I IIIIIIIIIIIHMIIIM - (nt CUBtA DIMOCB AT.STAB Or mil NORTH AMD COLtX CO,i BIAN OONSOMDATKD.) 19inc4 wookiy, ovary Friday mornlnj, at 1 nMOMSIlUnO, COLUMBIA COUNTY. PA. ,wnnoM.Ainpor yoar, isoconta discount nlKVwoa ?"An.Viu. win im cliarired. To subscribers out of the V IBM fry .i.......tajl(ullVankltllllvlll BilHIinn 'O'lnvy ...artrtntin,,,,.!. ntprtnt. At. thn nnttnn nf l,e ..-iY.L.-. until nil Firrearnpes are rtald. but Inntr oontlnuod crodlts after tho expiration of the first i. oni. nnt of tho State or to distant nost i n'.ii i nut 1)0 paid for In adrance, unless n rcspon- ? 'JSITC'n' , and ' T'OSTAiiKli nolomjor exacted from subscribers In no county. .tob FK-iasr-riisra-. onmlcto, and our !J 1) I'rlntlnc will ;omparo favor JC. Tii 0 jntiblr.it Department of tlio Couimman Is very Columbia County Official Directory. president. ludiro William Mwoll. Aoolato .Iiulgca-t. K Krlcklmum, V. U Miumon. Woiiol.t.vveo.-WllllainKrlckbaura. 'ourt sti'n')irmplicr-s. N. Walker, ii StVt-r lleconlnr Williamson It. Jacoby. DH r ct Attnrnoy-ltobcrt II. Little. )h"rllT-.Iolm W. "orfrnon. .iurvovnr -. tn'iel Noytiird. Treasurer H A. wwcppcntielscr. l-jmrnlssloners-stopiicn l'olie, Charles ItlcliarU w"loner' Clerk-J. II. Casoy. Audttors-S. II. SMltli, W. Manning, 0. 11. Sec- ''mrv'commlssloncrs-Kll Itobblns, Tlieodoro W. "("lui'itv superintendent William II. Snyder, iilo'jin roor District Directors-It, 9. Knt, seolt, Vm. Kramer, liloomsburg and Thomas lieeco, lao t, Bloomsburg Official- Directory. President of Town Councll-O. A. Herring. t'lerK-l'aul K. Wirt. . I'lilef of Police-Jos. C. Sterner. President or nas Company 3. Knorr. Secretary-C. V. Minor. , , Hiooiinoiirir llanklntt company John .runston, President, II. II. (Irou, Cashier, .lohn Peacock, Tel If r. First N'.vlonal HanK Charlcslt. raxton, President J. r. Tustln, cashtcr. ColumWa Cnunly Muiiul Saving Fund and Loan Asocla'lon-K. II. Utile, rresldenl, C. W. .Miller, 'mmJmsb'iirsllntlrtln:? and savins Fund Association -Win. I'eaciwk, President, -I. II. ltoblaon, Secretary. llloumsburir Mutual Savins Fund Association .1. r.isroncr, 1'resldeni, 1. K. Wirt, secretary. CUUUCIt MIlECTOltY. BAPTIST ciicbch. ltev. .f. r. Tuslln, (supply.) sundav scrvlccs-io) a. m: and J p. m. Sundav Nclioil 9 a. m. prayer Jleetlng-Cvery Wednesday evening at otf SKUs'frco. Tho public aro Invited to attend. ST. MATTHEWS I.CTItKlMN CiCKCn. Mlnlster-llov. (). I). S. Marclay. Hundty Services 10J a. m. and lys p. m. Sunday school 9a. m. , , ... Praver Meeting r.very Wednesday evening nt 7tf Seatsfreo. Nopews rented. All aro welcome. rBKSnVTKRIANCHCKCH. Mtnlstcr-nov. Stuart Mitchell. Sunday Services 10f a. tu. and Ctf p. m. Sunday school 9 n. m. Praver Meeting Every Wednesday evening at. 6tf bcats'freo. No pews rented. Strangers welcome. MRTnomsT KrtscorALcncncn. Presiding Elder l'.cv. W. Evans. Minister Itov. M. I,, smyser. Sunday Services liljf and 0i p. m. sundav School a p. m. Hlblo Clasi-Evcrv Monday cycnlng nt 0 o clock. Voung .Mcn'K Praer Jleotlng-fivery Tuesday 6 VtS'al rr!aVe'?Slng-Every Thursday evening 7 o'clock. REFORMED CnCRCn. Corner or Third and Iron streets. I'astor ltov. W. E. Krebs. , itesldcnco-Corncr 4th and Calharlno sjreets. Sunday Services 10f a. m. and I p. m. Sunday School 9 n. in. prayer Meeting Saturday, 7 p. m. All aro Im Itcd Thcro Is always room. ST. TACL'S CHURCH. Ucctnr Ilcv L. Zalincr. Sunday services lux a. m., IX p. m. Sunday sc ol 9 a. m. . first Sunday In tho month, Holy Communion. Rerilccs preparatory to communion on rriaay evening betoro the st Sunday In each month. Pews rented ; hut everybody welcome. EVANGELICAL CnCRCII. Presiding Elder llev. A. L. Heescr Minister Ilev. George Hunter. ,-..., snnday Servlco-2 p. in. In tho Iron streetChurch. Praver Meeting Kvcry Sabbath nt 2 p. m. All aro ln Itcd. All nro welcome. THE CIIUKCH OP CHRIST. Meets In "tho llttlo lirlck church on tho hill.' known as tho Welsh Uaptlst Church-on Kock Hreet Cai1cgular0meetlng for w orshlp, every Lord's day af. '"ZfrJo'and tho public aro cordlaUy Invited to attend CK'liOOI, OTtDEKH, lilank, juf-t nrinte.1 ami 1 neatly bound In small books, off hand and or salo at 'tho Columbian onicc. T LANK DEKDS, on 1'arclir.n'iit ami I.inen ) Paper, common and for Adinlntst rators, V.iecu ti.rs ami truiteos, for salo cheap at tho coli-miiian omce. . MAlUlIAOfi CEIVriFICATESjua printed and for sale at tho Columbian omce. Mlnls ,n of the llospel anil Justices should supply them selves with tliuso necessary articles. VT-TTCTtrr.s nml fVinsinlilos' Kce-Ililla for aU fl atthoCoiXMBUN omce. They contain the cor r iL ?cs as establlsheil by tho last Act of the Leg IJ.ifoupon tha subject. Every Justice and (.on. tablo should have one. Y UNDUE NOTES .just printed and for sale cheap at the Columbian omce. IH.OOMSBLlta DlitECTOUY. TIIOFESSIONAL CAHU8. C (!. KAllICI.KY, Attorn, y-at-Uw. OlBce , In Urower's building, snd stury, ltooms 4 S 5 T II. l'.OWPON, Attorney-at-I.aw. OHice I In Ilartmau'sbutldlnif.Malustreet. SAMUEL KNOhU. Attorney-at.I.aw,Oflice In llartmau s Uulldlng, Main btrett. D K. Wf. M. U2nnU,&irgeon ami VhvA- clan, omco .MarKei aiifcu auoclih i-u&t II. KV VNS, SI. P.. Surgeon and Phyni 4 clan, (Oillco and Kesldenco on Third atiect. J 11. McKELVY, M. D., Surgeon anil l'by , tlclan.northildeMaln street, below Market. "TUt. J. C. IlUTTEIt, VHVSlCIANASUIiaEON, OOlce, North JIarket street, Mar,!?,"?! Bloomsburg, Pa. "TVlt. I. L. ItAIJB, PItACTICAL DENTIST, Main street, opposlto Episcopal Church, Blooms burg, Pa, tsr- Teeth extracted without pain, aug 24, '77-ly, TV. 11 O W E L h, DENTIST. omco In Ilartman's Block, second floor, corner Main and Market Streets, BLOOMSBUllO, TU. May 20 ly. MISCELLANEOUS. c M. MUNKEK, GUN and LOCKSMITH. bewlnc Machines and Machinery of all kinds ro- dalreu. OrEitA House Building, liioomsourg, i'a. D AVID LOWENBEUQ, Jlerchont Tailor Main St., nbovo Central Hotel. sflCUIIN, dealer in Meat, Tallow, etc., i Ccutro street, between becond and Third. HKOSKNSTOCK, I'botograpbcr, , Clark Wolf's More, Mulnbtnet. A UGUSIU.S I'KEUM), Practical liomeo XVrathlo norso and cow lioctor, Bloomsburg, Pa icD.U.n-tf T7" Y. KESTEIt, ' MERCHANT TAILOIt, ItoomNo. 15, OFEHA IIccsE Bciuio, Bloomsburg. firrlnn 1TS li UlTISII AMEltICA ASSUItANCE CO .NATIONAL FIHE INSUKANCE COMPANY. Tho as., ta of tiieso old correlations are all ln vested In Kil. Ill hECUltlTIEb and ro liable tothe uuzuiu ol i lru ouly. Moderate tines on the test rl.ks are alone accepted. l.oset s i'i.oi ily and uosiM I v adlusted and tald as mx.u Oh determined by ciiiiistian V. Knait, pe iim Ageni una auju.ut, 11 uoiusour, i eiiu a. 'Him iltlzr ns r.r I'nluliilita countr should outrnnlze thengciicy whtrolobses, If any, aie adjubted and pam oyouooi uiuroun cuiuns, nov.io, 'ii-iy "I7I1EAS JIUOWN'S INSUItANCE A GEN JL -V, -Cango Hotel, Bioomsuurg, pa. ITflnltnt. .Etna, Ins Co., ofnaYtford, Connecticut. ., e,Mio,ooo Liverpool, Iudon and Globe So,ii,(k Uojalot LUerpool 13 6,,ik.u Lancanhhlre IO.(mm). w Flro Association, Philadelphia,..,. 3,1im,ki Farmers Mutual of Danville i.whj.och) inavlllo Mutual 76,oou Home, New York. 5,cou,oco sfl,o:'l,u) AS thn ncrnnt nro rtlrn., n..Utns nra Htt.tn tr,r the Insured t ltnout any dela'y In tho omco at Blooms- March !,'77 y B, F. IIAHTMAN KEritESENTS TUB OMOWlhQ AMEKICAN INSUItANCE ( OMTANIES: HiuiuiDgor Aiuncy rtnnsylvanla. forth American of J'hUadefphla, I'a . franklin, of lennsjhanlaof f armers or .ork, Pa. Hanover of New York. Manhattan of ' D. BROOKW AY, 1 r,t. , . K. WAIiLEli; " Attornoy-nt-Law. Inereass ef Pensions tMalnel, Collecticns made. Offlco, Second door from 1st National Bank. I1LO0MSDUIIO, PA. Jan. 11, 1S73 U. VVXK, Attornoy-at-Lnw, Increase, of Pensions Obtained, Collections JlnJc. iiloomsduho, pa. omco In Ent'a Dcilpino. JgnoCKWA Y & EUVELL, A T TO 11 N E Y S-A T-h A W, Columbian Bcildino, ltleomsburg, Pa. Jlerrbera of tho United States Law Association. Collections made In any rart of America or Kuropo Q If A W.J.BUCKALEW, ATTOHNETS-AT-LAW, Bloomsbarg, ra. oaico on Main street, nrst door below Court House P. .6 J. M. CLAUK, ATT0IINEVS-AT-L.W liloomsburg,ra. omco In Ent'3 Building. P. lilLLMEYER, ATTOHNET Ar LAW. OrncE in Harmon's Building, Jloln street, Bloomsburg, Pa. LITTLR. EOB'T. R. LITTLE. II. A It. R. LITTLE, ATTOHNEVS-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg, I'a. Q W. Ml I.I, Hit, ATTOnNLV-AT-LAW onicoln Brower'a building, second floor, room No. Bloomsburg, I'a. H EHVEY E. SMITH, ATTOIIN E Y-A T-L AW, omce In A. J. Evan's New IUildikii, BLOoMSIIUHO, PA. Member of Commercial Law and Hank Collection As soclallon. Oct. H, '7-tf B. Fit AN K ZAItlt. Attorney-fit-Tjnw-, BLOOMSllUUG, PA. Offlco In tlNANosT's BciLniNo, on Main strtet second door above Centre. Can bo consulted in German. Jan. 10, '79-tf catawissa! ' ' UTM, L. EYERLY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Catavtssn, To. collections promptly mado and remitted. Office onposlte catan lssa Deposit Bank. em-33 W. II. Abbott. W. H. IWawn. AI1H0TT & It II AWN, Attornoys-fit-Law. CATAWISSA, pa. Pensions obtained. dec si, '77-ly BLOOMSBURG TAMERY. G. A. HERRING R ESI'ECTFULLY announces to llio public that he has reopened SNYDER'S TANNERY, (old stand) r.Ioom&burff, Pa., nt the Forks of tho Ca ny nnrt U it lit fctret t ruftda, whtre nil descriptions of leather 111 bo madt in the most pubstniitlfll nnd workinanitko mancer. ana field nt rrices to milt tne lms. Tho hlghebt price In cut-h will nt all times bo a,'i for GUIS EN HIDES of every descrlpllon in tho country. The nubllcrat- romcre Is respectfully solicited. isioombourt ucu i, ibis. w Ninth Street Pltt.burir. Dec. 10. lS7t. Messrs.!I)HEIIKlt. ItBAY K Ci (ientiemen : .our painis nave given enure Rai isfactinn. 1 liavo u.sert them on a (rood many differ ent kinds of ork, such as Iron, Tin, Wood, Brick, c., ana never neara any compiainis, on mw u trary, the work standi well nml for wear, will In my opinion, Bland with any lead In tho market. When lnwantofreterenceinthlscltyor vicinity you aro at liberty to use my name with pleasure, also to use this as you think best. i;usue-Uiuiy iuuis, JOHN T, OTtAY. Painter and Dealer In Paints, oils, sc. STRICTLY rUHE WHITE! LEAD, AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES. MONTOUR SLATE PAIN TS. 8 CENTS. MONTOUR METALLIC! WHITE, 8 CENTS. MONTOUR METALLIC IlItOWN, (! CENTS. OFK COLORS AT THIS PRICE. PURE LINSEED OIL at Ion est iiinrKcl ratcw. Sample cards and price list furnished without cuargu. Orders and Inquiries by mall will recelvo prompt aueuuun, HENRY S. REAY, MANUFACTURER, Rupert. Pa MOYER 11ROS. VIIOLESALE AGENTS, lil.OOMSnUHO, PA May!, iwr. 06" THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY 1 GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDIOINE fHADE mark la especially recom-TRADE MARK, mtMiuru ua mi uu falllnv cure for hem Inal weakness.i'per metorrlira. Im po tency, and ulldlsnn ses, hucliQH LcM of memory, Unhersal ljissitud. l'ala In thn lmrk. l)liniieKSeV Before Takkgo iAfti Takinir. many other clseases that lead to In sanlty.Consump. ir,.mnliirn draw, all of hlcu as a rule aro nrst caused by deflating from the path of nature and over Indulgerce. 'I he hpicino Medicine Is tho retult of a lite btudy and many J ears of eAperlcnce In treating these special dlseoM'H. Full particulars In our pami hlels,whlch we desire to send free by mall to ei cry one. The kpeilflc M edlclne Is sold by all Druggists at II per rackige, or tlx packages lor fs, or wil be sent vy mail ou ivi'. v..rf - THE HltAY MEDICINE CO., No. 10, Mechanic's Block, Detroit, Mich, Sold In Bloomsburg byC. A. KKlm.and byaU Druggists everjwnere. Harris Kwlng, W holuale Agents, niteburg, ep , w4y t15 I. .N? M : ,P He Poetical. REFLECTIONS. Ileliolil this ruin I Here's n skull Onco of cllierinl spirit lull) This narrow cell was lifo's retreat, Tliis spaco was Thought's mjslcrious sent) Wliul lonnleoits pictures filled this spot I What dreams of pleasure, long forgot! Nor hope, nor joy, nor love, nor fear, Have left ono trace of record here. Ilcnonth this mnuld'ring ennopy, Once sliono the bright and busy eye J Hut ftnrt not nt tho dismal voidi If social love that eye employed, If witli no lanlcss firo it gleamed, 1'ut through the dews of hindnpsi beamed, That cyo fhnll bo for cicr bright, When stars and suns have lost their light I Hero in thii silent cavern, hung The ever ready, tuneful tongue ; If folehood's honey it disdained, And where it could not praise wns chained, If bold in virtue's cause it spoke, And gentle concord never broke, TliU silent tongue rhall plead for thee, When timo unveils eternity I Perhaps tho heart pulsated here, That nlways bled to think the tear Of widow's grief nnd orphan woo So oft in this cold world should flow, And oft alone in thoughtful mood Ilnlh raised a fervent prayer to God That he would soothe the troubled breast With grief and penury oppressed I Say, did these' fingers delve the mined, Or with the envied rubies shine ? To hew the rock or wear the gem, Can nothing now avail to them ; Hut if tho page of truth they sought, Or comfort to tho mourner brought, These hands a richer meed shall claim Than all that wait on wealth or fame I Avails it whether bare or shod These fee' the paths of duty trod? If from the boners of ea'o they lied, To seek affection's humble shed, if grandeur's guilty bribe they spurned, And home to virtue's lap returned, These feet with nngel's wings shall vie, And trend the palace of the sky I "NEVER" "Wilt thou forget ?" The billows bound Detwecn the ship nnd shore, A henrt is drifting out to sa. With sorrow steeped nnd sore, Its mate upon tiie rugged rocks, Where dash the breakers ever, Repents into the echoes 'round, ' 'All I never! never! never!" Swift winds attend the fleeting craft, The outer sea is won j A sail sinks 'nenth its distant rim And sinks tho watcher's sun Ah, waters! will ye e'er unite The hearts thnt thus ye sever ? Ah, Hope ! is yours the power to still Tho voice that answers "Never!" 'Twns summer then, 'tis summer now The wind and waves are sighing, A wreck upon the farther rocks In shattered mass is lying ; A lifeless form is on tho beach, And dead in all endeavor, Hut lives the echo's sad refrain, And shout tho waters, "Never!" A shadow from tho jutting cliff Falls o'er the pallid face, Another life goes out to meet The billows closo einbr.ice; The corses dot tho silv'ry sands, Two souls are joined forever, Two spirits sail the n.ure seas, To be divided iievtr. A IIUI'.KX'S HEATH. If Milliliters nwl courtiers were counting on her death, Eliz .belli had no mind to die. She had enjoyed life as the men of her day enjoyed it, and "iw that they were gono she clung to it witli furco tenacity. She hunt' ed, she d meed, she jested wilh her young favoiites, she coquetted, and she tcolc'edand frolicked at sixty-evon n she. bad dono at thirty. The Queen,' wroto a courtier a few months belore her death, 'was never so gallant these many years, nor so bent upon jolity.' She persisted in spite of opposition, in her gorgeous progress irom couniry nouso to country house. She clung to business as of old, and rated her usual fashion 'ono who minded not giving up some matter of ac count.' But death crept on. Her face became haggard, and her frame Bhrunk almost to a skeleton. At last her taste for finery disap pcarcd, and she refused to change her dress for a week together. A strange melancholy fettled down on her. She held in her hand,' says one who saw her in her last days, 'a golden cup which the often put to her lip, ; but in truth her heart eemed too full to need more filling.' Gradually her mind guvo away. Sh lost her memory, the vlolcncoof her temper became unbearable, her very courage seem ed to forsake her. She called for a sword to lit constantly besido her, and thrust it from timo to time through the arras, as If she heard murderers stirring there. Food and rest Beemed alike distasteful. She sat day and night propped up witli pillows on a stool, her fingerx on herlip, her 'eyes fixed upon the floor, without a word. Ifsho once broke the silence it was with a flash of her old queeuliiiess. When Sir Ilobert Cecil declared she mu9t go to bed, the word rous ed her like a trumpet. 'Must 1' she exclaimed ; 'Is must n word to be addressed to a Princess ? Little inan( little father, thy lather, if ho had been alive, durst not have used thnt word.' Then as her anger spent itself, she sank into old dejection, Thou art so presumptuous,' she said, 'be cause thou knowest that I shall die,' She rallied once more when the ministers beside her named Lord Ileauchamp, the heir to tho Suffolk claim, as a possiblo succes sor, 'I will have no rogue's eon,' she crltd hoaely in her seat.' Hut she gave no sign savo a motion of Jthe head at the mention of the King of Scots She wan, In fact, fast becoming Insensible and early in tho morning, on the ltU of March, 1003, the life of Klizabeth a life so great, so strange and lonely In its great nessebbed quietly aivay, Detroit JVfM. In Calcutta (here aro 19!) Hindoo temples. 117 JJaupmetan mosques, 31 Chtlatian churches and 2 Jewish synagogues, BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, MARCH 14. Miscellaneous. M0TI1EI1 SIIIPTON IMMI'SEl). The Destiny of the Itcpnhlic t'rnphpslcil a I'eiiltiry Azo Tito Hnndorrnl Events Fore told by Mrs. Ahliy Marsh "Tho Smoke of Ilatllo" to follow tho Next l'rrsl.lcntlal Cam ritilgtb Tho family of Dr. Marsh, In Albany ave nue, Ilrooklyn, havo In their possession n remarkable old document, which lias been preserved with great caro ever since tho father of tho present head of the family came to reside in that city. The paper l a dilapidated bit of parchment containing written verses on both sides, but the ink has become so faded that careful study Is requir ed to decipher tho words. Around tho edges a rudo attempt at binding has resulted in making the parchment moro fragmentary than before. Several yearn ngo a copy of the verses was made, which Is still in good con dition, and is shown to friends in the fami ly. Tho verset contain a prophecy, nnd were writtjn by Mrs. Abby Marsh, in tho year 1787, at her homo in Sherbrook, Canada. Her immediate descendants claimed that .Mrs. M, was possessed of extraordinary pow ers of foresight, and instanced an occasion when sho awoke from a dream in time to savo the life ol n child. Liko all other pro- phetie effusions, however, it reaeived but lit tle attention until several of its assertions had become things of the past, and public attention was called to their apparent fulfill ment. Fragmentary portions of the rhyme which Mrs. Marshl called "Columbia's Destiny," found their way into tho Canadian newspapers, some of the extracts being In the possession of Dr. Marsh. A reporter obtained permission to copy the old document, and they are herewith given, together with tho explanation which a history of the lat century suggests. Thus it runs : Columbia, homo of Iibettle, Shall not twenty rulers see F.re thcro shall be battlo smoke, Kre peaio shall seem to be broke, And in waves of peril tost, Tho ancient order shall be deemed lost. It is a significant fact, when taken in this connection, that It. II. Hayes is tho' nine teenth ruler of the United States, as will bo seen by tho order in which the presidents succeed each other : 1. Washington. 11. Polk, 2. John Adams, 12. Taylor, 3. JeflVrson, 13. Filmoro, 4. Madison 11. Pieriv, fi. Monroe, 15. Buchanan, fi. J. Q. Adams, 10. Lincoln, 7. Jackson, 17. Johtison, 8. Van Huron, 18. Grant, 9 Harrison, 19. Hayes, 10. Tyler, The strange chronicler continues : The first shall, too, the second be, If the fates tell Truth as eveu he ; Where sits the sire shall sit the son, Hut not tho son's son. And ere the son shall ruler be One placo shall send three ; Three with one shall make her four (4) Iiefircnco is undoubtedly mado to Gener al Washington's proverbial truth telling, in the second lino, and to the succession of John Quincy Adams to the place of his father, in the third. "ISut not his son's son," seems to point to Mr. Charles Francis Adams, who has universally failed in his as pirations to bocome president. Hatween the Adamses did come three from "ono place" (Virginia), who, with the accidental John lyier maun tne lourlii. -Nor lias the "Mother of Presidents" since born a son distinguished by even a nomination to the chief magistracy. The prophecy proceeds : Tho first sprung from tlins"desund loins In death his predecessor joins j Who beneath his son shall pass And in .1 house that different was ; The next one shall havo peaco and wat; Tho third shall brook no kinirly star ; When the qutrtcr century's run, Where sat the sire shall Ml the sou, It is difficult to interpret a portion of this extract. JelVerson and John Adams it is well known, died on tho 4th day of July, 1820, their simultaneous de.Uhs firm ing due of the most remarkabU coin cidences in history : but tho meaning of the clause, "And in a homo that different was," is rather vague. Tho venerable ex president died on the floor of the capita), but the latter building was part of the origi nal ouo erected at tho seat of government Mr. Madison's administration witnessed both the war with England and the period of peace and prosperity which followed it ; while the quarter century reckoned from 1800, saw the inaugural ceremonies of the younger Adams. Here several of the lines aro no oblitera ted or defaced that they are unreadable. Then comes he who should have been before A soldier, who shall not havo any war, "Old Hickory's" record seems to bear this ut, especially the last line. The vigorous manner In which he "sat down" upon the uullifiers "deferred," so Mr. Bancroft says, "the approaching civil war for many years." The prophecy continues : (1 2) After the fox tho lion shall Ho lordly ruler over all Hut death shall in the mansion wield Sword surer than m the tented held, (3) Aficr him there comes anon One who had friends but shall have none. (4) The hickory shall sprout out again j A soldier come from battle plain, Hut shall not long remain, Nor shall his heir bear sway again. (0) Then a youth shall follow, who (sic) And shall know, though none knew, Taken in their successive order, the above lin"s ought te apply first to Martin Van Hu reu (but why should ho be callul a fox ?) second, to General Harrison, who died at most immediately after his inauguration third to Tyler, whoso conduct caused a rup turein his party; fourth, to Polk, who was popularly known as "Young Hickory" (see Henton's "lhirty .ears In the Senate, I p. 374), and fifth to Franklin Pierce, th youngest up that time, and whose selection was a surprise to everybody. While tho uext probably Buchanan do ueur tuu ruie, To-morrow's sago is this day's fool J There shall be trouble manifest, North and South and East nnd West. The strong man shall tho weak befriend, inn u buuii not lie me enu ; Under the uext Lincoln shall widow mourn, Thousand's be slain, but millions bfru j Death, in the strife, shall pass him bv. But when the peace cometh he shall die A soldier alter mm snail be, Who shall see his century. The hero of Appomattox is here iindoubt edly referred to, and the Centennial celebra' tl' t I'liilHaeljibta. But the most remark j ablo part of this prophecy Is the following i if llulo afterward shall ho got By tho ono whoso it was not ! Men shall roar, nnd rage, nnd rave, But ho shall havo who should not havo When the storm of tide li over Four shall make 0 and not 4, He who wa shall be no more, And all that's past not mako a score, Thli will seem almost Incredible to many, but It Is proved beyond doubt that the lines were In existence, nnd iu ono instanco pub lished before Grant left tho executive chair. .Mr. Hayes Is tho nineteenth president j there has been "battle smoko" enough In n politi cal sense, when are takon Into consideration the recent electoral frauds. Can "tho last two lines by nny possibility refer to the sage of Oramercy park, and the systematic dis patching ho has received at tho hands of tho Tribune, But Columbia chall nrraln lllsc, nnd fairer bo than then (sic) Brother Bhall with brother speak, Whom ho hath not seen a week j Letters shall go 'nenth tho deep Likewise over tho mountain steep j Men shall speak to brazen ears, That shall bo mouths in after years j Words spoken shall bo sent through po, So no s, I ihlo bo lost ; A drop of water shall have then Tho force of many thousand men. It docs not tnke a very fanciful imagination to draw from the nbovo a clear indication of rofesior Edison's numerous wonders of in vention. The alleged motor of Mr. Keelv. Philadelphia mechanic, claims tn titlllzs n rop of water so that thousands of pounds of pressuro aro obtained. Much of the next passago is senseless.and clearly written In Imitation of tho old weirds. Whether the rain falling "as men ordain" might not bo taken for tho modern weather predictions, is a question for tho individual reader to pass upon. Ghosts shall guide tho plow and rain And snow shall fall as men ordain ; The commonest of stone or stick Other shall bo than long, broad, thick. Here and in n foreign clime Men shall be nt the samo time, Bread ye shall from nshes bake, Ice they shall to diamonds make, And thesalt seas their thirst shall slake. Tho conclusion looks very much like the time when "two Sundays meet" or "to morrow como never ' runs as follows : All these things shnll happen, when 7 They shall happen not before Six years shall be reckoned four, Thirteen shall bo thirty-nine ; This shall be tho certain sign ; Nine and nine reversing tafce (Eight and one the nino shall make), When ninety-two are eighty-one All these marvels shall be done. A singular explanation of this apparently unmeaning riddle has been suggested by a mathematician named Townsend. When ninety-two aro eighty-one. Washington took is seat a president in 17S0: add ninety-two and you have eighty-one (1881). This 1881 s also mado up of ones nnd eights, forming nine iu reversed order. Too "thirteen" may be taken as alluding to tho original nnmber state, which tho rhymer (remember that is stated to havo written in 1789, uot in 1812 or 1813) would have iu her mind. The recent introductioa of a bill into Congress proposing a constitutional ameudmeut to ex tend the term of the executive to six years may cover the line Six years may be reckoned four. Mr. Marsh considers tho document genu- tie, and is able to produce n copy of the Green Mountain (Vermont) Chronicle, pub lshed in 1813, winch contains an almost verbatim copy. machlus mix by air. You'vo heard of machines flying in the air of courso. Hut now comes word of tna cnines worked by air. Uicse new engines re 11-el to drag heavy trains, empty when going into, but filled with broken stone when coming out of, the great tunnel now icing cut between Switzerland nnd Italy, under Mount St. Gotbud. It would be almvst impossible to keep the air frih in the tunnel, so far underground, If steam engines were used lor cutting the rock ; for tli would mako so much heat gas and smoke, that men could not work in there at ail. But tb tee new machines do better, for they nro worked by air instead of steam.and tho air thnt escapes nfter being ued in mem is goou 10 urcatuo. it is common air but it was first first forced by water power nto huge iron reservoirs, until there was a great deal moro in them than there was in the samo spaco outside. The reservoirs havo to be tight nnd strong, or tho air would burst them and e-cape. The squeezed or compressed air is drawn ofTintJ a part of tho new machino which louks like n big steam boiler, and it is then let into the working parts as wanted, rush ing out with great force nnd making the machinery move, and drag tho car, much in the way that steam would. "Jack in the Pulpit," &t. Nicholas for March. CCS. JACKSUX AND THE FKBXCIIMAX. On the morning of tho Sth, just beforo the commencement of tho fighting, as Gen Jackson was surveying the lino of battle, wealthy trench merchant of New Orleans drovo up tn the lines and requested an inter view with tho General. On reaching hi presence Jackson demanded of the French man the object of his visit. 'I come, said he, 'to demand of you th reiurn 10 1110 city ot my cotton which you havo taken tn mako your breastworks.' 'Ah,' said Old Hickory, 'can you point out the particular bales that are your proj erty?' 'Out, Mousleur, certalnment' zit- is ray cotton, and zat is my cotton,' pointing to many bails in the near vicinity, 'Well," said Old Hickory, 'if that is you property you nave just como in lime to pro, tect and defend it,' aud calling to the cor porai no oruereu mm 10 uring nun a spare musket, and giving it to the l'reuchman, li told him to stand nud defend his property At tho sune time ho gavo tho corporal an order to shoot tho fellow down If he at tempted to run. There Is no doubt but that the Frenchman was glad that his cotton was there to screen him from tho British bul lets. 'iliomin Kirlin, an employee of a W est Chester rolling mill, hung' his vest up near the lire the other day. The corner of th vest that contained a pocket Into which he had stull'od a 120 greenback was, of courso the uue to catch fire first. It did, nud burn ed the money to a crisp the other parts of the garment escaping. 1879. MY GItANDNATIIEK'S CLOCK. soso hut was suui)n.vt,v .MAiir. roru- i.An nr.Nnv c. wonK'a melodies. Not to know 'Grandfather's Clock' argues yourself unknown, With Its accompani ment of winding upt striking, ticking nnd running down, it is nightly played In thea tre nnd concert hall to applauding auditor" nnd is whistled by unnumbered puckering mrulhs. But not to know tho words of this latest musical hit, or natno tho a ithor, Is imply to enroll one's self with the thousands ho would bo obliged to confess to thn snmo ignornncc. Two yenrs ngo tho Iwriicr was own a shet music by Cliauncey M. Cadv. Tho musio was ontitled "Grandfather's Clock." Mr. Cady hummed It nnd said. Thnt's going to be populnr. It will bo just 0 thing to catch tho popular car." This as in ,G. Mr. Cady's prophecy has come true in '78, nnd yesterday ho himself told ow It was done. "It was written by Henrv Work," said Mr. Cady. "You know m ? No ! Bless you his llfo is a little ro mance. Let mo tell you about him. In tho first place, his father was Alanson Work, ho with Ilurraml Thompson were in 1811. condemned to twelvo years hard labor In 0 .Missouri stnte prison for assisting fugl- vo slaves ncross the MMssipl river. Well about tho timo of tho rebellion Henrv 'ork came to our office in Chicago was then with Hoot in tho firm of ltoot Cady) witli the manuscript of a song. Ho as then a printer struggling for a llvinir. We saw thnt ho had something in him, and not only bought his song, but engaged him write tor us for a term of years, agreeing pay him a stipulated copyright. After he turned out "Kingdom Coming" and ono or two other popular songs, wo increased his copyright almost voluntarily. His songs make n great hit, especially 'Nickodemus,' Babylon is fallen,' and 'Marching Through Georgia.' You didn't knew ho wrote that. es, indeed, I told you that ho had it in m. 'His proceeds from his songs, continued Mr. Cady, "made him rich." He traveled extensively in this country nnd in Europe, nd in 1807 ho went from Europe with n snug fortune. Then ho went to Vineland,N, ,and with his brother invested his earnings houses, and prepared to establish an ex tensive fruit farm. But the hard times came on, his investments were unprofitable, and ho lost all his property. Added to this were domestic trials of tho most heart rendinc nature, and finally thcro only remained to in his llttlo daughter Nellie. He finally disappeared from.view. No one knew where e"was. "Meantime tho Chicago fire dissolved the rm ot ltoot & Cady. We lost 315,000 nnd recovered fiom insurance companies 01 ly $55,000. ItJ was a severo stroke to n,--. was threatened with brain fever and had to quit work. About three years ago I came ero and started in business again as a music publisher. I wanted someone to write pop ular music for me, and I thought of Henry Work. But I couldn't find him. He ad secluded himself so elfectually that it as six months before I found him, and then was by meeting him accidentally on Broad way, lie was very poor, and was trying to support himself nnd little daughter by writ ing magazine articles. Well, the result of our meeting was that Work wrote three songs for me, "The Mystic Veil," "Sweet Echo Dell." and "Grandfather's Clock." Theso were nil published in 1S70, and sold well from the start, but the latter piece has elipsed tho others, and in fact, nil other songs recently published. It is the hit f the tunes." "Hut how did you make it popular, Mr. Cady ? You showed it to mo in 1870, but lid not hear of it again until 1878." "I'll tell you. I havo collected the names of Ihotisandsof musical people, dealers and tho like, and I send them circulars with tho lea of my words nnd music publications. So I did with "Grandfather's Clock." Tho first that tha largo musio dealers knew of tho success of tho piece was from tha largo orders received from the country. I,i f.ict the pieca had been popular in tho country for over a ear. Last winter it was just as popular in hiladelpliia as it is now in New Y'.rk and Brooklyn ; and for over n year and a half t has sold in large numbers on tho Pacific coast. I think the first concert troupe that brought it out was tho "Hyer Sisters Com bination." Tuoy nre negroes. They brought it out in New England, Sam Lucas singing the solo, nnd nu invisible quartet tho chorus saw by tho papers that it was successful and went to New Haven one Jnigbt to hear it. It was certainly a good thing. The au dience gave him double nud triple encores. As Sam Lucas said, 'they tore up the bench- I must tell you a funny experience I had with the San Francisco minstrels, for it" was a good joke on Wninbold. When the song wns first published I took a copy to Warabold nnd told him I thought it would make : hit. He laughed nt me. Said he got bushels of such stull' every day. I went away. After the song began to sell well in tho country I went there again, nnd he treat ed tne 110 better. Said he didn't wnut nny ono to come telling him 'what was in his line :' that lie wouldu't have such trash on his programme. I wasn't over and nbovo pleased, and said to myself as I went away: I shan't go there again, but Mr. Waiubdld you'll have to sing that song yet.' And now every night you may read on the programme of the San Irancisco miustrels, 'Mr, Warn- bold will slug "Grandfather's Clock." I'm going up there some time and nsk Mr. Warn bold if he hasn't some champagne on ice for me. I think the joke is on him." "Well, then, Mr. Work is no louger so very poor?" "Poor! I should say not. I pay him $230 a month on ' Grandfather's Clock" alone,and he gets a good thing on others ho has written "You know he wroto tho fa nious temperance song. "Father Como Home." He now has another of similar character, not a temperance song, though, called "bhadowson tho Wall," nnd ho bus just finished a sequel ;to "Graudfather's Clock." And, another tiling, Work not only writes the songs, words aud music, but he designs tho title page. As I said before.he's got It iulilin." Poor Herbert I How I wish you did not have to slave so at that horrible ktore from morning till night I said his wife, ns, with a fond caress, she seated herself on her bus band's knee, and gently stroked the auburn locks from his sloping brow. And the grave, Btern man of business understood her at once, and answered: 'Well, Susie, what Is It a bonnet or what? Go light on me , ' ior inouey is scarcer man ever. THE COLUMMAN. VOL. XIII, NO.ll COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, VOL. XLIV, NO. WAS TIIE "OLD Ml Mi" AT NEWPORT A BAP TISTEUY. In Scribner for March, Mr. It. G. Hatfield has a fresh study of the old problem of the original uso of tho old tower In Truro Park, Nowport. In the author's mind", the weight of evidence Is decidedly In favor of It having been built as a baptistery by the Norwegian discoverers about tho year 1000. In elucidation tiflhls theory, nnd In confu tation of other, a number of Interesting drawings of baptisteries, etc., are given with tho article. The writer says I In the early centuries It was considered indispensable that every cathedral, or church of a bishop, should havo Its baptistery, n separate building located In the vicinity of the cathedral, where the ordinnnco of Chris tian baptism could bo administered to the candidates, preparatory to admitting them to the assemblies of tho faithful. In Italy alone about sixty of these buildings are still extant. Some of them aro in ruins, as at Canosa, in Apulln, and at Castel-Seprlo j others still have had tho font removed, and as chapels made to serve for worship, as thnt of Stn. Co-tnnza, at Home, thnt of Bologna, nnd that of Hovigno, in Istrln; many are still used ns baptisteries, and in some the original font, of amplo dimensions, yet re mains, ns in Home, at tho Lateran baptistery the font of which is twenty-seven feet in di ameter; that of the beautiful circular bap tistery of Pisa, the font in which is ten feot in diameter aud tlireo nnd one-third feet deep; as also that of Nocera, the font In which is seventeen feet in diameter rnd four feet deep. The font of the baptistery of Florence was destroyed three hundred years since; It occupied an octangular space twenty beven feet in diameter, now paved with marble differing from the other pave ment, and surrounded by a white marble coping, on which, plainly visible, is au In scription designating the inclosed area as the place of tho original font. Dante, iu bis im mortal poem, refers to this font, a part of which he broke in his efforts to save a child from drowning. These facts nfliird Incon testable proof, in addition to historical tra ditions concerning them, of tho use for which these buildings were originally con structed, If these were baptisteries audit cannot be questioned then the Nowport structuro was also one. The round bul'dings of Greenland, re ferred to by Professor Hafn, were also bap tisteries. Thero was one doubtless, for each bishopric. Only one is found In Vinland, because the colony wns small, and was all comprised, no doubt, in one bishopric. It need not be thought strange that, if the Newport structure be a baptistery, thero arc no remains of the church near which It must have stood. In a country like Vinland, abounding with timber at that early timo, :.e lirst structures ol the colonists were un doubtedly of wood, and not until they came to feel that their residence there was likely to prove permanent, would they resolve to build with more durable material. Then, after having constructed the baptistery of stone, they may have intended to follow this up by the moro important work of building the cathedral of the same material : but failed to realize these intentions through ap prehension of trouble with the Indians, or by nctual wnr, which may have ended in tho extermination of the colonists. A touching story of a child's heart is told by the Pittsburg Telegraph. A young man who had been on a three-day's debauch wan dered into the reading room of a hotel, where h 3 was well known, sat down, and stared moodily into the street. Presently a little girl of about ten years came in and looked timidly about the room. She was dressed in rags, but sho bad n sweet, intelli gent face that could scarcely fail to excite sympathy. There were five persons in the room, and she went to each begging. One gentleman gave her a fivo cent piece, nnd then she went to the gentleman spoken of nnd asked him for a penny, adding, 'I haven't had anything to eat for a whole day.' The gentleman was out of humor nnd he said crosaly : 'Don't bother me! go away! I haven't had anything to cat fur three days.' The child opened her eyes iu chy wonder and stared at him fur a moment, and then walked slowly toward the door. She turned tho knob, and then, after hesitat ing a fow seconds, walked up to him, aud gently laying the five cents she had received on his knee, said with a tone of true girlish pity in tier voice, 'If you haven't had any thing to eat for three days you take this and buy Bomo bread. Perhaps I cau get some moro somewhere.' The young fellow blushed to the roots of his hair, and lilting the Sister of Charity in his nrms kissed her wo or three times in delight. Then he took her to persons in the room, and to those in the corridors and the office, and told the, story and asked contributions, giving himself all the money he had with him. He succeeded in raising over $40, and sent the little one on her way rejoicing. THE DAKVIXLX THEORY. The earnestness with which Darwin ad vanced ills theory that man is a descent of the monkey, has caused many able thinkers to look into tho matter. This theory, as a matter of course, will never become a com' mon belief, but investigation upon this point, as upon all others, reveals many curl ous things. Not long ago a Chimpanzee died at th Philadelphia Zoological Garden, and Dr. Henry C. Chapin. its owner, is making an examination of its remains. Tho doctor is giving the result of his Invmtigation to the cademy of Natural Scieuce, and on Wed nesday eveulng last he said that what struck him especially, in dissectiug the neck was tho remarkable similarity between it and the neck of the human being, the general distribution of tho muscles being the same. as was also the tame with the muscles of th lorearm, arm anu nanu. The nervous sys tern Is the same iu the chimpanzee ns i raau to a very great extent. The upper ex tremltles of the chimpanzee are more ilk those of man, but the lower extremities are more like those of a gorrllla. The lower ex. tremities of the gorrllla are more hko those of man than are those of the chimpanzee, The digestive organs of the chimpanzee are also about the same as in man, as woll as th arrangement of 0 peritoneum. The doctor stated that the examination of the brain of the chimpanzee interested him more than anything else, and he proved that the cer ebrum did not cover tho cerebellum, as in the brains of the lower order of monkeys. In man it does, and the doctor said that man was more like the lower monkeys than he U like the chimpanzee, as far as lie brain is concerned, RATES OF ADVERT1SDSGJ fries. IV. ,...11.00 .oo 4.10 .... 6.00 .... (.00 IM. IM. (II. 11.50 13.00 00 4.t cm .M M 1,60 U.00 7.011 .M 1I.0U MO 10.00 16,00 It Onalncn Tiro Inches Three lnclica, .. M.04 1XI 1S.0M Fourincnes. w.ti uuarter column,, llalt column, . . IS... Kl Ol .10.00 1S.00 16.00 15.00 One column ,..u.oo ss.oo io.oo co.oo 104. stent odVertlscmentB must be paid for beforeinsertt YttarW Ai1vi.r(lRimf,nt. TiAvnMA nuiirtlrtr. Trail except wncro parues naie ftcvuunia. Legal advertisement two dollars per lnchforthr(( Insertlonj, ami at that rate for additional insertions n ltnout reference to lengtn. Hiecutor's. Amlnlstrator'a and Auditor's notices three dollars. Must bo paid tor when tnsertca. Transient or Local notices, twenty cents allot rcgularadvcrtlsements half rates. dollar per year for each line. uaras in me "iiuRinen inrrcujrj" i;oiuum, uui A IIURULAKS DARI.VO EXPLOIT. London has been thrilled by n burglar' exploit. Pease, a burglar, was in a third class compartment of a railway train with two warders. The train was running from London to Sheffield, At Peterborough ha got off the train, and was with difficulty forced to ra-enter. He theti'remalned quiet for somo time, but when about twelve miles from Sheffield he asked that the windows of the carriage might bo opened. This was no sooner dono than the burglar took a dive out through the aperture. One of the wardens succeeded in catching him by one foot. For two miles ho hung downward suspended by one toot and making downward termite struggles to freo himself. In vain ho wrig gled for although his captors we.ro unablo to catch tho other foot, both held him as in a vice. But one contingency they had not provided against. Pease wore spring .boots, and tho one on which hi? fato seemingly de pended on camo otT, Tho burglar fell hcavi iy on tho foot board of tho carriage and roll ed off on tho railway. Threo miles further on tho train stopped and the wardens went back to tho sccuo of escape. Here they found Pease unconscious in the snow, bleed ing from a wound in his head. Ho was at once placed on a slow train which was pass ing at tho time and conveyed to Sheffield. During the time he was struggling with the warders the warder who had ono hand free and the passengers of the other compart ment who were witnessing the scene from tho windows of tho train were indefatigu able in the efforts to attract the attention of the guard by means of the communication cord, but with un result. For two miles the unfortunate man hung head downward, and for three miles further the train ran until J it stopped at an ordinary resting place. The incident illustrates the worthlessness of check strings on tho the English railways. feaunder's Irish Daily News' says : 'For twenty years the public have cried aloud against the absence of a means of commun ication between passengers, drivers and guards of trains, and yet to this hour the evil is staring us full in the face. Some companies have cords that will not act, oth ers have no cords at all ; a few have elabor ate,'costly and scientific apparatus, electric or otherwise, which the ordinary passeDger does not understand and fears to touch ; and yet there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of passengers in this country who have trav eled in Am;rica and seen in operation there the inexpensive, simple aud efficacious plan which our railway directors will not adopt.' HOW A LITTLE GIRl'fASCIXATES 1HRDS. We learn fiom a correspondent that thero resides in the vicinity of Harrisburg, an out of the way place in Hancock county, about three miles west of Mount Blanchard n very remarkable child, only five years old, who seems to have the power to charm birds at will. Her mother first noticed this strange fascination that the child possesses about a year ngo. The little girl was out playing in the door-yard among a bevy of snow-birds, and when she spoke to them they would come and light upon her, twitting with glee. On taking them in her hands and stroking them, the birds, instead of trying to get away from their fair captive, seemed highly pleased, and when let loose would fly away a short distance nnd immediately return to the child again. She took several of them Into the house to show htr mother, who, thinking Bhe might hurt them, put them out of doars, but 110 sooner was the door opened than the irds flew into the room again and lit upon the girls head nnd began to chirp. The birds remained about the promises all winter flying to tho little girl whenever the door wns opened. The parents of tho child be came alarmed, believing that this strange power was an ill-omen, nud thnt that much dreaded visitor, death, was about to visit their home. But denth did not come, and uring last summer tho child has had num erous nests Irom the birds. I he child handles the birds so gently that a humming bird once in her hand docs uot fail to re turn. TJiis wiuler r bevy of birds hnvekept her company, and she plays with them for hours at a time. Every morning tiie birds fly to her window, and leave ouly nheu the sun sitiks in tho west. The parents of this little girl are poor, superstitious people, and have been reticent about the matter until lately, fearing that somo great calamity was about to belall them. Fared (Ohio) Review. I10W A JUUUE SOLVED A NICE QUESTION ur lam. A correspondent tells a story about Judgo Kent that is interesting. A case of burg lary was being tried before him. The pris oner's name was Cowdry, and the evidence .showed that he had cut a hole through a rubbor tent in which several persons were leeping, large enough to admit his arm and head, and abstracted several articles of value. His counsel took the ground that the prisoner,having only reached into the tent, lfad not "entered" it, and that on this technicality the defendant should be discharged. Inlnscuarge to the jury, Judge Kent, with a grim smile, alluded to the pica of the prisoner's counsel, and instructed them that if they wero in doubt as to tho guilt of the whole man, they might bring him in guilty as far as they judged the evidence would warrant, and the jury, after a brief period of consultation, brought in a verdict against Thomas Cowdry, tho prisoner at the bar, of guilty to the full letter of the indictment as to his right arm, his right shoulder, and his head. Tho judge sentenced the arm, the shoulder, and the head of said Thomas Cowdry to imprisonment at hard labor in state prison for the term of two years. The prisoner might do with the remainder of his body what be pleased. Hangar (Me.) Whig. Sad Effct of a Faiu. 'Whero were you last night?' said the Judge. "Carni val Authors,' said tho prisoner. Staid till 9 o'clock ; was a little Dryden, and went out and Geothe drink. I couldn't pay the Scott and a Longfellow at the Waysido Inn asked my namo. 'Hobert Burns,' says I, 'Put him out,' sayB he. 'The Dickens you will,' says I. My Holmes in the highlands a drinking beer.' You'll get no more beer here,' says he ; aud the Little Boy Blue came along and ran mo in. That's Watts the matter, ludge, I would not tell you a false Hood ; I'm innocent as a Lamb , Aud the Judge thought so, fur hesenthim behind the bars for thirty days, a wiser if not a Whillier man. lloston Commercial Bulletin. Near the site of Jacob's well, in the City of Samaria, Paleetiue, there is a Baptist church with a congregation nuubcrlug s hundred.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers