Who was it who called lightning the wit of Heaven ? Whoever it was might have added that the thunder represented the resulting roars of applause. Th Largest THE BEST. THE CHEAPEST, THE NEWEST, HATS lor MJEJY, And BOYS, And Children -A.T M Mo we mb egg's Pi ft 4 Mi 8 B 0 i I A El i 0 hi with his Yankee companion comparing bargains with the several inmates of the old grist-mill. After carefully comparing the various goods bought at David Iwcn berg's the verdict was decided in favor of buying and trading at the reliable Clothing store of David Lowenberg. "Let us irrigate, boys," was the exclamation of one of the,. Yankee boat builders, which by the way meant take a drink, to which no particular objection was made for those were no Murphy days ; whiskey was cheap, good, and wholesome. We had no fancy flavored mixtures in those days called whiskey. How sadly we have degen erated in what we eat and drink ! The crowd was a merry one, and had evidently met many times before ; a jolly lot of humanity and ready for any kind of spec ulation. Various ideas bad been talked of in connection i with Blooinshurg but like many others they were lo.t in the air. Among the crowd wen; men having a knowl- i edge of ore,aud lump;- of iron ore might be een around , the room, and various mining implements nil showing I that preparations had been made for an exploration in search of ore. The report hail been circulated that other ores than iron ore might pos-ibly be discovered, indeed the report had gone m far sic to kiv that ,-tiong evidence had luen found in Columbia county of silver quartz ex existing near Lime Itidg'vuid indeed thi- was the busi ness of Hans and his tall friend. The morning having dawiK-iI tin- party broke up Marling in ilitferent diiec tioue. We must wait for their return. (To be continued.) Q i W tl ! CO D z n CO c H CO a m c "O CP w s H H r H X PI 0 0 3 CD m CO H CO H - r m fad T I 0 VI CD O W
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers