ME 0LUMB1AN. iiLoonsnrna. nsinu.iKiiiiuutvw, it Hall Horn! Time T.ililr. bAUKAWANNA IILOOM8IIU1KI HAIL llOAl) NORTH. SOUTH. Accommodation Train "3A..M Mall Tinltl 7.89 A. M 4,19 1. M fast Trntn 12,00 M. 1U5A.M Kspri'SS Train , o.5e) 1'. M. CATAWISSA HAIL 1IOAU. nokiu. dorrit Accommodation Tr.Un o,i!9 A. SI. T,M 1'. M. lleaiiUr Express t.w i M 11,45 A. M. Tlironsli cars on Kinross train cither to New York or riilMriclphle. Accommodation train runs between Uiitawissaiinel Wllllamsport. ruiiuo hai.cs. A.J. IIcss, niltninlstralor of Hiram Lunger, iiccciseil, will sell real estale on tho premises, in sugarumi lownsmp, on oatimlny, l euruary 28th, 18S0. or.T Ul' A CIXll. We will send the Cot.l'MMAX free for one year lo unjr person who wilUscml Us four new names with $0,00 In cah. Ihis is an easy way to pay your suh'cription if you illicitly tako the paper, nml an eay ay to gel It If you are not on the list. Thero is not n, spot in Co lutnhia county where four new name9 cannot he oblninctl in a few hours' time, if some ono will make Iho ellorl. Sample copies of the paper will he sent to any address in the county on re qtiet. Thoee of our subscribers who do not cire to make the eflbrl, will confer a favor hy railing Iho attention of soma active person to thi notice, who will undertako it. The Lenten season began last 'Wednesday. Saturday the 1 Ith, is St. Valentine's D.iy. Xext Tneday la election day. Vcitupgood men, and sec that they are elected. Township election tickets can be obtained nt this odicc. Orders will be promptly filled, Henry O. Ort Is a candidate for constable at the town election. Court mljoiirned on Thursday afternoon lnl week nil the cae-s having been disposed of. There was argument courl on Saturday. Jacob Miller, who has been sudering with cancer for some years, was buried on Wednes day, Tho l'hiladelphi.i is Heading Coal it lion Cotupmy have purchased the Pennsylvania Iron Works at D.inyillo. J. C. Carner lat week in the Opera House as 'Kip Winkle' was rapitnl. He is a la yorite here, and every where he goes. The vendors of s rip and wonderful medi clues, on the streets, seemed to do a good bus. incs. Whether they gave nn equivalent tor the money they received we cannot say. The Union Square Comedy Company had a good li'iusc on Monday night and the perfor mance was one of tho lust we h ivu ever hn 1 in lie Opera. House, It is a tiri-t clas troupe. Hon, S, P. Wolverlon of Siinliury, Joshua Coudv, W. J. llaldy nnd James Scarlet of Din villc, A. Hickells of Wilkebatro nnd W. A' Marr of Ashland, were in Court this week. William Kreamer and Jacob Terwilliger are Iho only regular democratic candidates for Di rectors of Iiloom Poor Di-trict. Voto for no one ebe. Mr. Philip Appleurin of llohrsbnrg will please accept our thanks for a beautiful cluster of fruit from bis lemon tree. There are four lemons hanging close together on one bmnch. His treo is tuid to be one ot the finest in the county. Tor tho benefit of the Or.ingeville Union Stbbich School, there will be an oyster supper giyen on l'riday evening, Feb, 20, in Ihe Odd 1'VIIows Store Kooni. The committee promise an excellent epnlity of oysters. Como one. come all, Vahti P.mcuast, an old resident of this town died on Sunday morning after an illness of about a week. She was well known and highly rejected. The funeral took place on Tiie-hdnr afternoon. Sho left n will of which M. C. Sloan is executor. Why is it th it papers mailed here nn TlmrH day afternoon do not reach Fowlersvillo until Saturday ? Though milled hero regularly, one of our subscribers complains that he has not received a paper for the past three weeks. If this occurs again wo shall tako puns to ascer tain the cause of it. Accidents will happen in tho be-t regulate 1 printing offices. Last week as we were ready logo to press, a flue in tho boiler sprung a leak and put out the fire. This was remedied, and as every thing was ready, another flue gave out, i-o thai wo were unable to run otTthepa ers un' til l'riday morning. Arrangements have been made for a new set of flues. J. H. Scott's bakery is noted for the excellent bread made there. Notwithstanding the nd vanco in the priro of flour, no advance has been madu in Ihe price of his bread, and the loaves arc just as large as ever. None superior in the county. Try it and see. ftb. 13,-2w. Mr. John Schleycr the proprietor of the Chilton, Wis., Volhbote, a progressive Ger man weekly, gratified us with the following : With pleasure I add my testimonial to the many already given in favor of St Jacobs Oil, which I had occ.vion to tot personally. I Mineral extreme pains in the back of my neck, which were almost unbearable. Having heard of St. Jacobs Oil I dispatched one of my men to Iho nearest elrus store, procured a bot tle, nnd commenced to apply it at once. The pain subsided, and on Iho next morning I was all right again. Notick. The firm of Ilroekway & Llw ell was dissolved October 1st 1879,both as puhli-h-ers of Iho Cot ujiiiiAN nnd in the practice) of law. All persons indebted lotald firm on notes book account for printing or for legal services are- requested lo call and settle, as Ihe business of the firm must be clo-ed up soon. 0. I!. Urockway, Oko. K. Muvtix. jan 23 -lev. AMIl'ltY ITEMS. Itev. T, 0, Clees has been ho ding a pro1 ttacted meeting at Asbury. If has been in pro. gress for some lime. There has been a good fctate of feeling among (lie members generally. Our minister has faithfully performed his du ties in warning the people to flee from the wrath to come, Mrs, Peter Kveland has been for some lime past very much afillcted with hemorrhage o' the lungs, W. W. Sullifl's daughter Is lying in a critical condition with congestion of the lungs. I have been holding some correspondence with H, N. Ainrnuan of Nebraska, Fillmore COU11I7, formerly of Ibis place, He moved there two years ago this month with wife and three children ; one more has been added to that number since that time. Ho had nothing more than lust enough In tnln l,tm 4-111 1 arna then ha has leased 80 acrfs of land, has things coiulorlably fixed around him and dolrg will several 01 tne Asbury boys have gone out ; and do well Thais iho place for young married fclks. IiEroiiTrn, llucicilonv, Col, co., Ta., Feb, 10, 1880. Kditoih Columman t At about eight o'clock Saturday evening, our little yillsgo was startled by hearing of tho sudden death of Michael timber, who, hut ten minutes belore seemed lo bo In perfect health, he ale a hearty supper nnd after it was over chatted along with iho family ns usual.and with out a moments warning fell from bis chair and died, lieartdlsease was the caue. I'red Harlman who. for threo weeks has been Ijltig very ill, wo arc g ad lo say, Is slowly re covering. As Fred is n lively fellow, his pres ence Is very ranch missed, especially In the church from which ho is seldom absent. Frank II. Harris from Hamburg paid us a flying visit last week. 11, 13, C. Editors Coi.umman 1 1'ioui tho wall of Indignation that comes from a certain edilor thero seems to be some ono hurt about the nomination for Poor Direc tor. When the nomination was qulelly made three vears ago by the standing committee to (he liki"g of this lojal editor, no fault of one or two men dictating to tho tnns-es was found, but now the committee met by Iho call of their Chairman nnd had iho meeting published in n sound democratic paper, and (he committeo met nt the appointed time and place and nomb tnted Democrats, not boilers, for iho office of Poor Directors. Xow ns this loyal editor has no fault lo find with old directors lie believes they have done their duty it Is prelty certain who ho is trying lo slander through his smut machine, Tho people of Scott know who voted for the Poor House and who voted ngilrst it, nnd iho list of votes and voters will tell who voted for Sheriir last fall. Talk about fraud and rule and ruin parly I Poor fellow, when democrats want your advice they will call on you. Lot justice be done you though tho heavens fall, No IJoi.tkii. OHANtlEVILI.i: ITEMS, The snow has come lo cover up the rough roids, and nt this writing it looks as though wo might have a few days of floighing. Dr. .Megargell s youngest daughter, little Mary, hns been epiito sick for n few days but is now recovering. Mr. Menr frcm the West Iiranch formerly of this place, wi'l mcvo here in tho Spring lie will live in Ihe hou-o now occupied by Mr Xeyhart at tho lower end of the town. Will Conner of llrinr Creek has been in town for some days. Ho is canvissing fur "The Life and Travels of General Grant." A "mito society" under the auspices of the "Lidiis Missionary Society," has been started in Or.ingeville. Tho first meeting was at Ihe lions ot I!ev. C K. Canlield. The studniits of the Academy attended quite generally nnd pissed a pleesint evening with music.chiirades conversation A'c. Miss Aggie Molick who has oecn confined to the house fir along time, is out agait. Her yes nre much better hut not entirely well. Tho now term of tho Academy opened list week quite favorably. Among tho now students are two more from Monroe Co. PhdOOTTY. Sherman A Co.. Marshall. Midi . want an agent in this county at once, ill a salary of $100 per month and expenecs paid, For full partic ulars address as alwve. Nov. 21-ly. HEItWICK LUTTEU. Kiw. Cor.rjniUN : During the last few days Ihe ice men have been busy hying up a supply for rummer- The crop is considered to be very good, 1 he skaters have discovered a little strip of smooth ice on the canal and after school hours lush 10 the scene for an hour's enjoyment, Xo i-nfor placo could be deired by anxious parents than this for (heir children s tkating rink, the canal having only a few ii ches of water. Michael Frantz succumbed to his disease, lin ing hist Saturday. He was buried yesterday. Misfortunes clouded his lastyear . Mrs. Ktency of ilrooklyn made a short vi-it in her friends the daughter of Alex. Thomp sou . , The pupils of our schools do not take par ticular prido in living in n February having five Sundays as one of these days happens to be ihe 22d of the month. They think Washing ton's birthday ought to be postponed ono day. Last Friday evening an elocutionary inter- tainincnt was held in the hall of tho Y. M. C. A , fir the benefit of the 'Parsonage Society.' Miss Anna Kunkel of Kingston was employ ed. Her recitations were very much enjoyed by the large audience, who lavishly praise the tloculionbt's powers. Very excellent music furnished by some of the lidtes of town- The nexl literary entainment is to ha a lecture by MissS. 1!. Anlhony, though the nnnouncemer.t has not yet been made. IiEronTEit. llerwifk, P.i, Feb. 11, 'SO. ItATIIEl! IIASTV. On Monday night at iho Opera House be tween tho acts of the ''Two Orphans," Iho Jan itor of the bouse, II. II. Vannatla, went to Chief of Police I.aycock and informed him lint a man down in front was creating a dis turbance, and had insulted him. Mr. I.aycock went down and lohl Iho person to apolugize, and upon his refusnl Vannatla and Laycock laid hands upon him nnd violently pulling him from his chair, ejected him from ihe hall. This person was Mr. Godfrey, a young man who his been residing here for some time pat us a pa tient of Dr. Turner, being 6uljc't to epilepsy He is a quiet, pmciable and refined gentleman, and a careful inquiry iuti the caiifce of his ejec tion failed to elicit liny facts that in any way justified tho proceeding. Ho had a few wmds with Vaunatta about a sen, hilt it was so quiet ly said that those fitting Immediately behind lid nut notico It. The firet impre-sion of thoso in tho audience who Knew Mr. Godfrey, was that he had 11 convulsion, but tho truth of the matter w.u soon ascertained, and then the im limitation knew no bounds. It was proposed by a number to go out and bring him back and pi ico him in his chair, and the Chief of Police whwi he sw his mi-take, offered to head Ihe procession. This was not done owing lo tho fact that much excitement is injurious lo Mr- Godfrey. While the Chief of Police supposed ho was loing his duty, nt the request of the jinitor, and says he did not know Godfrey, lie was very hasly In doing as he did beforo satisfying him self that a disturbince was being crealed. Ho Ins probably learned by Ibis time that oven a police officer cannot take tho law in his own hands, and eject a man from 11 public hall sim ply because he will not apologize lo Iho janitor whose business is to sweep the floor and build the fires, nnd not to look nfler Iho seating of the audience. As It Is likely that legil steps will bo taken, wo refrain from saying anything to prejudice iho public mind. Tm: Cooi.ey Ckkameh. This molhod of "deep-setting of milk" is coming into so genera a! use thai, at Iho recent dairy fair in New York, it was not shown as a 'novelty,' but took lis place as a common and indispensable ad. jnncl to the dairy. Willi a Cnoley Creamer a dairyman Is entirely independent of the weath er, anil his product is uniform nt all limes. It Is In Ibis, as well ns in ils convenience, thai the Cooley process of retting milk commends Itself to all who make butter. From our foroign oxchnnges we iufer that It has been quilo extensively Introduced into ute in Great llritain, Albany Country Gentleman. See a woman on horseback in another col umii, riding near Speer'a Vineyards, with a bunch of Grupes from which Speer"s Port Grae Wine is made, that is so highly eteeined by the medical profession for the use of invalids weakly persons and the aged. Sold by Druggists. June 27 1-y. THE COLUMBIAN AND HTtU.WATEH NEWS Stimavateh, Pa. Feb. 7th 1880, Mesus. KniTons: On last Wednesday morning tho sun roso in the Kustas usual Iho earth was covered with tho ''beautiful snow," nnd tho wind enmo down from the north with n. wintry blnsi.whllo tho writer nnd his wifo were enjoying tho comfort nnd quiet of their homo, from which ihcy had recently been nbsont for over threo wecksjlaboring in "word and doctrine," with tho Church of Christ nt Union Clnpel in tho upper end of Jackson, n report of which will bo forth coming. Our pcaco and quiet how. cver,was of short durolion for about 10 o'clock tho sleds nnd sleighs began lo como from North nnd South londcd witli men nnd women young nnd old, who seemed to hnvc somo de sign upon us. They enmo from Denton nnd Stillwater above, nnd from Pcnlcrtown below nnd being armed with lnrgo baskets filled liko bomb-shells and sundry suspicious looking packages, they marched Immedialely Ifito the house nnd took possession, wo siirrenderrlng unconditionally, nnd feeling well I wont try to describe lnw we felt, Not satisfied witli our surrender, they soon began to discharge the contents of their baskets upon tho tab'c, and erelong wo were summoned to tho dining' roum,'ind oh whit a sight 1 I wish, Mr. Kditor you hnd been here. Well it was such n din ner as tho Indies of this valley nro renowned forgcttingup. I need not describe it. Some sixty odd partook to their hearts content, and ftomncht' ifaccmfoi, and nfler the remnlns were clcnrcd nway, we wcro agiin summoned to ap pear before tho same table, where were dis played various articles of dry-goods, groceries, etc., etc., with a contribution of gold, silver and greenback', amounting in the aggregate to over sixty dollars, which were presented inn neat and appropriate speech by Mr, Daniel Mclienry ns a token of good will and respect, to which the writer tried to respond ns well n' bis feelings; would permit. All seemed lo en joy it very much and towards night took their departure in good order. Thanks, dear friends, come ngain, nnd you come too next time Mr' Kditor. A similar cccutrence tcok place on New Years day, the panics coming from tlie Jack son Christian Church, a repoit of whieh was sent to you but must havo failed lo reach you. The result of which was to leave tfirj writer some seventy odd dollars better oil' thm when they enmo . Such testimonials of respect nnd confidence nro vnluable. F.vcrybody eems to be in iking tlicl)ct of tho little snow,and the jingle of merry bells is heard aliuo-t constantly. Cyrus ItibbiiH is, we bam, teaching singing school nt tho Stillwater school hoii'c. Success friend Cyrus it is a g.iod work. Mrs. Stoker, motherin 1 uv of J. F. Mclien ry, is quit - ill tho restiit of a recent fall. Died Fib. lib lR-0, Mm Mary iipplcinnn, aged 30 yeans and 1 1 d is. Tho aluvo was the wife of William Apple' mm Jr, of !euton,aiid daughter of Mr. Fleck-en-toin 1 f Ornngoville She was a most ex cellent ihrislian woman one of the be-t of wives, and greatly beloved by all who knew her. She leaves, besidoe her husband, a little daughter, and many friends and loved'ones to mourn her loss. A large.1 assembly githcrcdon the Htli to pay ihe last trihuie of respect to her remains. A short f-enuon was preached In the M, K. Church by the writer, followed with re marks by M. Iloutz, pistor of the llcformed Church at Orangovill, Mr. Former pastor of the M F. Church was also present. She bore her long and paiiifulillness wi'h great patience and resign ition, and departed fiom this life in thejfull assurance of 11 blissful immoilnlity. May God bless and comfort the bereaved ones. 1). W. KlSTKIl. The Stillwater lodge No 121 K of P holds its meeting Saturdiy night in M McIIcnry's new ball. Columbia Grange No -1G P of II holds ils meeting in tho same hall their regular meeting is held on Iho 3rd Saturday of each month. As an evidence of bettor times Mr. C It Mc lienry and Mr Stephen Dreshcr nre preparing to build large barns the coming season. Mr. Metzgar, the blacksmith will build a dwelling house The M II Congregation will build a house of worship on the new road leading through Stillwater. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hess were both sur prised lately, by numerous friends who took possession of their premise! and made them selves quite at home. Uaven-. COUUT l'ltOL'EEDI.NliS. WEDNESDAY, lT.lll'.tTAIlY t. Grand Jury made their report nnd wero discharged. ClItAND JURY'S KEl'OIiT. Tho Grand Inquest of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania inquiring for the body of the County of Columbia, liespectfully 1'e nort : That wo have, nursuatit to our re quired duties calmly and deliberately invest! gated nit me nuts 01 indictment presented for our consideration and have passed upon them according to thei,- merit?. I hat wo have examined the public build-iii-Ed and found the entrance into the south east side of jail in a wet icy condition and recommend spouting on that side of the hoit-e; we find the water tank and bath tub in a leaking condition and should be lepaircd, anil Hint tho tank be raised oiL'ht inches nml that the bae be made to slope so n to run the waste water towards the waste pipe, and 11 bed be put in the Hospital room for the sick, a floor bo put into Ihe cellar and that the plastering in the room under the tank be repaired We nl.o find lh well at the jail nearly dry; we recommend (he sanio do repaired ami made -.o ns to lurnish a good supply of water for the .Sherill' These recommendations we makes for the good of tho buildings and convenience of tho Sheriff and in the Interest of the County. We call attention to these matters and most respectfully submit this our rpport. W..J. ICnnrr, Foreman of the Grand Jury. Citation awarded in estate eif .1, A. Craw ford. .1. A. Hewitt, John .Mather, N. Kindt ap pointed reviewers of road in Fishlngcreek uear A. J. Kllue. J. h. Kdwnrds, P. 1). ISIaek, J. IC. lleish line appointed reviewers ot road in Jackson near Jo-diun Savage. G. W. .Supplee appointed guardian of minor children of Geo. llreece, deceased. Partition uwarded in estate of Jacob Cle well. Auditors report in n-signtd (state of Thomas Iteeco confirmed nisi. Commonwealth vs. -M. Ilrogau, surety of the Peace. Heard bv thn dlscharged.defeiielatit and prosecutor each to to pay unit the costs. Commonwealth vs. Patrick I.avelle. Ma licious mischief. A'erdict guilty. .Sentenced to pay a fine of S20 and costs of prosecu tion. Commonwealth vs. M. lirogan, assault and ballery. Caso tried, not guilty. IWcutor ami defendant each to pay half the costs. Commonwealth vs. K. Homick.ff, ul, Dis turbine; a religious meeting. Cnse tried, ver dict guilty. On Saturday the prisoner were sentenced by the court ns follows i Immanuel Itomick, Georgo Homick, Al len Komick and Charles Linn j you were convicted by the verdict of a jury, of dls turbine; a religious meeting on tho third day of January last at it nr jool house) known as DEMOCBAT.BLOQMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Whltmlro'o school house In Center town ship, whero wero assembled for public wor ship tho members of the congregation of the Kvntigellcat Church, In the evening of that day you assembled yourselves (perhaps with others) on tho outsido of this building in which this religious meeting was held, nnd there by loud talking nnd laughing disturbed the proceedings of tho meetlng,although you wero very gently requested cither to come In to Ihe houso or to leave. You refused to do either, but remained upon the outsldo, mak ing noises continuously during tho wholo time of tho services. That you were awaro of the wrong and mischief that you were doing was mado apparent by the fact (testi fied to by one of tho wltncsscs)thnt when you heard the door open, supposing somebody was coming fled, that you might not bo dclectedBtid nfler (he door was closed re turned ngnln. Two or fhrco of your num ber went to the window of tho school house, nnd whllo the last prayer was being said, mado mocking obeisances through the win dow, nodding your head lo the minister of ficiating, ns much as to say, "Wo have ac accomplished our purpose." That of itself might not be sufficient to warrant the con clusion Hint you wero disturbing a religious meellng ; but Iho other facts 'clearly show thnt you did wilfully disturb the proceedings of that meeting. . It wits argued in your behalf thnt this was no unusual thing in that neighborhood, that others had done so, and thnt you supposed that you wero only carrying out tho custom. We wish you and all other persons l'ke inlnded to understand that any such custom or practice ns Unit is most pernicious, and is made punishable, by an express positive statute, ns a misdemeanor ; so that neither you nor any other young men need under tako to justify yourselves in such conduct, on the pica that others have dono tho same. If such practices havo prevailed anywhere in Ibis county, it is time that they wero stopped. The lesson taught you by this con viction will, we hope, induce you ever after to refrain Irom anything of tho kind. You ought to remember that Ihe community in which you live has rights ; that people have 11 right to assemble peaceably, to worship according to the dictates of their own con science ; and that it is against nil ideas of social duly that young men or oilier persons should disturb a religious meeting or nny other kind of assemblage political, literary or other. Tho sentence of the Court as to Iminanuel ltomick, George Itomickand Allenltomick,is that you and each of you pay a fine of $15 00 aud thecosts of prosecution. You, Charles Linn, wero a leader in this mischief: Evidently your voice was most often hesrd and your expressions were of ihe mo'-t taunting character ; you probably led theo other boys on. The sentence of the Ce.urt is that you, Charles Linn undergo im prisonment in the jail of Columbia County for the term of fifteen days, and that you pay a fine of 15.00 and the Costs of prose cution. And as to all, the sentence further is Ihat you aud each of you stand committed until this sentence is complied with. Commonwealth vs. the Town Council of the Town of liloomsburg. Truo bill found la.t term for not repairing street. Iiy consent rule entered to show cause why indictment shall not be quashed, and case continued. Viewers appointed on a road in Scott township near Ii F. Sharpies. Kulo gratitcd on heirs of Thomas Davis deceased to accept or refuse real estate at valuation. Same rule in cstato of lienjamin Miller decea-ed. Ueport of viewers of a road in Jackson township near C. C. Stile" confirmed finally. Report of viewers to vacate a road in Sugarloaf near John Herrington's confirmed finally. Ueport of viewers against laying out a road, and vacation of old road, in lienton township near Iteuben Davis' confirmed finally. l'etition of Franklin Shuman for Sherill' F.nt to make deed for land sold by former sherill". Subpiena in divorce awarded on petition of Sarah K. llmig. February 5th, Sheriff Kut acknowledged deeds in open court. John Moore appointed guardian of L. T. Moore. Inquisition on the body of M. W. Nuss, approved. Commonwealth vs. William Walp. ISench warrant allowed. Court adjourned on Thursday. SECOND WEEK. The Court filed opinions in n number of cases on Mouday morning. Coiiynghnni and Centralia Poor District. Money in Protlionotary'.s hands to be paid out according to statutory writs issued prior to Feb. 21, 1S73. F.xceptious filed to Auditor's report in eslate of Jacob Kvans, Heport of sale in estnto of Leonard Ad ams confirmed nisi. Ueport of sale in estate of Jacob Dribel bis, confirmed i'i. Ueport of viewers of rond in Madison township near 31. K. Masters, confirmed nUi. Ueport of sa'e in estate of Jrcob Kinney confirmed nisi. Ueport of master to ascertain balance due in estate of Sarah Nagle, filed. Exceptions for administrator. Venires ordered for 3Iay Court. Ueport of Auditor in estate of Sarah Keiliiline, confirmed ni. Partition awarded in cstato of llanusli Zarr. Accounts of trusiecs confirmed. Auditor's report lit cstato of Thomas Knorr confirmed nini. Sale of real cstato of Jloore Creveling. Auditor's report conlirmeiliiW. Exceptions filed Ileturn of sale in estate of l'eter Kut,con (irined iii, Irani Derr, T, W. Smith and O. W. Far vei appointed viewers of road in Pine town ship near J. Stnckhnuso's, Auditor's report in assigned e.tate of J. II. Klinger confirmed nii. Uule granted on heirs to nccept or refuse in estate ni Thomas lien Held. George Strieker vs. P. Hunsinger and w ife. Interpleader. Plaintiff withdraws. M. Grover's ndmrs' vs. M. Wolfs admrs.' Case called. Verdict (or plaintill'. Commonwealth vs. John W. Hoffman. Action ou olliclal bond. Verdict for defend ant, Auditor's report in estate of S. Albertson confirmed ninL February 0. Ueport of viewers in Lo cust, near 1), Ketterman confirmed nii. Petition for specific performaiico in estate of Thomas Davis, Citation awarded, Jacob Fisher et al. vs. John Fisher et al. Judgment oi nonsuit, I), Morris vs. W. Torrey. Assumpsit. Case tried, verdict for plaintiff fur $245,11, Jesse llutton appointed guardian of Kate A. Hutton. McAlarney vs. Wolvertnn, In Equity. .pjue:.uiijii lur uiiuwiiuces 01 f-iouii lor pa merit ol expenses, allowed by the court. In same caso order for investment of funds iu hands of receiver changed so as to permit him to invest funds In government bonds. O, Mallory appointed guardian of S. 11. Opelyke. February 11 J O, Freezanppolnted au ditnr to make distribution In cstato of Au druw Lnhrmau, J. W. Sankey vs. M. 11. it 8. 1 Associa tion. Verdict for plaintiff, Christian vs. Pennsylvania Mutual l'ire Insurance Company, On trial. Marriages. Vr-:nav tlAtiTit. In Plymouth, November 30, 1870. bv Uev. 1). E. kvans. Mr. James II. Verry of liloomsburg, Columbia eoucty, Pa,, aim .hiss Kallo Jlarthc, daughter of K. I). Iintthc, of Plfmouth, Luzerne ro inly, Pa. Hartman lloimiNs. t Ihe Keforined pir sonsgo in Orangevillc, on the 31 of January, by Itev. A, Iloutz, Mr. Thomas L. llirlmui of Fishlngcreek to .Miss Addle Itobbinsof Jackion twp. Business .Notices 3IcKlnncys Shoo Storo below Court House. I. W. Hartman offers this week yet Ap plcton A muslins 9 cents a yard cash, 9 iu produce; next week it will be higher. Uubbers at.McKlnney's. 000 tons more of good dry rock oak bark wanted be-Kilns Vnllnn t .tl, t Si., f... ..1.1,1. 1 will pav $G.O0 per ton. I nlso buy Hemlock Hark nnd I will pay $1,50 per ton cash or $5.00 per ton in goods. Feb. 9 2-m T. W. Itnrtlnrti nITprs this ivpplr vpt l.oat dark calicos at 8 cents. Jtoot headquarters at 3IcKinncy's. I)r. J. Schuyler, many years a dyspeptic and rheumatic sull'erer, getting relief In using Dr. Comfort's Remedy, now prescribes the same t" others, varying it to suit eacli cne, with gratifying results. No charge for any case not benefitted, jan 30, 'S0-3w I W IIrl, m...ii.i i 1 ........ .,,... ,,ui7, n tuts net's JUl HCCUim- of Lonsdale bleached muslins nt 10 cents. Admission free nt McKinuey's. 1,000 pounds of nice dried apples wanted at Silas Yoilngs store Light Street for which I will pay tho highest market prices. December, 10. 2-in. I. W. Wartnim offers fur,blaukets,ladles coats and wool shawls at cost. lioots and Shoes cheap at McKinr.ej'c. 500 Ilccf hides wanted by Silas Young Light Street for which I will pay Ihe high est cash market price. December, 19. 2-m. Call at McKiuney's for Shoes. I. W. Hartman offers good goods lo all at one price j"OTlCE OK INQUKST. ESTATE OF E.J. THORNTON1, DECEASED, Tottio lulrs anil legal representatives ot E.J. 1 hon.ton tale of the ton of liloomsburg, Columbia county, l'euiisjhanta, di ceased, to-wit: Matilda I.a.arus, AuJeri'ted, Carbon county IM, Miles 11. sniMi, Itoboken, Now Jersey ; James i-inllh, Wells MlldUUlo; Emalln-I.ut, llingor, I'm. Utile Ilorr, l(aeniin, Ohio ; I'oim s-i-arls, l!aenn i.niilo; llarton (Ireen and Wm. eireen, I'lj mouth, Itockland county, Ohio; Emily Ziillck, I'ibaiina, Ohio ; EltWa Enoco, Hielly, Ohloi W. M. Thornton, Saint Louts, Jlo ; IllrainW. Thornton, Danville, l'a.j Ihranna Edgar, san Francisco, 1'nUturiila ; SamautUa Klerer, Peru, Illinois ; Wm. W. I'eiinan, Mugwan, Knox county, Illinois Wm. Thornton, Maucli Chunk ; Valentino Thornton, Peru, Illinois; James Thornton, Williams pent, rn.; Elizabeth Charles, Lockport, New Yorkj Charles Armstrong, Lockport, Niagara cuunty, New York j Itlram W. Thornton, Jllllersburg, Mercer county Illinois ; Sarah I Ird, .Mount Pleasant, Iowa i EaMua Ilat-cnbuch. Mount Pleasant, Iowa ; Jackson Thornton, Eachel Wllllts Mount Pleasant. Iowa ! Mary Kline, Emir Hay, Alede, Mercer county, Illinois; lieorgo lloonc, Aldo, Mercer county, Illinois ; Mary Smith, Aledo, Mercer county Illinois; Amanda Oreenley, Wachata Kansas; M. Janetto lljon, Tremont, Dodgo county, Nebraska; Washington Iloone, Aleilo, .Mercer county, Illinois. Whkheas nt an Orphans' Court held at lilooms burg, In and lor the county of Columbia, tho second day of February A. I). 1 wi, beforo tho Judges of tho said court, tho petition of M. C. Moan and others w as presenled, setting forth that the said E. .1. Thornton dtcd on tho Ith day of January lssn, lntcstntc,se!d in ms demesne as ot feo of certain tracts ot land. Whereupon t'ao Court awarded an inquest to mako partition of tho said real cstato to and among tho parlies entitled thereto. In accord inee with Iho abovo named writ I will hold an Inquest on tho premises above described on Piitiirclay, February 28th, 18S0. at ten o'clock In the forenoon ot said day, w hen and w hero you may attend It you think proper. U. II. EST, ftb. il.-lw, . fcucrllT. JgX IX'UTOnS' NOTICE." ESTATE OK El tJAK IC1.MFK, DECEASED. Letters testamentaryon the estate ot Elijah Ful mer. lalo of I'lne rownshlii. Columbia rnunrv. e-n. deceased have Is-en grained by the llccrlstcror said county to Iho uiiilerihrned Executors. All persons lining claims agalusi the estate) of I he decedent are icqii'-f-ti'd to present ihem ror settlement. nnd ilioso inu-uii-ii iu uie i-hiaie co muKe pajmeni 10 luo un designed Executors w Ithuut delaj . JOHN F. DEltll, Uerr's I' O Col Co. IIENKY J. ltOlllll.NS, MMUIta Col Co. Jan 23, '.sei-cw Ejccutors. DM I -V ISTlt A TO I !S' XOTICi: rsTATE OK E. J. TU0KNT0.V, DECEASED. fanrersof Administration on ttie estatc'of E. J. Thornton, late or Town of liloomsburg Columbia co. deceased, have been granted by the lieglster or said county to undersigned Administrators. Alt persons having claims against the estate are requested tc present them for settlement and thoso Indebted to make prompt paemcnt, C. II ,t H J. Ill-CKALKW, E, 11. llUI'EUT, Attomces for estale. EM KAItToN, Jan. is, MMSwr. Administrators. jD-MIXISTRATOH'S IS'01'ICL' ESTATE OK M. W. M'fcS, DECEASED. Utters of administration on Iho estate of M. W. N iss, lato of tho Town of liloomsburg.Cohuubla, co. ell-ceased, hau been granteil by iho Keglster of said couuly to tho utakTafgned Administrator. All per sons having claims against iho e.stalu are requested to present ihem for selllement and thoso Indebted to make paeiucLl wlihout ctla. II. 1'ltANK ZAItll, Jan. 10, vi-cw Administrator. -Oauchy & Co's. Advt's. PIANOS .1 Mintl coec-rarid Hook only Histoids eii:e,ANs uMops, i set Heeds. 2 Knee swells, Moot, Hook, only J'js:ir-lolldaj .. lisp iii r Five. Address UANIEI. F. 11EATTY, U ishhig'.un, N. J, d fell 13 4w $10 OOfl c , ra LIFE & PROPERTY. w i s-i.LtA ltr. i I A VI' tilUel will. -AV I' I. Ifr-of-rSSil. Fitiii-firli. .YO Sl) , A(-riHH nit It-,', SUlnor FttnU. V s h LVlO S S IFKI Y I AMI- C , 11 I I.IKillUXTiill, ti Oit i Iff Stl.tlleOH, 13 WliT l.MAUWAT, K. V. r b 13, UV. (I A Iim'Ni.Mt.l.n XEK! ! ! A book on MM. rial Diffuses um! Uvri t,oiii.l..ln's, srui Klthll. AiUteas Dr. Sdiifo'il, mi I.iuuUwuy, New ork City. N'l) tho WOIII.II- record. Ih-sertlK'S lud. unci oatlons b, Kings und EuipcTors. 1'M) pares- if'si must. 1'rleo, lisn. Agents wanted, tlrculars tree. W. II. KEI.I.EY, l'hllada., I'a. Janso-iu. q AGENTS READ THIS ! We want uu Agent In tills Count v to whom we will liar a salary of f luo per month and expenses in se-ll our wonderful invention. sAMI'I.K TUEF. Addre ss ut oneel MIKIIMAN CO., MAIlslIAI.I,, .MIUUIUAN, Jin an-iw el COMPOUND OXYGEN Mleiillh anil Life," No, t. a record of remark ablo cures lu ron&imptloii, CatHrrh, Neuralgl.i, aud otb erihronlo lH-ie..if! b tho new ovjeii Treatment, now renily ami K'lit free, lira, Hl'AltKEY s, l'AbEN lld'i and UU (ilruiU M, riilhulelnhta, l'a, Januu-4,v, d 5ftnn ra oumj of com II, coi,, or I II II I AslilMA that ADAMSON.n nWrJi BOTANIC BALSAM I-II I I lwillnot euro! sold by all Druggists U U La U""u l,call'rs nt 35e' 'tc. l-mnple butll a, ii.c. iff Methat Ihe name of V. W. KINS MAN Is blown lu Iho glass ot tho Uotlle. 1 radii sun piled by lieo. c. lloouWIN CO., lloaton, -Mass, JanstMw d ON 30 DAYS TRIAL We will se-uil our Klectro Vollalo Dells antl other Kleclrlo Appliances Ukui Irlal for 80 da)s tolhosu sunerlng 110111 Nervous I), unity, lihi-umuiism. i-nr-aljslsur any diseases ul Um l.lcr or hldu -is. mid mauy olher diseases. A sure I'uret gum juiced or no j.u,, .siiiiicai, tuLifltc inci iu,, jiarsnai , .Mien, Janso-4w d c itlfl-tn, ki-.'.'i'k ......... . . . . 1II:.M1I.i:Y h wondeilully popular work,' Hie i.ll'KAND riTTiiVr ntJAHTrn TIIAVKI.I or Is pronuiincea by Ihe Hineral s lullinate friends Iho bi i lim-iirici-,1 work -heme lha spleudld uncess wi .iKi-mM. v . .,iii.i.hi. ieopiti wuut iikad . - .-Ul.rt .U-.IMJ, Mil UCOl .lUllll .iifiiii: AliKNTs. AT OM'i: ! IIBWAIIK ot Imitations. siring them. Addross, lltllUAUD DUOS., Hubs, isa Cht siuut bt, I'hlla. 1 Jan U0-4W, NNUAL STATKMKNT OP iiloom rooii nisTiticT, from February 4th, lsmio January lttli, lsso, THOMAS 1IEECE, Treasurer for District. Iill, To Cah recelieel from liloora Du plicate ISIS $ 43J ot To Cash receU ed from Scott Du plicate ls?s 859 as To Cash lecclved from eireen- wood Duplicate 1ts sis u To Cash r.'c'lied rrom Sugarloaf duplicate ISTs Ul OS To Cash receives! from Iiloom Du plicate IST9 1733 JJ To Cnidi received from Scott Du plicate IST'J 490 SO To Cash ripened from Green wood Duplicate is9 83 c To Cash ri-celved from gugarlonf Duplicate 1ST9 To Cash In Treasurers hands from lst settlement lsT9. . . lot 6T To Cash receded from products of farm ISI9 m c) To Cash balance duo Treasurer 1S'! K 01 IMSU M Ml. Amount of orders redr-cmed 199 8513 S3 Amount of commission on samo 19T9 70 87 3U 4 1)11. Amount of orders outstanding I'ebl, 1S7 mi ij Amount of orders Issued 1S79 4749 43 (J093 55 Cll. Am'tof orders redeemed 1979.... niJ.i M Am tcttrders outstanding 1S79.. 1549 9(1 fM93 SS Wm. KIIEAMEII, ) ,,, It. s. ENT, Directors Directors of tho 1'oor la account with Iiloom, Scott, v., tvuniMi uuu .iiKuuuai. vjn U3iiiia. 1111. To orders outstanding Jan 13, Isso 1M9 9il uec u rrom iiioom implicate is.s,. ivi en Itec'il from Scott dupllcnlo lsts . 259 S3 llec'd from llrecnwood duptlcato 1S7S 9-10 19 llec'd from sugarloaf duplicate Isrs 141 ns Am'tof lllixirn duplicate IS79.... jsiu r,7 Ain't of Seott duplicate 1979 DM si rtuii. 01 cireennoou uupucaiu 1S79 P CI Am't of Sucrarloaf dunllcato 1s79.. 5T1 so Ann duo on dreenwood duplicate is.s u In Treasurer's hands fiom last si-it lenient M7 07 ltccelu-d from products of farm 1:5 so 111 vi M CIt. Am't ot outstanding orders re deemed from last settlement... B44 12 Commission nnd exoneration on Ul e in duplicate lsis 1C2 49 Commission and exoneration on SCOll Utlpucuto lsis 49 29 Commission nnd exoneration 01 duplicate 1S7S 29 87 Treasurer's commission ;u S7 Am't due on Uloom duplicate less c-Auiierauuii ami commission ls79 1109 M Am t duo on Scott elui"e.t3 less l'UIH.T.lllUIl HIl'l tOUll!!!.SblOn ls79 474 42 Am't due ou sugarloaf duplicate it-ss i-xmic-rimon nnu commis sion ls7il... 271 SO Am't due on dreenwood duplicate less esemeTutlon and commis sion Is79 S57 ru Aim Hue 011 ureenwood dap leato 101 1 viin-iuiijii uuu commis sion 197S 820 95 lie-pairs and new butldtnir 01 farm IS79 14S2 53 Am't paid fur coal out-door re llef, 1711 113 J2 Ain't paid for coal for poor house 1S79 40 23 Am't pant fnr state Hospital at lunMtln 1S79 290 17 ui't p ild for hardware 1979 2" 10 Ma t paid tor Collins IS79 no .. Am r paid for ttiree st ecs, Ux- rurcs, etc, etc, 1-7U 99 r.l Am'tpaldfor mechanics, etc... 33 20 Am't paid for taxes Istu no s7 Am't paid for maklntr duplicate ls7 10 00 Am't paid for publl.shlni; suto- ncnl ls79 45 .. Am't paid for auditing statement 1979 7. r, .. Am't paid for ltnuor for medical purposes s79 10 tv Am't paid for doctors, poof houso and out-door relief IS79 0975 Am't THos. Mcllrldo steward's salary 179 cso 00 Am't paid fur Issuing orders of relief 1H7. 7 17 51 Ain't paid for llmo and manuro 1S79 so 45 Am't paid lorblacksmtthinir 1S79. 32 a Am't jiald for splajlni; pigs 1979 . 940 Am't paid for Director's salary, . ls'9 150 00 Ain't paid for sucretar's salary, . 1979 50 no Am', patil for beet, shoo and har ness mending is"9 27 47 Wm. Kramer's merchant's bill poorliousols79 si5 S4 Wm. Kramer's merchant's bill out-door relief, 1979 sal 19 Wm. Kramer cash paid sundry persons 1S79 88 53 Isaiah McKelvy merchant's bill poor houso I S79 77 93 Isaiah McKelw merchant's bill out-door relief lsjo jjj 33 Clark Wolf merchant's LIU for poor house lsis 49 os S. II. Miller .t son merchant's bill for poor hous- wo 1354 S. II. Miller son merchant's bill out-door relief, is79 1000 1). A. creasy merchant's bill poor hoii'Bl9'9 vi 73 A. H. W hltc merchant's bill poor houso 179 53 47 A. II. White meiclnufs bill out door relief 179 9 67 Jas. k Ejcr merchant's bill for poor houso 1S79 18 17 Jus. K. Ejer merchant's bill for out-dour lellet I s79 a 00 Vunllew & While merchant's bill out-donr relief i79 g 65 C. c. Marr merchant's bill poor house 1s79 0 05 Wm Itabb merchant's bill poor house Is7s 5 43 Ell old merchant's bill out-door rel'ef's79 u Paid 1 nomas Mrlirldo on salary l,:s 312 SO S172 S4 Pursuant to an Act or Assembly passed and ni pruveet . 1) , i-7'.i, by which It Is made Incumbent on Count) Auditors of the several counties of this commonwealth In which thero Is any roor House erected, tosetrle, nulli and adjust tho accounts of Ihe sound onicers ihereor. Ihat we; the undersigned Auditors did meet at Hie I'lKir llousoor tho Iiloom Poor District nnd ex amined the accounts ot ihe Directors from February 4 Mi, is, 9 until January 13th, Isso, and ouchera for ...u elm. , uiu. 11 uu uic-iu L-orreti as set rorin above. Wm. r MANNIN'C), 1 c. 11. sKKsiioi.TZ, i-co. Auditors. SAML'KL K. SMITH,) OUTSIIin KELIJSK. I1I.O0U. Am'tof orders gl en sundry per sons ls7'.l 455 4J Ain't paid state Hospital for .Mary Hughes ls7a 0.1 Ain't paid sundry persons for 113 83 KDs 60 SCOTT. Am't of orders given sundry per sons 1S71) 17 4S IS 75 A nit paid Dr. w . A. Cnsu isi'j. . . . am c iiaiu situo iiosnuai for lieo. V. Fox ls7'J ClIlKKMVOOD 134 17 170 40 Am't of ortlers glcen sundry I'eiouus is,-j 31, 53 j30 jj SI'nCKLOAP. Am't of orders gleen suudrv ner- '.S Mt II U I Ut 63 vAn i: (', hem, kstati: nd dehs'inal l'ltol'CIITV llELONOINCiTo S1D DIsTKIC!' I!) farm and biilldliigaliiedat. . lsnoa Co P) e'.n limine 1.1. 1, ),''., .iupeity In 111,10m coo , Il Ju.U-inenl on .lames Dennis's pmrvrti 100 .. lly nmt due on Uloum dupltcateless I-.SUIH-,UUU UUU COlllllllsSlUll , l"''-' 11 2 39 Iivum'i due on seuti mil llculee ls cvniif ration und csuumls stun ls7y 474 42 Ilj nmt due on su,'iii loat dupM cale less evineralluh and cum mitslou 1s7f V71 so It v am't due ou dreenwood dupll eateless i:onc-riUloaaud com mission ls7u S57 G lly ain'i due on e,reeiiwc.od elapli calo h ss esoiierull jn and com mission isrs j2n 93 lly 14.. , 1 res wheat In ground IU pe-r aeiv 145 M lly v licut oe, oats, ciirii, buek wlieat. clour seed and Ilmotiiy seeil s7'J 474 Cj Di point.H's, beans, rutabagas, eibb.i.i luy, straw, and corn- rmlder Is y j;;.; 11) purl; antl I ml, bultrr, horses, cattle, hogs and chickens, is7j 79s (si lly all farming tlnplu 1 cuts used on farm Wy cno eo lly household fiirnltuiu in stew. aril's house is7y 00 lly household tmulturo lu 1'oor house is7y 22i u) Hy 1 tons coal lu ls7y soy lly new building aud Improie- inelils is.y ilu 53 ,,99c0 33 lueiiboee ts a correct Involco of tho real and uwu... V(- . 1.4 RCI1 O.lll, CCU ISSU, DEHTS AND UAHILITIES. To am't of orders outstanding J.lll I't Usi a ...... ... Tu am't duo Treasurer, Jiiii 13, 'isj v5 111 suuiiiiuiiuioroi me district.. !S3s5 31 lvyo0 I'llODl'CTS IU1SED OX l'A KM, 219 bus. W'bl'.lt . t 41 9lnnpt.ii. "d 31 v rje " fsi )3 m 21 th) 816 OO 111 20 IS 00 Hi5 (10 I io no 210 00 9 (A 213 40 14ft Ol Ml (Ml vs no 27 01 Hsl 40 80 Cil 80 CO 4 Ml 1 (10 ivt.7 " corn ears '.5 !7S " outs 4.) " " " 3 " clol el seed 0 il " " 3ll " I'lilatoes 3 " " 3Hwl.undieH corn f.slderej 4 eta 14 tons ha) i4 Its per ton so bundles or struw, ( n cts . Sssimts jtorK and lard (4fiw els . 14 acres grain In ground c f in i slioats raised ii tl mil, each 8 ClllM'B ' j j fa, .. HsihU'kens " " 2ft " ru buitt-r " socts m... 2U4 do. lgg " UcHllOA. .. CW heads ur CAbbage is) 5 cts . lsbiisluriilwiruiabagas(!c 4 " beets cv 2T.) 2 " iH-uus () (I 60 4 "onlous c75o 3 CO 3 CO I1SS2 13 No of paupers lenuiidnc: at last report .. "uiiugjearisiy.,., " " diechurgcd " .... " " died " ii " N3anUaW Y-T ia.!.T' "III. hllOMKK. 1 . 1HI.MAH llKtt'E 1- TlltssAnnts. A PA. A WOlll) TO TllllSl! Will) rK I'IIMIH M IN BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTERS ARE, SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHER! me sreuccirmHiiii for tm-m haa c ins, d a nut ic, r u uns iiipulous priiti, 1 vj ruase Aim sen wortuV Irsllstlons under similar sounding names. As t.m ninrk"' isn jderl with Inferior plasters selllnr fftct It Is Imimrtant for the consumer tokuuwwii! lilstnobst Ills well Known that someof tbxbl plMU-rl hue tiecn examined and found to contain inturluus Ingredients which make thfm dsnieroul reetlr itielleil 1 .usng .Fumijnis nntiviu.r u i.-wicsva. c.ui feilAUL'itY tc JOHNSON, l'lmrmaceutical chemists, New York, Jni-iw, d DH. J.A. 51IKIIMAN -HTIIE OIUOINAt, AM) ONLY Dlt. SI1EUMAN kriuwn to the publlo for Ui SI Myears or more through his successful methi.d of ireailng llupture without tho annoyance and Inn irusses iniuui, ins sysiem 01 t'liit- ics-iii inn wn mm Is .if tvhn Iias n rimtlirf. nn rnntler Imw has disc! from It once tiattercdhlmself lha' It was hut a filling atbncni ! and e,try man who now inll from It and ttio Injury of trusses, to sucn nn estent lint lite has no i-njoymcnis onco regarded It M a given to gentlemen In the city, who have been cured. During t'-catm nt no hindrance from labor, llents from abroad run ric he trraliwnt nr d U-ine for In ire s. nn- dm. hts book: oust oru2?xtjje?.e wormy snec a aiienuon 11 is noc b sianiisnii iiinieuuii ; 11 nnrnssn-ittni umu hctiu. iicioioh. gives the most reliable proofs from distinguished his suc-eessrul practh-o and popularity thfi, from It is I lustraoed with ptiotographli ilkein-ses of 1 l.n am , ...I ftlinn n re.rl It anil nrnrm tl I tnse 10 tuoso w no semi in cenis. saee tins, nni ri 'ii"m' CAeJTIOV-Thc reputation of Dii.. I. A. S'lEi'MAVutl "'.'""'" Ii' V;;!!' rrM,n,is ihs cure of ni tnZ'VZiniv Ihnlr I'm, ..till, .1,1 .Mil ert Isetnr HlS W I,. 11 del' . t. II ,..,..,:,,MUli men, rent. tKiird mill eeSIl at 241 liroadwoy, New York, where tlu- recent. Ij jauau-sw " The Old ltistfcSisIiKMi. T$vwg Siov W1UMB Corner Main BLOOMS The undersigned huvlng been In the VII(ll.! CSU CUO siceneioil 01 llie fuum m-ti-irti... . their large nnd M consist Qi Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty. Patent Moilicin Spices, &c. BROWER'S BLOCK. IN IT MAY BE FOUND A LARGE STOCK G SVOSUKS. cuaiiois, coLonsf:s, riCllfUMKHY, CIOAKS, KANCV AHTlCI.K's, TO! LET SOAPS, '100III DIIUSIIEs', IIA1K BKl'SHES, and in fact every thing that should be kept in a complete and yk regulated Drug btore. They are the Bole Manni'acinres of the Celebrated OIL OF Also tho Manufacturers and Sole Proprieto D li. W. M. J3ICKLEY S Celebrated ari lNArA LUABLE Compound Aromatic Iron. Improved Cream ling Agent, Improved lioso Pectoral. The Beset Remedies Made. Highly Recommended by Physician! MOBEE .B KOTEEES, HlllfSS!!Sl5Stt''a'I, P'a, Oct 17 'T'J -'v, bu' nr id when person. When tnlto them hnck. clerks, who nro nblo we nro enabled to yfvo customers tco tutvo tho choice to in. VIth t reputation of -twenty yenra nt rotaiimj, wo cannot nfford to loso our good nnmo by Inok of proper fcorvico to absent customers. Writ plninly, nnd desenbo fully what ts wanted, nnd about lha prlco desired. Address, John Wanamaker, LargostlDry Goods Houso, Philadelphia. 1 en iniit-r s. 'In it, ron I'OUf ll iuiai JlroncUliU, lluu: incHM Tii-UlliiaorPrjucur iUu Thruut Sum Th rout 1 t'uM lu tltolIrnd troui, Iiillui'uzitt uooplnB-Coutlu rulillutliolluuilM Aktllllllltlo I'uu, rj rt lU'fufC'uiuuuttttlt v,cxi.v?2riON mtrrrxrs 1. 1 ii 1 f run f t 1 IS'! ll I, n utile rt,l nC-r,r,,U.,,, .... 1 IU.I .sfU Iliac Hie WOIU CAl Cl.lC OU OSCU PlftlCSir IS Q MICE CTS. uri'i" iu tnslitillh Hnl be ma consider II. fjr CVtTT KIM p - ofesslniinl geiitli-m"n. c 1 rgnnen nnd merchants! ihruiigie ui I his rnui,tr nn I t.n vet ,t indies, etrein le bad easi's bi-rcin and after cure, anil nsl I s or tie 1 ertuinte i.r IS'11,12 1 lr- 1. er 111 win nig or c-nnuig me iiuuiers is iMum-'iup u, li. -.-ii, lJ sup 1- I.I.IUL-.II bill He I. S rail WIT 1CWT1 ill T( U'.iul I Mil"-till tl till 1H1C been QISOOTM 1m .1. , . pil .ns I fratiJi d un aged tlcrgymti. IIFIlllIT mill MnrkcL Streets BURG, PA. M.i: Dlil'Ci i t stness f .r th- nasi eleven years vrni .. . ...... ........ ... , v.nle.t stis k. LAMPS', VREPA R ATIONS. Wine of Gentian ail Camphor, Worm Kj Out of town people who enn- not convonlently travel, mnyhnvo nm- j-'-a sent thena of Dry CocIa nnd ull other goods thnt wo sell, if they will writo in. No chnrQo, nnd no need to - ler If not suited. Wo mnko it n 3t 3 ntmnd to such letters quickly; oricra cumo wo bend tho exnet nrticlo wanted, nnd nt exnetly snmo price its other customers pay when hero buyino in uoyds nro not ns ordered, we HavIniJ trnlned nnd rcsponblbl to uq dibcretion in filling orders, pront eattefactlon to tho many 1 rf tr- Pn.IT'M'-xiyi Latvia? JS", L V s.artC ol t " v "1f,c"i i rpS" Cl f ) j eta, a -r-iriffriMiritiM - t" j II. U. i-NT, Mtttroor, Decs, I9.dycor
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers