THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COL NT X, PA. 0. Z. SWELL, Elltsr. J. X. E!rT2!i'3i:'Di2, raMItijr. ULOUMSilOftU, l'A. Vritl ay. April U:l, 1880. I'iio Co nmwweatfh of l.itwtek include- C ilu ubia county in the list of eoiiullo wine i It me fir Til.lon. It nlsn print ii ili.pnu-li ilrol II 0 mill). ir, April I Itli, wlncli tru U in fiillnw" : I ii.i (.nilunilii i 0 muiy ILmwicmIIo Cuni unt i e met here lo-il ly itml r levied .Iiilill M. I ark. l'n . a i l Uilnuol .ln'in II. l-'rcf-.', t ,iretitn'io ilte'ile- to t'it Dinnucriitlc S He (Jiinventinn. Itilli iri' arc Irii'iiil ol Sl'raker Umil.ill. Mr. 01 itk i the j: iitlnnan wlm Senator W'.illaue declined t 1, ivf c.iiifiniieil rn UeniiH Supervisor in this ili.tneil. Tlio fcilllV lie" ng.ltlt Wiillac' ii'iimice with I'marron ii iiukI liilter. Ilu' 1) iiuifMti of Uoltnn i'u -tp-nk in m uncer- tun lerun lib in llio wil Sen itor-i tricks .1 I are pri'iMreJ to teach liim a tevcre L ..on. l'roin thce two tilings one vrmiM nnlii r 1 1 lw leil to uiioo Unit tlie iletnocrat 1 I thin cjuuty hail lii'truclcil their delegates f't Til Un, mill the meeting of the com t.nttee fltn. the election of delegate-' wai tin I. Ir the purpoia of giving Wallace 11 s1a 11 lie ri. Ill the. firt place the delepati" .1." unlnMnictel and In the second place the a-e 11 )t for Tilden, anil even If they slioiiM te for him, wo nr) ".itUfieil from all thai we can learn liy e.tpniiin of fcntlinein i 'un the dill'erent portioin of the connlj tint In m 1 it the choice of a large trtijorltj 1 our (B't. c. ('ol. Preeza ii ami lin-i lu-ct 111 o'iti V t friend ol Hen.'s.aiiil wi.l no doubt vo'c for him, ai we believi will .Mr. Clark. The election of thii latler c"ultunn in a dolegite i'io-vi that th i!. m.vracv here Ii-ivj conli lence in him, ni.d w .i-i peril ip inie ule.l n a rtliiiko to Wai lice I) it allowing hit confirmation a iVinmS'lptrvivir, lull it Inn nothing to 1I1 v iih thp Wallaci Knulall Ii 'lit. Our poo pie are pretty gumally of the opinion Ilia' Suite OonventiiiH lire held for the good o t tie parly and not for the purpose of simpU ifcrlaltilrij which of these lender have tin in 1st strength in the state. We join witl many ol our contemporaries in the deniani that this per.-oiiil conten'ion be ended, anil I'mt the pally good be mid- the party aim If this cannot be done with such leader a Wallace and liaud.ill, the sooner the par'" ti ml other Captain tlio belter it will bo fur it. Columbia county is neither for Utndal nnr Wallace, but fir the parly. The Democrats of Xew York held two S-ate convention on tho 2fllh. All who in tended ninnortini: the Democratic nomi nee for l'reident were invited lo partici pate in tho regular convention. All the nee e.nury preliminaries to an organizition were .smoothly irine througli with, several littli -pi-eche-i made in which the great fraud o .S7ll win alluded to, and the mention of Til d -n's iiauio win rtccivid with rounili of ap nlaine. About three f mrtli of the delegate1 were straight Tilden men. A resolution thai Iho delegate be instructed that it ideira li'.e lo continue the two-thirds rule in tl c National Convention was aJonted.' Dele giteswere not instructed. The auti-Tildei. (.' invention, conducted by Klly, protests against the nomination of Tilden. A com iiuttee was appointed by them to propoi harmonv, and a cuiii.nunlc.ition to that el feet a forwarded to the regular couveu- ti in. In response to which, ihe coinniiltet oil resilutions repoilel the following: Jtelohed, the president of this con vi'iition bn reipietcd to reply to the commit incation icccivnl, signtil by John 11. Hos I. in, and assure him that thi convention reciprocate every expression of a desire lor the union of the Democratic part", a id are pcr-iiiitleil that the deliberative wi. ilom ol the Natioual Convention will result in siicli action a will secure the triumph ol Hi Democratic party in New York and in th Union in the einiiing presidential election Adopted AXKi'Ml.E IIP (IK.V h.UIAl:. lil.OOMsliUl'.u, l'A., April 19, 1SS0. I'D.. C01.U.MMAN: The recent dlcusion ot Count Ferdinand do I.e"ep'. intirocf anic canal project recall 10 my initid an auccdote of Gen. Minbeat 1!. Lamar, tho Texan patriot, which yon may deem worth printing. I mav here re mark that Gen. Lunar was one of the Tex an leaders when that Statedeclaied it inde pendence of Mexico. lie was Attorney Ueurral of the Heptiblic, secretary of War, the first Vice l'leaident, secoud resident, and took a prominent part in tho Mexican war. Ho was also tne author of a volume of poems. In tho tummei of 1SW, w hilo returning home from Panama, I made his acquaint mice, ami that ot his secretary. He never tired of relating anecdotes about the earl struggleii of the "Lone Star" State, lie wa very paitlal to ''lillisbur" Walker's fcheme and his Secretary had served under that man ut "manifest destiny." But to the puiul: Tho prentli and l'tig lish, it would seem, with Monsieur lielly at their head, by some chicanery, got the con 1 met from Costa Pica and Nicaragua to build an interocenuic ship canal. A lieu. Lamar wa an ardcut believer in the Monroe doc- trine, Lo hecauio intensely indignant. At the time I speak of ho wa U. S. Minister to ilio.e ciuutries. The Prince de Polignar a secretary to .Monsieur lielly, and Sir William Cinrei Ouley wa the llrititli F.n v y. The Prince, in making his first call to Mr William, wa misdirectrd by a native', w ho supposed ho wished to see lien. Lunar. Arriving at the U. b. Legation, the see-re tary iulroduced hiimelf as tue Prince ol 1'iiligoac. Not undertaiiding Prench, the (ieneral got Ihe name a "Prime ol Cognac' As 1 he Prince commtnee'd taUing in Prench, Lamar got impatient, and angrily demand cJ, " II hu are you.'" The sinlles end smirks disappeared from the Frenchman's face, and seeing that ho had made a mistake, he com lueiaod beating a haty retreat. The irate Ueneral then commanded him to stop, but fiaring to do so, "Cognac ' broke into a run, followed by Lamar, who, finding he could not catch the fugitive, commenced stoning him. This only increased the latter' speed, ami lie linally reached his hotel, -midst the jeers ol the crowd, C.utl.os. Some lault lias been found because several dt-triois In ihe county were represented at thecounly comniittee,by substitutes who did not reside in the district they represented. In 1 einiiltii'gillubodonethe committeemen simply followed the precedents established by the State Central Committee, and Ihe State Convention, A large amouut of timber wus destroyed I y forest flrtw in Pike aud Monroe counties last week, The Vermont delegation to the Demo cratic National convention will probably be f. r Hancock, Tho Texas Convention declared In favor of Hancock, but will support tho Cincinnati nominee. Montgomery County sends six delegate In the State Convention with liisttuctlou for Hancock, MASIIIMI1IIN I.KIIl'.li, Washington,. II (I. Ant'll 21MI1. KSSII. There wa an animated debate In theSen n'u Jflelday over the Geneva uwntd bill. Of the four propo-lllon for the dpoa! of the ten million runaliiltig of th! award, Mr. Iniirmnii I the champion of one, Mr. Illaino of another ami Mr. l'atou ol another. The f mrtli, to return (lie money lo Great lltiialn ha not taken the form ol a bill 11 yel. The wonderful readlnc of Mr. Illaine, and hi largo mid nccuralo knowledge of all'ilr, were strikingly hown In yelcrday' debate. In many respects ho showed lilm elf tho siiperioi of Mr. Carpenter, while In smie the Wicinjln Senator was more thai a ma'cli for I1I111. If Senator or peo pleironcrally could believe for a moment tint there was a decent degree of sincctlly In tLo man from .Maine, ho would have a great deal more influence than he now pos e.e. Tlie conlrat between his present rather frlendle condition in the S"iiato aud tie almost despotic power he wielded In the Home four year ago, is so nothing lo won lor at. Hut then he was not a presidential candidate, and now all are jealous, are "down on him" bec.iue ho is. The Grant movement, it i plain, has not all the force which its orlginatois claimed for it. The fiiends of Mr. iilainc, uniting with other enemies of tho General and opponents if a third term, believe that there is 11 strong hope of preventing Grant's nomina- ion on the firt ballot. Put the above is the alk only of his enemie, aud they will per hap be cured ol that I may say delusion. Meautim1, there is a comfort for Dtiuocrals in Ihe pjlicy of anti-Gr.uit men, lor every argument ngaiint a nomination is stronger -still agiiint an election. Who shall be put 111 nomination agaimt Grant? If be is 110111. mated It istot likely weshall know so long licfore tho Convention as in the case of the Ilepublicain, but there is no hatm in ex pressing pri I'erenecs. An unsuccessful attempt was made yeiler lay to supcnd the rule and pas the bill oetisioiiing soldiers of the Mexican War. It i a singular fact that so much uppsition 10 thi bill come from Maine. A year ago Mr. Poner and thi year Mr. Frye helped to prevent its pas.ige. Yet if 1 am not mis taken, the ciiizitn of Maine profited more by a blooelle march of her citizens into Aro stook county in 1S30 than the whole cost would be of pensioniu thce Mexican veterans. Tho House 3 esterday passed the Seaa'e bill giving government recognition to the proposed celebration at New York in ISM, after the treaty of peace between the United states and Great llritain. Hilton. (ieii. Ilaiiioi'k a a I'aiuliilale, The New York Tribune ventures the re mark that, if the Pennsylvania Democrats are nbloto send a Hancock delegation to the Cincinnati Convention, the General will at once become a for oidablc candidate. If his own State, remarks tho Tribune, is solid be hind will be likely to gather recruits from all other quarters. Aud then the Trib une goes on to say that his sudden develop ment as a probablo candidate is one more evidence of the revivifying cllVct which the prospect of a third term has open the Dem ocratic party. The Tribune i.s an uncom promising oppinent of Gin. Grant's pre tensions to the Republican nomination, and it is d'sposed to attribute all svmptoms of gathering strength in tlie Democratic party to tho inlluenco of a third term movement. Hut this is by no means what gives Gen. Hancock his great strength. It is very true tint his candidacy would give peculiar point the opposition to Gen. Gruit. It would be the candidacy of the exponent of the idea of the supremacy of ihe civil law, and of the maintenance of a constitution il 1'iiion with a Government of specified and limited pow ers, in opposition to tho candidacy of the exponent of tho idea of military su premacy, personal government, and a con solidated natiotir.ltty with a government re leaed from the fetter of constitutional lim ita'iom. Hut Gen. Hancock, on these points to would equally antagonize any Republican candidate, becau-c any Republican candi date must represent the purposes which tho Republican party have in view, and the ideas by which that orgenizitioii is now governed. The issue ha been broally pre sented to the country by the out-pikeu de clarations of tlie Republican leaders ; by the Republican journals, and by the par tisan decisions of the Supreme Court. It cannot be averted. The Republican are determined to pre it ; the Democrats are ready to accept it. It will constitute tho main i-sue ot the contest of 1SS0, whether Gen. Grant or any other man shall be the Republican candidate. A we have already shown, Gen. Hancock is a man who can combine in one harmonious body of sup port all the elements of political opinion which differing as they may, on other points are agreed on this one. It is impossible to assume that is true of any other prominent Democrat. It-cent developments show that Democrats throughout the emntry are rapidly coining to an appreciation of this truth. The crushing deleat of Mr. Tilden's scheme to 'control tho Pennsylvania com ventiou is peculiarly significant, because it was not only a del'eitol tho supporters of Tilden, but it was a triumph of the sup porters of If mock. The result is, by -ome of the uewspipers, regarded as victory of Senator Wallace over Speaker Randall; but it has a much wider meaning than this. Its meaning is that Randall is weak, because his candidate is weak, and Wallace is utrong because his candidate is strong. There can be little doubt now that Pennsylvania will elect a full llancook dclegiliou a reult which cannot tail to hive an immense in fluence on the country. The vote of New- York tor Tilden would be recogui.'d as only the voice of a political machine, the fact re maining that Mr. Til leu cannot carry the State, although il is thoroughly Democratic The vote of Pennsylvania for Haucock would be recignizjd as the voice of the par ty, giving expression to it preference for a candidate who, in all probability, could carry tho State.although it is regarded as es sentially Republican Louisiana, also will in all probability choice a Hancock deleratiou. So, probably, will MissUsipi, aud Texas, and Arkansas, North Carolina, South Caro lina aud Alabama. Indeed it is hard to conceive why the Democracy of any South ern State should hold aloof from Gen Han cock. Hence the Tribune is right when it says that Gen. Hancock is fast becoming a formidable candidate. He is formidable not only to bis Democratic competitors, but tho Republican party, who see 111 him a man against whom their favorite weapons would be powerless aud their chosen ammunition be wasted." A't-w Crleum Hcaywe. No use of llfnjlng II. It I of no iiso for tho Republican party to deny Ihat Ihcyaro in favorol'nti empire. Their disavowal would be entitled lo no creel it. Tho recent history of this party shows lint II leaders aro ready to atow any political faith In the pursuit ol olllce,. l-'ou r years ago they paved resolutions of unalterable opposition lu 11 third term. Now they are just us unalterably In favor of a Ihitd term. Reasoning from analogy, the flronger they now profess to Lo tippo-cd to an empire llio more strongly may we expect lo see them advocate the establishment of an empire four years hence. The Republican parly was a good enough war parly ; but a a peace party It has de scended lo tho lowest political depth. It Is .1 parly which ha so fnldl'ied ltown words n to be utterly iiuwoithy of further trust. A', I". i'u 11. SHERIFFS SALE. lty Mrtuo of sundry wrttaH-jucd out ol tho Court of Common I'Icnsot Col imula county, ani'il, v llllm cxpoat'tl to public snip at tho Court Home In tho town of Kloomsburtf, at 2 o'clock, p. m. on Saturday, May 8th, 18S0. All that certain plow of land sltuato In Miniln Umtishlp, Columbia county, J'enna., described ih follows, to-wlt : lloumh'd on tho north by lands of John Aten, caatby II Schwcppcnhclscr, south by Idhd jf Thom is Atcn and on the west by Charles Kltr-ffaman, containing one hundred and ten acres, nioro or less, on hlch jrn elected a frame house, barn and out-buildings. ALSO, One tract of land situate In name tow nshlp, bound ed on the nurth and cahtby lands of Thomas Aten on the south by land of Michael tlrowr'H hclr.-j, on ttuMuM by timls of Win, lurr, containing twenty, four acres, more or less, nu which are trected a frame home and oul-bulldlnpi. ALSO, ore tractbounded on the north by land of I. K Schw cppenhelbcr and Samuel Snyder, on the east by l,awienco Watleis, on the south by Abram schwep-penhel-ser and un the west by John Aten, contuln-Inuthlrly-fiJi.rCK'h, imie or le-s, on whkh are rrected a tunic luuse, turn and out bullilngs. AL0, Oho tract of I ind boundod on tho north by land of Stephen Uearlurt and other', on the oast by 1. K. SchwepiM'iiheNer, on tho aoutti by land ot .lohn Aten ami on the wet by Und of .Tuieph Ot-arhart, con talnlrg one hundrtd acre, inure or les, on which are erected a rrniue house, bin. and other outbulld lni;s. ALSO, one lot of ground sltuite In the town of Mainvllle, Columbia county, l'eiin , bounded aud described as follows, tu-wlt : Hounded by land of J. K. Ix)iigen bergerand two publlcroadj, being a corner lot In said town, on which are erected a two rstory bttck stoie house with the nppui teumces. sel?cd, taken In eecuilyn at the suit of Esther (Jearh irt Hgalust 1, K. sehwcppenheli.-r and to be sold us the property of I. K SJUvveppenhei'-itfr. Mm. i. kk, Attorney. Mu. Vend. Ex. A 10, A certain tract oflitul situate In Pine township. Columbia county, aiictiitatu of l-cnr-sylvanta, bound ed and described as follows, tow It: lieglnnt-'g ut a post, corner of land 1 1 Ix'ggott A Lou theme east along It e of Kind of Thomas licnileld iilnetj-llu-perch'sto a post corner, thence north by land of Ellas Watts seeiitj .nine ami thrue-to-Mlis perches tolln tf land of s,itt Moses Wa ts thence we"-t along line of land of Mid Moses Watts nlnety-IUe perches to a post In tine or land of said I.eggott A Loe, th'nce by land of std L-ggott A Loo feouth fceenti-nl'ie and three tenths ps-iehes to the jflace of beglnntng, eutilalnlng about forty-seen acres and a lulr. whereon are a taw -mill, dwelling house, sta ble and out-butldings. ALSO, Allthat etr aln tract or piece of land Utiute In I'liu to nshlo, county and state aforesaid, begln idng at a pine on the line of land of Simon Ma) land thence b; i-ame north sevcnty-nlno and three-tenths pen In s to a pust, thence by laud agreed to be con eed to Ikiijamtii Wlatersteen two hundred an-1 fouitt-en pen lies to a post on line of land of .Joseph 'l llbalMheiice south scent-ntue perches and three teuth-t to a post corner tf land airreed to be convey" cd to Philip W Intersteen, ana thence by land of same cut two UunrticU and fourteen pi ri lies to the place r r beginning, containing one hundred acres and al lottanciSitc, w hereon area two-story frame dwell ing house, large bank baru, work shop, and out buildings. stUul taken In expeutlou at the suit of Orange llio Mutual saving Fund and Loau Association against Amos 1. Watts and Mo-ses Watts and to to sold as tho prop-rty of Amos Watts aud Moses Walts. Mill tit, Attorney. Ler. l'a. y icK.vsi: Nona-:. " .stitleo Hh"reiv given tint tho following named persons have tiled with ihe Cleikof the Court of liiurler-M s-luiisor the Pence of Columola countv, Itu'lr 1 tit ions for lie- use which will be presented to llie-iidCoiirton Wednesday, ihe ith day of Ma liet is I. (.. ii. i am-1 ig, .1 it sh'imui, lllr.un He'. Emauuji KJgar. Oettrgc W. Mitucer, Mrs. ii. ii. WMir, Ittlahait llerger, .1 I,. -niton, .tine K Itiuwn. lieavir twp., 1 tent on, Herwlck Morough, Hotel Itestaurant Hotel lilooinsburg, Win. (itggt-r, " W 11. (iiliMire, " 1'eter oross, " 1. W. liobbius, O. A. Ja-oby, l. u. KosteubauJerit Co., Cutawlv. J. Ii. Klbtler I. K. Kutwu, Henri Hrumbach, Liquor tore Hfstaurant K. Truckfiiuilller, .hum's (ioldswoitliy W K. Wfldeiisjul, 1 tan lei V. Cuir, Wiltiim 1 vitrei-, .iGhttnna ovunuor, Thomas CoPliit-, -lohu I.. KHm. Iiaulel K. Keures, Il.izlediue, V II. liiillerlclc. centra lla, LlquurSforo OesUuraut Hotel Cunngham, Creenw oo.l, llt'inltKk, Iiatitel Knorr and L. 11. lianlel, Locust r. i ut rniigioii, Wtlllngtou eagcr, A, K. Mil Ull, Wesle inld ne, .I.E. Longenbcrger, II. It. elter, Aaron W. lies-, IfeuU'ti itu'ich, Emmdus I'ntngst, tieorge lleekiiun, .laob Miller, .1. It.Clbbons, M ullson, Maine, Miniln, Montour orauie, hcott, su.'arloaf , M. KltlCKltAUM, Clerk's (.'nice, April is, is),.to clerk (j, S, HIDCSi: NOTICE. A t) Idfnd of 5 Per cent on the e-inlinl Mftrk nt theCatawK-ta lirldgeCo. will be paid the stockhold er at the olllce of Ue Treasurer on and alter April 1, iHUl ' Apl 9, Mt3w (lEtt. s. (1ILHEUT, Treasurer. JiIIGK LLKCL'ION. rtn election fur oIHcirs of theCatawtsaa ItrldgeCo. for the ensuing year MU be held at the house of J. H Klstler In Catawlssa on Monday May 3d, frum one to bi r'ehKk, p. la, Apl " - sw .EO. a, (fILltEUT.Secy. TestlmordaU are receded eery day by the pro Drtetorsol Sl.MMllNM.IVKlt ltb.l.1 LATukfmm ir. sons of eiiueatlon and prominence Irom all parts of the count r attesting to the wonderful curatlte properties oi mis krreai meuiciiH. :a oilier prepar ation but the iteculitor has eer betn iliHeo-icri that would cmctuall euro lbiiepsla and Us kin dred etls, and restore the patient to a pi-rfeciiy iieiiiiii.i iwimnwii 'i uu4 UUU llllUU, 1 11U rUUlUI) Imreastng demand for this medicine and our fin-ire si lea In consequence, Is Indeed -sufficient eUdenee in neu oi us -,'ieui it.-inniiiy. Perfectly mV'e'.1i'al. Harmless. II on l u-Uau time wiinout fear by tin? most iWle.itt' person. No malti-r what the aUliitf, ami mav U. k'l.e-n to clillurt-u Willi i-rfi-ct baft-ty, a no hail rt-sulth lollow Its us.', rtoliik' no posaiblt. Injury, A a liillit Tuiilr, irt-ntle I axatlve ana liariute'sa In Mnorjut It Isliirliiiu'ly buperlor to any know n reine- uy lor Malarious foer. liowrl coinplalnts, Jaumltce, colli-. ltetl,-hani, Mental U.-rin-toloii, Mok Head. ache, Count I pt Ion, Nausea. lilllouMie-ts, m-i'i:ri , ,vr, Head tlie' tolloieluj; mintu of jiernoua well and wide ly known who testify lo tbo valuable properties ot Mtnmons I.her lU'k'ulator or Me-dk-loe. Hon, Alex. II. Mcusi John W. Iieokteltti, HUhop o( ileorplai Hen. John U.elorUon, U. N senator; Hon. John eilll Miorter; HI. Ht-v. Iilshop riercej J. Kd-ar Tliouipviii: Hon. II. Hllli Hon John C, Urioklurlde; 1'rol. luild UI! H. H.; Illruni Warner, Chief Jut. IK-ti of I. a.; Ils W under, Asaitt, r. 51. I'hlla', and muiy olberb from whom we. iiae letters e-oinment-iua upon llits inedleliie as a most valuatle liouseliold remedy. ITltKI.V VKHETA11LK. Its low nrlCH iilaces It lu the reach r.f all 1m. thpv rltiior poor, llxuaru bUlTerlnk' and cannot Hud relief, prex-uro at ouce from your nru-Un a bottle of Kei-uialor, tiltu It a fair irfal and II will not only artonl le-llef. liiit permanently cure lou. Ills with. out a S1"E10 eieepuou. '1 no cheapest, i'i lha world. 'I ho Cheapest, I'urestand Host family ite-dlclno In Ilrlnluul mid llrniihie UANer eTl KKU OSLY UT J. II. ZI.II.I.V J.- CO., riltLAllliU-lJIi. lrlri-tl,(KI. KiWLy tlllmiCkliUi. ApllI It. rpuEAsumnt's sai.k X OF UNSEAT KD LANDS IN CX-LUMIIIA COUNTY, l'KNN'A. liy virtue of sundry acta ot tho General Anvinbly eiftlie I ommonwealih of rennflylvanla, relstlnif to tho Rule of F.atidnnd unseated lands In the county of Columbia, etc , for taxed due and unpaid, I will oTer at public sale nt Iho Court House, In thotovn (if lilooinsburif, on tho rsKUOND.MONIUVOtMUNK.A. 1 ,18S0 nt lo o'clock a. in., tho following described pieces of land, or sucli part thereof as may be necessary to satlify tlie amount ot tjue-sdtio and unpaid niralnst the nine, and continue thu same from day tod.y as the sime may tie found neceisnry. TKItMS OP BALK, The amount of lutes and costs must bo paid when thu latnl ts struck oIT, or thosilo may be void and the property put up and resold. iu:.vr:ii township. 1 Lot Cannon Morris 1 " Henry Wm 8 " llulhriitT Namuet.. 115 acres li.nn Anthony a hits l'rotlt Stephen ... I 41 1 21 1 22 819 I 22 9 45 SI 60 104 W) 8 TS 1 35 3 3d 90 2 94 7 93 t 00 179 71 464 1 ftl 4 5J 6 Its 8 77 7E4 2 17 C5t0 60 212 0 62 4 51 6 64 7 87 1140 4 70 41 .163 2 85 7 611 464 llio acres tals W in 'I- I'lshersarah a isn M Iliinsinu'er Helena Miller LonffeucrKer and tlsher . Mann All-Mi, , Sirouse Liiniiuel r,5 Drelsbacti Isaac Iiudi.iy Joseph lots Huncu-a .ojer i.l-u M. ti lots Ash tleo mil acres Ame-s, Abbott and Lose...... m. b lots Heater Jesse I " lionercharles II " llutt and L'hk'cr a " IiojerTS Kl acres r, lots I.ruckwayc II H Charles Mmon e'arrow Morris l 1401 acres Columbia Coal A luiproement Co. IS " llrclsuach (1 1' a lots Lvalis lleecc H a " 'l.inakfau A H 11 " r ry tt s llio acres Krlck II I a lot. ticarhart Win oil acres Hatick Jonathan H UK) " and Jobs tii " " " -5 " ltlnderllter.Io.inS tiv; lots Ilamer & Jester iioutimu tiiu Hunt Ml Kramer K 1 Klem A a 1 1 lot 101 '2 17 74 7 87 3 0.1 19 (10 10 acres 1 a lots 1 tin Jrcob uii.reiiee V U M Lewis Lri'hk no I ucres Matin and .Miller s " .Morgan Tel t0 " MoieHllltaii 110 " .McKeynolds HW lw " .Mlnlcli Conrad lw " .Minlch Hen) .niln 41 " Mlnlcli 1-eter 140 " Nutik-esser oeorKo 5 lots 1'atlerson J C 3 " l'rlco ciaiencc 8-sof tl lotsliutlirutT samuelA; CO V 2 20 4 70 37 10 7 06 7 06 4 9 87 7 60 Ii 52 & SO l acres nice (leorire 2 15 15 64 200 4 90 14 10 swenm'tiliiser 1 K M 83 8111) " !Jl " 3 lots 3 " 3 " CO acres Miuin.lli John, deed HiuiiMh (leu 1) and brother & sister Men. ire Win Shuman F L smith J W stuck J J 'Illson oeu Vanduceii clllatuan .v Co 61 5 7 87 7 8 2 12 1 8N 3 7C 5M 2 35 311.1 120 M 13 10 4 54 ,9 ' " lis " " ' " M " " " " i lots Vastlno II K va seres est lluck .Mountain u K I Co.. t lots NVetrelCb 3 Wood AUk-UStUS sD acres ft lots 2 " 1 " 45 acres 4 lots i . M acres s " 25 " W heeer m Creasy Llod,.M 1) Cant tier VMu Her y (leorge LongenbeiL-tr reter Maston Win Monday John C A Shumau&Mtchac-l HenulhKcr CUrtt 4 2 03 81 81 2 0.1 1 62 91 2 70 44 08 1IKNTON TOWNSHIP. IIoow r Lizzie - Imckle John, Jr Mitton John Klcfcr A v 1'ennlngton Jcsfce, dee'd Wells John OberholUtr A A HKItWICK llOltOUQII. Ceo , Parks Ann est , Hosier Samuel Stephens Amos II , entii i- lianlil Woods (leo , Walp Jeremiah IIUIAHCHKEK TOWNbllll". 1 acre 60 " 1 " 22,V ' 45 " 2 00 880 3 20 1 11 4 40 2 20 15 25 1 lot to acres 14 4 X Of 200 bs acres 2lo aoo " 7 21 " !B " Wish Ueuben Hawk Samuel stout Nathan Apple Paul now man Jesse lirjan liuy ltoty and t'ealer Awards Marfiia J Ivans Fraticls . ...... lleadley 8 F estate .. 2 99 M 1 80 390 7 41 8 19 11 26 6(4 8 6S ISO 7 02 46 40 6 16 12 7 08 3 90 2 31 Kunkle.Iohn Klsner Join Ijimon Win 1'arkerson.iohn....- Iteecer Abram sutler Samuel s A II. a 200 100 ft) 100 321 2(H) 24 110 10 stackhouse Joseph Scheehierley tseo stackhouse A- sutler 'irauirti Henry Jacoby o A . sitter DaWd CATAW ISSA TOWNSHIP. Ilrobst.I s Hlddln heirs Clewell Jacob McMnch Win Weaver Kllas Dunbach Margaret Klnnler Uobert NeMllu Fred l'rlco Jonas CKNTHALIA HOIlOU'llI. Holmes Thomas Maries Lloyd Marks (leo (juln I lilt lunteyjobnei Hurke Fatrlck F Iieiln James Conner 'I homas Curley Kiiuard (lauirhen Thomas - Clark llrldget Murphv Patrick Tory Win Welsh Martin - Zhrler Win urirtitli llenjaiuln Moore John catn Terrence Cain Michael, dee'd Collins Peter K Dougherty Michael Dai Is Ceo W (langhen Martin Hoagland Win M HowellsThoinas Jones Ann F Kline Caroline Keller Widow- lanyon Path I.GV land II A... Lehigh t Mahanoylt It Co Machen Thomas McKlnney ehars .Moore .Mrs urace shepiard II F Iirpey Luke Weh David Yeager Monteltus curry I) F -Morrison Mrs Catharine CKNTKE TOWNSHIP. Adams Enos I AUabach nenjimtn lias n John H. Hagenbuch Wm Henry Joseph Knnrr Samuel . u Kleter Daniel Low ry Simon Hodman William estate CONVN01IAM TOWNSHIP. AShtou Jacob. cook catbarlno cook David . .... Magulre Terrance Shliely Matthew- neorge Jerry t'osgrove John and Domlulck.. Ilcnnessy 'I homas . . Mtllonl homas catn Terrnnco ltrown Win llreslln Ilernard 26 1 40 4 41 93 4 27 2215 6 10 9 80 S99 1 24 28 .'2 49 4 29 II 94 H 80 4 40 7 80 1 40 7 70 820 8 20 7 70 380 C9 30 1400 b VO 3 80 SO 120 60 72) CO 2 40 880 CO 4 4'i CO 1 80 4 40 1 20 CO 1810 01 1 20 1 20 CO 1 20 1 20 221 1 20 1 20 4 SI 07 69 8S 12 13 20 12 1 lot 450 acres 429 " 2 lots 112 acres 1 hi 22 acres 1125 2 lO'S 2 '- 32 " 291 acres 3H5 " 2 79 10 55 3S0S 21 34 2 25 VIM C75 3 29 12 04 8 83 2 3S 6 0S 4SI60 270 S9 3 25 4 M 70 WI 2 CI 12 9.1 6S25 2 00 111 2rs 2 70 1 84 00 18 88 545 34 406 1.5 49S 7S 93 00 Iirown Nathaniel Ueam Joshua caltaban Daniel .. Donoboe Cornelius Huston John Jojce PeU-r ... Kltno John L Kline Peter Kacheirelco (ieorge.. Ltndermutneieo n .Mcnanamum Feiu " Peter... .Marr and Klndlf '.'......'!'.'.'..'.... Marr II s N Y MCK KIC i'o It Jordan tract " " A Porter tract " ' " L Walker tract Huston Mary Huston Thomas 32(1 30 ' 170 ' 60(0 5 91 63 00 63 00 80 252 00 2 45 333 2 65 2 40 8 40 1 Hi! 120 I 80 1 17 90 8 9.1 18 81 2 lots ioo acres 100 1 lot 401 acres Trcl&bacn Lewis 'Irelu Jacob tract Yocutn Frank '.'.'."'"''".'.""" oungJohn tract ... Yarllhg lleor) M Iirockwav u 11 lot ' Caue Kllen " Fetteruf Michael K miner A W ' Llndetmutu John M ' lelbig Kphralm ' McManamuiu Mary ' Morris Ann II 7"'.' Hbaw u Casper Honebacu Ed ' Jones den FlSIIINtlCltBEK TOWNSHIP. acres Il'eUli lteiinen .Mclletiry D ud C II " Musselmaii Jacob M Hlcbard Iewia ' swa)ze c .M 'J Doty Pea'er Stewart " Force and Craw ford lluu-hl-on Thomas J " Harrison Jarlus " lb rfmin Frvas ' Jones H It 11 Klndr John X Co " lmon Thomas Pe.ler (Jeorgo ' ParkiJameslI " W late O II FIUNKLIN TOWNSUIP, ncre cleaver Wellington " HowtrMosea " UUt Abraia " Vout-tie. Juii loo tJS 16 60 3 160 900 690 6 63 1 12 3 45 25 0 86 866 1 !1 2 01 90 880 72 880 t 16 19 1 82 T 92 2.0 14 20) 140 3 IS 110 III ICS 8 40 l a to CO 34 OltKKNWOOD TOWNSUIP, Albertson M and II Derr Iram Heaglo (leo Ktlne Daniel Kindt Matthias Mason Augustus lltcliln Kdward Washburn (leorgo Wilson J I) HEMLOCK TOWNSflir. Aprlcman.MH " II I) Harton Nrwton Cambell I.N Rians A J .Mordan John Neal Purcell Purcell Isaac " Sylvester llobblns Zcbulon Apnlcman rni 04 a 4 ii a Hotel 13" 94 94 12 loin 15 07 4 09 2 84 17 17 0 65 11 12 9 85 10 62 460 1 80 9 35 1 80 90 ftl 1 80 1 41 141 90 91 JACKSON TOWNSHIP. w acres FrlckOeoA. 4 90 83 90 18 76 1 22 4 44 1 II 0 40 1 20 24 01 22 40 0 40 3 81 aw 100'ln. ...'...,','.",'."",'.!! KeelerJohu K Lo w Is Daniel .." !" Mcllenry Kit tiller O W 'litter and Neyhart Mcllenry llohr .'"'.'I'.""."'! Parker 4 Co LOCUST TOWNSHIP. Dew-art (leo Kierhard John lerlty Thomas stlno Daniel HrofceJohn Hllliiigton e-harles Hughes Wright Kllno John L Kline J and (leo Hupp Ixiwenberg Philip...,.., Mjers Mary Huston 1 nomas , Iteeco Daniel Huston Mary " , . Charlott Jteynolds John -njilcr Jeremiah 6 !0 25 10 4 233 910 6 SO so acres 303 ' C4 " 43 " 43 " 200 " 93 ' 2 " 104 " 83 " 200 " 101) " 190 200 " roo " Mil " 100 " 43 " 43 " 0 25 7 70 3 85 1 64 CO .190 (40 80 9 24 80 182 1 20 1 9 19J 191 1 94 Sharrer nenry 4S Yocutn Henry M 83 Camp Samuel 07 MADISON TOWNSHIP. 9 Heaglo neo 67 llechtel Jacob 99 Kills William eBtate 72 Freeze John (I I8 60 Host Daniel 1 62 sands J k 92 Cox Joel so Eves C W 11 oo MAIN TOWNSHIP. s Illttenbcnder Conrad 15 oo Hrockw-sy and Ent 3 09 Durnbaeb John 4 67 Dewalt Philip 9 15 Herrner Samuel C 3 (-6 Immel' Christian .1 1 5 Klefer James 1 07 Miller Aaron 9! Miller Nathan 45 -Moser Michael 3 ns Shuman Wm T 61 Schmeck, Hrobst Ycttcr Hawk t 41 13 20 40 3-0 1 lot 20 25 300 21 a 21 110 230 114) 80 12 10 6 43 iio100 30 150 7 100 "UJUCI JUUQ 10(11 " Ye'ltrrJII 3 05 " 'etter Daniel estate oio " Snyder Abraham 30 Shuliz christian 3 28 MONTOUIt TOWNSUIP. acres brockway nnd Ent co " U-lby Jacob 2 40 " " " 98 " Hamsey estate 1 20 MT. PLEASANT TOWNSUIP. acres Ilartzel Joshua " Jacoby and ltupert " Jacoby Samuel Miller Henry A " Waller I) J 103 in 47 1 20 13 63 2 00 20 Fisher Jacob MIFFLIN TOWNSniP. es Aten Thomas Hlttenbender Mary creasy Henry " Horace Drescher Samuel HetlerMH Henderehitt J s . " Catharlno Jacobv o A I.utz Elizabeth Masteller Joseph ." Aaron Milter Stephen. Jr Nuss Jacob Nungesser George sutlirrjoel swanks II Sw eppcnhlser I K : Horace " Abram Williams Sami el Zimmerman Joshua llarter Jacob estate OltANOK TOWNSHIP. es Iiowman Wesley crevellng Samuel Eierltt Moses cBtate " (Jabr.el Kline Abram J snider William Zimmerman Samuel PINE TOWNSUIP. es Ilogart Emauel Davis Thomas estato Kvos c w Fnck Oeorge A Funston John A Frlck & Leggott eireenley James Gordner Henry, sr Jacoby o A Kllno Patterson Klsner Bamuel I.lonsJames estate Miller and Cole llatt Iram shoemaker WetUngtnn stackhouse Alex estato Warner Margaret P Dawson William Piatt Jano ltOAHl.NOCKEEK TOWNSHIP. es Arlllla Francis Hergernd Isaac Hucher PeU-r names Thomas, Jr llrelsch Jacob Heaior neorge and J L Kline Coufatrand Hlce Dllleplalne Ezeklel Huston John John Stacy Little Hobrt Miller ElUs Morris Hugh's 15 C9 10 61 17 19 7 10 70 2 2V 6 6 CO 100 35 4 123 30 25 15 47 6 72 1 69 24 3 31 84 30 42 1 C2 160 12 12 24 .97 144 2 40 43 24 144 1 08 90 72 1 44 C3 5 47 2 17 C62 C 62 7 67 6 46 3 48 81 40 17 1 lot 223 60 100 3 CO 3 49 2(t 13 90 30 9 30 2 20 41 9 00 15 60 1 21 1 86 11 r.9 2 24 7 20 129 15 60 42 45 100 37 73 60 80 not 37 170 365 60 CO 1(3 12 20 25 375 18 100 24 44 132 142 19 7 45 810 12 15 2'S 2 43 486 41 1 22 1 02 16 20 2112 4 05 2 03 69 4 46 6C7 2 57 1 31 318 1 30 4 03 ill 7 60 2 03 2 03 0 30 2 (3 1 62 1 CJ Mcljlngton WUllam ltlee Abram 8human Jacob Trlen Jacob WltcbeyMary estate Yocutn Isaac Yocu-xi Klljali SCOTT TOWNSHIP, crouse Nelson SUOAllLOAF TOWNSUIP. s Hellas W lUlam ltuckalew James estate cole Ezeklel Doebler Charles 49 192 84 400 6 70 10 75 11 72 20 10 10 75 3 36 3 85 6 70 1 34 '6 75 2145 3 32 4 02 1 00 (19 197 dross Nathaniel of U9acrs Hess Wesley llartman Jesse Laubacn Peter Montgomery Robert Stephens William Sutlirr Washington estato Y'aple Henry Larlsn Cyrus 100 SCO 160 ri-lSKASUUKIl'S SALE J of SKATED LANDS IN COLUMWA COUNTY. Also the following tots, pieces and paxoels ot seat ed lands.relurned by tho tax collectors, are to be sold at the same lime, under the provisions of an Act of Assembly, eutltl.d. "an Act relating to the sale of lands tor taxes In Columbia county," approv ed March Mb, 1801. 1IRVYEK TOWNSUIP. s Acres Morgan To 4 M Lucas Mrenns . 7 SO 3 M 81 90 72 1 80 1 89 6o " turnes elurles. , I Lot Koebl-rlle . . . . 3. Acres Mill. r Daniel . 27 " Crouse Stephen 1IENTON TOWNSHIP. 30 Acres McKelvy Wm estate 60 Conner f'erserie 14 Si 30 00 8 " Koous lohn 0 shotts christian 1 Lot llurltnirf r W in 11 60 6 40 1 OS 24 Aires Kline Mary 2 " Lewis Sarah and Theodore. . 1 60 1 S3 4 60 3 84 6 16 0 SO 7 79 1 04 9 00 0 82 1 20 3 44 1 20 S, " suies Hlchard tu nog ri samuei 49 ixpoc lllrjra " D. t. Jonas 70 ' lirink McKelvy 9 ' chartnDL to Conuer Catharine 43 do .M.thlas I Lot Kl ne Ma y 60 Acres nance John 3 " .ppiemau John HEHWICK HOKOl'dll. Lot I Amos llartman 1 73 1 c.sclilaw bach 2 Oeu A lleain 1 40 4 611 HLOOM. Harton John M i-oieinaii Wm e'reatner ltebecca... . (lelger Mm McMnsh John Pennu. Canal Co Wantch John Mason and snyoer . Hrewer John Fstler Washington... 2"; Foster Charles ... . 2 Ktamer John W. ... 1 Mori Is llarbara 2 Ttirnbach Phebe Lot 1, 12 03 32 83 7 13 9 98 26 65 13 63 -- i seres 9 IS 20 37 0 91 4 60 22 91 3 K5 45 15 61 23 07 31 25 60 3 81 81 60 7 00 14 99 16 80 9t0 24 CO 3 90 S 00 4 20 Lots Lot Acres Lot V vannatta II II 1 Kahler Nancy liennes James I'ursell Mrs E II Thurston Martha. Thomas CI Walter Norman .... Saunders Wm Kobtsoh Mrs Uetsey.. stlckel .Mrs Caroline . Kinney Jacob.,. Kramer Andrew IIHIAItCHEEK TOWNSHIP. 150 Acres Dotv and l'ealer Ii4 31 1 tt. 23 li Si nosier joun 290 " beibert John, CATAWISSA TOWNSHIP, 40 Acres Henry I sues: estate. I Arndt Noah ......, Brvua -...; a it i -i i CENTIIALIA UOItOUOIt. 1 Lot Curley Edward., 8 ' Hurk-I'aJF 1 11 Oaughen Thomas, ,,.,. 4 29 7 49 8 90 86 IS 39 60 69 80 1 75 22 80 32 75 8 (HI 60 91 40 1 50 9 60 32 45 9 90 6 CO 6 60 1 90 60 00 9 00 6 84 19 83 9 08 9 69 33 32 0 21 4 60 II 19 13 34 V 60 3 43 2 00 60 75 60 65 05 7 TO 44 10 9 60 9 80 , 1 93 3 63 7 05 2 25 75 1 21 78 Iletleron Philip Purcell Hlchard, Creamer A w,,., cnllighan James...,. Denning Pat Dixon fianlel I.lndermuthNatli - Mc.Manamum Jos .- Mclirrarty Mrs ."Jary O'llare Michael Tarpy Luke Vanlluren Mrss K Dry son KobcrtandCo Torry Wm KDIttlo Joseph II CKNTKE TOWNSHIP. ,V acres Frcas Amelia 1 lot lluttenstlao Peter loo acres Lamon W m 50 " no do CONYNOIIAM TOWNSHIP. 1 Lot llrown Fred u " Moran Patrick 1 " Uenncr Jacob 1 " llerinsey Thos 1 Lots Cosgrovo John and Domlnlck,., X Lot Dougherty James l " Uvelle Patrick 3 " Yarllng Henry 1 " Kians Ann 1 " Harm Pat 2 ' Murphy Maurice.. sf " DrockwayC 11 'l " (lerrlly Thomas 1 lltrtron Philip V " Hubcr Jacob,,,.,,. 1 " McAllister James 1 " Nau;hton James 100 acres lluchner Peter tract 441 acres Urennan bblnezer tract 0 lots Kramer A W 1 Davidson David 1 " Fettcrman Jonathan 1 Morlson Catharine 2 " do do 1 " Davn David 1 " Knlttle Caroline 1 Carrlgan John 4 " Kramer A W , FHANKLIN TOWNSHIP. 75 Acres Smith Daniel FISIIINdCHEEK TOWNSHIP. 15 Acres Ilogatt John 86 " Chapln.1 F 33 " Force Itussel 8 ' i, lot Ikelcr K 11. V Ixit do do " do do H H do do 46 Acres Yaplo Jacob 60 " KarnslllI 6 " l)ngJss M s " llrlght Harman J 60 " Lartsh Cyrus t " Bright 11 H 4 " Holder tbram 7 " Kline Ira I) . Lot shultz Cornelius , (IUEKNWOOD TOWNSHIP. 1 Lot Leggott John 11 Acres " " andFrick'. 1 It Odd Fellows Hall 1 Lot llelderbrant F K 81 Acres Moore Lafayette 1 lot Taylor Ellsha I Lot Kramer m 20 Acres Kes Joseph E I Lot He'sJonas 8 Acres Nolton Samuel. UOAcres Hlchard Alfred I I - Vandersllce T J 69 " Heece Philip estate t Lot I avis ltebecca estate. 27 Acres Davis John estate 1 Lot Kllno A F 1 " Kinney Wm 1 " Purcell Win. 34 Acres Samuel Young 48 " Albertson Joel It 1 Lot ' " HEMLOCK TOWNSHIP. o Acres Ebner Wm 10 " (Hllaspy Wm estate 10 sage wrn 16 " Yandersllce John H JACKSON TOWNSHIP. a Acres Knouse Washington 75 " KeelerJacob LOCUST TOWNSHIP 40 Acres Kostenbsuder Nathan 69 " Metz Charles 40 " Kostenbiuder Nathan. I 9 00 8 34 10 90 4 10 , 8 113 94 3 63 1 09 . 15 84 2 97 1 03 2 10 7 92 4 59 2 79 2 45 , 1 42 . 2 20 , 12 92 , 9 00 1 80 , 3 64 , 12 40 . 1 94 4 60 67 1 10 34 . 20 25 . 0 70 1 75 21 61) 90 30 60 90 . 1 80 0 90 1 20 70 43 7 41 8 60 1 01 oerity Thomas 45 MADISON TOWNSUIP. 1 Lot Whipple Bcthuel 1 " Welllver Susan estate 170 Acres Former Margaret 70 " CoxWm MAIN TOWNSUIP 65 Acres Tetter Isaac MIFFLIN TOWNSHIP. 1 Lot Hughes AM l4f " Holler Ann 2 Acres Ansle John D 1 Lot Kclchner Jacob sr MONTOUR TOWNSHIP. i Lot Hutler Wm estate 67 Acres lla) lor Peter and Ellas MT. PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. 1 Lot Fox Catharine 1 " Fox Loury 21 Acres Kitchen John OHANQE TOWNSUIP. 25 Acres Schuyler Wm. , 9 Lots do do 10 Acres Coteman Jesse 67 " Crouse Nelson 16V " Hldlay Levi 16 " Hagenbuch Margaret 10 " llartman Augustus 25 " do do S3 ' Hldlay r.eo 22 Acres Kink J V 33 " Eves Jaae4 estate 10 llartman (iotlleb 20 " Patterson Margaret J 2 nice Jess. PINE TOWNSHIP. 350 Acres Lore. Leggott and Co 100 " Le-ggott John.... 1 Lot do do 112 Acres Leggott and Frlck 1 Lot do do ioo Acres Eves, Heller and Co 30 89 2 40 1 80 80 20 1 38 90 20 76 4 66 40 20 1 39 1 72 6 75 2 77 10 20 3 31 5 31 1 32 8 69 4 37 4 44 1 80 1 16 2 (ID 2 17 61 40 29 45 1 CO 16 74 18 40 05 io te 10 6S do do do. 60 " ItldT Jacob 20 (Ireenly James 12.1 " Kobblns Joshua GO " HICkeLS K (I. 2 Lots Dawson Wm . . .. 2 44 24 51 14 04 1 SS 4 85 2 90 7 69 34 02 91 Acres riatt Iram 55 70 Furman Wm Eves and Heller do do . do do do do Eves Ezra caute... 300 100 7 97 6 2 6 13 6 69 1 Lot snjder e.eo 69 4 90 10 80 4 09 2 83 60 Acres Itobb Adam 7 " Drelblebls Jacob estate 25 " do Abram 24 " (ireenley Hlchard ... 20 " Kester John Sr 30 " Parker John il ltOAIUNOCIlEKK TOWNSHIP. 144 Acres KeUer Hlchard 40 " ltlcc Abrnm 47 " Wlfhy Mary 19 " i-ager Isaiah 18 " Adams Ionard 34 " ErwineWm 57 " do do 70 ' Hughes Wright 7 " Hower Hiram 132 " Miller Ellas 20 " Wltchy John 23 " CherrtngtonAustln 19 " Undermuth Jacob 9 " Lex Charles 94 " Ivan I.awson 14 " Oliver John 23 " do do 23 " do do 28 do Wm loo " Stauffer Joseph 11 " strausser Bolomon , SCOTT TOWNSUIP. 1 Lot lletz Susanna 1 Fedder Jacob 1 " llartman Martha 1 " Schechterly Wm lo acres McKwen O W 1 Lot Mllnes Wm estate 1 " souder Elizabeth IX acres I'ursell Lucloda M SUOAllLOAF TOWNSUIP. 125 Acres Stephens Wm 24 3 12 62 3 00 6 00 34 24 10 1 65 45 17 65 C5 1 28 1 64 8 69 3 19 1 03 2 40 09 7 00 2 80 .... 6 70 ... 15 40 60 .... 13 20 3 43 .. 7 20 Cole Thos II., Miller Elizabeth ltoberts and Larlsb .. . . Hess Levlna ehapln JF (llbersonAmoa Lunger James 250 93 65 II. A. SWEPPENHEISKK, Treasurer, aprti 9. tf 4 Pl'EAL NOTICE APP Auneals win bo held on the. assessment nf 1fiel Yia. ti.eeu the hours of 8 a. m., and 4 p. m., ot each day Arrll 19th-For Hemlock, Montour and Mt, Pleasant ai our ofilce In ltlooinsburt. April 20th For Oreenwood. Madison aud Pine at tho uouse oi iiumpnrey rawer, in MUtvllle. iui wmuKc ui, hid uuuse oi jieuoen lia' lis In OranL'evllte. AprU22nd-For Centre at the election house In Centre. April 23rd-For Uerwlck and Brlarcreek nt tho house or o. W. Mauger. in nerwirir April 84th-For Ml mm at the house ot Aaron Uess in aiiiuiuiiiie. April 2Cth For Beaver and Main at the house ot JoseDh II bhuman In IteAier. April 91th For Locust and lioartngcrcck at the house ot Daniel E Kehres In Numedla. April 8Sth For centralis and Conynghamat Iht . ., .. b.?ae 01 " F- Curry, Centralis. Apm 39th For Catawlssa and Franklin at the t MUUDO u --acou iwsuer in catawlssa. April soth-For Flsblngcreek al tne election house la Flshligcreek. May 1st For Benton. Jack-Bon and Sugjrlou at the uuuk ui iiuseei narus, ue neon. May Sth For Blsom and bcott at our omco In Bloomsburg. The assessors are required to give each tl xable a notice ot his or her valuation 6 days before the day STEPHEN poiiK, i CommLssioners CHAS. REICHAHT, ( 'umt"Jurr' A. B.HKHHINO, 1 Columbia ro. Commissioners' omce April , ISoO. apr 9-3w Ttr I HOWS' AI'PKA ISEM KNTS. 1 T The foUowing appraisements of real and personal proiierty set apart to widows of decedents have been riled In the ofTce of the Register of Col. umbla county, under thi Hules of Court, and win be presented for absolute connrmatlon to the orphans' Court to be held In Bloomsburg.ln and forsald conn, ty. on Mondav, the 3rd. day ot May 1880, at two "s.s"-- u4 ott,u uaJ unless exceptions to such confirmation are previously nied, of which all tier, sons lntert-bted In said estate will take notice : 1. widow of Elijah Fullmer, latu ot Plnetownbhlo. deceased. .ue- 2. Widow of Samuel c. Mcllenry, late of Benton township, deceased. " ' J?0 w'ul"n A. Case, late ot ssott town, ship, deceased. i. widow of Martin W Nuss, Uteof the Town of Bloomsburg, deceased. v.uuvi t. Widow of neorge Hollenbach, late of Main town, ship, deceased. o "fUjJJf es)rge Lelby, late of Locust township, 7, W-ldowot Nelson Hess, late of Sugarloal town- ship, deceased, s. Widow of Canneld IlarrUon, late of the Town of Bloomsburg, deceased. " . "o'oMphUlley.Uteotscott township. deceased. IlegUterti omce, I W. IL JA(UY, Kegtatw, iHooouburi;, Aprtll U.'.f THE LADY COLUMBIA COUWTY Who elo not find It convenient to go to l'hlladelplila whenever Bffil H--H-- -a t.aA.iA.1 in ihfir ffltiiiiies. PHtier inr e'ersunai mure ur iionsekeeniiii. m.a. . , . ,11 to remcmuer iuu nuiuuuuic bjbichi .u rr-r-iT A TXJ'tDTDT'nrL'L? P. T nnT Ti -t O l rxs vv surxjLi-JKjs Eighth and Market Sts., Phila. ivnereuy ineniusi saiisiatiiny buu'iuj vat. reiiiaiiiiug ai iiuiue. The stock of these merchants, which Is vn to you by full lines of samples from show And all orders promptly and faithfully SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of sundry writs Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county and to me directed, 111 bo ciposed to public sale at the Court House In Bloomsburg, on Monday, May 3d, 1880; at 2 o'clock p. m., the follow Ing described real estate All that undivided half of the following d ecrlbed tract of land situate In Hemlock township, I'olumMa county, l'cnnsiliasla, bounded and described as follows, tzi Beginning at a while oak, thence by land of (lodfrey Mellck. south eienteen and a half degrees east one hundred and ntteen and four tenth perches to a post, thence by land of tlie same south one-halt degrees west, fclxly -nine and three-tenth perches to a stone, thence by land of the littrs ot Samuel Wanlch, and Albert Soinmers south fifty-four and a half degrees west nineteen perches to a post, thenco by a public road nnd land of Jacob Harris north eight degrees west elghty-seien perches to a sugar tree, thence north one degree east thirty-four perches, north twelve degrees west, ten perches, nortlielghteendegreeswesttwcnty perches, north fifteen degrees west llilrty-four perches, north six and a half degrees west eight perches, to a button wood, north sixty-blx and onc-fourtti degrees cast, fifteen and four-tenth perches to the place of begin, nfng, containing twenty-elght acres and twenty. eight perchcR, fctrict measure, whereon are erected a three btory grist and flouring mill with a good water power and water right, a two story duelling house, large hog pen and other ouubulldlngs. Seized, taken fn execution at the suit ot Clinton Mellck, executor of (lodfrey Mellck, dee'd, against John Beag'e with notice to James K. Ejer and Moses Stetler, terr --tenants, and to be sold as tho property of John Bcjgle. Iielek, Attorney Lev Fl Fa ALSO, All that undivided one-half part of all that certain ln-lot situate In the borough of Berw Ick and bound ed on ths north by second street on the oast by an alley, on the south by a lot of Joseph Eck's heirs, and on the west by a lot of now s C. Jayne containing one fourth of an arre more or less whereon are erected a frame dwelling house, a frame stable, a frame wagon house, and other out-bulld- Ings with the appurtenances Seized, taken in execution as the property of Ueu ben MlPcr at the suit of the First National Hank ot Bloomsburg now for the use of Henry Doak, and to be sold as the preperly of lteuben Milter. Fklezk, Attorney. Alias Fa ALSO, The undivided on-half part of all that certain tract or piece of land situate In Locust township, Colum bia County state aforesaid, bounded on tho west by- lands ot Thomas Bllllngton, on the south by land of Thomas nnd Mary Itushton, on the east and north by land! of Lewis Lee, Isaac Lewis. Benjamin Camp. Jacob KerMiner, and others, containing four hun dred and llilrtj -nine acres and four perches. Also, one other certain tract situate as aforesaid, bounded on the west by lands ot Michael Slluc and otherwise bounoed by lands ot Lewis U-c, John Bllllg and others, and by the aforesaid tract, con taining one hundie-d and eighty-nine acres and six ty-thre-e perches. Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground situate- In the Borough of Centralla, county and stale afore said, on tt e west side ot Locust avenue, being tw en- ty-tlve feet In width on said avenue aud extending at rLlht angles therewith westivaroly one hundred and forty feet In depth to an alley and known on the map or said Borough as lot o. 2. In block 117, said lot being bounded as follows to-nlt: on tho east by- Locust avenue, on the north by lot of Jane (l.Torrey on the webt by an alley, and on the south by lot of Bridget Farrell, on which Is erected a two story frame dwelling house.stable, and other out-bulldlngs seized, taken In execution at the suit of 1 he Shen andoah "alley Bank to use ic, against J. Miller Raub, David Keller, and Edward Shatter, terre ten ants, and to be sold as th? property of J. Miller Itaub David Keller, and Edward Shaffer, terre tenants. Frbkzk, Attorney Lev Fa ALSO. CO 34 03 16 The lollow-lng real estate situated In Madison township, Columbia county, Pennsj lvanta, bounded on the north by land of Adam Boat, on the east by- lands of Henry Everett and William Masteller.soutli by land of Henry Miller, we-t by lands ct Joslah IS II Maustand WUllam Masteller,contalnlngabout bKty eight acres, more or less, on which aro a two story frame dwelling house, frame bank barn, and other out-bulldlngs. A good apple orchard, and a good spring ot water and spring house near tho dwelling. This property Is situated on the public road leading Irom Bloomsburg to Jerseytown, about three miles rroin Jerseytown. 44 Seized, taken In execution at tho salt of Conrad Kreamer against Ellas Uogar, and to be sold as the property ot Ellas Bogar. Bikiley, Attorney. Fl Fa ALSO. All that certain lot or piece of land situate In .Miniln township, Columbia county. Pennsylvania bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: on the north by Abraham Schweppenheiser, on the east by Peter Michael, on the south and west by Horace Schw eppenhelser, containing eighty acres, more or less, on w hlch are erected a t w o story- frame house, oau uoru, u large iramo grist mill, mill house and all necessary out-bulldlngs. belzed, taken In execution at the suit ot J, II. Ilet ler assigned to F. Jordin 4 sons against (ieorge Nungesser, and to be sold as ihe property cf (Ieorge Nungesser, UKOciwty k elwei.1, Attys Al Fl Fa ALSO, All that certain tract, messuage or pu ce of land onuaie in jioum Pleasant township, Columblacoun ty, and state ot Pennsylvania, bounded and describ ed as follows, to-wlli On the north by lands ot Sil vester Kitchen, on the cost by lands of John Mus graie, on tho south by lands ot Jacob Johnston, and on the west by lands of Sylvester Kitchen and Jacob Fisher, containing sixty -six acres more or less, on y uicu are erected a log dwelling house, a good barn and wagon shed, and out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken In execution at the suit of Torlnda iiagenuucn, since Intermarried with lluvd nirhte against Henry Kitchen, w 1th notice to terre tenants auuijuesom as tne property ot Henry Kltchtn with notice to terre tsnanta. Littles, Attorneys. vend Ex ALSO. All that messuage and tract of land ui,., , Beaier township, Columbia county aud state of iiuuoyn-ania, bounded and described as mimw. viz: On the north by land In Warrantee name of Catharine Longenberger, and land ot Columbia CojI andiron tompany, on the south by public road leading from Beaver Valley to Macaulev coat Mir, on the east by land ot Charles F, Mann, deceased and on the west by land of John Baker, Sr., contain.' .us o.eiii..ue acres more or less. seized, taken in execution at the suit ot Joshua Fetterman and Aaron drover Admrs of mii,i "rover, deceased, ogalnst John Hlnterllttr Sarah Ann Hlnterltter and Jacob Illnterllter, and to bo sold as the property of John Illhterllier, Ssrah Ann Illnterllter and Jacob illnterllter. fkeizx, Attorney. Lew ALSO, All those four separate snd distinct m... n. . eels ot land situate in Locust township, Columbia county, Penn'a, bounded and described as follows Ihat la to say ' No 1, known as the Tavern stand in th, , . Numedla, beginning at a stone In the public road leading from tNumedlato Kerntown thence ly land of llertcan Fahrlnrer south nin,. nrt . ......... degrees west twenty-one and elght-tenth perches to a stone theuce by land of (leorge A. Snyder south ..uW.u,euuiurte-quarter degrees west twenty one and three-tenth perches to a stone In thocenter of the public roadlsadlng Irom A.hinrt .,... .. Cr ,n ro4 01 1"1"' Sank ana norm eighteen degrees east iweoty-twoand nie.tenthw,in. ua tea wLd wy UhdMU and Uutmi RESIDENTS OK l f OOBS .v..iv.j u.b..u,.v, uj. oc ujiU i rilJtLH uo uuuo m mu uiusi uceinomiCAl tnannerwt decidedly the largest In Philadelphia will nny department, in response, to ciecuted with guaranteed satl-fictlon .hoads north two if-irpn wott nr. . perclicfl to a stono thence by land ot Mao i uiuiuuna vigniy-Bijt aegrci-H cost fourteen & im-.-u-icuui jierrnes 10 a stone, thenco by a t -n uik-j nuuu-uirrunenreeseast eleven and Hvj-t perches to aB-onn In ihn nntiii fn-.H i.nK.. public road and bv land of Iiprm in i.-'.i.r, -iiiiiij.ii-uuMijiurec-tiuarUTUeLrrec-i east t.-i, KCtCn-tcntU Perches In Ihn nnrr nf t.r,, ...... tAlnlnir three nerea, und elghty-el-lit porolnu y. imiiauif, wm'reon are erected a Iarc brlrk lie. ten k-u iriLiiit- Mini) n nun vrfitrnn eitn.i n..A n . . . uui. un.iuujKs lu guoti oraer. No 2. Situate in liv-inst inu-.ui.iM .... ' .. . . sV...!,.,,.,,,,,,,, JU,aH aforesaid bounded and ilfsrHiH.ri m fAii,n. nlngatastoneacornerot landotMla-j li. Jolir uiu luuiiiu-i uuiii uicneo oyianil of Wllllatn liu uuiijiiiiiy ut'trri-ea vhkl r-ioiitix-n tr.,.- - " ....... percnea to a btonc tbpnnn hv tho um,, m-.i. uuu u uuu ui-Kft-fs earn rourtccii perches to n R! nnu jiosc, luence uy iana ot Sus.m Kline north Mil setcu and a half deirreea iifn.-.or .u,i..... j-u-ji, nit-ut,.- oy iaua or me name south fifty tai, uuriy nnu uine-tunin peichea to a ston- Hie uyiacuor &uas u jonnson south thlrtv nlL49 tu. v-.-1 ix.. u-.'Krfua east Rixty-rour perches to place of beginning, contalntnjf eleven acrts anl hundied andtwentv-ciyht ncrrin airier NO 3. Situate til thn tnwnshln lt and state aforesaid tioiin ifii nnri iinHh,,! lows beglnnlngat a stone a corner of land of Ja n 'uiiiiii; miu iho 4umiuia school lot and ruar uienco by said sch ol lot and land belonging to i.uuiL-ruu una (ermj.n l.eiiirui.i i-)lllrt, . di'trreo west kUIciti r rrr-hi-u tii n uii.n,. uuv ui uvuiijo itviLj uunu fitfuij-nine ('-,tith pM thlrty-ooo perches to a Btone, thence by me M north sixteen and nnp.nnnrtor .iWr,ma .,u- vuu ...ui.-h..i. in.-n.m-s wi u hioue. lllt-nce vnc same norm nuy.four degrees east IU i- ana r u-iuu in rciies io a siono tnence by land of .lolit Hither SOUth CtlfhtV-ntne deLrrof.4 u-.t Inn ,.,(., tenth perches to a stoie, thenco by lend of ,l ii asuneBouui nny-iour degrees west forl-t and one-tenth perches to the place ot beglnnl containing seven acres and si.t and one. n,., strict measure, w hereon Is erected a one and oue.jj (ui 3 iiuuiL- uousu ana Mtcnen. No 4. tietmr In Locust townxhtn mmimv n,i aforesaid bounded as follows: On the east by un John Kelnbold and on the south livi.imi nrti. r Fahrlnger and on the west by land of .lohn lilijfc auu uu me norm oy iana or John mnboid contalr about Seventeen acres he the mmi Seized, takenlneiccutlonat the suit of LUfc iniers Administrators andM. tl. Iluo-he.n-i Daniel Morris, and to be sold as the propi rtj uauiei .siuri-)s. i.YKRLT t Freeze, Atti s. Uvt Terms, cash on day of sale. April , 'sd-ts u. II. K.NT. Mn-r-; T KOISTEH'S NOTICKS. JLV Notice la hereby gUen to all legiitK-i tl u'i..uuu,iu-i tn.iaitusiuLni'l-U 111 inc eialr- the respectlie decedents and minors, that Hi. I lowlnir administration anil L-uanllnn niriumi. ll been riled In tho olllce of the llegtster of ( olucl county, and will be presented tor cuntlrmatturi I allowance In the iirphans' court to be lii-nl Uloomsburg, on Monday, .May 3d, lsso, at Soul If. ui. uu euiu uujr i 1. The first and nnal account of Elijah e i'1mi guardian of Wilson '1 nomas, minor child utl siau moiQ-is, idle oi jioanugcreeK townsiuii, ceased. 8. The final account of John Ulcks, guardun Jl U. Penrose, minor child of Joseph ivnrow fj ot Uloomsburg, deceased as tiled by ll. F It H and Krizabelh lllcks, administrators .IJl ii teas, ueceaseu. 3. The second and final account of Jacob FMi t ecuiororKvo Fisher, lale ot Main tonnshlt I 4. The account ot Inn Vetter.trusteeof B..ii man, as tiled by Win. u. le-ite-r,eii-i iitor ,f. H Tetter, deceased. 0. The first and final account of t.tvlna shoeit.! uuu ru.-n.-e Biioemaker, udmintstrator-i 1 iy Mioemaker, late of lleiuluck township ceased. 6. The arst snd final account of Leander IvtterJ uuniiiusiraior 01 NOloinou Fetterman, ui Catawlssa township, deceased. 7, The first and partial account of Lewis VI uuuiiuisiruior 01 .-nary uiark, laui 01 mui. 1 township, deceasi-d.os Bled bv Win. 11 y-Utr I vvuiui 01 owis letter, deceased, 8. Thenrstnnd final account oriwls nh'. mlnlhtratnr or Mnrv l-ltirlr ,ln....,.c...l o,f by t he orphans' Court lo sell real estate a-lS ui nm.ii, iette-1, executor of u-wis V 'tt' ceased, . Ihe second and final account of Elwarii II. map, executor of Jacob Uornboy, late uf .v-.ii.ui,,, urvr.HU, 10. The second nnd tlnal account of M F. JiCU executor of James Lamou. late of township, deceased, as filed by 0 ll lift" I u.,u u uw L-Accutors 01 m, 1;, jat-Kiju -ceased. II. The account ot Samuel Hutchison, ajminbtnl oi .nary uuu'uison, ine ot Centre tuwusLii teased. U. The nrstand final account of (' 11. Hrock guuruian 01 i-araii K. lloberts,mlnorelillJ 1 wallader lioberts, late ot .Montour towi-Jap 1 ceased. 13. The tlnal account ot Lew Wright, guaramj L-)"ti , . rui, iiiuiur eiiiiu oi 1 - u-u.. . ,a. ui iietn.ocK lownsuio. ueceasta 14. The second and final account of Herman Fsi.-"j . uu laaiuu ttower, adininistraiors onu.-i 1 ahrlmrer. lat nr tr-,ct ( h.. - Lsril iud uisi auu nnai account of Thomas 1 n -i 1..... . :'"'" ul Jsaruu u.. nan isvju. .scott township, deceased. Id. 1 he llrst and partial account of lteub-n H . ..ulu. .. tisuii, eAt i uiurs 01 -loiiii " " late of dreenwood townsnin. iii.r,.nsi-d 17. The first account ot Wllloujhbv shuler .idrni--I irator ut Daniel bhuler.late ot Frank in'''! shin. ' I 19. The first and parttil account of W H "s;lw uuiHjuueu oy tne orpuans ui- 1 make sale of real estate ot Mari liorre i CentratU, deceased. IO n-t,nM.....J ... . .... .I mo twai uuu panui account of John mv 1 nMii'"0' vf "HI,'mU PPleman.Ute of tu tori --".-.. s, uccuseu, ' P.o'.fcountof llenjimlne!. Ilest andM"! Iielshline.ailmlnlsiratorjof John W It me ot Ushtngcreek township, deccaseu 91 Thu oMn,.n. ... .... . , . --. uuuu r. uerr end nenr 1 bins, executors of Elijah Fullmer dee- am J I nu iue eeeuior 01 nenry K1ngsbur i 1 Iientonlpwnshlp, deceased, Fullmer hailt.-t I before tlllniv nn ....... ' I 21. Tho first and final account of fleorge lit ?n--- uuuuuisirator ot Jacob Kbugars, late a "I ."JI''P' ?ece'i"cl. as nied by Hiram shu.vl administrator of iienrc, tiniiunt.,-h tuin ti ceased. J3. The account of K. 11. iirown. ndmlnnirm 'J ceased. 'maD' UtB Mlmln townsalf. I 24. Thetlrst and partial account ot Isaac K Kfl-J . . . u " luam iinnic executors 01 Ilrlnk. latH fit Itenfnn ,.....hl. M. First and Anal account of John A. Funst-1 'J fniiso't ruusuin, late 01 --.-.--, I M- Th account of Frank 8. Hunt, admlni-itrit" ' deceased liorougnoi ; ' "'5 iTi" iaDc! Par"a' account of 1. w MiS'' vv iiirt n Vt i! upcuwirsoi nuaiii w,..wu. iw lunuoi iiioomsuurg, oi .3--t4, The first accountot Henson II. Crveellr-g ".' UtOrOl UorOthV A. Prurulln,. I.,.,.!.,,)'!''. ship, deceased. VS. First and part'al accountot Henry I'fatt ' 'i cutorof J.ei. l'fohler, lale ot Catawba "r ship, deceased. ' i;,:!?rf'.a'icl Prtlal account of C)ru I'.'l Administrator ot Jucnb 11. Moker. late I lnircreelc lnwn,hin ... . ' 81. Tbonrst and final account ot Kamuu V ihl!im.e!1.u'".J' I'tut'o of Hebocca -Muffl-i f t' Cht d Of L'attmrlnt. Unmav ,.tan. ...ntrM'. fchtn. deriuu.ri. '' . The first and final account of WUIUui Administrator of John Cain, late ot Ce-r-trs I ship deceased. S3. Thesecondnndpartlalarcountof Illramll S and Da. Id Achenbach, Kxeeutors of John Ai--1' 84. The second and partial account of bamuei ' hard, Executor ot Frederick bhaner, late ul tre township, deceased, SS. The nrstand partial account ol John M and (leorge Conner, Admlalstrators ot lM Milte. Late rJMrjM. fn.K,n u.ub..1. Iiegtster'8 omoe, 1 vv. II. JACtilir' WOOUttbUJV AplUi,0, jr itn-u'-"-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers