IT- "v ImiimI .Verlilr, every I'rlilnr mnrnlnir. nt iit.ooMMmiuo.cot.mtnt a ,.n ATTwin'oaAnspttfytar, M tent .lisewinl nlimSrf "to'Vl",.. TAr.;'r iy,lnn.lAticp out of. the u em iui tlo ontlim nt conUnucd credits wm tibt bo i-lvon." T "utlonS All m it-m neiiiimtDI I 10 Ntlllo Of to lllstfint nn.1 onicra mu uipm tor tn itS4ftiG slblo person In Columbia rnunty 1 MgmiS f to S'S subsrrlptlnn duo on demand. 'S!,U1"U Pay mo the county? " " l0nKCr MattCl1 ,rom ftorlbcrs tn Thcfobblnor Departtnont of the Cot mint i, i J ... demand, neatly and nt moderate pVlcoa k Uono on LA.WYEK: Q 15. HHOCKW AY, Cot.CHC!AM Ilmtif.o, tlicomsburg, ra. MornDT ci mo rnited States Law Ansocinllfm. IcolUsctlonsirune in iny part ot.Amcrlcn or Europe. fc WALbEll, Attornoy-nt-Lrvw. 0EC5, Second doer from 1st National uank. ULOOMSUUItO. TA, N 0. PUNK, Attoimoyat-r.,av, M.OOltSUUIia, PA. Office tn Rnt's Iittti.ont.1. p K A WJ.BUCKAI.EWi ' Uloomst.nri. Pa. onic? on Main Strce'tTrffstddor'KelowOourtllAusf I JOHN MvCLA.UK, n.llvllMI AT'ltAW, tllootnsburg, ra. lOMce over Scliu ylcr's Hardware Store. n. MTTI.K. tlOB'T. v.i Unit. E. II. & 11. R; LITTLE, ATT0UNBY8-AT-LAW, Hloomsburir, 1'ft. IQ W.MILLEIl, Al iUllbl-Ai-lWYW onicelnBrowcr'Bbulfrtl'ng.scconrt No, . Illoomsbttrg, I'a. B, FUANK 5UKII, Afcfcornov-nt-7 inw. "HI.OOMSHUHO, VA. omio corner of Contre and Main Streets. Clark'n iliuiuung. (!.in. bo consulted in German. IQEO. E. KLvVliLL, A T TO It N E Y-A T-L A W, Columbian ucitDixn, llloomsburg, ra. Morrbcr of tbo United Htates Law Association Collections tnado In any part of America orEuropo B. KKOKK. I. B. W1KTKH9TPEN. Notary I'ubllc KNOUIl k WINTEKSTEEN, Attprneys-nt-Law. omco In Hartman's, piock, corner Jlaln und Jlar- Ikct streets, llloomsburff, l'a. .. tf3f Pennons and Uounlks Collected. AUL K. WIIIT, Attorney-at-Law. ionirn In Uroivcr's Illock, one door below 06i.umhian llulldlatr 15L00MSBUK0, PA. Q,UV JACOIiY, Atloriiey-ritii,aw, HLOpMSUUHO, o.ticrt lh tho Coi.fjrmA!rnulldInir. second floor. Oct. 8, '30. JiLOOMSHUIta . DIRECTOHY. ritOFKSSIONAI. CAHDS. TD illUCKINGIIAM, Attorno.v-ntI,nw. Of tli.tlco, Ilrockway'B llulldlnir, 1st lloor, Illooms burj,', l'enn'a. may J, 'W-t f GU. T5ARKLEY. Attorney-at-Law. Oflico i ln llrower'a bulldlnj-, snd blory, Itoomsi & 6 1 , R. ROBISON.-Attornev-at-Law. i) m Inllartman'abulldlnif.MalnBtreet. Office D't. WM. Sr. REHER, Surgeon ami Phyai clan. Oflico Market street. Near depot. T KTEVANS. SI. T) Surgeon ap.l Pliyai. W,. ctrfn, (onico'tinn itesMorico otrThira'Btrcct T II. McKELVY. SI. D.. Rnrwon and Pliv- V slclan, north side llalir strvot, below Market. ' JU. J.O.RUTTER,- i'HYSICIAN dlSOItOEON, otuce, North Market stroct, , -f Dloomsburg, I'a. Oct. 1, '13. D R. I. L. RAIIB, PR ACTICAIi DENTIST, burSl1'atreCt' ot'poslt) EPIaPAt Church, Blooms- tir Teeth extracted wltho'ut'paln. OCt 1, 1S7D, ' ' T "VVILMOT CONNER: Sf. T).. PIIYSI J.7.CIANaud nUlttlKON.BpeClatnttontlonL'lvej (I Hill 11im.'iMiru tin, I 11.1.. h ltn- . t . T I I'li.TnT.. CZ. .7 .... .r.rr.v,E1 tit lilt. Il.r. -1.1. 'luunulI"KKV,n an us variovs tirancnes. 'Vs.u 'ciwiy nujuststhoilVH wiui I'JtOPKlt (8-10ft.-m. Hours a 1:30 p. m, ' (.7-8 '. mi ' Wllhi.barri', ,1'ni i July 10, fo-tf JAMES REILLY, Tonsonal Artist,, S niraln nt. lllQ nlrl ulnnrl iinrliti. PVfllT.VrtlJ ttr 2m1,",.1111?, nas ns ,lsllal n FIHST-ULASS HAllllKIt i. i'i'i ". fcspectfully aollflts tho palronat'O of lits old customer and of tho public ireneraUy. jiiyiu, 'su-tt BLOOMSBURG, COL. 00. PA. All styles of work dono In a superior manner, work wnri'aiiti'.rt at represented. -Tkkth Hxtiuot- -ei wmiot'T Tain bv tho use. nt Has, and freo of charuo whnn nrililelal teeth aru inserted, Oflico over WoomsbilrE Jlanklujr Conipiny. Jo be open at all hours during the day. Nov. My J MISCELLANEOUS fi jr.JIRINKER, QUNaud LOCKSMITH. sowlnr MHcliincsand Machlnefvnf nii'iri dalred. Opeka U9tisnllulldlnff, llloomEbur?, I'a. TAVID'LOWFJNUERO, Srercliant Tailor J J Main St., above Central Hotel, I:8. KUHN, dealer If. Mat, ''Tni'low, etc.. Oontrii street, betweon Second and Third. A.TAWiSftArr v " ; VM.Jj. BY URL Y. ".:, . ATTOIINBY.AT.LAWi , Catawiasa.ra, -5301 lootion a promptly-mado and remitted, otrtcp opposltq Catawlssa Deposit uank. oni-38 "y H. RHAWN,- 'ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW, Catawtssa, ra. omce, corner o'r Thlra ana Jlaln streets. B.F' HARTSIAN KSPKKSKNTB TIIR F0LL0WIN0 ASIERIpAN. INSURANCE COMPANIES! ' ouunyivauia or i , .. ., Farmers of. YOfk.J'a. lianAverot Now fork. ManhattanoJ , nlrii0 M,Hrke 8lwt Vo- Wooaubunr. I'a, a A ml ;t; ':- i jjthWI m- ' i April ti-si OPIUM ii 1 ""'",m''''''''',iiiii1i',,'i"m""''i'"m"''""" nnanM , ,, , , fh? r im Jill.. .., " . "mii .,iiw i I, 1 1 jin ii im.i.i ' !l . . . , i 0. E.ELWEI,L, 1- J.K. 8IMSK8E1TDEB, fPwS" tiers, OM I N 1STRATR1 X' NOTICE. tSTATG OV llfiNliy W. AU!., PKCKWsn, iv' aV.?'?.0.' AtlinlnlMrnlloh on tlioistaleof ltfnrv enn'a' d J'lWL T LR''"1' :ni"wa com"?, delay ment. to tbo utidertlgned Administratrix withe-fit 0. W. Mit.i.Tii, Atinrncy April w.ijw' ' SAItAII tt. At!U AdmlnlitrutrK, I. O, Ktpy, I'ii., HIDES. Tho Highest Markoi Prico in Cash 1'AlDFOlt AM. KINDS 01' HIDES AT Leather and Slioc I-hiillng Store, Main StiikkOim-ohith Stonk Cmtr.cir, BLOOiMSliUKG, l'A. April 9, 'so-ly ror Kor.Dri:ti. ;clin Irt-n. lh. 1I.IIH',- cUndilv.l. l'rn.luM.u.n . it V,!oi.,r,'rhr.:::.!?c,r.t;V!c.:,v.''! i.V'.rj.V i"uVl ':,1,1 !";-r': ""J ""iM v llan.lwiirrnnli i,r.,.'.irf,.l..,vll,UiiJ,,(il. UUint I r'l'V'i'JllV.'""'!'!?"1.'. ''"'. ..H""'.' i' li. ii t'.'.y- f I 'f Corn c (VCo. I'i Vf mi; ji April Si-!m nlit wV,1'.'.".'1',1' "fi'llll.VIIKI.l'llIt M.M.I K. ).iujlluiui)rl.i,it.rhllln. uuiktl. 11, ,f.r, .,, lni it in lip rxumliiiil lull, i v mm l'il fr II. Thia I, ll,o n, Mf h- nlhrrtt.mp9lilM rpl.ill tut $00. All uairntitpil for Hit. , Jir.. r-t-ii.t tor i.ur liliiHtrHpil ur. niul Tfi.liiii(hl.tlH. Alllt lilAlil.l.N t.Mdllll A t( 17 3. Tcaih Si, JtJjJilfhu, I, caw Fcb.15'S1.13H- Dli. HUTCHINSON'S 9RH AtiOliliiiiilTiliilIlriiuily. 7.Vmoi(8.dlV)n!ij fiiiiit;. 'tercJt mlhttl(riilUrinuUvc, Wo (;nniniiti'0 In vlrtuo. Via have ImiidreiN or Ti-tlniotitolK, col lected In lliola't 1 1 senri, miIn,' rnntlmlvcly lime it H9 fiiiela c;uc ti Ur. IIiKiIiIiimhi'h AVorm I)i't.'oyi'i' n rcuinvc Hie Worim (ull klnd, Ituumt, i!, ,oii.7, ami Jliici, thnt lnfe-t the liuninu svtlcm. I'lni'lctanibinjllvm iiihIkIvo them ti their f-mlerlng patients. 27i"i It m humbug or tiuarlcni about this lhor..iis;lity rellablu ineillcltie. l'rlce, !4l5c. per box. A.W.WKIUHr II CO., Wholesalo Drugglsls, Market and rront Streets, feb-11, '31-3m To ltcrvous Sufferers Iho Orcat Eurojean n j mi. j. u. PiMi'SON's memo medicine. Dr. .7. 1!. Simpson's Porcine Medicine tsnnnsltlvH Ctllo tor oierwijll: l.f ImiH' ur lir..ln or ,Ynnt.ii r ..,.v klu 1, such as weakness) mid nil diseases rasultlnir fioin Nervous Debllltv. ltrltablllty.Menliil Anxiety, I.fini;uor, LasMtude, Del ies,lon oi sptrltH nun func tlonul doransemetits of thu nervous Mstem ten eraliy, rnluiln the i acK or Mae. t.os oi .Memo'y, rrem.i tuieoldai'ujjmlUl- eases that lead K coiiPinpilon.lnsanl vy .van en riy j;ravi or.botli. No m.ittt'j how shattered th( system may byfroa excesses of a n 3 kind, a short course in Hiisiiiuuinc Hiiiitsluro ulu lost functions and proeuro heiilih and happiness where before was desiioudenov and eloom. '1 lie Sn. clllo.Meiilclne fs bclnt'iised with wonderful success, l'.imphlels sent freo to all. Wrlto for them and get full rnrtrlru'ar. rricr, cpmuc ji.uu per package, or six pacxapes for Ji.i u. Will be scut by mall on i ecelpt of money. Address all orders. .7. n. SIMPSON'S MUtHCINKCO. Noi mi and n 0 Jlaln street, liutlalo, N. V. . . 103. 11. JjiIHE INSURANCE. CHItlSTIAN P. KNArr, BI.00MSDUI1G, PA, OHITIWH AMKU1CA ASSURANCE CO.MPANV. OKItMAN FIHEINsritANCj; COMPANY. NATIONAL FJKE INSUItANCE COMPANY. UNJon JtSouJtArtljl Ul.ul AA Y. 'these old coiiroiiATiONs aro vtell Beaioncd by neo ana hkk tkstko ana nave never yet. una a loss set tledby any courtnf law. Ihelr assets oru all Invest, ed In soi.ii secoaiTiEsand arc liable to the hazard of Flax only. ,- Losses ritourTt.T and hosestlv Adjusted and paid as soon as determined by Chkistian F. KNArr, spkc- . At. AOENTANP AIiJI'STKKBLOOMSHI'HO, l'A. The people of Columbia coituly should patrontzo theuBency whero losses tf any aro settled and paid oy oneoiiiieirowneiiut'iiM, PIl0Ml"rMESS, EQUITY FAIlt DEALING Nov. I, nu. outfit turnlshed tree. with full Instruc tions for conducting tie most prolltnblo business that any ono can engage In. Tho business 13 su easy to learn, and our Instructions arc so slmplo and plain, that any one can make great profits from if every start. Noone can rail .who lswllllnirto wuik. Women uro assue- cl'sstul as men. lioys and girls can tarn law sums. Many have mado altlmSbuslness onrono hundred dollars In a slnftlo week. Nothing like It over known befoio. All Mho onsraKOi arosurpilsed nt tho ease and rapidity with which they aro able to make money. You can engage lu this business during your spare tlmeut grrat proilt.. You do not havo to invest capital In it. Wo tako all tho risk. Thosowho need ready money, should wrlto to us at once. All fnrnlshed tree' Address Tkvk 4; Co., Augusta, Malnu oct. 15' "so-ly 8. F. SHARPLESS, Cor. Ct'Dtro and Unit ltdart Sts.rncar I.. 4; U. Depot. Lowest .Prices will net be undereold. Mauuracturcf of JUNE CAli WHEELS, Coal Break er and Ilrldjo Castings, Water Pipes, Stoves, Tin ware, Plow?, IKON FENCK, and'all Itlnds of iron and Brass O'Btlngs. . The rrtitnal Moutroso, Iron beam, right hand, left hand, nnd side hill Plows, tho best In tho mark et, and all kinds of plowrcpalrs. "" Cook stoTcs, Boom Stoves, and Stoves for heating stores, tehool houses, churches, Ac. Also tho larg est stock of repairs for city stoves.' wholesalo nnd retail, bu'chnsFlroBrlck.drates, Cross Pieces, Lids c. &c Stovo Pipe, Cook Hollers, Kkllllts, Cake Plates, large Iron Kettles, f20 gallons to1; barrels) Farm Bells. MM Soles, Wagon Boxes, "Allen town Bone Manure" BLASTER, SAl.T, AO., AC. -Jane, 80-iy- ,. - C- E- SAVAGE, PEAI.EIt IN SMverwaro. Watches, Jow:lry.Clecks.!:c, Ml wnrti ff Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neat )y repaired and wairauted. may 17. '7i-lf I C, SLOAN & BRO. IlL.OO.HSHUItG, in, Manufacturers of Carriages, .Buggies, PhaotoiiB, Sleigh: l'LATFOKM WAGONS, 40. , FIrat-clasa work always on hand , 1 ItUl'AIItlNO NEATLY DONS, lfl'.ua rodaxd to salt tho tinea. MUM. UI.M. LRkUN REMEDY. i mi tiouralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backacha, Soronoss of iho Chosi, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swellings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Gonoral Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headacho, Frosted Foot and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Prcpnrnllnn on enrth equals Sr. Jacoiw On. ai a "V', .urn , .Wiif,. niul cirrt; External Bcraeily. A trial entails but tho tonipnraUvly trilllim nutlny of nil 'ntH. nnd eviry imo mllcrliii; Willi iialn can have cheap and initlvu proof of ltd elulias. Directions In Eleven Language. BOLD BY ALLJJEOaoiSTS AND .DEA1EE8 .IN MEDICINE. A.VOGELER & CO., Jlnltmnrr, Mil., TT. H. A, TANITE EMERY WHEELS CRINDING MACHINES April Jhw a For Snw.niUN. I nunilrlrs, nn-I AliiclilllOAliiiiw. tur tlrrulvi, a.M Tltr.TAVITr.OO. Stroinl.tMuv, Monro Co., Vx Our Questions. Arc you a buyer of Men's or Roys' Clotliint; nt retail ? Do yVnt nccd clothing for the farm, the office,' tho worl:-sliop, , the cnuit-roomj' or the litilfiit? Do you want hoys1' clothing for the fchool-room, orfor ilress ? Do you prefer to buy clothing ready-made or to older? Are you in need of shirts ? If yes, to any or all of these que ries, state your needs to us, that wo may scml you samples and prices. Your Question is, "Will tills pay for the trouble ? You must judge. We will make up the case, -you. must decide it. Hut we must tell you that w'e have created the l.arjiqst Retail Clothing Business in the United States bv the simple mcthorlof giving the best clothing few the least money. We mean that it shall pay you to buy of us., If you and are npt plcasid, 'return the goods for exchange, or demand your lnoney Wanamakcr" and Brown, S. R Cor. Sixth &MarkctSts. PHILADELPHIA. hop bitters: (A ."lleillcliu'i nut a Drink.) C0NfMK9 hops, iirciiu, .HANim.wci:, l.Mli;iiION, Ami TiiKPrntsT anii Iti.vr Medic m.Quai.1. TlLi ui'ALL oruM:l!uii.i:. "J? II IS AT CUJIE All niicntosnf Ilii'PfbmJch tlnn'M. r.lfind. VUU,UUHI, Mt'eiMC.KIII'bHIlllll I'SpLUllliy l'liulu Cumplalau. $1000 IN COLD. Will lio paM for a rase tlioy will not run' or lu'ii't ur luruiijiuinK iniptirc or jujuriuui fuuuil in tin. in. Akyour Aravgitt for Jfnt TUtte" nn-l t-y tliiin bvfuru )on ilui-p, TaKu u oiIh i-. I) t.O UnnaTiiolutunnillrrcrliMMciurofor Uruukounefcii, tinit of oi'fijm, i.uijaViu uuj Ptxu ran Cu:crun. 222TZias 1IT HltWri Mfc, It'xtii-jhT, S, ,ttt Ti fffito,Onl. All nl-ove tel.! -t A . rr.rTjs, TRENEWEiy - Has been In coimtnnt z' UBo by tbo jiulillu mr over tncniy jonriii niul U the best preparation ever lincntctl fur lti:STOIt INO OltAY HAIU T() ITS YOtlTIUUI. COLOIl AND Tho Stato AE6ayer and Ohcmiat of Mass. aud leading endorse and it as a great tnumjili in medi It su suppllea tho iintiirnl fnixl niul color to tho lull r KlnmU without staining tho hlllll. It will llltTCUSU mill tlilckeii tlio erowlli of tho luilr, pimi'iit 1(8 blamhlni; mid filllliiK ofT, mill thus AVi:itT I1AI.UNIISS. It cures Itching, Krnp- tlnua niul Ihiiiilrull', As 1IAIU l)lti:hSN(Htlsicry ili klrnbli', glllng th" liulrii liken softni'ss vililili nil niliiilro. It lieeps thn liiiul tliiin, sweet uiul hi ulthy. cine, WHISKERS will rlinngu tho heard to HltOWN nr llf.ACIC nt illncretlnn. llelng In prt'pai'iition It U rutlly applied, and jirmliirtt. n poruiauent color that will not wiuli nfr. l'lti:i'.lti:l IIY R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N.H, mm V mm. 1 jj-iiS- - - - - Jl".11.'' '"" '""m nmiM ji nn..!.., Minium iminn.m. i i i ' ' BLOOMSBURG, JA FRIDAY. MAT 6. 1881. """"nuill llMlimil!WKUIlUUMIklll Pioetieal. THK JIAIH;r 1IKM,. sweet 'omhlsptfo tho piper drev A strain tint ra' shed all men's ears, Anil seated I'i triumph t6 tliebllio Wherein th ky ,ik il' appnM. Tho li' lotitntr throng, or trnvo or cay, Were luislud beneath .the.mustc's iway. When sudden on tho i liver nnl -s . AJ'TMl resoi'nn , ng clangor icili A shout went forth from eager throals "The tn'irkct bell I the mil Let bell I", sv tt r'tislitd tlioniifcnco om tho place; The piper piped M empty spice. An old-world Etb.tht 'llqub, Anil told In cynic Ironjj liio keen dgedhvinor.of tho Greek,.' JL bearann sting for Ihco undmtl Tho swot, the clear, tho sad, tho falu, Dear Nature wooei u not. Iny.-n? lcr inystlo moasem rotlnd uh rot', Wo fit In silence nt her feet, Andawcd.amtblesjjvowpjcoiitrpl., As potent n', "las I 'tls"'ileet. I'orl'stJ forhasiol wo lmjw It wt ", EarlhVt loiid, Imperious market bell. Margaret E. Rmytifiri Harper's for Miiij. TWO JOtJUXKV'S. "I go on a Journjy far nwny," Ho t sld-ond ha stooped nnd kissed mo Ihcn "Over the ocean for many n day "Good-bye," and ho kissed tno onco pgaln. Hut only a few short months had lied, When nga'n I answered my husb'nd's kiss: "I could not tarry away." ho sa!d "There Is novcr a laud so f ilr as this." Agiln I stool bv my husband's side. "I go on a Journey, sweet, t'; Over tho river tho boatmen glide (Ijod-bye; 1 shsll linger .long away:" "Ah , ho will come back soon, I know," 1 said as I stooped for Hie ratting kiss; "Ho cannot tarry, he told mo so. There Is never a land so fair as tills." But many a month and mnny a year Havo Mown since my darling went away. Will ho never coir.o bask to meet mo hem? llns ho found tin region of perfect day? Over Iho oncan ho went nnd came; Oier the liver and lingers there! Oh, pallid boaiminl call my name Show inu lh ) rugloi so Wondrous fair. The liv'ny. Select Story. "A HAPPY ESCAPE." 11Y A. (I. A pert pretty servant girl in it ino cap, smart apron with the most fetching poekoU, in which both hand aro tlirusL jauntily, ono of them holding a letter. i no utisK ot ovciiiiiir soltuiH her tlond beauty into sweetness which quite subdues tho heart of a young man in tlio garb of a carpenter. Thev are conver sing beneath the shelter of a wall behind t handsome mansion. "In that, hand which vim havo in votir pocket, Sue, is n letter, as I live, Let. me see it. l on will not '( J lien 1 sup pose it is to some fellow; but J, as your tiitinc husband, demand to see it. "Demand, i. lecd," answered the ''ill, saucily. ""Pis carlv times, I think.lo bo so masterful. If you will talk like that nov,what will you do when wo aro mar ried, I wonder t1" 'Will you let ine see tho letter, Sue?" "Xo, 1 ,von't." "Well, then, uood night. You'll be sorry for thi.s,l expect." And with iirou''h hut sincere nUeetioii he snatched the girl to his anns,a,id in a second was gone. A iealous, silly fellow," cried Sut'.set- ting her dainty cap' afresh and hurrying off to a busier road, whero handsome shops glowed with light and life. She entered first one and then onleis at caeh witli a merry smile and saucy words for all. Tho last she entered was that of a chemibt and post-oflieo c'jinbin od. 1 rero she asked for a stamp. As she caiuo out of tho shop she felt for tho letter to post, and lo! it was gono Sho turned hot and cold by turns, then hur riedly retraced her sti'ps,looking an pious ly for the lost letter, but without success. Then she entered the house with a burn ing face and a heavy heart. A few days later a lady entered one of the many rooms in the mansion :i room the proud, idlu lady scarcely vinitcd,for it was tho schoolroom, wlieic a troupe of noisy, spoiled children daily mado li.'o a torture to the pale,swect laced girl vliii now looked up at tho lady's entrance nervously. " The lady witli tho rustling robes peck ed at the upturned faces of hor olTsprin,',', then seated herself in tho only easy chair in tho room, saying, as sho'threw The Times on tho table, with an exulting sneer : "You seo your noble lover, liko tho rest ol his kind, has loved nnd rode tv Ty. I to'd you how- it would be long ago. A man in Sir Jasper Dcring's jios itiou could not stoop su low as lo niarry n mere governess. I knew how his dis graceful attentions would end and warn ed you against him ; yet vou would con tinue to make such an exhibition of your self, You too your devoted slave has broken his fetters and llown off to the Hast has, in fain, accepted an important post under the government. T think thin ought to bo n lesson to you not to allow your vanity to rim away with your dis cretion." The young girl had taken up tho pa per and "read the notice referred to with dry, agonized eyes. It was as though sho read ior death warrant,, for the man whom it referred 10 uau ior inotiins past, to mo 'iiiatrrin ot the lady of tho house, paid the poor dos i used governess all the attention of over, lie was many vears liei-senior n fact, hud been her dead fath r's friend in their prosperous days.wheii no idea of I her present dependent position liiidconio I to mar his content Thu little hands which held Iho paper shook as with an ague, but vifh gentle dignity sho raised her head to its just love, she pointed to tho nurse maid, Susie, who stood by busily dust ing the fiiruitiiro : "I think, madam, il would have been kinder to have reproached 1110 when wo were 'alone; His not' often that I ask you to remember the bond of blood between u, but lu so delicate a mutter as this I should imagine that even a stranger would merit consideration 5it your hands." "IndecdcMiss. I'rcngill.sinco how long havo'l appointed you my ini'ii'.or'i 1 trust time may bringyoii a more himdilo spiri , or you will find few employers patient with you," With this parting shaft' tho lady left her to resuiiio her iiiterrpnleil duties, When she iu'itl gone tfio'ppo'r gul paused onu moment froni lier woik tn t triiggle to conceal iieiv ninonon. but it .na nl- ., . , """ -, uiiiivii iiiiini liiiiuii, ueiny '4KruC,.HC 1 no avail, and with nu excrtao f,o the iwhrtd tho inisfqiluno to trnmplo iipoii.andj "' IIMIIIMaBBil inwiupjoii totnslied children sho' hastened (o her own room to light oiit Hie hard light alone, uiwcipnnil unmarked save by The One who heals all wounds, Maggie I'reiigill , w;w t onu (olio down despairing beneath a burden, she had a heart for any fuUy.auil snoti went about serene and sweet as usual, but the peach-like bloom 'died f mm Tun' gentle face, and the soft, goltleii-bibwif eyes, wnose ion-', Drown lashes sccMcd (lpned by sunlight, bail a sad, pained' looks (he sensitive mouth, too, showed signs of sorrow, pielaiiclioly to seo in onu so .voting, Thus weary .ljioti jhs rolled on in lie housoljpld, of, whom ope was about to tie. part.prelty Susie. Tio girl was greallv attached toMaggie, who had once nursed tier through a severe illness;' Ilhp'py Siki was to ho married tb the young cir penter, who detained her while we 'opeiH ed our story. He was employed on one of the railways, and had since that night been away on important and profitable work. t -Maggie, woinaii.l'iljejlook great interest m a wedding, and it was to. her .Susie came for advice in many matters of mil liuory nnd Mich like. "She ' received so many useful presents 'from (lie govcr nt'ss.who really liked the girl, and griuv ed to lose even that one humble iriend out of that unfriendly household, where she felt so utterly alone. A few nights before Susie was to leave she sit with her 'sweetheart alone in the plea-ant kitchen talking, much happv nonsense with her lover,, when suddenly she thought of Ihp last time sho saw him beforn lie left IiOiilonnid, remembering his groundless joal.ousy,rated hiin sound-, ly for his absurdity in her sauciest iuaii.: tier, rightly believing that "Little quarrels often prove 1 To In new reerults ot love." 1 Then, when she had scolded him into a most litimblu spirit, she,woinaii-like,vcer-ed round, declaring she liked . hint .thu better; for showing so. much Atuoiig other things, she said ; spiiil. "Do you know, Joe, through dulling with y,ou,I lost, that letter; it was one that Miss 1'iengill gave me to post for her. I hope it was mil ain thmg.nhpor tant,' fori never' fouml .'courage to con fees' to' her lnt- carelessness Joe looked grave, saying: k'That was not rigid, lass; that Was not like'iny own bravo" gjrl; Vet do vbu' know, dear, I am to blaniu fortlult. for I picked jour pocket of the-lettOry think ing it was for some other sweetlieait of yonrs, nnd then tho gaffer met me, 'nnd 1 was hurriud off to my new job, and I ex pect I tltmw tho letter aside in my dirty coat, and so. forgot all ah.OUt U from tlia'i), time, to, this; but you must, help ,mo(to rectify the fault, love, by going ,nt oncje to the 'young lady and telling her truly all tho circumstances, while I go home' and try to lind the letter.'" ' Susie djd,not,ljko the pllicb't slie, al lowed her lover's, sterner se.nso of.iioncii;, to compel her to (o Ins will. When she had ' told Maggie and' iip plored her was frighlened"' at her work, for, after a' severe fainting lit, -Maggie talked so wildly a'boiit 'Hie injiliy they had done her, ihitt Susio ran to Joe for counsel, telling him' that what she could glean from'M''lgio'H wild till'... the letter was to Sir Jasper Deling,' ac cepting with love aud gratitude his pro posal for her hand, Joe, on hearing this, turned the letter over and over in his hands deliberating long in. .his miiul how to restore to the lpnely girl the, hap-, piness (if which ltey "had deprived her. At last.' with a bright look:, lid siiiil : 'if this swell is half the man lie ought lo be 'to'deserve Miss l'rengill, he'll say 'better late than novel- toiler love,' s'o, I say, let its post this now.' " "lis no good,'' cried Susie ; "ho' is al the Cape of Oiod IIojio : I heard due "of tho young ladies say so." "Well,' then," said he,'"I say, At 111- post it, but iut on tho cover 'to ba. for warded.' You may depend on it thnt such an important person's letters aru. not likely to miscarry." Susie clapped .both hcrpluujp hands,, then hiigiug Joe witli relief, said Joy-, fully : .... ...... "Of course, the very thing ; you dear, clever fellow to think of it. Kun and post it at' once before MissTrangill asks for it, or perhaps, her pride will ste in between them now ; 1 don't care if she does say it's a libeity so long as 1 seu her happy, God bless her." On Joe ran and returned quickly, tell ing Susie tiio letter was beyond their control. Sho carried the news lo , poor, sorrow ful Maggie, who sat ju her lonely, cheer-, less room, crying Hlo to. break her heart, Al first -Maggie stormed at the girl for daring to take such a mutter into her' own bauds ; then, seeing how meekly Susie looked, shu releiiteil'of her anger, and hoped all was for the best. Indeed, afterward, she could not help feeling coinfoited by the thought that there was yet a chance ol so bright a future, ttnd she smiled her sweetest on Joo wheii she met. him a few davs later, i.ifu was becoming almost iinbearalilo hi her present position ; her employers, getting mor,o exacting ami unreasonable every day, and pever ceasing to sneer jit her as tho "bliglited being." Poor little Maggie 1 Only thriso lilono and so utterly friendless can picture tl'iu' blindness of her life. Hut nil Wits to bo altered s'ooii; for a graved fiU'ed'maii of middle ago paused in' his brilliant career to regret Iris' sweet i(if love, who lmd. . thiKr,i i.ri.m- but love, who hud, reproved his presumption iu asking her u, Mend her voting life wiih that uif a world worm weary . man, J Fo looked, back on the brief hanniuess of their dear fric.niljih'n., and thoigli,hu,!iad ccn.mud to risk the loss of it by seeking ii gi eater toy, Then caiuo thu ')ong delayed' fetter amid a batch of bllTcial' documents a letter wliicl'i syatfefe'd' his hiird-'ehrneil peace 19 the wiiuls. As 's'o'dil' us' ho ctiiihl get awav fi-iiin his duties, hcHpcd back td Kiigland, and tho first night thero he deferm'tiied to ltear'his fate Mo felt' ho could letter again, so, looking very noble and distinguished, ho hurried off. lo that handsome house in the suburbs!, which madu . his litjlo love's pijsoii house. Arrived theie, ho ciirsoij his lucj; nt finding the .place one blu.e of light nnd liiusiij the people wen- giving i ball. Sending iii his card, ho' was received with great uiiprcisuiiviit by ho hosa's, who, glad of such an addition to 'her guests, hurried him into' (ho' ball room where ho was pounced upon by n scoie of friends, and compelled;' while 'his heart hungered for uowtpof his ulariing, toilutuhhiH hamUomu hostess through n ,i.,i,,., ,i,.;, .i,t..i. 1,..:.... .v., ... , tear her( train ; sho flicn playfully or dered liiiuio had li'Or to (lieeloak room, whero ipi iil(eiidi'nt wailed wlio would repair (ho Oatnagi'. Anxious lii get away from tlio ball room, he readily complied, and led her into the dimly lighted eloat? room. Just as they were on thu threshold she sajd, gayiv tapping I11111 with her fan :. "Vou will meet an old fiieml. Now, for pity's sake tloii't .again tiirn her sill v head by n renewal of 'last year's flirta tion. Of course sue was very prop'niv repaid for her presumption, 'us I have told her, and you tlid no 111010 than any other man would have dono had . a girl so tliroyvn herself at his head Not a Word. Now all I saV is. 'keen her her place."" Sir Jasper was silent, and the poor girl behind the heavy curtains prayed for any means of escape, for she thought his silence showed that her dream was ended.' Another moment and lier im perious employer desired her to kneel down ami remedy (he torn finerv. .Maggie felt thai for lier life's sake she could not obey the order so proudly given before tho 111:111 she loved, so slootl erect and silent till tho command ,vas repeated more sharply. Then a stern voiuo answered for lier, saying : "Pardon ine, madam, I believe our long friendship warrants the request that you will relive this lady from,, her du ties here at once, so Unit she niniv imme diately tako tii) her rightful position ns my future wife." Tho lady' was too dumbfounded to speak ; sho could bul took her rage as she hoard one of the best jutrtU of the season say humbly to Magg'iu : "I received your letter at last, my love. I do not know what caused the delay, but you seu I camu to answer it at once, eager to claim my duiiiii as my wife. Svcel..wi!l it mil be' 'a happy escape,' from servitude.'" (Mi I Why Hues In- Trent mi' Su'r" "Are you the gentleman who answeis the questions sen. to the 'Juik ? Tlio voit" was lilled with music, and as (he bent ami gray philosopher who ofliciates as onoyiiip;c lia for the' insti tution looked up his, eyes w'eie blinded. A flash of golden hair'l A bewildering sea of blue eyes ! A struggle between the red and, yhi(o"roscsi "f am tlio' mail." he wild, 'wondering what such loveliness could want ,'of him. 'May I ask you n question ?" in quired tho voice, 'as the beautiful head bowed. "Certainly, anything. Can I do some thing for you ?" "It's about Frank," she' faltered. "I want to ask you. aljojit,' Frank. Oh! why tloes he treat niu so.'" and the sweet face was (timed toward llic staggered philosopher, wet with tears and implor ing consolation. "Is it is it a matter of icu cream or oysters, or something of thnt wort 1" "No, 110 ; oh; no T I h.aye plenty, .o.f those. P.ut why does lie lot 11.10 pine.'f" 'Something about thea.Ues 1 Concert business Bouquets .Candy '.Hong bong '" asked the puilosophcr, ending his interrogations with some .jc.spcctful French. "Notljijig, nothing of thnt kind," mur mured tlu quivering lips. "Why I am so desolate '" "Something nbout presents? Makes you wali; to (he park Won't hire a hack; Another girl.' .Won't go. to church Plays .pool for drinks ' . Something of that sort '.'" "How strangely' you mistake him ! How cruelly you wrong him !" and the swept eyes looked reproach. "You don't know Frank, or you .wouldn't say so. What I want .to ask is is oh I why am I so wretched '" and the tears rained down hpr face. "Maybe he's growing a beard," said uio ouoyuiopiiMiia tenderly, "remaps ho parts his hair in the middle. IV bly he belongs to ;i base ball olnb, or inuybo ho stands in front of tho theatre on mat inee afternoons. Is that it ?" "No, he doesn't 1 jlf he did I wouldn't care. You shan!t abuse him. I came here to ask why why oh, why am I so utterly hopeless 7" "Possibly lie gets drunk." suggested the philosopher. "Or ids pa n't s inav bag at the knees. Does ho brush his plug hat 1)io wrong way ? Is his pins taclio too long on one side T "Oh ! cruel, cruel !" said tho maid, sink' ig into a chair. "You urn unjust to him. You don't know how grand, how manly he is." "What is tho matter with him, then?" said thu philosopher. "How has ho made you miserable What has he. dono What do you want of me " ,"I want to know why ho gets up between every act ani goes out of the-r-thcalre. J know lie's got an other giii and he goes to see her." "My dear," said tho philosopher, sol emnly, raising her up and putting his arm around her. waist. "My dear, you urn mistaken. J havo known Frank," for years, and ho h;is 110 lovo for anyone hut you, Let, mo tell you, .something. Frank has got the miliaria, and ho goes out to get quinine. Trust ipe, that is all." , , "If I only could beli'evo liat," mur mured she doubtingly. "On my honor." "Then " I am happy. If ()iat is nil, I am content, but I thought somu ijgly girl had attracted him. Tiu,red roses came back, aud the saphiro Hash to thejeyes, and she went out a gnpul crush of color, fiagrancp.and beauty, nnd the philosopher" turin d to me question, 'What was JCve's maiden inline" run nimiiiT or ii.i.y, To wait, until yoii arn , down on your bed with diseaso you may not get '"over for months, is tho" height of folly, when yon might be easily cured dining' tho early symptoms by using Parker's (Jin. ger Tonic. It costs only a trifle, can never do any harm, and possesses cura livo propeitics in the highest degree. Wo liiivo known the palest, sickliest looking men. women and children be come the rosiest and healthiest, from tho timely 'Hsu of this'piiro family medicine. Seu advertisement in other column. ,06. Hvm-r. The inhnbitantKof Honolulu aiutrreiitlv to bo pitted biuull pox. o bo nitled. Thev aro liuiitiii" mutinst A Massachusetts woman was.rceentjv buried nl thu ago of 100. Xhis.miglit be termed u century plant.,,. . In jwo years a boy can leirti ns much Latin itsjie cmi.fprget fu six iuoiiUi's nf, tec lie wqrk for a living.; J 'IT ji '. illl'IIMI II 1 'II. lit II wroroaiijwiiiiiiww4PKWMiwj THK CO LU Mil IAN. VOL, XV, NO, 18 COLUMBIA DEMOOltAT, VOL.XI.VI, NO, 0 ' i!iiijift ' . Mr, Tonm-spii is to a'very large exlcnt responsible for the prvaleii,fn ,of (he op.inloii set fijrfli by linn in' ese that, in li... u....l...- .. - '. l' 1!. niiiii-jV ih; n ,f uiiiii; iii-iii n tiiney Mgutiy mipsto,iu, tloiig)its of love." It .does liotdo piiythm.g of the kind., ,Mr. Teti iiyson is tho last person who has a righl lo fi,vpcss any opinion concerning ,1... .......1...., If! I.!.' tup uiiuiiMiii oi. n,eis. ji,is wiiuiigs show that u knows nothing wha(over 1...,.i ,1 Cni". t.'.i.! . m ... . ., ... iiuuui uii iii. j nere is ins .oai liin.'i, w no, he tells -ti?, sits year .after year in the ntoatetl grange boVaillng the" fact "he," her hivor, coinulli iot; w;lore'as t real Mariana, would have staid in (he grange nbout two. days, niul al the end of thiil time would havo gone .up o J.ondoiu'ep gaged a lawyer and brought an nclloii for breach of piomise.'. There, too, is ImiocIi Arden,, wl,ip, .on 'coining home to see his.wjfe. contents himself .with, look ing at her tirr.tigh dig back wiudo'w, anil (lien, aflcr rolling over ,(io vegcdihle beds, goes away and dies in a boarding house. Had Knoch JitiC't) ajrliin'ina'n lie would have-.pitched the inteicalnry liUs haiifloul of the window or arranged Ii judicious oouiproiniso withliim. Hrcithtir case jio would lyiyo claimed his wife and died conifnitably in his own front bedroom. The inability, to comprehend tho feelings of lovers as . shown in theso and other instances, lenders Mr. Tenny son tintil-eiy ttltfit to toll iis'What time of year or under . what circumstances a young man s fancy turns to . thoughts of love. Spring is precisely the season of tho year when men, whether young or old, never think of makijig love. This is due to a variety of ciiuses, Ip ppring no loss than 78 per cunt,, of girls, residing, in thu so called temperate .one havo colds in the head. Thoyoiing man who calls to seen giri at (his season is oilhor (old (hat she is not at home, or he is admitted to traz'o oil watery eyes, and a ruddy nose, and to listen to waiiiugs ,;ontiei;niugtlie discopi fori of a ",g(Ul in. the cad." Obviously, a gill in, a condition does not at tract (ho light or tho heavy .fancy of auv diseiiniiia!iug young .ma.ii,. The ilatne of love cap. be easily sniile'd out in oaily spring, or a mere handkerchief can ex tinguish it. Spriugboingthii.s what might be called, ifter thu. manlier of sporting-men, a close season -for girls, it is the most unpropi i ;,.,., r n-. r.... r i '.-. inii.i ui .tn uiisoii-i luriovo minting. iot only is it untrue that in the' spring the fancy of young men turn's girlwaid,, but, ill point o.f fact., there are other objects whicli inqvitalilyalU-actinasculinc fancy. Ono of these is the subject of clothing,' Thu young man cannot make ,up Jus mind wjicthcr on apy. given day 'he,slpuld wear aiieayy overcoat or a light over coat. If, he wears the former, jie js sure to bo uncomfortably warm, and if he wears the latter, ho inevitably .takes cold. Hence, theie is a constant struggle ip hi.s mind, a feverish ..uncertainly which, can not fail to banish all thoughts of Jove. No man caiuisc thiulanguagc of 'affec tion with any success whilc ho is suffer ing from too .warm clothing, and still less can ho manage to, please a fastidious woman when, his,. mind is preoccupied with the. conviction that he has cuitainly taken cold and thnt. about lo claim a victim. It is tiuethat conversation between thn sexes may be carrieil on in spring, but its, subject, mat ter is usiiaMy the cllicacy of mustard plas t ts, or the comparative value of chlor. alo of potash ami alum its remedies for soro Ihroat. Then, with the advent of spring most young men arc brought. face to face with llic problem how to pay for a. spring suit ofidothcs. Surely tliere is no more dangerous foo of lovo than the tailor's bill. In January tlio .young man can buy tlowers or opera boxes, or hire car riages, or pay forsupper, for ho has more or less money in his- pocket, and the boiiixling-huiisc' keeper und the washer woman can be made to wail. J Jut when thoru is a question of ordering spring clothes, the young man feels his poverty. He must make a payment on that old ac court beforo tho tailor will consent to trust him for a now suit. Thus he has no money to sparo for tho purposes of courtship, and his mind Is too much oc cupied with tlio financial problem to ad mit of softer and sweeter thoughts. And then, provided tho young man lives in tho country, thero is tho spring mud. How can he, think of going to see any young lady when ho must walk through a citiurltT ol a mile of mud and present himself before her with tho boots ot an active agriculturist and tho muddy trousers i a pairoiiiiillU i lio tiling is clearly out of tho question, and the young mail is compelled, as a matter of self respect, lo stay at home till fine weather begins und thu roads are dry. -Mr. Tennyson may plead that in making hi.s preposterous assertion con cerning the . spring habits of lovers he nan in iniiiii oiny mo particular young man wuw was in tne lianit ot silling on .i , .. uio moor aiiu repealing pretty verses concerning his cpus'in Amy, instead of boldly walking .up to Locksloy HaU,cal iug on that respectable, matron and ac cepting an invitation to dinner. Let us accept this explanation, mid admit that this idiotical young man's fanov did turn to thoughts ot Ins cousin Ainv between tlio hint ol March and the last of Anril, .uucu goon it iiu mm. aiisb Amy un doubtedly took tho ground that slo would imve Homing to do with a young inan who came with muddy boots to call on ner wiien slie Inula cold in bur head. 1 Ins was the real reason whv sho dl missed him and married the other inuii and the story ought to convince Mr. Tennyson that spring is- not n gopd iiuio jor iovo inoKing. Tim truth i, spring is. the most obiec tioimbln ot all seasons, . The weather is ceitaui to bo disagreeable, and no man can ucce.sfully udaiit his clothing to it. Itw a season when one,. j equally uu comfortable pi.doprs or. out of doors. Of ovcry hundred successful hfvers, at least niiieiy-livo never innko lo.vo in spring. That malign season, should bo stricken from the almanac, ami Summer should no mane to pumiptly succeed Winter on the loth ot every May A'cio Vorft J una, "don't Kx'hw i'i.u.1- -rlimi; v.u.h'.." . i - . "iney cured mo ot Ague, liiliousucss and Kidney Coillpliiiiit.iisrieoiiiincntled, I had half a boLtlo li t t wliirh I ik,1 f,. my two, little, girls, who Urn doctors and neighbors , said' could not bo cured. I yould havolost bofhof them onu night it 1 lltlll llOt rilil 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Him Itittmu 'I'I,.,,. did (hem so much good ) continued (heir use until lluw were 'curd. That is why I o,... .1.. t I...K .'..i. -' , nu, sin in, nut niiuu Him mo value oi lloii IlilJerftinl'ilo iK't vccipiihiend tlipm higli enqugli."-n., i!ochvh(er, "N, Y. Sy.v other colitmii. American Itral Jomp, .I i.rn 4 '.1 f.ixl .lit MiO LM 7.m 0.11 1 iirm f.n lr Km l.ttn Jl.m ii.ri 11 m oi,. Ounrlorcoturnn..., urn Halt column... X. ,.o.m onc-.eoltimn. .fi. ..'.sj.oiJ 1t,e.i SBOd' MA' tixoo toaal Yearly.., advertisements, piyablo ntmrterly.. -Trait' Iflit. mlvrrtltini!itia t.i,. I.n ... ............ eAjjUvJitp.pauif4ti.ieft'':oiuit9. 1l WU ndvertlsomcnii two dollar per tno h for thren Insertions, nnd nt that r;nc for nddltlotml liisertloiij without reference to lengiJi. ,T V.M1l,ft,l. AntlKl.. .-d.- 'l... ..... ."-y', i .tttui, mm, aim s, 111,11 -itifiiiur n nouiTws ,ll.AM ..Alt.. 111... ,.. ...I I I . . ".tv tttittuia. Kiuai. ,aj i'.iiii iur iriieii inserioil. Transient or IwrI wit len, tcncrnU ft line, rcgtilai Aircniviments naif rntc ... , ,l cards in tlw "nuslnea Ulttttorr''. column; onf dollar uerytarrdrcachlliii. .. . -r n-r -ilMrtr-iFini , .,- iniaiui A ".Se.iSiiter" NatDlulists havo fomitl nu aiiiiiial whoso- slomni'h extends iiilo its-h'gs miiclMiioie curious than (lie old zooph)lc that 'is tiotlii uv ,i,t u htltt'p of sloiiiad'. One if (he fjtrnhgesl cieiitlilcs that ,,ll,Wid 'ftlit (if (1,,t'u,,n 1. H ii....t It'. , .....,...7 yiti, ... i,,u n It ,1 IjL'll.llll ril',1 sjnder iinined'AiToo OrnclW. It has. a body (i)IaijiI of a hit of ' thread a qunuer or. an men long, nnd tied into four knots'. The'head look like tin', mul of tlie threat! split nfiart inttV t'o horns!' om cacti, of thu four knoiA slhft , 'fu-o legs, .one oij cachsi'ile,' makibg' ci'giit iii all. The logs are tjitec tiV'foiir' (llilcs long f 1 1 . i i tit,, liiiK- T,Mi tint ...i.t i.t.... er .... ..y..j, y,,,. ,,,v tttlll lllllll about, thctn Is.' tfm'f fliii.'ilintfii'iffiri' f i,T.. jnl'o which' the food goes runs down into every one of llioin, so (hat whali'vu' it:,. .' s i,' ;. ii ...... ,tw .i " y npnii-i I'm' i iii-iiiaie.s iiitoumi tne legs, and, in fad, tho lugs nfo like tin- Iw.'.l.. I ,' ' 1 "nil in iiiiviiiiu mi iiuiiu e. Another htrn litre Ui'iiil' nbniil.'il' is llmf. tho baby sea siuder' isiiot In the least ike (hp grown-up of (fie samo' faliilly. I is niiicli more like ti crab, but' how it ;rows from a 'crab'in'tq a" sfudcVis 6no' i tlio thifics vo haven't, v'fil frtlnul 7'tti C'nlrci'Jfcs.iciiidi'.' " ' Knew too JIiicli. It is related of ouo of our modem wifs thai he ono dav found himself scat- ed in a crowded c.f - next to a very talka ttvu man. who nearly bored our friend to lentn by cxiiiinting Ins stock of so-called knowledge, which, by the wav. wits ex tremely shallow and inconsequential. At last, exasperated beyond measure, Hid determined to put ii ston to the nuisance, our wit turned suddenly to his loquacious neighbor and saitl very swcetlv: "Yes, sir, thero is no doming it i Vou and I know all (hat thero is lo bo cnowiit "Whw how is (hilt, inv dear, sir ?" the bore asked, highly pleased at what he took to be ii..coinpliiuent. "VV ell, you Know everything that can io known, eveept tliat voti art! a con founded fool, antl-a conceited, ignorant. shallow-pated, rattle-brained lineal dc scomhuil of.. Halaain's ass. and I know that uiv'sclf," .... The bore subsided, and soon found a seat in another part of. tho car. Jinking Jlont-y. Yv'llVSOino men nr sn mrrov to innko money is.a problem; thuy ccrtaiply do not spend it freely. They care nothing the gootl tilings of life. Tlicy, seem I,. .'. '.... !. '. .-l' TI. tv. , .lilt,.-, ti, uuv. o, lis, own saivi-- ..uiist, men .Mail in life with a bright-objecl be. .uu.- iiiyiu, inu iiie,iii. ui iiitaiiuiig which is money, ami so they resoj've inaku money. ; Hut tho means pusli tlio onfl out ot sight, A new fascination springs up, vvnicii .Danishes the younger dream. The real pushe.s tho-ilU'il frouiil'.)'sea(. !Money aetitiires,- ov seems to acnuire. a able of its own: it, becomes imtli menus and end, and making il grows into a habit seldom lost'. The proverb sa'v's that --use is second t lain o: am tits ttt v ll'tlvCil. u'Iiimi lint ii'ilui-tl 'iliicl,.,', f for hitppines's is obliterated by the habit of making monOV. fay (louhi's sympathetic, nature: When Jay (lould 'was in (inhesion .'ind'ac conipanicd by a number of leading citi zens, was inspecting the Cotton 'Kx changc, a small boy" was seined by 'onu of the (lalveston gentleman jus-t as tlio gamin was picking tho great railroad magnates pocket. " hat did the httlo fellow do?" asked -Mr. Gould. "Ilestolo your pocket handkerchief, Mr. Gould, nut J am going to tnin him over' to a policeman." "Don't do that," Yeplied Air. Gould, nuiilintr good-naturcdlv. "lot him go. Ve should not dlseouragu young beginners. 1 had to start out ill ii modest wav myself when I went into the railroad busineus," nnd reaching lown into Ins pocket, Air. Gould to'ok up a quarter and gave it to tho bov, to encourage him to aim higher. Galves ton Aewa, Pnr.siiNci: or Mtxn. As voung Ches terfield was getting into a ralwny car riage the other evening ho turned around to bid a friend farewell. In doing so he happened to press tho foot of a young lady who was sitting next to tho' door. The damsel, compressing her pretty brow into an awe-inspiring frown, ejac ulated, "lou clumsy wtctclil Many men would have looked foolish nndapol. ogized, but Chesterileld was equal to tho occasion. ".My dear young lady, he ex claimed, "you should have feet large enough to be seen, and then they would not be trodden upon." Her brow relaxed, her eyes sparkled, her lips smiled, uiltl (ho injury was forgotten. Judy. "How do you liko tho Episcopalian servient" nski'd Jones. "Never heaid it," replied Fogg. "1 dropped in at one of thu churches hist Sunday. It. was quite early, and so 1 began reading, tho ser vice. I didn't read fur though, before I found that it would never do"" for inc. So 1 came out." "Why. what was tho trouble?" "Too many collections." "Too many collections?" Yes, on almost ev ery page it said 'collect' One collection is all i can afford to respond to. Must be awfully expensive lo bo an ICpisco-palian."- Motion Trnnzeript.'i: of Mind axd AiiMAi'i; .or JioDY.-r-Thoy were talking of Sir lloylo l.oche, when u Wioklnw niagistratn who was present flew olf nt, a tiingent. "When 1 was in danger fioin ;v Kerry bull," said he, "I sat down niuUjaied him tun in mo luce. "How, did it nusvvei; (lllcried l io liretil i ess is am eis. re ciil 1 lie vi-irv tliiin I o lor lo iniwli ... 11,. nit 'rim k-..nt, ii;,i,,-i ,.ri',. i, me." "Very iciii;,rkable, very curious! IIOW Oil Villi ll,illllt. f,t. tit" Well. sometimes' I've thought it was, lcaiisv s.-iiiiowii on i no top Diani'li ol lull tree," said the magistrate. a utv Talk about the .leiscyiuun who took everything ho co.idd lay his hjiuds mi and eypi got away with ami hot Moves hum is a Kentucky man who stole four hives of bins, The person who has the reputalion of being kind, good-nalured and indulgent is ottentiuies simply lne.v. It requites imt a Jittlo energy lie ill-mit'iiicd and overbearing, Kvcn poverty is, better thnii avarice, for while poverty wants many things ay. iirico wants evurv thing. . Freckles tf old 'gold' color nre veiy fashionable. " ' ' ' ' Tramp's motto A Httlo oai uipg is n dtinjjciotis Uihig." ' Onnlnrh IJirt Two Inches. 3JU Thrco inches 4.0 1 1-Viltr tnphma K m 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers