nee THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSB U EGr, COLUMBIA COL NTY, PA. jthmfifesJ 0. E. EL77ELL, Editor. J. K. BITTSWBEHDSB, PaMlsner. BLOOMSB URG, PA. Friday. .Tnn. 3Q, 1880. The Vole for President. A lolnt resolution lias been Introduced In the House by Itcprcsentatlve lllcknell provld ing for an amendment to tlio constitution as to the election of 1'resldentand Vlco Presid ent, The proponed amendment contemplates an election of President anil Vice l'rcsldcnt by the people of the several States, and pre scribes tho manner of counting the votes and determining questions of contest. "Iho electoral votes and fraction there of each person voted for as President In any stato ihall be ascertained by multiplying Ins en tire popular vote therein by the number of State's electoral votes, and dividing the pro duct by the sum of all tho votes given In the State for President, and the quotient shall bo tho number of electoral votes andtrac tion thereof to be assigned to such person : usine for such fraction three decimals only. The foregoing provisions shall be applicable to tho election ol Vice President J but no per son Ineligible to tho ofllce of President shall l,p plfpIMn ft Vlnp President. Jncft'e 01 comes' in any oinie as i mo election of President or Vice President, the same mav be nassed upon by Itshluhest Iu- tituted by the President. We sincerely I .llcinl tribunal, in accordance with Its laws hope that Senator Wallace will withdraw I e jeci8on thereof shall be by It certified his opposition to this appointment. iir. anj transmitted, sealed, to tho seat of Gov Clark is In every way qualified for the duties crment0f tho United States, directed to the of tbeofilce.ho is a staunch democrat, and irPod0nt of the Senate. at Columbia county gives a larger demo I The electoral votes shall be counted by cratic majority thau any other county in the the two Houses as certified, unless rejected district, it seems as though her claims ought by both Houses: but if there be a certlticale to be recogulzed, if politics have anything 0f decision by the highest judical tribunal CENSUS SITEUVISUR. Pennsylvania Is divided Into ten districts for the taking of tho ceusus. Of these Sen ator Cameron has tho naming of six super visors, and Senator Wallace four. The filth district Is composed of Columbia, Lacka wanna, Luzarue, Monroe, Montour, Pike, Sullivan, Wayne and Wyoming counties Senator Wallace named A. H. Dunning of Scranton for tho position but through the in lluenceof Minor Ktolz the name of our townsman John M. Clark, Esq., was sub News from all Around. Tlioaglits for Working Men. Senator Lamar Is able to movealotit his hotel on crutches, Tho Mississippi Legislature In joint As sembly, chose J. SC. Georgo as United Stales imve bcen 0pCne,lUew railways constructed, Within the last twenty years vast Indus tries have sprung Into existence in the United States which give employment to manv thousands ol workmen, New mines Senator. Tho now remedy, Days Kidney Pad is a positively guaranteed euro for all diseases of tho Kidneys, Uladderand urlinry Organs. IheJmv l ork Herald claims to liavo printed and circulated -11,008,000 copies during 1879. "Sellers' Liver Pills' cured mo ol liver toll of capital is necessary to tho develop complaint of elgh', years standing. m. ment of the natural resources of the country Evans, Jolet, III. Give them a trial. ftnd experience has proved that companies The Connecticut river is now open for incorporated for tho purpose of uuitlng tho navigation from Hartford to Long Island hnanclal strength ot a number oi inuiviu new manufactories established. These things have been accomplished by tho combination nf the capital ol individuals united together In Incorporated associations. They could tint have been accomplished In any other way unless Indeed the chlof corporatlon,the state, had undertaken them by taxing all the people. It therefore appears that a?50cia ANNUAL BTATKMKNT bloom pooh mstiuct, from February ith, 18T9 to January 18th, lsso. THOMAS IiKECE, Treasurer for District, lilt. To Cah received from Bloom I)u- piicaio ws.. Sound, a thing almost unprecedented in mid winter. Tho cost of tho Hayden trial Is estima ted at over $20,000. Tho Jurors received about $200 each. "Say, Susan, have you lost your appetite? Are you weak and nervous? If so, 'Dr. tials are best adapted to secure tho associa Hon uf capital requisite for the prosecution of great private enterprise Durine tho last decade, however, the power of associated capital has grown so lm mensely that It has somo limes made laws to suit Its own purposes at the expense of tho , people and has even in one notable in to do with the matter. Tho situation in Maine remains unchang- ed. Two legislatures are in session, and the republican who Is acting as governor hai called out the stato militia to protect the public buildings. The Fuslonists are waiting for another decision from the Supreme court, but they can hardly expect anything good ol any stato upon a contested election there In the electoral votes of such state shall be counted In accordance with such decision unless the same be overruled by both Houses. If there be no such certificate of decision tho contested votes for any state Bhall not be counted unless both Houses concur therein, If there be more than one certificate of el ectoral vote from any state, and no such lrnmthar.D..y,nsit is composeo. o. men decision.or if there be more than nlin hnva mmb ttvn l1ffiinn tii TPCl I V Oil- 1 .... . . nt Lludsey's Blood Searcher' is what jou . .. . t, ,.,,,.. 0f tho federal want I , nri,i..l llaolr Whilo llinrnfnre flin trreat b'"v " " Cardinal McCloskey has scut a circular corporations havo contributed largely to to each parlih priest in his diocese, directing tho general welfare they havo subjected a general collection on tho first Sunday themselves to tho popular odium by attemp- in February for tho relief of Ireland. ting to control Congress and Legislatures in w . .. their own interest nnd by openly disobey in a, Judge ot the United States District "Bthe laws underwhicli . thqr received their " .1 .nlnniliil niiltlif. aiirtfnntlnna I ho llninn Pniirf nt PitUhtirtr nn u ednpsiljiv mnrninrr 'I ." i of Ust week. To Cash receive! from Fcott Du plicate is To Cosh received from flreon wood Duplicate 1S7S, ....... To Cash rtcelved rrora sugarloal duplicate lsis,.,., Tn f.h frnm ltlnntrt Du plicate 1979 1?33 M To Cash received from Scott Du plicate 1979 400 80 To Cash received from Green wood Duplicate 1879 83 00 To Cash received rrom sugarloof Duplicate 1979 To Cash In Treasurer's hands Irora last settlement ins. . . iui si To Cash received from products ot farm 1919 123 eo hntrtrtnn rlun Tr..ru1irir 1879. 20 us J0lt o (lit. Amount of orders redeemed 1979 Amount ot commission on samo 1919 DH. Amount of orders outstanding L'ni. . luTQ Hit 11 Amount or orders issued 1979 4H9 43 $3093 to CIt. Am't of orders redeemed 1S79 Am t ot orders outstanding 1879 posed to each other In the interest of their party. As the Supreme Court is the consti tuted authority of the State, the only thing to do is to submit gracefully in case their decision is adverse. Tho Democracy ol Maine can better afford to submit to the wrong, under the circumstances, than to throw the state into a condition of anar- chv. Since writing the above tho decision of the Supreme Court has been rendered In fa vor of the Republicans and the Fusion body has adjourned until August. The Republican State Convention will be held at Harrisburg, next Wednesday. We predict that tho delegates from this county will vote just as Don Cameron directs, and that will be for Grant. But It will avail nothing in the National Convention. Gram stock is too far below par for even the wilj Senator to carry blm through. For our pan we want to oee Grant nominated for President There is not an easier man to beat in the country. Imperialism will never be tolera ted or encouraged in free America. one such decision from any stale in either case that certificate of electoral votes, or that decision which shall be held by both Houses to bo made by tho rightful author ity, Bhall be conclusive and the votes shall be counted accordingly, unless rejected by both Houses. The above are tbo main points ot Utlter- ence between the present mode and that pre scribed by the proposed constitutional amendment. WASHINGTON LKl'lKH. Washington. D. C. Jan. 26th 1SS0. OUR MEMBBR IN WASHINGTON. HIS PRO TEAN ROLE OP SERVANT, REPRESENTA TIVE, AND CHARITABLE INSTITU TION, ETC , ETC. A more erroneous idea never prevailed than that the position of congressman is a sinecure. The real legislative work that the average member does is small, but his work as a claim agent is onerous in the extreme. A rural constituency Jwill be satisfied with l'Mbably AcothenOlurder. On Saturday night, as a Pole.whose name we could not learn, was passing the llan encfc crnssintrof tho L. & B. R. R. above Kingston, ho was set upon by three men and kicked and beaten in a shocking.manner, When found he was insensible, his head having been kicked almost to a jelly. A boy who witnessed tho outrage gave the alarm and tho scoundrels tied, lhe boy re cognized one as Condy McGee, of Mill Hol low, and he was arrested and taken before 'Squire Carl of Kingston, who had granted a warrant to John Olnee, a countryman of the victim. After a brief hearing McGee was sent t jail as it was thought the wounded man could not survive his injuries. McGee's two companions are known and will be ar rested as soon as possible. Richard Payne, policeman, and James DeWitt, constable, brought McGee to the city and lodged him in jail. It is said that the party had been here on Saturday night and were drunk on their re turn. These may be the men who destroyed the fences along the lino of street rail way The wounded man was sent to Nantlooke, the public service of their representative if j,i9 own request, by the friends whom he makes one or two set speeches during the I he had been visiting before he was at session, and they will be delighted if he I tacked. gets the better of some other member in rep artee ; but, in personal service, the constitu ent i more exacting. The member is ex pected to look after the interests of his peo ple at Washington. Formerly, forty years ago, the constituent had no interests here but now, this one thinks that he is entitled to a pension, another imagines that he has This part of the State is rapidly gaining an evil reputation for deeds of violence, and this bids fair to add one mure to tho already far too largo list of cold-blooded and atro- cious murders. We havo since learned that the name of one of McGee's companions is William Mc- Donald. There is a doubt whether tho as- an invention which will be worth millions sault was mado by two men or three. It was of dollars to Uncle Sara, and his member i reported at a late hour last night that the exnected to introduce it and urge its adop- wounded man had died. Willet - Bane tion by Congress, the President, und Stcre-1 Record. c ti,a i..Antn.. i;n n oil i his millions saving device for 1100,000! ,r., iin 6B. "It simnlv shows what Then there is the"cold water and bran bread a besotted and stupefied set of partisans the society," and an infinite variety of other justices of the court are, and says "we have societies with schemes for expediting the before i us two "opinions" ' of the justices millenlum that their potent member of Con- P ' ."ThB uaTfe s were th each case, with the exception of Judge Sey mouds, not then ol me court, anu juoge Viruin. whose term of office has expired." --p , . , . , . . And we annex tne two uecisions "OPINION." 1877. It Is to be reeretted that votes are lost by the negligence of town gress is expected to cbampion,and for which he is expected to secure somo kind of rerog nition by the government, preferably an ap propriation. If he ignores any of them, he does it at the peril of losing votes and lot ing place at the next election. The man who has a claim against the government for services during the war, for property taken, ntr.ce but the obvi or for anything else, rarely ever thinks of ous remedy is to rmttine t in the hands of any of the numer- ahoose such as know. .... i . ..! : .hi..:,., their duty, and know' u., u.u.. . ....... r .' i"g it will perform it. TTn snnlruaj Ihi nanapj vol o liner tn tha m ot. I ? . no ...o ...u6 ".- joun Appleton, ter to tne memDer irom nis aistnct or onooi o W Walton, tho Senators from hi state, and urges that J G Dickcrson, hi htisineis he hurried through. Should the v u "a"08.' Congressman fail to establish the claim and get the money, he frequently, because of his Allure, makes an enemy of the claimant,wbo forthwith declares and works for somo otu er aspirant for Congressional honors. A prominent member of the lower house re cently said : "A Congressman who tries to meet all the demands upon him has the work of three men to perform. In the first place he has his duty upon the floor. It he keeps trace of all the bills and public measures, and labors for the success ,of his own he us much as any one man ought to do. Then he "OPINION."1880. The representative i not to bo deprived of his right because mu nicipal officers have neglected their duty. J W Seymonds, John Appletou, u w Walton, Chas. Danfortli, John A Peters, artcmus L.ll)boy. Wm. Wirt Virgin, John A I'eters, Artemus Libbey, What is to be thought of so-called JudgeB who give two Buchconuicting opinions, ootii of them In the interest of the Republican party, when they needed such opinions in order to advance tne interests oi tne nartv ? That the latter opinion was given under pressuro oi limine anu his crowd, is mown bv the followinc extract from the Maine Standard, which shows that a majority of the judges changed their minds very sudden' lv. Here is what it savs : Judire Libbev cave Governor Garcelon has his committee wort. Wot only the work and Uouncilor lirown the most positiv of the committees to which he may belong, but there are matters referred to all the com mittees which he ought to look after. He has besides his Department work. There is not a Department of the Government, aye, scarcely a division of any Department, in which somo of his constituents haven't some- opinion that the returns from Portland were fatally defective, and could not bo legally counted. Three more of the court cavo the same opinion to one of the legal advisers of theUovcrnor, thus giving a legal majority o the court In support oi tne acts oi tne uov ernor and Council : In every case propound ed to them these four judges gave their opin ions in accordance with the decisions lorm thintr of Interest to them. Applications fur erlv iriven bv tho court. Kach and every appointment to positions, claims, pensions, man was positive the returns were fatally i ., I. ...i.i-l I ueiecilTU HI I urunuu tueca. jvi-uicmuci anu me many stages tnrougu wu.tu me.o . . . . f . . ... matters have to go." The correspondence egai majority of the Supreme Court. These of a member oi congress, ioo,entans a great are tacts that can be reueu upon, deal of labor. Letters from constituents Does any one still maintain mat a iuaine nl 1, Answered nromntlv. and in order to "J?8 cang ve an uonest opinion wuen do this there Is scarcely a member who is not compelled to employ a secretary or an emanuensis. Upon any average, it takes three hours each day at least, for a member to read and reply to the letters he receives. The impression thatCongressmen have noth ing to do but enjoy themselves is altogether wrong. They have tbeir troubles and an noyances as well as other people, and, upon the whole, do not deserve half the censure it conflicts with the interests of his party ? Vir, When republican organs begin to tell us who would bo thestrongest Democratic can didate for President, it is not difficult to see who they are most afraid of. We quote the following from the Wilkes-llarre Record, If the New York democrats could make up their minds toiooe lavorauiy on oenaior Thurman he might yet bo doctored up for 1 41. k...jt,1an 1 1 al ra r( 1 1 A rtMVt M Mflll . . . .... IUD iiici ucuuai Mn-i - they get. Besides these demands on his time battering in Ohio last fall, but it is not be no member of Congress escapes demands on vnhd all hone of beine repairtd. The soutli his purse. He receives many letters from to-day prefers Thurman to either Hancock hl d strict renuest ne contr butlons to varl- wyi. nus charities. Somo of his constituents, That Thurman would mase a capabl rnmluu to Washington for pleasure or on President no ono doubts, but when republl dullness find themselves Btranded. without can organs Indicate a desire to have him money, turn Immediately to their member, nominated, it is only because they believe ...... I.. .1 . 1.1 A TII.. 1.-1.1. who is expected to pay their hotel bills, or una tuo easiest man to ueai. it is pruuamo buy a ticket home. When the multiplicity that the Democratic National Convention of these demands upon the time, energies, will make a nomination for itself without and substance of our representatives are con- assistance Irom the opposition, ll ihur bidered we ought, be a little more J man should be the man, which we do not charitable towards tbeir short comings. expect, he will receive the support ol a solid C. A.S. J Democracy. The Union and Central Pacific railroad companies.tor InJ.nna nflnr 1tnt.nn rnrnKn.1 llip tuntt V,e caii i safely assert that nothing equals mullificnt subsi(ics ;n lands and money, after having etiioyed their franchises and the bounty of the public for a dozen years. deliberately and persistently refused to pay their just debts to tho government. This was the culmination of corporate insolence and in reality an attempt to set the power of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, for nil cases of Sore throat, Coughs, Colds, etc. Small bot tie", 25 cents J large, bO cents. It is alleged that John Sherman is send ing large sized lithographs of his ugly front isplece to all parts of the country as treasury freight, tho government thus paying for a private corporations above that of the re. urely personal matter, public. Hon. R. A. Lamberton, of Harrisburg, But they were defeated in their attempt has accepted the Presidency of the Lehlsh to reilst the just claims of the government, Universitv, at Bethlehem, tendered him by Tha democratic party in Congress, led by the trustees, the Rev. Dr. Leavitt hnvlng Allen G. Thurman, rose like a lion in their resigned. path. The railroad kings, Gould and Hunt Mrs. Myra Clark Gaines must have de- ington, who had for yeais held the federal signs on Simon Cameron. She has bought legislature In subjection to meir win were tinlMInn .ilo nn,t(. Avonno in I lOTCPtl tO VieiQ 10 tnO UeiUUCratV. i UC Washington nearto where Don wilt build measure known as tho "Ihurman Act, re his residence ccntly tested in the BUpreme court of th . ,, P r, ,rr.i n 1 United States and pronounced constitution ni i . p w.i Pr.pv. IB iiiimprinir mnm niiinimn ill - Washington than any other young lady who hasvUited Washington for a long time. Mrs. Grant is quoted as having said tho law the Union nnd Central Pacific com panies aro forced to a settlement twith th United States and to a re-payment of th moneys advanced out of tho treasury to that the happiest period of her life and the meel tbe interest on the companies bondi General's, was when they lived in Galena jjot oniy jij tbe passage of this measure by in a small brick home and kept one ser- congress secure a decided fiscal advantage vant. to the government, but the mere fact of its A sacrificial service by Ira Stowart,a re- becoming a law has proved of inestimable llglous fanatic at Castle Grove, Iowa, was value to republican institutions. It did not interrupted just in time to save hfs little I merely put the United States treasury in daughter, whom he wns about to slay on an way of getting back its own but it demon altar. stratcd the fact that democratic government -The Leadville "Chronicle" savs that a is entirely capable of protecting the peo. common vagrant nnd drunkard, now in the P" against th e arrogance and power ot the chain gang of that citv. under the assumed corporations name of Stormont, was formerly an U. S. 11 follows a corollary that the socialism of senator from an eastern state. Dennis Kearney and of those who are in It is said of Wendell Phillips that he is a devotid hutband, and when he is at home always dines in the room ot his wife, who has been an invalid ever since she was a girl and who never leaves that room -Governor Blackburn, of Kentucky, pardoned eiykty-seven convicts in the state penitentiary, because of the unhealthy and overcrowded condition of that institu tion. Leavenworth, Kan., January 22. A dipatch to the Leavenworth Times from Fort Reno says : "Major Iirownhead, Pay' T T . i o. VI 1 . r I uuraoBra urmy, uu ul risbura Patriot. onnnr ...i.:i i.i r t?.i T ri,ij.n,i. wuiic uu uia my 11UIU l ull ucnicir worth to Fort Reno. Telegraphic commun ication with tbe Department his been had. but the military authorities observe strict secrecy regarding tbe affair." Milford, Pike county, Pa., January 22, Louis Rockwell, aged 101 years, who but recently held the office ot Treasury of Pike county, has applied to the county Courts to compel his wealthy children to support him a fact which argues, at leat,lhat his office did not enrich him. Rockwell's wife re' cently died at the age of 05. St. Petersburg, January 22. A dis patch to the Globe from Odessa says: In tent upon forming a distinctive "labor par ty," is not needed if it where not wholly out of place in this country. Socialism is radi cal, revolutionary, destructive. Democracy is liberal, order-loving, conservative. It was not the revolutionary and destructive radi calism preached by the so-called "labor re form" agitators, that gave the people th victory over the Union and Central Pacific companies. Arrogant monopoly bowed its haughty crest before the Democracy, liberal in the enactment o flaws lor the protection of popular rights, but conservative of the es lablished institutions of the country. liar- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SHERIFFS SALE Ily Mrtuo of sundry writs Issued out ot th Court ot common Pleas ot Columbia county and to mo directed, will be oipostd to publlo salo at tho Court House, Dloomsbure, Fa., at 1 o'clock, p, , on Monday, February 2d, 1880. A DMINISTRATORS' NOTICK KSlAlllUrK, i. TIIUKNTUN, JIRCKASKP. Letters of Administration on Ihn mintnint i . Thornton, lalo of Town ol WooinMiurir,. 'i' Ouarternesslonsnfilio rence ,'uu"' ', deceased, havo been granted by tho Ifeglsier or sni their twtltlons for llcenso wh cbwlll bo presented nty to ,indcr8ienc.a ArtminiAr,,.,,,.,. B i,VL"?' to the court on Wednesday, tho lotirtn uay oi nu- having claims against the estato nro rcmit-sted in I uai uc.u Frederick M. numoro, moorasourg-, LICENSE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that tho following named esons have niefln Ith Iho Clerk of tppCourtof 1 4U el J59 115 M 19 141 03 8543 S3 TO 81 J3dH 44 8.M3 C9 154'J Oil (3093 C5 Wm. KltKAMBH, 1 Directors 11. B. KNT, ulrcclors Directors of the Poor In account with liloom, Scott, ureeuwoou ana nusunuiu wnwuip. lilt. sa 433 61 239 S3 To orders outstanding Jan 18, ls ltec'd from liloom duplicate ISIS.. Hee d rrom scott iupncaio id.. UnnM Imm llronnwnl rilinltCAtfl 1S.S " ltec'd from Hugarloat dupltcato la7t 141 G Am'tot liloom duplicate lT9.... JJ Am't ol Scott anpneato n.u " am t ot urcenwoou auinitauj lfiTO S90 4 Am't of sucarloaf duplicate 1S79.. S7t so Ain'tdno on UTecnwuuiUlupllcato 1878. iiiiiiiiiii")!1111 ' 82" V3 In Treasurer's hands from last settlement " lie celled from products ot farm cn. Am't of outstanding orders re deemed from last settlement... Commission and exoneration on lll'om dupllcato 1STS Commission and exoneration on scott duplicate i7S Commtsslon and exoneration on hurarlonf UUDIIcato lb. 3 Treasurer's commission Am't duo on liloom aupucaie less exoneration ana commission 1S7 1102 39 Amt duo on Scott dupllcato less exoneration ana comimssiuu 1S.9, HITS 64 S44 11 1C2 49 49 29 1i 3T 70 S7 474 42 Am't duo on suearloaf dupllcato less exoneration ana commis sion is:o 271 80 Amt duo onnreenwood dupllcato less exoneration una commis sion 1S79 837 04 Am't due on (Ireenwood dupllcato less exoneration ana commis sion 1S7S 32C 95 Itepsirs nnd new bulldlntr on farm 1ST9 14S2 S3 Am't paid for coal out-door re lict, 1S79 113 32 Am't paid tor coal for poor houso 1S19 40 23 Am't paid for stato Hospital at DanvlUe 1S79 2211 IT Am't paid forhardware 179 27 10 Am't paid tor cofllns 1S79 Ilo.. Am't paid for tnreo stores, fix tures, etc., etc., 1S79 os 1 Am'tpatdfor mechanics, etc... 35 20 Am't paid for taxes 1S79 00 ST Amt paid for malting dupllcato 1879 10 00 Am't paid tor publishing state ment 1679 45 .. Am't paid for auditing statement 1S79 C .. Am't paid for liquor for medical purposes 1S79 10 60 Am't paid for doctors, poor liouso and out-door relief 1879 99 75 Am't Thos. Mcllrldo bteward's salary 1979 CM 00 Am't paid for issuing orders ot relief 1ST IT 60 Amt paid for lime and raanuro 1S79 20 45 Am't paid f or blacksmllhlns 1 '79 . 32 40 Am't paid for splaying pigs 1S79.. 2 40 Amt paid for Director's salary, 1S79 .. Amtpatdfor secretary's salary, 1S79 Am paid for beef, shoo and har ness mending 1879 Wm. Kramer's merchant's bill poor house 1S79 Wm. Kramer's merchant's bin out-door reilef.1879 Wm. Kramer cash paid sundry persons 1879 Isaiah McKelvy merchant's bill poor house 1ST9 Isaiah McKelvy merchant's bill out-door relief 1879 Clark & Wolf merchant's bill for poor houso 1879 S. II. Miller K son merchant's bill for poor housd 1879 s. 11. Miller son merchant's but out-door relief, 1879 D. A. Creasy merchant's bill poor UUUI IK'V, It should be the aim of ever y owner o Hortes, Cows, to make Ihem as hsmUome and uselul as potible. The German Horne and Cow l'owiler helps to develop all lhe powers of (he animal. It improves its beauty and increases its usefulness It makes milk, miiicl and fat. Ily iifing it a horse will do more work and a cow give more milk and be in better con- lition with less leed. Sold only by weight at 15 cents a pound by C. A. Kleim, IJIoomfburg D..C 12, '79-ly 11. White merchants bill nnnr houso 1S79 A. 11. White merchant's bill out door relief 1H9 Jas. K. Eyer merchant's bill for poor iiou-w i-m Jos. K. Eyer merchant's bill for uui-uour relict is.h Vanllew JC While merchant's bill uui-aoor reuei is.u . c. Marr merchant's bill poor house 1879 Wm Itabb merchant's bill poor bouse 1878 EllOhl merchant's bill out-door rellet!879 Paid Thomas Mcllrldo on salary The Empress of Russia rents five villas at dunes, where she has several physicians consequence of the frequent discovery of and many priests of the Greek Church, excavations and of fissures in a number ol , L " , ino legislature oi Louisiana eiectea R. L. Gibson United States Senator fur the six years commencing March 4, 18S3. houses, it is believed that the city is under mined and threatened with serious danger. A commission has therefore been formed to conduct iuvestigat'ous underneath the town. Mrs. Harriet Lane Johnston, of Haiti James O'Urien is forty-one years old, has passed twenty-two years in Pennsylva n!fl nrianns. nnil ha-, iust lteen apntptiepil tn i. r.- . i . 1 ' more w .o ue.oro u. am age . mistress u, t aU f rouberieii lli. tt'h l. llniu.K u rn, i.nMn r 11. , I 1 chauan, was President, is about tu erect a suitable mouunieut to his memory at Wheat land, Lancaster county Mr.Iluchanan's home Mrs. Johnston having inherited Wheatland at his death Henry Clay has an office. He has been appointed postmaster at Jamestown, Va, This is the oldest post post ollicf In the eld thirteen Statts. Letters have been delivered there in some form or other for 283 jcars, and yet the salary Is ouly $51 per annum Generals Grant, Sherman and Sheridan enjoyed the shock of an earthquake at Ha vaua. An earthquake was never experienced there before, and many people were fright ened and passed the night in the public squares. No damage was done. Accounts from Vuelta Abajo, indicate that the earth quake was severely felt there. Much dam age was dono to buildings, especially at San Act wicly be ready havo on hand 'Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup,' and you will have nothing to fear not even a doctor's bill. Rev, Mr. Hayden has been released on bail, Sale I!ili-. Persons who Intend having sales of personal property ihis spring should get their bills printed at this office for several reasons. First, we give a local notice in lhe paper and continue the same until the ealc,thu giving a lsrger advertisement of lhe san than any other office in the county can give. Second, we do lhe best kind of work at the lowest rales, We are prepared to print bills, from the small est to the largest riie, in the most attractive BtyleH, free of errors, and at the shortest notice possible. Orders sent by mail will receive prompt attention. Weluvo a speedy a-u nobitlvo cure. inker mouth, and head uche, In shtlob's Uilstobal, It Is supposed that there has been catairli remedy, a nasal injector free with each uuiiiu. i su ii, ii juu ui-Biru iicuuiii uuu swcci urcdiu. a heavy earthquake some where iu Cential America, Thefeeling in theSchuylkill and Lehigh coal regions among the miners is not that of quiet and contentment. The "boom" that existed in the. coal trade, thn lattor . -,o-,. i i.i. ,i pltallzer Is guaranteed to cure them., I - -1 " - s - n - I niup..!.' 1'rlco so cents, sold by J, 11. Klnnorts, A Strange reap e. Do 3ou know that there aro strancre nconle tn our couitnuulty, we say strangu becauso they seem to prefer to sutler anil piss their das miserably, made sobvdls tpsli, aud liver complaint, Indigestion, constipation, and general debility, when Shlloh's at this time. These they have not realized, and they have not full work. Speaking of Five Hundred Thousand Strong to try it. use shlloh's pons. For lame back, sldo or chest. jioruus piaster, doiu uy u.ji. iviu- U,. ,. ,. ni i ,f iu un iiiaiicw iiiuiims mere UU UTUIUUIV IIUIU le situation the chenandoah Jlerald says : sno.mio bottles of shlloh's cure sold, out ot the vast "One thing is certain, the labor of tho an- SVSS&ZiljlSS thraclte region will not be content to work ftrotoftlaltjJlrila in 18S0 for the same wages received in 1879, who have not used It, let us say, if jou have a cough nutuiti uc vuni iiauo la guuu ul uau, pirlt of uneasiness has been developing lor months among the men, tho signs of which are easy to be read," The first American patent for an inven tion was issued to Samuel Hopkins, at New lork, July 31st, 1790, for an improved pro cess of making potash and pearlash. A re commendation to the House of Represents- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EX.v XUTORS' NOTICE. 150 00 60 00 27 47 215 24 221 19 30 65 T7 OS US 35 49 03 15 64 10 00 22 T2 13 4T 9 CT 16 IT C 00 8 85 9 95 6 43 12 .. 312 60 5172 54 Pursuant to an Act nf AGspmhL' n. An proved A. D ism, by which lr, l made' Incumbent on County Auditors of tho several counties ot this Commonwealth In which there Is any roor House erected, to settle, audit and adjust tho accounts of the several omcers thereof. .h i I. unucrsignea Auditors did meet at amlned tho accounts ot tho Directors troui Kebruarv iu, is! until January 13th. lsso, and vouchers for luu souii, uuu uuu mum correct as set forth above, Wm. I.. MANNIVtl, 1 O. .H. SEEMIOl.TZ, co. Auditors. OAJIUDI. C. .11I1H,J OUTSIDE KELIEF. BI.OOM. Am't of orders given sundry per- DUUS 111V , Am't paid Mato Hospital for .Mary Hughes 16T9 Am't paid sundry persons for cutu isiv 495 43 90 .. 1U33 (693 80 SCOTT. Am t of orders given sundry per sons 1S79 Am't paid Dr. W. A. Coso 1S79.... am tiuia maio Hospital rorlieo. W. Fox 1S79 OREENWOOD. sundry Am't of orders given persons 1S79 SrilAKUUF. Am't of orders given sundry per- SOUS 1SIV. IT 4S 18 13 134 17 t70 40 30 93 (30 93 All that certain lot of land sltuato In Catawlssa, Columbia county, stato of fcnnsjlvanta, bounded on ths west by land ot William Perry on tho east by V & It II It, on tho south by publlo road and on tho north by land of Mary and Kmuy MCMncn, whereon Is erected a two story frame dwelling house and out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken Into execution at tho suit ot John Yonkln, administrator of Charlos Wolfrun against Alfred Eck, and to bo sold as tho property ot Alfred Cck. Wirt, Attorney Vend Ex ALSO, All that certain tract of land sltuiUo In Orange township, Columbia county and stato of Pennsyl vania, bounded and describe 1 as follows, to-wtt: On tho north by lands of Henry Delong and Moses Everett's estate, on tho east by land of Jonathan l'foust. on tho south by land of Thomas Mclicnry and on the west by land of Thomas Mcllenry and Henry Delong, containing fifty-two acres, more or less, on which nro :erected a dwelling house, barn nnd out-bulldlngs. Seized, takenlnto execution nt the suit ot orange vlllo Mutual Sating Fund nnd Loan Association agalnrtlleorgo V Ferguson and to bo sold as ino property ot (leorgo V Ferguson. Miller, Attorney. ia ALSO, All that certain messuago and tract ot land situate In tho township of Locust, In tho county ol Colum bia, l'a., bounded nnd described as follows, to-wlt: Ileglnnlngntastonc, corner of landot Jacob stein: thence soutn eighty degrees west one hundred and slxty-nvo perches and nvc-tenths to a maple, corner of land of Daniel Kostenbauder: thence south six teen and n quarter degrees east elghti-ono and two-tenths perches Ua white oak; thencoby lands ot Au?u Uarnlurt and Leonard ltoup, south eighty nine and thrco-quarter degrees west ono hundred and twenty perches and seven-tenths to a post; thence by land of Jonas Fahrlnger north ten and a nunrter decrees east sixty-five perches to a post thenco south seventy-one degrees cast, sixteen nnu eight-tenth perches to a posts thenco north fourteen degrcoscastslvty-slxnnd nine-tenth perches to a stone; thesco by land now ot Elijah Cleaver, north seventy-two and a quarter degrees east, two hun dred and threo perches and six-tenths to a post; thence by land ot Jacob sttne south seventeen ana a quarter degrees cast seventy-nine perches and ;twO' tenths to a stone, the place ot beginning, contain ing one hundred and thlrty-ono acres, moro or less, together with tho appurtenances, on which are erected a dwelling house, barn and outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit ot Jesse Haines, Executor of Joseph W nibbs, dee'd, against Clark H. btewart and C C Stewart, terre tenant, and to be sold as the property ot Clark U Stewart. Ikelcr, Attorney. Lev Fa ALSO, AU that certain piece or parcel of land situate In Hcrwick, Columbia county, nnd state ot rennsj lva nla, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Bltu- ate on vino street In said borough, bounded on tho cast by vino street, on tho north by land of Jackson & Woodln's Manufactory Co., on tho west by an alley and on the south by lot ot John Withers, the samo being 45 feet moro or less in width and ono hundred nnd forty feet moro or less In depth. Seized, taken into execution at the suit of Stephen Hoffnaglo against A. MUlcr, and to bo sold as the property of A. Miller. Jackson, Attorney. Fl Fa ALSO. All that certain tract or piece ot land situate In Greenwood township, Columbia county, l'enna, bounded and descrlb d as follows, to-wlt: on the north by land of Nicholas Kindt, on tho east by land of George Mordan; on the south by land ot George Utt and Wm M Musgravo and on tho west by land of Wm M Muigrnve, containing ono hundred and four acres, mora or less, on which are erected n cwelllng house, bank barn, and out-bulldlngs; also a good applo archard and fruit trees on tho premises. Also, All that certain piece or parcel ot timber land situate In orange township, Columbia county, Penn sylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: On tho north and east by land ot Eilsha Evans; on the south by land ot Mathew Patterson; and on the west by land of Mary Ann Fausey and others, con taming nfty-four acres ot land, more or less, well timbered. Seized, taken In execution at the suit ot Green wood School District against Jacob S Evans, Thom as Hccco and Alexander Kreamer, and to bo sold as tho property ot Jacob s Evans. Ikeler, Attorney Vend Ex ALSO, All that certain tenement, messuage and tract ot land situate In Locust township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a stone, a corner of !au4 ot John Johnson south seventy-two and one-half de grees west one hundred and sixty perches to a stone; thenco by lands ot William Kaub; south seventeen and one-quarter degrees east nfty-two and three tenth perches to a stone; thence by land ot Leonard Dcurlng seventy-three and three-quarter degrees cast one hundred and sixty perches to a stone;thence ot Christian Small north seventeen and one quarter degrees west flfty-nme perches to the place ot beginning, containing ntty-flve acres and ninety- six perches ot land, strict measure; being farm and woodland, Seized, taken In execution at the suit of Peter It. Uolily, et al, against Adam Marks and to bo sold as the property of Adam Marks. Freeze, Attorney Lev Fa ALSO, All that certain plcco or parcel ot land situate In Madlsou township, Columbia county, nnd ststeof Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Hounded by lund of Josl&h Maust, land ot the heirs ef John Heller, land of Jacob Zetslott, land ot John stouter, land ot Jacob Guyser, land ot Jacob Dechtel, land of Lewis Christopher, land ot Ellsha Hartman and landot Ann Young, being the same premises conveyed to tho within named defendant. John G. Xcvlus by John a. Moore and Catharine his wife, and HelstcrAnn Mooro by deed dated March soth, 1872, (less two pieces sold by the said defend ant, namely: About eight acres to Klisha 11, Hart- man and about two and a halt acres to Lewis Chris topher) containing one hundred and thlrtcan acres and thlrty-slx perches and allowance bo the samo moro or lebs, on which are a one nnd a half story framo dwelling, a frame barn, nearly new, a black smith shop, and other out-bulldlngs, a good spring .of water, a spring house, an apple orchard and oth er trult trees. The greater portion of tbe land Is cleared, nnd m a good stato ot cultivation and a por tion has good timber. helzed, taken tn execution at the suit ot Cyrus Ilelchard against John G. Xevlus and to be sold as tho property ot John o. Nevlus, Uahklev, Attorney, Fl. Fa. Terms cash on day ot sale. n...v,a ,'1,a,!1n. i Hotel John S. Mann, Centre, i vrrn H. II. llagenoucu, iirnnei-. .i'Vili, tVllllam Wl uams, uerwicK, WILLIASt KIIICKDAUM, Clerk if , . present them for settlement and those indebted Itestatirnnt 0 mnko prompt payment, ".uiot O. It A W J. HfCXALEW, Auonii'jn lur i-suuu. Jan. 10, SU-OW, I ii. nurnif. ELI 1IAI1TON, Admlnlstrotois. Rowell & Co's. Advc's. A. mi. rnn now art Te rrllnry lor Mark Twain's New Book, A TRAMP ABROAD. ii...... .MHinni m h , rimn , winn-nmiKL'. uu-its- you please tramp over Europe without competition, ind out-selling any book published. For ogency, ad dress F. C IiLISS S CO-, i.cwarK, n, j. Jan -4W r DMINISTRATOft'S NOTICK ISTATK OF H. W, XCSS, PECKASSn. Letters nf administration on tho estntnet xi. uv Nisi, late of tho Town of ltloomsburg.Columblaco. acceiisfu. iiuiu m-t-u kihiul'ii u.v uitf m-gnicr ot Balu county to tho undersigned Administrator. Aliper sons having claims against tho estate nro requested to present Hum for iseltlement andthoso Indebted to muse jiiijiuiui, milium i-(ia,. li. l-if A mi .A 1(11, Jan, 10, 'so-Cw Administrator. E XECUTOIVS NOTICH, $10 to $1000!! Invested In Wall St., stocks makes fortunes every month. Hooktent - 1.,.ln nvnrvtlllTil. Afl- drcss 1IAXTEU CO., Hankers, 7 Wall St., Jan. v,-iw i WW a Month and expenses gunranicca io bcuis v i outnt iree. ESTATE OF SRNJAM1N MEMCt-F., PECEASFTI. Letters Testamentary on tho estntn U llenja- mtn Merlcle, latoof Madison twp.,Columblacnutv, I I'llllSJI, ltegister Pennsylvania, deceased, havo been granted b) Mra ltegister ot saia county to tne un(ierngii"ii iixrc- Jan 9-lw snAw co. ArausiA, jiaimc. rimnnxvi'AHAnn expenses to agents, outfit all Frco. Address P. o. VlCKEUY, Augusta, Maine. r riio ADVr.IlTISItHS,-Lowest rates for advertising I In i'0 good newspapers sent free. Addicss GEO. P. HOWELL CO., 10 Spruce St., N. . Jan 9-4W r TUTS P A vv.n. Tlt.!;?? Advrrtl.liiK iliireuil l." Sprue- 'VI'tv"ii! Vll lilt. . ti rt,i Using cunirocis uiuy w.' uiuuv . ui uiouu lu,,.bi(, umr. All persons liavlne c a ms airalns;, ii.o ostntoot tho decedent nin requested to presmt themror setiiemtntanu tnoso tnueoieu to the rs. talc to make payment to tho Hnderslgned Exeeetcr without delay. WILLIAM 11. .MlllUUl.K, '. O. lluckhorn. Executor. dec 2G-cw, 4 UDITOK'S NOTICK. .. tULLUUI. I.Uinil S3. Among tho records and proceedings of tho Or. plums' court of said county Inter nlla It Is thus CUIIIUIIICU. tn tho matter of tho estato of John Hartman, lato fcb. 14, 17-lf FOR SALE! A VA1.UA11LK FARM Bltuato In Madison town. shin. Columbia co. near New Columbia, containing 197 Acres of Land. There Is a TWO-STOUY FHAMK DWELLING DOUSE, A Spring and Good W ell of W ater, a; k DANK 11AKN, A YOUNG AI'I'LK OKCHAUH, and oi her Fruit Tvces on tho premises. For terms and particulars apply to AAHON SMITH, Jan. l6,'60-3m huck Horn ra. RISITS PORE DI. TILLED Qfio Extract Hoo WITCH HAZEL OR, HAMAMEUS YIRGIX1CA. Enual In quality to any made, and only half the price. 0 oz bottles 23c. Pints sec. Itnllmnn ltend.ielin.Tnothach. EarnchO. SOrO Eves Noio meed, Needing Lungs, Palntul Menses, lilies Asthma. Reduces swellings, riles, etc. cures llruls ei. scalds, Hums, sprains, Wounds. Rheumatism, i:rvsl neias. unuoiains. aricosu veins, ,i:uiuihiu,.v. NATURE'S UNIVERSAL REMEDY Poll IN I ERNAL amii;.vii;iual im,. nn motion of C. W. Miller. Attorney for tho heirs I nnd legatees and Charles (1. liarkley. Attorney tor legal representatives, heirs and legatees it Is ordei ed that John M. Clark bo appointed nmlltor to dis tribute the runu in too nanus oi cnarics a. nojer, Ariininimraiorof John It. Mover, deceased. late ex. editor ot the said John Hartman. deceased. Mar- shall assets anu seme nnu nujust iuu H.uu estate ot John llartnvui, deceased. IIT lliK V 111 KT, Certined from tho records this 2"th day of Decem ber, A. I). 1879. Wm. Kkickbacs, clerk o. i. The auditor In pursuaiieo of tho foregoing r nnintment. will attend to tbo duties thereof, nt hN onico In lllooiiisburg. on Friday, January Both, i.i at In a. m., w lien and where nil parties Interested will present Ilieir Claims ur uu uuu.uruu nuiu com ing In on said estate. Jan. i, su-41 uii. .11. u,iiii, .luunur. DMlNlSTItATOU'S NOTICK. ESTATE OF SAKAlt Ci SntUT?, DECEASED, t nitnrs nf AflmlnKtrnllon on the estate of Sarnh C. shultz, late of Centre township, Columbli coon- ty, ileccasea, nae uetn grauu-u uy nn- m-gisit-r ii Bald county to the undersigned adintnlMrnlor. Ah persons halng claims against Hie estate ore re quested to present them for Bettlement and liioso Indebted to make pa ment without delay. Jan 2, isso-cw SJMUEI, NHYHAlll), Administrator, Centre tw JXECUTORS' NOTICE. uolAinilf Anna Dili an, it.v. lcr.i'. letters Testamentary on tho estato of if ,our druggist ha.? not got It haie him order It "& ceased " K'K7ltJB ui me iiuuiii.iui, I Hi-clstcr of said county lo Simon Ilelwlg and .lire- CHARLES F. R1SLEY, Wholesalo Druggist, C4 Courllandt St., New ork. Jan 23, 'so, 3m TTriDOWH' AITKAISKMENTS. T TH mlah Uojer. All persons haling claims against the estato of the decedent are requested to presi t Ihem for Bettlement, and thoso Indebted to the -tate to mako payment to tho undersigned Execu tors without delay. ,,.,",, ?.! IIUI,, l.l, 1KEI.EB, Atty. JEREMIAH HOVER, Jan 2, SO-CW. .XCCUlore. he following appraisements ot real and itromTivsi't. nnart to widows of decedents n iu.mii iiipri in tim nftien nf the Heirtster of Col umbia county, under thi Rules of court, and will be 171 VRCUTOltS' NOTICE presented tor absolute confirmation to tho orphans H.AMU L'ourtto be neiu in nioomsourg.m ana torsaiu cuiui tand ty, on Monday, February 2nd, vo, nt two o clock p. m., ot said day unless exceptions to such continuation aro preilouily tiled, of which all per sons iniere? it-u iu huiu t-sunu m iuu uuu.u . Widow t,t John Lai cock, late ot tho Town ot ltloomsburg, decensed. 2. Widow ot George llrccco, late ot Madison town- snip. ueeeasL-u, S. Widow of William II. orange, late of Cntnw bsa lownsnip. ueceaseu. 1le-l5tir,H(inii'e. 1 W. 11. J ArOHV llloomsbiirg. Jan. 2, Vi.f Register. Jan. 2, -so-ic. KOISTEK'S NOTICES. Notif-RisherebviTlicn to nil legatees, credi- nnd fithpr nprsnnn fiileri'stcd In lhe estates of tho rcspectlle decedents and minors, that tho ful-I lOW lUg UllIIUUlSllUllUU IU1U. UillUIUll IU.LUUUIS li,u uecu Illea in tne omce oi ine m-gisier oi Loiuiuuia county, and w ill be presented for confirmation and allowance In the orphans' court to bo held In Ulooinsburg, on Monday, February 2nd, lsso, at 2 o'clock, p. tn. on sold day : 1. The account of John Horn, -lamlnlstrator oi PhlllD Hess, late ot bugarloat township, de ceased. 2. l-lrst, nnd final account of Henrv W. fAul. execu tor ot Catharine Aul, Into of Moomsburg, de- ceacu. 3. Tho account of Allen Mann, administrator of wiiuam itugues, xaie ot ueaier lonusuip, ui;- ceasea. 4. Final account of William Seal, executor ot Alfred jicuure, uto ot inoomsDurg, ueceaseu. 0. The flrst tand nnnl accoun1 of Henry Yohe, nd- ministraorot Liaia iouo laieot .iiiuuntuwn- BUip, uevji.d. 6. The flrst and partial account nf John Hellas and A. J. Hellas, executors ot Adam ikuu. tate ot nsningcreek townsuip, ueceaseu. 7. Tha flrst nnd final account ot E. A Rawllngs ad ministrator of William Garrison, late ot Ulooins burg, deceased. 8. First and partial account of Jacob F. Ilroadt.and Hiram 11. liroadt, executors ot Abraham llroadt, lato or Maaison townsuip, ueceuseu, fl. First, nnrl nnrtlnl account of Theodore W. Smith guardian of Luther A. German, minor child of John E. German, late ot l'lno township, de- ceasea. 10. Tlin first nnil final account of 11. . Mnrtz. ad. mlnlstratorot Mary Miller, late ot Hrtarcreek lownsnip, aeceaseu. 11, First nnd final account of Isaac K. Krlckbaum and Charles Ash, administrators ot Christian Ash, late of Henton tow nshlp, ueceased. 12. Mint ond final account of A nron Voder, admin lstrator ot Abraham Yoder, late ot Locust town snip, aeceoseu, 13. First account 1 1 Nathan Miller and Daniel Mil ler, excutora ot George Miller, Jato ot Mifflin lownsnip, ueceaseu. 14. First and llnal account of Jesse s. ernes, numinisu-ators ot uai i of Franklin township, deceased, IS. Tbo account of Jacob S. Evans, guardian ot Itacuel uinuu, Atn7yJ. ana Harriet .11. nuiie- 1'J ESTATE OF ANNA SOCMAN, DECEASED. Letters testamentary on tho estato of Anna shu- mtn, latoof Main township, Columbia county, Pa deceased, haio bcen grunted by tho Regis tr ot said COliniy 10 lUO uuuersigueu iwu-cuiuin. ,ll jil-isuhs liatlnv claims against tho estate ot the decedent are requested to present them for settlement, and thoso Indebted to the estate to make p.u ment to tho undersigned Executors without deliy. DAVID Slil'MAN, Win. T.HUIIJIA.I, Deo 20, 1S79-0W,- Executors. E XECUTOIVS NOTICE. ESTATE OF JONAS KETrEltMAN, DECEASED. 12 50 1902 63 VALUE OP REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL 1'iiurt.iu) uauiuiau iu iu uib'ntiur Hy farm and building valued at. . . 1200O 00 lij Catharine Long's property in 1I1IIUI11 tu Ily Judgment on James Dennis's property , 100 .. ny amt d ue on liloom duplicate less exoneration und commission 17 IKS 89 Ily am't due on Scott duplicate less exoneration and commis sion 179 474 42 By am't duo on sugarloat dupll cate less exoneration and com mission ls7v , 271 80 By am't dun on Greenwood dupli cate less Exoneration nnd com mission ls79 637 64 Ily nin't due on Greenwood dupll e ,le less exoneration and com mlss'on 7S 326 93 Uy 141, crt-s wheat In ground 110 per ucro 1S79 143 oo Ily w heat rj e. oats, corn, buck wheat eloierhocd and timothy seed S79 474 65 By potatoes, beans, rutabagas, eabba , hay, straw, and corn fodder ls'9 272 00 By pork and Urd. butter, horses, cattle, hogs und chickens, 179 79S oo By all fanning liuple.nenls used on farm 1-.79 6oo 00 By household furniture In stew, ard's house ls79 225 Wl By hou-ehold furniture In Poor house 1-79 222 on Ily 2 tons coal In U79 b oo Uy new building and Improie- ments l79 14S2 53 119900 SS TLeaboie Is a correct Invoice of the real and persuuui properly us idKcu Jan. ibtn lssu, 11KI1TS AND LIABILITIES. To am't or orders outstanding Jan. 13, lssu To am't due Treasurer. Jan 13. 'so To am t In favor ot tho district . Jan. 9, liso-ts sheriff, f 1549 96 25 OS 163S5 34 (19960 33 PRODUCTS 1U1SED ON FARM. estate of Elijah fi'lheu, deciassd. ltterstestameutaryon the estate ot Elijah Ful mer, late of l'lno tow nshlp, Columbia county, pa., ile-e&Mil. have been L-rauu-d br thu KeirUtur nf Raid tlves to appropriate $500 lor the purchase of fumy to tho undersigned Executors. All persons ,, ii r , , 1 ' , having claims against the estate ot the decedent aro jemeni, anu tuose vment to the un dersigned Executors without delay. JOHN V. DERR, Derr's POColCo. HENRY J. ROIIUl.NS.Mlllrllle Col Co. Jan S3, 'o-ow Executors. this patent was made by Secretary bchurz, miuuted to present them lor Bettlement, and those T o m . t .1 I Indebted to the estate to make payi Januarys- The present possessor of the uuigned Executors without delay, document is K.T, Hale, of Columbus, Ohio, It Is writ'en on a sheet of parchment in a rouud, old-fashioned hand, signed by George Washington, and certihed by Ld. Randolph, Attorney-General, as being conformable to the act of Congress to promote tho useful arts, and its delivery to the grantee is certi fied by Thos, Jefferson, with the seal of the United States. GILM0RE & CO., lMtj.) Pensions, Increase of Pensions, and all other classes ot Claims for Soldiers and Sol diers' Heirs, prosecuted. Address wllhbtamp, UILMORK 4: CO., dec t-U Washington, U. C. S19 bur, wheat 1 1 11.35 per si rje " so " ' " 1267 " corn ears 15 ' " " 27-t ' nata 40 " ' " 8 ' cloverseed fl w) " 41 8(io potatoes 83 " " " 315.1 bundles corn fodder 8 4 cts 11 tons hay H 115 per ton subuudlesot straw, a 12 cts,. Ssso its pork and lard (4 5t cts. . lis; acres grain In ground a lie 9 shoau raised ijli MS each scalH-s U 60 les chickens " ' 25 " 534 it,s butu-r it) CtS Oi 204 doz. eggs " lScMdoz. ... CIS heads of cabbage (4 5 cts is bus turnips X rutabagas a 23c 4 " beets a SAO... 2 " beans (ill 50 4 "onions (4 750 No ot paupers remaining at last report,. " " admitted during )eans79,. " uiscuurgeu " " " ' died " " " .., No ol paupers remaining In poor house January latli, Ibso.., , 295 oo 21 90 316 00 111 20 IS 00 105 00 126 00 210 Oil 9 CS 213 40 143 01 SO OO 23 00 27 0) 106 40 SO 60 30 60 4 50 1 00 3 On 3 00 t IBSJ 20 15 4 85 Wu. KREAMER, 1 T THOMAS llKECE, J 11. B. LNT. J U Directors Uie poor. SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of sundry writs Issued out ot tho court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, and to me directed, will be exposed to publlo sale at the Court House In the Town ot Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pa., at 1 o'clock, p. in., on Friday, January 30, 1880, All that certain messuage and lot of land situate in Benton township, In the county of Columbia, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: On tho northby landot Thomas Siegfried, on the east by land ot Alexander Kramer, on the south by lands of William A. Coleman and J, 11. DUdlne and on tho west by tho pubuc road leading from Stillwater to Henton, whereon aro elected a two-story frame dwelling houso and a frame bUckamlth shop, Seized, taken In execution at the suit of tho Ben ton Mutual saving Fund and Loan Association against Jeremiah Sllles, Benjamin K, Earns, and Caleb O'Brlan, and to be sold as tho property of Jeremiah Stiles, ono ot the defendants. Little, Attorney. Kl Fa ALSO, All that certain messuage and lot of ground situ, ate In tho town ot Bloomsburg In tha county ot Columbia, bounded and described as follows, to-wtt: On the south by sixth street, on the w est by an alley, on the north by stcrner's alley and on the east by a tot of ground now or formerly tho property of J, Sbarrless K son, containing ntty feet la front, more or less, and one hundred and ninety-eight feet In depth, more or less, whereon Is erected a two story framo dwelling houso with a one story kitchen attached. Seized, taken In execution at tho suit ot the Iron Building Loan A'joctattou of Bloomsburg against John AUstatt aad to bo sold as the property of John AUstatu Litti s, Attorneys. Ft, Fa. Terms cash on day of sale. U.U. KNT, Sheriff. Jan 9-ts. night, minor chtldrcn ot Joseph hltenlght,lato oi uoiumoia county, ueceaseu. 16. The flrst nnd final account ot O. M. and Charles Olbbons, executors ot Thomas (ilbbons, latoof Benton township, ueceased. 17. First and final account of C. W. Miller guardian ot Jennet Mason a minor child ot RobeitMasou late ot Bloomsburg, ueceaseu. 18. The first and partial account of John Appleman administrator of John timber, Into of Hemlock township, deceased. 19. Tho first and partial account of Benjamin F. Sav age anu .si oses cuiagc. u.eeiuui s ui iusuua s.uv age, late of Jackson township, deceased. 20. Tho first and final account of Daniel Cotner. ad ministrator ot uuristian itusu, taio oi .noniour lownsnip, ueceaseu. 21. The first and final account ol Elijah C. Cleaver, cuaraian oi n uson l nomas, minor eiiua oi jo- slah Thomas, late of Roarlngert-ek township, de ceased, 22, The first and final account of Rohr Mcllenry, executor oi joun caiage, laio ui jockson town- snip, occeoseu. 23. The flrst and tlnnl account ot Stephen II. Miller. adinlulstratorof tleorge M. Beagle, late oj Hem lock lownsnip, ueceaseu- Register's Ofllce. I V. II. Jacobv Bloomsburg Jan. 2, 'so.j Register. jan 2-ic TV"OTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the follow lug accounts haiebeenflledln the Prothonoturj's utllee ot Co lumbia Countv, nnd will be presented to tho Court ot common Pleas of said county on Iho 3rd day of February lsso, and continued utter the fourth day of said term unless exceptions be Hied wlthluthat time. 1. Account of William Lainon, Trustee appointed of the fund lieuueathed by John E. l'uw ler to Hrlar creek township poor District. 2. Account ot J. H. Roblsou and L. E. Waller, As Blgnees ot Lasper 1. Thomas. 3. Account of Joseph Rouch, Committee ot ElUa- ueiu i:uucu. 4. Tho account of James Masters nnd Conrad Kreamer Committee of Murgarit lortner, a lunatic. WM, KIIICKDAUM, Jon 2,'SO-tc Prothouotary, Letters testamentary on Iho estato of Jonas Fetterman, late of Locust township, columbu county, Pennsjlianla, deceased, hale been granted l'j IHO ill llSlvl Ul SU1U LUUUIJ IU ..111, Ulllll.nm, uuperi, cxt-ciuur. Jill ptlSUUS !U.1UK lluilllsuKUl.i.-i. the estate ot the deceased nro requested to present them for settlement, and those Indibted to the es tato to make pa ment to tho undersigned adminis trator without delay. . .i . r i.i i i.u.M.i-s, Executor, ltupert, Pa. W. L. Everi.y, Att j, for Estate, Jan. 9, isso-cw I)MINISTJlATOK'SNOTICE. ESTATE OF OBOKOE I10LLENBAC1I, DECEASED, Utters of administration on tho estato ot (leorgo iiniipnbaeh. lato of MalnTwD.. Columbia cn.. ue ceased, haic bcen granted by lhe Register of said county to tho undersigned Administrator, to whom . all persons Indebted are reijuested to mako lmlt.7 dlate pai ment and those having claims or dcmdwij against the estato will make them known to the Ah mlnlslrator without delay. HIRAM HllCOARS, - Administrator, calawissa Jon9-0w Dauchy & Co'b. Advt'sr- "a" household need i l A book on Malarial Diseases and Liver Complaints, sent FREE. Address ur. samoru, iu-i jiroauway, isew iui& iuy. jau iu-nv, u , TOUR AROUND the WORLD' .completo record. Describes (places visited, nnd ovations h, k-nir nnd l-'mnt-rnrs. 01)0 nae-CS- 2(11) 11 USt. rrice, fi wi. Agents ivanieu, urcuiuis uuu. i, . H. KELLEY, PhUada., Pa. Jan au-lw. d AGENTS READ THIS ! Wo wnnt. nn Apent. In this Countv to Whom WO will ,.,, .,, ..,, pav a salary ot fiuo per month nnd expenses to seu ??!m,.;r,l5HS1, our wonderful invention. SAMI'I.l! FREE. Address lUd . ( riles, lalo nt onC(, SHERMAN & CO., MARSHALL, M1CIUOAN. jan KU-4W u COMPOUND OXYGEN GRANT'S! 'Health and Life." No. 1. a record of rcmnrknbio cures In consumption, Catarrh, Neuralgia, and oth er Luronic Diseases ov ino new uxygen i reaiiiiem, now ready and sent tree. Drs. STAltKEY X. PALEN lino and 1111 Olrard St, Philadelphia, l'a. Jan 30-4w, d For a caso of COUGH, rol.1), or AMH.MA Uiai AlJAM.IO.ljS 5,000 mm. UULU BOTANIC BALSAM will not cure 1 Sold by all Druggists and Dealers at 35c, and fee. Sample buttles, the namo of F. W. KINS MAN Is blown In the glass ot tho bottle. Trade sup piled by (ieo. C. OOOUWIN 4; CO., Boston, Mass. Jan 30-lw d ON 30 DAYS TRIAL Wi will bend our Electro-Voltaic Belts and other Electric Appliances upon trial for 30 days to those sunertag from Nervous Debility, Rheumatism. Par alysis or any diseases of tho Llier or Kidneys, and many other diseases. A sure cure guaranteed or no pay. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall, Mich, Jon 3Mw d A Cltl-llT M'CCKsS 10,0(111 olil ! ! HE1DLEVS wonderfully popular work, tho tHWo? gen. grant Is pronounced by the General's Intimate friends tho iici iim-tiru-t'ii worK uencoino spienaiu success ot Agents. lA MILLION people want HEAD LEV'S book to-day. Wo need 301)11 .1IOHB AI1ENT- AT OMT. ! BEWARE ot Imitations. Wesendproot ot superiority, sample leaies, steel i UDITOK'S NOTICE. ClILCVSU COl'NTV, SS.t Among tbe records and proceedings of the Or phans' Court of sold county, Inter alia, It is thus contained. In the matter of the estate of Thomas Knorr, deceased. Dec. 10, 1979, on the petition ot John 0, Quick, tho Executor, and on motion of Mr. I'reeie, c, u, Baik. ley, Esq., appointed an auditor to distribute tho money in hands of the Executor, as per his petition, BV THE C'Ol'KT, Certined trom the records this lllh day of Dec. A D, la's. Wm Kbicxbai'm, clerk O c. The Auditor tn pursuance ot the foregoing ap pointment wtl attend lo the duties thereof, at his Bloomsburg. on Saturday January 31st. lso, at 10 am, when and where all parties inter- oftlce In estcd will present their claims or be debarred trom coming in oa tuuu c-buiuj. Jan 1,'t0-4U C. a. BARK LEY, Auditor MAllKE'JMlEPOliTS. BLOOMSBUKQ MAKKET. Wheat per bushel Ryo " corn, " oats, 11 11 Flour per barrel Cloverseed Butter Eggs Tallow Potatoes Dried Apples Hams sides shoulders Chickens , Turkeys . Lard per pound Hay per ton Beeswax QUOTATIONS FOR COAL. No. 4 on Wharf I 3.(0 per Tor. No.D " " , I S.V6 " NO. " " I 1.75 " Blacksmith's Lutup on Wharf I " " Bituminous " t t.u " 1.3S .66 .60 .40 M0 6.00 .25 20 .07 .41 .03 m .00 .07 .(I'J .07 10 00 .23 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. Wholesale prices at the close of trade on 7hcs-day. Buckwheat flour per cwt,, Wheat flour ' Wheat per bushel ., Corn " . oats " " . Ryo " " Barley " " . iiresseu uugs, per puui Butter " " rtuollty Eggs per dozen Poultry, live chickens Chickens dressed Turkeys Turkey dressed J 25 toll 60 o 75 " I oo - 1 40 according to 65 " 60 47 ' 60 SS IK) 70 " IK) cvr " 22 " 2J IS ' 12 8 " 0 8 8 " 10 10 " 11 nnrlralt nf Crnnf. and full narlleiiliirH free to all de siring Uiein. Address, HUBBARD BROS., Hubs., 723 chestnut St., l'lilla. Jan 30-4w. TJT i ITfiri Stool, coiernnd Hook only f 143 to 2S5 I I H ll llll '.l.s-s la ciuis, a pel uuu,, i..v s'-'iln dueed 33 p swells! stool, Hook, only insZIIollday .Newspaper Free. Address DANIEL 1". BE.UTY, Washington, N. J, d Jan 10 4W NTs wantcii For tho best and fastest Ring Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices re- percent. National PrnLisiuso Co.. Phil adelphia, Pa, d Jan.10, 'so-iw ON LIFE & PROPERTY.' tlO.000 will U pftli tn nr Ut r.i Hf'LtiHK A lAVf fllUd M our NAVICTV llt!llfrtrnrttrii. Kourfarli. Atfrnl VolJ. MUor rml. 8. , NEWTON '8 HAFBTT VlUP CO , UiaoUAMToM, N. V s ton 35 ,Cts. Jan 16, 4w. CONSUMPTION ble rrmruy f)f CUI1HUU11- Ctmril. A almple vrfrctnbl fur tha tvttdu &UI mrmantnt rur ri linn llrriiirliittj Tulnrrh inHinia nail all Tkrtm 'and lung AJfetion$. AUo ii Dpultlvo tin' adlcnl rure lor Kervcui Ueimty aua wj W.W.8HtUB,ltrowri'Bloek,ftefhiUr,N T. Jan la iw EEAB TMIB, A great and good thing. I havo dlscoi ercd a sim ple process and compound that makes out bread is better, lighter and more wholesome than It I inaue oinerwise. nis may seem linpossium iu nut n is true, ana no uumoug aoout u. inc ..... .Master here has tried It, II jou havo doubts you canwrlto to him. Prom S3 to 40 pounds ot Breaa can bo made from is pounds of Hour, und w 111 saw j ount least 13 in a barrel otllour, which Is an ia In every family nt the present high prleeB of Hour, and It Is Just a grand thing for pies, custards pu cakes ct all kinds. I will send tho proccssaudaboj ot tho compound, sufficient for 6 barrels of ilour.w ua directions, by express prepaid, for 1. If jou IJ to ocunomlse aud sale money, send for a box now while 1 bend It prepaid, tor tho price will be higher as soon as Introduced. Name jour Express oaico and send 11 to r. c. RENNEll, New Midway, Frederick Co. Jl i Jan se-lw wixo f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers