrli IW 'tYrfrTlXi1 'Soillitlll'ny Fever, Cold In tho llltln tlniiii n tinrllflil Jf tlm ll.ilm liiln Ino itti nostrils j draw strong oreatus tiuotigii 1110 nose. It will to lib soi bed, ileaiiblog, nnd healing lhu UbeaitU meuibrane. &1. 1 A uj'VS-iBal1 IaiiicsMf jtt0BIPPly a particle Into nu ear UIA'S CHHAM HALM Having gained an ctnlablo local reputation, il'hpla elug rn, ot; er preparations In tho vicinity of ills ..nm)', '''' 0,1 J1 "10r,,s alone, leeogiiUed as a woniierlu remedy wherever known. A fair trial wi I euniincii the most skeptical ot lis curatlio jiuwi s. It effectually cleanses tho misiil pasmgis hf,1.",."1" rua' faufclntf healthy neiellons,ul tJ,".-li1.'"?"ia,1(i.11 Irrllntlon. iioteclslho mem J, 'i1 "! "P" i'.."'0 1,(,U '""a aildllloiiuleolds, iS', ? '1,l'u:l l"'uls ho sores, ai d testues Iho benso ot tasto and smell, lleneilclnl 'icsulla aro lenlled r.?.f.i'ui!.C?,llcttJ .'"' tliotoufc-n ireal inc-iit as ill rS'iniaii'fiV" l " H1"' A a'hotibihold liliudy :.n'?ill..1.atl'0,lK'aa 1111 Ubiquiiled. Tho balm la . .W i',t0 'l"a. nk'reeable. hold by ilrugglsla at f corns On receipt of 511 ceuts will laaU u tuickugo scud for circular' win, ru lnfoimatloii. '"'uul'u ELY'S CHEAM 1IAI.M CO.,Owtgo,N. Y. 8Nalol!fug'1latsl.tu??lu.j-.11, Kfi"wu a,:d 110K-oor.'JI.'iO-ly a TT T7 1 TP ourselves by makng money - Hi , J vhen a golden chanio H of J. I IVj I J I lend, thereby alwajskeeplng I?i?iM.u.",.0,."ilr lJ 91 aro olli iid, generally bicomo 7'"ii nnu iiinbo v, no i n not lintirnvo sucli bmsSi l.VJ!li',lnJ'05;t'.rllr' w nt m"uy vomei! MiJin, a'J 1 ,rn' Vifiii k ".r.us f'sttln their own lo- nnllnaVi- i. T !!!; . t'uJ ""'" iau WD tunes Sn 1 RtyiS?,-,iW.? iuri'li,u an i'tD5lvo outllt anil fil-lU1: .ou utcJ' ,rcc' No obo who engages tails to mako money wry rapidly. You can devote jour van Wh" 9P' !yourbpa?o,rToments ruillntormatloii andal that Is needed Bontrreo Adarees Stikson ti Co., rwHana, Maliio. oisiy ItAltAVAY 4 ttV WbykHtfy' rwtV.,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers