THE CDlilli113iAN ANJD DfiMOCTKABLOOitSBUKG; COLtJMBIA COlNTY, lyA. Miscellaneous. A WOUM.Y WRItSTKK. non TANcr.y,oF ononoiA, a putative son OF THIS GODLIKE 1IAN1KL Till? BronY OF HIS LIFE. It U not generally known that there la to day living in the city of Atlanta n on of Daniel Webber, but tucli Is the fact. For the proof we rely not only on tho Intelligent account which the son gives of his own sell out also on the corroborating evltlenco of prominent citizens, who ay there. Is no doubt of (he truth of the story. The son of Webster Is a mulatto barber, well known all over Oeorgia as Bob ancy, a man of more than ordinary intelligence. In ap pearance he has some marks of striking re semblance to Webster, his broad forehead and widely separated eyes are nctlced as circumstantial proof as soon as you hear the story of hlg birth, A few days ago I had a conversation with Bob, In which he mado the following sUtemenis. It is duo to him to say that his story is corroborated by the members of his former master's family who are- still living, It was as follows: Robert Yaucey, whose real name Is Rob ert Webster, was born at Gadby's Hotel, on tho corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Fourth Street, In Washington City, on tho 20th of August 1820. His mother was Charlotte Uoouorlcfr, a mulatto of rare bsauly, and her father was one of the old ar istocrats of Virginia, Mr. Gadsby bought Cuarlotto from Hilly Uullard, of Fredericks burg, Va , and look ict to Washington to wait iu Ills hotel, JUtilol Webster boarded with him, and lu this way saw Charlotte, and induced those intimate relations which supply a subject of this sketch. The mat tcr was kept quiet iu Washington at the time, though the truth was suspected by ev eralofMr. Webster's friends. After the birth of Robert, Charlotte became the wait ing maid of some of the most distinguished ladle at the capitol. She was In the ser vice of Mrs. Clay for a long lime, and Bhe continued to enjoy an Intimacy with th greatest mau of his time. Mr. Webster once gave her a beautilul necklace, which she accidentiy left In a drawer In Mrs, Clay a dressing case. Here her mistress found the necklace, and asked Charlotte whose it was. The girl was confused and frightened, and told the truth. It is said that Mrs. Clay showed the necklace to Web titer, and asked him If he had never Been it before. Afterward Charlotte was purchased by Mr. Webster. He took her to Doston and gave her perfect freedom, though she con tinued to be a housemaid In his home. She died in Boston only a few years ago. Bob frequently heard from her. He says she talked freely to him of his origin and told him many anecdotes of the private life of Mr. Webster, to whom she was personally devoted. When her sou grew up she became the property of young Gads by, who was a rich, hot headed Southerne and led the gay life so common in the old flush times. Once in Richmond he had been drinking and gambling desperately un til he had lost all he had. He staked Bob, his body servant, against fl,500 in gold, and lost. A' man named Billy Martin won the son of Webster, but shortly afterward old him to a Mr. Cunningham, of Charles- mil, o. u. j.nis air. Cunningham was an uncle of Col. Ben Yancy.a prominent mem ber of the present Georgia Legislature. Col Yancey fancied Bob, bought him and kept him aa a body servant Bob was such a faithful slave that his master in 1SC3 gave him his liberty and enough money to start a business in Atlanta. Here Bob did well and before the Confederates surrounded the city had saved quite an independency. When Sherman's army passed through Georgia, with it came Captain Fletcher Webster, a son of Daniel Webster. He had heard the story of Bob's nativity, and accidentiy found him while stationed at Atlanta. He bestow ed various attentions to him. He gave him a picture of Daniel Webster.which Bob still has. Fletcher Webster was killed in a battle near Atlanta. Sherman's Boldiers destroyed all the propertv Bob had accumu lated. One hundred boxes of tobacco and other valuables of bis were burned in the destruction of Atlanta. Bob now has a claim peuding at Washington for recovery of damages. He says that when he went there a few months ago, several distinguish ed gentlemen who knew his origin paid him very kind attentions. He is getting very feeble and is very poor. His creditors not long ago closed his barber Bhop in Atlanta. Bob now does little but stand on the street corners and talk about the grand days he naw long ago. He speaks with remarkable accuracy of all the greatest men of Webster's time and refers to bis parentage with evi dent pride. He will not associate with ne groea and Is passing his last days in com plaining of the loss of what was once quite a little fortune. Atlanta letter in Chicago Time: THE SEXT STAKE TREASURER. Daniel 0, Barr, the Democratic nominee for State Treasurer of Pennsylvania, was born in Blairsville, Indiana county, in 1840, and received bis education at the common school of that place. His first employment was in the store of Wm. Maher, of that town. Mr. Philip Collins, of the firm of P &T. Collins, tho railway contractors, gave mm a position under tuein In the construc tion of the Indiana branch of the Pennsvl- -vanta Railroad, and on the completion ol work be learned telegraphing at the Blairs ville intersection of the Indiana branch, and was stationed in charee of the office at South Fork on the mountain division of the main line of the Pennsylvania Railroad, in one month after he had commenced to learn He soon came under tbe observation of Col onel Tbomaa A. Scott, who was then tbe Su perintendent of the western division of that road, who sent him to his office in Pittsburg as one or tbe principal operators there. Un on Mr. Scott's removal from Pittsburg to Altoona as General Superintendent of the road, Mr. Barr accepted an appointment In tbe old Pittsburg Trust Company, now tbe First National Bank of l'ittsburg, one of the Jargett and most admirably managed banking Institutions in the Stale, which place he entered on the ICth day of June, 18-58, just twenty one years ago, where he has remained ever since. In JfiC'J he was nominated by the Demo crats in the Legislature aa the candidate for State Treasurer, as a compliment to blrn for tbe active part bo had taken in that and previous campaigns, and again In J 870 he was the regular caucus nominee of the Dem ocrats iu the .Legislature for Slate-Treasurer but the party was In the minority both years, and Republican treasurers were elected. Two years ago his name was presented to the Democratlo State Convention for thp nomination for Slate Treasurer, and for five ballots, In which ho sometimes led .bfi'com petitnr Col, Noyev, he coutended for the nomination even when the position of the con (fit was against him by tbe nomination of Judge Trunkey from tbe west. IAIM1 IN HKI). lict us nnnlyro this lying In lied n llltlo further. 1 maintain that, in the mere fact of lying lu bed there Is Bomethlng healthy and recuperative to tho system, The wheels of llfo are oiled and eased. The proper and legllltnalo purpose, ol stopping In bed is to go to sleep. There Is no tonic or medicine In the whole world like sleep. The more sleep the brain gets the better does the brain work. All great brain-workers have been great sleepers. Sir Walter Scott could nev er do with less than ten hours. A fool may want eight hours, as George III said, but a philosopher wants nine. Tho men who have been the greatest generals are tho men who could sloep at will Thus It was with both Wellington and Napoleon, The great est speakers In the House of Commons have been tho men who can go to sleep there as much as they like. This explained the juvenility of tho aged I'almerston. There Is mau who has been Attorney General, whom I have seen bury his faco in bis hands over his desk and sleep soundly until his own cause should come on, 'Sleep,' says the Greek proverb, Ms the medicine for every disease, 'If ho sleep he will do well.' A friend told me that he treated himself fur a fever. Ho went to bed with a large pitcher of lemonade by his side. He drank and slept, slept and drank, till he drank and slept himself well again, When you take your bed get all the sleep you' can out of your bedstead, even although, to quote Dick Swlveller'a say, you have to pay for a double-bedded room, confessing that you have taken n most unreasonable amount of sleep out oi a single bed. Ymi will be banking a whole store of recuperative ener gy. Kven if vnu cannot sleep, still keep to your bed. There Is no more pestilent heresy than that you should get up directly you are awake. If it is the early bird who catch es the worm, that worm Is a great idiot in rising still earlier in order to be caught. If you do not get asl.ep by lying in bed you get rest. You secure the fallow ground which will hereafter produce a good harvest. Sleep Is of course tho proper employment for bed, but if you don't sleep you can lie still and read. I don't believe that the man who gets up really learns or docs more than the man who lies in bed. If, for a moment tho writer may be egotistical, Borne of the hardest work which he has ever dono has been from the early dawn till after a break fast in bed. Of all sleep in the world there is none so good as what you get, iu the way of treasure-trove, after the usual time of waking, when, in point of fact, you have giveu up the expectation of getting any moro sleep. As for 'being called,' as the saying goes, that is simply a relic of the barbarism of our ancestors. One of the main beauties of an occasional day in bed is that you get an extra stock of sleep, which goes to the credit side of your sani tary account. London Society. The safest and most reliable remedy for the usual diseases of the baby . is Dr Bull Baby Syrup, It contains nothing Injurious. Price 25 cents a bottle. Once upon a time it is related that in Chicago Jake Mason went to a donation party where six farmers were to contribute a jug of milk apiece. Well, one man, a very mean. man this mean man was Jake Mason thought it would not make any difference if he contributed water iu place of milk. So be filled his jug with water, and took i to the donation. When he got there he turned it over into the bung and it ran into tbe barrel where all the other farmers had turned their milk. Now, what do you think was tbe result? Why, every one of the six farmers happened to be as mean as Jake Mason. They had all! brought water. Wicked for Clergymen, 'I believe It to be all wrong and even wicked for clergymen or other public men to bo led into giving testimonials to quack doctors or vile stufli called medicines, but when a really meritorious article made of valuable remedies known to all, that all physicians use aud trust in daily, we should freely commend it. I tborefore cheerfully and heartily commend Hop Bitters for the good tbey have done me and my friends, firmly believing they have no equal for fam ily use. I will not be without them,' Rev. , Washington, D. C. Mays, 'H-cm Feb.?, 19-ly THIS PAPER IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE. OFFICE OF WM lRTISING itJMrVo PHILADELPHIA Who receive Aihtrlitnu'nUi fur ihU J'ftper. rnrill ITCP l,owcl uiu llalr. LOI lllini torrf.rur JUtuwawrAlTrrtlil.r. teiul 142c, fur AVKM kOtllt MAXVJU- OS &.S & ny? 3 S3 Ms& pfill lli g g fill Eql p Nil tSn CatarrH Sneezing Catarrh, Chronlo Ca tarrh, Ulocratlvo Catarrh, permanently cured by SAN FORD'S RADICAL CURE. SiKTORD'i TUMCAt Ccni ron Catamti 1i tMft. eer liln, tod pertnmunt cure for Cturrti of every form, and Ii the moil rerfect remedy ever devleu. It It rmrelr n vegetible dim Illation, and la applied IociiIy by nuftUUon, tori conttltutlonKlly by Internal admlnl. t ration. Locally applied, relit it intiantantout. It ootliei, tieall, andcleaniva the navel pMiiges of every feel In of heevlncti, obstruction, ilnlncai, or dlnlneti. Con Hi tnt I on ally autmlnlilcred It renovate! tne blood, tnriflei It or the ecld polton with which It It alwari charged In Catarrh, itimulitet the atomach, liver, and kldntT,perfecti dltteitlon, mikei new blood, and per nuti tbe formation or eonnd, healthy tlatue, and finally obtalna complete control over the dlicaie. Tire re mark able curative power, when ail other reined lei utterly fall, tf fuuronrj'e Hadioal ccae, are attcnted bylhouiandi who gratefully recommend It to fellow ufleriTa. No lUtetnent la made regarding It that cannot be aubatantlated by the tnoit reipectable and reliable reference!, H Ha great and good medicine, and worthy all confidence. Knelt package contain! a Treatlee on Catarrh and Dr. aenford'e Improved In haling Tube, and full direction for lu nae lu all caeee rricel. An Enthusiastic) Friend of Sanfbrd'a Radical Curo. MClIiTTOif, GtAXT & Bowgx'e Film avd) MAKtifi IveoRANo AenoT. K R3 Tine Street, HI, Louie, Mo., Feb. 7, 1977.) A.A.MiLLiiB,TraihlnctonAv..Clty. DeerMelllerf I have for Rome ye are been troubled with Catarrh, and for the peat two year have anffered aertoualy with It. Noticing your adverttdtment of SAjjroaD'e RmtDT f It aim ca l Cum), 1 decided to try it. 1 have naed only two bottle, and as a remit 1 feel eo much relieved that 1 presume on mir personal relations and write this to yon and auk that yon take some rueeanrea to get It more prominently before the nubile, that others may hare aucti relief a I have. I have recommended It to quite number of my friend, all of whom have exnrrsied tomothelrhlgh estimate of Iti Value fcod good ell ecu with them. . . I really think It particularly adapted to wants of St. Lent people, and they all ought to knom of It, and thoie who need tt should try It. 1 will mk the assertion that 1000 l or. vials (aa a sample to be given away will ell as many bottlia. Trysome plan. Letthepeoplehaveltttheynecdlt. I believe 1 could sell bottlra mysclff-or course yon could largely Increase this tiuinber. Why not try Itf Toara truly, VTM. UCWKe Bold by all Wholesale and He tall Drngglata and Deal train Medicine throughout the United Mates and Can adae. WEEKS A-POTTF It. Central Age nil and Whole aala Drngglata, ItostQn, Maw. LAME BACK RHEUMATISM nni i imoj voltaic PLASTERS, jtriBTt, nrr( w uurr, uriintii.-iiuu jmt itv I was seized with a revere attack of Hheumatlam in my which Iwaa subject, 1 tried the larlom liniments and rheumatic curea, but without the leaat benefit, when my son, a tlrugglst.puggtstedoneof your Collimb' Volt a to I'laster. The effect was almoit magical, for, to my grateful surprise, 1 waa almost Im mediately well again, and waa able to -work upon my farm aa nsual. w lie re as, before tbe application of the Fluster, I could do -nothing, and every step gate me tiain. A few weeka since, one year from the first attack, the disease returned, but I am happy to say the second Plaster proved as efflcacloua as the first, and I am now well. Uy wife wishes me to add that one Master ha cured her of a very lame back. We think there Is , nothing In the world of remedies that can compare with the Collins' Voltai.0 Plasties for ltheuraaiiim and Lame Back, and cheerfully recommend them to the suffering. Youre very respectfully, Oblahd, Mb., June (, itf. ItOBERT COTTON. NOT A QUACK NOSTRUM. Gentlemen, I hereby certify that for several yeari past 1 have nsed tbe Voltaiu Flabtbrs in my prac tice, and have never known them to fall In affording speedy relief In thoae case for which they are recom mended, They are not a qnack noitrum.but a remedial .,Dt f gr..l V.r, 'TJ05lLI!JSi . D- BrcKspoBT, Mi May 37, 1874. . PK1CE 5 CEJm. Be careful to obtain ColunVVoltaio Plabtbr, a, combination of Electric and Voltaic Plates, with a highly Medicated Plaster, aa aeen In the above cat. Bold by all Wholesale ami Ketail Druggists throngh. out the United States and Canadai, and by WKKLBA POTTRIt. Proprietory Boston. Maes. ANTI-FAT . Allah's Aim-FAT lithe grcBtrcedT for Corpu lency. It la purely regeUble and perfectly harmless, 11 acta on the food In the stomach, preventing iti con rertlon Into fat. Taken according to directions,! will rednc at fkt stnn im to S swan waek. In placing this remedy before tbe public aa a Mafe tlve cure for obesity, we do eo knowing Its ability to cure, as attested by hundreds of testimonials, of which the folio wing from lady In Columbus, Ohio, la a sample t " Gentlemen v-Yoar Anti-Fat was duly received. I took It according to directions and ft tore for the second bottle." Another, a, phyilclan, writing for a patient from Providence, A. L, says, "Four bottles have reduced ber weight from 1M pound to 192 pounds, and there 1 a general improve tuent tn health.1 A gentleman writing from Boa ton, ayat Without special change or attention to diet, two bottles of Allan's Antl-Val reduced me four and one-quarter pounds," The well-known whole sale Drugtclita. Bhitii, Doouttlk A Bhitji, of Bos ton, Mail., write aa follows: H Allan's Anti-Fat has reduced a lady In our city seven pound In three weeks." A gentleman In bU Louis writes: "Allan's Anti-Fat reduced me twelve pound In three weka, and altogethLr 1 have lost twenty-five pounds since commencing Its uso." Messrs. I'ow ill & Plimpton, Wholesale Tlrugglata, or Buffalo, N.V.jWrltei "To the PkomuktOks or Allan's Anti-Fati Gentle men, 'A he folio wing report la from the lady who used Allan's Antt-Fau Ot (the Anti-Fat) bad the desired effect, reducing the fat from two to five pounds a week until I bad lost twenty-five pounds, I hope pever to regain what I have lost. ,f Anti-Fat 1 an unexcelled tlood-purlfler. It promotes digestion, curing dyspepsia, and la also a potent remedy for rheumatism, Bold by druggist. Pamphlet on Obes ity aent on receipt ofstamD. BOTANIC ALBDlCLNK CO., PBOPB8, Buffalo, N.Y. and casea of those disease peculiar to woman, I have been enabled to perfect a moat potent and posi tive remedy for these diseases. To deihjnate this natural specific, I have turned It Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription The term, however, la but a feeble expression of my high appreciation of its value, based upon per sonal observation. 1 have, while witnessing it posi tive results In the special disease Incident to the organism of woman, singled It out a UtteJlBBex er crewwibsar a ef say medical eareer. On It merits, a a positive, safe, and etlectual remedy for Un class of disease, and one that will, at all times tidtinder all circumstances, act kindly, I am wlUlnst to uk my reputation aa a nliyilclant and so confident am 1 that It will not dUappolnt the moat sanguine ex pectations ot a single Invalid lady who use It for any tit the aliments for hlrh 1 recommend It. that 1 offer and Mll ltihdcrA IWIT For conditions, ee pamphlet wrapping bottle.!. The following are among those disease In which my FavwIU Procriptloa liaa worked cures, a If by magic, an 1 with a certainty never before attained by any medicine t Leucorrhoea, Excessive Flowing, Painful Monthly I'erlods, bupprrMloni when from unnatural causob, Irregularities, W eak Back, Pro lapsus, or Palling of the Uurus. Anteverslon and Itttro version, Bearing-down bensatton. Internal Ilt-at, Nervous Ltepreaslon, Debility, Uespondency, lhreateoed Miscarriage, Chronic Congiatlon, In flammation aud Ulceration ot the UttroMmpoteocr, Barrenness, or Sterility, and Female WeiBknes. 1 do not extol this uicdli-lnc as a "cure-all," but It admirably fulfills a lcleae er erpoet being a most iterfect ileiflc lu ill chronic disease of the sexual system of woman, it will not disappoint, nor wltl It do harm. In any state or condition. . Those w ho desire further Information on these sub jects can obtain It tn Tub PiOfLX'a Coxmon bXNSt jJewcal AuyifcEK, a book of over tuo pagee, sent. Bost-patd, on receipt of It treat minutely of lose disease! peculiar to Females, and gives much valuable advice In regard to the management of those affections. t . revert riwiiBilae U r praegisia, f It. V. PlEKCE, Ml Ii. J'roD'r, World5 JJlipenjarf Ad Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, ri. Y. MhUllilNb That Acta at the Same Time on THE LIVER, THE BOWELS. and tho KIDNEYS. These creat arcana arflthn Vtnr1' era of the bytem. If they work w ell, health I will Ixi perfect If they become clogged, I dreadful diseases are uro to follow with I TERRIBLE SUFFERING, HUllOBsnrKi, II radar he, Dyspepsia, Jaan dire. Constipation and FUti or Kid uer t'owplalwU, Graiel, Diabetes, Sediment In the Urine, Milky or It op j Trine j or ilheumatlc Pain a and ache, ' are developed bcaui the Uood t polaoned I with the humor that should have been expeiica naturauy. KIDNEY-WORT will rcstorethe natural action and all these destroying ella will le ban 1 lied neglect tli e in and ou w 111 llvo but to suffer, 1 housand hat e Wen cured. '1 ry It and yna will add one inure tull)euuiter. Takeltand health will oikh more gladden your heart. Why eaBrer lager friua the twraHt-et ef aa I eeaoag atari i Yikf beer auefci 41trM (rum fwiitlptleis end Pile r Why am fferftil kWeaiiM f JlMrdcrv4 rue I Kinstr-'WOBT will cure you. Try a pack age tones and he satisfied. It It a dry xrattalU iomvouiui ai4 OBpaekagetuakfilBluartsof Medicine, roniamiBg; no nptrit, ne ing prepared In pyre water. Tour PrugaM uUt get tt or you, Jntitt I fici it. WOMAN By u Immense practice at the 'World's Dlspen- SP.13E1VS 'ORT GRAPE WINE Used In th 0 principal Churches for t'ommunlen purposes. KICELlENTrO.I LADIES AND FEBSOKS AND THE AOi D. Spear's Port Grape Wine ! FOUR. YEARS OLD. T IhU Celebrated Natlre Wlno I, mnise (rom tho juicoor tnc oporto (irapc, ruiscain uiis county Us lnvaluaWo Tonio and Strengthening Properties Arn MnKtirrtfiMtpd hr nnv nlhrr Nfltlvn Winn, llclnff tho pure julco of th (lrnr produet'd under Mr. opcer'H uwn pt'rsonai supervision, us purny unu (fenolnenpRa oro Kiiarflntycd. Tlio ymingPRt child tnay partnko of lis generous qualities, mid tlto weak est Invalid uso tt to advAntagA, It h prtriloularlr beneficial to the atril and dfhllltAted, and milted to the various all menu that affect, the weake-r bejt. It la m every respect a wine to he helikd on, SPEKH'S P. J. Sherry. The I" .I.MIKHUYUii WlneotSiniertorriuracter. and partaken ot tho KuMen quaUtlui of the ttt&pc, from which It 13 nuJe. For rarity, Wellness, t'lavor and Medicinal Properties, It mil bo (ound unexcelled. si'Kiiirs I. .1. Iti'aiMly. This 1IHANDV stands unrlralod in this Country. being far superior ror medicinal purposes. IT, IS A ruHK distillation from t"io grapo and con tains valuable racdlclua: properties. It lias a delicate flaror, similar U that ot the grapes from nblcn It Is distilled, and Is In great favor among nrst-class families. Sue that the signature ot ALFRED HI'KEH, rassalc N. J., is orer tho cork ot each bottle. SOLD BYO.A.KLEIM. juno !7, 1819-tt TEGISTEU'S NOTICES. LV Notice la hereby en to all legatees, crcdl ira and other nersona interested lu the estates ot the respective decedents nnd minors, that the fol lowing Administration and guardian accounts have been filed In the olttce or tho itegliter ot Columbia county, and will be pi esented for confirmation and allowance in iup urpuans' vourt. 10 vv uuiti iu Uloomsburg, on Monday, tho 1st day ot Sept., 1S79, at 3 o'clock, p. m. on Bald day: 1. Tho second and final account ot Wt Ham Maust and Joaeph Maust. Executors ot Joseph Maust, late of Madron township, deceased. 5. The llrst and ttnal account of Amcw lllcliel delfer, tluirdinn of Aanes Kelclieldelfer, a tultior child of Michael iaieheldelfer, late of Ulooma burff, deceased. 3, Tho account of E. It. Ikeler Gxocutor of Thom as J. Thorutoa,lato tr Hlooinsbury, djceawit. 4, Tho second and llnal account of Kphralm P. I.utz, Executor of James Thornton, lute of Ulooinuurg, deceased. 6. The llrst and partial account of Thcoiloru Mc Uowell, Kxecutor ot John Mclxm ell, lale of Scott township, deceased. 6. Thj final account of A. l'ardeo, surviving Kxe cutor of William ltodlson, laUj of Uloom&burg, deceased. 7. The second and tlnal account of Abner Welsh and Thomas Mcllenry, Kxeoutors of lllrum W Kline, late of orange township, dece.tsed, 8. The first aud 11 mil account of I, K. KrlcUbaum, Adm'ulsLrator of Miryuvet Karus, late of lienton towiiblilp, de tcjed. 0. TIw second an 1 tliiat account of J vslah t'oteinin ai.d Charles UuU'in.m, tJxecmoM ot Jjseph Cole lain, Ule of Fkulngureek tjwushlp, deuiMSed. 10. Thn first aud llnal nccnuntor I.. S. Wlutorsteen. Trusti e, AC, of slua E Kowler, late of Scott um nMi:p atxeascu. 11. 'Ihsifeouut tfJuhn It.Mour, Rxeculur rf .luhn It ii tin tit. I uei.f iii'rtiijfe township, deea-ed, as ltTd i Cli rltsA. Moyer, Admlnldtrurorof John U. Muur, UjtoJSfd. 12. 'I he llnal mcouut of Isaac K Dllcllne, (Jiurdtan cf Laura NMU jkc, a minor child of 11 Drake, latu i f Putn-uu county, Ohio, decease d. 13. ih llrst and turtlal account of Lloul T. Con- ii-r, Adndtdstiaar of Ju'ph 1. Conner laV) of t-vutie luwusinp, uaeuSeu. 14. Th t aecuunt tf John Olher, ArtintnMrator of .loim Jiujtr, uw r Locuii township, di-reased S. n he llrst and limit account of Shatter, AdinliiiMi!iUr(eumtt,tfliii?iitouiitie(H tf Kllz alviii u'ton lautf rahitii'ii, Ice cmnt, 1111-l-oH, foriiurh tf CuluiaOia county, JVnnslva nu, otccufCd 1C. Tho llrht and flnil iMi-nunt or John (1 Otitck, l vunnii .i if 'I li. iii iu 1.' t.m p liilmf j lr., nii.lim ir 17, The llrsr and tlutl Hocouot of . I .ha Appleinan, Admliiiilnituri.f ChuU'iSie, Uld of ileiiilock towuship, d.x'eotid. 13. Tim iP'RUind flnnlacountuf ll. 1', I'oiiner, Ad luluisirauror lla Mtz. 19, Urst and pullal uecount or IIh ry J. Milter, Ihi.wl Miller and Wm Krickbaum, AdmlnNtra Torn of tieojtmiu Milk-r, Uto of cuiawi--u town !ilpf deceased, 20. Fihtaiid tlnal uceount if HenJ.nnl i V. Uattln, OumlU'i f tirant i. smith, dt-eeasi'd, a minor (hid of John I'. Smith, late of (Irtenuood toun bhlp, diceascd, SU Flrhtand final account of K. S. Cleaver, Exe cutor of Lucy A, Ureu, late ol OatawLi.s.1 town ship, deceased Si. 1 he flrstand llnal account of Hlchard P. White in.icr. Kreutort-f Elijah Sujdtr, late tf Pine law uslilp, deceased, 43. First and llnal account of A. II. Abbott, Admln-lMran-r ot .Julia A. Cromley, late ot Fr.inkUn township, deceased. lieuUter'rt Oltlee. ) V. II. JACOUV, Bloomsburir, Atij. 1, ls7. lteglster. AUJ, 1, 'W-IC. "WIDOWS' A PPK A IS E M K NTS. IV Tbe followluL' aimralsements of real and Eersonal propertysei apart la widows of decedents aielM-onnledluthoonico of the Iteglitcr or Col umbia county, under the KuloH ot Court, nnd v. Ill be Erescnica tor aosoituo connrmaiion to tne urpiians ourtuj tie held tn Uloomburg,ln and forsatd coun ty, on Monday, tho 1st day of s-nt. IsTit. at II o'clock p. ra., of said day unless exceptions to such conuruiaiiuu urn proiousiy nieu, ui wuu-u an pcr- mius luieie&ieu lu sum eauticsiiui tu&u uui.iu; 1. Widow of Silos I). Kline, late of FMiingcreek township, ileteased. !. rt Maw of Ceorge 1'a'en, lato of Heaver town Mdp, deceased. 3. Widow cf John It. Mo)rr, laU ot Ulooinsburg, deceibed. i, Idow of Jacob 11, Coleman, late of Orange uiUMiii,uecuueu. 6. Widow of Isaac Lutz, late of Mlfllln township, u 'ccabea. 6. Widow if (lotilteb Clunther, late of Catanlssa wn UMLip, ucwa'seu, T. Widow of Chules Ilowaid, latoof Orange town ship, deceased. 8. Widow of Anthony Snyder, lato ot Miniln town hhlp, deceased. 9. v Idow of H. N. Hunyan, late ot Jtadlson town ship, d )ceased. 10. Widow cf lteuben Iiredu-nncr, late cf Heaver ujwuauip, ueceuaeu. ItoglsU'r'aOnice. W, II. JAfOllV llloomsburir. Aug, 1, 1819 r Hoglter. Allg, 1,19-tC. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OV VALUABLE HE1L ESTATE ! ! The undersigned Administrator ot Sarah Sum men, lato cf Hemlock townsllp, deceased, will ex. poso to public salt on the preinlaos at 3 o'clock p. m. on Saturday, August 23d, 1870, the following described real cstata situate In Hem lock township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wltt On the southeast by lot cf M, (I. bhoeinaker, on the north weu by lot cf John I'ooley, on the southwest by the public street of the Town ot Buckuorn and on the northeast by land of S.P, Fruit, containing One Quarter of an Acre uoiocrlcns TKltMK OK HALE. Ten per cent, of tho one-fourth of the purchase money to bo paid a', tho striking down of the property, the one-fourth less the ten percent at the continuation of sale and tho remain- ing thrce.tourths In one ear thereafter with Inter. est from continuation nisi. N. 1'. MOOHK, Administrator. Iiuck Horn, July its, ta. on FiiiNTina Weill and ihaapljr executed at th, CoitrxiLUl Office. BLOOM SB URG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. THISSCHOOl,, as at present constituted, oflcrs tho very best facilities for Professional and Classical IfftrntnB. hn,i .iv nr nur u.ri Buildings spacious, inviting and commoaioui j completely heated by Meant, well ventilated, lighted by gas, and furnished with a bountiful supply of pure.sotl BPocatlon healthful, ana easy of access. To.ichcrs experienced, cniclent, and alive to their work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and thorough. Expense moderate. Fifty cents a week deduction to all expecting to teach, students admitted at any tlmo. Ilooms reserved when desired. Courses of study prescribed by tho state i I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, domical. Adjunct Courses : I Academic. II. Commercial, lit, Course In MtiIc. Thnni-mrntarv. scientinc and Classical courses corresponding Degrees: Master of tho hlcmcnts! Master of tho sciences; .Master of tho Classics. Uraduates In tlio other Courses receive Jiormni tcnincaies their attainments,, signed by the onicers of the hoard of Tustoe'. , ........ . Tho courso of Stud y prescribed by the state Is liberal, and tho S clcntlflo nnd Classical courses aro not. Inferior to thoso of our best Colleges. Tho mate renulresa Higher order ot cltl7.on.shlp. Tho times detiand It. It Is one ot tho prime objec ts ot this School to help to sccuro It, by fiyn shing intern, gent and efficient Tcachcis for her schools. Tothtscndlt aollclls young persons ot good abilities and good purposes.-thosouluidcslr time aud tbclr talents, as students. To all such It promises aid In dovcloplng their powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid labor alter leaving bcuooi. ror Cntalogue.addres, the Principal. HON. WILLIAM l:i.Vl!l,l l'rrslilrnt Itonril of Trii.teo.. V. V, llt,I.Ml.U, Secrctarj, repc. H, '10. WYOMING SEMINARY AND COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Tho Seminary oders to students tho following Courted of Study : Common KuglUh, Normal Coime, Literature and Science, Classical Courae, College Preparatory Courso, Course iu Music, and Courso in Art. Students not desiring tn take any one of the Courses of bliuly may take any studies which tbey are prepared to enter. Prices within the reach of all. The Commercial College gives instruction in Penmanship, Commercial Law, Political Economy, Commercial Arithmetic, liusiuess Correspondence, Telegraphy, and ISook-keening as applied to business of all kinds. The larger part of the instruc tion is giveu through actual business transactions. Diligent students graduate iu fourteen weeks. The reduced price of tui tion is exceedingly low. Fall Terma open Aug. 27th, Commercial students address Ruv. L, L, SPKAGUK, A, .M., nnd all others Ki:v. 1). COPKLAN1), D. 1)., Kingston, Luzerne County, Pa. July 18. Gw. WHAT TO WEAR AND HOW TO WEAR IT- CALL AND SEE THE NEW GOODS AND LATEST STYLES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Consisting of an elegant line of Cloths Diagonal and Cassemeres of English, French, German and Domestic manufacture, FOR DRESS SUITS, FOR BUSINESS SUITS, &c. Tin Ready Made Biepartmeinnt Is now replete with all tlio LATEST NOVELTIES at VERY LOW PWCES. Ls now Ncck-weap, Collars, Gloves, Scarfs, Half Hose, Hats, Caps, &c. THE PEARL SHIRT ALWAYS ON HAND. HEADQTJAETEBS FOB Trunks Ba.&Ml8,j W3Mm,J&Q.J AIH) LWIEIMEGn iiiiniiiini ENDORSED BY OVER MACHINE EXHIBITORS AT THE EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE, C0r? Paris, 1878 AND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, PHILADELPHIA, 1876, Ai b!(i"Ytry STRONG, SMOOTH, nd EXCELLENT THREAD." A rLiftnllDAnr Home industrV n n I ii A April IS, 'I-ly vltatnrdomeio 1nvtnttonoror impruvementt on bhl ontt.fur wedtcaluf other comptmnfi ,trudt inarkt nmt laltla. ttvtati, Atilgamriit, Inter ftrtueta Amtent$, fiutiifur Inrltigttneuta, awt lu attend! tn tnvtnUnnn that mi- Urn la the Vuttnt Of- I jfl Vldl itllL i, in TOnci, ciu.i tvijwjm ll'n(t,,( (uWiiiit tf cWt ttln,ut urn tnoti ttoter iumltti, inul itcurt than thnu tcfut are retard from HV WttUf txiwiiuutluHM llltittljf lit II tt tl or tlttctt o tr."?ffl,a.r" AUtermimtutnin.trltllvnii'. A''J!'J'J'':. Jll'K" '"."i A fiiAjtuu uy. J.EHH patkxt is xi:vtun:i. ,,. uy."r..'1'.: "'''I'll"'"", to Am. l;lm,i,t,r ?''.'. 'J';"";",?'- ' w Aiuirlrtt fiiitlmtnljlankjjrflclalt ta tht II. It I'M'tt tiffin, and tit AYiiIm, ItnirtitntMtti THIS lifEK IS OK HJ.B HlrH ROWELL k pHt8MAN . Advertising Agents, IHIRB ft CHttTNUT T., IT. L0UII,.M( mum IV. Course in Art. are I'ltOFION'AI-and students graduatnir therein, receive stato Diplomas, conrernng no lonowiu THE G-EISTTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT full of the latest styles of THIRTY SEWING SrSF.T. r tsTAeusHiq sjc. MArJOFACTURED at : r MOUNT HOLLY, N.J. TUAPJiBltOUlMiTZD)1SCIITS.Iinmt MZHPARIS. PHILADELPHIA. AWAROiO I HEW YORK &.B0STOM( ir A r T 'C a remarkable r ftiJ ijc ijij tj uiedlclno will cure tpav In, Splint. L'urli, callous, ic, or any onlargemen t AND UII.l, IIKMOVK TI1K IITIN'II wfl'IKIIll' Q1)A VIM HUHTKlilNil or camlDL-a J I j Vll sore. No remedy ever Ula coveied equals it ror cartalmy of or acilim in moyplng tlio lameness and removing the bunco. 1'ilco n.oo. send tor circular fUlaL' nflDr" I'KOOK Koldby drugirlat3,orttntlo VjUJVlJany address by tbo inventor, II. J. Kendall, M.D., bnosburgU Falls, Yt, Wojerllros. K'uu iiiuuiu&uurir, i'u. Hay 83, 'jv.-iy aw 7- K'ndsa sents In stamps or curren J f v fnr n nw IKlttsR ItrifkK' I, H eats ot all aliases, bas 85 nne pngrm Incs Bliow Ing positions assumed by sIcK liorbcs, a table of doses, a 1-inrW W eolleCUouot YA1.UA1ILK ItKC ,LVJ ) Ii'KS, rules tor telling tun age of u uorte,wiiu an engraving sbon Ing teeth ot each year and a large amount ot valuable horse Informal loo. nr. Wm. i. Hall sajs, "I luno bought booksthatl Paid J3 and $10 lor which I do not like as well as 1 du jours." giMi ruit a ciKci'i in. Agents Wanted. U. ). Kendall, Jl. 1)., KnosburgU rails, Vt. ESPY PLANING MILL. Tho undersigned lessee or thaKspy mnlng Mill. Is prepared to Uo all kinds ot mill work. Doors, Frames, Sash, Blinfls, eic. made to order on nbort notice. batlstacUon guar. Illooatbunr, Pft tiiMiiiMMMitmiiMi iimniiini iJt V. Course in Physical Culture. O. E. SAVAGE, DEALER IN Silverware. Watches.Jewelry.Clocks.&c. TV Itemovpd tn thn Vcrnt nnirn TinlMinrr HrcTrirti above the Exhaiiffo Hotel. All kinds of Watches. Clnrkq Arid .TpwpIi-v nnt- ly repaired and warranted. may if, rs-u VAMJAIILK If you aro purTcrfnfrf rotn Ingima bed of tlckachh poor licalih, or lancnlBl ,m.kochc'er, for Hup tlltri will Cure You. ind fi.irn nicrtfiTo,! vm. If yon aro a minister olf with jour pimornldu out Willi euro uikI work. 01 tle ;or a motlicr, worn if you nro iinily alllnff i idlrij.irui'a. without clcar- If uu ircl uimK and ij huowiogwny Hop lUlK-rt Mill; Itot-iore Von. ncea. wraUt'iipd !iy tho lutli'; or u nun of lut uldnljjlitwurk, of hn Urafa of your fvcryiltj ttTB, tolling ocr joui Hop ItliiriHMlIll ti rt'iiailifii Von. If you aro oniik and crrtlon.orftn'trrouiiigtoip HtlfTurlnz front nnv Imlta. Hop IHllClM Mill If you are In thn work desk, 11 ii yu here nnd for! ltt'Hfo 1 oil. lion, oq thti farm. At. th rlint your nyilcm nei'd I'lltlUKt Hop llli r cm t" If TouatnotiL nn.l tour uuuiii;, iiiioul tuioxl U'fmt Vou Need, rulo la foeliU', your her v uiihit-ady, mid your mcuuicfl wanine, HupIUttfiM Mlll gUoyuu New I.ll'otuid Vluor, Hot Coctiii Curk In tho Hweeteflt, safest and ocst The Hop Tad for Stomach. Mrcr and Kldnflv.i, tvperwrio aiiotlierg. UUpcrfcct. Ask Uruifsist D.I. an aaolotc and Irroktlstabln euro for drunk Mmeiw, uso of upturn, tuiucco and narcutks. 411 abort Mil by lrunUU. II.p Illitan Xlftf. Cn. R.ichUr, N.Y. May 2, T9-tf. TTT TS V A W T? K",T ,.'un'1 on "' OM- AdprtblnK llurrau no fcprui'o blm-ll. ohcr,. a.lf tUlligeunlraeniuuylAMiuUufurlt IN sr.1V VIIUK. ieu. 14, n-it t COAL ! COAL! ! The undersigned H now prepared 10 furnish a very superior quality of IheceUUruted LEE WHITE ASH COAL GreadyKeduccd Prices. N lilm and get Ids quotations and save money. o. A. JACOHV. lllooinsburg. July in, 3w, AND Paper Hanging. WM, F. BODINE, HON ST., HEI.OW KEC(I.Nl), 1II.OOMH1IU1U!, I'A, Is prepared to do all kinds or HOUSE PAINXINO rial 11 and Ornamental, PAPER HANGING, 1IOTI1 1IKCOHATIVK AND TWIN. All IiIiiiIn ol'I'iiriiKiii i) IlcpiiU'cd, 1IUI Illllliu UM KOUIl SIN IIHIV, NONK UUT l'lllST-CUKS VOHKMENEJIl'LOyKD Estimates Mado on all .Work, WM. V. JiOniNE. Oct. 1,1 818. JOli MINTING OF EVERY DESR1PTI0N EXECUTED I'JtOMITY At tue Oolumbun Office Mumutttntmutunuuuu' i nm iun nniinir Z ulu nnu ntLiHULLi ; SDn. HANPono'tt Tiirun Invkiohatoii J 5 Is n Standard rnmily Itomody for 4 uiseanra 01 uia j jivcr, ntomacit rm nnu AKjwois. 11 ib I'uroiy ami w 1.1.1. T. , mm p vcgemuiu, j. iiuvur mm . m m Dobuitaics-it is rn II EOAthftrtlonnd .Tonlo.' KV. ! .r AV'f ... 2 1 ' 1 ft "a-nS""! . .'rVi0"'. 'flu MAT 01 . ' .1 r.hv i o?: s 5 jW V .R. ttO' Invigorntor I bapn tinr,l in my nrnotinnS d bv tho rml,li 'tor more than 35 w.'' with unnreccdentod rcnl(ji' APNn pod riDnin IS, T.W. SANF8RD, M.D., WB?JS AST DRt GGIST niLL TELL TO II IT DicrTin,,. Aplil tp( 'ia-iy, RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE 9 "OIlTIIEItN CENTKAL KAILWAY eUMMElt TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday. .Tuno so, 1670. tho train iithel'hliadciphlaK Krlnlla lroid Dnialoiiwlll run on as follows 1 WESTWAni). Krlo Mali leaves rhlladclplitt 11 55 p m " " Ilarrlaburi; (tsam " " William port nuauni ' " .lersey shore a 07 a tn ' " lack Haven 40 a in " " llenovo 11 01 am " arrlTO at Erlo 7 5 p m Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia 8 80 a m " " lUrrlsbiiiK" 1145 am " arr. at wmiamsport 'iaspm 11 " Ix,ck llaeu 3&5piu " " Henovo 5 25i)iii Fast Line leaves Philadelphia 11 45 a m " llnrrlsburu 8 85 pin " arrive at wmiamsport 7 as p ni " " Lock Hal en 8 4i)pm KASTWAItD. raclflc Express leaes Ixwk naven 0 40 a m " " Jersey Hhoro 7 15am " " llllamsport 7 65 n m " arrlvo at Uarrlsbun; 1145 am " " l'hlladelphla a 15 pm Bay Express leaves llenovo 10 05 am mm sin us j.ock naven 11 vu a m " wmiamsport 12 40 p m ' arrlvo at IlarrHburc 4 10 p m ' ' rhuadelphla 7 so p m Erlo Mall leaves llenovo s&opm ' " Lock Haven 10 eopm " " wmiamsport 11 20 p m " arrives at llarrlsburt' 3 00 a m " " riilladelplUa 7 40am Fast Line leaves wmiamsport 12 35 a m ' arrives at UarrlsDurir 3 55am " " l'hlladelpnla 7 40 a m Erlo Mall west nnd Day Express East mako closo connections atNortliumoerland vflth L. & u. It. it. trains for WUkesbarro and scranton, Erie Mall West, Nlajara Express West and Fait Line West mako close connection at WUllomsport with N. C. It. W. trains north. Niagara Express West and Day Express East make connectlun at Lock liau'Q with 11. E. v, it. II. trains. Erlo Mall east and West connect at Erie with trains on L. s. & M. s. H. 11. ; at corry with o. c. x, a. V. It. li. ; at Emporium with 11. N. Y. & P. It. It. and at Driftwood with A. v. it. n. I'arlor cars will run lietween 1'hllalclphla and Wlllamport on Niagara Express west, Erie Express west. Philadelphia Express east, Day Exp ress east and Sunday Express cast. Sleeping cars on all alula trains. WM. A. BALDWIN, General Hupt. . -T N ORTHEKN CENTRAL JtAILWAY COMPANY. On and after Novcmbcr,20th, 1873, trains will leave Sunbury as follows : NOItTHWAKD. Erie Mall 5.20 a. m., arrlvo Klmlra 11 .5 " Canandalgua.. . 3.35 p. m llochester 5.15 " Niagara 9 40 " Henovo occommodat Ion 11,10 a. in. arrive William:- port 12.55 p. rn. Elmlra Mail 4.15 a. m., arrlvo Elmlra 10.20 a. tn. Buffalo Express 7.15 a. m. arrlvo Buffalo 8.50 a, ni SOUTIIWAltD. Buffalo Exprcos 2.50 a. m. arrlvo llarrlsburg 4M a. " Baltimore 8.40 ' Klmlra Mall 11.15 a. ra., arrive llarrlsburg 1.50 " Washington 10.) " " Baltlinoro 0.30 " " Washington 8.30 " llarrlsburg accommodation 8.40 p. rn. arrlvo Harris burg 10.50 p. tn. arrive Baltimore 2.25 a. ra ' Washington 0.13 " Erie Mall 12.56 a, m. arrive llarrlsburg 3.05 a. m) " Baltimore 8.40 " " Washington 10.35 " All dally except Sunday, D. M. BOYD, Jr., General Passenger Agent A. J. CASSATT, General Manaeer "piIILADELPIIA AND HEADING HOAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. May U, 1879. TK1IK9 LT.IXK KCPKKT 18 FOLI.OWa(BCNniY KICtPTID For New York, Philadelphia, Beading, Pottsvllle Tarn aqua, tc 11,43 a. m For CaUiwlssa, 11,45 a. m. 7,21 and 7,35 p. tn. For Williams port, c,23 9,05 a. in. and 4,00 p. in. TKAINB FOR KCPEHT I.UVE AS FOLLOWS, (SCNDAY Bl CXrTXD.) Leave New York, 8,43 a. ra. Lcavo Phlladelplila, 9,45 a. m. Leave Heading, li,55a. m., rotUvllle, 12,39 p, m, 1,35 p. in. Leave Catatvlssa, e,2u 8,50 a. m. and 4,oo p. m. Leavo WlllUm&port,9,43 a.m,2,15 p. m. and 4,50 p. in Passengers to aiid from New Yoikaud Philadel phia go througa w itiout change of cars, J. K. WOOTTEN, C G, HANCOCK, General Manager. General Ticket Agent. Jan. 14, ls7o if. ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA ANB WESTEltN IU1LIIOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. Tlme-TaWe No. 39, Takes effect at 4:30 A, M MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1S78. NOHTII, STATIONS. SOUTH. p.m. p.m. a.m. a-m. p.m. p.m a 31) 4 12 9 4ll Scranton -Bellevue .....Taylorvllle... ..Lackawanna.... Plltston . West PIttston.. 9 35 9 43 9 23 2 10 20 2 21 t 2.1 2 SO 0 S3 9 17 9 m 8 5$ 3 37 9 so! 9 21 9 19 9 14 3 51 3 40 9 63 9 I S 6 4') 8 51 2 44 45 2 49 II Ml i 63 0 65 8 40 3 41 ..Wyoming 10 07 19 41 11 35 8 S3 3 30 8 13 3 10 aiiuy,,,,,, : .Bennett. Klngbton Ktmrston 9 67 0 69 10 19 3 15 7 10 10 33 3 15 7 IS 3 10 I IS 10 29 3 16 7 28 3 21 7 35 10 34 3 20 7 I I 10 42 3 35 8 04 10 65 3 60 8 23 11 07 4 03 8 45 U 13 4 10 8 65 11 20 4 18 9 J5 9 04 8 44 ,,1'lymouth June. 8 23 3 20 8 55 ..i lyinouui.,,,, ,. Avondale Nantlcoko Uunlock's creek, ,.Hhhlckshlnny.... ...Hick's Ferry,... ...Ucarh Haven.., -Berwick ....Briar Creek ..Willow Grove.. -...Lime Hldge... Espy.......... ,., Bloomsburg ........Itunert 8 12 8 01 7 61 7 88 3 12 3 04 2 61 2 39 8 47 8 89 8 28 8 17 7 .12 2 34 B 12 8 00 I 25 9 23 7 13 7 14 7 10 7 VI 0 50 0 50 1 45 5 27 t 16 t 00 4 Il 4 29 4 33 II 39 4 42 11 45 4 49 11 Kl 4 M 7 23 I 30 7 44 2 P4 1 67 1 61 1 41 1 91 7 44 7 33 7 SJ 7 29 i (II i 32 t'atawlsaa Bridge. U 57 6 OO 8 60 7 11 ....imuvuie ....Chulasky....... ....Cameron 1) 19 6 IS ; 9 IS 9 51 o 30 9 65 1J 45 6 45 9 60 1 00 46 Northumberland. p.m. p.m. a,m. p.m. i.m. a-m W, Y. HALSTUAI), bupt. Superintendent's Offloe, Scranton, June io. li ,13. Yy7"AINWRIOUTACO., WHOLESALE OltOOElW, PUIUDBUQU, Dealers In TEAS, HYItUPS, COFFEE, SUOAH, MOLASSES, HICK, UFICia, IICISB B0D1, iC, AC. N. E. Corner Second and Arch streets, I ""Orders ill recclvo prompt attention. LEGAL BLANKS OF ALL KINDS OH HAND AT TUB COLUMBIAN OJTIC ma
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers