THE OJUjUMBUN IIWOMMM. MMtMliR It, lOT Oct Jour poMer, and lick: i vjujlumi51AJN AINU DJMUUKATLOOMSBUEGl, COLUMBIA COUNTY, A. The Nail Works-at Towanda ate .bout to resume operations, Rait Kami Time Table. ,ACKAWANNA ft IllOOMSnUnO HAIL ltOAD NORTH. Accommodation Train, Mull Train Us A. M t't,t Train 1100 M. Express Tram -! V. M. 0ATAW1SSA IlAIIi llOAl). noarn, lotrrit Accommodation Train ,M A.M. T,l P. M. Iloitular Etpress i.oi V. M. 11,45 A. M. Throngn cars on Kxrre.s "am either to Now York or Philadelphia Accoininoilaltontrain runs between Cauwusa ana wiiiiatnsrort. Tho Christmas, exercise, at the Lulhert n church will be held next Wednesday evening at 7 nVlfU -t.t-l. Ill !.l ..t I i -l -., VJUlJOUr tKMtCnt finil 111,. I. ft., ft Iff I n.u, n.inuuMFk ui n. viiirinimni partiea atueCotm Offie! "ollH written by Edward Hgglcston, on. of f Bryson's original allegories, 'Cross and Crgwnj' Attomev-Oen.riil ?.!. t..i. t i I unit vnrfniii tiln. nl tn.1n ..t...i.,l in ni..!.. i i.i . ' ----. , wuiiu ijjncn anu .u. ulMC lw x.i,.,Bt- luimt. jr., ui.irict Attorney elect of m" unl0' 1.SSA.M. l'crne county, were In court lut Baturday n i miernoon and tnnt t .i. . . 1I.4SA.M T,lm "K"racnl 01 "w """. ivuicrne countv. wh rh removed from that county and camo before this court a a case Hated. then introduced, who delivered a very Interest log and amusing address on 'Common Senas,' After muilc, Mra. Dlchl recited 'Anntle Dolei fsl's visit to a Sick Friend. A violin solo by MIm Dora Nlloi was next on the programme: The cheapest Photo. Book Storo. Albums at Olark's lhVtM&1 ,mmh,1T ?ni most beautiful Store nv vinrits UOOK BTA OC LINES. IJAMUHA iiunjjnnu iwbyu cuiuuitt i-liniurtj', V dncsday and 1'rlday at 6:30 a. m.( arrive at Uloom.i)iirg uy iiisu a. in. i,oav3 r.iosimsuurg on same curs alter arrival of Philadelphia mall. liLooMsaoa'l atfo 1.itravii.U(, Tjcavo l,alrd.vtilo Tucwlny, Thursday and Haturdav at Tiso a. m nrrivinir at nioomsburir by tj m. Lcavo nloorrn- burg on aamo dai s after arrival or l'nrlodclpbla mall ino suige noo icrminaici atMiuviiie. Denton and Uloomiburg. A dally staije lino lcavlnir lienton In tho morning and returning in tuo eve ning c the same day. Tho anniversary of the Young Men's Christ- Ian Association on Tuesday evening, In the Liitbrran church, was well attended. The exercUea conslMel of brief remarks from the l'rcsldcnt, Oeo. K. Wilbur, and Prof. Manhart' inn uiuue oi I-., it rii r II. T.IttU 1.. ir.u. t...l . A..-!. i.-.i i. tt..i vit.. i , . ion mtu. iiuiii; vtan inrii iiif.'u uy itui. lilies been enlarged and refuted, and they havemoved and his Glee Class of Juveniles; the music was now ono ol the plcasantest elegant and shows that I lie leader Is Indeed 'own. .m.:. i.i..i ti. . a., d Court Is In ses.lon at Dan.lllo tl.l. -..t, A was a brief reheanal of the progress of the number of IlloomsburirUwvers went .1nn Association, l rora tho nisny ciamples of Jionilay morninir i uioso wno nave neon reacneii ov incso young r I men we gienn tne Knowledge oi ine gooa worn Tho Muncy Luminary states that Robert thoy ate doing In this community. Let all MAIL 110UTES, Uray,an aged and well known resident of who can, lend ihein a helping band. Jiuncy townslilp, was found dead In bis hnl Tuesday evening of lait week. The younger members of the family lea the old izenlleman Our renders cannot fill to see (ho advertiso arrlvalot rtuladeiphla silting in his chair qulelly smoking his pipe at menu of above firms in our columns. Our AQKNTS nnitALD& TUEMONT HPOON CO. Viiitb IHtt. inn liwoMSBCRo.-u-avo WTiite nan Tuesday, Thurmay ana haturday at 6:30 a. m., arriving at lllonmsburg by 10 a. m. Iave lilooms burg on same uajs alter arrival ot rtuladeiphla mall. 1 an early hour in theoveninp when IIiav fnp I advertisincf nppnts whn srnd its llirsr. mlvftrtitn B WdSSrnT ch"rcl'' lea'InK nooneathomowlth hlmexcept mentssay they are well acquainted with the lHOomsuurgaiip. ra. uvraiiiooms0arg ues. nis azni wile. Airs. Urav stales that he ret r advert sers and ran vone i for the r resnnns h ra,inv inn MnMirnnv m. n fi. m..rnvin(r . . . I , lu ui-ii urmcen eigni anu nine o'clock, in his Hy. Head their advertisements and invest in usual health, except that he remarked that he eomo of their liberal offers, or take an agency, had aslichl naln In his br-l. Ill,i. uelvUitod his room at ten o'clock, as was his Tbo hcla" of Dfl M1,clieU Rt. 1,10 Pcri cu.tom before rotirlne. and found him" .lead. ,Io," Fri,,a5' ni8ht w,n not " larKe,y day, TnursJay and daturday at S a. ta., arriving rUBLIO SALES, E. M. Tcwksbury, Commllteft, will sell vnl unblo real estate on tho premises in Catawissa, on Wednesday, Hc'cember 31, 1879. BSySee Advertisement in another column WANTED DIUED APl'LES, by P. Blllmeyer. Wm, Honbom from Nebraska Is visiting friends around Hloomsburg. Drawing Slates at Clark's Book Store. Wo give up considerable spice this week to the Institute and Orange proceedings, nnd ate compelled to omit some other matters of Interest. ntlended as it should bavo been, but those It is said that the changeable weather will present were well repaid. The net proceeds wo continue until about the 28th or 29th lnst.,after are Informed was about $20. which regular winter will Bet n and there will : iiuim uumoro nas reccivei a line assort' ment of toys for the Holidays. Also a full line of fine candies. Go there for your Christ mas presents. dec 12 2w be cold woathor enough lo satisfy us all. It is a hard mailer to get Into the store of II J Clark A Sun, for two reasons. As you ap proach the entrance the eye Is attracted to the elf gint display In the show windows on either side. Handsome laces, fine jewelry, beautiful lia-dkerc'ilefs, jewel boxes, glove boxes, pretty tidies ai.u a thousand other things are so mair- nellc as to render It difficult to leave them to go Inside. Tho other reason is that the store There will bo service at St. Paul's Episcopal Church on Sunday next, morning and evening. See advertisement of I. another column. Tho store windows and shelves aro nvlinni with fino Christmas goods, For particulars read our businoo locals. A minister relates his exper'ence thus : I lake pleasure in adding to yrur many testimo nials, that IabI Thursdav f rh&nkstrivinp Dsv. W. Hartman in constantly crowded wlih eager purchasers, not being able to preach on account of Rheu- As you enter you are met with ninety feet of matlo pains in tho shoulder, I bought a botllo stoto room literally packed full of goods for Lf St. Jacob's Oil, which, after using several use and ornament. Overhead is t perfectly bewildering display of elegant handkerchief., of lace, silk and linen: A fine line of ladies' Bibles'1 largo and small at Olark's Hook c.oatf' f.r,es 'la9 JU9' betn opened for Store. Tho term examinations at the Normal school are m progress this week. The next term i begins January 5ln, 1880. II W Sloan is building a new store room in tho Hicgs building on Main street; I.ntz ASlonn will .remove their store there about April let, 18S0. Gold Pens and Pencils Store. at Clark's Hook The hotels were all full last week, nnd tho guests were unanimously of tho opinion that no town in the stale his Hotter ireommodationa lor strangers than Iiloorusbtirg. Resolutions of thanks were passed bv tho granger guests of tho Central hotel for tho courteous atttention recoived from the proprie tor during Iheir Blny. Games new and old at Clark's Book Store. uie nouuay traue, anu now is the time to pur chase. Among the Innumerable asorlment of articles, are perfumery, fancy soaps, fine hose, and in ftct everything that good judgment and exquisite taste suggests for the season. Buy your Cnristmas presents, your dress goods, your notions and fancy articles, oi Clark & Son. They can suit the taste and the pocket of tho richest or the poorest. The next meeting of Pomona Grange No. 5, Patrons of Husbandry, for OotnmbU and lower Luzerne county, will ho held Friday, January 2, 18S0, at 10 o'clock, a. m., in Corcll Hall, Bloomalmrg, Pa, Writing Desk's at Clark's Book Storo. COUItT PROCEEDINGS. We regret to learn of the death of W'lliam II Orange of Caluwlsaa; His funeral was largely attended last Sunday. Autograph Albums of all kinds at Clark's Boot store. C. B. Brockway, Esq., Capt, U. II. Ent and a number of others went to Philadelphia on Monday to be present at the reception of Gen- eral Grant on Tuesday. Cou.'t was in session last week until Saturday noon, Night sessions were held nearly every evening. Xnias Cards in great variety at Clark's Book Store. The Rescue Hook and Ladder Company will give a Ball in Brower'a Hall on Wednesday evening December 31. Give them a Jgood house' and thus encourage their work iu being prepared when we are visited by fires. Largest Stock of Pocket Books in this county at Ulnr&'s hook store- All kinds ot A. B. Book Store. Church, invited. At the tneeling of ihe Bar Association la-t week, Col. J. G, Freeze was elected President; C. G. Batkley, Treasurer; Geo. E. Elwell, Secretary; B. F. Zirr, R. R. Little, F. P. Bill meyer,'L. E. Waller and J. B. Robison ; Exec ulive Committee for the ensuing year. Beautiful Book Store. framed Chromos at Clark's An entertainment will be held iu the M. E. Church at liuckliorn on the eve of Dec 24th, where the 'Santa Clans Cantata,'' by H, Doran will be produced. A Christmas tree will be ono of the features of the evening. Admission 5 and 10 cents. For the benefit of tho Sunday School. A fine lot of Ink Stands at Clark's Book Storo. December 10th. Auditor appointed to dis tribute money in hands of administrator o' Thomas Knorr, deceased. On petition rulcgrantrd Ashland Saving I on Sunday. Fund and Loan Association for subrogation. George Strieker va L. Hunsinger, interplead- filed. Inquest awarded in estate of Ellen Long. Auditors repot t in the mailer of Centralis borough, confirmed nisi. Exceptions filed. Rcnlz vs Centralia Mutual Saving Fund Association, verdict for plaintiff $495 3d, Report af viewers in road in Jackson town" ship confirmed nisi. Shenft scknowlcdged deeds in open court. Citation awarded to administrator of James Limon, deceased, lo give counter security. Report of viewers of road in Jackson pear C C Stiles referred back to viewers. C B Jackson was appointed guardian ol Rebecca March. Permisrion granted to F Brown to invest funds of a minor. Brockway & Elwell vs Conynghaiu and Cen- tralia Poor district, case tried, verdict for defendant- James B Hall discharged under the insolvent laws. Mary E Mower, vs, M. tried, verdict for plaintiff. Iteplevian, December 12. Report of viewers of road in Jackson confirmed nisi. W Bngart vs M Albertson, case tried, verdict for plaintiff. Motion for new trial made. E TI Masters vs J J Meeker, case tried, ver dict for plaintiff, L Rnnyan it Co vs II Hinterliler, et al, case tried, verdict for plaintiff. Ejectment. Return of sale in estato of John Davii con firmed nisi. Order of sale in L Adams' estate continued as to tract No 1. Return of salo confirmed nfoi as to balance sold. Return of sale iu Jacob Harler'a estate con firmed ni. Adjourned argument court ordered for Jan uary 3rd, 1880 at 9 o'clock, a m. CrftawUua Masonic Association; Auditors report; Rule on trustees to show cause xc; con tinued until Jauuary 3rd. Adjourned. times, relieved me wonderfully. Dr. B. Pick, liothaler, New York, OKANOEVILLE ITEMS. e had tlio pleasure or listening to a very interesting lecture on 'Words,' delivered by Rev. Dr. Mitchell of Hloomsburg, to the stu dents ot the Academy. Ilia lecture was instructive as well as amusing and the student' appeared to be well pleapcd with it. We have had a slight touch of cold weather and consequently our mud has become hard but the road is not much improved thereby Earnest Sloan returned on Saturday nigh from Hasten. His friends here were glad to see him back again. Perry Welsh is expected on Friday. Frilz and Campbell will not return for the vacation. Miss Lillie Megargell has been confined to the house for some days by sickness. She Is now belter and will soon be out again we hope. Low it &3n havo a large stock .of Christmas goods on hand, which they arc busy unpacking. The protracted meeting at the Methodist Church is still kept up. Quarterly meeting was Mls Tlllle Aftl f this town', and Mr 8 B' after which Dr. Mitchell closed Ihe exercise Haydefi of Colorado were marriod at tho Re- with prayer. Sherman A Co.. Marshall. Mich, want an, I Vendue notes watvlnc stav of eitcutlon and I agent In this county at onotal a iMlary of $1 ncmptlon, with ilmV; Juit printed at this Mi :ir piM' Nor. siri . . u, aeairea ran be bouna in a tew momenta, it. Nov.21-ly. j WEDNESDAY MORXlNtl. Opening exercises conducted by A. F. Ter- williger. Mrs, Holitcln, of Montgomery Co., Pa , spoke of Valley Forge and Its remlnlsceni ccs, soliciting aid for tho 'Valley Forge Memor ial Fund.' Primary Reading was taken up by Mra.Dlelil. She fully ventilated the word and object meth ods. Appeals to tho perceptive faculties of the child in regard to forma of letters. The question-box was brought In requisition, all questions answered satisfactorily by Mts. Dlchl. Prof. Angell resumed his typical class drill In 'Industrial Drawing.' Points made, dicta- Ion, reproduction, repetition, Adjourned. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. Mrs. Dichl contintud the subject of reading, The ease of Gen. FIU John Potter will Yortncd cdurcn by IlevWEKrebi, on Thurs-lbe UP Congress after the holidays day evening o I laal week. . wbe" " h noPe'' llial lon8 deferfc. justice . . il will be dons to a brave.pnlrlotic.and deeply- Ocntral Qrint'i Rfcepllon In Philadelphia , wronged soldier. Does not appiovo of word method alone. Urges Mayor In a pleasant, jovial way remarked : frequent Interweaving ol the phonic with th" ''What little I have to say I will read," and wrrd method. The following are some of the then read tue lollowiog address or wel requirements of pupils In Second or Third colno. Readers! Short lessons, thorouuh preparation General Grant J On behalf of the mun- careful practice, meaning of words, synopsis of telpal authorities I bid you a cordial wel lesson, criticisms, phonetic spelling, concert come to Philadelphia, whoso people have reading. Docs not approvo of teacher reading assembled to-day to express their congrat- end having pupils repeat. Mrs.Diehl showed- ulatlons Jupon your safe return to Ihe city her mode of conducting a reading class by I from which you started, nearly two years calling out eight teachers, and drilling them ago, on your travels around the globe. The upon ihe method previously given, distinguished honors received by you from Mr. Snyder made a lew practical remark! the rulers of the countries visited, while on Tuesday. mtt-f-f-i. a i . A . x m.aueipnta. jjecemoer o-ino tram ,, f)oTernmenU have adopted a kind ol containing General Grant and party reached t,,cu,t fcr hom, contlllnlr,K mucll nutr!T0 mo iiciiuauuiTvii juiiuiiou hi iweniy mm utes past nine o'clock, General Grant was in the resr car, the same ono he has used In tho long journey from tho Pacific. As the train camo to a stop It was boarded by Mayor Stokliy, Col. Charles Thompson Jones, Presidents Caven and Smith of common and select council, and a few others. After congratulating tho General by say ing, "General, I'm glad to see you," the THE ONLY MEDALS EVER AWARDED FOR POROUS PLASTERS WERE GIVEN to the mantifactiirefs ot DESK'S dxrCISB ronous PLA8TKIIS at the Centennial and Paris Exposttolnt. It Is'knowri that the ItuaiUn and'-Prus- 0VEu 5 000 PHYSICIANS & DRUGGISTS HAVE VOLUNTARILY TESTIFIED they are great Improvement on the common, slow acting Porous Plasters by reason of their prompt action and tho absoluto ccrtalaty ot tnctr quickly rctlevlng paid, and eriocUog a positive cure. dec Ww d PltlCM 2 fHVrs. mat er In small volume. According to Ixi Nature' the biscuits are formed of the meal of oats, peas, and linseed, The various combinations have been studied with rare, and a mixture has been obtained of such a description that one kilogramme of It is equal to five kilogrammes of oats. It has been found that horses bear fatigue better and are more vigorous when fed with these biscuits than when fed with oats. The bis cuits can be threaded together by means of an iron wire ; and in this way a horse can carry his own food for four or five days. During the late war with Turkey, Russia used twenty million of these biscuits, anil the results Were so good that the authorities have continued their use in time of peace.", Business .Notices The Old 12stublislicl lrujr Store. Alexander & Woodhouse Wholesale ami Retail Tobaconlsts, No 2. Opera House block Bloomsburg haye the choicest line of , , VHH .-nig .w vuuui.ico (lukcu, tlUUO I UlunUUU UIIU VIUrB, 111 lytf UUflllJ, null DCH upon the too advanced books.uecd in our public gratifying to you, as expressing their ad-1 a' factory prices, you wilt do well tacall 'cnoois. m rat on of vour serv ces as a so d er and a V1" .Mr. lioai, Ol norinumuerianu couniy, gave .t.i,m,n. l.o (, .Hm.ilon In .MM. a psrlinent lalk, -Teachers need more stamina ymjr nave Und u yjj among tlle eartll so as to reject what is melees r.gardlesa of haT0 Rw,kened a fee of ,de , (he trouble mat miy arise irom. parenia or u.rec- . . American. lint th anon. , tancous uprising of the people from the gol den shores ol the Pacific,' whero the Mayor of Ban Francisco bad the honor of receiving you when you again stepped WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT Corner Main and Market Streets BLOOMSBURG, PA. The undersigned having been In tho WIIOI.IXAI.IS liltl'd business tor the past eleven years would call tuo attention ot tho publlo generally, and OUNTKY liKALKtlH ui particular, to their largo and varied stock. Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Patent Medicines, Spices, &c. December, 12, 2-w. Do not wait for a special Invitation to visit Lulz & Sloan's store to buy Christmas goods. They show no partiality but luvite all and slight none. Fine necklaces nnd cold tinea &t CI rule & Son's. ' foot unnn I o. t ur y- i i i ni'H i. iv. nnnmRn t nmmin nnmi a ri v Ar. a StTey ' IN IT MAY BE FOUND A LARGE STOCK OF cdby the people of this good.clty of broth- Uffi? iu.u, u.unu iUllCU JUU TfUU mo arn , ,. ,1,., nA l. ,),. . . I . I - - J w ... leenng mat you havo a warm placo in the I without chromos. hearts of your follow citizens. I am sure that these tributes of respect and affection ... - . i are uearer to you as a citizen or our great books, &c. sultablo for presents at the lowest repumic man an too Honors conierred upon I prices. Clark & Bon have now opened a nice lot I i.... .... . , of ladles snopping bags, silk purses, pocket tors.' Music by Prof. Niles, Mrs. Schoonovcr read a paper, 'A Plea for tho Fogy.' Prof. Angell spoke on 'Written Work In School.' It gives practice in penman, ship. Aids the memory, Promotes the accuracy of expression and thus developesa eood stylo of written composition. He urged accuracy in note and letter writing- Music, by Prof. Niles and Miss Hattie Hart. Adjourned. THURSDAY MOHNISQ. Roll called, one hundred and thirty eight teachers present. Reading of Scrlpturo and prayer by F. P, Manhart, Prof. Angell resumed the subject of 'Written Work In School.' Primary, reading ehould,be taught In'wrltlnir as well as advanced classes' In spelling. Recitations in all blanches may be written occasionally lo vary the exercises. Re. should cenerallv bo vcritten. Exercises in written composition should frequently be by their hearty greeting, may impress upon I such as Dress good-ShawTsCoats,Furs-Sklrts Inlrralnrwi JOU mat It IS IllUCCa ft CUV Ot DrOlherly I isn is umuiciitto uuu cvicyiuing 111 mo Mr. Snyder thinks that original coraposi- love, tion is ono of the most important branches in Having concludod his address, the mayor our schools; and would encourage, it evon to added: "I once moro welcome you to the the neglect of some other branches. Recess. city." W.E. Smith, T. B.Miller, II. W. Bucking- After a moment's hesitation General ham, Christie Welliver, A. i.Terwilliger, and Qrat i tow toue( replied. "To you, C. II. Campbell were appointed, by nir.onyuer, Mr, 5Iay0r and tho good citizens of Phila- as a committee on resolutions. delphia, which has always been a home to Reading exercise by Mrs. Diehl. Have no me 8jnce j oecama acquainted with the citi- pupils in class who cannot comprehend the zenJ .q( i.hiIadephia 1 relurn with great subject matter. Give short lessons- liot how .,,,, ,. much but how wen.- navo lessuua ... The hole reception took place in the paredby study in school and practice at home 1 QcnttR rema,ned Drill tnorougniy on mu c,ciCi.. r. -. reading books. Practice both icdividual and concert reading. Criticise mildly. BROWER'S BLOCK. Canuiot be surpassed aiiywEierc. SPONGES. , CUAMOIS, ' I'KmTUMKuy, ' FANdY AUTI0LK3, COLOONK3, CK1AR8, T01L15T SOAPS, you Iby those who govern empires or con trol the affairs of nations. As I bade you God speed upon your journey, I now wel- home, nnd trust that la your stay among ha lyou may fcol that you are at home, and that the people of Philadelphia, Peoooty. A lot of Chestnuts for Bale by Silas Young at Xiignt street. December, 19. 3w. Rubbers at McKlnncy's. You can always get good useful goods tvls id t dry goods line for vour friends Christmas I presents n( Lulz & Sloan's. 200 nice thrifty white shotes that welch 35, 40, 60, and CO lbs; wanted at Light otreei ov suas x oung. Nov. 21. 2-m. Underwear and cloths suiting at Clark & I eon s. Wanted 2000 lbs of nice dried Rasnber ries.'ut 25 cents per pound. And 2000 . IbsJ of nice dried pitted cherries for which 1 will pay tne very nignest market price. Silas Youko. July 18-3m. HAIIt BIlUijIIBS,: TOOIU I1UU8IIBS, , LAMPS, ' " (IIJUBES, Admission free at McKlnney's. It should be the aim of every owner of Horses, Cows, to make them as handsome and U'elul as inssible. The German Horse and Cow Powder helps to develop all the powers of the animal. , It improves its beauty and increases lis usefulness. It makes milk, muscle j lcacijer nor pupils should use slang and tat. ny UBing it a horse will do more work and a cow give more milk and be in better con dition with less leed. Sold only by weight at 15 cents a pound by C. A. Kleim, Bloomtburg Dec 12, '79-ly AFTERNOON SESSION. Prof Ar.gell talked on Morals and Manners. The teacher should bo n example himself. Slang and profanity are tbo greatest evils with which a teacher has to contend. The teacher .1,n,iM h a eentleman or gentlewoman and should be neat in every respect. Neither Kindness with his friends until the time for tho start ing of the procession. Ho shook hands with quite a number of friends, and with his inevitable' cigar, seemed perfectly at ease. About twenty minutes past ten o'clock the Geneal appeared, accompanied by Clark A Son's stock of fanev boxes, nov- Mayor Stockley. Then followed Governor I cities, jewelry is unsurpassed by any, prices Hovt and Cnl. Charles Thomson Jones.- and l lowest. 4,000 pounds of nice dried apples wanted at Silas Youngs store Light Street' for which I will pay the highest market prices. December, lg. 2-m. and courleousness should always prevail. directors I then the members of the reception commit tee and others. As Gen. Grant'appeared, tin was at. nnfo .wviirn ttnA Kv ttiA .Mvd nf Some general remarks by Mr. Snyder follow- . w(mt d ghout oJ ed with encouraging worus ny uireLw , Gen. Grant and Mavor Stoklev McIIenry and Eves- Music conducted ny & four.iD.haDd barouche and was Prof, Niles. Recess. driven to their nlace In linn whsn the e-rnnd Mrs Diehl resumed tho subject of reading. , t,00 , Two kinds of pauses sentimental and rhetori- . xwuKiii-au. f. .... I A fair c-stlnmln nlnppa thtt tfttflil ntlmhnr cal. The voice should not always rest at e I . ... . . . . On Christmas evening (Dec 25) there will be punctuation marks. Natural language shoum -i f """"""" T. . " . 1 ' "1 " ' a Christmas Anniversary held In the Zion he tauuht. Reading until mistake is tnaae, i"i -"' (nn.l,!r. All .. .m .ft.r teacher, reading in sixin is composes 01 renusyivania ana vis- - ....6v... r rouvcii .c-v..b - . , ,!!!,. !,..;. i- n 1 a I " couples, practiced, -me fiea riper ...uK "'. ,u. u, ? street. ' . 1- I mmhM ThA Htinliv marlA hv thA mill. I nf IT.m n.' was read as an examuie. . ,v Boots and Shoes cheap at McKlnney's. U. Blocks at Clark's 500 Beef hides wanted by Silas Toung I Light Street for which I will pay the high-1 est casu uia.iiei price. December, 19. 2-m. , A new line of ladies ties, bows, barbs &c. lor presents at uiark & son's. A large assortment of good plated jewlery an warranted aiViL,utz di tsioan s. "Wanted, 200 tons of good Rock Oak nark at 0 per ton by Silas Young, Ui t Sept. TJ, 3m, Pearl and Leather Card Cases for th la dles at Clark's Book Store. Columbia County Teachers' Institute. The annual session of Columbia County Teachers' Institute convened in 'Normal Hall at2p, m., Dec. 8lh, 1879. Superintendent Snyder addressed the tcachem in a tinging speech upon their duty to attend each session and glean much from the instruction given. THURSDAY EVEHINQ. An appreciative audience filled the Hall at an early hour. Tho Uloomsburg w. uoir rendered the opening piece, 'Consider ihe r.tlio.' with eood effect. Dr. Schuy ler's paper on 'How, What and When to E.t," was in structlve and listened to attentively. Prof; Nilea and daughter enchanted tne auuience with Iheir fine musical selections. Mrs. au.. Pn,loll Dinhl was introduced. Her reading. tary was a particularly magnlbcent one and .called forth expressions of admiration all along the route. Words are powerless to describo the mighty outpouring of Immunity into the streets which formed the mute of the endless escort. Such a crowd was never seen before, and to estimate the numbers is, to imagine almost the entire population, enlarged by 150,000 visitors. At fifteen minutes before three o'clock lulold combs, aud brushes, in satin cases, at m.-i. r. en'.' AHn.i 1 1 .1 i. vy.nia. iv uuu a, jiJiguuu bu,ia iui wu, Boot headquarters at McKinney's. American and English white ware $3,50 per set at I. v. Hnrtnian s. Go to Clark & Son's for your holiday goods. Want good live calves that weigh 120 lGs and in fact every thing that styuhl be kept in a complete and welL regulated Drug Store. , They are the sole Manufactures of the Celebrated OIL OF GLADNESS. Also the Manufacturers and Sole Proprietors DIl. W. M. BICKXEY'S Celebrated and INVALUABLE PREPARATIONS. Compound Aromatic Wine of Gentian and Iron, Improved Cream Camphor, Worm Kil ling Agent, Improved Rose Pectoral. tThe Best Remedies Made. Highly Recommended by Physicians. MOIEB BBOTHlBB, Bloomsburg, Pa. Oct 17 -79 -IV, I'rof. Waller welcomed tho teachers most and rccittions were given in her finished and the head of the line reached the league aud to 125, 130, 140, 160, 1C0 and upward n cordially. ms8terly way. It is needlees to comment j Mr forty-five-minutes after that tho carriage Light Street by . , Ymivti John C. Yocum and Amelia Armstrong were the IajT j, l00 niverally known to need com- containing Gen Grant and Mayor Stpkley g t 10 3 m k-IL Ui There ii an effort being made to organize public 'Farmers Club,' lo be hold in Hlooms burg, in the interest of Agriculture, Horticul ture, Floriculture and Meclianics. The Pomo na Grange of this county, desires to co-operate in a nublic manner, with any or all In the county, po that thereby tho ciuse of Agricul ture may be advanced; and tbey have appointed a committee thereon of which tho undersigned ij chairman, and any oue interested will please take notice and correspond therewith. Calawissa, I'a. K. M. Tuwicsnimv. .Statuary Pictures cheap and Cue at Clark's Hoot btore. IlEIiWICK LETTER. Itev, John Hewitt, of the Kpiecopal church at liellefonte.and onofllev.H. II. Hewitt, formerly of this place, broke one of his ankles about fii weeks ago while on a visit to his brother, Ur. Hewitt, in Kansai, where he had gone to upend a seaeon in hunting and recrea tion, In company with his brother, ono day soon after his arrival, he was hunting praltie chickens, and while standing up ready to shoot. a pair of chickens flew up directly beneath the horses. The aniiuils taking frigiit ran away, Mr. Hewitt, finding lie could not control them, jumped to the ground and his anklo was broken, He got up and ran for twenty yards after the learn, when he fell in a flint. He did not know that his limb was fractured. He has since returned to liellefonte and goes on crutches. Sunbury Gazette-American, HOLIDAY l'P.KSENTS. A Solleder has just received a fine lot of good imported singing Uanarles, also a mil .lot 01 laucy (Jages. dec 10, 2tv, Kim. Colbmman : The fire fiend waj abroad again last night, not In town for a wonder, but three miles out, lentroying the barn and contents of Mr, Enos Adams. Sad to say among the contents were seven homes and several held of cattle; Ihe other matter destroyed consisted of such things usually fuund in barns. Incendiarism is the verdict of nearly all who have inquired into the matter. The probable loss is $5000; in surinco $2000. Another foundry is in the course of construe- tion for the Jackson & Woodin Manufacturing Co. From morning until night the sound of I subject as elected secretaiies. I'rof Angell, of Allegheny City, I'a., was introduced. Afiersome preliminary remarks, he took up the subject of 'Descriptive Geogra phy;' but time being too limited decided to continue the Fame next session, Adjoumed. Tuesday Morning Exercises opened with prayer hr J. E- Dieterich. Mrs. Anna Kandall Diehl, of Xew York, one of Ihe instructors of the week, was then introduced to the institute. Prof. Angell instructed in In-iustrial Draw ing. His method of teaching the subject to beginners would bo lo eive simplo definitions and illustrations, such as the point, the line divisions of the line, exercises on Ihe square, thus advancing as the capacity of tho pupils will allow. The subject was dropped here to be resumed at some future time. Mrs. Diehl then took the mbject of phonetic sounds and correct pronunciation. There should be frequent class drills on Ihe elementary sounds. Brogues, localisms, provincialisms and all other isms inoonsistentwith pure hng' Ihh should be eradicated- Pro!. Angell resumed and concluded Ihe sub ject ol Descriptive Geography beginning with the eighth general division and classifying the lollows: iroilncts, giving various mcnitniinn The choir cave anoiner 01 uinr rtucueu mo emuu. tucu uieru was auiu well received productions, 'Tho World Moves the General alighted, was presented to the A new lot ol those $1,00, large pictures I On.' Prayer by Itev. Canfield of Orangevllle. members ot the league with whom he cor- at Hnrtnian s. fbibay mornino. diauy suoos nanus. 1 oera wer- no speecnes I will pav 5 cents per pound cash for 200 ... .. , ., . : I uml in a few minutes, the atcMnfll wna ptvpn I ,.ni Mnl.. . ..IK r-.M ion lHn n irnf t j Waller onenea tne session --- t- 1 n,m "t isi j.-... by reading Scripture and offering prayer. - r . brj oa - WcJ Mrs, Diehl gave a programme 01 an '",... . " ' . .". nesday of any week. week's work, upon reading. She dwelt partlc- ouu upu . pageant ,w. . sai- November;2I. 2-m. Silas Young. ... .!..... it. ..v.n.Mt. she rave a sfaction. The great length -of the lino I .. j- Ulariy upon gesvu.c. . , -, o - tidal wave brintn. verv In -..!...: i- ,,iia imnnv manner, 1 vwu.,.c..v .v, uuK vc,u,B nou ... .. . . .t j reoiiakiui. u -in 1 , , , , , , , , .,, I W followed wltn 'flieinouB 01 1 pa--eu, iuu wmmui uciug raw anu cuiiiy. Altogether the demonstration was probably Permanent Hhe most imposing over witnessed in this at ilcKinney s for Shoes. Prof. Angell Teaching History .' Anvlvetion of 'Committee on Certificates' resulted in Messrs. Pealer, Herring, Kintih. Camnbell and Schoonover being made that commiltee for the ensuing year. TtMolntiona read and adopted. hinging ny Institute. .The customary convenuonamiei were then exchanged prior lo , adjournment at 12 m. rl. M Cra-trB and F.VA Glasses, a suitable present for the aged, to be had at Clark's Hook btore. I. Hartman's to see his great assortment of I jtinsimas goods. llllllllllllllllllllllHl.'illllllllllHH&'llllllllllWillllllllllBAVlllllllW WW city. McKioneys House. Kee a woman on horseback In another col umn, rid inir near Sneer's Vineyards, with a 1 . . . . . t. . r I u bunch of Urapes irom ope "'"V"' Following are the names of those present .... . i ktnhltf palppnien bv I .. ... 1 nB 8 lUBUCi UWH,ru "'h - In tho evening tho city was brilliantly II- Clark & Son's luminated and Independence Hall by aid of calcium lights showed forth .with splendor never before witnessed. Private dwellings were lighted from the first stories to the roofs, and hoUls were illuminated by cal cium lights, After tho dismissal of the parade Gen, Grant left the Union League for the resi dence of Mr. Childs, Twenty-second and Walnut streets, where he dined with a num ber of the members of his old cabinet. Did',-you Bee those handsome 'shawls at I Shoe Store below Court I Fancy soaps, prices low at Clark & Son, Hats! HaUl I Hats II J GAPS, GAPS, CAPS. Latest styles. Lowest Prices at the Popu lar Clothing Store-of D. Lowenberg. More new prints ginghams,casbmeres &c at Ularlc x son a. Out of town peoplo who can not conveniently travel , may have sam ples sent them of Dry Goods and all other goods that wo sell, tf they will write us. xso charge, ana no neea 10 order lf not suited. Wo make It a business to attend to such letters gulckly; and when orders como wo send tho exact artlclo wanted, and at exactly samo price other customers pay when hero buying In person. vvnen gooaa aro n w uruorcu, take them back. Having trained and responsible clerks, who are ablo to use discretion in filling orders, we are onaDlea 10 giva u 1 " " . -w 1 nustamers who leave tlu clwlco to ui. With a. reputation of twenty years at retailing, -wo cannot afford to loso our good name by laok of proper service to absent customers. Wrlto plainly, and describo fully what la wanted, and. about tho price desired.,. Address, John Wanamaker, Larpst'.Dry Goods House, Philadelphia. illlull..ll,IJiilJilllilHlllllllilll.lllllHUillllll'l''l'lllllll llllHIIHWni'tttfllll October s, tf. I drawing. The session was opened and closed with music by pupils of fllh Street Nol school. AFTEUN-OON SESJSIOX Mrs. Diehl conducted an Interesting class exercise in reading. !A Solemn Ghost,' was read both in concert and hy individuals, fol June 27 1-y. A Whole Town Burned. hammer and saw may bo heard; it is 'apidly I kinds; Inhabitants, with subdivisions; cilies approaching completion. as capitols, eeaimrts, manufacturing; traveling medical profession for the use ot invalids . Chaplain Mcdhe delivered his entertaining """. "", weakiT persons and Ihe aged, lecture on "The Ilright Hide of Iibby J'rison' """. '-- " .Vu ,.u i.iuu jj bf -jruggisu. latt Friday evening in the Hall of tho Y M C A. A very hrge audience gave their rapt attention to his remiuiscences tillel with humor and pathos. A number of our citizens nnd soldiers started yesterday to aid in welcoming Grant to Phila delphia, or to witness the grand display there, anticipated by si). Mr. Geo. Hoyt, salesman of Ilinghaintou, Is slopping n town, enjoying a vacation begins. The 'boys' are all glad Prof P is said to have shot at an owl when on the Xorlli Mountain some time ago- Nothing remarkable in that surely, .but Dr. I, thinks there ii a skeleton In that story. General and Mrs. U. S. Grant, Gen. W. T, Sherman.Mr. and Mrs. George W, Childs Hon. Hamilton Fish, Miss Stanley, Hon Edward Pierrepont, Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Drcxel, Mr. and Mrs J. V, Itawl, Hon, A, E, and Mrs. llorie, Mrs Gen, Sheridan, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Agustus Sala, Hon. j. D. The fiction of Scribner for January will be pretty evenly divided between known and unknown writers. It will include a dramatic instalment of Mr. Cable's story, 'The Grand is simes,' lor which tho editors predict a warm welcome; tbo last Instalment of Henry James's 'Confidence,' which lms the unusual quality of 'ending well,' and two short stories; one of New England, entitled 'Tiilrui,' by Mra. Julia Schayer, and the other of 'A Chicago Per- Tb town nf lied Rock. Vn. was entirely Cameron ana Mrs Cameron, Dr. and Mrs. J, lowed by a description of the life and labors of ji-oved w fir0 W Friday. At an early I M. Dacosta, Mr. J, S. Morgan, of London, , T.. r!, ., ,-., f - .. , 1 t t n. o 11 , . v. Anna n ivitneiuun , nuuior 01 uie piece. bour a tank of coal oil, containing twenty iiou, ueo. a. itouiweu, Jton.Jolm welsn, Prof. V in, II- Harrisou, of New Columbus thouattUj trrels of oil, caught fire and ex- Hon. Geo. M Kobeson, Mr, U. 8. Grant Jr. Informal recep- whlch was . 1 Acaueiny, iiuii renu a paner on "luo uve . , ...nk.s ... .-o,t will, fearln I I Alter dinner them waa on f.. T ..I., ll-na Jtr l I r. . . . . - . )IUUW, HUU IUU UftUin D,.V benses.'Btiowing mat a Knowledge ot the wnses ,.. T s 111.1., it.f ilm thn tion in hnnornf ftenxrnl frnt "'J .llrryr i8indIrn8?'a 'r1 'C-Ml,er' , The fire had attacked and destroyed the entire attended by some 300 guests, limn iuu new year 1 na,)er .,owed thorouch nrenaralion and was I ... ... . j i . r I in sen him. ... village, conuining at) nouses, iuu m a well received. Prof. Angell discussed the subject of Schorl Government, The teacher should be mild quiet, but firm, He should take for his motto, Youths, Boys and Childrens' Hats and ' Uaps lor winter wear at D.Ijo wen berg s. Say, where aro- you going to buy your Christmas presents'? why I'ara going to Clark & Son's tbey have a very large stock and their prices are the lowest. Rubber Coats white and black, Illankets, I Leggings, Gloves, Caps at the lowest prices I at u. juowenuerg s. Clark & Son have the largest line of Bilk- handkerchiefs ever in the room, their prices I are the lowest of any house in Hloomsburg. I Ho, how happy are they who bring ban- pineBs to bo mo one by the purchase of a I Christmas present from I, W. Hartman s great assortment. Real Seal Skin Cans just received at David Lowenberg's. r " 1'OU Coutflia, llronrMtls, lloiir-cnrstH TIckllannrDryntuof llio Tlnuut, More T-iroat, Cold Iu thullcad. Croup, Influenza, WaooploK-Cough, Ctiltl lu tho Htm cl, AslLmntlo C'miali-, Jid rell.-f of Cuuw uuipllt 1 . Pb. IUIOWNIHO la a rcsruTar ETc4uato of inodlcliie, a. ikUlf ill 1'LonuacUt, and a tUoruuh chcmlbL lIUMOL&C.M(Coutfb and ColJ) Cordial U cot Uie r suit of incro chonce.but c f lon,T Kicntlto reeearcU In chemistry ami metUclne, hl liloJy eucn by tao rarldity of IU aclloa a-.d Its unjiaraUelM tfllcary. 1 ho exieoo la IU manuf a,ture I at lt'ut c aacrcat as tlut of aay other incdldtio upon the tuarUt, and ytt It U aold at tho exwedlngljr low prlco of fiOc. tVHacii'lo Imttlm (for a abort Uua o: ly) CJ t in. CII V1Tl'ION imOWNIMlTI. Troprletor, II 17 Arch rStreet.rhUodrlpliia, I'a. hour rendering more than that number of The newest service rendered by monVeys It I t 1 .... Irrt. I n , .7 1 1 111.. . 1 f amine uouibibm uu uc..y . M,au..uu n ,cvcUl.y musiraieu in French tidies, crewell tidies, satin pin mediately on the receipt ot the aoove uis. lxmuon. in one of tho school districts too 1 shoe ornament. X c. at Clark IUUIMI. . " . , . .1 . I , . .... . . I o , ' 1 " " 'lie sure you'r right, then go ahead.' Should Pa" "f scrlpllons were staueu v uo pc- many pare, is reporieu jto ennuren in their Don s, I . I 1 VT T.. -k- K tYt a 'vrt Olio- I Inm III as ali,! Im n.l - i l I .. , I I I have but one ru e lu r e it. Should lav down "Oleum exenange, iicw u', "j - ..u,., .uu luwucriu accriain me real Dec. 5, w-lyeow II. .. 1. I, ll.nfoo.n.V ...j - . .i.n,.. , ., , i nun aueau.ine nooovu The number of waRons in front of Krea his mode of dhcipline .he first day of school, ger, M. 8. . etorp, anu, .uu y- nucr , cu uureu m ti e uismct tne scnool 8d suits at H. Lowenb'erg' HmJ .lore and the neonle i.asslmr In and out "P8 PP probtably employ, sponueu uuc..y, In a steady Uream, seems to indicate that they discipline will lake care of itself. aro doing a good business. They carry a large Block and sell cheap. Dr. L and Prof S are preparing for another duck huut down the Susquehanna, lierwick, Pa., Pec. 18, '79. Rei-okteu. Kxccutom' Administrators' Guardians' and Trustees' Receipt Hooks hound in Reynold's covers. Jutt printed at this office. Books wilh sonal, and what came of It,' by Barbour T, I joo receipts 40 cents. Books containing Lathrop. I smaller numbers bouna in a few moments, tf. Still ahead.the Nobby Over Coats, Ulsters l unus are remuieu uy omccra resortea to an ingenious measure. telegraph as fast as received. Two monkeys were gayly dressed, put in a Mr. Snyder continued the ontne subject. He Three hundred families are homeless ana I wagon, anu, accompanied by a brass band, is of the opinion that 'If the tongue fails to there is great suffering among tho people, were carried through the streets ofthe;dis reach the heart the rod should not fall to reach Relief committees bavo been formed to ren-1 trict. At once crowds of children made the back.' Music hy pupils of 6lh Street No. 1 1 der aid at Gillmore, Derrick and Bradford. I their appearance. The procession Btopped school Prayer by Rev. D. J. Waller, Mayor Broder, of liradlord, has telegraphed In a patk.and the school officers began their evening, session. Red Rock as follows i "Call on us for all I Work ; distributing candles to the youngsters Exercises opened wilh music hy Prof. Niles, help necessary, une presiaent ui iue tves- mey too uieir names unq addresses. They Mlllvllle people and all other people are who conducted the music of ihe evening. Mrs, I tern Union telegraph company has tele-1 found out that over sixty parents kept their I iuvited to visit I. W. Hartraau's great com Diehl recited a wlectlon entitled "A Royal graphed that the company will receive and I children from school. The ingenious mcas- bination store for Christmas presents. Princess." forward any contributions sent to its offi- ure brought to the schools about 200 boys AU,w f,. so k . ..t.tni-rl, Ho.,i. .it Prof, Angell, the lecturer of the evening was cers. I and girls. 1 others iu proportion. ' You can buy dress goods, shawls, coats, blankets, musllnsjlaunels, prints, ginghams linens and shoes alt good and useful pres ents and at the lowest prices at Clark & Son's. Buck Horn people. Llcht Street neonle. Espy people, Uraugeville people, Berwick people CattawUaa people Rupert people, A FARM F01l;SALrj. Tbo undersigned orri rs to tell ou moderate terms at private SU'-, a valuable 1'AltM klluate In Mount Pleasant ton nlitp.rotumbla county, about two and a halt miles wet ot Iiloomsburg, the county scat ot said Luluiublu county, fald Farm contains 124 acres of Land with the iitcessery linpiow merits thereon erected and Is tn h good state ot Cultivation. '1 Irrc Is on said premises A Nsvsa I'ilUNO Btkum op Watik with the right for a .Ml!. I, or other iiurpu.m and a fair bupply ot timber adjacent. It Is a ceslrable property, and will bo Bold at a bargain to the pur chaser. tvFor terms and pi rtlculars address by mall or anrjlv to is. bTOiixpic, llloomEburg, Columbia Cou&ty I-eaaa. doo ll-lm QOMM1SIONERS' NOTICE, n hnvnflKwl utrfin theSSth. V7th. and 29th d&va ot this month ai the tune to anally close out the business or the onico ror tins year. e nae mane a calctiUtton ot the amount that each collector shall pay by tho tnst, to meet tho entire obllirKtlons due by the county, and directed tho Treasurer to nourv lliein ui Hie nuuie, uuu .uu, iiirut ufiuui- ply with said notice, as we uow mean lhat all ac counts Kttalt be paid as aforesaid. -Ml persons hav. ing any oiiis uuu luem nui pieubo pri-beni, tuem on ttiu-,e u s. I'lalinH for road danuges not Included In this call. Thehnldersot cuuimjuh on County llotds w 111 please present them tor pa) unlit, und persons holding over dun county liondi rhall presenr Ultra nn the vuiuiDi-i ah ii-iii- uiro ur hi.h uuiuit u tn v re turns ot seated lands as we'l bg unseated lanitsmufct iw mde on or ut-rorr tno nrsi. aay or i e nniary, lteo. Und unon which uo rroitrty can be touud from which to make. axes mubt be returned, and those ho I'll In mnke return by said day will be held tor hitch lies, renins Indebted to the county to make -jfjayuieut by thai time. I'.,,,, ,. .UU., I wiuuiwiuikii C'llikLISlilCUlKT, Ot A. II. ii wo. ) Columbia Co. Attest loan 11. fisiv. Clerk. Commlnloners' Office, inooinsburg, Dec. 10, TI iw. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers