".T'WTs'psji THE COLUMBIAN. II 1, 0 0 Jl S n V It (1. F It I II A T, AUGUST IS, 1STI) llall Iloml Time TnMe. ACKAWAKNA 4- ULOOMBDtJl'a KAIL HOAD KOKTU. 80UT11. Accommodation Train T.JsA.M. Mill Train... T.89A.M 4.4p.jt Knst Trnln H.oo M. 11.1SA.M Express Train .M 1". M. OATAW1S9A It AIL HOAD. kobiii, eoctn Accommodation Train ,?9 A. M. T,M r. M. ncaular Kxprcss 4.M r. M. 11,45 A. M. Throngh cars on Express train cither to New York or PhlladelphU. Accommodation train runs between Cataw Issn and Wllllamaport. STAtlB LINKS. ciMtaA jiNiitlixwjisBi'Rn, Iavo Cambra Monday, ' wdnoiday and Friday at r,:;wn. m., arrive at Uloomsburg by 11:30 a. m. Iiavo niosmsburg on samo days after arrival ot Philadelphia mall, HLOOisnou(i and I.aibiwvii.ik, Leavo ljUrdivlllo Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at ?:ao a. m., nrrWng at Bloomsburg by H in. I,eavo lllootnv bunt on same dais after arrltal of Pnrladelphta mail The stngo lino terminates ntMlllvllle. iii ntnn and Uloomsburg. A dally stage line leaving Ponton In tho morning and returning In tho eve ning of tbo same day. ' MAIL ItOUTEs! I HITS IIA1.I. AND HlX)OMSBCKO.-I"aVO WhltO llall Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at t-M a. m., arriving at Bloomsburg by 10 a. m. l,cavo Blooms, burg onsamodajs alter arrival of riilladelphla mall. lissTON and BtooMSODRn. leaves Benton Monday, Wcdnosday and Friday at 8 a. in., arriving at Bloomsburg at 2 p. m. Leaves llloomsburir Tues day, Tnursday and Saturday at 8- a, m arriving ntllstitonatap. m. - I'UIILIO HALES. Tho administrator of Sarah Summers, deceased, will sell real estato in Hemlock town ship, on tlio premises, on Saturday, August 23, 1879, nt2p. m. Tlie ndministrntor of I'elcr Ent, deceased, will sell renl estate in Ornngo township, on tho premises, on Friday August 22d, 18?J, at 2 o'clock. Conrad Krcnmcr, ndministrator of Hebeccn Siniih, will oell rcnl estate, on tho premises, in Madison township, Saturday August SOtli, 1870 at 1 o'clock, p. m. See advertisements in another column. TO SUIISCHIUEHS. There are so many delinquents on our list that we are again compelled to make an appeal to all who owe on nuWript'tin or lmok account, to pay up. Statements of hook accounts have been sent out by mall, and bills for subscription are being sent out each week in the papers, and this will be continued until all who are indebted to us in any way, shall have received notice' We do not go to this trouble and expense just for amusement, but because we have a large amount standing out, and ire need the money. I),i not throw your hill aside as a matter that can be attended to at any time, but settle it t once, anil save us the trouble of sending you another notice, and yourselves the annoyance of being dunned. It gives us no pleasure to dun those who owe us, hut as those whom we owe have no hesitancy in asking for their pay, we arc compelled to urge prompt payments to us In order that we may pay our own bills. Of course, the above is not intended for any one but those who have received notices. tf. Tho Columiiian-Democisat is in its forty fif.li year. George E. Elwell and wife are visiting friends in Bradford county. " Our tramp law, which wo published somo time ago, went into operation last Friday. ltev. I.. Kilmer is taking a vacation, and has gone to Delaware for a few weeks. ltev. Mr. Chevcrs of Shamokin preached in the Episcopal church on Sunday. Leoni Mcllick Kq., of Philadelphia i" spending a few weeks with his parents at Light street. The German Reformed Church held a pic nic J Lspy Glen on Thursday. Thu llloonis burg Hand areompa-ucd them. Wu see by the Towanda papers that E, V. Elwell, formerly of this place, lately caught a black bass weighing three pounds and ten ounces. Dr. Montravillo McIIenry, formerly of Echnugo, Montour county, has removed to this place, and will reside in the Iteeco house on Market street. All our citizens should unite in making the military reunion hero next month a success so far as display is concerned, Tho selection of Uloomsburg is a compliment to tho town and county. Miss Kva llupert and Miss M. Polen have gone to Chautauqua, New York, to attend the meetings of a Literary Society of which Miss Itupert is a member. On Tuesday hist the Republicans of Luzerne nominated Charles K.. Kice for additional Law Judge. Mr. Hice was a teacher in our Nor1 laal School for porno time. lie is a thorough gentleman, an I an excellent lawyer, Annie Sewell the colored servant at the City .Hotel in this place, on Monday last Ml f.om the rear roof of the City Hotel, and after stradd'iog the wr'.er pipe, fell headlong to the paving. Outr'do of scalp injuries no damage was done. The ' Social Club" of Milton had a pic-nic atKnorr's Grove near Kupcrt on Wednesday last. Tho excursion numbered about 20O per. sons out of nn expected 500. 1 he day was fine, and all hands enjoyed themselves. Stacy John, a prominent and respected clli zen of Main township died at his bonieonWtd ncsday morntrg after an Illness of only two days. He was a brother of Mrs, Freas Urown of this place. The funeral took place on Wed nesday, Prof. Gardner of Connecticut delivered a lec ture in IheMethodUt church last Sunday even ing on the subject of Temperance. It is said to be a very able discourse, and the gentleman is highly recommended by many leading clergy men, and by the press, Simon Cameron was in town a few hours on Friday of last week. He was v'siting in Dan ville and drove up to see some of his old ac quaintances. He aud Judge Mclteynolda were inthe Legislature together in 1820. Theex sena tor is 82 years old, and bears his age well. A festival consisting of supper, ice cream, etc., will he held in tho M. E. Church at lluckhorn, on tho evening of Friday, August 21, and afternoon and evening of Saturday, August 30, 1870, for the benefit of tho M. E. Parsonage. Tho Iiuckhorn Cornet Hand will he in attendance. The Danville Intelligencer paja a merited trioule to our nominee for Sherifl A. K, Smith, of Jerseytown. Its profession of friend ship, however, would have been better If it had avoided its chronic abuse of Columbia county politicians. It does Mr. Smith no good; and if the nomination was not, satisfactory to the people It would work him harm. Whllo cleaning up the files In his office a few days ago, Protbonotary Krickbaum founds letter writttu in 1859 by Charles F. Mann to Jacob Eyerly, the Prothonalary at that time, canlaln Ing an old five dollar bill of the Hank of Maryland at Hagerslown, an English shil ling and an old copper cent. The letter Is dated at Philadelphia, and names an enclosure of eighteen dollars to pay costs in a suit of Dries, bach against Mann and in a jiostsciipt says that "V Stewart la here anil Intends to address a Fillmore meeting In Independence Square." The money has been among the files twenty three years, hut why It was left there nobody knows. Jacob Lelby, late of Montout' township de cease, , wa, horn In Lehigh county In 1700, and died August 2,1 1879. He was the father of 13 children, had 75 grand children, 75 great grand children, lie voted for 17 Presidents of wniSuto,!:1"' M1 Deniocra'"- The following young men from the west end o f this county, ,t,u tcl.y fr Orangerllle Academy, at Orangeville, Columbia Co., Pa., viJ I K. A. Clearhart, Tllglnns.i Iiufer.Alvln Uufer.J. N. Heller, J. W. Heller, Jacob blacldioiuc, George Klrkhuir, Ell I). Everltt, Chas. S. Worly, Jackson Serfa.s, William Heincy and Ira Mo-tcilor.-,Utmr,.f Admcate. MtLITAUV nNCAMr.MK.NT. The third brigade National Guard. romo. cd of four regiments of Infantry, one battery and ono cavalry company, will be insp.cled at I.loomsburg, Columbia county, September Slth. Tho Twelfth regiment, Col. Stead commanding, will go Into camp Saturday morning, S.plem her 7th, and remain in camp until after ll c inspection, OIL FlnK ON THE P.ML. Suxnuitv. Pa. , August 20Traln 28 loaded Z. i. . '"-", w?." wrcil and burned last tight at vlpp, Hun .seven miles from this place on the feunbury.Hazleton and vVllkesbar re railroad The treMling was overrun and also burnrd. All trains have been abandoned until to-morrow. The cars are still burning. The above despatch explains the cause of the bright light noticed by a number of people last Tuesday night. There is no accounting for human nature. There are men in the world who are perfectly willing to take a newspaper for three or four years and read it carefully each week, who upon receiving a request from the editor to pay up, become angry and order their paper stopped. We know of a few such. That kind of subscribers If nut desirable to have on the list, and the sooner they get mad the better it is for the editor. Hills have now been sent to every subscriber n.iu unt-n lur inure man one year, it is our practice to send out statements to everyone nt the end of a ycir, and we expect payment at that lime when not paid soonsr. Those who owe for moio than a year need not pay the wuole bill at once, but wo expect them to pay wimelliing, as we cannot let every subscription run ur three or four years without payment and run the risk of losing all. We hope to see a large number of subscribers at September Court . DANIEL KALUFUS. Many of our renders remember that this talented gentleman was some time ngo placed in tho Danville Insnne Asylum. Ho wns the son of ltev. Charles Knlbfus,and was born and raised in Herwick. The Mauch Chunk papers say that last week Joseph Kalbfus, Esq., visited him at tho Danville Insane Asylum, and found him improved in physical health, but no chnnge in Ins mental condition. Ho is not troublesome, hut quiet and in tho best of humor ut nil times, enjoying tho conceit that he is "King of nations." Ho insisted that InscphjWlio he said was dead, was Charles, an cider brolhcr, and congratulated him upon his healthful and youthful nppeaiancu, and recalled incidents of twenty years or more ago. lint his recollection of moro recent i mi uisvoiv confused. The physicians givo i, .mrounii-p ment for tho restoration ol "s mental faculties. ihose subject to mstivness should at once try "Sellers' I.ivr Pills." 2oc. perbox. Sold by all druggists The promp, adjustment of tho insurnnce on the buildings Ac of tho Lotkards at this placo and thi' loss on tho Jackson, Woodin k Co. properly nt Berwick, deserves commendation, I'he promptness of T Kirk Whito as well ns other agents can best be shown by the following stutimeut' The Berwick bro occurred August II, and tho insurance was amicably adjusted by T Kirk Whito on tho 15. Amount $1380 0-1, in tho Firo Association of Philadel phia. Tho Insurance on tho buildings and materials destroyed by the fire at I.ockards was adjusted on Thursday by T Kirk White and W C Goodrich. Tho adjustment to the several parties interested was as follows : G M & J K Lockard, Firo Association $2507 00, Aetna, $2507 00; Iron Mannfactur. ing Go's loss on material, Howard Insurance Co, $1200, Tradesmen's Insuranco Co, $1200; M A Jackson's loss on buildings and machin eiy, Lancashire, W, Hoynl, $20S4 00, Springfield, $2081 00, National N Y, S1012 I National Hartford, $107.1 73. Charles liuckalew Snyder has assumed con1 trol of the llazte'.on Sentinel, and supplants Jer ctniah S. Sanders. The present and former editor of the Sentinel drifted from Democratic moorings into Republicanism, and singularly enough both formerly controlled the Berwick news-paper. Lest there should be no mistake as to the political status of the Sentinel, we quote the following salutatory of its new edi tor: "In a political sense the affiliations of our life and the preferrences of our matured judgment based upon the principles involved lead us to he dlstin, tly Republican. In support of the Republican organization our ellorts will there lore be directed, ami at all times and under a circumstances be unwavering, indexible and positive." We welcome Mr. Snyder to a closer relation in tho profession, but regret that he has deemed it his duty to hoist the Republican colors, Still that is belter than having no colors at all, and sailing under the black Hag like his pre decessor. CALL FOlt A COUNTV CONVENTION. The county temperance convention held Bloomsburg in March last, adjourned subject to the call of the Sec. : therefore in accordance with the action of said convention and the re cent request of many citizens, tho friends of temperance throughout Columbia county, Willi out regard to sex, who believe tho manufacture and sale of intoxicating drink as a beverage crime which ought to be removed by political action, and who are also in favor of placing be. fore the people candidates of known temper ance principles for the several offices to be filled at the county election in .ovember next, are nquested to meet in Bloomsburg on Saturday Aucust 30th. at 2 o'clock v. M. sharp, for the purpose of making such nomiuation and tran acting any other business deemed proper when met. M. 1'. Lut, Secretary, OIIIU'AHY. This community was shocked yesterday morning upon receipt of news from Lyon N, Y that George C. Scott was dead, Although it was known that ho was sick the uews of his death shocked his friends and the community He was taken sick the fore part of last week and his friends were apprised of the fict, hut tl: Information did not state that he was considered dangerously 111. Upon receipt of the nes of his sickness his mother hastened to his bedside, Mrs, Dr. Robins hail been with her children Lyons for a couple of weeks and was with In son-indaw when he was stricken down. Mrs Robins returned to Catawissa on Tuesday and had the Doctor slnrt at onco for Lyons, but before he arrived Mr. Scolt was dead. His ! easeas perllonetas, which proves fatal i nearly all cases. His death has cast a gloon over the community, os he was a man respected bv all who knew him. He was the only son of the late General Scolt of tnli place. Ills remains will be brought to Catawjssa for burial He leaves a wife and one child besides a large circle of rtlatives !and Iriends to mourn hit death, but their loss is his gain, for "With Him &11 things are well." Item. TOE COLUMBIAN AND WATER. Pursuant to not'uo ibo subscribers to tho stock of "Tho Bloomsburg Water Company" convened in tho Opera House, at Bloomsburg, on Thursday evening, August 11, 1870, at 8 lock, p. m, for the purpose of effecting a peramneut organization. Rev. D. J. Waller. Sr., was elected chairman and Frank P. Bill. meycr, Secretary. A list ot tho subscribers to io stock and the number of shares hold bv each, was then rend by the Secretary, showing subscriptions fur slock to tho nmount of twenty light thousand one hundred ninety dollars. After due consideration it was resolved, viz I ire(, ilia uamo of this corporation shall be Tho BloomsWg Water Company." Afcom, The purpose, for which it is formed nil bo, "Tho supply of water to tho public. locially within tho limits of tho town of Bloomsburg." TlitrJ, Tho place whoro Its business is to lie transacted shall bo, "The town of Bloomsburg, in tho county of Columbia and the stnlo of cnnsylvanln." fourth, The term of its oxislccce shall he Perpetual." l ifth, Its Ibard of Directors shall consist of Nino." Sixth, The amount of Its capital stock shall bo "Thirty thousand dollars, divided into three iiousnnd shares, and tho par value of each liaro shall be ten dollars." On motion of Win, Noal, it wns resolved, at the subscribers to tho stock, bo and are hereby required, after permanent organization and upon notico from tho board of directors, to pay in cash to tho Treasurer, ten per centum 1 the amount subscribed. On molion of John G. Freeze, seconded by II. Maize, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted, viz: "Wiikreas. t lie cencrnl nublic has been cordially and earnestly invited to subscribe for shares to tho capital stock of the Bloomsburg nicr uomrany, anil ims done so to the extent it has chosen, and whereas a lnrger amount of money is required for tho purposes of the corporation than has been so subscribed and mus ol the said corporation to tho nmount dollars will have to be issued, be it Itesolml, That tho bonds to be issued shall ear interest nt tho rate of five ner centum ner annum, anu no more, payable semi annually. Jlaolnu. That the subscribers to tho camtal stock of tho Bloomshuig Water Company shnli nave tlie nrst reiusni ol mo bonds ot said company, Provided however, thatnoonc,sha11 in the first ins. nrce be allowed to take more than a proper proportion to tho amount of slock he lias subscribed." The meeting then proceeded to elect a Board of Directors nnd a Treasurer to serve for one year. On motion of Geo. E. Elwell, it was resolved that tho election be by ballot and that every share of slock shall entitle the holder thereof to one vote, and tltnt tho name nnd number of shares held by the person voting, he written on the back of the ballot. On motion of Wrr. Ncal, Messrs. John G, Freeze, C W. Miller nnd Samuel Knorr wero appointed officers to hold the e'ection. Nominations for a Board of Directors being In order, Wm, Neal nominated D. J, Waller, Sr., L.N, Moyer, M. S, Appleman, E. II, .itlle, R. C. Nenl, C. G. Barkley, John A 'unslon, Geo. E. Elwell aud Henry J. Clark. On motion of seconded by J. K. Lyer, the nominations closed. On motion of Gen, E. Elwell tho motion to lose tho nominations was reconsidered, and nominations for Directors was again in order. The fuUowing navied peioi.4 w nomi nated Freas Brown, Dr J. Schuyler, I. w llartman, D- A. Croasy, H. C. Hartman, Wm. !abb, S. O. Shive, Mills Chamberlin, Peter S. Ilarmau, Geo. A. Herring and M. C. Sloan. Tho officers appointed to hold the eleciion having a", been duly qtia'lfied according to law, proceeded then to receive, record and count the votes lue result was as follows, to-wit: 1). J. Waller, Sr., 1027; L. N. Moyer, 1137! M. S. Appleman, 059; E. II. Little, 1379; R. C. Neal, 1437; C.G. BarHey, 1432; John A. Fun-ton, 1."37j Geo E Elwell, 872; Henry J Clark, 11G7; Geo A Herring, 613; D A Creasy, 2S5; Peter S Hnrman, 105; Freas Brown, 405: Jacob Schuyler, 137; II C Hartman, 120; S C Shive, 10; Wm Rabb, 13; Jl C Sloan, 30; I W Hartman, 10; h E Waller, 10; M Chamberlin 0; whereupon D.I Waller, 'Sr., L N Moyer, M S Appllenian, E II Little, R C Neal, C G Barkley, John A runston, Geo E Elwell, and Henry J Clark, were duly declared elected members of the board of directors foroneyear. The following wero t icn nominated for Treasurer: David Lowcnberg, Dr Jacob Schuy ler, and Geo W Corrcll. Result of ballot Jnas as follows : David Lowenbcrg, 805; Dr Jacob Schuyler, v"5; Geo W Corrcll, 135; whereupon David Lowcnberg was declared duly elected Treasurer for one year. On motion meeting adjourned. Attest, Frank P Billmkyer, Bloomsburg, August 14, 1870. Secretary. DIItECTOISV MEETING. The first meeting of tho Board of Directors of the Bloomsburg Water Company, convened in accordance with notico given nt tho meeting of stockholders on the evening of llth inst., at the office of L. E. Waller, Esq., at 2 o'clock p. m. August 15, 1879. Present, Rev D J Waller, Sr., M S Appleman, E II Liltle, L N .Moyer, R C Ncal, II J Clark, Geo E Elwell, and C G Barkley 8, J A Funston not being n town. Geo E Elwell was chosen temporary president of tho board and C G Barkley temporary secretary. The board proceeded to tho election of a President for ibo ensuing orcurrent year. Rev D J Waller, Sr., and M S Appleman, wero nomi nated. M S Appleman dccliued to be consid ered ns a candidate for the office, and hisnnme being withdrawn, on motion made nnd duly passed the secretary was authorise I to cast the ballot of tho Board for tho election of Presi dent. Tho secretary thereupon cast tho ballot for President-Rev D J Waller, Sr., nnd ho was declared duly chosen picsident for tbo ensuing year. Upon motion duly made and carried tho salary of tho Clerk is fixed for tho year at fifty dollars. Whereupon tho board proceeded to tho election of a Clerk. F P Billmeyer was nominated for the office, no other nominations being undo, on motion duly made and passed the Secretary was authorized to cast the ballot of the board for tbo ollico of Clerk. Tlie Sec. rotary cast the ballot for Clerk F P Billmeyer, and he was declared duly elected Clerk. Uponlmotlon Messrs. Little, Elwell and Bark- loy wero appointed a committee on the matter ol u charter. L'pon motion Messrs. Barkley, Moyer and Neal were appointed a committee on By-Laws Upon motion tbo Treasurer shall be required to givo a bond in the sum of six thousand dollars as a security for funds which may come into his hands previous to tho obtaining a charter and lhat upon a charter being obtaiued nnd By-Laws adopted he shall givo such new bond as the board ol directors shall require, tho bund to bo approvtd by thehoard. I'poii motion the Clerk was authorized to concsnoud with parlies concerning I lie em ploymont of a competent engineer to make estimates, Ac., for the company, Unon molion thx Clerk was authorized to procure stock hook, minute book, and other books neeueu, nun aiso a seui. Upon motion tho Treasurer was authorized m rolled the first installment of ten ner cent. on stock subscribed by tbo twentieth of this montli. W Ncal, David Loweuberg, L N Moyer. N U Funk. Peter Billmeyer and E K Rollins authorized and reuuesttd to act as rnmmittco to nrocure additional subscrintions of slock so as to complete tho full sum of S30.000 It C Neal and L N Mojer wero appointed a comuiitieo to inquire the price of pipe. Adjourned to meet Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at J. t' i aiicr s omco. G G Bakklky. . Temporary Secretary, DEMOClUT,BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, THE 11EVIKW. BrnwicK, Pa., Aug. 16, 1879, Tunns a C'hamiieri.in. I havo lust received a telegram from Gen. Sigfrled slating that thi Inspection will be held at llloomsbura on Tuesday Sept, Olh. As soon as I get a letter giving full particulars I will inform you. Meantime I would suggest that a "Committer of Arrangements" be appointed on part of the citizens to attend to such business as may be required. The Fair ground ought to be obtain Ingjand put in shape parlies seen about horses Ac. Please'lnform Beckler and Rrockwar as they want to make an item fur the papers. I will not write anyone else at present, but ex pect you will Inform all the gentlemen inter ested. Yours truly, C. G . Jackson, Quartermaster General. Bloomsburii, Aug. 15, 1879. In pursuance of the foregoing letter, the citi zens of Bloomsburgpheld large and enthusias tic meeting in the parlors of the Exchange Hotel, to take action thereon. On motion of W. C, McKtnney, the meeting was organized, by the election of D. Lowenberg, President and W. II. Abbott Secretary. On motion of J. C. Brown, a committee of arrangemenljcomposed of nine were .appointed as follows : J. C. Brown, Chairman ; W. C. McKinney, Peter Billmeyer, J..L. Qirton, Col 8. Knorr. Capt. U. II. Ent, M.C.Sloan, Sheriff J. W. Hodman nnd D. Lowenberg. M. W. Nuss, Secretary of the Columbia County Agricultural Society reported the use of Mhe'Falr Grounds, gratuitously for the use of the. Brigade- On motion the further committees were ap poin ted to procure horses for Gov. Hort and Satfl, Gen Ilartranft and Staff and Gen. Slu rried and Stan", viz! Hon. T. J, Vandersllce, Chairman; John W.Gibbs, W. Tubbs, Wm. Hart, Geo. W. Spaldiog, W. J. Buckslew, James Schuyler, Wm. Sterner, tAmos Bncka lew, Dr. H. W. McReynolds, Edward Raw lings all of Bloomsburg j B. F. Crispin, Ber wick ; Hon, M. G. Hughes, Catawissa ; Mij. I II. Seeshollz, Catawissa; J. S.Bachman, Light" street ; A. K. Smith, Jerseytown ; Samuel II. Hagenbuch, Orangeville; John Appleman, Buckhorn ; E. J. McHenry, Stillwater; M. Millard, Centre ; Geo. W. Creveling, Afton; Daniel Hess, Mlffiin. Committee on Decoration, Geo. E. Elwell, Esq., Chairman ; Hugh Buckingham, William B.Allen, N. U. Funk, Benjamin Vannatta and I. H. Seesholtz. Committee on reception, Hon. Wm. Elwell, Chairman ; I. S. Kuhn, D. Lowenberg, Hon. ly. K. liuckalew, D. A, Beckley, Col. Samuel Knorr, W. H. Abbott, Geo. E. Elwell, Hon. F. L. Shuman. B. F..Crispin, W. II. Jacoby, Col. J . G. Frezze, Hon. I. K. Krickbaum, Wm. Neal, Hon. T. J. Vanderslice, E. W. M. Low and Hon. M. G. Hughes. On motion it was unanimously resolved that a vote of thanks by the citizens o f Bloomsburg, be tendered Col, C.G. Jackson, for his efforts in securing the holding of the inspection of the Third Bngade,Iattonal Guards of Pennsvlran ia, in tills town and the Secretary bo authorized and directed to notify Col. Jackson of the pro. ceedings of the meeting. On motion adjourned to meet at the same place, on Thursday Aug. 21, at 8:30 o'clock r. M, D. Lowenbercj, President. At.. W. H. Abbott (Secretary. Uhriv JlCKBON's IJEHTfspet Mv Taburro. Berwick, Pal, Aug, 13th, '79. Messrs. Lditoks Very little occurs at present in our vicinity to break the monotony of the midsummer month. The laborers toilbusi ly day and nlght,withoutcessation,in the Foun dry, Planing and Rolling mills. The never ceasing music from these mills lulls us to sleep in the evening, and in the morning it mingles with the mating songs of the birds. Prosper. ity, the long looked for boon pervades the atmosphere everywhere about our town, evint ing itself into the sounds of hammer, saw aud chisel that ring in the air day and night. The disciples of Walton, up to the present time, in vain hath paraded up and down the riverside, seeking to tickle the dainty palate o the wily bass, with devil, muscle and crab. His denizen of the deep evadeth all the lures set for his captivity, and from live cool retreat leereth out of his left optic at the lonely fisher. man basking himself in the Sun's effulgent rays. The principal object of interest for the last week has been the camp, meeting at Mountain Grove, a nearly two hours drive from here, Our town is not so well represented there as in former years, yet the tents are all occupied or nearly so. If the whole body of divines could be judged by the two sermons we heard the tenters must have been highly entertained. One of these we attentively listened to on Tuesday delivered by Mr. Lantz of Danville. His dis course was spirited and thoughtful, holding captive the attention of a large audience, upon whom it could not but make a deep impression spoken on it was with all the feeling and earn estness possible. This morning yet a grander discourse Held the audience entranced by one known to a number of your readers and whom many hcird in your town last winter on "Grea1 Deeds of Great Men." I mean Dr. Fowler editor of the CTrwtian Advocate. Late in the morning he came, illuminated the ' stand" for a brief period, branding the minds of the at, lentive hundreds wish the fact that "Right eousnesa is profitable." ills thoughts were noble, his illustrations he antiful aud his pow er over the audience, the great key-note to success in oi atory, wonderful. An hour and ten minutes he ruled in the hearts of his hear' ers, then said a hurried good-bye and the train bore him away. The experiment of excluding-the public on Sunday from the grounds seems to have been a success, while it does not give general satisfac tion. Notwithstanding the vigilance of the officers several young men succeeded by strategy in affecting an entrance. Water carriers had the "open sesame," by hiring a bucket each and filling it with water. These woidly gentiles pl ayed it" on the officers in a way that I dc spise. Iv. 11. Fob sale. Several good houses and lots I the town of Bloomsburg Pa, Inquire of Mich ael F. Eyerly at the office of Freeze and Eyer ly, Bloomsburg. Aug. 22 3-w PROPOSALS. Notice is hereby given that propositions will be received from any ind all persons in Schuyl kill, Carbon, Nortbumberlsnd, Columbia and Dauphin counties, for the donation of suitabl grounds upon which to erect a State Hospital for injured persons, under the provisions of an act of the Legislature entitled "An Act to pro vide for the selection of a site and erection of Stale Hospital for injured persons, to be located In the counties of Schuylkill, Carbon, Dauphin Northumberland and Columbia, to be called the State Hospital for injiued persons of the An thraclte Coal Region', and for the management of the same, and making an appropriation Ihetefor," approved the eleventh day of June A.I). 1879. The above mentioned proposition will be re. ceived until Saturday, September 13, 1879, by the chairman of the Commission appointed by the Governor in pursuance of the above recited act, and all such proposals will receive full and due consideration. Address, D. A. Beckley, Chairman, Bloomsburg, Ft Geo, 8.- UoutES, Secretary, To this Editors op "The Columbian." It la a general rule thai man when he seteclss a location for a pcrminent residence if It Is possible selects a healthy locality, as health desirable to happiness, combined with the religion of Jesus Christ the great King and cad of the church. But there are also advau tages arising out of such a location as to make desirable, such as educational facilities, lien we have in our Stale Normal School under Its worthy Principal, Rev. D. J, alter jr., and his able corps of Proffessors for the training of our young men and young women and fitting them for every depart' ment In the active business of life, and the public are forcibly impressed with the high indud of Instruction which the institution pursues. Our common school system Is also In flourishing condition with their stately till fices and competent teachers, for every depart ent. hen I contrast the past when I received ray education, the rude log house, the old ten ate stove, the rude benches on which we had to sit, how striking the picture of the past and tho present! And yet in that day, we had teachers who could teach the young mind to shoot.whoee rules where law, and who knew the art of governing a school. I do say that it is not e best educated men or women that are the most successful teachers. If they lack govern ment it is a failure. There is also another ad vantage and adesirable one, and that is the Sand- ary privileges to which all have access. All classes c n be accommodated, as to Dcnomtna- ttonalism, the Episcopal, the Lutheran, the Reformed, Baptist, Presbyterian, the Metho dist, the Evangelical, Christian and Catholic churches, with able nnd efficient ministers of tbc Gospel. All may go and hear and accept or reject. Our citizens are moral and I believe n proportion, to Its population,lhere isnot as large Church going people in any town I know of. Sucli a place we have In our beautiful town of Bloomsburg. In connection w ith these advan tages, we have one of the most beautiful resting places for the dead. The grounds are located on the north side of Bloomsburg on a high em inence overlooking the village and the surrounding country, and the beautiful Sus quehanna river winding its way through the valley, striking the eye of the beholder, with a rich landscspe. On the north western side, is high ledge of Redshcll, and the waters of Big Fishingcreek wash its base, as they pass on to the noble Susquehanna. With its beautiful evergreens which deck and adorn its grounds, think it is one of the most beautiful resting places for the dead . Having thus briefly given you an outline of the many advantages arising from such a loca tion, and to substantiate the assertion I have n the majority of cases obtained personally, the ages of a long line of ancient worlhys to present before you. To prove the longevity of our citizens, I have classified ihem in four aa-cs. First class from sixty to seventy years, we have one hundred and thirteen persons, whose united ages foot up seven thousand, two hundred and eighty years. Second class from seventy to eighty years, we have fifty four persons, whose united ages are three thousand, ine hundred and thirty seven years. Third claBswehave sixteen persons from eighty to inety years , whose united ages foot up one thousand three hundred and ninety three years. fourth class we have two persons, the one inety-oneand the other ninety-two, whose ages, are one hundred and eighty-three years, making the sum total of one hundred and ighty five persons, within the Borough limits of Bloomsburg whose united ages foot up twelve thousand seven hundred and ninety three years. In populn lion between four and five thousand inhabitants. It was asserted some nine or ten "ears ago in the Mon Irose Democrat, that Sua- hannah county was the banner county, for the. 'utT'Y of its inhabitants. I em not dis puting allegauc" If there ia any town in Pennsylv. .with Ihe sau.o i-.tioof inhabitants can compete with, the town of Bloomsburg, I hould be glad to hear from It through the cob umnsof the press, all of which is respectfully submitted by your friend and well wisher. John Bnydeb, Sr. EXPERIENCED DAIIIYMEN Know mat 11 is necessary to keep an even standard of their butter color the year round. Therefore when the color falls away in July and August they use Welis, Richardson & Co's Perfected Butter Color. It is a vegetable com pound pure and harmless, and adds much to the value of Butter. ORANGEVILLE ITEMS. Our town now presents a very different aspect from what it has for the last six weeks. '.The opening'of the Academy has made things very lively, highly seven students are present now and new ones are arriving daily. This is the largest opening that we have ever had at the Academy, On Tuesday evening a Temperance lecture was delivered in the Union Church by Prof. Gardner of Conn- Mr. & Mrs. Ingalls of Boston, who have been visiting Rev. Mr. Canfield, left for home on Wednesday morning. Mrs. Margaret Ricketts of this place has had quite a severe attack of sickness, but recovering now. Mrs. Jacob Snyder who has been suffering for 9 weeks from a sprained ankle Is beginning to get around again. Capt. Conner has returned from Long Pond and is ready to take charge of the military company. The first meeting will be on Wed nesday. Jerome Megargell appears to be clerking for Low & Son. We have been having some rainy weather of late but it appears lo be over now. Repohtkk. See a woman on horseback in another col umn, riding near Speer's Vineyards, with bunch of Grajies from which Speer's Port Grape Wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by the medical profession for the use of invalids, weakly persons and the aged, Sold by Druggists. June 27 1-y, Foil Sale. A 4 A, fount of 25 line wood letter in excellent condition, at a low piice, We offer it for sale becausu wo have two fonts nearly alike and need but one. For inspection at the COLUMiiUN office. tf. NOW HEADY. The laws and ordinances of tho town of Bloomsburg in pamphlet form are now ready tor sale at this office at 50 ceuts a copy. This work was undertaken by us at the suggestio of 111 any prominent citizens, uud has received careful attenlicn in its preparation. Every owner of property, and every citizen who cares to know the laws under which ho is living should have a copy. It will probably bo many years before the work will bo reprinted, and eveiyone should secure It now, before tb edition which is not very large, is exhausted We have been amused by the silly talk of scmo our enterprising townsmen who say that wo asked the town to help us out with a bad job by making an appropriation for somo of these books, As the Council ordered a number 0 them beforo a single one was ready for sale it is not likely that this was tho esse. Wo had no means of compelling the Council to take what they did not want, but in the exercise of wise discretion they took a lew. This outlay will cost tho town tlie enormous sum of two dollars and a half a year for tho next ten years, which is furnishing members of Council with the laws which they are supposed to enforce at a reasonably low rate. Those who find fault with the council for such investments are men whose taxes are very small, and sometimes not paid at that. A HINT TO WOimtNOMEN. The honest workingmen of the coiintry,tnany f whom have large nnd Increasing families lo pporl, have been the chief 'iffrcrs from the great financial pressure under which we have labored for the last few years. Diminished wages have not been attended by a correspond ing diminution in price of every thing which the worklngman needs. Rents, fuel, food, and clothing, are cheaper, but these Jo not consti tute all his neccessiiles. It Is sometimes neccs. sary for him to employ a lawyer or a physician. yet the fee rales of physicians, and lawyers are as high as they were In "flush" times. Yet cheap medicines are as necesssry as cheap rents or fuel. Cheap medicines are not neces- isrlly poor medicines. It must lie obvious t" every intelligent persons that medicines, com pounded and put np at wholesale, can be sold at much lower rates than when retailed from the doctor's pllUbags. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Purgative Pel lets have completely restored persons who had pent hundreds of dollars in vainly seeking relief from private practitioners, and all at a very slight expenditure. Collkctob's Warrants. We have prepat ed a form, and have on hand a large quantity of blank "Collector's Sales," which have been an ....... . . . . . proved by the highest legal authority in the I ' . ;., , . , , CourU of tbtarniintv. At TWn,i flmtj, tur county. At AVcnty tents per en we mall any number to the Collector order, ing them. A Collector, when compelled to ad vertise property, must iost up not less than three notices in the most public places in his j j i borough or township. tf. "Female complainls" arc the result of Impure blood. Use "Lindsey's Blood Searcher." Marriages. Heller Brioos On Tuesdav. Aurm.t 10 1870, 6 p. in. at tho Lutheran Parsonago, Main Street, Bloomsburg Pa,, by the-Rev O D 8 Marclsy.Mr. W S Heller, of Wapwallopcn and Miss Frances II Biggs of Nescopcck, Pa. Deaths. Furmak. On the 2nd insL Oren Bruce, son of E. R, AG. J. Furman aged 4 months and 22 days. Snyder. In Franklin township on the 14th inst. Mr. V m, H. Snyder, aged 34 years 7 months and 23 days. IltjatiES. In .same townshp on thei 15 lb nst., Estella M. Hughes daughter of II. F. & Marie R, Hughes, aged 0 months and 10 days. Business .Notices. Boot headquarters at McKiuney's. Bradford County Butter always to be had at 1. W ilartman s, (extra good,) Lutz & Sloan have their new stock of Germautowa Wool aud sell it at 8 cents per Lots of dress goods verv cheap at Clark & cons. Brown and Gray Cloakings for Ladies' at W. Uartruau's. Do not fail to Drice Lutz & Sloan's Black bilks It you want a dress. Admission free at McKinney's. The largest stock of corsets ever had bv us, now in stock, new styles. Call and see Ciark & Son. New Fall Dress Goods at I. W. Hart- man's. Lutz & Sloan have about forty diflerent shades ot Colored 1 rimming allien aud bat- ins. Ch n!il fnr Iflftil himholo nf vnnA -M( J? P 0r.??7) 5.USel8..L--00d Whlte or yellow OaU at Light Street by SH.A8 XOUN. July 18 3-w. Ladles you cau find a full Hue of ''Co- utnbia Yarns" the best made at Clark & Son's. New Dark Calicoes at I. W. Hartman's. McKluneva Shoe Store below Court House. Rubbers at SIcKinney's. Wanted, flood Wool at Liehtstrect by suas xoung. july '20, 4w. More new dress goods. Prints, muslins.&c. at Ularic ci boa a. Best White Dishes $3.75 per set at I, Hartman's. A largo assortment of new iall styles of Calicoes just received at lutz Ac isloan s. Cash paid for good lambs and fat sheep at LightStreet by SlLAS YOUNO, July 18 2-m Want good live calves that weigh 120 lbs. to 125, 130, 140, 150, 1G0 aud upward at Liignt street uy fclLAS YOUNO. July 18 2-m. "Wanted, 200 tons of good Rock Oak Bark by Silas YouDg, Lightstreet. july 4w. We call the attention of Ladies to-our best zephyr finished Germantowo wool good as most zephyrs 12J ceuts per ounce at uiaric a son's. New lot of Black Cashmere at I, W. Hart- mau a. New Canton and Wool Flannels at Lutz x Moan s. 'A new lot ol choice Mackerel in ouar- ters. halves and barrels, inst received which I will sell cheap for cash or produce. Silas Young, Lightstreet. july Zo, 4w. Boots and Shoes cheap at McKinney's, Lonsdale muslin yard wide for 0 cents per yard, or 8 J cents per yard by the piece, at uiarE cc ana h. C50 pew articles this week on I. W. Hart man a live cent table. A large assortment of new fall Dress Goods from a cheap Poplin to a fine Cash mere just received at l.utz ,V Moan 8. Wauted this fall 2000 lbs of nice dried Raspberries, and 2000 lbs of nice dried nit- ted cherries for which I will nay the verv highest market prices. Sll AS Young July 18 4-m. Call at SIcKinney's for Shoes. Beautiful Silk Hats New Soft Uats, Wool Hats, Fur Hats. For Men for Boys and Children At the Popular store of D. Lowenberg MARKET RErOllTS. BLOOMSUUKO MARKET. Wheat per bushel 11.10 Itje " .. .tsj corn, new, " s oats, ' , 34 r lour per uurrut ,,,, o.ou Cloverseed 3,rjo Flaxseed ... iai Butter ui JKtfk'a u Tallow ,, t Potatoes , , 50 Dried Apples m Hams lei hides & Shoulders .66 Lard per pound ut nay per urn ........ lo.ui Beeswax jj, Timothy Seed imi vuuiAiiu.-ioivn wau No, 4 on Wharf , i l.ooperTon No. " voo . Hlackimlth's Lutup on Wharf . 1 1,00 Wtumlnoiu ,......, M tw PA SHERIFFS SALE Ily vlrtuo of sundry wrlta Issued out of tho Court ofCoinmou Ileas of Columbia county and to nio di rected, will bo exposed to publlo sole at I lie Court IIouso In tho town of IHoomsbuig, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, at one o'clock p. m., on MONDAY, SIU'TEMBEK 1st, 187U. All that ccrUIn lot of ground situate In the lown of Uloomsburg In thecountyof Columbia and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wn t Fronting on Second street of said town, Mil lers alley on tho east, line alley on the south and a lot of Joshua Fetter-nan on the west, containing six- ty-slx feet In width and twi hundred and fourteen feet six Inches In depth, whereon are erected a large three slory brick tavern house with kitchen attach ed. Said house contains forty bed rooms, parlor, sitting room, dining room, barroom, omen, restau rant, kitchen, wash-house, Ac,, also, a large barn, lee house, Ac. ALSO, tho following described lot ol ground situate In tho lown, county and stato aforesaid, adjolnlug Plao alley on tho north, lot of Marthcw Wynkoop on tho west and south and lot of Malhew Wynkoop on the cast, being about forty feet In width and about Bit ty foet In depth. Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of Alfred C, tllbson against John La) cock and to bo sold as the property of John La) cock. Littlxs, Attorneys. FL Fa. ALSO, All that certain lot, piece or portion ot ground slt- uata In the town or Uloomsburg, county ot Colum. bla and state ot Pennsylvania, bounded and describ- nl aafnllna. .....If . IVnntlnfl r.n Unwintl. bfH.nl ; " on the south nity feet, on the west by Iron a reet ... ..........-I iwn I unure.i met itinra.r r inss. nn infi iinrin iiv inn . - , feet, on the east by lot ot (I, A. Potter two hundred feet moro or less to tho beginning, whereon are erected a two stery frame dwelling house and out buildings. Seized, taken In execution at the suit or Tlie Uloomsburg Mutual Saving Fund Association against O, A. Potter and David J, Waller and to ta1"11 m"1" Proiw''tlr '"otter nnd DavIdJ. Waller. Littles, Attorneys. Plu. FL Fa. ALSO, All that certain lot, plcco or portion ot ground sit uate in tho townot Bloomsburg, county ot Columbia and state ot Pennsylvania, boanaed and described Lastwardlv bv lot of Pat. Markln. northwardly by tho Delaware Lackawanna and Western Hall Itoad and westwardly by lot of said O. A. rotter and D. J; Walter, fining mty freet front on Seventh on which Is erected a two story frame dwelling houso and out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken In execution at the suit ot Tho Illooinsburg Mutual Saving Fund Association atalnst O. A. Potter and to be sold as tho property of 0, A. Potter. LiTTLis, Attorneys. PI. Fa. ALSO, All that certain tract ot land situate In Mirtlln township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wtt : Beginning at a public road running from Abraham Schweppenhel- ser to Oeorge fiuogesser .Mill, theuco north sixty two degrees west eight perches to a stone, thenco by land of Abraham Schweppcnhel3cr north seven- ty-flve degrees west eight perches to a stone, thence south six degrees east seven and eight-tenth perch es to said road flvo perches and live tenths to the place of beginning, containing htty-slx perches more or less, on which are erected a frame dwelling house and out-bulldlngs. seized, taken In execution at the suit of Jacob Penebecker against Aaron A. Urcdbenncr and to bo sold as the property ot Aaron A. Urcdbenncr. Ikklkk, Attorney. 11. la. A LSO, All that certain tract of land situate In Locust township, Columbia county and Btate of l'cnnsIra. nta, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt : He glnnlng nt a post In line of John P. Kegclrlser south sixty-nine degrees west twelve and a h sit perches to stone, from thence along lands of Wright Hughes south ono and a halt degrees west sixty-two H r.'hes to a stone heap, from Uience north eighty and one fourth degrees east twenty-nine and a half perches to a post, from thence north twelve and a halt de grees west sixty-four perches to tlie place of begin ning, containing eight acres and seventeen perches moro or less. seized, taken In execution at the suit of William J. Helwlg, Trustee for Catharine llelwlg, against Henry llelwlg and to bo sold as the property of Hen ry llelwlg. iKKi.mi, Attorney. Plu. PI. Va. All that certain plcco of land situate In llcnton township, Columbia county, lVmnsylvanla, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt : On tho north by lands of Samuel Applemao, on the east by lands of Jonas Itantz and the Denton Saving Fund Assoclf Hon, on tho south by lands of,Jonas Rantz and on the west by lands of Tnomas Siegfried and Alfred Itantz, contalnmirlltty acres more or less, on which are containing fifty acres moro or less, on which are erected a framo house, barn and outbuildings. Seized, taken In execution at tlie suit ot A. r. Vo'ir.. Administrator of Mercy Ann Koberts de- ceased, agi.lnsl J&I.ii TutuU, JC ?Mnu and Abra ham Hartman and to bo sold as the properly Of John Kantz. I klu, Attorney. Kl. Fa. ALSO, All thatcertaln piece of land situate In Denton township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follow s : Dy lands of David Kob erts on tho north, of Michael Harlinan on tho east, of Joseph Butt on the south, and ot John Koberts on tho west, whereon are erected a plank dwelling house, a stable and other out-bulldtngs, consisting I of twenty-one acres more or less, seized, taken In execution at the suit of oraybill & Co., against Kdward McIIenry and to bo sold as tho property of Ed nrd McIIenry, Knokk, Attorney. Vend. Ex. ALSO, All that ceruxln piece or parcel of ground situate in Fishingcreek township, Columbia county, Penn sylvania, described as follows, to-u It : Bounded on the north by land of Lazarus and Thomas Hutchi son, on the northeast by land of deorgu Pealer, on the southwest by land of Philip Unangst and Ed- Hlxty.tom on wWch crectca a framc. house, barn and out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken In execution at the suit ot the Or- angevlUe Mutual saving Fund and Loan Associa tion against William Unangst and to bo sold as tho property of William Unangst. Miller, Attorney. Ah Vend. Ex. ALSO. AU that certain lot of ground situate In the town ship of Catawissa, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-w It: Begin nlng at a corner of a lot of ground belonging to Sar ah Hamlin In the north side ot the public road lead ing from tho town of Catawissa to McKelvy.s mill and running from thence by Hald lot of Sarah Ham lin north lllty and a quarter degrees east one Hun dred and Uitrty.slx feet, (130 It.) to u corner or a lot of ltebecca Brclsh, thenco by the same thlrty-nlno and three quarter degrees west iorty-four feet, (11 ft.) to u post, 'hence by land of Catawissa Semi nary Association south titty and a quarter degrees westone hundred andtwenty feet (12,) ft.) to a ost on the norm side of the aforesaid public road, thenco by the same south eighteen and u half degrees cast forty-seven nnd a halt foet (4T a ft,) to the place of beginning, whereon 1. erected a largo two story frame dwelling house, kitchen and other out-bulld lngs Seized taken In execution at tho suit o Abraham V. Cool assigned to tho Catawissa DeiKisIl Bank against Jacob Eriln audio bo sold as the property of Jacob Krvln. Kkekzs, Attorney, Vcpd. Ex. ALSO, All that certain plec of land situate In .Mltllln township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, describ ed as follows, to-wlt: Bounded on the north by lands of John Ateu, east by II. Schwepiienhelser, south by land of Thomas Aten and on the west by Charles Kllngamon, containing one hundred and ten acres, more or less on which are erected a frame house, barn andout-bulldlug'i. ALSO. ono tract of land situate in same township, bound. ed on the north and east by land of Thomas Aten, outhoKouthbyland of Michael lirovcr's heirs, on thuwestbylanuot William I'urr, containing iwen- .j-, vm iuuie ut ,ro-, wu .uim uiu vievieu u I ,ral"e houso and out-bulldlngs. A1.SU, One tract bounded on the north by land of I. K, Schneppeuhelser and Samuel Snyder, on tho cast by Lawrence waiters, on the south by Abraham Schwcppenhelscr and on tho west by John Aten, containing thirty-four acres mora or less, on which are erected a framo house, barn and out-bulldlngs. ALSO, One tract of land bounded on the north by land cf Stephen (learhart and others, on the east by land of I. K, Sehweppenhelaor, on the south by land cf John Aten and on the w est by land of Joseph Oearhart, containing ono hundred acres more or leas, on w hli h aro erected a framo houso, barn and out-bulldlngs. ALSO. Ono lot of ground situate In tho town ot Malnvlllo, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and de- scribed as follow s, to-w It t Bounded by land ot J, E Lougcnberser aud tw o public Iloads, being a corni r lot In Bald town, on whkh are erected a two story bricK store houso witii the appurtenances. seized, taken in execution at the suits of Esther (learhart and Columbia County .Mutual Having Fund anu Loan Assueia lion against I. K. schweppenhil- ser and to be sold as the property ot I, K. bchwep- penheiscr. Uttlv i: MiLLtu, Attorneys. ALSO, All that certain tract of land situate In Flshtni:. I ,, . ..... ""."nf, uiuiiiiuuii( uuu un ui i - euu 1 ltguaa& it a clieuu oak comer u Uaa law th'orgo Cadwallader thenco by Die same south elgh I). nine degrees east one hundred and thirty-one ml stx-tenth perches to a post, thenco h.r land of .lames It. McIIenry north ono degree cast sixty- four and tlirco-leutli perches to a cheMnul, Iheno by land of John Heller north elglity-ntno degrees west one hundred and thirty-two and sr, en-tenth prrchei to a pine, thence by land of Phillip Apple man and said Cadttalladtr south fit'ty-four and llirec-lenthpcnhtstolhoplaeo ot boginnlni'. con taining lllty acres moro or less, on whl :h arc erect ed a log house, Iramo barn end mit-hulldiui a. selrcl, taken In execution nt tho suit of Tho Mu tual lltilldlng nnd SaWog Fund Assentation of Uloomsburg agalost,lohn Drake, Lemuel Drake and Noah Drake and to bo sold as the properly of John Urake. IIobisox, Attorney, I I. Fa. JOHN W. HOFFMAN, Sheriff. Terms cash. Aug. 9, HI9-IS COURT PROCLAMATION. "TP'F.I,!-"'S, the lion. Wif.t.tAM Elwell V President Judge of tho court otoyer and Terminer ami (icncral Jail Delivery, Court of (Juar- tcr Sessions of tho Peace and the Court of Common Pleas and orphans' Court In tho iieth Judicial Dis trict, composed of tho counties ot Columbia and Montour, and tho Hons. I. K. Krickbaum and F. L. hliuman, Ass'ic'ntfl Judges of Columbia county, have Issued their precept, bearing date tholrthdayot May In the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, and to mo directed for holdlngn Court of oyer and Terminer nnd ticnernl Quarter Sessions of tho Fence, Cuiirt of Common ricas and Orphans' Court, In Uloomsburg, In tho -Aontun, lA,ml.l. nn , tin ,1 rb, Mnnrl , v. Iw.lmMltn WUUIJW1 wv, umiukw . v .v . , j. t, igtuay ot Sipt. next. to contlnuo two weeks, .., ,iJi.,i..,rftn, u ,,... of ln. Noltto Is hereby given to ,11k: Coroner, to uioJUS- nrmn fpnri.. nn I inn ijonimuira D u hiiiu ... . .. - ...... , . county of Columbia, that they be thcnuiid therein their proper person at ID o'clock In tho forenoon of said 1st day of Sept, with their records, InquI slttons and other remembrances, in do those, things which to their ofllces appertain to bo done. And Uioso that are bound by rccognlsntx' to prosco'itt agalnst tho prisoners that aro or nuj bo In tho Jal( nf tlmaM muntv of r'nliimhl.i. In l tlii.n nnd thrrn wrrowcuto lhcmas shall bo past Juror, aro re- quested to bo punctual In tlietr attendance, ar-rccably to their notices. Hated at Uloomsburg the llth day mi .1 of Slay In tho ear of our Lord ono inousanil clKm uuuuivu mm seitrnj-um; and In tho ouo hundred and fourth year of tho Independence of tho United Statis of America. Sherltra Ofltcc, JOHN. W. HOFFMAN, Uloomsburg, Aug. 8 to Sheriff. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. MI I ft Ur n Jl. ftftini 11 i.v U'ttcrotalmlnlitriitlon on tlio ostalo of H. M. Rutf.. tiiti nf Mtuiin tnwnslmt. Columbia tu..di ceuaul, lia bwu gmnti'd by tho Uv:lMnr or nalti county to the unatrslffncit Administrator, to whom all persons UiUebWrt arc requested to make Imme diato paj ment and tlioso liaUnff claims or demands ftKsU"r,t uif Chllliu will IllUhU Llll'Ill M1UV.1J w niw rtu- niinlstrator without d- lay. , Administrator, N JOT1CE. run iiniorsii-npd havlnc obtained control ot tho Espy Ferry, has put It In Uiorough repair, 11 new wile uavin,? ueen uuiuineu mm it is uunuivuiuiuu nubile, 'i ne chauncl will lid oik nedao lhat tlio rlv- S.S'S?? T?w-toiSf,tSB iio UinupioSSS erounds. well suoulicd with bnrins water, eluded from Interruption or 11111103 ance. DAVID (JKISINOItlt, i-i.iy. June 2"lh, 5m DM tNISTUATOK'S NOT I OK. hbTATK OF .. Kt'NVAN, HKCKA6ED, I pI trrn of administration on tho cstato Ot 8. S. ltUQ- yan, late ot Madison township, Columbia county.de ceased, have been (,'ronted by the Kujlstcr oi wild pounty to the undersigned Administrators to whom all persons lndehtt-d uro requested to mako irame dl.uo p.umtut and those hating claims or demands utalnst the estate will make them known to tho Ad-- inuiisiriuor Aviuiout ueiny. iMAIll A.iN lit illAD, W. liUNYAN, Administrators. JulylS'tO Jeraej town, Columbia Co., I'a. Dauchy & Co's. Advt's. ".Vi'loo!.:" JOIN OUR COLONY Maps and pamphlets free. J. K, inont, Va. d MANC'IU, Clare auff, 15-4W Thnfuiiv nnmhlnallon of tho truo .Tamalea ilnrer uiih rluiicH uroniatlca and TrcLcU brand v. for cor recting intemperate habits, regulating thu hlomach and boivels, brcaKlDgupcold. clillls ani feu'rn, is SANtoKti's Jamaica oinuek. Forruilolngsouty and rheumatic pains, preventing mamnai ie ure unu pro moting sleep It Is truly vonderrui. Ask tor han rord's. d aug. 13-tw Manva Dollar formerly sncnt on expensive sul phur liallis U now buved by sub-itituting therelor GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP I which Is Just as benenclil but Infinitely cheaper Local .Us.Vm.s of the skin, r!.eumai,,ni and gout are aro allrelleedbythls standard remedy, complexlon al blemishes are eradicated by It, and It Impurts u tiio'-uticieatHiariy wnueness unu veicxy scimesH whli'h crreatly enhances teiuale charms. Sold by DruKKlsis. uub i , IW ,1 or VIMOCland Ultti M i.i IK) Pianos a. xjLji w -only 2? ,:,() i rainoorgansonly heducUouduringt&oItidsuininer months. Having been Klect-d Major of niy.-tty and entursleii with ihi2.i -7i3.i organs only 517:1.7.1. 'l reuicnuous US bonus SllOUlU DH SUmclent I1KHJ, u, UIJ rrsin-uil- bUlty. latest eirculars and llluslKited New .papers free. Address Damsi. I. Ilsarrv Washington N. J. aug. 1, ,9-iw. u A!i:NT- tVANTIMi For the best and tistest selling l'lcterlal Books and Bibles. Prices r um.ed 33 rcr cent. National 1'udlisiuno Co Phil adelphia, l'a. d Aug.l,T9-iw Snnn returns In sodaysonllMMnvcstcd. Of . vUU nclal reports and Information FItlCE. laKU pruuus weekly uu siuuk uinnua ui iiuuim. Address T. Tonsil WionTiCo., Banksks, 35 Wall St., N. V. U Miff. 1, 4W BEisrsows CAPCINE POROUS PLASTERS -Tin: iu:st.- CURES LAME AND WEAK BACK. SOLD BY ALL DKUdaisTS. aug. 1, 19-1 w. ,1 JOHNSON'S ANODYNE I'nr Interim! mid Kvtrrnal ri!in:s Niiraltrla Dlnhtherla. Croan. Asthma. Bronchitis, lutluenzo, soio Lung-,. Bleeding at the Lunirs, Chronic Hoarse less, Hacking Co.igh Whoop luir Cough, Chronic Wheumatisni, Chron'c Dtarrhaia, chronic Dlsenlary, Cholera Morbus, Kidney Troub les. Diseases ot thu Spine and Isimo Back, sold eeri where. Aug. I, VJ iw, ,i HE o P 3 FT Ma 8, Tj-J tutliileil, -ihllr Uuri Oil Oil Muktsa leileUls-a UOliiattnsunrnllln lr.o , s.-y-jaitcfl ih -jSg Viiiutlllll. Kl.ii'jtuuir. Jg p-5 jH."1" ""'"r. li i'i it. I'ltit i: iuui 0. rtqulied -heller than a hammock ns It lite the body as pleasantly, and hus si ml, -hi oroieneo Insiautlj, self-Ia-.n nln jusi lolded iitmi leu,, umrtf. iuHages,c. .,p i,ie. tin hut et, Lixm irlhelaun, piu. n,ei -i pla, u In t . ii splendid f.r tui mrur, uir. s, ut n iieipt ot p-ir. I'urao -i., fiirt, UHi order wl. i r,V".l!,',.u,.l",. .i 'J?' ' 2 .J'.'.,n 9 ' ' . -'i" r-uw i.uin iusoiia iuo - 1 -ja ii.. in Minu., mo., and luwa. Htl ii iN w. ct I ork 105 Jiwtl1 b!CIia fct miademua. t 1 .91 I. f ' 41 If 1 1 MUllg irts- Kilcsl ssnd O. I). ex-Mts. for
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