THE COLUMBIAN AND" DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COINTY, PA. Miscellaneous. WIIRS TO SRI,!,. Every ono who Is engaged In any depart timit of agricultural or tuatmfaciure It tup posed to livo, I'rom time to time, something to selt or exchange On tbo disposition of this inrplu.i depends the supply ol articles that tha person does not raise embracing all Implements and Improvements of everkind that require an outlay. Hence It is a matter Of moment that the sale of these things be made at the time the beU price, all things considered, will be obtained. Is It possible to be c;rtaln 61 this ttmo T In general, no. There are many nttlclca that constitute ei' repttou. Tluue that cannot be convenient' ly proierved,tnust,ofcoiiKa,b8 thrown on the market ntonco. Other that In demand are in certain ssainna only will bo governed by tho season traiic.But the moU common and valilablo products of human Industry are al ways It) market, and yet are snbjet to fre quent fluctuations in price. Such are the leading products oi the farm and most of (be manufacturer. As to those no good rule c.n be given, bnt the following suggestions Mil' rimm-nd themselves to the prudent. 0 ild fceep hinlsclf Informed of the . ' market, especially In places ac 'nn, and as far as practicable in .1 li .i-trade nflecta directly bis local t i i'lir belt way to aeiure this is to i 'ihrt r -d ?ood papers, that give not i ' uhir market statements, but at i "iid Impartial comments and V'ui'ii necessity compels one to . i my submit, regardless of price . .. n.i'J n'lier caes ought to govern him . insi.iteiitly by'reasonable probabilities. 1 nle-s mi tb.' lacoofn comparative certainty Hia' tbcru will bo no advance, economy plainly forbids tbo disposal of n commodity at ,1, price that is not more than its cost to the producer: ltnsliieas cannot live on losses. A certain, farmer, who always prospered, . mi(lti or rule to fell everything he cquld fpai ?s soon as it was in a marketable con Hi 11. He never made much at onetime, but be avoided nil risks of rogues and fires, all Injuries by vermin and weather, all the trouble and expense of protracted storage, all the reduction of shrinkage and acciden tal waste : and be receiving money now and then through tbo year. It is safe advice to say that every one should be content to sell at a reasonable profit. To wait for very large prices is dangerous policy and especi ally as to tho necessaries of life, very bad morals. What men must have, bis fellow man should be willing to furnish at rates that are not exorbitant or oppressive. Busi ness should never violate tbe principles of magnanimity and true charity. Rural New YorUu High Priced Batter. Dairymen often wonder how their more favored competitors get such high prices for their butter tbe year round. It is by al ways having a uniform gilt; edge article. To put the 'gilt edge on, when tbo pastures do, not do it, they use Wells, Richardson & Go's Perfected Butter Color. Every but . ter maker can do the same. Sold every where and warranted as' harmless as salt, and perfect in operation. Keeping Children after School. There is one common practice of the pub lic schools which ought to be abolished at once and' everywhere without question or parley. That is the practice' of imprison ing the chjldren in tbq school-houses be yond the school hoots. Pretty nearly every school-house in the land is thus turned into a penitentiary in which children are im mured every day, some of them for imper fect recitations, others for faults of deport ment, This method of punishment might, if the teachers were all judicious, be resort ed to. occasionally with good effect ; but teachers are not all judicious, and thousands of children are thus detained every day to whom thesleteution is a serious injury, and a emu: mju.tice. "For some trifling breach of ml , like turning in the seat.ordrop'ping a pencil, for sumo small failure in a recita tion, aud often tor 'no fault at all whose clasns being kept on account of tho indo lent , t sums ot their members and the in v 'C in uuw suffering with "the guilty Ihe c .n.lren am shut up in the school-houses, s un u... during the intermissions, often ai ' ' dun of school. Th usands of f' i n iu .(, to whom thereg ul Tfcciwoi horns arejtop long, are perma m uUy injured by this system of confine ment. It only the stunid and tlm willful and t 1 i 1 plain show ' in "turdy health were thus pun-i.-re vvuld be less Reason of com m'tnny caicful investigation, will i such discrimination is not gener ally untie, audjfrom'the nature of the sys tem, cannot wejl be made ; and that the ini jury i- the health of pupils resulting from tbe practice more than outweighs any good that may remit from it. The health of the pupil isasubject to which tbe average school teacher five hut little consideration ; any practice, therefore, which is liablt to result' in the impairment df the pupil's health ougnt to be forbidden by. law'. -ibis pW is based "upon oj observation of tbe vnrking of this system in several towns and Cities and upon the concurrent testimo "ny ot many1 medlcat men. In some places the rules' of, the -governing boards forbids th'-s iturUoninent of" children, but the rules mo g nerally tet at naught by teachers. They aught lo be enforced. It must be that there are methods of discipline for schools less injurious and more efl'ectual than im pihoniuent. Good Oumpany, IVo. Four. PruDinz Fruit Treen. The eflorts ot some fruit growera. says Clman't Jiural World, to inaie all kinds find varieiesof their frujt tres to conform to ne single idea of yiuftlng aui training cannot but result djaasxiously, both to some '.'the trees and to. th profits which the grower expects to realize. The fact is made evident when we notice tbe wide difference in the habits of growth of some varieties. Take, for instance, the Ilartjett (standard) pear, which has a rather upright growth, or tbe Duchesse(as a half standard), which is more so, and compare either with the spreading growth of the Bell Lucrative (standard) . and some others, and it can be plainly Been why they should be pruned dif ferently, for to prune them all, either to as sume an upright or a spreading growth would be sure to produce bad effects on some of the trees. As it is with, pears so is it-with other fruits, the same rule holding good. There is one method which can always be pursued with good results, and It is tbe ope adopted by all well informed fruit growers and that is to merely thin out, each year, all dead, dying or struggling branches, as well the Interfering limbs, and when more prun ing is necessary, to reduce tbe quantity of word, to make such pruning conform to tbe Tfell-knnown habits of growth of the partic ular variety you are working on. Baby Saved 1 Wc are so thankful to say that our baby was permanently cured of a'tiaugerous and protracted Irregularity of the bowels by the use of Hop Bitters by its . mother, which at the same time restored her to perfect health and strength. The parents, BochesteNiY. See.auother column. The Waste of Life. WHY WIS BUOUXt) TAKK BET Tin CARE OF OUBBELTB9, A hotel keeper, past tho middle age of life, of long experience, and who had quite acute powers of observation in regard to tho phys ique of his Igucsts, was quito positive that there had been devolopcd.of late a better torm in womankind. "I know of no reason, to account for this improvement," said ho."than by advancing the idea that women and girls aro better fed. I miss those stoonini. wan faced women and girls of former titnoa who had no stamina. Once they wcro in tho majority. Dolicalo hands and feet, were, of course, to bo found, but it was accompanied !.! .l i-" 1 1 ... 1. 1.1 , . , nun uiuujmuk neau, uu urcauiuoi cnests ana general ueniuty. i no not Jtnow ir it arises so much on account of inoro exercise, but rathor from tho fact that food, such as women uso, is better cooked and moro plentifully given to them than in tho tituo of our moth ers and grandmothers. Thore used to bo an old fashioned school which was founded on stinting. It was unladylike for a gin to eat a hearty meal. Our sisters used to bo half starved. Cravings for that solid food which was absolutely necessary for growing girls wcro satisfied with cups of tea or thin slices of bread and butter on which a little preservo had been spread. Now, you may think but little of my experience, but a eea sido resort is exactly the" placo where a fair judgment can be formed as to tho size, weight, and gen eral appearance of our womeu. I am quite positive that if you were able to weigli tho women and girls who aro walking on this veranda or on tho sands, and had a record of the weights of their mothers at tho same age, thero would bo an incrcaso to-day of from 10 to 15 per ceut., quito sufficient to add iin tneuscly to the personal appearance of our women. Wo havo no better food as to quali ty, but I believo that it is the preparation of it which has made tho chango. There is no country In the world where, the necessity, of fidod, well-oookfcd food is greater than in thd Unitcd States. The changes in our climate aro terrible, aod the wear and tear on the human framo is immense. It is miraculous to think how, fifty years ago, men or women got along at ail, and preserved their faculties, with tho bad system of feeding they bad then. But if I believe I can anorcciate bolter physical condition in tho citv. T cannnt env tho samo for ftie country. The country is still pie fed and frying pan fed. it revels in clammy paste, sticky dough, ..overdone, rncat, igmres a raro broiled beef steak, is, utterly ignorant of soup, and destroys its digestion by clogging stomachs with bacon fat. It is worse in New England than in tho Middln States. It is not poverty that does ii. hnr tho want of judgment in tho selection of ino.1 and ignorance in preparing it. Theso engen der long lantern Jaws, pallid complexions, and slabsideness in men and women. Feed a man and a woman through a half centuy on indigestible food, and their offspring will show "the effects of it- It is not the Dhvsinue which is only undermined, but the menial qualities aro dwarfed. Wo don't want over- nervous men and women, all titnrlW brain and no massive, brawn. Such birth to all kinds of queer isms. You find many well-fed people, who would follow those wild religious tenets which ended in such a tearful tragedy i as took ptocejoiNew England this year. That horrible thing came as straight down as, could be a century, of bad food and abnormal digestions. People ''don't look al food in tho right way. Most especially do professional people, those who work the hardest, often adopt an ascetacism, which is fatal to them. Tho thing wo all want is stay ing power. It is true, we Americans accom plish a great deal in a .raarvelously short period of time, but the fact is wo use our selves up in doing it. We don't stay. Your lawyer, your doctor, your professor, more es pecial tho -two first, too often go to the most' unfortunate of all extremes. That stimulant which good, well cooked food, and plenty of it, would afford them they do not think about. The great waste that is pulling them to pieces tney make up Jor too often by drink. This work for a time with fearful rapidity, keep ing the machino a going in trinle fast time. but then it soon, 'grinds out the cog-wheels. our protcssor plods, it is true, and may not require, apparently, the same primine. but still ha neglects his stomach, and is proud of such neglect. It is Incompatible, so be thinks, nuu ius uignuy or nis caning to stoop down to the wants and necessities of men in lower occupation. He bolts a little bad food and is supremely ignorant .or indifferent,'kwhether he is feeding on baked or Boiled meat. Now, how stupid it is for a man of science, who ought to understand the first principles of a steam engine, to fancy that any machine can worlc without the necessary amoont of good fuel. A professional, person should be tem perate, but. not. abstemious; when a man is giving himself away parting all, tho timo with bis substance why, teetotal Urn often dries him up. and whithcrs him. It is good faith with a. single glass of Burgundy which ls olten the saving of a man sjacuities. and carries him through to future' usefulness. Great brains that do mighty work,-and keep oq doing it like Bismarck, must be well'fed men. A man may spurt along' until he is 35 or 40, and accomplish something! but if ho is undprfed, ho stops then, suddenly, and goes all to pieces. Ho has used up half his life and the harvest of his; Inter years ho is unable to reap. If the question of longevity were stodied, it would bo found tliat as far as professional men go, wo kill them in the United States with ttartling rapidity. It is all driving and no time to halt tbe beast. Why do not doctors, lawyers, clergymen and professors look as their colleagues of the tho eamo calling abroad, and follow thiir ex ample in caring better for tho physical ncces sities of life?" Sunshine Am, Nioiit. An unusual scene for Europe that of the sun not Bet ting, bnt shining through tbe whole night Is to be witnessed from the summitof Mount Aavax, In Finland, near Torueo, at C6 normern latitude. Every year, on June 23d, u multitude of people of different na tions visit that mountain to witness the in- leresting spectacle. Accordinirto tbe leporls or tne l'inu journalists, this year there were on Mount Aavax about three buudred trav elers; three of these were Enellshmon. two Frenchmen, one was a Russian j there were several Uermans, Danes and Swedes, and tbe rest were Finns. The government of Inland is now erecting on Mount Aarax a notel for tbe accommodation of traveleis. Feed Hoots in Winter. The large quantities of dry, woody and In digestible foot consumed by stock in winter' tax tbe digestible organs very severiy. and constipation, congestion,etc,are ever threat ening dangers to the health of the stock A moderate quanity of roots or green Hxd In tbe season ol dry food acts as benefio tally on tbe stock as fruit and fresh vegeta bles do on tbe human system In the course of long, cold season wheu no prespiratioit purges tbe skin. In the season of verdure and plant growing, frenh vegetable food Is so common a portion of our daily diet that we scarcely notice the fact. And to It it with the animals whose care we are charged with. 1 CatarrH Or Ten Year' Duration. Tho Dla charges Thiok, Bloody, and of Foul Odor. Senses of Smoll and Taste Wholly Gone. Entirely Cured by SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE, UeMn.Wf eVi h rotten Oentlf mrnT 1 rnrnrWIM to acktioicdtf to rou the great benvDt tUitroitn'i Radio At, Cc hu btcn to mt. For tm rears I iy ppen afflicted with tliia loath tome itlaeace, and cpe elally lathe winter tlma ha It been moat flttrere. The dlacriarjca baa been thick and bloody, einlttlnn a foul odor o bad that my pretence; In ft room with othera waa tery offenalTe to tiietn. One week aner commeno Inar the Baa of Sahpond'b Ha pica 1, Chrr I wtta not troubled with It at all, Mr arnaea of taste aod (moll, which wtrt wholly font, hate now fully returned, and my general health la much Itnprored. Youri, MKLDOtnWK H. FORD, Shot t Hand JTf r. OnifiD IUpidp, Slu fi., Nov. 3, 137S. LATER. . Oentlement Thflt'ackafl-oofSltroiin'arDitiarrtTfd hero ttnitaht all rlnlit. I don't know whAt I should hare done If It had not been forthla remedy. I bare tried Naal Doochei and everything Hie, and itlthoiiwh I liavo been able to atop tha'otienalro rtWharfre, I hare not bnen ableto rrroTPrm) aenseaof tanto and emell until I tried Bahfohd'b Ccri Von can refer nny one von choose to me, and 1 will cheerfully Inform them In detail aa to the beneOt the remedy lias uun to me. Touri, MELDOUUNK XI. FOI'.D. Gbajtd Iupina, Mien., S'or. 15, 1870. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE not only tifotnptiyatrcita the corroding dlacharfrea In CAtarrbibut.hyaynipatltetlo action, It roetoreatn sound health alt tUo organs of the bead that bare become affected by It, and eihlblt any of the following affeo tionn Urfectlv Ereilffht, Inflamed and Malt cry 1'yea, Painful anil Watery Eyes, Loan of Hearing, Earache, Neuralgia of tbo Kar, Discharge from the -Ear, Ringing Kolaca In the IJead, Dhtlness, Nervous Headache, Pain la the Templet, I,oe of the Stnaes al Taste and firaell, Elongation of the Uvula, Inflammation of tho Tonsil, Putrid Sore Throat, Tickling or Hacking Cough, Bron chitis, and Uleedlng of the Lungs. r I?htackafre contain Pr, Banford'i Itnprored In. nnltntr Tube, with full and carefully prepared dlrectloni for use In all c ars. Price, fl. For Bale liy all wholraale and retail drnirfrltits and dealer thromrhont tbe United fctAtta and rnnarias. Wf KK8 & ItlTTEK, General Agonta and Wholeiale IiroKRlsts, Doaton, Mas. COLLINS' VOLTAIC PLASTER i AN Klectro-Galranle Batterr, combined with a Warhly Medicated Plaater, forming tho srandeat curatlre Bircnt la tbo world t-f litedlc lne, and utterly aurpasidntf all other Plasters heretofore In utc Titer accomplish .morfl In one week than the old I'l aster In a whole year, lhey do not palliate, they etna, Ihey RelloTfl AfiecttdhA oftho Cheat. Italleve Affectlona of the Lungs Keller e Affection of tho Heart. Hellers Affection of the Llrer. Kellers Affections of the Spleen. Hellers Affections of the Kidneys. Rellere Affections of tho Spine. Kellers Affections of tbo Nerrea. Hellers Affections ortho Muicles. Hellers Affection of the Joints, J Heller e Affections of the Itoaci. Kellers Affections of tho Sinews. No matter what may be the extent Of your snfferlnr. try one of tbeio I'laaten, Kellers (nttantantovi, a fact supported by hundreds of testimonials In our poueaalon. Bear In uilnd that the most Important dlacoverles In pharmacy date back Ices than ten years, and that com Moatlons of cams and caBncci of plants and ah rub ar a herein united with Electricity to form a curatlre Plmuf ter. In eoothlnar, heal lnar, and itrengthenlna; properties as far soperlorto all other n asters heretofore la uso as the scfentiao phy slclsa Is to the hone-letch. Frloo, B Conts. . Be careful to call for COLLINS VOLTAIC PLARTER lest you get soma worthies Imitation, Bold by nil Wholcsalo and Uetall DnietfUtu tlironarliont tne TTnltwl Etateaand Cnnadas.nnd by WKEK3 POTTKH, Pro prietor, Boiton, Mafia. .T H PERMANENTLY 'CURE$ KIDNEY DISEASES. LIVER COMPLAINTS, 1 n Constipation and Piles. DK.B.U. OLABE;ilwrtliBn,TL,Hn "In mt KIONEx TBOVBLES It lu MhhhCFIUI) MlkUMnrfUIIsI MiUklentlT." 4 xttsox rAincHnJ, .r Bt. aiw, vu I mmjt, "ItU .fprlMlu. nlH. MUr muitx I C H. UOO AlieX, crUerLiklre, Uj k, Sx I wpdcra fur. m. In cm. plcUlr'fwriaf MTcr. Llrer "d Kldncr I . IT HAS WONDERFUL 1 POWER. BEOAUSB IT ACTS ON THK UTEtt,TIIE VOWEUa AND KID-1 KEYS AT TBB SAJIE TIJIK- BeoauM It clean... ltH rtwn of I tnepolaonoiw humors tnat aeveiope IriKldneynnd Urinary dl.eaM.,BII-l lou.ness. Jaundice, Constipation, I Pile., or In Rheumatl.m, Neuralgia I and Femara di.orders. KIDNET.WOBT U irj y ratable ttm-1 IMOMUdMIHMlfBrilUlpNHU. Oa packag. will n.k mix qU of medicine; I XT NOW ! Bur It et tbe Druntst. VrU, tl.OO. wztlB. EICB1&S30H t CO.. rrccricion. Q JlurUnctea, vt. SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE Used la tbe principal Churches for communlen purposes. EXCELLENT FOt LADIES AND WEAEL7 PEKSONS AND THE ACkD. Speer's Port Grape Wins ! FOUR YEARS OLD. flUUs Celebrated Nattve. Wlno 13 made from tito, i juicooi mo uporwj urape. raiacam luutuuumy Its Invaluable Tonio and Strengthening Properties are unsurpassed by anv oiber Native lne. lielntr tbe euro Jutco ot tbt OraDt. nroduced under Mr. npeem uwu pursouai Buperision, iu puniy ana geaulnenesa are truaranud. The youngest child, may partake of Ita geiieroua qualities, and tbe weak &t Invalid use It to advantage. It Is particularly beneficial to the aged and debilitated, and suited to tlja various aliment that affect the w eaker bex. It U in every respfict a wiwjs iu im lutubu u.n, SPKEU'S P. J. Sherry. The P.J. SIIBItltY Is a Wine of Superior Character; and partakes ot tbe golden qualltlei of the grape, from which It Is made. Kor l'urlty, Wellness, Flavor and Medicinal f ropertles, It will bo found unexcelled. SPEEU'S 1. J. Brandy. This 11UANDY stands unrivaled In this Country. bUntf far superior tor medicinal purposes. IT ia A l'UHE distillation from tho grape and con Ulna valuable medicinal properties. It has a delicate Oavor, similar to that of the grapes from which It is distilled, and Is In great favor among itrst-class families. See that the signature ot AI.FRKD Bl'EEIt, Fassalo N, J., Is over tbe cork of each bottle. SOLD BY O. A. KLI3IM. I'ino ST, 1S79-U this rariK is on nu wjtb R OWELL 4 iHESMAH Advertltlna Agantt, tHIRBIi CHESTNUT T., T. LOUH..M SELLERS' COUGH SYRUP ! 50 Years Before the Public. Pronounced by nil to to Iho most l'lcmnnt and enrnrtan. remoily In uso, for tbo cure of cough., cold., croin., lunmiiFM, tickling sensation ot tbo throat, whooping cough, etc. OVJill A .1111.1. KIN HUTTf.liM HOI.ll WITHIN TUB LAHT F1SW VI! A Its. It gives relief whcrcTcr used, and has the power lo Impart bencnt that cannot be had from the cough mlsiiirrs now In use. Bold by all Dr insists at 25 cents per bottle. SI-.I.1.KUH' l.triilt 1'IM.M arc also highly re commended tor curing liver complaint, constipation, flckhcadschcs, fever and ague, and all dlsoases ot tbo stomach and liver. Hold by all Druggists at 25 cents per box. B, E. Sellers & Co., Pittsburgh, Fa. OCt 8, '79-1V. Weaver & Go's. Ads. fi fnatHRUt It Id trttf eM, taattcn not ftf how loaf lUnd Ids or how dpl; rooted, II tea tmtaai raliif, nnd eurai tha . noit etiMml him. la W thrMwetia, 1iUfd k direct fed, olinitutl nuiiitfer of tetln)rnlili can be elttn If denlred, bit Hi) a lit la a trial, to foitlnre Hint It will fltire hcn ll cthtr luoitm hut fsflrd. Sold by all rtealrra In iiH-dfcp, feO Mali) hotttf i Prut fw a rftlt nf jirlor, JACOUWALTZ.tifneraUKcnt rorl'.S. and Canvas 13(1 Vrunkllii St., lUltlmure. Md. fryI) enaine aaVatraOe nM-k'and atgaatare ef Dr. J. W.Dt lit m, wraiirT. ,sept. 19, Tf-iy Jwi CO. INSTITUTE!. Eatabllshodln 1872 for tho cure I ol Cnncur, Tumors, Ulcers, without tbo use ot knife or ioBs of blood and Uttlo pnln. For Information, circulars and references, address lr I l'OXl, Aurora, Kano Co., Hi. fcept. 19,'79-ly. J w & 'co. THIS NEW ELASTIC TRUSS !! PaJdlfftrbtjf frtm Klletbn,tc eap-ahip, wilb rUir-AdjuilUit; lull Is tetter, adtiita IUlf tt ill Ion 1 ef the bnif, wblle tbe t m the Uta. ltUci,7, durbluIcbeap. betu tr U&IL Ctnjatur. "- Egglestoo Truss Co., Chicaao, III., sept.lJ,10-ly, Jw&co. (JoNSUMPTION. can'be cured by the continued use 'of Obmun'sCod tlver oil and Lacto Phosphate of Lime, a cure for Consumption.. coushs Colds. Asthma bronchitis, and an Hcrofulous diseases; ASK your druggist for osmun's und take no other. It be has not got It, I will send six bottles anywbero on receipt ot V. bend for Circular. C'llAS. ia. OSMUN. 13 Seventh Avenue, New ork. Nov. l, 18.-m J w B co. P A T C H Foi mending tin. brass, copper, lead or iron without acid or soldering Iron. Any lady or child can mend with It. Will send one samplo plaw by mall(wltu directions) that will cm 192i Inch square patches on receipt of a cts. 8 for $1, loo for tio, (Pos tage stamps i ecelved as caih). AOnNTS WANTKI). Can carry one day's stock In your pocket. Kales will yield 3 to lis per day. onrW pago'llluitrated Catalogue Oof chromoh.' Jewelry. Novelties, htatloc ery, Ac., Fit BE. Ad-lress, 1 t I T J HUVJILTI U O No 119 South 8th St., rhlladelphla, I'a. Mention this paper, dec Mm w&co OT1! eTwlat. with JittnT:, licit. Jiox ltuHm MIojt f;i n(l HVmI lu urh. AUoont lfMmiU.1 Hruturku Itifteot $10. Warrant til ar no mile, teu4 (urllluolrhtvj fai ni 114 n a una 1'nnj 1.11 u JAMES BOWH & CONS, r.atrrU Cm Worki, 1.70 ,v J.'iC U oott St., r.n.UUslll.ulS$. riTTSESVltaMI, I'A, decs 3m tco FITS CUKICD Tromptly and Permanently, 1 neiid a hottto of my celebrated rem 4dyr, with a valuible treatise on this disease, free to all suffertrs vhn bend memeirr. u. ana jsxnreba aaures. Dr. li. o. Hour, Ko. Ib3 Pearl Ht. New York. Nov 14-Sm aid CATARRH Aelhmau and llrnnpfcltle. cured at yonr own home br DeVOXE8 FNIIALEXK, ockiibk por luin ureo 0 maajKue. a rtUKiii on trial, tit he returned mi money refn&dt i if not BatlafBe tary. For fall tnforaetion d a. w.vor.iota & atch, 1 wi,a Nov.ji.'to.-ly MDLLER'S TO" COD-LIVER OIL BBinrtlHHr kvjiajaiaAiBBaBw li MrtKtlr !. Prononnctd th. belt by th, h rttrt Bidlc.1 .WhorlUM In th, world. Olytn .w.rdi .flWorIij JhMiltlon.. nd i p.rii, 1S7I. told br DmltllU. W. H. BohUftelln ACo.,M.I. IB prqv.r Iln all dlmiei, tTomM- omttlim i, Whit phllltl i Genera UlceToui Borl,. 11 1 ijii11 Swdllnll. SyphllltlO odM.Bon. Dti.iiii, .to. Inv.ruablf In Oeniral hillty ol th. Hf4. A rich ijrop conttlnlni no In- DiWllly ol th. Hf4. A rich ijrop conttiuni no ln iWhincomlumfc Jofd ky ll Drojilili. 3 ,uch tncomluiai. ACCNT8 WANTEO-S7I to IIIO Per Month. Th?g9TVlPUaiTEH9WE rUTPIUtmC.4LL.NrolMiATION. j T. Y.n lloiiH-kKr' (J Lint L ", M found ou.uld.of IniplraUoo," l'MtuMAtittti:' nttUC.ll malicjMtrvAfmu OI taWU, 7J. Ppr. Cl.u Trr.. U..iUfal BlMlla,,Spl.Bdid vnUoii. Xrt floo PngtM, LmPH. BilUrtkvvitn. Minti i. c ltaUCUDV k CO J-klUdeltilmV. aid $1 q C rer copy, y lien ent tn ciud ot o, la mo Drlceoftlie 1'hlluUcIntiU Wi'Ckly inuca Juno tur, lu nuj ituuieta. (fen tZf Ver copy, when sent In club.? vt lo. is tbe psjtiw price mvuu riuiuuciuiu cviki uiucb, on u year to any address. d0 An Per copy, to fcloele BubBcrlbers la tho w-tww nriceui iuu ruuauciUB.u uv.u iiiuce. 0U6 year, to any address, tOA'orslx dollars wo will send three copies HU.UU nf tlm I'hlUdtilphla Weekly 'Itmesone Tear, to &iW addrn-Ha. Dostatre free and ulrc the per- tun ttetidiDtfuu the money a copy ol tho aNNALsoi-: T11K WaI'., a heautUully Ulubtrated volume ot &oq pages, ine retail price oi wmtu m luuruuiuus. We UNJIFiJITATINGLY CLAIM tokthk PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY TIMES tbatltlstbe Largest, tho Cheapest and Ibe Uttt family Journal puoilsbed, wine to usJoraBueetmea copy and Judge for ) ourbelf. lu Its columns 1 he vr will Und all tha news, ample variety of eUliorial, r-oetrv. llterurv articles, stories und sketches. laU-B of travel, fathlongi.slp,lntnleua wltli prominent men, financial reportB, dramatic crilleutu, religious tldlutcs, agricultural and domestic arllcles,and every other uaiure that can make a paper valuable, 1 he miaceuanj or spinieu wnuog. ihivciiuk ery variety and rantrti of hUbHct and tboUifbt Will be maintained us of old by contributors who stand at the bead of their specialties. A special featuie will be tbe continuation of the "Annals ot Ibe War.' urophlcally written bv soldiers tinrtli nnri ftrmth. rierrthltia tit bTenes and OVeLts In v hlcli they took un actue tart,oue ihointr of which .JI auttear in eacu uuinotr, ineso ajipaloahw proved so valuable tint the bound volume coutau). ing their tint uerlt s has found au Immense tale. TEKMS-ONE YEAR; One Copy (1 oo Ten CopleB me Copls 8 oo I Twehti copies, 115.00 An extra copy free to the getter up ol a club. THE TIMES. deo IS- TIMES I1U1LD1NU, l'lllLADKU'lIU, fCh .Vf truss M rHk A IB lICailRATEQl BLOOMSBUBG STATE 0 1 M A L SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DIBTRIOT. Bloomsburgj Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rsv. D, J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. TIIIS'SCHOOL. osat present constituted, oners tho vcrybest facilities tor Professional and Classical learnlnir. Hiilldlntrsspaclous, Inviting and commodious ; completely boated by steam, well ventilated, lighted by as, and furnished with a bountiful supply ot purc,soft spring water. Location healthful, anu easy of access. Teichcrs oxporlencod, eRlctent, and allt o to their work. Discipline Arm but kind, uniform and thOrouL'n. Bipense? moderate. Fifty cents a week deduction lo all cxpocung to teach, students admitted at any timo. ltooins reserved when desired. Courses of study prescribed by the State ! I. Model School. II. 1'reparatory. Ill, Klemcntary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses : I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course in Music. IV. Course In Art. V. Course In Physical Culture. The Elementary, sclontinoandci.isstrail Courses aro l;rtOt'EoNAt,,nnd Students graduatng therein, reoelvo Stato Diplomas, conferring the followln corresponding Degrees! Master ot the Moments; Master of thascleuoesi .Master of the Classics. Uraduatcs In thootuer courses receive NormaT cortincatcs Uielr attainments,, signed by tho OOlcers of the hoard of Ttistee 1 . The course of stud y Drescrlbod by tho State Is liberal, and tbo f Mcntlflo and Classical courses aro not Inferior to those of our best Colleges. The State rcnulrcsa higher order of citizenship. 'I'ho times donandlt. It Is onoot tho prime objects of this School to help to secure It, bv furnishing Intelli gent and cniclent Teachers tor her schools. Tothlsendlt solicits young persons of good nbllltlos and good purposes, Ihoso who desire tolmprovo their time and their talents, as students. To all such tt promises aid In developing their powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid labor alter leav Ing school, i'or Catalogue, address tho Principal. r HON. XVIlil.IA.1I i:i,Wl:l,I lrclrfent Hoard of Triitcc. F, p. DIUJUYEIi, Secretary. Sept. 8, '76.- ' But come ut once nml look through tho largest stock f Meadj-Madie loMing IN THE COUNTY. IF WE CANNOT SUIT IN READY-MADE, WK CAN SELL YOU THE CLOTH, OR TAKE YOUR MEASURE, AND, MAKE YOU A SUIT IN GITY STYLE BETTER AND THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN TOWN, CLOTHS, OASMMERES, SOLD BY THE YARD. Now selling at the reliable: store op BAYED) LOWEMEie. ; I col" ENDORSED BV OVER MACHINE EXHIBITORS AT THE EXPOSITION U-NIVERSELLE, Paris, 1878 AND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, PHILADELPHIA, 1876. At b.lng"Vety STRONG, SMOOTH,. nd EXCELLENT THREAD." Mo ME INDUSTRY IIPIklr SUM April 18, 'T9-ly A MONTH puarantecd. $12 a day at home id ado by the Industrious. Capltnl notrenulred ; wo win start juu. jtico, women, dojh anu Rina make money faster at woik for us Minn nr nntllilntr rlc Tim ui'irL-I j 'leht and pleasant, and nuch as anyone can go riKiuux. 'mote viio are vite wuo bee mis noucn will send us their addresses at once and ha for themseUes., costly oututaud ttTUisme. Mow is the lime. Those already at vork are lajlng up lart'O sums o I money. Address HiUK tt CO.. Augusta, Maine. oct 3, '.o-iy .Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cur. A vegetable preparation and tbe onlrVure rmHly in tne world for Urfv tit's 11m u. inocii,iina AXtM tuauey. iavr, uua DrHrTiUraM. 4TlifitlmonlftJBDf thahtchfwtnrdor In nronf Of these BUteinenta. Wor tbe cure of Dlftbtea, ceil for Wr Der'efafellabvtr,iir. mJTFox tbe cure r urlit lit's and theotber diseases, can for Waracr'a Stilts lUduey and UTerCnre, WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It li tbe best Mood Purifier, and stimulate! every function to more bealtbiul action, autt Is thus a benefit In all diseases. It cures Ncrofuloue and other Skin Ernp Uou and Diseases. Including d'unror. lfi. cera. and other fcor. UyaMpalii, VakneMorilie Ktoraark. Conatlptlun, llaElDCa,UeneruI Ufbll tr wt i vurvu uy tue Male uiitera ill unequaled as an appetite rand regular tonic. Bottles of two ilwa ; prices, 50c. uud 91.00. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quickly rives ltest and HIecp to the autTeilnr, cures JlfadAclie and NurMlvla, preveuis s:pllcpllel-'lU.and relieves NcrvoulrtM- j trMtlua brouxbton by excessive drink, over work, mental shacks, and other causes. 1'owerfu) as It li to stop pain and soothe dis turbed Nerves, It ntver Injures the system, whether taken In small or large doses. Bottles of two sites ) prices, 50c. and $1.00, WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an Immediate and active stimulus for a Trpl Uw. and cure CoaUitatti, Prppls. Bll raa. Malaria, rivar aaa Agut, and suould 1 be used whenever the Ixmei do not oiwrate I freely and regularly. H.H. Warner & Co., I Proprietor, EOOHESTim, N. Y. ict 91, loiv.-iy 1' iblua. EEND ALL'S SPAVIN CORE. MSSkls ture to euro BpnMns, Bpllnla, Curb, BSSSSSIC' ltreuoTes all unuatuiul cularce BBBBSn iuenis. ictaht lias soeuual BFiSF! ioroiiy lamti'i'Ea on beast or man. It BVy!! baa cured blp-jomt lamentea in u penou w J wbo bad fcunered 15 earB. Alsocured li iheuinatlfcui, corra, frobt-blUB or any brulica cut or laujtm tn. It baa no equal for any blemish ou boiub. tiend for illustrated circular elv. Ing rodiiiTK moo, frlce $:. ALL DKUiUilSTH bave Itorcan t-ellt forjouof Dr.ll. J Kendall i Co., l'roprletora, EbOBburgli Falls. Vermont. MOVKlt iiiiOTUKitH, AcentB. viooinsburi;, J'o. , May w, l,-ly aw NOVELTIES, Hats, Caps, &c, For Men arid Boys, Pearl Shirts, . i Under Clothing, 'Pretty Suits for little boys, . Cheat) suits for Men, , ' . Cheap Overcoats, Trunks, Satchels, Bags, &c Gum Clothiug, fec. THIRTY SEWING MANUFACTURED at ; r MOUNT HOLLY, N.J. T5nimTiBR0(iMiTCD)AGurs.Hrin(i WiJIPARIS. PHILADELPHIA. AWARDED I NEW YORK li BOSTON. mi ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES. SUITABLE FOR YAHDS,- CEMETERY LOTS, and Public Grounds. Thu followtDir Miaws thn Picket (Jothlc. oco of tha hevera! beautiful utiles ot Fence tnanufactured by tne undersigned. , mmm Vor llenutv nnd liuraMlltv thev are UD8urna8sed l'ut up by ttxptirlt-nced liaudn. aiid warranted to gle Batlsractlun. Prices and Specimens of other Designs sent to any address. ADUlfos, S- HESS, Eloomsbur'g, Fa, July 18, '79-cui Farm Accounts? I'very Tanui-r hhould krowhowtukecti th"n. An eiriruviicwiunlcoini'li.(iosiiU,ni JUftdevtr'e t. nu-l luiMtal lor f n-o uln-uUri to tb Hn ant f I- rnA n uh CCt, U.-18W a is TUB JOHNSON' ItCVOI.VINI! UOOK.OAHE r.f trnn luointtfiillv nm.1. niented. Adjustable aliolvos. fEjjKtfi out of orikT, Four sUes. Bend for conipleto circular uiul prtco llht, r5'iul 25 cMa for our new llluHtrated CftfaloRiio of rtchool Jlerebandlfto. Kvery I'annt ur Tiuiher $hould .are it. EAKEE, PEATT & CO., Hoadquirten for all School SuppUes( Hi t 111 U1UNI) STUtKT, NK1V I0UK. Bept 1, ly M. C. SLOAN & BRO. UL.OORISUUKG, 1A, Manulacturers ot Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs, PLATFOKM WAQONS, to. First-class work always onlhand. HEPAIIllNO NEATLY DONE. Itlces reduced to salt tbe times. roB printikq I Neatly and cheaply executed tt the CounuLUi Office, tSTABtlSHtD SJC, i s2arsa.!.i.i...i.i.i.iil O. 33. SAVAGE, PEALEIt IK Silverware. Watohes.Jewelry.Clecks.&Ci tif Itcmoved to tbo Tost Qflfce building, flrsi door All kinds of Watches. Clocks and Jewelry neat ly repaired and warranted, may it, is-tt HOP BITTERS? A IUcdlcfnr, not n Drink,) COSTA1XS HOPS, HUCIIU, .MANDRAKE, DANDELION. THE PUMST AKD BEST MEDIOAL QUAXJTIia Or ALL OTTTEK IHTTEHS. Ail Diseases of the Btomach. Dowels. Blood. Liver. Kidneys, and Urinary Omans, NcrrouBneBB, Sleew icBaneBs ana eBpccmur Fcmalo Complaints. 81000 IX COLD. Ill bo paid for a case they will not care or help, on for anything Impure or Injurious found In them. Abk your druggist for Hop Dlttcrs and trythenJ before yoa sleep. Take no other. nor Cotran Cuke la tho ftwertest, safest and bestJ Tho IIop Tad for Btopiach, Liver and Kidney i to. I. C. Is an absolute and IrrrslBtlhle cure for Drnnkencsa, uso of opium, tobacco and xuvcoAicaM Bend for circular. M I AH bot toIJ by droRU. IInpBlltmMrg.Co.Rrt:hiBter,N,T. TTTrCD 1T11? mnv 1m foimil nn flip nt Oco. AdMTtlnli'K HtUH i.y (spru'-c ltrn-t whi'it- mUrrt tibinff cuntracts may Lwmadforlt IN NKU' VOICK, feb. U, T7-lf r Feb.T, '19-ly AND Paper Hanging. WM. F. BODINE, IKON ST., 11ELOW HECOND, HLOOMiUUItCJ, PA la prepared to do all klndj of HOUSE FAINTING- naln and Ornamental PAPER HANGING, ItOTH DECOHATIVK AND J'LAIN. All uiiitiM ori'itrniimo iti'intiicd. NON E DLfT FIU&T-CLA SS WOH K M EN I M PLOYED Bstimatcs Made on all Work, WM. F, BODINE. oct, i.iw, xti A PB ffft sTlT( mm A VEAIi, or 3 to $20 a m W H sj B!llfll' I" J "i r own 1 uatlty. No risk 'H I a 1 1 u'i"IH'" ll "t-ll il men. Mauy y H nn mJkomort)ihan Ihoamounthtat. MM M.MJU mM1' aot'- ooiio can fall (o make money Ja&t. Any one cun do the work. You can make from 5t ceuis to $1 an hour by Uevotlnirourot'nlnesandspirtftlmoto th-i busf npi. Itcosts notUlnir to try thp buMni-i8. Notliliitj llko It for money iniiklmfevfr olTeied before. liusl ni'bs plrasunt and fctrlctly liouorublo. Iffadcr.U jou want to know all about thu Ui&t p.ij Ing but-lusa bo lure tho public, btnd us your aifdivKH ant wo will Bend j ou full jnitlculais and prhale terms rivo; bampleH worth $3 alto tire : joucan then i nke up jour mind f ur oursi-lt AuJress GKOlidK si insun & CO,, 1'ortldLd, .Mai no, oct. 8, '79-ly ESPY PLANING MILL. Tho undor&lgned lessee cr tho Espy I'laDlngMlll, la prepared to do ail kinds o( milt work, Doors, Frames, M, Bliuts, etc. made to order on short notice. Satisfaction guar, anteed. L'iuklks Karo. I'.loomsburi:, I a. A T THE OUANGEVILLU AOADKMV You can gel a Thorough Education with tho least outlay of money. For Catalogue, address the. Principal, HEY. O K. CAN FIELD, AprUlS, lSU-tr PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at this Office ON SHORTEST IJOT10E- AND AT THE MOST SEASONABLE TERMS OLD AND RELIABLE, i Dn. SANFonD'a turcn iNviaonATon; is a BWndaril Jbflmily Jlemedy for . J diseases of Iho Ltver, Stomach "fli S jVogctablo. It noTor SUODuitatcs it is . SOatliaHioand mmm v- nv.e mm mm mm bj.t? . L Liver! InvicorninrS has been nacAi in my TJractionS d by tho public, i moro than SS venrn. ! unprecedented results. S SEND FOR CIRCULAR.! iS. T1W1 SANFORD, M.D., ?l?gngS ? rnRvottsr wiiXTiixTooirsnii i r.nni. RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES N' ORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after Bandar, Juno 29, 1979, the trains on the Philadelphia H Erie Ka'lroadDlvMon will run as follows : WESTWARD. Erie Mall leaves Philadelphia 116 pm " llarrlsburg 4 25 am " " William port 8 85 a in " " Jersey Shore u 07 a la " " Lock Haven mo a m ' " Henovo 11 o am " arrive at Erie 7 53 p m Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia 8 oo a in ' " H.rrlsourit 1115 am " arr. at llllamsport 2 23 p m " " Lock Haven a 50 pin Fast Line leaves 1'hlladelohla 11 50 a in " Hnrilihurff 3 33 p iu " arrive at WllUamsport T 25 p m " " Lock Haven 8 40 p in EASTW'.MtD. Paclflc Express leaves Ttcfc Haven 7 ro a m ' ' Jersey Hnore issatn " " llllamsport 8 nam arrlvo at llarilahurtr liipm Philadclplua 3 40 p m Day Ki press leaves " " lack Haven 11 20 a m ' " WllUamsport 12 40 pm " arrive at ilarrlsburfr 4 10 p m ' " Philadelphia 7 so p m Erie Mall loaves Tlenovo 8 40 p m " Lock Haven I) 50 p m " " WllUamsport 11 W P in " arrives at II arrlsburK 2 45am " " Philadelphia 7 0oam Fast Line leaves WllUamsport 12 35 a m arrives at Harrisounr 3 50 a in " " Philadelphia 7 40 am Erie Mall west and Day Express East mako close connections atNorthumbcriuud with L. & 1). It. It. trains tor Wllkcsbarro and Hcranton, Erie Mall West. Nlazara Eioross West and Line We&t make closu (omiccllon nt Wllllouiisport with N. C. U. W trains north. Niagara Express West and Day Express Fast mako close connectlun at Lock Haven with 11. E. V It. It. trains. Erlo Mall east and West connect at Erie with trains on L. K. M. s. It. It. ; at Corry with o. 0. K . V. It. It. ; at Emporium with U. N. Y. & P. it. 11. and at Drlttwood with A. V. It. It. Parlor curs will run between Phllalelphla and Wlllamsport on Niagara Kxpiess west, and Day Ex press Aast. Sleeping cars on till night trains. . WM. A. HM.DWIN, General Supt. NORTHERN' CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY. On and alter November 20th, 1S73, trains will leavo Sunbury as follows : NOUTIIWAHD. Erlo Mall 5.20 a. m., arrlv o Elralra 11 ,n " , Canandalgua... 3.35 p. tn llochester C.1B ' Niagara 9 40 " ltcnovo accommodation 11.10. a. m. arrlvo WllUams port 12.(55 p. m. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. m., arrlvo Elmlra 10.20 n. m. lluTfalo Express 7.15 a. in. arrlvo UuBalo 8.50 a. a bOUTIlWAHD. Uuttalo Express 2.50 a. in. urrlvo llarrt&burg " Baltimore 8.40 Elmlra Mall 11.10 a.m., arrive Hurrlsbuig 1.60 " Washington 10.31 " Haltlinore 0.30 " Washington Harrlsburg accommodaUon burg 10.50 p. m. arrlvo Ealtlmoro 11 Washington 6.13 Erie MaU 12.59 a. m. arrive narrlsburg 3 05 a. m; " Baltimore 8.40 " " Washington 10.35" All dally except Sunday. D. M. DOYD, Jr., (Jeneral Passenger Agen A. J. CASSATT, General Manarer pillLADELPHA AND READING ROAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. May 11, 1879. T1UINS LSATS HUPIKT IB F0LL0W8(6CKHiVIICErTID Tor Now York, Philadelphia, Heading, PottsvlUe Tamaqua, ic, 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 u. in. 7,21 and 7,85 p. tn. For WllUamsport, 0,28 9,05 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. TKJLINS V0K HUrXST LE1VB IS FOLLOWS, (8IKB1T II CKPTKD.) Leave Now York, 8,45 a. ro. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Leave Heading, 11,55 a. m., Pottavltle, 12,39 p. m and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Leave Catawlssa, 0,20 8,50 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave WllUamsport ,9.45 a.m. 2, 16 p. m, and 4,50 p. m passengers to arid from New York and Philadel phia go througj n lthout chango ot cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Manager C. O. HANCOCK, General Ticket Agent. Jan. 14, H76-U. ELAWABE, LACKAWANNA ANS WESTERN RAlLItOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. Tlme-Table No. 39, Takes erred at 4:30 A. M MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1878. NOHTn. STATIONS. SOUTH. mmm sen fior p.m. p.m. a.m. 9 SO 4 12 V 46 9 tl 9 17 9 37 9 OS 9 30 8 59 3 61 9 21 8 61 i 40 9 19 6 41! 3 41 9 14 12 41 12 20 8 S3 S 30 9 04 8 13 3 10 8 44 8 23 3 20 8 55 8 12 9 12 8 47 5 01 3 04 8 39 7 51 2 51 8 28 T 88 2 89 8 17 7 12 2 84 8 12 7 25 2 23 8 011 I IS 7 14 7 10 7 02 2 04 7 44 M 1 67 1 88 0 50 1 61 T 83 45 1 46 7 29 O 27 1 27 T 11 6 15 10 1 00 lt p.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. p.m Benin ton -Uellevue Taylorvllle..,. ... Lackawanna..... Plttston .. WestPltUton. ......Wyoming. ,. Maltby Dennett Kingston KlnLrston 9 33 2 10 6 20 9 43 2 21 2 til 2 a 2 44 2 49 i 63 2 67 b 25 0 33 6 40 6 45 6 60 t, 55 6 69 9 6S 10 07 10 18 10 33 10 29 10 34 10 42 10 66 3 16 3 15 7 W 7 If ..Plymouth June. 3 10 7 IS 3 15 7 25 3 21 7 35 3 26 7 41 3 35 IN ....piymouiu Avouuaiu, Nantlcoke Uunlock's reek. ..Milckslilunv.... 50 8 25 ....lurk's Ferry.... ....lleiich Haven... llerwlck .... Urlar creek 11 07 4 03 11 13 4 10 8 45 8 65 4 IS 9 06 4 as 7 15 4 29 7 23 4 83 7 30 4 41 7 44 4 49 8 10 4 65 8 3i 6 01) S 511 6 18 6 21 9 IS 9 61 u 80 9 55 6 45 9 to ...wiuow i.ruvo.... Lttne.Hldge oy....HHI 11 89 11 45 11 5 11 67 12 18 ...Dloomsburg ...Ituuert Catawlssa Urtdge. uauvniu Cbulasky,.. Cameron .Northumberland. p.m. p.m. a.m W. F, IIALSTKAD, Supt. Sapsrlntendout's omoe.Scf anwn, Juno 10, 1813, Yy"AINWRIOHT & CO., WHOLESALE UUOCEItS, riuUDiLrnu, Dealers In TEAS, SYRUPS, COFFEE, SUGAlt, MOLASSES, bics, sricis, ulcus soni, to., &a N. K. corner Second and Arch streets, NTOrders will receive rrompt attention. 8
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers