THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCKAT,BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COlNTl, PA. p luIttiiiBtan. 0. E. ELWELL, Ell tor. J. K. EITTENLEHDill, PnMUhor. BLOOMSKUlta, PA. F fil uy. Oetobcu' '-M. 1B80, Democratic National Ticket KOH l'lilNIDKNT, Gan. W. S. HANCOCK, Ot" PENNSYLVANIA. FOR VICE-Pltr.stnENT, Wm. H. ENGLISH, OF INDIANA. l'Ui:sll)i:.VTIAI, KI.IX'TOIf. Hubert K. Monaclnn, Wldlam II. llayloid, John Kiev In, Hdwin A. Pue, lolin M, Campbell, (miles Dallett, Julin MoITet, iiilwrd Walden, Nathan Claims, leorere Filbert. .lanto, vtcsparran, Alfred .1. Martin, aim (lerlng-er. Franklin Turner, J. Ross Patrick.!. Birmingham, Henry E. liavls. :iltorKP A. Post, oraui -m. lienton, lohn p unt n, John s. John o. sax ton, Calvin M Hower, James A J. Ilucbanan, Chtlstonher Magee, uooert m. uiuson, William U U inlap, Hurry w. Wilson, Samuel onniih. Tnompson, Till! KI.KCTInN. On Tupjulnv next, tlin ureal liAt tin will lie fouetit. Tlio result will ileternilno whether llir. timlilp nl tliU nnllnli liavn It nil n nil 111 clency ol' corrupt it to or nt, It mill nlso slmv whither American citircus nrc rcaily to rnuorro a man who has been convicted liy Ills own putty of perjury, nml who by his votes Mill speeches In Cotir;rca has openly el'dnreil liliu'clf n free trailer, ami in favor of Introducing cheap Chinese labor into this country to Into the place of the honest ivurklni-nien, Such n man is James A. Oar Held. If hols cli'Ctdl, It will be by tho nionev of the ollloo-holilers who liave been heavily assesseel by their party leaders, to or nipt voters j by republican manufacturers who liavo robbed their employees of the right to cast a free ballot with threats of no work. It will be the defeat of the people by the monopolies and money power. Uar field's election will determine tho policy of tlio nation lor the next four yenrs. Section alism and hatred of a largo portion of the country will prevail, and the bitterness of the piescnt campaign will bo kept up In or der to ensure tho election of Grant In 1881, This Is the programme. The compact has been made, and Uarlield has sold Hansen to flrant. Conkline. Locnn nnd Cameron, as a last resort to save him from disastrous defeat. About the time this compact was made, asnlrant for 18S1 dis appeared from tho stump on accouut of "111 health" and has not been heard of since. His chances ate gone and he has no more Interest in this contest. If Hancock shall be chosen, there will be peace; the present prosperity of the country will bo continued and a new era will dawn iimn im. Criminals and false pretenders will bo swept from high places, and a freo vote and lair count will be secured. What are the chances? The Democrats are sure of 138 electoral votes, having 47 to get. For thoso wo liavo New York and New Jersey almost surely, with excellent chanctB In Connecticut, Indiana, Ncvada.Ualilornla Maine, aud Oregon. With thise facts be fore us. there is certainly no cause for de spnndence. If every Democrat will do his whole duty, the suecesaot Hancock and hug lih la certain, and the nation will here deemed. Then up, Bnd at them. See that not a single vote remains at home next lues dav. With a full vote wo may be pleasant' ly surprised to find that Pennsylvania too, has wheeled into the Hancock column. Voto for Kobert Klotz for Congress. STATU TICKET. sui'REMr. judge. GEOItGE A. JENKS, Jefferson county. AUDITOR GENERAL, ROBERT P. DEOHEItr. PniladolphU Count' Ticket. FOB CONGRESS HON. ItOBEItT KLOTZ, Of Carbon County. FOR STATE SENATE. ELIAS J. McUENRY, Of Columbia County. FOR REPRESENTATIVES, T. JEFF. VANDEKSLICE, JOSEPH B. KNITTLE, FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, ROBERT It. LITTLE, STANDING COMMITTEE. n'aver, Henton, Berwick, liloomsbure E. w. flrlarcreek, Catawissa, Central la. Centre, Conyngham N. " s. Flshlnp;creek, Franklin, Greenwood, Hemlock, Jackson, L'JCUSl, Madison, Main, Mifflin, Montour, Mt Pleasant, Orange, Pine. Hoarlnircreek, Scott East, Mott West, sugarloal, J.T.Fo.t, RohrMclIenry, Dr. V. P. Hill, David Lowenherc, Chas. (1. Hartley, A. 11 croop, W. L. Kyerly, Thomas Reams T. K.conner 1 homas Ennls, Tolin Monroe. Cyrus ii .McUenry o. L.Ar'ley. Wm. Eyer, Setli shoemaker, Silas W. Mcllenry, A. M. Johnson, Conrad Krcamer. .1. U. NUSS, Samuel Snvder, Pcur A. Kvans, E. Howell, Ja. It. Harman, .l.ihn I. 1.1., John Mourer, John Savaire, Dr. D. T. Krebs, W. A. Kile, Prist nmm Heaver Valley nenion, llnt-wii-l? Uloomsbunr. Herwlck. Catawissa. Centralla. Lime Klvlgro. ceutrnlla. Ashland. .stniwaier. l?nf ftul .Kit Kierorovo. Iiuckhorn. , Waller. Klvsburg. Jerseyiown. Malmllln Minn.,, llln liloomsburV. Orange vine, line summit ltoarlngcreek Espy. Uk'nt&treet. Coles ts'ek. VICILAX.'i: r'tWIJIITTEC. Heaver Oeorgo DretsbacU, Jetso Rlttenhousc, Isaao penton Johu a. Wenner, w. L. Cole, o. w. Knouse, M i v"irt. cosey, George Lock liloom V.l-eorge tlark, C. Klelm.C sterling, nrlarcreek-oeorge Miller, Charles Heed. Catawissa-W. B. Kobulns, M. V. 11. Kline, E. M Tewksbury. Ocntralla Charles Mulhern, Robert Walsh, Centre U. A Sneppenhlser, IU-n. stlner. ConynghamN. Par. Hrennan, Owen Cain. Conyugham s. John Crane, Pat. Haley. Fl&hlngcreek Prtnnrnn.,i,.nr ...... . wua.uau iieiuuu, nm. alOCKer. i?! WclUver, George Oerr, Uriah Hemlock-Jacob Martz, Wm. Wlntersteen, B. D. Leldy. Jackson-Iram Derr, .Matthew UcIIenry. Icust-c. Herbeln, Jonathan Heaver, Christian small. ,'aDrrJolln M. smith, George Beagel, Frederick MalnI. D, Hodlne, Nathan Miller. lteJ0'm "' l'e,k'r' J' " bw&nk, E. Sweppen-Montour'-John Q Harkley, Emor Runyan. Mt. Pleasant Amos Wanlch, John Murdan. orargej-Mathew H. PatUrson, Cyrus Mcllenry, I. rino-fjohn Ixj're. P. W. Sones, L, A. Ge-man. Roarlngcreek JohL.Maurer, George F. Craig. Scott K -w. E. Deiterlck, James like. Scott .II. c. Kelchncr, J. s. Uachman. Sugarloar-Jetha i rltz. Henry O. Hess, David Lewis. Pay no attention to any falsehoods that may be started at the last moment to Injure any of the Democratic candidates. Vote the straight ticket. Vote for Ellas J, McUenry for State Senate. The defeat of any Democratic candidate in this county will bo hailed by the Republi. cans as a great victory for them. Will vou help the Republicans by scratchiog your ticket r In order to eouteract the eflect of Gar field's Chinese letter, tho republican com mittee has procured the arrest of Kennard Phllp, ooe of the editors of TVuM, on the charge of forgery. He was bound over for a bearing. The only evidence against him was the affidavits of two men, profes sing to bo experts in hand writing, who swore that they believed Pbilp wrote the letter. This bluster on the part of the re publicans is too thin. Nobody is at all scared at it. If Garfield did not write the letter himself why doesn't he swear that he did not, as he did about the 329 Credit Jioblller dividend of which the Poland Com mittee reported that be Jul get the money ? BEWARE OF BOGUS TICKETS. Mr. James L. Wright of Philadelphia, recent Greenback candidate for State Treas urer, has publicly repudiated Weaver, the candidate of that party for President. His sell out to the Radicals led Mr. Wright to this course, just as it did Messrs. Hughes and Deweea. EXAMINE YOUK TICKETS CLOSELY BEFORE VOTING AND SEE THAT YOU ABfi i.'OT DK CEIVED. TUB 6TRAIQUT DEMOCRATIC) TICKET 18 rniNTED ON THE THIRD PAGE Of 111 It PAPER, I Garfield on labor. The following letter appeared in Truth, a free lance daily newspaper of large circula tion in New York, on Wednesday : Personal and Confidential. House of Representatives, Washington, D. C, Jan. 23rd, 1880. Dear Sir : Yours in relation to the CMnete problem came duly to hand. I take it thai the question of employees is only a question of private and corporate econo my, and individuals or companies have the right to buy labor where they can gel it cheap est. ll'e have a treaty with the Chinese govern ment,which should be religiously kept until its provisions are abrogated by the action of the general government, and lam not prepared to say that it should be abrogated until our great manufacturing and corporate interests are con served in the matter of labor. Very truly yours, J. A. GARFIELD. II. L. MOREY, Employers' Union, Lynn, Mass. An Associated Press dispatch from Mentor states that General Garfield prouounced the letter n "stupid forgery," but the fact that there was not a prompt and formal denial from General Garfield and that the original letter has been examined by many Congress men who are familiar with General Garfield's handwriting and pronounced genuine, look as if the corrtclness ot the letter cannot be succes-fully disputed. The additional fact that the views express- ed in tho letter are in harmony with Gener al Garfield's record in Congress on both the Tariff and the Chinese bills, is also a strong point in favor oftbe correctness ol the letter in the absence of such emphatic aud circnm stamlal denial as would likely be made if the letter was a forgery. The anti-Chinese bill was passed in the House on the 29th of January, 1879, by 116 yeas to 72 nays, and General Garfield did not vote, as will be seen by McPberson's Hand-book for 1880, page 39. The bill went to the Senate where it was amended and passed finally by 39 yeas to 27 nays. When the amended bill was returned to the Huusa Mr. white moyed to lay the bill and amend meats on the table, which would kill the bill if successful,and General Garfield voted for the motion, as will be found in the same hand-book, page 41. The motion failed by 95 yeas to MI nays,aud the bill passed final ly on the 22nd ol February. The Pres'dent vetoed the bill on the 7ib of Maicb, and on the question whether the bill i-hould pass over the veto, the yeas were 110 and the nays , and General Garfield voted agiinsi the passage of the bill, as will bo seeu by re fcrriug to the same hand-book, page -IS, The letter ofGeneral Garfield to .Mr. Mor ey, of the Employers' Union, is, tberetore, in harmony with his votes ou the question to which the letter relates; aud being ctrii fied, after careful personal Inspection ut the original by Speaker Randall, Mr, Hen it aud others' who are familiar with General Gar field's writing, it will require very positive evidence to discredit the genuinene-s of the letter. All such publications on the eve of an election are to be considered with much al lowance for the party necessities which would dictate the fabrication of letters cal culated to injure a candidate, but the delay n meeting this letter with emphatic contra diction from a responsible source leaves little room for doubt as to its authenticity, I'hil adelphia Times. Vote for T. Jeff, Vanderslice and J. 11. Knittle lor Rep-esentatives. Nothing more is heard of Southern bull dozing, but the uewspapers teem with ac counts of republican politicians in the man ufactories attempting to Intimidate their em ployees aud with the horrible recitals of po- itical murders committed by republican rowdies. Just before the Indiana electloo the Democratic Sheriff of Shelby county, that State, was shot dead by a republican rutliat, Democratic negroes have been driv en oQ' the stump aud brutally maltreated by republican partisans and on Saturday a Democratic procession iu Wilmington, Dela- waie, was find into by negroes from their club hoove and a riot ensued in which twen ty or thirty persons weie seriously wounded, one of them mortally. 1 his is the party of 'grtat moral ideas," (bis republican party. This Is the party that boasts of all the la tolligeoce and respectability of the country. This is the party that calls on christian rein- j Uteri to pray for it success and Its ptrpi. tuatlon In power. It li towing the wind and will reap th whirl-wind. ADDRESS OF CHAIRMAN DILL. Cloipieiu ,ieal la the Worklnginen of IVnnnylvanla. To the Democracy of 1'cnnnjlvanlu Demo cracy means tlio rule of the people. Its founder lecogniied and enforced the dignity and power of individual thought,cotitrol and government as the essence of republican liberty. Imperialism, olllco holding oligar chy, corporato dlc'atlon, the rule of money by tho employer over the eniplojee, are all at war with our creed, our traditions and our rule. Intimidation and every form of coercion and corruption, nud every form of bribery of tho voter are all At variance with the genius and tho letter of our constitution nnd laws, state and federal, nnd wo will see that such offenses are punished, The Democratic party is largely compos ed of the Industrial classes and must there fore represent their Interests and rights. To day many of our corporations, the wealthy manuficturers, the great iron masters, are at tempting to debauch them with their money orto coerco them with their power, They threaten to take the bread out of their mouths, to starve their wives and children unlets they vote as employers dictate. We address them. Can you permit this tyranny and still claim to bo freemen ? Aro you slaves became you work for your daily bread? Mut you surrender the right to a free ballot to obtain tho rlht towoik? When that day comes It will bo a fatal day for you and your liberties. Lot the overseers of corpor atlons and manufacturers drive you to tbo polls to vote as they dictate, let their can didate be chosen by your craven submiss ion, and you surrender that equality which is the chief glory of American citizen ship What Is the remedy? Simple,pluln,ray. for brave men. Assert your right, Vote as you please. Lt weilth know that your labor is your Mpltal. He is for free trade ill merchandise ."in! iu men, am) istheene my of your interests. Ho wants Chinamen to come hero and take your place if you complain, or to work by your side fur a pit tance if you submit. He said so over his own hand and by his votes in congress, Ourcaudidato is General Hancock who shcd'hls blood for you in the defense of the country. Ho is the representative of all the people. He is your representative because his faith is your faith. He has said over Ids hand that he is in favor of American in dustry Ho will ha the zjalous guardlau of cspllal and labor if you elect him president. Trust jour friends, not your enemies. Stand by the men who stand by you. Do not bo deceived or frightened. Vote as your con sciences may dictate Dj this and wo will win, We have a majority of the people of the republic and if they vote their votes will be counted nnd Hancock will be elected and Inaugurated president of the Iln'tcd States. A. II Dill, Chairman. T1IK KLUItlDA KltAUD The following hands of the Nat tee, through a mi; pany. To Hon. Charles kins, Jr., Jack I telegraphed y as requested, two der and yourself 17 pd. dispatches came into the ioual D.-mocratic Commlt- stake of the telegraph com- October 12, 1880, J. Noyes, care of II, Jen- sonville, Fla : csterday, I will provide, hundred each for Callen as compensation, Marshall Jewell. Rush. October 12, 18S0. To F W. Wicker, Collector, Key West Florada: "City of Dallas" took 150,"City of Texas" 100, "Colorado" 100 for Key West. Meu on dock instructed to Bay nothing about it. 20 pd. Marshall Jewell. Mr. Btruuin publishes the dispatches in an address to the country, and charges that Mr, Jewell is attempting the systematic po' lulion of the ballot in Florida. Mr. Jewell answers that he real y meaut to notify the Collector of Key West and others of the shipment of Democratic billot stuffers and forgers of returns, an 1 defeat their ciimo. It is a little to much to ask people to be lieve that the Diii.ecrats are sending meu into a Democratic State to heln carrv ihn election. The evidence against the repub lican fraud is overwhelming. It should be tho aim of every owner of Horses, make them as handsome and useful as possible. The German Horse and Cow Powder helps to develop all the powers of the animal. It improves its beau ty and increases its usefulness. It makes milk, mucle and fat. By using it a borne will do more work and a cow civemore milk and be in better condition with less feed. Sold only by weight at 10 ctnts a pound by C. A. Kieim, Bloomsburg. i- 12, '7!-ly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. f TO THE WORKINGMEN OK PENNSYLVANIA. A LETTER FROM JAMES A. GARFIELD WHICH EVERY ONE SHOULD READ. u TIlP nCl'Otllll.HlvitlL' fllC Simi'ln (if (Inm.inl loll.,,. It t. M. ....... ,.f I,- t......o' f,,!,,,, ia ,tilill 111 till- Dlllllic lll'Pllttso Wl' llto ('(linillml tllllt Ollllit'lll Wlllto il. V It In Iu. inn'ii'in fm- ll... fnllnuinir ii.nsiiim ! 1. Its ooiitptits mo injivrfi-ct niroid with (Intlipld's cotnsc in pmiiriw on tlio Cliinpse question. L. I hu liaml-writinu; h of a utiifot tn i hnractor t lirouRliout nml shows no strain as would bu tlio case in nil attempt nt imitation. !1. I'lio Bijriiiitiiro is OarlioM's. His atitogrupln on comparison with tlio sijriinlitru to thvac-timllc show it to bo Lreimiiic. I. 1 ho best expert in liatid-wtiting iu tho Tnited States, Kdward II. lioticli, pronounces the letter fjeiiiiinu ami ileehuea that no document of that length could liayo been forged or imitated unless the original had been in possession of the finger. fi. I ha theatiica performance of Marshall Jewell, cliaiiinan of the republican national eammittee, in investing the editor of 'iittis evidence that (tin held ami bis friends cannot discredit tlio authenticity of (lie letter by a resort to onlinaiv orlegnl proofs. (1 T II. a lillibi U1 , if tin, 11, ,1.1 .............. ,1! ' 1.1 ... i ' , 1. I I- I 1 ... .,!'..! I nil. . .... ........... .nil,, Hum hi iiuuiiii since i oiniiii commuiee roiusciiio nenev u nun vt ncn iokuiwmk """i ........ i A number of people liavo been found in Lowell, Mass,, n knew II. L. Jlorey and knew him to lie an agent of the ninlovi'iH ITninn nr. l.vim. Ktiildoveis' Union at Lvnn. 8. The allegation of the W, inio tho letter liiiinnrts to hnv , , I ,i , " ii.i.t IIVLIl iMiwnii III uu mist.- uv IIIU piuu nt that tune and since, which bore the sunn. i.hiu.i.II.i tinn if itwt ulntim Thoroughly convinced, therefore that tlio letter is genuine we print the facsimile and ask its careful nnd dispasionate ex- 'nsliltlirlntt i,r.u1n.l.,H lt.l n .HIT I M! ..i !.. ni ll... nnt,.,. It, r.lli. nl till. time, tlio letter purports to have been mailed, lias been shown to be false by tho production of envelopes mailed at that olllco i nwuMimiij mm i iten, iiii-iciore, mat tlio letter is genuine we print the facsimile and ask its carcltil nud dispassionate ex animation by the public. .Meanwhile wu do not think that the fact, that tlie genuineness of this letter lias not been discredited adds one jot or tittle to tbo easo against Oarfiohl as a supporter of the Chinese policy of the I Iayes administration aud the rcpuli bean party. I lie letter is simply an expression in words of tlio acts nnd votes of (lat fleld on the Chinese question in congress. FAC-SIM1L13 6b' THE LETTISH. 7 ' S iu;aiiiusrrtiE. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. lOI.UMlUA COUNTY, SS. j Amoivj the rtcorfls and rrrirenllni's r,f c t ljuaiter siksluus In and lor said county It la later No so, t Term, I860, In re-peiltlnn ol the s-iixrvlsors or ConiDnharu towublilp fcr an order to levy additional laj. And now October Hind, lsio.on the iietltion or the suH.'rvlMits of said townbhlp lor an Older dlrecttuir Ihn levy or an additional tax ol one and one-halt u.i.ia u.i mo luikiuiiuu ui m&uoitj rroperiy. ituielo show cause why ihe prajerot petitioners Miail not uoKrautid, returnable November mti, Usoat one o clock p.m. Notice to beeivea by a copy ht-reor laserti'U In a newspaper puMlshed la the cuunty at least ten da) 8 brlore tho day ot lieartnc. and bi copies posiid up In at least three publlj places In tho Umnthlp or Conyngham duttng said wrtodot ten days Ccrttued from the records October so, isso. WM. KlilCKHAUM, O.M. (icK', uerktj.s. leputy. oct, n-t( A UDlTOIt'S NOTICE. IN Till MiTTIBOriUE STiI 07 riTIB UliKDlKT. 1IECS1SKD, The undersigned Auditor appointed on exceptions to the third and partial account of the executor or the estate ot I'cter oearheart; with power lo make dirlrlbutlon cr the rund, will meet the parties at hlsortlceln Bloomsburir on Friday, IKcimberloth l&so at lu o'clock a. m., I( r ihopurposo or htu ar iwlntment, at nhlchtlme and place all persons hai. tan claims at-alrbt saldebtctu will appear and pre bent them at that time, or bo forever debarred troin receiving any share or said rund. C. It. lilX'KALiW, oct w, ismk Auditor, JjECUTOK'B KOITCK. XSTiTI OF HXNJilllN VC1IIKKT, PICIiSXD, Letters tetamentary;on the estate or'lienjamln McUenry, late or ltenton township Columbia c-oc-n-ty, I'enusylTanla, deceased, have boon graitcd by the Iteglster ol said county to Alfred Mcllenry, or Ilenton, Executor. All persons having claims against the estate ot said dece dent are reuuested lo oreaent them for w'Ltjpmi-nr. ami taoae L&debusl to the eatat to make pa ment w w uuwiH4un.n.wilniuiuiii uoiay, ALPMED NCHENnV. Xxecutor, Ott, SS, M0-t' BectOft, rv SHERIFFS SALE. Ity virtue of bundrywrlu Issued out ot tho Court of Common l'leas of Colombia county, and to me di rected, will bo cxrosed to public sale at tho Court House In tho town of Illoomsburg, at S o'clock, p. m. Monday, November 22nd, 1880; All Ihe following described real estate situate In Catawissa, Columbia county, state of I'ennsylvanla bounded and described as follows, viz: Ou tho east, by public road leading from Catawissa to Minim, on tho nest, by Fourth street, continuation thjreot) on tho south by land of Williams and on tho north by land ot Strouse, whereon aro erected a t o-story frame dwelllog house and out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of A. V. Creamer against A. V, Cool and to bo sold as tho property.of A, V. cool. ltiixws, Attorney. Vend Ex. A LSO, A certain piece of land situate In Benton town ship, Columbia county, I'ennsjlvanla, bounded as follows: Uy land of David Huberts on the north, by land of Michael llartman on tho cast, by land ot Jo &epli lluit on tho south, and land of John Itob?rta on the west, whereon are erected a plank dwelling house, a stable and other out-bulldlngs, conslstlnir of twenty-one acres ot land more or less. Seized, takea In execution 1 1 the suit of John J. Mcnenry, against Edward Mcllenry, and to bo sold as the property or Edward McUenry. Kkkizk, Attorney. Al. Vend. Ex. ALSO, All that certain piece ot land situate In Miniln township, Columbia county and Stato of Pennsylva nia, described as follows to-w It: Hounded on tho north by lands of John Atm, on the east by II, t'chweppenhelser, on tlio south by lands of Thomas Attn, and on the west by lands of Charles Kllnger in in, containing one hundred and ten acres more or loss, on which aro erected a frame house, barn and outbuildings. A LSO, One tract of Imd situate In same townsblp. boun ded on tho north and east by lands of Thomas Aten. on the south by land of Michael Graver's heirs, on the west by land of William I'arr, containing tw en- ty-rour acres more or less, on which aro erected a framo dwelling house and out-butldlngs, ALSO, One tract bounded on Ihe north by land of I. K, Schweppcnhelscr and Samuel Rnjder, on tho east by laud of Lawrence Waters, on the south bv lands Abraham Schweppenhtscr, nnd on tho west by land of Johu Aten, containing thirty-four acres more or less, on which aro erected a frame dwelling house, barn and other out-bulldlngs. A LSO, One tract of land bounded on tho north by land of Stephen Oearhart and others, on the east by I, K. Schweppenhelser.on the Bouth by land of John Attn and on the west by land of Joseph Oearhart, con taining ono hundred acres moro or less, on which are erected a frame dwelling house, barn and out buildings. AI.SO, Unelot of ground situate In the town ot Malnville, county and state aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to-n It: Hounded by land of J. K. LotR enberger and two public roads being a corner lot In said town, on which are erected a two-story brtck store house with the appurtenances. Seized taken in execution at the suit of Samuel Keck, assigned to Columbia County Mutual Saving Fund and Loan Association against I. K. Schweppen helser and to be sold as the property of I, K. Schwep penhetser. Littlk & Miixxa, Attorneys. Vend. Ex. A LSO, All that certain messuage and tract ot land situate In the township of Ilrlar Creek, Columbia countr, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by land heretofore of John Van Pelt now M. K. Jack son's heirs, and lands ot John Heavener, on tho west by land of said John Hcavener lately, now Adam Helterlch and Francis Evans, on the south by land heretofore owned by P. M. Trough, now Petti and others.coDtalnlng two hundred and twenty flvo acres more or less, on which the deteodant now re sides, on which are erected a frame bank barn, a frame dwelling house and out-bulldlngs,also a wood tenant house. There are on the premises also an excellent apple orchard and other fruit trees. Seized taken la execution at the suit of William J, Knorr assigned to Joseph Lara an sgalast William Laman ana to be Hold as the property ot wuuuxa Lituim Gocxtuwi Attorney. Ft IX ALSO, All that certain tract or plcco of land situate In Locust township, Columbia County, and stato of Pennsylvania bounded and described 113 follows, to wit : On the north by land ot Jeremiah Si'olt and Mrs. Snyder, on tho cabt by (leorgo Voiger nod David Veager, 0-1 tho south by Wlltlim Veager, and on tho west by Wlllam Veager, containing forty-five acres more or less, on which are erected a two story frame dwelling house, alogbarn, cider mill and out buildings. ALSO. All that certain other lot or piece of ground situate In Locust township, Columbia county, and Stato of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: On tho north by landot Daniel Morris and (1 Y. Soult, on tho east by other lands of Hudolph Teager, on U10 south by lands or John llerner, on tho west by lands of D. Yeager, M. Hughes, Monte llus Teager, and public road, containing tw enty four acres and eighty ono pei-chi s neat mc.vsurc.on vv hlch are erected a two aud a half story framo hotel, a two and a half story framo dwelling house, bank barn, shed, and other out-bulldlngs. Seized taken la execution at the suit of Jacob (Irelner, administrator of Lanali Veager deceased against Itudolph Yeager and to bo sold as tho prop erty of Itudolph Yeager. FiimzK, Attorney, Vend Ex, ALSO, All those two certain pieces of land adjoining each other bltuatu In the township of Locust, bounded and described us follows, to-vvlt: Beginning ut a stone and from thencu nloui; tho public road lead ing from Catawissa to Ashland bouth sixty-three degrees east ten perches and eight tenths to a stone, thenco by land of May berry Snyder, late John Yeager, sr., deceased, north eighty-two degrees and a half, west six perches and blx-tcnthsto u white oak, thencejby tho same north thirty-eight degrees and a half west Ave perches to tho place ot begin ning, conUUntug eleven perches and eight-tenths strict measure. The second lot beginning at a white pluebtump and running from thence by lands of .Maybe rry Hughes, late P. K. Herbeln, noith eight) -six degrees and three-quarters east seventeen perches and four Untbs to a stone under the so-called Slabtowu bridge, thence along the road leading from Catavvls sa to Ashland not th thirty-one degrees and a half west six perches to a btone, thence by thu aforesaid lot south ctglity one degrees west six perches aud nine tenths to a black oak stump north thirty emu degrees west threo lurches to a and thenco by lands ot Mayberry snyder, late John Veager, bouth thirty-seven degrees and threiMiuarters west nine perches und.sev en-tenths to the place ot beginning, containing seventy-twu lurches bo tho same nuro or less, whereon arc erected a good frame dwelling house and stable, also a good wagon shop, black smith shop and wood house together with all the ne-cessary outbuildings. Mclzsl, taken la execution ut the suit of Darius YJager against Walter IHItmau vv 1th notice to terro tenants anu to be sold as the property of Walter 111U man, Kti.EK, Attorney. Lev. Fa. ALSO, All that certain tractor piece of landsltuato In Locust township Columbia county, and htato of Penns)lvanU,bouaded anl described as follows,to wlt: on tho north by lands of JJllJvU Yocurn.on the eostbylandof Mtcliael stia, oa tho suuth by land of Solomon and George Mow rer, and on the west by land ot Daniel btlne. containing forty-two acres raoreor less, on which are erected a story and a halt framo dwelling house, frame barn aud out- bulldlngs. Seized, taken In execution at tho sutt of Fetterman, admlnls rator of Charles Fetterman, de ceased, against reter Mowrer and to bo sold as the property of Peter Mowrer. Fkeezk, Attorney, Vend, Ex. ALSO, All that certain lot or piece of land situate In Qreenwood township, Columbia county and stale of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wlt: ou the east by lands ot Frederick lleagle, on the south by Little Flshlngcreek on the west by lands of Annie Weillver and on tho norta by land of Moses Mclloory, containing about three rourths of an acre more or less, on which are erected a one and a hall btory plank dwelling house and out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken In execution at the suit of F, P, Tay lor asslgnod to Clark Calleudar against Henry Cot terman and U be sold as the property of Uenry Cot- terman. 1 1 hi b, Attorney. Vend. Ex. ALSO, All that certain tot or piece of land situate In the iloroughct Berwick, Columbia courty and State ot Pennsylvania bounded and described, as follows, to. wlti On the south by iiecond street, on the west by TheJiciaOB A Woodtn Manufacturing Comnany, on tho north by the Presbyterian parsonage, on the cast by Pino street, on w hlch uro erected a large brick pottery, tho part ot which Is used as a dwell lDg and other buildings. ALSO. The life eslalo of the eh teml.u.t In nil that messu age or tract ot land situated In Centic- luinbla county and stale of Pennsylvania, bounded and ilistrlbedas follows, to-w 11: on ihu noith b) land or William shatw, and oeorge lllnkleinan. 01. tho east by land ot Ji-lm Kelehm r, sr., on the south bv tht'L. 11. latlrn.ul, west by lander I aaclless Low Bros, .t Company uml others containing one hundred and ten acres more or lesK, on which are crecti'd n two and one-tnlf story trick dwelling house, largo bank barn unil other out-bullciliigs seized, taken In execution at the suit of Sarah A Eck against II. C. Freas and to bo bold as the prop ertyof II C. I'reas. W. J. Bcckalew, Attorney. Vend. Ex. ALSO. All that cei tain lot or piece ot land situate In Main townshlp.columbla county and state ol Penn sjlvanla, bounded aud described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a stone, thenco by land of said Wil liam Menslnger, north beventy degrees slxt)-elght and one-tenth pennies to a stone, thence by land l.Uo of (leorgo Longenberger north twenty seven and u half degrees west eighty-six and live-tenths perches to a stone, thenco by the same south sev enty nnd three-quarter degrees west forty-seven and Ihreo-tcnths perches to a stone, and thence by land or tho said Daniel Miller south fourteen degrio- east eighty seven and two-tenths perches to the p'ace of beginning, containing thirty-one acres and six perc lies or land strict measuie. ALSO, One other tract or piece cl laud situate In said Msln township and county and slvte aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to-w:t; Begin ning nt a stone, a coiner of land of James McAlun ney south sixty and a quarter degrees west fltt)- three and four-tenths perches to a stone, thence by land ot sill William Menslnger touth twenty-eight nun onu-eigut 11 degrees cast thlrty-nlm and Ilve- teiiihs perches to a post, thenco by lanlof lleiija mla Nuss slxly-iiluo and a half degrees east lltt) threo and lour-tenths perches to a sionnlu line of land of Henry Bowuian, llieucu by the same noith twenty-nine and Ihrce-fourths degrees west folly eight and live-tenths perches to tho piace of begin nlug, containing fourtevn acres and ethty-elght perches sulci measuie. bo Ihu same more or less. ALSO, Ono other tract or plc of land situate In Main J tow nshlp and county and state aforesall, and boun- ueu auu uescriueii as ronows 10-wie: Beginning ut a ttonocorner In the line ot luid of John I'eltor and thenco north slxly-seven anJ a hilt degrees, eon one hundred ami tllty-two crches uU-.g tho lino of John I'elfer and Peter Bowmin, thiiico north thirty one degrees west blxty peichos to a stouo corner thenco south sixty-seven anl alulf dtgrees west no hundred and Ilfty-tvvo pe rches to a stone corner thence south thlrty-ono degrees, east tlxty perches to the placo of beginning, containing Iltty-three acres and twenty-tlve peichcsmore or lest. Seized, taken In executlinat thu suit of Hiram Shugars, administrator of (leorgo ceased. against William Menslnger, aud to bo sold as th'i properly I WliUan Menslbgcr. Ziiih, Attorney. Vend Fx, AUO, The folio ting described real estate situated In lip towu of Catawissa, Columbia county, Pot!h)Ivanta: All that cert il 11 lot No - In Ibo geueral plan ot Catavvhsi, bounded on Ihe west by Front street, thlrly-llve feet, en the north by lotof John Brobst, twohucdred and ten feet, on I ho east by au alley thirty-five feet, on the south by an alley two hun. dredand ten leet to tho aforesaid Front street, tho place ot keglnnlng, w hereon are erected a two-story frame dwelling house and out-bulldlngs. ALSO, All that other certain lot, No, 11, In the general plan of Catawissa, beginning at a corner of lot No, 11, on Front street or bald town soutbeastwardly Beventy feet to a post, thence by land late of Lewis Metz, deceased, southwestwardly a course parallel to Bald Front street Beventy foet to a post. In a line otlotN'o. 10, thence by the same north-castwardly soventy feet to said Front street, thenco by lino of Bald Front street northeastwardly beventy feet to the p'ace of beginning, whereon aro erected a two-story frame dwelling house. seized, taken lo execution at tje suit of Catharine llry son, assigned to Win Liryson and V. J, Hucka lew against Hobert Uryson and to be sold as tho property ot Kobert Br) son. W, J, Ucciitxw, Attorney, Fl Fa. Terms cash on day ot sale. U, II, KNT, tct.M.'8-u -Miornr, a r-i-1 mn "T7T7 rn a VV cr U l n ' VV 1 -'-1, Wo have catalogued liolow it very low of TUB POPULAR STYLES Ii DRESS GOOIXS immense slock of AUTtiii., nviiwi uit.Lia 1 I u"lW i.iv. iimei UCl'll linriwl I -I'V.,,J Taken nt random from our immense stock of DRESS TEXTURES. Exti omitted. In tho NOVELTY JJKl'AKTMKNT. We show tho .Morcilollt OU IIANIIKEIII'IIIKF (lOOlvs, InAU-Vtool, Wool and silk, Tricot, Votilo and Cashmere. At all prices. TlttCOIH ANDSUoolins, With fancy satin borders' PLAIDS, In Tricot, Coshmerc, Momle anil Basket Weaves. In the LOWER PRIOKD PLAIDS Wc have a superb assorlment In KM1I.1SII, OEIIMAN, AND DOMESTIC. At 2D. 2.1. 81. ntc. nml Ml cents. Comprising some really beautiful Mjles, and lnclu- iiiligsomegeuiiino o.irg.iius, IN LADIES' DRESS OLOTHS Wo show ft nfct vnik'ty of rouxs.oAHHMminnt! usnn AM) t'ASI.MUt, In Ton ti,Ti (ioud, nnd 6-4 AND 6-4 FINMSI, Ct OTIiy, of claim Hi lc make. Made esrcilally It,r oar o n counters. SOLID COLOR FRENCH FABRICS Wo show MANY NEW THINKS ISAUMUIIhs, I.NTltK'OTS, IN' MOM ICS. IN FACONNLS IN uinvitoxs. IN BIAIMilTZ, IN I'OWDKHCIOTIIS, in i oniums', in HAtmrx IN (lltANITE CIOTIls, AND CIIOl'PCI) CHUCKS, Ilaeh In fourteen colors, coinpilslng n'l tho newest shades of Bronze, olive, Prune, (irenat, Xaphlr, Ut. In tho CASHMERE AND MERINO DE PARTMENT, We show ' 31 INCH OASIIMKIIES, AIL COLOX. At f. cts. Hl-INCII I A-lltKIIL U.I, I'OLOlts, At .',11 cts. IIO-INCII C, AM, I'OI.OItS At .'mi els. 0--1NCII l'.slMl:itI.M, .U.t, ctlLOItS, Al 6.1 CIS CS-INC1I lAMIMi:ilK.s, U.I, COI.OIIS, At ;n cm. BS.INCIt I'Asn.MKItKs, AM, COI.OIIS, At s;. cts 4C-1NCII l'A-HVi:itl, All. COL'JIIS, At l 00 WoliellPVIV (lint ll.n nl.nh. tp bo Miii iKMt assortment or c " shovyn In I'hiiadeipiiia. ami at fue , cfs for simitar finalities. ' Wo show I.ITINN Cili.ollI'.D MEIllVi , (fholco shade i.M AIM, ea.e, ntidjiC! mid 41-INCH Slloon.uis (Kxrplicnt values At M, 73 cts., and .00 IN MEDIUM PRICED DRESS GonJ We made very large and deslrnh , UUu0 I itviiitirnrtiiriTs nml in. 1. mn ' , I bo found elsewhere lr. tho United sut j ' Wc havo m l'teecs MOMli: CLOTH, ntn; ll-liichWIUunndtwiientv,!,, pownnitcHinisnt' ll-lnclieH wide nnd fliol, 1 no I'lic s "'s MOMIK CI.OTH at Mi ni Indies Ids, spioi.iii.i vv mi . piItcs -MiMir.t'i.onial.i 91 Inches Wldi, worth , lo I leci s;ASIIMKu:nt ) n ii.ciu-.-4 wi.ii., (mod " rn Places (IIUNHT . I tints nt , ir .14 Inches Wide Wrj i , i .in r lecp s llllot'.UifcSntsiii 31 inches Wide, Worlh urn I'lervs liltoc.U)i;s at 2.1 1 23 Inches Wide. Choice In 11111 Pieces ai.piniithicots nt 1 (i 2.1 Inches W hie, Vi ry st ,1 ', ion Pieces 1'INOIir.TTA MOM IKS at . 23 Inches wide, New and Ui liest noo Pieces JtOMTM AMI Alt.MI HPS. 11 Inches WIJe,i:i .gnnt New Ii vii Pier- s ALL-WOOL Dlirsse LOTUS . a Inches Wide, in nine, iiri-en, IIm I'liini Colors. We have se veral lots of gouds b f.ieliiieis mid linpi iters at err 1 which, nml to stinmiaio trade tl.i-1 , son, wo shall make tho following Wo nninti 210 I'll ci s (IKIIMAN I' vNCII.Snl . Nev er be fore sold le slh..n ymi pieces ttKIIM N PM Irs nt Cost to Imj. irt Jl . t , f.'. I'ke'es (MA1I.MI ltl nt02 (All Wo il 111 black nn.l colors, cost ; en, n ,, .'1 1 h c 4 -l t'lll.V.' NSntCi, il (All Wool) Would bo cln ap ui -T Slioiilt vou ilt'iit. lo t'inniii(. niiy of tlio nliou' nnd c.-itinot s,;uo , , , I'ssiny for a iit to l'liilndeliilii:!, wo slinll bo ilciiscd to send yon siniijilis m,i.'; jour orilci's tlitonejli otir MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT. Eighth and Market Stsrects, A CURE GUARANTEED25 CENTS BY USING Ms DR. METTAUB'S HEADACHE PILL'S enre most wondcrfullvln a InrycliiirtlimolKitli SICK and NERVOUS HEADACHE ; au.l. vvti.l.: faotluir oiltliiincrviiiis fj.t. nl, relievo DYSPEPSIA In us wnrpllnrnis, cleaug. tn tno system 01 exccfdoi Ditc,proauciu angular nealtuy action ot tho bowels. A ftillslzo box of thoso vnlunblo PILLS, with full dl- rrctli.lM Inra complotO CUro, lunlid to liny ml,ln m on militof nlno 3-cont PootaKO Stamps. PorsalobyallllrUfKiets. BOLK PltOPKIETOItS, TO THE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: PROF. GUILMETTE'S nr I A Positivo and Permanent Cure Guaranteed In all ca-cs ol Oiavel, Dialietis, l)rop-y, Kriglit's Di-easeo: Milneys, Incontinence nnel lietetilioii ol Urine, Inllnins" tlie ICiilnej-., Cutarrli of tlie Illeelelcr, lliftli Ccloreil I rme ii tint Hack, .Side or l.uiin, Nervous Weakness, ami in u iliriiilcrs ol tlio lilaileler antl Urinary Oigati', whether ' n eil by private ili-easesor otlirrvvise. This trreut remnly has tien used with suieessfor ncart;- Prance, with ihe most wonUeifiiU'uraltvc KlTects. It cur s ti e no niuise-oiis Internal medicines belntr re iiulred. Wo have huudnd " monl-ils of cm 1 s by this Pad when all else had failed l.ADIKs, if you areMilTcilou rrom remain Weakness, Leticorrti.i nses peculiar tore-mates, or In ract any illscaso oftho ktdnevs, hsi druggist tor I'l ol. fliiilnifttcN IK nch Kidney IM1 ftbt n f lVjl 1 1.. rait- an.l take no other Pad by leturn m ill If he Ins not sot It, send fl.oo and you will r Addiess P. s. Ilraneh FRENCH PAD CO., Toledo, Ohio, Or JOHN II, KINTOUTN Druggist, Main stieet above Iron tu Prof Guilmette's French Liver Pad Will POSltlVrly Cure Pevir rrd AL-re. Illllilb Al-ne. Ai lie r.ti. l'.lllnlis Tierr. .tntmillcf.. Ilvsiinsll aw (ilseaB ei.f ihe I.lver, stomaehand l'.lood. The pad cures by absorrtlen, and Is peiinnnent Ask -ji rusrulit ror this pud and Hike no other, ir he does rpl kei p It, n nd f .ro to the Pi KNCIl ' U't'O. -' ranch) 10I.KD0, Ohio, nnd receive II by return mall. For sale by JOHN' II. KINPOItl'h, Prui gist. NJi cull",n' wj.uwuujtf iu. fee j' 1 u ou as- c a sltt a am. GET THE BEST, STKONC; COJIIPJB TITION In (he iiuimifucture of'OrKims is resultinir in tl of cheap goods, made from inferior materials. I refer particularly to bogus Organs that are continually siirinuiiiL' into existence, without any merit whatever, oxeept tp ho oilered cheap, and then when purchas ed found to ho dear at any price. Will yuu not then, reader, If you Contemplate Buying an Organ consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument hearing the mimes of first class, wholly responsible makers. A good assortmrnt of styles of the celebrated K&tey Ortrans can now ho.roon nt. tlio now rooms of tho Only Authorized Agent foi the Eatey OrganB in Columbia County. A guarantee for fivo years from tho manu facturers accompanies every listov Organ JLfloomsburg? ir.a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers