THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOGKAT,BLOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA COTJNTY, PA. THE COLUMBIAN. IIMIOJIStlUlKI, rttlDAT, JAM7AIIY80, 180 runuo sales. The Atlmlnlitrator of John lleWillne, ilc ceiwl, will cll rct oslnle in Dculon towrulilp on Saturilny January 31t at one o'clock )i, m The Administrntors of Golleib Gunltier will null rent estate In Cntawlraa townihln on tdo name ilny at one o'clock p, in. The AJmlnUtrator of l'eter Knt will fell rent rata to in Itoaringcreek tovnthlpon Saturday January 31ft at two o'clock p. m., and In Scott township on Friday, Februnry Oth at 10 o'clock n. m. The AdminUtrator of Kebccca Smith will sell re-ivl calnte In Madison township on Satur day, January 31st at 10 o'clock a. m. iSySc-o Advertisement in another column. The llloom ferry Is In operation again. William Kreamer pays cash for butter, to farmers. Mr. I'. V. Kvana is teaching rchool in Lu cerne county. Court begins next Mondny. A good time to call In anil subscrlbo for tbo Columbian. Her. Francis Canflcld has accepted a call to St. James' l-'pise-opnl Church nt Muncy. Dont forget the concert on Saturday evening. It will be a fine en tcrlnlnment. Judge Linn has been nominated for Mayor of Williamsport by the Greenback pnrty. The County Comtniwioners Imve been on- jeagi'M in iiumiiiK upf ilia iruiu iiiu irieumui as i t- ir .1.. . ii sessment this week. The Annual Iloll of the Friendship Fire Company will be held nt lirowcr's Hall on the evening of February 4th. Tho Gospel Temperance Union prayer meet ing will bo held nt tho l'rosbylcrinn church next Tuesdny evening. Kcv. Me. Manhart will preach in the Ho formed Church next Sunday morning and in Heller's Church In the afternoon. Richard Mcnngli, an old citizen of this town, died on Wednesday morning. The fuoernl will take place on Friday. Lewis Gordon has asumed editorial control of tho I'illston Evening Press, Messrs. Tinker and llussel having retired. A young lady of Cumberland county, named Sarah Feltrow, died from an over dose of chlo roform while having teeth extracted. New book shelves have been placed in the witness room in the court housa, for the use of the law library. The c st of taking the next census is estimat' ed by tho superintendent nt $3,000,000. For a short time it will give employment to 20,000 men. Ash Wednesday comes this year on February 11, when Lvnt begins. It will end on Easter Sunday, which comes March 23. This is much earlier than usual, Prof. Hoffman oilers his services to thoe wishing to lake music lessons in llloomsburg. He will spend Wednesday and Saturday of each week here. Address him nt Danville, Pa. jnn. 30-'Jw. The weather still continues warm nnd spring like. Everybody is longing for a few days with the thermometer bolow zero. Not n pound of ice has been gathered in this section thus far this winter. The Philadelphia 'J'imcs nlmanac is a very neat and useful pamphlet. It contains a vast amount of political information not easily found elsewhere, Every subscriber of Ihe pa per receives a copy. Charles Linn was brought to jail on last Sat urday afternoon by constable Miller of Hrinr Creek on a charge of disturbing a religious meeting some weeks ago, in Centre township. He was committed by W.J. Knorr Kfrp, of Berwick. Dr. Maglll of Danville had a paralyticslroke on Sunday. lie is ono of the olilewt and best physicians in this part of the country, and if this stroke shall impair his usefulness it wil loss lo his many patrons. He is over eighty yenrs of age. Lewis Yetter Esij., of Catawlssa died nthis home on Saturday and was buried on Monday. Mr. Yetter was an old nnd re spected citizen, and his loss will bo deeply fel' in tho community. At the request of Sheriff Ent the county Commissioners have repaired the vault In the sheriffs office nnd put it in condition to be used A place for tho safe keeping of his papers ha long been needed by the sheriff, and this ar rangement supplies that want. From anything this is known now Edward Curley will be tried next week. His counse' are Hon.C. It. l!uckalew,Capt. U. II, Urockway1 Col. Freeze and William liryson. We are inform, cd that Ihe District Allorney will bo assisted by General Albright, Geo. It. Knrcher and possi bly F. 1). Gowen. The Coal and Iron police ate actively engaged in working up the case. Municlparelections will beheld on Tuesday, February 17th, A number of candidates for town offices are already In Ihe field, J, J. Bremer is a candidate for reelection as justice of tho peace and J. H. Maize is his opponent. J. IC, Grotz is also a candidate for the office. Whichever Is elected we are sure to have a ca pable justice. Licenses will not be readily granted under Judge Uico's administration. Applicants will have to show that they havo complied with nil tho requirements of the law andjthat their ho tels or saloons are necessary. Out of seventeen applications four only were granted. W'ilUt lane Record, The entertainment at the Opera House on next Saturday evening for the benefit of the library of St. Paul's Sucdny School will be a rich treat. All lovers of good music should at tend. The performers will appear in ancieni costumes. The selections of music aro wtl made nnd will be sure lo please. Admission reserved seats, 35, parquelle, 25, gallery, 15, Tickets nt G. A. Clark's Book Slore. William Torrey, who was Indicted in Schuyl, kill county for cmbezzlemen t as cashier of the I'irst National Bank of Ashland, nnd was un. der bonds to appear, has been discharged by the Supremo Court on a writ of habeas corpus, the court holding that the offense was not in. dlctable under the state laws, tho United States Court enly having jurisdiction, Mr, Torrey was tried "once and the jury disagreed. The prosecution made out a very weak case. To tlie man whoso tasles and habits render him unable to discriminate) between a decen' journal and a smut machine, a respectable newspaper naturally appears dull. We havo seen so called firally pipers that publish silly abusive and Indecent communications, and call it rim, that's all, loo, Harley Merry's troupe had a large audlenco at the Opera House on Mondny night. The play Is good and the feenery, which they carry with them, Is very cllective. The Ch naman whoso chief part seemed to be a chronic stale of Intoxication, created much lauthler. Till Is a good troupe and deserved the liberal pat, ronage which tuey received here. coNcmtT. The entertainment at the Opela House on Saturday evening will be first class. Mr. P. E, Wirt has been engaged for some time In Ihe preparation of Iho programme, and those who will lake part nro among our favorite amateurs, and have elicited the applnuse of the public on former occasions. The Bloomsburg Quartette Club will appear In costume and sing some of their popular selections. This concert Is for tho benefit of the library of tLe Episcopal Sjiulay School and deserves a liberal patronage Secure your seats at Clark's Book Store. Philip Harris of Lime llldgo has burled three children within the past two weeks of scarlet fever. One was burled a week ago last Saturday, and two died on Wednesday night following. This is certainly a terrible visita tion, The price of printing paper has advanced flfiy per cent. In the last few months. Those who desire to avail themselves ol the present price of subscription, $1.50 a year, will be wise If they pay soon, as wo shnll be compelled to return lo the old price, 52.00, If Ihero is any further ndvnnco in the cost of paper. Tho family of George W. Waller, Esq., of Honesdalo, had a narrow ecapc from a serlou9 accident while on their way South after leaying Baltimore. Owing lo a misunderstood signal their train came into collision with another, re sulting in the smashing of the locomotive nnd more or less injury to several passengers. Mrs. Waller was so badly shaken by the shock as to sufler greally from nervous proslration. Their daughter Bessie sustained quite a severe cut, nnd some slight bruises, Mr. aller nnd his niece escaped unhurt. Milord Dispatch. Last Monday night about twelve o'clock, those of our citizens who were not sleeping too soundly were aroused by tho ringing of the Normal School hell. Of course, tho first im. pression was that nnolher fire was about to de prive us of ihe institution. After nbout a doz en strokes the ringing ceased. Wo havo not learned the cause of the alarm, but presume that It was n trick played by some of tho mis chievous boys up there. We would suggest that there is nothing smart about such a trick that. The cry ol "wolf" may come once too often. The perpetrators should be discovered and properly punished. Since writing the above we learn that tho ringing was dono by outsldo parties who bare ly escaped detection. G. P. Itelchard will sell at auction his lock of goods at Llghtstreet on Tuesday Thursday and Saturday evenings until sold out. jan 23 3w Harley Merry had some difficulty on Monday with n man by tho name of Maxwell Irom Dan, vllle. According to Merry's statement this man wanted free passes to the entertainment and also wanted to allend nt the door for the troupe. Having been annoyed with him at Danville Mr. Merry wishing lo gel rid of him finally, expresfed his opinion very freely, nnd applied some epithets not at all complimentary lo Maxwell, who at once brought a suit for lander, and Harley was arrested by Capl. Brockway, as deputy sheriff, in Ihe abenceo Sheriff Ent and Deputy Fritz. Maxwell in sisted on tho immediate incarceration of liar ey in the jail, but the deputy very properly permitted him lo go on with his performance. fier tho play the matter was reluctantly settled by Harley, by his paying Ihe costs, and giving Maxwell five dollars for "expenses." People who know Maxwell will not believe that any thing that Merry said to him or nbout him could injure his character lo any great extent. A communication signed "M." appears in the Republican this week, concerning an article printed in the Coi.umiiian recently on the Cur ley murder. Tho writer, in tho first place, is mistaken in supposing that we would not have printed his letter if It had been sent to us, Our columns are always open to the public for proper purposes. If wo published what was. untrue we would very gladly hvo corrected it. As to iho facts as published, we have only to say they were taken from n paper printed in that region, and the same in substance appear ed in the daily papers just nfter Curley's arrest This correspondent should h ive made his cor rection at that lime, so that nearly all the papers in the state would not have printed about the same statement that we did. We had no desire or intention to bias public opin ion. against Ihe prisoner, and supposed that we were using due precaution in the preparation of our article, by taking dispatches dated at Centralia and printed in the daily papers, our guides. Just exactly what the truth is in this case will be known better after the trial. The insinuation that we printed this article because wo wero not engaged as counsel for Curley is loo silly to notice. We may remark, however, that we refused an opportunity to be concerned in the cae. As to remaining 'dis creetly silent' during the trial of Hester, Tully and Mcllugh, we would invito this correspond ent to call in and look over our files of that iuie, and ho will find a full report ol the whole case from the arrest up to the execution. We have no fear that our arlicle will convict Cur ley if ho is innocent, nor do wo believe that this letter from Centralia will acquit hiui if he is guilty. HUltWICK LETTEIt. Ens. Columbian i Dancing has been denounced from the pulpit and yet Ihe young occasionally do not retrain themselves, The new foundry is almost completed. It will soon he filled with busy workmen. The manufdCluring company turn out on an averace thirteen cars daily, employing at present about nine hundred men. Adams and Sons will move their ftore Into Jackson's block on Ihe first of April, having rented the two adjoining rooms in said block, lately occupied by Mr. i rey. This firm is tier ing a thriving business, carrying a largo una well assorted slock. llev. Stcck, who has bpen a cilften of Ber, wick for a number of years, will take his de parture for New Jersey, where he has accepted a charge, this week or tho next, Ho will be missed by his many friends, May success and happiness be in store for him in his new homo- Mr. J. Hoyt, who has catered to tho public at Ihe St, Charles hotel of (his town fur a num her of years, retires in ihe course ol a few months. He will be succeeded by Mrs. We-sler the owner of the property. The "boys" when late at breakfast, an inclination of which they are unquestionably guilty, will miss his pleas. ant nnd benignant greeting with which he was wont to welcome the culprits nt the door. No more then will the benrded stnluo with watch in hand lay in wait for Iho somnolent delin quent, seeking to glide unperceived Into a chair at tho breakfast table at a late hour, That elry-houso in the lumber yam once again nursed a little fire. At about five clock P. M., ono day last week a tniall cloud of smoks was seen Issuing from tho roof of this building. In a few minutes the "hands" were at the scene, called together without the aid of the customer? signal, the gong. The house was full of lumber, but fortunately unseasoned In less lliau a half an hour the fire was quench ed, The loss was trifling, the building and all Ihe lumber saved. Col.C, G, Jackson's lecture on "How we murder the King's English" last Friday even Ing, concluded tho lecture course, A Urgeau dience listened attentively to his caustic pict ures of professional men, demagogues, legisla tors, etc., who misuse the gifts of Ihe King Humor and philosophy were agreeably confim ed In tho lecture, llEI-ORTfn, Berwick, Pa., Jau. 27, '80. The gentlemen who serenadeel ui on Wodnes. day night will plesso accept thanks for thecom- plimcnt. The members of Ihe Democratic Committee from townships composing tho Bloom Poor District will meot at the Exchange Hotel on Monday, February 2d, nt 11 o'clock . m., to nominate two persons for Poor Directors. K&llALFT DHOS., "ENCHANTMENT." ONE HlQIIT ONLY, Danville, Saturday eyening, January 31st., Admission, 35 cents, 60 cents, and 75 cents A crowded and brilliant stage and crowded, de lighted audiences marked tho second week of thegreat spoctacle "Enchantment." So It will be until Its withdrawal, for the public have not been alow to appreciate Its splendid scenery, magnificent costumes and lis Infinite variety of attractions. The complicated nrd novel ma chinery now forks to perfection, tho ballet, led by Miles. Cornalba and Cappelinl, nnd includ ing Miles, Ortorl, Alda, Camls, Zillie and Casita, and a stage full of beautiful women, is Ihe embodiment of grace, beauty and skill, and the performances of Molva and the Hetbert Brothers are Ihe very poetry of gymnastics. AH this climaxes In tho great transformation scene, which has, perhaps, never been equaled on any stage, and the fill of tho curtain on these combined splendors makes the spectator feel as if he had suddenly turned his back to the sun. It will be a long time before nnother spcctaclo like "Encanlmcnt," combining so many artists and costing so much money will be presented. The cast includes Miss Belle Mackenle, Mrs. German and Geo. Denham. OCT UP A CLUB. We will send the Columbian free for one year lo any person who will send us four new names with $6, 00 In cash. This is an easy way to pay your subscription if you already take the paper, nnd an easy way to get it if you are not on Ihe list. There is not a spot in Co lumbia county where four new names cannot be obtained in a few hours' time, if some one will make the eflort. Sample copies of the paper will bo sent to any address in the county on re quest. Those of our subscribers who do not care to mnko the effort, will confer a favor by calling the attention of somo aclivc person to this notice, who will undertake It. . Tho Wellington H. Ent Post, Grand Army of the Republic, was organized last Friday night nt Brower's Hall. The following oflicets wero elected : Post Commander, Col. S. Knorr i Senior Vice Commander, J. 11. Maize ; Jun ior Vice Commander, J. B. Kobison ; Lieu tenant, W. II. Gllmore ; Surgeon, Daniel Boyce : Chaplain, M. P Lutz : Officer of the day, U. II. Ent. C. S. Furman was appointed Adjutant. Dclegites to State Enfampiuenl,Col. Knorr, T, J. Vanderdice j Alternate, G, W, Menrs. The organisation skirted with 33 members. The po t was instituted f Comrade Gibbs, of Goodrich Post, No. 2'.'. Danville, assisted by Comrades Sweisfort, Devisnnd others of the simc post. The members were mustered and the officers installed by Major James Long of the Grand Encampment of the Stnte, Bexton-, Jnnunry 20, 1SS0 Tho old mail carrier Martin Lunger died at Knrns' holel Inst week, without any near rel: lives lo bury him, He had enough money to bury him nnd a few hundred left. Our popular landlady Mrs, Olive Hess was wonderfully beat a day or two ago. After mak. ing arrangements to purchase a very fine horse of Mill Daily of Cnmbra on the conditions that they were to liy the horso a day or two, found that it was one of their own horses clippi ed. J. J. McIIcnry'a new house is nearly ready to movo into. Notwithstanding tho terrible condition of the roads a great deal of lumber is being haul cd through town. Sanderson Woods of Stillwater gave the Methodists of that place a very nice lot upon which they propose erecting a church in the spring. A few evenings ago'as John Ruckle's little hoy was riding up the dug road leading to Cambra with the mail his bene became fright ened and lell or jumped over the hank and was killed. The boy was not injured much. Wm. Patterson is doing a thriving business in the Chapin Mill nt this place. Tno wheat is looking fine through this sec tion. Respectfully yours, Retobtek. The lecture field is full to overflowing. Some of the productions are good, others passable, and the majority simply intolerable. It re quires something more lhan the ability to write, lo make an acceptable lecturer. There must bo pleasant delivery and graceful gestures. Men who desire to inflict their essays or. Ihe public for pay, must expect to give somelhlng in re turn, ihey should take enough time to com mit their lecture to memory, so that Ihey wll' not bo compelled to stand before an audience with book in hand, nnd read it off like a school boy. To interest an audience a public speaker must talk eif it, and not simply to it. Last Fday evening Dr. Geo. 11. II. Swavze delivered his lecture entitled "Life's Golden Gates," at the Normal School to a small au dience. The composition showed much care and labor in its preparation, though it is by no means of a character that will ever make it n popular discourse, It Is abstruse without be ing either interesting or entertaining, and rov ers altogether too much ground for any man, however able, to get over in one lecture. The delivery of the speaker was had, his gestures awkward and inappropriate, am the subject matter so unfamiliar as to make it necessary for hlra to refer constantly to his notes which he held before him. We do not wish lo bo under stood as criticising harshly, but as truthful journalists it is our business to comment as cir cumstances require, on those who put them selves before the public to amuse, entertain or instruct it for pay. Dr. Swayze has undertaken task which requires much more than ordinary ability to make it successful, nnd while hi1 lecture hears marks of considerable research and iearning.whaleyer theie Isnf goesl in lt,issoll. ed by Iho delivery. We hope that he may overcome these, difficulties, and eventually reach the point to which ho aspires that, of a popular lecturer. HOW TROUT HEAR NOISES IN THE WATER, Prof, E, D. Cope, a well known naturalist controverts In Forut and Stream Selh Green's allegation that Irout can not hear. The pro feasor ssys that there is a nerve at the base of every scale on a trout, and tho point where the scale is united with the skin, All these nerves from the base of every scale, lead to a large ganglion silualed on the cenlre of the fore, head of the fish below Ihe eyes, Nerves from this ganglion communicate to the inlerior ear. These nerves, at Ihe bare of each Bcale, are formed to receive vibrations In the water. Any vibration in the water reaching the scale of Ihe fish ia thus communicated to the Interior ear If trout were in a flume and one of Ihe tl mbcrs that supported the flume rested in Ihe running water on the ground, Ihe vibrations ol tht" running water on ihe ground would be carried by ihe timber to the flume and to the water In It, four feet above, Thuenrof Ihe fish would separate and take cognizance of Ihe difference in the vibrations, as Iho human ear In tho al distinguishes tho difference between the voice of friends. Prof. Cope's explanation is com plete in scientific detail, and Is made clear bv a drawing of the scale, ganglions and internal car, Sherman A Co. Marshall. Mich., want an agent In this county at once, at a salary of $100 ter month and expenses paid. For full partic ulars address as above. Nov. 21-ly. THE LAW Ol' FINDING. The law of finding Is this I Tho finder has a clear tills against all tho world hut the own er, Tho proprietor of a rallrund car or shop has no right to demand the property which may he found on his premises. Such proprie tor may make regulations In regard to lost prop erly which will hind their employes, but Ihey cannot bind the public. The law of finding was declared by the King's Bench one hundred years ago In a case In which Ihe facts were these I A person found a wallet containing a sum of money on n shop floor. He handed the wallet nnd contents to the shopkeeper to he re1 turned to the owner. After three years, during which tlmo Ihe owner did not call for the prop erty, Iho finder demanded tho wallet and money from tho shopkeeper. The latter refused to de liver them up on tho ground that they were found on his premises. The finder then sued the shopkeeper, and it was held as above slated that against all ihe world but the owner the ti tle of the finder Is perfect. And the finder has been held to stand in the place of Ihe owner, so that lie was permitted to prevail In action against a person who found an nrticlo which the plaintiff had originally found but subse quently lost. The police have no special rights in regard to articles lost unless those rights aro conferred by statute. Receivers of articles found are trustees for Iho finder. They haye no power In the absence of n special stat ute to keep iho article against Ihe finder any moro than Ihe finder has to retain the nrticlo against Iho owner. Notice. The firm of Brockway & Elwell was dissolved October 1st 1879,both as publish ers of Iho Columbian nnd in the practice ol law. All persons Indebted to snld firm on notes book account for printing or for legal services nre requested to call and settle, as ihe business of the firm must be closed up soon. C. 11. Bhockwav, Geo. E. Elwell. jan 23- 4w. Meeting of the Kxerntivn Committee Col- Co. Agricultural Society, nnsoLUTioNH or nnspnerr. Bloomsuuro, Jan. 17, 18S0. Committee met In pursuance of a call by tho chairman of the executive committee to act upon the death of our much esteemed brother, 51. W. Nuss, when tho following members answered to their names : E. J. McHenry, A. P, Young, M. G. Hughes, Freas Fowler, ChandlceEves, U.H, Ent, P. A. Evans and Wm. Shaffer. It was moved and seconded that a committee be appointed to draft resolutions on the death of tho late secretary. M. O. Hughes, E. .1. McHenry and Wm. Shaffer were appointed, with M. G. Hughes chairaian of said committee. In due time the following resolutions were handed In and unanimously adopted an follows : WlimtEAS, It is with profound sorrow that we have heard of the sad death of M. W. Nuss, our late secretary, one of our ablest and most esteemed members, there fore be it llesohed, That in the death of M. W. Nuas the Agricultural Society has lost one of its best members, the community a kind neighbor, his family an indulgent father, society one of its brightest members and the agricultural interests of the county one of its oest worters. llesohed, That we deeply sympathize with the members of the family of the deceased in the terrible bereavement and that the chairman of this committee b directed to forward a copy of these rosolutions to the family and also a copy to tho county papnrs ior puoiicauon. M. G. Hughes. ft. E. J. McHe.nhy Committee. Wm. Shaffer TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. The term of office of every township officer hereaftwr elected, whoso term of office would, under existing laws, expire on the first Monday of April of any year, shall expire on the first Monday of March, next preceding Ihe said first Monday in April, and the terms of tbesuc ces'orsof such township officers shall begin on the first Mondny of March, and shall continue for the period next fixed for the duration there of by existing !nw, And township officers shall meet on the first Monday in March, and so on every year there after. The act was passed Juno 4th, 1879, hence it will not effect officers whose terms expire next spring. See a woman on horseback in another col umn, riding near Specr'a Vineyards, with a bunch of Grapes from which Speer's Port Grape Wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by the medical profession for the use ol invalids weakly persons and Ihe aged. Sold by Druggists. June 27 1-y. Marriages. Heist Rol-ch At the residence of ihe bride's parents, Rupert, Pa., by Rev. O. D. S. Marclay, on Tuesday, January 27lh, 1SS0, William M. Heist ol Illoumshurg, Pa ,and Miss Almira, second daughter of Reuben Rouch, Coleman RonauACii. At Ihe Reformed parsonnge In Orangsvllle, on the 22 Inst, by Rev. A, Houtz, Mr. John Coleman of Orange ville lo Miss Rosa Rohrbach of Bloomsburg. Deaths. IlAKitis Carrie Ellenora Harri', born Dec. 6th, 1S75, elieil January 21st, 18S0. Aged 4 years, 1 month ami 15 days. Habuis Floyd Harris, born Feb. 1st, 1877, died January 21st, 1SS0, Aged 2 years, 11 mouths, anil 20 days. Haiibis Philip II Harris, liorn April 25th, 181, died Jan, IClh, 1SS0. Agcd5ycars; months and 21 days. Busiuess .Notices Dr. J, Schuyler, nnny years a dyspeptic and rheumatic sull'erer. itettinir rel ef In using Dr. Comfort's Kemeely, now prescribes the same to others, varying it to suit each case, wiin gratuying results, jno charge tor any caso not ueneiiueei, jan 30, '80-3w Rubbers at McKitmey's. McKinneys House, Shoe Store below Court Hoot headquarters nt McKinney's. For barpains la towels or table linens go to i.uiziv sioan. Admission free at McKinney's. Lutz & bloan hare a verv larce assort raent of Calicos, Muslins, Ticking, Shir ting, and other goods and their prices are aiwu9 iuo lowesi. 4,000 pounds of nice dried annles wanli-,1 at Silas Youngs store Light Street for which i win pavme nignest raark'et prices, December, lfj. 2-m, Boots and Shoes cheap at McKinney's, 500 lleef hides wanted by Silas Yountr uiguv Direct, ior wnicn i win pay tae High ese i-asu ut.-trieee price, December, 19, 2-m, Call at McKinney's for Shoes. See Lutz & Sloans new BtocV of embroid enesmey are cneap. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE of valuahlk REAL ESTATE ! ! Ths undersigned administrator of John tlelshltno, lato tit Ilcnton township, deceased, will expose to public, salo on the premises on Saturday, .lanunry 31, 1880, at 1 o'clock p. in., tho follow Ing LOT OF QOROTJ-aSTTJ In Ilcnton township, bounded on tho north by lands of Joseph Ash, Sumuel Yost nnd Daniel Shultr, on tho east by lands of William Ipuer.on tho south In lands ot Jonas Doty, lllram Dcpoeand John Knrns, on the west by lands ot Russell Shultz, containing 104 ACRES, moro or less, on which Is erected A FRAME HOUSE, barn nnd other out-bulldlngs, sold subject to tho payment nnnuany ot tho Inter, est on tho dower to the widow ot John llctsU!lnc,atid at her death to the pnymcntto tho heirs. TEIIMSOF HALR. Ten percent ot ono-fourth ot tho purchase money to lie paid at the striking down ot the property, tho one-fourth less the ten por cent, nt tho connrmatlon of sale, and the remaining three fourths In ono year thereafter w Ith Interest from conflrmatlon nisi, J.JI.HEISlILtNK, Administrator. W. J. nrcK ALEW, Attorney for estate. Jan 'fco-ts ADMINISTRATORS' SALE OF VALUAIILE REAL ESTATE . Pursuant to nn order of tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, Pennsylvania, will bo sold at pub lic sale, on the premises, In Catawlssa township, in bald county, on Saturday, January 31, 1880, tho following described real estate, lato of Uottlob (lumber, deceased, to-wlt I TUACT No. 1. All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situate In Catanlssn township, county ot Columbia, stale of i'ennsjlvnnla, bounded and de scribed as follows : on Ihe east by public road and S, II. ftW. It. It., on tho west by land of Georgo Zarr's estate, on the north by land of Henry llol Hogshead nnd on the south by land of Ocorgo Zarr's estate, containing Ono and One-fourth Acres, The Improvements aro a Largo 2 Story Frair.o Dwelling House, and basement. The dwelling .has n piazza around two sides and a fine lawn lnfront. There Is n rrame kitchen, TWO GOOD WKLLS OF WATER, A Large Bank Barn ot the most substantial character. Also a large framo Butcher Shop, Ice House and other out-bulldlngs. All being well calculated and having been used for tho purposoof carrjlng on the butchering business TltACTNo. 2. All that certain plow, parcel or tract ot land situate In Catawlssa township, Jcounly and stnte aforesaid, bounded and described as fol lows: On tho north bj lauls ot. Joseph llrelsch, on tho cast by land of Joseph Uommcr and Charles (lomme-r, on south by lands of James Itet-der and on tho w est by land ot Daniel llelwtg, containing SIXTEEN ACRES, all cleared land with a stream of running water, Tersons desiring to Mew tho premises will please call on the administrators. Salo to commence at 1 o'clock, p. rn. Tkkms and conditions op Half. Ten per cent, of tho onc-fourthot tho purchase money to bo paid at the striking down of the property. Tho occ-lourth less ten per cent, nt contlrmatlon absolute, and the remalDlnr; three-fourths In one ear thereafter with interest from contlrmatlon nIM. CLINTON ELLIS, MAHY (HINTIIEIt, Administrators, Catawlssa, Pa. ItiuwN, Att'y for estate. Jan o-ts ORPHAN'S COURT SALE OF VALUAHLK REAL ESTATE ! Ity Mrtue of an order of tho Orphans' Court, of Co lumbia county, Ihe undersigned administrator de- bonis non of tho estate of 1'eter Ent, lato of scott township, Columbia county, deceased, will expose lo public pule, on the premises, in Iloarlngcrcek township, on Saturday, January 31, 18S0, at two o,clock In the afternoon, the following describ ed real estite, situate In Hoarlngereek townshlp.Co lumbU county, bounded and described as follows, to-wtt : Adjoining land of the heirs of Tench Cux, deceased, lands of Daniel Itarlg and the Columbia and Schuj lklll county line, containing1 426 Acres and 75 Perches, moro or less, whereon are eiectod n Saw Mill, Dwelling House and Farn. About 33 acres are cleared. Thcro Is a larco amount of PROP TIMBER on tho land. ALSO, on tho premises in Light street on Friday, February Gth, 1SS0, at lo o'clock, a. m., will be exposed to public salt-, the follow tne; iluscrlbed lut of ground bounded by Walnut street on tho north, Main street on tho west, an alley on tho east and a lot of W. .M, Ent, dee-eased, on thc.south, whereon nro erected a two stcry 'rame Storo and Dwelling House frame stable and other out.bulldlne;s. TKUMSOl' SAI.E-ron per cent ot oncfourth ot tho purchase money to lis paid at tho striking dow n of the property, tho one-fourth le'ss tho ten per cent nt the contlrmatlon ot sale, and the re malnlng three fourths mono jear thereafter with Interest from contlrmatlon uhl. uzf, ii, i:st, , Administrator. Jan 9ts OllPlIAiYS COURT SALE Ol' VAU'AI LE REAL ESTATE I The undersigned administrator of Ilebecca Smith, lato of 1 ho township of .Madison In the county of Co lumbia, deceased, w 111 expose to publlo salo by lr- tuo of un orderot tho orphans' court ct bald counts in proceedings in partition, on tho premhe3 In bald low-nsuip or -iiuuison on Saturday, January 31, 1SS0, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, tho following de scribed real estate latu tho estate of said decedent No 1. A certain tract of land sllualo In tho said tow nshlp of .Madison, bounded by lands ot Abraham llroadt, deceased, Conrad Kreamer, Ullam shullz A. K. smith, tho land below described as No, V. and land of Ihoho'rs of Kllsha H. smith, deceased, con SKVENTY-0NE ACRES nud fourteen perches, more or less, situated on tho public road leading from Eycrs' arose to Whlto Hall, nearly all cleared and under cultivation, on v, hleh Is FRAMjt; DWELLING HOUSE, frame barn and APPLE O.'RaHAE.r) No. K. Tho undivided one-half part or moiety of certain lot ot land situate In bald Medlson townshln or w men ine saia ueceueut was seized as tenant In common with A. K, smith, bounded by tho abovo mentioned tract No. 1, nud tho said public road and nna 01 imam shultz, containing THBEB ACHES, moro or less, cleared land In good cultivation, on wnicn is n Framo Dwelling House out-bulldlngs, a good well ot water and fruit trees, TEKMS OF SALE. Te n per cent, ot Iho one-fourth ot the pu'ehaso money tu bo paid at tho fclrUlmr down of tho property, tho ono-fourth less the ten pe r cent, nt tho confirmation of sato and tho remain, ing luri-o-iourths in ono year therealtcr Ith lute r est from connrmatlon ulsi, Peed to bo raid for by tho purchaser, CONHADKHEAMElt, Administrator, Jerseytown, l'a. JUUV is, JOB WUNTIAQ Neatly and cheaply executed at the Colombian Office, SHERIFFS SALE . lly Tlrtuo of suadry writs Issued out of the Court of Common pleas of Columbia County, and to mo directed will bo exposed to public salo nt tho Court House In tho Town of liloomsburtr, Columbl i county l'a. at 1 o'clock, p. m., on Saturday, February 7tli, 1880. All that certain real csttto sll tiato In the town ot Jlloomsburif, In tho county of Columbia nnd stato of I'e-nnsylranla, bjunded nnd described ns follows, to w It I on the north by Itldgo alley, on tho cast by lot of Lloyd siurplcss, on tho south by Main or Second street, nnd on tho west, by Ccntro street, being twenty four feet four Inches In width on Second street, and two hundred and fourteen feet st Inches In depth along Centre street, on which aro erected n two story frame Btoro rosm nnd dwelling, a good frame stable, and outbuildings. seized taken Into execution at tho stilt of Joseph It. Vandersllco now for uso of (leorgo Hughes, against It, C. Itower and tleorgo Cavanco and to bo Bold as the property of It. O. Howcr, .Miller, Attorney. Ft. Fa. ALSO, All that certain pleco or parcel ot land situate In tho town of llloumsburg In tho county of Columbia and stato of Pennsylvania being designated as lots no. Ilttccn (IS) nnd 8lxteen(ir,)boundcd and described as follows to-n It I Hcglnnlngnt tho north east cor. nercf Fifth nnd Centre streets and extending east wardiy along tho north slds ot Fifth street ono nun dred feet to a corner, thenco nlong tho lino of Mrs. II. .M. Andrews ono hundred and eighty feet to liruglar's alley s thenco along said alley ono hundred feet to the cast lino of Ccntro street! thenco south wardly one hundred and eighty feet to tho place of beginning, on which ore erected a largo two story Dwelling House and outbuildings. bel7ed taken In execution nt tho suit of Henry J, Clark for tho uso ot S. C, Jayno against Henry L. Dlcffcnbocli and to bo sold as tho property of Henry L. Dleffcnbach. Thompson, Attorney. Lev. Fa. ALSO, All that certain tract of land situate tn Hemlock township, bounded by lands formerly or now ot Zebulon Kobblns, l)a Id Wagner nnd Isaac Lelny containing about tuentj-slx acres, whoreon are erected a frame dwelling house barn and outbuild ings. Tho above said tiact being tho samo that was sold to Henry V Ullim Wngncr under an order of tho Orphans' Court of Columbia County by tho admin istrators ot (lldcon Stecker, deceased, granted De cember ltth, Isas nnd continued February 7, 1972. ALi-O. All that oilier certain tract of land situates In Hemlock township Columbia county, beginning atauhtteoakcorner by land formerly or nowot tleorgo Hartman, thenco by tho samo north clghtv seven degrees, west lltty-two and sit tenth perches to a stono ; thence by samo north, three fourths ot a degrco west, thirty and live tenth perches to a stake, thence north clghty-nlno and threo quarter degrees west, about twenty perchcH to a stake In line ot land formerly or now of Joslah Stockcr; thenco norlh by tho same nine nnd ono half degrees west, sixty six and four tenth perches to n stake thenco by land ot heirs of Michael Hock, south clghty-elght degrees cast, nlncly-nlno and eight tenth perches to a stono j thenco by land formerly or now Zebulon Itobblns and Isaac Le-ldy, south four degrees west ulnety-slt perches to place of beginning, containing forty-two acres and ono hundred and six perches. Seized taken in execution nt the suit of William Clark Ulchart assigned to John A. Funston against Henry William Wagner, and to bo 6old as tho prop ertv of Henry William Wagner. Wirt, Attorney. Fl. Fa. ALSO, All that certain lot of ground situate In Heaver township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, describ ed as follows, lo-wlt: Hounded on tho north by land of John shuman's heirs, on the east by land of Joseph Ijihr, on tho south by land of Philip Stummy, on tho west by land ot l'etcr Fisher, containing eighty-three acres, on which nro erected two dwell ing houses, barn and out-buddlngs. ALSO, All that certain lot ot mountain land situate tn Heater township, Columbl e county, I'ennsyha nla, described as follows, to-wlt : Itouudcd on tho north by Catawlssa Creek, on the oast by land of C. II. Urockway, on tho south by land of Co.x, on tno west by land of Charles Helchart, containing ninety acres. Seized, taken In execution at tho suit ot Columbia County Mutual SaUng Fund nnd Loan Association against Philip Mummy and Jacob Fry, tcno Dnaiit and to bo sold as the property of 1-hlllpMummy and Jacob Fry te-rre tenant. MiLLEit. Att'y. Vend Ex. ALSO, All that certain messuage and tract of laud situ ate In Orango tow uslilp, Columbl i county, and stato ot PennsjUanla, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Iteglnnlng at a stono corner of Jesso Cole man's land, thence by tho samo north eighteen and a half degrees east fifty-two perches and seven tenth to (stones, thenco by lands of Johu Megarglo and Isaac Hagcnbuch, south sixty-seven and a half degrees w est itf ty-nve perches to a stono thence by land of the estate ot Conrad Adams north six and three-fourth degrees v est sixty seven perches, thence by land of the estate of Samuel Conner east Il o perches and tw o-tenths to a pine, thenco by the samo north eighty-three degrees east thirty-seven perches to thu place of beginning, containing sev enteen acre's and ono hundred and twenty-one perches strict measure. seized, taken In execution at tho suit ot tho Gr anger llle Mutual Saving Fund nnd Loan Associa tion agalnH Joseph Ilenrle and to bo bold as tho property ot Joseph Uenrle. Milieu, Att'y. Vend Kx. ALSO, All that;oertaln real estate situate In tho Town ot llloomsburg, In tho county of Columbia nnd State of rennsjHanla, bounded and described as follows, lo-w It: (in tho north by llldgo Alley, on tho cast by loc ot Ltoj d Murp'ets, on tho south by .Main or Sec ond street and c n tho est by Centre street, being twenty-four feet tour Inches In width on Second strcet.and two hundred and fourteen feet six Inches In depth along Centre street, on which are erected a two-story frame store room and dwelling, a good frame stahln and out-bullldngs. seized, taken In execution at tho suit of E. It. Ikeler now assigned to tho Mutual HuLldlng and saving Fund Association ot llloomsburg ngalhst 11. C. Howcr and to bo sold as tho property ot 11, c. Hower. kobi-on Attorney. fi. Fa. Terms cash on day of bale. U. II. ENT, Shorter. Jan. ic-ts. Fcb.7, twy BEST IN THE YUBLD ! SALER ATUS Which ia tho eamo thing. Impute fculfriilua or lll-Carb Hod a i vh Ul 1 4 (bean in lit luciUofn nHgh y tllrty a lille rolui li muy appfur vtlillr, finmlmil liy iltlf Imt a CIIMi.UtlSIV M i l II ciiimcn & CD'S "AHM AND II J1JIKU" ItUAM) Ylll fchoiV thu (lUI'tiiir. See thut your Sulerutu nnd I'aU lnir Soil ii W lilt nnd ll!ltr. un should 1h AM M.MIM11 ht'lIl A;. CKS iimil for food Tilus ol liitTtrtutLrttiuli of hod it hulernUm u to ditiuhe a dower t iooiitul vt each kind wUii about M'lut of water (liot iMcrredj ju clear Klui.itirriuB until all la tluirouubly ditiulvtd 'Xbo deleteriuu 1 hbuIuUo math r la t be luttrior BotU will boibown alltr settling huuiu tw uty lainutvi or uooner, by tbo milky aiiioar4ore of tliotolutlou and tuo quantity uf filiating llucky scatter according to quality, lia aureandadkfor Church k Co,' fiodaani Saleratui and aee that thtlr uaiua U ou it-t pack ago and you will get the purest and whiten V laaJe. Ibeuaeot tbltwitaaour wllk.Ju preter etico to Uakftin 1'owder, aavea tu:ty Umu fti coati beo one pound vukago for y&lU&Ufi l&forafc en andrad carvfully( SHOW THIS TO YOUR QROCER. Januaiy 111, Jul. M. C. SLOAN & BRO. llMIOMSIII'IUi, IM, Manufacturers ot Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleigh: I'LATFOUM WAGONS, to. Flrst-clsas workjalways on'.hand. ltKl'Alltl.NO NEATLY DONE, rrtccs reduced to suit the times. A WOlin TO TltosB Wllti t'sK pfitior-l PIAirKIH. It Is a universal ricknowh-dirod fact that BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTERS ARE SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. lot) ureal Utm inu fur niein ha-i e-au-ied n nuuitH-r ui uniiiiiiiioui parties uj make auu sell worthJeM Imitations under similar sounding names. As tho mirlet M Hooded with Inferior plasters ftelllnir si amr prlco It M Important for the consumer to know which Is tho best. It Is well known that some ot tneehean plasters have been examined and found to contilu Injurious Ingredients which make them danjfroust use, cnuslnif paralysis andothsr diseases. CAUTION -See that tho word CAPCINE on each plaator Is cor. recti? spelled. HUaIIUKY k JOHNSON, Pharmaceutical chemists, New York. 1'KICE 25 CTH Janoo-tw, d npfure D II. t.A.HIIKUMAN-ISTIIK OIlIOtNAt, AND ONLY Dlt. StlttltMAV known to the publlo for tho pttt 8.1 venrn nr morn I hrnnch hh iierpsfnl method ttt trnatlnir Hunturo without the annovanco and tnhirT trusses Inillct. Ills system of euro bylocnl external itppllrnllon, No man is safo who has a rupture, no mailer how lnfnincant he may consider It, for every man who has dud from It onco nattered himself that It was hut n nlillnir nllmeni nnd every man who now suffer from it nnd iho Inlurv of trusses, lo such nn extent that life has no cnjoymenls. onco reirnrded It as un worthy special attention It Is not a standstill amicllon I It Is proirn-Mlv.-, even unto death. Ileferenex trlven to pcntlcmen tntheclly, who harp boon cured. Durlnir lrcalmnt no hindrance from labor. ! tlentsfrom abroad can rcc Ive treatment and lcnie forborne same da v. HIS BOOK ONBUPTUBB ptres tho most rell.ihio prnors from distinguished p-ofesslnnal irentiemn, clergymen nnd merchants ot his successful practice and popularity therefrom throuirhnut Hits could ry anil the West Indies, i The amieled should rend It and inform themselves of the certainty of Ix-lnsr cured. It Is Plustraoed with photographic likenesses ot extremely bad cases before and after cure, and rustled vu luoso wno send iiirenis. r,avn mis, nni reinem wr CAUTIOV-Tho reputation of Da. .T. A. sliKHM N. 251 Broiiway, ear. nurray bis,, eiev iors, rnn,nH,n r.t no .t a . vti hh i x v. n, tdiiVii rrnm 40 vears stiecessf ul nractlco ha 951 Rmss-r. rir. WnTTjTr Sle.. New Yorir. nruunu mo country ture. Twoof these t try Pretenders who assume to bs tho original I)r. Sherman famous for lh cure of Itup ese parlies nn old and younir man recently turned up In lloston s they duped several by I Advertisements . when detected, suit was brought, but the fellows ran away leaTtn sorrowful victims, room rent, Imard bills and newspapers nnpal I. since then they h.iie been discovered atS41 llrnaday, New vork, where they recently, by Jan 30-liv d The Old Established JZvivj; Store. WHOLE Corner Main and Market Streets BLOOMSBURG, PA. Theunderslunedhtvlngbeenlnthe WIIOI.IIhAI.i: lintel business for the past eleven jeirawU call tho attention ot the public ceneraily, and CH'NIIIY DEALKKS lu particular, t their largo and varied stock. M GQmmiB of hints, Oils, Glass, Putty. Patent Medicines, Spices, &c. Tim Hetaiil BROWER'S BLOCK. !:iBinot be SBirpassed anywhere. N IT MAY BE FOUND A LARGE STOCK OF SPONUES. CHAMOIS, l'EHPUMEUY, FANCY ARTICLES, TOO'lli IIAin BItUSIIES, LAMPS, and in fact every thing that should be kept in a complete and well regulated Drug btore. They are the sole Manufactures of the Celebrated OIL OF GLADNESS. Also the Manufacturers UK. W. M. J3IUKLEY S Celebrated and INVALUABLE omnoimd Aromatic Iron. Improved Cream ling Agent, Improved lloso Pectoral. The Beset Remedies Made. Highly Recommended by Physicians. Oet 1- 'tu-ty, order and when person. When tako them bnck, clerks, who nro nblo to we are enabled to givo Bfr customers cho Uaro ttta thotco to us. With n reputation of twenty years nt Totalling, wo cannot afford to loso our good name by lank of proper servlco to absent customers, Writ plainly, and describe fully what Is wanted, and about the prlco desired Address, John Wanamaker, Largest. Dry Goods House! Philadelphia. ') ,uM..U,. ',! 1,1. II, ,1,1 l'Olt Couuht I'oIJ-, UronrhliUt lluiirM'nfuiit Tic kiln or Ir tu ur tuo Tit rout, horo Tlirout, Cold In I ho Urud, Croup, J ii Hue dm booiiltiRrouiili, Cold lu tbo IloweU, Aktlunntlo Couslm, n4 rrlltTorCouvumptlit-. w.ciiAanuoN nitowNiv Ah. 1 I lilt XW V. lly T TIF. 111 urn ing ur i-huiiiv io t,uurc-a is attained from 40 years successful practice nan started ueciptions ueirauucu an ogcu ncnfjmiui. Hplmat COLOQNE8, CI OARS, TOILET SOAPS, Uni'SIIES, OLOBM. and Sole Proprietors PREPARATIONS, Wine of Gentian and Camphor, Worm Kil w,9 Out of town people who can not conveniently travel, may have sam ples sent them of Dry Goods nnd all other goods that wo sell, if they will write us. ro charge, nnd no need to If not suited. Wa make It a 1PARTMENT buslnessto attend to such letters quickly; orders como wo send tho exact article wanted, and at exactly eamo price ns other customers pay when hero buying in goods nro not as ordered, we Hnvinrt trained nnd responsible use dlscretiotV" filling orders, great satisfaction to tho many UK. 1 "I'llHIC ,hiiMii;i' ..WV.ift?: Po. BROWN INO li fcttvulv era4uatacf luedlcine, a kkUlf ul 1 lurmtcUt, and a tlioruuh cUtuUht 111a " C. i C.H (Couch and Cold) Cordial U not the re- puHtf lucre caauce.tut of lonr acicDuno roBeArdi la chemUtry and medicine, a U i Ul&lf avca by Uio rirldity of ltd actloa and lu mj-arallolcd eElcacy, Tho extwiii) lu lu uiaauf act me U at U ait" j tt irrcat a that of any other medldna upon the luarjti-i. aau yes u u aoid at tht exceedingly low prlco of 30. l?T"B.mile bottlca (for a Blurt tiu.ii or.j) 2 rt.. 11 . . rroiirii-ior. 1117 Arch Street. Vlitludelulila. li 1'imi IIITT m AI T, rMlUl.Ol-il - " " 1 a i . j :rwmmnewm Dec. 6, 'T9.-lyoow
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers