" The wife of a Gorman peasant was ill. A phyt-ioian wim called in. "Will yon pav me" asked tin- 'kill hcr.or cure her.and these are your's ' The patient died and the phys irinn dntnunded his iav. P'irdoii SIDLE MATS, 3R0ADWAY BLOCK, 03T HANU .A-T D.Iowenberg's, oi t 0 o l 0 o (!) CQ (5 i i i o ffl ....... - j , me says the hushand, did you kill inv wife ? No. Oid you cure her? No. Very well since you neither killed hrr, nor cured her you did not stand by our agreement and I owe you nothing. OF THE EARLY DAYS OF BLQQMSBURC.o D CHAPTER'll. 'O m A poet has said that, "flesh is formed of fiery dust," lie was well skilled in the knowledge of human nature I and may he cited as an authority. Had he seen the eom- ... .1 i i . n . rv.l l. 1.- 1.1 .1 l pany in me 010 nun on risuiug v. icck, iiu womiu inueeu have said that the human shapes before him were compounded of "fierv dust." In the days of which wc'C4 i ! write more active life could be seen on the waters of CO t! c Fishing Creek ; considerable rafting was done. Boat building va carried on by a class of men called Yankee's, who built canal boats on Fishing Creek and floated them down to the Fusquehannu river, thence to other points and sold them and returned and built more. In our la-t chapter we left our German friend Hans H m mi a o DO n NJi 8? o c z m o 73
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers