TIMS COLUMBIAN "onlllOCBAT.BTAHOr'Tllr: NOBllI ANhCOUM i,.ucd weekly, ovory Friday mornlnK ,at nilXtsllUltO, OOf.UMlltA COUNTY. 1M. ".'uriLUnUioryonr, Mcontnllscoutitallowcl 11 ultinoi. To subscribers out of the tilt! t--rms Hi u t 1" ' jo u ,si , n;i ijr in miiance .r .11 'nntlntlcd, CXCent nltllQ onttnn nr n.n ' ' n, until nil arrearage nro 11.11,1, but ion5 " crcJltn nfler tho expiration of ttio ilrst ' ,r ,ri sent out of lUo Htilo or to distant post 1 . nnstbopttdforln advance, unless a res un. ' .... in oiiitimh hi cntinl V ntr.r.n In ..... " u on duo " demand. 1 ' 1 wF. Is no louder exacted from stitacrlbcrsln i khicBliopuftmontof (lioOoLtMniANtsverv1 11 1'?.? Aur.f brrlnllnffWlllrnintnrnfYV? , ,t of lliolnrifn cities. All work done on J neatly and at moderate prices, v""f Stifle 7unibia County Official Directory . t,vn. -William Klwcll. ' tVludees -I. K. Krlckluum, ll,,Miutnan. 'V iHrr7. -William Kilckhaiirn. s u rraphcr -s. N. XValker. " M'.nS'Vv.-.nrd. r r -II A. .swciipenhclscr. 1 mcrs -Stephen I'ohc, Uhailes lilcliart. ".'.''.SSnorVCli-rk-.T. 11. Caw. ,rj -s. 11. smllh, W. Manning, 0. II, See- j.ninlssloners-mi liobblns, Tneodoro W. i sanoilntcndcnt William II. Snyder. , emir liHtrl-t -Hlrectnrs-i:. .1. Aibortfon, 1: Itecio l-'alnnxn, Hcotti Caleb Marlon, ii Joonisburg Official Directory. ,tr.tTownCounrlt-ll,A linillll.Nfl. j k, droit. . , .0llee It. Harris. it .if nai company s, Knorr. -i xx-. Miller, ur.' lunkln compnny-.lolin . Knnsinn, nt II. H. orntz, Cashier, John Peacock, Tel- , unallimk Cliarle3lt. I'.ixion.t'reeldenl . i'.ln, cashier. Clll'ltCU MltKUOI.Y. liArrrsr chokch, -Tub supplied. i s tx loosi a m and T p. m. iv Si'hnol -5 a. m. r MectlnL'-Hvory Wednesday creams at : I. ,.sfl The public are inincu iu iiiicuu. IT, MATTIISW'S I.CTIlBHANCtlCltCll. r !!'. ). 8- M irclay. i , sertlees -'t a. m. and T p. m. iv helical -5 a.m. rxiee ins--Every Aednesday evening at 7 3 free. Ts'opcvs rented. All are. welcome. rtlKSnYTKHI AN CtlCllCH. t.r. It, r. Stuart Mir '.bell. s TV.r s tux, a. in. and 7 p. m. i. v school a. in. , . ,, er Mee'lnj- livery Wednesday evening n' I X, . ...... ,., . E-ltStrcO. Nopeivsreu.uu. i-LIUiiSii0uigL..i. METHODIST KrISCOrAt. ClIL'HCU. !i,,,lllr;n.d.T- llcv. W.Kvans. BU' sirr-- U"V. r.. ii. 1.-.. .M. .ty seio" -' -" - a. 0. E. EV.VELL, l. BITTSHBEUDBr., J "8w I tlV! "'1 ..iinr.1 .n n. m .'ll'is -r.verv .Miiu'iny eiciini,' hi. , ihi Mens rni.ui .Hii;iin,-iiiu) l'rajcr Slcetlnj-Evcry Thursday ctcdIl; 30 ' BKI'OKMBllCltl'RCll. Corner of Third and Iron streets, t r -ii. II slrunck. 'i.ee- Corner 4lh and Calharlue streets. -' i .crvlccH -to( a. m. and 7 p. m. ( school -!) a. in. mi tlnir Saturday. 7 p. in. t u arc mi uea inti""i" """" ST. TACiacnrRCit. inr- i:ev !.. Zahner. 1 n -crvlces -WX a. m., 7 p. m. 1 v school -o a. m. Sunday In the month, Holv communion. i nrcnarntorv to coimnnnlon on 1-rlday i.r ;,r tiio i-t snnd.iv In each month. gpjwsrcnteri; outeerjuouy cinuuu. KVANIIKltCll. CIICBC1I. ilillne Elder-Uev. A. I Ileebcr i icr Dev. (icorco Hunter. if s,Tiice-2p. m in the Iron street Church ir t"eiln','-mcry s.ibbath at 2 p. m. ar InMU'd. All are welcome. I.AWYKUS. A T T 0 11 N' K Y-.V T-I, A W, Coi.fMBIAN Ui-iuiiNii, llltfimsbun,', Pa. Memb r of the Vnlted stales Law Afsoclallon. "J i:. U'M.i.i-.it, AUornay-nl-T.nw ttnioe, Second door from 1st National lianlt. 1IU)0M811U1!(), PA. )an. 11, HTs U. FUNK N Aunrm-yju-l -nw, I;t.ooMsBl'i:n, pa. oniee In V.nl'n licit imno. Q 1! ti W.J.IUJCKAI.KW, ATTOHNI1YS- VT.t.AW, Illoorosbiirff, Ja. ome on Main stru t, fm door below Coin I House JOHN M.ri.AIlK, ATTllltSLV.AT.I.AW, Ploombur(r, 1'. ''nice over Schuyler's Hardware store. HLOOMSBUHG, PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1880. Poetical KATES OK ADVERTISING. fs.do II eg 1M S.t (I Ml If i--Tt i iiiiuimi.mmimnnwa(TMiw.wmwr..Tn.w yjn in ottirwrw.wmwTB inelncli .....fl.oo n.w I?.?" rwolnciies ."" ' rhree Inehe, t.ie 4.mi H If. Aiiirtnclira .... .l'0 7.tn oi. is.n" I Hurler eDiuini ."" .ms Il.ilf eolumti icon IfUO 1S.M1 is. ' )ne column .co o.n. au.co " i..ni. . rllfe,.ini.la tintntill rilisrlltll Tfntl Ulelitadvi Mlsi-ii!enlHiHlIU'p,lldfolbirilllllscltoO( ojicppi w here paruer naveau'iiuiiis. I nn1n.1i.,IU..tnfntLlunilnl1nrKtel IlltllfOl litter1 losettlons. and at that rate for addlUoiialllibClllotij wlthotitrefcrnicctoicnKin, i rcxictit.fir'.Am!nlKtrntnr'H and Auditor hotlCAl lliieedollnrs. Must m paid lor when Inserted. i Tiansuntor l.oeai iiolKen. twtnly cenit a tltel Fnnlln..IIAFllu,ln.h,.h.ll tall.. THE COLUMIUAK, VOI,. XIV, NO II cards In tho "Huslness Directory" column, onel uui.u.miiia ii in .Mill it A l , tiij a I.. , sit. to jaon.ir per i ear I or cacu line. HIU.MKYIUI, Ari'llllVBY AT AW. DrncE-lu list-man's liulldlnr, Main ftifet, Uloomsbur;, l'a. k. it. tini.x. ROET, U.UTTII. 11. .t U. It. LITTLE, J ATTOltKCYS-AT-LAW, llloorasburs, l'a. ' AlTOllSEY-AT-r.AW oniccln llrowcr'sbulldlcit, second floor, room No. 1. llloorasbure, Pa. I.IJ'HH nisi- kk n,i indl n prua 1 ' if trieitcrcf - 'it i in p ubt ' uny other hi il ik , .1 d r. Hi f is nlunus mi eiH'i kiu jut iiiier. irihii it;r-t!siirtacz2iM3' ll r 1 ' iru ntc.i in Its action hclthi- i in -i im.m i. ire, ml test ion or wilitif ill- m In Hi, m. r t an . llcnd.n'lu'. t'onl. P'tl I I'ulii r I'ti in in -in, iu.T'.i . u-h, id. jlie -''Mi si, ,i,i ,, 'i, i, Hi i , tin m' It bll hi'i ! t ii. 1c- ii ,i ll.it', n i.i ih i,.,ii il. ,ii.iun of pvirt's'.i tli i tn m, it '1 ihirnimi nih. r .i im toms simmiiw i ivmi im.t I iiii: is tin' ii "tr. medy th.i' h i i r If, ii i'l."., urtlii'M' 'illmcnts. I' net . miii , i ii, , hi I'h, uiui w i slmpi.. U'ko tatii i'iiiiiiiuii,it c nt iiu in, ,r In ati (iiinn'liies Ih.itltiuin in. 1 1' en. It i ii,iiiii"ss lneieywn! It lnii. , i uicti r ,r f r! ..iirn. mil luitirtrt'ils tretn n 1 Inn i of th" conn'i ,ii i v u-ii ttir lis virtu s, rj5TrainaEiiiii-:ni r, nm. Ai-xan erll.ste- , r -r-r . W'll' US,. Of (1,'lirplj; lllihnp I I In TjHri .nun, ,rt:l ,; lulm mil I 1 - V J ii XH-in.rtir i.f Al ih.imii lien. 0 KMhi p. 'i r.i(ii,, u. I. Mtt, tncTjasl " 1 oiiiiiius, iiccrgii, nre i.i 'tic tli,' lim ilri ds t.iwlioiii we em r-'tir. l.x ir.u 1 1 r n ii ti, r iii'in Al. icder II. sin In ns. d utd Murcli , ,lt: "I i ci ti'-liMutlh u.e when my cot.ill II it, r i ii It i s it. Iir. Iiiiiimns' 1 I.i r t!i iriilntor with cooilerlt t. til. inll'l. ttnd suits me betur than i in .ii iiu ncPi loe taia-Li .. . .j. imiuiii it .,,ni t'.n uuillty ealen r, .r ifhnt i,'Uei-tienKtli,iire.lloiMl t lini ATfil fill'dl."'lth. It Mhe thor tlUU Jjil lUil R "-h dllfi-tlon or the food Ktukni lit II be tu eli or r.Mmrm..uJ! Ii tl' . 't I , 1 1 fill 0 (lO Hut Stltn ite m, Hi . ti mi ih t i it .e f nd. but lather as sist dip ,tli n i ft r euiln,' I . 'liking -hmiion' i,m:u iti:(ii i.A'iiit Orlulttlil unit til inline M IM't AClt KHi OM V tlV .1 11. .I, II. IV A- CO.. 1'IIH.ADELPUIA. rler fl.(H) Po'dby all IlrUfglstB. A pi II 10, '30 1J. "r3 r-.r.T.r; roinc." l'lt.VNK Z.Vllll, Attorricy-Mt-I ,nv Ji!l.(.K).M.Sl!UKO, PA HLOOMSHUIKl niltV.iTOUY. l'ltol'Essios'AI. ('Aims. 1) I'UCKIMi 11 AM, Atlornev n'-l.uw. Hi ll tnce. n. .1. V.I.HKH IIUlUlliiS, ' ,',",', may 7, 'su-t t RAHKLf.V, Attiirney-at-Law. mini urower'a bulldlm,', 2nd s'ory, lio'iuis i ,i 5 II UOIUSON, Atloriiev-.il-l.aw. , in lUrtman'sbulldln',MalnBlreet. Ollice W.M. M. KElli:i:,Siirj,'c,in ami I'hysi- lan. oraeo Mirket tlnvt. M-araepot. If U. EVANS, M. V; .Surgeon ami IMiysi tl . an. (oniee and Itcsllenct) on Third street, II Mnk'KI.VY. M. I).. Htirseon anil l'liy- t -Ian, noilh side Main street, below Marlat. D P.. J.C. HUTl'EU, PHYSICIAN SSOIUIKUN, OClce, North Market street, 1) "a. H'oorasburj, l'a. It. I. I.. IIA11I1, I'KAOTin.VI, PENTISr, i on strett, opposite Uptscopal Church, Uloonis. onicetorncrotCihlru and .Vain striets. Clark's Ilulliims. t!.m be con'tilleil in Osrman. in. I", 's it Q.I-.0. E. KIAVKLI-, A T TO li X E Y-A T-L. A W, I'O'.cubiAi lictt.nit.il, l'.looinsbiinr, l'a, Mcr-ber of the Culled States I.nw Assoclstloi.. Colli t ik n tnndc lnanypnit of Aminca ortiiroi' oct. i, i;u. S. kSOIlll. I8.wVTSUSTl--ts. Nolaiy Public K.NOIitt k WINTKHSTEr.N, Attoi-noyrr-nt-l aw. omco In llarlnnn's lihik, corner Main and Mar ket st reus, llloomshurif. ra. 83yVnoNii mill lUmnlies C'nlulttl. -p.U'l. H. WIHT, Attornoy-at-uaw. (illlcc In I'.ruwcr's llluik, cue doer UloW Col i-mimas ulliiin' mooMsr.uito, r.. July 16, 'Ml If QL'V .J.UOHY, AllOl'lluy ni. "" ) lILOOMsl'.l'IKl, PA. (iince In the cotrnuu:! llulldliiff. "fcotnl Hour. Ott. s, 'o. X F, W F I HIM ! The wrll known c. il. WIHTi:. Proprietor (f tho OI!N(ihV!I.l.r. MIIIlCCI.Tril.sI. MHIK-, has sold ii halt bit' i ei In He -ir.ie tuJ. w.t' '..ur lhee,iiiiini.v na. t. i.iinu tie "v -?," ; lined to iiccolnliii. I..1. . II bo wm.t uli IMUK U 111' , I, I I ..in', net Is lllt'V hive t ! ct 'tipli 'Hi a urn Ii it hand hue rlow.wliH'hlt p;; hil.Ii . will Ih-.1I tlieili:litn-iti.l Msn t-urf.u -P or Jointers for ?f T' eih extracted without pain. Oct 1 IsT'J I) WILMOT (ONM.lt M. IX, I'HYSl- . t ,11, 1 SI 1.1 ll M e, t I .llteilllitll L'A' 11 In. ias. ami limn, if Hie 1 if Kab .i nt.,1 rui.ritv it, i, i its url.ii lir.im he-, "MS ejliIU'lj udl'iM - I he I.M. Willi I'l.Kl'I.U f H-ln 'i m Hot its ;i- i.Du i' i i. (. 7 H tit. 'il llast Mreel, llltinlii''lillli Pa. 10. -(ett ISLOO.MSHUKO, COL. CO. l'A Aj ic if wmk dine In a supt rlorm.itiner, o k jrrat,.d as repren'iited 'I K'tii 1 xtbict fcov.1 hoit Pain In the use of Has. and In e ur clmrfc'i' vlen inilllilil ticln are Inserttd. (mice corn r Main mid Iron streets. In be n.fi ul alt lioin t during the day 1uV 'Ji.ll t D MIS(jKLl.AVEOt's ' 11. DIlINKiat, GUN ami J.OUKS.M1TH er with i entre WIiIIp Tlirt'slH'i' hi" ttiie. A ni w"l breMu l aii(ii.uu- -luike of rid lie Mioe. e.iin a tne null tifiinor wllh Itothleier and railway powers on a ImnruM"! l'l in. We luatiuf.ictuie I AMI ltdl.l I.I.S w lili i Iron he ids. C .rn Plow s ilouuto an; iiitlMior- ude h'll ''lows. Mine isi'iirs. 1 i e.'ii i . " "". l ,..wi..i.tl . . n It in 1 a 1 1 1 ut iissi.i in i-i in i i " ..... , i.....w 1 1 1 a tire - i. if- 1" ' l lir ' ' ' I' .ntu iiiiii" .... i.; - - , , - Ill the I'Uii.tri. We Willi.. I be miii i-' o." wtik i.l-l'.il'l the '.HO' ipilillt. J i, w.iri-l.li'l to 111' e - 'II .? .'l'l'".'" ' V mi. I, .1 II I r I Y I MM II ii". Ii III 1. Ill '.'''I il.lili ti.fi,, hi fore 1 'in I' 'I' e WHITE & CONNER, i.!AM.r.viu,i:, r.v I'.imuis ar-l ( lit "-If d 10 fall liUU t'A J.ri. 1C, '-o &. Cio'a. A5vc'ts. nit: teg Machines and Machluiry cf all kluds ro il (u'sba Hot-SB ituiiamer. moonibut,r, ra .. VMI) LOWKNUEltll, Menlianl T..il.r lain St., above I entral llott 1. S l.l'HN, ilclir in Mud, Tallow, ell., c 'in re street, hot ween Second and Third. I L'll'sil'.s I'UIH'NI), l'mitiial hoitt'-J X naihic Horso aud cow Uoucr, Ilioniiteburij, l'a. ' 'i, ia tr JAM ha 1IE.1.1.Y, TonrJOi ial Ai'tist. IU-II.K riiurneil in d i pet id a ilrM-c'nwt I'APHKP ""!' in l.icimi.ire Pink, nci i.il lloor.oiti Hiti "t ss saiiii.ti. res-picifullj toll itsthe pinroimnseol U" idiii-ttinir undif iLeiuLllCfeiuall'. jii to, tnnr (.' VTAWIsiis.V. rM. L. EYICltl.Y, ATTOllNKY.AT.LAW, Catawlssa, l'a. nio-tl'in, pion.ptly made and remitted. Ofilct V nail ''aUwltsa Heposlt lianc, ia-J ii- mi vu'.x, A 1' TOU NK Y-A T-L, AW, Catawlssa. l'a oa;e, comer of Third and Main Mnets. 1". II WtTMAN Long Cut bimokin Tobacco mih',1. lu'i.i i fi.i.ti"' v;;,',.", Ulltlui l-THIil -in. '-i I''''11 l"l""""'' m.i.::n .v iivn.!t. nuiiutiiitiiri i-. .n.i... uii'linmnili imlitlii. oct. is, 'sii-iw r XV) i V i ii v itjuivis.'. (IK' i. P. IH-"'' ' I'1' A" ' ' sKIXCT l.l-I'OF IlfM. NhUsl'M' IH. An .id;, it's, r "li ' -1" t us !'" '.'" nt.il who It m He I " ' 1 '!' ' wines : "lour si'!'-. ' i ' ' '. '.t Mar 'I I' AS AU. 'iiu: HID." ot .,' i.e u c tr. i in llilt. II . in bet let I c illll.lt Al i.l ir-l.s.l Kl-'KlA . 'I lie. nl,d l.iwns f uier ft,' crKEsiNTS Tin rouwiKii AMI P.1CAN INSUHANCK COMPANIES' MenniliHf ol Muncy I'mnsylvanU. jriiiAmelcannf Hslelphltt, V ruiiAitn, of . " tUBDIflUlUof " 'ttieni ot York, Pa. ni'ioverot New York. -.Anhatuin ot " utllce on Murkot street No. t, u o voaour, l'a Mt, w, t u, Farm for Sale ! siVAJ""-1' ""'(f'" d offeri at pilrate ta e a KAliM Of f XTY-TIHIKK ACHFH. with 1'IIAMJJ IKil'si;, burn u'lothir ouubulldlncii thereon, ntunteln H-Jiu i; crssui, wikbipin jot il usteit euiilvatlon. Itrcale I veitr Akbury. Can bo putchased on n asonsble teiins, ntie Orel ariHn the propert ,stda neMr lulllnit JP'lejtt Water Jietr tbolioic-e Kirp-rtKulars ad- IS, 'kom- Fciks, Cblutubiaiouniy, l'a. jntElNsUItANCE. CHRISTIAN r. KNAPi', litfKiMMU'jiO. PA. fli'TISH AMRllICA 8SUriA(K COVPVNY. l!;"IAN FIHKlNsl'ltANCK COMPANY. C.T'O-'AL KIIIK 1NUHASCK COMPANY MU.N I.NtlUltAN'CK COMPANY. "itc-e oio coaroBATtOks are well saoned by atre iSS""1-'k-"'-,andliaveiiterjetbd a loss ket Ufa by an, court 0, lnw, lll(.r are all luvekt Jjin wiiu Kcommsand ore llabloto I he haiard JIM only, t. T " moyrr lt and uoKUrivnlJustedand ptd koon m oeu-rmlned bj iikuiun v tKAir,krc. TirJ.,NT lvu APJl'kTiB lli.ooisia, ( A. iki. Wwpleof OolumU si'iuiity khouM r"T'--l" iHu'cJr wbr Usrswi If kivy re vtutsl (u,j pilJ ' "'i' own tlilsu. It is not it Co-upcnilivc l.ist. It is nut a L liC'.ip IjM. It mi 1 loilt'.-t Ll-t t...t ti .. i-iners srt ...f,.,. ,r n niiHrli nrllltltt 111 I I I I ""e '. ' ...'V".'. t i.. l-t,liiit the Ilr.sl I'M r. i 1 1 r. iv .".v.','.','''',, , n.,n r n . i.i.i. uriiiii il ill t .ill 1 i i' tin-1 Iiu - Tie ll-t Blie '' '"'-'";" town al.d the elrc iliil'"u(f V','! 'i.' J'.m.lnrely . . W UeT' r sliivl. i, in, ,,r r.,r title l t.ne.-raeires i oin '" ,"",i , , , r one motitli In tt.e , nTlr l-i 1- . p enl.li mi-s t he pi,.rsiii i i; -. " '.,' ,' ,l..... ..m i 1-4, 11. I 01 II t 11" "''' ..' ..- V' nlili l is! are us'ieu i. n. " ; nr.' lutatid 111 i-.su ii I'"' '." ? i, iiii.li 4ii nr.. siHie i.i.i....- ," ... ,,,,, linn, antlias i outiU -i at. lirtcp) mi iiLd other inloimation, address tu Sr,rUC0 Sltcei stn 1011.. i.i. -i iw r IIKNTH TO JAN. 1 Tim Chi en IfO will be .Hit. t'.Iia'lj lieit, fin 1 Tl-n trial lui'.cniiiuti .. ciialiltt teatlira to l;tt' rtiiuli aciiUHlnlvil ti.u nl.u.nvLl llietl lilllktl urekly III !' Il t lii.lt nelitlei t liolltlm. all tlie news. nrru. t iitMiV.trvlinr K. Ill comiileted 10 Hf lnestry ta.uo n ,-- .... inliv n.iier km,1 lO leiits (.ilv-'rl .ml tret 11 Until Jan. 1. imi. Illi'vyii Irlkl lulncrlpllotii lor 11 00. Iteirulr I'fleo ! 7 oci o--w r IBCtl. a ur. AUJrrsi lrlnr V. I "." 1'ubll.liel SWll.ljr No. cnicL-o, in WcCls OJJ. Ik Am.u.1 fci Is ..1 r.ta.m-1 rJr.-rM., oct. 15, 'so-iv. r Oct, 15, VI-4W r ntrt'iil-r, vkiii , .i r.l,l.sxl A"k-Ukta. wult.0. r oct m 4 iivi:iitii:ii v nfvintr toJ A . (.i S i i' t-Hvl. V il "a r. - - f ..m r - - '"','' i it "--i i'''-iii ' IS JW HOW IMktt I'martilrt Ae. it'lwl teli-'ltllio f r fjllf'lf fp cn.j C5 ccrc RERSEDY i:.m:ij, isjnkasiisi. ... i -nre - t'" I lUCk A C . u M Tl . - Ik. IT. ... .nut l."b. ii. I I. 119 I..J.1. .1 UK (IllliVlllt (lAUKIKI.D'S "l'lNAlODK WIMI." When 1 was nboy I scarce went to school, Hut bosstil the cateer tr a towpalh mulej 1 urged hi tn from srilic unlll late In the tall To pull a bit boat cn the raj-lru; canawl My iirsltiif that mule was soef-ll el out, '1 hat now I'm a candidate for Prcldeiit. I rollnd up m trousers ns hluli ns could bo And relied on that laule to educate me; I soon lMrned mny of his tricks and ways, Mitcli hel-ed lip- iimch at the counting In cf llajfs, At Hie ojunttng In I was such anln-slm-mcnt, That now I'm a (ntdldale for President. As older I (frew, to rcll-flcn T turned, The wajs of Hie pious I sp'ctllly 1. atnedi I I "iri.ed to pre.ich, at.il learned to pray, A'mI learned to lildo w"iat 1 c.trrlfdawny, Hi's leu nlticr I used wllh such good Intent That now I iiicitnllil.iU'.c.r Pnsldent. I went to tho war, and came heme strain, Hut st ije I Ion; enough to write injHClt "Cen." When bull-la were 11) lajr uliout so free, 1 thou, lit that congress would better suit me. That congress SAlted wasev.l dent, l'or now I'm a cjiidhl.Hc for President. When I bcM the sirlnjs ot Ihe publlo purse, I mlw'ht d me better but not much worn ; I frrabbul at th l'ft, nod cnitiln-d at the rljht, And licit r ml ised a Job that cam-! In slht, ty k'r ibbliijr was known as so ex eel-lent That now I'm n candidate for PiiMdcut. My p.irtj I saie 1 fr.-m sttdlin perdition ll eointlnffln Iluj"s to Ins present position, Akd now bts iticcessur I'll bo no doubt, rules the pi opl'-dmi! entint me o-it. My eluce... I f ar, are not worth a cent. Although I 'in a candidate for Ptetldent. ADI'iAII.VMH. lli:Mi r SPEAKS. 'I mi TAlnrr lien vi'.oo wni.i. i.xi'Os.; m KtNtru-u'iir.i:. lil.Pt lll.il' VN IMirill.i: IHIM.IMI MIATI.I shown i p iiir.iit ki.coiii) puoiif- ci:i hi ooMini. rnn.M wiicr iiouviji: iiu't.riA -11101 out' or iiAKiii'iH 1111. IlllAI. IssHi; is 111! WIS 'llllllli ri.ini h OA HEAD'S Max:- mwm. A VOHDEFiFUL DISCOVERY I r? ii il - Wfl ii.' i Wf h l-l l-s A Deodorized extract of rotrolouru, Tin- Onlv Article tliut. Will Ilc- sturo Hair oil ltalil Ileiuls. X'ruitin.V for CoJittsrte-s. The preatcft ilt-cocj if our day, en f.r m a larce purtuin of l.un.ai..t)- is oncem. d, Is c.l.- llill.lNC.an artalc pi. pa-i nr. :.i itciru.euui, nu will, Indicts a 1 it.il'V.o 11 ..trit:.i alcureln cae "t l.uUmts, or wli -e I o 1. . r, n ..i,' t.i lliMasisof the Kiilp, h..s bLLOiilti Una at-1 Uiids to fall O'-t. It Jialfoa -;,ei vl r -t-.ritivi'. and while Its una ee cun s a luxuriant prov. Hi i f l.iir, Il ul to brings bae'e the nntiirid c.l"-. a'.d uit es He) most CLmpli to sut-l-lui'U'iulal!iei'.-!ii!!. Tl.o fulling oat or tilt) hair, tlicaccuuii.li.tlo' sit d-uiilrull. and the prcnatarj chnnee la color aro all i .Winces of a illn-aseil con dlllin f llio tcalp ami tho gUads which nourish tho hair. Tu mil tlieso causi's tho nrtlclj used must IKwiMi mcdlctil as well ru chemical i Irtuc, nnd tbJ choiifc n'lit begin "i"hr tho tcotp U bo ot perma nent and lasting beuiOt. Such an ortlclo U CAIt POLINK, and, l.ka many othir wonderful dlcov cries, it Is found tocond.t of ilunents almost In tlielr nutural utatt.'. l'Uroleum oil Is tho article. wkliliUraadotoworkfUih extraordinary results; lutitlsaftcl It hit been chemically treated and comp'.itcly deodorized that It Is In proper condition fortius tolht. lt was In far-oil Hussli that thi edict of pt'troleiim upon the ha'rwas ntbt observe t, a Ooi c mini nt offlccr bai lug noiiced that a partially bold headed Knant of his, when trimuilmf the limps, had a habit of wiping his otl-bcbUicarcd bonds Jii bit scanty locks, and too result was In a few months a muih f.ncr bead of black, glossy hair than ho inr had Ufjre. The oil wai tried on hor.es and caltlo that bad l.t tlnir hair from tho cattle plajue, aud the rcsu't t wire as rapid as they were rosrulous. The riaui'S and cien tho tails of horses, which had fallen out. were completely re Horei) In a few wciks. Theeo exs.-rlmcut wcro heralded to the world, but Iho l.iiowlo,l;e was proc tiially us.lcss to the prematurely bald and gray, o ... i liii.,1 n.htv could tohrnto the u-o ot rtflucdparolcum as a ilresslugfur the hair, llat tha tUll of one of our chemists has overcome the did. cully, and by a process known only to Uniilf, ho Uas, after s-ery tlaboratoan.ico.il) t-..-......"- .a.a i ,1 t.irizliiir tilliie.1 petrol am, whica rcndirs lt susceptible of bilng handled as dointUy as Iho famous c.'. dtvtejnt. Tlwixperlmcuts with thodcodoriztd ll.tildoulho human Mir were . tended with the mo-t ast.ml.'ilng results. A fevi i,. .,i,.. ,o,.r.i lim lia.r was lliltl and fulling, -!. .. remarkable torn) and s Igor to tho tculp and Ulr H-ery parlhlo cf dandrull dUuppcars on the first or n.iond dres.lng. and the ll'pl.d so scorch. U-1" U nature, sietus to peuarato to Iho roots at . .ml .it un a rad.cal ihaogo from tuo siori. is well known that tho ino.t beautltul colors aro mdo from iwtrolouM, and, by mmo mystcrioas ,i- r tinture. the use of this ortlclo gratia. illy imiiarts a beautiful light-brown co!..r to tho lair which by continued use, disjiens to a b.ock. The color rctiwlusis-'ruiaiu lit torru!us!s2 ill 'leng!4 if lime, ot.d the chango is .o pra iual t'ut the moa intimate frlmds cm scarcely d.uct Its rroS.es. la a vord.it Is the lao.t vouderfi.l dhiov.ry cf the n-e. and vi'.l calculated to moke the iritua- tarilj ba'.d aud gray rejoice, IK' tr- n.M-o our renders tog vo It atr'.nl, f ellr.-' ,. i ,1, 1 1 lilt on i p i-u bm wl I e.iiiviiii-o tli. t.l cf The article is tellltn; Its own .tnry In tl.e lemds of t'Zi.uudswitoariu.iiigUwin I ,.d lucouraglng result-: W II IinllLACo,rirthAtnuerlisrmocy,says. "'Wo' ha'iVsold vircluiriiti.tu. for the lour tor U,ward c t"ty J earJ, bill haio ik . t r ba 1 ouo Jo .ill 1 wUlorEliussihlialier.al.ati'.foitlon. '," f .rewSiiinuwl Ii hh cotuldimo to ourfrlvueU l.udlLcgiuiraIpull.1..' Mr nrsTlTts 1'. Hsu, of tho 0tM Opera T-,.u J v iTuIr " Afur .Yxweeki' nw I om con. Mue rst ool-o my c.iiurades, that your 'Crlo. 1' i.astui'1 Is j.r diultig a wondeiful growth cf Un ii hi ro I hod I.OUU fur ) ears. C II Burnt, of thoJetinlo lUtlit Coniblnatlo-i, v -lie.' " Afur ..-Ii- uiiir 'Csrbolhie' tliroo U 1 amc..nrinc. d tl...'1-ld laud, . ... U rc-Ualrod.-li'a .luit.ly woudetfi.l '. . my co. n r AnTiti'n.cl'".'''. llolj'ike. M . writes: " Your - I ."'..In.. ' La. ...to' u.y balr aftir .very. tUagll.ebulfs.kd. ' J lint V. I on. atb rner-at law. N ' All1' bi.r". era-: 1 r iiiit. mot. '.-..' it- e-,""-".' Tliu sitlilri'ss I v tin.' Him. Alii'.'im S. Hewitt, .'it t'lilt'Kt'iiiiL,' Hull, Oelol.ii' '.Ml. lio fuiit tint Voiiiilt -Mill's Doiiioci'iilii' Mult, aUviR'U'il a lai tri.' iiiiilk'iu't'. .Miniv lmlius i cru nresciit. 'I'lif Hun. Tmvii st'iiil Co, in jiivsi'iitiiiir Mr. Ik'witt,-:ii.l i:it tin' iiil'.:Iiiij, lni.l lii't'H hastily calli'il, ith lull one ilay's notice. Ii lia.l ln-t'ii I'lncd lii'oi.Pi' to (lisi-iiss Iho iiiiosii.iii f the taiilT. ami lie Knew no i.nu Iicttcr ali (it'll to discus', it than tliu sii;.iUt f tliu ciciiiii''. rAiiiilaiisi'". He sa'ul lis was hut one ot a .sfiius of iiKetiii'.'s I.e lii'lil bv the cliili. He i!;a f in.lii'i! f a mi'i'tiii'' of ltiisini'ss HR'ti in favor of Hancock ami Kutrlisli, to Iiu lii'M on t lie tt'lis of the S-llli-1 ri'iistiiv, this after noon, at !iV o'clock, an. I lie iiivite.l l.iisi- nieli to he Hli'seiil. I he oil led ol the nieitiiiLT, lie sai.l, was to relmke the c(HTiiitioii, etraviiLraiiee, ami intoler- mee ot the lieiilolicans, anil to i-tali- II ail li.Hiest, liottoi.ilile ami ti.ittl.itiu iiliniiiistfation of piihlii' alf.iiis. He it.ke of l!i'nililii'iiii aihuinistiaticH as a 1'i-t, ex en more than the loi'iist.s or the potato hut;, lint the locn-ts xxeie jirc- teial.li', liei'ittise tliev collie only once in exenteen years, while the Itei.iihlieatis haxe alllicteil lis for txvcntv veins. I.an'litei' ami applause. The Hon. Allium S. Ili xvil', as he a.l aiice.l to speak, xvas cortliallv reeeiveil. ii.l : "Tlio eonlialitv ot this recep tion, ami the uiiexpeete.lly lar;re atten lame at this nieetint;, impel me to say soiiutliiii'' at the oiitsd that I di.l not int. ml to sn. It is xiell known thai niv htisincss is that of a manufacturer. TAp- l.itisi'. 1 It has l.ivii ihe hiisiness ot inv life, ami inv oailnir (.Mavor Cooper) ami invsi ll aic as eIeiisix.'ly enaLTe.l as.it not nioie cxtiiisixilv tni'ai'i'il m xanotis irani'hi'.s ol liianiifadiii'e than anv other linn in the 1 mte.l Males. Applause. I lie various operations wlneli xve eon hid, or in xvhii'h we are interested, ein- l.lov l.U'W i.ersons. I )tn inir the Ion i. ri.i.l ol depression Ji oin x hleh 1 hope we h.ixe I til 1 v einii'le.l, Hum is.... lo 1S7H, no poi'timi of the xxork eairiedon those est.ililisliments xvas nlloweil lo ce.ise. .i'ii;ailse. .No laniilv siitlele.l Applause. I mention tins only lor one purpose. If I speak iihont the tnrilf or the effect of the tariff on the interests o hu-ini'ss, ami upon the wants and lihl: I vi.iMii''iiicn, I at least speak, xvonls I expel ienee ami knoxleili;e.'' . l.iiise. With reference to the licpni iietiii e.iini.aiLjn lit s, as to the results n Dt'inocratie xidorv, he said : Thes appeals are tel. In s-,eil to ignorance, pas spin ami pri'inliee. 1 liev are ciiaraeler i-lie ot a pnlv xvhieli has no faith in the iiitell'nrelR'e and iiisliee of the pen: I liev xvoiild ma he xvortliv ot attention it ihev xveie not supposed to have pr iliici'd an elleet in the estein btates and were not pressed ill this Statu xvill an eiiertiv and in.nistrv xvortliv ot a net ter cause. As to the tariff ipie.-tion, all inti'llieiil men kiioxx that torsoine xear ceflainlv since lMit), the tailll has not lieeii an issue hetxveen the txo partie It has I. ecu oxeislia.loxveil l.y other am greater iHlcstioiis.iiotahly llie reeonstriie ti. hi of the States lately in rehellion, the linancial policy of the (lovcriiment, the ruloiin in I lie i.'linliiisti'iitioii, ami tin inteifeiencn of Federal ollieers in the election and the tlse of the troops at the polls. Applause. J It is i.erleetlv xve nildt'lst'..'.! that thole ate lieu nailers well a- hiuh pii.tet'tioiiists in hull, p ties. It is i.pially certain that, whil the j;i.at niaiority ot i.otn paities ilesiie no ladical ehaiiLfes in tliu tariff, xthie xvoiild tend to ilcrnii!n lnisiiifss, tlieiu a yirv L'eiieral conviction, not confine to titlier party, tliat the e.istiner tariff is lull ot uiennei'iiities anil iiiupnties, nml posilive ohsHiietions to liiisiness, xvliieli need lefoim. Applause. It is also equally tl no that all the attempts to i ts fin in tlio taiiff i.i accordance, with tliii ,;, ', v. r ....i.u.ir ef . .I i. '','rd ball, b.l s.r t . u'ht ...'sl'' I'uud lo oy 1 ,",'.";' , I . . I rlttl XHi . ril" I 1. as i as tu hal t ti. Imtt lit . Ii s.xiwth, .'It ileal I. hall rtou. ins HHI . r. fain 11 . t . i. r. I anil 1 1 mime i 1 1 J"1.'),", ' V tiaie.os 10...I " ".'.;,,,; - hJr af,fr rr-.t.tt nww nt-.' i " - - His CUI. lUlllrllW'.t.l.iSf.M'r'-l'"d Vrlee, ONi: Mtll.I.tH i rliiitile. bold by ull ri' KENNEDY & CO, r.TTaWr'C, l'A., imeiits to tlie p-uxvtli and .rospcrily of hiliinessi tli.it it liarroxx'S lip the cmploy input nml lciliiccs tlio coiiipensalion of lalmri thai, ilesijfiied to meet the oi treneies of a statu of xvar, it is not adap ted to an men of peaces tliatit needs ie form, and that the interests and xvelfaru of Ainciican labor ate even more con ccr iied in this reformation than the eapilal which i inxested in HiaiiiiiadiniiiLri'iiler trises. 'I'he enlcrprises languished ihll 1111; the Iniiji period of depression between 1 S7:l and 1H7'.) heeaitsethc inovisions of thu taiilT denied ns access to foreign mar kets for our siirplotis prodiids ami com pelle.l tMtoriin our faeloii.s on lialf time, xvheii tliev inijilit, hy judicious al teiations, whiefi xvoiild have injured no productive inteicsts, haxe been lully chi ploxed. ami the army of inxolutitary Irainpsxvlioc'iii-Hiiie.loiirsul. .tiiiict'tnijjht have In cn piolilahly employed ami been been pill in possessiiinnf eutiifoitableomt'S The iletnocrats have strix t n to seem u these alleriitiotis. In exiry spi cell xvhieli I made in the Hoiisp I pointed out thu ne cessity for leform in the tariff. Morrison u poitcd his bill in thu I'm ty-foitith C'on t,'i'es, and Wood Hied his iiand in the l'oitx-lifllt Congrehs. Whellier these bills xveie xvise or not is not now the .piestion The l'epublicans xvoiild ilex -er j,'i u them a fair discussion. The sub ject xvas shelved as a disagreeable skele ton to be f,ol into a closet as snon as pos mI.Ic. Me.tnxvhilc bit-iniss sul). red, and l ibo'was lefl to starve bo nil-o special iiileiesls xvere too poxvprful for the in tcllijjinec and iatnotism of Coiinress. Applause. "The remedy for our troubles xxliich a reformation ot the tnrilf could have sc ciin.l, h.is come in a difi'cicnl rorm, not from tlieine.liumof man, but from the de creis of 1'iox i.leiicc. I.iirgu ciops in the L'nited Stittiaan.l small crops in Kurujie haxeiimbled us to lesnmo both specie paynieiit and the cun int; on ot w.nk of internal iniproveiiieiit. Hut the remedy, foi lunate as it is, and poweilnl as it ha bu n for the restoiatioli of prosperity is hut a t. mporary alleviation. iVith the return ot -'.Hid liarvi'sis abinad. theinar- kttsforonr too.l pioduels xvill be aitain stilctc.l, ami xxu shall lie luoililit lace to face xvilh the old trouble in an ii''t;ra ite.l I'm ni, tliu capacity to pro.lttee more ot the staple pro.ludums ot minis try than xve can uoii-iniii', ind the nice-si- ot reitim; loreiirn markits tor oursiii'- plus. If xve can net these tnaikets we in consume too.l at home, I'Xp.utini; m maiuifactuieil goods to the West Indies. Mcmco, Soiilh America, and urcat niar- els ot the Orient the xaii.d lnanufae tines xxliich the coustimers ol thU food ill produce. Hill the tariff as n.nv ad justed shuts us out from the.se mai kits. It imposes duties on laxv materials in so many ca-es ami in siicn iii-astrous lorm that we cannot export the manufactured iro.luds in competition xvith other na tions xvho ''it tlie.-e liialeiials tree ol lut v. Anioni, these raw materials are la ash, copper ore, iron ore, scrap lion, tire clays, lasting ami serge,, eoinii inj; and carpel xtools, jute ramie, and the like, in the production of xxliich no Anier- an inteii'st is coiiceriie.l except to liaxe them liccd trom duly in ordir that the niaiiiifaetiirc.l iro.liiels may be produced :tt a cost so low as to enal.le us to sell them abioad. Applause. It is the xvotldm, man xvho has the deepest inter- st in seciirinir those nin.lihVatinm of the iiiff lie xvants the area of eiiiplovment enlai";ed, the demand lor labor iuereas- 1 It knoxvs that the rale of xx-aejes lepeuds upon diinand ami siipplv. He understands that he is and xx ill be xvell aid when business is active. He knows or oiitrht to kn.nv that it is not the tnr ilf xvhieli determine the rate of his xva 'es, but the value of the product of he labor. It the tariff take- any poitiiui of that mt Milne by imposing a tax' on the axv material xxliich enters into that pro- hid, the tax must come out ot Ins wa- ;.-s for it can come fiom no other source. I'.lthera lioitum ot that pioiiuel is sold abroad or it is not. If it is sold ibioad, then the t.ricisu amount paid in taxes or raw mateiial oiinht tohave been id. led to his wages, and if no portion is 1.1 alnoa.l oy lea-oii ol these taxis on the r.ixv material, then thu liehl for cm- lovmeiit is nai rowed, and his xvages fall in coiiseiiueiice. Moreover, the xva labor ale not ti.xcd bv the taiiff. but bv free trade xvlteiher xve like it or not. The xvane.s of labor in everx conn trv are deli niiined hy the amount xvhieli can be produced and eairii.l bx the lar jiM Held ol industry m that coiinlry .Mr. Hewitt ountcil ci'nspii'u.iiilv from the speu'hes and votes in (Am 'less of Haxe.-, Miirinaii, (laihel.I tool (un r thur, to show that lb. xhad not been in l.ixor ol imposing duties onlx "ii ar tieles xvhieli had come lino eompetitioii wllh Ameiican l.i'o.luets lit ii...ed a trick ot the ''luliitm; xxliich publish' -1 a itirtion ot one of (lailiild's speeches, omitting the folloxwug, xxliich dailicld said Hi the same spiech: "I freely admit that lexi inie is tin pii mary object of taxation. I do m.t af linn tint .'ill th' proxisiois i.f tin existing taiiff aic xxise and jtit Ii many rt.pid they are badlx adjusted and m c.l imieiidiiienl. .Mr. llexvitt minted the folloxving from the same speech by Mr. Garfield: "Dining niv term of sen ice in this House I have resisted theelloit t crease the nile ol duty xxhi n I thmighl an increase in the late ol duix xvoul.i lit dangi roils tothestabilily.it our maim inclining llileiesis, ami ux doing so haxe been thought untilemlly to the policy ol protecting American industry. When the necessity ol the icxeiiiies and tin sality of our nianufaciuren warranted, I have favored a reduction of rate, and these reductions havo aided to picscrxi tne siaoiiny oi mu bystem. iiarlidd then recites a conversation xvith Horacu (ircclcv. in xvliloh ileit "great man" Bald to him: ''My criticism New Jersey Sure fop lliiiicotK. The Democrats liaxe ina.lu a caicfull canxass of Xexv Jersey, Not a city or township has been omitted. The esti mate of probable results in Xox ember is bnscd on uniisunlly elosu coiiiiutatioiis by tiiistxvottliy persons, Helving upon these sources of information, and til ill in the belief that no pains xvill bo spurcd to bring to the polls thu entire stlength of the party, the Di'inocralic leadeis li'ive not a doubt of the success of the Hancock tlectoral ticket by a handsome majority. The unexpected defeat in lu diuliu hns dud a tendency to aroiisu the democracy ot Ncxv .leisey to a clear ap preciation of the grnx ity of the emergency ami lle y will only work the harder to do their share in making up for this loss. Democrats xvho kiiuxv Xexv Jersey thoroughly scnul the idea that (lailielil can cany the : slate. One of the most prominent and shrexvd of thte leaders called my ultention to the fad that for thirty years past New Jersey had always cast its electoral votes for the Democrat ic candidates for 1 'resident, excepting that on account of the Douglas and Mieckimidgc split in lfeO'J il gave four xotes for Lincoln and three for Douglass ami in the disastrous (J ret 'ley contest it wont for Grant. This cxpeiiciicdl or ganizer and cautious calculator s ii.l that the Xexv Yotk Deiii'iciaey Hied not be dlstuide.l about Xexv .lu'siy. At lir.t there xvas a slight tinge of dissatisfaction with the noiuilntioii of Governor, and there had bten a little discord in one or txvo Congress districts, xvhile desperate efforts had been made to create disaf fection in some manufacturing localities; hut tinder the pressure of the national exigency harmony xvas testore.l, and the slate might be depended upon to give a good majority for Hancock. The icpublicaus are making vigorous efforts in Xexv Jersey; but those xvell ac 'piainted in the Stale can easily see that these elfnrtsaieainic.l not ate.irrxingthe slate fur Gailiehl, xxliich sensible liepiib lieans really it gird ns hopeless, xvhat-, ever they may deem it expedient to pre tend on tlie subject. These exertions are directed toward scouring coitaiii C'oiitirossionnl' districts mid especially the Legislature, so as to elect a republi e.in successor to a Senator liamlolph, xvhile a fexv seem lo th'.nk there is a bare chance of placing l'littsin the Chair noxv occupied bv Gov. McClcllaii. Unpl huve lint jet net an intelligent republican, thoroughly inforinid in the political sit uation of "(he Stale, who believe il xvill ixe lis . lu'toi.'il xoles t.i'Gai liehl. Therefore the Xexv Vol U I leinoerats need tool no mu nsiness ao.iiii I neir on in ern in .ew .leisev. Vie b'tinue' if tiot tt Jit in-trnmeiitnr co- Uilinij the vott-3 (ifjnenen (Iks. Hancock. The tiif'St s. iitil.ln n in '.Iv, np.l the only sale anil permanent cure for all lii-ex-. s of the Hx'ir, lii.i i.l nml .tniiiacn, incuiiiinp un ions lev i r. lever ami sirup, il'inili nuue, isuiiilici', ilyspi-psia, .xe is I'rof (iiiiliuette's l'reni'li Liver r id", winch cures nv niisnrp tl oi Ask x.'tir ilriigcbt for this iimul cure, nml Idle another, anil if ho has not cot lt III not aet 11 to' vim, set.il SI OOto I'li'iiolt 1'itl (In , Toleil.i, O , O..I iliey will send you one .nst niiil hy return mail, b Ml!. SKMllll'l: IN lllilHIKhY.N. Tin: iioi.i.oxv 1'1:i.ii:n-sioxs oi iiu; hi pi iii.ii- xvs HM'osrii. Mr. Sextiioiirin an ad.liess in llrook- lvii on Thuisdav i.itthl, October t st, lid: Ihe liipuhlican caucus haxe heen foil-el lo ehani'e their position in llii inx.'iss. The public mind- rex oiled itranist appeals lo passion diiicte.l against the piopie ot tlie rsoutii. 1 lie business null in constant inti'icoiilse xxitli that seciiiin learned the f.ilsen. ss .if the ehai'L'es brought against it. Diiven from their lit t position, tliev noxv nv thnt the luborers of the eounli v xvill be harmed if Hancock is elected. Tliev claim that the present prosperity is due to political action, ami not to the labor of our people in liehl ami woikshops. I un tilatl that the issues have lieeii lantre.l, for it enables us to turn the public mind to subjects xvhieli xx e xvere not able to inipiess upon it xxheii it xvas hated bx sectional hates II. since the se . f the xxar, tin r icnties of the e.'Uiitrj had Ik en applied to th. payment ol its delit. audthev Had dliiuiilslied tlio than this xviping out almost entirely of our Stale tax on internal comincico. Ap- laiic.J our prosperity has heen made y this policy of the Stiito to n great de gree, r.verv liepillilican xxill adiiiil that tlie Democrats xieio foremost in pro serving this. "x hue nnirh'has thus been trained in tho xvny I haxe nai rated, xvhnt has been done by republican administration for our comtnetcc upon the oceans ! Wo have ol the extending, prevailing agencies that once sent Ihe American Hag and Vtneiicaii products into exerv poit. That's tho black cloud that hangs over our future. Now the pailv thnt ruined our lorcigii coniiuerce .1. cl.i'c that the general go eminent has jurisdiction ox't-r ie canal xve made al our oxx n cost, and they propose in Coii':H's to take control of them. Not content with doing the Democratic iintlv xvu.iil'. ami doing the Slate gross Injustice, xvilh regaid to its mills, the liepillilican leaders call upon ie manufacture-', as a distinct inlcicst. o come out and airav thouiselvis as a artisan bodx', mid in xviel.l their poxver over the groat multitude of laborers in their employment. A nunc unwise or improper nioxeineiii has never been made m thu political histoiy ol our country. Moru than this, they aic callid iiioiito oxeit their inlluonee over those in their cinploymoiit. If this hedoiieiTrectly.it t ci'itne under our laxvs, I Applnn-e. lut it is said this may !. evaded bv us- itioiis that tlie election of Gen. linn cock will hniiii the cm loyces ami thnt .Mr. (iniheltl xvill htlp thorn. "There is one thing maimfa' tuicis. or those in their employment, haveto fear That is tiio chci k niioii exports, xvhieli xxill turn the balance of trade against us and put an end to tho prosperity of all pursuits. The efforts which are tiuxv openly made by ollicials connected xvith the general government to get control cf the earning trade ot our country is full of danger. When government ollicials ay their hands upon tho rights and in- eresis id the people theic ate no laws of comiiieicc, no competitions that can hold them in clic k. Just what Mr Gar lield says he wishes to sec. "The gravi- atioii of more power in the hands of the Government' has led to the coriiiptinn Hid downfall of most of the xvorld. The republican ollicials ask of you more jur i-diclion than xvise moil seek or honest men xvatit." Can manufactures, can business men, in the laboring class be guilty of gica lir lolly than that of placing the control of their interests in the hands of those over whom they can exercise an influence so remote and so xveak? s .Mr. Seymour sat down loud cheers were given for him nml lor General Hati cool;. I'.x-dov. llollman xvas then in troduced. Ho said, among other things: Since Congrccss had been in Demo cratic, hands every sccitntv and every interest in this land has increased in val ue, and there isn't a bondholder xvho xvill noxv sell a government bond at one per cent, discount, in anticipation of a Democratic victor)-. If the employer of any laboring man tolls him that tho el ection of General Hancock is going to make htm shut up his shop, tell him to shut up bis mouth. It is nonsense. The old Federal party and the old Whig mrtj-, suppo-cd to bo dead forever, are noxv appearing again in the repiioliean inrtv. Its uoxv about time that the Democrats xvho xvont over to that party on xvar issues leave it. or they xxill soon lecoine cinbarassed." l'.XAMINi: YOflt TICKT.1H Cl.OSl'.I.Y IIP.KOI'.B VOTINO ANII fsKIl 1 HAT YOU AUIl NOT 1I t'KIVIHl. Till! HrUAlUIIT Iir.MOCltATlO TICKET IS I'lllXrilll O.N TIIK lllllll) I'AOU OK this l'Ai'im. Hancock's l.lettion Sure. I'Xcrs AMI I Illl'IlHS SHOXVINII ins I V- H(iiiiTi:n .sriir.MiTii. To Tin: Kiiitoii or un: Spn Sum Lot u f. hi II Hi t thu situation sipiaulx'. lie fore Indiana had imlicattd its ineiiiiatiou the diinocrats claimed all tho soiillicin slatis, logithcr xxitli tho four iioitherti stal. s that voted for Tildeii in lS"(i, as p.'ifictlv iissiiieiT lo them, and regarded roiiiisylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, the slates on the Pacific slope, mid all the Xexv Kiiglaml .States, except Vir ulent iw debatable tirritoiy. Thoiestilt of the October dictions relegates Xexv Vork, Indiana, Viiginin, Xexv Jersey, Louisiana, South Ciiioliua, Connecticut ti t is 1 Florida lo tlie list of doubtful states in lcpublicau estimates, and undoubted ly hands such slides as Ohio and Massa ohils "Its over lo the republican column, liiil in all this theic is not the slightest oeu.se lor demociatic dospondeiicj'. On the contrary, assuming that oxen Indiana goes r. publienn in November, tho lie piiblieans lack three voles of a majority, gixing them every really doubtful state, as the tolloxving tables xvill demon strate. The real danger of the present poliii eat situation is not a republican victory in November, but the chance, that tho lection xvill ho thioxvii into tho House of lfeprcsentatixcs on the divided votu of Maine, or a contested election in Florida. Dividing the thirty eight stales into four classes, the safely democratic and doubtfully democratic, 'the ceitainly rcpublicau ami probably republican, tho result is as loliows: P.' XI .I'ltATIC, Elector..' xotes jussoitri Keiitticki T. in. suec llecrs'U N'tltb C'arollni. Al.lb..tui New. I. rsey -irar) l.ina lexa. Mississippi Alk ut-as XX est Virginia Uilnwaro .... VI . . 11 . . II .... It. ... le .... 9 . - 4 HEI'CBl.tCXV. hh-ciortil x-'.tos. O'l-l tfj .titLss'u'aus.iii, Michigan . loil.l ,Mtt.i.esot.i Kansas s X' riuont- s Hbodii Island A Ncltr..ski . A Oolorudo a . 13 ,. 1i . 11 I'o'al Ill iiofitTi'fi i.v iirHociiArii .Uectorai xoles. New Yolk Virgin! i Loin-Lin x Sititli urollioi. . Xl.iln.; oiil.ect cut l'lolldu Total , Total . 1 1'noiiAitt.v KrrrsiicAN, Kltctorul votes P. nnsylvtnla illlnoi. vt XXl.co.isln io I'lillfotnla 1 it New Hampshire 5 S N'c.lacja ;( Tl O .'gnu 3 M llllUliu 15 Total Ui 'u'--sury to arliolee is ii ' Li : M-i. slionlillT I SH popular demand have como from the lli'inocratie paitx-, and have been icsist cd by iho I'epiihlican .aity in thollouso of ltepreseututivcs. This fact has been used as tho basis of tho charge that the Democratic policy is that of free titidc, while the Hepiiblicans aru the friends of protection. Noxv, hoxv far docs the Democrat io plalfoiui divcrgu from tlio 1'epublican ilank 1 It declares for "rox--eiiuo only," ns dues, in e ffect, the iU'luib. llcan platform, lloyond this it h silt lit. It due not demand higher dtitita or loxvtr duties. If tho jiivhcnt tariff is n I't'veiiuo tniiff, as Gen. Qm field insisted xvilh great forco In his tariff speech of 18"8,then thcpie'sciittaiiffmeetstho pits cut deiuandsof the Deinocratio plnttoiui, lint it would-be absurd todenytlmt the plank was Intended to give expression to the ri-ncral judgmviit t f tho Democratic p tity that the existing tsuiit' is not a model wiitrivMicQ, that it ('ixuti'S iuiKsl After speaking of the luosperitx of .in laboiTiig classes, which he said xvas due to tho failure ot crops in Fuioiie. ami a cuiim-iiciiI demand for help from this side, lln speaker a. hied' " hat ie line. . I the cost ul taxation That is ni.i onlx ol iiiteii'si as to tin oast, but h is xital lo the finnrc. II it can be k.-i.t doxxn XX e shall be able to keep our font hold in Furopean inaikds. IScinihli- cans claim that their administration is entitled to the credit of this. We chargo Hint they havo destroyed our ocean car l) ing trade, and at the outset they on poscu inn measure uiai more t urn all others help our e.xi.oits at this I ine The only thing which stands between ol you U that you aiu not sufficiently the ).roducts of our land nnd the innik' high protectivo in your view's." Mr. ds of the xvorld is tho cost of transi.or tlio Tribum did not republish this ccrti- Mr- Seymour insintircd the Dcmociat licaio irom norncu liree'lcy. It steins io uiamig. nicni oi tne r.ue l riui as one that (iiiilitli xvas not l.roteetionist long sti touaul a return of monmiiv. enough to meet the views of the late 'Ihe icstilt lias been that tho commtire Democratic candidate for I'li'side'iit" ni'ou Iho xx liter rouiis has exceedtd uny Laughter. thing known in the past. Ncxv lifu xvas Mr. Hexvilt diclareil that the mil is- giVen to those xvlio Usui these loutes. sum before tho j.cople is the thiid teini iHi)tiovcd and cnlargtd Msstlshaxe been Lwxppiausej, ami mat tit n. Uiniit is too ""ii, mo cost hi eniljing has not uicrts great a man to he tiustcd with power. ',v icduccti to tho extent of tho ie " iiiiiiiuii oi ions out 1 1 11 1 il ox t il liiftl.oi. '1 lie liri'iilcst lilt'Sjlug, llnivohiiii iidopted. Tliis hns nffected not water route mono, but the i hole a worn) to motiii:i:s. Motlurs slioi.hl re.i'. itiher that a inn-! tm- nortiint ilutx'st tt.t. s. aon .1 the year i- tu io.il. nTter tlie health of lln ir fatnilies anil rlc ut.e the malaria nt il iuinir t'e trntn il eir yieui Tlie e htu, lii. i: Il nt will toi.e up the .louiiili ti. ii livei, li'Ui.In f l ti.' Imwe!- tin. I purify the Mi. n. I so nerl'i ciU its Pirk r's (iiiut. r Totiic. mltert-tul in our tol.ttniii Tbo wo1 ilerlul .ure- of u.ti sniitlt.ti; ui-m of rli-'iiiiiiti-iti ... ttr,.lL"a tu .1 tual ir . .1 .linr.lei's is il e leeon uhv lids pure ixiiU excellt'til luuiily ine'ilic'.ne is so gttiirally t'stiettieil VoU. The Williamspott (luzette cfc Hullttiti, (Hep.) paid the following compliment upon Gen. (ieo. 15. McClollan, in their issue of October '2'2m: "Willianispoit will piobablv haxe some distinguished guests within iter borders today. Tho ceiitic of attraction, of cour.se, xvill be General George 15. Mc Clcllaii, a gentleman whose name is known throughout the civili.ed xvorld. If ho came merely in his character as governor of the sister state of Xexx ei'sev. ho xx'ould be a prominent visitor titled to patticular courtesies. It is ol, hoxvever, the position he now holds lich gives him the highest claim to at- ntion. I lis inline calls up associations the daxs xvhi'li it xvas upon ex cry - ngiii, and familiar in every pait ol tin ttion. In the caily jearo ot the xxar I'lieral McClellan occupied an enxial.le Itunence He achiovul the liist deei e xietories for the I'liiou aimy in that uggle In response to the summons the government, ho then look chnrgi the forces in and about Washington, id Irom the incongruous ami ciude ma rials placed in his hands moid. led xxliat is undeniably the finest military or uiuatioii of tne count iy. if not of the hole world's history, the grand, hislor , inxieiblo Armv of the I'otoinac, the tine ai nix xvhieli xvas destined to linullv oxiilhioiv the xeteran defenders of the rebellion. The inarching and lighting of that armv under his leadership game or it an itupciMianlo ren.uvii. It is Hi host compliment winch language can .ax to anv man to sav that, as its com inatnler, McClellan xvas idolized bv the linn composing it. As coininnndei-in- liet of the L'nited States tinuies Mo Clellan held a nosition xvliieli iusitiis mu a perpetual place in ln-toiv. It is xvoithv ol note, aside fiom any political bearing, that the man in xho.-o iuteiest McClellan noxv visits xx illiamsport, gam .1 his lust laurels when lighting as a suboidinato under his command. It xvas Mi Clellan xvho first implied Hie term piii'iili lo Hancock. js the cniidulatf .f a gicat political l.nilv for thel'usi ltiicvin 1 80 1, McClcllaii again oecniiiid a histoilo position. All these things cum luiicd make mm a character whom tit people me eager to see, and as this is his A Simple, pure, haruiltss rfinuly, thai niilioad mtirii. AVlien the water loutes iurs every (fine ami ptf-vents elism.e by me closetl, niilioad chtugiH ate put im, LrArtlnir llin l.li.n.l ..,..u ,1. l. .... .1 , ... ' l.1 ........ ,, ., !, iifiiim, i nun out eioxvii xviicu nicy are oi.ei rilliur6uUe.bdl. the freuti.i 'To Icl.l n the full .Ment i this n c er wnftrrrd linen la.n. Hop ,!,,-o.ir tx,sis ,, ' . lit-pln (be hlonil k inieys urn h'tuslii (' I I Ittm I' tl. at remedy, and iliei jiro. go to pit. t . i''tiPKrM.o.ts ci must i II b Inif beasrel by tl.tw himTia wl, l,mf Ml1"0 uml u' 'U )OU thst i xxineji ins f'.ciii it , .-..to t-txlo i f rur food itbti :n( len nsvidand c iceJ h f ul )(.u v I.i I " ' K s SWittKitttr whimn, lijgtt, ' ljuuuote tl.c Noxx-, xvhero arc the republicans going to get the elexcii votes essential to'theu- siicccss'! if the Democrats carry New Yoik, tliev can afford to give Indiana, (.ontieeicut ami Ploiula. together xv tli all the Pacific states' to Mr. Garfield, and still elect (icneral Hancock. That the republicans aro not sure of Indiana in November as they xvoiild be glad to make us bclicvo is plainly proven by the far from sanguine speech of Secrefury Sher man, who simply oicos their sober sec ond thought when he tells the lately des pondent but noxv over confident republi lican voters that there is plenty of hard work ahead of them bcfoio they can con sider thcntselxes out of the xx nods. Han cock is good .",000 xotes stronger than Landers in Indiana. Vice 1 'resident English said from tho beginning that this xvas not the election in xx liich bo xvas a candidate. The people of Indiana cannot be subjected in November lo tho xvhoedling. bribing and bullying tluv xveie obliged lo emliiio on the pait f"f the entile nnny of republleun i llicials coiicenttatid theie from evetv stale ill the I'liion. The xx titer, hitx ing nai liei paled in tho canvass, knoxvs xvhctoifho speaks, and w hatexer other Dcmociats may haxe expected, most unieasonablv. ho can piove by letlets xviitten days and weeks bcfoie election that he, at' least, telt more than doubtful of the result. ind exiuesscd the opinion that "tbedem ocrats xvoiild be sold out by the greoii- ducmts, as, in met. t lev xveie. The latest a.lvicts irom the Pacific states are of a chaiacler most eiicourage ing to the democracy ; and there is far better n ason to bebexo that California. Oregon and Nevada will vote for Han cock in Nox ember, than that indiana. Connecicut or Maine xvill emlniso Gar field. The panic am. .tig business men has culminated, and tlie reaction has commenced illicitly. New Jersey i as silo ami staunch a's Missouri ; and as for sew ork lit the comments ot tho Time ''ii the uni.i eciileiited registration speak for the detei mined icsnlution of the ili mm racy of the uiipiie state to set the stamp of condemnation uiion thai political patly xx Inch descended to the fraud and Iria'cliuy practiced upon i.i. ' ..ii. oi ... i - i .1. Florida is tin Iv southern state of xx'hich the icpublicaus have any hopes. The contest is to be foil.'bt out here in Ncxv Vork, and as this great state xotis. so goes the battle in Nox ember. The re nblicaiis have won a single point in a game where tlie odds are still hcaxil) against them, Indiana mcrelv offsetts .Maine. 1 hat the days of this duiio- cratie republic are nuinbtred ; that a man conxicted of iccciving criiipiion money ran ever be elected Presidi nt of these I'li'itcd Stalls; that the gicat ma jonly of fu e born eitieiis aic ready to torleit all chums to self 'overnmi id bv mlorsing llie clu toral juggle of four yeais ago, can nexerbe behixi.l befmo il is finally ih moiistiati d. Thnt victory is nssiired lo the dt mocrncy if they exr elt their entire eiioigy, isbeyond epic'stion -to iioiuit xvould bo ilislojally.to lalter xvotild be sin." Ai.iii'.itT Wi.itr.iiN Kkiai:y. UKWAJSK OK HOCiUS TICKKTS. A h'oml Answer. llepnbliofiiis. clnini that if llanccck is eli ct ul tho wages of xxoikingiiitii will ha cut down. Air. Dusciibeiry, n 1'cnuli- licaii boss, said to one of his woikuien, xvho is a Hancock man, "If Hancock is liist f oi mill visit to Williamsi.oit. it need elected, 1 can lino jou for S3 u week.' not boMiimisiiig if thi-ie isn lnruu crowd The woikuian iiplied, "If you believed diaxvn lieio by his piesence. It is onlv that, you would xoto for Hancock vour fitting that the city show him the coiisid- Hlf. 1 ho boss "shut up. t ration duo to Ills piomiiieuce. time aro iniiny ttiian eohliris heic, of all politi cf.1 complexions, xvho xxill takeiccusii.nl to liny their aspects to one xvho once held the chief ooinnmud ol our minim. Kxervtbiiig indicates that the geneial xvill haxe a Hctj.tion heie ot xvhieli be may xven letl piouil. ,, ,., . ' ., , . ., , "lf, xvhieli Mitui etirttl my i.ursine l..y ii Vl l AxvM. -l11,li'l1 ,h tirrV. nd u e.stell1t, dee h. l,pl UctUelnUl, M; I l. ' '''( romelv r ,il oaby tniuch rlrelly LM.ed I'.sli . lUeli-hsV 1), Hull's llabv h'jiup f.n; mi J , ,., Ma coii.tMltl,)" I n l.is ii. .... oplsif ', m;,l ) Iniifxtml but f fct,u,j , bo w Iil.e.u ? th i. re l rT,.i: lutm-. 1'Vt le ty nil etuvgls. Hoxv She Saved Her Din lln;. "I shall mver x;ain feelto awfully ner vous a liuiU my liable, teelhiuj!, writraa msteh.l n.i.lhcr W bn.H.t i c.ur little iisrll.'v by k liutj isc!t nt i) i.leia lulsu. iiini, , i.ui imj.pny liinel ot I'orltt's Glpger ,w,n i uiiiu, t us. h icw ri t uitjuis inv. ...It ...l 1-1 I ':. , . ' -II-s lie. 1 1.1 T W'.Ut.l nut bo without Ih la rrllslib. i.l.it.,. Tbr txtirKK" A Moiher of Kroolljn.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers